Fred White - Guide to Astrology

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Advice to Students.T o one who is beginning the study of Astrology and is so situated that they cannot receive oral instructions, I will offer the-fd: . !ow lilg suggestions : Begin at the beginning and go slowly, have paticncc and lean1 thoroughly as you progress; do not omit any of the simple and what seems to be quite unimportant reading matter. 'i'his book has been arranged for the beginner, and you nlust not forget that you are learning to read from SIGNS only, ant1 often some slight indication may lead to a vast amount of information. I advise each one to take the lessons in the order that I give them here, commit to memory each one before yon pass 011 to the next, by missing even a small part of each lesson you lnay overlook the most important indications of the horoscope.LESSON ONE.

Commit to memory the signs of the Zodiac, their nature, what planet ruled by, notice the date on which the sun enters each sign of the Zodiac. Study page I carefully, and read carefully the first thirteen pages. You should become very familiar with the signs, and sun's influence in each sign, and should know how t o make the symbols of the signs and lanets before going to lesson P two.LESSON TWO.

Read carefully and become familiar with pages 14, 15, 16 and 17.LESSON THREE.

Learn the motion of the planets, their houses and aspects, on page 18. Refer to page I when learning aspects.LESSON FOUR.

Learn the exaltation and fall of the planets, or, page 19.LESSON FIVE.

Learn to exect a horoscope as given on page 20, and commit to memory the signification of each house of the horoscope as given on pages 21-22, and place the planets as given on pages 23-24.LESSON SIX.

Study carefully pages 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.LESSON SEVEN.

Read the influence of each planet in each sign as given on pages 31 to 40.LESSON EIGHT.

Take your own horoscope and judge what it shows, according to the radix on pages 40-41, judgingeach characteristic-,

Date of Birth.Year, Hour, Month, M. Sex, Date of Month, Place,


Siderial Time at Noon, Time since Noon, Time before Noon,


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The Zodiac.

Before you a t t e m p t t o form a n y opinion whatever from a horoscope, you bhould commit to memory the nature of c aah sign of the Zodiac, what planet it is ruled by, what month the S u n 1s in each sign. Learn how to make the symbols of the planets and signs. T h e following chart shows all of these. Thus:Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. I t is a cardinal, masculine, equinoctial, fiery sign and is ruled by Mars. T h e E a ~ t henters Aries on Srpternbor %2nd, each year, and passes into Taurus, tile second sign of the Zodiac, on October 22nd. T h e S u n is in t h e center of our solar system, b u t as we look at t h e Sun, it appears t o b e in exactly the same d e g r e e of the sign opposite the sign t h e E a r t h is in, therefore, we say the S u n is in such a sign simllly for convenience. Thus: W h e n t h e E a r t h enters Aries, t h e S u n appears to enter Libra, or, as t h e Earth enters Taurus. thc: S u n pnters Scorpio. T h e dates given in t h e outer circle show approximately, o r within a few hours when t h e Earth will enter each s i g n o r t h e S u n enters t h e opposite s i g n of the Zodiac.




Aries i s a Fiery, Masculine, Movable, Equinoctial sign, is ruled b y Mars, t h e ' ( G o d of War." T h e S u n enters A r ~ e on March 21st s a n d passes into T a u r u s on April 22nd. Those born whi!e i h e S u n is in Aries a r e of a persistent, determined nature, somewhat inclined t o be fiery or quick in temper, very independent and more inclined t o lead rather than t o follov. T h e y have a natural dislike for a master, and always wish t o govern themselves; they admire scientific thought o r philosophy, and desire to excel in whatever e n g a g e s their attention; they are generally qyjte fearless a n d ambitious, and d o not become discouraged easily. Although quick in temper and quick t o resent abuse o r imposition, they are very forgiving, a n d d o not hold a g r u d g e against one f o r a n y length of time. Aries people have excellent vitality, and generally a very s t r o n g constitution; d o not give u p t o sickness easily and recover quickly from disease. T h e y have a very sharp and penetrating will-power, which, when properly used will influence others very quickly. Aries people harmonize best with those who a r e born with t h e S u n in L e o o r Sagittarius, and fairly well with Gemini or Aquarius. T h e ruling g e m s for Aries are t h e R u b y a n d Sardonyx. F o r Employment o r Profession. Those born under t h e influence of this sign succeed best in vocations requiring a quick, active temperament, with power of execution a n d skillful touch. P e n sketching, engraving. model making. all mechanical work. Much depends upon the hour of birth, often a good configuration of t h e planets will entirely change t h e generalities a s indicated b y the position of the Sun, although there is no question b u t t h a t the Sun's influence is g r e a t e r than t h e combined influence of all t h e o t h e r F o r a location. Aries people succeed best and enjoy life more when located in prominent cities, o r w l ~ e r ethere is much excitement. Capitol or RZetropolitan cities, and i n t h e cities they a r e more prosporous, if located in corner houses. T h e Aries characteristics a r e expressed very forcibly in t1:e following people. who were born while the Srin was in their sigr : H e n r y Clay, Gcorqe Francis Train, Thomas Jefferson, Rob(.rt Bruce, Mohamed, Prince Bismarck. T h e typical Aries person is tall, slender, l o n g neck and sharp chin, b u t must have this sign ascending t o have t h e description.-2-


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Taurus:- The Bull.T a u r u s is a Fixed, Feminine, Cold, Dry, E a r t h y sign; is ruled b y Venus, t h e "Goddess of Love." T h e S u n enters Taurus on April 22nd a n d passes into Gemini on May 22nd. Those born while t h e S u n is in Taurus a r e of a self-reliant disposition; slow, careful, plodding, g e n t l e when unprovoked, b u t furious when a n g e r e d ; they have much patience a n d will await a l o e g time for their hopes a n d aspirations; they are inclined t o b e headstrong a n d unyielding, a r e very cautious, and have an a b l ~ o r a n c efor pain; a r e curious and very inquisitive, solnewhat inclined t o bo medcllesome. They love music, a r t and literary worlr, b u t a r e more i n ~ l i n e d t o b e imitators rather than originators; t h e y have excellent reasoning faculties, a r e of a s t r o n g a n d healthy nature b u t more subject to chronic diseases than t l ~ o s e born in moveable signs. T a u r u s people harmonize best with those born while t h e S u n is in Caneer, Libra, Capricorn o r Pisces. T h e r u l i n g g e m s a r e t h e Emerald and Topaz. F o r a business o r profession, T a u r u s people succeed best a t something requiring artistic talent a n d ideality; they make g o o d , designers, sculpters, photographers, milliners o r d r a u g h t s m e y T h e typical T a u r u s person is of medium height, broad shoulders, round, full form, large mouth, bushy hair, short, thick neck, short hands and f e c t ; b u t to have this description one of t h e fixed signs must b e on t h e horizon a t t h e time of birth. F o r a location: These people love best a q u i e t a n d shady place, country o r village homes, away from excitement. I n t h e city, away from t h e business center, and for a dwelling place, will generally choose the middle of the block. a n d in the house, a center o r s i d e room. Such character5 a s U. S. Grant, Oliver Cromwell, RTilliam Cowper, D u k e of Wellington, David H u m e , were born with t h e S u n i n This sign, a s well as Scorpio a n d Aquarius, is t h e most favorable for producing occult stuclents. W h y they should is bald to say, a s T a u r u s is earthy, m h i ~ h implies selfishness, ~naterialism and as f a r from ~ ~ i r i t u a l i as c,ln b c ; hawever, T a u r u s people a r e fond of ty good living, and enjoy tile luxuries which e:~rthycontiitions afford, and were i t not for their idealism, they woultl probably ignore the ' ~ s ~ i r i t u a lo r occult talent. "

ublin, Leipsic, Parma, Franconia and Palemo. Gemini rules Tripoli, Armenia, Lower E g y p t , Flanders, L o m bardy, S a r d ~ n i a Brabant, Belgium, and t h e United States. Of , cities Gemini rules London, Versailles, hientz, Loraine, B r u g e s Cordover, Nuremburg, Minneapolis and S t Paul. Cancer rules Africa, Scotland, Holland, Zealand a n d Mengrelia. Of cities Cancer rules Amsterdam, Cadiz, Constantinople, Venice, Genoa, Tunis, S t . Andrews, N e w York, Berne, Milan, L u b e c and ICIanchester. L e o rules Italy, Sicily, the Alps, Chaldea, t h e coaet of Sidon a n d Lancnshire. Of cities a n d towns L e o rules Rome, Bath, Bristol, Taunton, Damascus, Portsmouth and Philadelphia. V i r g o rules Turkey, Babylon, the country between t h e Tiber a n d t h e Euphrates, Greece, Thessnly, Corinth, Morea, Candia, Switzerland, and t h e Lower Silesia. Of cities Virgo rules J e r u salem, Navarre, Paris, Padua, Lyons, Toulouse, Heidelberg, R e a d i n g and Cheltenham. Libra rules China, J a p a n , a n d t h e parts near China, t h e vicinity of t h e Caspian, p a r t of Thibet, Livonia, Austria, U p p e r E g y p t and the Oasia. Of cities Libra rules Antwerp, Lisbon, Frankfort, Spiries, Vienna, a n d Charlestown. Scorpio rules Algiers. Bavaria, Barbary, Catalonia, J u d e a , M o r -






-.rocco. and t h e liingdom of t h e Moors, also t h e country about Norway. (.Thr K?;.iti\es are pugnacious, i n d i f f e r e ~ t o danger, rcgardIcss of blood, and carclesa of each other." Of cities ancl towns Scorpio rules Frankfort on the Oder, Ghent, J,iverpool, (about the 18th d e g r e e ) a n d Messina. Sagittarius rules Arabia, parts of France between L a Seins, i ~ n d 1,n Garrone, H ~ ~ n g a r Italy, especially Taranta, Moravia, Prcxvince y, in France. Slavonia, Spain and Tuscany. "These inhabitants are lovers of freedom, simplicity and elegance." Of cities and towns Sagittarius rules Buda, Cologne, Narbonne, Naples, Rotenberg, Stutland and Sheffield, especially t h e 17th and 18th degrees; Toledo and Volterioe. Capricorn rules India, Macian, hleoeclonia, Bulgaria, Saxony, Mexico, a n d iVeckleberg. of cities and town Capricorn rules Oxford, Ijrandenburg, Tortona and Constance. Aquarius rules stony Arabia, Prussia, R e d Russia, Poland, Tart a r ~ ,Sweden, Westphalia, Piedmont, a n d Abyssinia. Of cities Aquarius rules Hamburg, Brernen, T r e n t and lngoldstadt. Pisces rules Portugal, Calambria, Normandy, Gallacia in Spain, E g y p t , the d e ~ e r of Zara, Nubia and t h e southern p a i t of Asia t Minor. Of cities and towns Pisces rules Alexandria, Ratishon, Seville, Silicia a n d Tiverton. B y tracing t h e transits of each individual planet back for several centuries their individual influence will b e noticed very prominent. T h a t of J u p i t e r being q u i t e beneficial, S a t u r n a n d Uranus being quite e17il, a n d K e p t u n e d e p e n d i n g somewhat upon t h e aspects i t forms t o other planets while making t h e transit. T h e influence of Saturn is t o cause dull times in general, poverty among t h e poorer classes and more or less bad health. Uranus causes discord, revolution, labor strikes and accidents of a n unusual nature. Neptune forming aspects t o Saturn causes pestilence, such a s small-pox, the plague, etc.; I n aspect t o Uranus is a favorable t e s t i n ~ o n y warfor fare. T h e influence of Saturn, Mars, Uranus o r N e p t u n e is greatly inoreased when Mars forms a s t r o n g aspect t o either one. O f t e n when t h e sign ruling : town o r c i t y i not known i t can be L : f o u n d by noticing the general aspects of the planets a t t h e time of some calamity. Generally Pllxru will b e found in evil aspect to Saturn or Uranus and in one of t h e a n g l e of thc horoscope. A g r e a t deal can b e told concernitig what sign rules a n y city or town by its surroundings and location. Tlluo : K e w York is almost entirely surrounded b y water a n d comes under t h e influence of










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Gemini. lJhiladelphia, a w r y level c ~ u n t r y resembles Leo. , A more accur:rte a n d finer ~iie:!~~\:l r f .r: tel!:n:; o c-.rir;g events is b y the follming system: b[:i:,e tho horoscope for t h e exact nlinu t e when t h e S u n enters each of the Cardinal signs of t h e %odi:rc. a n d read i t as you would a horary figure. T h e first l~*,r:c,e of t h e figure will represent t h e country in gt,nera!; t!:e 2nd house t h e financial conditions; t h e 3rd house t h c n w r fdr?ign neighbors; T h e 4 t h house, t h e employment, etc. T h e rjth houw. speculation, T h e 6 t h houst?, t o t h e general hr:~!th. T h e 7th house, t o adversaries, enerrlies of the nation, etc. T h e 8th hoilsr, t o t h e death rate. T h o 9 t h house, distant foreign neighbors, the navy, etc. T h e 1 0 t h house t o t l ~ o s ei n high plares, the president, etu. T h e 11th house, t o friendly n a t i o ~ s , a n d the 32th house t o t h e private enenlies of t h e nation. T h e aspects which are formed between the S u n a n d Moon have a g r e a t deal of significance a n d t h e house of t h e figure in which t h e S u n and Moon may be in must be also considered particularly when there a r e prominent aspects hetween t h e Sun, Moon and various planets. A favorable testimony for good crops, plenty of moisture is to have a fruitful sign asoend and t h e Moon in a fruitful sign as t h e S u n enters Aries a n d Cancer. A n evil testimony is a barren sign ascending and t h e Moon in a barren sign :IS t h e S u n enters Aries o r Cancer. A prosperous period in qeneral is indicated b y qeneral good aspects between tlie S u n and Moon as t h e S u n enters each quarter of t h e zodiac. Ekil aspects between the Sun, Moon and various plane t s a s tlie S u n enters one of the cardinal signs is a testimony of discontent, dissatisfaction, and often an indication of warfare, or revolution of sorne kind. T h e entrance of tho S u n into Aries, Cancer, Libra a n d Capricorn while a n y of t h e larger planets are in the 151, 4th, 7th or 1 0 t h house of t h e horoscope of a n y city, town or country has a g r e a t deal of signification, particularly when tllere are prominent aspects between these planets, b u t should there h e conflicting testimonies you will always find t h a t all indications \kill operate before t h e quarter is out. A good aspect will not entirely overcome a n evil one, nor a n evil aspect entirely overcome a good one. These quart e r changes a s t h e i a r e called a r e very noticeable upon speculative markets, u n d t h e s t u d e n t who is following t h e tendency of t h e market will d o well to base his opinion somewhat upon the entrance of t h e S u n into tho Cardinal signs. I t should b e remembered t h a t


the conjunction, square o r nppo,ition of t h e planets are t h e strong aspects and cause activity, while the sextile, trine G r parallel although good they seldom cause activity i n business. A very rndioal and interesting figure for study is the one for September 23rd 1900. As the S u n enters Libra t h e Moon is also entering this sign, and t h e N e w Moon for the coming month will occur while t h e S u n is within 20 minutes of t h e equinox; such a position will not occur again for many years. o A e the S u n enters Libra, #it is w i t l ~ i n r b of a square aspect t o Saturn, and t h c N e w Moon : d l occur in t h e same aspect, t h e sign Capricorn will ascend a + Chicago. This is a decidedly Saturn quarter and foretells harclships, catastrophies a n d dissatisfactions in the United States. Tile S u n will e n t e r Capricorn on December 21st 1900 and t h e N e w Moon will occur within six degrees of Saturn, another decided Saturn quarter. Another quite interesting and decidedly different combination came March 20th 1898. A s t h e S u n entered Aries i t formed an opposition with Jupiter, causing a corner in Chicago wheat, general high prices a n d prosperity in general for the masses. O n e is lead t o beleive by reading t h e daily papers, that Wm. McKinley o r W m . J. Bryan a t the present time has t h e control over mundane affairs, as f a r as the U n i t e d S t a t e s is concerned, b u t all Astrological students see nothing more in these worthy gentlemen than a medium for the expres!.

T h e 6 t h house refers t o sickness, servants, and is also said t o rulesirall animals, p e t s and poultry. T h o ruler of tho 1 s t herein and weak sllo\vs t h e inquirer t o b e sickly, ancl if badly aMieted with the aspects approaching t h e ill l ~ e a l t h will ncvcr leave its victim alive, b u t if past s o t h e evil is a b a t i n g a n d will soon dis::ppoar. Good planets here a n d strong shows good success in hiring labor -1



a n d with those who inay b e workinp onder t h e p a r t y inquiring.

Jupiter. Venn?, Jloon a n d Surl strongiy pl::ced i~ this house shows good success in hanilling suclr l i t e stock a s is ruled by this house.Q ~ ~ ' s l l 0 S0 8 p I i l E SlEVENlII lIOC4X. 1


T h e 7th house and its ruler must b e considered in all questions, a s i t i s opposite t h e I s t , it rules adversaries, public enemies, part. ners, a n d also represents t h e irlarriage partner. T h e r u l e r of the :st herein 2nd amicted shows much opposition in life. I n questions of lav,suits i t i s b e t t e r t o have t h e evil planets amicting the 7th and its ruler, a s t h e 7th rules the adversary. T h e ruler of the 1 s t in t h e 7 t h ancl a movable s i g n shows that one t o b e very ~ h i l n g e a b l e . G o o d planets i n tho 7th and s t r o n g shows success and harmony in marriage life. J u p i t e r herein and s t r o n g shows financial qain by marriage, good success public enterprises, partnership ant1 many influential frends. Saturn weak i n t h e 7 t h either indicates no marriage a t all or coctinual inhnrmony a n d t h e d e a t h cf t h e marriage partner; Mars Fiero and weak shows continually inharnlony, fighting a n d quarreling in domestic relatiocs; Ur.~:lus here shows more t h a t one marriage, jealousy a n d often much cause for it. QUE'~,I:OXL, T H E : E ~ G I I T IIOUSE. OF This house and its r ~ ~ l represents inheritance, property of t h e es wife : ~ n dis said t o b e t h e house of death. T h e ruler of t h e first herein a n d badly affiictecl shows a violent death, according t o t h e n.iture of tho affliction a n d t h e plxnet causing it. Evil planets in this 11ouse showe t h a t the person asking t h e question u i l l never lcherlt money ; if g o o d planets a r e located herein b u t affiicted one r 1,1y have money d u e 'them b u t will never g e t it. Jupiter, S u n ..! 11 IIOUSE. TLis house refers t o long journeys, rcliiorl llcrein a n d well as~>c(.te:lnc?ic.ates n pious nsitare, b u t if afliicbted ilieir belief is uni rl,~,.id\.il in all things. Uranus, Mercury o r K e p t u n e 01. in t h e 9th a n d btronq shows love for the occnlt : ~ ~ qootl ahi1it;y in such. t l S.!turn herein ~ t ~ o w* _. for , $!Id* -.- yxrlons. G m n u s , &Icon lo!s e tlrr . _ o r !$'ereury herein s h o u s lonq ,joorncv* if tire fjoute be movable, v!ii!e if t h e ruler b e badly afll;c+rd Ilercin by the 8 t h i t indicates c1e:~thi n a foreiyn country. Good pl:~n.,th h,~:in nnci well aspected s i l o ~ v searning ancl advancement i n i c l c ~ u eb u t c;il planets here l s1:o:vs t h e reverse. Saturn. N,I~,-. r the S c n bqtlly n!l!ictcil llerein o"--A*--, \Cy



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shows d a n g e r t o life and person when t a k i n g l o n g journnys.&UC4brIOT-TS O F TIIB TEXTH IIOUSE.



Tlle 1 0 t h house is n e x t i n importance t o t h e 1 s t a s i t rules honora, profession and general g o o d fortune. If good planets a r e strongly placed in this house t h e native will enjoy t h e best of life on all occasions, b u t if Saturn b e placed here i t i s s u r e t o bring one t o poverty, a n d t h e good coming from such questions is not lasting. J u p i t e r o r t h e S u n here and well aspected is t h e most fortunate position that can possibly b e had, a s i t indicates continual good fortune, financial success, many valuable friends a n d a high position in life. Mars here a n d aMicted will b r i n g dishonor a t some time in life, s o with Venus, Moon o r Sun. U r a n u s i n t h e 10th shows adaptability a n d one t h a t can make a showing a t anyt h i n g they undertake, b u t i t seems quite impossible for them t o accumulate money. Good planets here shows success i n g e t t i n g employment, lawsuits, etc., evil ones t h e reverse. T h i s house rules masters a n d thoss w h o employ labor; therefore should t h e ruler of t h e 10th be i n g o o d aspect t o t h e ruler of t h e 1 s t i t shows harmony between employer a n d employe. If t h e ruler of t h e 10th b e in good aspect i t shows success i n collecting wages, b u t if amicting, t h e reverse. S e e 2nd house also for collecting debts, a n d use t h e 10th and 1 1 t h i n same manner a s 7 t h a n d 8th.




T h i s hollae refers t o friends, a n d if g o o d planets a r e situated i n t h e 11th one may expect much assistance from friends, success i n tursting important matters with friends, and much valuable assistance through life. Saturn, Mars o r Mercury afflicted here shows deceitful a n d undermining friends a n d it i s not well t o trust them.



This house refers t o secret enemies, secret opposition, sorrow-$, imprisonnient, and is siad by some t o rule l a r g e animals, etc. If p o d planets a r e well placecl it shows good succes i n stock raising. and fcw if a n y secret enemies. T h e S u n afliicted herein indicates d a n g e r of imprisonment, particularly if the aspect is approaci~ing,. Mars afflicted shows quite t h e same. Jupiter, Uranus o r Mercury afAictz.l hercin sl:ows trouble in religiolis matters. Jupiter, Venur, Noon or S u n strongly placed in this hucse shows ~ o s e c r e enemi-:,, t a n d no indications of imprisonment. $Tars o r Satnrn afflicting tho S u n o r Moon i n this house often shnws hurts by large animals, suoll a s horses, cattle, wild beasts, etc., y:i~ticularly if t h e aspects are approaching, b u t if past t h e event should have taken place. G o c d



In the 1st-12iches and good fortune. 111 the 2nd- Wealth and prosperity. I n the 3rd-Gain by traveling or neighbors. In the 4th-- Legbcies and riches by the father. In the 5th-Naturally denotes riches by gaming, and youthful pelsons. In the 6th-&Iches by illferior persons or small beasts. Ln the '7th-Riches by marriage, or public business. I n the 8th-ltichrs by legacies, or by the dead. In the 9th-- Wealth by religion or long journeys, and science. In the 10th-Wealth by trade or merchandise, or the government. i n the 11th--Money by friends. I n the 12th-Gain by great cattle or secret arts.BLLXl< O F THE TIIIRi) IIOUSE.

journeys and removals. I n the 2nd-Riches by the same. I n the 3rd-Gain by the brethren and peregrinations. 'Pn the 4th-Traveling for possessions or estate. In the 5th-Pleasn ant journeys. L the Citkl-Sickness through journeys. I n the '7th --Denotes marriage by traveling. I n the 8th-Death while traveling. In the 9tt1-- Extensive journeys. In the 10th-Mercantile or professional journeys. In the 11th-Good friends while absent. I n the 12th-Danger of enemies, and imprisonment while traveling; and denotes his brethren or kindred to be deceitful.ilCLElZ O F T H E FOCRTII HOUSE.

In the 1st-Many



In the 1st-A

propensity to gaming, and many children.- 107

I n the






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2nd-Riches by speculations of all kinds. I n the 3rd-Journeys with o r through young persons. I n the 4th--Estates b y some discovery o r gaming. I n the 5th-Fortunate in children o r speoulations I n the 6th-Sickness amongst hip family I n the 7th-Family discord and loss b y theft. I n the 8th-In a question denotes d e a t h of uhildren. I n t h e Sr!l--IIis cl~ildrena r e born t o t r a l e l , i n t h e 10th-EIonorable children anti renown in spect,lations. I n tl:o 11th--Friends by illeans of his family, and p!e;zsant friends, o r b y means of speculations or gaming. 4n the 12th--Unhappiness and enmity b y children and ruin through gaming or play.RULER O F i"llIC S I X T H IIOUSE.

I n t h e 1st-Sickness through himself. I n t h e 2nd--Loss of money b y servants or sickness. I n the 3rd--Sickness in his short journeys. I n the 4th-Loss of inheritance, ancl wastefa1 do~nestics. I n t h e 5th--Sickness b y inte~nperance,a n d sicltly children, I n t h e 6th-Good servants o r domestics. I n t h e 7th-Public lawsuits with servants, and sickness. I n the 8th-Dangerous illness; death of servants, o r small beasts. I n the 9th-Sickness while traveling. I n t h e 10th-Sickness through some disgrace. I n the 11th-Sickness among- friends, o r in his family. I n the 12th-lmprisonment o r private enemies, b y servants.lLULElt 01.' TIIE S3:VEN'I'IIILOUSE.


I n t h e 1st-Public eneniies a t hand, or marriage. I n t h e 2ndopponent^ among brethren Gain b y marriage. I n t h e 3rd-I'uhlic a n d neighbors. I n the 4th-An estate by rllarriage. I n t h e 5thA quarrelsome family, o r loss by speuulat~on. I n the Otil- A s i ~ k l y is fortunate i n wife a n d evil disposed servants. I n t h e 7th-Be lawsuits. In the 8tl1-Money by marriage, b u t 119 will lose his wifc. I n t h e 9th-A marriage with a female from a far distant land, anti contentions with religious persons. I n t h e 10th-An honorablt: wife, b u t rival:! of his profession. I n tlro 11th-Public opponents among his friends. I n the 12th-An unhappy marriage, jealousy a n d vexation.1






I n t h e 1st-Danger of death b y suicide. o r b y t h e querents own irregularities. I n t h e 2nd-Riches by the dead. I n the 3rd-Short journeys a r e dangerous. I n t h e 4th--Danger of d e a t l ~b y ruinous buildings o r falls. I n t h e 5th-Unfortunate children a n d d a n g e r of death b y intemperance. I n t h e 6th--In a question of t h e wife, o r of a of sickness i t is incarable. I n t h e 7th-Death public enemy. I n the 8th-A natural death; p i n b y the dead. In t h e 9th-Death in a distant land. I n the 10th-In a question d e notes death among relatives. I n t h e 11th--Legacies a m o n g friends, b u t also mortality. I n t h e 12th-A private enetny will die, a n d himself b e in some excessive fear o r anxiety concerning a death. --I08-





I n t h e 1st-He is likely t o travel. I n t h e 2nd--Riches by eea, o r some particular science, o r t h e church. I n the 3rd-The q u e r e n t ecclesiastical i n will soon travel o r remove. I n t h e 4th-Denotes heritance. I n t h e 5th-Denotes a person given t o free living. I n t h e 6th--Sickness through traveling. I n t h e 7th--Public enelllies a m o n g religious o r sea-faring persons. In t h e 8th-Persecution concerning religion. Death of the wife's lrindred. I n the 9tl1--T h e querent will b e a traveler. I n t h e 10th-Distant preferment b y means of his merit. I n t h e 11th-Hc will b e fortunate in voya g e s a n d journeys. I n t h e 12th-Infinite vexation while traveling.

zumn OF TIIE TENTII IIOUSE. I n t h e 1st-Denotes honor or preferment a t hand. I n t h e 2ndRich b y industry o r trade. I n t h e 3rd-Respect a m o n g lrindred a n d neighbors. I n t h e 4th-Denotes honor and good estate. I n the 5th-Honor through speculatiou, a u d children born t o g r e a t respectability in life. I n t h e 6th-Loss of credit a n d sickness. '. I n the 7th-Honorable connection b y marriage. I n t h e 8th-Gain by legacies o r lawsuits. I n t h e 9th-Honorable voyages. . I n t h e 10th- Eminent glory a n d renown. I n t h e 11th-Noble o r eminent friends. I n t h e 12th-Secret vexation loss of honor.RULER O F T H E ELEVE&-TI1IIOUSE.

I n t h e 1st-Friends and supporters a r e t o b e expected. I n the 2nd-By friends h e will increaee his estate. I n t h e 3rd-In short journeys h e will meet friends. I n t h e 4th-Inheritance through friends. I n t h e 5th-Dutiful children, and gain by speculations. I n t h e 6th-Servants are faithful. I n t h e 7th-A wife wllose friendships and, connections a r e desirable. I n the 8th-Denotes d e a t h of friends is near a t hand. I n the 9th-Friends b y learning, science o r traveling. I n t h e 10th--Honorable friends a m o n g the great. I n the 11th-Valuable disinterested friends. I n the 12thPretended friends who a r e i n reality enemies.B U L E R O F T l I X T\VEI.FTII IIOUSE.

I n t h e 1st-Danger of arrest, or imprisonment is near at hand. I n the 2nd-Enemies will cause the loss of money. I n t h e 3rd-Deceitful kinc'red, vexatious letters a n d epistles I n t h e 4 t i i 1,oss of estate through enemies. I n the 5th--Vexatious children and loss b y gaming. I n the 6th-Dishonest servants. I n t h e 7th-1,awsuits and family discord. I n 3t h e 8th-Death of enemies. 111 t h e 9th-Vexation concerning voyages o r religious persons. I n t h e 10th-Enemies affecting the credit. I n t h e 11th- Deceitful o r pretended friends. I n t h e 12th--The querent will overconlc his NOTE.--These indications a r e modified b y good o r evil aspects t o



General Judgment.Often will one apply t o a n Astrologer with no radical question to ask, y e t is very sincere a n d earnestly dekires to know t h e general conditions which surround him o r her, and if changes a r e l i s b i ~ o t occur soon, u n d e r these condition?, t l ~ e artist may execute a f i q ~ ~ , and j u d g e it in a general way; but must be careful not to prrdii t radically good or evil conditions i n t h e future, tln1e.j~ h e querent t seems real anxious in regard t o nlatters t h e artist may speak of. General!y when o n e visits a n Astrologer of his own accord, the : same sign will ascend a s was ascending a t t h e time of birth. (1 have ia 1 i testecl this i n hundreds of cases.--ED.) l J t a ~ o sin t h e ascendant2well wyected, signifies a sudden change, something t h e quercnt is not expecting, b u t of a benefioial n a t ~ l u ; b u t if U r a n u s b e @icted, t h e querent is liable t o soine disappoint.rnent, loss o r injury; and should b e guarded i n his transactions. 3; t h e ascendant b e a moveable o r ~ c o m m osign, changes come v e r j ~ cpig9ulidy;u t very slowly if a fixed sign. b Saturn in t h e ascendant, shows t h e querent is down-hearted, o-loomy, fearful about what h e inquires, a n d if Saturn bo afflicted, i t b is a testimony that t h e querent is not as honest o r straightforward in his dealings as h e might be. J u p i t e r in ascendant, unless afflicted, is a generaliy fortunate testimony, and i t will offset o r modify many evils indicated by other aspects. Mars in t h e ascendant, well aspectecl, shows arnbitior. and ability, ancl is not a particularly evil indication; b u t if i n his d e t r i n e l ~ o r t fall and amicted b y evil aspects, then t h e querent is liable t o q u a r rels a n d disputes, accidents o r iil-health. V e n u s in t h e ascendant, weli aspected, is a testimony of good health, success and good fortune, friends, pleasant social affairs, and if t h e querent ask concerning marriage, i t is favorable. Mercury i n the ascendant, shows t h e querent is curious, scientific, desires knowledge; b u t if I\!ercury b e afdicted, h e is sharp, tricky and may b e thievish. T h e Moon, well aspected, in t h e ascendant, is a testimony favorable in a n y cluestion, if in a moveable o r c o ~ u m o nsign, i t favors travel, changes, eto. A f t e r j u d g i n g t h e ascendant, the planets therein, and tlieir aspects, then consicler t h 3 1 0 t h house, its ruler, planets therein a n d thtiir aspects. Uranus in t h e 1 0 t h is evil and threatens t h e cluerent with dis-1 10-




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cdre,?t abuse, loss o r some u n u s u a l misfortune, although if well aspected, t h e evil will pass and leave n o lasting result; b u t if ruler of the ascendant, i t is then a very favorable testimony. ( I n a n y question if t h e r u l e r of tho ascendant in t h e l o t h , either Mars, S a t urn o r Uranus, is a very favorable testimony unless t h e planet is retrograde.) Saturn i n t h e 1 0 t h is a very evil testimony, d ~ o w i n g the querent t o b e surrounded b y adverse conditions of all liincls, unless Saturn rules the 1st. J u p i t e r in the 10th shows t h e querent fortunate and successful; i t foretells of some very good success in the near future. M a r s in t h e 1 0 t h is very evil unless ruler of t h e l s t , threatening reverses, disputes, law suits, etc, V e n u s in t h e l o t h , is a very good testimony, showing friendships. benefit from females, small honors, etc. Mercury in the loth, may b e good o r evil; much depends upon ' t h e aspects formed a n d t h e house i t rules. T h e Moon i n t h e l o t h , is very fortunate, showing success, popularity, friendships, a good testimony for all general affairs, unless afflicted.




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The ~ o o n ' s ktluence in Horary Questions.



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The influence of the &loon isof as much if 1;ot of more importance than that of the other planets. The Moon is always for the one asking the question and is a very good and strong testimony for the querent if in either the 1st. 4th. or 10tl1.house of the horoscope, but if the Moon be in the 7th house i t favors the adversary, or if better aspected to the ruler of the 7th than to the lbt i t also favors him more, and if in good aspect with both the ruler of 1st and 7th it shows a favorable settlement of the matter. When in any house of the figure it is judged the same as if the ruler of the 1st was in that house. The weakest and most detrimental influence the Moon can have is to be void of course, which is to be past all aspects and to form no other while in the sign where it may be. When this happens, seldom any question or any undertaking of any kind will amount t o anything. Retrograde planets have no apparent influence whatever. Should the ruler of the house to which the question refers be retrograde, you can place no confidence in i t whatever, although every other testimony may be favorable, the ruler of the matter retrograde will upset the matter. The ruling plandt retrograde generally shows lack of skill and management on the part of such individuals as the retrograde planet ;nay represent. FOR MAKING CHANGES. The 1st house, its ruler and the Moon are t o rule the party inquiring and also shows their present place and condition. After asking the question you should look to the ruler of the 1st and Moon t o learn what may be afflicting your present position. I f you find the ruler of the 1st afflicted in the 7th it would be of no benefit to make the change, as the 7th and its ruler represent the place t o which you would move. Likewise the ruler of the 7th be weak and afflicted shows that your change would be from bad t o worse. If the ruler of the 1st be stronger than the 7th it is better to remain where you are. If the question be concerning position or employment then look to the 10th house and its ruler. If the rulers of the 1st and 10th are in evil aspect i t is better to change, or if the 1st b e strong i n the 4thit is better t o change. If the 4th and 7th houses with their rulers be afflicted while the 1st and 10th are strong it is better to continue where you are.