French Penal System

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  • 8/12/2019 French Penal System


  • 8/12/2019 French Penal System




    Based on the Napoleon Code of 1810, French criminal law was, until

    recently, one of the oldest codified systems still in application. Recent reforms

    (1992-1994), followed in these last months of 1997 by added revisions, have

    brought the system as a whole under national attention and under the scrutiny of

    anyone interested in comparative criminal law. Furthermore, the emphasis in the

    political rhetoric, on security and crime control has added a dimension to the

    latest legislative elections. The ongoing revisions, undertaken by the

    CommissionTruche1are not only of judicial interest, they carry a political clout.

    At this juncture, it is topical to understand the French criminal justice system and

    why it appears to be in such a critical phase.

    The purpose of the following analysis is multi-fold and broad in scope.

    However it does not have the pretension to be exhaustive in its conclusions.

    This study aims at raising questions, at identifying issues, and at providing

    elements of reflection. It purposely leaves aside an analysis on the effectiveness

    of the prison system and concentrates solely on the penal code and on the

    procedural part of the criminal justice. The goal is to identify in the textof the

    law, the hegemonic symbols that endure in the French legal system and whether

    or not they still adequately reflect societal mutations.

    Like for the study of any system, let alone one based on strict codification,

    the fundamental task is a textual analysis. Consequently, this article first

    provides a succinct technical and factual synthesis of contemporary French

    1Pierre Truche is the president of the Cour def Cassation. He has originated a rapport under examination

    for potential reforms of the penal system. The rapport entitled: Justice et Pouvoirs, Justice et Presomption

    dInnocence, (Justice and Powers, Justice and Presumption of Innocence) is currently being debated (this

    article is written in July of 1997). The conservative political groups seem to receive it favorably. The

    leftist parties, less so, as they argue that the proposed reform does not go far enough in establishing the

    responsibility of the magistrates in virtue of protecting their independence.


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    criminal law, highlighting the most salient characteristics of the law and its recent

    revisions. It presents the law strictly as it appears in the texts, without taking

    position on its impact. This section could, if needed, be isolated and used as an

    objective set of references on the technicalities of French penal law (Part I).

    By contrast, the subsequent sections of the article introduce subjective

    viewpoints and provide a critique of the system. Two levels of analysis are

    suggested and underline the second section of the article (Part II). On a first

    level, the perspective will be that of the society the system aims at protecting.

    The question asked is whether or not the French system, in its conception, is

    able to effectively meet the goal of crime control. The second camera or

    viewpoint is that of the individual. How is he or she, at least theoretically,

    protected by penal law and criminal procedure? For the purpose of clarity, these

    two levels are studied successively but within the understanding that they are not

    dissociable. Their dynamic interaction is an indicator itself of the conceptualized

    balance between crime control and procedural guaranty. A description of the

    respective weight of both is at the core of ones philosophy of the law.

    In this framework, the last section offers to explain how the fundamentals

    of the system and the values it promotes, fail to take into consideration new

    societal challenges. This paradox is at the heart of the French justice systems

    crisis (Part III).


    Two texts form the backbone of French Criminal law: the Code Pnal

    (Penal Code) and the Code de Procdure Pnale (Code of Penal Procedure).

    Their respective functions underline both the technicalities and the philosophy of

    the criminal justice system. The Penal Code defines offenses and assigns

    sanctions. Its primary function is to protect society as a whole: to ensure social

    control by categorizing and defining the offenses that disrupt it. The bulk of its

    content is rules on substance: what is a crime, what happens to its perpetrator,


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    etc. On the other hand, the Penal Procedure Code dictates rules on the formof

    the proceedings. It forms the link between the offense and the punishment. In

    this manner, its major function is to ensure due process or the protection of the

    individual. Both of these texts have been the object of recent reforms leading to,

    if not to a new and revolutionary system (a point that will be discussed later), at

    least to a revised one. What follows is a synthesis of the technicalities of the


    The Penal Code

    The new penal code, entered into force in 1994, is the third criminal

    codification in French history. As each code replaces the precedent, the present

    French criminal law is based on the synthesis of three codes: 1791, 1810 and1992-94. Up until the last reforms of 92-94, the most important amendments to

    the 1810 code included: the 1975 Act reforming the system of fines and

    suspended sentences and instituting a number of alternatives to imprisonment;

    the 1978 Act introducing the Priode de Sret(Safety Period) during which no

    release on parole can occur, the 1981 Act abolishing the death penalty and the

    1983 Act introducing community service order. In its format, the new penal code

    is similar to its predecessors. On substance, the so-called reforms of 1992-94

    show mostly elements of permanence and continuity, in spite of the introduction

    of a few new concepts especially in terms of the responsibility of judicable


    Four books compose the new penal code. Book 1 summarizes the

    general dispositions of the Code. It includes rules of general penal law and most

    of the rules on sentencing. This general part of the code, the Partie Generale of

    the new penal code, reorganizes rules that were previously dispersed in various

    places of the 1810 Code or even in the Procedure Code. Most of these rules had

    never been modified since 1810. Some of them had remained untouched since


    2One of the biggest goals of the reforms was to better rewrite the existing codification.


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    The other three books are referred to as the special part," or Partie

    Spciale. Book 2 reforms the dispositions of the Penal Code relative to the

    repression of crimes and misdemeanors against individuals. Book 3 deals with

    offenses against property. Finally, Book 4 focuses on crimes and misdemeanors

    against the nation, the state and public order.

    On the substance, it is permanence and not reform that comes to mind

    while studying the Nouveau Code Pnal (NCP): permanence in classification

    and terminology, permanence also in reaffirming fundamental principles.

    The new code reiterates a tri-fold division of offenses. The French penal

    law has always identified three groups of criminal offenses:Crimes, Dlits and

    Contraventions: crimes, delicts or misdemeanors, and contraventions. A

    different trial court has jurisdiction over each category, and different rules of

    procedure apply. In general, more serious offenses are subject to more

    elaborate procedural safeguard. Penalties for crimes range from prison terms of

    at least 5 years to life; misdemeanors are punishable with a prison term of more

    than 2 months, not exceeding 5 years, or by a fine of more than 10,000 Francs

    (around $2,000). Contraventions are punishable with a fine up to 10,000 Francs

    or a jail term inferior to 2 months. The special part of the code reverses the order

    of dispositions but keeps the libel of their headings intact.

    Permanence of principle is also paramount. The new code, like its

    predecessors is based on the fundamental principle at the core of the use of

    codification: that every citizen should, with a reasonable degree of certainty,

    know the potential penal consequence of any act he/she commits. He/she

    should theoretically be able to identify the text that incriminates him/her, in order

    to prepare an adequate defense. The pre-set strictly codified qualification is

    essential to the application of this principle.3

    ,3 Agnes Cerf Hollender, le Nouveau Code Pnal et le Principe de la Lgalit, Archives de Politique

    Criminelle (Paris: Pedone, 1994) p.10


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    Consequently, the new code upholds the principle of legality which is a

    real dogma in the French penal system.4 The principle of non-retroactivity of

    criminal rules, and their strict interpretation is the necessary outcome .

    Continuity also characterizes the new code. The special part only

    crystallizes innovations that were already the object of anterior laws. For

    example, the references to International Law defining crimes against humanity

    had been introduced in the French legislation in 1964.5

    Continuity is also present in the apparent desire to balance a certain

    hardening of the repression while ensuring the protection of the individual. The

    concept of safety period is consecrated, but at the same time the principle of

    individualization of the penalty is maintained.6

    If permanence and continuity are paramount, there is nonetheless the

    emergence in the new code of a few innovations. There is a fundamental

    change in the arbitrary power given to the judge. In 1824 a law had given the

    judge a certain amount of leeway in its interpretation and attribution of sanctions

    by introducing the principle of circonstances attnuantes (extenuating

    circumstances). 1994 is a real revolution in that domain as it abandons the

    principles while giving more power to the judge (the consequences of such a

    change are studied below).Finally the most important change, greatly induced by the reality of

    international political economy, and one that is considered to be a major reform,

    is the introduction of the penal responsibility of judicableor moralpersons

    while not excluding the responsibility of the decision-maker (or the physical


    Judicable persons, excluding the State, bear a penal responsibilityaccording to the distinctions contained in articles 121-4 to 121-7, and in

    4Jean-Francois Chassaing, Les trois Codes Francais et lEvolution des Principes Fondateurs de Droit

    Pnal Contemporain, Nouveau Code Pnal (Paris: Sirey, 1995)p 4455Mireille Delmas-Marty, Avnt-Prspos. Ibid. p 4346The idea to adapt the punishment the personality is not new: Raymond Saleilles developed the idea as

    early in 1898. It was further developed in 1954 by Marc Ancel in his work on Social Defense.


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    cases mentioned by law or regulation, for infractions committed for theirown benefits.7


    The basis of criminal proceedings is also to be found in three successive

    codifications: the 1808 Code dInstruction Criminelle (Code of Criminal

    Instruction); its successor, the 1959 Code de Procdure Pnale(Code of Penal

    Procedure); and the latest revisions of 1992, 1993, 1995, to which we should

    soon add the results of the ongoing revisions.8 Most of the revisions deal with

    pre-trial detention, the rest of the procedure remaining roughly intact.

    The French criminal procedure is complex and divided into distinctive

    stages during which both administrative and judicial instances have a role toplay. The successive phases of the procedure described below are: the

    investigation, the pre-trial detention, the trial itself, the judgment, the sentencing,

    and the appeal. It is also important to note at this point the unity of all the French

    judicial system. The same magistrates compose the civil and the penal courts.

    The name of the court changes according to the nature of the trial. The civil

    courts: Tribunal dInstance, de Grande Instance, Cour dAppelbecome Tribunal

    Correctionnel and Cour dAssises according to the nature of the trial. This

    principle holds true except in major cities where the amount of trials, both civil

    and penal, renders the principle non-applicable.


    The first stage of the investigation of offenses is generally undertaken by

    the police. Two bodies divide the administrative police forces: the Police

    Nationaleoperating under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior, and the

    Gendarmerie, operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Defense. ThePolice Nationale comprises theSret Nationale, responsible for all

    French territory except for the Paris region and the Prfecture de Police,

    7Nouveau Code Pnal, art.121-2, al..38This article is being written in July of 1997. The legislative Assembly is still working on enacting the



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    responsible for Paris and three neighboring departments. In towns of fewer than

    10,000 inhabitants the police forces are community forces: the PoliceMunicipale,

    headed in towns of more than 5,000 people by a national police chief: the

    Commissaire de Police. Two branches compose the Gendarmerie: the

    Gendarmerie Dpartementale assigned in each department and the

    Gendarmerie Mobile, acting as a standby force for special task of securing public

    order. The Gendarmerie also acts as a military police force. More specific

    investigation duties primarily belong to the Police Judiciairethat forms part of the

    administrative police forces but whose officers are not necessarily uniformed.

    The results of police investigation in criminal cases are passed on to the

    prosecutor. The prosecution force is called the Ministre Publicor the Parquet.

    It operates under supervision of the Ministry of Justice or Garde des Sceaux9.

    The prosecution, whether represented by a judge: the Juge dInstructionor by a

    chamber: the Chambre dAccusation which is in charge of the criminal

    investigation, called in French, the Instruction.

    Consequently, the French Code of Criminal procedure contemplates four

    types of investigations and specifies the evidence gathering and arrest powers

    available under each: the investigation of flagrant offenses; preliminary

    investigations; identity checks; and finally the formal judicial investigation

    conducted by an examining magistrate, the Juge dInstruction or the Chambre

    dAccusation. The latter permits the broadest investigating powers. During the

    instruction, the proceedings are in theory secret. After the gathering of evidence

    is completed, the magistrate has the discretionary power to decide whether or

    not a trial will take place.

    Dtention Prventive(pre-trial detention)

    Persons charged with felony may be detained by the examining

    magistrates warrant of arrest or confinement with no requirement of written

    justification, although an adversarial hearing must still be held. The magistrate

    9The present revisions undertaken by Truche aim at increasing the independence of the Parquet from the

    Chancellerie (Ministry of Justice) while maintaining the responsibility of the Judges.


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    may only detain persons charged with a misdemeanor if the maximum sentence

    for the offense is at least two years of imprisonment. In that case, the magistrate

    must find after an adversarial hearing that material supervision is insufficient and

    that detention is necessary to prevent interference with the evidences or

    witnesses, further crimes, flight of the accused or harm to the accused. Such an

    order must be motivated and is usually limited to four months. It may be

    extended for additional periods of up to four months each.10 If there has been

    provisional detention at any stage of the proceeding, this detention is wholly

    deducted from the duration of the sentence proclaimed by the judgment.11

    The Criminal Trial

    Police courts deal with contraventions. Some of these offenses, the so-called first to fourth class contraventions (mainly traffic violations) are dealt

    without any judicial process by the payment of a fine. In all cases there are no

    appeal processes for contraventions.

    If the offense is a misdemeanor and brought to trial, it will be dealt with by

    the Tribunaux Correctionels (Correctional Courts), generally courts of first

    instance. Once again, in these cases there is no possibility of appeal.

    In case of severe felony or crime, and if the Juge dInstruction, after

    preliminary investigation, has rendered a judgment of indictment (Arrt de Miise

    en Accusation), the trial will be handled by the Cour dAssises (composed of

    assessors who will assess the crimes)12. The Cour d Assises has full

    jurisdiction to judge individuals transferred to it by the judgment of indictment. It

    cannot take cognizance of any other accusation.13

    The fundamental principle underlying trial proceedings is the presumption

    of innocence. Consequently the burden of the proof belongs to the plaintiff, the

    prosecution or Ministre Public. The prosecution has to prove the three

    elements that constitute an offense: legal element, material element, and moral

    10Code de Procedure Criminelle, art 143-14411Law 84-576 of July 9, 198412At minimum there are two assesseurs plus a president. They are the Court properly speaking. Asides

    from them sits a jury. Assises are held in Paris and in every department.


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    element. Most modes of evidence are admissible. Within certain limits, evidence

    is defined as

    All that which has the mind of a truth without considering the means

    employed for arriving at it; when the reality of the fact has become certain,it is said that it has been proved. Every means taken to convince a Courtof a fact is called a proof.14

    The parties must comply with all measures of gathering evidence and the judge

    is empowered to draw any conclusion from the refusal to comply.15

    While the instruction is secret and held in private, the judgment procedure

    is public, oral and adversarial. The judgment needs to be rendered in the

    presence of the accused.16

    The accused has a right to a defense as well ascounsel. On those two points, the Truche reform proposes to reinforce the

    principle of presumption of innocence as well as to allow counsel for the defense

    to intervene after the first hour of the arrest, as opposed to waiting up to 20 hours

    which is now the case. It would bring a drastic change to custodial interrogation

    by the police during which, as of today there is no right to counsel. The right to

    counsel, as it currently stands, depends upon the nature of the proceedings.

    Defendants in theAssisescourts must be represented by counsel whether they

    want to or not; all defendants in the correctional courts may request appointed

    counsel. Counsel must be retained or appointed if a defendant is subject to

    such an infirmity as to compromise his defense.17 In the police court, retained

    counsel is permitted but there is no provision for appointed counsel.

    The conduct of the trial itself is controlled and directed almost entirely by

    the presiding judge (the sole judge in police court, the president in Assisesand in


    Code de Procedure Criminelle, Art.231.14Trait Elementaire de Droit Civil , quoted in Henry Saint Dahl, Dictionnaire Juridique Dahl, (Paris:

    Dalloz, 1995) p.35615Ibid.16The accused appears free from restraint and is accompanied by guards to prevent his/her escape, (Code

    de Procedure Penale, art 318). If an accused refuses to appear, he is summoned in the name of the law by a

    Huissier commissioned for this purpose by the president of the Court, with the assistance of the public

    force. The Huissier draws up minutes of the summons and the reply of he accused. (Code de Procedure

    Pnale art ,319).17Code de Procdure Pnale


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    most correctional trials). The jury, under supervision of the judge, works in strict

    collaboration with the judge, both on the determination of the illicit act and on the

    choice of law. Trial usually begins with the sequestration of the witnesses, after

    which the court questions the accused and receives his/her statements if any.

    The parties and attorneys have then limited rights to question the accused,

    usually through the intermediary of the presiding judge. The accused is not put

    under oath and cannot be legally compelled to answer any of the questions, but

    he/she cannot prevent the questions from being asked nor can he/she prevent

    the court from drawing adverse inference from his/her silence. Next, the

    witnesses cited by the parties are individually questioned by the court, in the

    order determined by the court, after which the attorneys have limited rights to

    pose the own questions. Finally, after the last witness is heard, the parties make

    their closing arguments. The defense always closes last.18


    Judgments in correctional tribunals or police judgments need to be

    motivated. On the other hand, no expressed motivation is required of the judges

    in criminal matter. The principle of Intime Conviction (intimate certainty) alone

    prevails both in instruction and inAssises. Before the Cour dAssisesretires, the

    president reads aloud the following instructions which are also posted in large

    letters in the most prominent place of the chamber.

    The law does not ask the judges to account for the reasons which haveconvinced them; it does not prescribe rules by which they must specificallyweight the completeness and sufficiency of a proof; it prescribes that theyinterrogate themselves, in silence or meditation, seeking in the sincerity oftheir conscience, what impression the proofs against the accused and thegrounds of his defense have made upon their reason. The law asks them

    only this one question, which contains their whole obligation, Have you aninner certainty? (intime conviction)19

    18Ibid.19Code de Procedure Criminelle, art 353


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    Sentencing and Attribution of Penalties

    At the end of the trial, if there is no acquittal and if guilt has been proven,

    the offense will be defined according to the code and the preset penalty will be

    assigned. As mentioned earlier, police penalties are imprisonment, fines and

    confiscation of certain objects seized.20 Penalties in correctional cases are:

    imprisonment for a term in place of correction; suspension for a term of certain

    civic, civil, or family rights; fines.21 Criminal penalties are both afflictive and

    infamous. They include: penal servitude for life; criminal detention for life; penal

    servitude for a term; criminal detention for a term; banishment; or loss of civil


    Petition for Cassation

    At the apex of the judicial pyramid stands the Cour de Cassation

    sometimes called Cour Suprme. No appeal is possible except in criminal

    matters but all judgments are susceptible to apourvoi en cassation: a petition to

    the Cassation23. Those petitions are brought on by the Parquet or by the party

    aggrieved. They seek to have the court condemn the judgment under attack on

    the basis of non-compliance with the rules of law. In this manner both theArrt

    dAccusation(indictment) and the judgment rendered in criminal, correctional and

    police matters may be annulled. If this is the case, there is a Renvoi en

    Cassation. If the Cour de Cassation annuls a judgment rendered in a

    correctional or police matter, it transfers the case and the parties to a court of the

    same order or the same degree as that which rendered the decision annulled.24

    In a criminal case, the Cour de Cassation orders transfer of the case either

    before a Chambre dAccusationother than that which pronounced the indictment

    in the first place, or before a Cour dAssisesother than that which rendered the


    20Nouveau Code Pnal , art 464.21Ibid., art 922Ibid., art 7-823The verb casser means to break in French.24Code de Procedure Criminelle, art 60925Ibid., art 610


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    The Cour de Cassations Jurisdiction

    The Cour de Cassation may review a judgment on the ground of

    inconsistency of judgment. It may annul the whole judgment or just the parts of

    the decision where the nullity affects only one or some of its provisions.26 Like

    most other French courts, the Cassation does not usually sit en banc(in bench)

    but in panels or chambers.

    These complex technicalities developed in the penal code and in the code

    of criminal procedure in the text of the law and in the procedure are meant to

    serve the double goal of criminal law in a democracy: the protection of society

    and the protection of the individual. The task at stake now, in the framework of

    the aforementioned references is to assess how French Criminal Law, in its

    conception, is able to fulfill these two purposes.


    In its conception, the French penal system expresses an ongoing paradox

    between the desire of the legislator to appear liberal and the realities of an

    increasingly authoritarian regime. This dichotomy is revealed through both

    functions of the penal system: crime control and individual guarantees.

    Crime Control

    An evaluation of the French criminal policy should include the interaction

    between the private and public aspect of social control. One can easily agree

    with Maurice Cussons statement that the social control of crime is public in its

    preventive and repressive component and private in its social sanction.27

    However the emphasis here is on the values carried out by the French law as a

    distinct, if not isolated, component of criminal policy. The viewpoint concentrates

    26Ibid.., art 612.27Maurice Cusson, Leffet Structurant du Control Social, quoted in Anne Marie Favard et Reynald

    Ottenhof, Archives de Politique Criminelle, p 80.


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    on the public aspect of social control. The following analysis is based on the

    premise that the dynamic of French law resides in defining the crime before it can

    fight it. Crime and social order are primarily legal abstractions. Within that

    dynamic, textual analysis reveals what constitutes a crime and by reverse logic

    what are the paramount values the French law wants to protect. It then reveals

    the philosophy of punishment underlying French law.

    Crime is a Legal Abstraction

    The texts present crime as a legal abstraction: there is crime only if it is

    included in the code and is assorted with a repressive sanction. This abstraction

    seems to be motivated by the willingness to let the legislator and not a potentially

    irrational collective conscience, decide what the facts contrary to the social orderare. The fundamental premise is the desire to make of law a guarantee against

    the arbitrary. As a consequence, crime can only be defined as an act contrary to

    social order (as opposed to religious or moral order). The notion of sin is

    expunged from the law.

    To only define crime as a legal reality is not without consequences. It may

    offer a protection against the arbitrary, but in practice this protection is far from

    being perfect. It protects against executive and judicial powers, but it definitely

    gives more power to the legislator. In this framework the legislator is able to

    decide, according to various economic or political constraints, of the anti-social

    nature of an act. To a degree, the legislator is able to define social order. Asides

    from a category of hideous crimes against which society as a whole is in

    consensus (murder, child abuse etc.) the French legislation has been able to

    create what Stephani et al. calls artificial delicts that vary according to

    economic, social and administrative needs.28 They are for example typical of

    traffic contravention, infractions against the price legislation (act of December

    1986), against tax legislation, etc. The creation of such delicts by the legislator is

    a symptom of the power of the law as well as an indicator of the non-static

    relationship between crime and social order. Social order can define crimes, but

    28Gaston Stephani, Georges Laevasseur, Bernard Bouloc, Droit Pnal Gnnral (Paris: Dalloz, 1996)


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    in the present cases the definition of crimes is also having an impact on what one

    perceives the social order to be.

    Furthermore the legislator has to take into account collective opinion:

    his/her status is dependent on it. Crime is first a human reality, but it is also a

    social reality. The phenomenon of crime is an indicator of an antagonism

    between the individual and his/her society. As such, crimes create a social

    reaction against the individual. Some crimes are directly attacking or threatening

    society as a whole, threatening public order, the nation etc. Terrorist acts belong

    in that category. However when crime is only directed against one individual:

    murder, assault, robbery, etc. one can agree with Stephani et al., it is also a

    societal problem. There is a level of emotion, fear or feeling of insecurity, felt by

    the public opinion. These emotions, in several cases are greatly fed by the

    media and beyond the victim, the entire society feels wronged.29

    This social reaction, just like individual behavior and crime itself, varies

    with times and different economic circumstances. The question asked at this

    point is what definitions of crimes, and what social responses to crimes are

    reflected in the contemporary French penal system. For example, in the 70s, an

    increase in criminality, especially small delinquency, impressed the public opinion

    and developed a feeling of insecurity greatly reinforced by the media. It

    paralleled a time of high levels of unemployment. In this context the political and

    legislative power had to appear fighting both criminality and insecurity. The first

    consequence was to reinforce the rigor of the penal system but also to introduce

    in the penal law the Periode de Sret(or safety period), excluding the possibility

    of parole for certain crimes. In this case, an overly sensitized public opinion had

    a key role in the making of the law, defeating the initial purpose of a non-

    emotional, non-arbitrary codification.

    A second consequence of making of crime a legal abstraction is the

    opportunity for loopholes." In the legal conception of the criminal phenomena,

    crime only exists if it is included in the penal code. In order to be a crime, an act

    has to satisfy legal, moral and material criteria. If one of these conditions is


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    missing, there is, legally speaking, no crime. Consequently even if it is wronged

    by an act, society will not have any recourse until the legislator erects and

    defines the act as a crime. Society has no recourse if a person commits an

    antisocial act within he limits of legality or using one of the lacunae of the code.

    An old example provides a clear illustration of such paradox. Prior to an 1873

    law, one could order food or drinks in restaurants without paying because it was

    not yet characterized as theft. More seriously, and recently, crimes not yet

    defined by the legislator in the domain of telecommunications and high

    technologies, cannot be prosecuted. As these crimes grow faster than legislation

    that has to follow a burdensome process, the problems are obvious.

    Philosophy of Punishment

    The philosophy of the sanction found in the texts and adopted by many

    French legalists like J.M. Varrault and M. Cusson is that sanction is neither

    irrational nor is it unjustified:

    It is legitimate to want a Penal Code that is a glossary of clear and precisewarning. 30

    They put a crucial weight on the value of the sanction and on the certaintythat it is the key to reduce criminality. Their underlying assumption, which is also

    that of the present codification, is that sanctions serve a preventive function.

    Their premise is that criminals act rationally. According to their writings,

    The delinquent has the capacity to choose among the means andopportunities to satisfy his needs.31

    Sanctions also ensure a symbolic and moral function, fixing the wrong done tosociety. It repairs a torn society, it brings back confidence. "Varault, like

    Cusrson, repeats Fauconnets viewpoint in that the,

    29Ibid., p 9.30Maurice Cusson, Dlinquants, Pourquoi? (Paris: Armand Colin 1981, quoted by Jean-Marc Varaut, a

    Punition, Archives de Politique Criminelle, p 105.


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    Utility of the sanction is not so much in the action it exercises on criminalsbut on the action it exercises on society itself. Everything takes place in aspiritual domain: images are opposed to other images, emotions toemotions, forces to forces."32

    As a direct consequence of these premises, repression is on the actnot on the

    perpetrator. The purpose of the law is to protect the social order by repression

    of the act. Crimes and, by reverse logic, social order are defined. The definition

    of a crime implies the attribution of a penalty. In this way, a penalty is

    established for each offense.

    The negative or at least limiting impacts of such assumptions are multi-

    fold. Stephani et al. identify the first shortcoming of such premise by arguing thattaking into account only the act and its legal definition:

    There is a risk to punish the offender regardless of his/herpersonalityeither with too much rigor or with excessive leniency.33

    The code of procedure moderates some of those elements, but

    aberrations persist. For instance, in principle the act euthanasia for merciful

    reasons falls sunder the same qualification as a violent murder. The legal text onmurder does not establish a difference.34 In this perspective the criminal appears

    like an

    Animated dummy on whose back the judge sticks the number of aparagraph of the Penal Code, before the penitentiary administration sticksa second one which reads his cell number.35

    The issues raised from the reading of the law are whether or not social

    order is indeed protected by assigning a pre-set sanction to a determined crime.

    It seems on the contrary that what threatens the social order is not only the anti-

    31Ibid., p10632Fauconnet, La Responsabilit, (Paris: Alcan, 1928) p.227.33Stephani, .Droit Pnal Gnral . p1234Nouveau Code Pnal, art.222-1.


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    social act defined by the law as an offense, but it is more the individual whose

    action has revealed the anti-social nature. The Penal Law which in its conception

    solely deals with the offense and its matching sanction does not deal with the


    It comes down to an attack on the manifestations of evil not on itscauses.36

    Secondly, it presupposes that the criminal is free to make rational

    decisions. It does not take into account the social, economic and political

    circumstances affecting his/her decision. Interestingly, the Code does not totally

    ignore the human aspect of the crime and acknowledges certain cases of

    irresponsibility, like mental illness. However, it fails to incorporate new findings

    on criminology. It continues in its newest versions to privilege the traditional

    premise that a list of sanctions are that many warnings and serve a preventive

    function, in a realm, where criminals are mostly rational and can therefore

    logically weigh the penal consequence of their decisions. This distorted, and

    outdated perception, leads to strong elements of doubt regarding the codes

    efficacy in preventing crime.

    The Individual Protection

    On the second plate of the justice scales rests the procedure: the link

    between the offense and its sanction. The sophistication of the procedure is in

    the French regime, like in all systems, an indication of the degree of liberalism of

    regime. One can define penal liberalism as the acknowledgment of the individual

    opposed to state power, as an autonomous value, implying his respect and his

    dignity. Yet, once again, the positive study of the criminal procedure reveals a

    dichotomy between the fundamental principles of creating an effective protection

    of the individual and the legal evolution implemented to ensure their finality. The

    efforts to ensure the principle of legality and that of the presumption of innocence

    35Stehani, Droit Pnal Gnral, p 8.36Delmas, Archives de Politique Criminelle, p 4.


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    keep on meeting hurdles and, the 1994 reforms very obviously did not solve the

    issues. It is significant that three years after the latest reforms the Truche

    Commission felt that the situation needed once again to be remedied. What we

    see is a constant conflict between dogmatic principles on which France in

    general places its pride as a liberal democratic country, and the political desire to

    placate a population more and more sensitized to crime and security issues. The

    legislative evolution in criminal law reflects that uncertainty and tries to reconcile

    both. Under the influence of writers like Ancel emerges the conception that trial

    in search of the truth should be replaced by trials with more attention given to

    human rights and due process.37 However, most progressive attempts of

    reforms in that sense are usually aborted. If they live on, they most often only

    offer a change in terminology but fail to bring substantive changes to a criminal

    legislation which in many aspects has parted from its initial ideology of liberalism.

    This dichotomy appears in all aspects of the procedure: in the function of the

    judge and in the application of the principle of presumption of innocence.

    Principle of Legality / Function of the Judge

    The principle of legality was foremost in the underlying philosophy of 1791

    first Penal Code. In the spirit of the 1789 Declaration on the Rights of Man,

    Cesar Beccaria summarized the principles that were to be the foundation of the

    procedural system. In his words, every citizen should know what punishment he

    should endure.38 As a consequence, the function of the judge was conceived as

    being strictly distributive: qualification of an act, infliction of the pre-set sanction.

    This concept was revolutionary in 1791 and clearly parted from the Ancien

    Regimearbitrary procedures. The code of 1791 in this aspect was simple; most

    definitions were clear, leaving little power to the interpretation of the judge. 1810

    reincorporated this principle and provided that judges could only interpret the

    37 It is in this spirit, that in October of 1988, the Minister of Justice created a commission called Penal

    Justice and Human Rights.38Cesar Becarria, Trait des Dlits et des Peines (1794). Becarrias recommendations are: 1) the necessity

    to have written law; 2) the necessity of an accusatory procedure; 3) the abolishment of torture and of the

    death penalty: 4) fixed, and not arbitrary sanctions; 5) preventive anti-criminal measures.


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    laws on incrimination which means, to find their real meaning. The new penal

    code of 1994 reiterates the principle of strict interpretation."

    However if the dogmatic terminology is maintained the substance has

    been greatly eroded, giving increasing powers to the judge, in spite of a first

    legislative attempt in January of 1993. This law had proposed to create a fully

    integrated adversarial trial (with full possibility of cross examination) which would

    have lessened the powers of the judge to conduct questioning. It would also

    have allowed the defense to be on equal footing with the Accusation (the

    Parquet) in accordance with European legislation on Human Rights. However,

    after its enactment, critics abounded in saying that one could not lessen this way

    the role of the Ministre Public, since in theory it was only guided by the the

    superior interest of public order and the good of justice39. Attackers of the

    principle of cross examination insisted on the fact that cross examination greatly

    increases the length of a trial and therefore could only exist in countries where

    plea bargaining is an admitted practice. A new law enacted in August of the

    same year, reverted back to old methods of questioning and aborted the

    substance of the January law.

    More power is also given to the judge in correctional mater. The most

    recent reforms instate a single judge in correctional matters, parting with the

    collegiality rule, which had the merit to lessen the discretionary power of any

    single individual. This is especially true in a context where the conviction intime

    of the judge (intimate certainty) serves as a fundamental criterion.

    The function of the judge in assigning penalties is also the prey of a

    paradox. The incorporation of the individualization of the penalty40 is a double

    sided concept as it gives much more discretionary powers to the judge. As early

    as 1897, Raymond Saleilles evoked the necessity to individualize sanctions and

    to adapt them to the seriousness of the offense, its social impact and its real

    39Gabriel Roujou de Boube, La Procdure Pnale: Bilan des Reformes depuis 1993 (Paris: Dalloz , 1995

    p.134.40Theodore Papatheodorou, Pa Personnalisationdes Peines dans le Nouveau Code Pnal Francais,

    Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Pnal Compar, (Paris: Sirey, January-March 1997)


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    nature according to the personality of the offender.41 Subsequently, this principle

    was reinforced by Ancels movement on Social Defense, the expansion and

    impact of criminology in the 80s, and of course the preeminence of Human

    Rights issues in public lifes rhetoric in the last decade. Individualization of the

    penalty was used in practice but was not law. The New Penal Code has

    incorporated it as a norm and declares that

    Within the limits of the law the judge pronounces the penalties and definestheir modalities according to the circumstances of the offenses and thepersonality of the offender.42

    Individualization has become a technique of justice and equity susceptible

    to give to the act of judging a subjective dimension. It gives the judge the

    possibility to choose among the existing pre-defined penalties, which one is the

    most appropriate and efficient. It obviously increases the discretionary power of

    the judge and has paralleled the demise of the principle of extenuating

    circumstances. As a principle, extenuating circumstances are taken out of the

    law43. The judge is now sole responsible of the level of rigor he/she wants to

    incorporate in the sanction.

    Presumption of Innocence

    In virtue of constitutional Rights of 1789 and of the Declaration on the

    Rights of Man: every man is presumed innocent until declared guilty." This

    cornerstone of the French criminal Justice system is also the prey of a dichotomy

    between philosophy and legislative practice and of the balance between an

    apparent liberalism and authoritarian practice. This paradox appears during all

    the successive phases of the procedure, starting with the role of the police.

    The most flagrant example resides in the law of 1981 entitled Scurit et

    Libert (Safety and Liberty). As a result of increased feeling of insecurity in

    p.15.41Roujou de Boube, Bilan des Reformes, p.124.42Nouveau Code Pnal, art.132-2443Code de Procedure Criminelle


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    France due to a varietyof factors, but concentrated on immigration issues, the

    legislation enacted a law authorizing, among other things, arbitrary police checks

    of identification and working visas. It extended police practice outside the limits

    of judicial investigation, creating a huge political and social controversy centered

    on human rights issues. As a consequence the Conseil Constitutionneldeclared

    in1993 that the practice of generalized and discretionary control of identifications

    was incompatible with the respect of individual freedom. However a law of

    August 1993 circumvented the Conseil Constituitionnels decision and enacted

    that one could be controlled regardless of behavior, provided that sufficient

    guarantees were provided.44 Interestingly, the level of guarantee was not

    determined in the text of the law, which of course confirmed the discretionary

    power of the police in terms of arrests. Most of the controversy of that time

    focuses on the fact that looking like an immigrant (understanding an immigrant

    from North or Sub-Saharan Africa), was a presumption of guilt in itself.

    Further ambiguity on the principle of presumption of innocence is apparent

    during the phase of instruction (or pre-trial phase). Traditionally, the pre-trial

    phase has received the harshest criticism from Civil Right proponents. As a

    consequence, reforms and new legislation have attempted to promote a more

    liberal perspective insisting on the respect of individual rights. For example a

    1993 law has introduced the right for someone brought in custody to call family,

    to be seen by a doctor, to talk with a counsel, and to have, if needed, the service

    of an interpreter.

    However, most of the changes have focused on terminology and very little

    has happened on substance. It is clearly illustrated in the pre-trial detention.

    Prior to 1993, the Code of Procedure defined pre-trial detention as the

    inculpation or indictment of the person accused. The French world derives from

    the Latin word culpaor guilt, which created a biased confusion in the mind of the

    public opinion. The law of January 1993 attempted to remedy the problem by

    changing the terminology: inculpation became mise en examen or examining

    phase. People are thus reminded that indictment is not a condemnation. But it

    44Code de Procedure Criminelle art 78-2.


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    suffices to read art.80-1 of the code in its revision of August 1993 to see that the

    mise en examen continues to affect the presumption of innocence. The Juge

    dInstructionhas the power

    To indict anyone against whom exist clues leading to assume that he/shehas participated, as the author, or as an accomplice, to the fact for whichhe/she is apprehended.45

    The terminology change from inculpation to mise en examen is an illusion.

    Citizens and media still consider a person mise en examenas being inculpe.46

    Even, President Jacques Chirac in the traditional televised speech of July 14th,

    described the presumption of innocence as a

    Right that is daily disregarded in France. I am not talking aboutbusinesses, but also about people, small delinquents, or presumeddelinquents, who every day see their rights trampled, their life put upsidedown, and for things which in reality don t exist.47

    As a consequence the person indicted is likely to feel that the pre-trial detention

    is the beginning of penalty, objectively because of the detention, and subjectively

    because of the attack on his/her reputation. The problem lies not in the pre-trial

    detention in itself but the fact that it is often perceived and used as the beginning

    of the sanction or as a way to condition confession. This last aspect is even

    more crucial that French law does not disregard confession as evidence.

    The secret of instruction compounds this problem. The instruction is in

    principle secret in order to guaranty the independence of the decision to go to

    trial as well as to protect the reputation the person indicted should there be a


    Procedure during the preliminary investigation is secret. Any oneparticipating in the procedure is bound by professional secrecy.48

    45Boube, , p.40.



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    This complete secrecy is inconceivable in a modern society where media and

    communication are everywhere. The dilemma, present in all modern

    democracies lies between individual rights and freedom of the press. This

    impasse was embodied in the 1993 January law which reiterated both principles

    presumption of innocence but also freedom of the press, without offering a

    solution. The TrucheCommission and the rapport presented at the beginning of

    this month (July 1997) try to regulate some publicity surrounding trials. However,

    in spite of its ambitious title of Justice and Presumption of Innocence it does not

    go very far in changing the existing application. Most instructions are not

    secrets, attacking that much more the true meaning of presumption of innocence.

    These few examples illustrate how ambiguous the French penal law is. Its

    rhetoric and terminology are liberal, but its interpretation does not hide persisting

    elements of authoritarianism. The system vacillates between the two, and

    reveals intrinsic conflicts in its very formulation. This partly explains the crucial

    crisis the penal regime is facing now. An analysis of the causes of this crisis is

    the task at stake in the final section of this overview.


    The crisis of the French system is symptomatic of the ongoing

    contradiction of providing old responses to new challenges. The judicial system

    is not the only victim of that approach. The political and economic organization

    seems to follow the same path. As Alain-Gerard Slama clearly puts it, Our old

    French culture staggers under the attacks of globalization.49

    It is unfortunate that French society as a whole seems to hang on to that

    old culture." There is in the country a strong resistance to adaptation. Instead

    of transforming itself, the French society prefers to change its government or the

    content of its laws. The latest elections are an illustration of such behavior. In

    this manner, people put all their faith in a national system which in European and

    48Code de Procedure Criminelle49Alain-Gerad slama, le Besoin de Justice. le Figaro Magazine June 27, 1997, p 5.


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    international terms can no longer be the paternalistic entity the French

    Republican tradition had built. As a result, French society keeps on being

    disappointed and expresses it in times of elections, but keeps on reproducing a

    politico-judicial system that carries its own obsolescence. Thus, among all the

    problems facing French society, that of the justice system is by far the most

    fundamental. Exogenous and endogenous challenges put the French penal

    system under attack. Its inadequacy in facing either of them perpetuates its


    The international political economy is moving towards a widening

    interdependence. Crime is not exempt from globalization: terrorists, drug cartels

    and money launderers work transnationally. Paradoxically, the French penal

    system reflects an outdated nationalistic conception of justice. The 1810 Code

    was written in time of national construction, but the context is definitely different

    at end of the 1990s. Yet, the latest revisions do not seem to take into account

    the European construction or the development of extra penal sanctions. It is

    regrettable that a codification for the 21stcentury should be conceived on a 19 th

    century model.

    A code can no longer be built like an isolated monument but should be

    conceived as part of a whole, enlarged to other punitive disciplines andsubject to extra national references50

    Indeed, the special part of the penal code does not include any specific

    references to Europe. Even more surprisingly, it was being voted at the

    Parliament at the very same time that the Maastricht Treaty negotiations were

    taking place. It was just as if the Parliament was having problems thinking of

    Europe in a legal perspective. Similarly, in the General Part of the code, the

    Universal Jurisdiction principle is limited to the protection of national interests,while several countries including England have extended the application of the

    principle to the protection of the Unions finances. Germany, Italy, and Portugal

    have also introduced in their criminal law, specific dispositions regarding financial

    50Ibid., .p.6.


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    frauds affecting the interest of the community. It is the more regrettable that it is

    bound to lead to conflicts, as several supranational norms are part of French law

    in virtue of the direct applicability of the European Convention.

    Globalization has also put the nation-state under attack. The weakening

    of the state is leading to the increasing strengthening of inner circles where social

    relationships still work. Allegiance to the nation-state is being replaced by

    allegiance to ethnic or religious communities or to street gangs in some cases.

    The old universalism, on which republican law was based, is heading toward a

    progression of particularism.

    1810 reflects a rural France, attached to traditional values, like the

    legitimate family and a rigid sense of morality. Today on the contrary,France is an industrialized country with different values, where groups ofindividuals have taken considerable importance51

    The new Code does not take into consideration those particularities." It

    carries on in its redaction and in its procedure a conception of justice which only

    knows of the individual what he/she does, not who he/she is. The system is still

    under the myth of equality in front of the law, while in practice, in judicial and

    police investigation, during pre-trial detention, and in the sentencing phase, it

    constantly has to answer to a society which is no longer homogenous.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union has also put the traditional Cold War

    democracies under scrutiny. Without the Soviet danger, liberal societies are

    increasingly questioning the huge power given to the executive branch by the

    judicial and legislative authorities. In France, a recent survey shows that 82% of

    the population accused the justice system of being too dependent on the political


    This leads to a second level of contradiction bringing in endogenous

    factors. The nation-state is weaker internationally, but on an internal level, there

    is an increase of the role of State in public affairs. As a consequence, citizens

    51Revue Pnitentiaire et de Droit Penal. p 118.52Figaro, p 7


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    expect an increased protection from the State, and its institutions. If the system

    fails to ensure this protection, they blame the group in charge and replace it. As

    a consequence the leaders and elected officials are tempted to multiply the rules,

    norms and codes devoted to the protection of their own function. This explains

    the waves of penal reforms that France is enduring. The core of the problems of

    reforms is that they are designed and enacted by the legislator, not by the judicial

    system, which in theory is independent. Consequently, the reforms reflect the

    public opinion and the need to satisfy it immediately. Legislators have to placate

    a public opinion, on which it depends. It leads to an ongoing political malaise as

    the same opinion is tired of the political system as it is, and mistrusts the justice

    system. The constant reforms are actually in a lot of ways defeating their

    purpose. The law has started to appear like a fluctuating element, a politicized

    caricature of what it should be. About a recent reform, Pierre Chanbon (counsel

    for the Appeal Court in Versailles) was making a statement which perfectly

    reflects the ongoing climate:

    Justice, which is a serious thing, should not be changed every six monthsby the legislation. The new law is unlikely to change any of my positions,since in that domain laws are lasting no longer than roses.53

    As a result, the reforms themselves are not trusted, and there is increased

    dissatisfaction in the criminal system. Simultaneously and in spite, or perhaps

    because, of its lack of efficiency there is an increasing demand for justice,

    bringing on yet another level of contradiction. The French society is increasingly

    becoming a place where law has been rendered commonplace. There is an

    intensification of an American like judiciarization of the social exchanges: every

    social relationship tends to become a legal one and justice has started to

    encompass moral. Law has become omnipresent under the pressure of a social

    demand increasingly insecure and impatient. The ongoing trial against

    corruption, privileges, political scandals, and malpractices cannot be interpreted

    53Boube, Procedure Penale, p62.


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    as a maturing of the system. For Antoine Garapon these excesses show the

    symptom of a decline in responsibility and an increase of intolerance.54

    The growing need for justice overloads the system, which creates anger,

    frustration, and exacerbates social tensions. It is further heightened by the gap

    existing between the instantaneousness of the information given by the media

    and the length of the procedure.

    It is obvious that presently in France, the increased need for justice does

    not represent a sign of progress but a regression of the idea of justice. However,

    justice is not sick in itself, the law is. The constant reforms and revisions cannot

    hide the contradictions of an outdated system trying to solve modern issues.

    54Antoine Garapon, Le Droit, Mal Aim de Notre Histoire, Figaro Magazine, June 1997, p.13.


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    All the sources used for these articles are in French. The author is responsiblefor the translation.


    Centre de Recherches de Politique Criminelle. Archives de Politique Criminelle.Paris: Pedone, 1994.

    Dahl, Henry. Dictionnaire Juridique. Paris: Dalloz, 1995.

    Delmas-Marty, Mireille. Les Grands Systemes de Politique Criminelle. Paris:PUF, 1992.

    Delmas-Marty, Mireille, ed. Nouveau Code Pnal. Paris: Sirey, 1995.

    Delmas-Marty, Mireille, ed. Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit PnalCompar. Paris: Sirey, 1997.

    Favard, Jean. Les Prisons. Paris: Flammarion,1994.

    Foucault, Michel. Surveiller et Punir. Paris: Gallimard 1975.

    Gassin, Raymond. Criminologie. Paris: Dalloz, 1994.

    Mhaignerie, Pierre, ed. Le Nouveau Code Pnal: Enjeux et Perspectives.Paris: Dalloz, 1994.

    Pradel, Jean. Droit Pnal Compar. Paris: Dalloz, 1995.

    Revue Penitentiaire et de Droit Pnal. Paris: Cujas, 1993.

    Roujou de Boube, Gabriel. La Procdure Pnale: Bilan des Rformes depuis1993. Paris: Dalloz, 1995.

    Stephani, Gaston, Levasseur, Georges and Bouloc, Bernard. Droit PnalGnral. Paris: Dalloz, 1997.

    Stephani et al. Procdure Pnale. Parisi: Dalloz, 1996.

    Tulkens, Francois and Beernaert, Marie-Aude. Code Pnal. Brussels: Bruylant,1995.


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    Garapon, Antoine. Le Droit: Mal Aim de Notre Histoire. (June 1997): 13-15.

    Slama, Alain-Gerard. Le Besoin de Justice. Figaro Magazine (June 1997): 5-7.