Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 3 pm Closed Daily 12 pm - 1 pm Weekends: Saturday 5 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm Weekdays: M-W, F 8:15 am Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment Reconciliaon Mass Schedule Parish Mission Statement We are a vibrant and welcoming Catholic faith community that recognizes God’s presence in all through our love and service. Parish Vision Statement Build the Kingdom of God, individually and communally, by fostering discipleship and thanksgiving through: the celebraon of Eucharist and other sacraments, prayer and lifelong Catholic formaon, service with and for one another and the greater community. Parish of St. Benedict | www.stbenedict.org 16223 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.961.1610 St. John Bosco Catholic School | www.sjbosco.org 16035 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.219.4848 I have made you a light to the Genles, that you may be an instrument of salvaon to the ends of the earth. ~ Acts 13:47b April 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter Monday, 4/18 7 pm | Bible Study Tuesday, 4/19 7 pm | Men’s Ministry Wednesday, 4/20 3 pm | RCIA Oce Hours Sunday, 4/17 9 am | Johanna Tobin † 11 am | Bill Degen † 12 pm | People of the Parish M 4/18 | John Herycyk † T 4/19 | Leonard & Mary Schwartz † W 4/20 | Raymond Nawa † F 4/22 | Raphael F. Baumann † Sa 4/23 | Raymond Nawa † Mass Intenons Upcoming Events For a complete calendar of events, please visit stbenedict.org/calendar Thursday, 4/21 No Events Scheduled Friday, 4/22 No Events Scheduled Saturday, 4/23 3:30 pm | Reconciliaon

Fourth Sunday of Easter - The Parish of St. · PDF fileMass Schedule Parish Mission ... Liturgy & Administra ... in a endance were celebra ng their 25th Priestly Ordina on Anniversary,

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Page 1: Fourth Sunday of Easter - The Parish of St. · PDF fileMass Schedule Parish Mission ... Liturgy & Administra ... in a endance were celebra ng their 25th Priestly Ordina on Anniversary,

Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pmFriday 9 am - 3 pm

Closed Daily 12 pm - 1 pm

Weekends: Saturday 5 pmSunday: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pmWeekdays: M-W, F 8:15 am

Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointmentReconcilia on

Mass Schedule

Parish Mission StatementWe are a vibrant and welcoming Catholic faith community that recognizes God’s presence in all through our love and service.

Parish Vision StatementBuild the Kingdom of God, individually and communally, by fostering discipleship and thanksgiving through: • the celebra on of Eucharist and other sacraments, • prayer and lifelong Catholic forma on, • service with and for one another and the greater community.

Parish of St. Benedict | www.stbenedict.org

16223 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.961.1610

St. John Bosco Catholic School | www.sjbosco.org

16035 S 48th St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 | 480.219.4848

I have made you a light to the Gen les, that you may be an instrument of salva on

to the ends of the earth. ~ Acts 13:47b


April 17, 2016

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Monday, 4/18 7 pm | Bible Study

Tuesday, 4/19 7 pm | Men’s Ministry

Wednesday, 4/20 3 pm | RCIA

Offi ce Hours

Sunday, 4/17 9 am | Johanna Tobin † 11 am | Bill Degen † 12 pm | People of the Parish

M 4/18 | John Herycyk †T 4/19 | Leonard & Mary Schwartz †W 4/20 | Raymond Nawa †F 4/22 | Raphael F. Baumann †Sa 4/23 | Raymond Nawa †

Mass Inten onsUpcoming Events

For a complete calendar of events, please visit stbenedict.org/calendar

Thursday, 4/21 No Events Scheduled

Friday, 4/22 No Events Scheduled

Saturday, 4/23 3:30 pm | Reconcilia on

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Liturgy & Administra on

Scripture Readings For This Week

Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18

Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30

Wednesday: Acts 12:24-13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50

Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20

Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6

Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14

Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

Weekly Contribu onsfor the Weekend of 4/9-10

Regular Contribu ons: Current Week: $11,292 Total for the Month: $21,169

Debt Reduc on: Current Week: $1,395 Total for the Month: $3,225

Mortgage: Monthly Payment: $21,766 Loan Balance: $276,870

Presider Schedulefor the Weekend of 4/23-24

Saturday 5 pm: Fr. Joe Hennessy

Sunday 9 am: Fr. Bob Binta

11 am: Fr. Bill Faiella

5 pm: Fr. Bob Binta

Strategic Plan UpdateEff ec ve Communica on

Team Leader, Jim TigheThe goal of the Eff ec ve Communica on group is to develop and present a comprehensive communica on plan that includes all media in order to ensure that our parishioners and our community receive clear and accurate informa on in a mely manner.

Objec ves:1. Improve Communica on between St.

Benedict and Parishioners,

2. Address Communica on to areas outside of the Parish,

3. Unify the Communica on between St. Benedict and SJB School.

U lizing the Parish survey taken at the beginning of 2015, the team addressed the communica on concerns of the Parish. The team is now focused on internal communica on which includes the accuracy of all informa on provided by the Parish.

For any ques ons on the Strategic Plan please contact Bob Prezkop at [email protected].

Next week – “Vibrant Ministries”

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Page 3 Fourth Sunday of Easter - April 17, 2016

A Message from Fr. BobDear Friends, I bring you gree ngs, blessings and much love from our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. As you know, I le for Rome on Easter Monday, March 28, and returned last week on Friday, April 8.My stay in Rome was fabulous. I had a res ul, enriching and rewarding experience. I was staying at the Generalate of the Missionaries of Africa, who evangelized most of the African countries. The Fathers there were very hospitable, welcoming me and allowing their home to be my home for my en re stay in Rome. The Generalate is located just a short ten minute walk from the Va can! Every morning, I was able to travel to St. Peter’s Square to say my morning prayers. On Wednesdays, I stayed for the offi cial Papal audience that took place from 10 am to Noon. During these audiences, the Pope travels in his Popemobile through the crowd, waving and gree ng all of the people gathered. On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter, I a ended the Holy Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square. While wai ng for the Pope on all three of these days, I talked with people from all over the world, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. They were all fi lled with excitement at seeing and celebra ng with this great teacher in our Church!At the beginning of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Pope offi cially opened a Holy Door at the Va can. The opening of the Holy Door is a symbolic rite intended to off er the faithful of the Church an “extraordinary path” towards salva on. During my visit, I had an opportunity to enter through the Holy Door at the Basilica of St. Peter. While in the Basilica, I visited the tomb of St. Peter, the Vicar of Christ and the fi rst Pope. While there, I knelt and prayed for all of you. I visited many tombs in Rome, including the tombs of Pope John XXIII and our beloved Pope John Paul II. At each tomb, I knelt and prayed again for all of you.During my visit, I also visited many Basilicas, including St. Peter, St. John Lateran, St. Paul, and St. Mary Major. In the Basilica of St. Peter, I walked all 320 steps up to the pinnacle of the dome where I was rewarded with spectacular views of Rome. One day during my visit, I le Rome and traveled by train to Rotondo, Italy to visit the birthplace of St. Padre Pio and pray in the Shrine where his preserved body is kept.The highlight of my visit occurred when I met the Pope! I was invited to celebrate Mass with Pope Francis in his private chapel at Domus Sanctae Marthae with 11 other priests from diff erent con nents. We entered the Va can through the Holy Offi ce Gate at 6 am. The Swiss Guards met us and guided us through Va can City, fi nally ushering us into the Papal apartment. We were received by the Pope’s Personal Secretary and given fi nal instruc ons and the protocol to be observed in the presence of the Pope.The Mass was very beau ful and inspiring. Pope Francis is a very unique and special person. While in his presence I truly felt I was in the presence of God. His goodness, humility and openness is cap va ng. Since all of the priests in a endance were celebra ng their 25th Priestly Ordina on Anniversary, his homily was directed towards us. He encouraged us to persevere in serving the Lord, no ma er the diffi cul es and struggles that we encounter. During that special Mass, I want you to know that I prayed for all of you.A er Mass, we were invited to spend me in medita on with the Pope. A er medita on, we were granted the opportunity to meet Pope Francis one-to-one. My individual mee ng with the Pope felt like a dream. I remember introducing myself and then telling him that I brought your love and prayers with me from the Parish of St. Benedict in Phoenix, Arizona. In response, he said, “Take my blessings to your parishioners.” A er celebra ng Mass with the Holy Father, I went back straight to my place of abode, recalling and refl ec ng on my personal encounter with the Vicar of Christ, the successor of Peter the Apostle, our fi rst Pope. To fi nd the words to explain how I felt in that moment is impossible. It was very touching and moving, and I will remember it forever!Now I have joyfully returned to you and am happy to see your faces again. I thank you all for your support and prayers. I could feel your prayers all the way in Italy!Wishing you all a blessed Easter season. ~ Fr. Bob

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Faith Forma on & More

Blessing of the Fleece BlanketsThis weekend we will bless the fl eece blankets created on Family Service Saturday. When a parishioner heard about this service project, she shared that she had received a blanket much like one of these when she was a child. Her blanket had been blessed before she received it, and she has kept close her blanket and the comfort of that blessing throughout her life. This weekend, we will all par cipate in blessing the blankets to be delivered to Maggie’s Place and send our prayers along with the blankets to the children served by that organiza on. Thank you for your par cipa on in Family Service Saturday!

Be A Volunteer GardenerVolunteer with other St. Benedict parishioners on Saturday, April 23, from 10 am to noon at the MANA House by maintaining and servicing a community garden that provides food for veterans in need. All ages are welcome!In 2008, a group of 14 veterans experiencing homelessness got together in Phoenix to help each other out. Together, they formed the MANA (Marines, Army, Navy, Airforce) House, providing transi onal housing to veterans in need. The MANA House also has a community garden in downtown Phoenix (Indian School and Central), providing food and agritherapy for veterans with post-trauma c stress disorder.To sign up to help with plan ng, weeding and harves ng, please visit stbenedict.org/service.Thank You

The Marriage Ministry Team would like to thank all the couples who a ended the recently-held Newly and Not So Newlywed Game Night. We had a fantas c me! Congratula ons to Paul and Karen Hagert who won the game, great job! Also, a big thank you goes out to our wonderful teens, Victoria Brines and Capriana Bish, who volunteered to babysit, our Marriage Ministry Team for hos ng the event, and to Steve Gibson from Domino’s Pizza who donated dinner for the evening. We are looking forward to even more couples to join us for the upcoming Date Night on Saturday, June 4, a er the 5 pm Mass. There will be free babysi ng available, as well. Stay tuned for more informa on on upcoming events! If you have any ques ons or would like to join the Marriage Minstry Team, please contact Debbie Brines at [email protected] or call 480.961.1610, ext. 311.

Volunteers NeededSt. John Bosco Catholic School is hos ng its 15th annual fundraising gala, “The Bosco” on Saturday, April 23. This is the school’s largest fundraiser of the year, and many hands are needed to ensure the event is a success. Volunteers are needed throughout the day. Some areas needing help are: silent auc on, table centerpieces, set up, clean up, Wine Raffl e manager, contest judges, runners, and photographers just to name a few. Please contact Dianne Hansen at 623.229.9347 if you are able to help in any way. Thank you!

Welcome New Parishioners!• William Golden

• Amanda Kaczynski

• Louis and Rita Rossigno

• Kathryn Skromme

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Page 5 Fourth Sunday of Easter - April 17, 2016

This Week in Children and Youth Faith Forma on

April 17EPIC - “Our Calling”

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

April 18Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

April 19JAM - “Our Calling”

Journey of Faith

April 20Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

April 24EPIC - “Veni Sancte Spiritus”

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Faith Forma on

Faith Forma on Registra onRegistra on for children and youth for the 2016-2017 school year begins tomorrow, Monday, April 18. Please register your children early to help us plan for the coming year! For more informa on go to the parish website at stbenedict.org.

EPIC - “Veni Sancte Spiritus”or “Come Holy Spirit”Hey high school teens. Have you ever caught yourself pondering the Holy Trinity? Okay, maybe it’s a stretch asking that, but let’s be real for a second. We can understand God the Father and Jesus the Son pre y easily, but what about the Holy Spirit? What does he do? What is his purpose? How does he work in our lives?Come to EPIC on Sunday, April 24, for “Veni Santce Spiritus” to learn more about the Holy Spirit! We will be mee ng in the mul purpose room at St. John Bosco from 6:15 to 8 pm. For more informa on, please contact David Rees at [email protected]. Invite your friends and we’ll see you there!

JAM - “Our Calling”A en on all middle school students! JAM will be gathering Tuesday, April 19, for “Our Calling”, a night discussing voca ons! This is the perfect me to come and learn about what God is calling

you toward and how you can live out that calling!We will be mee ng from 6 to 7:15 pm at St. John Bosco. Ques ons? Contact David Rees at [email protected].

Newly Bap zedCongratula ons to Natalie Beth Alongi, Amaya Catherine Etchamendy, Willow Rose Fernandez, Emily Marie Gonzales, Thomas Anthony Padilla, Noah Jude Powers and Sydney Grace Savory who were bap zed recently.

“No one can enter the kingdom of Godwithout being born of water and Spirit.”

~ John 3:5

“We are his people, the sheep of his fl ock.”~ Psalm 100

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St. Vincent de PaulThank you for everything you provide to the onsite pantry. Here is a list of some items we are in current need of:

Organiza ons & Ministries

• Jam/Jelly• Spaghe Sauce• Boxed Potatoes• Pasta Meals

• Canned Meats (no tuna, please)

• Canned Fruit

Knights of ColumbusThe Knights handed out baby bo les for Maggie’s Place the last two weekends. Don’t forget to fi ll them up with your spare change and bring them back. The Knights will be collec ng them before the Masses on April 23/24, and April 30/May 1. Every li le bit helps so dig in the couch cushions and help us out.Upcoming Events:April 29 – Annual Father/Son Fishing TripMay 6 – Adora onMay 8 – Mother’s DayMay 22 – Blood DriveDid you know?In 2015, St Benedict Knights of Columbus donated over 4,000 volunteer man-hours and $15,531 to local chari es? Imagine what we could do with your help. If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, growing in faith, and meet other amazing men of the parish, consider joining the Knights of Columbus.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a li le.“

~Edmund BurkeVIVAT JESUS!Paul Hagert, Grand [email protected]

Consider a BequestA gi from your will or trust can fund an endowment in your family’s name that creates a permanent source of funding for the Parish of St. Benedict. Resolve to make a personal impact by remembering the Parish through an estate gi . For more informa on please contact Suzanne Percy in the parish offi ce at 480.961.1610, ext. 308.

Catholic Home Missions AppealNext weekend we will be collec ng for this annual appeal to help strengthen the Catholic Church here at home in the USA, as well as its territories in the Caribbean and the Pacifi c. Your dona on helps to fund evangeliza on, religious educa on, the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and with other areas of faith development. Envelopes can be found in the parish lobby, in your envelope packet, or you can go to faithdirect.net and make a one- me gi . Thank you for your help.

What is Demen a Anyway?Everyone experiences memory change with aging. What changes are normal, and what could be signs of demen a? This educa onal presenta on by Nadine Condon of Hospice of the Valley will off er resources for all who want to know more, or have a loved one touched by this disease. Come to the church on Sunday, May 22, from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm and have your ques ons answered.

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Liturgy CornerIn today’s Gospel the parable about the Good Shepherd brings to our a en on three consoling truths: that Christ gives his life for his sheep, he remains with them constantly through the bond of grace, and he does not rest content un l there be but one fl ock and one shepherd. How do these points aff ect me personally? a) My Shepherd’s death means my deliverance, b) Between Christ and myself there must exist a closer in macy, c) It is through Christ’s eff orts that I have been brought into the fold.In order to realize these ends, Christ ins tuted his Church. There we may approach him; there he is close to us, there he con nues his presence: “I am with you all days, even unto the consumma on of the world.” Through the Church he speaks to us; in the Church fl ow the rivers of grace from Calvary’s Cross; by means of the Church Christ seeks to become united personally with each of us. The words he spoke will never die. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.” They give us the mind of our Good Shepherd as he instructs, warns, and consoles us. Christ’s body in the Eucharist gives fl esh to his words in the Gospel. Together they cons tute our most valuable earthly treasure: they give us the whole Christ. What he promises in the Gospel he fulfi lls in the Eucharist. And thus the Mass, comprising the word and the body of Christ, brings him completely to us. By embracing both we embrace our Savior whole and en re.Today we also mark the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Voca ons ins tuted by Pope Paul VI in 1964. Let us pray for all those called to lay down their lives as priests, deacons, and in the consecrated life, that they will be faithful witnesses to the Good Shepherd in our midst. (excerpts from www.catholicculture.org)

Pastoral CarePlease remember in your prayers Elizabeth Louise Hentz-Flynn who died recently. We pray that her family and friends will feel God’s healing embrace through the prayers and support of our faith community.

Vow of NonviolenceRecognizing the violence in my own heart, yet trus ng in the goodness and mercy of God, I vow for one year to prac ce the nonviolence of Jesus who taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God...You have learned how it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy’; but I say to you, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. In this way, you will be daughters and sons of your Creator in heaven.” Before God the Creator and the Sanc fying Spirit, I vow to carry out in my life the love and example of Jesus:• by striving for peace within myself and seeking

to be a peacemaker in my daily life;• by accep ng suff ering rather than infl ic ng it;• by refusing to retaliate in the face of

provoca on and violence;• by persevering in nonviolence of tongue and

heart;• by living conscien ously and simply so that I

do not deprive others of the means to live;• by ac vely resis ng evil and working

nonviolently to abolish war and the causes of war from my own heart and from the face of the earth.

God, I trust in Your sustaining love and believe that just as You gave me the grace and desire to off er this, so You will also bestow abundant grace to fulfi ll it.

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Meet Our Staff

Fr. Bob BintaPastor

[email protected]. 305

Suzanne PercyDir. of Development

[email protected]. 308

David ReesCoord. of Youth Ministry

[email protected]. 307

Mary Jane LivensBusiness Manager

[email protected]. 304

Debbie BrinesDirector of Liturgy/

Marriage Prep. [email protected]

Ext. 311

Mary ZiebellForma on Assistant/

Safe Environment [email protected]

Ext. 309

Amy FletcherAdministra ve Assistantafl [email protected]

Ext. 300

Tyler Bartle Dir. of Music/Mul mediatbartle @stbenedict.org

Ext. 312

Sr. Colleen BraunDir. of Faith Forma on

[email protected]. 302

Holly ForsethCoord. of Religious Ed.

[email protected]. 303

Visit Us Online!For the most current, up-to-date informa on,

visit our homepage, www.stbenedict.org

facebook.com/stbenedic naz @stbenedictaz

Ed WinkelbauerDeacon

[email protected]. 300