Grants & Affiliations Committee Handbook 6th Edition for Clubs & Societies

GAC Book 6th edition

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ANUSA Grants and Affiliations Guidebook Produced 2014

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Grants & Affiliations Committee Handbook6th Edition

for Clubs & Societies

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Published by Australian National University Students’ Association

anusaaustralian national university students’ association

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3rd Edition 2011 Edited by Purdy Nahan4th Edition 2012 Edited by Dallas Proctor

5th Edition 2013 Edited by Shan Verne Liew6th Edition 2014 Edited by Gowrie Varma

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For Executives of Clubs & Societies

For many students, getting involved in Clubs & Societies is the highlight of their university experience. Your members will make new friends, learn new skills, be offered unique leadership opportunities and attend vibrant events.

Our Clubs & Societies are formed by students and are open to everyone. To all club and society executive members, best of luck and thank you for giving your time and energy to make our Clubs and Societies Program one of Australia’s most engaging.

If you can’t find a Club or Society you want to join, we encourage you to start your own!

Grants & Affiliations Handbook

for Clubs & Societies

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Quick Reference

Grants and Affiliations Committee (GAC)

Meets weekly in the ANUSA Boardroom, sitting times vary from semester to semester.

GAC meeting times can be found at://anusa.com.au/gac/

Appointments are necessary for bonus sponsorship grants

All other grant applications can be made online at://anusa.com.au/gacapp/

For assistance with any Club or Society matters, including appointments and receipts:ANU Students AssociationStudents’ Facilities Building 17a (Above the Student Space in Union Court)

Office hours 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

Email: [email protected] or call 6125 2444

For space bookings and equipment hire:Brian Kenyon Student Space, Ground Floor Students’ Facilities Building 17a

Email: [email protected]

Mastering the contents of this Handbook is essential for each Club/Society Executive. Even if you are not affiliate with GAC, the rules in Part 4 are applicable to all Clubs & Societies at ANU. We hope you familiarize yourself thoroughly with the contents of this guide.

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AffiliationWhy Affiliate with GAC?

How to get an ABNHow to get a valid bank account

How to choose your three trusteesHow to make sure your Constitution is validHow to prove you have at least 15 members

The Process

Grant Applications

Budget RequestsTypes of Grants:

Major EventMinor Educational Event

Minor Social EventCapital Expenditure Grant

Transportation GrantNew Clubs & Societies Start-up Grant

Funding CapsRules

Retrospective FundingFunding Prohibitions

RECEIVing payment

Payment RequestProspective Funding Option

Supplementary & Alternative Funding Avenues


Free Ancillary EntitlementsRunning Events on Campus

Managing your Club/Society:Dissolution

Forced DisaffiliationAGMMail

Banking TipsManaging Your Membership Lists

Amending Your Constitution

Building a ProfileThe ANUSA Calendar

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Why Affiliate with GAC?How to Affiliate:

Building a profileHow to get an ABN

How to start a club bank accountHow to choose your three trustees

How to make sure your Constitution is validHow to prove you have at least 15 members

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Why Affiliate with ANUSA?

◊ Access to funding for your regular events◊ Free print quota◊ Free access to ANUSA equipment hire◊ Free access to ANU rooms, including the ANUSA Boardroom◊ Free BBQ hire◊ Free pigeon hole at ANUSA for mail delivery◊ Cover under ANUSA’s public liability insurance policy◊ Opportunities to win ANUSA awards for your Club

What you will need to affiliateClubs and Societies must affiliate annually

To affiliate, your Club or Society will need to submit:

◊ A bank account◊ An ABN◊ A constitution (sample provided in ANUSA constitution)◊ Three trustees◊ At least 15 ANU student members

Specific requirements for all of the above are explained in this book.Affiliation takes ten minutes and is completed at //anusa.com.au/campuslife/

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How to start a valid club bank account

You are free to choose any bank, but we suggest you choose one with a branch on campus.To open an account, you will be asked by the bank to submit:

• Minutes from a meeting stating• The full name of you Club/Society• The full names of the trustees and their positions• That the trustees are authorized to operate on the bank accounts• Method of operation• Whether accessing fund will require one-to-sign or two-to-sign• Whether you require a cheque book, deposit book or debit card• The Club/Society’s Constitution• An ABN• A completed Authority to Operate on a Business Account form, issued by

the bank• A letter from ANUSA to prove you are a Club/Society (only required by

some banks)• If this is required, email [email protected] for a signed letter of


Use ANUSA’s address to open the bank account:

<<Club/Society Name>>ANU Students’ Association

Students’ Facilities Building 17aAustralian National University

ACTON 0200

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You can register an ABN or find the ABN of your Club online //abr.gov.au/The following ABN Guide is available online at //anusa.com.au/abn/

As an organisation affiliated with GAC and ANUSA, you must register as a not-for-profit.

Australian Business Number

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Go to //www.abr.gov.au/

Go to ‘Apply for an ABN’:

Scroll down to:

How to apply for an Australian Business Number

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Scroll down to:

Entity details are highlighted in yellow

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Continue to fill out the required fields:

The address must be listed as ANUSA:

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Add your three club officers (trustees):

The rest is easy.

anusaaustralian national university students’ association

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How to choose your three trustees

Usually, the trustees are the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Club/Society; however you may make alternative arrangements if that is preferred.

The trustees are responsible to GAC for:

◊ Holding meetings that are open to all members◊ Presenting the budget at a meeting in accordance with the Constitution◊ Acting as authorities on the Club/Society’s bank account◊ Reconciling the Club/Society’s funds at the end of the year◊ Arranging handover to next year’s trustees◊ Maintaining:

• The minutes of committee and general meetings• The Constitution• The current membership list• Documentation relating to the Club/Society’s bank account• Accounts and receipts for the Club/Society

◊ Ensuring compliance with the Club/Society’s Constitution and the GAC regulations contained in this handbook

If the Constitution of the Club or Society does not include a provision for the appointment of trustees, then the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer are deemed the trustees for regulatory purposes.

You can have non-ANU student/general public members; however they must not hold more than one of the trustee positions and must not be counted in respect of funding decisions.


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How to make sure your Constitution is valid

You can either• Use the model Constitution available on the ANUSA website:

//anusa.com.au/modelconstitution/ or //anusa.com.au/constitutionform/or• Write your own Constitution:

1. Dissolution Clause

“The club/society can be dissolved by decision of the current membership at a general meeting or when the club/society ceases to operate due to no members being elected to the executive/trustee positions and the club/society ceasing to function through natural attrition. In the case of the club/society being dissolved any excess assets, property, funds or money remaining after all debts and liabilities are paid shall not be given to members but shall be given or transferred to the ANU Students’ Association.”

2. Affiliation Clause

“This Club/Society is affiliated to the Clubs and Societies Committee of the ANU Students’ Association and the Postgraduate and Research Students’ Association and anything in this Constitution which is inconsistent with the ANU Students’ Association Clubs and Societies Regulations is null and void to the extent of inconsistency”.

3. Not-for-profit Clause

“The assets and income of the Club/Society shall be used only for the promotion of the Club/Society’s objectives and no portion may be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to members of the Club/Society except as:

• Bona-fide remuneration for services rendered by the members to the Club/Society;

• Repayment of expenses incurred on behalf of the Club/Society; • Interest at a rate not exceeding interest at the rate for the time being which is or

would be charged by the Clubs/Society’s bankers for money lent to the Club/Society; and

• Bona-fide rent for premises let to the Club/Society

Where a Club/Society’s Constitution is silent on an issue, the ANUSA Model Constitution will apply.

Your Constitution must allow a reasonable degree of control of the affairs of the Club or Society by its members by means of general meetings and/or resolutions, which may override or amend executive actions or proposals.

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How to prove you have at least 15 members

You must maintain, and be able to submit to ANUSA upon request, an updated membership list containing the following information

• Member names• Student numbers

Student and non-student members should be listed separately. After affiliation, student members must ‘join’ your organisation on Campus Life.

Tip: Digitising paper membership lists after O-week Market Day can be time-consuming and

tedious. We suggest that Clubs & Societies provide access to Campus Life registration on a laptop or tablet on the day.


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ANUSA Bush Week 2013

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The Process

You’re ready to affiliate!

or a shortcut for existing members

Now you have a Bank account


Three Officers (trustees)Fifteen Members



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1. Click “Sign in with your Campus ID”

Use your Uni ID and Password


The Process

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Welcome to the Campus Life Community Home Page

2. Click “Browse Organisations”

3. Click “Register New Organisation”

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4. Select the ANUSA Umbrella

5. Fill in the registration formDon’t forget to upload a logo/image as your organisation’s Profile Picture

6. Upload the relevant documentsIf you are having trouble, see below on how to obtain a bank account, ABN or Constitution.

The Process

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7. Remember to click “Finish” when you’re done

8. GAC recommend you enable e-mail notifications

You will receive a notification in the top right hand corner of the screen when your request for affiliation has been approved or if more information is required.

>>> >>>


Application Complete!

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Budget RequestsTypes of Grants

RulesFunding ProhibitionsPayment Requests

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Budget RequestsTypes of Grants

RulesFunding ProhibitionsPayment Requests

Grant Applications

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Applying for Grants

Budget Requests

1. Go to /www.anusa.com.au/campuslife/ and sign in using your Uni ID and Password

2. Once you’re logged in, you’ll find yourself at the ANU Campus Life

3. Go to “My Memberships” click on the organization for which you’d like to apply for a grant

4. This will take you to your organisation’s OrgSync profile. Go to “Treasury”

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6. Go to “New Budget”

7. Add one “Line item” with the description as the event name

5. Go to “Manage Budgets”

9. Submit your application

8. The budget requested for this item is the total amount for the eventAn itemised invoice will be required at a later date for the Payment Request

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Once you have placed a Budget Request, you will receive one of two outcomes. Either you will receive a notification on Orgsync/email that it has been approved or you will receive an email to clarify details and GAC will request a meeting with you.

If your application is inconsistent with the regulations in this Handbook, the application will be declined by GAC or we will request that you schedule a GAC appointment to discuss the application.

... Applying for Grants

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ANUSA Bush Week 2013

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Clubs & Societies may apply for funding in any of the following categories:


Major Event

• Must have 80+ attending ANU students,• E.g. ball, festival, musical, student production, high profile speaker• Maximum funding = $9 per ANU student in attendance• Does not include BBQ events

Minor Educational Event

• Under 80 attending studentsE.g. BBQ, restaurant outing, campaign not directly relevant to students

• Maximum funding = $7 per ANU student in attendance`

Minor Social Event

• Under 80 attending students • Maximum funding = $7 per ANU student in attendance`

Transportation Grant

• Flight or coach tickets, petrol costs• For overseas or interstate travel only• Max funding = 50% of cheapest economy class ticket• Petrol costs are reimbursed at the discretion of the GAC Committee• Max funding for airfares to Melbourne/Brisbane = 50% of the cheapest

economy ticket up to $175.• Max funding for airfares to other cities = 50% of the cheapest economy ticket.• Car pooling interstate to NSW & Victoria is encouraged• ANUSA Greyhound Grant. 75% discount on coach travel within Australia


Types of Grants

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Capital Expenditure Grant

• E.g. T-shirts, website set-up, equipment purchase• Must show that it will be available for use and benefit of all your members• Max funding = $500 per application, max 1 application per year

New Clubs & Societies Start-up Grant

• E.g. BBQ to solicit membership, inauguration event for the Club/Society• The grant must be for a proposed event that aims to solicit membership• Max funding = $200 per newly established Club/Society (<three years)

Also, your Club/Society may be eligible for a sponsorship bonus, entitling your Club/Society to additional reimbursement of your event costs.

• The bonus is equal to 30% of the value of any external (i.e. not from ANU) sponsorship obtained, up to $1000 per year. Applications can be made at GAC meetings, find details //anusa.com.au/gacmeet/

Funding Caps

The following limits apply to all grants issued by GAC to Clubs & Societies

• Clubs/Societies may claim up to (and no more than) 90% of the total expense of each event. This does not apply to start-up grants or sponsorship bonus grants.

• If your final profit exceeds $200, GAC is entitled to deduct, from your grant, the value of any profit over $200.

• Each Club/Society may be funded up to the annual cap of 9% of the total GAC budget or $10,000 (whichever is the lesser amount).

• The maximum funding for any single event is $4000.

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When applying, your Club/Society will be asked to supply the following information:

◊ The type of grant requested ◊ Basic details about your event (if applicable)◊ Number of attending ANU students◊ A budgeted proposal, including

• Relevant evidence of expenses and all other income sources• We encourage you to upload any additional supporting documentation

Please note that the following rules apply to making an application:

◊ Grants can only be approved for a single activity◊ If an event is already fully funded by alternative sources, GAC will decline the application.

But, Clubs & Societies may still apply for a loss guarantee.◊ If GAC believes that the application includes unreasonable expenditure, GAC may decline

or request a meeting to discuss you application◊ If a meeting with GAC is requested regarding your application,

• Your club/society should endeavor to send at least two trustees• You may need to talk to us about your event, how much you expect to spend/

recoup, and compliance with GAC’s criteria

Retrospective Funding

To guarantee you GAC funding, your Club/Society should apply for GAC grants at least two weeks before your event is to take place.

If you apply after the event has taken place, GAC may reject you application.


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La Toma Tina 2013

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Funding applications will not be processed for:

Funding Prohibitions

1. Activities that are not open to the entire ANUSA membership

This clause may be waived at GAC’s discretion for events that are designed for specific year groups or are gender specific events;

2. Expenses that include donations to charities or other external organisations

3. Expenses directly intended to promote a candidate for any office/appointment

4. Functions that do not comply with ANU Facilities and Services’ (F&S) Functions on Campus Policy: //anusa.com.au/anucampusfuncions/ Any concerns/questions about risk management and event organization can be directed to the ANUSA Social Officer at [email protected]

5. Funding for the purchase of alcohol or tobacco; Cash prizes;

6. The purchase of items that become the personal property of Club or Society members, excluding Club/Society branded merchandise;

7. The payment of debts or overdrafts due to mismanagement of Club or Society finances;

8. Any activity by a Club or Society which is intended to promote, or is in itself, an illegal activity;

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9. Any activities (including their promotion) that do not comply with relevant federal and territory anti discrimination legislation;

10. Any activities that discriminate or harass on the basis of sex, race, age, marital status, sexuality, religion, or disability; or defame, coerce, intimidate or physically threaten an individual or group;

11. Any promotional activities that do not comply with ANUSA and University promotion policies;

12. Clubs and Societies affiliated with ANU Sport and Recreation; Functions held at private homes;

13. Clubs and Societies that are not affiliated when the event or activity occurs and/or have been refused affiliation for the period in which the event or activity occurred;

14. Affiliation fees to other organisations

15. Funding for honoraria or stipends

16. Funding for expenditure that is not compatible with Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) criteria

17. Activities already funded by the Students Extracurricular Enrichment Fund (SEEF).

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Receiving payment

Budget Request Approved? Now what?

Payment Request

1. Go to My Memberships, select the organization for which you’d like to apply for a grant

2. This will take you to your organisation’s OrgSync profile. Go to “Treasury”

3. Go to “Manage Budgets”

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Your payment will be approved and paid based on the rules outlined in this Handbook. Please allow at least 14 days for the payment to be processed.

4. Select the approved Budget

5. Upload all your receiptsif you don’t have easy access to a scanner you can always use a camera phone

6. Go to “Details”

7. You are now ready to “Request Payment”

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ANUSA O-Week 2014

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Prospective Funding Option

In exceptional circumstances, GAC may allow a portion of your grant to be paid before your event has take place. To do this, speak with GAC and submit you invoices/receipts before the event.

Reminder: All grants are transferred to your Club/Society account only AFTER your Club/Society has uploaded the relevant recipes. If you are requesting the Prospective Funding Option, you can submit invoices instead.

Supplementary & Alternative Funding Avenues

Alternative sources are a great way to boost your revenues without burdening members. Profitable events - Events can be run at a profit to fund future loss making events. Economies of scale can make it quite easy to make a profit, even if contributions are relatively small. Students are usually more than happy to contribute to costs. Events that invite external parties, particularly adults, are excellent opportunities to generate a profit. Fundraising - Many choose to fundraise, through events such as trivia nights, raffles and cake stalls.


GAC offers sponsorship bonuses. It is often easier to acquire physical gifts or in-kind contributions, such as free printing, rather than money – these are often useful for raffles. Government and Community Grants.

Government and Community Grants

There is also a myriad of government and community grants available to non-profits.

... Receiving payment

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Running your Club/SocietyEvents on Campus

Managing your clubThe ANUSA Calendar

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Running your Club/SocietyEvents on Campus

Managing your clubThe ANUSA Calendar

Running a club

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Free Ancillary Entitlements

Clubs & Societies affiliated with GAC are entitled to the following benefits, at no cost:

Free print/photocopy quota at ANUSA//anusa.com/print/

Free room hire of the ANUSA BoardroomANUSA Office Manager, Eleanor Boyle [email protected]

Free hire of rooms on ANU [email protected] or,

for sporting rooms://www.anu-sport.com.au/facilities/

Free BBQ/Soup Urn/Marquee Hire//anusa.com.au/hire/

[email protected]

Free PA-System Hire//anusa.com.au/hire/

[email protected]

Free Bus Hire//anusa.com.au/bus/

[email protected]

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Selling Food on Campus

Be careful when selling food on campus: student groups are not allowed to sell food in Union Court or in “close proximity to commercial food outlets”. Legally, students are also obliged to comply with policies set by Food Safety Standards of Australia, which is accessible here://anusa.com.au/foodsafety/

Groups are allowed to give out food in Union Court. Contact [email protected] for information on hosting Universal Lunch Hour


An Events Calendar exists on the Campus Life homepage featuring all upcoming Club/Society events. To maximize exposure and advertising, we strongly recommend that you out all your upcoming events on this Campus Life calendar.

Getting Approval for your Event

All events on campus (in any location other than the ANU Union Building) must be approved by ANU Facilities and Services, regardless of the number of people attending. The application form, and the relevant policies on topics such as noise, can be found at //anusa.com.au/fs/

Events on Campus

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Indigenous, Queer and Womens’ Events

Your Club/Society should contact the following people when planning any event related to or concerning these subjects:

Indigenous Events: ANUSA Indigenous Officer [email protected]

Queer* Events: ANUSA Queer* [email protected]

Womens’ Events: ANUSA Womens’ [email protected]

Environmental Events: ANUSA Environment [email protected]

Disabilities Events: ANUSA Disabilities [email protected]

International Events: ANUSA International Students’ [email protected]

You should also contact PARSA’s Equity Officer//parsa.anu.edu.au/yourrepresentatives/

...Events on Campus

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If an affiliated Club/Society’s account has remained dormant for more than 12 months, the GAC Chair or his/her nominee may take one of the following actions:

◊ In consultation with the ANUSA Treasurer, recover any funds from the Club/Society’s account.

◊ On behalf of the GAC, recover any Club/Society assets purchased using funding provided by GAC or ANUSA.

Forced Disaffiliation

The Grants and Affiliations Committee may disaffiliate any Club or Society which:

◊ GAC believes has provided it with manifestly false information in order to gain an unfair advantage; or

◊ GAC believes, upon inspecting the accounts of the Club or Society, has been financially mismanaged; or

◊ Repeatedly fails to carry out the directives of GAC, provided that such directives are allowed under these Regulations; or

◊ Manifestly fails to carry out its obligations under these Regulations.

Managing your Club

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Annual General Meeting

Prior to any decision, the GAC Chair or her/his nominee must invite a representative of the Club/Society being considered for disaffiliation to appear before the Committee. A motion to disaffiliate a Club/Society must be carried by a two-thirds majority of the GAC committee. The GAC Committee may require the disaffiliated Club/Society to transfer to GAC, within 14 days notice, all funds from GAC and all assets purchased as a result of GAC funding.

Within 14 days after holding the Annual General Meeting in each year, the trustees of each affiliated Club and Society must forward to the GAC Chair:

◊ The Annual Report adopted by the Annual General Meeting; and

◊ The names of office bearers elected at the Annual General Meeting; and

◊ The annual statements of income and expenditure and the balance sheet as adopted by

the Annual General Meeting.

◊ Minutes of the annual general meeting of the club/society which include:

• Attendance list (including student numbers),

• President’s report,

• Treasurer’s report,

• Results of election of office bearers,

• Any constitutional changes;

◊ Ledger of all income and expenditure including copies of tax invoices/receipts for all

expenditure (template available on the ANUSA website);

◊ List of transactions from 30 November (previous year) to date of submission of records

◊ The names and contact details of all incoming executive members/trustees.

Managing your Club

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ANUSA provides a free mail service to all affiliated Clubs & Societies. All postal items should be sent to ANUSA, where you can collect them from the student space. Our mailing address is:

[Club/Society Name] ANU Students Association Students’ Facilities Building

17a Australian National University ANU Canberra ACT 2000

Banking Tips

◊ You may use any bank you choose. Once you are affiliated, you may be able to use your affiliation letter to have your bank fees waived.

◊ Minimising your use of cash as much as possible enhances security and the quality of record keeping. Banks charge fees for issuing cheques.

◊ Many now offer business debit cards, removing the need to reimburse. ◊ If your society has a substantial bank balance (over $1000), you should consider a high

interest online savings account. ◊ Many accounts have an overdraft facility of around $500. Withdrawing it will make you

liable for any interest, in addition to a monthly fee. ◊ To change the authorities on an account, you will require:

Minutes from a meeting stating: • Full name of the Club/Society• Full names of the trustees, their positions and a statement that they are

authorised to operate on the account• Method of operation (one to sign or two to sign to access funds)

◊ A completed Authority to Operate on a Business Account for • All trustees who do not hold personal accounts with the bank will be required to

visit the bank together, with identification ◊ Submitting these documents will override any previous documentation.

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Managing Your Membership Lists

Unless a compelling reason exists (as determined by GAC), no affiliated Club or Society may deny an ordinary member of ANUSA or PARSA membership, provided that they are prepared to pay the relevant joining fee.You may not distinguish between undergraduate and postgraduate members in terms of membership fees or rights. Your Club or Society must respect the rights of members in regard to privacy and confidentiality: ◊ The forms your Club/Society uses to collect information should expressly state your

purpose and how the information may be used ◊ Your club must not contact members or potential members for any reason other than those

made explicit on the form◊ If your Club/Society collects details without a form, you should advise why you are

collecting the information and how the information may be used◊ Never accept details from one person on behalf of another person ◊ Forms should specify which details will be passed onto ANUSA

Amending Your Constitution

A General Meeting of the Club/Society, and in accordance with its Constitution must pass any changes to a Club/Society’s Constitution. Changes must be lodged with the Grants and Affiliations Committee Chair by email ([email protected]) within 14 days of the meeting, along with minutes from that meeting.

Managing your Club

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1. Go to “Organisation Settings”

2. Select the menu item “Cover Photo” and “Upload Image”

3. Select “Replace”

Building a profile

Add some colour...

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Building a profile

Set your Welcome Message...

Tour the functions available on the Campus Life platform

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Set your “Join Options”

You are now ready to add events to the ANU Community calendar, share photos, documents and forms with your group, build your own website and

comment in your feed to communicate with your group or share a news item with the ANU Campus Life homepage.

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Post your events on the ANUSA and ANU Community calendar

The ANUSA Calendar

The ANUSA calendar is updated directly from the Campus Life Platform.

1. Go to your organisation profile2. Go to “Events”

3. Go to “Create an Event”

4. Fill in your event details 5. Upload an event photo

To add your event to the ANUSA calendar select “Public”

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5. Upload an event photo

News vs. feed

Campus Life News

There are two types of news items available.

The “Feed” will show your organisation’s activity including comments, RSVP’s and events.Your feed shows only on your Organisation profile

“News” can include images in rich text format and can appear on Campus Life homepage...

Select the publicity setting...

Give your post a catchy title and banner image...

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If you’d like more information or training on any of the following Campus Life functions please contact [email protected]

◊ Communication◊ Contact Books

◊ Discussion Forums◊ Messaging

◊ News◊ People Management

◊ Privacy Controls◊ Text Messaging

◊ Polls◊ Events Management

◊ Events◊ Calendars

◊ Student Card Swipe (entry to events)◊ Timesheets◊ To-Do Lists

◊ Files◊ Documents

◊ Photos◊ Videos

◊ Websites◊ Forms

◊ Co-Curricular Transcripts◊ Treasury

◊ Budget Management◊ Checkbooks

◊ Invoices

To find out more about the OrgSync platform visit //www.orgsync.com/features/

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anusaaustralian national university students’ association