Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. I I ·i Name of Representatlve __________________________ e,, ;,J / 1 . Birthday and p 1 ace ...s.. J ..L..__ ,ls# . __ ...... :!.::::.. · place 3. SiQnificant events for exampl•: A. Buslnou J.{.,:a, / L/ t?.,...,; 4-n .• .-.h, J.J/ ;f...u..r.. . - ? . I .I - B. Civic ; " 6. Public Offices A.. / B. State ____________________________________________________ __ c. National ___________________________________________________


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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Name of Representatlve __________________________ Senator _;1~~~~ e,,;,J /

1 . Birthday and p 1 ace ...s..J ..L..__,ls#. ~;. :.'-l-/ ,1~'8~/~~; __ _.!!f4~~~A-.tt~-L...· .!..,..,fl;L:;~~~ 1:T. t,~1 ...... c~zp.1 ....:;t-..~.::::l.~!'!:....!....~ :!.::::..·


3. SiQnificant events for exampl•:

A. Buslnou J.{.,:a, / L/ t?.,...,; 4-n .• .-.h,J.J/ ~&.., '~~,./ ;f...u..r.. . - ? . I .I -

B. Civic responsibilities~~~d~-~~~~,-~· --'_GJ,~,Lt1~-L~~·-------------------; "

6. Public Offices

A.. /

B. State ____________________________________________________ __

c. National __________________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

---------- - - ------ - ------ - - --

11. Degrees _________ _ _ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

OLA HtR iOfRSON, Pr.Qf.'ritt~r-s:.

IO \\'A .. );\\ .'I

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ont 1 uf \ "ailey June- : t -,.,ee k at the home of . n. uU ~,i i' ~- ( t. :\. l~res- 1


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\ The Fa· \ The Warre1 \ st.\tut-B will b i Wednesdii.y, i uola. '1:tu) Sl

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I to be on h< ! thr01q:~ll. T! i .loim Cown ie I 1 eont.rol, who: j farmers. wl\ i subject. St.~ ' Wl1ate vcr i t.heetlildren ! t.en o'elock '] · ean·t. f,: et th( \ Ill om I ng- , ser I . .:- t I \ 0 )'(; . •J ll p · • ! oov and ~irl I ye;us old . s I.

i talk. i Cap K N ! That. is all I

I your name i! I tendent of 1 county, and 1 he became

I to educate t stay on the 1

! ing- th~m a' has been :;u< heard of on He spoke it

i .. H ____ _ _ -- - 1 staw. e

:urri~r ~eturu:<.:, t.ll is !GOLONEL P. P, HENDERSON U~)UI J 1\ i.-, ret t: rrt t(J \\;• . 11 Countv.Jhisown sta. J t-oCt .a nton. -r.1e, rosc · · ' and 1:1 ll ~ al. !lO" _t l t<llt f;Lir -llftr lly ~e :-,·ed I press notice: )nrlin~tDrt :-tml other i ---- - --- tlic puh!t :· tur t: li-!111 crJIJ:.; <'; · ;;: . Ivt~ yt:ars. to Southern

A Pioneer and Up-Builder ot' In- . C<' lr·nt-i l.t' rHit · r· .... r;r ! lt;1" t,.:eTJ t.wi cc eng-a~ed in<

dl.R"'.ola <>_n~. w~rren County : rn ar:·:cd . ltt:, :i r st wile \\' 110111. l ie wed- east and ha ille: cf Carl:s;e . wl :CJ: " '"--- ..... ' l r I t11 r l c :·(·!T!.> •_~r 1• ··. l .'- l -:. l' l'iJJg l\iiss ci tie eoast. · -·.-ears_· old i::-: YisitiOl! ·. n·Ied at the Ag·e ot' 82 - · · · . . \la rtkl I' . lltl\ (• rll ,, a rJ<tl. i re of Ohio elations. A ~Idler. ~! a~ m:ld::· the i · 1 i Cul t,n el l'aii s I'. llend~r:-on dit·d t. 1l i · L.:rn .l,;r.,c. l ~· 1.:.:.2:_. ::ii. L; l,,i;\-llinl Lwo I tliaL he is :

i ~ :lt urday .. 1<1 11 .,_ :qr ..... a~Nl .... ~ yea rs, sons. tl ~t: e: rwst ut \\l.or_n r::; Ilort .• Joiln J' keeping t he ::=. !n ''~tn~~s l~i t.y. t~:i:; : aud t tnc day. , fT.lTc!!ttC·!·son . e :\-IIJ~flH ~ tJt:dg-eo ftJle ofsllipping t

to t.he r:n:.t.tie. ri tvod : Cu;;;_•;'. r:~:n;: ~ (::(:!:t-: ! !~·::de : ::;() !! l ::e ; Fifll! .ltldi<' ia l I >i ~C ri l'l nf Iowa. The I His t alh ll rcntioo held io 1 l ~et•ord r•f ~U\,·a !JuhihlJed ill l~~~c . s:tys: : see,md son is A ifred i\l .. l'n ~llit:r uf the Don~c be to ·

, Ir on. l'ari.-, ! '. Ileildl'!'Sf.)ll Ins boen :\1:lre!lg-(l 1 f o wa · ~aYillgs na n!-:. :lllc1 J'C· hlrn. If yo ~; : ';:::·:: c:oseiy ide!lti :: ·:d.,, 1t l1 t l:o.; lli ~ t-o n· sick~ i n )1arcngu. < lrr Ull; is t nf ~1av up with an ~

Hopper has retumcd . 1 . . . . ) . 1· . l"r·· (' 1 1 If ~ · • • • _ . _ · 01 :ts arwp t e< l ::-: t .lT(·. :1n r, I.'-' t hf' nu _\·, '·· o '··1ne . C' !Hil'l"SC!I wa~ t:a!lcrt t,be farm , a tJ

:'\ \ .. .tr t-e r a t \\ o 1- · · 1 · · · 1 1 t' ['C 11 t f. r· <- 'lt· · • • 3 t 1 ·· 1 II l .· _ \ _ ; person t \·m:: it ( uu·_<trw ta '' 10 .w- · · 1 · ' "" r, • r·r: t11:: :1 1 <-'l t J_e com- ost In t 1e s·

t ller ::-otster .• I r:::. . Cor- ' · i t - 1 1 [)artiull of l · · · 1 l c· ']} . ea nlea re_-;J(C!I n~ t .tl• r ro wnas cary ' t>:-. \oling Ill;tf11(10t. 111 ;apMl ero _______ : as :-.q-: . If!:-. l1:1"' ~Jl'l"ll :trt l i:.HH Jr;tlde ;-;epl err:f ,u. i ' •; : . i.t· 1\a:-. t;nit.ed in I Ile is iikcl.r ''' l\ !1 ' sprirt•! :·- :, 11 nir; 1~ 1,.;1,-t~•':·. ;1 qd i!llltl :: t:J:I·. !•Dltt i('.:t l. l rtlsi lililrri:t).!l' witl1 l1:~ '>lTII!tr! wlft·. wllnl~r~·t th r~))f\\' '

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

- j state . He

~~urn_:: r ret uued, ti11~ GOLQNEL p. P. HENDERSON :l llUlJ li h retl <J tl ~t' \\ ; ~~ Cot .OLy . l h is own slN tp t.o C tian tDn. Me, rose. . am! itt i haL llo~it .i (llt fall hful !y ~e:-1· ed i press notice Hurling-tDn and othe r ; -- ----- --- tl.l· pt:h ! i:· !'ur t: i gl1t t: <J iJ~c· Ciii, i\'l' ytars. I to Southern

A Pioneer and Up-Builder o1' rn- . Ctlir· nl: : llt.ndt ·; -- •·n l1a:--. t,eer1 t.wice I engaged in

Ii l1 ct• I ~ ur C t · ma rr! cd. his :i r;.;t 1\\!~ \\'l :oru. lie wed- east and h ;

Gf CJr li si e. wl :o · 1ano a an". '" arren oun Y , .1 r 1 , , , 1- 1 . , 1. 1 . · t ~ ~··j ,lCt'(·rn .. ,_~r ,,; _ •.. . . uc'lllg' ''ISS CJlW eoas · ye,,, s old i.s v isit ing , Died at t he Age of 82. .\l<ut l. a l' . II 11\ c•rl·t '. a rw r .. ~ 1·e of Ollio l ciations. 1 )! :Her_ Sf~e !nad :..~ the : : · 1 (:ujon t::J i 'a ; is !'l ! t·I J( h:!'~ () !1 di t•dc•Ii Lr~'!'~).ll"~ •t' ; ] , 1'-::: _:.;i,e;kli't·ltinit•WOit,JJa~he is

, ~ .tti lrday .. l ar :. -+. :·'· ~ . a ~':'rl .... ~ years, SOJls. tLL' e:de.st uf \\LOill 1:s lion. ,loim : I keeping th( :~ in 1-~ ; t;l :<.ts City . t !: i:5 · a ud t •n (~ cl ay . . H. 1 fc!:dc-r~on . e:\ - I •1st I let .l ud~c of the of shipping 2 to tliE: r; ro\.heriioo\:1 . \._'<_; ; j,' (_ t'1l i : ;;_: ;·.(:!;~· ! !~· : ; (! L· : ::.:..~!! t ! l ~' . Fi f t l ! .! ud t(' ia l l>:st.r iet nr Iowa . The I His tall\ ~ tt eo rncll ti on 11 el d m , l ~tX<.1 rd l''f l o1\a ul:h\t . ...,l lcd in 1~:, 1:. s:L\'S: sec .. md son is A if red ~1 .. l '<l:--.hier of the· Don' c be to

Il cHI. l'a r i,.. [·.· llem k !S(lll kts b~en . ~lareflg(• r iow:t • ~;l\' ing . ..; Eanl\. :11J(l !'C- him. If yc

I T ,

1 ! v~:-:: '2 :o s e~ r ident: ::·:·d ·s1 t !1 t h~ ili ~ t.on sicl t :--. in .'llareng\1. ( 'n Ull.; 1:st r:f :\lay up wit.h an

Op f•er ii JS l' t?tt t f!lt:( r.. i . - - . . . 't'' f' t' {' ' r ' If " .. , ll ~ ,. ,. _ o, 1.1 :--. ;l! Ppte(l :--- t ,1:t:·. a 1:rt 1.'-' t llf' (l fl ] \- , .... • ·· ·'- OJ'.• te , ~·~ J , .e!::s .. tt '<\;l.'i c:a Ctl t.he farm: n . , ' . . a r t-t: r 1 1 w o . . . . . · . , - t • · ·, · · • · - 1 ~ · •

C. per~t•rt i:·; :fl~: 11, l ttu·:!t:ul; '. '.\f\O l.Je- L! ·t ' ll '' .L(I!. ! r, .:-;- ( e. ,tl , t ·1 ,he com- lost in the

l1 i~t•r sister . ;\Ir:S. or - , r 1 - 1 1 ( . '11 -· ; C~;t<lCa re.~ t d cut r·:· !!d· t OI\Ii: ts e :1 !ly paruoll o, " "' YutH l~ manHlOt,. ln ;apMl er __________ as :..: 1: . Ir!::- ;,: 1:-- ;Jv l'l t :lll kmoral dl' :)e pt en dJt-r. i "' ti ~ . t.l' \'.a:--. tmit.ed in Ile !s likelJ

y;) lll' spring pape rin g-! c<l :ee:· . and ir: m i ;: t;Jrl·. r•ol1 ti cal. l111 ~ i m arri:t!.!l' wit l1 1,: :-- ~~t·ot Hi_ \\l,ft.: . whc~j ~?t' t-hc _boy Ot.esalet~(.J <.tprll'C~· ~ ee ; !lt'_'~ and !•1! ·.-~:t·.- .1!'• .L t-. rt:cotd ; ::; : '\~,:~: , f o •'t• t ·ri y ~- 1. ·:--. :'-Ltl.l L . t_ L;uJJet.I· Jj m!hLWlth . ~ Q(tOrs r:nrtl 1 I!O!tll- , a lth:P. :l!J(·· I •_ rr · :•;-r,;,,-1 . zl,_. w ~ ::- l_ H_,n! I l(ll.ctfPr.ll Tr 1 11 1 1~ t:nt o n \Ya~ ! f:\.nn lturn .

e. i in l'ni \•11 ~_·r·:,nt_l _ Ind;ana . . l ;l! Jt;a ry ::. t)o rn :\ da ug !Jt e r. :'!hi• . ~I \\' 110 lis a !,ad a.c· ·--------- i -.. :_::,. -. \ ;~ .... ill\·!~· ;·,~~,;·. __ d t ct !11:lflfi(Hiff, ~ ~ :hP \Yift.J Of( " )'i iit ·ck. a iJ:tfli-\- ' ~L.perint l.Jll.\'S :. i: .~ i nd:-. .-r~ :--t ''' • , · l · · ·· r11· ' · ' 1 t <It .... . · 1 1.. ,'I r·.-·. . II · a :; r: :: ,·· ! 1, ,, • • ~ , • · .~ •• . • ... " l I< ·:, . r 1 I• :-- c . " . · > ' · 1 ... • · : n· : :--. t\ .t ,, • e 11- reco m men c ·t-!!a i.! L· s . ar: d s :tit· uut l' ~ . Y'-''!Lli lo~· .. ·arLnl t l ,t· t a tJi ret· > i rad c . . Jt ! .... .~. -r t d 11·ti i11 i 1f'l't · 1Jl L! c r. 1:11 1: ; :'ince want t,o :t1 Isurance in the lft:" L 1\i : l l'lt lie fo l:P WL' ti unti l L Wt' llt\' -Olle r t, at t ! rnf C'CJ ;Olle l i"!~IHtei'SO!l i1as : i\·ed r iDsLitute, I 2_e S_:~5·:~ .. - ~;; t!

1 _\ea rs Of age. \~her1. i ll 1"-l :. itt> ·eam e ; ;Yitllllb S•)!l . . I _ lf. Tlt•!t(kiSO!l . Of !h iS the da.y. ]

t o II•:.~ Moi ne:, s t<)P at ' tc• \\' a rren L'O~H-.t\·. Jowa. Jlt,, f;tt! i- ._:i t _v. and !ns d; t u!!llt\; r. ~lrs . C. M. special ef!o ~~ ' Fourt h S t. :\1! · e r·· ~ people wen: ;·!·orr, tilL J,i :_: llla nd s . I;el'h. u f t;ihho 11 . Seb rasha. 'l'he da.y i ot ' ' l • . "f ..: ron I ~~ , ,1 " . .. l .. . . ... • .. f · •.. !. .. ·1 .. l . J. .- - •• 1 ' . • Jr. .. ,. • IJ .... , L .. . •. .. .... . . • ,, .. . •j ' I 'JI !] CI ' It

, .n .... u J, Ujr~l_1G-(t(io.f i i1 '-'"" •. \..\ . ..'\.1\U\\. l . 1t.it\t Hii_:,t.:. _\ \ :..Jl\. 1 \i o4 l U d _\ .~ l ''"'-' tn 1 J. t O:. .I J\.I CL ... ' 'J I IL~~I .""I,.~\,1 J fll IC 1 ll • _ •

Eu ropean pian. located in \ ·I rf.';!l l;\. ',\f:l'f(' 1 l ,L· ~~rand· nr.·ga n r;. ~t : i~n <•f ! ll t· E e_pulllican party j Ashby . an ----- f~J.tLcrc•fUlirstl t t:cct .. 1r,lJii1Ieuder~u ll . · lfl ln .,~.l . ,l !:d h:ts al\'·ays h t.'.t:n :1 1 \\'0?narl ·s tJ

. wm. Buxton and )li : \'<a-3 uorll. Tli t :a11.ily ~:. fl er waJ<! re - fa it hft: ! <~dl l ('!·e : l t to its d(•ct.r i .!f~ s. : Lt1e county t}'I.yers wetr:' ;;uests vii : moH:d tv ;\urt11 Carolina. \\i1en: Lt s F (:r :;. :1ny _-,p:tr :--. i,e h :t:--. l;l'e.n a tUu m _ uf the insti

~~- a~~,~t~~~~ ; .. 1r. : fa~ t1e r. Til~~a~ ~e ~ 1d e r~on . ,\ a s l~o!'fl . . t.e :: o r ! lil: :\l:ls ~~n i c rraterni,,.}> and or the best t~~~

7 bt-e~1 1 ~0 1: -~~~~~11 ,:H-.m:~ lT!ii.~'el'~lal ill !- • t\\ Jr:t: ~ e n l'd l i Js .ura l lodi!e.~s \'\ Jrtlly on practic

~--t -f .. r·1

. .:'i S ~ · . ~-- 7 · • · e ~ . 4,- :-"'\[ ...! .. ~ .. .... l ~- ~ -: \T ft .:-.:.t&.•; · f -!u ;; ··) ..:: .. , 1c..::n .;. i"~ ~ nt;'~ed ~··',."" ~l - t ..... _ _.r ... \. U U l t s 0 A I fn rec; Vt!~llJ';,~;.:;-·- .tt,;.. :&;, ..... · ..... ..... ... l ~Sl l a lU ~,el. l H~U 'Jil . . .... _ ... -.-,:.,__,_ . ..:.- ·- -- -·~ .-.. ._:.·..; " • v u ...... n•u&J I oue J:) CUlt.J

-T H opper ~HfirJ~~] t he island of 2\an.tuekd . \\'IJ(:l l t~-e t ht~Y i t lll' C rand :\ rm.\· 1'o!-.-ir. of f n~i:.tnola, rnent of W :'ity, a n d er:: joyed S im--p:i r e r!Jor~d t o ::'~ o rt h Carol i Da. \\l1~:: r e l :is i ami IJh ellluch aniliati:ws WC!''.' ·.vith ·speak on tl ou ?llonclay eYen ing- . i m ot he r . l'o\iy \ St:trbnck ) 1Icnde r.'- o r1. . the ;\1e: t:odist Epis ·:'.O ual. ha\'!ng- been PDultry J

; '"'"-S lJo r n ~-ia y :..'~. r: ~·: . Tl tfl :na~ H ... n- 1 a mem be r o ;· t Le \ir .-.;t t·l::ss. ITa.rm ., /t ur ecU fl,r a li1C'~'!.C. C !1t. : der::;on and I'ol h· ~t.arhuc \, ,\·ere ma r- ' T ile fu11eral se n-i('tS were t'O!Jdu(·ted she v1:ill ~ ble:s s_h up _fo r the bs st j r ieci in t h e ir 11a.lt\e ~t :d!.· .tl I ~ :!IJ . a nd · at the ;\1etllnrh .- ' Ct :11reh 011 Tt;ei)ria.y.j sucl1 ma.tt ~ '"" •- . • [ )IT • • 1" f . \. · ·f- -1. f- C) ' . • l" lltH I "' 1" l',r·; .~ ~<~ .~ .... . rcm o>cd l o l 'n i i ri t (' cu ;; ;y. lnc! i :t l .l !t. ; ·l a r: ': . I ~ H L" . i~~ · g n .. \\'. C.l\Ia: tinaud,raisingas

·I . "' 'l' l l d 1· . ' • · ·1 I I' · I . \l ll . '1' "' . '' ---~---- - - i le,l' ta a a n11 •. v (•; ~ · t:\t.:fl c 11 1 • n ·Jt. : ,c \ . ·.. . . '' ll l\1: :--. . r:t : n"Iasoruc '- 'orne pl'€

,. o f ll l·S ~1 oi n e ::.. c·.ame , of wl10m tlte C olnr l<' i · ~ · 'I tt>. ~t' t ' < H lf l in Ln•l~: t' artd rt,• · 1; . :\. 1: . ;l'-sisted iull<'ullowi n g ; u. p; e 0 f d a\' s. w it i , !; is · n rd ~~ r (,f. lJ i r_tl ~. . . . . . ri 1 ( ~ ·~ ni.(·t · :--. i ' , tt · n 11 !:' n t was 1 "ad,~ In I! w i i1 iea.d i 1

itn Hu :t 0n . uefo rl' rt· - l·,• l .ullJl•st l..i .• .1 'l: lll UI \ ~1r. Jl ,; i t- lr H!i.HI Ct i, l ( ·r::nt: le!':·· · Women's) ·. - --·--- --·-- I

:-. set,nu\ ir1 E1·an ~ tr•n. · rlt:r.~ ou l1a:-\ bel' ! I :tlLnU :Jt: t! \'," 1\ h t 111 ~ · t:n!n~d! :: ' l -1·sro 1·-- , ._, •. r \ 1', ..... •.· r. t._1· . -. 1 •• 1 ·1 , 1 ( • . rt 1· Level-i..ee i J M :-.11 • I. - . ' !1. 'J !',.l l ;:r · - I uay i r. ;rj

l)!" l 'o l " ' ' ' ' l \ o O o .l •• ' • ,_.. t. \ ' .-: J 0 •• 1-J.- ........ ......... ~. ~ - •

l \ , ,_,

1., ... ~ lt :--. ttl~: .-.\;:. t • ii!:...' ; ; lr{ t ;t• l\ ~t rJ t· , ·- .. ·_·' '_'' ":- : •_ · · : _ ··~ , , , l·. lit· tJtlul·;"') ,J!{J<t•t'.J - ~ u. ,~,,l,, 1 · :xJ'" ... , ..

1_~ :-, I \ "(1\\", . :_: 1.10..1 ~ ~...- • v ~ t \l·. \Yti ~lll ;

11,,,11, 1_

1,,,, trtf-· ttl. Ih: L:h ~~~:,,_lJ a :•.::tlli ; lt.: p:1rt l!:-.:\".1 a r lrt..., ; "l e!·. ~t r ;UJd :;J t :-- . G•;1,r~e V'>"ll talk"

. ,,.,- \':. i n ~11 , h 1 ie ~~:'.;lit" ~. sa:--. · · r~:ar.il.lrll: :' l~t · r- (' : · ·. d v !J. ;Jt ! ; !-clr J.--{';1. frnv:t. .·1t. r. .• ntJ I.' 11 ber 1\lr. W ~ fl' : ! J ; !'! . • -

·,)<,' !' [ ' ''· · : ii;· :>!' \ \ ': t t 'I'!! :,_'f.'i .• IJ\ 1 . "<' ! ·: ~ ·rl :-11: l\', J) <Ji l \\":· dr; l' -., d: t,\ ' .. 1·· : ; ;! !_'.' i . J:q; ... _ J\lJ."S' I' .l' U!h_' e or t-v J ~ i I ( ! • II I :. t I l • . ! .... ~ ..., ~ -.

, .\ ·t.: ;li~ 1i !tL~: ~:dt.'· ~~ ~i ~:.· ~· ! ~! J t : l'J! 1 .;: !td j J 1 .;,· :& f .• Ui.' l !t• ~- ·~·. , .~ ;l;i d ~ !r. r~OJf U,} r g-ladtn Jn~

--- · ~ --··-- ·.v;--~." iJn·it ~:!t...t•~ ;:; i1 ~ '.J ::rtt\ ,l:Jd~l '. j jj \\' .. r.t l t .. r•ti. r no • I \' UI " i • ""•' lr• t• it• r1 '"rto the I nond t l1ltl i ··s s. liY: l liC !I I 11.e .... -~ ,.. L . I - . . I . l I ~· · · .. .. . · · ~:· c\.,1,_ .. , " · .. . .. .. . . . " .. I,...-.. '

- .. w tll'tl !J')~.I t IOIJ ,,,. 11 a.--. ''uJt\ l l :i l'.·< J,Y ·, t ra 1 TJ~ o. , l· IJ < i •::.~~ ~d :tJ·:-. ···• .•:.ddin~ experienee ~ .; 1rl a:--. ! rol\ (· , , j i 1;; ;·aiy - · re- 1~:e, · l1Prt t: !d i: . l 0 11. i. 1"•;11 < 1r : t l!:tt rn :Jn: l, . rv n •lPI' l' cll• _,. :>J ~-> .... :\Jan· ;o-;tarle.


tlle strong .:::, 1 \ \'i ' l:i.: . ;, :,r! :\ 1 i\:i s _<iatL· Lr · •·r:t •· r•:d :q'i.•fl ll t•: d • J ( II~:-;o f :r, J' '\' e:n aliii . ll lt'h:·i d; , : t·:l t l .l' .! ' ~'e'.:edec1 l11te. lie :

~ l ~··r .... nu~ t"l ! l d\: l,l[j :1t. 1 f ' 1 ' 1 · · · t H; ( -:ll ( 't· 11 ·' ~ t l· :-- ~!J:llt•r. -..t 1 \'I l l ~ , "Y 1 1\~ o: I'<'I;t l.irq: l 'r~ · r ~: .- 1 1 . ; 1 1 1. tl w l~P\' , e orn s c iH)O ;•: · ·· .··!l· .......... :!~' ~'~~· l~~ ~· l~··'· ~..: . \V. l .~~~~. ~ ·.r \, · i ··· ''!':t /',. , !

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

-~----~- ·'""~i:--. ti H· !t \ .. ; t~ l .· l,-:d \ u:~ rJt\ .lti d~,· . , fJ \'. ·Lii~._\,_: ; · ~_;j L.t\.: ·.~·\·;· t : z~ ~:i:·r:t._.r1. .. ro t:,c:g~YJU HJ..I.H Lil

s. ii\'lli_~- l!l tile -.·.t;,-, t \\liit'll P•-•:--JliO!J j,~, \\,(:--, •.'U!.Iiit\:•.d by -., t r:uJJ:-; or '\hnlit·:., :--l>lrn'-.. '.\'<.~ddin~le:qwrienn~o <i a :-. l!'OKf: •·i i';,;·a i .::- · !· e-L~le1 · t ion 1: r1ti i .1~ut. 1. 1, 1;1i < lr: 111aL lllarcl1 . n ·ndered [,_,. :>1h·: :.Ltry ::-i ~:. arle . j the stron g- a

• _ ~"_ ... el'-. :: :Pl :;: :. ; l!_1: ·: dat':' lw t· nte ;>d : qH_•tJ tli~:· rl•;t ll.:s ()[ : ;•f \"emall:L t l JL~ kida; p:1rt y. !'re-:;?derll f tlte. lle i~, '-' ' .. 1-.0\l :--- ( J!ld., "' 11 ,lc tlw _ C•ili(-~! of :._. t;~tl: :-- eJ::.tl t•r. :'! · 1"\"!ll).: , '? tl


!e 0!1 1 t'i <l l.ill~ l:·l'l'~ \'! t: ;t fi. till:. tt f~'. · . , corn SCllOO]:

__ _ . dt:rl!lg tl,e ref!u .ar ::.e:-:,..: ntJ •< t h1: l.t·g-- ~- \\. Lee . ot \ \ IV•\. !0\\";1. fa t I ter o f Tlle speak 1 :ll <t ni'\ ••! i'tw\- : i::,;al u re (\f lilat \e<t: . :1r :d at t.lw ::-: pt:t·- tl1e hrii1t:!.!!'(){JJn. t .1>l!; t ] ,p ir pl a.C(' S be- l elude Profs Hrowfl ;u 1·i ,., if,• ate ! ial :-:e~ ~ :'"l : r11l••: " !'t·in~-: t•f' 1>•:1. wl1i ~; il ; JH.::Lt.lt tlt? un:b' J a :·dl. \\ lJi1 · lt was dee ) A:ne:s· on so!

,·_ i! . ~li :ilr :llld v. :re · wa" ea) :ed tu rnal\t: rro, : c- l!,tl.-., !o r ()!' ;lrt~d w Jtll~;fd : y a Ldmt:-;tleto ~. · . ,\ fter l w1ll .llso be -' }Tr~ . :'lli:i··~ · :;:l':.t ws : raisirtg- and ctJUipping- tro!JI'-" Iii :· tl•e : t !t•: trPa ntif: r: ::!1tl irnprt·:'s iYe cere-j cu,~st on ~\' ~: ke_~· ;!ll ri~hr. , Ct\ t! \\<l r .\s ::-,oon a:-. Lilt~ "' "'- !I'll ad - · ll oP!ly. r·llt· eoruQ:'f t ~ sa t ctc ;wn to an , l l te plO}.;t.

--- . iour ru·d )] r . ll i.· r:d •·J>flll ,ai d :t:---idc t lw E';a.lJora t c foli!'-( ' L'llt'::o~~ di nner. Tile I mad t~ out .

(I :O, t:l ' 1 iH' 1'1;.,: !,;; ! ' I ', hCitl()J':-- of (' j\·jj CJ11i('l'. re:-;igllt:d t !;(', CPifJI' " I ' IIeffte \\' ii :'i \i':ii ~ ; ·. ;.;t ;.;1;c f ; ;lJy ! n- !

c a1:dierw;: ·., i ·; c·a t('ll po:-,tli <•r tu! :'•:n:1t,1. :1nti at urH·•· bt~- : t;~rn; in~ l H1 w itlt pink :111d g-reerJ. ll\JI'ecii'cJ·n e ~ ·t '1 11 · • i 1 ( lf. :..x _u · ~

1<' s '"' 1 ~ •l '. ' , . )_, • Q<lTJ ;enttil i!J}.; a l 'l .Ji t!l' :lfJ I· . \ \ lli,·ll ~ tt !J- ·' J ;JC • U~ tl11~ L;lH.-:-h W(•re \I rs . M . • \ . , ,. T!!:-;ltt · .l:i r1. :·~ l . :t l ; se•pw11L y I•<;C :<t ,:w ~ · ,, : t .il atJ-. · (; ' l! the , l.e\·ei and Mrs. Lut.l1er Cris:-; . t nuLl rr.~r I Tile W. " \d •:cll-t.:->ill~ :--L t•.-.. · TPtJt l. Iu-.\:: \l) ': :r,•nr JnfarJ11'1 . Jlt· ! ;uld :-:-ist.t:r ofthe !Jrjdt', from K e rn alia: l ) es i;erday

was c:c;:J!tlis>:-:it•ll':'<l < ':t.,tai tl ;1:1d w:ts ; !\i r;.; . .J. (. Wa g-i-"OlH'l'. a si~~ .. ~r c•f t.lt e I w tle r e t.lley ~. htr~i~ i d f;t:r,i ; .. \ : r· ·_ :.l : fl · · ' }o •ts t 'l'he

tnustered inLo I Le l'n\t I'd :-;;:11 •· . .; ~n- l>t'idl". a.lo1•)! w itlt lter l tu s lJa rHi an d ~·', .. a fl<~r :1 1 \\ r' \H·cl• ~ 1· It· ·a·· that

·,. • • . ., .. 1 . ,.· .... \·ic-e on tli•! li ll t flf -~l'Plt•ttd;.>r . l .... <;J. dau~llter l'la ze l. fron l\ nmlolpii."Neb.: .u ~ -' _; ' ·, .1 1-\. \11~. L . ,L:---Jil ... -- . - .. . . r . I 1. •• .. .. .. -1 1

. \n · 1. n f ' -he !0.1fU · · . 1 , t: n>11l u, ;~L ttatt-:' IJ!ll til Jw \'''hi:(,, till' 1 •'!''· arn1 t' l iS . ::- . H . J ,C,:.. o rl ·;.h: ~·" '"

\· Cien;l:utd. r~;i.UI'!lLL • · · · · • . · , ,.. .. - Ine n io '11s l · . · · wa r l11: :·eJII:\iiJtd :t l t il l' fit••li. r•:l' i ll'J· . I rltif~ip~~~ a rw l' Jrs. ( ,. '\\ . Lee. o r Sae · J • ' d w•l i ·tti,rt d eoll• · ''C . - · s ·'t\

· ' · · - . pat ir.~' in llJ <Pt :. ( Jf tlte -.,;w~1rinarv 1 Cit 1. brother and si ~ ter· i n- ia. w o f t lle mes. WI 11

____ . ____ t.au l t::::i ol 11 ,1. !:,_.t,t:: lJIIJJ Ik wa~ ; uri,:l_l:t.:roon; : :-.1iss C lara E. Lee, a 1 ~15·~~~~~-~-:~~~

t.l tl'rs : r J1.r 1·t ''· : , 'Ill r ; wit 11 till: \\ •::-;t ,.,,, a r:J,-'' ir1 r 111: t · !J g1~· ~-> ; si tlltellt or Pes ::\J(IiUf.:'~ c.ollegc. a SlSLe l' Jl ;:) ur Jr;"' '""'"' e away . 1\ePp r.IJP!ll i meflts at Cha r le:-:!GiL J::r•"!!!t;eld. r.l1e [ of Llll~ bndt·g- toom: ~iss .Mal' .\' Searle sud l a g-ent t.hr dt:riu~ t !ie wint-1:r . sic·J,!e rJf Se:w )ladrid :t!ld hiand :'\n. ; all(] :'lfr:--.. E!iza.beth Frt!e m<~ll . of Ne- 1 uur reade r: Itt."..: ky Mountaili Tea. ' 11•. Fo.nningt.clii. t.!w l•art t•:s or l uka. ! rnalJa : Misses Ed itll W ymatL Clare j <t~t.end ago(

st. toni(' f(ir el1ildren ! U11.: t.\\' (' lta}s batt-J1~ of Curi11tlJ. IIo!J,v l I-'t~rsons . and Edill 1 Ca.m p l..Je ll. of Sa c ol t ilel t: m o; .ess ·ioe~> tl1v gre~t.est i Spring-::;. t!Je Yazoo nass ::.'\peditiou, · Cit-y: and ::'-1r. Ha n ey C. Day, of ta~~ -gowg- ·. a I rah:, ..• ...; _.- .I. w. l tlle :-iege of \' icksburg. U:e IJ:llt - .1 ~~s of . \V!ck . l O\\'a. )1 iss ·wy·mun -·~md .Mr. ~a,mments .

. .Ja.cksurJ. Clmmpion Hill~. 1:1a.el:: IUn~r Dav. intimut.~· f riends of the bride aud Smitl r a g-m ' l.:rid;:;e. a.lill the ~ecoud L:ttt le or .I a~·k-j b r i~le!!roorn. reJJc1ered f;Hlc~ien t. service i ls a pleasnr

- ~uey of _Fun ~'.lorgau. J s011. The reg- iment tL•en returuetl to i11 tlt~ decora tions awl in earrying" fJ Ut. I Sld ney He!' m the Cit)' t\\'IJ week~. : M1~rnpl:i::;. and we:JL ¥\·itll ~!.errtJan on ! U1e iJlan!'. • 1 .li~A l.-,_, h" t.hu .;:if'l:- . • ~ . · · \'r T · · · I Ta.. L.JL'f.j ._ ..

11~-" ......... _, ..... ~ ............ ___ tue 1utt~ed rDJ.rcls to Jt~l: c \~t~ ;.::e :tr!!1~· : .;. .:rs . __~,~~~!Sa g.·rar.!uaLe o! ~ae C!ty l ~ ~~

of t:er rtJ other. !IIrs ; at Cha.tt.anuog-a ne wa.s itJ 1 iw l1at- • inst.it ute in t,he e l a.s~ of !Lilf> and has~- se~retary ' we1l p!~~ase~l ~r,· itlt her : t.ie or ,\1is5!erE\!'.\' Wr!ge ~u~~~ parti('i- ; be1:n a tca.eher in Sar:. connty a n uw- objects oft.1 a~ld alt,lw It ls plea.s- ; pat.etl ifl nea.rly al ~ the bat-tles awl : be;· of t.ermt;. Shr~ is a yonng woman J consumer o

WIL!J old fnend~. slw ; :sklnuisbe~ vt U1t .\ tlant a c;.-u:npaig-<L ; af culture ~md st.erllDg- eha.rac~t.er. Tbe I harmfui di .ll'U!u_g- f{t tl 1'-"_ lano of i .A ru~;· t.h~: :.:-;urrew!er r1f .AU;mt.a. hE: ; brideg-room j~ a gra.cltla.te ·· l)f Des Ja·w r ec1uJ n h~ ·nrw ))~f,'lJ Ill ;,!!'a:td : went Wil!J ~lier:mlll UlJ tlte lll<tl'dl l.O j ;\11Ji1l •:S C..:OJ I:~~t! iii th<~ eJ<tSS Of Of )!}{)4 l O!!lfill: OPlll

wink . · Uw sea and assist•~d irJ· Llli.~ eapture of i awl is a. \vr,rtLy me1noer of ~o excel- ha.htt forrni •ming .. ;.u;~~urte.ed iJ1 Lll!:. i Sav ~lniJa.lJ. wJJlel; r-,.:nniu;Jt.:d tlte <tr·. i lez;r, fanlily. Aft.er '-!. vlsit w i tt1 rela~ label of ea(' Holidays for 1-he num- Li ,.e upel-at.i 1)ll8 of tllc we:>U!m a.rmy. j t.i ~-~·...; irt 1ldr:s and ot-her lO!'~l i ties Mr. turers of C i

~s of A. \V . IUcl1ards : ln February, l~t;:.:. i'ir. Hendersou Wd.b: all'..t . .:\1r-.; I..r.~c will be a.t heme on a dy have a.l :-;.ee ~l1eir parenrs and : r•romowd t-o ~he rauk of Lieut-enant-/ f;.trm (l.t Wic~, I~wa. a fl-er.-t.he first of l t·emooy did

t!JeH· andent llr-•me. C0Jouel , awl lH Au~ust. of tlie same i J<ebnlaJy. Sac SurJ. 1 drugs, and , an expe{~IA->d ly neYI-" .md . year \\'as eommib~iou~J ':oii:;H\;l of lil~ l _ _ l now fu lly !! 1 and docorat.ed. lw. ... ~ l n.-:.;iment,. l'o tu<.!'l ha.s a. m<:rrc hon-! Wall Paper at Your Own Prlce 1 them is ru for t-lJem all and i.:i~t:::it oml..Jlt! mll!l.an tecor·d t.t1an lie . Pos- i I haYe Dellf:'lit the stock of Wall Pa-l ren:wd\' is 1

a:;rd the f;..olden wedded · liesslr.tg a st.ront; awl • I{GroUis oonst'l- j ver fonuerly owned by E .. P . W rll{ht lout or{c ~r : tred Ru richly :wd eu- t utlon a.ud heir~~ e~.i)t·dal!J rot1.umtte j &. Co .. aud tone placed it. in tb~ room 1 nod <~old!>.

t.hn..n Hsua.J. aud :-.t-lll irt redJ<:\"Inl! rw wounds 1n hat.t.le. h~ I:! doors non t1 of nort11east(.'or. Square.]lY.:.YOod qu• teu1 t.od -comrades t.o remained in the tie!d ru-.1d ~t, the front ... A large proportion of the patt~rns ure j years H. ha.~

t.hem--a.s on~:; ~ald . from l·he veg-iunm)! of Ll 1e war •mtH ; unfojured .nnd patties deslrlnj.!' top-a.- i !$ale tJr all ( .:- · - - ·- -- -~-- .: · ·-· .. . , . •J ... H ... .! .,. .. ,.,it.nl<>t in" '!!It A nru.m~d.t.n-.r I f'IP.l' t.hil.! ll<Orlna u:lll fin'l nvlwr.f lnto<al l . _,.~ nu.o (1.0 ,_,;VV'\.-t u·:;,- V &J. t.- \.: ~•-.,. ........ .._". ""c*J'•" ,.. .............. _ _ .. .,_., ·--rr· .... ·----- 1 11r· -· -·---·"" ... r----t? ·~- .. --- ...,.. .-..,...,.,..f"'..;""'¥•-'ll.., , •

et us go t·:J~etJier. a~td , Ju r~·Of..:1-: '1H.Iun_or bi'.~ ~·alla!lL "''!r>:r~~-e i ~r~-!m; . You u1-u f••~u.re tJH:' Ja.t-e8tj' Edt110v.u 1' ee h~ we e:1.n beh~\'e··, ;u; well as nf htt. !H.rwss !fJr Lh1.: pGSi .. .

1 pa~t.e..-n at one--h 1f l~ th u whole· t.ll oo a.ud ~

;a.d tlfl :1 bet.f.t~r l\Otnt! . • ! t-l(>f) }.;~ w~~ f>~ljl{'. '· Countr 'rn:ct""!.U'f!r; .' 1(!- erf t pr~.-- 0. L . Ho.mHtou. . .. tor. 9 CU$1,(

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Chattel or real ef'tate loans at cheap- .1-'a"'~. 1-'"""v""5 '"'~ ..... ~ ~~··v·~· .. ., "'~-­businesss in the future , I am,

est rates.-H&l H. McNeiL Yours truly, A. R. Guy.

W. H. Story, dentist, office Meek A Pioneer at i'{est.

E .• 1. Burgess, of ness visitor Wednesd:

Mrs. E. M. Helmet block. Hawkeye phone 417. I

Miss Annis Marshall, of Blockton, is P. P. Henderson was born in Union sick list for a few de

county, Indiana, Jan~y 3, 1825, and died Jan'y 4, 1908. He moved fr~m Have the Red Lif

Vl.si· t - Union county, Indiana, to Hancock your work: both pho

Miss Retta Pede, of Winterset, ed friends here the past week. county in 1838, then to Vermillion AttorneyS. C. Riel

.,isiting Mi Rs Edith Hickman.

!.county, Illinois, in 1840 and came to was attending court

Twenty-five per cent dis'count on a11 Warren county, Iow!!, on the 20th day 0 M tt -S 11 - • . . '"' . . .......L -- L= -- •-- ur .r o o rna

aults ana 0~~rcoat~ at ;:,am vut:::nlu~ o. 1 of October, 1847, and from that date I saleE~-at Giebrich;s . Miss J eE"sica Talbott will entertain until the time of hi"s death was a con- __ _ -.....--·

1 S .. d . . . Mrs. K Haldeman the Art NouvPau cub a~.ur r.y a fter- t inuous r esident ot th;s county Ch

8 ·· d

.T • • • • ase spent atur a noon. He was the orgamzmg shertff of

Prof . S. A. ·Krell a nd wife spent the j Warren county ar.d did the preliminary . Do you know what holiday vacation with her fo lks at J :vork a nd at th e Hrst re gu lar elect~on I hke. Try ~=rnde!_l_ Bagley. m January, 1849, was elected shertff.


Mrs. Irwin spent

.Mrs: D. M. Das:Iiell enjo~ed a v~eit He w'as el:cted :ommissioner's cler!:~n ~oin.~s .with her sisti w1th he r mother m Des Mowe:l durmg 1.850 and m 18,)1 was elected to ~~~e nospnar. the holidays. state senate and served for the regular Better see those VI

Miss Ethel Cupps, of Ames, came Bnd part of t~e ~p~cial sess.ion called in at Dave Hamilton's S aturday even in g f or a vis i t with Miss lRGl. H~ r emgne j a n? enlisted a Ci• · • ner of square. L · · G pr-mv <lna mustered m August 18ol ; ---

ora me uy. WR!'; capta in of Co mpany ''G" lOth Monday and Tues' Miss Sylvia Webs ter returned Satur- Iowa infantry. In 1863 was promoted crowded with · stud

day evenin g from Sidn8Y where she lieutenant colon el and in July of that Simpson coll eg~..:-ipen t the holid ays. year was promoted t o colonel. His term Rev.r Roht. Picker

Edison phonographs and records at of serv ice expired a nd after th~ march from Wisconsin for pi'ice3 equivalent to ar1y that can be . through Georgia with Sherman at Sa- tives and friendH. offered, at Slocum's. I vam;ah he return ed horne. Was e lected Mr. and Mrs~Wil

My flour is giv in g ~uuu .::; ::: ~ i sfaction.l C<.'~~t~--~~eas~_rer in 1865 and _h_el~. otn:e 1 ~e~ Yea:sr~u;.s~s o

It is the best on the market for the I untll l~ 14. .tie was mayor ot mmanola I reney, 01 ~a~_~~s~e:_

money-J. M. Moore. for a number of years . The finest displa ·w-- ~ ':l, ~ 'L. -~ .(!=-,:- ..... .... ;~- "-- 1\K-~4-k,.. ~'('.,

d ·r d S as marr1 ~a c .. e 111oL ~.-:a:e :.v ...... .,.. ""~ .

1 ,--;arren coU"'f." ,..,.1..," 1 John Clark an wx e retu rne atur- •n.r .. u_,

. f 1 . . Haworth, a daughter of Samuel Ha- See the new Ferris d~v mornmg rom a very p easant VISit th f th fi t h 1 f d · .- . .

111. . wor , one o e rs sc uo un corn-

Wlth fnends m mots. missioners, and for a long time 8, mem- Colonel B. F. Clll Frank Kiplinger carne down from ber nf the board of supervisors. Hi:=

1 several of his gentl

DeA Moines F riday night for a few wife dying May 1, 1866, he was marrit>d six o'clock dinner F days visit wich his boys. Sept. 19, 1868, to Mrs. Proudfoot who Misses Amanda

Miss A manoa Young leaves Tuesday died about four yerns__,agn. He was a Baker were g uests :

f. -N- d- 1· c l"f f t'sit with j member of the board vL trustees of the :son home in Des Mj or ee es , a 1 • , or a v .; ~._ • • • r. _ _ __ ..l A_,..,. v"""'"' colleg e a. ~ ew years, was on tue school Crat'g Worth M. orotners, JJ;l Vc "-cl U .n.uu.r .... vuu~ · I b d d . 1 d oar s a n m an ear y ay han an ac-

1 l · h f surgeon ; office o~ Miss Lena Da rymp e ts orne rom t ive part and interest in all of the Des Moines w here she waEs operated on affa irs of thP county. Hawkeye phone-a

f or appendicitis, a nd is recovering By his first marriage iwo ROllS sur- I Miss Laura Knot t rapid ly. ·


. vi\·e, J. H. Henderson of Indianola, · itins .Mra. Harry Miss Starbuck and mother, who have, and A. M, Henderson of Maren~0. By 1 friends here and on

been in Salt Lake City the past year 1 his second marriage a dau~hter, M:-:>. ! ence tG enjGy Simp~ have returned to visit their relatives Susie Beck, re~i:ling st Gibbon, Neb. Monday evening. and old time fr iends. All of hiR brcthers and sisters are dead For the next th

J. J . Price and wi fe, of Aberdeen, except T. ,J. Anderson, the youngest Robertson will sell S . D., wlto have b een spendi ng a few b.rother, who Jives in this county and a cloaks, furA, etc., a ,' ., · · :· ~ ·· ;! · ~~ ~hn1t t~''''<Y~\'- -·· ~~~,.. 1• ' 0"\0r~r I Sl~ter, Mrs. Deborah Payne. of Mnren- ,!Yf\(lrlq! t- rn•.t , .•.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

, J

1. l

Jh Cl k .J '£·--- dS I HC\'>lU<Hl >vU\.»'-• .. vvv"u~v~.,~~·v.-~JH<HlCU'-U , , o n ar anu Wl e returne atur- "" ~""· .. ~ ..

d . f

1 . . Haworth, a daughter of ::3amuel Ha- See the new Ferri~

~'<Y mormng rom a very p easant VISit . . h f . d .

111. ., \\ orth, one of the first schuol fund com- F Cl

w1t nen s m mo1s. Cclonel B. . missioners, and for a long time a, mem-Frank Kiplinger came down from 1 ber of the board of supervisors. His 1 Ei :ve~all ofk hd~s gen :

DeR Moines Friday night for a few wife dying May 1, 1866, he was marrit>d l:>IX 0 c oc mner ·

days visit wich his boys. Sept. 19, 1368, to Mrs. Proudfoot who Misses Amanda

Miss Amancia Young leaves Tuesday died about~ four yeras .:ag0. He was a Baker were guests for Needles, Calif., for a visit with I member o~ t?e board 01. trust;,_e~ of the son home in Des 1\ l--rot· ·n '"""'· . . , ~ ~ .J " _..J .. v ~ .. ~~ college a .e,..; years. was on ~.ou\:! school Crai·g Worth M Ll ers, U3\le CiciU fiiiU.)' .1. VUU,!S· I

boards and in an early day had an ac-h f surgeon ; office <

M iss Lena Dalrymple is orne rom tive part and interest in all of the Des Moines where she was operated on affairs of the county. Hawkeye phone-

for appendicitis, and is recovering By his first marriage two ~ons sur- j Miss Laura Kno· rapidly. · vivc, J. H. Henderson of Indianola. itin s Mr.:;. Harry

MisE' Starbllck and mother, who have land A. M. Henderson of Marenf!, 0. By 1 friends here and o been in Salt Lake City the past year j his second marriage a dau~hter, !vi;::-. l0nc~ tc cnjcy Simi have returned to visit their relatives! Susie Beck, red:iing at Gibbon, Ncb. Monday evening. and old time friends .


All of hiR brcthers and sisters are dead For the next i J. J. Price and wife of Aberdeen except T. J. Anderson, the youngest Robertson will se

S. D., wl,o have been ~pending a fe~ jbrother, who lives in this county and a cloaks, furs, etc., . . ' n;"'~"~ J'v(,.Q nPhnr~h Pavne of Maren .J days w1th their daughter, Mrs. bmory "'"-""''• .. 4 ~-· ----- --- -< . ' - gouus at co!'3t tor

S. West, returns to their hom e today. v:o, Iowa. stock. Head thei1 The above sketch briefly tells of the

Olin Keith, the i~tant son of Fr~nk life of a man who was in everv part of Jones and w1fe, died Sunday evenmg I tne upbuilding of this town and r>n unty, at their home east of town. Funera : j Until recent. years Col. Hender~on n.~v­services were conducted by Rev. W. B. er knew what it was to have an idle Read, Tuesday at two o'clock. moment - aJ.>,ays actively engaged in

All persons owi1 due, or hook accol will please cs.ll an can't pay ycur b your no te. My be u; . ---Dan G. Peck

Chas. K. John son went to Cooper, doing something commendable. The Iow a, last Friday and gave a recital at record of his life-\vork is a monument I ltegular convoc< the M. E. church. He was greeted to his memory that time will not de- ter No. 95, R. A. with a good sized audience and every 1 strcy. Col. Henderson was charitable, 13, at seven o'cloc one was pleased with his singing. kind-hearted, and aiways giving airi to m~rk masters deg:

~ 1

the poor and distressed-his only com- requested to be pr ;. .. ot ce

All those owing us on book account pensa~ion bei~g the knowledge that he panions codially ; or note pRst due, will please call and had giv~n r eli ef to people who were ney. settle by cash or ncte. We want to wor thy. Many w_ho were born here and A. t auction_ Sat


.., up ou ... v -.--,•- L ·-=---- M~rr., I have grown to npe manhood and wo- room, north s1de,,

Hn~~ rnre an. u'.tHe:~~...,-,~UnU~l~lt:O'>. - - k .. _'-VVJ l manhood will ever remember Col. Hen- I boys ) cio~hing fur~ t.-..a.. .._.. '.\ u C::1ll.JCI::3i::t VV • •

. - - -- ---~ - --" . derso~ as i:he1r true f riend on various ~ou ple~s~ to. bid. W. J. Wilson, s~e_n_ff of ~1_arwn coun-J ?ccasiO~~- YY~ ~I_e ~-= w~s repea;ea1y .


uet::rr ;;t:t.L~ng uarg

~~· wa~ her;. vi~I.tJ?g f~Jenjs New j honorea ~Y vuuJiC. oilice ti.1e most num- 1 t0r com_e 1n and ~curs !i~~' · .t-ie CRltea ~nu offered us i b1c of h1s acqua1ntances was ·al\v(.lys ·your fr1 ends abou transportation to their jng- house, but I greeted in that kindly way that endear- 1

1' I 't'

, k h . d h' h' f . d . n nn cxc1 mg wouldn t eep UR lon ger t an 1t took e 1m to 1s nen s. t I 'l t C to inspe~t the instituti:Jil so we refused The £u neral which wa~ larg~lv attend- Nwecthn 1 ~.1b;erty : - · or ,J er ,y sc1 to go. eel was held Tuesday afternoon at two

I F., r1 F S 1· b--~,.. dE V p o'cloc:.- i~ the Methodist church conduc-. . an.. . a 1s u• J a n . . er- d b R W .

ldns \viii have a joint public sale at the j' te Y · ev~.. · C. Martm and E. M. Stevens farm, Spring Hill, at half past Holmes. Members of the .Masonic

t 1 • 1 k -M d J 1.3 \lodge and G. A. H.. post attended to pay we ve o c oc on • on ay, an. , . H ttl h · 1 t h


the !::>.st !'::td resoects to the m e mo l'Y of orses, ca e, ogs, 1mp em en s, ouse- - . · h ld d t

r; 1 A R ,-. one who they knew had never falter ed o goo s, e c. _,o . . . uUY, auc- h d IJ d

t . · W B t . 1 k w en uty ca e . * wneer; m. ux on, Jr., c er ·. ____ _

. ·~ ..,~ . ,, Ohlt.mu·y .

ty Center was rlef Batteries, H<111 ar ner and Greenfi Hail, two; struck

Rev. M. T. l !tt tt• COI'fling to our l:i themselves of the their dau g hter.