learningtospeakfrench.wordpress.com FRENCH VOCAB 2014 Table of Contents LIST OF REFLEXIVE VERBS ................................................................................................................ 2 TIME REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 3 HOBBIES/LES HOBBYS/PASSE-TEMPS ............................................................................................ 4 TRANSLATING: BECAUSE................................................................................................................... 5 DEBATING, EXPRESSING OPINIONS AND ARGUING: DÉBATTRE ................................................ 6 EMOTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 10 MEANINGS OF ALORS QUE .............................................................................................................. 11 QUANTITIES (GENERAL) ................................................................................................................... 12 QUANTITIES (SHOPPING/FOOD/DRINK) .......................................................................................... 14 TRANSLATING TO VIST/TO STAY ..................................................................................................... 15 TRANSLATING TO BRING & TO TAKE ............................................................................................. 16 USING PASSER ................................................................................................................................... 17 USING FALLOIR (TO HAVE TO) – [VS DEVOIR]............................................................................... 19 ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH ................................................................................................................ 22 PRONOUNCING PLUS ........................................................................................................................ 27 FRENCH SLANG EXPRESSIONS....................................................................................................... 29 TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER IN FRENCH ................................................................................ 32 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: CONDUIRE VS.ROULER (TO DRIVE) .................................... 33 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: ÉCRIRE VS. RÉDIGER (TO WRITE) ....................................... 34 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: NAGER VS. SE BAIGNER (TO SWIM) .................................... 35 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: SEMBLER VS. PARAÎTRE (TO SEEM/APPEAR).................. 36 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: VENIR VS. ARRIVER (TO COME/ARRIVE) ........................... 37 TRANSLATING : EARLY, LATE & ON TIME ...................................................................................... 38

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Table of Contents LIST OF REFLEXIVE VERBS ................................................................................................................ 2

TIME REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 3

HOBBIES/LES HOBBYS/PASSE-TEMPS ............................................................................................ 4

TRANSLATING: BECAUSE................................................................................................................... 5

DEBATING, EXPRESSING OPINIONS AND ARGUING: DÉBATTRE ................................................ 6

EMOTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 10

MEANINGS OF ALORS QUE .............................................................................................................. 11

QUANTITIES (GENERAL) ................................................................................................................... 12

QUANTITIES (SHOPPING/FOOD/DRINK) .......................................................................................... 14

TRANSLATING TO VIST/TO STAY ..................................................................................................... 15

TRANSLATING TO BRING & TO TAKE ............................................................................................. 16

USING PASSER ................................................................................................................................... 17

USING FALLOIR (TO HAVE TO) – [VS DEVOIR]............................................................................... 19

ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH ................................................................................................................ 22

PRONOUNCING PLUS ........................................................................................................................ 27

FRENCH SLANG EXPRESSIONS ....................................................................................................... 29

TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER IN FRENCH ................................................................................ 32

COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: CONDUIRE VS.ROULER (TO DRIVE) .................................... 33

COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: ÉCRIRE VS. RÉDIGER (TO WRITE) ....................................... 34

COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: NAGER VS. SE BAIGNER (TO SWIM) .................................... 35



TRANSLATING : EARLY, LATE & ON TIME ...................................................................................... 38

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s’adorer to adore something

s’aimer to love something

s’apercevoir to see something

s’appeler to be named

s’attendre à to wait for

s’écrire to write to someone

s’eloigner to move oneself away

s’embrasser to kiss someone

s’en aller to go away

s’endormir to fall asleep

s’énerver to be annoyed

s’ennuyer to be bored

s’enrhumer to get a cold

s'entendre to get along

s’habiller/se déshabiller

to get dressed/undressed

s’habituer a to get used to

s’habituer à to get used to

s’imaginer to imagine

s’installer to settle in

s’intéresser à to be interested in

s'aimer to love each other

s'amuser to have fun

s'appeler to be called

s'arrêter to stop

s'asseoir to sit down

se baigner to bathe

se brosser to brush

se coiffer to fix one’s hair

se comprendre to understand someone

se connaître to know each other

se coucher to go to bed

se coucher to go to bed

se couper to cut oneself

se demander to wonder

se dépêcher to hurry

se détester to hate each other

se dire speak to each other

se disputer to argue

se doubter to suspect

se fâcher to get angry

se fatiguer to tire

se fier/se méfier to trust/to distrust

se figurer to imagine, picture

se laver to wash oneself

se lever to get up

se maquiller to apply makeup

se marier to get married

se mettre à to begin to

se moquer to make fun of

se moucher to blow one’s nose

se noyer to drown

se parler to talk to each other

se passer to happen

se peigner to comb

se perdre to get lost

se plaindre to complain

se promener to take a walk

se promettre to promise someone

se quitter to leave each other

se raser to shave

se refuser de to deny oneself

se regarder to look at each other

se rencontre to meet someone

se rendre à to go to

se rendre compte de

to realise

se reposer to rest

se retrouver to meet each other

se réveiller to wake up

se rêver to dream

se sentir to feel

se servir to make use of

se soûler to get drunk

se sourire to smile at someone

se souvenir de to remember

se taire to be quiet

se téléphoner to phone someone

se tromper to be mistaken

se trouver to be (situated)

se trouver to be located

se voir to see each other

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En ce moment at this time

Avant before

Quand j'étais plus jeune when I was younger

Aujourd'hui today

Hier yesterday

Demain tomorrrow

ils avant-hier day before yesterday`

après-demain day after tomorrow

Maintenant right now

Auparavant beforehand

A l’heure actuelle at present

Par le passé historically

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est passionné de bandes dessinées comics

s’intéresse à la photographie photograph

apprend des langue learn languages

ne fait jamais la grasse matinée lie-ins

fait des arts martiaux martial arts

adore jardiner gardening

va souvent en boîte go to (night)clubs

écrit write

sort avec des amis tous les week-ends go out with friends

s’intéresse à l’astrologie astrology

faire de la randonnes

jouer du piano/etudier le piano/je etudie du piano play/listen to (the) piano

le chasse hunting

au/à la = games or sports (teams) Du/de la = something you can do alone To play…


























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French has three ways to say BECAUSE.


ONLY used mid-sentence

Usually used in formal, written French

E.g. La réunion fut annulée car le président est malade (The meeting was cancelled cause the chairman is sick)


used mid-sentence; or

can start a sentence

E.g. Parce qu'il n'a pas d'argent, il ne peut pas venir.(Because he doesn't have any money, he can't come)


means since or because

can begin a sentence or be used mid-sentence

gives an obvious explanation or justification, rather than a cause

E.g. Puisque c'était son erreur, il m'a aidé (Since it was his mistake, he helped me)

COMME also means since


means “as a result of”/because of/due to

à cause de

blames someone or something for a negative situation

when the DE is followed by a definite article LE OR LES, the is a contraction to DE/DES

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HEALTH WARNING: expressing negative beliefs with QUE = need to use subjonctif


Giving your opinion

D’après moi In my opinion

Selon moi

à mon avis

il semble que + subjonctif It seems that

Bien sûr que It’s certainly the case that

Il faut que + subjonctif It’s necessary that

On dit que It is said that

Je trouve que I find that

Je crois que I believe that

Je pense que I think that

Oui, moi aussi Yes, me too

Non, moi non plus I don’t agree/Me neither

Indicatif + subjunctive

Je ne crois pas…

Il faut que

Il semble que E.g.

Je crois que les tatouages sont intéressants

Je ne crois pas que les tatouages soient intéressants

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Disagreement: sentence starters

On sait que Everyone knows that

Ent tant que As a, (in my capacity as)

D’ailleurs (PRON: “dyer”) By the way

C’est à dire que That is to say…

Par rapport à Regarding…

En effect.. As a matter of fact, actually

Car Because (only used mid-sentence)

Parce-que Because (at start or mid-setence)

Je ne partage pas l’avis de I don’t share the point of view of…

Il est vrai que…., mais It’s true that…, but…

Par contre On the other hand

Par consequent Consequently

Vouz avez tort/raison You are wrong/right

Bien que + subjonctif Even though

Alors que + indicatif Whereas/Just when/as/Although

Tandis que Whereas/while

Il s’agit de It’s a question of…

Vous devriez + cond You should

Il est nécessaire que + subj. It’s necessary that

Il faut que + subj. It’s necessary that

Il faudrait que + subj. It would be necessary that

Il est primordial que + subj. It’s of overriding importance that

Il serait bien que + subj It would be good that

Vous pourriez… You could (vous)

Tu pourrais You could (tu)

Sentence openers

en effet













De plus


En outre

Non seulement… mais encore Alternative

Ou/Ou bien

D’un côté… de l’autre But


De peur de + infinitif

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En effet


Parce que


Etant donné que

Grâce à Compare


De même que

Ainsi que / Concession


Alors que

Tandis que

Même si

Toutefois Conclusion

En conclusion

Pour conclure


En résumé

En un mot

Finalement / Enfin Condition



Sans doute Conséq



Par conséquent

C’est pourquoi

De façon que Timings


Tout d’abord

En premier/2ème, 3éme lieu

En dernier lieu





De plus


Pour conclure





Par exemple

Entre autre

En particulier Liaison


En fait (in realtà)

En effet Opposition



En revanche


Par contre

Tandis que

Au contraire /Au lieu de

Malgre tout





Avant que

Après qu

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apprécier que to appreciate that j’apprécie que

avoir honte que to be ashamed that j’ai honte que

il est honteux que it is shameful that

avoir peur que* to be afraid that j’ai peur que

craindre que* to fear that je crains que

déplorer que to deplore that je déplore que

être content que to be happy that je suis content que

être désolé que to be sorry that

être étonné que to be amazed that

être heureux/heureuse que to be happy that

être surpris que to be surprised that

être triste que to be sad that

il est bizarre que it is odd that

il est bon que it is good that

il est dommage que it is too bad that

il est étonnant que it is amazing that

il est étrange que it is strange that

il est heureux que it is fortunate that

il est inutile que it is useless that

il est rare que it is rare that

il est regrettable que it is regrettable that

il est surprenant que it is surprising that

il est utile que it is useful that

redouter que* to dread that

regretter que to regret that

se réjouir que to be delighted that je me suis réjouis que

*These verbs are followed by the ne explétif: Je crains qu’il ne parte. I’m afraid he’ll leave.

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Bof !

Ça m’est égal!

C’est scandaleux!

C’est dégoûtant !


C’est atroce!

C’est génial

C’est nul !

C’est inadmissible!

C’est super!

C’est choquant!


C’est lamentable!

Je ne supporte pas ça!

Quelle horreur!

C’est complètement débile!

Ça me laisse indifférent!


Je détester que

J’adore que


Je préfère

Quand je m’ennuie = when I’m bored

Ça ne m’interesse = it doesn’t interest me

Je suis pour (+ object/subject) = I’m for…

Je suis triste (la tristesse) = I’m sad (sadness)

Le surprise

La joie = joy

Le regret

La peur = fear

Le dégout = dislike/disgust

Le souhait = the wish

Le désir = desire

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MEANINGS OF ALORS QUE 'Alors que' in French has many different meanings: I. 'CONJONCTION DE TEMPS

meaning juste au moment où ) = just when

meaning au moment où ) = as / ( meaning pendant que ) = while / whilst Examples

alors qu'il montait dans le bus, ... As he was getting onto the bus, .

alors qu'il effectuait son doctorat , ... : while doing his PhD II. CONJUNCTION DE CONTRASTE, D'OPPOSITION

tandis que = whereas / while Example

Elle est brune alors que sa soeur est blonde.


Synonym: bien que

although /though Example

Nos ventes globales ont baissé de 3% alors que nos ventes à l'export ont elles progressé de 7.

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BEAUCOUP + DE/D' + NOM + nom masc/fém (singl/pluriel)

Table of adverbs

assez (de) quite, fairly, enough

autant (de) as much, as many

beaucoup (de) a lot, many

bien de* quite a few

combien (de) how many, much

davantage/plus (de) more

encore de* more

environ around, approx

la majorité de* the majority of

la minorité de* the minority of

moins (de) less, fewer

un nombre de a number of

pas mal de quite a few

(un) peu (de) few, little, not very

la plupart de* most

plus (de) more

une quantité de a lot of

seulement only

si so

tant (de) so much, so many

tellement so

très very

trop (de) too much, too many




beaucoup de soupe

plus de jambon

assez d'oranges

Adverbs of quantity (except très) are followed by de + noun. When this happens, the noun

usually does not have an article in front of it (as above).



1. The starred adverbs in the table above are always followed by the definite article.

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2. When the noun after de refers to specific people or things, the definite article is used and contracts

with de.


Beaucoup des problèmes sont graves - A lot of the problems are serious.

- Specific problems, not general problems.

Peu des étudiants de Thierry sont ici - Few of Thierry's students are here.

- there's a specific group of students, not students in general.

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RIGHT: un kilo(gramme) de pommes

WRONG : un kilo des pommes

une assiette de plate of

une boîte de can, box, tin

une bouteille de bottle

une cannette de a drinks can

un carton de box

un côtlette de porc pork cutlette

une cuillère à soupe de tablespoon

un cuillère de (cwuyear) spoon of

une douzaine de a dozen

50 grammer de 50 grams of

une cuillère à thé de teaspoon

un kilogramme de kg

un kilo de kilogram

un litre de liter

une livre de pound

un monreau de a piece of

un paquet de a bag/packet of

un pichet de a pinch of

un plat de dish/platter

un pot de jar, cup

un rôti de bœuf a joint of beef

un pouce inch

une tablette de chocolat chocolate bar

une tasse de cup

un tranche de a slice of

un verre de glass

Voilà !

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French English Auxiliary Passé composée When used ?

se passer to go by Etre Passé(e)s Les vacances se sont passés sans problem

passer to spend/stay (time)

Avoir Passé E.g. nous allons passer deux semaines en France (We're going to spend two weeks in France)

rester to stay Etre Resté(e) Je suis resté

aller voir to stay with Etre Je suis allé(e) voir des amis/chez des amis

séjourner to stay PLACE, e.g. hotel/resort

Un séjour = a stay (e.g bon séjour !)

visiter to visit Avoir J’ai visité THINGS: Visting monuments/churches

une visite a visit PLACE

une visite guidée

guided tour PLACE: La visite du musée dure 15 minutes. (The museum visit lasts 15 minutes.)

un séjour a visit PERSON: Son séjour chez nous durera 3 jours (your visit at our’s will last 3 days)

rendre visite to visit Avoir J’ai rendu visité PEOPLE : Visiting friends - Je rends visite à Anne

PLACES : Je me suis rendu à la bibliothèque"

aller voir to visit Etre Je suis allé(e) voir…

PEOPLE: Je suis allé(e) voir des amis/chez des amis

aller à to go Etre Je suis allé(e) TOWNS, PLACES

futur proche going to go Etre Je vais aller

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In French there are two words.


APPORTER FOR OBJECTS (things that are carried)


J’ai amené mon frère à la fête. I brought my brother to the party.

J’ai apporté mon livre à la fête. I brought my book to the party.


EMPORTER FOR OBJECTS (things that are carried)



J'ai emmené mon frère à la fête. I took my brother to the party.

J'ai emporté mon livre à la fête. I took my book to the party.

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to pass by

to go to do something

to come to do something

to pass/cross/go through something

to spend time

se passer: to take place

NOTE: may be conjugated with avoir or être in the compound tenses, depending on whether it is transitive (has a direct object) or intransitive.

Transitive vs Intransitive

The difference is in the object (noun following the verb).

If there is no object / a preposition separates the verb and object, the verb is intransitive (e.g. Je suis passé devant la porte).

If there's no preposition, it's transitive (e.g. J'ai passé la porte).


When & how ?

With no direct object, passer means "to pass,"

requires être in the compound tenses.


Le train va passer dans cinq minutes Nous sommes passés devant la porte à midi


As a time reference “passer” means "to spend":


Nous allons passer deux semaines en France J'ai passé trois mois sur ce livre


When & how

This is the meaning when PASSER is followed by an infinitive.


Je vais passer te voir demain Pouvez-vous passer acheter du pain?


When & how

When passer is transitive (i.e. has a direct object), it means "to pass/cross/go through"

requires avoir in the compound tenses.


On doit passer la rivière avant le coucher du soleil

Il a déjà passé la porte = He has already gone through the door

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"to take place"

"to happen"

"to go by" (referencing time)

Qu'est-ce qui se passe? = What's going on?

Tout s'est bien passé = Everything went smoothly

Deux jours se sont passés = Two days went by

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Why is this verb important?

Having previously (briefly) studied the subjunctive via learning the phrase “il faut que…” (it’s necessary that…) we have taken a step back and been studying “il faut + infinitive). This confused me.

Lesson: to avoid using the subjunctive but

What does “FALLOIR” mean?

to have to

to (strongly) need to

How is it used?

only used in the third person singular: IL FAUT

followed by an infinitive, the subjunctive, or a noun

When followed by an infinitive or noun, it may be used with an indirect object pronoun to indicate who or what needs whatever comes next

o e.g. "il me faut écouter plus souvent à la français"

Il faut + infinitive = it’s necessary…

Il faut que + subjunctive = It must be done o e.g. "Il faut que j’y aille moi maintenant!" (I need to be going myself now (aller

in subjunctive for je)

The difference between FALLOIR and DEVOIR

Both mean “to have to”/“must” but FALLOIR is stronger than DEVOIR.

Je dois… Nous devons… J’ai dû… (passé composé)

Tu dois… Vous devez…

Il/On doit… Ils doivent…

NB. DEVOIR + à can also mean to owe (e.g. Je dois de l’argent à John = I owe John some money)

Avoid using “devoir” where the necessity involves money because that will cause confusion with the translation “to owe”, e.g. use “ll te faut de l’argent/tu as besoin d’argent” to say “you need money”

Alternatives are “être necessaire” or “avoir besoin” to suggest “need to”

To sound more French, use FALLOIR

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Each sentence belows conveys «I have to/need to go to the bank»

Je dois aller à la banque (devoir)

Il faut que j'aille à la banque (subjunctive)

Il me faut aller à la banque (infinitive)


Present tense: il faut

Conditional: Il faudrait

Imperfect: il fallait

Future: il faudra

Passé composée il a fallut


INFINITIVE: Il faut partir = It's necessary to leave

Il faut manger = It's necessary to eat

Il nous faut manger = We have to eat

SUBJUNCTIVE: Il faut que nous partions = We have to leave

NOUN: Il faut de l'argent pour faire ça = It's necessary to have money to do that

Il faut une voiture = It's necessary to have a car

Il me faut une voiture = I need a car

Just to complicate it a bit more

Take this example: ‘Bonjour, vous savez déjà tout ce qu’il vous faudra?’, meaning ‘Good morning, do you know everything you want already?’ However, it literally means ‘do you already know what will be necessary to you?’

This is a good example of how common falloir is in everyday French

Expressions with Falloir

ce qu'il faut what is needed

Il a bien fallu ! I/We/They had to!

s'il le faut if (it's) necessary

Faudrait voir à voir (informal) Come on! Come off it!

Il faut ce qu'il faut (informal) You've got to do things right

Il va falloir que ça change That’s going to have to change.

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S'en falloir

Meaning: to be missing or short of something

i.e "this action did not occur because something was missing":

Tu as raté son appel, il s'en est fallu de 10 minutes = You missed his call by 10 minutes

Je n'ai pas perdu, mais il s'en est fallu de peu = I very nearly lost (I didn't lose, but it was close)

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exhaust fumes/emissions gaz d’échappement (m/pl) higher

harmful dangereux / mauvais

on foot à pied

pollution pollution (f)

reduction réduction (f)

to harm, damage endommager

harmful dangereux

unleaded sans plomb higher

noise / noisy bruit (m) / bruyant

environment l’environnement (m)

environmentally friendly bon pour l’environnement

environmentally unfriendly mauvais pour l’environnement

habit habitude (f)

to give up abandonner

to recycle recycler

le recyclage recycling

to save économiser

to stop arrêter

to try essayer

unhealthy malsain/e

balanced équilibré

breathing difficulties problèmes respiratoires (m/pl)

overdose surdose (m)

poverty pauvreté (f)

recycling recyclage (m)

smell odeur (f)

smoker’s cough toux de fumeur (f)

to compost rubbish faire du compost

to contribute to contribuer

to resist temptation résister à la tentation

to succumb to tempation succomber (à la tentation)

to separate/sort the rubbish trier

l'eau polluée polluted water

l'eau salée salt water

l'eau potable drinking water

consommer to consume

nos réserves our reserves

s'épuiser to become exhausted

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peu à peu little by little

l'effet de serre the greenhouse effect

las gaz a effet de serre greenhouse effect

la disparition de certaines espèces animales

the extinction of some animal species

devenir to become

l'atmosphère the atmosphere

les écosystèmes the ecosystem

(re)utiliser to (re)use

la terre the earth

inutilisable unusable

un geste a gesture

trier to separate/sort the rubbish

anodin trivial

ramasser to pick up

détruire to destroy (used for rubbish breaking down in landfill)

étouffer un oiseau to suffocate a bird

flotter to float

l’industrie pétrolière oil industry

limiter la distribution en invitant leurs clients à les réutiliser,

to limit distribution and encourage reuse

les interdire purement et simplement to purely/simply ban

les remplacé par des sacs en matières biodégradables

the replacement with biodegradable materials

La solution n’est-elle donc pas plutôt d’éduquer nos compatriotes au respect de l’environnement

the simple solution is to educate people to respect the environment

ramasser le sac qui s’envole/les déchets to pick up dropped bags/rubbish

l'énergie (nucléaire / solaire) energy (nuclear/solar)

une centrale nucléaire a nuclear power station

les déchets nucléaire nuclear waste

l'écologie ecology

une marée noire oil slick

la pluie acide acid rain

une bombe aérosol aerosol spray

l'essence sans plomb lead free petrol

la culture biologique organic farming

la protection protection

la chasse hunting

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les déchets nucléaires nuclear waste

les combustibles fossiles fossil fuels

les CFCs CFCs

les espèces menacées endangered species

des énergies douces safe energy sources

polluer to pollute

sauvegarder to safegard

protéger to protect

la fonte melting

les glaciers icebergs

pour protéger la monde to protect the world

la réchauffement de la planète global warming

la surpopulation de la planète overpopulation of the world

la déforestation deforestation

les déchets rubbish/waste

les panneaux solaires solar palnes

les éoliennes wind turbines

le trou dans la couche d’ozone the hole in the ozone layer

l’empriente carbone carbon footprint

nuire à to harm

préserver to preserve

le rechauffement de la terre global warming

le gaspillage wastage

un groupe de pression a pressure group

le monde the world

un arbre a tree

une feuille a leaf

un arbuste a bush

la nature nature

le climat climate

le réchauffement climatique global warming

l'écologie ecology

l'océan (m.) the ocean

la mer the sea

un lac a lake

un étang a pond

un glacier a glacier

fondre to melt

geler to freeze

une montagne a mountain

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une vallé, un val a valley

un fleuve a river

une rivière a river

l'herbe grass

une fleur a flower

la plage the beach

une légume a vegetable

organique organic

la forêt the forest

la marée the tide

le marais the marsh, swamp

le paysage the landscape

la campagne the countryside

réduire to reduce

réutiliser to reuse

recycler to recycle

le recyclage recycling

une ressource a resource

naturel/naturelle natural

renouvelable renewable

l'atmosphère (m.) the atmosphere

la pollution pollution

polluer to pollute

la couche d'ozone the ozone layer

l'eau (f.) water

un jardin a garden

une plante a plant

le sol the ground, soil

semer to plant, to sow

un nuage a cloud

une tempête a storm

gaspiller to waste

le monoxyde de carbone carbon monoxide

l'oxygène (f.) oxygen

vert/verte green

émettre to emit

le plastique plastic

le verre glass

le caoutchouc rubber

émettre to emit

produire produce

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Health related vocab on the environment

ill malade

low-fat allégé

non - alcoholic non alcoolisé

non-smoker non fumeur (m)

organic bio(logique)

smoker fumeur(m) / fumeuse (f)

stressed stressé

stressful stressant

to exercise, work out, practise s’entraîner / faire de l’exercice

to keep fit garder la forme

cold rhume (m)

cough toux (f)

dependent dépendant

drug addict drogué/e

drug advice centre centre des addictions (m)

drug(s) drogues (f/pl)

fast food fast-food (m)

fizzy drinks boissons sucrées (f/pl)

organic food nourriture bio (f)

Useful Expressions On devrait réutiliser nos sacs du marché; c'est meilleur pour l'environnement. We should reuse our bags from the market; it's better for the environment. Si on grimpe une montagne, le climat au sommet sera plus froid et il y aura moins d'oxygène. If one climbs a mountain, the climate at the top will be colder and there will be less oxygen. Un lac, un océan, une mer, un fleuve, et étang son tous des corps d'eau. A lake, an ocean, a sea, a river, and a pond are all bodies of water. Je pousse un jardin plein de légumes organiques. I am growing a garden full of organic vegetables. Le plastique n'est pas une ressource renouvelable, donc il faut éviter ce produit autant que possible. Plastic is not a renewable resource, so we must avoid this product as much as possible. Il faut que / Il ne faut pas que qu’on…

réduise les gaz à effet de serre

recycle plus

fait il covoiturage (car sharing)

utilise les énergies renouvelables

utilise les transports en communes

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Plus has different pronunciations, depending on how it's used.

je voudrais plus MORE

je (ne) voudrais plus de NO MORE


ne….plus que



W/O the "S" : ploO

With the "S" : plooS


POSITIVE USAGE: pronounce the "S"

means e.g. more, extra, additional

E.g. Je veux plus de beurre. = I want more butter. Il y aura plus de choix demain. = There will be additional choices tomorrow. J'ai plus de 1 000 livres.= I have more than 1,000 books.

NEGATIVE USAGE: don't pronounce the "S"

meaning "no more"

Ne ... plus

Ne is often omitted in spoken, informal French


Je ne le veux plus. = I don't want it any more. Je ne veux plus de beurre. = I don't want any more butter. Plus de beurre, merci.** = No more butter, thank you.

Expressions where plus is negative without ne, because there is no verb for ne to negate (normally at the beginning of a clause

Plus besoin (de) - (there's) no more need (to/of)

Plus de + noun - (there's) no more + noun

Plus maintenant - not any more, not any longer

Plus que + noun - (there are) only ___ more

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Non plus means "neither" or "not ... either"

Je n'aime pas les pommes non plus = I don't like apples either.

Je n'ai pas de montre. = I don't have a watch

Moi non plus ! = Me neither!

Ne ... plus que = "only" or "nothing more than"

Il n'y a plus que miettes.There are only crumbs (left). Y a-t-il des pommes ? = Are there any apples? - Plus qu'une.** = Only one.- - Ne ... pas plus means "no more than" (pretty much the same thing as ne ... plus que) Il n'y a pas plus de 3 médecins. There are no more than 3 doctors. - Puis-je emprunter un stylo ? - Je n'en ai pas plus d'un. - Can I borrow a pen? - I only have one.

Comparative/superlative adverb

Plus as a comparative or superlative adverb is the exception to the above rules. When the comparative or superlative plus is in the middle of a sentence, it is pronounced [ploo], unless it precedes a vowel, in which case the liaison causes it to be pronounced [plooz]. When plus is at the end of a sentence, as in the final example, it is pronounced [ploos].

Plus ... que or plus ... de indicates superiority in comparatives and can compare adjectives Je suis plus grand qu'elle. I'm taller than she is. adverbs Je cours plus vite qu'elle. I run faster than she does. nouns J'ai plus d'amis qu'elle. I have more friends than she does. verbs Je cours plus qu'elle. I run more than she does. Le plus or le plus de indicates superiority in superlatives and can compare adjectives Je suis le plus grand étudiant. I'm the tallest student. adverbs Je cours le plus vite. I run the fastest. nouns J'ai le plus d'amis. I have the most friends. verbs Je cours le plus. I run the most.

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Ca gaz? (Is it gassing?) How’s it going?

C’est pas terrible (It’s not terrible) It isn’t that great.

Et patati et patata (And blah, blah, blah,) When someone won’t stop talking.

Un froid de canard (A duck’s cold) It’s extremely cold outside.

Faire la grasse matinée (Doing the fat morning) Sleeping in.

Avoir une araignée au plafond (Having a spider on the ceiling)

The ceiling refers to a person’s head and means that he/she is a little odd but that it doesn’t bother anyone.

Rentrer bredouille (Returning bredouille) There’s no real translation for the word bredouille but it means returning empty-handed.

Tomber à pic (Falling at the peak) To arrive at just the right time.

Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre (Having eyes bigger than the stomach)

This refers to a person whose desire for food was larger than their stomach and they end up overeating or not being able to finish the food on their plate.

Mettre la charrue avant les bœufs (Placing the plow before the oxen)

This is similar to the phrase “Putting the cart before the horse” and has the same meaning.

Bête comme un chou (Dumb like a cabbage) Refers to a person who is dumb, similar to the expression “Dumber than a sack of hammers/rocks.”

Avoir le feu au derrière (Having fire on your behind)

To be in a hurry.

Donner sa langue au chat (To give one’s tongue to the cat)

To give up or to stop guessing.

Avoir d’autres chat à fouetter (Having other cats to whip)

Similar to “Having bigger fish to fry” meaning having other things to do.

Boire un coup/Prendre un verre (Drink a blow/Take a glass)

To have a drink.

Avoir le cafard (Having the cockroach) Feeling down or depressed.

Être dans de beaux draps (Being in nice sheets)

Being in a mess.

Dormir sur les deux oreilles (Sleeping on both ears)

Sleeping well, having restful sleep.

Vieux/Vieille comme Hérode (Old like Herod) Referring to King Herod in the Bible, this simply refers to a very elderly person.

À fond la caisse (At full throttle) To go real fast, especially in a vehicle.

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Pousser comme un champignon (Growing like a mushroom)

When something grows rapidly, usually in reference to children or to plants.

Bon vent! (Good wind!) Farewell

Quelle galère! (What a galley!) It’s a pain/It’s a real grind!

Tirer les vers du nez (Pulling the worms out of the nose)

Dragging something out of someone.

Avoir une faim de loup (Having a wolf’s hunger) To be famished.

La croix et la bannière Something that is difficult to achieve.

À tes souhaits! (To your wishes) Bless you!

Se mettre le doigt dans l’œil (To put your finger in your eye)

To be fooling oneself.

Le coup de foudre (The strike/bolt of lightning) Love at first sight.

Se faire du mouron (To do the ‘mouron’) To be worried sick.

C’est kif-kif (It’s ‘kif-kif’) It’s all the same.

Ne pas se moucher du coude (Not blowing your nose with your elbow)

To think highly of oneself.

La moutarde lui monte au nez (The mustard rises to his/her nose)

He/she is losing his/her temper.

Au nez et à la barbe (At the nose and at the beard)

Right under someone’s nose.

Il n’y a pas le feu (There’s no fire) Telling someone to slow down or to be patient.

Avoir un chat dans la gorge (Having a cat in the throat)

Unable to speak freely/having a frog in one’s throat.

Faire la pluie et le beau temps (Making rain and good weather)

Calling the shots.

Sourd comme un pot (Deaf like a pot) As deaf as a post.

Pleurer comme un madeleine (Crying like a ‘madeleine’)

To cry one’s eyes out.

Se regarder le nombril (To gaze at one’s navel) To be self-centered.

Il fait un temps de chien! (It a dog time!) It’s very bad weather!

Coincer le bulle (Trapping the bubble) Not doing anything, relaxing.

Par monts et par vaux On the move.

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Avoir les dents longues (Having long teeth) Being very ambitious.

Casser sa pipe (Breaking one’s pipe) Dying.

Tuer la poule aux œufs d’or trade long term benefits for immediate profits.

Avoir le nez creux (Having a hollow nose) Having good intuition.

Être un as (Being an ace) Being the best at something.

Boire du petit lait (Drinking little milk) To feel satisfied upon receiving compliments.

Pot aux roses (Pot of roses) A secret or a mystery.

À tombeau ouvert (At open tomb) Going way too fast.

Mettre le feu aux poudres Stirring up trouble.

S’ennuyer comme un rat mort Being very bored.

Clouer le bec (Nailing the beak) Silencing someone.

Garder son sang-froid (Keeping one’s blood


Remaining calm or maintaining self-control.

Avoir bon dos (Having good back) Being easy to blame.

Le roi n’est pas son cousin (The king is not

his/her cousin)

S/he is happier than a king.

Sucrer les fraises (Sweetening the strawberries) To have shaky hands (referring to the action of

sprinkling sugar on strawberries).

Il n’y a pas un chat (There isn’t a cat) The place is empty or there’s no one here.

Donner carte blanche (Giving the white card) Giving someone authority to do anything.

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Handy vocab

Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ? What’s the weather like today?

Le ciel est bas.. It’s overcast

Conjugated Weather Verbs

faire chaud/froid … il/cela/ça fait chaud/froid it’s hot/cold

neiger … il/cela/ça neige it snows/is snowing

pleuvoir … il/cela/ça pleut it rains/is raining

venter … il/cela/ça vente the wind is blowing

verglacer … il/cela/ça verglace there is black ice


cloud … m … nuage

cold … m/f … froid/e

cool … m/f … frais/fraîche

dew … f … rosée

drizzle … f … bruine

drought … f … sécheresse

fog … m … brouillard

frost … f … gelée

gust of wind … f … rafale de vent

iced … m/f … glacé/e

lightning … m … éclair

rain … f … pluie

rainbow … m … arc-en-ciel

scorching … m/f … caniculaire

snow … f … neige

storm … m/f … orage, tempête

sun … m … soleil

sunburn … m … coup de soleil

thunder … m … tonnerre

to be cold … ø … faire froid

to be hot … ø … faire chaud

to melt … ø … fondre

to rain … ø … pleuvoir

to sleet … ø … grésiller

to snow … ø … neiger

warm … m/f … chaud/e

weather … m … temps

weather report, forecast …

f … météo(rologie)

wind … m … vent

wind chill factor m … froid ressenti

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COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: CONDUIRE VS.ROULER (TO DRIVE) Conduire means "to drive," but only transitively, as in these examples: Je dois conduire ma sœur à l'école. I have to drive my sister to school. Qui va conduire le camion ? Who's going to drive the truck? When talking about driving intransitively, however, the verb you need is rouler: La voiture roulait sur l'accotement. The car was driving on the shoulder. Il roule à 120 km à l'heure. He's driving at 120 km per hour.

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COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: ÉCRIRE VS. RÉDIGER (TO WRITE) Écrire refers to the physical act of writing: Il m'a écrit une lettre. He wrote me a letter. Je vais écrire l'adresse. I'm going to write down the address. A more elegant verb that references the creative process rather than the physical act of writing is rédiger. While it is commonly translated by "to write," rédiger is more like "to compose": J'ai rédigé deux articles de journal ce matin. I wrote two newspaper articles this morning. Tu rédiges bien ! You write well! (You're a good writer!)

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COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS: NAGER VS. SE BAIGNER (TO SWIM) Nager simply means "to swim": Sais-tu nager ? Do you know how to swim? J'aime bien nager en mer. I really like swimming in the sea. Se baigner is less straightforward. While nager hints at a serious sort of activity, such as swimming laps, se baigner is more like "to play in the water," and is much more commonly used: Je vais me baigner cette après-midi. I'm going swimming this afternoon. Il aurait voulu qu'elle sache bien nager pour se baigner avec lui dans la mer. (Marguerite Duras, Un barrage contre le Pacifique) He would have preferred that she know how to swim in order to play in the sea with him. Conjugations: nager | baigner (but remember that se baigner is reflexive)

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Sembler means "to seem": Elle me semble fatiguée. She seems (looks) tired to me. Il nous semble trop compliqué. That seems too complicated to us. Paraître literally means "to appear." Impersonally, however, it is used far more than sembler to mean "it seems": Il paraît que oui. So it seems, That seems to be the case. Suzanne amène son copain, paraît-il. Suzanne is bringing her boyfriend, it seems.

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Venir means "to come": Qui vient à la fête ? Who's coming to the party? Venez avec moi. Come with me. When referring to someone or something that is coming (arriving) right now, the verb arriver is more idiomatic: Le voilà, le train arrive. There it is, the train's coming. J'arrive ! I'm coming, I'm on my way, I'll be right there!

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The expressions “to be late”, or “to be early” in French are fairly similar to English, but not direct translations.

To be late Uses the verb to be “être”, and the phrase “en retard” (“in lateness”).

Je suis en retard – I am late.

J’étais en retard – I was late.

To be early

Uses “être” and the phrase for early “en avance” (“in advance”).

Je suis en avance – I am early.

On time

The expression for “I’m on time” uses “être” also, with “à l’heure” (“at the hour”).

Je suis à l’heure – I’m on time.