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Fo7.J mn C,Bmisjseld

-ft MARCH 41 GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. We repeat here, in convenient form for reference, the List of March Records. All numbers commepcing with 0

are 12-inch Records. -

BANDS. 0184 "Yeoman of the Guard" (Selection I.)

H.M. Coldstream Guards 0185 Finale 4th Symphony H.M. Coldstream Guards

c.c. 2-435 New Colonial march H.M. Coldstream Guards 0181 Gold and Silver Waltz The Black Diamonds

c.c. 2-438 11 Bacio Valse 7 he Black Diamonds G.C. 2-441 Mondaine Valse The Black Diamonds

C50550 "Masaniello" OvertureLa Scala Symphony Orchestra

CONCERT MUSIC. 02171 Of all Septembers NIT. John Harrison 02173 "In Native Worth " ("Creation ") Mr. Evan Williams

G.C. 4-2015 Kashmiri Song (" Indian Love Lyrics ") Mr. Evan Williams

02172 Too Late Nir. John Coates G.C. 4-2017 Molly Brannigan Air. Plunket Greene c.c. 4-2016 I like you in velvet (" Lady Madcap")NIT.

Maurice Farkoa G. C. 4-2010 Who is Sylvia? Mr. Horatio Connell

032096 Comme une pile fleur (" Hamlet ") Mons. Renaud (Baritone).

032097 Serenade (" Don Juan") Mons. Renaud (Baritone) G.C. 3-2991 A Song of Surrey NIT. Stanley Kirkby.

c.c. 3793 1 ife's Gift. Madame Jones-Hudson (Soprano) 033065 Ah, Pourquoi suis"je revenue (" Les Saisons ")

Sldlle. Brolhy (Contralto) 033064 Mon Cwur s'ouvre ä to voix (" Samson et Dalila")

Mdlle. Brolhy (Contralto) c.c. 3795 Three Fishers went Sailing

Lany Maud Warrender (Contralto) G.c. 3796 0 that we two were Staying

Lady Maud Warrender (Contralto) DUET.

c.c. 4484 Swing Song ("Veronique") Madame Jones-Hudson and Mr. Ernest Pike QUARTETTE.

c.c. 4492 Roses bring dreams of you c.c. 4497 Kathleen MavourneenHUMOROUS.

02170 Mr. John Mackay

Haydn Quartette Haydn Quartette

Mr. Harry Lauder

RECITATION. 01017 The old man's pipe Mr. Bransby Williams


08014 Song without words { Messrs. Renard, Fellowes,

BANJO. R. Epstein

" c.c. 6473 Sweep's Intermezzo Mr. Oily Oakley

10-inch, 3s. 6d. ; 12-inch, 5s. 6d.

The Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards.

(Conducted by Lieut. Mackenzie Rogan, M.V.O.)

12-inch records, 5s. 6d.

0188 " Faust" Selection GouNOD

A popular selection from Gounod 's famous opera, based upon the principal choruses of the work, namely, the " Kermesse Scene." the Waltz, and the Soldiers' Chorus. The latter is especially well played, an excellent effect being made in the soft trio of the famous march, and in the crescendo leading to the resumption of the main theme. (Sßeed 8t.)

0188 Egyptian, Babylonian and 6allic Dances, No. i


Massenet's opera on the subject of John the Baptist was produced in tc31, and contains some of the best of its composer's music. These dances relate to the scene wherein Salome dances before Herod, claiming in reward the gruesome dish of John the Baptist's head. Ag implied by the title, the dances are full of bizarre and barbaric effects, suggestive of Oriental colour-the last one, however, being more modern, pleasing the ear at once with its piquant melody. The performance is highly artistic, and the record itself a very fine one. (Speed St.)


Black Diamonds.

12-inch records, 5s. 6d.

0191 "The Dashing Little Duke" (Sel. I.)

0192 "The Dashing Little Duke" (Sel. II.)

(Personally conducted by Mr. Frank Tours.) Two selections from the new musical play by Seymour Hicks and Frank B. Tours now being performed at the Hicks Theatre. The first selection contains numbers chiefly of a martial, imposing character, while the second is reserved for the softer, more dainty examples, in- cluding a very charming waltz. The whole, under the composer's direction, is admirably played ; the finish, indeed, being unmistakable. (S¢eed 82.)

0189 The Lost ChordSullivan's most famous song dramatically rendered. Not only is the solo cornet effectively reproduced, but the accompaniment is exceptionally rich and powerful, the organ effect being well reproduced. (Speed 81).

0190 " King of Cadonia " (Selection)SIDNEY JONES

Full selection of melodies from musical piece now being played at the Prince of Wales' Theatre. The numbers are particularly bright, several of them having a distinct Sullivanesque flavour. The tone is resonant and characteristic. A capital band record. (Sdeed 8r.)

La Scala Symphony Orchestra.

12-inch record, 5s. 6d.

050560 "Meistersinger" Overture WAGNER

Wagner's "Meistersinger" prelude is one of the most genial of its composer's works, containing that combi- nation of melody and scholarship not met with since Mozart wrote the overture to the " Magic Flute." It opens with the well-known theme of the Medieval Meistersinger; set to bold organ-like harmonies. Very

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La Scala Symphony Orchestra-continued.

12-inch record, Ss. 6d.-continued.

delightful are some of the softer passages which follow for the wood-wind players in turn.


The following interesting passage will be sure io strike one as pleasantly familiar.

The thematic material of the Preislied is found here, indeed, in various shapes and forms ; the overture being

replete with interesting subject-matter, welded together by the hand of a master, and brought to a brilliant and grandiose conclusion. This excellent rendering by the Scala Symphony Orchestra, with the composer's own scoring, gives a true replica of this famous overture. (Speed 8z.)

12-inch record, 5s. 6d.

02175 By silent hearth WAGNER (" Meistersinger ")

At the humorous trial examination of Walther for the degree of Mastersinger in the opening act of the opera, this song is given. As it is not composed according to strict rule, the slate is filled by Beckmesser, the marker, with bad marks. It isa song of the triumph of Spring

over Winter, full of freshest, most delightful melody, embodying the essence of Springtime. Mr. Harrison's

rendering is in the highest degree artistic and satisfy- ing. This song should be as equally well known as the Prize Song from the same work. (Speed 8t.)

CONCERT MUSIC-continued.

12-inch record, 5a 6d.02176 Hail ! Blessed Mary

(" Stradella ")This opera, by the composer of " Martha," deals with the machinations of the enemies of Stradella, a singer. In the final act he is surrounded by a band of assassins who have been secretly hired to kill him, when his singing of this beautiful prayer turns their

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enmity into admiration-they join wiFh him in the triumphant notes of the finale. The hymn opens simply and broadly enoughs


Hail, Bless-ed 31d - ry, High ..

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developing fulle - I roI ort:o. s as it proceeds. Air. Evan r, illiams is ful y equal to its vocal and dramatic possib lines-indeed, it contains just those opportunities which ssis siugar needs to make his full effect. It is certainly one of his finest records, and his success in chi; direction :u,gests that this artist should tarn his attention more definitely in the direction of operatic work. (Speed Sr.)

Mr. H. Lane Wilson. 10-inch record, 3s. 6d.

G.C. 4-2018 The Pretty Creature LANE WILSON

The well-known areanghgent of this. genial and delightful old English Ballad, by Mfr. Lane Wilson. The popular composer-baritone is always in such high spirits as does use good to hear him sing. This is one of the best records Mr. Lane R ilson has yet made. Nobody sings "The pretty Creature " so well as he does himself. It ism feat of clever enunciation and persuasive ýentintent. (Steed Sr.)

Mr. Plunket Greene. 12-inch record, 5s. 6d.

02174 Off to Philadelphia HAYNEs

One often hears this sung-but never with a tithe of the intense feeling and earnestness which Mr. Plunket Greene is able to infuse into the song. The energy and go of the opening, the pathos of the last verse, and the extraordinary power of the climax are alike amazing. Plunket Greene makes this song live as no one else could. (Speed 81.)

CONCERT MUSIC-continued.-

Mrs. M. Saltzmann-Stevens.

12-inch record, 5s. 6d. 03135 Closing Scene from " Götterdämmerung "


The great success of Madame Saltzmann-Stevens in Wagnerian opera in English was one of the notable' points of the recent season at Covent Garden. This new singer has now made one of the finest Wagner records yet issued. The closing scene of 'the whole of the " Ring" forms one of the most stupendous of the Bayreuth master's pages. The body of Siegfried is placed upon the funeral pyre, Brunuhilde fires the wood, and, mounting her horse, leaps into the flames, while the red glow in the heavens denotes the burning of Valhalla and the death of the. gods. 11te splendidly played orchestral portion here quotes the 'thief leading themes of the "Ring," and the rich, fresh tones of Madame Saltzmann-Stevens' voice rings clearly above all in the triumphant death-song of Brunnhilde as she prepares to join her husband on the burning pile. An ideal Wagnerian record, giving a truly adequate repro- duction of this magnificent finale to "liötterdäm- merung." (Sjleed 8o.)

Madame Jones-Hudson (Soprano).

12-inch record, 5s. 6d. 03127 Home, Sweet Home BISHOP

Bishop's world-famous song is so absolutely suitable to Madame Jones-Hudson's voice and style that one almost wonders why she has never made a record of it before. Apart from singers like Patti or Melba, we doubt if there is anybody who -could do it so well. A record which will appeal to everybody. (Steed 8o.)

Miss Susan Strong. 12-inch record, Ss. 6d.

(a) Cradle Son, (b) Expectancy RICHARD WAGNER

In his early days of struggle, Wagner essayed the task of writing songs, but without pecuniary success. The songs themselves, however, possess the remarkable characteristics of Wagner's style, and thanks are due to bliss Susan Strong for bringing them before us.

CONCERT MUSIC-continued.

Miss Susan Strong-continued.

12-inch record, Ss. 6d.-routinued.

The cradle song has much individuality and melody, in the composer's early manner, the -second song showing the extreme vivacity of Wagner's most animated mood, certainly expressing a breathless note of expectation. The orchestration of these is also undoubtedly striking. As in all Aliss Strong's work, these examples may be listened to with considerable profit and delight. (Sßeed 8 x.)

Miss Margaret Coiper.

10-inch record, 3s. 6d.

G.C. 3811 Ma dusky Maid There is only one Margaret Cooper, and in " Ma dusky Maid," the bewitching tones of this vivacious singer have at last teen captured and recorded. Style is everything, ana in this singer we have dash and humour and charm in a degree not possessed except by a few exceptionally clever French artistes. The enunciation is remarkably quick and clever, and Miss Cooper's playing of her accompaniment is by no means the least characteristic part of the performance. Every- body wants to hear Margaret Cooper sing-this record should certainly prove a delight to all. (Speed 7S.)


Mr. Bransby Williams.

12-inch record, 5s. 6d.

This story of the downfall of "Devil-may-care" is told with dramatic verve and real emotion by the gifted and clever Bransby Williams. The varied shades of feeling he obtains are nothing short of wonderful, as they take us from defiance to despair or from gaiety to tears. One of his best examples of dramatic execution, and should be heard by all admirers. (Speed 82.)

CONCERT MUSIC-continued.

BANJO. Mr. Olly Oakley. 10-inch record, 3s. 6d.

c.c. 6474 Uncle Johnson PAPWORTII

The banjo is essentially a humorous instrument, and there is much in this lively selection to suggest the banjoist of the minstrel troupe who sat on the corner and answered to the name of Uncle Johnson. The clear and finished execution, however, belongs to a type of which Uncle Johnson knew not. A quaintly humorous banjo selection. (Speed 8i.)

The Renard Quartet (Messrs. Renard, Fellowes, R. Epstein, and Eli Hudson).

12-inch record, 5s. 6d.

08015 Spinning Song MMENDELSSOHN A number of the " Songs without words," also familiarly known as "The Bee's Wedding." The music gains somewhat from the setting for flute, violin and 'cello, the melody being brought into clearer relief and several new points of interest being developed. In the con- clusion a delightful effect of lightness is secured, this being imperative in \Iendelssohn's music of this

character. (Sfieed ßr.)


Just Published. 12-inch records, 12s. 6d. each.

053211 Salce (Willow Song) " Otello " VERDI

053212 Ave Maria " Otello " VERDI 03133 0 Lovely Night LANDON RONALD


Those purchasing the complete set of either work will be supplied at the following special prices, but single records can only be supplied at the usual price.


The Yeomen of the Guard Gilbert & Sullivan £3 3 6

The Mikado ... ... Gilbert &Sullivan 2 15 6

Pagliacci (in Italian) ... ... Leoizcaz,allo 5 13 0

Carmen (in Italian) ... ... ... Bizet 6 5 0

Cavalleria Rusticana (in Italian) Jlascagnzi 4 10 0

Faust (in Italian) ... ... Gowtod 5 10 0

11 Trovatore (in Italian) ... ... 1"ez-di 3 12 0

The Messiah ... ... Handee 5 4 0

Elijah ... ... ... ... .4lendelssohn 5 15 6

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