Focusing ISAR Images using the Adaptive Local Polynomial Fourier Transform T. Thayaparan Defence R&D Canada Ottawa TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 September 2006

Focusing ISAR Images using the Adaptive Local Polynomial ...The Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is a technique for forming high resolution images by utilizing the information

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  • Focusing ISAR Images using the Adaptive Local Polynomial Fourier Transform

    T. Thayaparan

    Defence R&D Canada √ Ottawa TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 September 2006

  • Focusing ISAR Images using the AdaptiveLocal Polynomial Fourier Transform

    T. ThayaparanDefence R&D Canada Ottawa

    Defence R&D Canada OttawaTechnical Memorandum

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

    September 2006

  • c Her Majesty the Queen as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2006c Sa majesté la reine, représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2006

  • AbstractThe adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform is employed for the improvementof the ISAR images in complex re�ector geometry cases, as well as in cases offast maneuvering targets. It has been shown that this simple technique can producesigni�cantly improved results with a relatively modest calculation burden. Twoforms of the adaptive LPFT are proposed. The adaptive parameter in the �rst formis calculated for each radar chirp. An additional re�nement is performed by usingthe information from the adjacent chirps. The second technique is based on thedetermination of the adaptive parameter for different parts of the radar image. Thenumerical analysis demonstrates the accuracy of the proposed techniques. It isimportant to note that the proposed technique does not assume any particular modelof radar target motion. It can be applied for any realistic motion of targets.

    RésuméLa transformée de Fourier polynomiale locale (TFPL) adaptative est ici utiliséepour améliorer les images ISAR dans le cas de ré�ecteurs à géométrie complexe etde cibles effectuant des manoeuvres rapides. Il a été démonté que cette techniquesimple améliore sensiblement les résultats au prix d'un effort de calcul relative-ment modeste. Deux formes de la TFPL adaptative sont proposées. Le paramètreadaptatif de la première forme est calculé pour chaque impulsion comprimée radar.Le résultat est raf�né à l'aide de l'information provenant des impulsions compri-mées adjacentes. La deuxième technique se fonde sur la détermination du paramètreadaptatif pour différentes parties de l'image radar. L'analyse numérique montrel'exactitude des techniques proposées. Notons que la technique proposée ne sup-pose aucun modèle particulier de mouvement de cible radar. Elle est applicable àtout mouvement de cible réaliste.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 i

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  • Executive summary

    The Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is a technique for forming high-resolution images by utilizing the information inherent in the differential targetDoppler that results from rotation of an object (the target) relative to the radar. Itsapplications include imaging and discrimination of ships and aircraft with airborneor land based radar systems.

    Polarimetric SAR/ISAR imaging is an effective way to acquire high resolution im-ages of targets of interest at long range and as such is an irreplaceable tool in thetask of non-cooperative target recognition of both ships and ground moving targets.One of the signi�cant problems with SAR/ISAR image formation of a moving tar-get is the assumption of time invariance of the Doppler frequency used to resolvethe image in the cross range. Time variant Doppler becomes present in a SAR sig-nal when a moving target is maneuvering, or a ship is pitching and rolling duringthe coherent processing interval and is typically referred to as motion error. Us-ing the fast Fourier transform to cross range focus an image with this motion errorpresent will cause extensive blurring in the cross range and leave the image unre-cognizable even to the most experienced SAR operators. The aim of this report isto compensate for the target motion, to generate an image equivalent to that of thestationary target.

    The Canadian Air Force is currently upgrading her �eet of CP-140 Aurora mari-time patrol aircraft to possess NCTR through ISAR in order to increase the capab-ility of the Canadian Forces in both sovereignty patrols of Canadian territory andthe protection of the Canadian Patrol Frigates and allied ships operating abroad asa coalition. The United States Navy's equivalent aircraft, the P-3 Orion, currentlypossesses this capability. Therefore, effective ISAR imaging will have a real im-pact in the decision making process in future military operations involving bothCanadian and American forces.

    In this report the adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform is employed for im-provement of the ISAR images in complex re�ector geometry cases, as well as incases of fast maneuvering targets. It has been shown that this simple technique canproduce signi�cantly improved results with a relatively modest calculation burden.Two forms of the adaptive LPFT are proposed. The adaptive parameter in the �rstform is calculated for each radar chirp. The additional re�nement is performed byusing the information from the adjacent chirps. The second technique is based onthe determination of the adaptive parameter for different parts of the radar image.The numerical analysis demonstrates the accuracy of the proposed techniques. It isimportant to note that the proposed technique does not assume any particular modelof radar target motion. It can be applied for any realistic motion of targets.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 iii

  • T. Thayaparan; 2006; Focusing ISAR Images using the AdaptiveLocal Polynomial Fourier Transform; DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185;Defence R&D Canada Ottawa.

    iv DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • SommaireLa technique ISAR (radar à synthèse d'ouverture inverse) permet de former desimages à haute résolution à l'aide de l'information inhérente du Doppler différen-tiel de cible que produit la rotation d'un objet (la cible) par rapport au radar. Sesapplications comprennent l'imagerie et la discrimination de navires et d'aéronefsau moyen de systèmes radar aéroportés ou basés au sol.

    Moyen ef�cace d'acquérir des images à haute résolution de cibles d'intérêt à longuedistance, l'imagerie polarimétrique SAR/ISAR est un outil irremplaçable pour la re-connaissance de cibles non coopératives (NCTR), y compris les navires et les ciblesau sol. Un problème important de la formation d'images de cible SAR/ISAR tientà ce que la fréquence Doppler utilisée pour résoudre l'image mobile en portée laté-rale est censée être invariable dans le temps. La fréquence Doppler d'un signal SARcommence à varier dans le temps lorsqu'une cible mobile effectue des manoeuvres,ou en présence de roulis et de tangage pendant l'intervalle de traitement cohérent.On parle alors généralement d'" erreur de mouvement ". L'utilisation de la trans-formée de Fourier rapide pour mettre au point l'image en portée latérale présentantcette erreur de mouvement produit un important brouillage de la portée latérale etrend l'image méconnaissable même à l'opérateur SAR le mieux averti. Le présentrapport étudie comment compenser le mouvement de la cible a�n d'obtenir uneimage équivalant à celle de la cible immobile.

    La Force aérienne du Canada est en train de mettre à niveau la �otte d'avions depatrouille maritime CP-140 Aurora en les dotant de la fonction NCTR au moyen del'ISAR a�n d'augmenter la capacité des Forces canadiennes tant dans les patrouillesde protection de la souveraineté du territoire canadien que dans la protection desfrégates de patrouille canadiennes et des navires alliés faisant partie d'une coalitionà l'étranger. L'aéronef équivalent de la marine américaine, le P-3 Orion, est déjàdoté de cette capacité. Par conséquent, une imagerie ISAR ef�cace aura une forteincidence sur le processus de prise de décisions lors d'opérations militaires futureseffectuées par des forces canadiennes et américaines.

    La transformée de Fourier polynomiale locale (TFPL) adaptative est ici utiliséepour améliorer les images ISAR dans le cas de ré�ecteurs à géométrie complexe etde cibles effectuant des manoeuvres rapides. Il a été démonté que cette techniquesimple améliore sensiblement les résultats au prix d'un effort de calcul relative-ment modeste. Deux formes de la TFPL adaptative sont proposées. Le paramètreadaptatif de la première forme est calculé pour chaque impulsion comprimée radar.Le résultat est raf�né à l'aide de l'information provenant des impulsions compri-mées adjacentes. La deuxième technique se fonde sur la détermination du paramètreadaptatif pour différentes parties de l'image radar. L'analyse numérique montrel'exactitude des techniques proposées. Notons que la technique proposée ne sup-

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 v

  • pose aucun modèle particulier de mouvement de cible radar. Elle est applicable àtout mouvement de cible réaliste.

    T. Thayaparan; 2006; Focusing ISAR Images using the AdaptiveLocal Polynomial Fourier Transform; DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185; R& D pour la défense Canada Ottawa.

    vi DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • Table of contents

    Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

    Résumé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

    Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

    Sommaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

    List of �gures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

    1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    2 Radar Signal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    3 Adaptive Local Polynomial FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    3.1 First form: Adaptive LPFT for radar signals . . . . . . . . . . 9

    3.1.1 Linear FM signal case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    3.1.2 Higher order polynomial FM signal . . . . . . . . . . 10

    3.1.3 Concentration measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    3.1.4 Estimation of the chirp rate based on theconcentration measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    3.1.5 Multicomponent signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    3.1.6 Combination of the results from various radar chirps . 15

    3.2 Second form: Adaptive LPFT for regions of the radar image . 15

    4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    4.1 Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    4.2 Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    4.3 Example 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    4.4 Example 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 vii

  • 4.5 Example 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    4.6 Example 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    4.7 Example 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    viii DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • List of �gures

    1 Illustration of the radar target geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2 Spectral analysis of the linear FM signal: (a) FT with a widewindow; (b) FT with a narrow window; (c) Concentration measure;(d) Adaptive LPFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    3 Time-frequency analysis of the sinusoidal FM signal: (a) STFT witha wide window; (b) STFT with a narrow window; (c) AdaptiveLPFT; (d) Adaptive chirp-rate parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    4 Time-frequency analysis of the multicomponent signal: (a) STFTwith a wide window; (b) STFT with a narrow window; (c) AdaptiveLPFT; (d) Adaptive chirp-rate parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    5 Time-frequency analysis of the multicomponent signal: (a) STFTwith a wide window; (b) LPFT with a single chirp parameterestimated in each instant; (c) Weighted adaptive LPFT; (d)Estimated chirp rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    6 Simulated radar image: (a) Results obtained by the FT; (b) Adaptivechirp-rate parameter as function ofm (thick line is linearapproximation); (c) Radar image based on the adaptive LPFT. . . . . 24

    7 B727 radar image: (a) Results obtained by the FT based method; (b)Adaptive LPFT method; (c) Adaptive chirp-rate - dotted line;Filtered adaptive chirp-rate - dashed line; Linear interpolation of�ltered data - solid line; (d) Adaptive LPFT with interpolated data. . . 26

    8 Simulated radar image with complicated motion pattern: (a) Resultsobtained by the FT; (b) Regions of interest I"=0:05(!t; !m) with threerecognized separated regions; (c) Adaptive LPFT based on regionoptimization with " = 0:05; F"=0:05(!t; !m); (d) Regions of interestI"=0:20(!t; !m) with six recognized separated regions; (e) AdaptiveLPFT based on region optimization with " = 0:20; F"=0:20(!t; !m). . 27

    9 Adaptive LPFT with adaptive threshold: (a) Concentration measurefor various threshold levels. Optimal threshold value is depictedwith dashed line. (b) Adaptive LPFT with adaptive threshold. . . . . . 28

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  • 1 Introduction

    The inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) has attracted wide interest within sci-enti�c and military community. Some ISAR applications are already well knownand studied. However, many important issues remain to be addressed. For example,suitable enhancement techniques for the fast maneuvering radar targets or targetswith fast moving parts is not yet known. Also, the standard approaches based onthe Fourier transform (FT) fail to resolve the in�uence of closely spaced re�ect-ors. There are several techniques for improvement of the ISAR radar image in thecase of fast maneuvering targets or in the case of objects with complex re�ectorgeometry. Here we mention only two groups of such enhancement techniques:

    � techniques that adapt transform parameters for assumed parametric target mo-tion model [1, 6];

    � techniques where re�ection signal components are parametrized, while the sig-nal components caused by re�ectors are estimated by using some of the welldeveloped parametric spectral estimation tools [2, 3].

    Both of these techniques have some advantages, but they also have some drawbacksfor speci�c applications. The �rst group of techniques is strongly based on theradar target geometry with an assumed motion model. These techniques couldbecome inaccurate in the case of a changing motion model. The second groupof techniques is tested on simulated examples. However, its application in realscenarios, where signal components are caused by numerous scatterers, could bevery dif�cult. Namely, there are no appropriate methods for parameter estimationof signals with a very large number of components.

    In this report we propose a modi�cation of the �rst group of research techniques.The adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform (LPFT) is used. The adaptivecoef�cients are calculated for each considered chirp in the radar signal mixture.It is important to note that the proposed technique does not assume any particu-lar model of radar target motion. The adaptive parameters are estimated for eachscattering point independently. Based on the analysis of the signal obtained fromthe target we consider some simpli�cations in the process of calculation of the ad-aptive transform. In this way we keep the calculation burden to within reasonablelimits. The two techniques for the enhancement of the radar image by using theLPFT are considered. The �rst one is based on the information obtained from eachchirp separately and on the possible re�nement by combining results from variouschirps. The second technique is based on the detection of regions-of-interest inthe range/cross-range plane and on the determination of the optimal LPFT for eachdetected region [19].

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 1

  • The report is organized as follows: The target and radar signal modeling is dis-cussed in Section 2. The proposed methods are introduced in Section 3. The simu-lation study is given in Section 4. The conclusions are given in Section 5.

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  • 2 Radar Signal Model

    Consider a radar signal consisting ofM continuous wave coherent pulses:

    vM(t) =


    v0(t�mTr); (1)

    where v0(t) is the basic impulse limited within the interval �Tr=2 � t < Tr=2.The linear frequency modulated (FM) signal is used in our simulations as a basicimpulse: v0(t) = exp(j�Bt2=Tr), where B is the bandwidth control parameterwhile Tr is the pulse repetition time. The alternative radar model used in practicehas radar pulses with stepped frequencies, however, this model is not studied in thisreport. The defocusing effect considered in this report and time-frequency (TF)signatures of the obtained radar signals have similar behavior for these two formsof radar signals [4, 5].

    The signal emitted toward the radar target can be written as:

    u(t) = ej2�f0tvM(t); (2)

    where f0 is the radar operating frequency. The received signal, re�ected from asingle re�ector target at distance d(t); is delayed for 2d(t)=c, with � being there�ection coef�cient and c being the propagation rate:

    uR(t) = �u (t� 2d(t)=c) : (3)

    The demodulation of the received signal can be performed by multiplying the re-ceived with the transmitted signal u(t):

    q(t) = �u�(t� 2d(t)=c)u(t) =

    � exp(j4�f0d(t)=c)


    v�0(t� 2d(t)=c�mTr)M�1Xm=0

    v0(t�mTr � T0): (4)

    The parameter T0 is used in radar imaging for compensation of target distance. Forproperly selected T0 and after highpass �ltering, the signal q(t) can be approxim-ately written as:

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 3

  • q(t) � � exp(j4�f0d(t)=c)M�1Xm=0

    v�0(t� 2d(t)=c�mTr)v0(t�mTr) =M�1Xm=0

    q(m; t);



    q(m; t) = � exp(j4�f0d(t)=c)v�0(t� 2d(t)=c�mTr)v0(t�mTr),

    t 2 [(m� 1=2)Tr; (m+ 1=2)Tr);= � exp(j4�f0d(t)=c) exp(j4�Bd(t)(t�mTr)=(cTr)) exp(�j�B(2d(t)=c)2=Tr):


    Keeping in mind that B � f0; we can neglect exp(�j�B(2d(t)=c)2=Tr) with re-spect to the other two components. The value of q(m; t) can approximately bewritten as:

    q(m; t) � � exp(j4�f0d(t)=c) exp(j4�Bd(t)(t�mTr)=(cTr)): (7)

    This signal is commonly given in the form:

    q(m; �) � � exp(j4�f0d(� +mTr)=c) exp(j4�Bd(� +mTr)�=(cTr)); (8)

    where t = � + mTr. Parameter � 2 [�Tr=2; Tr=2) is referred to as fast-time,whilem = 0; 1; :::;M �1; is called the slow-time coordinate. Commonly, in actualradar systems, signals are discretized in fast-time coordinate with sampling rateTs = Tr=N , � = nTs, where n 2 [�N=2; N=2). The classical radar setup assumesthat the radar target position is a linear function of time d(t) = D0 + V t. Then theradar model produces:

    q(m; �) � � exp(j4�f0D0=c) exp(j4�V mf0Tr=c) exp(j4��BD0=(cTr)): (9)

    A two-dimensional (2D) FT of this signal overm and � is approximately:

    Q(!� ; !m) =



    q(m; �)e�j!� ��j!mmd� �

    4 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • Z�


    � exp(j4�f0D0=c) exp(j4�V mf0Tr=c) exp(j4��BD0=(cTr))e�j!� ��j!mmd�

    = � exp(j4�f0D0=c)


    exp(j4��BD0=(cTr))e�j!� �d�


    exp(j4�V mf0Tr=c)e�j!mm

    = (2�)� exp(j4�f0D0=c)�(!� � 4�BD0=(cTr))sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)M=2)sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)=2)

    �e�j(!m�4�V f0Tr=c)(M�1)=2: (10)

    jQ(!� ; !m)j = j(2�)� exp(j4�f0D0=c)�(!� � 4�BD0=(cTr))

    �sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)M=2)sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)=2)

    e�j(!m�4�V f0Tr=c)(M�1)=2

    = j2�jj�jj exp(j4�f0D0=c)jj�(!��4�BD0=(cTr))j����sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)M=2)sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)=2)

    ���� j�je�j(!m�4�V f0Tr=c)(M�1)=2j (11)

    = j(2�)��(!� � 4�BD0=(cTr))sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)M=2)sin((!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)=2)


    � (2�)��(!� � 4�BD0=(cTr))M�(!m � 4�V f0Tr=c)



    for relatively largeM .

    Therefore, for largeM we can write the magnitude of Q(!� ; !m) as:

    jQ(!� ; !m)j � (2�)��(!� � 4�BD0=(cTr))M�(!m � 2V f0Tr=c): (12)

    The distance can be approximately written as d(t) � R(t)+xp cos(�(t))+yp sin(�(t)),where R(t) is the distance of the target rotation center from the radar, where co-ordinates of the scatterer, for � = 0, are (xp; yp) (see Figure 1). The coordinatesystem is formed in such a way that the coordinate x is the line of sight. Assumeconstant rotation velocity �(t) = !Rt; with relatively small angular movement ofthe target j!RTrj � 1 (it implies that cos(�(t)) � 1 and sin(�(t)) � 0). Accord-ing to the introduced conditions d(t) � xp and v(t) = d0(t) = �xp�0(t) sin(�(t)) +yp�

    0(t) cos(�(t)) � yp�0(t) cos(�(t)) � yp!R. Commonly, it is assumed thatR(t) is

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  • Figure 1: Illustration of the radar target geometry.

    compensated by adjusting T0 in (4). Thus, we will not consider it in our algorithm.Then jQ(!� ; !m)j can be written as:

    jQ(!� ; !m)j � (2�)�M�(!� � 4�Bxp=(cTr))�(!m � 4�yp!Rf0Tr=c)

    = (2�)�M�(!� � c1xp)�(!m � c2yp): (13)

    It represents the ISAR image of scatterer (xp; yp) for a given instance under in-troduced assumptions. Note that the constants that determine the resolution of theradar image are given by c1 = 4�B=(cTr) and c2 = 4�!Rf0Tr=c. The radar imageis formed as a superposition of radar images of all scatterers (xp; yp), p = 1; 2; :::; P .It is approximately given as:

    jQ(!� ; !m)j =PXp=1

    (2�)�p�(!� � c1xp)�(!m � c2yp); (14)

    where �p is the re�ection coef�cient that corresponds to the p-th scatterer point.

    In numerous cases we cannot assume that the radar model can be simpli�ed in thepreviously described manner. For example, the radar target can be very fast, or the

    6 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • model of radar target motion can be more complicated (for example 3D motion).Then, instead of complex sinusoids given by (9), the polynomial phase of the radarsignal model can be written as,

    q(m; �) = �p exp




    !; (15)

    where parameters am;l depend on the considered chirp and scatterer motion. Forexample, for the target motion model d(t) = D0 + V0t+ At2=2; where A is accel-eration of the target, the coef�cients am;l are approximately calculated as follows.

    Start with the Equation (8), q(m; �) � � exp(j4�f0d(� +mTr)=c) exp(j4�Bd(� +mTr)�=(cTr)); and introduce d(t) = D0 + V0t+ At2=2:

    q(m; �) � � exp(j4�f0c

    [D0 + V0(� +mTr) + A(� +mTr)2=2])

    � exp�j4�B

    (cTr)[D0 + V0(� +mTr) + A(� +mTr)



    Coef�cients am;l are approximately equal to

    am;0 =4�f0c[D0 + V0mTr + A(mTr)


    terms with � are

    am;1 =4�f0c[V0 + AmTr] +


    (cTr)[D0 + V0mTr + A(mTr)


    terms with � 2 aream;2 =





    V0Tr+ Am


    terms with � 3 aream;3 =


    cTr; (16)

    and am;l = 0 for l > 3. Some terms of these coef�cients can be ignored, but ingeneral it is not as simple as in the case when we can assume that the scattererposition is a linear function. The situation becomes even more dif�cult in the casewhen the target model is not a simple rotating model. When the target model iscomplex, a very complicated relationship between the position of scatterers (xp; yp)and the coef�cients of the polynomial in the signal phase can be established. Also,the polynomial that should be used to accurately estimate the signal phase will be

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  • of very high order. The radar image obtained by using the 2D FT of the signalwith higher order polynomial becomes spread (defocused) in the range/cross-rangedomain (!� ; !m). The goal of the ISAR signal processing is to obtain the focusedradar image, i.e., to remove the in�uence of the higher order polynomial in signalphase of each component.

    Usually, it is assumed that the modeling of coef�cients is possible based on thetarget motion model. In this case, instead of all possible parameters, only paramet-ers of the motion model should be used in order to perform an enhancement of theradar image.

    The �rst group of techniques for the enhancement of radar images is based on thisconcept. One such approach is described in [6] where it is assumed that the radartarget scatterers can be modeled with a relatively simple motion model which as-sumes that the velocity increases or decreases linearly (or that angular velocitychanges in linear manner) within the repetition time. After estimating the accel-eration of the target, the variation in the velocity is compensated from the signaland �nally a focused radar image is obtained. It corresponds to removing the in�u-ence of acceleration from (15). However, these techniques are very sensitive to anyvariations from the assumed motion model. They cannot be used for 3D motionmodels.

    Alternative techniques are based on estimation of all the am;l coef�cients in thepolynomial phase of the received signal [2, 3]. These techniques are usually basedon iteration, removing of the lower order coef�cients from the signal phase in or-der to estimate the highest order coef�cient. Then, the estimation of lower ordercoef�cients is performed by using the same procedure but for the dechirped signal.It means that the error in the estimation of the highest order coef�cient propag-ates toward the lower order coef�cients. Furthermore, it has recently been shownthat these procedures are biased for multicomponent signals and that the dechirp-ing procedure used to produce a signal suitable for estimation of the lower ordercoef�cients introduces an additional source of errors for multicomponent signals.These techniques are also time consuming and, as far as we know, never appliedto signals with a large number of components. Numerous components caused bytarget scatterers could appear in the radar signal.

    A novel technique for enhancing radar images, that introduces just one new adaptiveparameter in the FT expression for each received signal, is introduced in the nextsection. For each chirp, only one parameter of the transform should be estimated.The second important property of this technique is in the fact that we do not assumeany particular target motion model. Therefore it can be applied for any realisticmotion of targets.

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  • 3 Adaptive Local Polynomial FTIn this section we introduce the LPFT as a tool for the autofocusing of ISAR images.Two forms of the adaptive LPFT are proposed. The �rst form can be applied toeach chirp component separately with possible re�nements by using informationfrom the adjacent chirps (Section 3.1). The second form performs evaluation of theadaptive LPFT for each detected region-of-interest in the radar image (Section 3.2).

    3.1 First form: Adaptive LPFT for radar signalsIn order to develop this approach we will go through several typical cases of signals,starting from a very simple case to the much more complicated cases. The improve-ment in signal components concentration (focusing radar image) is performed byestimating the signal parameters without assuming any particular motion model.This is a quite different approach compared to the methods with prede�ned motionmodel or to the methods where estimation is performed on each parameter am;l.

    3.1.1 Linear FM signal case

    The simplest case of monocomponent linear FM signal

    q(m; �) = � exp�j[am;0 + am;1� + am;2�



    is considered �rst. In this case, the dependence on m in parameter indices will beremoved for the sake of notation brevity. Then, the signal can be written as:

    q(m; �) = � exp�j[a0 + a1� + a2�



    For the analysis of these kind of signals, we can use the LPFT [7], [8]:

    F (!� ;m;�) =

    Z 1�1q(m; �)w(�) exp(�j�� 2=2) exp(�j!��)d� ; (19)

    where w(�) is a window function of the width Tw, w(�) = 0 for j� j � Tw=2.

    The LPFT is ideally concentrated along the instantaneous frequency for � = a2:

    F (!� ;m; a2) = �

    Z 1�1w(�) exp

    �j[a0 + a1� + a2�


    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 9

  • exp(�j!�� � ja2� 2=2)d�

    = �eja0Z 1�1w(�) exp(�j(!� � a1))d�

    = �eja0W (!� � a1) (20)

    whereW (!� ) = FTfw(�)g. Function F (!� ;m; a2) is highly concentrated around!� = a1; since the FT of common wide window functions (rectangular, Hamming,Hanning, Gauss) is highly concentrated around the origin (in our simulations thewindow width is equal to the repetition rate Tw = Tr). The radar image can beobtained from F (!� ;m; a2) by evaluating the 1D FT along them�coordinate axis:

    Q(!� ; !m; a2) =


    F (!� ;m; a2)e�j!mm: (21)

    3.1.2 Higher order polynomial FM signal

    For the higher order polynomial signal:

    q(m; �) = � exp (j�m(�)) = � exp(j�(�)) (22)

    the LPFT can be written as:

    F (!� ;m;�) =

    Z 1�1� exp(j�(�))w(�) exp(�j�� 2=2) exp(�j!��)d�

    = �

    Z 1�1exp(j�(0) + j�0(0)� + j�00(0)� 2=2 + j�000(0)� 3=3! + :::

    +j�(n)(0)�n=n! + :::� j�� 2=2� j!��)w(�)d� (23)

    For �(n)(0) = 0 for n > 2 we obtain a highly concentrated LPFT for � = �00(0):

    F (!� ;m;�00(0)) = � exp(j�(0))W (!� � �0(0)) (24)

    The second derivative of the signal phase is commonly called chirp-rate parameter.

    In the case when higher order derivatives are non-zero, the LPFT will not be ideallyconcentrated and there will be some spread in the frequency domain caused by the

    10 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • FT of terms exp(j�000(0)� 3=3! + ::: + j�(n)(0)�n=n! + :::). The LPFT forms thatcan be used to remove effects of the higher order derivatives from the signal phaseare introduced in [7], [8]. These techniques are computationally demanding anddif�cult for application in the ISAR imaging in the real-time.

    An alternative technique, the order adaptive LPFT, is proposed in [9]. The spectralwidth of the signal's FT is used as an indicator of the polynomial phase order.Namely, the proper order and parameters of the LPFT are applied if its width in thefrequency domain is close to the width of considered window functionW (!� ).

    The algorithm for the order adaptive LPFT determination can be summarized asfollows:

    � It begins with the ordinary FT calculation (zero-order LPFT) in the �rst step.If the width of this transform in the frequency domain is equal to the windowwidth, it means that the image is already focused and there is no need for theLPFT order increase. Otherwise go to the next step.

    � Use the �rst order LPFT form considered in this report, eq.(19). If the width ofthis transform in the frequency domain is equal to the window width, it meansthat the image is focused. If the LPFT still have some spread we should intro-duce a new parameter, �; into the transform (next coef�cient in the LPFT phasewill be ��� 3=3!) and repeat the operation.

    This very simple idea could be used for signals with one or at most few components.In complex multicomponent signal cases, more sophisticated techniques, based onthe concentration measures, will be introduced in the next section.

    3.1.3 Concentration measure

    From the derivations given above, it can be concluded that for a known chirp-rate parameter we can obtain a focused radar image (highly concentrated time-frequency (TF) representation). Also, it can be seen that the ISAR imaging basedon the LPFT for a known chirp-rate parameter is slightly more demanding thanthe standard ISAR imaging since, in addition to the standard procedure, it requiresmultiplication with the term exp(�j�� 2=2). The next question is how to determinea value of the parameter � that will produce highly concentrated images. There areseveral methods in the open literature. Here, the concentration measures will beused [10, 11, 12]. Before we propose our concentration measure, some propertiesof the LPFT will be reviewed. The LPFT satis�es the energy conservation property:

    Z 1�1jF (!� ;m;�)j2d!� =

    Z 1�1F (!� ;m;�)F

    �(!� ;m;�)d!�

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 11

  • =

    Z 1�1

    Z 1�1

    Z 1�1q(m; �a)w(�a) exp(�j�� 2a=2) exp(�j!��a)�

    q�(m; � b)w(� b) exp(j��2b=2) exp(j!�� b)d�ad� bd!�


    Z 1�1

    Z 1�1q(m; �a)w(�a) exp(�j�� 2a=2)�

    q�(m; � b)w(� b) exp(j��2b=2)�(�a � � b)d�ad� b


    Z 1�1jq(m; �)j2w2(�)d� : (25)

    Consider now the measureR1�1 jF (!� ;m;�)j

    d!� for ! 0. Assume thatF (!� ;m;�)is concentrated in a narrow region around the origin in the frequency domain:

    jF (!� ;m;�)j = 0 for !� � =2: (26)

    Then, we obtain:

    lim !0

    Z 1�1jF (!� ;m;�)jd!� = : (27)

    We can see that the considered measure is smaller in the case of signals concentratedin narrower intervals in the TF plane. Therefore, this type of measure can be used toindicate concentration of the TF representation. In a realistic scenario, where signalside lobes and noise exist within the entire interval, this measure with = 0 cannotbe used, since it will produce an approximately constant value. In order to handlethis issue, we can use 0 < < 2 instead of = 0. As a good empirical value inour analysis we adopted = 1: Accurate results can be achieved for a wider regionof 2 [0:5; 1:5].

    The concentration measure based on the above analysis can be written as:

    H(m;�; ) =1R1

    �1 jF (!� ;m;�)jd!�: (28)

    Higher concentrated signals will be represented by a higher value of concentrationmeasure (28). This concentration measure has been proposed [11], where it is ana-lyzed in detail and compared with other concentration measures. This concentrationmeasure produces accurate results for multicomponent signals as well.

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  • 3.1.4 Estimation of the chirp rate based on the concentrationmeasure

    Determination of the optimal chirp rate parameter, �; can be performed by a directsearch of the assumed set of � values:

    �̂opt(m) = argmax�2�

    H(m;�; ) (29)

    This search procedure is performed over the parameter space � = [0; �max], where�max is the chirp-rate that corresponds to the TF plane diagonal. �max can be writ-ten as �max = 2�(1=2Ts)/(NTs=2) = 2�=(NT 2s ); where 1=2Ts is the maximalfrequency that can be achieved with sampling rate Ts within repetition time Tr,Ts = Tr=N . The direct search over a single parameter is currently considered asan acceptable computational burden. However, in the case when calculation timeis critical, faster procedures should be used. For example, in the case of mono-component signals embedded in moderate noise, the LMS style algorithm can beemployed. The optimal value of the chirp-rate parameter can be evaluated as:

    �i+1(m) = �i(m)� �H(t; �i(m); )�H(t; �i�1(m); )

    �i(m)� �i�1(m)(30)

    where [H(m;�i(m); )�H(m;�i�1(m); )]=[�i(m)��i�1(m)] is used to estimategradient of the concentration measure and � is the prede�ned step size. This form ofthe algorithm has been implemented and applied for TF representations in [11]. Avery fast (but sensitive to noise in�uence) technique for estimation of the chirp-rateparameters has been proposed in [13].

    3.1.5 Multicomponent signals

    The previously described procedures for determination of the adaptive chirp-rateparameter can be applied when the re�ected chirp can be represented as a mono-component FM signal. Furthermore, the same procedure can be applied for mul-ticomponent signals with the same or similar second derivatives of the signal phase,since the search for just one chirp-rate parameter needs to be performed. This situ-ation corresponds to closely spaced scatterer points in the radar image with similarmotion trajectories.

    However, a modi�cation is required in the case of several components, with dif-ferent chirp-rates. In this case the previously described algorithm would produce ahighly concentrated dominant signal component, while the remaining components

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 13

  • would be spread across the TF plane. The method proposed in [14] is based on thecalculation of an adaptive transform, as a weighted sum of the LPFTs:

    FAD(!� ;m) =1R1

    �1H(m;�; )d�

    Z 1�1F (!� ;m;�)H(m;�; )d� (31)

    where the weighted coef�cients are proportional to the concentration measure. Thismethod had produced good results for signals with components of similar mag-nitudes. However, if signal components signi�cantly differ in amplitude, the resultsare not satisfactory. Namely, signal components with smaller amplitude would beadditionally attenuated. In order to avoid this drawback, we will use the followingadaptive local polynomial FT:

    FAD(!� ;m) =PXi=1

    F (!� ;m;�i(m)) (32)

    where the �rst adaptive frequency is estimated as:

    �1(m) = argmax�H(0)(m;�; ) (33)

    with H(0)(m;�; ) = H(m;�; ), given with (28) and set i = 1. After detectionof the �rst component's chirp-rate, values of H(m;�; ) in a narrow zone around�1(m) are neglected, and the search for the next maximum is performed. Eachiteration in this procedure could be described into two steps:

    H(i)(m;�; ) =

    �H(i�1)(m;�; ) j�� �i(m)j � �

    0 otherwise (34)

    �i+1(m) = argmax�H(i)(m;�; ); i = i+ 1:

    This procedure should be stopped after the maximal value of argmax�H(i)(m;�; )becomes smaller than an assumed threshold. We set that the threshold is 25% ofmax�H

    (0)(m;�; ), i.e., 25% of concentration measure before we start with peel-ing off components. Note that the parameter � should be selected carefully sothat the next recognized component is not just a side lobe of the previous strongcomponent. In the case when components have chirp-rates close to each other, it isenough to recognize a single chirp-rate, since the proposed approach will improveconcentration of all the components with similar chirp-rates. In our experiments we

    14 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • assumed that the number of components with different chirp-rates for consideredradar chirp cannot be larger than 8 and we selected that� = �max=16 = �=(8NT 2s )(see also section 3.1.4). It produces accurate results in all of our experiments. Notethat an alternative method for evaluation of the LPFT is proposed in [15].

    3.1.6 Combination of the results from various radar chirps

    In the case of radar signals we can assume that scatterers closely spaced in therange/cross-range plane have similar motion parameters. This means that for chirpswith similar chirp number we can take similar values of the chirp-rate parameter.The chirp-rate estimated for the m-th chirp can be used with a small error for thenext chirp signal, without recalculating the concentration measure. This simpli-�ed technique was accurate for simple simulated re�ector geometry. In the caseof complex re�ector geometry, with numerous closely spaced components, inac-curate chirp-rate parameter estimates are obtained for several chirps. Usage of onechirp-rate for the following chirps causes a propagation effect error. Therefore, theconcentration measure must be calculated and chirp-rate parameter should be es-timated for each chirp. In order to re�ne the results further, non-linear �ltering ofthe obtained chirp-rates is performed. Assuming that the chirp-rate parameter �(m)is estimated for each chirp, the nonlinear median �lter can be calculated as:

    �̂(m) = medianf�(m+ i); i 2 [�r; r]g (35)

    where 2r + 1 is the width of the used median �lter. Note that other �lters with theability to remove impulse noise can be used here instead of the median �lter, forexample the �-trimmed mean �lters [16, 17].

    3.2 Second form: Adaptive LPFT for regions of theradar image

    Methods for adaptive calculation of the radar image described so far propose evalu-ation of the adaptive parameter for each considered chirp and a possible re�nementby combining results obtained on closely spaced scatterers. The implicit assump-tion was that the close points in the range/cross-range domain have similar chirp-rate parameters. In order to have a more robust technique that is able to deal withmore challenging motion models, we propose an alternative form of the adaptiveLPFT with 2D optimization of chirp parameters. In de�ning this procedure, wekeep in mind that relatively small portion of the radar image is related to the target.We will consider just the part of the radar image that exceeds a threshold:

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 15

  • I"(!� ; !m) =

    �1 jQ(!� ; !m)j > "maxfjQ(!� ; !m)jg0 otherwise: (36)

    The region I"(!� ; !m) can be separated into non-overlapping regions:

    I"(!� ; !m) =


    Ii(!� ; !m) (37)

    where Ii(!� ; !m) \ Ij(!� ; !m) = ; for i 6= j: Note that the number of separatedregions p" depends on selected threshold ". By using the inverse 2D FT we cancalculate signals associated with the region Ii(!� ; !m)

    qi(m; �) = IFTfQ(!� ; !m)Ii(!� ; !m)g; i = 1; 2; :::; p": (38)

    Now, we can assume that signal qi(m; �) is generated by a single re�ector. Then,we can perform optimization of each signal qi(m; �). Since this signal is alreadylocalized in the range/cross-range domain, we will not perform optimization foreach � or m; but only optimization with a single chirp function for each regionIi(!� ; !m):

    Fi(!� ; !m; �̂i) =

    Z 1�1


    qi(m; �) exp(�j�̂i� 2=2� j!�� � j!mm)d� (39)


    �̂i = argmax�


    m=0 jFi(!� ; !m;�)jd!�: (40)

    The radar image is calculated as a sum of the adaptive LPFT Fi(!� ; !m; �̂i):

    F";AD(!� ; !m) =


    Fi(!� ; !m; �̂i): (41)

    In our experiments we obtain very good results for " over a relatively wide rangefor numerous radar images.

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  • However, additional optimization can be done based on the threshold ". Here, athree-step technique for threshold selection is considered. In the �rst stage weconsider various thresholds " 2 � and calculate F";AD(!� ; !m) for each thresholdfrom the set. Then, we calculate the optimal LPFT as F";AD(!� ; !m) that achievesthe best concentration over " 2 �. Since, by introducing the threshold value, weremove a part of the range/cross-range plane (see (36)) the energy of F";AD(!� ; !m)should be normalized to the energy of signal above the speci�c threshold:

    F 0";AD(!� ; !m) =F";AD(!� ; !m)qR1


    m=0 jQ(!� ; !m)j2I"(!!; !m)d!t;

    "̂ = argmax"2�


    m=0 jF 0";AD(!� ; !m)jd!t: (42)

    In this procedure the transforms F";AD(!� ; !m), " 2 �, are compared under un-equal conditions since they are obtained with various thresholds " and they couldhave different number of recognized components. The obtained adaptive transformF";AD(!� ; !m) could be poorly concentrated than a particular F 0";AD(!� ; !m) fromthe considered set of " values. However, this radar image is near-optimal and asmall additional manual adaptation around the estimated "̂ could be performed inthe third stage of this procedure to obtain the optimal image. In our experimentsthe obtained "̂ is underestimated (see Example 7). Thus, an additional search couldbe performed over higher values of ".

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 17

  • 4 Results

    Several numerical examples will be presented here to justify the presented ap-proach. Examples 1-4 are generic signals representing one received radar chirpthat prove that the adaptive LPFT can be used to produce highly concentrated TFrepresentation for the following 1D signals: linear FM, sinusoidal FM, multicom-ponent signal with similar chirp-rates and multicomponent signals with differingchirp-rates. Examples 5 and 6 demonstrate that the adaptive LPFT optimized foreach chirp signal with �ltering data produced by adjacent radar chirps gives accur-ate results. Example 7 illustrates the second adaptive LPFT algorithm with optim-ization over regions of the radar image.

    4.1 Example 1

    The �rst signal that will be considered is a linear FM signal f(t) = exp(j64�t2=2)embedded in Gaussian noise with variance �2 = 1. The signal is sampled with�t = 1=128sec. The FT of the windowed signal with a Hanning window of thewidth T = 2 sec is shown in Figure 2a. It can be seen that the FT is spread. Thus, ifthis signal is a part of the received signals re�ected from a target, we will obtain adefocused radar image. Results obtained with narrower Hanning windows are givenin Figure 2b. The improvement could be observed from this �gure, but generallyspeaking it is slight. The concentration measure (28) for = 1 is presented inFigure 2c, with marked detected chirp-rate parameter. Finally, the adaptive LPFT isgiven in Figure 2d calculated for parameter � for which the concentration measuregiven in Figure 2c is maximized. The signi�cant improvement achieved by theLPFT is obvious.

    4.2 Example 2

    The second signal is a more complex sinusoidal FM signal: f(t) = exp(j16 sin(2�t)).The signal sampling and noise environment are the same as in Example 1. The FTswith a wide and a narrow window around a given time instant (STFT), [18], are de-picted in Figures 3a,b. This STFT illustration for a �xed instant corresponds to theradar image for consideredm: It can be used to estimate the radar image dependingon different chirp-rates. Again we can see that for each instance this representa-tion is spread in frequency domain. It means that the radar image obtained basedon the FT for signals of this form will be defocused. The adaptive LPFT with asingle chirp-rate, calculated for each instant, is given in Figure 3c. A signi�cantimprovement is achieved. Also, it can be noticed that the representation is not idealin the region with higher order derivatives. These derivatives can be removed by

    18 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • -400 -200 0 200 4000



    -400 -200 0 200 4000



    -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 3001




    x 10 -4

    -400 -200 0 200 4000
















    Figure 2: Spectral analysis of the linear FM signal: (a) FT with a wide window; (b)FT with a narrow window; (c) Concentration measure; (d) Adaptive LPFT.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 19

  • Figure 3: Time-frequency analysis of the sinusoidal FM signal: (a) STFT with awide window; (b) STFT with a narrow window; (c) Adaptive LPFT; (d) Adaptivechirp-rate parameter.

    20 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • employing higher order LPFT form [7]-[9]. The adaptive chirp rate is given inFigure 3d.

    4.3 Example 3

    A three-component signal: f(t) = exp(j22�t2+j48�t)+exp(j32�t2)+exp(j42�t2�j48�t) is considered next. The STFT with a wide and a narrow window is givenin Figure 4a,b. The adaptive LPFT calculated as in the case of monocomponentsignal is given in Figure 4c. It can be seen that the concentration is improved forall three components. The component in the middle is enhanced the best, but othercomponents with similar chirp rates are also improved. The adaptive parameter isgiven in Figure 4d. This case corresponds to a signal obtained from several scatter-ers in the same cross-range with similar chirp-rates. The difference in chirp-ratesof these components in fact is not so small, it is 30% of the chirp-rate of the middlecomponent. In real-time applications it represents a realistic scenario of the scat-terers in the radar image. We can see that the concentration of all components issatisfactory. It can also be seen that accuracy of this procedure is not affected bythe distance between scatterers. The same accuracy is achieved for the left part ofFigure 4c, where we assume that scatterers are far from each other, as well as inthe right part of this illustration, where it can be assumed that scatterers are close toeach other.

    4.4 Example 4

    A three-component signal: f(t) = exp(j11�t2+j48�t)+exp(j32�t2)+exp(j67�t2�j48�t) is considered. However, in this case the chirp-rates of components arequite different (difference between chirp-rates is more than 60% of chirp-rate ofthe middle component). The STFT is given in Figure 5a, while the adaptivetransform, assuming the signal has a single chirp-rate, is given in Figure 5b. It canbe seen that in each instant, the transform is adjusted to one component, while othercomponents remain spread. For t < 0:3 the LPFT is highly concentrated for themiddle component, but when components are close to each other (correspondingto closely spaced scatterers) the adaptive chirp-rate switches several times betweencomponents. The adaptive weighted LPFT (32) is given in Figure 5c. It can beseen that all components have improved concentration and that concentration is notin�uenced by the distance between scatterers. The detected adaptive chirp-rates aregiven in Figure 5d.

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  • Figure 4: Time-frequency analysis of the multicomponent signal: (a) STFT with awide window; (b) STFT with a narrow window; (c) Adaptive LPFT; (d) Adaptivechirp-rate parameter.

    22 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • Figure 5: Time-frequency analysis of the multicomponent signal: (a) STFT with awide window; (b) LPFT with a single chirp parameter estimated in each instant; (c)Weighted adaptive LPFT; (d) Estimated chirp rates.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 23

  • Figure 6: Simulated radar image: (a) Results obtained by the FT; (b) Adaptivechirp-rate parameter as function ofm (thick line is linear approximation); (c) Radarimage based on the adaptive LPFT.

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  • 4.5 Example 5The simulated radar target setup according to the experiment in [4] is considered.The re�ectors are at the positions (x; y) = f(�2:5; 1:44), (0; 1:44), (2:5; 1:44),(1:25;�0:72), (0; 2:88), (�1:25; 0:72)g in meters. The high resolution radar op-erates at the frequency f0 = 10:1GHz, with a bandwidth of linear FM chirpsB = 300MHz and pulse chirp repetition time Tr = 15:6ms. The target is at2km distance from the radar, and rotates at !R = 40= sec : The nonlinear rota-tion with frequency = 0:5Hz and amplitude A = 1:250= sec is superimposed,!R(t) = !R + A sin(2�t). The FT based image of the radar target is depictedin Figure 6a. The radar image obtained by using the adaptive LPFT calculated foreach chirp separately is presented in Figure 6c, while the adaptive parameter foreach chirp-signal is given in Figure 6b. It can be seen that the adaptive parameterlinearly varies between the limits of the target. However, the impulse like errors inthe estimation of the chirp-rate can be observed from Figure 6b. It suggests that theimprovement of the results can be achieved by �ltering chirp-rate parameters.

    4.6 Example 6In this example we consider simulated Boeing-727 radar data. The FT based imageis presented in Figure 7a. It can be seen that the radar image is defocused. How-ever, the radar imaging based on the adaptive LPFT determined for each radar chirpproduces a signi�cant improvement in the signal representation, Figure 7b. In orderto obtain better results for closely spaced re�ectors, we consider the adaptive chirp-rate parameter depicted in Figure 7c as a dotted line. We expected that removingimpulse like disturbances will produce better results. To this aim, the median �lter-ing of the adaptive parameter is performed. In order to evaluate the outcome, thelinear interpolation of estimated chirp-rates is performed (The linear interpolationis depicted with thick line in Figure 7c). The result obtained with these parametersis depicted in Figure 7d. It is better than its counterpart in Figure 7b except forthe nose re�ectors. A possible reason is the fact that the received signal corres-ponding to these scatterers can have higher order polynomials in the signal phase.The higher order LPFT forms [7]-[9] could be used for these scatterers (see Section3.1.2).

    4.7 Example 7In this example we consider the same target as in Example 5. The main differencein this example is the complex motion pattern that cannot be modeled with just arotation. The radar image calculated by using the 2D FT is presented in Figure8a. Region-of-interest I"(!� ; !m) is determined by (36) with the threshold set to

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 25

  • Figure 7: B727 radar image: (a) Results obtained by the FT based method; (b)Adaptive LPFT method; (c) Adaptive chirp-rate - dotted line; Filtered adaptivechirp-rate - dashed line; Linear interpolation of �ltered data - solid line; (d) AdaptiveLPFT with interpolated data.

    26 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • Figure 8: Simulated radar image with complicated motion pattern: (a) Resultsobtained by the FT; (b) Regions of interest I"=0:05(!t; !m) with three recognizedseparated regions; (c) Adaptive LPFT based on region optimization with " = 0:05;F"=0:05(!t; !m); (d) Regions of interest I"=0:20(!t; !m) with six recognizedseparated regions; (e) Adaptive LPFT based on region optimization with " = 0:20;F"=0:20(!t; !m).

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 27

  • Figure 9: Adaptive LPFT with adaptive threshold: (a) Concentration measure forvarious threshold levels. Optimal threshold value is depicted with dashed line. (b)Adaptive LPFT with adaptive threshold.

    " = 0:05. Three separated regions are detected in the radar image, denoted inFigure 8b, in different shades of gray. The region denoted with 1 corresponds tothree radar scatterers. Since these three scatterers move in a similar manner, theconcentration of these components is signi�cantly improved (see Figure 8c) withrespect to the radar image calculated with 2D FT. The region denoted with num-ber 3 corresponds to two radar scatterers. In this case, the concentration of one ofthe components from the region is improved, while the other component remainsspread. The reason is in fact that these scatterers move in a quite different manner.When we apply threshold " = 0:2, we obtain 6 regions of interest that correspondto 6 radar scatterers (Figure 8d). The resulting radar image is focused for all scat-terers (Figure 8e). The threshold " could be set in an empirical manner. However,a procedure for threshold optimization could be very helpful. The concentrationmeasure of the adaptive LPFT for various threshold levels is depicted in Figure 9aand the obtained value in the optimization procedure is "̂ � 0:155. The LPFT formwith adaptive threshold is shown in Figure 9b. It can be seen that the radar im-age obtained in Figure 9b is slightly worse than the radar image with additionallyadjusted threshold Figure 8e.

    28 DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185

  • 5 ConclusionThe adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform based method for enhancement ofdefocused radar images has been proposed. The adaptive parameters in the trans-form are obtained by using a simple concentration measure. For monocomponentand multicomponent signals with similar chirp-rates, a single chirp-rate parameteris estimated for each chirp. For multicomponent signals with different chirp-rates,an adaptive weighted local polynomial FT should be employed. It has been shownthat the ISAR images could be improved by combining results achieved from vari-ous chirps. For targets with very complex motion pattern, the separation of the radarimage in regions-of-interests and optimization of the radar signal within regions isproposed. The proposed technique does not assume any particular model of radartarget motion. It can be applied for any realistic motion of targets.

    DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-185 29

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    Focusing ISAR Images using the Adaptive Local Polynomial Fourier Transform (U)

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    (U) The adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform is employed for the improvement of the ISAR images in complex reflector geometry cases, as well as in cases of fast maneuvering targets. It has been shown that this simple technique can produce significantly improved results with a relatively modest calculation burden. Two forms of the adaptive LPFT are proposed. The adaptive parameter in the first form is calculated for each radar chirp. An additional refinement is performed by using the information from the adjacent chirps. The second technique is based on the determination of the adaptive parameter for different parts of the radar image. The numerical analysis demonstrates the accuracy of the proposed techniques. It is important to note that the proposed technique does not assume any particular model of radar target motion. It can be applied for any realistic motion of targets.

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    SAR ISAR Local Polynomial Fourier Transform Time-Frequency Analysis Moving Targets Target Detection Fourier Transform Doppler Processing Image Analysis