FLW Landscape Report

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  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Frank Lloyd Wright1867 - 1959

    Frank Lloyd Wrig

    “I’ve been accused ofsaying I was thegreatest architect inthe world

    and if I had said so, I don’tthink it would be very

    arrogant ...” 

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Form follows function - that has been misunderstood Form andfunction should be one! "oined in a s#iritual union

    $Frank Lloyd Wright%

     &he good building is not one that hurts the landsca#e! but onewhich makes the landsca#e more beautiful than it was before the

    building was built $Frank Lloyd Wright%

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    About  Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    Life & Death:Frank Lloyd Wright was born in 'ichland (enter! Wisconsin! on )une 8! 1867! and died in *hoeni+! ,riona! on ,#ril

    9! 1959! at the age of 91

    His work:./0.',*2(,L (03&/4&

    Frank Lloyd Wright was an ,merican architect is buildings are located throughout the nited tates! but mostlyin the greater (hicago area and in the mid-west




  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    About  Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    Life & Death:Frank Lloyd Wright was born in 'ichland (enter! Wisconsin! on )une 8! 1867! and died in *hoeni+! ,riona! on ,#ril

    9! 1959! at the age of 91

    His work:2&0'2(,L ,3 0(2,L (03&/4&

    • Wright was an e+tremely inuential #ioneer of modern design! and arguably the greatest architectof the :;th century uring his e+ce#tionally long and #roli to his death in 1959

    • Wright was a

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    About  Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    His work:2&0'2(,L ,3 0(2,L (03&/4&

    • Wright was #rimarily a designer of ,merican homes e ;s when he was aged in

    his late 6;s and when most architects of his generation were either retired or deceased &he ne+t:; years were the most #roli

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Design PhilosophyFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    • (entral to WrightGs design #hiloso#hy is the conce#t he e+#ounded of organic architecture• e #ro#osed that the design of buildings should draw u#on the natural landsca#e through the em#loyment

    of sim#le design elements and the use of light! s#ace and natural color• (losely associated with this #hiloso#hy was his belief that the design of the house should unify all as#ects

    of the design M the setting of the building u#on the site! the form and layout! interior s#ace! furnishings anddecorations M to enhance the full e+#erience of #eo#le using his buildings

    WrightGs architecture has strong horiontal design to harmonie with the ground! often featuring horiontalelements such as attened roofs and e+#ansi=e horiontal windows•  &his is #articularly e=ident in his *rairie-style houses@ a style of architecture that he de=elo#ed between

    19;1 and 191;


    • 2nside! Wright carefully designed both the interior ande+terior of the house to manage the mo=ement of#eo#le through and around the building

    •  &his was the

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Design PhilosophyFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    • (entral to WrightGs design #hiloso#hy is the conce#t he e+#ounded of organic architecture• e #ro#osed that the design of buildings should draw u#on the natural landsca#e through the em#loyment

    of sim#le design elements and the use of light! s#ace and natural color• (losely associated with this #hiloso#hy was his belief that the design of the house should unify all as#ects

    of the design M the setting of the building u#on the site! the form and layout! interior s#ace! furnishings anddecorations M to enhance the full e+#erience of #eo#le using his buildings

    WrightGs architecture has strong horiontal design to harmonie with the ground! often featuring horiontalelements such as attened roofs and e+#ansi=e horiontal windows•  &his is #articularly e=ident in his *rairie-style houses@ a style of architecture that he de=elo#ed between

    19;1 and 191;


    • 2nside! Wright carefully designed both the interior ande+terior of the house to manage the mo=ement of#eo#le through and around the building

    •  &his was the

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Design PrinciplesFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959


    “A building should appear to grow

    easily from its site and be shaped toharmonize with its

    surroundingsif ature is to manifest


  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Inuences On WrightFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    • Wright claimed that his architecture was entirely original and inuenced only by his mentors ulli=an and,dler

    • ulli=an inuenced WrightGs #hiloso#hy and instilled in Wright a desire to break from the #ast in an attem#tto de=elo# an indigenous architecture to suit the ,merican landsca#e and democratic culture

    • ,dditionally his early education with the Froebel .ifts was inuential in de=elo#ing his understanding ofgeometric #atterns and form and in de=elo#ing an sense of unity

    Frank Lloyd Wright was also keenly interested in and inuenced by )a#anese art• es#ite WrightGs claim that his architecture was entirely original! the inuence of )a#anese art and

    architecture can be seen in the strong horiontal lines attened roofs and o#en-#lan of his *rairie-stylehouses


    *ut some #ictures hereNNNNNNNN

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    igni!cant WorksFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    Olist of :-> works that uGll elaborate in ne+t slidesP• 4y• ,bc• efg


    *ictures of these works

    *ictures of these works

    *ictures of these works

    *ictures of these works

    Font sies to be usedQ

    eadings I8ub headings $if any% 18Kody te+t 1I

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    "alling WatersFrank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1959

    2G=e listed F,LL23. W,&/' as an eg here

    Follow this format for the worksNNu#ar heading k liye n neeche name of that work as well

    Falling Waters

    Font sies to be usedQ

    eadings I8

    ub headings $if any% 18Kody te+t 1I

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Our opinion :(ritical analysis and reections u#on

    WrightGs designs• When we see WrightGs buildings we are mo=ed by their sim#le beauty! their em#athy for the

    landsca#e and the minute detail in his design• /ach one of his buildings stands today as a testament to the enduring rele=ance of his #hiloso#hy

    of organic architecture•  &he modern architecture ins#ired by WrightGs design is usually! alas! a #ale imitation often merely

    austere and functional! it ignores the landsca#e and disregards the userGs aesthetic e+#erience tothe e+#edience of cost

    • 2f only the Fremont ranch-style house in which we li=e had a few of the humaniing designelements Wright includedQ

    • While my house alludes to his conce#t of using natural light with its e+#ansi=e windows! borrowsfrom his notions of sim#le design! natural color and o#en-s#ace! it lacks the o=erall integratedAowE and harmony of WrightGs careful #lanning

    • While each of WrightGs indi=idual buildings harmonie with their surroundings in their own uni?ueway! the 195;Ss ranch-style homes M and the saus could be said for many other modern

    construction ones - were built for en masse demand• e=elo#ers seeking to meet the ra#id demand for housing! while kee#ing costs low!

    clearly bene

  • 8/19/2019 FLW Landscape Report


    Our opinion :(ritical analysis and reections u#on

    WrightGs designs• Kut is the chea#ened distortion of WrightGs #hiloso#hy of organic architecture wholly lamentableD• 2t is clear to us that while WrightGs work has had a #rofound eHect on our li=es and is testament to the

    #ower of e+cellent design! e=en he realied after his attem#t to design the sonian homes for Aordinary#eo#leE that he was unable to marry his #hiloso#hy to the budgetary constraints of ordinary #eo#le

    • When designing large #ro"ects with abundant budgets Wright was renowned for e+cessi=e cost o=errunsin order to achie=e his com#lete design

    • Furthermore! while he designed s#ace to allow for the Afree mo=ementE of #ersons through that s#ace!his rigid #roscri#tion of furniture #lacement and wish for com#lete control of e=en the smallest ofdesign elements in AhisE homes would not be agreeable to how most #eo#le would wish to li=e

    • Wright #ur#orted to be de=elo#ing an Aindigenous architecture to suit the ,merican landsca#e anddemocratic cultureE! while also being reluctant to yield his control o=er the minutest as#ects of hisdesigns and how #eo#le should li=e within his buildings - e=en dictating the dinnerware they shouldkee# in their cu#boardsQ

    • 2n this we see an internal contradiction to WrightGs design as#irations and #hiloso#hy which renders itunworkable as a #hiloso#hic design for the masses

    • o when we think about the ways in which my ranch-style house fail to li=e-u# to the grand as#irationsof the master of the designGs origins! we also re"oice in ha=ing the freedom to #lay with the s#ace as

    my own! to be able to choose my own furniture and decorati=e elements and to o#en-u# or close-oHs#aces within the house to suit my own aesthetic sense

    • We sincerely ho#e! howe=er! that WrightGs #hiloso#hy of organic integration of a building with itssurroundings and em#athy to the landsca#e is ready to be heard again! as we lose something =ital tothe human condition when we close oursel=es oH to the en=ironment in which we li=e

    • *erha#s we may see a re-emergence of WrightGs inuence on design in this area as #eo#le continue tolook for ways to accommodate en=ironmental concerns into their oTce and housing designsD

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