Turkish Neiirosiirgery 6: 93 - 95, 1996 Güner: Fo/licu/ar CarcillOma Metastasis Frontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri Metastazi .. .. METIN GÜNER, ARIF ÜSÜN, ENGIN UÇAR, NERIMAN GÖKDEN, EMEK ÜZEN Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine, Departments of Neurosurgery (MG,AÖ,EU), and Pathology (NG,EÖ), Izmir, Turkey Abstract: Papillary-follicular thyroid carcinoma usually remains loca1Ized to the thyroid bed, and in cases of metastasis, almost always involves the lungs, bones, or liver. Brain metastasis is rare and there has been no reported case of epidural metastasis of thyroid carcinomas in the literature up to date. A frontal epidural mass lesion was excised and histologically found to be a follicular thyroid carcinoma metastasis. Key words: Carcinoma, epidural, metastasis, thyroid. INTRODUCTION Treatment of metastatic brain tumors is still controversial. Thyroid careinoma metastasis to the brain is ra re and surgery alone is not successful. Aggressive surgery and radioactive iodine treatment should be performed. Recurrences are evaluated by serum thyroglobulin levels CASE REPORT A 50 year-old female patient presented with complaints of progressive headache and tinnitus. Neurological examination was normaL.On plain skull radiographs, erosion of the frontal bone was seen. Computerized tomography (CT) revealed a left-sided frontal epidural mass lesion 7x4x6 cm in size with significant contrast enhancement and frontal bone erosion (Figure 1). A left frontal craniotomy was performed. The tumor was well vascularized and the dura was involved. During the operation severe bleeding occurred and was controlled by eircular Özet: Tiroidin papiller-folliküler karsinomu çogunlukla tiroid beziyle sinirlidir ve metastazlari hemen daima akciger, kemik veya karacigerde görülür. Beyin metastazi nadirdir, kafaiçinde epidural metastaz bildirilmemistir. Frontal yerlesimli epidural kitle lezyonu saptanarak çikarilan bir hastamizda histopatolojik inceleme sonucu folliküler tiroid karsinomu olarak bildirilmistir. Anahtar sözcükler: Epidural, karsinoma, metastaz, tiroid Figure 1:Preoperative CT sean shows a left frontal epidural mass lesion. 93

Frontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid · PDF fileFrontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri ... excised the

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Page 1: Frontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid · PDF fileFrontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri ... excised the

Turkish Neiirosiirgery 6: 93 - 95, 1996 Güner: Fo/licu/ar CarcillOma Metastasis

Frontal Epidural Metastasis of FollicularThyroid Carcinoma

Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri Metastazi


Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine, Departments of Neurosurgery (MG,AÖ,EU),and Pathology (NG,EÖ), Izmir, Turkey

Abstract: Papillary-follicular thyroid carcinoma usuallyremains loca1Ized to the thyroid bed, and in cases ofmetastasis, almost always involves the lungs, bones, orliver. Brain metastasis is rare and there has been noreported case of epidural metastasis of thyroid carcinomasin the literature up to date. A frontal epidural mass lesionwas excised and histologically found to be a follicularthyroid carcinoma metastasis.Key words: Carcinoma, epidural, metastasis, thyroid.


Treatment of metastatic brain tumors is still

controversial. Thyroid careinoma metastasis to thebrain is ra re and surgery alone is not successful.Aggressive surgery and radioactive iodine treatmentshould be performed. Recurrences are evaluated byserum thyroglobulin levels


A 50 year-old female patient presented withcomplaints of progressive headache and tinnitus.Neurological examination was normaL.On plain skullradiographs, erosion of the frontal bone was seen.Computerized tomography (CT) revealed a left-sidedfrontal epidural mass lesion 7x4x6 cm in size withsignificant contrast enhancement and frontal boneerosion (Figure 1). A left frontal craniotomy wasperformed. The tumor was well vascularized and thedura was involved. During the operation severebleeding occurred and was controlled by eircular

Özet: Tiroidin papiller-folliküler karsinomu çogunluklatiroid beziyle sinirlidir ve metastazlari hemen daimaakciger, kemik veya karacigerde görülür. Beyin metastazinadirdir, kafaiçinde epidural metastaz bildirilmemistir.Frontal yerlesimli epidural kitle lezyonu saptanarakçikarilan bir hastamizda histopatolojik inceleme sonucufolliküler tiroid karsinomu olarak bildirilmistir.

Anahtar sözcükler: Epidural, karsinoma, metastaz, tiroid

Figure 1:Preoperative CT sean shows a left frontal epiduralmass lesion.


Page 2: Frontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid · PDF fileFrontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri ... excised the

Turkish Neiirosiirgery 6: 93 - 95, 1996

dural incision. The tum or was totally excised. Therewas no sign of subdural invasion. Histopathologicalexamination revealed follicular thyroid carcinomametastasis (Figure 2). Serum T3, T4 and TSH levelswere normal but thyroid sintigraphy showed activenodules, and serum thyroglobulin level was 191mg/mL (normal values: 0-75 mg/mL). Subtotalthyroidectomy was performed, and histopathologicalexamination revealed follicular thyroid carcinoma(Figure 3). Radioactive iodine (100 mCi P31) wasgiyen. Postoperative thyroid sintigraphy showedminimal enhancement. Bone scintigraphy, chest x­ray, and abdominal ultrasonography showed noevidence of metastases. Throughout thepostoperative nine month period, the patient had noneurological deficit and no sign of recurrence. Serumthyroglobulin level was still above normal value,102mg/mL.

Figure 2: Histologic examination reveals the tumor andthe intact dura. (H&E, XL O)

Figure 3: Microscopic appearance of the primary thyroid

tumor. Area of the follicular cardnoma (right

upper corner) with intravascular invasion andnormal areas (left lower corner). (H&E, XlOO)


Gfi/ier: FailiClIlar Careinoma Metastasis


The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is estimatedto be 1/25000 -1/27000. Although metastasis to thelungs and bones occur commonly, brain metastasisis ra re (9). Papillary-follicular thyroid carcinomausually remains localized to the thyroid bed, and incases of metastasis almost always involves the lungs,bones or liver. Parker et aL.(8), and Venkatesh et aL.(9) reported papillary-follicular thyroid carcinomametastases to the brain parenchyma. Prevalence ofbrain metastasis in reported series of thyroidcarcinoma is summarized in Table i.

Surgery, radioactive iodine treatment, andradiotherapy are the main therapies used in thesepatients (6,9). An aggressive surgical approach forisolated rnetastasis may be beneficial (9). We totallyexcised the intracranial tumor and two months later

subtotal thyroidectomy was performed. Radioactiveiodine treatment was also giyen.

Many thyroid carcinomas secretethyroglobulin, and in the presence of metastasis highconcentrations of this marker may be detectable inthe serum. Thyroglobulin levels are used as a markerof recurrence during follow-up (1). In this patient,serum thyroglobulin level has increased two-fold atthe beginning.

Table i. Prevalence of brain metastases in reportedseries of thyroid carcinoma

Souree Number ofPredominantNumber ofNumber of


Tumorpatienis withpatienls with


loeal exlensionbrainor melaslasis


lo bone lung or liverlbanez el aL.




Harness et aL.260Papillary28O



Mazzafferi el al.(7)


Figg el aL.(2)






el al (3)


Young el aL.(10)


Edmonds (1)

128 TotalPapillary41


Venkatesh (9)

571 TotalPapillary?8





2154 20713

Page 3: Frontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid · PDF fileFrontal Epidural Metastasis of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Frontal Epidural Folliküler Tiroid Kanseri ... excised the

TlIrkish Neiirosiirgery 6: 93 - 95, 1996

Prognosis of thyroid careinomas is poor in thepresence of brain metastasis. Venkatesh et aL.reported survival to be between 3-75 months (mean8 months) from time of diagnosis in eleyen cases (9).There was no sign of recurrence in our patient in thepostoperative ninth month.

Metastasis of thy ro id carcinoma to the brain israre. Aggressive surgery, and radioactive iodinetreatment should be performed. After treatment,serum thyroglobulin level should be checkedperiodicaiiy. Prognosis is poor.

Correspondence: Metin Güner, MDDokuz Eylül UniversitySchool of Medicine

Department of Neurosurgery35340 Inciralti, Izmir, TurkeyTelephone: (232) 259 59 59 i 3300


1. Edmonds CI, Willis CL: Serum thyroglobulin in theinvestigation of patients presenting with metastases.Br J Radiol 61:317-9,1988

2. Figg DM, Bratt HJ, VanVliet PD, Dean RE: Thyroid

Güiier: Failiclilar Carciiioma Metastasis

caneer: diagnosis and management based on a reviewof 142 cases. Arn J Surg 135: 671-674,1978

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6. Maheshwari YK, Hill CS, Haynie TP, Hickey RC,Samaan NA: 131! therapy in differentiated thyroidcarcinoma. Cancer 47:664-671,1981

7. Mazzaferri EL, Young RL: Papillary thyroid careinorna:a 10 year follow-up report of the impact of therapy in576 patients. Arn J Med 70: 511-518,1981

8. Parker LN, Wu SY, Kim DD, Kollin J, Prasasvinichai S:Recurrence of papillary thyroid carcinoma as a focalneurologic deficit. Arch Intem Med 146:1985-7,1986

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11th Scientific Convention

Turkish Neurosurgical Society

May 16-20/ 1997Dedeman Hotel, Antalya, Turkey