Funders. Welcome- Getting Started. Make a student account in ASSISTment School. Enroll in Mrs. Heffernan’s August 19 th class. Start doing the assignments

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Funders Welcome- Getting Started. Make a student account in ASSISTment School. Enroll in Mrs. Heffernans August 19 th class. Start doing the assignments from the top down. GET AT LEAST HALF THE QUESTIONS WRONG!. When you do get them wrong take a look at the tutoring. Learn what it is like for the kids who get the questions wrong. The Jetsons school must have had ASSISTments Teachers could efficiently give benchmark assessments so students received feedback instantly while teachers collect data they can use to help plan lessons. Parents receive notes directly related to student performance on individual problems. Students do all their homework online so they do not have to wait until the next day to go over the work and get help. Students get automatic reassessment on skills they showed mastery in. What we will cover today The BasicsARRS Parent Notification Other New Features Support for Open-Ended Answers Building your own content Text Books Issues we can cover today The Basics Other New Features ARRS Parent Notification Support for Open-Ended Answers Building your own content Text Books The Basics Benchmark Assessment Diagnostic Assessment Mastery Learning Sets Our Content. Examples of Use Skill Builders ARRS Benchmarks MCAS Help Book Work Student 1 Student 1 made a calculation error. Student 1 Corrections Student 2 Student 2 had no idea how to do the problem. Student 2 Corrections Student 3 Student 3 demonstrated no understanding of how to solve the problem. Student 3 Corrections What is left on the Agenda ARRS Parent Notification Support for Open-Ended Answers Building your own content Text Books ARRS Lets meet the ASSISTments septuplets Average Average Average Perfect Looser Diligent Slacker LOGIN: Password 1234 Review ARRS Assign Mastery Learning Problem Sets to a separate class. Toggle Settings to ARRS and decide on your settings. Set due dates for the Mastery Learning Problem Sets to release. Explain things to the students and look at the reports together to make sure everyone is going OK. What is left on the Agenda Parent Notification Support for Open-Ended Answers Building your own content Text Books Parent Notification Turn it on and add a sample. This is permanent so be sure to add theto a sample student. There are two ways to send messages. From your message center From an item report What is left on the Agenda Support for Open-Ended Answers Building your own content Text Books Essay Critique You did an essay question this AM. Lets see how a teacher deals with those essays. What is left on the Agenda Building your own content Text Books Explore the Builder Lets Build a problem Together. On the wiki I have added a homework from CMP. Watch what I do as a CMP builder. You can do the same thing for your book. Add Tutoring. Put it in a problem set and assign it. In the problem set you can have Test Mode or Tutoring. Join our Community What is next Give it a try! Develop a simple routine Work with a partner teacher so you can plan and trouble shoot together. I can come down on your first or second day to help out in the lab. Join our ASSISTments Google group so you are not alone in this exciting endeavor. Get the students involved in the data let them tell you what it tells the class to do next. Teacher WIKI Destination for information on ASSISTments Development Team Former Graduate and Undergraduate Students WPI and Faculty and Staff Current Students