The Malone Farmer, Wednesday, December 30> 1925 Wm. A. Empsail & Co., Inc. M^LONE'S BIG STORE. End of Year-Clearance Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Dresses BALANCE OF WINTER WEAR TO GO AT THESE LOW PRICES. Ladies' and Misses' x Novelty Wool Dresses That were $6.50 to $8.50 NOW $3.95 $16.50 Good New Silk or Wool Dresses NOW $10.95 $16.50 to $18.50 Heavy Silk Crepe Dresses NOW $12.00 $25 to $30 Silk or Wool Dresses NOW, .................... $18.50 $35,00 to $39.00 Silk Dresses NOW $25.00 Ladies' and Misses' Coats $35 to $45 Coats NOW $21.00 Women's Extra Size Coats Bolivia or Novelty Cloth in Black or Navy. Sizes 46 to 54. $25 to $28 Coats, Now $16.50 $18.50 Fur Collared Coats NOW $12.00 Ladies' Leather Jackets Warm Lined $13.50 Jackets, Now. $9.95 $10.00 Girls' Coats NOW $6.95 $12.50 and $14.50 GIRLS' COATS, NOW $8.95 $16.50 GIRLS' COATS, NOW $12.00 Balance ot Fur Coats Greatly Reduced. DICKINSON CENTER 1>KAT1I OF ALOSEY GUYETTE. Local Grange Elects Offlcers.—Mrs. Rolltns 111. BEUSHTON. Miss Helen Sheals Secretary of Rus- sell Sage College. FORT CGVIttCtTOJi Many Students and Teachers Home for the -Holidays.—-Aurora Lodge Elects Officers.—Marriage of Ed- ward Bushey, Jr., and Miss Agatha Bashaw. Dec. 28.—The Brushton A, A. j basketball team played its first- game Dee. 28.—Miss "Mary Coty, of Pots-; of the season Monday night, Dec. dam. is spending the holidays with 21st. defeating L'lTnion St. John's in, ht-ii father. John L. Coty and family. ! a fast game in the new Brushton f Uec - 2S -—-On Monday niorning. Dec The supper given by the ladies of; Community Hall by the score of 19 to; J *» St.. Mary s church was the scene the M. E. church last WednesdaWn; IS./These teams meet again on the °/ *-Pretty wedding when Miss Agatha Grange Hall for the children and paffc^Barfshton court Monday night, Dec. Bashaw, daughter of Frank Baaha' nts of the Sunday School, was a t i-ided success. j Miss Marion Burr, of Hastings on the Hudson, is visiting her grand- j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Saun- dr-rs. The entertainment given by the pu- pils of the High School and grades, Dec. 18th in Grange Hall, was enjoy- ed by a crowded house. Mrs. Earl Hazen was a recent visi- tor in St. Regis Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hathaway _ ^ ^ entertained at Christmas dinner Mr. ] for "xroy to resume*nVr work*as assis- .... _ . ,. , , . . - _ . . - C o l _ 28fh. * The A. A. team is made up of the following members; Brush, A1- itn, Hughto, Haskell and McKane. Aaron Peck, of Gile, was a visitor! in town several days last week. Prin. John E. Bidder left Wednes- day night for* New Jersey join his wife and little son, who left previous- ly to pass the holidays with her par- ents. Miss Helen Sheals, who spent the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sheals left Saturday night and Mrs. John Haskeil, Mr. and Mrs. j tant secretary in Russell »>»«» ^w- Jchn HaskeH, Jr., and little son, Mr. lege a desirable position she has re- and Mrs. Philip Prior and son, of St i ccntly accepted. Her many friends Regis Falls and Mrs. Tiny Baker and here are pleased to hear of her new sons Harold, Kenneth and Harrison, j position as the hours are shorter and Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh and son[ an increase in salary. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Er-j Hermit Best and Lee Hunkins have employment at Lake Placid Club dur- ing the holiday season. •Mrs. Edith Kingston of the B. H. S. faculty and daughter, Miss Kath- erine, left Christmas night for Sara- nac Lake to visit friends over the ,-tek-end. Mrs. Evi Serguson was home from •in and daughter Irene, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnap, of Moira, Christmas day. Miss Lita Snell and Miss Carmen i-irwin, of Potsdam Normal, and Law- spending the holidays: at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley went to Springfield last Monday.'where they; will visit relatives for a few weeks. Malcolm Orcutt, Willard McComber and Harold Baker, of Syracuse, and Dwight Aikenyof Potsdam, .were home over the holidays. Melbourne Dawson and sister Lois, are spending a few days with friends in New York eity. Mrs. Amanda Snell, entertained at dinner Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Boyington, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McBwen an<l children, Martha and Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Snell and daughter Anna and Mr. and Mrs, Burton G. Snell and daughter Lita. Mrs. Willis Burnap is quite serious- ly ill at her home here. The members of the Baptist church gave their Christmas entertainment and tree in the church Christmas right. The program was very good ai;d enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Palmer, of Ma- lone, spent Christmas in town. At the Alice Hyde Hospital Friday niorning occurred the death of Aioney Guyette, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gt f thi l H had been Guyette of this place. ' ailing for a ) much Ms He had been street, became the bride of Edward Bushey, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bushey, Rev. J. R. Lauzon officiating. Both are well- known in thigutown and best wishes arc extended for a happy wedded life. VT. and Mrs. Bushey will reside in Rochester, where the groom has a fine position. Miss Lois Reynolds spent Friday evening in Malone with friends and at fended the basketball game and dance. At a recent annual meeting of Auro- ra Lodge the following officers were t'ected for the coming year: W. M., Thomas Fraser; S. W., C. McGibbon; J. W., Harry Story; Treas., J. F. Far- _ quhar; Secy, Nelson Lyons; Aast. Secy., R. C. Macintosh j Chaplain, Rev. F. J. Fulton; i S. D, Edward Armstrong; J D., Howard Davis; S. M. C, WaKer Me€Hfobon: J. M. C, Giles Wilson; Tyler, Samuel Miller, Trustee, 3 years, George Wilson. Mid-night Mass was celebrated in i?t Mary's church Christmas eve. A Christmas tree for the Sunday School scholars was given in the Malone to spend Christmas with her»Methodist church Thursday evening.' mrents, Mr. and Mrs, David Kavanah . Miss Verna Donovan, of Potsdam, \ md little , Robert Serguson. Miss Esther Kimball who is home from Afbany for the holidays, has been assisting- in the post office dur- ing the Christmas rush. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miller and son, Harry, were Christmas guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter French in West Bangor. John Mahar entertained on Christ- mas his brother-in-law, Thomas Mul- liaire and cousin, Leo Garlock, of Massena, also his sister and hus- band. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry and daughters, of Ft. Oovington Ctr. John Hawkins who is employed in a Syracuse restaurant is home for the holidays. His sister. Miss Mildred, is seriously ill at the Alice Hyde Hos- pital. Her many friends hope for her Pickering: came home last Tuesday to spend the holi is s-pending- her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Donovan. •] Miss Sherwood Johnson, of Port Chester, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Nellie JohEteon. j Mrs. Leo LeFebvre, formerly Miss Ethel Meade, has joined her husband at Canton, III., where he is now lo- cated. Misses Alice and Frame Fraser are spending the Yuletide season with their mother, Mrs. William Fraser. Miss Faith Avery, of Catskill, is s-pending the holidays with her fath- er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avery. Mrs. A, E. Messier and son have been visiting relatives and friends in town, also in Bombay, Mrs. Messier was formerly Miss Laurel Russell, of this town. Miss'-Lora Henry, of Great Neck, L. i., is spending the holidays with her WORK OF THE EYES SEEMS ENDLESS. From morning to night, seven days a week, we require them to perform their duties. They do so without complaint avS long as possible. Even when they complain and asl$ for help, they very seldom get it. It is a mistake of course, but we all do it. Gradually, though, folks are com- i ing to see that it pays to give their eyes some -consideration. It pays in many ways. Our ser- vice points the way to better eye comfort. B. A. SOPER Optometrist Optician 21 Elm St. Malone, N. Y. Opp, Village Library. days with her mother, Mrs. James j father, George Henry, and sister, Pickering, and sister, Mrs. Charlotte! Brady. ' Vincent Sheals spent Christmas and the week-end with his parents, few days but became | Attorne*y ^nd^Irs? A?W. ^ Thursday niRht.and was f j Sun<J n i h t f o r henect ady. Htl h M d M E l p C l k M NORTH I*AWEENCE SKERRY pt_na ig i u<-. one he Dec. 2 8.—Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fer- : ris entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. P, G. Jameison i and J. W. Jameison for dinner Christ- Mr, ana Mrs. Harley Kerry enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bowles £U!d mother. Florette Bowles, of Ban- gor, and Mr. and Mrs. James Dyer, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Plottner and ^•aby spent Christina* with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerber. Misses Ethel and Winnie Marshall and brothers. Sherry and Vernon, are pendinsg a few days with their sister, Mrs. Blake Newell, of Bay Pond. Ailie Marhsall had the misfortune to cut Ms knee Quite badly whiie working for Dick Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dyer and chil- dren, of Loon LaJce, spent a few days at their home here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller and son Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs. James Dyer were Sunday guests of their R unday Ruess of th and Mrs. Lester Dyer. ar l Mr B\ r. Fred Thayer who has been i quite ill at the home of Mrs. Jennie ?vfacLaugMin, is improving. : rs. Wilbur Sherwin and children, , of Conifer, who spent the past week ' with her parents, have returned home, i Wilbur Eggleston, of Conifer, is . spending a few days with his parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eggleston. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Corey and baby; ? Mr and\lrs M?i Ricnardson and 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harley Kerry ca-lled on Rev. Fred Thayer Christmas night. u Allison MacLaughlin entertained 1 i Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barnes, of Fay, and n... __j -«*».„_ Fred Thayer Christmas services in the M. B. church will be; Sunday School 11:3© and preaching service 2; SO and until further notice ntt service in the evening. Mlae Dorothy Brush, of Syracuse, was home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kingston, Mrs. Amilda Kingston and Mrs. M. Graves, spent Friday in Massena. At the election of officers Tuesday night of the 0. E. S. the following of- ficers were elected: W. M., Mrs. H. L. Durham; W. P., E. L. Crump; Asst W. P., Mrs. Geo. Foster; Secy., Mrs. JEtupert Ross; Treas., H, L. Durham; Conductor, Mrs. Anna Harmon; Asst. Con., Mrs. Gordon Patterson; Chap- lain, Mrs. R. S. DiUaiwtuKh; Warden, Mrs. Gertrude Wolcott; Marshal, Mrs. <»eorge Westley; Organist Mrs. E. G. jSpayen; Trustees, Mrs. C. A. Clark, ' C 4. Clark and Geo. Westley; First Point of Star, Mrs. C. H. Brush; 2nd Point, Mis. E. JL. Crump: Srd Point, Mrs, Elsie Richardson; 4th Point lirs. Ivy Tanner, 6th Point Mrs. M. U. Day. AUCTION BIULS printed at Tk« Malone Fanrer offi<» on short notice. ier and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McNaaser and family spent Christmas with their father, Thomas MeNasser, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dyer and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. I*. C. Bowen aiid family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller. Miss Ethel Marshall, of Malone, is a guest of her uncle, Robert Marshall for a few days. Miss Madge Kerry, of Brandon Ctr., was a guest of her teacher, Mrs. Mae Barnes Monday night. Merton Marshall, who is working at Loon Lake, was home sick for the past week, but has recovered and re- turned to his work Monday. F. L. Gonyea, who has been sick for the pats seven weeks, is slowly re- covering 1 which will be pleasing news to his many friends. Bert Kerry has moved his family into Mrs. Ann Wells' tenement house. The Christmas exercises at the Con- gregational church by the school were excellent. Also the exercises at Brandon Center. Harry Kerry, who is attending DEPOSITS MADE BY JANUARY 12th DRAW INQUEST FROM JANUARY 1st. Right now you can bring any ex- ^ isting interest or savings account to * your home bank without loss of in- terest. Here at home your account will be easier of access for additional deposits, and your money will be working for the benefit of your own community. Bank at home. In person or by mail. 3&? FIRST NATIONAL BANK BRUSHTON. N.Y school at Ithaca, is spending his va- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. much wose T y R f j Sun<J n i h t f o r henect ady. at once taken to the Hospital where Mr and Mrs< Earl p Claxk Mrs . he underwent an operation for appen- j Edith Kingston and daughter. Kath- blcitis- and failed to rally and died at four o'clock Friday morning. Aioney was buj^lo years o-f ag-e and a favor- '"e among his schoolmates and friends erine were Christmas dinner guests at the home of their brother, Lyndon Farrington, in North Bangor. Walter J. Quinn, of ~ " George Wilson. James Flynn, of Malone, visited his brother in law, Lawrence P. Lynch, on Friday and Saturday. Miss Annie Chisholm, of Middle- town, is spending her vacation with CHASM FALLS Mrs. Belinda Fayette Very Low.— Mlany Happy Christmas Gatherings. —Dr. Harwootf Exhibiting Fancy Poultry Stock in Boston and STew York. Dec. 28.—Miss Marianne Oberton, who is a teacher in the High School at Windsor, N. Y,, spent two or three days at Christmas time with her uncle and aunt, I>r. and Mrs. W. H. Harwood, in Chasm Falls. She also visited friends and relatives at Ma- lone Brushton, Canton and Danne- She is succeeding njcjelx_fls_ a- in the high shl ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. e scceeding nj teacher in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cherrier, of Fairfax, Vt, visited friends and rela- tives at Malone and in Chasm Falls J at Christmas time. They were resi- Thomas! dents of Chasm Falls many years ago. j Mrs. Belinda Fayette a lifelong to mourn his mother and (spendlng the holidays d elder brother Kenneth a n d t M d ^ E Also Miss Esther,-He i ,«,*,,.«v*w*o >.— . „- r— • I father and elder brother Kenneth andj f . rts% r . an a Mrs. E. J. Quinn, in j lege, is spending her vacation ] veral other relatives of this place. {west Bangor, spent Saturday after- {her mother, "Mrs. Wm, Fraser. j Much sympathy is extended to the j nOon in town visiting relatives and ~ calling on friends. sorrowing reJatives. Fawn Rollins has beer Jaid up for :f;k. j s^verai days suffering from an injur- few | i-d foot. lling on friends | p Many of the teachers from this vil- \ daughter, Mrs. Wilson. lase and vicinity, former graduates of; LaMay spent a day with Brushton Hig-h School and various j the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eagles and resident of this place, is thought to be son, William, of Massena, spent dying at the home of her daughter, /-»,,„,.«• = „* +^~ >,~- „*..,«. . .~~ Jlrs £»ha, r i es pi eury> in Malone. Her children, Mrs. Bombard, of Bangor, Albert Fayette, of Schenectady, Hoi- lis Fayette and Mrs. Quiiliam, of <-,^ * i Hanrrisville, N. Y., Napoleon Fayette Charles Lemay has gone to _ Chat- | a^ Mrs . Lorenzo Wood, of Chasm .ugay to spend the winter With his; FallSi and Mrs> Fleury, are with her. ( Christmas at the home of Miss Lillian Elba, who is! Uusseil and father, Tucker Russell, ith his par-f Miss Jean Fraser, of Geneseo Col- - - •• w i t i Normal schools colleges" are) Miss Stella Taggart, t thi hPlains s spending a few Miss Edith P Mr . and Mra . yrank" Roy (King), of her fathert Kiverbend, had the great pleasure of * . I having all of their .^ children and 01 White H*ran rl o ^li Id T~PT> with t/hpm rin OV*T*i^f-. ca.fi c Harley Kerry. Kerry, of Maio: Waiter Plottner spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerber. Miss Ilene McGivney. who teaches' the Stevens school, gave the ciuieTren \ a Christmas dinner one day last •* Meivir! Tlioinas is spending a days with his family. j Adirondack Grange elected its of- j Lucian Weller is spending a few;fi*vers Dec. 11th: Master, John ^ days \yith_his niece, Mrs. Will Thomas; Marsh; Overseer, Melbourne Dawson; ! of Cocks corners. 1 Steward, Mrs. John Marsh; Lecturer, j OL nu_iv/joiii i-v- ^ t _~.—.— fJlrs. Clyde ilcEwen; Cxiaplaic, Mrs. I j jUe t a "Turner. * Parmlngdale,' L. I.;! spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. j {Gocrge Bradley; Gatekeeper, George; Grace Fleming, New York; Madeline and Mrs. George Thebert. i Bradley. Asst. and Lady Asst. Steward,; McMann. Adirondacks; Clara Haw-j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, ^ ^ ^ u j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith.; Secy.,: kins, Dundee; Hazel Hooker, Fort; ,ioehester, have been visiting her par- \ Herkimer. "" s. Bernard Clark; Treas.. Ne^vJand | Covington^t:Mary G. Quinn. Harrison, ; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. j The chWm Falls basketball tep~i new Trustees were elect-! x. Y.; Lena and Josie Savage, Tup-{ Midnight services were observed In; won over tne whippleviile team ageia "" 'per Lake, and Mrs* Faith K. Hook, : St. Paul's church Christmas eve. 1 Saturday evenin '" — ' " ~ " BANaOR. .. . clg ) a gg, ^n^hildrenwiththemo^ Chrt^ spending the holidays at their homes, Plains, is spending a few days with. mas. The children are Mr and Mrs i including. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brady, j h-ei- sister, Mrs. Maude Reynolds. Lawrence King Mr and Mrs Mark | of Raleigh, No. Carolina; Misses j Mark Thebert, of Paul Smiths, | Johnson, Mr. aAd Mrs. Wesley Good- Turner. Parmingdale, L. I.;: spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. J m%n, the Misses Eunice and Margu-r- -"•---•""--'--•- l ite King . and Williei of Chasm FaHs, *!- - """"" Ji'" u v«t"'*^i'^"^.+i-^ w >^*T^ i and Eugene and Maurice t King, of iiO-tma? Pleasantly Celebrated at \ Congi egatioiial and Methodist Churches.—Rev. Fred Thayer HI. j Aiken. P<? Berna Clark and Guy H.. Daw- Dec. 28,—Miss Blanche Dickinson, ! of Wt-ehawken, N. J., is spending the j ' holidays with her parents, j ; Mi. and- Mrs. F. L. Dickinson. ! Rev. and Mrs. Fred Thayer are spending some time with her mother, Mrs Jennie MaeLaughlin. of Skerry. Mr. Thayer is suffering with blood poisoning- in his face. j iJ e Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dodd and ehii- j gJ-gei en. of Malone, spent Christmas with I ^nt their parents. j her I Lloyd Collins, of Maione. spent. cox. •hristmas with Ms grandparents. Mr. i ^ r ' and Mrs. Albon Collins. Wallace Jesmer. Jr.. started' Mon- ay for Bay oyment for the winter. Freeport, N. Y. Roy Yadatsw, of • Copennagen, is j Tlle Whippleviile team has not vet pending his vacation with his moth-h ost courage asthey have chllon^d Miss Elizabeth Wait training class; spending his vacation with his tooth- host courage, as-they h; md where he has em- j teacher, entertained Wednesday, Dec. j er, Mrs. Oliver Yaddow. ^ ] the Chasm Falls boys Mrs. Ge-JTg-e Rollins is critically ill \ \ her home here. | 23rd for dinner in the Domestic NORTH BANGOR c. 2S.—Ruth Wik;ox who is en- 1 in teaching at Herkimer, is ling tiK- holiday vacation with "" ts. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wil- Science room of the High School. Principal John E. Ridder. Miss Ger- trude E. Hyde, Dist. Supt., and the ttudents of the teachers' training class. The dinner was a very enjoy- able occasion f or all in attendance, j mj to Mi Mrs. Alice Brush and her students, meat, prepared the dinner ancl helped serve.! Nelson Brockway spent Christinas Miss Bessie Greeno left Tuesday; with his family in this town. right for Malone to visit her sister, j Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Blackett spent Mrs. Lewis Parker, goins from there j Christmas day with relatives in Orms- to Burke to spend Christmas with her (town. Miss Delia Merriek, of Weehawken, j again ^Saturday"evening, at"' Wesley N. J., spent Christmas with her par- j Hall ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P.' MerricR. At a recent meetSSg of ih^'^Chasm William Me&ibbon, of Bombay, {pails Sunday Sch6oL it l business in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Page have mov- t -where he liaa employ- Mrs. Camile Macey, who has been; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sperry. confined to her bed, is now able to sit; Mr, and Mrr T up. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Sperry. of Kingston, Pa., is ' sister, Mrs. Albert Fenton and family, i Mrs. George French was taken sud- a week with his parents, 1 — ----- • - - "— »-^ — • - ' - -•- •" _^.«- -—i-<.t * o* « .„ terta led Chi Mi Hildxeth er dinner theL nd• Mra. F. J. Hildreth, daughter, of Malone, spent Christmas i If r. and Mrs. E. N. Tarbell, E. A. Tar- j h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ; D «H. Mr - and Mrs. W. W. King and ! iuiding. Mrs. Smith and daughter children of Malone, Mr. and Mrs.' are staying for se%-eral days. {Darwin A. Ward, of Whitehall, and' Miss Mary Keeler, a teacher at the L >'le Hildreth. of Albany. Mansfield' State Colony, Conn., is! Gudon Tarbell,- wlio attends Central Mansfield State Colony, Conn., is! n Tarbell, who attends Central spending her Christmas vacation with' City Business School, at S\-racuse, is \ ! Spdi th hlie ' her sisters, Mrs. Fred Kerry and Mrs. P. M. HLnman. F. L. Dickinson is on the sick list. Miss Vernita Spaulding. a teacher &t the Deaf School, Malone, is spend- ing the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Spa-uiding. Chit i spending the holidav his parents, Mr. and 2k b'.-JL unani- mously voted Us continue the school throughout thenremainder of the win- ter which shfows a g-ood interest as ;t is hard in/^ sparsely settled district like this to keep going when weather and roads axe bad. Mrs. Mary Spicer is the efficient su-perintendent. Dr. W. H. Harwood, af this place. is showing a pair of American Donn- - , „„_.„_ — ni<jues at the big Boston Poultry Beginning Sunday, Jan. ^rd, only, denly ill while assisting at St. Mary's show and next week he will show le Mass at 10 o'clock will be held in church on Thursdav. } two pairs of Black Javas at Madison . Mary's church uniil the lenton; Clarence Eagles, of Massena, spent gqxjafe Garden, Kew York Citv ason. Vespers at the usual hour, 7, his Christmas vacation at the home] ' clock. } of Miss Pearl Ward. Rev. T. J. Mahoney received $445, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dianond and the ; a Christmas gift from members of latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas ' his parish. I t-on, of Bangor, visited Mrs. Jane Miss Florence Tower, stenographer Hazen on Thursday. for Attorney G. E. Monteith, spent { state civil service examinations will Christmas and the week-end at her •&$ held on Jan-uary 23rd. If interest- •me in^Moira. j ed, write the commission. , Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Garrett of j David McCarthy is spending the v> - Xiir "iOhateaugay, called on friends in towa-jh-oUdays with relatives in town. I *™H . „ „ ' Wednesday. Misses Florence Anderson, Ruth ana son: M r a n d M r s A u Donaldson were and Martka Smith, Elisabeth ConaeB w aays ( ?uests Christmas day of Mrs. Donald- { and Adelaide Reeves and William Me- n's sister, Mr. and Mrs. JKenry• AI tney, Neel JParqiihar, John WE2JDISS INVITATIONS, ettli«r .printed or eiigrsved, can be secured work the aotfe*. and [ Armstrong and Halite Merrick given by the children of the M. E. Sunday School was enjoyed by a large audience Tuesday evening. Much credit is due to those who planned the entertainment as well as those who took part. After the entertain- ment Santa Claus was present to dis- tribute the gifts from the tree. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Arnold, of Ma- lone, spent Christmas with her moth- er, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilson and chil- dren spent the week-end with hia parents at Standish, Mrs. Iiucy Skert^ received a lovely box of fruit from relatives in Califor- nia. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Royee are spending several days with their daughter, Mrs. Will MacLennan, at Lawrence. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Creighton have returned to their home, after ending a week at Saranac Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bowles and son and Mrs. Florette Bowles spent Christ- inas with Mr, and Mrs. Harley Kerry. t^rs. N. N. Keeler is -better. There wlil be a business meeting of the Bangor Cemetery Association at the school house Thursday evening, Jan. 7, at 7:30. Everyone interested in the cemetery is urged to attend- Anna Lemo, of Malone, Is spending a few days with Mrs. F. "W. Bowen. f Rev. and Mrs. David Wilson and children spent a few days with his parents at Standish, Miss Dorothy Fish is confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Fredus Pairchild have gone to Kinderville employment where they have CALENDAR FOB City Savings Bank Issues Calendars Showing New Banking Rooms. The City Savings Bank. 100 State St., Albany, is issuing a unique calen- dar for the new year. The calendar Is a reproduction of the interior of ttieir new banking rooms and gives a full picture of the ample accommodations afforded the bank's, customers. The picture is an artist's drawing and chows in detail the bronxe and marble finish, set off by the paneling of the ceiling of the room, resting upon Its '.native oi r»a.ttgOl Marv Elizabeth are spending their hithlv es< hoUday vacation with their parents, f (riL * «*h« jfea.^a<d- Afaf»-Wlll Sullivan, of Pot-s - £fis^ chU] spent j Thomas'6'Brien; Chaplain, Rev. F. J. £ * • • ! Fulton; T " " dam. I.yle Hildreth left this morning for «j v iiiton; Treasurer. Mrs. Thos. O'Brien; jteemed there and in this vil- Secretary, Miss Hattie Farlmger; e was a member of the Meth- Qate keeper, Joseph Chailette; Ceres, . uuiw, uiiurch and the O. E. S. For the^ Mra . M . P, Merrick; Pomona, Mrs. {past eleven years she had resided to AHen McElwain; Flora, Mrs. Charles Her funeral takes place, Henry; Lady Asst. Steward. Mrs. W, TO ALL. MINNIE LaROOQUE, Cut Mowers arriving daily. Y7. Tarbell over to© week-end. COOKS CORNERS Dec. 28.—Chandler Ellsworth and son Earl, of Malone, were callers here Sunday. William Jock who Is employed in Puane is home to spend the holidays with his family. Mr. and Mrs. William Labarge, of Norfolk, spent Sunday Wtti "Mr. and Mrs. Oliver JOek. Mrs. Jock return- ed home with them to remain for a few day*. . Roy Smith, of Potsdasa, spent Mon- day and Tuesday her© with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. John McCaffrey ajud/B. (J. Walton and son Guy, of Ma lone, were callers here Sunday. Walter Ellsworth, who has been employed at Summers, Conn., has re- turned home. Miss Ruth Aldrick and pupils of Dist No. 10, had a very iilee Christ- mas tree and entertainment Taurs- cay afternoon which was enjoyed by all, ; •-•- :\. A number from here attended the reception given at the home of Mrs,| t } ieir Arnes Howard Monda-y ev*aia# in! Mr ^^^ i&Jt^ *«*„*«. *»..v», honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard rejoicing over the Wtt& of a son. her at the last. Her step- mother, Mrs. Lucy Frerwjp^of Brush- ton, &nd four half-broGiers ^and a half-sister also survive: Ezra French, of Herkimer; Emery French, of Mass.; Will French, of French, of Bangor; and :e French of Burlington, Ferrer spent ""WEST VIIiLE. Dec. 28.—Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Row- ley and family spent Christmas in Malone with her sister, Mrs. Orla Rhoades. Stanley and Merton Christmas with their and Mrs. H. H. Ferris^ Mrs. Annie Cooney was a visitor in Malone Wednesday. Floyd Nokes underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis at the Alice Hyde Hospital on Saturday. Mrs. Julta Barlow, who l*a* been fil is improving slowly. Frank Fairchild wm ft caller la Ft. Covington Thursday. Vincent Hutchina and James^ HTll- Vincent Hutchins and Jame son, who are employed in Maflsena, t the Christmas taoUdaya with Mra Herman who were married Dec. 10th. WHIFPLEVILLK. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Keapton spent Christmas, with their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Foote and family. " Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rotten and son Ma*fcolm, who spent Christmas In Mcntreal, arrived at T. H. ltftaan'a Sunday morning. Mr. Rogers return- ed home to Antwerp Monday morning but Mrs. Rogers and »oa will remain a few days longer- have not as yet had an opportunity to inspect the bank's new quarters. The City Savings Bank has an- nounced that they will gladly tt ^i B Spicer. pillars. This calendar wUl be Miss Madge Spicer J^#^een spend of particular tntfcerest to the out-of-hng a £e^. days town depositors of the bank who|^ r- %&$ Mrs. E »,«„„ „•«• „« ^r-hi/t «« «t,nnBihr Ow school fecios^^^o weeks on account of so many children hav- nig wh<K^^^co^^5K"i^-''^ ; -' t ' ', " : Woodtoury Wentwor4&toborne from one of these calendars to any person,! saranac to ap«nd / 'tiMB? ~^ ; Wa&»99 itt&ii upon Request. Ms family. fc W. R. Nokes was a caller in Malone Saturday. Henry Fobare transacted business in Malone Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ettlott were visi- tors in Malone Monday. To the Stockholders of the Trust Company, Malooc, N. T. I^ofiU^ is hereby given th*t t&tt aMiual meeting of th% *6o^BWdjBr» at tlUB: Peoples Trust Co|Ettp«^^ Miti&m, will be held ttt # » ' ^ office on the i2tb. d*y of tOSfi, at 2:00 o'clock % <!«_„., m #aW day, ^ v a^^W«M^i^ FT. GOVINGTON CTK. Reception Tendered Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard. Dec. 28.—A wedding recepiioa was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard Monday evening", Dec. 21. It was a complete surprise to M-s. Howard. More taan ftfty friends and relatives were present. Dancing and games were the order of the evening. Refreshments were served and a fine time, bad by all. They re- ceived many beautiful presents beside a purse of money, and the best wishes for a long and feappy wedded life from their many friends. Mfa» Gladys Henry, of Port Cheater and Miss Margaret Henry,, of Pots- dam Normal, are spending the holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Henry. Miss Marion Smith, of Malone, spent Christmas with her sister, Mm f-A. H. Ellsworth. Howard Dunn, of Ft. Covington, was a business caller here recently. Geo. Macdonald, of Malone, spent Christmas with his family hero. Worth Its Weight in Gold. Malone, N, Y., Nov. I. 1914 Philll Mr/A. J. _„_____ Dear Sir—After uaing a bottle M yo»r Rheumatic Cure I find that ^ » worth its weight in gold. The only ttoi^;i : *^(E-y0ia;tO do- am &$*•:#«*** me a dosen bottles of the same by Ptr^el;: ^o«^r©r;?r*x&*^: : ^^J*** '-•dm-toim-. *mmmm&*< :Q* ^ot defey is J :^a^-'^*^W;:^wiStttog for is guaranteed. For il8i : #i'' c»ewe3t. •*: ^ UK .store.:;;; : ] can be jMWttfi r offlc* .hort •:• * New "fe»f Gifts Suitable for all Classes at low prices can be had here. PLAYING CARDS. STANDARD DIARIES and DESK CALENDARS for 1926. Engraved Personal NEW YEAE CARDS Samples axe here. GREEN'S BOOK STORE By tbe River, Malone, N. T. 1m. J. u* •BttK 9 E S Y« HOURS: %UM m. OL; 17 MALOKE MAKKET Frlow paid prodoceim. {Corrected erery Wedne*Jay.) Creamery/Butter. lar»e tubs 4Sc Botter, bast print* In cumm 4»a Eftn strikly fresh 4tc-&fte Pea Beta* M.S0-IS.75 eae 771 .... -..: *««» Uitoe* .] M.«-$l»0 y (loo*ej $1-1.00-$ l«00 Baled Bay $K-*O-$20.00 e4 Strtiw f 1O.«9-$12.9O » . / . . . * **o-f»« Native Sprte*I*»b ^ t«« Peafk, dr«*N* . , . . ; Western Beef, 4ama Native B e t t dr«*»d Fowl, 11^ FotW. Anmri Veal . * ...v ». l«c-lt

From morning to night, End of Year-Clearance Ladies' and ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1925-12-30/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · and Mrs. Philip Prior and son, o f St i ccntly accepted

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Page 1: From morning to night, End of Year-Clearance Ladies' and ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1925-12-30/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · and Mrs. Philip Prior and son, o f St i ccntly accepted

The Malone Farmer, Wednesday, December 30> 1925

Wm. A. Empsail & Co., Inc.M^LONE'S BIG STORE.

End of Year-ClearanceLadies' and Misses' Coats and Dresses


x Novelty Wool DressesThat were $6.50 to $8.50

NOW $3.95

$16.50 Good NewSilk or Wool Dresses

NOW $10.95$16.50 to $18.50

Heavy Silk Crepe DressesNOW $12.00

$25 to $30 Silk or WoolDresses

N O W , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.50

$35,00 to $39.00 Silk DressesNOW $25.00

Ladies' and Misses' Coats$35 to $45 Coats

NOW $21.00

Women's Extra Size CoatsBolivia or Novelty Cloth in

Black or Navy.Sizes 46 to 54.

$25 to $28 Coats, Now $16.50$18.50 Fur Collared Coats

NOW $12.00

Ladies' Leather Jackets

Warm Lined$13.50 Jackets, Now. $9.95

$10.00 Girls' CoatsNOW $6.95

$12.50 and $14.50 GIRLS' COATS, NOW $8.95$16.50 GIRLS' COATS, NOW $12.00

Balance ot Fur Coats Greatly Reduced.


Local Grange Elects Offlcers.—Mrs.Rolltns 111.

BEUSHTON.Miss Helen Sheals Secretary of Rus-

sell Sage College.

FORT CGVIttCtTOJiMany Students and Teachers Home

for the -Holidays.—-Aurora LodgeElects Officers.—Marriage of Ed-ward Bushey, Jr., and Miss AgathaBashaw.

Dec. 28.—The Brushton A, A.j basketball team played its first- game

Dee. 28.—Miss "Mary Coty, of Pots-; of the season Monday night, Dec.dam. is spending the holidays with 21st. defeating L'lTnion St. John's in,ht-ii father. John L. Coty and family.! a fast game in the new Brushton f • U e c - 2S-—-On Monday niorning. Dec

The supper given by the ladies of; Community Hall by the score of 19 to; J*» St.. Mary s church was the scenethe M. E. church last WednesdaWn; IS./These teams meet again on the °/ *-Pretty wedding when Miss AgathaGrange Hall for the children and paffc^Barfshton court Monday night, Dec. Bashaw, daughter of Frank Baaha'

nts of the Sunday School, was a ti-ided success. j

Miss Marion Burr, of Hastings onthe Hudson, is visiting her grand- jparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Saun-dr-rs.

The entertainment given by the pu-pils of the High School and grades,Dec. 18th in Grange Hall, was enjoy-ed by a crowded house.

Mrs. Earl Hazen was a recent visi-tor in St. Regis Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hathaway _ ^ ^entertained at Christmas dinner Mr. ] f o r "xroy to resume*nVr work*as assis-

„ . . . . _ „ • . , . , , . . - _ . . - C o l _

28fh. * The A. A. team is made up ofthe following members; Brush, A1-itn, Hughto, Haskell and McKane.

Aaron Peck, of Gile, was a visitor!in town several days last week.

Prin. John E. Bidder left Wednes-day night for* New Jersey t» join hiswife and little son, who left previous-ly to pass the holidays with her par-ents.

Miss Helen Sheals, who spent thepast week with her parents Mr. andMrs. A. W. Sheals left Saturday night

and Mrs. John Haskeil, Mr. and Mrs. j tant secretary in Russell »>»«» ^ w -Jchn HaskeH, Jr., and little son, Mr. l e g e a desirable position she has re-and Mrs. Philip Prior and son, of S t i ccntly accepted. Her many friendsRegis Falls and Mrs. Tiny Baker and h e r e are pleased to hear of her newsons Harold, Kenneth and Harrison, j position as the hours are shorter and

Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh and s o n [ a n increase in salary.Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E r - j Hermit Best and Lee Hunkins have

employment at Lake Placid Club dur-ing the holiday season.

•Mrs. Edith Kingston of the B. H.S. faculty and daughter, Miss Kath-erine, left Christmas night for Sara-nac Lake to visit friends over the

,-tek-end.Mrs. Evi Serguson was home from

•in and daughter Irene, were guestsof Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnap, ofMoira, Christmas day.

Miss Lita Snell and Miss Carmeni-irwin, of Potsdam Normal, and Law-

spending the holidays: at their homehere. • •

Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley wentto Springfield last Monday.'where they;will visit relatives for a few weeks.

Malcolm Orcutt, Willard McComberand Harold Baker, of Syracuse, andDwight Aikenyof Potsdam, .were homeover the holidays.

Melbourne Dawson and sister Lois,are spending a few days with friendsin New York eity.

Mrs. Amanda Snell, entertained atdinner Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Leon-ard Boyington, Mr. and Mrs. ClydeMcBwen an<l children, Martha andGiles, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Snell anddaughter Anna and Mr. and Mrs,Burton G. Snell and daughter Lita.

Mrs. Willis Burnap is quite serious-ly ill at her home here.

The members of the Baptist churchgave their Christmas entertainmentand tree in the church Christmasright. The program was very goodai;d enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Palmer, of Ma-lone, spent Christmas in town.

At the Alice Hyde Hospital Fridayniorning occurred the death of AioneyGuyette, son of Mr. and Mrs. JamesG t f thi l H had beenGuyette of this place.

' ailing for a) much

M sHe had been

street, became the bride ofEdward Bushey, Jr., son of Mr. andMrs. Edward Bushey, Rev. J. R.Lauzon officiating. Both a re well-known in thigutown and best wishesarc extended for a happy wedded life.VT. and Mrs. Bushey will reside inRochester, where the groom has afine position.

Miss Lois Reynolds spent Fridayevening in Malone with friends andat fended the basketball game anddance.

At a recent annual meeting of Auro-ra Lodge the following officers weret 'ected for the coming year: W. M.,Thomas Fraser; S. W., C. McGibbon;J. W., Harry Story; Treas., J. F. Far - _quhar; Secy, Nelson Lyons; Aast.Secy., R. C. Macintosh j Chaplain,Rev. F. J. Fulton; i S. D, EdwardArmstrong; J D., Howard Davis; S.M. C , WaKer Me€Hfobon: J. M. C ,Giles Wilson; Tyler, Samuel Miller,Trustee, 3 years, George Wilson.

Mid-night Mass was celebrated ini?t Mary's church Christmas eve.

A Christmas tree for the SundaySchool scholars was given in the

Malone to spend Christmas with her»Methodist church Thursday evening.'mrents, Mr. and Mrs, David Kavanah . Miss Verna Donovan, of Potsdam, \md little , Robert Serguson.

Miss Esther Kimball who is homefrom Afbany for the holidays, hasbeen assisting- in the post office dur-ing the Christmas rush.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miller and son,Harry, were Christmas guests of Mrs.Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PeterFrench in West Bangor.

John Mahar entertained on Christ-mas his brother-in-law, Thomas Mul-liaire and cousin, Leo Garlock, ofMassena, also his sister and hus-band. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henryand daughters, of Ft. Oovington Ctr.

John Hawkins who is employed ina Syracuse restaurant is home forthe holidays. His sister. Miss Mildred,is seriously ill at the Alice Hyde Hos-pital. Her many friends hope for her

Pickering: camehome last Tuesday to spend the holi

is s-pending- her vacation with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Donovan. •]

Miss Sherwood Johnson, of PortChester, is spending the holidays withher mother, Mrs. Nellie JohEteon. j

Mrs. Leo LeFebvre, formerly MissEthel Meade, has joined her husbandat Canton, III., where he is now lo-cated.

Misses Alice and Frame Fraser arespending the Yuletide season withtheir mother, Mrs. William Fraser.

Miss Faith Avery, of Catskill, iss-pending the holidays with her fath-er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. FrankAvery.

Mrs. A, E. Messier and son havebeen visiting relatives and friends intown, also in Bombay, Mrs. Messierwas formerly Miss Laurel Russell, ofthis town.

Miss'-Lora Henry, of Great Neck, L.i., is spending the holidays with her


ENDLESS.From morning to night,seven days a week, werequire them to performtheir duties. They do sowithout complaint avSlong as possible. Evenwhen they complain andasl$ for help, they veryseldom get it. I t is amistake of course, butwe all do it. Gradually,though, folks are com- iing to see that it pays togive their eyes some

-consideration. I t paysin many ways. Our ser-vice points the way tobetter eye comfort.

B. A. SOPEROptometrist Optician

21 Elm St. Malone, N. Y.

Opp, Village Library.

days with her mother, Mrs. James j father, George Henry, and sister,Pickering, and sister, Mrs. Charlotte!Brady. '

Vincent Sheals spent Christmasand the week-end with his parents,

few days but became | Attorne*y ^nd^Irs? A?W. ^Thursday niRht.and was f j S u n < J n i h t f o r s£henec tady.

H t l h M d M E l p C l k M


pt_na i gi u<-. one


Dec. 2 8.—Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fer-: ris entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. C.Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. P, G. Jameison

i and J. W. Jameison for dinner Christ-Mr, ana Mrs. Harley Kerry enter-

tained Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bowles£U!d mother. Florette Bowles, of Ban-gor, and Mr. and Mrs. James Dyer,Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Plottner and^•aby spent Christina* with Mr. andMrs. Fred Gerber.

Misses Ethel and Winnie Marshalland brothers. Sherry and Vernon, arependinsg a few days with their sister,Mrs. Blake Newell, of Bay Pond.

Ailie Marhsall had the misfortuneto cut Ms knee Quite badly whiieworking for Dick Camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dyer and chil-dren, of Loon LaJce, spent a few daysat their home here recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller andson Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs. JamesDyer were Sunday guests of their


unday Ruess of thand Mrs. Lester Dyer.

ar l Mr B\

r. Fred Thayer who has beeni quite ill at the home of Mrs. Jennie• ?vfacLaugMin, is improving.

: rs. Wilbur Sherwin and children,, of Conifer, who spent the past week' with her parents, have returned home,i Wilbur Eggleston, of Conifer, is. spending a few days with his parents,; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eggleston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Corey and baby; ?

Mr and\lrs M?i Ricnardson and


Mr. and Mrs. Harley Kerry ca-lledon Rev. Fred Thayer Christmas night.

u Allison MacLaughlin entertained1

i Mr. and Mrs. I ra Barnes, of Fay, andn . . . __j -«*».„_ Fred Thayer Christmas

services in the M. B. church will be;Sunday School 11:3© and preachingservice 2; SO and until further noticentt service in the evening.

Mlae Dorothy Brush, of Syracuse,was home for the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kingston, Mrs.Amilda Kingston and Mrs. M. Graves,spent Friday in Massena.

A t the election of officers Tuesdaynight of the 0. E. S. the following of-ficers were elected: W. M., Mrs. H. L.Durham; W. P., E. L. Crump; AsstW. P., Mrs. Geo. Foster; Secy., Mrs.JEtupert Ross; Treas., H, L. Durham;Conductor, Mrs. Anna Harmon; Asst.Con., Mrs. Gordon Patterson; Chap-lain, Mrs. R. S. DiUaiwtuKh; Warden,Mrs. Gertrude Wolcott; Marshal, Mrs.<»eorge Westley; Organist Mrs. E. G.jSpayen; Trustees, Mrs. C. A. Clark,

' C 4 . Clark and Geo. Westley; FirstPoint of Star, Mrs. C. H. Brush; 2ndPoint, Mis. E. JL. Crump: Srd Point,Mrs, Elsie Richardson; 4th Poin tl i r s . Ivy Tanner, 6th Poin t Mrs. M.U. Day.

AUCTION BIULS printed at Tk«Malone Fanrer offi<» on short notice.

ier andMr. and Mrs. Herbert McNaaser andfamily spent Christmas with theirfather, Thomas MeNasser,

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dyer and fam-ily and Mr. and Mrs. I*. C. Bowenaiid family spent Christmas with Mr.and Mrs. Harvey Miller.

Miss Ethel Marshall, of Malone, isa guest of her uncle, Robert Marshallfor a few days.

Miss Madge Kerry, of Brandon Ctr.,was a guest of her teacher, Mrs. MaeBarnes Monday night.

Merton Marshall, who is working atLoon Lake, was home sick for thepast week, but has recovered and re-turned to his work Monday.

F. L. Gonyea, who has been sickfor the pats seven weeks, is slowly re-covering1 which will be pleasing newsto his many friends.

Bert Kerry has moved his familyinto Mrs. Ann Wells' tenement house.

The Christmas exercises a t the Con-gregational church by the schoolwere excellent. Also the exercises atBrandon Center.

Harry Kerry, who is attending



Right now you can bring any ex- isting interest or savings account to *your home bank without loss of in-terest.

Here at home your account willbe easier of access for additionaldeposits, and your money will beworking for the benefit of your owncommunity.

Bank at home. In person or bymail.



school at Ithaca, is spending his va-with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

much wose T y R f j S u n < J n i h t f o r s£henec tady.at once taken to the Hospital where M r a n d M r s < E a r l p Claxk M r s .he underwent an operation for appen- j E d i t h Kingston and daughter. Kath-blcitis- and failed to rally and died atfour o'clock Friday morning. Aioneywas buj^lo years o-f ag-e and a favor-'"e among his schoolmates and friends

erine were Christmas dinner guestsat the home of their brother, LyndonFarrington, in North Bangor.

Walter J. Quinn, of ~ "

George Wilson.James Flynn, of Malone, visited his

brother in law, Lawrence P . Lynch,on Friday and Saturday.

Miss Annie Chisholm, of Middle-town, is spending her vacation with


Mrs. Belinda Fayette Very Low.—Mlany Happy Christmas Gatherings.—Dr. Harwootf Exhibiting FancyPoultry Stock in Boston and STewYork.

Dec. 28.—Miss Marianne Oberton,who is a teacher in the High Schoolat Windsor, N. Y,, spent two or threedays at Christmas time with heruncle and aunt, I>r. and Mrs. W. H.Harwood, in Chasm Falls. She alsovisited friends and relatives at Ma-lone Brushton, Canton and Danne-

She is succeeding njcjelx_fls_ a-in the high s h l

ner parents, Mr. and Mrs.

e scceeding njteacher in the high school.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cherrier, ofFairfax, Vt, visited friends and rela-tives at Malone and in Chasm Falls

J at Christmas time. They were resi-Thomas! dents of Chasm Falls many years ago.

j Mrs. Belinda Fayette a lifelong

to mourn his mother and ( s p e n d l n g t h e holidaysd elder brother Kenneth a n d t M d ^ E

Also Miss Esther,-He i ,«,*,,.«v*w*o >.— . „- r— •I father and elder brother Kenneth a n d j f . r t s % j£ r . a n a Mrs. E. J. Quinn, in j lege, is spending her vacation] veral other relatives of this place. {west Bangor, spent Saturday after- {her mother, "Mrs. Wm, Fraser.j Much sympathy is extended to the j n Oon in town visiting relatives and ~

calling on friends.sorrowing reJatives.Fawn Rollins has beer Jaid up for

:f;k. j s^verai days suffering from an injur-few | i-d foot.

lling on friends | pMany of the teachers from this vil- \ daughter, Mrs. Wilson.

lase and vicinity, former graduates of; LaMay spent a day withBrushton Hig-h School and various j the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eagles and resident of this place, is thought to beson, William, of Massena, spent dying at the home of her daughter,/-»,,„,.«• = „* +^~ >,~- „ * . . , « . . .~~ J l r s £»ha , ries p i e u r y > in Malone. He r

children, Mrs. Bombard, of Bangor,Albert Fayette, of Schenectady, Hoi-lis Fayette and Mrs. Quiiliam, of

<-,^ * i Hanrrisville, N. Y., Napoleon FayetteCharles Lemay has gone to _ Chat- | a ^ M r s . Lorenzo Wood, of Chasm.ugay to spend the winter With h i s ; F a l l S i a n d M r s > Fleury, are with her.

( Christmas a t the home of Miss LillianElba, who is! Uusseil and father, Tucker Russell,ith his par-f Miss Jean Fraser, of Geneseo Col-

• - - • • w i t i

Normal schools colleges" are) Miss Stella Taggart,t t h i h P l a i n s s spending a few

Miss Edith P M r . a n d M r a . yrank" Roy (King), ofher fathert Kiverbend, had the great pleasure of

* . I having all of their . children and01 W h i t e H* ran rl o li Id T~PT> w i t h t/hpm rin OV*T*i f-.

ca.fi cHarley Kerry.Kerry, of Maio:

Waiter Plottner spent Christmaswith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerber.

Miss Ilene McGivney. who teaches'the Stevens school, gave the ciuieTren \a Christmas dinner one day last •*

Meivir! Tlioinas is spending adays with his family. j Adirondack Grange elected its of- j

Lucian Weller is spending a few;fi*vers Dec. 11th: Master, John ^days \yith_his niece, Mrs. Will Thomas; Marsh; Overseer, Melbourne Dawson; !of Cocks corners. 1 Steward, Mrs. John Marsh; Lecturer, j OL nu_ iv/ joi i i i - v - ^ t

_~.—.— fJlrs. Clyde ilcEwen; Cxiaplaic, Mrs. I j j U e t a "Turner. * Parmlngdale,' L. I.;! spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. j{Gocrge Bradley; Gatekeeper, George; Grace Fleming, New York; Madeline • and Mrs. George Thebert.i Bradley. Asst. and Lady Asst. Steward,; McMann. Adirondacks; Clara Haw-j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, ^ ^ ^ uj Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith.; Secy.,: kins, Dundee; Hazel Hooker, Fort; ,ioehester, have been visiting her par- \ Herkimer."" s. Bernard Clark; Treas.. Ne^vJand | Covington^t:Mary G. Quinn. Harrison, ; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. j T h e chWm Falls basketball tep~i

new Trustees were elect-! x. Y.; Lena and Josie Savage, Tup-{ Midnight services were observed In; w o n o v e r t n e whippleviile team ageia"" 'per Lake, and Mrs* Faith K. Hook, : St. Paul's church Christmas eve. 1 Saturday evenin '" — ' " ~ "


.. . c l g ) a g g , ^ n ^ h i l d r e n w i t h t h e m o ^ Chr t^spending the holidays at their homes, Plains, is spending a few days with. mas. The children are Mr and Mrs

i including. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brady, j h-ei- sister, Mrs. Maude Reynolds. Lawrence King Mr and Mrs Mark| of Raleigh, No. Carolina; Misses j Mark Thebert, of Paul Smiths, | Johnson, Mr. aAd Mrs. Wesley Good-

Turner. Parmingdale, L. I.;: spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. J m%n, the Misses Eunice and Margu-r-- " • - - - • " " - - ' - - • - l i t e K i n g . a n d W i l l i e i o f Chasm FaHs,

*!- - """"" Ji'"u v«t"'*^i'^"^.+i-^w>^*T^ i a n d Eugene and Maurice t King, of

iiO-tma? Pleasantly Celebrated at \Congi egatioiial and MethodistChurches.—Rev. Fred Thayer HI. j

Aiken.P<? Berna Clark and Guy H.. Daw-

Dec. 28,—Miss Blanche Dickinson, !of Wt-ehawken, N. J., is spending the j '

holidays with her parents, j ;Mi. and- Mrs. F. L. Dickinson. !

Rev. and Mrs. Fred Thayer arespending some time with her mother,Mrs Jennie MaeLaughlin. of Skerry.Mr. Thayer is suffering with bloodpoisoning- in his face. j iJe

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dodd and ehii- j gJ-geien. of Malone, spent Christmas with I ^ n t

their parents. j h e r ILloyd Collins, of Maione. spent. cox.

•hristmas with Ms grandparents. Mr. i ^ r 'and Mrs. Albon Collins.

Wallace Jesmer. Jr.. started' Mon-ay for Bayoyment for the winter.

Freeport, N. Y. Roy Yadatsw, of • Copennagen, is j T l l e Whippleviile team has not vetpending his vacation with his moth-ho s t courage asthey have ch l lon^dMiss Elizabeth Wait training class; spending his vacation with his tooth- host courage, as-they h;

md where he has em- j teacher, entertained Wednesday, Dec. j er, Mrs. Oliver Yaddow. ^ ] the Chasm Falls boys

Mrs. Ge-JTg-e Rollins is critically ill \\ her home here.

| 23rd for dinner in the Domestic


c. 2S.—Ruth Wik;ox who is en-1 in teaching at Herkimer, isling tiK- holiday vacation with

" " ts. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wil-

Science room of the High School.Principal John E. Ridder. Miss Ger-trude E. Hyde, Dist. Supt., and thettudents of the teachers' trainingclass. The dinner was a very enjoy-able occasion f or all in attendance, j mj to MiMrs. Alice Brush and her students, meat,prepared the dinner ancl helped serve.! Nelson Brockway spent Christinas

Miss Bessie Greeno left Tuesday; with his family in this town.right for Malone to visit her sister, j Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Blackett spentMrs. Lewis Parker, goins from there j Christmas day with relatives in Orms-to Burke to spend Christmas with her (town.

Miss Delia Merriek, of Weehawken, j again Saturday"evening, at"' WesleyN. J., spent Christmas with her par- j Hallents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P.' MerricR. At a recent meetSSg of ih^'^Chasm

William Me&ibbon, of Bombay, {pails Sunday Sch6oL itl business in town Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Page have mov-t -where he liaa employ-

Mrs. Camile Macey, who has been; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sperry.confined to her bed, is now able to sit; Mr, and Mrr T

up.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and

Sperry. of Kingston, Pa., is ' sister, Mrs. Albert Fenton and family, i Mrs. George French was taken sud-a week with his parents,1 — ----- • - - "— »-^ — • - ' - - • - • " _^.«- -—i-<.t * o* « .„

terta led ChiMi

Hildxeth erdinner theL

nd• Mra. F. J. Hildreth,daughter, of Malone, spent Christmas i If r. and Mrs. E. N. Tarbell, E. A. Tar- j

h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ;D«H. M r - and Mrs. W. W. King and !

iuiding. Mrs. Smith and daughter children of Malone, Mr. and Mrs.'are staying for se%-eral days. {Darwin A. Ward, of Whitehall, and'

Miss Mary Keeler, a teacher at the L>'le Hildreth. of Albany.Mansfield' State Colony, Conn., is! Gudon Tarbell,- wlio attends CentralMansfield State Colony, Conn., is! n Tarbell, who attends Centralspending her Christmas vacation with' City Business School, at S\-racuse, is

\ ! S p d i t h h l i e 'her sisters, Mrs. Fred Kerry and Mrs.P. M. HLnman.

F. L. Dickinson is on the sick list.Miss Vernita Spaulding. a teacher

&t the Deaf School, Malone, is spend-ing the holidays with her mother,Mrs. Jennie Spa-uiding.

C h i t i

spending the holidavhis parents, Mr. and 2kb'.-JL

unani-mously voted Us continue the schoolthroughout thenremainder of the win-ter which shfows a g-ood interest as;t is hard in/^ sparsely settled districtlike this to keep going when weatherand roads axe bad. Mrs. Mary Spiceris the efficient su-perintendent.

Dr. W. H. Harwood, af this place.is showing a pair of American Donn-

- , „„_.„_ — ni<jues at the big Boston PoultryBeginning Sunday, Jan. ^rd, only, denly ill while assisting at St. Mary's show and next week he will showle Mass at 10 o'clock will be held in church on Thursdav. } t w o p a i r s o f Black Javas at Madison. Mary's church uniil the lenton; Clarence Eagles, of Massena, spent gqxjafe Garden, Kew York Citvason. Vespers at the usual hour, 7, his Christmas vacation at the home] 'clock. } of Miss Pearl Ward.Rev. T. J. Mahoney received $445, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dianond and the

; a Christmas gift from members of latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas 'his parish. I t-on, of Bangor, visited Mrs. Jane

Miss Florence Tower, stenographer Hazen on Thursday.for Attorney G. E. Monteith, spent { state civil service examinations willChristmas and the week-end at her •&$ held on Jan-uary 23rd. If interest-

•me in^Moira. j ed, write the commission., Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Garrett of j David McCarthy is spending the

v>- Xiir"iOhateaugay, called on friends in towa-jh-oUdays with relatives in town. I*™H . „„ ' Wednesday. Misses Florence Anderson, Ruthana son: M r a n d M r s A u Donaldson were a n d Martka Smith, Elisabeth ConaeB

w aays ( ? u e s t s Christmas day of Mrs. Donald- { and Adelaide Reeves and William Me-n's sister, Mr. and Mrs. JKenry• AI tney, Neel JParqiihar, John

WE2JDISS INVITATIONS, ettli«r.printed or eiigrsved, can be secured

work theaotfe*.

and [ Armstrong and Halite Merrick

given by the children of the M. E.Sunday School was enjoyed by a largeaudience Tuesday evening. Muchcredit is due to those who plannedthe entertainment as well as thosewho took part. After the entertain-ment Santa Claus was present to dis-tribute the gifts from the tree.

Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Arnold, of Ma-lone, spent Christmas with her moth-er, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding.

Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilson and chil-dren spent the week-end with hiaparents at Standish,

Mrs. Iiucy Skert^ received a lovelybox of fruit from relatives in Califor-nia.

Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Royee arespending several days with theirdaughter, Mrs. Will MacLennan, atLawrence. Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Creightonhave returned to their home, after

ending a week at Saranac Lake.Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bowles and son

and Mrs. Florette Bowles spent Christ-inas with Mr, and Mrs. Harley Kerry.

t^rs. N. N. Keeler is -better.There wlil be a business meeting of

the Bangor Cemetery Association atthe school house Thursday evening,Jan. 7, at 7:30. Everyone interestedin the cemetery is urged to attend-

Anna Lemo, of Malone, Isspending a few days with Mrs. F. "W.Bowen. f

Rev. and Mrs. David Wilson andchildren spent a few days with hisparents at Standish,

Miss Dorothy Fish is confined toher bed.

Mr. and Mrs. Fredus Pairchild havegone to Kindervilleemployment

where they have


City Savings Bank Issues CalendarsShowing New Banking Rooms.

The City Savings Bank. 100 StateSt., Albany, is issuing a unique calen-dar for the new year. The calendar Isa reproduction of the interior of ttieirnew banking rooms and gives a fullpicture of the ample accommodationsafforded the bank's, customers. Thepicture is an artist's drawing andchows in detail the bronxe and marblefinish, set off by the paneling of theceiling of the room, resting upon Its

' .nat ive oi r»a.ttgOl

Marv Elizabeth are spending their hithlv es<hoUday vacation with their parents, f (riL * «*h«jfea. a<d- Afaf»-Wlll Sullivan, of Pot-s - £fis^ chU]

spent j Thomas'6'Brien; Chaplain, Rev. F. J.£*••! Fulton; T " "

dam.I.yle Hildreth left this morning for

«j v iiiton; Treasurer. Mrs. Thos. O'Brien;jteemed there and in this vil- Secretary, Miss Hattie Farlmger;e was a member of the Meth- Qate keeper, Joseph Chailette; Ceres,

. uuiw, uiiurch and the O. E. S. For the^ M r a . M . P, Merrick; Pomona, Mrs.{past eleven years she had resided to AHen McElwain; Flora, Mrs. Charles

— Her funeral takes place, Henry; Lady Asst. Steward. Mrs. W,



Cut Mowers arrivingdaily.

Y7. Tarbell over to© week-end.

COOKS CORNERSDec. 28.—Chandler Ellsworth and

son Earl, of Malone, were callers hereSunday.

William Jock who Is employed inPuane is home to spend the holidayswith his family.

Mr. and Mrs. William Labarge, ofNorfolk, spent Sunday Wtti "Mr. andMrs. Oliver JOek. Mrs. Jock return-ed home with them to remain for afew day*.. Roy Smith, of Potsdasa, spent Mon-day and Tuesday her© with bis par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith.

John McCaffrey ajud/B. (J. Waltonand son Guy, of Ma lone, were callershere Sunday.

Walter Ellsworth, who has beenemployed at Summers, Conn., has re-turned home.

Miss Ruth Aldrick and pupils ofDist No. 10, had a very iilee Christ-mas tree and entertainment Taurs-cay afternoon which was enjoyed byall,; •-•- : \ .

A number from here attended thereception given at the home of Mrs,| t} ie irArnes Howard Monda-y ev*aia# in! M r ^^^ i&Jt^ *«*„*«. *»..v»,honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howard rejoicing over the Wtt& of a son.

her at the last. Her step-mother, Mrs. Lucy Frerwjp^of Brush-ton, &nd four half-broGiers ^and ahalf-sister also survive: Ezra French,of Herkimer; Emery French, of

Mass.; Will French, ofFrench, of Bangor; and

:e French of Burlington,

Ferrer spent

""WEST VIIiLE.Dec. 28.—Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Row-

ley and family spent Christmas inMalone with her sister, Mrs. OrlaRhoades.

Stanley and MertonChristmas with theirand Mrs. H. H. Ferris^

Mrs. Annie Cooney was a visitor inMalone Wednesday.

Floyd Nokes underwent an opera-tion for appendicitis at the AliceHyde Hospital on Saturday.

Mrs. Julta Barlow, who l*a* been filis improving slowly.

Frank Fairchild wm ft caller la Ft.Covington Thursday.

Vincent Hutchina and James HTll-Vincent Hutchins and Jameson, who are employed in Maflsena,

t the Christmas taoUdaya with

M r a Hermanwho were married Dec. 10th.

WHIFPLEVILLK.Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Keapton spent

Christmas, with their daughter, Mrs.Raymond Foote and family. "

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rotten and sonMa*fcolm, who spent Christmas InMcntreal, arrived at T. H. ltftaan'aSunday morning. Mr. Rogers return-ed home to Antwerp Monday morningbut Mrs. Rogers and »oa will remaina few days longer-

have not as yet had an opportunity toinspect the bank's new quarters.

The City Savings Bank has an-nounced that they will gladly tt

^ iB Spicer.

pillars. This calendar wUl be Miss Madge Spicer J^#^een spendof particular tntfcerest to the out-of-hng a £e^. daystown depositors of the bank who|^ r - %&$ Mrs. E»,«„„ „•«• „« r-hi/t «« «t,nn^«Bihr t« Ow school fecios^^^o weeks

on account of so many children hav-nig wh<K^^^co^^5K"i^-''^;-'t' ', ":

Woodtoury Wentwor4& to borne fromone of these calendars to any person,! saranac to ap«nd/'tiMB?~ ;Wa&»99 itt&iiupon Request. Ms family. fc

W. R. Nokes was a caller in MaloneSaturday.

Henry Fobare transacted businessin Malone Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ettlott were visi-tors in Malone Monday.

To the Stockholders of theTrust Company, Malooc, N. T.

I^ofiU^ is hereby given th*t t&ttaMiual meeting of th% *6o^BWdjBr»at tlUB: Peoples Trust Co|Ettp«^^Miti&m, will be held ttt # » ' ^office on the i2tb. d*y oftOSfi, a t 2:00 o'clock % < ! « _ „ . ,m #aW day, ^ v a ^ ^ W « M ^ i ^

FT. GOVINGTON CTK.Reception Tendered Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Howard.

Dec. 28.—A wedding recepiioa washeld at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Harold Howard Monday evening", Dec.21. It was a complete surprise toM-s. Howard. More taan ftfty friendsand relatives were present. Dancingand games were the order of theevening. Refreshments were servedand a fine time, bad by all. They re-ceived many beautiful presents besidea purse of money, and the best wishesfor a long and feappy wedded life fromtheir many friends.

Mfa» Gladys Henry, of Port Cheaterand Miss Margaret Henry,, of Pots-dam Normal, are spending the holi-days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Henry.

Miss Marion Smith, of Malone,spent Christmas with her sister, Mm

f-A. H. Ellsworth.Howard Dunn, of Ft. Covington,

was a business caller here recently.Geo. Macdonald, of Malone, spent

Christmas with his family hero.

Worth Its Weight in Gold.Malone, N, Y., Nov. I. 1914PhilllMr/A. J. _„_____

Dear Sir—After uaing a bottle Myo»r Rheumatic Cure I find that ^ »worth its weight in gold. The onlyttoi^;i:*^(E-y0ia;tO do- am &$*•:#«***me a dosen bottles of the same byPtr^el;: ^o«^r©r;?r*x&*^::^^J***

'-•dm-toim-. *mmmm&*< :Q* otdefey i s J :^a^-'^*^W;:^wiStttog for

is guaranteed. Fori l 8 i : # i ' ' c»ewe3t. •*:— ^UK .store.:;;;: ]

can be jMWttfir offlc* o» .hort

•:• *

New "fe»f GiftsSuitable for all Classes atlow prices can be had here.



Engraved PersonalNEW YEAE CARDS

Samples axe here.GREEN'S BOOK STORE

By tbe River, Malone, N. T.

1m. J. u* •BttK9E

S Y«



MALOKE MAKKETFrlow paid prodoceim. {Corrected

erery Wedne*Jay.)Creamery/Butter. lar»e tubs 4ScBotter, bast print* In cumm 4»aEftn strikly fresh 4tc-&ftePea Beta* M.S0-IS.75

eae 7 7 1 . . . .-. . : *««»Uitoe* . ] M.«-$l»0y (loo*ej $1-1.00-$ l«00

Baled Bay $K-*O-$20.00e4 Strtiw f 1O.«9-$12.9O» . / . . . * **o-f»«

Native Sprte*I*»b ^ t««Peafk, dr«*N* . , . . ;Western Beef, 4 a m aNative Bett dr«*»dFowl, 11^FotW. AnmriVeal . * . . . v ». l«c-lt