FRIDAY 21st AUGUST 2020 Congratulaons! Winners at the WA State Ag School Sheep Handling Challenge at Katanning


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Congratulations! Winners at the WA State Ag School

Sheep Handling Challenge at Katanning

Dear College families

College Board

On Thursday 27th August the College

Board will be meeting for the Term 3

meeting. The College Board is a group

of elected parents, staff and students

to represent all members of our

College. The group volunteer their time to meet once a term

and may have to attend extraordinary meetings if required.

The functions of the College Board are covered by legislation

and include both approval and advisory roles. Some of the

matters our College Board undertake include making

decisions on fees and charges, book lists, sponsorship and

dress codes. The College Board makes these decisions with

the Principal who ensures the decisions adhere to legislative

and policy requirements. The Principal also seeks the advice

of College Board members so as to understand local

community views. The College Board does not intervene in

the control or management of the school. This is the role of

the Principal.

The Western Australian College of Agriculture – Narrogin

School Board members are:

Karen Agnew (Chairperson and parent representative)

Kristy Banner (Parent representative)

Natalie Beer (Parent representative)

Graeme Dawson (Parent representative)

Tim House (Parent representative)

Graeme Mason (Parent representative)

Michelle May (Parent representative)

Dane Tulley (Parent representative)

Frank Haydock (Staff representative)

Mark Pascoe (Staff representative)

Melissa Walker (Principal and Staff representative)

Mitchell Wray (Staff representative)

Tate Barrett (Student representative)

Harry Brown (Student representative)

Katelyn Lansdell (Student representative)

Lucy Ward (Student representative)

If you have any questions, queries or feedback that you

would like to discuss about the College Board (and the

College in general) please do not hesitate in contacting any of

the members.

Year 12 Events

The Year 12 students, in collaboration with College staff

members, are in the throes of organising a number of special

events to farewell the graduating class of 2020.

Year 12 Formal Dinner - On Wednesday 23rd September the

year 12 group are arranging a dinner as an occasion to enjoy

a meal together, thank the staff for their contribution to the

year 12 student’s education and to present some awards to

staff. The venue will be the Pingelly Recreation and Cultural

Centre. There will be no access to alcohol. The cost of $35 will

cover transportation and the meal. It will be taken from the

students’ residential activities account or billed to the day

students. Students will need to be on ‘Good Standing’ to


Year 12 Breakfast – On Friday 25th September the Year 12

students have been invited to a breakfast at 8:30am. This is

an opportunity for the staff to thank the Year 12 students for

their contribution to our College. The “Boots and Bling”

College Ball will then take place at the John Higgins Centre

from 6:15pm-10:30pm.

Year 12 Awards Ceremony – On Friday 30th October all Year

12 students and their families are invited to attend this very

special event where we reward excellence and acknowledge

endeavour demonstrated by our 2020 graduating students.

Invitations will be sent to all parents and special guests very


At all of these events it is to be noted that the College Code

of Conduct must be adhered to. The COVID-19 Phase 4

restrictions must also be met.

SDD & Student Free Day

Next Friday, 28th August, the College staff will be involved in a

number of Professional Learning sessions and planning

meetings. This day is a student free day and the College

residence will be closed for the weekend. I wish everyone a

great weekend connecting with their families and friends.

Please keep safe! I look forward to seeing everyone back at

the College happy, healthy and well on the morning of

Monday 31st August (residence is open Sunday for student


PRINCIPAL - Melissa Walker

Continued on next page

Open Day

The 2020 WACOA – Narrogin Open Day will be taking place

on Friday 18th September.

College staff are doing a considerable amount of planning to

put in place processes that meet the COVID-19 Phase 4

roadmap. Our focus is to ensure that we keep all our visitors

and our college staff and students safe and healthy. Some

things that we will ask our visitors to adhere to is:

The maximum number of people that can be in an

enclosed area: to maintain the 2m² social distancing


Follow the entry and exit instructions

Social distance with others by 1.5m at all times

Sanitise hands regularly.


The Premier has announced that Phase 4 of the WA COVID-19

roadmap will remain in place for another two months being

extended until Friday, 23rd October when a decision will be

made to move to Phase-5. At WACOA-Narrogin we will

continue to implement social distancing and hygiene

practices to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all our

students, parents, families, staff, friends, stakeholders and


New arrivals

A new breed of pig is on campus! This semester our students

will get the opportunity to taste the “Wagyu of pork”,

Berkshire, in our kitchen. We are looking forward to

experiencing a new taste of pork from the Berkshire pig

breed, even though we are becoming quite attached to our

six new residents.

Kind regards,


PRINCIPAL - Melissa Walker (Continued)

Hello everyone

I hope you are all having a lovely week

and keeping busy. We are now into the

middle of term 3 and really starting to

get moving.

Recently we had a social night with the

Hostel where all College students

attended. The night was a blast with Mrs Shotter and Mrs

Ward cooking pizzas, the night consisted of a giant ball soccer

game, chatting around the bonfire, music and a movie for

those who wanted to stay inside.

I have also been working with Mr Madson in the making of

the College’s new motorbike track, due to our old one being

out of use.

Year 11 students are soon attending their First Aid course

which takes place in Week 7.

The students are all working hard in trades to finish off

projects which will be showcased at the Ag College’s Open

Day on Friday 18th September, we hope to see you all there.

PREFECT - Austin Shotter


Term 3, Week 5

Lately all students in engineering

have been very busy designing and

fabricating their major projects and

to date some great project work is

being done by both the year 11 and 12 students.

The students are now beginning to prepare their projects for

the application of a painted finish to their project. It is

important that the students learn how to prepare surfaces

by grinding and cleaning for the successful application of

paint to a metal surface.

Once the projects have been painted the students then

check their work ready for final appraisal.

A number of students are now beginning to apply the initial

coat of primer to their projects, which looks fantastic.

Tim Abbott has done an excellent job in making a tandem

axle sheep feeder with load scales.

Mitchell Turner who has sound welding skills is making a

large hay bale pick up to be used on his parent’s farm.

Marcus Nalder is doing an excellent job in fabricating a single

axle trailer with a removable canopy.

TRADES - John Ryan



Hi everyone

During the weekend students

spent some time chilling out

around residence as well as a town

run into Narrogin. They enjoyed a

trip to MacDonald’s in Collie for

dinner on Saturday night. They

also enjoyed pancakes for

breakfast on Saturday prepared by Mrs Haydock and Mrs Gill.

Some students also assisted Mrs Haydock in making some

delicious match sticks and vegemite scrolls which all students

enjoyed for afternoon tea. It is so good seeing all the great

things coming out of our little residential kitchen.

During the week some Year 12 students enjoyed their

cooking class with Mrs Haydock. They cooked steak, chips,

roasted sweet potato and sticky date pudding for dessert.

We have our closed weekend coming up so remember to

have leave in as soon as possible. We do require leave for all

students to help us with staffing and return times are very

important. Students can return to boarding after 3pm on

Sunday 30th August.

Have a great weekend




A huge congratulations to the

students who attended the WA State

Ag School Sheep Handling Challenge

as part of the WA Sheep Expo & Ram

Sale at Katanning yesterday. We won

the team event.

When the students weren’t judging

they helped two studs;

Kolindale (Luke Ledwith) and Darijon (Richard Chadwick).

Thanks to them for providing the students with the


The results are below…

Merino Judging - (Individual Event)

Leah Hardingham - 63/100, 4th

Lachlan Bradshaw - 65/100, 3rd

Tate Barrett - 66/100, 2nd

Alika Gould - 67/100 1st

A big thank you to AWI for sponsorship and the Great

Southern Merino Association for organising the event.

The College congratulates and thanks Emily for her help

with the event and for her ongoing support of the students.



COLLEGE PHOTO DAY - Thursday 10th September

School photos will happen on Thursday 10th September. Staff and student group photos will be completed mid-morning and

then students will return to their normal programs.

Could parents please check that their son/daughter has all of their formal uniform including the correct shoes so we can have

all students looking fantastic -

grey shirt

maroon tie

maroon jumper

black pants

black polished boots/shoes.

Next Wednesday your son / daughter will be given an online ordering instruction slip and a unique student shootkey to take

home on the closed weekend - please ask your son / daughter for this.


MESSAGE FROM MSP Photography -

Class Photos/Portraits: Every Student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not.

• The school has chosen to use the online ordering system. Your child will be given an online ordering instruction slip and a

unique student shootkey.

• Log onto www.msp.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order.

• If you lose your shootkey the school reception will have a copy to quote back to you.

• The expiry date for online ordering is the 16.9.2020. Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee. You

can email your order request through to [email protected] or call our office on 08 9240 8000

Family Photos:

• Envelopes can be obtained from Administration.

• Family photos are taken before school.

• Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the Photographers on photo day.

• If you do not have the correct money we will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to school.

• Family photos cannot be ordered online.

• Once school has received photos, family photos will remain at reception for parents to collect.

Please Note: Individuals and Family Photos are not available to view online

CHAPLAIN’S CHAT - Sandie Blakiston (Mrs B)

Last week my (very long) article on India

ended with random pictures of trees,

well one tree to be specific, the Great

Banyan Tree. Unfortunately, the end of

the article, the last paragraph was missed

off, explaining the reason for the tree.

Today, that paragraph is included here

just to tie off last week’s story and the

meaning for the whole India theme.

‘With some students preparing to graduate, I wanted them to

think about the amazing things that are out there in the

world. To dream dreams, set goals, make plans and to believe

in themselves and to believe anything is possible. I reminded

them of the saying ‘Whether you think you can or you can’t,

you’re right.’

After the presentation some of the students came and

thanked me and were really moved by it all. Some said it was

amazing that the students in India were so grateful and yet

they had so little. Even in class, students have their notebook

and one pen. No desks or chairs, all sit on the floor, but no

complaints. Lots of food for thought. Thank you to everyone

for making it a great night.’

This weeks Chaplain’s Chat …… Never give up

Never give up Never ever give up

Dave Thomas was adopted at six weeks of age. When he was

five his adoptive mother died and his early years were spent

moving from state to state while his adoptive father looked

for work. He recalls being ashamed of not having a decent

pair of shoes to wear.

When Dave was 12 he convinced a restaurant manager that

he was 16, and got hired as a lunch-counter waiter for 25

cents an hour. His bosses were Frank and George, two

immigrants who started out as a dishwasher and a hotdog

seller. Frank once told Dave, “As long as you try you can

always work for me.”

Trying meant everything from working hard, to treating

customers politely. Once when Frank saw a waitress giving a

customer a rough time, he fired her on the spot and waited

on the table himself. The usual tip for waiters back then was

a dime, but Dave discovered that if he brought the food

quickly and was especially polite, he sometimes got a

quarter. He set a goal for himself – to see how many

customers he would wait on in one night. His record was


Today RD Thomas, better known as ‘Dave’, is founder and

senior chairman of Wendy’s International, Inc., a chain of

4,300 restaurants.

Imagine: a school dropout, wearing shoes that don’t fit,

working as a waiter – but he has a six-billion-dollar business

inside him.

Andrew Carnegie began working for $4 a month, and John D.

Rockefeller for $6 a week. The remarkable thing about

Abraham Lincoln is not that he was born in a log cabin, but

that he got out of it! It doesn’t matter where you start, it

matters where you finish. Don’t let anyone convince you that

you’re a failure because you don’t wear the right shoes or

have it all together right now. You need to look in the mirror

and declare, “There are good things inside of me just waiting

to be discovered.” Believe in yourself, and believe that with

hard work, you too can be all you were meant to be.





PROGRAM 2020/21

Main Roads are offering an Regional Engineering Associate

Traineeship Programme.

This offers an incredible opportunity for students to begin

a rewarding career with Main Roads, this also enables

potential students to stay in the local area.

This is a two year programme and applications

open 28 August and close 14 September.

Please click on the link below to give you more of an idea of the traineeship programme.



Farm - South Merredin

10000 acres broad acre cropping and merino sheep

Potential for full time employment

If interested contact - Kylie Noble 0432494424


Merino sheep farm east of Pingelly.

Currently seeking additional help on the farm to work alongside the caretaker who lives on the farm.

Looking for someone who would like to live-in or assist part-time and on weekends.

Happy to offer the position as an internship for work experience or as an employee with a paid position –

depending on the student’s suitability and experience.

Contact Summer Penton on 0408 831 261 or [email protected]

These positions and more are also available to view

on the College’s website page -

Click on “Current Students” and then

“Student Job Opportunities”



Baby & Year 1 photos for Graduation & Yearbook


College Yearbook Orders due by Friday 28th August

Year 12 Leavers USB Order Form

Due Friday 4th September

Leavers USB Order Form (included in this College Chronicle)

Due by Friday 4th September

College Ball Forms and payment due by

Friday 4th September

College Ball P & C Parent Dinner Meal order & payment due by

Friday 4th September








Narrogin Junior Basketball Association 20/21 Season registrations are here!

Starting 20th October 2020 with the Grand Final Date planned for the 27th March 2021.

Fees are $100 per player for the season and $55 approx. for umpire fees - to be confirmed once teams are selected.


WA College of Agriculture - Narrogin

216 Cooraminning Road NARROGIN WA 6312

P: 9881 9700 F: 9881 9754

College email: [email protected]

College Residential email: [email protected]

College Administration email: [email protected]

Website: www.narroginag.wa.edu.au

Facebook: @WACOANarrogin

Instagram: narroginagcollege



27 August College Board meeting - 10am

27 August CLOSED WEEKEND Students leave at lunchtime

30 August Students return after 3pm

31 August - 2 September Writing OLNA

31 August - 4 September Year 12 WPL

31 August - 25 September Reading & Numeracy OLNA

10 September College Photo Day

18 September OPEN DAY

25 September College Ball - END of TERM

The Term by Term Planner is regularly updated and can be viewed on the front page of the College

website by clicking on DOWNLOAD TERM PLANNER.

EGGS for sale

Eggs $3/dozen available from admin.

For large orders please contact the farm office -

9881 9726


Saturday | Sunday

22nd & 23rd August Joe Murnane | Colby Wisewould

Aiden Hine | Brooke Bentley

29th & 30th August CLOSED WEEKEND

5th & 6th September Liam Blechynden | Ben Coonz

Logan Corker | Thomas Carroll

12th & 13th September Elijah Barrett-Lennard | Zac Coxon

Yazmin Bulpitt | Sydnee Bolt

S:\AdminShared\Administration Staff\200 Community Relations\210 Special Events\210 Special Events\210.6 College Ball\2020\College Ball Information 2020.doc

WA College of Agriculture – Narrogin

COLLEGE BALL 2020 Preparations are well under way for the “Boots and Bling” themed 2020 College Ball to be held at the John Higgins Centre, Narrogin on Friday 25th September 2020. (COVID permitting). The cost of the ticket is $90.00 and included in the price is the venue hire, food and beverages, decorations, photographer, photo booth and DJ. The evening will commence with students and their partners arriving at the venue at 6.15pm to be formally met by the Principal, Stephen Watt before entering the ballroom. Ball cars are able to access the driveway close to the venue door for drop off. Parents can view the students arriving and entering the venue from the grassed area outside. A welcome mocktail for students and their partners will be served in the ballroom as they enter. Students will all need to be in the ball room by 6.45pm. Prior to the formalities commencing, students and their parents may congregate at the Narrogin Memorial Park for family photo opportunities by Bliss Photography (weather permitting). Please note this will not be supervised by College staff. Venue, time and parking

• John Higgins Centre, 50 Clayton Road, Narrogin from 6.15pm until 10.30pm. Parking bays available.

Food & Beverage

• Unlimited soft drinks for the evening. • Two course alternate drop menu catered by Christine Hill Food. (Dietary needs will be catered for).


• Bliss Studio Photography will be in attendance. The photographs will be available to view and order on the internet a week after the ball as per the following;

1. Go towww.blissstudio.com.au 2. Click on “View and Order Photos Click Here” 3. Register to create an account (or use existing) 5. Use Access Code: CKR4785 to take you to the photographs 6. Place your order on-line - orders over $10 receive free social media size files (T & C apply) 7. High Resolution Digital Files purchased available for immediate download 8. Due Date for orders Friday 15th October 2020

S:\AdminShared\Administration Staff\200 Community Relations\210 Special Events\210 Special Events\210.6 College Ball\2020\College Ball Information 2020.doc


• Non-stop music from James Wharton - DJ Partners

• Students are encouraged to invite partners from outside the college to create a diverse social atmosphere. All nominated partner’s names and details are to be given to the college on the accompanying form. Partners from outside the college must be approved by college administration

before being authorised to attend. (Any changes to partner’s names must be by Friday, 18th September 2020).

Duty of Care • Parents will be responsible for providing transport to and from the event. Parents are responsible for

their students up until they enter the Ballroom and when they leave the Ballroom at the conclusion of the ball. No responsibility for students can be taken by the College once the students leave the venue.

• Students or guests suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted entry to the ball. Parents will be informed if this occurs.

• Students and their partners will not be permitted to leave the venue before 10.30pm and must comply with the College “Code of Conduct” at all times. College staff will be in attendance during the Ball.

• The College has no role in or responsibility for any before or after ball parties.

Parent Dinner • A parent dinner will be held in conjunction with the Ball at the Duke of York Hotel, Narrogin.

Parents of students and invited guests are welcome to come along. Further details will be in the College Chronicle in the next couple of weeks.


• For planning purposes, we need you to complete the permission form and forward to the College with payment as soon as possible and no later than Friday 4th September 2020 so we can set numbers.

• Any students with previous year’s unused Residential Activity monies may negotiate with Jill Norwell to use their funds to assist with payment of their ticket. Please email [email protected] or phone 9881 9733.

S:\AdminShared\Administration Staff\200 Community Relations\210 Special Events\210 Special Events\210.6 College Ball\2020\College Ball Permission and Partner Agreement 2020.doc



I ______________________________________wish to attend the WA College of Agriculture - Narrogin Ball (Student First Name and Surname) being held at the John Higgins Centre, 50 Clayton Road, Narrogin on Friday, 25th September 2020. I understand that I will be required to remain at the venue for the duration of the Ball between 6.15pm and 10.30pm and will conduct myself as per the College’s “Code of Conduct” during that time. I understand that tickets are $90.00 each and non-refundable unless the ball was cancelled due to COVID. I understand that only students on ”Good Standing” may attend the Ball and that if I lose “Good Standing” I will not be eligible to attend. I understand that any before and after ball party has no authority or involvement from the College. I ___________________________________________ have read and understand the information provided for my (Parents First Name and Surname) son/daughter to attend the College Ball and also understand that I am responsible for my child before they enter the Ballroom and when they leave the Ballroom. In the event of an incident on the night, I can be contacted on ________________________________ (Mobile Number) Payment is required no later than Friday 4th September 2020. ____________________________________ ____________________________________

(Student Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature)

Partner Information Name of partner attending the Ball ______________________________________ Age_____

The External Partner Agreement must be completed in full and returned to the College by Friday 4th September 2020

Please fill out the payment details below – Total Tickets___________ I enclose Cheque/Money Order for the amount of $_______________ I enclose Cash for the amount of $_________________

Direct deposit to Narrogin Agricultural College BSB: 066 522 Account No: 00900281 Ref:________________________________ Please debit my Mastercard Visa Card No: _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ Exp: _ _/_ _ for the amount of $_____________ Signature____________________________ Name on Card________________________

S:\AdminShared\Administration Staff\200 Community Relations\210 Special Events\210 Special Events\210.6 College Ball\2020\College Ball Permission and Partner Agreement 2020.doc


Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child has been invited to attend the College ball being held at the John Higgins Centre, 50 Clayton Road Narrogin on Friday, 25th September 2020 from 6.15pm to 10.30pm. The ball is a school event and as such normal school rules will apply. These include:

• Ball partners found in possession or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be excluded from the ball and a responsible adult expected to collect them if under 18 years of age.

• Ball partners will be expected to behave in a responsible and respectful manner appropriate to a school ball. • Smoking is not permitted at the venue or on entry or exit. • Ball partners will not leave the ball before the 10.30pm conclusion.

Please note any before or after ball party has no authority or involvement from the College. Please sign the agreement below to accept these conditions for your child to attend the ball and return to the college by Friday, 4th September 2020.


To be completed by the partner accompanying the WACOA – Narrogin student

Partner’s Name: ________________________________ Partner’s Phone Number: ________________________

College Student’s Name: _________________________________

Dietary Restrictions Y / N (please provide details) _________________________________________________________________________________________________


PARTNER’S PARENT DETAILS Name: _________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ Contact phone: ________________________________________ I/We agree to the conditions as above. Partner signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ Partner parent signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________ WACOA student signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________ College Staff Approved: _____________________________ Date: ________________


The College Ball will be held on Friday 25th September 2020. Traditionally, the P&C organise a parent dinner to coincide with the event. This is an excellent opportunity to catch up with other parents, old and new. Grandparents, friends and significant others are invited to join us. Students will be in the ball from 6.30 – 10.30 pm.

WHERE: Duke of York Hotel, Dining Room 34 Federal Street, Narrogin

TIME: Dining room will open from 6.00 pm. Meals will be served from 7.30 pm

DETAILS: All meals must be pre-ordered from the options below. Please email your meal order and payment receipt to [email protected] Drinks are available for purchase from the bar.

PAYMENT: Direct deposit to P&C by Friday, 4th September 2020 Account name: Narrogin Agricultural College P&C Committee BSB: 016 770 Account No: 205402417 Ref: Your Surname

Family Name

Meal Comments Cost Qty Total

Roast Beef served with roasted potatoes, pumpkin, mixed vegetables and gravy

$ 22

Roast Chicken served with roasted potatoes, pumpkin, mixed vegetables and gravy

$ 22

Vegetable Patties served with roasted potatoes, pumpkin and mixed vegetables

$ 22


Seating and occupancy of the dining room may be further limited for a large group, due to Covid 19 restrictions, so please book now to avoid the disappointment of not having a seat on the night.

Sorry, no exceptions and thank you for your understanding.

Further enquiries to Helen Murnane on 0409 602 192 or [email protected]