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  • 8/6/2019 FZA


  • 8/6/2019 FZA




    To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in

    order, we must first put the family in order; to put the

    family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life;

    we must first set our hearts right.

    - Confucius

    The first steping stone in order for people to develop into the next level it is

    necessary to create a more peaceful and unified society, each individual must

    understand his own capabilities ofhaving motivation to share goodly with other people in

    order tap into their core of potential and achieve a level of self-realization and

    improvement, which is the ultimate key to creating a better community. These works and

    ways will now be a bigger and greater leap as a group. Then, with a small group, you

    can create a bigger one, an organization, a league, a society and community, a nation,

    and a world. Every member of this team must work hand in hand with one another and

    let others realize their own abilities of changing the world for the better. It may be a

    simple start yet a unified one. A small step yet deeper. This goes with any precious and

    crucial events in life, such is health. Healthy family come up with a healthy community

    and healthy community builds a healthy nation and a healthy nation is the world that

    everyone dreams of.

    No two communities are alike. A nurse exposed in the community learns how

    to interact and adapt to different kinds of people. The family is considered as the basic

    unit of care in community health nursing. It is in the family where a member develops

    his health values, beliefs and practices. It is a major influence in the health behaviors

    of an individual. With this, it is important that families in a community are aware of the

    things and practices pertaining to theirhealth.

    A community is defined as a social group of people interacting with each other,

    determined by geographic boundaries, living together to attain certain and commongoals, sharing the same interest, belief, intent, resources and preference. It is a group of

    families sharing others lives and resources through collaboration, cooperation and

    intense participation to stand and be of aid to all persons living in it. Together, with these

    persons, the health care team is in one with the mission and purpose of improving and

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    enhancing ones health throughhealth promotion, disease prevention, and treatment o

    provide all their needs and concerns regarding health matters.

    Community Health Nursing (CHN) is a synthesis of nursing practice and public

    health practice applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations. The

    nature of this practice is general and comprehensive. It is not limited to a particular age

    or diagnostic group. It is not continuing, not episodic. The dominant responsibility is to

    the population as a whole. Therefore, nursing directed to individuals, families or groups

    contributes to the health of the total population. Health promotion, health maintenance,

    health education, coordination, and continuity of care are utilized in a holistic approach

    to the family, group and community. The nurses actions acknowledge the need for

    comprehensive health planning recognize the influences of social and ecological issues,

    give attention population at risk, and utilize the dynamic forces which influence change.

    (Benson and McDevitt, 1980).

    The focus of community health nursing is more on health promotion and is

    extended to benefit not only the individual but the whole family as mentioned and

    community. Since health promotion is the primary focus in community health nursing;

    nurses turn out to be educator by imparting health teachings to the family. It also help

    communities and families to cope with the discontinuities in health and threats in such a

    way as to maximize their potential for high level wellness, as well as to promote

    reciprocally supportive relationship between people and their physical and social


    According to Maglaya (2004), the family is defined as the unit of the society

    which sets up the most basic values since it is where an individual first attaches and

    where he learns to love. It is a very important social institution which performs two major

    functions, reproduction and socialization. It is generally considered as a basic unit of

    community health nursing in a way that the family is the most basic group that builds up

    the community and in initiating a health changing action, the nurses must find their way

    first in promoting the family.

    According to National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) of 2009, about 47

    percent of the household heads interviewed representative of about 8.7 million families

    considered themselves poor. Twenty six percent said that they were not poor, and 27

    percent considered themselves on the borderline (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2009).

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    Family case analysis is a means by which student nurses feel the pulse of the

    community through its basic structure, the family. It is a way of assessing persons within

    a family and plan for individualized care for each. The nursing process which includes

    assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation are important factors

    for the student nurses to accomplish the FCAs goals which are geared towards the

    familys optimum level of functioning in order for them to be productive and self-reliant

    members of the society in which they belong. In this way and approach, student nurses

    would help the community in general to further enhance theirhealth condition and raise

    standards on health. And by the end of their exposure they have touched other peoples

    lives and have shared what they have to them.

    Prior to these, the group must be proficient to choose an assigned family for the

    case analysis. Some standards must be considered before selecting a family. These

    include: (a) a deprived family, (b) a family with four or more children, with at least 1 or 2

    belonging to the 0 to 5 age bracket, (c) a family with visible poor environmental condition

    and (d) a family that gives permission to be taken as a case for the FCA project.

    The criteria mentioned were eventually met by the group and adopted a family at

    the Balibago, Pampanga. The family consists of six members including the mother

    together withher four children and their grandmother. With this, the group decided to

    use a pseudo name to respect the confidentiality and identity of each family member.

    The groups adopted family is named as the Fantacia Family . The home visits

    conducted by the group started from September 6, 2010 up to September 14, 2010,

    utilizing two days each week, therefore having a total of fourhome visits.

    The student nurses are challenged to take part in providing quality, appropriate

    nursing care. The student nurses must be able to be the familys partner in promoting

    and maintaining health. The goal of this study is to help the family achieve competence

    in health maintenance and in managing health crisis through acquisition of knowledge

    from the student nurses. The goal is not only centered in the family, but also in the

    student nurses as it aims to enrich and broaden their knowledge by providing an actual

    and hands-on experience in family health care.

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    i. Short Term

    After 1-2 days of home visits, the family should have:

    y Established a good relationship with the student.

    y Demonstrated approval in conducting home visits.

    y Gained trust and confidence with the student nurses.

    y Verbalized understanding regarding the purpose of home visits and the

    succeeding activities necessary to accomplish the Family Case Analysis.

    y Show cooperation in giving necessary information regarding their demographic,

    socio-economic ad health status.

    y Expressed different problems that they encounter.

    y Gained the necessary knowledge as they interrelate with student nurses.y Determined their present and potential health needs of the family.

    y Understood health teachings regarding identified problems and needs.

    ii. Long Term

    After 3-5 home visits, the family should have:

    y Verbalized understanding of the rationale behind each intervention that the

    student nurses have planned to intervene.

    y Participated in the implementation phase of nursing intervention the family

    members and student nurses decided to worked on

    y Carried out planned interventions

    y Recognized the importance of good sanitary environment to the promotion and

    maintenance ofhealth and prevention of illness.

    y Developed awareness regarding health seeking behaviors and how they promote

    and maintain health.

    y Verbalized understanding of the health teachings imparted to them.

    y Appreciated and practiced the various nursing measures taught to them by the

    student nurse like intake of inexpensive but nutrition foods, good personal

    hygiene, etc.

    y Performed suitable actions toward health problems in response to the nursing

    interventions rendered.

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    Specifically, the Family Case Analysis will aim to answer the following

    1. How may the physical profile of the family be described as to:

    a. Type of family

    b. Composition of family

    2. How may the profile of the family members described as to:

    a. Age

    b. Sex


    rdinal position

    d. Educational attainment

    e. Present health status

    3. How may the health profile of the family be assessed:

    a. Physical status

    b. History of past and present health illness

    c. Activities of daily living

    d. Nutritional status

    4. How may the growth and development of children be assessed:

    a. Eric Ericksons Concept

    b. Sigmund Freuds Concept

    5. How may be the obstetrical history of the mother been described?

    6. How may the family be assessed as to:

    a. Socio-economic status

    b. Cultural status

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    c. Environmental sanitation

    7. How may the health problems be prioritized?

    8. How may the significance of the following factors to the health status of the family

    be described?

    a. Physical profile of the family

    b. Profile of the members

    c. Health profile of the members

    d. Growth and development of the children under 6 years of age

    e.Immunization status of t

    he infant

    9. How may the family nursing care plan of the family based on the analysis of data

    collected be described?

    10. How may the plans made with the family be implemented?

    11. How may the effectiveness of the plan be implemented?

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    A. Entry, Climate of Acceptance and First Few Words

    On September 6, 2010, a group of 10 student nurses were tasked to have

    a duty in Balibago Health Center. It was their first exposure with the families in the

    community. They made rounds to the community where they are assigned to and to look

    for a family who will qualify to the criteria that was instructed to them. It was not easy to

    find a family especially in a place which they are not familiar with.

    On their first day in the community, they had an orientation about their

    requirements and tasks that they will have to accomplish within 4 weeks and the student

    nurses were given the chance to look for a family to be adopted for the Family Case

    Analysis (FCA) at around 10:00 in the morning .

    The family that the group has chosen was very accommodating and welcoming.

    The group had chosen this family because the family is deprived with monetary

    resources, knowledge about health care. The family speaks Tagalog, which is their

    dialect, and they conversed with the group with ease and confidence.

    As the group entered the house, MotherYuna guided them to theirhouse. She

    preparing their food for their lunch and their children were playing when the student

    nurses arrived. They greeted MotherYuna and Grandma Tifa, Magandang umaga po

    (GoodMorning)while carrying smiles in their faces and the mother replied, Magandang

    umaga din (GoodMorning), tuloy kayo (come in). With those words, the group saw the

    humility of the family and its ability to welcome visitors; therefore, the group showed

    respect to the mother and to theirhouse. The group introduced themselves, and said

    their purpose.

    There are three student nurses assigned to the Fantacia Family. One of which

    stayed inside the house to assess the house condition while the other two stayed

    outside to assess the families and for data gathering. The children were unresponsive at

    first because they still do not have trust with the student nurses. However, the mother

    was very comfortable with the presence of the other student nurses making it easy for

    the exchange of information.

    The group stayed at familys house for about 3 hours. They told the mother that

    they will be visiting again in the following week hoping for the cooperation of the whole

    mother especially their children.

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    II. FAMILY CONSTELLATION: The Fantacia Family

    A family constellation is attached in a Family Case Analysis and is presented to contain

    and provide a view of the crucial information that needs to be highlighted for the convenience of

    the critics. This data takes hold of the respective names of the family members which are to be

    kept of great confidentiality and are to be substituted by pseudonyms. Their respective ages,

    positions in the family, sexes, educational status and present health status will also be reflected

    on this report. Moreover, this file carefully examined to provide an overview or a brief summary

    of what is to be expected from the outcome of the entire Family Case Analysis.

    Name: Tifa

    Age: 81 years old

    Position in the Family: Grandmother

    Gender: Female

    Educational Status: Grade 6 (not going toschool)

    Present Health Status: During the

    assessment at Day 1, Tifa was seen smoking;

    however she immediately threw her cigarette

    upon seeing the student nurses. She wears a

    white shirt and dark blue pants. She has

    wrinkles on her cheeks and fore head. She has

    been noticed coughing. She consumes half

    pack of cigarette every day. She has dirty

    finger nails and toe nails. She has a short,

    black and white, soft hair and slightly oily.

    She was unable to read a print 14 inches

    apart. She was unable to hearthe whispered

    words. The lips have symmetrical contour, no

    pallor noted but dark in colorand smooth and

    has the ability to purse lips. She has dentures.

    Her tongue is dry.

    Vital signs:

    T: 36.3C/axilla

    P: 86 bpm

    R: 22 cpm

    BP: 130/90 mm Hg

    Nutritional status:

    Wt: 37 kg

    HT: 1.57 m

    BMI: 15.04 kg/m2


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    Name: Yuna

    Age: 42 years old

    Position in the Family: Mother

    Gender: Female

    Educational Status: Grade 6 (not going toschool)

    Present Health Status: During the

    assessment at Day 1, Mother Yuna was

    wearing white sando and khaki shorts. She

    was carrying Tidus when the student nurses

    arrived. She looks tired because she just

    finished their laundry. She has a slouched

    posture, skinny, has fair complexion and was

    noted to have untrimmed finger and toe nails

    as well as presence of pediculosis with

    untidy appearance. Her teeth are yellow in

    color and there is presence of tooth decay

    and halitosis. There is noticed presence of

    dry lesions and rashes on her upper limb.

    Vital signs:

    T: 36.5C/axilla

    P: 85 bpm

    R: 21 cpm

    BP: 100/70 mm Hg

    Nutritional status:

    Wt: 35 kg

    HT: 1.5 m



    Name: Zidhaine

    Age: 13 years old

    Position in the Family: Third child


    Educational Status: Grade 3 (going to school)

    Present Health Status: Seen on the 2nd day

    of home visit (Sept 7, 2010) wearing striped

    shirt, blue shorts and with slippers on. He has a

    fair complexion. He has no missing tooth but

    has tooth decays. He has 4 tooth decays: 2

    on his right mandible, 2 on his right

    maxillary. He has dirty and long nails on hisfeet and hands. His feet are also notably


    Vital signs:

    T: 36.9C/axilla

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    P: 88 bpm

    R: 18 cpm

    Nutritional status:

    Wt: 36 kg

    Ht: 1.49 m

    BMI: 16.22 kg/m2


    Name: Cloud

    Age: 10 years old

    Position in the Family: Fourth child


    Educational Status: Grade 2 (going to school)

    Present Health Status: During the first home

    visit, he was wearing white t-shirt with black

    pants. He has a fair complexion. Have long

    and dirty fingernails. He had a presence of

    clear nasal discharge was noted. He has

    coughs and colds; with obstructed nasalairway passage. Has a dental decay.

    Vital signs:

    Temperature: 36.8oC / axilla

    Pulse Rate: 82 bpm

    Respiratory Rate: 21 cpm

    Nutritional status:

    Weight: 25 kg

    Height: 42 (1.28 m)

    BMI: 15.26 kg/m2


    Age: 8 years old

    Position in the Family: Fifth child

    Gender: Female

    Educational Status: Grade 2 (going to school)

    Seen on the first day of home visit (Sept 6,

    2010) wearing orange shirt and black shorts.

    She has short, slightly curly hair. Fair

    complexion. She has tooth decay on her

    frontal incisors. 1 missing tooth and 6 dental

    carries. She showed loss of appetite,

    untrimmed nails, scars in the legs, withinfestation of hair.She has long fingernails.

    She has dirty feet and nails. She has been

    coughing for one week on the first day of

    home visit.

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    Vital signs:

    T: 36.5C/axilla

    P: 89 bpm

    R: 21 cpm

    Nutritional status:

    Wt: 19 kg

    Ht: 1.19 m

    BMI: 13.48 kg/m2


    Name: Tidus

    Age: 2 years old

    Position in the Family: Youngest child


    Educational Status: Not going to school

    Present Health Status: During the first home

    visit, he was wearing sando only. He has long

    and dirty fingernails. He had a presence of

    clear nasal discharge was noted. He has

    also coughs and colds; with obstructed

    nasal airway passage. Has a dental decay

    and missing teeth.

    Vital signs:

    Temperature: 36.3oC / axilla

    Pulse Rate: 92 bpm

    Respiratory Rate: 26 cpm

    Nutritional status:

    Weight: 10 kg

    Height: 29 (0.88 m)

    FNRI Weight Classification: Underweight

    The other two eldest children were not seen during the visits because according

    to the mother, they dont live with them and they both have their own families.

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    (Initial home visit: September 6, 2010)


    Mrs. Tifa is 70 years old. She has a short, black and white, soft hair and slightly

    oily. She was wearing a white shirt, dark blue pajama pants and rubber slippers. Her skin is

    smooth, brown complexion, sweaty and wrinkled skin. Herfingernails and toenails are

    untrimmed. Upon interview, she is oriented to time, date, place and person and coherent in

    answering questions. Herheight is 154 cm and weighs 33 kg and her initial vital signs are

    T=36.3C, PR= 86 bpm, RR=22 cpm and BP= 130/90 mmHg


    SKIN: Mrs. Tifa has brown, uniform complexion with moist and wrinkled skin. There are no

    lesions and wound found. The skin is smooth and warm to touch and the skin turgor is good.

    NAILS:Upon inspecting the nails, fingernails are untrimmed. Her nails were pink in color and

    smooth in texture and with a capillary refill of less than 2 seconds.

    HAIR: The hair is short, black and white, soft and evenly distributed with no presence of

    dandruff. There is no presence of infestations.

    SKULL AND FACE: Skull is round and smooth in contour without presence of nodules or

    masses. The color ofher face is symmetrical to the skin. Facial features are symmetrical and

    facial movements.

    EYES: Eyebrows are evenly distributed and symmetrically aligned with equal movements.

    Eyelashes are also equally distributed and curled slightly outward and upward. Eyelids close

    symmetrically with skin intact and no discharge or discoloration. Bulbar conjunctiva is

    transparent and sclera appears white. Palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color.

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    Lacrimal ducts have no edema or tearing upon palpation. Cornea is transparent, shiny and

    smooth with visible details of iris. Client blinks when the cornea is touched with the use of

    cotton. Pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation. Client can see

    objects in the periphery when looking straight ahead and unable to read a print 14 inches


    EARS:The color of the auricle is the same as the facial skin color, symmetrical in size and the

    position of both auricles is at the level of the eye. It is elastic and the pinna recoil when folded.

    There are no lesions found and no tenderness noted.

    NOSE:The nose is symmetric, straight and cleardischarges found in nares. The color of the

    nose is the same as the facial skin, no abnormalities of the shape can be seen. The air moves

    freely when she breaths on both nares and the nasal septum is in between the nasal chambers.

    There are no masses or swellings are palpated in maxillary and frontal sinuses.

    MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX:The lips have symmetrical contour, no pallor noted but dark in

    colorand smooth and has the ability to purse lips. She has dentures. Her tongue is dry, pink in

    color, at the central position, no lesions observed and moves freely. The soft palate is light pink

    and smooth while the hard palate is lighter pink. The uvula is positioned on the midline of soft

    palate. The oropharynx is smooth and pink and the tonsils have no discharges.

    NECK: The neck is wrinkled and the color is the same as the facial skin and no lesions seen in

    the neck. There are no lymph nodes palpable. She is able to shrug her shoulder and turn her

    neck against the student nurse resistance. The trachea is in the center.

    THORAX AND LUNGS: Skin is evenly distributed skin color, skin intact with uniform

    temperature. The chest shape and size is symmetrical and the anterior-posterior and transverse

    diameter in ratio of 1:2. The lungs are full and symmetric in expansion, quiet rhythmic sound

    and there is effortless respiration.

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    HEART:Mrs. Tifas heart has no vibrations or pulsations are palpated on the aortic, pulmonic or

    tricuspid area. There is no presence of swishing sound like murmurs. Has regular rate and

    rhythm. And has identical pulse in radial and apical pulse.

    ABDOMEN:There is no blemished in the skin, no pulsation, masses and no tenderness. The

    skin is intact and warm to touch.

    UPPER EXTREMITIES: The arm has brown complexion, no lesions or wounds found and soft

    to touch. Has smooth coordinated movement. No tenderness or swelling of muscles and bones

    noted. Has normal radial and brachial pulse.

    > Fine Sensory Test

    The touch sensation is normal. She was able to discriminate sharp and dull

    sensations. She can also determine hot and cold sensations.

    > Fine Motor Test

    Finger to Nose Test: Can repeatedly and rhythmically touchher nose.

    Supination and Pronation of the Hand: Can alternately supinate and pronate

    herhands at rapid pace.

    Fingers to Fingers: Can perform with accuracy and rapidity.

    LOWER EXTREMITIES: The legs are warm, brown in complexion and smooth in texture. The

    toenails are untrimmed, convex in curvature and the result for capillary refill is normal. The

    toenails are convex in curvature. There are no lesions found in both feet. There is no presence

    of contractures or deformities. The muscles have equal strength.

    > Gait and Balance

    The client was able to maintain balance (Walking Gait). When she was asked to

    stand with feet together and arms resting at the sides, first with eyes open then closed.

    Client was able to maintain upright posture and foot stance (Romberg Test).

    She can also maintain heel-toe walking along a straight line.

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    > Fine Motor Test

    She was able to maintain bilateral equal coordination. She can also move

    smoothly with coordination.



    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 1:



    The student nurseasked the patient toclose both ofher eyesand asked to identifydifferent aromas suchas perfume andvinegar.

    Client will beable to identifythe differentodors presentedwith eyes closed.

    The pt. was ableto identify the mildaromas correctly.

    CranialNerveNumber 2:



    The student nurseasked the client toread some printedwords from a paper14 inches apart andidentify some colors.

    Client will beable to read whatwas written onthe paper 14inches apart andable to seeobjects andidentify colors.

    The pt. wasunable to readand identify thepicture shown toher at 14 inchesapart.

    CranialNerveNumber 3:

    Occulomo-tor Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof pupils

    The client was askedto look at the straightdirection. Then withthe use of a penlight,light was focused onthe right eye and wasremoved to determineany changes on thepupil size. Sameassessment was doneto the left eye.

    Pupils will reactto light andaccommodation,able to close andopen eyelids.

    The pt. was ableto follow the peneasily andcorrectly. Herpupil performedconstriction anddilation. Her pupilswere round andequally reactive tolight andaccommodation.

    CranialNerveNumber 4:



    movementof eyes indownwardand inwardmovement.

    The client was askedto follow the directionof the penlight in anupward and

    downward movementwithout moving hishead.

    The client will beable to moveeyes on anupward and

    downwarddirection withoutmoving the head.

    The pt. was ableto perform theocular movementswithout moving

    the head.


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:

    Student nurse madeuse of a clean cottonwisp and gently

    Client will beable to elicitcorneal reflex

    The pt. was ableto blink aftercotton touched

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    Type andFunction





    Sensation ofcornea, skinof face, and


    stroked client'seyelashes to elicitcorneal reflex. Also,

    the student nurseasked the client toclose his eyes todetermine if the objectis sharp or dull uponintroducing to face.The nurse also askedthe client to move his

    jaw from side to sideand chew.

    and identify thesensation of dullor sharp objects.

    The client mustbe able to closeand open, moveside to side his

    jaw and makesomemastication.

    her eyes; she feltthe cotton; andshe also identified

    if the object issharp or blunt.She can alsomove her jaw sideto side and chew.


    Number 6:



    Extra-ocularmovementof eyes in alateralmovement

    Student nurse askedthe client to follow the

    direction of thepenlight in a lateralmovement.

    The clients eyeswill be able to

    move in lateralmovementwithout movingthe head.

    The pt. was ableto move her eyes


    CranialNerveNumber 7:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Movementof facialmuscles andsense oftaste on theanterior two-thirds of thetongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to raise hiseyebrows, smile,frown, show teeth,and to puff out hischeeks and to identifyvarious taste on thetip of the tongue likesweet and salty.

    Client will beable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, showteeth, puff outcheeks, andidentify varioustaste on the tip oftongue likesweet and salty.

    The client wasable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, show teeth,puff out cheeks,and identifiedvarious taste onthe tip of tonguelike sweet andsalty.

    CranialNerveNumber 8:

    Vestibulo-cochlear or


    Type:SensoryFunction:Hearing andequilibrium

    Student nurse placeda second-hand watchnear the ears andasked the client if hecould hear the watchtick. Then, he wasalso asked to stand

    on his own for severalseconds.

    The client will beable to hear theticking watch andwill be able toshow balance.

    The pt. was

    unable to hear

    the whispered

    words. She is able

    to show balance.

    CranialNerveNumber 9:


    Type: Motorand sensoryFunction:Swallowingand Gagreflex,

    Student nurse askedthe client to say AH;pressed the posteriortongue with a tonguedepressor. Introducedthe vinegar to the

    The client will beable to elicitupwardmovement of softpalate whenmouth is opened,

    The client elicitedupward movementof soft palatewhen mouth isopened, identifiedsour taste, and

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    Type andFunction




    pharyngealmovementand sense

    of taste onthe posteriorone-thirds ofthe tongue

    tongue with eyesclosed. Lastly, thestudent nurse asked

    the patient to swallow.

    identify sourtaste, and able toswallow.

    was able toswallow.

    CranialNerveNumber 10:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Swallowingandspeaking

    Student nurse askeda question, andelicited gag reflex.

    The client will beable to speakwithouthoarseness, andwill elicit gagreflex.

    The client spokewithouthoarseness, andelicited gag reflex.


    NerveNumber 11:




    of shoulderblades

    Student nurse asked


    e client to moveh

    erhead from side to sideand asked to elevateher shoulders againstthe resistanceintroduced by thestudent nurse.

    The client will be

    able to sh

    rugshoulders andmove head fromside to sideagainst appliedresistance.

    The client was

    able to sh

    rugshoulders andmoved head fromside to sideagainst appliedresistance.

    CranialNerveNumber 12:


    l Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Movementand strengthof tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to movetongue from side toside and in and out.

    The client will beable to protrudetongue andmove it from sideto side.

    The client wasable to protrudetongue andmoved it from sideto side.

    (Final home visit: September 21, 2010)


    Mrs. Tifa was wearing a blue shirt with blue pants and slippers are on. Her

    hair is loose, soft and equally distributed. Her skin appears sweaty, with good skin

    turgor. Her nails are trimmed and clean. Upon interview, she is oriented to time, date,

    place and person and is coherent in answering the question. H iernitial vital signs were

    taken and recorded as follows:T=36.5 oC, PR=88bpm, RR= 24 cpm, BP=120/80 mmHg

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    SKIN: Mrs. Tifa has brown, uniform complexion with moist and wrinkled skin. There are no

    lesions and wound found. The skin is smooth and warm to touch and the skin turgor is good.

    NAILS:Upon inspecting the nails, fingernails are trimmed. Her nails were pink in color and

    smooth in texture and with a capillary refill of less than 2 seconds.

    HAIR: The hair is short, black and white, soft and evenly distributed with no presence of

    dandruff. There is no presence of infestations.

    SKULL AND FACE: Skull is round and smooth in contour without presence of nodules or

    masses. The color ofher face is symmetrical to the skin. Facial features are symmetrical and

    facial movements.

    EYES: Eyebrows are evenly distributed and symmetrically aligned with equal movements.

    Eyelashes are also equally distributed and curled slightly outward and upward. Eyelids close

    symmetrically with skin intact and no discharge or discoloration. Bulbar conjunctiva is

    transparent and sclera appears white. Palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color.

    Lacrimal ducts have no edema or tearing upon palpation. Cornea is transparent, shiny and

    smooth with visible details of iris. Client blinks when the cornea is touched with the use of

    cotton. Pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation. Client can see

    objects in the periphery when looking straight ahead and unable to read a print 14 inches


    EARS:The color of the auricle is the same as the facial skin color, symmetrical in size and the

    position of both auricles is at the level of the eye. It is elastic and the pinna recoil when folded.

    There are no lesions found and no tenderness noted.

    NOSE:The nose is symmetric, straight and no discharge found in nares. The color of the nose

    is the same as the facial skin, no abnormalities of the shape can be seen. The air moves freely

    when she breaths on both nares and the nasal septum is in between the nasal chambers. There

    are no masses or swellings are palpated in maxillary and frontal sinuses.

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    > Fine Motor Test

    Finger to Nose Test: Can repeatedly and rhythmically touchhis nose.

    Supination and Pronation of the Hand: Can alternately supinate and pronate

    herhands at rapid pace.

    Fingers to Fingers: Can perform with accuracy and rapidity.

    LOWER EXTREMITIES: The legs are warm, brown in complexion and smooth in texture. The

    toenails are untrimmed, convex in curvature and the result for capillary refill is normal. The

    toenails are convex in curvature. There are no lesions found in both feet. There is no presence

    of contractures or deformities. The muscles have equal strength.

    > Gait and Balance

    The client was able to maintain balance (Walking Gait). When she was asked to

    stand with feet together and arms resting at the sides, first with eyes open then closed.

    Client was able to maintain upright posture and foot stance (Romberg Test).

    She can also maintain heel-toe walking along a straight line.

    > Fine Motor Test

    She was able to maintain bilateral equal coordination. She can also move

    smoothly with coordination.



    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 1:




    The student nurseasked the patient toclose both ofher eyesand asked to identifydifferent aromas such

    as perfume andvinegar.

    Client will beable to identifythe differentodors presentedwith eyes closed.

    The pt. was ableto identify the mildaromas correctly.

    CranialNerveNumber 2:



    The student nurseasked the client toread some printedwords from a paper14 inches apart andidentify some colors.

    Client will beable to read whatwas written onthe paper 14inches apart andable to see

    The pt. wasunable to readand identify thepicture shown toher at 14 inchesapart.

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    Type andFunction




    objects andidentify colors.


    NerveNumber 3:

    Occulomo-tor Nerve


    Function:Extra-ocularmovementof pupils

    The client was asked

    to look at the straightdirection. Then withthe use of a penlight,light was focused onthe right eye and wasremoved to determineany changes on thepupil size. Sameassessment was doneto the left eye.

    Pupils will react

    to light andaccommodation,able to close andopen eyelids.

    The pt. was able

    to follow the peneasily andcorrectly. Herpupil performedconstriction anddilation. Her pupilswere round andequally reactive tolight andaccommodation.


    NerveNumber 4:



    otorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes indownwardand inwardmovement.

    The client was asked

    to follow the directionof the penlight in an

    upward anddownward movementwithout moving hishead.

    The client will be

    able to moveeyes on anupward anddownwarddirection withoutmoving the head.

    The pt. was able

    to perform theocular movements

    without movingthe head.



    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Sensation of

    cornea, skinof face, and


    Student nurse madeuse of a clean cottonwisp and gentlystroked client's

    eyelashes to elicitcorneal reflex. Also,the student nurseasked the client toclose his eyes todetermine if the objectis sharp or dull uponintroducing to face.The nurse also askedthe client to move his

    jaw from side to sideand chew.

    Client will beable to elicitcorneal reflexand identify the

    sensation of dullor sharp objects.The client mustbe able to closeand open, moveside to side his

    jaw and makesomemastication.

    The pt. was ableto blink aftercotton touchedher eyes; she felt

    the cotton; andshe also identifiedif the object issharp or blunt.She can alsomove her jaw sideto side and chew.

    CranialNerveNumber 6:


    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes in alateralmovement

    Student nurse askedthe client to follow thedirection of thepenlight in a lateralmovement.

    The clients eyeswill be able tomove in lateralmovementwithout movingthe head.

    The pt. was ableto move her eyessymmetrically.

    Cranial Type: Motor Student nurse asked Client will be The client was

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    Type andFunction




    NerveNumber 7:


    and SensoryFunction:Movement

    of facialmuscles andsense oftaste on theanterior two-thirds of thetongue

    the client to raise hiseyebrows, smile,frown, show teeth,

    and to puff out hischeeks and to identifyvarious taste on thetip of the tongue likesweet and salty.

    able to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, show

    teeth, puff outcheeks, andidentify varioustaste on the tip oftongue likesweet and salty.

    able to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, show teeth,

    puff out cheeks,and identifiedvarious taste onthe tip of tonguelike sweet andsalty.

    CranialNerveNumber 8:


    cochlear orAcoustics

    Type:SensoryFunction:Hearing andequilibrium

    Student nurse placeda second-hand watchnear the ears andasked the client if hecould hear the watch

    tick. Then, he wasalso asked to standon his own for severalseconds.

    The client will beable to hear theticking watch andwill be able toshow balance.

    The pt. was

    unable to hear

    the whispered

    words. She is able

    to show balance.

    CranialNerveNumber 9:


    Type: Motorand sensoryFunction:Swallowingand Gagreflex,pharyngealmovementand senseof taste onthe posteriorone-thirds ofthe tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to say AH;pressed the posteriortongue with a tonguedepressor. Introducedthe vinegar to thetongue with eyesclosed. Lastly, thestudent nurse askedthe patient to swallow.

    The client will beable to elicitupwardmovement of softpalate whenmouth is opened,identify sourtaste, and able toswallow.

    The client elicitedupward movementof soft palatewhen mouth isopened, identifiedsour taste, andwas able toswallow.

    CranialNerveNumber 10:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Swallowingandspeaking

    Student nurse askeda question, andelicited gag reflex.

    The client will beable to speakwithouthoarseness, andwill elicit gagreflex.

    The client spokewithouthoarseness, andelicited gag reflex.

    CranialNerveNumber 11:


    Type:MotorFunction:Movementof shoulderblades

    Student nurse askedthe client to move herhead from side to sideand asked to elevateher shoulders againstthe resistanceintroduced by thestudent nurse.

    The client will beable to shrugshoulders andmove head fromside to sideagainst appliedresistance.

    The client wasable to shrugshoulders andmoved head fromside to sideagainst appliedresistance.

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    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 12:

    Hypoglossal Nerve


    and strengthof tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to movetongue from side to

    side and in and out.

    The client will beable to protrudetongue and

    move it from sideto side.

    The client wasable to protrudetongue and

    moved it from sideto side.

    Nutrition Status:

    At the age of 81 y/o, Mrs. Tifa has a height of52 (1.57m) and a weighs 33 kg.

    BMI = weight in kg

    height in m

    = 37kg


    = 15.04 kg/m2

    Asia-Pacific Obesity Guidelines

    BMI Interpretation

    < 18.5 Underweight

    18.6 22.9 Healthy Weight

    > 23.0 Overweight

    23.0 24.9 At risk

    25.0 29.9 Obese I

    > 30.0 Obese II

    Mrs. Tifas BMI is 15.04 kg/m2which is interpreted as Underweight according to the

    parameter of the Asia-Pacific Obesity Guidelines.

    History of Past Illness

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    Mrs. Tifa experienced cough and colds, fever and chicken pox for the past years. She

    takes Paracetamol when she had fever and no medication for her cough and colds. She

    managed her cough by stopping smoking and eating candies and then she would resume

    smoking. According to Mrs. Yuna, even she was a child, her mother always does this. She also

    used herbal medicines like Oregano to manage her cough sometimes. She prepares oregano

    throughBoiling one cup of fresh leaves in 3 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. And then

    drinking the cup for about three times a day.

    History of Present Illness

    Mrs. Tifa was suffering productive cough and colds for about a week during the first

    home visit (September 6, 2010). She was not taking any medications for her cough but she

    uses other alternatives like drinking lots of water. She still didnt visit the health center to have a

    check up about her cough and colds.

    Activities of Daily Living

    Mrs. Tifa usually gets up at 6 am and helps Mrs. Yuna in preparing the breakfast. After

    breakfast, she usually smokes or cleans the house. After that she will wonder around the

    community, sometimes going to the internet to have a contact to her son in abroad or just visit

    some neighbors. In the middle of the day, she usually comes back at lunch to see her

    grandchildren eat their lunch before going to school. She either eat lunch or not and then go

    back to sleep. About 1:30 or 2:00, she will stay in the house watching TV or keeping an eye to

    her grandchildren. At night, she will watchTV orhave conversation to her family or neighbors

    and after taking her dinner, she will go to sleep at 10 pm.

    Mrs. Tifa smokes and she can consume half packet of cigarette a day. She started

    smoking at the age of24. Therefore, there is a total of57 pack years.

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    (Initial home visit: September 6, 2010)


    MotherYuna, age 42 y/o, female, Filipino, affiliated under Roman Catholic, born March

    8, 1968, stands 150cm and weighs 35kg. On the first day of assessment, MotherYuna was

    seen carrying baby Tidus and wearing a loose white shirt paired with khaki shorts. She just

    finished washing clothes. Her posture is slouched in standing. She answers queries with

    appropriate response and affect. After assessment, mother was noted to have untrimmed

    finger and toe nails as well as presence of pediculosis with untidy appearance. Her vital

    signs were taken and recorded as follows: T=36.5rC, PR=85 bpm, RR=21 cpm,



    SKIN: MotherYunas skin color is fair. There is no edema and inflammations present. There is

    noticed presence of dry lesions and rashes on her upper limb. Her skin is warm to touch,

    slightly dry and with a good skin turgor.

    NAILS:She has dirty untrimmed finger and toe nails. But smooth in texture and nail beds

    are pink with good capillary refill. Nail beds returns to pink after blanching in 2 seconds.

    HAIR: Herhair is evenly distributed, and black in color. There is presence of dandruff on

    scalp, pediculosis on uncombed hair.

    SKULL AND FACE: Her skull is rounded, normocephalic and with normal contour, smooth skull

    contour, no lesions and masses noted. She has symmetrical face features and no lesions or

    masses noted.

    EYES: Her eyebrows are symmetrically aligned and evenly distributed with eyelashes curled,

    outward and long. The eyelids are intact without secretions or discharges. The bulbar

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    conjunctiva is transparent, the palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color and shiny

    with flat iris. Can move eyes and see objects in the periphery when looking straight.

    EARS: Her auricles are symmetrical and have same color as the face. It is aligned with the

    outer canthus of the eye. Ear canals are seen withlittle amounts of dry cerumen. Not tender

    upon palpation, Pinna recoils after it is folded.

    NOSE: Her nose is in proportion, uniform in color and no lesions. Sinuses are not tender when

    palpated and no discharge is noted.

    MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX: Her lips are slightly brown in color, smooth in texture and elastic

    texture. She has pink tongue and moves freely. The palates and uvula are color pink with uvula

    at the midline. There are no discolorations and irritations and the oropharynx tonsils are pink in

    color. Herteeth are yellow in color and there is presence of tooth decay and halitosis.

    NECK: Her neck is uniform in color, with coordinate smooth movement with equal muscle

    strength. Herhead was able to move against resistance.

    THORAX AND LUNGS:Skin is intact with uniform color. No inflammation, lesions, deformities,

    masses and tenderness noticed. She has no difficulty in breathing and has regular breathing

    pattern of quiet and rhythmic respiration. Chest has no masses or tenderness. Breathing pattern

    and heart beat are normal. Spine is aligned vertically. Her composure is slightly slouched due

    to household chores. Her back is uniform in color. Both shoulders are aligned.

    HEART:She has a normal pulse of 85 bpm with full pulsation of the carotid artery upon


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    ABDOMEN:Skin in her abdomen is uniform and rounded. With presence of tympanic sound

    over the stomach, with audible bowel sounds of 23 per min. upon auscultation, does not

    complain tenderness and pain upon palpation.

    UPPER EXTREMITIES: The arm has brown complexion, no lesions or wounds found and soft

    to touch. Has smooth coordinated movement. No tenderness or swelling of muscles and bones

    noted. Has normal radial and brachial pulse.

    > Fine Sensory Test

    The touch sensation is normal. She was able to discriminate sharp and dull

    sensations. She can also determine hot and cold sensations.

    > Fine Motor Test

    Finger to Nose Test: Can repeatedly and rhythmically touchher nose.

    Supination and Pronation of the Hand: Can alternately supinate and pronate

    herhands at rapid pace.

    Fingers to Fingers: Can perform with accuracy and rapidity.

    LOWER EXTREMITIES: The legs are warm, brown in complexion and smooth in texture. The

    toenails are untrimmed and dirty, convex in curvature and the result for capillary refill is

    normal. The toenails are convex in curvature. There are no lesions found in both feet. There is

    no presence of contractures or deformities. The muscles have equal strength.

    > Gait and Balance

    The client was able to maintain balance (Walking Gait). When she was asked to

    stand with feet together and arms resting at the sides, first with eyes open then closed.

    Client was able to maintain upright posture and foot stance (Romberg Test).

    She can also maintain heel-toe walking along a straight line.

    > Fine Motor Test

    She was able to maintain bilateral equal coordination. She can also move

    smoothly with coordination.

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    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 1:



    The student nurseasked the patient toclose both ofher eyesand asked to identifydifferent aromas suchas perfume andvinegar.

    Client will beable to identifythe differentodors presentedwith eyes closed.

    The pt. was ableto identify the mildaromas correctly


    Number 2:




    The student nurseasked the client to

    read some printedwords from a paper14 inches apart andidentify some colors.

    Client will beable to read what

    was written onthe paper 14inches apart andable to seeobjects andidentify colors.

    The pt. was ableto read the text


    own toher.

    CranialNerveNumber 3:

    Occulomo-tor Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof pupils

    The client was askedto look at the straightdirection. Then withthe use of a penlight,light was focused onthe right eye and was

    removed to determineany changes on thepupil size. Sameassessment was doneto the left eye.

    Pupils will reactto light andaccommodation,able to close andopen eyelids.

    The pt. was ableto follow the peneasily andcorrectly. Herpupil performedconstriction and

    dilation. Her pupilswere round andequally reactive tolight andaccommodation.

    CranialNerveNumber 4:


    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes indownwardand inwardmovement.

    The client was askedto follow the directionof the penlight in anupward anddownward movementwithout moving hishead.

    The client will beable to moveeyes on anupward anddownwarddirection withoutmoving the head.

    The pt. was ableto perform theocular movementswithout movingthe head.



    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Sensation ofcornea, skinof face, and

    Student nurse madeuse of a clean cottonwisp and gentlystroked client'seyelashes to elicitcorneal reflex. Also,

    Client will beable to elicitcorneal reflexand identify thesensation of dullor sharp objects.

    The pt. was ableto blink aftercotton touchedher eyes; she feltthe cotton; andshe also identified

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    Type andFunction





    the student nurseasked the client toclose his eyes to

    determine if the objectis sharp or dull uponintroducing to face.The nurse also askedthe client to move his

    jaw from side to sideand chew.

    The client mustbe able to closeand open, move

    side to side his jaw and makesomemastication.

    if the object issharp or blunt.

    CranialNerveNumber 6:



    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes in a


    Student nurse askedthe client to follow thedirection of thepenlight in a lateralmovement.

    The clients eyeswill be able tomove in lateralmovementwithout moving

    the head.

    The pt. was ableto move her eyessymmetrically.

    CranialNerveNumber 7:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Movementof facialmuscles andsense oftaste on theanterior two-thirds of thetongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to raise hiseyebrows, smile,frown, show teeth,and to puff out hischeeks and to identifyvarious taste on thetip of the tongue likesweet and salty.

    Client will beable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, showteeth, puff outcheeks, andidentify varioustaste on the tip oftongue likesweet and salty.

    The pt. was ableto do all activities

    The pt. was ableto identify alltasted foodappropriate orcorrectly.

    CranialNerveNumber 8:

    Vestibulo-cochlear or


    Type:SensoryFunction:Hearing andequilibrium

    Student nurse placeda second-hand watchnear the ears andasked the client if hecould hear the watchtick. Then, he wasalso asked to standon his own for severalseconds.

    The client will beable to hear theticking watch andwill be able toshow balance.

    The pt. was ableto correctly repeatthe whisperedwords.


    NerveNumber 9:


    Type: Motor

    and sensoryFunction:Swallowingand Gagreflex,pharyngealmovementand sense

    Student nurse asked

    the client to say AH;pressed the posteriortongue with a tonguedepressor. Introducedthe vinegar to thetongue with eyesclosed. Lastly, thestudent nurse asked

    The client will be

    able to elicitupwardmovement of softpalate whenmouth is opened,identify sourtaste, and able toswallow.

    The pt. was able

    to do allmovement easily.

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    Type andFunction




    of taste onthe posteriorone-thirds of

    the tongue

    the patient to swallow.

    CranialNerveNumber 10:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Swallowingandspeaking

    Student nurse askeda question, andelicited gag reflex.

    The client will beable to speakwithouthoarseness, andwill elicit gagreflex.

    The pt. was ableto speak clearlyand did not have adifficulty inswallowing.

    CranialNerveNumber 11:


    Type:MotorFunction:Movementof shoulder


    Student nurse askedthe client to move herhead from side to sideand asked to elevateh

    er shoulders againstthe resistance

    introduced by thestudent nurse.

    The client will beable to shrugshoulders andmove head from

    side to sideagainst appliedresistance.

    The pt. was ableto shrugs hershoulder. Sheturned his head in

    all movement.

    CranialNerveNumber 12:

    Hypoglossal Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Movementand strengthof tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to movetongue from side toside and in and out.

    The client will beable to protrudetongue andmove it from sideto side.

    The pt. was ableto do allmovementinstructed.

    (Final home visit: September 21, 2010)



    During the final assessment, MotherYuna was seen on the yard carrying Tidus. She

    was wearing a white t-shirt with red pajamas and slippers on. We observed that she already has

    trimmed nails both on hands and feet, has a neat appearance withherhair fixed and ponytailed

    and answers our queries accordingly. Her vital signs taken and recorded as follows :T=36.2rC,

    PR=87 bpm, RR=23 cpm, BP=100/80mmHg

    SKIN: MotherYunas skin color is fair. There is no edema and inflammations present. There is

    noticed presence of dry lesions and rashes on her upper limb. Her skin is warm to touch,

    slightly dry and with a good skin turgor.

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    NAILSShe has trimmed finger and toe nails. But smooth in texture and nail beds are pink with

    good capillary refill. Nail beds returns to pink after blanching in 2 seconds.

    HAIR: Herhair is evenly distributed, and black in color. There is presence of dandruff on

    scalp, pediculosis on uncombed hair.

    SKULL AND FACE: Her skull is rounded, normocephalic and with normal contour, smooth skull

    contour, no lesions and masses noted. She has symmetrical face features and no lesions or

    masses noted.

    EYES: Her eyebrows are symmetrically aligned and evenly distributed with eyelashes curled,

    outward and long. The eyelids are intact without secretions or discharges. The bulbar

    conjunctiva is transparent, the palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color and shiny

    with flat iris. Can move eyes and see objects in the periphery when looking straight.

    EARS: Her auricles are symmetrical and have same color as the face. Ear canals are seen with

    little amounts of dry cerumen. It is mobile, firm, and not tender.

    NOSE: Her nose is in proportion, uniform in color and no lesions. Sinuses are not tender when

    palpated and no discharge is noted.

    MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX: Her lips are slightly brown in color, smooth in texture and elastic

    texture. She has pink tongue and moves freely. The palates and uvula are color pink with uvula

    at the midline. There are no discolorations and irritations and the oropharynx tonsils are pink in

    color. Herteeth are slightly yellow in color and there is presence of tooth decay.

    NECK: Her neck is uniform in color, with coordinate smooth movement with equal muscle

    strength. Herhead was able to move against resistance.

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    THORAX AND LUNGS:Skin is intact with uniform color. No inflammation, lesions, deformities,

    masses and tenderness noticed. She has no difficulty in breathing and has regular breathing

    pattern of quiet and rhythmic respiration. Chest has no masses or tenderness. Breathing pattern

    and heart beat are normal. Spine is aligned vertically. Her composure is slightly slouched due

    to household chores. Her back is uniform in color. Both shoulders are aligned.

    HEART:She has a normal pulse of 87 bpm with full pulsation of the carotid artery upon


    ABDOMEN:Skin in her abdomen is uniform and rounded. With presence of tympanic sound

    over the stomach and gas fluid sound upon percussion, does not complain tenderness and pain

    upon palpation.

    UPPER EXTREMITIES: The arm has brown complexion, no lesions or wounds found and soft

    to touch. Has smooth coordinated movement. No tenderness or swelling of muscles and bones

    noted. Has normal radial and brachial pulse.

    > Fine Sensory Test

    The touch sensation is normal. She was able to discriminate sharp and dull

    sensations. She can also determine hot and cold sensations.

    > Fine Motor Test

    Finger to Nose Test: Can repeatedly and rhythmically touchher nose.

    Supination and Pronation of the Hand: Can alternately supinate and pronate

    herhands at rapid pace.

    Fingers to Fingers: Can perform with accuracy and rapidity.

    LOWER EXTREMITIES: The legs are warm, brown in complexion and smooth in texture. The

    toenails are trimmed, convex in curvature and the result for capillary refill is normal. The toenails

    are convex in curvature. There are no lesions found in both feet. There is no presence of

    contractures or deformities. The muscles have equal strength.

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    > Gait and Balance

    The client was able to maintain balance (Walking Gait). When she was asked to

    stand with feet together and arms resting at the sides, first with eyes open then closed.

    Client was able to maintain upright posture and foot stance (Romberg Test).

    She can also maintain heel-toe walking along a straight line.

    > Fine Motor Test

    She was able to maintain bilateral equal coordination. She can also move

    smoothly with coordination.



    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 1:



    The student nurseasked the patient toclose both ofher eyesand asked to identifydifferent aromas suchas perfume andvinegar.

    Client will beable to identifythe differentodors presentedwith eyes closed.

    The pt. was ableto identify the mildaromas correctly

    CranialNerveNumber 2:



    The student nurseasked the client toread some printedwords from a paper14 inches apart andidentify some colors.

    Client will beable to read whatwas written onthe paper 14inches apart andable to seeobjects andidentify colors.

    The pt. was ableto read the textshown to her.

    CranialNerveNumber 3:

    Occulomo-tor Nerve


    movementof pupils

    The client was askedto look at the straightdirection. Then with

    the use of a penlight,light was focused onthe right eye and wasremoved to determineany changes on thepupil size. Sameassessment was doneto the left eye.

    Pupils will reactto light andaccommodation,

    able to close andopen eyelids.

    The pt. was ableto follow the peneasily and

    correctly. Herpupil performedconstriction anddilation. Her pupilswere round andequally reactive tolight andaccommodation.

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    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 4:



    Extra-ocularmovementof eyes indownwardand inwardmovement.

    The client was askedto follow the directionof the penlight in an

    upward anddownward movementwithout moving hishead.

    The client will beable to moveeyes on an

    upward anddownwarddirection withoutmoving the head.

    The pt. was ableto perform theocular movements

    without movingthe head.



    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Sensation ofcornea, skinof face, and


    Student nurse madeuse of a clean cottonwisp and gentlystroked client'seyelashes to elicitcorneal reflex. Also,

    the student nurseasked the client toclose his eyes todetermine if the objectis sharp or dull uponintroducing to face.The nurse also askedthe client to move his

    jaw from side to sideand chew.

    Client will beable to elicitcorneal reflexand identify thesensation of dullor sharp objects.

    The client mustbe able to closeand open, moveside to side his

    jaw and makesomemastication.

    The pt. was ableto blink aftercotton touchedher eyes; she feltthe cotton; andshe also identified

    if the object issharp or blunt.

    CranialNerveNumber 6:


    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes in alateralmovement

    Student nurse askedthe client to follow thedirection of thepenlight in a lateralmovement.

    The clients eyeswill be able tomove in lateralmovementwithout movingthe head.

    The pt. was ableto move her eyessymmetrically.

    CranialNerveNumber 7:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Movementof facialmuscles and

    sense oftaste on theanterior two-thirds of thetongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to raise hiseyebrows, smile,frown, show teeth,and to puff out hischeeks and to identify

    various taste on thetip of the tongue likesweet and salty.

    Client will beable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, showteeth, puff outcheeks, and

    identify varioustaste on the tip oftongue likesweet and salty.

    The pt. was ableto do all activities

    The pt. was ableto identify all

    tasted foodappropriate orcorrectly.

    CranialNerveNumber 8:


    Student nurse placeda second-hand watchnear the ears and

    The client will beable to hear theticking watch and

    The pt. was ableto correctly repeatthe whispered

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    Type andFunction




    Vestibulo-cochlear or


    Hearing andequilibrium

    asked the client if hecould hear the watchtick. Then, he was

    also asked to standon his own for severalseconds.

    will be able toshow balance.


    CranialNerveNumber 9:


    Type: Motorand sensoryFunction:Swallowingand Gagreflex,pharyngealmovementand sense

    of taste onthe posteriorone-thirds ofthe tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to say AH;pressed the posteriortongue with a tonguedepressor. Introducedthe vinegar to thetongue with eyesclosed. Lastly, thestudent nurse asked

    the patient to swallow.

    The client will beable to elicitupwardmovement of softpalate whenmouth is opened,identify sourtaste, and able toswallow.

    The pt. was ableto do allmovement easily.

    CranialNerveNumber 10:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Swallowingandspeaking

    Student nurse askeda question, andelicited gag reflex.

    The client will beable to speakwithouthoarseness, andwill elicit gagreflex.

    The pt. was ableto speak clearlyand did not have adifficulty inswallowing.


    NerveNumber 11:



    Function:Movementof shoulderblades

    Student nurse asked

    the client to move herhead from side to sideand asked to elevateher shoulders againstthe resistanceintroduced by thestudent nurse.

    The client will be

    able to shrugshoulders andmove head fromside to sideagainst appliedresistance.

    The pt. was able

    to shrugs hershoulder. Sheturned his head inall movement.

    CranialNerveNumber 12:


    l Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Movementand strengthof tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to movetongue from side toside and in and out.

    The client will beable to protrudetongue andmove it from sideto side.

    The pt. was ableto do allmovementinstructed.

    Mothers Obstetrical history

    MotherYunas obstetric record is G6P6 (T6P0A0L6M0), with termed pregnancies of 6, no

    preterm pregnancy, no aborted fetus, six living children and no multiple pregnancies. She had

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    her first menstrual period when she was twelve years old. She has irregular menstruation which

    often lasts for 3 days. She consumes two pads per day when she has menstruation. She usually

    experiences menstrual cramps.

    During her first pregnancy, MotherYuna told the student nurses that she did not have a

    hard time. She mostly craved for fruits like apples and bananas all the time. She delivered all

    her six children via normal delivery at home. In every pregnancy that she went through, she

    avoided drinking carbonated beverages like softdrinks, and she didnt eat salty food. She went

    forher pre-natal check-ups and she completed herTetanus Toxoid vaccine.

    Nutritional Status

    MotherYuna, age 42 y/o has a height of 150cm and weighs 35kg.

    BMI = weight in kg_

    (height in m)

    = 35 kg __

    2.25 m

    = 15.56kg/m

    Asia-Pacific Obesity Guidelines

    BMI Interpretation

    < 18.5 Underweight

    18.6 22.9 Healthy Weight

    > 23.0 Overweight

    23.0 24.9 At risk

    25.0 29.9 Obese I

    > 30.0 Obese II

    Based from the results ofherBMI computation, MotherYuna is considered under the

    classification ofunderweight.

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    History of Past Illness

    Mother Yuna did not experience any serious illness since childhood. She verbalized

    having common colds, cough, fever, chicken pox and measles when she was young.

    Sometimes, she uses herbal medicines such as Lagundi and Oregano. If she experiences

    cough or colds, she self-medicates by drinking OTC medicine. She does not often go for a


    History of Present Illness

    Mother Yuna is not presently diagnosed of any disease condition since she doesnt

    really go often for check-ups. She verbalized experiences ofDOB, dysphagia and chest pain.

    Activities of Daily Living

    MotherYuna wakes up at 6AM. Then she proceeds to making coffee for her

    breakfast or bread whenever its available, clean the house and fix her childrens things. After

    that, she takes care of Tidus. At 10:30 AM, she cooks lunch and then after that, if she has

    enough time, she watches television. At noon, she eats lunch. After lunch time, either she

    prepares her kids to shool or she does the laundry. At around 6 pm or 7 pm, she prepares

    dinner, and after preparing and cooking, they eat dinner. After eating, she rests and watches TV

    with the whole family. After relaxing, she fixes all the things and approximately at 10:00PM she

    heads off to sleep.


    (Initial home visit: September 6, 2010)

    He is not able to assess during the home visit because he had his class that morning.

    (Second home visit: September 7, 2010)


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    Zidhaine is the eldest among the four children of the family and is 13 years old.

    He is wearing a blue short and striped shirt. His skin is smooth, dark complexion and good skin

    turgor. His hair is black in color and evenly distributed with no infestations noted. He has long

    and dirty fingernails. Presence of dental caries is noted. Upon interview, it is noted that he

    is oriented to time, date, place and person and is coherent in answering the questions. His initial

    vital signs were taken and recorded as follows:T=36.9 oC, PR= 88 bpm and RR= 18 cpm.


    SKIN: Zidhaine skin is smooth, dark complexion, equally distributed with good skin turgor.

    There are no lesions or discharges found.

    NAILS:Upon inspecting the nails, fingernails are untrimmed and dirty. His nails were pink in

    color and smooth in texture and with a capillary refill of less than 2 seconds.

    HAIR:The hair is short, black, soft and evenly distributed with no presence of dandruff. There is

    no presence of infestations.

    SKULL AND FACE: Skull is round and smooth in contour without presence of nodules or

    masses. The color ofher face is symmetrical to the skin. Facial features are symmetrical and

    facial movements.

    EYES: Eyebrows are evenly distributed and symmetrically aligned with equal movements.

    Eyelashes are also equally distributed and curled slightly outward and upward. Eyelids close

    symmetrically with skin intact and no discharge or discoloration. Bulbar conjunctiva is

    transparent and sclera appears white. Palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color.

    Lacrimal ducts have no edema or tearing upon palpation. Cornea is transparent, shiny and

    smooth with visible details of iris. Client blinks when the cornea is touched with the use of

    cotton. Pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation. Client can see

    objects in the periphery when looking straight ahead and able to read a print 14 inches apart.

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    EARS:The color of the auricle is the same as the facial skin color, symmetrical in size and the

    position of both auricles is at the level of the eye. It is elastic and the pinna recoil when folded.

    There are no lesions found and no tenderness noted.

    NOSE:The nose is symmetric, straight and no dischargesfound in nares. The color of the nose

    is the same as the facial skin, no abnormalities of the shape can be seen. The air moves freely

    when she breaths on both nares and the nasal septum is in between the nasal chambers. There

    are no masses or swellings are palpated in maxillary and frontal sinuses.

    MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX:The lips have symmetrical contour, no pallor noted, pink in color

    and smooth and have the ability to purse lips. He has 4 tooth decays: 2 on his right mandible

    and 2 on his right maxillary. His tongue is pink in color, at the central position, no lesions

    observed and moves freely. The soft palate is light pink and smooth while the hard palate is

    lighter pink. The uvula is positioned on the midline of soft palate. The oropharynx is smooth and

    pink and the tonsils have no discharges.

    NECK: Neck muscles are equal in size and head is centered. Client can move head smoothly

    with no discomfort. Client can shrug shoulders against the resistance of student nurses hands.

    Lymph nodes are not palpable and trachea is in the midline of neck.

    THORAX AND LUNGS: Chest is symmetric in size and spine is vertically aligned. Both lung

    fields are clear upon auscultation. Skin is intact with no palpable masses or nodules. Breathing

    is regular and normal.

    HEART:Zidhaines heart has no vibrations or pulsations are palpated on the aortic, pulmonic or

    tricuspid area. There is no presence of swishing sound like murmurs. Has regular rate and

    rhythm. And has identical pulse in radial and apical pulse.

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    ABDOMEN:There is no blemished in the skin, no pulsation, masses and no tenderness. The

    skin is intact and warm to touch.

    UPPER EXTREMITIES: The arm has dark complexion, no lesions or wounds found and soft to

    touch. Has smooth coordinated movement. No tenderness or swelling of muscles and bones

    noted. Has normal radial and brachial pulse.

    > Fine Sensory Test

    The touch sensation is normal. He was able to discriminate sharp and dull

    sensations. He can also determine hot and cold sensations.

    > Fine Motor Test

    Finger to Nose Test: Can repeatedly and rhythmically touchhis nose.

    Supination and Pronation of the Hand: Can alternately supinate and pronate

    his hands at rapid pace.

    Fingers to Fingers: Can perform with accuracy and rapidity.

    LOWER EXTREMITIES: The legs are warm, brown in complexion and smooth in texture. The

    toenails are untrimmed, convex in curvature and the result for capillary refill is normal. The

    toenails are convex in curvature. There are no lesions found in both feet. There is no presence

    of contractures or deformities. The muscles have equal strength.

    > Gait and Balance

    The client was able to maintain balance (Walking Gait). When he was asked to

    stand with feet together and arms resting at the sides, first with eyes open then closed.

    Client was able to maintain upright posture and foot stance (Romberg Test). He

    can also maintain heel-toe walking along a straight line.

    > Fine Motor Test

    He was able to maintain bilateral equal coordination. He can also move smoothly

    with coordination.

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    Type andFunction




    CranialNerveNumber 1:



    The student nurseasked the patient toclose both ofher eyesand asked to identifydifferent aromas suchas perfume andvinegar.

    Client will beable to identifythe differentodors presentedwith eyes closed.

    The clientidentified thesmell of theperfume andvinegar.

    CranialNerveNumber 2:




    The student nurseasked the client toread some printedwords from a paper14 inches apart and

    identify some colors.

    Client will beable to read whatwas written onthe paper 14inches apart and

    able to seeobjects andidentify colors.

    Client read whatwas written on thepaper 14 inchesapart and hasidentified colors.

    CranialNerveNumber 3:

    Occulomo-tor Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof pupils

    The client was askedto look at the straightdirection. Then withthe use of a penlight,light was focused onthe right eye and wasremoved to determineany changes on thepupil size. Sameassessment was doneto the left eye.

    Pupils will reactto light andaccommodation,able to close andopen eyelids.

    Pupils hadreacted to lightandaccommodation.He was also ableto close and openhis eyelids.

    CranialNerveNumber 4:


    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes indownwardand inwardmovement.

    The client was askedto follow the directionof the penlight in anupward anddownward movementwithout moving hishead.

    The client will beable to moveeyes on anupward anddownwarddirection withoutmoving the head.

    The client movedhis eyes on anupward anddownwarddirection withoutmoving the head.



    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Sensation ofcornea, skinof face, and


    Student nurse madeuse of a clean cottonwisp and gentlystroked client'seyelashes to elicitcorneal reflex. Also,the student nurseasked the client to

    Client will beable to elicitcorneal reflexand identify thesensation of dullor sharp objects.The client mustbe able to close

    The client elicitedcorneal reflex andhad identified thesensation of dullor sharp objects.The client wasable to close andopen, move side

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    Type andFunction




    close his eyes todetermine if the objectis sharp or dull upon

    introducing to face.The nurse also askedthe client to move his

    jaw from side to sideand chew.

    and open, moveside to side his

    jaw and make


    to side his jaw andmade somemastication.

    CranialNerveNumber 6:


    Type:MotorFunction:Extra-ocularmovementof eyes in alateralmovement

    Student nurse askedthe client to follow thedirection of thepenlight in a lateralmovement.

    The clients eyeswill be able tomove in lateralmovementwithout movingthe head.

    The clients eyesmoved in lateralmovement withoutmoving the head.

    CranialNerveNumber 7:


    Type: Motorand SensoryFunction:Movementof facialmuscles andsense oftaste on theanterior two-thirds of thetongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to raise hiseyebrows, smile,frown, show teeth,and to puff out hischeeks and to identifyvarious taste on thetip of the tongue likesweet and salty.

    Client will beable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, showteeth, puff outcheeks, andidentify varioustaste on the tip oftongue likesweet and salty.

    The client wasable to raiseeyebrows, frown,smile, show teeth,puff out cheeks,and identifiedvarious taste onthe tip of tonguelike sweet andsalty.

    CranialNerveNumber 8:

    Vestibulo-cochlear or


    Type:SensoryFunction:Hearing andequilibrium

    Student nurse placeda second-hand watchnear the ears andasked the client if hecould hear the watchtick. Then, he wasalso asked to standon his own for severalseconds.

    The client will beable to hear theticking watch andwill be able toshow balance.

    The client heardthe ticking watchand was also ableto show balance.

    CranialNerveNumber 9:


    Type: Motorand sensoryFunction:

    Swallowingand Gagreflex,pharyngealmovementand senseof taste onthe posterior

    Student nurse askedthe client to say AH;pressed the posterior

    tongue with a tonguedepressor. Introducedthe vinegar to thetongue with eyesclosed. Lastly, thestudent nurse askedthe patient to swallow.

    The client will beable to elicitupward

    movement of softpalate whenmouth is opened,identify sourtaste, and able toswallow.

    The client elicitedupward movementof soft palate

    when mouth isopened, identifiedsour taste, andwas able toswallow.

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    Type andFunction




    one-thirds ofthe tongue


    NerveNumber 10:


    Type: Motor

    and SensoryFunction:Swallowingandspeaking

    Student nurse asked

    a question, andelicited gag reflex.

    The client will be

    able to speakwithouthoarseness, andwill elicit gagreflex.

    The client spoke

    withouthoarseness, andelicited gag reflex.

    CranialNerveNumber 11:


    Type:MotorFunction:Movementof shoulderblades

    Student nurse askedthe client to move herhead from side to sideand asked to elevateher shoulders againstthe resistance

    introduced by thestudent nurse.

    The client will beable to shrugshoulders andmove head fromside to sideagainst applied


    The client wasable to shrugshoulders andmoved head fromside to sideagainst applied


    CranialNerveNumber 12:

    Hypoglossal Nerve

    Type:MotorFunction:Movementand strengthof tongue

    Student nurse askedthe client to movetongue from side toside and in and out.

    The client will beable to protrudetongue andmove it from sideto side.

    The client wasable to protrudetongue andmoved it from sideto side.

    (Final home visit: September 21, 2010)

    He is not able to assess during the home visits because he had his class at theafternoon.

    Nutrition Status

    Zidhaine, age 13 years old, has a height of 149cm (1.49 m), and weighs 36 kg.

    BMI = weight in kg

    height in m

    = 36 kg

    (1.49 m)

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    = 16.22 kg/m

    Asia-Pacific Obesity Guidelines

    BMI Interpretation

    < 18.5 Underweight

    18.6 22.9 Healthy Weight

    > 23.0 Overweight

    23.0 24.9 At risk

    25.0 29.9 Obese I

    > 30.0 Obese II

    Basing on the result of the computation on the above parameters, Zidhaine is classified

    as underweight.

    History of Past Illness

    According to Mrs. Yuna, he experienced cough and colds, fever in the past. He already

    experienced chickenpox. Ifhe has a fever, they managed it with tepid sponge bath and over the

    counter medicines.

    History of Present Illness

    Zidhaine doesnt have any illness at present. Upon the student nurses assessment, hes

    at good health.

    Activities of Daily Living

    Zidhaine wakes up at 8:00 in the morning and eats his breakfast. After that, he

    will either play withhis friends or go to the internet shop. Usually, he will come back by 11:30

    am to eat his lunch and prepare for school. Together withhis siblings, he will stay at school from

    1:00 to 5:00 pm. At 5:30 pm, he goes home and after resting, starts to make his assignments

    and watchTV afterwards. They will eat their supper at 7:00 pm and sleep at 9:00 pm.


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    (Initial home visit: September 6, 2010)


    Cloud, who was the second eldest among four children of the family, is 10 years old. He

    is a pure blooded Filipino born on October 14, 1990 in Balibago, Angeles City. He is wearing

    white t-shirt and black pants. His skin was smooth, has dark complexion His hair was black in

    color and evenly distributed. He has long and dirty fingernails. Presence of dental carries.

    Upon interview, it is noted that he is oriented to time, date, place and person and is coherent in

    answering the questions. His initial vital signs were taken and recorded as follows:T=36.5 oC,

    PR= 92 bpm, RR= 24 cpm,


    SKIN: Child Cloud was noted to have a dry skin and fair complexion. He has no edema on any

    part of the body. He has a good skin turgor.

    NAILS:Upon inspecting the nails, long and dirty fingernails were noted. His nails were pink in

    color and smooth in texture. Normal capillary refill of 2 seconds was noted.

    HAIR: He had a natural hair which is black in color. His hair was evenly distributed on his scalp.

    No dandruff, infection or infestations noted upon inspecting the hair in several areas.

    SKULL AND FACE: Skull is round and smooth in contour without presence of nodules or

    masses. Facial features are symmetrical and facial movements.

    EYES: Eyebrows are evenly distributed and symmetrically aligned with equal movements.

    Eyelashes are also equally distributed and curled slightly outward and upward. Eyelids close

    symmetrically with skin intact and no discharge or discoloration. Bulbar conjunctiva is

    transparent and sclera appears white. Palpebral conjunctiva is shiny, smooth and pink in color.

    Lacrimal ducts have no edema or tearing upon palpation. Cornea is transparent, shiny and

    smooth with visible details of iris. Client blinks 16 times per minute and when the cornea is

    touched with the use of cotton. Pupils are equally round and reactive to light and

    accommodation. Client can see objects in the periphery when looking straight ahead and is able

    to read a print 14 inches apart.

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    EARS: Auricles are same as the color of facial skin, symmetric and aligned with outer canthus

    of eye. It is mobile, firm, non tender and recoils after being folded.

    NOSE: Nose is symmetrical to the face; patent nasal passage with septum on the midline, moist

    and pink mucous membrane, no bleeding, whitish nasal discharges, and no masses palpated

    on the sinuses, no nasal flaring and can breathe easily.

    MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX: Lips are uniformly pink, soft and symmetrical. Client is able to

    purse lips when asked to.

    NECK: Neck muscles are equal in size and head is centered. Client can move head smoothly

    with no discomfort. Client can shrug shoulders against the resistance of student nurses hands.

    Lymph nodes are not palpable and trachea is in the midline of neck.

    THORAX AND LUNGS: Chest is symmetric in size and spine is vertically aligned. Both lung

    fields are clear upon auscultation. Skin is intact with no palpable masses or nodules. Breathing

    is regular and normal. Has normal respiratory rate of 21 cycles per minute.

    HEART: Heart rate is regular in rhythm upon auscultation without any murmurs. Peripheral

    pulses are symmetrical with that of the apical pulse as well. Has a pulse rate of 82 beats per


    ABDOMEN:Skin is uniform in color.