Ordinary Meeting of Council 14 March 2018 Page 1 2.2 FUTURE OF THE GUILDFORD LIBRARY Ward: (Midland/Guildford Ward) Customer and Library Services Disclosure of Interest: Nil Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Community Wellbeing) KEY ISSUES At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 2 August 2017 Council resolved for a report to be provided detailing a plan to close the Guildford Public Library and propose potential alternative uses for the facility, and discussing current and future visions for City of Swan libraries; At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 27 September 2017 Council resolved to accept the unsustainability of the Guildford Library as a standalone branch, and requested a detailed report be provided at the 14 March 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting including a business plan to refocus the library. The purpose of this was to also enable staff to consider community input into the business plan; At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 15 December 2017, a notice of revocation was successfully put which resulted in a revised notice of motion. The new resolution required the library to continue to operate as a ‘standalone branch library’. As such, the Guildford Library will need to continue to participate in additional roles and responsibilities in the state wide public library system that impact on staff resources; and Staff have been liaising with Friends of the Guildford Library (FOGL) to ensure inclusion of community feedback into the business plan, in accordance with the 27 September 2017 Council resolution. It is recommended that the Council resolve to: 1) Approve the workplan plan for the Guildford Library as documented in Attachment 2 to this report, to form the basis for the Customer and Library Services Business Unit business plan from 2018/19 onwards; 2) Allocate $404,206 on the City’s draft budget for 18/19 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the new business plan for the library; and 3) Allocate $452,979 on the City’s draft budget for 19/20 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the business plan, subject to further review in consultation with the Friends of the Guildford Library Group.

Future of the Guildford Library - swan.wa.gov.au · Swan library staff and their small library space with some elements of a traditional library that many feel connected to. Feedback

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Page 1: Future of the Guildford Library - swan.wa.gov.au · Swan library staff and their small library space with some elements of a traditional library that many feel connected to. Feedback

Ordinary Meeting of Council 14 March 2018

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Ward: (Midland/Guildford Ward) Customer and Library Services

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Community Wellbeing)


• At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 2 August 2017 Council resolved for a report to be provided detailing a plan to close the Guildford Public Library and propose potential alternative uses for the facility, and discussing current and future visions for City of Swan libraries;

• At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 27 September 2017 Council resolved to accept the unsustainability of the Guildford Library as a standalone branch, and requested a detailed report be provided at the 14 March 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting including a business plan to refocus the library. The purpose of this was to also enable staff to consider community input into the business plan;

• At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 15 December 2017, a notice of revocation was successfully put which resulted in a revised notice of motion. The new resolution required the library to continue to operate as a ‘standalone branch library’. As such, the Guildford Library will need to continue to participate in additional roles and responsibilities in the state wide public library system that impact on staff resources; and

• Staff have been liaising with Friends of the Guildford Library (FOGL) to ensure inclusion of community feedback into the business plan, in accordance with the 27 September 2017 Council resolution.

It is recommended that the Council resolve to:

1) Approve the workplan plan for the Guildford Library as documented in Attachment 2 to this report, to form the basis for the Customer and Library Services Business Unit business plan from 2018/19 onwards;

2) Allocate $404,206 on the City’s draft budget for 18/19 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the new business plan for the library; and

3) Allocate $452,979 on the City’s draft budget for 19/20 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the business plan, subject to further review in consultation with the Friends of the Guildford Library Group.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 14 March 2018

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At the Ordinary Council Meeting dated the 2 August 2017, Council resolved to:

1) Request a report be provided to Council by the end of September 2017, detailing a plan to close the Guildford Public Library and propose potential alternative uses for the facility;

2) That the report include a discussion on the current and future vision for libraries at the City of Swan, as community hubs in supporting lifelong learning for members of the community, including virtual library services.

Officers provided the report to the Ordinary Meeting of Council 27 September 2017 which presented the following options:

1. Option 1: Closure of the Guildford Library and repurposing the space as bookable

community space;

2. Option 2: Maintain the Guildford Public Library as a small standalone traditional branch library; and

3. Option 3: Refocus the Guildford Public Library aligned with the recommendations in the Heritage Precinct Master Plan (two year trial).

Option 3 was the City’s recommended option and was proposed in recognition that based on the performance of the Guildford Public Library in recent years, it was not considered sustainable as a small stand-alone branch, replicating similar services and programs as other City of Swan Libraries. However, the City’s view was that it could be refocused through staged improvements to the current facility (in accordance with recommendations in the Heritage Precinct Plan) to provide enhanced community benefits aligned to a Library Lounge concept. This would reflect the unique character and interests of the Guildford community co-located with creative arts and technology space through the:

• Provision of a small targeted collection reflecting current usage e.g. children, popular fiction, Guildford specific subjects such as history, heritage and restoration subjects available;

• Total self-serve (RFID);

• Staffed when needed as decided by community to a total of 12 hours per week to deliver whatever the community chooses from regular services and programs delivered from other City libraries;

• 24/7 access through swipe card allocation to access community led activities and programs compatible with the Library space e.g. study groups, book clubs, storytime sessions, local art exhibitions etc.;

• Dedicated Maker Space/technology lounge/optimal Wi-Fi;

• Introduction of coffee facilities;

• Improved IT services and connectivity; and

• Provision of space and services (such as a 3D printer) for a business startup/ incubator space.

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At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 27 September 2017, Council resolved to:

1) Accept that the Guildford Library is not sustainable to continue as a small standalone branch library in its current operating model;

2) Request a detailed report be provided to Council at the 14 March 2018 Ordinary Meeting of Council, providing a business plan to refocus the library, as discussed in Option 3 of this report and aligned to recommendations in the Heritage Precinct Master Plan; and

3) Record the reason for changing the officer’s recommendation is to ensure that a decision is made on the business plan in time for business and budget planning for 2018-2019 and which will also enable time for staff to consider community input to the business plan.

The community input into the next report to be provided to the Council in March 2018 was to be developed by officers in consultation with the recently formed ‘Friends of the Guildford Library’ (FOGL). Council directed this approach to ensure inclusion in the resulting business plan of feedback through FOGL as to what the community desired in their library. Community feedback suggested that they wanted to retain access to City of Swan library staff and their small library space with some elements of a traditional library that many feel connected to. Feedback also suggested that the community wished to future proof the Guilford library through providing optimal access to a modern library space. This was to include new technology and welcoming spaces for the community to come together to enjoy programs and activities that suited Guildford people at times that it works best for the community.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting 15 November 2017 a notice of Revocation was successfully put which resulted in a revised Notice of Motion whereby the Council resolved to:

1) Accept the Guildford Library is a small library which has operated for 150 years and which the community wish to see continue as a small standalone branch library with the refocus to ensure the sustainability and continued longevity of the library;

2) Request that the detailed report be provided to Council at the 14 March 2018 Ordinary Meeting of Council, providing a business plan to refocus the library, developed in cooperation with the Friends of the Guildford Library community group, through staged improvements to the current facility, to provide enhanced community benefits aligned to a Library Lounge concept. This would reflect the unique character and interests of the Guildford Community;

3) To refocus the library as follows to include:

• Provision of a targeted collection reflecting current usage e.g. children, popular fiction, Guildford specific subjects such as local history, local heritage and restoration subjects,

• Total self-serve (RFID),

• Consideration be given to opening the Library up to a total of 40 hours per week to deliver whatever the community chooses from regular services and programs delivered from other City libraries ,

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• Entry through authorised swipe card to access community led activities and programs compatible with the Library space e.g. study groups, book clubs, story-time sessions, local art exhibitions etc.,

• Dedicated Maker Space/technology lounge/optimal WiFi,

• Improved IT services and connectivity, and

• Provision of space and services (such as a 3D printer) for a business startup/incubator space; and

4) Record the reason for the motion is that the Guildford community wish to retain the Guilford Library as a modern refocused library. The revoked resolution referred to option 3 in a report which referred to another report that had been selectively endorsed by Council. This resolution clarifies the intention of Council and aligns with the expectations of the community.

The new resolution from the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 15 November 2017, requires the library to continue to operate as a ‘standalone branch library’. As such, the Guildford Library will need to continue to participate in additional roles and responsibilities in the state wide public library system that impact on staff resources.

It should also be noted that with a 300 sq. metre building, combining an enhanced traditional standalone library service with the enhancement offered by the modern library lounge concept will be difficult to achieve. Further, that there will not now be any opportunity to reallocate some resources to other busier branches, such as Midland and Ellenbrook.


Consultation with the Friends of the Guildford Library (FOGL)

City Officers have commenced consultation with FOGL in accordance with the Council resolution of September 2017. A workplan for this consultation and subsequent Council Report has been developed with direction and input from FOGL.

With the revocation of the Councils resolution of 27 September 2017 and Councils new resolution of 15 November 2017, this consultation processes has changed to focus the business plan on delivering a standalone branch library with elements of a library lounge concept.

Community Consultation Analysis and Workplan Development

To ensure business planning undertaken in cooperation with FOGL was aligned to previous community consultation, City officers undertook a detailed analysis of feedback with FOGL. This has resulted in an agreed summary of community direction (Attachment 1).

Once agreed this direction was utilised with the new Council motion to develop a draft work plan. The purpose of the workplan was to ensure good process, detailed feedback via FOGL from community on proposed aspects of the refocus, governance around decisions and a framework to present back to the Council. This workplan was presented to FOGL Working Group at a first meeting on 18 December 2018.

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Role of FOGL and Use of Workplan

The role of FOGL in developing the required business plan was discussed at the December 2017 meeting with FOGL to ensure alignment between the Council resolution, the FOGL Working Group’s own expectations and level of commitment, and the City’s direction with respect to the shared ownership of the final detail to be presented to the Council as a business plan going forward.

As such FOGL determined that;

• The City officers would take the lead in the development of the business plan;

• FOGL would form a Working Group as the contact for the community and the City officers;

• They would operate as a reference group through;

a. Communicating with the community and providing direction and feedback to City Officers ;

b. Provide services to the Guildford Library through sourcing volunteers, lobbying the community or Council and undertaking public relations and promotions through Facebook etc.; and

• Rather than attend many meetings they would respond to correspondence as required through the Friends of the Guildford Library group email.

Following the December meeting there was agreement that the workplan would be a roadmap and decision making mechanism. It would deliver the required workload in the associated timeframes, yet allow for FOGL to undertake a robust process of consultation with the community. It would also form a shared and agreed record of cooperation between the City and FOGL.

Working with FOGL has delivered benefits to both the City officers and the community. FOGL was instrumental in helping City officers to identify a series of achievable 'quick wins' with maximum impact, and creating a strong sense of cooperation as a way forward. This assisted in strengthening community engagement and inclusion where possible in changes to how the library looks. The partnership also helped raise awareness with the community regarding the decisions that needed to be made to achieve the right balance between books versus spaces.

Final Workplan

The final workplan (Attachment 2) details the cascading of communications, consultations, priorities and actions from meetings and final shared decision making on inclusions in the workplan. The colour coding indicates completion as follows:

• First draft developed for discussion– no highlighting;

• Second draft developed post December 18 2017 Meeting – yellow highlighting; and

• Third draft developed post February 5 2018 Meeting- green highlighting.

In summary, the workplan developed in consultation with FOGL is proposed to form the content for the Guildford Library’s business plan and budget plan for the next two years.

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The workplan, if supported by a Council resolution, will form part of the City’s standard operating arrangements for the library going forward.

The business plan developed in cooperation with the FOGL provides for the refocus of the Guildford Library in accordance with the motion from the November 15 Ordinary Council meeting through the:

• Utilisation of FOGLas community reference group to ensure appropriate community engagement for input into the business plan;

• Delivery of a two year staged implementation of refocus;

• Agreed layout of Library and identification of required furniture;

• Agreement of an optimal number and mix of resources;

• Proposal for revised City of Swan staffing hours to be supported by a staged trial of afterhours access;

• Detailing a tailored annual plan of programs and activities; and

• Identifying and planning shared responsibility for required communication, marketing and promotions.

Key aspects of stage 1 include:

1. Staffed opening hours as follows:

Mon: 10-5 (7)

Wed: 9-12 (3)

Thur: 2-7(5)

Fri: 10-5 (7)

Sat: 10-2 (4)

2. Resources:

• 9,000 items; and

• Collection of Guildford historical material.

3. Programs and Activities as follows:

• One storytime per week

• One rhymetime per week

• One afterschool activity per week

• Opt in book club

• One adult workshop per month

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• One Thinking Green program per year

• One school holiday program per term

• Introduction of a Seed Library

4. Infrastructure

• Upgrades to couches, chairs and tables as per community consultation customised shelving to maximise wall space and to provide flexibility to support programs;

• Authorised after-hours access; and

• Public co working space inclusive of technology.

5. Additional key aspects of stage 2 pending review by FOGL include: 5.1 Enhanced access

• Technology to support after- hours library usage

• Infrastructure to support additional after- hour’s access

• Reopening of James Street Entrance


• Detailed analysis of Three Community Information Sessions held at the Guildford Town Hall on Thursday, 24 August, 5.30- 7.30 (18 participants), Friday, 25 August, 9.30-11.30 (10 participants) and Saturday 26th August, 4.30-6.30 (25 participants) and an online survey delivered in partnership with the Friends of the Guildford Library Group. (Attachment 1);

• Multiple interactions with the FOGL Working Group, including meetings, emails, exchange of documents and feedback from Facebook between September 2017 and March 2018 as detailed in final workplan (Attachment 2); and


Agreed summary of community direction

Final Workplan

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City of Swan Strategic Community Plan - SCP

• S2.1 Strengthen Place based access and delivery of services

• G2.1 Improve capability and capacity

City of Swan Youth Strategy - YS

• E1.1.1.1 Facilitate peer to peer and business start-up mentoring programs

• E2.2.5.10 Continue and expand existing library education programs to assist job seekers

• E3.3.8.15 Expand and enhance the technology used in the library ‘future labs’ and increase technical expertise through the employment of technical experts

• B2.8.17.33 Investigate the feasibility of utilising, enhancing and upgrading City

facilities, to ensure when upgraded facilities are fit-for-purpose Strategy for the Ageing Population – SAP

• 3.1.1 Expand and evolve the scope of the City of Swan existing suite of intergenerational initiatives currently planned for in operation. The City shall expand its service delivery of intergenerational programs and initiatives, including project partners where possible


Library Board Act 1951

Public Library Framework Agreement 2010

The State Library of WA will be informed as per the Agreements.

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The required business plan to refocus the Guildford Library developed in cooperation with the Friends of the Guildford Library community group is detailed in the table below:

Stage one


Information Officer Level 4

$108,680 ((based on 2 FTE officers, required leave coverage and penalties for 7pm and Sat pm - 26 hours)

Mon: 10-5 (7)

Wed: 9-12 (3)

Thur: 2-7(5)

Fri: 10-5 (7)

Sat: 10-2 (4)

These hours suggested from feedback from community re mornings, evenings and more time on Sat for working families.

Access coupled with a trial some additional after-hours access for community as well, facilitated by FOGL or by prior agreement with City.

Professional salaries $17,500 (based on 1/3 qualified FTE supported 26 hours staffed access and full program of activities)

Programs Staff $12,535 staff costs to run programs

$3,780 staff costs travel time and from Guildford.

This supports the agreed programs of one storytime per week, one rhymetime per week, one afterschool activity per week, opt in book club and one adult workshop per month, one Thinking Green program per year, and one school holiday program per term.


Operating Budget OPERATING BUDGET ($198,211) (indicative operating costs of 26 hours per week with 2 FTE plus programs (minus staff costs).

Note: 190,588 is indicative operating costs 25 hours per week with .78 FTE and one storytime (minus staff costs)

Seed Library $2,000

Programs costs including marketing (excluding staff time)


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External consultation to provide qualitative feedback form community to support quantitative feedback from the City



Upgrade to public furniture


Upgrade to couches, chairs and tables as per community consultation

New furniture- Shelving

$24,500 (Customised wheeled shelving to maximise wall space to provide flexibility to support programs.

Future’s Lab $2,000

Provision of 3D printer and extra public computer.


Existing RFID functionality remains in stage 1 with enhanced functionality in stage 2 to support a secure and fuller self-service after-hours access.

Security and 24 access


Provide for some access outside staff hours when required by community group or members facilitated by FOGL or by prior arrangement with the City as a trial.

Relocate staff room to allow community access to co working space

$ 5,000

Provision of power to new staff space, relocation of WIFI modem, replacement door key and securing of old vault.

Re open James Street entrance


Community interest but suggested by FOGL for stage 2 after more consultation around pros and cons

Make good access to utility cabinets


Resources Nil

FOGL requests fuller shelves estimated additional 1,000 children’s DVDs and adult fiction in the first stage. This is to be provided through not weeding and a donation of 200 resources from Midland, Alone and Ballajura

Agreed stock level at this stage: 9,000 up from 7,500

TOTAL YEAR ONE - $404,206

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Stage two 19/20

SALARIES ($144,631)

Salaries Option1 : keep 26 hours

$110,310 (1.5% increase)

Option 2 : increase from 26 hours to be costed for draft 19/20 budget if requested by FOGL

Professional salaries Option1 ; keep 26 hours

$17,762 (1.5% increase)

Option 2 : increase from 26 hours to be costed for draft 19/20 budget if requested by FOGL

Programs salaries Option 1 : keep current programs

$12,723 (1.5% increase)

$3,836 travel time (1.5% increase)

Option 2 : change in program offering to be costed for draft 19/20 budget if requested by FOGL


Operating budget Option 1: keep hours of opening, staff and programs

$201,184 (1.5% increase)

Option 2 : change in hours of opening, staff and program offering to be costed for draft 19/20 budget if requested by FOGL

Seed Library $1,015

Programs Cost Option 1 : keep current programs

$10,150 other than staff costs inclusive of marketing

Option 2 : change in program offering to be costed for draft 19/20 budget if requested by FOGL


RFID $14,000 initial purchase plus $3,000 per annum for maintenance of Smart Shelf (customised built for small space) to support after-hours access

Upgrade kitchen facilities


Make good access to utility cabinets

Nil- undertaken in stage 1

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Security and 24/7 access


Pending assessment of trial in stage one and a fuller risk assessment with community through FOGL

Re-open James Street entrance


Community interest but suggested by FOGL for stage 2 after more consultation around pros and cons

TOTAL YEAR TWO (452,980)

The variance between the current budget allocation for Guildford Library and the Business Plan is detailed below:

Cost Type Current Budget Allocation

FOGL Agreed Business Plan Stage 1


salaries 60,600 124,995

*includes Info Officers, programs staff and travel time


*salaries is minus costs for professional staff resulting in less professional focus on other libraries or corporate initiatives

Operating Budget (minus salaries)


*this does not include the additional 11,700 allocated to Guildford Library from a centralised budget for programs and activities

214,211 + 23,723


47,500 +47,500

Total 251,088 386,706 +135,618

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Current budget allocation /FOGL agreed Business Plan stage 2:

Cost Type Current Budget Allocation

FOGL Agreed Business Plan Stage 1


salaries 61,509 126,869

*includes Info Officers, programs staff and travel time


*salaries is minus costs for professional staff resulting in less professional focus on other libraries or corporate initiatives

Operating Budget (minus salaries)


*this does not include the additional 11,700 allocated to Guildford Library from a centralised budget for programs and activities

212,349 +19,004


96,000 +96,000

Total 254,854 435,218 +180,364


Simple majority


That the Council resolve to:

1) Approve the workplan plan for the Guildford Library as documented in Attachment 2 to this report, to form the basis for the Customer and Library Services Business Unit business plan from 2018/19 onwards;

2) Allocate $404,206 on the City’s draft budget for 18/19 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the new business plan for the library; and

3) Allocate $452,979 on the City’s draft budget for 19/20 financial year for operating and capital costs of delivering the business plan, subject to further review in consultation with the Friends of the Guildford Library Group.


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Community Feedback attachment 1

1. Access 1.1. More hours 1.2. More consistent hours 1.3. Open mornings, evenings, Wednesdays, Saturday afternoons/Sunday 1.4. 24 hour access

2. Collection 2.1. More books 2.2. History/local history/family history 2.3. Seed library/ tool library

3. Love about library building 3.1. History and heritage 3.2. Small spaces 3.3. Location, walkability 3.4. Parking

4. Don’t like about library building 4.1. Too bitty 4.2. Old shelving 4.3. Not inviting, no reason to stay 4.4. Space limited 4.5. Kids’ room bare and soulless 4.6. Side entrance dark and uninviting 4.7. Lack of/uncomfortable furniture

5. Love about library service 5.1. Friendly, helpful staff 5.2. Reservation and ILL service 5.3. Open Saturday 5.4. Small spaces 5.5. Kids room and kids resources 5.6. Kids programs 5.7. Quietness 5.8. Computers

6. Don’t like about library service 6.1. Parking 6.2. Neglected and depleted collection 6.3. Programs not suitable/accessible/too few 6.4. No community engagement 6.5. Threat of closure 6.6. Don’t like kids being told to quieten down by staff

7. Ideas for building 7.1. Staff office reallocated to community use 7.2. More comfortable/more/better furniture 7.3. Better use of space 7.4. Enhance heritage feel with furniture, light fittings, wooden shelves 7.5. Café 7.6. Bike racks

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7.7. Outdoor/ alfresco reading area 7.8. James Street door reopened 7.9. Better toilet facilities/ baby change area 7.10. Display area for local groups 7.11. Co-working spaces 7.12. Promote heritage aspects

8. Ideas for programs 8.1. Storytime 8.2. Rhymetime 8.3. After school activities 8.4. School holiday activities 8.5. Homework club 8.6. Engagement with local school, kindy, playgroup 8.7. Kids workshops/ activities 8.8. Book Week 8.9. Talks for adults 8.10. Workshops/ courses 8.11. Clubs/group activities 8.12. Seniors activities/groups/clubs 8.13. Technology classes/ workshops 8.14. Engagement with local community groups e.g. Transition Town Guildford

9. Service Delivery Model 9.1. Volunteers 9.2. Community-led activities 9.3. Better promotion 9.4. More use by local stakeholders. playgroups, schools etc. 9.5. Programs decided by community 9.6. Self-service 9.7. Coffee/Tea 9.8. More tie-in to historic Guildford 9.9. Opportunities for other organisations to use space (i.e. Chamber of Commerce)

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

Objective Aligned to council resolution Activity Tasks Who and indicative estimate of time required

Alignment to community consultation

Stage/ Completed

Clear community vision for the future of the Guildford Library

1) Accept the Guildford Library is a small library which has operated for 150 years and which the community wish to see continue as a small stand-alone branch library with the refocus to ensure the sustainability and continued longevity of the library. 2) Request that the detailed report be provided to Council … providing a business plan to refocus the library, developed in cooperation with the Friends of the Guildford Library community group…

Analysis of community consultation

Identify main themes and issues raised to use in planning City of Swan-5 hrs 6.4 No community engagement



Develop framework for consultation City of Swan-5 hrs 6.4 No community engagement


FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Gaps in community consultation i.e. Kids/YP, one of one discussion with people that might use the library in groups i.e. schools, aged care facilities, mental health hostel -Feedback FOGL19/12/17(LG19/12/17) Addition of ‘lack of communication’ to consolidated list of community consultation -FOGL meeting 18/12/17 (FOGLM18/12/17) Work plan looks fine however community consultative elements could be viewed as too simplistic (FOGL email 15/1/18) Changes and possible new hours receiving positive feedback on Facebook (FOGL email 18/1/18)

City response and/or recommendation

‘Lack of communication’ added to community consultation list(FOGLM18/12/17) Community Feedback will drive the action plan (FOGLM18/12/17) FOGL asked to review list and advise if anything had been missed (FOGLM18/12/17) FOGL asked to send individual input/comments on work plan. Work plan will be a roadmap and decision making mechanism and a shared and agreed record of cooperation between City and FOGL(City Officer email 19/12/17(CO 19/12/17 FOGL sent updated work plan including notes from meeting for feedback(City officer email 2/1/17) FOGL sent update on agreed actions and planning (City Officer email 15/1/18) Permanent space allocate in foyer for Guildford Library news, updated regular communication to community on upcoming changes, opportunities for feedback etc. 30/1/18

Agreed action Community Feedback received will drive the action plan, City will provide information to general community on progress of action plan, group will identify opportunities for more communication as work progresses 20/12/17

Utilisation of community consultation

Work with FOGL to develop agreed staged improvements in business plan to allow preliminary costing of initiatives in addition to current BAU budget

City of Swan-20 hrs 6.4 No community engagement 6.7 Lack of communication

Stage 1


FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

FOGL interpretation of resolution different from City, FOGL role in development of business plan needs clarification(FOGLM18/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

FOGL role clarified at meeting- FOGL happy for City will take the lead in development of the plan(FOGLM18/12/17)

Agreed action FOGL to be a reference group FOGL to communicate to the community, provide services (volunteers),

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

lobbying, and public relations(FOGLM18/12/17)

Regular meetings/correspondence with FOGL

Respond to correspondence as required City of Swan-2 hrs f/night 6.4 No community engagement 6.7 Lack of communication

Stage 1 and 2


Set up meeting schedule City of Swan-1 hr


Agree of agenda format City of Swan-1 hr


Attend meetings with FOGL City of Swan-2hrs


Record and send out meeting minutes City of Swan-1 hr

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

City response and/or recommendation

Agreed action Information session with LCMs for FOGL

Schedule meeting in agreement with FOGL City of Swan-3.5hrs 6.4 No community engagement 6.7 Lack of communication

Completed stage 1


Plan and develop presentation on portfolio areas City of Swan-5hrs Attend meeting City of Swan-12hrs

FOGL Record and send our meeting minutes City of Swan-1 hr FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

City response and/or recommendation

FOGL attended meeting and appreciated information from portfolio leads. Notes taken by both City and FOGL. Agreed outcomes drive short term action. CO email to FOGL 19/12/17 and return email from FOGL

Agreed action Meeting scheduled for 18th Dec 2017 Meeting scheduled for 5th Feb 2018

Development and introduction of VR offering to assist in choices with space allocation

Organise quote to produce VR offering Quote received - $5000

City of Swan-5 hours 6.4 No community engagement

Completed - after discussion with Exec Manager it was decided that this did not afford the best ROI for the City or

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019


FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Look at another way of people figuring out use of space (FOGL 19/12/17) Stage 1

City response and/or recommendation

Magnetic white board showing floor plan with moveable shelving, furniture etc. for community to come up with preferred configuration (restrictions, must-haves clearly identified), community to photograph configuration and submit to City/FOGL for consideration, incentive for best design/each entry etc. to be considered. FOGL to promote online and in community, City to promote in-house and through eNewsletter etc.20/12/17 Library layout planning tool developed and rolled out in library with additional option of printed handout to take home, displayed and advertised in library with staff proactively discussing with patrons and handing out 35 paper copies, available for comment from Friday 12th January -27th Jan 2018. FOGL advertised on Facebook pages, FOGL mailing list. Two responses were received. 30/1/18 Plan your Library activity was advertised on Facebook to come into library and play with what you would like where, allowing everyone to see how much room we actually have and how more books impacts on space. Three responses only received by 5.2.18. OSH and DAIP needed to be considered. CO advised that the most useful outlay would be shelves along all the walls with additional mobile shelving that would provide flexible spaces, there was general consensus about this and it was costed in draft business plan for Council Budget workshop(FOGLM5/2/18)


Agreed action Critical to bring community on journey to balance books versus spaces Community needs to be updated and included in changes to how the library looks where possible 20/12/17 Costs for shelves along all the walls with additional mobile shelving that provide flexible spaces was agreed to be costed in draft business plan for Council Budget workshop(FOGL5/2/18 and 28/02/2018)

Development of budget for extensive consultation process with external facilitator with experience in participatory budgeting (FOGL suggestion)

Quote for external provider needed

City of Swan-8 hrs 6.4 No community engagement

Stage 2


FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

FOGL advised that perhaps this wasn’t as critical as communication with the community has improved and people are being advised of what is happening in the library and all feedback has been positive(FOGL5/2/18)

City response and/or recommendation

CO was still keen to work with the community through FOGL in some sort of evaluation which could be provided to the Council at a future date. (FOGL5/2/18)

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

Agreed action It was agreed to include 4,000 as indicative costs for consultation/evaluation in draft business plan for Council Budget workshop(FOGL5/2/18)

Staged improvement to current facility

…, through staged improvements to the current facility, to provide enhanced community benefits aligned to a Library Lounge concept. This would reflect the unique character and interests of the Guildford Community.

Dedicated Maker Space/technology lounge/optimal WiFi,

Improved IT services and connectivity, and

Provision of space and services (such as a 3D printer) for a business start-up/incubator space.

Remove existing service desk City of Swan-9 hrs 4.4 Space limited 7.3 Better use of space

Stage 1

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Communication with community prior to changes to library (FOGLM18/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

City agreed to informing the community of any major operational changes until we regain a similar level of trust to what we share with our other library communities(CO 19/12/17) Recommendations - ‘library news’ space in library, blackboards in main library and kids room for community feedback 20/12/17 Permanent space allocate in foyer for Guildford Library news, updated regular communication to community on upcoming changes, opportunities for feedback etc. CO 30/1/18

Agreed action Desk to be removed as soon as possible with information to the community (5,000 taken from existing capital budget 17/18) Desk works to be undertaken 7/2/17 CO 1.2.18 Work completed CO 7.2.18

Refurnish kids room City of Swan-3 hrs 4.5 Kids room bare and soulless 5.5 Kids room and kids resources

Stage 1

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Refurbishing the children’s room in collaboration with a group of current users (children and parents) would be a great project for building a collaborative partnership (FOGL19/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

Shelving replacement has been decided and quoted on, community will have the opportunity to choose from a selection of furniture, decoration etc. to fit out rest of area, (e.g. vote for your favourite chair)

Agreed action Kids room updated as soon as possible with information to the community and input where possible (17/18 capital budget 7,000) Works to be undertaken early March CO 1.2.18

Dedicated maker space (Future’s Lab)

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Co working space could increase interest in technology offerings and a 3D printer is something that has sparked interest. Probably one additional computer in stage 1 and assess usage after that would work(FOGL28/02/2018).

City response and/or recommendation

Clarification is now needed regarding Councillor comment that this is not a priority for Guildford considering cost and space 15,000 included in business case 18/19 deferred pending Council meeting March CO advised the old staff room could become a technology room with computers 3D printers. Costing for staff to move to large print room to free up staff room for community/ technology - secure vault $5000, build cover over open electric power board $5000 in first stage of upgrade and new kitchen $20,000 (could move to Year 2) Quotation from Building Condition and Performance Assessment Report- Guildford Library September 2017 NS Advisory Group .This was costed as such in business plan prepared for Council budget workshopFOGLM5.2.18)

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

FOGL confirmed (FOGL 28/02/2018 one additional PC in stage 1 and assess usage after that.

Agreed action Costing for staff to move to large print room to free up staff room for community co working space is to be in first stage of upgrade ,one additional computer, 3D printer

Begin planning to reopen James Street entrance

City of Swan-2hrs 4.6 Side entrance dark and uninviting 7.8 James St door reopened 7.3 Better use of space

Stage 1?

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Great idea, but needs a bit more investigation (FOGL 19/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

City will develop a business case to assess risk/pros/cons/budget etc. To be sent to FOGL for feedback (FOGLM18/12/17) Quotation sought (Option 1 1,000, Option 2 6,000 – CO internal)

Agreed action Reopening the James Street entrance has been looked at and options are being considered to address noise and safety and dust. It was agreed that this be a second stage of work and costed as such in business plan prepared for Council budget workshop FOGLM5.2.18

Upgrade public furniture and decor

City of Swan-2 hrs 4.3 Not inviting/ no reason to stay 4.7 Lack of/uncomfortable furniture 7.2 More comfortable/more/better furniture 7.4 Enhanced heritage feel

Stage 2 and needs budget allocation

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Should be done in collaboration with a small group of interested users so the right fit of furniture is purchased (FOGL 9/12/17) Any pictures on the wall coming down should be donated to the Swan Guildford Historical Society(FOGL28/02/2018)

City response and/or recommendation

City will give community the chance to make suggestions as to type of furniture before final selection is made, inhouse feedback forms (to capture people who use physical library)20/12/17 Budget 5,000 part of business case 18/19 deferred pending Council meeting March CO agreed to investigate the whereabouts of the old Council desk and provide some information on size, photos. CO suggested that it was usually better to maximise spaces in a more flexible manner, i.e. shelving on wheels pushed to the perimeter. CO will now look at simple and interesting display options (FOGLM5.2.18) Pictures removed would need to be assess by City heritage staff but consideration to the Swan Guildford Historical Society is recommended by FOGL(CO 28/02/2018)

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

Agreed action Initial budget for public furniture upgrade utilising public feedback reduced FOGL feedback and moneys reallocated to support a trial of after-hours access for community in stage 1 plus consideration for appropriate reallocation of pictures removed to Swan Guildford Historical Society

Introduce a program offering of relevant activities

Consideration be given to opening the Library up to a total of 40 hours per week to deliver whatever the community chooses from regular services and programs delivered from other City libraries

Send consolidated community feedback to LCM, Programs to inform program offering

Indicative programs Stage 1 trial One weekly Storytime

City of Swan-2 hrs weekly 8.1 Storytime

Opt in Bookclub monthly

City of Swan-2 hrs monthly

8.11 Clubs/group activities

One weekly after-school activity (Term 1&2) City of Swan-16 hrs 8.3 After school activities

One month adult program

City of Swan-6 hrs monthly

8.9 Talks for adults

One school holiday program (per holidays) City of Swan-3 hrs 8.4 School holiday activities

One Thinking Green program City of Swan-3 hrs 8.10 Workshops/courses

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Where FOGL can help here is checking in with community that this is what is wanted. Also, it would be great if the City could communicate with patrons better. Asking what they want via a communication board or the like. Then it is less hit and miss.(FOGL 9/12/17) FOGL comment - useful for the group to be aware of restrictions and program limitations in running programs at Guildford.(FOGLM18/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

Community who attend programs will be given opportunity to give feedback on all sessions. Evaluation Framework explained to FOGL on 18/12/17. Blackboard in main library and kids room for other feedback/comment 20/12/17 Program planning and evaluation framework and survey template sent to FOGL for information and dissemination CO email 18/1/18 Two responses received as of 1.2.18 CO CO advised that the City has put together Guildford programs as per last meeting. CO advised programs that are being rolled out at Guildford. (Storytime, opt-in book club, monthly programs for adults). Taken feedback on board re survey sheet for children. $9000 set aside for these standard programs CO spoke of alternate adhoc programs that we can allow an extra $6000 for. Also this could be managed by FOGL and CO suggested to FOGL that Transition Town Guildford might be interested. CO advised that we would look to see what other programs, including those who don’t attend, would like to see run (FOGLM5.2.18) Community member advised that e Guildford school librarian was trying to work with Guildford library - also work with Guildford grammar and Governor Stirling to get the message out there to offer school what their libraries don’t. Cl Probus club started in the area. (FOGLM5.2.18 CO update on interaction with Guildford PS : YPS librarian has been working with Guildford PS and had good relationship with the teachers especially PP to Yr3. The program such as Better Beginnings Kindy and also Children’s Book Week. YPS Librarian tends to contact the teacher directly and Deputy Principal that usually responsible for Lower Primary rather that to TL who is only part time – 3 days a week and not at the school all the time). Last year 41 kids of Yr 2/3 and 47 Yr 3,4,5 from Guildford PS attended Book Week. Guildford Grammar : Midland has run Senior Computer program with

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

Guildford Grammar students since last 6 years, also received Better Beginnings Kindy. They used to attend Book Week but now the school has Author/Illustrator in residence during book week, so no school visit for last 3 years Governor Stirling SHS: Previously attending Book Week for Yr 7 and also Special Need Students (2016), last year the City did not have a YA author so no EOI sent to them. Midland and YPS Librarian had been working with them on Art Project, Picture Book Workshop with the Literature Centre and if the City has any Youth program on offer the approach is to the English HOLA for distribution.

Agreed action Indicative program will be introduced utilising current feedback from community consultation- communicated via FOGL as well as usual City mechanisms- feedback sought from community as per Evaluation Framework Costs to support this agreed program have been in included in business plan prepared for Council budget WorkshopFOGLM5.2.18

Staffing Consideration be given to opening the Library up to a total of 40 hours per week to deliver whatever the community chooses from regular services and programs delivered from other City libraries Entry through authorised swipe card to access community led activities and programs compatible with the Library space e.g. study groups, book clubs, story-time sessions, local art exhibitions etc.

Maintain current number of staffed hours

Stage 1

FOGL comment on suggested activity to achieve objective

Local kindy split day on Wed so being open would help. Need to align Storytime not to clash with local playgroups (FOGLM18/12/17) Clarification sought on possibility of introduction of more staffed hours before next financial year (FOGLM 18/12/17) More staffed hours may not fully address community access expectations so would need to be coupled with swipe access investigation (FOGLM 1812/17) It has been suggested that opening on a Wednesday to accommodate kindy hours would be good. FOGL advises that playgroup no longer operates on a Wednesday so perhaps Wednesday morning rhyme time could be investigated(FOGL 28/02/2018)

City response and/or recommendation

FOGL asked to consider mix of opening within current budgeted 25 staff hours as additional hours would need budget in 18/19 to provide. This will be addressed in Business Plan to council in March (FOGLM18/12/17) Additional staffing hours to maintain existing hours 21,118 included in FTE business case 18/19 deferred pending Council meeting Up to 40 hours 108,600 additional Level 4 IO, plus 35,000 1/3 qualified FTE 24/1/2018 email CO-suggested staffing hours as follows: Mon: 10-5 (7) Wed: 9-12 (3) Thur: 2-7(5) Fri: 10-5 (7) Sat: 10-2 (4) Total 26 hours(approx. $108,680 as we need two staff on all shifts and penalties apply after 5pm weeks days and Sat plus costs for programs staff) these hours suggested from feedback from community re mornings, evenings and more time on Sat for working families. During the year it is suggested we trial some additional after-hours access for community as well, wither facilitated by FOGL or by prior agreement with City with draft costs for this to be included in draft business plan Feedback shows 26 hrs as outlined in work plan would be received favourably, FOGL advised positive comments on Facebook. CO explained Modern Award legislation dictated staffing levels depending on hours. Proposed new hours opens up library an extra morning a week which

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

would allow for Rhymetime to be run. If alternate evening required it could be community run. Budget required was $108,680 to run for two staff (currently $60000 for the 1 staff)-FOGL meeting 5/2/18 . Costs to support this agreed trial hours have been included in business plan prepared for Council budget workshop (FOGLM5/2/18)

Agreed Action That the City will go ahead with costing the above hours as part of the business plan developed for Council budget workshop FOGLM5.2.18FOGL28/02/2018)

Introduce trial use of volunteers managed by FOGL

Initial discuss with FOGL to develop framework for use of volunteers in delivery services and programs from Guildford Library and to extend access for community

City of Swan-14 hrs 9.1 Volunteers Stage 2


Sourcing volunteers FOGL

Induction/ training of volunteers City of Swan-8hrs

Manage volunteers City of Swan-2hrs week

FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

In the short term, FOGL are unlikely to have the capacity to handle the management of volunteers(FOGL 19/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

Agreed action Collection Provision of a targeted collection

reflecting current usage e.g. children, popular fiction, Guildford specific subjects such as local history, local heritage and restoration subjects

Analyse community feedback to determine stock gaps

Completed City of Swan-3 hrs 2.1 More books 2.2 History/local history/family history

Commence investigation of selection of used stock from SLWA for Guildford (without putting other libraries at risk)

City of Swan - 5 hrs

Investigate viability of seed library

City of Swan - 5 hrs 2.3 Seed library/tool library

Investigate viability of tool library

City of Swan - 5hrs

FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

FOGL - Again can probably help with communication around this one Seed/tool library - TTG can help with this and should be consulted(FOGL 19/12/17) Meeting 18/12/17: Suggestion that community members need to be educated on how to maximise use of the library eg reservations, online resources FOGL advised that rather than more shelving it was items to fill the empty spaces that was needed but suggested that an additional 1,000 resources comprising junior DVDs and adult fiction would be good as a start FOGL advised that there would be people would be happy to donate to a seed library in Guildford. (FOGLM5.2.18)

City response and/or recommendation

City provided information on use stock selection process, community led selection, floating stock etc and criteria utilised to decide optimum stock size at 18/12/17 meeting. City will run sessions at Guildford to promote optimal use of benefit of multi branch system capability

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

CO asked that any list of missing titles be forwarded to the City as they may be archived at Midland LH. Additional stock to bring collection up to 9000 items could be sourced from other libraries (FOGLM5.2.18) Cost of new shelves in main library area approx. $18,000. (FOGLM5.2.18) CO talked on the building of the seed library at Bullsbrook. Set up at Guildford would be approx. $4000.

Agreed action A strategy to build resources from 7,500 to 9,000 as a first stage to fill shelves (additional 1,000 as a first stage of Children’s DVDs and Adult fiction) and introduce a Seed Library was agreed and costed in business plan developed for Council budget workshop FOGLM52.218 FOGL 28/02/2018


Total self-serve (RFID) Continue RFID rollout City of Swan -5 hrs 9.6 Self service

FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

Clarification sought on RFID plans in stage 1 and stage 2 as library currently has RFID (FOGL 28/02/2018)

City response and/or recommendation

Basic RFID capability has been achieved as a first stage of a City wide program. As part of this plan a SMART return shelve has been budgeted for 2019/2020 budget which makes the library more secure and self-serving for full unstaffed access

Agreed action Continue RFID rollout to enhance self-service to support modern library approach plus support secure and full after-hours access in Stage 2

Access Entry through authorised swipe card to access community led activities and programs compatible with the Library space e.g. study groups, book clubs, story-time sessions, local art exhibitions etc., Record the reason for the motion is that the Guildford community wish to retain the Guilford Library as a modern refocused library

Develop trial process to allow public access to augment opening hours (Alkimos model and bookings on Facebook)

City of Swan - 15 hrs 1.1 More hours 1.3 Open mornings, evenings, Wednesdays, Saturday afternoons/Sunday 1.4 24 hour access 7.11 Co-working spaces 9.2 Community-led activities 9.4 More use by local stakeholders 9.6 Self-service 9.9 Opportunities for other organisations to use space


FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

I think the biggest draw card to swipe access is to increase access to the library to borrow books/use WiFi etc… rather than just other sessions (FOGL 19/12/17) FOGL advised community were keen but there were questions around risk (FOGLM18/12/17) FOGL is keen to see this progressed as it was very popular in community consultation. Whilst the new hours are likely to be better, and more suited to community need, they don't actually increase access (which when all is said and done was the biggest issue in the consultation) as the number of hours is still pretty much the same. For some initiatives to work (i.e. the co-working space) or to increase community use of the space, other forms of access still need to be pursued (FOGL 28/02/2018)

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Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

City response and/or recommendation

Quotations have been sought for first report to Council and infrastructure to support 24/7 access is similar to facilitate more restricted access, its processes that will need to be different. (FOGLM 18/12/17) Risk assessment will need to be undertaken once resource levels and internal fitout are decided. 50,000 included in business case 18/19 deferred pending Council decision Facility upgrades required to make safe existing staff area for community access 20,000 included in business case 18/19 deferred pending Council meeting Store room door repair 1,000 (18/19 capital budget) CO internal

Agreed action A staged approach to access outside staffed hours was agreed and costs to support this were included in business plan developed for Council budget workshop. As FOGL is keen to see this progressed as it was very popular in community consultation, stage 1 will include a small budget in the business plan to provide some access after-hours either facilitated by FOGL and by prior agreement with City to support this trial and stage two would include costs indicatively pending review of staffed hours in stage one.(FOGL 28/02/2018)

Marketing City of Swan/ Libraries marketing

City of Swan

9.3 Better promotion

FOGL Facebook FOGL

FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

Communication - The communication aspect is largely missing. People always talking about not know why, how etc…things are happening at the Library. i.e. RFID just appearing, kid stuff and books just going, shelves etc. This is one of the biggest areas that the City struggles with and that FOGL can help with FOGL Facebook FOGL mailing list and website What can the library help with in terms of getting membership Communication board in the kids library and main library (FOGL19/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

City agreed to informing the community of any major operational changes until we regain a similar level of trust to what we share with our other library communities(CO19/12/17) Recommendations - ‘library news’ space in library, blackboards in main library and kids room for community feedback20/12/17

Agreed action City agreed to informing the community of any major operational changes until we regain a similar level of trust to what we share with our other library communities FOGL continue to support marketing through Friends of Guildford Library Facebook page and City will also be able to be very proactive on Facebook as permission has now been grated for Library Facebook page. Traditional marketing will continue as not all refer to on line methods and City will work actively to build/rebuild relationships with schools, community groups eg Probus. Indicative cost to support additional marketing required included in business plan developed for Council budget workshop FOGLM5.2.18

Evaluation Demonstrated increase usage

Development of trust and collaboration

Page 26: Future of the Guildford Library - swan.wa.gov.au · Swan library staff and their small library space with some elements of a traditional library that many feel connected to. Feedback

Work plan for Guildford Library refocus 2018/2019

FOGL comment on suggested activities to achieve objective

Annual review of key stakeholder groups. i.e. schools, commerce, TAFE Library has built new relationships with key stakeholder groups, TTG, Guildford Association, Crafters and so on People report greater access to the library because of measures taken Case studies - qualitative. What is important about a library. Has that maintained, improved and so on. Picking two people in each ‘demographic’ - talking about what is important to them and then re-measuring this in a year’s time (FOGL19/12/17) Take opportunities to engage with schools more in the development of the Guildford Library of the future (FOGLM 18/12/17)

City response and/or recommendation

City needs to develop communication/advocacy package for use with Stakeholder Groups CO spoke of building on relationships with FOGL and the deep passion of a very small group. Proper evaluation was essential to this process and we need to include some indicative costs for consultation/evaluation. CO advised Council may like feedback as to results of process(FOGL5/2/18)

Agreed action Proper evaluation was essential to this process and we need to include some indicative costs for consultation/evaluation. CO advised Council may like feedback as to results of process(FOGL5/2/18)