©copyright 2017 JET Recycling World llc Economically Profitable, Environmentally Beneficial, Massively Scalable THE FUTURE OF PLASTIC RECYCLING


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©copyright 2017 JET Recycling World llc

Economically Profitable, Environmentally Beneficial, Massively Scalable


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The seas are awash with plastic waste

and no place on Earth is free of plastic pollution

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“Trucost estimates that swapping plastic for alternatives such as glass, tin or aluminum would increase environmental costs from $139 billion to $533 billion — that’s taking into account ocean damage, end-of-life management, transportation, production and material and energy recovery costs and impact.”

But Plastics are NOT the Enemy

Plastics are actually a boon to the environment:

Plastics and Sustainability, Trucost, Rick Lord, et.al., July, 2016

Impact of Plastics Packaging on Life Cycle Energy Consumption & Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States and Canada –Substitution Analysis. Franklin Associates, A Division of Eastern Research Group

The Impact of Plastics on Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe. June 2010. Critically reviewed by the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester.

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Worldwide Plastic Production & Recycling

•300 Million Tons: plastic production

•150 Million Tons: disposed annually from households & businesses

•~1 million tons of agricultural plastics disposed from farming operations

•~1 million tons of plastics disposed from industry and auto & appliance shredder operations

•Scope of opportunity: less than 10% of the 152 million tons of plastic disposed annually is recycled!


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Save equivalent of 874 billion kWh of electricity, or 103 billion gallons of oil compared to using virgin plastic materials.

Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling


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Reduce CO2 greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 billion tons, air pollutant SO2 by 205.2 million tons and NOx by 1.2 million tons compared to using virgin materials.

Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling

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Save at least 1.5 billion cubic yards of landfill space at average compaction.

Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling


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Save 152 million large trees and associated habitat when used to replace wood construction materials, and reduce CO2 greenhouse gas by 15.2 million tons.

Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling

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Permanently sequester all the carbon and 30,000+ chemicals used to make the original plastic products with no leaching or outgassing into soil, water or air.

Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling

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Keep millions of tons of dangerous materials and chemical compounds from escaping into the environment where they threaten wildlife and human health.

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Potential Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling


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Every ton of JET plastic products used instead of wood saves one large tree and associated habitat from forest harvest.

Every ton of JET plastic products produced instead of incinerating or converting waste plastics eliminates 8 tons of CO2 emissions and substantial amounts of SO2 and NOX air emissions.

Every ton of JET plastic products produced saves 10 cubic yards of landfill space at average compaction.

Every ton of JET plastic products that replaces products made from virgin plastic raw materials saves 5,750 kWh of electricity equivalent to 678 gallons of oil.

JET recycled plastic permanently sequesters all the carbon and chemicals used to make the original plastic products and helps keep these compounds and loose plastic waste materials out of the environment where they threaten wildlife and human health.

Environmental Impacts of JET Recycling

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Add at least 840,000 well-paying, full-time jobs and up to $190 billion in profits to local economies.

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Potential Economic Impacts of JET Recycling


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• 254 million tons• 152 million tons

worldwide• 32.5 million tons


EPA Data

Total MSW Generation (by material) 2013

32,512,000 tons per year in USA65 billion pounds of plastic per year


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In municipal solid waste…

Plastic is the biggest environmental problem, but also the greatest economic opportunity.

New MRF technology* allows recovery of high volumes of plastic films and flexible packaging to greatly increase both environmental and economic benefits.

*Flexible Packaging Sortation at Materials Recovery Facilities – RRS, September 21, 2016


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“Ag Plastics” can be processed and recycled using JET technology

Agricultural Film Creates New Opportunity

Industrial and non-hazardous medical waste plastics can further

increase volume and value


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Connecting the Dots for Off-Spec Plastics


• MSW plastics = Over 50% film and “off-spec” plastics• Ag plastics = Over 90% film and “off-spec” plastics• Industrial and medical waste plastics also “off-spec”

All these materials can be used in the JET process

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Insufficient market value of most waste plastics

Commodity prices paid for plastic waste do not support costs of collection, recovery, processing, transportation

and recycling into usable form – often can’t compete with cost of virgin materials.

Plastic films, EPS and other “off-spec” plastics, and a high percentage of all waste plastics are too dirty, too comingled, too contaminated, too wet – too costly to recover, too costly to sort relative to value, and too costly to clean and process for recycling. Most plastic waste is buried or burned, or allowed to escape into the environment.



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Create higher value for virtually all plastic wasteSOLUTION

JET generates more profit than other recycling technologies by using virtually all plastic waste from any source – regardless of grade, type, composition, comingling or contamination – and using these mixed materials to directly manufacture permanently durable, high-value end products.

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Combining all plastic grades in manufactured products allows virtually all plastic waste to be used to generate

maximum value.

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We believe JET is the only environmentally and economically sustainable solution for plastic waste that is massively scalable to match the scope of the plastic waste problem.

Waste-to-energy and plastics-to-oil technologies may be massively scalable, but still result in the burning of a non-renewable carbon resource and associated pollution. None of these technologies has yet proved economically self-supporting.

Massive Scalability is Essential

JET puts virtually all plastic waste to its highest and best use both environmentally and economically.

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CONVERT – Impressive technology, but very limited profitability and still results in burning a non-renewable carbon resource.

RECYCLE – Middleman costs, costs of sorting to pure grade, and competition with low-cost virgin plastics reduce margins and the amount that buyers will pay for waste materials. Purity requirements of conventional recycling leave the great majority of plastic waste unused.

TRANSFORM – JET’s unique capability to transform mixed, dirty plastic waste directly into high-value end-products generates the most profit of any recycling technology. Combining all plastic grades in manufactured products allows virtually all plastic waste to be used to generate maximum value.

JET Creates More Value Than Other Technologies


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Regardless of environmental, social or political goals, recycling must be not just environmentally sustainable, but economically sustainable as well.

End-products made with recycled materials must be sufficiently profitable to cover the costs of collection,

recovery, recycling, manufacturing, marketing and sales.

©Copyright 2016 JET Recycling World llc

Waste haulers, MRF operators and municipalities say,



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Increasing the value of all plastic waste will greatly increase investment in collection and recovery, and insure profitable returns on these investments.


The Alchemy of Plastics Transformation


Plastic waste generation

Plastic waste recovery

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JET Recycles Virtually All Plastic Waste

Grocery bags, shopping bags, produce bags, multilayer snack bags and drink pouches, tube packaging, plastic food wrap and films of all kinds are recycled by JET regardless of typical contamination.

Though a comparatively small portion is currently recovered, films and flexible packaging make up the majority of all plastic waste.DSNY (Department of Sanitation New York) data

, PP


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JET creates a major profit opportunity for recycling of film and flexible packaging along with

virtually all rigid plastics

New film recovery technology for MRFs* and emerging mixed waste processing technologies show the possibilities for massive increases in collection, recovery and recycling of films and flexible packaging.

With JET, virtually all recoverable plastic waste – regardless of grade, type or composition – can be used to directly manufacture permanently durable, high-value end-products.

JET products can create as much value and profit from a potato chip bag, multilayer drink pouch or turkey wrapper as from an HDPE bottle.

©Copyright 2016 JET Recycling World llc*Flexible Packaging Sortation at Materials Recovery Facilities – RRS, September 21, 2016


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What can you do with 300 billion poundsof plastic per year (65 billion pounds in the US alone)?


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Expanding Markets Where JET Can Be The Profitable Low-Cost Manufacturer


New products made possible by JET’s lower cost manufacturingadd billions more potential.

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Commercial Products


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Boards and Posts for Conventional Construction

Lasts virtually forever even if buried or submerged

Unattractive to gnawing insects and animals

Impervious to mold, mildew, algae

Fire resistant


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JET™ Construction System pre-engineered kits require no measuring, sawing or nailing, and usually require no foundation.

JET plastic lasts indefinitely even if buried or submerged.

Fencing and Landscape Structures

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Municipal Infrastructure


Similar product can be made by JETat lower cost.

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Modular Decks – Furniture - Construction Kits


Similar product can be made by JETat lower cost.

Similar product can be made by JETat lower cost.

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Sight & Sound Barriers


Similar product can be made by JETat lower cost.

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Equestrian Structures


JET construction materials can be made fire-resistant to not spread flame

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Farm & Ranch - Porous Roadway & Driveway

Some products shown are from other manufacturers, but equivalent products can be made by JET at lower cost and greater environmental benefit.

Porous roadway and driveways

Erosion and mud control

Isolation grid to protect hooved animals in confined animal feeding operations

Specialized fencing

Modular/portable feeders


Similar product can be made by JET at lower cost

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Tropical House from Marine Plastic Waste


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JET Products Can Replace Wood, Treated Lumber, Asphalt, Concrete & Metal

• Waterproof, rot-proof and splinter-free

• Fire-resistant and self-extinguishing for specific applications (e.g., animal housing)

• Ideal for earth-buried and water-submerged construction

• Does not leach or outgas chemicals into surrounding earth, water or air

• Sterile – easy to wash and disinfect

• Highly insulating

• Unaffected by all typically used chemicals and cleaners

• Resistant to mold, mildew, fungi, and all insects and gnawing animals

• Highly resistant to impact, abrasion and wear – can be made flexible, resilient and almost unbreakable for special applications (e.g., bulkheads, porous roadway)

• Acoustically superior to wood, concrete and metal – quieter in all applications

• Extremely resistant to electrical conduction even when wet

• Guaranteed forever against environmental degradation

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• Simplifies and increases curbside participation by accepting virtually all plastic waste

• Can dramatically increase landfill diversion by processing all plastic films, multilayer flexible packaging, EPS foam & other plastics previously considered “unrecyclable”

• Gives value to previously difficult to dispose plastics (unique product designs can achieve same value for snack bags, drink pouches and poultry wrappers as for HDPE bottles)

• Can increase profitability for waste haulers and MRF operators by increasing both sales volume and margins

• JET recycling revenue can support other “zero waste” technologies

JET Systems Support & Enhance Existing Recycling Programs

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New MRF technology for recovery of films & flexible packaging may eliminate need for separate bag and film collection.

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Conventional Supply Chain vs JRW Business Model1. Materials Collection2. Materials Recovery with multilevel sort requirements3. Sale of sorted high-value grades (disposal of low-value materials to burn or bury)4. Sales to Brokers/Distributors5. Sales to Processors6. Transportation to Processors7. Processing to create intermediary feedstocks8. Sales of intermediary feedstocks to Brokers/Distributors9. Transportation of intermediary feedstocks to end-product manufacturers10. Manufacturing of finished end-products11. Finished end-product wholesale/retail sales 12. Transportation to end-product Buyers

1. Materials Collection2. Materials Recovery with minimum sortation requirements 3. Integrated processing/manufacturing of finished end-products4. Finished end-product wholesale/retail sales5. Transportation to end-product Buyers


JET eliminates costly creation of intermediary feedstocks, and multiple levels of sales, distribution and repeated transportation.

Low-value “unrecyclable” materials that typically go to landfill or burn are incorporated into high-value JET™ end-products.

Washing, processing and final product manufacturing all happens in JRW facilities located at the source of plastic waste.

End-products sold to the same demographic/geographic area that generated the plastic waste – a true local circular economy.

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• Consumer• Big box retailers• Home improvement• Pet owners• Gardening/Food growing• Do-It-Yourself

• Commercial• Landscaping contractors• Fencing contractors• Deck & Dock builders• Building Supply & Lumberyards• Resorts

• Agricultural & Equestrian• AFO/CAFO Farms & Ranches

• Beef & Dairy cattle• Hogs• Sheep• Horse owners and breeders

• Institutional• Schools/Universities• Hospitals

• Municipal• State, County, City, Town• Parks & Recreation Departments• Highway Departments

• Federal• National Park Service• Federal Highway Administration• Army Corps of Engineers

JET – a critical solution for achieving Zero Waste and a Circular Economy

Non-centralized, regional business model puts facilities where plastic waste is generated and recovered. Virtually all plastic waste from all sources is accepted and processed regardless of comingling or contamination.

Mixed plastic waste is used to manufacture permanently durable, high value products for the same communities that generated the original plastic waste.


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JET – The Future of Plastic Recycling• Accepts virtually all plastic waste from any source – regardless of grade, type, composition,

comingling or contamination and directly manufactures 100% recycled end-products from this mixed material (uses comingled and composite polymers in the same proportion that they occur in the plastic waste stream).

• Uses all recoverable plastic waste allowing a JET facility to get all the raw material required for cost-efficient production from the output of a single large MRF or MWPF (can readily add and incorporate waste plastics from agricultural, industrial and medical sources).

• Eliminates multiple, costly steps from the current supply chain model.

• Manufactures a sufficient variety of end-products to sell all recycled production right back to the same demographic/geographic area that generated the waste material.

• Creates about the same end-product value from a potato chip bag, poultry wrapper or multilayer drink pouch as from an HDPE bottle.

• If broken or no longer needed, JET products are indefinitely recyclable by the same process.

• Puts plastic waste from all sources to its highest and best use for both environmental benefits and economic contributions.

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