Diary Dates 2014 October Wed 15th Senior Choir visit School Council 7pm Thu 16th Foundation 2015 Session 3 - 2.15-3.15pm. Chess club starts L3 parents iPad Info session 6.30pm. Fri 17th L3 & 4 Gym Program Tue 21st L5 & 6 Bike Ed Wed 22nd Oktoberfest Parents As Tutors (PAT) session 6.00-7.30pm Fri 24th Parent Rep Meeting & Forum-”Future Directions” 9.15 L3 & 4 Gym Program Twilight Working Bee- 4.30-7pm L6 Science Excursion Sat 25th RCC Gala Night-Manhattan Tue 28th Family Life Info session Wed 29th Division Softball Thu 30th Music Counts -12.30 Hall Drum Concert 4pm Fri 31st L3 & 4 Gym Program November Tue 4th CUP DAY holiday Wed 5th L5&6 Professor Math Inc Fri 7th L3 & 4 Gym Program Tue 11th L5 & 6 Bike Ed Thu 13th Foundation 2015 Session 4 2 - 3.30pm Fri 14th L3 & 4 Gym Program Wed 19th School Council meeting New Name for the Rangeview Newsleer Thank you for the entries in finding a new name for the school newsleer. At the September School Council meeng the councillors decided on The View. Next week we will launch this, in the same week as we celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 years ago, and Oktoberfest celebraons. Ms Carol Wilson-5W had the idea for the new name. I remind families that the newsleer is now electronic. There are limited hard copies available at the office for families who can’t access the newsleer on line. Parent Forum Combined with Parent Rep Meeng - Postponed to Week 3 Unfortunately, we will need to postpone the parent rep meeng unl Week 3 on Friday, 24th October. I have included the forum ‘Future Direcons of Rangeview’ in the meeng and seek your feedback about our reports, as well as the educaonal direcon of the school. The meeng will start at 9.15am in the staff room. The parent rep meeng will take the first part allowing parents unable to stay for both an opportunity to contribute to the discussions. I would like to acknowledge the hard work by our parent reps to keep parents informed and be a vital ‘go to person’ for the classroom teacher. Your input is appreciated. Bully Stoppers We know that students achieve their best at school in safe and supporve environments, where they are free from bullying and disrupve behaviour. At our school we put a big emphasis on making sure we provide a great environment for our students – one that promotes tolerance and is inclusive, harmonious and free from bullying. Bullying is a serious issue for all of us. We know that it can happen anywhere, anyme, and can have devastang consequences. We also know that with the rise of social media, cyberbullying is an increasingly important is- sue. Where bullying was once confined to the playground, it can now occur online at any me of the day or night. The best way to tackle bullying and cyberbullying is for schools, students and parents to work together. Our school is supporng the Bully Stoppers campaign – which has just launched a new series of tools and resources to help parents and students deal with cyberbullying. These resources, part of Bully Stoppers: Speak Up Against Cyberbullying campaign, are available on the Bully Stoppers website, at www.educaon.vic.gov.au/bullystoppers I encourage you to learn more by vising the website and sharing the commitment to stop bullying and cyberbullying in our school and local community. Division Athlecs 38 students competed last Wednesday. They have trained regularly and we are very proud of their efforts (see over page for photos). Congratulaons to all students who competed. A number of students are going onto the next level Region to compete in a number of events. Thanks to Lisa O’Connor for her connued work with these students. Japanese Garden Level 3L with Mr Le planted extra plants in the Japanese garden last week. This whole area has had a makeover and the weather has been kind to help the grass and plants grow. iPad informaon evening-Thursday, 16th Oct 6.30pm-7.30pm for L3 & L5, 2014 families This informaon evening is available for level 3 and 5 families to gain informaon about the BYO iPad program offered in 2015. Students in level 4 and foundaon in 2014 have been using iPads with their learning and this will connue into 2015. The opon of BYO iPad device was introduced this year following extensive research and invesgaon. Teachers and students have been learning together with teachers being coached and students vising classes. Connued over page 27 Churinga Ave., Mitcham 3132 phone: 9874 6381 www.rangeview.vic.edu.au [email protected] Issue No.: 31 15th October 2014 From the Principal’s Desk RESPECT TEAMWORK RESPONSIBILITY LEARNING

From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

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Page 1: From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

Diary Dates 2014

October Wed 15th Senior Choir visit School Council 7pm Thu 16th Foundation 2015 Session 3 - 2.15-3.15pm. Chess club starts L3 parents iPad Info session 6.30pm. Fri 17th L3 & 4 Gym Program Tue 21st L5 & 6 Bike Ed Wed 22nd Oktoberfest Parents As Tutors (PAT) session 6.00-7.30pm Fri 24th Parent Rep Meeting & Forum-”Future Directions” 9.15 L3 & 4 Gym Program Twilight Working Bee- 4.30-7pm L6 Science Excursion Sat 25th RCC Gala Night-Manhattan

Tue 28th Family Life Info session Wed 29th Division Softball Thu 30th Music Counts -12.30 Hall Drum Concert 4pm Fri 31st L3 & 4 Gym Program

November Tue 4th CUP DAY holiday Wed 5th L5&6 Professor Math Inc Fri 7th L3 & 4 Gym Program Tue 11th L5 & 6 Bike Ed Thu 13th Foundation 2015 Session 4 2 - 3.30pm Fri 14th L3 & 4 Gym Program Wed 19th School Council meeting

New Name for the Rangeview Newsletter Thank you for the entries in finding a new name for the school newsletter. At the September School Council meeting the councillors decided on The View. Next week we will launch this, in the same week as we celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 years ago, and Oktoberfest celebrations. Ms Carol Wilson-5W had the idea for the new name. I remind families that the newsletter is now electronic. There are limited hard copies available at the office for families who can’t access the newsletter on line.

Parent Forum Combined with Parent Rep Meeting - Postponed to Week 3 Unfortunately, we will need to postpone the parent rep meeting until Week 3 on Friday, 24th October. I have included the forum ‘Future Directions of Rangeview’ in the meeting and seek your feedback about our reports, as well as the educational direction of the school. The meeting will start at 9.15am in the staff room. The parent rep meeting will take the first part allowing parents unable to stay for both an opportunity to contribute to the discussions. I would like to acknowledge the hard work by our parent reps to keep parents informed and be a vital ‘go to person’ for the classroom teacher. Your input is appreciated.

Bully Stoppers We know that students achieve their best at school in safe and supportive environments, where they are free from bullying and disruptive behaviour. At our school we put a big emphasis on making sure we provide a great environment for our students – one that promotes tolerance and is inclusive, harmonious and free from bullying. Bullying is a serious issue for all of us. We know that it can happen anywhere, anytime, and can have devastating consequences. We also know that with the rise of social media, cyberbullying is an increasingly important is-sue. Where bullying was once confined to the playground, it can now occur online at any time of the day or night. The best way to tackle bullying and cyberbullying is for schools, students and parents to work together. Our school is supporting the Bully Stoppers campaign – which has just launched a new series of tools and resources to help parents

and students deal with cyberbullying. These resources, part of Bully Stoppers: Speak Up Against Cyberbullying campaign, are available on the Bully Stoppers website, at www.education.vic.gov.au/bullystoppers I encourage you to learn more by visiting the website and sharing the commitment to stop bullying and cyberbullying in our school and local community.

Division Athletics 38 students competed last Wednesday. They have trained regularly and we are very proud of their efforts (see over page for photos). Congratulations to all students who competed. A number of students are going onto the next level Region to compete in a number of events. Thanks to Lisa O’Connor for her continued work with these students.

Japanese Garden Level 3L with Mr Le planted extra plants in the Japanese garden last week. This whole area has had a makeover and the weather has been kind to help the grass and plants grow.

iPad information evening-Thursday, 16th Oct 6.30pm-7.30pm for L3 & L5, 2014 families This information evening is available for level 3 and 5 families to gain information about the BYO iPad program offered in 2015. Students in level 4 and foundation in 2014 have been using iPads with their learning and this will continue into 2015. The option of BYO iPad device was introduced this year following extensive research and investigation. Teachers and students have been learning together with teachers being coached and students visiting classes.

Continued over page

27 Churinga Ave., Mitcham 3132 phone: 9874 6381

www.rangeview.vic.edu.au [email protected]

Issue No.: 31 15th October 2014

From the Principal’s Desk


Page 2: From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

Principals Report Continued

Open classrooms have allowed families to view first-hand the exciting learning and how students have adapted to this innovative direction for the school. The school owns approximately 70 iPads that are in daily use across the school, together with laptops and desk tops. In Addition, Rangeview Primary School is one of a cluster of Victorian and Tasmanian schools linked to 9 clusters of schools world-wide in the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. We continue to challenge our perception of education in today’s ever changing world and prepare our students for the future.

Parent Opinion Survey 2014 The school council and teaching staff will be looking at the results of the 2014 Parent Opinion Survey. The parent forums and various surveys and the information from this survey contribute to the overall picture of the school and areas to improve on. The upcoming Parent Forum – Future Directions is such an opportunity. The focus of this forum is the reporting format.

Classes for 2015 When developing individual classes each year, teachers consider a number of factors including academic ability, special skills and talents, social competencies, gender, students who work well together, those who may not work well together and friendship groupings. While the students are consulted about current friendships, it is only one of the criteria considered because “building new relationships” is also part of our education process and an important skill for students to develop. The placement of students for the coming year is a complex process where teachers put great thought and sensitivity into their planning. They discuss, reflect and review their decisions over a period of time.

If students have any learning or social needs to be considered when placing them in classes for 2015, parents can write a letter addressed to me stating their needs and requests for consideration.

Parents are not able to request specific teachers. The closing date for these considerations is: Friday, 31st October. Requests received after this date cannot be considered.

Students leaving the school in 2014/15 Please notify the school office in writing if your child will not be returning to Rangeview Primary School in 2015 (other than current Level 6 students) as this assists us with our planning for classes next year. Thank you for your prompt assistance.

Mrs Liz Barr - Principal

Level 5 & Level 6 News from Mr Evans BIKE ED NEWS Bike Ed is on again in level 5 and 6 and students are excited to get things rolling. Every Tuesday, classes will be going out and learning new skills and techniques and practising them on the lower asphalt. Some groups will be going out for sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as well. Students will be storing their bikes behind the level 5 classrooms, on the stones beside the asphalt and beside the library, so all students need to take care not to play in these spaces at recess and lunch. Students will learn how to become competent and safe bike riders through a range of lessons that concentrate on how they use their bike, what things they need to watch out for and how to react in an emergency. They will also develop skills for riding in groups which will help tremendously for the end of term bike ride to Jells Park. This year we’ve organised a back up day too, so if the weather is inclement, we will still have another chance to complete this amazing ride.

THE INTRODUCTION/USE OF iPADS in L5 & 6 After the successful introduction this year in level 4, students and teachers in level 5 and 6 are gearing up for the continuation of the iPad 1:1 program next year. Students have been learning about and using a variety of apps that can not only provide them with an alternative way of showing their learning, but give them opportunities to develop and extend their skills and understandings. This term, we will be working more closely with Mrs Barnes and Mr Bunston every week. These lessons will allow us to explore some of these apps in greater depth and discover some new, innovative programs too. We’re looking forward to some engaging lessons that I’m sure will leave all of our students inspired to continue to work on these programs on their own devices at home.

Division Athletics

Last Wednesday, 33 students competed in the Whitehorse Division Athletics finals. They have trained regularly and we are very proud of their efforts. Congratulations to all students who competed! Good luck to the boys in the 10 year old and 11 year relay teams and those students in individual events who have progressed to the regional finals, to be held on Thursday at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track. Thanks to Lisa O'Connor for training our students.

Page 3: From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

Family Life Information sessions Tuesday October 28th If you are planning to attend any of the Family Life sessions, please return the form below, and cash money, by Wednesday, 22nd October to register your attendance. Payment is to be made in cash only please. It is most important that each child has a parent with them on the night as there will be time during each session to discuss issues privately with your child. Books will also be available for purchase (cash or credit card only) on the night. If you would like to see the list of titles and have a copy sent home, let me know. Please note: If there are insufficient numbers of people registered by Monday, 27th October, the evening

will be cancelled. (Foundation students not included in these sessions). Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the night. Mrs Robyn Blythe - Family Life Co-ordinator

Where: Rangeview Primary School Library

When: Levels 1 & 2: Tuesday, 28th October, 2014 at 5.45pm-6.45pm

Levels 3 & 4: Tuesday, 28th October, 2014 at 7.00pm-8.00pm

Levels 5 & 6: Tuesday, 28th October, 2014 at 8.15pm-9.15pm

Admission: 1 session $20.00 per Family 2 sessions or more $25.00 per Family


International Competitions & Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English – 2014

Congratulations to all students who completed the ICAS English assessment this year.

The following students received special awards:

Distinction - Sean R, Abigail J, Neve S, Brooke T, Emma Sp, Aaron M, Nathan M, Jasmine T, Ryan C, Matthew C, Sam W & Lucy R

Credit - Lamisse B, Morgan H, Raven F, Serena L, Lajeen B, Aidan C, Andy H, Ayden J, Jasmine K, Ruby F, Ty G, Maija D, Alia S,

Isabella But, Jessica H, Emma Sa, Inez S, Claire T, Ben T, Emily R, Ellen W, William T & Dheran S

Merit - Isabella Bue, Rhiannon J, Lawrence A, Jessica L & Noah R

These certificates will be presented at assembly on Monday 20th October.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Goulding - ICAS Co-ordinator

Table Tennis Many thanks to Mark and David for their wonderful table tennis exhibition at assembly on Monday. It was wonderful to see their high level of skill and everyone at assembly was enthralled by their speed and high level of reflexes.

We look forward to putting together a table tennis team of 10 players who will be competing against other school in early November.

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Students at Rangeview are

Kidproof Safety Sample Session Last week, some year 4 students were the recipients of a free sample

Kidproof Safety incursion. The content really got the children (and their

teacher!) thinking about some possible scenarios that pop up for today’s

digital citizens. Afterwards, students jotted down some new knowledge

learnt during the session. Here is the work of Keeley and Bree, 4A.

is working to gain full status.

If someone is giving you a

hard time – through web-

based games, texting, phone

calls, email or Instant

Messaging - don’t respond

and don’t reply. Lots of

people will give up if they don’t

get a response.

But that doesn’t mean ignore it

– tell a trusted adult and ask

them to help you.

Save nasty messages, texts

or emails (or copy and paste

Instant Messaging chats to

Notepad) so you can show an

adult if you need to.

And remember, most chat

sites, Instant Messaging

software and phones have a

feature that lets you block

communication from people

you don’t want to hear from.

Be an upstander. If you

know someone else is being

bullied, tell someone. The

person being bullied might not

have had the courage to find

help for themselves.

Page 5: From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

Program Update OSHClub has had a wonderful start to the term with students enjoying lots of art activities around the theme of Spring. We have also been taking advantage of the warmer weather with lots of outside play. This Term, Zac Parr will be running our Active After School Care program, teaching the students the rules and skills for games such as cricket, basketball and netball. We are currently looking for any old shirts with long sleeves or t-shirts that students can use as art smocks. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. They can be dropped off at the OSHClub office either before school or after school.

Next Week’s Activities Next week’s activities will be based around Grandparents Day on the 26th of October. We will be making cards and presents.

Reminder: Please ensure that your child has a hat at before and after school care as we will be taking advantage of the better weather and going outside to play as much as possible.

OSHC program phone: 0428 882 764

Coordinator: Hannah A

Assistants: Chloe, Zac, Randy, Penny, Stephanie,

Stephanie P and Tim

OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.

Music News Vermont Nursing Home I have been told the residents at the Vermont Aged Care facility are all looking forward to their music afternoon on Wednesday, 15th October. The Senior Choir will be singing and a number of instrumental students will be performing. It is always lovely for our students to give back to the local community where they can.

‘Count Us In 2014’ Students are all learning the song, "Paint You A Song" in music classes, in preparation for the whole school singing on

Thursday, 30th October at 12.30pm. Over 500,000 students from all over Australia will be singing the song at the same time on the same day to encourage singing and celebrate music education in schools. To hear the song go to http://www.musiccountusin.org.au

Important news from the Office Term Activities Planner The term 4 activity planner is being sent home today with your Family Statement. As with last term we have combined the whole school activities onto the one notification. We have found that this works easier for families with multiple level activity charges. We encourage that all these charges are paid in full as soon as possible. If your child/ren will not be attending an activity, please notify us in writing as soon as possible so your account can be adjusted. It is expected that all students attend the activities as they are an essential component of their learning and the school curriculum. A permission notice may be attached to the planner or sent home at a later date, closer to the actual event.

Family Statements You will see that all ‘Level Activity’ charges are included on your statement. Some families have chosen not to pay the voluntary charges but see that these amounts still appear on the statement. As you will see, they are clearly identified with an asterix declaring they are voluntary. For those families who feel they can make these donations, then they will be greatly appreciated. Just a reminder that Rangeview Primary School offers an electronic

method to make family payments. The schools banking details are printed on your statement and it is imperative that your family is identified at the time of payment. Please use your: ‘7 Digit Reference Number (printed under dotted cut-off line) and a short description, as identified on the Statement’. If these details are not evident then it is impossible for us to allocate the payment to your family. This is only an option and you may choose not to utilise this method. As usual you can still pay by - Cash / EFTPOS / Credit Card / Cheque. If you have made a payment in the last few days, it may not have been processed as yet and therefore still show on your Statement.

UPDATING STUDENT DETAILS A friendly reminder to all parents to ensure that records for students and families are kept up to date. You may wish to update family emergency contacts as sometimes these may alter. Copies of any relevant court orders should also be provided and also advise of any access restrictions for your children. Although Rangeview P.S. respects and complies with all court orders, custody arrangements, etc. the schools prime concern is, and always will be, the wellbeing of the student.

Art News All families and friends are welcome to attend the ‘Global Art Project’ initiative. The Global Art Project promotes a culture of peace through art - celebrating diversity while expressing the idea that we are all one. A selection of Peace Project dolls created by the Level 5 and 6 students in Term 2 will be displayed at the Box Hill Community Art Centre from the 27th October until the 2nd November. There are five other schools in the City of Whitehorse participating so it will be great to support them as well. Entry is free. Gallery opening hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Art Blog Have you check our Art Blog out? www.artrangeview.global2.vic.edu.au We would love comments and feedback!

Special mentions: Watkins family for your donation of a sewing machine Genevieve Frostick for assisting with the art displays Donation of plasticine - please stop by the Art room this week.

Page 6: From the Principal’s Desk - Rangeview Primary School · Chess club starts L3 parents iPad ... celebrate the official opening of Rangeview 20 ... The parent rep meeting will take

Student of the Week - for Monday, 20th October assembly F B Arabella For her fabulous work in class and for being a kind, caring friend to her classmates in FB. You are fabulous!

F D James For his fabulous Maths thinking. Well done using the counting on strategy when adding numbers together. You are a superstar!

F H Gus For the outstanding improvement in your Reading. You are chunking sounds together, using the picture and thinking about the sentence. Keep it up!

F S Imogen For working extremely hard to sound out her words during reading time. Well done Imogen!

1G Audrey For always presenting work to a high standard. You take pride in your achievements and take responsibility for your learning. Well done!

1 L Carol For working hard to improve your handwriting. Keep up the good work, Carol!

2 D Charley


For creating a beautifully presented information page on Australian Animals. It was colourful, creative and full of great information! Excellent work, Charley!

For working your fabulous maths brain hard to calculate the change you would get when using money. I am very impressed Chloe! Keep up the great work.

2 H Katie


For working hard on improving her spelling. Katie has also been editing her written work. Well done!

For focussing carefully when we have been learning about money. You have been able to accurately count collections of money, Elise. Terrific work!

2 G Tom For working well during Reading Workshop and collecting lots of interesting facts to share with the class. Keep up the great work, Tom!

3M Samantha For her contributions to discussions about reading strategies and for her willingness to help others. Congratulations Samantha!

3 J Amelia

Thomas L

What an informative report about your exciting trip to New York. You made a colourful poster to display too.

You always show perseverance in completing Maths learning that is challenging for you. Well done Thomas.

3L Lilliana For being such a hard working and friendly student in class. You always work hard to complete set task in class. Keep up the great work Lilliana.

3/4S Blake Congratulations for completing so many lessons on Mathletics! You work hard at improving and extending your Maths skills, reflecting the Rangeview value LEARNING.

4A Rose For reflecting thoughtfully on your projects by thinking about the expectations in the rubric. You are able to recognise your strengths and what goals to set for your future. Well done on demonstrating qualities of a successful learner and reflecting our school value of Learning.

4B Tom B For being a responsible class member when visiting 4A to hear about the Cybersafety Presentation and sharing the information learnt, speaking in a confident manner back to the grade.

4H All of 4H For your superb enthusiasm and dedication in achieving Australian number 1 class in Mathletics. You demonstrated all the school values and made your teacher and school very proud.

5 E Ashleigh


For her fabulous effort in Maths recently. You're confidence is improving every day and you are offering up some great solutions to difficult problems. Well done and keep up the fabulous work!

For his amazing defensive and attacking skills when up against the number 2 table tennis player in Australia. You hit back with a few trick shots that I don't think David anticipated. Nice work!

5/6 K Sean L Lucy R

For sharing their iPad knowledge and exploration with others and Mrs Kehoe. Great collaborative learning!!

6 M Vince For helping others in the class with hyperlinking in their ICT documents. Your ICT knowledge is fantastic, but your willingness to help others is brilliant!

6M Isaac For getting involved with class discussion in visual literacy and discussing your ideas of ‘Thinking Aloud’. Fantastic!



Angus 5W

Kaela 5M

Charlotte 2B

For your positive attitude in Music each week. You always try your hardest and set a great example for your classmates when learning the AUSLAN to 'Paint you a Song'. Fantastic job Angus! - Mrs. Melitsis

For doing an outstanding job learning the AUSLAN to 'Paint you a Song'. An impressive effort Kaela! - Mrs. Melitsis

For being helpful friend and partner to Archie when making recycled instruments. What a great bucket filler! - Mrs. Melitsis

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Best Wishes & Happy Birthday to the following students!

October 15th Oct Tiarne Isabella 16th Oct Zoe Blake Cartia William 17th Oct Jordy Lachlan 18th Oct Charlie Maija 19th Oct Timothy

Rangeview Notices for 15th October

Newsletter (on website only) Family Statements & Term Activities

Please check this section weekly to see if your no-tices are coming home to your family.

Where possible, a generic notice (or blank permis-sion slip for Excursions / Incursions) will be on the website (click on the date in the calendar) then again on the event, for you to download the rele-vant permission form.

Lost Items Please check the LOST property

bucket before this Friday. Please ensure ANY?ALL clothing and other items brought to school are clearly


PET ROSTER Level Duty: For the week 13th to 17th October -

Foundation H (Miss Hull) is on duty.

For the week 20h to 31st October - Level 5W(Ms Wilson) is on duty.

Family Duty: For the weekend 18th October the Tilley

Family are on duty.

For the weekend 25th October the Guster Family are on duty.

Beth Joyce (3J ) Animal Welfare Co-ordinator

The Heatherdale Community Action Group Inc.

Meeting Dates 2014, 7.30pm Sept 10th/Oct 8th /Nov

12th /Dec 10th. Held at Rangeview P.S.

All Welcome!

Don’t forget – October is Walk to School Month Why should children walk more? There are dozens of reasons why walking is good for children. Walk-ing keeps them fit and active, helps them learn about road safety and prepares them for inde-pendence. It shows them that the world is an interesting place, and gives them the chance to watch their own neighbourhoods change with the seasons. It keeps them connected with other people who live nearby. One of the best things you can do as a parent is to walk regularly with your children, and encourage them to walk more. You will be helping them to set up a lifetime of healthy habits from an early age. As a community, we all need to be out and about on our two feet more often if children are to be inspired to do the same (it's difficult for parents to convince children that walking is fun if nobody else is doing it). Active children are more likely to be active adults. You’re giving your child a lifetime of good health simply by encouraging them to walk more - Dr Ben Rossiter Victoria Walks

Rangeview Twilight Working Bee……. When: Friday, 24th October Time: 4.30pm to 7.00pm

Please join us for this twilight working bee! For something different we are offering a twilight working bee on a Friday night instead of a Sunday. Please stay at the end to enjoy a sausage sizzle!

Jobs include: weeding, pruning ,general maintenance and more!!!.

What to bring: rakes, brooms, shovels, pruning gear & any other tools you may need

Please stay for a delicious sausage sizzle afterwards. To assist with catering, please complete the below tear-off slip and return it to school by Monday, 20th October. Hope to see you there - even if you can only stay 1 hour!


Rangeview Twilight Working Bee…….

Family Name and Level: ___________________________________________________

Number attending: ______________

Please Circle: Yes /No we are able to attend this Working Bee Please Circle: Yes /No we are able/unable to stay for the sausage sizzle

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Rangeview Primary School does not endorse the service or product of any advertisements, paid or unpaid, printed in this newsletter.

Neighbourhood Watch Meeting Dates for 2014

Held at Rangeview P.S. Meetings commence at 7.30pm for approx. 1 hour duration.

Tues, 14th Oct / Tue, 9th Dec. Everyone Welcome!


School Term Dates 2014 Term 4: 6 Oct to 19 Dec


School Term Dates 2015 Term 1: 28 Jan to 27 March

Teachers start Wed 28th Jan Level 1-6 Students start Thur 29th Jan

Foundation start Mon 2nd Feb

Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 Sept Term 4: 5 Oct to18 Dec


School Term Dates 2016 Term 1: 27 Jan to 24 March Term 2: 11 April to 24 June Term 3: 11 July to 16 Sept Term 4: 3 Oct to 20 Dec

Rangeview Community Committee Thanks to everyone who helped with the hot food at the Billy Cart/Footy Day. Dates for your Calendar

Oktoberfest Wednesday, 22nd Oct

Party Night - Saturday 25th October


at Manhattan Hotel Saturday, 25th October - DJ, Dancing, Socializing, Silent Auc-tion…..Tickets $20 per person. Please return you booking form asap.


Level 2-6 students (in 2015)

Enrolments are NOW being taken for Level 2 – 6 students in Keyboard, Guitar lessons to commence Term 1, 2015

Level 1 students Enrolments are NOW being taken Level 1students Keyboard lessons to commence in Term 2, 2015!

Enrol online at:


To save disappointment, please enrol before the end of Term 1, 2015

Mad On Music do not take enrolments in Term 3 & 4.