Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral

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Page 1: Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral
Page 2: Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Please Pray z

Mass IntentIons

Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral Home Ministry to list the names. • Names will be on the list for 3 months and then be removed. • Can request names to be continued after 3 months. Contact the Pastoral Home Ministry 650-494-2496 x22 or [email protected]

PresIder scheduleHoly Family – Dec. 28

St. Albert the Great1095 Channing Ave.

Sat 5:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. StanleySun 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. LuongSun 11:00 am (Byzantine) Fr. Hernandez

St. Thomas Aquinas 751 Waverley St.

Sun 7:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Hester Sun 8:45 am . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. MariniSun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. LuongSun 12:00pm (Greg.). . . . . TBD

Our Lady of the Rosary3233 Cowper St.

Sun 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. StanleySun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. StanleyNO MASS - Sun 6:00 pm - NO MASS

What do you still need to do to be ready for the great feast of Christmas? It’s only a few days away. Ask yourself, what do you need to do in orderto receive God’s Christmas gift to you in the right way? God the Father has given us the gift of His only Son, who became man,without losing his divine nature-- to make Him one with us. By becoming one with us, we know that Jesus can perfectly understand our human condition: He intimately feels our weakness, our sufferings, our fears, as well as all our hopes and expectations. Our Lord and Savior is with us through good times and bad.

The Son of God came to save sinners because of His loving kindness. We are always longing, seeking and desiring. But the only desire that can satisfy us is the desire for God. We cannot live a meaningful life, a life worth living, without opening our hearts and minds to Jesus. Christ. Christmas is a spiritual celebration of the presence of Christ and His love for us. May we all experience the joy of knowing that God has entered our world in order to lift us up to Heaven. May God keep you and your families together, united in joy and peace for eternal life. Deacon Daniel Hernandez

For the sIck & hoMebound – Fr. Thierry Geris, Tim Mauer, Kathy Gibbs, Robert Matthews, Terry Flynn, Tom Wood, Roberta Uebbing, Tom Foy, Norene Scholz, Grace Lee, Gearailt Cummins,

Bob Carlstead, Ann Masik, Dolores Collinsworth, Lucienne Wood, Alice Lundin, Agnes Tan

For the recently deceased – Kay Haley, Maria Garcia, Richard Brennan, Flora Lee, Donald Hyams,Lauro Quintanar-Carmona, Mary Jane Haugse, Marge Boutin, John Martin, Therese Collinsworth,

Joan McHugh, Sombat Lucha, Mary Fisher, Emilio Santa Gadea, Meryl Raney Rack, William McInerny, Bernice Ellis

Sunday, Dec 21: 4th Sunday of Advent9:00 am SAG . . . . . . Thomas & Josefa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mendez †Readings: 2Sam 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89: 2-3, 4-5, 27, 29/Rom 16:25-27/Luke 1:26-38

Monday, Dec 228:30 am OLR . . . . . .Mary Fitzgerald (SI)Readings: 1 Samuel 1:24-28/1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd/Luke 1:46-56

Tuesday, Dec 23: St. John Kanty8:30 am OLR . . . . . .Palomo Family (SI)12:15 pm STA . . . . .James & Edith Dubbs †Readings: Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24/Psalm 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14/Luke 1:57-66

Wednesday, Dec 24: Christmas EveReadings: Isaiah 9:1-6/Psalm 96: 1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13/Titus 2:11-14/Luke 2:1-14

Thursday, Dec 25: Christmas Day9:00 am SAG . . . Families of Encarnacion, Pedron, Mananes & Viray (Thanksgiving)10:30 am OLR . . All ParishionersReadings: Isaiah 52:7-10/Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6/Hebrews 1:1-6/John 1:1-18 or John 1:1-5, 9-14

Friday, Dec 26: St. Stephen8:30 am OLR . . . . . .All Souls †12:15 pm STA . . . . .Gerolomo Cesano † Readings: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Psalm 31:3cd-4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17/Matthew 10:17-22

Saturday, Dec 27: St. John, Apostle5:00 pm SAG . . . . . .James Cesano, Sr. †Readings: 1 John 1:1-4/Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12/John 20:1a and 2-8

ready For chrIstMas?

Weekly steWardshIP rePort For many years our Catholic parishes & schools have benefited from the charitable gifts of appreciated property from many good and generous people. Year-end giving becomes an important consideration for many people in these last weeks of the year 2014. Knowing that your gifts are assisting and advancing the mission of the Catholic Church can bring about tremendous good in our

world. If you are able to make a gift of appreciated stock, properties, or cash, while reducing your tax liability, please contact Chuck Tully ([email protected]) or (650) 494-2496.

Our Weekly Offering


Dec. 14 Actual: $ TBD Goal: $11,000Immaculate Conception: $ TBDRetirement Fund for Religious: $ TBD

Page 3: Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral

St. Thomas Aquinas ParishthIs Week’s hIghlIghts

Sunday, December 219:15am . . . . . . Faith Formation Class (ISTP)9:15 am . . . . . Parent Social (OLRH) 10:15 am . . . . Faith Formation Class (SESS) 10:15 am . . . . Parent Social (SESS Aud) 6:30 pm . . . . . Baby Jesús Novena

Monday, December 22 6:30 pm . . . . . Baby Jesús Novena7:30 pm . . . . . Green Committee (PC 2nd)7:30 pm . . . . . Youth Core Team (DC)

Tuesday, December 236:30 pm . . . . . Baby Jesús Novena7:00 pm . . . . . Knights of Columbus (THB)

Wednesday, December 24 CHRISTMAS EVE5:00 pm . . . . . Family Mass (OLR)5:00 pm . . . . . Family Mass (SAG)6:00 pm . . . . . Mass (STA)7:00 pm . . . . . Mass - Spanish (OLR)Midnight . . . . Mass - Gregorian (STA)

Thursday, December 25 CHRISTMAS DAY7:30 am . . . . . Mass (STA)9:00 am . . . . . Mass (SAG) 10:30 am . . . . Mass (OLR) 10:30 am . . . . Mass (STA)12:00 pm . . . . Mass - Gregorian (STA)

Friday, December 267:30 pm . . . . . Hisp. Young Adult (OLRH-S)

Saturday, December 278:30 am . . . . . Environment Group (OLR)9:00 am . . . . . Camaroon Gathering (OLRH)10:30 am . . . . Baptism Class (OLR)11:00 am . . . . Cantonese Scripture (PC2nd)

save the dates Jan 10 - All Liturgical Ministers Day of Reflection (SAGH)Jan 11 - Faith Formation Classes resumeJan 13 - Spirituality Tuesday resumesJan 31 - Lectors In-Service (SAGH)

day oF socIal JustIce

Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social JusticeLIVING THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL: FAITH IN ACTION

Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

(Registration, check-in & hospitality from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.)Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the Diocese of San Jose will offer a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings. Mary Aumack, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation will be the keynote speaker. Participants will also be able to take three work-shops during the day on a variety of topics, including human trafficking, restorative justice, immigration, care for our planet, immersion experi-ences, unaccompanied minors, and fair trade. Workshops will be offered in both English and Spanish. Registration is $20 (if received by January 12 - $25 at the door) and does include lunch. Registration forms are available in your parish office and on-line at www.dsj.org. For more information contact the Social Ministries Office at the Diocese of San Jose (408-983-0158 or [email protected]) .

vocatIon dIscernMent Weekends

St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park will host a Vocation Discernment Retreat, Jan. 16 - 18, 2015, led by our Bishop Thomas Daly. This retreat helps men to reflect on God's calling to the priesthood. The requirements are: baptized Catholic, 18-35 years old, minimum associates degree preferably bachelor's degree, and a referral from a priest in our diocese. The seminary is sponsoring the retreat and there is no cost to the participants. If you are interested, or someone else might be interested, please contact one of our parish priests for referral.

This new liturgical year also started the Year of Consecrated Life. Sr Rosalie Pizzo and Sandra Torres are organizing a Discernment Weekend for Women, January 31-February 1, 2015 at the Presentation Center. It will be conducted in Spanish and English. The requirements are: baptized Catholic, 18-35 years old. Referrals can be made to Sandra Torres, [email protected], no later than January 26. There is a $25 donation to offset the costs For information on registration, contact our parish priest or Fr. Joe Kim, our San Jose Diocesan Vocations Director at [email protected].

holIday hours

Our Pastoral Center will close for the Christmas Holidays, December 23 – December 26. We will be open again on Monday, December 29.

uPdate on 2014 annual dIocesan aPPeal

Our ADA totals as of December 1, 2014 are:Total Pledged: $191,397 - Total Paid: $188,857 - Total Refund: $65,245Number of Pledges: 321Please keep making your regular payments. Now that our diocesan goal is paid, all pledge payments come back to the parish in the form of a rebate. The rebate is an important part of financing our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church.

Page 4: Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral

December 21, 2014

chrIstMas PoInsettIas & FloWers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holidays. Won’t you consider making a donation toward a poinsettia plant in remem-brance of a loved one or just as a gift from you? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in the vestibules or back of church. All of your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

a chrIstMas Message FroM our Pastor

"The grace which was revealed in our world is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey. He came to free us from darkness and to grant us

light. In him was revealed the grace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father: Jesus is Love incarnate. He is not simply a teacher of wisdom, he is not an ideal for which we strive while knowing that we are hopelessly distant from it. He is the meaning of life and history, who has pitched his tent in our midst." Christmas Homily, 2013 - Pope Francis

The Clergy and Pastoral Staff welcome and invite you to celebrate with us the joy of our Christmas liturgies. Our hope is that you will experience the wonder of God's enduring love in the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

chrIstMas schedule 2014Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24th5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary

(Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)5:00 pm Family Mass – St. Albert the Great

(Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)6:00 pm – St. Thomas Aquinas

7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St. Thomas Aquinas


Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th 7:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas9:00 am – St. Albert the Great

10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary 10:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

12:00 Noon – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

Page 5: Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Please Pray z Mass IntentIons Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral

KEY REFERENCESDC . . . Dermody CenterDCCh Dermody Center ChapelOLR . . Our Lady of the Rosary

ChurchOLRH OLR Church HallKC . . . OLR Kerry’s CornerPC . . . . Pastoral CenterSAG . . St. Albert the

Great ChurchSAGH SAG Hospitality Ctr.

SESS . . St. Elizabeth Seton School

SESA . SES AuditoriumSTA . . . St. Thomas Aquinas

ChurchTHB . . STA - Thomas House

Basement THD . . STA - Thomas House

Dining RoomTHL . . STA - Thomas House


HOLY SACRAMENTS Please contact the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496 for more information.

Anointing of the Sick: By request or every first Monday of the month after the 7:15 am Mass. Every first Friday at the 8:30 am and 12:15pm Mass.

Christian Initiation: Become a Catholic or renew your Catholic faith (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation) as an adult, youth or child.

Funeral: Arrange for a Funeral, Memorial Mass or graveside service for a loved one.

Infant Baptism: Preparation may begin before or after the birth of your child.

Marriage: Arrangements need to be made at least six months prior to the proposed marriage date.


Main Phone: (650) 494-2496

Business & Operations Manager: Chuck Tully ext. 20 [email protected]

Admin Assts: Cathy Miller ext. 24, [email protected];Ron Aranha, [email protected]

Pastoral Stewardship Council: (every 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm THB) Chair: Florence de Bretagne ([email protected]); Vice-Chair: Mary Fong ([email protected]); Secretary: Jerry Lucha ([email protected])

Community Life: Anne Morrison (650) 493-2998

Green Committee: Katia Reeves ([email protected])

Human Concerns Committee: Chair: Paul Chestnut (650) 493-8237

St. Vincent de Paul Society: (650) 424-8155For truck donation pickup(650) 871-6844

Parish Site Committees: STA: Kay Williams (650) 328-2781; OLR: Chris Lundin [email protected]; SAG: Pat Briggs (650) 856-0460; Kathleen Hart (650) 321-8399;

St. Elizabeth Seton School (Daughters of Charity): 1095 Channing Avenue (650) 326-9004 Principal: Evelyn Rosa Advancement Director: Danielle Ambler (650) 326-1258

STA Photography: (650) 493-2128, [email protected] http://www.shutterfly.com/pro/PALOALTOPHOTOG/SpecialR1

Stanford Hospital Chaplaincy: Catholic Chaplain: Fr. John Hester (650) 723-5101

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Chaplaincy: Rev. Carolyn Glauz-Todrank (650) 497-8538

Widows/Widowers Group: Lorraine Dabney (650) 494-6488

Welcome new parishioners to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish! We encourage you to register as members of our growing family. Please email your name, address, and phone to [email protected]. Current members please contact the Pastoral Center to update your information.