All the Local News FOURTEENTH y UAII. NO. Kil ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, .JULY 11 )00. EVENING EI)FrION—PRTGE ONE CENT FOR SALE - A splendid property on Asbury Avenue, second block from . ocean. A decided bargain for some- body. Call and get particulars. D. C. COVERT V 208 Bond Street, Asbury Park, N, J. KEITH'S EXPRESS ABHUIIY FAIIK unit OCKAN OROVB V , ( flute! lJrunRwfnk, _0jxicii» a O'dlrnHil Jjct'of »»m l * 1214 Jlnnr;n Aveuiio. Principal O f l l c o . .804 MAIN-BTRBICT ' Uoodn stored at reasonable rates, Telsphouo connocUou. . * . P. O, Box - - - Aflnyp.Y PARK ^V"OU For othenvlso I could not hdj your railing eyesight Mvith epijp- a TD Tj' tauh»« or eyeglasses.. lint tlio i»ar xx I y IL tU;nt, U«lpfi»\ r.otto if btvrbtvroutdy ytrcntoil, nod tlie French imtnu.for LU C K Y e y n B lo K B cH , piiiro-ne/. (plncli-uosc) . wnswdl selected. TO Let me show you n new (blag in HAVE- fiYRGLASSES ... ’• which wan coulr.Vcd, for\ noso comfort.. When you wear n pair J ? of .my cyeRlnssitS' your' nurfu wilt be uh lucky jut your eyes. Jeweler and Optician 645 Cookman Ave. Olaaso*, wutoliea nml jowelry repaired •wltli liromptiiemi iiml skill. FOR EXCHANGE A vury desirable nine room cottage hi good* location at- Ocean Grove. W ill exchange equity fpr lot free of cnctimbraucu at North Anbury, Al- •lO iUurst or Heal i ~ I : I f T OVER WI The Validity ofBequests of Mrs, . Abram Questioned. . . LOCAL CHURCHES EFFECTED. W ill htiu Ah ram of ritilmlclplihk Claims, ; art Hlrt Fslalu In Kevcrxhm, Money Wlll- • c<1 to Arthnry •Turk, Occap Grave, Wont ' Grave nmi other iHothodixt Cliim ln n hy Ocean drove Resident. W ill hi 111 AbrnmjJ Philtidclphi:t,(h rough his solicitor, Snmuql A. Patterson of this city j has brought an m;idun In the court, of chancery jigal 11 .it John A. G i the its of As* Iniry, imtl Oliver II. Brown of Fprlng Lake, oxcmilors of .the last will nmnt of M.-iry Ann Almun, kilo of Ocean drove. The siill- is brought to drtlhuv £-i.7>!i lm!d h.v the. cxiVuilors, to he, in fee^ part of the niseis of tho estate of jAhmhaui Ahram, deeciised, the husband of Mar.v Anti < !C« A brum. Mr. Ahram died in 1870 nt Philadelphia, leaving a large estate to Ills wife,on whose ili’ath it was to .go to" “William Ahram, Hit; complainant in the above■ suit. Tim b^ll filed alleges l hat Mrs. Ahram took ji por- tion of Ilie life estate and con verted it. Into money nml j 11vested Ilie proceeds in Ocean drove mortgages. On the’death of Mrs. Ahram in Ocean drove about two years ago it was discovert nt"! hat she had left a w ill bequeathing the proceeds of the mort- gages, it .is claimed, "7b a - number . of chiurhes iu-this ncighhorhootl and Phihi- dolphin. . * ’ ’ ' The suit is, therefore, YirUinfly, a con- test between the chundies and yVtllinm Ahram as to flic disposi/inn of tlie funds. Mrs. Abrams was largely inter,-stml i 11 Methodist religious el rolesj particularly in Ocean drove, whom she was an early sat.tier and widely known. ^ The churches favored hy the will of Mrs. Abrams an! the Kehoboth M: 'K. church of Fmfikford, Pu., to which $1 ,Rih>was given; Fnmkford Avntie M. Jv. church M. K Home for the Aged,,Philadelphia, £51*1; St' Pit id’s M.. K. church, Ocean drove, >»I,tmm 1; First M. K. church, Asbury Park, sdjNJO; West drove M. 10; church, *500; Ocean Dark M. K. ehundi, ^'jon; Bishop .Taylor’s African mission, $5UU. The cast? will probably not he argued lie- fore next fall. Counselors I lawk ins’and Durand of this city represents the local churches |uteres ted. ‘ • * SUMMER GUESTS MARRY Mrs. IC iiijiiu Tyler aiul Hr. .1. »L Julinsojj, ttu>-inei’pepim t^-^Vcthlcil ----- !u New XtuTc. Qiipld’s summer activity nt f hp.spgshnre TW .O SISTERS IN A RUNAWAY One, Mist* ^iusiiii McCook, Injured, Her Sinter Martha, Krtftaping Without Medical Assistance, Willin'driving from hdnio on the Hum son Bin IT, near Bed Bank, Miss Susan Me Cook iiml her sister,/Miss Martha MeCqok, da light "ers of Colonel John J. -McCook well known corporation lawyer^—were hurled from the! 1 *carriage. . 1 ^ ’.■Il'hu young lailles WiAv in a runabout wagon. .When -near Bed Bank the hoivt look fright at a pile of sowtrn pipes beside tin; road,"and..dashing to tho 'oppy«jte sldi of tliif road^TJin tin; wagon on ahlgH'bank, upsetting thi'owlng both youiig ladies vlohmlj^.lo the ground, and clnsldhgaNvay out of sight. ' Miss Martha McCook escaped,"injury", i»ut.her.slstcr-was struck on her .side,..her hip 11tul face being cut" anil bruised by life fall. •• * • ; •* Dr. Brown of Bed Bank was driving a short distance behind'! he young ladles, and on reaching the scene*of tlie jieeUleut tv 11 dercd his services^ iinmediately. ^Nliss Susan McCook had falhled from hor In. jjurii.'*;, but i)r. Bjowii soon brought l:er back to consciousness and gave her ot.her nccessaiy rare/ Mrs. William JO. Strong liappene.l fc) he passing in her carriage. ‘ Slie took the young ladies to t heir home. Dr. PnuJ Kimball of Sea Bright was called in, and a (Ter ti careful examination declared Miss MeCook out of daiiger,iiiueh to the relief of the family." Mlss^Susjm McCook is the eldest; daugh- ter »»f Colonel’ McCook." She is a heaut iful girl of Liu years. She is without doubt Ilie most ’popular young lady at Sea Bright this summer. She has traveled extensively on the continent, aiul while at Moscow at the corojinthin of the e/.ar attracted a great deal of attenf ion, one of .her chief admir- ers being no less a personage than id Ifung Chang. * Colonel McCook pin! Ids family occupy one of the haildsomest places on the Hum- son.hlulT. The family is yiio «if the first to arrivifat. Sea Bright and it remains until He in thi! fall. X jj boating party, lunch- eon or dinner is considered complete with- in t Miss McCook. SCHLATTER'S EXIT Trouble With Manager. Morris Over A«t- . vcrtirthig l-'mls in Ascribed{Heat- er’s DlNiuiifmit *. Schlat ter, the aiIcgcil liealer, will not be likely to make.his scheduled qpjHSiranceat the Park Opem House tomorrow, or any it her day, as Maimgcr William Morris and he have parted company. There was some trouble over advertis- ing, the expense of which Schlatter de- sired Mr. Morris* to’ assume. This was not according to agreement, and he of thi. \Vuhderful healing power, yesterday col- lected his advert iM'inents displayed about town. .Mr. Moms’ savs .that a“Tew days siiiee he Uist‘overed that a person aiiswer- ing to Sell la tier’s description was ;tn im- poster and had been egged out-of one bowh and dismissed from others. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Asbury Park soeinH to he ;i storin cunt re. Piiul Pinches of thlfTcll.v is a visitor in New York and Jli’ooklyn for several days. Timmas Hancock of Wesl-Purlc fell from his wheel yesleixlay and H-vi-rely bruised ids shoidde.r. 1 , Tln*i:e will He Ho -evening ‘services what- aver iii St. J’a ill’s M.*. K. ehunji, Ocean Drove, until Sept. U. . » AlO’iil Culiherly, Tvjfch liis family,’are now located at their Htiiinner cottage in this city, nt.-KKI Scwall aycnue." Bov. J). John IjovcvJ1- '*.“E this city; will preach In the (irand Avciiue Befonned cluirch (oiiiorrow morning and evening.*. Mrs. Clement B. Ponfbse and Mi*, and .Mrs. Slcnhrii I iiiics arc visltors-at the home.of Ite.v. and Mrs. H. F.*I lines, Avon- hy-lheSiva: ’ . . . rinlf holiday excursion, fnim Newark will come t'o this city today, as will tilsu The 'Plant KmployeosV assieialion of (he .Siibie-city,. ; , . • - ; Miss Marguerite Towner, who during, (lie past- winter has beon reshiiiigVif-h rel; atives in'.New York. is Htaving ai" I/yrhoi 1m in this cil v for some time, . . , •Mrs.-Snuinel D, Brown -of Philadelphia, daughter of Police ‘Justice John A. Bur- den, Is ji. pleasant visitor af ‘liis home in Oeean drove for the. sumim*r; Mrs. Ml lights, wife of Dr.. .Mfngin^, is ill’ at their summer home, Sea (‘MIT, h. I a n d the doctor was summon* d i.> Ids wile’s bedside. lie will rcturli and preach In t he beach auilitorj.ilm tomorrow night. BEACH BREATHINGS The Nets and Their (hitoh—Sonic IWg'l-'jHh A Uumb-ed years a g o ‘or >o. DeaYi ,<^vil(. «»W : , “The reason why so fe\v marriages are happy is because young he Mrs spend their time in- making nets,-hot In making cages.*’ Tn thusc days the assortioiiHcould more aptly lie np)»Hed to a class uf men, often •s«M*n at our seaside resorts. They eoullnii- ally spread their nets for the Unwary girt, •veil heforn they haVO tlio* cage to keep her, and she Is expected to heroine a happy prlsonifr and actually to sing like a bird with delight, jis qnly a- lmppy bird, like a happy bride, can, tliougji hot li cjgrcd. Did you'over sco a fish that was not eoiilcnb in .1 net while pci'mlttixl to.swliu in Ids native element? And it Is so with ihe girl. ,Vivc. .her hall" a*shnw and sho will be found-all /right, and all will be jus happyais a mar- ringo hell. Tonehlng the sulqeet of nets reminds us that sonio rather big tlsh aiv being caught here tills season.^ Kvery day brings some new recoixl of this. - Thu llslt are also quite plentiful. Yesterday, big haul?: were made by guests (>n the Kiiiiiui B., as wo have elsewhoro ttdd. , INCLUDES ASBURY TN ADVERTISEMENTS Mayor Ten Itrocck Seating. HccogiilttoU Iii Wcrttcrn Tliim Tables of l*oimsyI- vitiiju Company. Thniiigli the energy of Mayor-Frank 1 Teh Broeck* and the kindness of Thomas Purdy and (Jol. F. N._Barksdale of (he Pirtiusyl vania Bail road company, the in formathm as to how Asbury 1’ark" may he reached a'nd hy what trains has. been in- scried in all the papers in which t he great 1 ‘idlrond company advertises west of PniTa- delpjda.. For some days past Mr. Ten Tlrotrck lias Jiecn in com mu ideation with thp railroad- men. This morning the fruits of his ef- forts were scon in. tillin' pi*oof sheets of time tabligvto be ‘inserted in Pittsburg, Washington 'and Baltimore ^newspapers sent him hy the rnilniiid otlieials. 1 In the former eilv two trains are ainvert ised, one at 7.b"i a. m. (limited) on weekdays anil b.’.itrp. m. daily; From Washington pas setigers 11 iay leave at 11..7) p. m. daily and S.l.'i and J I.no a. 111. and p*. m. w»vk- days. (I*rains from Babimoiv leave at l.DS n, rn. daily anil P. 15 a^m: ILM).*, .aial 1 . Hi p. in. weekdays. - \ WIFE WANTS ALIMONY .11 rs. IVf er .INibutfl of Itnnllcy Ihraiji Cone I'jii'iu »»l* 11usImmUii itriiuiliiy aiul Jslirt CoiirFrt Ai.l. Papers vfM’u serv«;d recently on J’eli-r A. Poland of "Bradley Beach in an action for counsel fct^tj ami alimony brought hyhls wife, ‘liticiuda* A,'-INj/Imj. Mrs. Pol.ny^, her bill of. complaint, a Ileges that- her husband' by his brutal treatment of her has com pel led her, to leave licr home. She dlcgcs hi! has oflcn threatened her life while under thi! influence of liquor and llmti he repeatedly .and without cause,' heats and ill-treats her. Arguments "will he'made hi*foiv Vice Chancellor Stevens at. Newark on Tuesday. Counselor CliaiTcs K. Cook represetits the complainant iiud Aaron 10. Johnsloti of Freehold thedefcmlJitd. TO REPLANK THE BRIDGE laKhlning and l.oglc. Tl must have been riitlier amusing to some of our n^ulOrs to wad in one column of yesterday's PRESS o f»the places si ruck by lightning, and-in our Beach Breath- ings the article to show how absurd it whs to lie aftTdd, as ■sonic people'were. Birr nevertheless if our readers w ill follow tin t*4v4 r-tlmy will belt or enjoy theli*- Work Will Iteghi 011 (he Miilii.**tt1fe7?K|^: Stjaiclun* Over Ucal Lato* on Mon- ilay”^Vill Hi* CloHcil Three Days. On Monday tin? work of .(•efdtinking the Main street bridge over Deal lake* will be begun by the county board of freeholders. Several days will be oiauipied by the task*, during which time Hie 'bridge will l.r eloseit to trallic. •The \york has been considerably delayed hy the nonniTival of IheTumhcr which win ordered two mouths ago hut was hot re- ceived until yesterday. The cost will l«* between $7uo and $l,tHH). The next. mci«l tiqr nf Jhi* froiJuvlili i-wiil E 4,000 Leading Chinese Citizen' Have Been Killed, JAPAN SENDS 19,000 TROOPS (II her piHj»al.cln!s' Sajr That‘the- Legal ions .Arc Utiil Slanding—The. Uhiur.se lj»«i g,(J00 in liiiletl attil Wiliimteil Whlh Atlaehiug Ui;kin—.Mori; Tliittulcr (Storms A rc ■ I'rojiiJsetl for Ttiaighl. ^liJiiighai/Fafui tlay.— Pnjici* Clung says rhc-rc. an* 110 Icgiitimc. .and no foreigners ;«t Pckiii, and it. is now furl her reported Dial Prim i* Tuan’s Initcrhci ing was appalling, tl.l- i-SHlyb’d'that J,(KHi.Ic:i1tliiig Chinese eitj- zeiis wci‘c.killcd*.wiK» pcHtio;icd tlqit lives of foreigners lie >p:uyd. * (X)X FI 11 .ifATI ON OF MASS AC II IC. The Chinese Itnrm-d Itrltlsh I.cgation.pl rrhin and A ll (ho Oreii|niijl<t. ♦^hanglnu, Fjiturday.---The British con- sul hciv assures the correspondent of ihis a-isiicialion <dlicially, that all foi'cigucrs in Pekin have bc**h massacred. The Ku.-sinu Chinese hank rcccivcjJ a r<*j»ort from (Uicc- foo confirming Ihe rcjiort- of Tin* burning orrhc British b'gation, togcllier with.all. the 6 ccnj»aitts. . Says Legations Ave Aliye. * Washington, Faturday. — A despatch from Hood now ,• consul general at Shanghai, avjis posted sit the’ state dcpart- iminl. this morning which said that. IIlf legations Were still standing and dial the “ Boxers,’*after 'several unsuccessful at!neks, seemed disposed lo-mlopt starva- Hun methtrtls. Uo.Mirrt " .L iihh ",000. /-•••• f^.milon, JNiturdayn—A dispa|ch nrceived hciv says Chinese tro:q»s, who have been at-laeking Pi*U‘m, have lost :.‘.nqp.killtpl and wounded, including “ Boxer" lender.'. Nineteen Thotfmind ft|m*« Troops for China* Vdkohoma, Sat urday.—The government has decided to send lUjiiHiaihlitioiuiltroops to China forthwith. t . ____ Tin* Weather. Washington, Saturday..—‘Showers.atid thunder •storms toiiighC Sunday IT-i*sh, brisk southwesterly winds. LIGHTNING TURNS d BABY’S FACE BLACK bo held on.. Wed 1icsdn,t;Jit Freehold. A ll hills to In; considered hy the lioanrmust-.lw utll iolis FreaTl of Ilie Licet iTcat ‘Uirrron nt Home of «)ames‘ Brndiier. 1 R iia l E sta te "M - I nsurance Sfi v:-K ■L :'T M ortgages MILAN ROSS AGENCY • 205 MAIN STREET -AND- Li MonmoulhKu!l(llop, Asbnry Park.W . J. CAPITAL, . SURPLUS,. ...$100,000.. ...... 25,000. Executes nil trusts known lo the lnw, Lonnn money ou bond nml tnorlk««e. Receives deposits .subject to check and nllows Interest on dfdly imlnnces. Acts »?Tfriistee, Kegistrar aiid Trauafor Agent. Enys coupons. Makes demand and lime lonns on approved collateral. Bute deposit vaults. A. ,C. twining , Fres*dent. G. 0 . M. IIAKVHV: VlcePicsldent. K. A. TD8T1NG, Beerclary. U. C. CORNltLLi,Treasurer. DIRKCTORS: t). IL Urovrn, f. II. huchunon, f>. C. Cornell,. \V. J. Harr I son. CokG, ll. M. Harvey, iSeorge K. Kroeh) Hruce 8 . Keutor. M. D., 1 G, D.-W. Vrooti), R. A. Tusting, Henry Mitchell, M. I). John P. O’BHen. Perry R. Smith, S. A. Pnttemon, A. (J, Twining, . Jf. H. Vreeland, A trial will convince you that we have •The Neatest The Best Oil Prospect Avcuxun, West Asbury Park. A seven room house with barn; W ill exclwmgo tspjily fur lot free t>C muaimbraneo on Wesh Fifth or Blxtii Avenues : Is displayed by (ho marrhigrCoifThursday rveningr^f-DVfrhoUd gur^sts-br litis city;— Mrs. Kmina Tyler of Norwielj, C-ojui., and I)r..J. J. .lohn.'on uf Heading, Pa.,' guests at.' tlit! lMerivpniit, \vi*n< iinit<*(I In uTTiVriiige at"* the Coluiiumle hotel, New 1 ‘ly,; by Bqv. -rhr-l-t-r^DntltV, Qll;. ly|> isrup;H: julnir.lerof that <*Uv. Mrs. A. W. Knlsiry, ItKAOlI IJ.tNI) CONFLICTS. FOR PARTICULARS AP- PLY AT OFFICE.'- pmprietbr of the led el, ami two gue.st s, 1 )t\ Oscar IjViiett, and bnuhei;, Viueeid Byunit, 110111 of. New York, witnessed th<* eej’e- mony.. , If you havo proporty that.yuu would Ulco to oxehatige or sell loavo The couple went, jlrsl. to Philadelphia ind after a short- time spent in the ((ii;iki*r City will visit the home of the brlde.at Norwich. Tlu»y will In let-make a t rin to.. Tonight, K lo IOj Aslmry Avelioe. * Ail* A merlon it.” Maveh-—“ Man Behind the Huns’’ Sousa (’mule Mat*eh—-‘-WhistIbig Uufus’’...Mills Overt ur«*-r*_‘Nighl-Wsimlerer’’... V. Moskali Medley Selectjon~l,A Night OIF’..DeWitt Md. t^uinn will -apphar us sleigh liells soloist, aeeouipamed hy . orelu'St-Jii. Mr. l^uimi .was soloist. wlthMkut HjhItrey’s Boyal Hivnadier* band - at. Boitrmouth, K)iufWils» soloist for p.*years In St. James njotini here. Heiiufmlier, that. Jibove.tlu in rghTtUsf-stonn"— tirr-tvr" is— tr ~ii itgli fief power, to protect, iiml that, even He will not* l.ijinsgn*ss (he laws of tin* 11til verse amply to hit you with u stroke pf light- :iiiig", '“This may st*eni to siiiue lik»i \\hist liiig wnilegoiTTg througl) a graveyard to keep up one’s confage. But even that is TuTT^TuTrrnrnT better than giving away to one’s I’eai's so umvasonahly. * July i.^.alxiut the^worM- month uf the year for such st<»nns, and yet, throughout the entire United States ill a. ptjpulatlon of uu^hki.-imMI, only some l :.".) wen? struck last- year, and nearly all of those ware in (he rollntry, and were priii 14mlly. fairmerrtJ . . _ _ presented on or hefori! Monday. -------- T |fli t-j lr lilge'Tol l^liiTt y— — “ Hespeeling the‘bridgt! toll Jitaller,'to which we gave space last week, editorial- ly, " 01 :r understanding was, and still is. that Ihe Deea iT H rove j 1ssoeia 1 1«m~TiTTcI" .Mr. .lames -A.; Brad ley weivn unit in enforcing the collect ion of the penny toll. Ml’. Bradley, through an Aslpiry Park .pa.pi,r, asks whenj^wy ohtaiiutil-tlij: intelligemx* giveii-iu oiiFpnper last week. Iyu* further pnrtieulars the 'I’imes refers Mr. Br.utlry to-Mr. T*. J. Preston. ANT* may add,, how* eyrr, tlui I if tlie ’I’iim's. was wrung in any. pari iedlai; in its sta.lements last. week, we wiJl Jir ‘J,m1 .in m;Uu; l.imaiunulr hnnur- T’he house, of Janies Brad jut, Ocean 'I r;Ifjrii nil "f.’elT tral mn'spj Jrnd ley"I iixu-liT was struck aml eonsidcmbly damaged hy. light ifing last nighl. The holt- struck Ihe chimney, toppling it over, and descended" the "line" "ihbT t he 'fo f iiaei*,"Vvliieir was al.-i ► damagLik Tin* falling ehimuey crii.'hed a hol^ynrrlieTuor and lltniugh this the rain poui'ud, causing inore loss. A baby which lay in ojie-of tlie rnouis traversed hy I lie lightning, was almost coal black when picked up. but. was .otherwise all right 21ml soon recovered its natural color.. The Most Reliable STATIONERY STORE in- this Gity.- Wo e.u ry uv<jryl.tiim;yii); )>□ rouua in a Well stOi'tHKl sloreof tills IcillU. THE GREAT MARK TO COME 5,D00 Novels at 10c HARRY A. BORDEN WM. *H. BEEGLE, 226 MAIN. STREET, Asbury I'ark, “M A R Y ’S D IL E M M A Mary, Mjqy, qultu cuhtnfry, Sulb iing aches and pains; ' All the trouble Ihat you havo hi ’eaiiM* your eyes you strain.. < Jot a piiir ef t ;hiM<es,.. Fitted pool and Iruts' You never will ho h qq»y Mjiry, till ydiido. — ,A' largo pi'upon Ion of he;tfiaeho, nervous" nevH^hysterjp aad itisonmia'is n.iustd .by uyusl rdhi. Thu rumuyaL ol'-thu cause ef- feels a punnauunt cure. _________ Willard C, Wiseman * *' ORADIJATB 0I*TICIAN Asbury Park Optical Parlor, 603 Cookman Avonuo. Cor. Kmory Btreot. '• ' . ' ( Bapltal S50;000, *uW0ntT 550,000 Askry Park and Ocean Grove B A T S fK Corner lytaUlson Ave. atid Main St., ; ASBURY PARK. N. J. 'Corner Main Avenueand Pilgrim Pathway OCEANC1ROVE. UEWllY 0. WlNrtOn, l’rtwld<mt. , QKO. W, EVANS, Vloa-rrrai-Jeiit. EDMOND K. DAYTON; Oiinlilor ' JESSE WINOT,-Aaab(Uint Ci^lilsi -DIliEQTOIUi: - - r> niiim Ai-n.iiuv un. j. A. v.ittTuiox, N. K. IIUOHANON JQJJN UUDDA1UJ : a U. OLAVTON * ‘ LEWIS RAJNBAR ubo. yr, kvam . obo; vr, t« « a t 1 «. JBliaU80N AMOB.TILTON1 / ' ' HBNRT 0. WIN30B Accounts Rcspeotfully Solloltod* ,. Safo Deposit.Boxed to Rontu /* We Issue ^orolgn prafts and Let- ers of Credit. F.nrope, returning next bill. \«l- IIUAHLLV AND HAKNU.If; Tiiylor Nays They Arc the Grcdlcsl vertiHcrs of the Ceiitury., Kditor Flunk M. Taylor of the Hung Brrueh HctMinl .Is 11 great jidmirei* Of.a\s- Imry Park 21ud its hustling founder, lie cspecliiljy itdmireS the unique .niHhods_l>y wbi^U-Asbury-lkirk-iK-jidvvaMjM'd-nnd-nt- leiupls b> predlut wluit the next sitheiiH* w*ul-b«*. lb* generously, helps our adver- tising scheme along in the following,p2 ira- ' ‘."lames A . I^tudley^ia^-Jiut lost any* < 1 f his ohl-lime fficnlty of^Keeping Asbury Park* well rcprcsonfe*i in /he eby juper*. Brail ley :iml lkirnnm will be known in JilaLur.V-jis.t.In; must am <) v»• r 1 11 to— *Cieins of Scot hi ltd1 .... Ctt val i nI Medley March-“ Irish Bag j'iine’’ B. Becker Introducing Oriental Ctfi/.y Psiteh. AYalty.5—“ A Bird in "a* t.lilded Cjige” An .Ktliiop’um Mip’di Unis’’ Maurice Levy h’yom “ Bogcr Bros, in Wall St.” * America." “ Home, Sweet Home.” Sunday, K to It), —Filth Avenue. American Hcpublic Mareh’*—..Donizelto From Oper;i “ Luchi'di Lumnmnnoor.” D.vurI-itr t ‘ * Der ’I'j 1 in I >01 ir der (121rde,* Jvyjiiii-llann_l:’th_.Ma'ss ...Mozaii: t > vert n rc— Li gh 1 Oa vj 1 b*,v" ...... S 11 ppe cicct ion --“ Ibdilti IiViod” J)e Koven Hornet Solo—Selected....... Joseph Ouwsoii Intermezzo—“ Loin dn Ihill’*... ...... ..l »ilh*t Overtiiiv-r“ Moi*iiiiig, Noon . ‘ind Night in Vicuna.’’ ; ____ Si»(!fed Mel01 lies..; .* . .•..Sankey Doxohigy Home, Swi*et Home The Advaatage of Helng Here. People safely here have a right, to t-mi- gratnljile Iheniselyes when reading of the ’beat of otljer phtee.s. ! t was vei*.v hot. here, is elsewhere,*lmt 111 .• ocean was eoulaml the I i;i Hi ers wen* many who laughed at the licrit- while making themselves’ whatever tcn 1pr 1*21l-ure pleased them best. It W 2 isall im a l Icrhf taste.—In-NY* w-York it-wvis-l he hut (esr.Tu1 y"') sinr,e'r>'.»rr(lurthermoineler record^] hi'ing.tm. 1, while the maximum htimhlity \Viis'. 10,21 ad it was worse in oilier }»l;ici!s. .So wi? did lai.riy well. able.” —Oeejin Uiuvu/l’imes. . This paper was chosen .by Mr. .Bradley to ruseii 1 .the imputation jigjiinst him, in Ihe matter referivd b,». The Times, of course, not intending iiny alVront, 21 s the. article above sets forth." REVENUE CUTTER HAVE NO MOSQUITOS iif.nl :ulvi NEW HOME.OF REST No Mdrstiert Ivvist Near tlio Tivia Gili**s to Freed the IV*I ' — Other HesorlS this i^aiillr.v has produced, liasi week Ihe. "papers wi-re 21 II telling how Mr. Biutlle.v tunn;tl on a. search light, to interrupt-, t he diversions--of--thn—Inxtch •spooiiet>'“ *il’his week they my telling how hedropsa n‘u:k!e iii tho slot, and punches a bag for exercise. Next wfek we shall probably hear that- he has procured ji red aiul green .striped^billy goat-to swim on Us Ixick in a..tank on the i*nd of Hat drilling pier,” ' . ^ Well Known It Id1 tig Instructor liere; .Mi*. M ’ldey, "the well. known riding li*aeher of Durland’s* Hiding academy, Fifty-nlid’ll street, New Yiirk, is a guest at the Royal hotel in this bit-y. He will ac- ^Tinriew 1 Tifp’lm n s t r u e t . In tITe TTrl o f horsenjuiiship while here. Henry Stein- bach, Mr. Muhr of Klglitli avenuo Jind Clari'iiei! S. Steiner are among Ills, pupils. .Sumption W ill Hearing. Thu hearing In thu-Sampson wfll contest t)c?fore Counselor James j). Carton, w ill be held, on Monday at 11 a. in. in Lawyer Car bin’s -ojlices. Dr. fsamuul, Johnson, ^Irs. AVilJjnm lllll of Ocean drove, wit- nesses to the document, and others w ill be jLsmuJjmL . Bathing Costume Not Icq. Do not go*through the streets in imt-hbig costumo.M. It isu02ir.se and vulgar and Is In violation of thif city oixliimnce. (|’d-(L‘-d:5 Tlio Miracle I'lctutc. . Tho womlrouHly lnmtnous jiictnro of Christ, .entitled.,“In the Shadow of tlie Cross,"Jh _how_ou. exhibition at Fourth jivnmio jind Kingsley-streot, ljutweun tho •hours of i) a. m. andj l l p. in. ,Scientists and Others have boon unable to discover FourciHjf-Hio-mysterhnw-HgbHvhicli- renders the picture visiblo.in total * dat;k ness; or explain tho shadow of the cross whiyh appt'ars hi tlu» bjickgixntiul. Adtnls siou for adults 15 cents, cHildrOn 10 cents." L..U10-«J • . l-’tii* Salvatioif Army DftJeors Opened Whit Apprnpi'tale Mervlce.s at Itel- ..................... niiir Yesionhiy. . I merest i ng exercises were hehl_ln ■ con-- neelhni with the opening of the Home of Best, for J he S.alvnlam Army oflieers at. ijelfh:tr yi!.st**rday. /f l'herd wore numerous well known speakers nnd music wiis furnished hy the National Headquarters* orchestra, a body of select musicians. „ -• — (jol. Kdwaixl Higgins made the opening speech aiul was. followed with brief mb dresses'by Brigadiers Miles and - Hicks. Brigadier Mel ntyre was a gue.st at tlie cel,- ■ulmHJmi Not No lligbt.v"Fifvoriol, \ ;<ui*sl- ;tt-one of Ihe proiipnent hoii*L of (Jeeaa drove was «•* inverting a few d;i.vs_ agowhh otiier.s_ivganiing the virtues ol* rlain seaside resort-.. The subject- of litosquiios (liijilly cju'iu- up,-when the gen- tleman declared that D'-‘! (»ntlre alienee of that mm pest from As)any Park and Oeeiui drove meant an addition ok thousands of vlsilois annually to tin* twin triti«?s. lie declared that while the mosquito is a pest to almost all other seaside resorts the.-e two are entirely free from it. » 'J’he absence of Aaosquitos here is due. to the fact that (here tire no marshes near us to breed them. ttus.'- W l‘«:i:Ucil—Vcs»cI,._«l,_W.- 1’ii.y,. *m Wldr.h Alv. IWaiHcy- Yi^tcrltjty IMuccil 2 t Lantern. A revenue eul.teV went di'iwn this 2 il*ter- nii-tii toward tin* wreck of the.I. \\'.,J;’px. on whieii Mr. Bradley yesterday placed 21 I iii hi-, to W iim ot.|ier.ve."ieh-i in the vieitiilv ;i 1*1i*l* «l;i M r . I>i*2 idley’s aeiion was published in the loe:t) p;ij.*i*rs and also in. the X<*W York p n p r n m l —r h i ^ r n Tnm r n g ; - r m d i t! t i i. i t. w ; i v lias tIfaTlTlle'ss"eihiie t^»—flie“ jTo! ice- i"»f- (lie jAuyorninenl ollicitil.-., who. imve promptly tune here to do. whaJ.e.Vel* is necessary lit Hark Ilumia aml Ftiiiiily Are to Occupy tin: Frank Hu Mtirpliy t*«tl:ige at l Jlleron Tttis Sn in liter, M;»rk Htiiiua and his f;itnily tin*.to arrive at KllieronMuly * .’(i,aml w ill occupy I**raid.- lin Murphy’s iiiind.somu collage until rypi- L Mr.•Murphy has gone to (lie'Ptiris exposition :is one of. the Amerieaii emu- tiussiotiers. iL.was during tin*. Hrpublhxin inviMitioiratr-Philadelphia that Mr. Mur-' .fTT Stationer Newsdealer, Cor. B oik J St. and Maltisoii Ayc. Ilijfli Grade Fishing Tackle Repairing oil ltoilH nnd C1GAHS1AND TOBACCO phy tendered 1 lie ns Il;iMH2 i. ••Mlavitlo Mr, Troops Ordered From Colin. -1Ijiyaiiji.. July T.—Ali!it:iry (idvenmr Wood luts is su’d I orders lo lln* depai' men is Jo h:iv»» the Seennd. l** i 1*1 Ii snyl 1 ‘liehth infantj'.y Jfgimeiil.' iT.nly h2 ii;k:iljoii :is soon 21 s trnaxpori -Hrfi for I'tn- . sluill 111- -* ljie- lilshtll Ls tIii*"JfiiiHer. * ' " ..... A Mo.ticule at flic Arlington. 1 . 5 is|. evening the1 guests of the Arling- ton hotel, Ocean drove, uud friends, were’ highly.entertained at. a. musieale given by Miss Bertha Millar, the 'J-yeir-uUl tjiuigb- f.Tof the proprietor, who :icquit-te"dJierself most, creditably-, in fact making-a giViit; hit. .* . ... - prrrn tently rreirriy ilow riiV i(“ii77s- u**t' li.vtY'siil'irprud. while tin* Second and** fifth have been divided among' varinus di>l riet< 'I’hree eoiiipiiuies of—(la!—Ti*»l!»—regiiueiit-TWiU “proceed—Io Morro_ eiistje at Santiago to relieve the Fifth. whiTT* troops < jt* the Hightii cavalry Will rel’u-ve the eoiiqi;iuie.s of- the 'Fifth' stationed at dnniibimnuo and Sagiui tie Tamimo. IkirnciKi will he ridinqiiisliet] as a militaiy post. A--coinpatiy t*f the TiYuUr will relieve (In.* Second sit Trinidad. Nce\v*i<hmti-2t .1 essAS. (’I The.liume is at Fifth avenue and F street and is a cumforliiblecottagenf 21.rooms. It Is known as the Maple Shade. Already tlicry.ai*u 85 ulliuiT.s rccupuratlng lliciv. 11 : will be open sill tlio year. OBITUARYRECQRD ;tr tor for - Fa glue (louse W ork, layton. wlio laid Ihe eijjitnicl Tn ivhan-Ii a ml t nTTTITF walls ol fiTe .Mat TF1 Dril<*reil to Cliinn. Washinglott, July. 7.—,Major William .1. Siophensnjv. assist am surgeon, lists lieeh ordered |o proceed via Ksia Franeis- ro and Miinihi to 'Takii, (MiTiist; aiul p*- I'tMhevinan Atkins Gaieties Gold Fish, Although Proprietor C. A.-AtkluHof the Ocean liufel is a redoubtable ilsherijmn he has done but lit tle angling, this summer^ Yesterday, ho.wcvur, lie came holao wltli three catches V>4iis credit of, unusual size Iliat- is. mmsupDy. stpail.__Tlnjv, were, a ,. . Andrew Cixipor. *. Andrew, Ihe infant son. of Charles and Carrie t/oqper (d* Bindley Bench, died last night, of cholera infantum. Thu funeral exercises w ill be held at the house, on New- ark iiVeiiuo, Monday siftcriionii at I o’clock. Interment in Wall township. . son avenue engine house, has given, notice Unit, liecannot-finish t lie work sit the llg- ntv named, nml William Hirst will take the work at (he original contract price of >sn. It-will be Hiiled in blue, and^work wilt begin Monday. . , CluifTee, eoinnijindiiig the Huited States' forces tit or uesir that place, for jiss’iga jjient to duty. ' • v . .. m.r Hctlrcrt 'I'roin Fxutnliicrs* Hoard Dr. George F. Wilbur of thisciiy. a trio* of gold (Ish ili a ghiks bowl which were hot liuokiid but 1egit it t mtel y^pn ivh ascd. They ivcru. presented to Master Chester1 Twining, who hntl expressed a liking for the Bright liltJe fellows. 1 *. c Sumluy Mindu a}. Uuptlrtt Cliurcli. , Tliuro willibc siHjclal music tomorrow of an .excellent eliaiYicter at the First- Baptist church. M jiI o. Ogdoit-Crano has arranged a ladies’ chorus nnd one of the selections it Avlll—fiing-4s—LJoCJidj—Kindly—LlghtrU—I>y- TnenTTier 01 I37e simeTiinirn prUfudvnrTTX^ aminers for five years*atul at one timeUTT president; has ret i red from that body. 1 )r. John W. Bennett of Lohg Branch lias been appointed i’ii his jdacc. C. .11. Treat df“"A‘slmry- l?nrk aiid :John K. Wolherhy wero liccnsnl 11 s surge,011s and physicians hy-tlui board, y ' ^ I'oHtolltcb Open Tomorrow. • n'lie gi'inwal delivery, stanqiand chtriers' del i vcr.v w i 1 ah iws of tlie 1n isf ofllee w til he open tomorrow and 011 every Sunday throughout the' sum nun-, between . tjic 'liTiTn^TA l-.'.rjd ajul p. 1 ) 1 . ' llot-r 1'hivoy.H Tn F a r In. ' ‘Paris, July 7.—Messrs. Wessels, Fiscli- cr and Wphmiran.s arrived 'in'* Ihiri.s—hist evening, Tliey wcj-i* met at. the.station by the presiibmt of Ihe immioipal .coun- cil aiul several .senators, who, invited them lo lie present "at 21 reception to lie given at the Hold, do Yille on Tuesday next. . ' ’ "• >gry A Icw Choice Flats ■ *. SHU for rent in Ke.itor block, .Mattison awniiv,' amb in* mnv Cookman avenue block.. A ll uioderii eouyenUuieert. Ren*- 8 in to?L’ 0 ^ Ap'plyJo owner or agdtits. 7." I R ksuuk M ission, ill South Main street, opposite Ocea ii G rove gat os. G . XV.G uyer, superintendent. Sumhiy-Fchnol. aiid Mrs Pease. Mjno. Crnnp will/i'ender a soprano solo tmtitled, “Tho Loixl is My Light.” . Kpntiofc-ine cures mdlgosfclon, llin ’s Bible class at' 2 p. m; Kvening meeting at 7.45; song aiul testimony ser- vice; Miss Mary Ikivlson of Ocean Grove will speak ■ . ■ Frank IT. Tuhbs of New York, tlie vocal teacher, edilor'Tif Muslt! Life and voixil ed- itor of tlie Musician, w ill Ik? iilcascil to re- ed vo wills nt his house, JJ 0 S Spier avenue, Allenhui'st, during July and August. ---- :—: --------- I ---- --* “ I despise'a porsVui who whistIl*s,V said Mr. Bl.vkins. “ We have one in our office, ;uid lie worries me jiI most to dealli.” *TIaven’t.you an ear for tuusieV.” “ O f cqitrse I lutvj*. There’s tlu> (llflj- rnlty.’ Whencverrr h:ippea-to-be whis- tling to inysdf, he .iijv2 iruihjy takes‘tip ; he .same time mul* drowns ino out.”-— AVitishiugtonlStur. Rgnnet-lno curds indigestion -•They Don’t Spunk Now. * ” Wlien I marry,” said the yoting wo- nmn .of advanceU ideas, ‘TI simII insist X - Read The D aily Press. upon my jmslmml tnking tuy name “ I- (Would, too,” replied, the dmnllro youiig- woman promptly,*“if I. expected |q .get 'that soft of ’ q imiu.”- ^v''* S*' htumrt^-Kuy“Wont ntvHlot*i«*RUtrClKiUB anU all- i - . Hau*lu*rH* ArHcles. Tho boftL eiqjir that 5evulrt can buy, I 1 ; ^T-ni;R 6471-2 :}• i • Cookman Avonuo rim ffn tr We refer to your selecting your We givefyou the_ "own' eyeglasses.' benefit pf a life time's experigncc,- charge you nothing for examination ancTfully guarajuee_thcicnses7 Headache and Neuralgia^- Quickly RelieT.ed. ,\ STILES & CO. _ Ulillatlehjhla Eyo Sooclallsta] \ At 223 Main Street every Friday. Hours: II to 1 p: m.,' 5 to 5 ». tn. First National Bank OF A 5BCIRY PARK Mattison. Avenue and Bond Street Between Vostoffice qnd Ue|K)t ORQAtilZED PEBRUARY.lMfc . oKFioEita; OKOKOE V. KIIOKHL, FrenlQout O,. rt. liltOWN, 1st Vico l ’resldout M. L. PAMMAN. and Vico 1’rWjldc.ut - M. H. SCOTT, Cautiler, Patrona’ valuables reoetved for safe keeping free of oharse. / Foreign exchange bought and sold TOrtBtJttonBisrowmtlirffiOKh^VOTeagea- YOUR BUSINESS FAVOBB RE- SPECTFULLY SOLICITED. \


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A l l t h e L o c a l N e w s


FOR SALE- A sp le n d id p ro p e r ty

on A sb u ry A v en u e , seco n d b lo c k from

. o cea n . A d e c id e d b a rg a in fo r so m e­b o d y . C all an d g e t p a r tic u la rs .

D . C. CO V ERTV 208 Bond Street,

Asbury Park, N , J.


V , ( flute! lJrunRwfnk, _0jxicii» a O'dlrnHil Jjct'of »»ml * 1214 Jlnnr;n Aveuiio.

Principal O f l l c o . .804 MAIN-BTRBICT ' Uoodn stored at reasonable rates,

Telsphouo connocUou. . * .P. O, Box - - - Aflnyp.Y PARK

^V"OU For othenvlso I could not hdj your railing eyesight Mvith epijp-

a TD Tj' tauh»« or eyeglasses.. lint tlio i»ar x x I y IL tU;nt, U«lpfi»\ r.otto if btvrbtvroutdy

ytrcntoil, nod tlie French imtnu.forLUCKYeynB loKBcH, piiiro-ne/. (plncli-uosc)

■ . wnswdl selected.TO Let me show you n new (blag in

HAVE- fiYRGLASSES ... ’•which wan coulr.Vcd, for\ noso comfort.. When you wear n pair

J? of .my cyeRlnssitS' your' nurfu wiltbe uh lucky jut your eyes.

Jeweler and Optician645 Cookman Ave.

Olaaso*, wutoliea nml jowelry repaired •wltli liromptiiemi iiml skill.

FOR EXCHANGEA vury desirable nine room cottage hi good* location at- Ocean Grove.W ill exchange equity fpr lot free of cnctimbraucu at North Anbury, Al-

• lO iUurst or Heal i ~ I : I f

T OVER WITh e Validity ofBequests of Mrs,

. Abram Questioned. . ..

LOCAL CHURCHES EFFECTED.W ill htiu Ah ram of ritilmlclplihk Claims, ; art Hlrt Fslalu In Kevcrxhm, Money W lll- ■ • c<1 to Arthnry •Turk, Occap Grave, Wont ' Grave nmi other iHothodixt Cliim ln n

hy Ocean drove Resident.

W ill hi 111 Abrnm jJ Philtidclphi:t,(h rough his solicitor, Snmuql A. Patterson of this city j has brought an m;idun In the court, of chancery ji gal 11.it John A. G i the its of As* Iniry, imtl Oliver II. Brown of Fprlng Lake, oxcmilors of .the last w ill nmnt of M.-iry Ann Almun, kilo of Ocean drove.

The siill- is brought to drtlhuv £-i.7>!i lm!dh.v the. cxiVuilors, to he, in fee part of the niseis of tho estate of jAhmhaui Ahram,deeciised, the husband of Mar.v Anti<!C«A brum.

Mr. Ahram died in 1870 nt Philadelphia, leaving a large estate to Ills wife,on whose ili’ath it was to .go to" “William Ahram, Hit; complainant in the above■ suit. Tim b ll filed alleges l hat Mrs. Ahram took ji por­tion of I lie life estate and con verted it. Into money nml j 11 vested I lie proceeds in Ocean drove mortgages. On the ’death of Mrs. Ahram in Ocean drove about two years ago it was discovert nt"! hat she had left a w ill bequeathing the proceeds of the mort­gages, it .is claimed, "7b a - number . of chiurhes iu-this ncighhorhootl and Phihi- dolphin. . * ’ ’ ' •

The suit is, therefore, YirUinfly, a con­test between the chundies and yVtllinm Ahram as to flic disposi/inn of tlie funds.

Mrs. Abrams was largely inter,-stml i 11 Methodist religious el roles j particularly in Ocean drove, whom she was an early sat.tier and widely known. ^

The churches favored hy the w ill of Mrs. Abrams an! the Kehoboth M: 'K. church of Fmfikford, Pu., to which $1,Rih> was given; Fnmkford A vn tie M. Jv. church M. K Home for the Aged,,Philadelphia, £51*1; St' Pit id’s M.. K. church, Ocean drove, >»I,tmm 1; First M. K. church, Asbury Park, sdjNJO; West drove M. 10; church, *500; Ocean Dark M. K. ehundi, 'jon; Bishop .Taylor’s African mission, $5UU.

The cast? w ill probably not he argued lie- fore next fall. Counselors I lawk ins’and Durand of this city represents the local churches | uteres ted. ‘ • *

SUMMER GUESTS MARRYMrs. ICiiijiiu Tyler aiul Hr. .1. »L Julinsojj, ttu>-inei’pepimt - Vcthlcil-----

!u New XtuTc.Qiipld’s summer activity nt f hp.spgshnre

TW.O SISTERS IN A RUNAWAYOne, Mist* iusiiii McCook, Injured, Her

Sinter Martha, Krtftaping Without • Medical Assistance,

Willin'driving from hdnio on the Hum son Bin IT, near Bed Bank, Miss Susan Me Cook iiml her sister,/Miss Martha MeCqok, da light "ers of Colonel John J. -McCook well known corporation lawyer^—were hurled from the! 1*carriage. .1’.■Il'hu young lailles WiAv in a runabout wagon. .When -near Bed Bank the hoivt look fright at a pile of sowtrn pipes beside tin; road,"and..dashing to tho 'oppy«jte sldi of t li if road^TJin tin; wagon on ahlgH'bank, upsetting thi'owlng both youiig ladies vlohmlj^.lo the ground, and clnsldhgaNvay out of sight. '

Miss Martha McCook escaped,"injury", i»ut.her.slstcr-was struck on her .side,..her hip 11 tul face being cut" a nil bruised by life fall. •• * • ; •* • ’

Dr. Brown of Bed Bank was driving a short distance behind'! he young ladles, and on reaching the scene*of tlie jieeUleut tv 11 dercd his services^ iinmediately. Nliss Susan McCook had falhled from hor In. jjurii.'*;, but i)r. Bjow ii soon brought l:er back to consciousness and gave her ot.her nccessaiy rare/

Mrs. W illiam JO. Strong liappene.l fc) he passing in her carriage. ‘ Slie took the young ladies to t heir home.

Dr. PnuJ Kimball of Sea Bright was called in, and a (Ter ti careful examination declared Miss MeCook out of daiiger,iiiueh to the relief of the fam ily."

Mlss^Susjm McCook is the eldest; daugh­ter »»f Colonel’ McCook." She is a heaut iful girl of Liu years. She is without doubt I lie most ’popular young lady at Sea Bright this summer. She has traveled extensively on the continent, aiul while at Moscow at the corojinthin of the e/.ar attracted a great deal of attenf ion, one of .her chief admir­ers being no less a personage than id I fung Chang. *■ Colonel McCook pin! Ids family occupy

one of the haildsomest places on the Hum- son. hlulT. The family is yiio «if the first to arrivifat. Sea Bright and it remains until He in thi! fall. X jj boating party, lunch­

eon or dinner is considered complete with­in t Miss McCook.

SCHLATTER'S EXITTrouble W ith Manager. Morris Over A«t-

. vcrtirthig l-'mls in Ascribed{Heat­er’s DlNiuiifmit * .

Schlat ter, the aiIcgcil liealer, w ill not be likely to make.his scheduled qpjHSiranceat the Park Opem House tomorrow, or any it her day, as Maimgcr W illiam Morris

and he have parted company.There was some trouble over advertis­

ing, the expense of which Schlatter de­sired Mr. Morris* to’ assume. This was not according to agreement, and he of thi.\Vuhderful healing power, yesterday col­lected his advert iM'inents displayed abouttown. .Mr. Moms’ savs .that a“Tew days siiiee he Uist‘overed that a person aiiswer- ing to Sell la tier’s description was ;tn im­poster and had been egged out-of one bowh and dismissed from others.

LOCAL HAPPENINGS• Asbury Park soeinH to he ;i storin cunt re.

P iiu l Pinches of thlfTcll.v is a visitor in New York and Jli’ooklyn for several days.

Timmas Hancock of Wesl-Purlc fell from his wheel yesleixlay and H-vi-rely bruised ids shoidde.r. 1 ,

Tln*i:e w ill He Ho -evening ‘services what- aver iii St. J ’a i l l ’s M.*. K. ehunji, Ocean Drove, until Sept. U. . »

A lO ’iil Culiherly, Tvjfch liis family,’are now located at their Htiiinner cottage in this city, nt.-KKI Scwall aycnue."

Bov. J). John IjovcvJ1-'* .“E this city; w ill preach In the (irand Avciiue Befonned cluirch (oiiiorrow morning and evening.*.

Mrs. Clement B. Ponfbse and Mi*, and .Mrs. Slcnhrii I i i i ic s arc visltors-at the home.of Ite.v. and Mrs. H. F.* I lines, Avon- hy-lheSiva: ’ . . .

rin lf holiday excursion, fnim Newark w ill come t'o this city today, as w ill tilsu The 'Plant KmployeosV assieialion of (he .Siibie-city,. ; , . • - ;

Miss Marguerite Towner, who during, (lie past- winter has beon reshiiiigVif-h rel; atives in'.New York. is Htaving ai" I/yrhoi 1 m in this cil v for some time, . . ,

•Mrs.-Snuinel D, Brown -of Philadelphia, daughter of Police ‘Justice John A. Bur­den, Is ji. pleasant visitor af ‘liis home in Oeean drove for the. sumim*r;

Mrs. M l lights, wife of Dr.. .Mfngin , is i l l ’ at their summer home, Sea (‘MIT, h. I a n d the doctor was summon* d i.> Ids wile’s bedside. lie w ill rcturli and preach In t he beach auilitorj.ilm tomorrow night.

BEACH BREATHINGSThe Nets and Their (hitoh—Sonic IWg'l-'jHh

A Uumb-ed years ago‘or >o. DeaYi ,< vil(. «»W: ,

“The reason why so fe\v marriages are happy is because young he Mrs spend their time in- making nets,-hot In making cages.*’

Tn thusc days the assortioiiHcould more aptly lie np)»Hed to a class uf men, often •s«M*n at our seaside resorts. They eoullnii- ally spread their nets for the Unwary girt,• •veil heforn they ha VO tlio* cage to keep her, and she Is expected to heroine a happy prlsonifr and actually to sing like a bird with delight, jis qnly a- lmppy bird, like a happy bride, can, tliougji hot li cjgrcd. Did you'over sco a fish that was not eoiilcnb in .1 net while pci'mlttixl to.swliu in Ids native element? And it Is so with ihe girl. ,Vivc. .her hall" a*shnw and sho w ill be found-all /right, and all w ill be jus happyais a mar- ringo hell. Tonehlng the sulqeet of nets reminds us that sonio rather big tlsh aiv being caught here tills season. Kvery day brings some new recoixl of this. - Thu llslt are also quite plentiful. Yesterday, big haul?: were made by guests (>n the Kiiiiiu i B., as wo have elsewhoro ttdd. ,


Mayor Ten Itrocck Seating. HccogiilttoU Iii Wcrttcrn Tliim Tables of l*oimsyI-

vitiiju Company.Thniiigli the energy of Mayor-Frank 1

Teh Broeck* and the kindness of Thomas Purdy and (Jol. F. N._Barksdale of (he Pirtiusyl vania Bail road company, the in formathm as to how Asbury 1’ark" may he reached a'nd hy what trains has. been in- scried in all the papers in which t he great 1‘idlrond company advertises west of PniTa- delpjda..

For some days past Mr. Ten Tlrotrck lias Jiecn in com mu ideation with thp railroad­men. This morning the fruits of his ef­forts were scon in. tillin' pi*oof sheets of time tabligvto be ‘inserted in Pittsburg, Washington 'and Baltimore ^newspapers sent him hy the rnilniiid otlieials. 1 In the former eilv two trains are a invert ised, one at 7.b"i a. m. (limited) on weekdays anil b.’.itrp. m. daily; From Washington pas setigers 11 iay leave at 11..7) p. m. daily and S.l.'i and J I.no a. 111. and p*. m. w»vk-days. (I*rains from Babimoiv leave at l.DS n, rn. daily anil P. 15 a^m: ILM).*, .aial 1. Hi p. in. weekdays. - \ ’

WIFE WANTS ALIMONY.11 rs. IVf er .INibutfl of Itnnllcy Ihraiji Cone

I 'jii 'iu »»l* 11 usImmUii i t r i i u i l i iy a iu l Jslirt CoiirFrt Ai.l.

Papers vfM’u serv«;d recently on J’eli-r A. Poland of "Bradley Beach in an action for counsel fct tj ami alimony brought hyhls wife, ‘liticiuda* A,'-INj/Imj. Mrs. Pol.ny^,

her b ill of. complaint, a I leges that- her husband' by his brutal treatment of her has com pel led her, to leave licr home. She dlcgcs hi! has oflcn threatened her life while under thi! influence of liquor and llmti he repeatedly .and without cause,' heats and ill-treats her.

Arguments "will he'made hi*foiv Vice Chancellor Stevens at. Newark on Tuesday. Counselor CliaiTcs K. Cook rep reset its the complainant iiud Aaron 10. Johnsloti of Freehold thedefcmlJitd.


laKhlning and l.oglc.Tl must have been riitlier amusing to

some of our n^ulOrs to wad in one column of yesterday's PRESS o f»the places si ruck by lightning, and-in our Beach Breath­ings the article to show how absurd it whsto lie aftTdd, as ■sonic people'were. Birr nevertheless if our readers w ill follow tin t*4v4 r-tlm y w i l l b e l t o r e n j o y t h e l i *-

Work W ill Iteghi 011 (he Miilii.**tt1fe7?K| : Stjaiclun* Over Ucal La to* on Mon- ilay”^Vill Hi* CloHcil Three Days.

On Monday tin? work of .(•efdtinking the Main street bridge over Deal lake* w ill be begun by the county board of freeholders. Several days w ill be oiauipied by the task*, during which time Hie 'bridge w ill l.r eloseit t o trallic.• The \york has been considerably delayed

hy the nonniTival of IheTumhcr which win ordered two mouths ago hut was hot re­ceived until yesterday. The cost w ill l«* between $7uo and $l,tHH).

The next. mci«l tiqr nf J hi* froiJuvlili i-wiil

E4 ,0 0 0 Leading Chinese C itize n '

Have Been K ille d ,

J A P A N SENDS 19,00 0 TROOPS(II her piHj»al.cln!s' Sajr That‘the- Legal ions .Arc Utiil Slanding—The. Uhiur.se lj»«i g,(J0 0 in liiile tl attil Wiliimteil Whlh Atlaehiug Ui;kin—.Mori; Tliittulcr (Storms A rc ■ I'rojiiJsetl for Ttiaighl.^liJiiighai/Fafui tlay.— Pnjici* Clung says

rhc-rc. an* 110 Icgiitimc. .and no foreigners ;«t Pckiii, and it. is now furl her reported Dial Prim i* Tuan’s Initcrhci ing was appalling,

tl.l- i-S Hlyb’d'that J,(KHi.Ic:i1tliiig Chinese eitj- zeiis wci‘c.killcd*.wiK» pcHtio;icd tlqit lives of foreigners lie >p:uyd. *


The Chinese Itnrm-d Itrltlsh I.cgation.pl rrh in and A ll (ho Oreii|niijl<t.

♦ hanglnu, Fjiturday.---The British con­sul hciv assures the correspondent of ihis a-isiicialion <dlicially, that all foi'cigucrs in Pekin have bc**h massacred. The Ku.-sinu Chinese hank rcccivcjJ a r<*j»ort from (Uicc- foo confirming I he rcjiort- of Tin* burning orrhc British b'gation, togcllier with.all. the 6 ccnj»aitts. . •

Says Legations Ave Aliye. * Washington, Faturday. — A despatch

from Hood now ,• consul general atShanghai, avjis posted sit the’ state dcpart- iminl. this morning which said that. I Ilf legations Were still standing and dial the “ Boxers,’* after 'several unsuccessful at!neks, seemed disposed lo-mlopt starva- Hun methtrtls.

Uo.Mirrt ".L iihh ",000. /-••••f .milon, JNiturdayn—A dispa|ch nrceived

hciv says Chinese tro:q»s, who have been at-laeking Pi*U‘m, have lost :.‘.nqp.killtpl and wounded, including “ Boxer" lender.'.

Nineteen Thotfmind ft|m*« Troops for China* Vdkohoma, Sat urday.—The government

has decided to send lUjiiHiaihlitioiuiltroopsto China forthwith.t . ____

Tin* Weather.Washington, Saturday..—‘Showers.atid

thunder • storms toiiighC Sunday IT-i*sh, brisk southwesterly winds.


bo held on.. Wed 1 icsdn,t;Jit Freehold. A ll hills to In; considered hy the lioanrmust-.lw

utll iolis FreaTl of I lie Licet iTcat ‘Uirrron nt Home of «)ames‘ Brndiier. 1

R i i a l E s t a t e "M-

I n s u r a n c e



M o r t g a g e s


- AND-

LiMonmoulh Ku!l(llop, Asbnry Park.W. J.


...$100,000.. . . . . . . 2 5 ,0 0 0 .

Executes nil trusts known lo the lnw,Lonnn money ou bond nml tnorlk««e.Receives deposits .subject to check and nllows

Interest on dfdly imlnnces.Acts »?Tfriistee, Kegistrar aiid Trauafor Agent. Enys coupons.Makes demand and lime lonns on approved collateral.Bute deposit vaults.

A. ,C. t w i n i n g , Fres*dent.G. 0 . M. IIAKVHV: VlcePicsldent.

K. A. TD8T1NG, Beerclary.U. C. CORNltLLi,Treasurer.

DIRKCTORS:t). IL Urovrn, f. II. huchunon, f>. C. Cornell,.\V. J. Harr I son.C o k G , ll. M. H arv ey , iSeorge K. Kroeh)Hruce 8 . Keutor. M. D.,


G, D.-W. Vrooti),

R. A. T u s tin g ,Henry Mitchell, M. I). John P. O’BHen.Perry R. Smith,S. A. Pnttemon,A. (J, Twining, .Jf. H. Vreeland,

A trial will convince you that we have

• T he N ea te s t

T he Best

Oil Prospect Avcuxun, West Asbury Park. A seven room house with barn; W ill exclwmgo tspjily fur lot free t>C muaimbraneo on Wesh Fifth or Blxtii Avenues :

Is displayed by (ho marrhigrCoifThursday rveningr^f-DVfrhoUd gur sts-br litis city;—

Mrs. Kmina Tyler of Norwielj, C-ojui., and I)r..J. J. .lohn.'on uf Heading, Pa.,' guests at.' tlit! lMerivpniit, \vi*n< iinit<*(I In uTTiVriiige at"* the Coluiiumle hotel, New

1‘ly,; by Bqv. -rhr-l-t-r DntltV, Qll;. ly|>isrup;H: julnir.lerof that <*Uv. Mrs. A. W. Knlsiry,



pmprietbr of the led el, ami two gue.st s, 1 )t\ Oscar IjViiett, and bnuhei;, Viueeid Byunit, 110111 of. New York, witnessed th<* eej’e- mony.. ,

If you havo proporty that.yuu would Ulco to oxehatige or sell loavo

The couple went, jlrsl. to Philadelphia ind after a short- time spent in the ((ii;iki*r City w ill visit the home of the brlde.at Norwich. Tlu»y w ill In let-make a t rin to..

Tonight, K lo IOj Aslmry Avelioe. * Ail* A merlon it.”

Maveh-—“ Man Behind the Huns’’ Sousa(’mule Mat*eh—-‘ -WhistIbig Uufus’’...Mills Overt ur«*-r*_‘Nighl-Wsimlerer’’... V. Moskali Medley Selectjon~l,A Night OIF’..DeWitt

Md. t^uinn w ill - apphar us sleigh liells soloist, aeeouipamed hy . orelu'St-Jii. Mr. l^uimi .was soloist. wlthMkut HjhItrey’s Boyal Hivnadier* band - at. Boitrmouth, K)iufWils» soloist for p.* years In St. James

njotini here. Heiiufmlier, that. Jibove.tlu in rghTtUsf-stonn"— t irr-tvr" is—tr ~i i itgli fief power, to protect, iiml that, even He will not* l.ijinsgn*ss (he laws of tin* 11 til verse amply to hit you with u stroke pf light- :iiiig", '“This may st*eni to siiiue lik»i \\hist liiig wnilegoiTTg througl) a graveyard to keep up one’s confage. But even that is


better than giving away to one’s I’eai's so umvasonahly. * Ju ly i.^.alxiut the^worM- month uf the year for such st<»nns, and yet, throughout the entire United States ill a. ptjpulatlon of uu hki.-imMI, only some l :.".) wen? struck last- year, and nearly all of those ware in (he rollntry, and were priii

14mlly. fairmerrtJ . . _ _

presented on or hefori! Monday.-------- T |fli t-j lr lilge'Tol l^liiTt y— —

“ Hespeeling the‘ bridgt! toll Jitaller,'to which we gave space last week, editorial­ly, "0 1:r understanding was, and still is. that I he Deea iT H rove j 1 ssoeia 11«m~TiTTc I" .Mr. .lames -A.; Brad ley weivn unit in enforcing the collect ion of the penny toll. M l’. Bradley, through an Aslpiry Park .pa.pi,r, asks whenj^wy ohtaiiutil-tlij: intelligemx* giveii-iu oiiFpnper last week. Iyu* further pnrtieulars the 'I’imes refers Mr. Br.utlry to-Mr. T*. J. Preston. ANT* may add,, how* eyrr, tlui I if tlie ’I’iim's. was wrung in any. pari iedlai; in its sta.lements last. week, we wiJl Jir ‘J,m1 .in m;Uu; l.imaiunulr hnnur-

T’he house, of Janies Brad jut, Ocean 'I r;Ifjrii nil "f.’elT tral mn 'spj Jrnd ley" I iixu-liTwas struck aml eonsidcmbly damaged hy. light ifing last nighl. The holt- struck Ihe chimney, toppling it over, and descended" the "line" "ihbT t he 'fo f iiaei*," Vvliieir was al.-i ► damagLik Tin* falling ehimuey crii.'hed a hol^ynrrlieTuor and lltniugh this the rain poui'ud, causing inore loss. A baby which lay in ojie-of tlie rnouis traversed hy I lie lightning, was almost coal black when picked up. but. was .otherwise all right 21 ml soon recovered its natural color..

T he M ost R e lia b le


Wo e.u ry uv<jryl.tiim;yii); )>□ rouua in a Well stOi'tHKl sloreof tills IcillU.


5,D 00 N ovels a t 10c


226 M A IN . S T R E E T ,Asbury I'ark,

“M A R Y ’S D IL E M M AMary, Mjqy, qultu cuhtnfry, Sulb iing aches and pains; ' All the trouble I hat you havo hi ’eaiiM* your eyes you strain.. < Jot a piiir ef t ;hiM<es,..Fitted pool and I ruts'You never will ho h qq»y Mjiry, till ydiido.

— ,A' largo pi'upon Ion of he;tfiaeho, nervous" nevH^hysterjp aad itisonmia'is n.iustd .by uyusl rdhi. Thu rumuyaL ol'-thu cause ef- feels a punnauunt cure. _________

Willard C , Wiseman* ’ *' O R A D IJ A T B 0I*T IC IA N

Asbury P a rk O p tica l Pa r lo r,

6 0 3 C o o k m a n A v o n u o .

C o r . K m o r y B t r e o t . ' • ' . ' •

( Bapltal S50;000, *uW0ntT 550,000

A sk ry Park and Ocean GroveB A T S f K

Corner lytaUlson Ave. atid Main St., ; A SBU R Y P A R K . N. J .

' Corner Main Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN C1ROVE.

U E W llY 0 . W lN r tO n , l ’rtwld<mt. ,QKO. W , E V A N S , V loa-rrra i-Jeiit.

ED M O N D K. DA YTON; Oiinlilor 'JESSE WINOT,-Aaab(Uint Ci^lilsi

-D IliEQ TO IU i: - -r> niiim Ai-n.iiuv un. j. A. v.ittTuiox,N. K. IIUOHANON JQJJN UUDDA1UJ

: a U. OLAVTON * ‘ LEWIS RAJNBARu b o . y r , k v a m . ob o; vr, t « « a t1 «. JBliaU80N AMOB.TILTON1/

' ' HBNRT 0. WIN30B

A ccou n ts R c sp e o tfu lly S o llo ltod* ,. Safo D epo s it .B o xed to Rontu / *W e Issue ^o ro lg n p ra fts and Let- e rs o f C r e d it .

F.nrope, returning next bill.

\ « l -


Tiiylor Nays They Arc the Grcdlcsl vertiHcrs of the Ceiitury.,

Kditor Flunk M. Taylor of the Hung Brrueh HctMinl .Is 11 great jidmirei* Of. a\s- Imry Park 21 ud its hustling founder, lie cspecliiljy itdmireS the unique .niHhods_l>y wbi^U-Asbury-lkirk-iK-jidvvaMjM'd-nnd-nt- leiupls b> predlut wluit the next sitheiiH* w*ul-b«*. lb* generously, helps our adver­tising scheme along in the following,p2ira-

' ‘."lames A . I tudley ia^-Jiut lost any* < 1 f his ohl-lime fficnlty of Keeping Asbury Park* well rcprcsonfe*i in /he eby juper*. Brail ley :iml lkirnnm w ill be known in JilaLur.V-jis.t.In; must am

<) v»• r111 t o — *Cieins of Scot hi ltd1” ....Ctt val i nI Medley March-“ Irish Bag j'iine’’ B. Becker

Introducing Oriental Ctfi/.y Psiteh. AYalty.5—“ A Bird in "a* t.lilded Cjige”

An .Ktliiop’um Mip’di Unis’’ Maurice Levy h’yom “ Bogcr Bros, in Wall St.” *

America." “ Home, Sweet Home.”Sunday, K to It), — Filth Avenue.

American Hcpublic Mareh’*— ..Donizelto From Oper;i “ Luchi'di Lumnmnnoor.”

D.vurI-it r t ‘ * Der ’I'j 1 in I>01 ir der (121 rde,* ’Jvyjiiii-llann _l:’t h _ .Ma'ss ...Mozaii:t > vert n rc — Li g h 1 Oa vj 1 b*,v" ...... S11 p pecicct ion --“ Ibdilti I iViod” J)e Koven

Hornet Solo—Selected.......Joseph OuwsoiiIntermezzo—“ Loin dn I h ill’*...........l »ilh*tOvertiiiv-r“ Moi*iiiiig, Noon .‘ind Night in

Vicuna.’’ ; ____Si»(!fed Mel01 lies..; .*. .•..SankeyDoxohigy Home, Swi*et Home

The Advaatage of Helng Here.People safely here have a right, to t-mi-

gratnljile Iheniselyes when reading of the ’beat of otljer phtee.s. ! t was vei*.v hot. here, is elsewhere,*lmt 111.• ocean was eoulaml the I i;i Hi ers wen* many who laughed at the licrit- while making themselves’ whatever tcn 1 pr 1*21 l-ure pleased them best. It W2isa ll im al Icrhf taste.—In-NY* w-York it-wvis-l he hut (esr.Tu1y"') sinr,e'r>'.»rr(lurthermoineler record ] hi'ing.tm. 1, while the maximum htimhlity \Viis'.10,21 ad it was worse in oilier }»l;ici!s. .So wi? did lai.riy well.

able.”—Oeejin Uiuvu/l’imes. .This paper was chosen .by Mr. .Bradley

to ruseii 1 .the imputation jigjiinst him, in Ihe matter referivd b,». The Times, of course, not intending iiny alVront, 21s the. article above sets forth."



iif.nl :ulviNEW HOME.OF REST No Mdrstiert Ivvist Near tlio Tivia Gili**s

to Freed the IV*I ' — Other HesorlS

this i^aiillr.v has produced, liasi week Ihe. "papers wi-re 21II telling how Mr. Biutlle.v tunn;tl on a . search light, to interrupt-, t he diversions--of--thn—Inxtch •spooiiet>'“ *il’his week they my telling how hedropsa n‘u:k!e iii tho slot, and punches a bag for exercise. Next wfek we shall probably hear that- he has procured ji red aiul green .striped^billy goat-to swim on Us Ixick in a..tank on the i*nd of Hat drilling pier,” ' . ^

Well Known It Id 1 tig Instructor liere;.Mi*. M ’ldey, "the w ell. known riding

li*aeher of Durland’s* Hiding academy, Fifty-nlid’ll street, New Yiirk, is a guest at the Royal hotel in this bit-y. He w ill ac- ^Tinriew 1 Tifp’lm n s tru e t. In tITe TTrl of horsenjuiiship while here. Henry Stein- bach, Mr. Muhr of Klglitli avenuo Jind Clari'iiei! S. Steiner are among Ills, pupils.

.Sumption W ill Hearing.Thu hearing In thu-Sampson wfll contest

t)c?fore Counselor James j). Carton, w ill be held, on Monday at 11 a. in. in Lawyer Car bin’s -ojlices. Dr. fsamuul, Johnson, ^Irs. AVilJjnm l l l l l of Ocean drove, w it­nesses to the document, and others w ill be jLsmuJjmL —

. Bathing Costume Not Icq.Do not go*through the streets in imt-hbig

costumo.M. It isu02ir.se and vulgar and Is In violation of thif city oixliimnce. (|’d-(L‘-d:5

Tlio Miracle I'lctutc. .Tho womlrouHly lnmtnous jiictnro of

Christ, .entitled.,“ In the Shadow of tlie Cross,"Jh_how_ou. exhibition at Fourth jivnmio jind Kingsley-streot, ljutweun tho •hours of i) a. m. andj l l p. in. ,Scientistsand Others have boon unable to discover

FourciHjf-Hio-mysterhnw-HgbHvhicli-renders the picture visiblo.in total * dat;k ness; or explain tho shadow of the cross whiyh appt'ars hi tlu» bjickgixntiul. Adtnls siou for adults 15 cents, cHildrOn 10 cents." L..U10-«J • .

l-’tii* Salvatioif Army DftJeors Opened Whit Apprnpi'tale Mervlce.s at Itel-

.....................n i i i r Y e s io n h iy . .

“ I merest i ng exercises were hehl_ ln ■ con-- neelhni with the opening of the Home of Best, for J he S.alvnlam Army oflieers at. ijelfh:tr yi!.st**rday. /f

l'herd wore numerous well known speakers nnd music wiis furnished hy the National Headquarters* orchestra, a body of select musicians. • „ -• —

(jol. Kdwaixl Higgins made the opening speech aiul was. followed with brief mb dresses'by Brigadiers Miles and - Hicks. Brigadier Mel ntyre was a gue.st at tlie cel,- ■ulmHJmi •

Not No lligbt.v"Fifvoriol,\ ;<ui*sl- ;tt-one of I he proiipnent hoii*L

of (Jeeaa drove was «•*inverting a few d;i.vs_ agowhh otiier.s_ivganiing the virtues ol*

rlain seaside resort-.. The subject- of litosquiios (liijilly cju'iu- up,-when the gen­tleman declared that D'-‘! (»ntlre alienee of that mm pest from As)any Park and Oeeiui drove meant an addition ok thousands of vlsilois annually to tin* twin triti«?s. lie declared that while the mosquito is a pest to almost a ll other seaside resorts the.-e two are entirely free from it. »

'J’he absence of Aaosquitos here is due. to the fact that (here tire no marshes near us to breed them. •

ttus.'- W l‘«:i:Ucil—Vcs»cI,._«l,_W.- 1’ii.y,. *m Wldr.h Alv. IWaiHcy- Yi^tcrltjty

IMuccil 2t Lantern.A r e v e n u e e u l.te V w e n t d i'iw n t h i s 2il*ter-

n ii-t ii t o w a r d tin * w r e c k of t h e . I . \ \ ' . ,J ; ’p x . o n w h i e i i M r . B r a d le y y e s t e r d a y p la c e d 21 I iii h i-, t o W iim o t.|ier .v e ." ieh -i in t h e v i e i t i i l v;i 1*1 i*l* «l;i

M r . I>i*2i d l e y ’s a e i i o n w a s p u b l i s h e d in t h e lo e : t ) p;ij.*i*rs a n d a l s o in . t h e X<*W Y o r kp n p r n m l —r h i^ rn Tnm r n g ; - r m d i t! t i i. i t. w ; i v

l ia s tIfa T lT lle 'ss" e ih iie t »—f l i e “ jTo! i c e - i"»f- ( l i e j A u y o r n in e n l o ll ic it il.- ., w h o . i m v e p r o m p t l y

t u n e h e r e t o d o . whaJ.e.Vel* i s n e c e s s a r y l i t

Hark Ilumia a ml Ftiiiiily Are to Occupy tin: Frank Hu Mtirpliy t*«tl:ige at

l Jlleron Tttis Sn in liter,M;»rk Htiiiua and his f;itnily tin*.to arrive

at KllieronMuly *.’(i,aml w ill occupy I**raid.- lin Murphy’s iiiind.somu collage until rypi- L Mr.•Murphy has gone to (lie'Ptiris exposition :is one of. the Amerieaii emu- tiussiotiers. iL.was during tin*. Hrpublhxin

inviMitioiratr-Philadelphia that Mr. Mur-'.fTT

Stationer Newsdealer, C o r. BoikJ S t. and M altisoii A y c .

Ilijfli Grade Fishing TackleRepairing oil ltoilH nnd

C 1 G A H S 1 A N D T O B A C C O

phy tendered 1 lie ns I l;iMH2i.

••Mlavitlo Mr,

T r o o p s O r d e r e d F r o m C o l in .-1Ijiyaiiji.. July T.—Ali!it:iry (idvenmr

Wood luts is su’d I orders lo lln* depai' men is Jo h:iv»» the Seennd. l**i 1*1 Ii snyl 1‘liehth infantj'.y Jfgimeiil.' iT.nly h2ii;k:iljoii :is soon 21s trnaxpori-Hrfi

for I'tn- . sluill 111-

-*ljie- lilsh tll Ls

tIii*"JfiiiHer. * ' " .....

A Mo.ticule at flic Arlington.1 .5is|. evening the1 guests of the Arling­

ton hotel, Ocean drove, uud friends, were’ highly.entertained at. a. musieale given by Miss Bertha Millar, the 'J-yeir-uUl tjiuigb- f.Tof the proprietor, who :icquit-te"dJierself most, creditably-, in fact making-a giViit; hit. .* . ... ■ -

prrrn tently rreirriy i lo w r i iV i(“ ii77s- u**t' l i .v tY 's i i l 'i r p ru d . w h i le tin* Second and** f ifth have been divided among' varinus di>l riet< 'I’hree eoiiipiiuies of—(la!—Ti*»l!»—regiiueiit-TWiU “proceed—Io Morro_ eiistje at Santiago to relieve the Fifth. whiTT* troops <jt* the Hightii cavalry Will rel’u-ve the eoiiqi;iuie.s of- the 'Fifth ' stationed at dnniibimnuo and Sagiui tie Tamimo. IkirnciKi will he ridinqiiisliet] as a militaiy post. A--coinpatiy t*f the TiYuUr will relieve (In.* Second sit Trinidad.

Nce\v*i<hmti-2t .1 essAS. (’I

The.liume is at Fifth avenue and F street and is a cumforliiblecottagenf 2 1.rooms. It Is known as the Maple Shade. Already tlicry.ai*u 85 ulliuiT.s rccupuratlng lliciv. 1 1: w ill be open sill tlio year.


; tr t o r f o r - F a glue ( l o u s e W o r k , layton. wlio laid Ihe eijjitnicl

Tn ivhan-Ii a ml t nTTTITF walls ol fiTe .Mat TF1

Dril<*reil to Cliinn.Washinglott, July. 7.— ,Major William

.1. Siophensnjv. assist am surgeon, lists lieeh ordered |o proceed via Ksia Franeis- ro and Miinihi to 'Takii, (MiTiist; aiul p*-

I'tMhevinan Atkins G a i e t i e s G o ld F i s h ,

Although Proprietor C. A.-AtkluHof the Ocean liufel is a redoubtable ilsherijmn he has done but lit tle angling, this summer Yesterday, ho.wcvur, lie came holao wltli three catches V>4iis credit of, unusual size Iliat- is. mmsupDy. stpail.__Tlnjv, were, a

,. . A n d r e w C ix ip o r . *.Andrew, Ihe infant son. of Charles and

Carrie t/oqper (d* Bindley Bench, died last night, of cholera infantum. Thu funeral exercises w ill be held at the house, on New­ark iiVeiiuo, Monday siftcriionii at I o’clock. Interment in W all township. .

son avenue engine house, has given, notice Unit, liecannot-finish t lie work sit the llg- ntv named, nml W illiam Hirst w ill take the work at (he original contract price of >sn. It-will be Hiiled in blue, and^work w ilt begin Monday. . ,

CluifTee, eoinnijindiiig the Huited States' forces tit or uesir that place, for jiss’iga jjient to duty. ' • v . ..

m.r Hctlrcrt 'I'roin Fxutnliicrs* Hoard Dr. George F. W ilbur of th isc iiy . a

trio* of gold (Ish ili a ghiks bowl which were hot liuokiid but 1 eg it it t m t el y^pn ivh ascd. They ivcru. presented to Master Chester1 Twining, who hntl expressed a lik ing for the Bright liltJe fellows. 1 *.

cSumluy Mindu a}. Uuptlrtt Cliurcli., Tliuro w illibc siHjclal music tomorrow of an .excellent eliaiYicter at the First- Baptist church. M jiIo. Ogdoit-Crano has arranged a ladies’ chorus nnd one of the selections it Avlll—fiing-4s—LJoCJidj—Kindly—LlghtrU—I>y-

TnenTTier 01 I37e simeTiinirn prUfudvnrTTX aminers for five years*atul at one timeUTT president; has ret i red from that body. 1 )r. John W. Bennett of Lohg Branch lias been appointed i’ii his jdacc. C. .11. Treat df“"A‘slmry- l?nrk aiid :John K. Wolherhy wero liccnsnl 11s surge,011s and physicians hy-tlui board, y

' I'oHtolltcb Open Tomorrow. • n'lie gi'inwal delivery, stanqiand chtriers'

del i vcr.v w i 1 ah iws of t lie 1 n isf ofllee w til he open tomorrow and 011 every Sunday throughout the' sum nun-, between . tjic 'liTiTn TA l-.'.rjd ajul p. 1)1. '

llot-r 1'hivoy.H Tn Far In.' ‘Paris, July 7.—Messrs. Wessels, Fiscli- cr and Wphmiran.s arrived 'in'* Ihiri.s—hist evening, Tliey wcj-i* met at. the.station by the presiibmt of Ihe immioipal .coun­cil aiul several .senators, who, invited them lo lie present "at 21 reception to lie given at the Hold, do Yille on Tuesday next. . ' ’ "•

> g ry

A Icw Choice Flats ■ •*. SHU for rent in Ke.itor block, .Mattison awniiv,' amb in* mnv Cookman avenue block.. A ll uioderii eouyenUuieert. Ren*- 8 in to?L’0 Ap'plyJo owner or agdtits. 7." I

R ksuuk M ission, ill South Main street, opposite Ocea ii G rove gat os. G . XV.G uyer, superintendent. Sumhiy-Fchnol. aiid Mrs

Pease. Mjno. Crnnp will/i'ender a soprano solo tmtitled, “ Tho Loixl is My Light.” .

Kpntiofc-ine cures mdlgosfclon,

l l in ’s Bible class at' 2 p. m; Kvening meeting at 7.45; song aiul testimony ser­vice; Miss Mary Ikivlson of Ocean Grove w ill speak ■ . ■

Frank IT. Tuhbs of New York, tlie vocal teacher, edilor'Tif Muslt! Life and voixil ed­itor of tlie Musician, w ill Ik? iilcascil to re­ed vo wills nt his house, JJ0S Spier avenue, Allenhui'st, during Ju ly and August. ---- :— :--------- I------—

* “ I despise'a porsVui who whistIl*s,V said Mr. Bl.vkins. “ We have one in our office, ;uid lie worries me ji I most to dealli.”

*TIaven’t.you an ear for tuusieV.”“O f cqitrse I lutvj*. There’s tlu> (llflj-

rnlty.’ Whencverrr h:ippea-to-be whis­tling to inysdf, he .iijv2iruihjy takes‘tip ; he .same time mul* drowns ino out.”-— AVitishiugtonlStur.

Rgnnet-lno curds ind igestion

- • T h e y D o n ’t S p u n k N o w . * ” Wlien I marry,” said the yoting wo-

nmn .of advanceU ideas, ‘TI simII insistX-Read The D a i l y Press.

upon my jmslmml tnking tuy name “ I- (Would, too,” replied, the dmnllro

youiig- woman promptly,* “ if I. expected |q .get 'that soft of ’ q imiu.” - v' '* S*'

htumrt -Kuy“Wont ntvHlot*i«*RUtrClKiUB anU all- i - . Hau*lu*rH* ArHcles.Tho boftL eiqjir that 5 evulrt can buy,

I 1; ^ T -n i;R 6 47 1 -2:}• i • Cookm an A v o n u o

r i m f f n t r

We refer to your selecting your We givefyou the_"own' eyeglasses.'

benefit pf a life time's experigncc,- charge you nothing for examination ancTfully guarajuee_thcicnses7Headache and Neuralgia^- Quickly

RelieT.ed. ,\

STILES & CO._ U l i l l a t l e h j h la E y o S o o c la l ls t a ] \

A t 2 2 3 M a i n S t r e e t e v e r y F r i d a y . H o u r s : II t o 1 p : m . , ' 5 t o 5 » . t n .

F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n kOF A5BCIRY PARK

Mattison. Avenue and Bond Street

Between Vostoffice qnd Ue|K)t

O R Q A t ilZ E D P E B R U A R Y . lM f c

. ■ oKF ioE ita;OKOKOE V. KIIOKHL, FrenlQout O,. rt. liltOWN, 1st Vico l ’resldout M. L. PAMMAN. and Vico 1’rWjldc.ut — - M. H. SCOTT, Cautiler,

P a t r o n a ’ v a lu a b le s r e o e t v e d f o r safe k e e p in g f r e e o f o h a r s e . ■ /

F o r e ig n e x c h a n g e b o u g h t and s o ld TOrtBtJttonBisrowmtlirffiOKh^VOTeagea-





T h e D a i l y P r e s sto till' t-m-Ct lIiM ’ tlie'Hrttlen IdKiitlmi 111i ’pfciiiK* iv ili In llmiH'H. li'ftiM are uhter- liiini’il Wtmt tlm. forafen ministers have iiei-li lmntHIR'fdili Tlio. cull if«.Prenoli Culo-,>y Inis'Ik’d I'l'nni Tinig-.oltnw. Till' mis- tion slulio'n' tlimi' lms lu-i-n converted in­ti a littlo fori. The Hokiio ful'IS Oil the Clinton river lmve hooit re-on forced liy 0,111 lll:vir.-i;omil soldiers.

*• Yii-i-i-u.v I.j lltiBf: tllmiiK issued n ni:nc- Ituiniiiiill lliis nidrniiifr which rends:'

!•' ‘Ky iiii|M-ri;i! ordei-s people nnd prop­erty are to In* prnlreti'd. Troubles between unlives nnd unlive ennverls me to lie |jre- vented, titiiyters nf nny npiisiiiKS tire to lie nt otii-e Indmndeil. Those jipreiidjni: .fnlse riitnnrs will lie arrested and so‘- vevely^punislieii/. *

-'Whi-h'S.-ih- e.-ieeutinns of I’oxbrs, |ii- i ntrs mol nt her eriininnls " ill surely fnl- ;ln\v thnt pt-oelnuinfinli.' It is believed thnt' the viri'i'ny's decisive ml inn, which hns. been taken nt tlm inslhiice of the Amer- iitnnTiinsul.'- Mr. .MeWnde, will .inllneijvo- ihe rehelllmis.governors in-the north inf.-iver nt; fnreinnersJT . . .

Cor onaed Idas, o f O0 .'n ln irEven t. fo r * Q u ic k Reference. , ‘

Saturday. July 14—Comer‘stono laying of now M. 12. church at JBrtulloy Uottuli, 4 p. m. ,

Monday, July. (0—Cor.cort' umlnr manapo- tnont of Mrs. Hurry Umlorwooil, hy luettl nnd forelpn tHlout.

,7 nly it—Hirst. Pros, clmrc.li,.Newark “ IP—p’irsl. Ilnp. clnirch; I’ lalofiold

• “ 14— H a l t h o l i d a y , N e w a r kIS -Y , j)I.’ O, A., NoWiuk

11 111—First 1 ’ les. cluireh, 1 'ItilnHold ■ “ 111—Irvington M. 12;luhu.i-eh, Newark

“ 21—Half holiday, Newark “ 2 1—First. lief, ehitroh, Somervillo

i’ll—Trin ity Kef: chtircli, Plninlleld “ 2tl—Pros, church, Wostlhdd .“ 2’ti—tsiunmerlleld M. 12. eldtrch .S. I.“ 2.S-HuU holiday,'Ncwm'k

A tip. 1—Wash. Tompleijr Honor, Oranpe -«-' »—Jl. },’. uh'urcli, Plu ililleW “ 2— Ksse.v i.oilpe, Newark

Aup. I j- lin if liolidtiy, .Ve.wnrkx p - C l n r k s O. N. T „ Nrnvai-k " "

‘If ti—lih-bunl.sou's lien. Assn.,Newark “ 7—Presli.vtertaji h’hnreli; West Held “ s—Orphan Asyimn, h.llzahetli “ ■ II—Orescent Ave.'me ch., Plninlleld “ T l—Half holiday, Newark. .

. 2 Jli-,Tr. (). U. A. M., Newarklli-.lV. 0.17. A. M „ PlnloAeUi

• “ IS — l l n U lu i l id n jv , N e w a r kM . C . A . , N e w a r k ‘

.“ “2— Farrington's i!X..I'n.,i;hMlKi!.v,rl “ l-r-Tol k'nvilli* tf. tf., tfbilm r .Island

*“ d.V-.llull' holiday,' Newark” ,. • ; u ri*.!—J)aiimstuis (.*>*mmalitl’y, Newark .... ;>u~\V»n*i*n-M.isHi»iiit Blaiutlelil” ;n—31. 10. tf. tf., ivV.vpnrfc * ■ ** '

Only b e W e t and Steyn, It . Is Said, Oppose Peace.

lord Roberts reports fighting

T h is O m inous D ispatch-C om es F ro m China.

j . r,. k in m u n t ii ,KUITOll AND PUOPRIKTOIL

l ’UHMCATION OFFICK :• 607 MnttlHoii Avflitiui, AHbiiry Tjiiii,

tk u u m io n k c a l l s :Editorial Rooms ...................Uualneea Offlct).................. I,.......,


Kcfio rf That {riirci* 'I'luinfdiitil o f thv.<>.ur*M Soldier* H a v e S l a i n —S I.

/ iV I* * rs ln u * K A iiim m m »«m*h T l m t J a p a nM a y H ,u v c F r e e H a n d . •

London/ duly 7.—The Russian govern­ment has nnnoiiiieed tliiK it will give Ja- J ai a a Ace hand to apply military tom* in (‘liimu‘ The terms of (his eoiisenl^ire smuiaar* .ized in tins «lis|TaiMi fr«»ra St. I'etersluirg, under date of yesterday, in reply, to an inquiry * frmy the ■ Japanese, eiibiuet Jv* ganiing (be disjuitMi. of Japimese tr*»ojis to t’hiua to leader aid lo the foreigners iu I‘eking:' ■ * ' . ’• ;

■ ‘’Tjie l%u<siMi goveiliineqt ql'eelareil On \iay -7 tJi.it it I.e.-ft the Jap'huese govern­ment full liberty of anion lit tliis ronuee- I i* nt. Hi l lie Tokyo rn billet expressed its r e t o l i in '■ to net iu full agreement with the other*powers,”. l'oliiienl eniisideralio'ns. that ‘were llioiiglrt :to* ha,ve biieii Jimmbing- tjie ftelioa oil lin;.piiwits..dre thus lajd itslde. fvr Ihe .moment at least, bv ibe goveinment siip- po>e»l lo have. Ihe.elearest pur posts re- speeiiiig (‘liiuais future. '

»lapaiw.s semliug tif t roops tioweaii liavt* ;iub- )iearing "ii tlie falej'f. theTorefguers hi Reiving. Ueeitals of further Ifomiis iu l ‘el;iiig artsgitthiMed bv rom^'pi'indents at Shanghai from t ‘uinese soiireirs. especial*

of"they sdn ttgiit er*iir‘ tlieM-’hinese ♦and- .lartar <;i;y of t ffo it sat/ds o f‘native ('J)i;,*:- ‘.iaiis..s’o1 that. the capital reejis with ear-* jage. • v .. 1 ’rom these slorii-s nothing ran be learn*, •d regariling the legation fojees' e.xeept a

•repel it ion that they are dead, t'onespond- ’’•iiis iisseit that if tlie'(''liiin^^illi.ei fils’ in Sliangha'i wished i.o .tlirow light on tlie •eal state -ofalTairs in' The. eapital yitv. they emthl do so. • siml,.'Uierefore, tin* worst reports are aeeepted as true. .

Sl«»ry of fo iij i d’lJtnl.1‘rinet* / r n a u ’s i -o i ip ’d ’e t a t i s d e s i 'r ib e d

by t h e S h a n g h a i e o rre sp « m t|e ii1 o f T h e I h i i lv N la il a s a s e n u e u e e t o J lie,, g r a n d e o iin e il o f m in i s t e i 's , . a t w h ic h Y u n g - I .t i a d v o e a t e d t h e p r o m p t su .p p re J is io a o f t h e B o x e r s . 'If ie d o w a g e r e m p r e s s g a y i* .lie r* w h o le s u p p o r t to Y n n g - l i i i . a n d a seem * o f w ild 11 is i .n l el* y tis iie« l. I V i n e e . T u a n p a s s io n a te ly i n t e r v e n e d . - h a r k e d - h y K a n g - Yi.- T J ie y n i s h i 'i i f r o n i t l i e e o in n -n . a n d t ln . i r . . . .p a r t i s a n s , r a i s e d i h e c r y , “ II o w a w i th t h e f o r e i g n e r s !*’ #

The elfeep ujis eleetrienl. -'riie eiimn hs. pa hire otlieials of all sorls and most td*- the populace took up the eaiise ol* i ’riliee 'riiiiii, and h1'?Ttgems immediately put tlie emperor and the ‘dowager empress under uMraiut. - •'Tin; I ’hefu ^orii*spon’deiil of The Kx-

t>ress raided, under d;ilc of Thursday, that tliere. is m> 'longer any d.uiilM liuit disaster has 'overtaken the Russian- force of il.iHJIt | iia't je ff /l’ien-ism (Vif I’eking (in .lime 1 1 . The Russians bad a full lieid gun eomideiuiiit and carried tlieir own transport. As nothing has been heard from them to* - * 1 days..it is assumed that they hiive thrrti overwhelmed. , . .

Henry W. Iniey of 'Hie Haily News .says t liat laidy. I’d glia in, * wile of. .1 ust i»*e

’ Rig!iam. reeeived u cttbb; yesterday, au- uoiineiug i,he ,safety of her. son. whti was last heanlYif as’ shut it (Win .1 VUing. Ih ’

- -f l.t-i t b'uV il! i >im r-«i n i*-ii*ii pe' ib.O-e l.i'ini’*hbpi*, for' tin* oilu-rs/. . ■■•.;■* ..

. I n r e s p o n s e t o jinjnil*5e s e ; d di-tl— (o - - i Dr iT’-.-ri 11 ♦ 11: tbe siLu/ilii.n i- at

TKKMS OF SUItSFUIlllON :- -livenlifg KilUioii.

Ono yonr (strtctly In mlvanco) ..... ffl.One week ............... '•Single copies ..................*..... .

Mornliui l b l l t i o a ( J u n e to September).Ten weekd ........ .7.................. ?bOne week ............... .single copied t,...,....... .

'Advej'.thifng Itptes o n Application.

Why is a Kiss Through a Telephone Like a Straw Hat ?EVENING EDITION

FIVE THOUSAND MEN,SATURDAY W ar HeparfimOit’N Plan For Inereaai-

Inu' Oiii’ . l’oH'g In f'h im i. • i .\Va<liiiigtou. July 7.—.1 ’Ians for sending

additional jrnops, to China mirier tenta­tive ordejs fiir-the Philippines tire still

•under consideration by the secretary of war.. Adjutant'(Jenenil Corbin said yes- tt:rduy“i.in»rtting that the order desiguat- liig cert:iiu_Lri''*I» for service in thu l'hil-

Jp pi ties to go by \Vay of Nagasaki, Japan,' would in* wiade public yesterday,.hut’ late In.ihe aflernooii See'telary Root ilerided noi to approve' t.he schedule, submit ted. by tleneral fhariviu uiitiC lu* laid-eontVrml with .Major Oeiieral M iles'it ml Lleneral

ft is admitted that ivifhin tin* next three months nearly o.bup troops are to lie svjht from, tlie Cnitetl. Elates to the r:i>J. To;* do this will rci’piire many changes in. (Jie garrisims of this eonntry, _:iiif 1 f 1 *€•* \*!.*t* 1»I*• ■'»syjjxv «»1 v**«I have kept tin* oilieiajs .of t lie. aifjiitatil general's depart­ment busy all day. Schedule after selied- iile w:isi prcjiareil aifiT^uluuil ted. hi (,'en-,

.eral Coibiu 'before one' \ysis determined ii]oiii that met wit li hiJ. approval, liven tbefi.it could ind be'said to be\tjual.’sind*: I'm* lliis reason t Jeiierai Corbin refused to make it publie.

Ii was stated at tin* war-department tthat 1 he selieilille submitted to.Secretary Rout includes, the following troops:. Kir* tTeiif Ii infantry, (wo hat bilious o f which are iiiiw under orders and tin* remaining battalion of whieli .may be included: Kirsi .cavalry, two bun alio ns of which are rec­ommended. but entire regiment nfay'be senl: Ninth cavalry, two battalions rec­ommended, but may lie ehaiiged to entire '.regiment; hofne battalion Second infauv I ry. consisting i*f Companies 10. I*’ and l l. at Korl 'rifomas. K.v.. (I. at Coluiuims, (O.i barrai-iis: lioim* bntialion of the. K in Ii iii fa ut iy, cnusistiug of CompanieH 1. K, b and M. at . Koft Sheridan. Ills.: home battalion of Right Ii Infantry, c* in­sist ing o'l*'Companies I. K. I* aud M. at Kort fbn.jliug, Minn.; mu* of t1i««wieturn­ing battalions eaeli'of the Second iiifaii- try. Citth ’ infantry nnd llighth infattf.ry ordered home .ffoiii Cuba. ainl*lionie bat­talion of tin* Tliird cavalry slatiojted at *K.,rt / Myef. • Y:i. « »l* the Second, l-’ifth and 'Might Ii infantry tw»» bat tali;ms will return from Cuba. It is tin* intention of the id!iciaI,s.|o‘ liave a complete battalion of’“sl nmg.' htuflt hy :Tm>tr picked* fn mi mieh •of. t.In* two retui*i'ni.g ViaVtaHiins and.use .them.lor: foreign' service. . ..s.

Because it isn’t felt. Wear one of Hopper & Co.’s straw hats.' They look cooler and feel more comfortable- ["thanya felt hat. - V;-

Tut: condriiiation of till* news of the massacre df aU foreigners iii Pekin leave> notJiitig to biu hoped for-,l.»u( the speedy

. overthrow of the cinpire wldeir b|i*a.niHt years has }«*ei» proof ag'.iinsl adi.iiicrmeni. Civilization has penotruled almost, cycry

-jbthcr-eorner of t he glnhe, hut rile Chinese ._Jiayo. ri iuiined urn halloed. ; 'I1 hey stand

toilay as a ttnhiace ro the. \vorl.l, ’ The ; . sy i.u ie .c(!\ '.; i) ;g tA iM T iJ .11' [l •*'V i

a progressive energetic one* 7-ubstit uted tlh*. better for all. Tlm nations oi* I he. World • ave this n> a duty to modern l ivili/.arion

jpa-iul we hojie they w ill tmi he.-itale.tfuttn l ’e rc lia .

* rriio discovei-y of guttu perohu taluk to the year LS-17, when S ir \\'i\• Umn Jackson llo<?ker atul l>rt l-Iriiest AYorner von* Siemens :inuouuce|l not, only the discovery of this .valuable: product, but also tlmt it was adapted to tlte insulation of wire's along which electric currents were to pass.* ‘When, ft is considered tlisit * without gutta perdia a ll of the progress Of the last Sin If. century in. drawing : tlie .ends* of tlio earth together by the lighttiiug's Haslt would have l/een bnpossilde, tlie Itnpqrtiinee uf tills discovery. Is easily uppredated., t ’" While • tho chief use o f gut la perdia Is, of'cotirsi*, for tlte lusuhtliiig ct«vi.»r* jug of electric wires a‘ large ij'jiaiftity is used for the itiamtfaelure of gtdf bads, for whieli no olhpr material see ii is so" well a da pled. Its hardness, a f le r hav­ing been submitted to the proper pres­sure, .and its tough ness malic it the only golf ball material yet discovered.

M.Woit Ti:s lJimtfK Is to be eimgrafit l;it t ii ii]M»n seen ring" tlie prompt insertion of Asbury Park in; ail ihe Renti-yIvania j i me cards jmblisheil in iiewsp.-ipt'rs we-t of-Philadelphia. This i> a just ivrogiulimi of the resort and will iiitdoubti dly li-sutt ip bringing ninny people to the-Nortlt Jer­sey shdiv who have hitherto umie to At­lantic. City and other Snith .lersitv I'uiiiits. M’homa's PuWly, our ; di*>iriet‘ pa seii'ger agent, a tut Cot. Krai ik N .. lhirkMlale. the genial .advert isi ng manager, are. nNo en titled to tlie^thanks 'of the people of thi.- H-etion. ; ^


EDITORIAL COMMENTThe lleintienilie t'latform, .

Long Rraiieh Record.In all respects but due. the Demoeratie

platform uj»]»eals to the sense as-.welLas .to. the patriotism.of tlie American people.

It is a plain, courageous -taiemeiit of principles.

It is \\nvthy of moji* favoraMeconVidera­tion tlm n il. is likely to r« reive at tlie hands of the voters. •

MMii; band wagon is ha in Ison ie. tlie mitsic- is*i?is.piring. but- dragging t;he corpse of p; tu“ l behind the wagon dampens the cn- t h tisinmn nf those- who' Would oi Ih-aw ise

Kfl’c e fo f l!L*r PrnyerM.A— PlilltK ldp ltla womaii Yelatcs tho

‘following insia nec o f a t i . a nswer to prayer: “ (im* .d:ly ’ l_w:ts walkhi'g' oil the street when I saw a runaw'ay horse galloping toward'tire. The. driver had lost a ll control oyer rite animal,, and as the wagon was swaying from side to side tlie-driver seemed in great danger of being throwji out and severely hK jureii, f f not killed. I stepped Info the stryetand prayed for the horse w it If niPmv ■hiight.'" l.l g:ive'iHie-look nt me,

11 o i l p » d n ISc-|ti» i* l» I t i s l - l n e a t i e .• T.oiuioa, J nly 7. -Tlie cobuiial ollice has

iiM-i-ived a dj<p:U'li fiiiiii the governor of the* (odd CmiM Colony.- Sir Krederic Mitchell I lo.lg.-o:.. dated Atekwaula. June HU, saying tlial owing to the noiuir rival of t he reiie/ <•■ •ltimta aud the red tic tioit nl* tlie fond supply, be had decided l“ push Through flu* rebels und bail deceived the oppmy: regardhm the route foilnwed. 'n»e eoitiinn snhvrc.J gristt .priCnrions hut. TiVi-TTss was only six imqi kill.efl and sev­eral wiunided: ■. flbvenior 1 l.njg-son' e.<-

Wc carry: n kt rgo btock of. all liosl bunting flags ut low- * e„*>L possible prices.

Poles and Brackets,H ^ Burgeos and Banners Made to Order.v \ “ H E M M E N W A Y ’ S

61 7 C o o k m a n A S B U R Y P A R K & 6 I 8 M a t t i s o nj*m|ii■ i’i>I* AVtlUnill's OfTcr, 'i iitTT:‘ulie: HJoid

mhled t liat Tiie it; Me rrt I be, the- ■ hi iny lid p«T*

j n vsM'1 l l I i e 11 < ’ p i • » 'L ; re; t ' -'in R'h.tla.vsL J !eva

suiTering at Kutm.issi wal i i e i i :i ti i 1 fo r is—- ii i i ' v i i! e.M

tip pin ml tin; procession, I'Hulin," J uly>: 7.—Kmp>*i**»r \yilliaiib,Has 'fe I ogrti j d.i »‘t I IW; -1 lie—oll ici a* -emu main brig

i m (»>-h»*>»r• snnadron. ihe g»»v-. erhef. *i-l‘ K iao-ebil ib t !ieju>vci*mn* gem-.va I'hi* SIi;rha(hVi-1- iwid tlie. vi'-m'oys JltlJNillL;khi and ,\V11-<;11an~ Tiledging/ h'is impetiaT

:*T-V t -1 .pity, i j i; i( i- T a; is: iii boiil- 'j'T’Jtb lo a J iy ;di(:- a i-r-i tin j m i i t j i i>r tin4 • deli veril iIc; «* f

sttipped ami hung ibs juiiid a i’sisbcd* “~ R trtrttint-fsir ting the Imr.si* was s.nimdssivo. ,i“ T i b U K U 'W N h U f'H L B U F H A L Q . —

'“ 4“ 'rexn is- S t be km: »t»’ ,h--S i <lierlqijteo I u t h e L ltt le A r k a u s a s , .A gnmji; of cattlemen aL'iin; live 'stuCk

rmiventiou at vKl Reiiiv bvele talking nlmmt t he skill o f t )^hihmiia-cjW1 ?«iys ,i if liirowhig’ the - fju i,*rc-->vie*n-- LiL Werd.-fc>r.. whose Jmine is at Higgins, jV\i, but whose rattle .aro .iao.4lyv in Uklalmtim,

* riiid: “ [ hml an experience piping .when)I was a y«nnig man whieli put. linMhneigh a liyeiy^gait. -As; a MVvxh.ji wiio had fol- Inwetl the range all .his life/ X felt ililit there wat»„iipt a hrnnchb.--pii-.-thp uf the ground tlmt Cimhl tlirbiy;iiVe stTid jjpihin’g' tm fmir legs th:d I i.-ouiihi’t ropr yud lie. lu the summer bl* 1ST 1 I whs vdvilbrilJj-”

. He Ark ansns river a bo n't live, m’ilrs south . Df AYiphita, Kan. 1 iiad a splendid horse/ •b’aiuLHb fof*. ihiL-range-aiidiaiiiiost: as_ t lei 1 igon t a s V a in a n I h i.» a f j e ri i. >.i jT I same suddenly ufipn live .lag bn Vial.) buiH-: ;liat bad waiuleftnl .awa vfi'un..*t.he ' Tuaih--

* Jieni, 1* pidli-d my KiJJrd upe' «»f’ lliem and, not ‘lia viijg j in ie ;Tib reload,' de­

rided to 1’opg .me. -S-liv,rjjy afii-nvarij Jb ’oujul inysrif with a big job oil iny }i;tiids..

. “A t the~hrstTilirow nt.v f*T.vm ~dfc.jvprd ~-a nmild-rim-*♦Id-lLq-lf -hsdai . 'I.!mIVa lo inaI<t‘s i!p.hii:;!;jjuLgfiej;uy,-.

iv!iere i 11 a rush he rt r;iyM< j if a bfi*;iigliL due. You* may . be . aide /;*• t ilriV;!iiiu. ii

. *i;tb.\ I?uI in tji«L *»iniif" 1 / s 11 ri ci m r s tv . T l in i , w a s w h a t! b i r,. bsi 11 < i irk

.. . 1 J.*.vllended 1 *nv:i■ rd--:a Iro-J JVi bf-■ A ik«irs/i.s':.. will) the. evidi-nU-intenibuiritf crossing:it/

| M y h<pfs'r, ■;11 wa vs..I't*a.i\?nW:Avhy:11 !ia11dHiigq . :ii 11 le. ■ w a S’ I \ n i id \y-l i e 11 i 11; A jviW- ij t pi n-ei's'1 with a'bulfalo, ;i;;d I was mi.-ildo o cheek

“ Ihe hull, -\v!u> siMUi had .nje •gojfmTsPiilh at.T T W l 1 * - > T 7 1 S-bTTZm'hiU •>f - TTr r;pji)r-itu» that .(he‘.only wVi.v •»i:t of niy ■ tivmfile';

> was to'cut iny rope-iiu*.i/h*t/flie-l>tilLcarisy i " ' ' >:*v :----— Tr~?“The T .111 lb“7 .yri mT< y; f-f. 1^-7 bTJE rb\\*r'Tm

phice.s, while :TI. Vtd*’ gI’j>a {‘ diSlji\tq;u f itWsfv; -will bv- fi; niiL.puoU-.Vriil jv7;.;siiij'-; j) VOL l*'>»>t: deep, n in IT f r'pnr :f( i-'Lx-t .=\v Hie..-:-'- ri'pV;

Y I Hill - |*jr:d:ed hesidioiig ,i!i!>» 'oui* pf ttiesm pot if s. ’('lie- < i[*|ii n-.; i e- J in u k AV.l s. potjWfiidle-

• Hbn* ajid qiboni :i p.of -n lialf- j'fbbvb: llte. wa11 r. 'Till:ing'■ i;i i 11*• siinn{iUin|niekVv

•ly. i- >a\v ih.-u 1 n.u!d. run■■ uiu. my i'-npi.* far ctiniiylr P» T• i )dr Tv- jp»);v,■■■ j;:~,-rruS.V fit - t 11 ’j i a IT' i w; r 1 i:t i If i w; j dp'ut *,* ■ I i c j i iii t |Vn I

‘ *■ ■ U erOss.L iiV j a e|,. a \\\ n d: «> 1‘ ! j h e.-J ui I). w'hi ‘;J i had .to. wnp I e. ?»I. v ’1 i e r>e.) i ;i * i t p. k cup;y/f

— kry"?T}iriv.v ■;■*>'■'.! .T '. n-p- T..i' ]\ - o ■••■■‘■i—.bid I sV-fr! ed ’ I •»* i i i mb bp i ip* • b;; u):... 'riiw j 0 rk ■ p ii I jet I t h e ,U u i I TTp-’.i •*■■■-I mj»; 111 tv wa t er it ud liis sha ggy IVeaiI :)iV/b IT);J;..!.!ie.. |»'*rpeip. ilicuhn* bank. ,</! le nuelf a ptvai tqe-'un*.

• . fu n .m y j t o i . s e d n d d / l ih t L i ! ) f:L iiL a ! a-|SI !;a lu:e a s' j t nt a v .'see i ri, I h i *ej led iu keeping j t lih t _: -l>j i 1 --'i 1 liJiyj?*-

. ti it l i I he d ib Who. | -■ r ia l wa y> ye gp rd» d U» i s . - fis-.iny most-jn ilD.jpj- fcn't bfrotdng.’ f)J>_ .lahoina Ci*»*.. !ii .Ka iisjjs. t *i'/vSrUL7 - •> *!

WJiihT.' yoiLjAvhiu t, n m ol I c r 11. • 11 jT t o da 11 -. Jihysie.try t'hsnjTheihiiii’.s Stomaeli aiid ! Jv*> Tiililut.s.v-Ttiity arn ensy to,take and jijeasam in epVopj-*-Ki4i»e. IiV. ■■miI,.> - U ninjh.* fi 't'j oL-ThoiiitiiCM,-Siowart’s drug stom.

Tl'eking M lie -following cablegram ...was’ r>:-. ^iirbJjriiirJjLiliditi i . ’ frvgii a n a n I hi»ri t n \ i ve .qtinrieV: / ; j. “ 1 ’i ‘ 'pii.re Jo liea'r 11 ie w<n>:l.” y v

Jap*;'Lsiiijl Pit 't’a till’,*- V • :.‘ :f 1*1 ie L T p •iP|.j j f/-v*i»id'espqin I en 1=2* f— Nie -'i’i Mu-s iii a_di>pa tclt-tia U*tL,l.n:ly !

• •Two i :..t .y.-11 ne j h u i n! red J s i pa n ese , J ro.o j is.: wilh j l guns,; have arrived al j aku and Si iiy ;t re c x pi -i *t ed' t in ii gin - ., Tlh* kcfiff i nees, l o the Russiap foree im .u u f o n h d ; a h o y o h a v e ” b e u ii v e r y , y a g u e . a iid • n*\ ibiT s : iis. t«>: i t s. d< ii tigs jiin y*(' 11a v»* Vi ri g i a a t e i J ' i n ' r in »tVu's n d a j in g. J ») ■. A d J n i - q:a l S t - y j u p u r ’s ; t e l iv * f . e p ln n in . 11 i s c e i>■ l aid., liowirver. I hat "-a fpm? of 1.7uii Uii.s: Vi;i ii>;; wi t 11: fop y K Veini tiie i iu:; g i rn »v wa s

about.-.'to uidze the. wliip, with* the in*"ct utiritrt fao ir-thm Iri-t bf 4.44 m—-1 leauL . W-jj-Ci 1—1. •direLjod itiy praypfs toward, him. rilo at unco gave tip his cruel -design, juuip* ed froin iiisjTcnt and began \»a I t ing tlm ImrkcV heisd. TJmn .1 \veui bn m y way fcjoichig.’^-NeW York Trillgue. ' ; •

so n s: a i lay. ’ I ‘he «*blin n \ 11 mi f iii huT'S;--! pn vH*’i"inT:_lTa:l1 j ;ea ns,. a i i mn g ; ihe tit-biMii g riibd’asi'l niK.-sbui. v

of tjje governorr f tlLl■ ■ lili-Hll ri:. rf

B la uk Cartr idges ,Cannons,-P isto ls,: . • ■ A cVih F-f< rrn vi aslcn.

' 'AVaKhimrt r.n . Ju l.v -ftdin wi n g - re-:;ymrl of t lib et i.mliliiui ’ of a if a irs in , ihe ■Alaska' go!• 1 lie!-is 11as'j»*en Ie< oived ;11 Ii;*

1 wgr diqiar‘ i11<11 - fI'*>111 J iem-Vat II;im 1 al 1. dated • Anvil t ’hy.'/Jmfe* “ f‘: “.lyorty-t u;«* v t ■ I s i n it a Hi qr; L a bb 11L / 1 * • J ‘i h) i *» '"pi '.* -..estimated',, "i; shore. fJuict: pre\ai!s. Tr>ns|ior.i II••>•-«.*rniis in siftm• ii tbig to 111 a !o * - her ivnr I hiv u?glji' I he ii*el! hi t i *> Wasdyivi hi agri 'Un* Lpp-1 he lla w.. qily-vln.* piquthVi i* S ' ii k. n i • i n ■ • I*. 11 h i 1 to , h e iV iu t i ii 11 .v ‘ i l l ir

Revo Iv ersA m m un it io n , Etc,

W iiid ow _ F la g Holdersy .■ ;.-*'. i,:ibe: to Ooriiii I’rinsjlr ? ;':hAY a s ii I * eg i pi I ,1 u I y.; Tv^'l! 11 * ii 'port and

repqiii.memh»l.b» . d* 1 h e I ■ ,tiijci| St al eL ,i eo j i u ; if < • ;■ w. iy i 'i in i; i t j i on a. iq ioi u t ei I 1rep'-rt 1,'ptht - i he" iip.j respetuiv eb-nsif-iiify. Pf d’e.-p -vvajerway rdiftes' IVbiu ; ko5; 1 i i.»nt>1V;hi kr'S;';T.rL'T,idei.': W;i14,1;:. was .made: -hi !v by j ii■ ■ . ; .i * ■ w dkteUi i*i i* i‘!‘iI a y

A pent lemaif recently curotl of ilysticpflht gave t.he following appropriate'ruiiucring of IhiniB’ famous, bktssing: “.Some* have Tnelil iiml ijumoteab.itnd same iinVo tioiio that want it; Vnit we have meat ami we can eal.—TCodol liyspciisia Core bo thanked.” Tliis propnrat-ion- will digest. y.ji;it you cat. It; instantly relievos and ra d leal lye dies in-iiqT |l,7i -.iiu!_MH l/Ul|.'l..|l ll L mi’iI.-iv w f»Ham. IiiT Main struol. ‘

Hammocks at 49c and up to $3.50Ice Creanj Freezers, 4 qt. $2.00

Anil nil oilitir hizt-n i l l rock —■ —Ice Cream Coolers $1.00-and up

ii<Hilt il - iiit i i M i.q \. T n 7 T T r^ '? ir’"’( " ^ . Uajtiareh tori/AUing.ihiil day. A.Shaiigluii,- . i f il) i> >)'... i i | a g i n ii ej'f y t (d s . n il u T!» ; t - jb p 7.D | t* I and mi dime -P ;) i**to*ri’ \Vn received vu London tliat riie;_Rtfa-tan .r**!brribh-ripi-iv*; J l a d . a e t n ii 11 y : a r i; i ved r* t ip s i d i • I * el. i 11 -r* <m t In'' i i ku*j d i i g o f t h e * J Di h .'im i \ v u i - i : a u , i ej» * i ng* I lie ell y mi. \ Wu siiI'e.*:' .. " ■ **/ AdmiraJ Ih-yntutir*:- i'«uri- ‘was «m:Vy* 1 iVV 1 f: .w a y t ii l ’e k 111 g, s y Tr? uT-vi 11 :> 1 I iy I Ii i »*> a ie i i i ’y ■ Pn ;an rir-id” ’ jdninr—11naIde—io_—;phitnei \V ih nr i Ii u a i AL-i'muTfTil F sb ed ' o n l ’, rid.;i .vT

:. Luib* o f j he j i ! iy Lrt’ •'. A d ni i r a I / S e y - nh « u r . i v w a y sT a t iT/fhTniN'f-ITfilnLTLi“ni>-; >ilnis b a d riv;:ii: ;M‘ie ip i? m p ; f o i ir * la y s: arie i*; 7ril'‘Linfbdfa{yribd^had“U«*vei:Lg*;Haii toTtM.e with libii, V . ; -...‘ .' • ,L .A L d iN o d iM t.T i'b m y ^ lia T T g h a iL d ii th d V l ’r L day,;• .viys f tiih P'psiilpiivlpl'.Hhe .allies*: iii, * 1 ’i» ff. ‘•in’ is i.eointpuf id/'ip-isifj'rjy i.-rj/iea(. owni- jo |ac]-.. of supi'db's, but. tiiiiy as, a :■ Iiist"/i esViytLriidlb;f.}Vi?/bjwif-fhiL t;y;)einjieib

IfdiiTelephone I~ .


A KULT, 1.IN12 OF Fi.SIIINCi TACKLE ANU-UHAIS NI2TS. BASIC12TS .. a t u u r i-nioics. ;

Ii'ouitli or July l^uitt-rus, Itcil, whito uml Blue. 1—llmel2Kuale.---por-»ll itCfK.-iiiitlons, at.vily.liriciTC : r- "- -------

Sen-en Duui'Hiiml Wimluw Sereuim,A.full line ot Tallin Cutlery ami Toefccl

Ciilit-ry, Kazui's, ijukwurn,'' etc., at i-uiluutil f i n * " |. Tlio lie.it Bicyelc Tire at Rl.fiU In to-.vil.' A lu ll line uf l'aietH, Eaauicls, Skillia, etc.

:J..U .N B W L,m 1 ^ 7 3 - M a in S t r e e t—— fa ------- - ASBURY PARK'

AGENT FO R KELSEY FURNACESBgat an d Mo6t E co n o m ica l F a rn a c o a M adeLumm

"son. ;T proiiTm pat i .-irmer 642 MATTISON AVENUEty. wiis killed instantly ai his home, norih' ofTiiis idace. by a sihikenf. liglilidiig. 159 Maiu Sireet, Asbury Park.

Tlio Jiuest ami lii-jit. iijuli>pt*t fuiiural liar SOra'iu-thu slate..

Branch Offices—-Belmar; Spring Lake

More IltoTt Deatlis ! n <‘liin i«« .. Ohieago.. July'. 7,*~-11 en t ‘. caused four

ileal hs aiid L'veii prost rjit iinis vps(<■ rd ly/■ B I I A D L E Y M E A C I IBranch StotToff lA tlrcTVsbury l'flrlr *=

D A ILY PR ESSt h e s h o p .e P r e s s

OpoiTdjiy uini night- L;uly Arsiatant.AVcaiher I«>*viytts(, S I jo w a r s - a n d T h u n d e r s t o i u i s

i h r i s k s o u t h w i - s l e f l y w in d s .* *:

For.tho couvonUui,co ol our patrbnR a brunch «*Htion tm.liven cstatjllBhnd ut ;tliH BRADLKV J Ml AC II NOTION ST0RI2, fllnla Btroet, bcLween jlcOitLH) nud Cook'uyouuBS.

l'nptiru regularly ou Buto7wfd’BUi>pIl6d’ to nuwa- boyB nt dnicU rate. .

- : r iK A K T E D . — -- ^I»y h*.dy and-^iluiighlcr, r illn i is lu d r jo ia fo r aiHiu’rlr.dC-Augtistppnvilegwot-gutiiug.uwiiLiiiyiila^ A«lHi*tsH, hlaiiuir lowest lorais, K aaitn

'Al S ta te Htroot; Jlartfo/d, Coin , •. \ V A N X H I > . ‘ * •

Konia't.iiil hoard by gentlem an and w ife, w ith n ice uvtipl'i fo r tt ie Bvason; corivcirvnt to ocean' im fhiug' lerJiisU ot looxeiii-d p e r Tvesl* fo r hutli. Address L S l'rtss oil Ice. . * Il!l*

K-iani ing ‘d' a de'i-jM.'.r/iii'* '.idiArapH*r' i**«H; ddjiLiLilii^rihiiLiimiiiHUajlYJudgld'iirlHiodvq;:;

1 r-■■ (1* ul ill di >2 paAu| uf.IYi«y- j! H.rii I) ari; ;i mvgiva I fnri ev c)Ifh d i 1 11 “SI H V -rno 11}.' *_r.i * 11 M ’h i! n;se- (Ail u -rriixiiij' t'S arc ;t wail ina'i iii - -iin i vnl -ut' - 1 n«it *■gal L ; \ a sn! -r ?; .;e nfu re et n \ ?! i/s.; t»efi >r 1 ■11111 li i U g;.in rll'ii! t in 'ciabe. I i;e - eiiy. .1/ . . I ; . . ,

A’ci Isi ui Teh I'rii ill' S j i a tig hu-rTb: T fieri' ta''h iy 'iadV-gra.ldi isuys; 1 111/ H'ses of d in- idlies V j j » t i i / J i i i V e > f ; I 11 d 111 e i I ( i i i i ) / . ; ;; . : ; : j; •‘ Oiii'-ial di* pa h' lie> irom -1’oil Arthur to iJe-’ J*u.'-'ian ;.rovenm)‘ ul. J.M-ariijg dal*' iidy.-.Tl,.: sin»v.v ;(i(a1 *;T h** yi ■ ii 11ri*y in i tjic.- 11* *i‘.| I twii pi IL is. ? ii ii.H-iii.11;. of; 11 j si urba n ei • an * I: I n a I J ii 111 d q s 11: j v d es i iyv) i i g l»i V * I (e r1

ivtirrliii 'ri'i ii'rii' e, f 11. j ’.e rl uT s;) > 11 ni t * jvir i b *-i n < ‘ I j i mi. h i •■ l i w i i i-i 1 '* i h . t r —11 u 1111 n *d s i i f ■ NI ; iu se (* r i 11 • *s, ha d . bit* 11 bi'q'l u I-k-i l».;) 11 '_</; Hi i is; ■ oil J q *i»jf ei I t o . I*.»111 j i i 11.1 lie . i i? ii I i e.s o f '<. j l iie 'S i* w h o l ia - l j I ii|i!"-?i bjTi aid,;V--T.l :; '!'!»* !h‘i;iieji ffirejgnodliL’u has reeeived-. O I/'glil 111, Horn M. I’l'iUu-ni;., eiuisid -gcl.l-.era i V a t Yii n mb i - shn, \viii i; I e y t iiere: wi I h jtil Cf |il‘„tnreighfar*L altWf ludng. ItT a td*s;i- j b»j i nt g rjj;11 peri I. ;i1111! 111111*i 11 g hi." • a rri v- ul (i-t-, fi a -v I i i‘stF" I*1 ri hie) i i i u I pi wi. s I a l ii u i, iv i l i i i: i . (11\* * 'I'" n q 11 i n • f ij ui tie r.. - AI b 11 ii; pa r- Jy A it • .-a i'i • qi m l; T iJ L.; - *, .*•*'rii»- f oiUwT-elc.vi-a.idi biibf)s!ie.,> ihls »iis*

A t:«r,v exijui.sityly, putterheil lmnd- niJblyL -laei'j has been di.seoveml,/ or,'rt111 ic*r, i i m m i u u , . t h a t p i ^ m i s t - s ti> .win I io i i .u la r f / i vvu' i v J ih -' A r « iih : i i ik if ic l . I t e t r m e s T n u u a c o n v e n t , w h e r ei h e mum h ;i vu e x p e r h n e i i l e d K o H tie-

■i.'i’f iS f i i 11 y i11 |i . s \ \ in m i V i l e i u r e t h a t iu r g i ; u r » Ie r s“"ha vV* Ii« *en l u k e n ft»r y i ik tb s , :.! ji i- l e r o h n n ib th e* e n t i r e m b e s t l m t a r e * t h e b io d t i d e g n i i t l y . b e u u t l f t i l g o w n s t l m t a W o m a n ' s w a r d r o iu . ’ e a n b o u s t ; A* v e r y

■ p r e t t y s t i i r y f ' o iu e .s .X r q h ir ih e .e u J iv m j t t othecidtiTt ‘jhat /n .voting w t n u a n , wjio was .very ill and in tlfl* enrexrH-t lie sid-:

a^g'.s,■■■bu'.'ini)- ■,» ^ haautuu; . (oy-tlmb^ryauiiwhile await in.gdeath from uu uJTeeiloti o f t lie,lungs. She reei/vereiI mid dtir­ingTier convalescence lenrnch the prln- cS / j! i *.sdTl.-i "i mi j i k 11 ig, Of- wJnelj sbe -had I; ii o w ti n ot id 11 g be fore/! A ll ii os 1 1 1 k e in-, i ii s pi n i tl on slit? concel ved .wo t id 11 r f t ill y■ lieuiii.lfiil designs and: stitdie.s tin lib the' its(f»nJs!hL{| mttiH found (.bat a now luce Iind^hi'Cn added‘ to-the* real laeeS. known to - iii*edlewoiiien. 'The initjent gi*i*w Well uiider 1 flie 'iiims* giii.’p und bus sliiec created thg bnltistry whhdi

•yn ’o i i i i .o .a t n 111, ik ’e ^ r i i e ■11ions ilk some o f those of the old w^rld froin which ciVme these dainty /Uins ofi pricelesS wcuviiig to deck the ■ ihtnleiTf' won in 11 a s J 1 icy. d hi 11 ei’ mot her be fore -ni»i-U)H)tfahniided-(1own-t0 7gc*neratipn.s;- to come. *. 1 ■■ . ;■■■•(.." /■

lO O jO OO U O f c t S <)FN O T E S -TriEVV

LnLidlC’iiUiiiL dHislbi'cn; ;dcsig- 7i]i 'uuyjitTi biit r.fn I k:VMay*ReiibT\dnii!taJ, liarkur, ,1; d i T a • t c.h j r* i u i- .N i k ii I s ky * 11 a l -

V.avs i leij r-o pci\jans Avsq*r* kill-. \j.thsSlnil o'f:r-toI'C.S\t)L [itiU’dlM* Ut

F ro m a lt th e le a d in g m a n t ifa c tu r e ra .

F ro m 5 c R O L L u p w a r d s

PAPER HANGING,12X« pur roll and up.

AMALL—M-QIJ LD IN GSTo m a tch a ll papers, iic i i fuot and up., ‘

--- J A C O B D O L L r i r .- PRACTICAL

Electrical Casino w ill open Mon- .day-evening,' July 2rid, for the season with the famous

- W A S T E I L. flood drossnm korB , DDMt. Cnnnel Wny, Ovnnji G riivu., „ ' . ; . : :

KalatechDoscopeR A N T E D .A y o u n g inn n nn c h v c k o r in k itclion'; m u s t fu r -

{•xplaiiiod. b’osi-Fviitini Jfarm. HSCUfii.gn, T Ui* j-:*iiiufa ;i r e • n m k i ii ir a » ‘ in -1 i vi* sciii'frb* Jnr l l i c V d U n y t r a i l , w,U*>. il is fd a r* iqlbhas b ijp h i j . im 'd c i id . .. ”

T ln i I5(*i>| J i i in i i i i ly - l i i r ,« | iiiiu ii! li ' a n d l i o iv c j; , "r - ; . . j :: * *1*foil Mrs. ' : < ;. - •• / “ t h a v o . b n iin in (In i d r u g h n s in p R s ^ fo a ;t h h m ly y e a r s a m i h a v o s o ld i i ip s L n lb o r 'T l o .|ihi|irietaV-y--»iMMlH;iiH‘s o f , a i i y a o t e . ^ A i n o n g t.h e o n tlr p J lH t/1 la r v a n e v e r t o n m l q u i y t h i n g t.o c i | Ufij C h }* h i In ;V lidii’jv'- C iiihr , ■ ( H ir d e r j r i iU d . D ia r r h u n a - R e m e d y , f o r ( i l l A b o u i a c h a h i b b o \y o b .-tr o u b le s ," - s a y s p . .WY W a k o lW ld , u f -

. ( j o in in b u s , ( in . “ T h is - r e ln o d y ctn;? i l t w o

fu’iTl'* *f a f a ° l ? u i l il l li d u r i u id-i i iJ d* 1 m m l >?,fl * _ob h o t th is ! o f [ t t o i n y c u s t o m e r s t o t l i e i r e n - t ifc r H ir i is fa u lio n . I t.a !b n * d « ;a q d ie k a m l s u r e e u r o in' a ]» h * a sa n t ' f o r m . iK p r .su lo b y T lm ii i a s M , s r e w a r t , c o r n e r O o o k m a n a v e ­n u e - i n d B o n d s t ,f e e t ,.! » *

And Rpfiued VaudevilleT h o K a h i t u c h n q s e o p o i s n o w o h t h o t o n t h

q n o u t h f i i l L F . F r o e t o r ’s 0 T l i e a t f o s . , : »

ADMISSION - 10 CENTST o n i s v r .

'J h r /e n ice '.ro b in s Tor .th e KHRfiOUf partly , fiir* idt<hc‘<t; i»rica b iq i i ir j HA’/LSuftmi.er/JchJ avo* atiu , AHljury P a rk . .. . 150 (11*

C L I i A N I N f i & U E P A I K I N G .F o r ladleH n ud g u n tlm n o ii, c lean tu g , d y e in g ,

fr o id n g anU r c p a ir b ig ht e v e r y k fia lfl o f elodfaH n m b g a r iiu B ts ; p ib d o r a io prlucB, l i - JJowCr. 617 UuuyB a v e n iiJ , c o r . Uoutl « ir o c t .j_ ,..... ' loTUii* 54I-543 C ookm a n Ave,

S“o’8 MAIN STREET•"*:# - *'. • . :■■■ *1-. ■, . . •. S e l l s t h o

C O L L E C T O R W A N T E D .1 (Salary) lin J cornin'BHfoh. Live, lo c a l innn ;

ajm JiJ)tiitti4Jiteady^poSiLm ii2ir.Rdoii) yi-, ,1 'h^t0 ( 1 1 3 K o ’c lo c k tt .u a ; - * * loO-til* y

K n ii* J L o y n ii5 iiv x a g k i v c y , 'Mrg. N agu lrc ‘<t* C o ., Mm oMeat and m o s t ro-

Ntt'ilu oiiiplffainunt nfllcd In Aaoury I’urk. l*rb vutc h u m ile * m id hoLel» Kiipjiltcd o n utgn t notice -froiii New_York_onice:L>vidLrt-and_cotQr€dJielp.. Oflhtt*- O pera Houbo btoclr, A sbury Park , N .J .

j5o;i;i •** .'. . * .


E le c t r ic BG lls and Annunc ia to rs . B u rg la r A la rm s, E tc .

WALLACE N. BURR. 5 3 2 C O O K M A N a v e n u e .:

Now K ^ t o r B lock..--“ - —f a - -

STAN PARi!1 OIL STO V E' ■; . . A t I t e d u c e d i h i t e s . .

J C E I U U 'F P K A T F S T O <’ l x ( T N N A T | A N i l ’.'.** '■. ! It K T I -I t N . ■ • ' ■■'

A' r rqj*Tininy 11 rtr I cn t c~nx po r i man (krscio »- tlstrf.luivq diseovoi ud methods for obtaining all tlio natural (Bgesiants, \ Thuso havo been, bpmblued in *. the protioftloii fouiifi hi thd-UhihHii hody.riuiti tuniEed with* sub-j swmera that build *hp tho digesLive •drganH, making a uompomul called Kodul Jiyspepsla Lure. It (llgestH'wliat yoif'ftat and a I low's Till- dysjieptios to oat plenty ot nourisnlng food \*Ai!)o tho atomooli troubles are boing radically cu rcd by tho medicinal agents it contains. I t is . pleasant to take and will glvo qul3k.>relier. W. R. HamylOT Main street. *.4'-' . : •

A L ^ I ’o iin w .v lv a n iii I (n i l n u n I,

F o r t h e a m i» a I n b a v w it io r i o f t h e J la p r in t Y o i i n g P e o p le ’s . U n io n o r ... A n ie r ic f i , t o h q h e ld i i t p i n c l n n a t i , J u l y Ig lh . f-lid P ifiu is .y l- v a n ij t i t i l lr o a d V ib n ip a ily jv i l l s jo ll eX cu rS h h i tTckotH f r o m a l l s t n t i o n s fin i la ri’fii’e'' t o O in - c i o n a t i a t o n e f a r e : f o r t h e r o u n d tr ip .

n t, I n c lu s iv e , a n d t o r e .t i i r i r i i h u r J u ly 17, in c j .u s .lv e ; b u t I f t i c k e t s b o d e p o s it e d w i t h ' t M j o i n t a g e n t a t C lj ic ln n 'a t i o u or. b e f o r e J u ly 14. a n d i f t e e o f 5 0 c e n t s b e p a k L fbr? r e t u r n l i m i t w i l l b p e x t e n d e d t o ‘A u g u s t 10* I n c lu s iv e , v * ■' - ; v ■■

K i-d i ic e d IJiih-M t o F h u r lf a i lo n ,- S.. 0 . , - . v l i f 5 ! . * ’ IV’nany(vattliL Railroail.

. F o r t h o m o o t l a g - q f - t h o i N a t i o i n i l . F d u ^ a ^ L tlo iia l .i isH o c ia t io n a t .C h a r le s t o n , S ; C ,, J u l y 7 -TU, -'tho I ’ounH ylV iu ii.L U a i l r o a d c o m p a n y w i l l jie ll e x c u r s io n iJ c k e t s f r o m a l l s t a i f o n n 011 i?H lin (:s to .C h a r lu H tn n a t t l i o r a t o o f o n o

T a m f o r t h o r o n n t r t r lp ; p in s s ^ .u o ., T iu k e tH 1 t o .b o s o ld J U ly T b t a i), i n c l u s i v e , a n d . t o h o g o o d t o r e t u r n u n t i l S e p t e m b e r 1, In o lu s iv e .- O n t h e r e t.u rn t r ip s t o p - o v e r w ) ]] b e a l j o w e d a t ' W n s h i n g t o n * o n d e p o s i t o f t i c k e t " w i t h jq in fc a g e td ; a n d o n p a y m e n t o f f e e o f -$l.G0. *

■ D r a w in g s , v e r y f in e , a t v e r y I b \v p r i c e s . G o o d s - h o u g h t a t h a l f p r ic e .

Large Line of; Refrigerators on handr e a d, Tlm liiwjiolil* both nmker iina clraulator

or a coiintorlcll equally-KUHtyi TU'u dnulor win, noils you ,-i bii»i;eroua -. ouuCurfuit d£ RaWltt's U ltcEH afe l Salvo rluku your life ro, uiiiKo 11 nttm lurgor i>roitK YDUX-annot trust him. hnWitt’a- !, the only gDnuins a fli origlniii Witelr Hazel; Salve, a-well, known euro for piles and all *Wu diseases. - See that your jeaior. (fives you DuWittis Salve. W. R, Ham,-/107 Main atreot. .-

PAiEYP R E S S M . M , C R O S B I E ,

■ Munroe. Avonuo,R e s p o n s ib le ’A u c t io n e e r . ' - .



E! The Murderer’s Arrest Follows ‘ -a Ghastly Finji. t

TRAGEDY AT LONG BRANCHHurry J, Fowler, Brought. to Huy 1»y .Hull I more DotoellvoH,Tolls tlmv. u Seai llrJglit' fliyHldikii Ah* Hied In Mut-rior ofii a ^M ulo I n f u n l —F o w Io i-’h F l i g h t * n m l. C’aptu ro, 5's

Barry ,T. Fowlor, it carriage painter, for­merly employed by J. AV. Jiylos.of Sea Bright, stands convicted by his sworn ton foHslon inmlo to tho pol Ico.iii Jlul ti moro,

. wlio ro ho wns cn pin rod Thursday night, for tho murder of his own/iuiiin child. A Dr. Thompson of Hen.Bright is implicated in tlio fiendish crime. •! Tho mother nml grand mother of.the dead infant which was foundjjy embhprs , under tlio M iddle crook bridge, ncartLong

• Branch, last Monday,,ure also lodged in. “ fiiTfTjong Branch jail.charged with being

privy to the erimo.When-found by the crabber,s the .body

. was weighted down with a at ono.This is the story tolii by Fowler to Ihe"

' Baltimore defectives: . *,“ I got, Miss Ft fa White,’ (i()7 Mnln-slroefc,

Long Branch, iii trouble': -On or ubodt May 1, KKM) shn gave birth ton boy child. I had engaged Dr. Thompson to attend to the girl, hut.slie was Von lined before we

. arrived, amV wnsj iii lendejr‘ by lh v .cinrk.. • The ehijil was horli n!iiAit?p. pi. I- askcil I Jr. Thompsjm. when he arrived, ‘\Vhul. is tlie best Icing to do?’ ; He said: ‘There Is only one thing to do.1 I tlipn took tlie child out of the mom, 41 ml Dr. Thompson

. had something liken funnel, lie took a . bottle from his pocket, 'saturated a cloth,

, put if.-in the fuiuielf;nml put Hover the child's face, and lipid It there about six or seven ml miles. Thii dneinc.siitl It was a ll oyer, and the child was*{lead.- “ I then went to Charles Mount’s livery stable and. hireil one horse, at (ached to'a roundabout. The doctor was with me; but d id not come in the stable, but; stood oil the outside. We returned to the house aboutH ji. m. I wrapped the child 111 a doth, put it hi. the wagon .dnil drove (h rough Port Au Peck woods, and a filer going over one of the bridges on the Severn bridge road 1 got a sloneand lied it-amiiinl the body and threw the body in the South Shrewsbury river. I then look, the doe.tor

— UrSeiLlJright,where lie lives,.and f returned to Long-Bi*;ineb.' I paid for tho liir«* of the team. A haul iivc or six'weeks'Ik:fore the child was horn I and Dr. Thompson agreed lo put the child awayas soon as It was lyien. Tin* ehihl was a live when Dr. Thompson and I arrived at the 'house.”

Fowler w ill he extradicted and. confined in the Freehold Jiill ‘pending' indletiueut for murder. - ’


CAUGHT A STINGAREENeedle 1.1 he Points on Tail uf Strange

Finh Said to he Ilungei'oiiH and (lontaliiH rohouoiiH Suhslani-e.

A strange species of fish was cauglit at “ lljp-Om nr Grove lUhltig |>teil yeTTenTHy aftdriino:i_loi_lM)race Dutdier, n.iVriident of Arlington, N ..I., who has a cot luge on

Last Night’s Visitor Hr ought Peart tilBombardment—-Opera House Struck,

ami Occupant Stunned, . .Another olcetviO rain st^ni—tho third

in tho series—visited this city hist night, and was accompanied b y the- usual wild bombardment. So fur as could, be ascer­tained at a late hour. 11 tlio .damage was done by the dreptlod visitor. A crash near the Pu i’ss ollice, followed by sharp.-simps and crackling around the telephone, momentarily disturbed the reportorlal force lmt fulled to impair Its iTsefultioss- ■-Bettor attention was paid llih“Asbtiry Park opera house. Lightning struck the second I lob u and played around the win­dows. Mrs. Frank Limning, wlio occupies apartments in tho'.-building, was badly stunned. The boardwalk was deserted at. im curly hour, though-BioL Vincent/.’s beach hand played the fu ll program to empty seats in the Asbury avenue pa­vilion.* 11 Is not Iced in these * storms that the oleelrival celt j re is rjghfc over Asbury Park and Oeeiin Grove.; Thu storms come put of the northwest and are divided into relays iof. I Tirint.’ Last n}gh(, however,,the seconil and 1 bird attacks fa lied to nihtbri- nlixcand the. ftkiea,Were ■ cleared before ml (I I l.i glit. - y

WHAT FLAGS MEAN,Inst rm'il.m* 'Talk by Secretary Henry A.

Co7.zcii,h of tin; Newark Y. Al. C. A., .— -■*---- In-tint liccuiuHrovc Temple. *

A most nnii|lie, Instructive.and i Merest-, Ing exci'clse was given yesterday, morning nt4tliu !♦ o'clock mectiiig held iu Ihe young people's.temple, Ocean 'tirove, by Henry A/Do/./.uns, secretary of the Newark .Y. M. C. A. - .

Mr. Cozzens culled jUiu exercise a “ flag talk,“ and he used a number of tings of different kinds lo. illustrate Ids address, deducting many valuable lessons for dally life. • / . '

Iu ’the Aineriiam flag he pointed out how tho white meant purity,-the""blue heavim and the red.redeemingidmnt*. In (he ycl- h)\v naval (lag lie explained that wlien if was displayed fi'om ,a ship it jndiealcd sickness. The black flag of (he pi rate boat meant captivity, slavgry or ilea!It. The rdilrojiders* blue flag nieant wrtislsUmc.v; his. green flag, more (o follow, and 'the red flag, danger. But (he Mag of.promise was the white llag;* the banner of safety.

The audience enjoyed'! lie (lag talk ‘very much. 'l’he temple was filled and they all sthycil the hojir^ ’ • ,

The special musical features were a duet hy'thc. Park sisters and a Udcctlim hy the Bradford trio.

Time for Services and Subjects of Sermons to be Given.

REV. JOHN LOVE TO . PREACHOrder of Kxei'eises In the. Vlirloiw Houses '.of Worship at Anbury M ’iWlc, .pP:nn

Grovo and - V ic in ity—The Topics for .I’rCsimtulioniind Consideration—Former l ’li tinr In Preach nt Hradlcy Beach*

T H E . . . TUTTLE. . .


T H E...T U T T L E


, “T H ET U T T L E ...


T H E. . .T U tT L E



SCOTT’S TRUNK GONE( .V d n tc d M u u F a l l s t o • I»ellv**r ( h e H a g -

g a g e a s 1’rom isiM l o n t h e F o u r t h of ,1 ii ly.'

1). fi. Hcolt, a young 1J rime ton student registered a l the Berlitz, on (iraml.avenue,; wants his trunk. It’s a serious thing for the young man, whu. Is down , here for a vacation. A strange colored man who said he was an vx prow man took Scott's lrnnk 'cheek at- Mie de-p'ot- on thi* Fimrllmif.

ClIUItCH OF TltK IiflLY SpiRtT.—I’fovT M L. Hkmnon, jmstore Jlassat-U,-?, ii nud Iti a. m. .Fycning devotions at Z.flO.

CnitlSTIAX A'XD MISSIO.YARY A LUANCK.’ Mikado Imiidiiig.-rMeel ing every Sunday at M.f.n, and cvcr*> Tluirsdlay at 7.RU p. in.

Mr. MouiA irC ifAt’KL, West Park.T-.Scr- vicosat lo.rfua. ni.aml 7.S’ii]». in., in charge, of - ltev. Thomas' Hobinson. Fabbath- school.nl p. m . >’

VYinrn i:u Cm a 1*1:1.- corner'’ Seeoml a veil no ttnd h'nioiy street* Meeting of Friends’ sdoioly every Sabbath during summer at ! p. lit:.'A ll are wvlruflm*- 1 ;; F irs t B a i7 tsr (Jiiniaai,—Ih-\LZ?(::larke Marten, pastor. Servied at ' 10.15 aJ.ni. Sunday-school n t M.L), No eveni ng service in Ihls church (Turing Ju ly and August.. .

Tm X'tTY Eciscou,\l Cut:ecu.— Ue.v. A . J. Miller, recton. Holy c*»mmuuion, .7 a. in..;'moriiipg prayer !) b’eloek;. limVnltig prayeiT,li tnn.y a nil. sern u iii, in.:.1!!; 'evensong. N.O.’doek. Dally.at ii.n. m. . ' -

Kt. * I*, a i; I/S • M kti kid I nr F. C 1 n *15 (: j 1;. Oceaii (Jrove—Bev. J. 0. lived, pastor. Morning service at - U).:tu. .Suiulyy-scliooT at “.oh p. ni. . No .evening services- whii I • ever until Septeniber II. Weekly meetings cotilJnlie as heretofore. 1

Bradr.icy.Bkacii Al kthoPist R. 0 1 nU;<-n. Bey. Thomas fj. Broek pastor. Sunday; school at U.-'IU a. 111. Sermon by Bev. M. W. Davis, diie of Jlie former pastors, at lu.rio'n. nt. Vesper service ah 7.15 p. m.; •>horlmldriS<. by the pastorr* ...Fvancki.ica l TjUTjm:uan' CnuitVit, etir-

iu:i* (Irand and Munroet.aveiiiie*.—-Bev. (Teorge A. Oenzmer, pastor. Sunday-school U.3ua. in.; morning, servici\ Hi.Ci; snli.ject of pashfrs sermon', /’Supply and Distri­bution;” evening at 7, vesper, service; topi?*; “Urenllon, The FatMh.” 1

F irs tP rk s ry tk u ia n D h u rc il—Bev. A . G. Bale, pastor, .Morning worship at Dh preaching by pastor. . .Sunday-sehool at.

a. 11 i . M im * ti h g i ;f C . li. s< iclc t y "a t- 7/i *» p. in.; evening service at 7.15; pastor will preach; special /choir .music. Friday evening prayer meeting nt H o'clock.

A. At. F. ZtOK C MU rum, Si»ni»gwtiod avenue, West Park. Kev. ,.T. II. While-, D.D., iiastor. Preaching at lu.15 a. in., followed l»y class. Sundiiy-schoo! atA.Ro p. in. Christian Fndeavor society services at 7 o'clock. Kvening service at 7.i5; I^caching followed by, Lot'd’s. supper and sacred concert.

Grant) Avkxui: Ui:foi:.mi;d (Tiurum* Preaching tomorrow-by Bev John Love*, jr.. D. D. T opic of sermon at in.Mu a. 111., “Sileht h'oi'ccs.” Hundiiy-Fchool at #.’.Jn p. in. Twilight service, beginning at 7 and lasting one hour; subject, Fii>t Hour in Heaven.!' Y. P. S. C. Ii. and uni yer

S P E G S I L / ' S I L E

T O N I G H T - T O N I G H T !Gasolene Stoves, ■ *

I 3 . 9 2 -B l u e ^ F l a m e O i l S t o v e s ,

F I R S T G O M E , F i R S T : : S E R V E D

W l i B 0 1 1 P 1 E B S T O V E S B L EM a t t i s o n a v e n u e b y t h e P o s t o f f i g e

Illly and proini>ed to deliver the baggage at the Berlitz, and ScO.tt says - he saw the; toloivd man take charge of the trunk and

in c e t in g - c o n 'd i in e d F r i d a y e v m f t i ig at*4Vl«fP W e s t l J. \ r k ‘. a l u r i t o t > l s t ^ i i . . k-111!/ a a t

B e v / G . K . Ilrm c iM 'k . p a s to r . CTiis’ S n e i t.

! •; CAMP AT SEA GIRTS e c o n d Iti'glmeul .51113 geptH't lUJiire


B A S E B A L L S C O R E S .

ItcNtiltM of Y/’fili'nlji.v’s (i.'tincs Tn llio

Tlie lUh landed was a.stingaree welgli ing 15 pounds. Inform )t resembles .ITE skate and is consider'd poisonous., The sfingnit-c was eauglit with hook* and lint.* from tho pier and fought desperately to escape. If had a win* Hk-c tall atinut two f»;i'i loiigf on which are two sharp points,- like needles, thive inches long. Hither a lash from tho tail or a sting froni -th'uj-e needles is said to be sutlieient lo cause death, owing to the jioFon which they con­tain. J . lb Thompson, keeper of the pier, lms the tail of the stliig.iree 0*11 exhibition in his.otllce under tin* pier. The slingurer<itn|. ..rirn ..... iw'li.-inii-.vlhvii.

that Is the last Igf-Tias s.'di of cither.. Yes- U'laJa^-thn-young man reported the ease at ■police headquarters, and he als-.j inserted a traee.adveftisonient. In tlu-PniNs.

Seo 11 ea ref 111 ly. 111 spec let la small sc; 1 n f faces on tin* Aslmry Park depot yesterday,

company -with (’ filer Smith,' HTit' was \inilIde to recognize (ju* man who hud tn. ken Ids -trunk, 'l'heyoung man would be glad of any informal ion that would lead to its recovery. He -ays he, nee,is (In; coil* Jc Ill's, '


ingfnt li.Ro a. ni ; lu.d'i, >ernion by former pastor, Bev.' G- B. Middleton, Simday- seliool alR.’.hu; li.do. Fpworlj;. Leagbe,.sub- jeei. “Tbe Ppwer of Small 'rhiiigs; ” 7.:m, short sermon by-pn>tor.

I - ' i r k t (htxiiR.i u a t i o v a i ; Ciiutti’M, corner i»f -FirM avenue and -Kmor.caUiiM-.—Kriv Dwight H. Mai'\iin. l ’ls.D.. p;i,-lor., 1’reaeh- Ing service, 10.15 n. hi.; subject *’Tnie Greatness; Sabbath school. 12.15 sn.: Y.P.

C-."F. meet ing, 7 p.pn.; m tiu o m teipie, “The Boldness of Peter alal John.” PAiver service, Friday, s o; m. ’

S.M.VATIOX A RMY, Mattison avenue, near Fmory st reel..—Kev. F.- W. Blamlyof Fiie: l.sl.tml v.l l l rrfct

i t ; .’ .IT. T o iti ty - K s - ii ’x T r tio j ie i 'S A\' 111 ,Alareh /Llujiugh. -Lids. ('H.v. r ....

Thi* S i 'e o n d r e g i m e n t . N . G . N . j . , w e n t i n t o s u m m e r c a m p n t S e a G i r t H » ln y . l’h e K - s e x c a v a l r y t ro o p " n a l e t h r o u g h A s b u r y P a r k •in f u l l m a r t i a l e .p t i t n n e n t ihA iii ‘. r o ’c ld e k t h i s ' i n 'o r i u f ig . -:~ T h i - I n f i t ) f-

t r y 1 r . o .v d o d b y sp e« 'ia l t r a i n 'a n d t h e f i l l r e g i m e n t a l c o iu p le m i^ j i w a s e x p o - t e d to Ih* o n t h e t e n t e d H eld t ,e l}. i v “ u ’r lo e k t h i s a f t e r n o o n . T h e r e a r e i;.’ c o m p a n i e s i i f tin* r e g i m e n t , w h i c h is e o n im ii.m ld d . b y p o l , ( i l l l i n o r e . a n d t h e pr.pl ia b io m u s t e r w i l l , s h o w F* m e n t o t h e c o m p a n y .

T l ie ’ S ec t u ril w i l l r e m a in . u n t i l n e x t H a t-

llilt'ereiiI I,ra llies.At t iiidiii.Jli-- , H.II. 1’.

i lin iiin iiu ./ a in a 11 11 n 0 n a ■ ii 1 11:1 ...I !>I|__ ; t |» II II .-; I) I) 2 t - IU- ! •» ..!

R.en-iiri--silnaci't. uiitl 1*. it/-.; Kii.-oji aii«t M« •F o u n d e r B r a d l e y P l a c e s L i g h t

o n ' S u n k e n C r a f t Fox.Fajr Visitors Score High on the

- Coieman "Alievs ..... .ll. 11. li;


.M r-. W . s . R e i l l y u l' N ew Y o rk l lo l i t - i tU e l.'.-itlies’ I ti ’n m l - t i . U. .» l i e u o i‘ f li -r -

- l i i l i i i lm n i , U n- M a s e a P n i ; '( 'b i im p io ) ) . l..u?ie-> lI ;tm H r» i> o ed h.v - T to .b ' L ;mil-

. At Clii« Jt.:o— .- Ci.ii 0 1 It •: 11 II 1 c • <: :l.i*!. -|.. . «i PI "il U 11 11 II —l - l.- r '. !:.*;: ii. ..-i.iiH'idi and .Iz-»u* LCu-; UhjV; .ni-l s:.!

Ji'a 1 -1. i.tPiiij-.—

‘‘I. I. Mi-.*.. 2 I) I) . 11 I n . J III’liH.r!'J|<i'iii. 2 1 .11 «> II ;• 0 t 1) tn I

R.nii ij. Hartley ;in<I R iliin-*.ii: i .111-1 .V - Lin I. , ' . '

riTAXI/lXU OK Tilt: UM-IJS.• \v. l. e.e w. i« i».< *

i.tvn... 10 31 .153 1 iio


A TR IP BY BOAT TO B E L M A RT h e * '.l,iH te A ly* .lcry” C a r r i e i l S t r a n g e

n n ; »fl‘ ItojK*. P u l le y s , JK lr,— N e irs - l i t tp e r A la ir C o e s A lo n g l o S e e H o w th e . rb»l) i - D o n e — .M a r in e r s Wi l l H e W a r n e d N 'ig ld s , • .

Founder Janies A. Bradley piifm if from •'he A. sl ni ry Park Iv.'ieh in a small boat, vcstm-ilay-atteni.ppiM in eiunpany with a 'metropolitan newspaper nn-i'e.spomlent

raptured last year.

HOTEL CARD PARTIESThe laieky Playeis Wlm t'aptlireil Hand­

some Souvenirs in l.tiH.t Night’s 1 l-bieliri: Tourney* ■ • *

Ocean—Did Its' lirst prize, a jeweled opal ■ hire, wofi by Mrs/James Bryce; second. wedgewnnd I inn naj re.. M rs. M . G . II oneyt man. Gi'nlleiiian's first, a jewel wax clnrsonne, won by Mrs. 'I'. S. Stryker;second, leek wood was?, -Miss G. A. Na* t halt s. *- , .

Brunswick—H tables. Ladhrs' first prW.o hit If dozen Dre.-d u china bread and l»urteir jdates, 5iiss Lvilia Morgah"; sceoml, afteV dinner eolVce service,' I Iivsdcii clilVia, Mis. Marion Van Pell of New York. Gem IF

Tonight the Walitotiv guests will give an cincriahiineiit, nm.slcal and otherwise, in tlie-parlors, and Tin informal dance will f o 11 * »'»v. Tin • .1 cm* I sol 1 n oii.-heslra wllV'fu r- t’*t*li Tlte^misie tonight and during the season.

The,rcgulai‘ chihlren's lfop held every Friday night at the V.'aldorf was inaug­urated last night. About 2Hchildivn par-, ticipatcd. .

A fu 111 Press' hop w lllbo held at ■'llm- Cif-' lumbia tonight: I f the weather continues intensely hot-Xhe hop w ill take-.place on

*TTTTrrrpr rT7 TTTTrru 3/tup. ni.; In llnvvcn lrg Brlg.-nlicr-W. A. McIntyre of Buffalo w ill haVe charge a*isl:iled by thi' Kiupire band.

. ! .


the veranda.- ' j*L\|: l-he eiichru. parly held at. the Moil- mou 1 li-on-Thursday-nig lit—t-he-Ilrst -pH'/e .was wen Ev Mi-is Gmco (trnham 411111 the booby prize by.Miss A. B. BeiuteH.

• men’s lirst, colonial iiletu ivin gilt- i'raine, Wii 1 J. Dean: second. Dresden -china*bouillon cup,'Dr. Lewis P. Washingtun of Newark. _______ •_________

Al in e 1-T.sIi Ttmn_'rhey CnntTt CJTrryT 'i'ho.so who wen Lout 011 Iheyaehi. F innia

lisli-:B yesterday, nio iniiig on lieu reguln ipg,trip wi*n» folly repaid for their e.tVorts,

All reliant Well of Newark Seized With (baic.pi ia Surf—His Would-Be Ues-

. oners Hti(l-:Xaj’i*n\v. Kseape.- 'Lifeguanl''' Abner-White and W’illia iu While, on duly at> the j-'otirtli avenue bathing group, aemmpH.shwl a daring res cm* yesterday nijp'ning1, “'l’he tide wa> run- uiug rather Itigh and. Ihe * cum nt was strong. . F. G. Weil, a .Newark merchant-, staving at Dio Gi'jiUtL.Ayomic hotel; ven­tured top far mil. He seized-with iframp.s and called kindly lor help. 111- uUuilHy-a lLUio-l«athviiLv suiv;c:l-l.avva rd the drowning man. , Mfss, Ascln nbavh 1 was nearest,-— She tried to- (lrag“"\Sru.il'"imn


iirday and w ill be lolkAvcd fu camp by llu* ThlrU regijneiit. VvlK i stay is also 11 lulled to a week.• Govel'ttor Vooi'lu'es dial fit a IT are t*\-

peeted at . the govi'rr.pj*'s quaVters nextWeek. ___ *'

Hroadita.v*>«Iu''Uson Nuptials . John \V. Broadiia.;: was married Bnaiioke cottage, Wesi i ’arkp lastto.AIL34Alary. J. Jae.ksuti--- Tlnt-.gLuuiiU-i--yartlsruan for Mayor Ten ,Broe<*k at tin West Fml hotel;

CxcKing Itunaway In A spi rij_e.d. rn naway

skir; 1

nt thi1 night

Dowling is-now’ beenme'tln* |ioptil:ir. fad of the m'Mioii. 'Fin* splendid new alley-al the Coleman - llmi-e an* kept eon-iahlly going. '. .'

li I Hi link-early for high •scores, bill c.\* pert bow id's are beginning Jp get the.ir iiaitd in. B. F. Alien,of Germantown. I'a., a guest at- the-Cplemait House, holds the I’eriLj 1 ien.s.j.'ec1 >id_U|>_Lo.date,. ..i rolled.

.‘1 .1. -2s 1 if 1*.U-....;. .. .O .11il* Ml-. ”'i .54“ m . 1, .ui.*... n . r-.i. 31 :;•) ..Vi I Xi.\ Y' u;.: 2

AMURU AX Ll ‘Alii K.- - i :Al Kjii-s t it i - K . t nCi ‘N .'JftuI'll|u:{Is, JA: t >••11;l;.ij-til!— .......... D..;■.'ll, U.Ai Riill.ii I'-nnr.iK •); uc i !;i::.t.

llAsTUI!\‘ J.i:\<;t i:. V 1At -ici-■ ■ hi )■ k'.-it'i'..* i2; 1‘1,-viil.*.11', 1.AI ILtlli iM—Iku ih'l.l, 1;

TuJutijijm u Biiauu"

to.vjio looked as thohghhc would like Jiirl; rht* assVgnmt-ttr.■ Pad as I in the boi.tmii of theirliltk* craffc

was a si range mixture of still’ rope anil . pulley., and a'pair of swinging lanterns. The small boat, wa.s manned hy L i ft'guard s

AL:rphV—;Hid —\\Ujinriglu— of-r-tlu , beaclu.

biUritud S«|uar " 1 k j dfi.ee v e s t i ;v. 1.1 y

iiliernoon lit- Bailrpii'!’ Hijuare. On Maiij Ireet, near 'Cookman avnhttc, Hu* traei-*

-••on- of 251. the last week in June. Mr. A lim . howcyr\'. Is closely pressed by Jack .Mackin anil Harry FFher of Newiirk’, w!t-> belong to Ji >'.it,v bow ling dub.- Coa-h-i-lor .rGuwp'I A. Pattci'.xm of this eify aiid Mr.

. .W’a s h im d o u . J u l y T .- ^ T l ic i l a y y ikq> art“ ment hit - received- d i*epi»i'i IT'i'iu’- Ci..:n .u 1 • 1 c e T l lh 'y , tlu* l ia v s il . g o v c n i ' . r o f 11; S a g s ■: 111 - in la n d t d T n t n i l a . s l i | r \ \ i u g th

;‘l‘.!fey1'(Ttrl Ictl-J iFt ily a rrlurnars-jinil-


Salt lur Fui'op'e Today.Among those whom the Paris exposition

will tempt abroad this summer are Miss Katherine Kiulclllf of Cincinnati and Miss Margaret Ueyllagc.of Wayne, Pa., who have I icon guests at tiie Lillagaard, Drcan Grovo, during (he'flast two weeks. They w ill sail from Now York for- Fprope. today. ' 'I’hu fOllowingTiuests from Un1 LUlagaanl w ill accompany tho y oil tig ]ailie.*ito Now York to bid them bon voy-

Ul 1 1. FlutL-

hie I:ass bit ravehously a‘iT(l~ \v 11 ei 1 IIIk• lUhcrmen .eaiia) ashoiv they hud more llsh than (hey could carry. 4 Great, sl.iiugs of (hem were admired by the more timid ohes who wen* npf. prepared to make tliu I rip. ' * "

T i l l ; S K O O N D C O N C H H T ,

dat'd,' W. F. Heritage ami Wife .find C. J?. LeFcborc. . Besides tlio exposltioh the ynimg tourists w il l visit Kngtnml, Cjur* many, jieiglum, Italy nml Franco.

To' be <» I veil Toutglit In-•Uutli'tiuil Squai'e Sjinfmal’H Band.

Tonight. Ssmford’s band of this city w ill give the second concert, in An* scrus paid


' CliildreiiM .Dance und Ciduv Waltc.•The children hold a hop just itlglit at;, tho

IMa/ji antl a large number of tlm younger , .gueHtSfpnrllelpulcd. ,1’rof. Morti/ti fur* lilsliod the niUKiWs&Aftor the liopn.cake- walk' took place dud tbe (diildreii did splendidly In fancy artil original .walking. ^

honors and took the guests by.stoiyii with I101* graceful steps. ,She tvoii llrsb prize, a largo eakd, and w astho mdphmfc of liwirty eongratuhitions. 1 •

TrrrTiy'die rmrrrhrrnts imtt lowing is the program March—“ Biehmond Cai:nivar’....AVilniott' Waltz.—“Oriental Ibises” ...T. .T! Ahmovjei-Mareli—‘•'I’epjjh. Beglimmt.........B. B‘. I lit I fMedley Overt ure-A‘0IT and On" DdWlrt- Marcli—“Blue and the G ra y Im l- ta w a y(’onuit.'Solo—“Shvnade” .........T./rifomasHa kewalk—’* I hutch O’ Blank berries”Mai'i'-h^VThi* BjiMner'1'..... HallPolka—“ How I Lovo My Lu” ..*...;Boettgcr Cornet Snlo~P*My Old. New Hampshire

Home.” ' . F i'. I lull

.-hallow water'-liiit they both fcs:ink out of -si'u-ht- A not hoi—den pern u* ivsr tier-tried5 to help, but’.he also got beyond.hi* -depth.- and iio l being able to(swim, was himself iireqiial danger. Abner -White .reached the drowning trio a tul1 a s.-1st rd by theoiher "NYItito drew .them ashore. , Miss Aschcn- baeli. is hiijploVetl as. nurse in Mr. Well’s family. # *

Newark excursionist', whose' ha me could not. he ascertained, also got beyond his depth at the .\sbury grounds and called for help. lie was "resulted by Lifo- Lomrds Mnrnhv and Tniax. ' ' *

broke a lid the horse du-hed i a way,allowing _Llie_wagun.-a-dogi.'a i:L..'_LW.maEliy_Mr. _D.i.L. Jirow of Alleiihursl. to fall forward, '.l'he' drlYer, Peter Lynch,-was pitched. the st reet ujrm his head, but was not in­jured-.—The-horsc lwdo* -away-from ih«> cart, and was.'cauglvt kuot* on. Humiiier Held avenue; *'

J 'li i.-cJiniaiui, ofyi'.ist Janie, Itavd also made eveelleiir Miires on IIn» t.’oleman' House rti l .w s . “. Mrs. W. ,1. KeMlyof New York holds the

y workings vof tlie Mivh'd th)!-ej»v' jhc 11; l y v

ladies' rciaml. Her highest *c,,re is ljj).Mi:uy.- Inia A mj.peiiLorst have imb rcil 1 he'li.M-against. Mrs. Reilly. Miss Florenci*

PmTsvi s appear to be perfectly' -:t I islii d < ‘omimiiiilcr 'I'ilh-y has asked pei;ims4-i'»i i*C tlu dcparum ni in eali.--t a> laud.*mei iu the Fiiitcil States navy SB of (lie mi


to repretty .-••Min ihe Founder's si raw hat- was seen bobbing over the waves; To* those who watched' 1 he “ Lii.tle 31ystery” from the bench it was apjyiri;m that Ihe I’puiulec

»[«uU ling--) < p4 4—-Lufvb?— •-.... t- ——

TTv n’urnT!

Wliat Ails You ?15 it Yottr K idneys? T ry .Tlfii

T est and See. • .

A V liy _ i i s k j L i i l i v.siLi:ui-LgJ).]li]-QllL-W Jiulli.LT

\i.*dson._of N;‘V?. YorkyniTTi-Miss M. U. Brown of I lie, Nina*p'it.y, uuesi s at. t lie Pole- 11.an 1 iotisc, drop the-:pins with -amazing cajfi’vs Mi.-.--" Margaret Gordon is a-notlier gtr-st wiio.n; growing skill is attested by Ik.Mering scores made within the last week. - ’Mrs. Waller Tt Hubbant pf This city is also doing excellent, \vork. 'M l-. A. G. llblTuiiin «»f Orange,/N. J.. wlm .-cored highest'ui the Coleman. l Umse last' ve i*. is not howling (plite as well as usual. Flic L doing gtiojJjjrfielice. work, however, and niay vel rapture the coveted elprm-

•111- lie J*l'*ip(»>r> u• nva.niz.e .into a • military' police ch.M*l\ coiTTTpmF! tTTgTo JI I * u i 17 f'"S t ;T IVs"I n 71';rim* i-oips. 'nie-.co;iimariiii''i;,'>ays that'• he iiatiies . are tinv* MaUyiii-t .'I’eli'iw.-. •w ho Would -make exetllisit pblieemen.

, 'ihe boqt .-*ieere?i due. si ui ih and, thus' ‘hel|u'd (o'dissipate a groVvifig-impivssion thal-Mi*. Bradley wa-about, (o desert his -iihl ive *Mil.— — newspaper—mm)H)^W-r

report ul.y* has. been-'.I'eceiv »*.| iHoai-iAqt- 1;iiu Leary,-naval go vena »r the island. f ’ttiiam. witlPtiie . details jpf .the

adtnim^li’alioii pf the island alTatrs and viu bodying" copies of .si veral'-foi niida-bh - procl.'iiiiasibus which thF ehergelfc naval ollieer i-.-iiid fr««'ni time to tilil*' to eoVr.el'f t'he faults'.of t he natives'rjml bring abouy administrative irfornts.- . , 1*

•*ver. gave !jalla>l‘ 10 tin* bi.)al, and as i.lie Founder’s liiit wa> visibKT'in thehazy (Ii-1 alter coiitideuce, wius’ .-0 011' re- l orrl I. ' ----*—'Thcivdl seerrt. of I’oijndei*.Bradley’s sea

trip was disclosed! when the small, boat, hauled el'ise \ t'» tlie wiiul a.iulJiovered over

N ie •ainketl5*e]to(iner J: "W. 1'ox off Bel- mar. ’'.l'he Fox lies directly iii the*path of pas-dug vessels, ami - ic ueeuriVAl lo (he

R t t lta n Sa>f. l i e ’ l l (•':»> tu :*»:i;*;y l l r . y r , \\ as'iingi^1*. .1* dy 7.—The state dcp;u'l-

Mitrcli— I ndi'pmidfTTt la”

.Suintnor llnHobdll Tt'aniM. ; ‘ ” AV. P'. Drapor of tho Columbia has or­

ganized a lw iso ball tenm of college men *who nre sojuurning ut thu hotel and will play M11*'’Aslmry, Park team, also put de upof college .students fiom Princeton, Yule and other h'l^Utntlmis, onVVednesjlay next, at tluiathletio field op .the ocean front-. No adini.ssloii w ill be.charged,

Yesterday a It cnu nm the child run of the Victoria woro on tort,- lined by a donkey pavt-iv Twoifty-two hoys a iu l gir\s inndi tho a Ita Ir merry-by tholr olTorts^to phiea fcho donkuyJs tail wlturo Ifc bolongH.^-Fli^a- Jjofch’Gans .woii the . firsfc prize, a toiinla rackofc, atid-flamuH—Wilson v a's given a sailboat ilk t-ito'booljy pi'lz.u'., **M

metil has received n.ealile message from l.bcid'C. Grsseom; I'u’Aed StaD*s.vharge. d'atfaires af.L'oiist.'inliuople.‘slating that the porte has promised luJpiiy witlihi tin* next 111) da>s the Sl(H),Ht't» indemnity de- imiinlejl by . this -govern rn cut for the dr- s 1 metioh ot* Amerieuu property in' Anne* nia. j'arlia l proiiiises have ‘ freqni'iij’Iy bcf'ii made beLne, but thu teum'-’uf.-ML ‘i Jriscom’s dispatch .iudivate< a bi'iiFr’ lltal lhc*porlc is i:i-I'iiniest this-.time. That t Imre 'may He 1 m "T :T~i T1 t'fr 1 IuT f; 1 •) n ■ /1, uf -meht tiak direcie.d Mr, (Jrlseipn to'i.!ivid upon payment-within tlu* lime speeilioA

your ICidtioyH ar.i diseased? Take a glass tumbler ;yid till it. wi|)i uHno, If thure is a sediment after stand lug't wen ty* four dim u s, yoiu lCtdueys aro sick. If you lin'vi* 41 desire to urlimtq often, a pain fit tho hack, or if your lirtnu stains llnoii, y-'at ihould at once la I: e Dr. D iv Id ICe 11 tied y’s Favor 1 to Uei n- tdy,as delay is ilumpcuus. Tiiorn J. ipu’Stluu Jibout ItH btVng tho best uudsuro' tau'tii.inehi llio world for any nud all dis,- ejL-os of.the Kidueys, Liver, nitulder and of the ui ma ry passages, Bhoumatlsin,' Hys

0n.^ntir 1L w i f H u Ijuvvuls. Ttrrt rfirBy

plDllSltlp.Among those who bowl every night on

the Coleman allevs are Thomas Brown, Famm l ^mlthVJMin Baxter, James Ap- pie;rate. Janies Wood ward, Filward Nut- |)hcii; Mr. Towner, • lv.lw.ird * Wyekoff, Chiivlici* S. Steinor, Mr. Bice. Mr.^Strtico.

Bits (.'nilfit WashingtMii.' 111 Lv



Koiinder. as it did to others yho obst-wiMl 1 lie towering, innsts .of • the schooner, it might he a g»»iid thing'to phe-t ibc mariner

A * .' ,) . . . ..1.___. . . .

*rr--* M 'ueralM is ar*

bn his guajxL-. Fo the I'ounder rigged 1141 his tmllcys apd his lanterns. *

P.• v'Mt.nri’ Mr

t in ’ D a V b n a. h e r s . M r A B o r d e n a n d M.p. ,v.'s«,v,Vi. .. : •

Josh*' 'I’.-li Ur.iivU.

Whbn tho iiunUty'iif food tnhon is Inn lill'iroor tiio qtml1fy,torr-ririirhOOiMloim ts likely to follow, nndcsni’ehiily so If Muuiiees ■tion lms boon wonkmiod byeonstiimtlon. Hut slowly mid not too freely of easily digested food, 'ilasjjento the food iliofou«hly. Lot

It lias been demonstrated by exporlehoe Ihur. eonsunipihin etiii lie |>rovuut-d byiln, cnrlv use of Uiio-MinnfB-Couyli.L'ui L1.Is tbe favorite remedy for co«K.hH,' eolds, croup, asthma, nrrlppe nml nil throat and mnp troubles. Cures (pilckly. IV. 1! Ham', 107 Main street. . '

six liours elapse Irotween mi-ahi mid when yon fhel ft fullness and weight In the regionof thb stoinaelniflur oiitliig.-iiiillmiUnu that

lierhdn’a StomncU aud I.ivor Tablets andtho hohrtluirn mfiybn avnldcil. For sain by I homnsHt. Stewart, corner Coohufmrii.ye-uue ttnd Bond s'rect.

■pi-p’lT.-gon.oilinHDn'ii. .lu inmul... imtt il)u sicknesses.peeuliar to women. It u'ulcli relldvcs lunblllty to hold m ine, and the ne­cessity of getting nivolten durlhg thenipht. It stops that sealding pain whim passing ufine-and com'd'S liie b al elYeclp of-whisc ley and beer. ' ; • ' ."

It is sold by.n1I\drdg«lslsHi ouo dollar 'a bottle, . You ou'u have'ft trial bottle and pamphlot of valuable medical advice sent free- tjy mail postpaid, by mentlmdng this paporTrn iV-aem iipg-y‘yit!‘ ’ ' ,1iH<M»H:tHdie—B e David Kennedy Corporation, Ilondput, N Y.. The puhllshov of tlils paper guarantees t*o geru'u-jitr^.oIOiIs liberal offor.

jri-ie lmliis arc Mb M i --s -i Jci'gh'., M i*•** Mng>Vj, M i*N 1 >e ('pu. Mi ** Ifaxier. Alw?. Fineli aiul Mks lIiuiE, J ’heic.1 3 need I'ora.lniVuW Ifiwlimrcrnwu.

Femlulni* ImwiVis wit.li hmg^Tiui ts .u*'* ,-u atli.sulyaiilage. They"can tint run with Du­bai! in their ham) a,-* t.he men thy but must- ittiuiil quite slil! :knil (h'ilvcr the.iiall wilh what1 fun-e they can c,mnnia[ul.In that- w •

luHUe in . Bm-lu-sii i- i*i answer It*, ti*lc- giaphij: simiiimii-. Oipiii the .war tJcpart- niciii-,. He called imiiieiljaleiy* upon Sec­retary Bout. 'L’he gciu-.rjil spent the.cil- i if f uriiziiiRg -jn clc-e• cbtifcrt nee* with Secret a ry Beni. Gemi'al .Mih-s and Adju­tant* General Corbin. In .answer, lu an in­quiry as to.the nature of his business he referred al!-qtc'sfenis to thiy-^eiTetary. 71f War. but life latter declined NE-lila'ke inv tMalcinem. oii the suhji’-et. Il is sup- :>"si'd..llutL the.g'-neral tots lti.*eii.callc»l..lu: Wa'shingtou tif inform the authorities as Lu_jJjc milimxy -ii'i.-i!i-,|i ill ilp’ d'llillpim^'wilh special Vel'cfi tlee tw the jyissl* i.ility uf e(i 111 it g "ii Ihejroofis there fur runiier re*eniy*reeiiu'ius for tlm I’uitcil Stales forces in-China.7 i_______ *

Brad toy‘rtTrrw.'ETV (lie tiutwspaper mail, un the chance that- somebody might bn drowned on the rxpiMitnui whose old l unry wutild looleniee in tlu* morning pajiers.. 'l'he Bifi':s.-; is delighted to report. I he ah-

'solute, mid- miqitalilled sUci.*ess of Mt Bradley's experiment, The - Itintorn^*.. w.enrattached to* Hie sunken eraftL-ris—n- he.icon light and asnVarning t.o'hlL fcho.se who go ilnwn'jo tlYese.'i in shifiS. *-•Miv Bradley rel.urncd ' ib''"hi.Y jisual haunts la«f night none the Worse for lifn—

i n ip . 1 'J'■!jv■ ueusp.ijici— ttp-n™-yHh"TTTTrrt TTTfTrecowr:

siiioTt. Thus, hanilh-apjied thu hall' rolls listb ssly along and a great deal-is left to chane-.'i A shotfc bowlliig skrrt- granting free scope to the" limbs would materialE' phi the.ladies who howl, for High scores...

Manager WTfliu m Wh*fepre.-ldi*s o.Vert he

»r ji poij! <1 • .n'V, r K ere cm .* r vesiutl. l")o'vei. N . J 1..

«Hoy s.. lit! has had loiur experience in the business ami Is known to-ull*. tlu* Ih'sfc howlers on (he cdnsfc.

I illy 7,~ Four meu gi ving Hi eh* natife.sas .bdm AVilliams, .loiiu ,i’ar; ten. William Scott and Frank, ({old. sup­posed to bt* the ineti'wlio nnU'diToiisly »s- saultcd-fourd)overtre>idcms on the night

j of July 1. resulting in the deAth of two lyR* tlu.-m, John.MeNnlly.attil Thuinas !>idi

lins.Jwere romulcil ivjii last nlglit si > I a nt .Cil y \ a r>l i a I \\ f! k insm i ,a ml u posse ut1 yt!jeers aud .placed' under aVresl

A (iiM ui C o u g h lUcqlh-hii*.Many tlmusamls. have l ecti restored. l,o

nejilrji and iiuppiiiess by.tho mo of (Jiiam- iiorialrrHfCottglrHemedy;—If-utlHcted with any throat orlutig trouble, give ifca trial for. It in certain to prbye--henclicial. Coughs, tliat havo rcHisted all other treatment fop ywuy, iiavbyieldc t to thin romc-dy and pur-' feet health restored. L’iit-es. that hoc mod liopoless, that, the climate of* fatuous health resorts.tailed to bonetlr, havo heen nenna- aionHy-muqat-hy-H -qsa.-] )r-sal6-L>3 TiiumHH- M. srewnrt, (‘ornor Cookman ttvenno nnd' Hotul street.* : > . . ,

; -A;

■al'tci* a ’fieih:* rn Ltdpc.e. I B e .u l 'L i 11; I >:\‘i j,y . i *r i ;Ah7



Is the stoiy of,.our spring- offerings in every rdepart-men^-'^Wl^vc-^If^aE-Sr new and/de­sirable in : r ,"

STEVENSON M IN IT E DIllinois - Man to Be Bryan’s

Running Mater


O n l y . M m i ' h n f U* i l t i t ! i I u r n ( i ’l l i t e -i 'u u n i I f K t t n l i c i t ! \ t . i v ' Y « P l * t . f , « n i i u - T l p l t u l —S i l v e r K i i i i i I .I L . i i i i k I n - t o y O v m m w i i t n : X o m l l i c - f s .

A/tffaaFpity..T illy T.-^Yhi-ri' fras a lint T!u nr' tiff., tioiis uf. J'folmx-raey—Cnikiu

(ancles of the season. The demand for wash fabrics . will/be enormous. Chaliics, dimities and meusselines will prevail for inid-surumer use. To select here means buying right.

O u rM i l l i n e r y

is ever at the front and leading com petition. It’s perhaps useless to dwell on. the completeness of out stock or the

inlewemnstaneoS' would Ho aoi'optM.In* ' noniinilMin\y for ,viee president. He at oiiceset to wovk.Uo en- yme»V :\Ului Stev'oiisuids nomination, con- viiircdthiit ‘His own miuu I’Jlliot. I hinforth, laid iiivu mmJuMTotf defeat at nil haz­ards l/v Cnikor :uM Tammany.

NYhiai, iir/i.iifoidn rootmtly with Mr. Brylin. H ill dIsciisseU tho talk o fh is own nomination Tor' vii/e "president. Hi* de- ylaT-od ut1 wtwldTio lmd for l ho party ow-i ini? to Mu* TSinii.nany.ropp«»si<;tp!i to. him iii. XewTbrfc aiVd lo tin* fact of Iiis.noL liitv

i (iTiiha

abjlity ol our dfcsigners and trimmers.

•' RuaJy-to wear garments for : ladies misses and- children, from the common house wrapper to the most desirable tailor- made suits and skirts in rdf cloths and finish, / y

jinuounccd tniiphVi.tiojilly Mutt- it noimjial.od lie* -would ‘decline/siitd liegjred 1 i» 1 it*s pii riii 1 tin.1 m*ly ha rr:i ssmuijL -but/ \v i 1 1 i>ro] t'iiti t*<s‘-ti i* 1 on it i n a ti< ui. 11 > «lisc ret \ \ t : II i 11:: a s. hi r as possible it1. the; eyes. t ti I us par i y t ’ in tli el* pi aimed t«• ft ? MT|ij>1 ■ 11 ill t o dwdino the, iVomimiMoa publicly: * Bryan’s THciids*^n^afk'irrniT^iiiuaiOTTim _had iiny part, hi thvsLSfhoiuo iff Cmker’s.. .

XiTio out', of every .i**u. .-delegates' from New York .went5 itU o Mul con vention , yes­terday ihoniimr sni.tposiiigiMiii‘AY. Kid* lot- w7is t«i reeeive the uimmmqits vote of his" state.'for .tfie.wiec presidential nntui* nation.. Not so (Taker... Mmhfji.L' Grady.- aiul -a 'few* other trusted lieutenants. •

1 Id), it is. understojtd.. believed that he

U pStairs'

we pride, ourselves on the stock and styles we have; to offer; in-mens':and boys’ clpth-

. mg and hat's. They are easier"shown thantold of;-besides the impression is more lasting.

There’s a comfort in our shoe room.' Comfort in s’elect- ng, comfort in the price and a comfort in the wearing which can only come 'from proper fitting1, which depends on exjreri-, ence and care of selection.


1F you want your work done w hen prom ised— ■—; '■> —1------- c a ll Oft— ----- ——■— . . "

W O O D W O R l 'R ^ H A B F R G A H N

and I lill—in Mu* c<aivi}hiion hall yester-. djiy which in dramatic inlcnsit.y-fNcdctlcd

iii^Hii-- t'he -laditiclfhof. Mu*. Kausiis <'ity pilhorin.iT. H ill .dechiivd Khvcral days. :jpi that./.under lin uihvuinstaucos

hi& supported YudiyoJ.v'/t-ln* inn it iu VSlMk ' , f T /; •

lit? jinumuiccd iniiphatit


was to -1 iQ.stjaitMI niVy Tuvther ahUovaijcc.

*yM ■&

A D L a i -K. S’tKVICXKON;V.nt as thu (dihcrs-hc.uan in the uallciics, first for fro\vm‘ and then for .1 1 ill* tho st a t csinaii from AY ol fort’s lb >ost bccaiijo Iroitidcd. -• ' \

■'Viwiit h’or mil. ^A ir excited uDmp~oT tho;~Nc York dol-

otia4-io;i-Uhcn-ntNlukl-b-u—Ifj 11 ‘ . ‘“ ntUoii ?i

jo iily aoocssjiry to liomuiatc, f id Tciincssci.' < j a tckly olm a cd its ' -1

Vidcs'iTtun l l i l l t«* Stevenson, .■■Jl’ha t sett led t ha (j ucst ion. for one st 5111

iiftt!i> anpthur-clbLnucd to Stcvcnson 'aml . nt hers A'lauiorcd loiy rccVrhiMoii-to-;qt*t Mm band wa iron. . fJ‘o w iv*—wicui v onlyl--.Vu votes.Opiiiifm varies as to whether l l i l i

wonid jiavu been iiuntitnitcd. if lie rtamiia- eibsilcMt- and had 21 flowed his acoeptann; lojniv't! been ml'oficd. There is a lurUViiK. saVpicion* that Uroker juid u sinister

take this noihii mi.iuti and save the day fiT'..lilc LiM Z exclaimed Kdwind Mm;--

, A il cj-ftt v r t to W v < jU 't l. .m » till-X(!-.r'.Ycrlf lU-ltcun;in:i. iiThI 'Sfiitiltri? Cim-:*)}" u 't is su t'tt t i i riMC ii ii i i w n kt> l i i s w a y •••i l ! : i ‘ i r t i i l t l i n n . . r t '

••Mi1. Omlrmiih.” i-aiil Oraily whon'hi;t-iiulil inClu'iu-il, ” iii. iH'lmll' of, il|i‘ uuilrii Ih<uiu<'riV(‘y;Trr :Ufu rriiti' uitvNihr YnVlc-I liio.-i'jit to . tlio. cuiivoiilion U8 oiuiilhlati! for Iho vtac/inwtiiMrt-lha ul' UuviillioiiMclI I lill."

H I I I - h D r i t n i n l l o U o r i iH i i l .Tlio ololiiont of surpriso in this .stnto*

moirt iiml 11 wtiinlorl'nl. oloolrlo ofToot. Tlio uprnnr wiis ilopfcntiipt. IWjt who if this 1111111. wilh n I'noo os polo us iloitlh, ■liphliii|?-hiK-\v!ij—lu-l.ho -plnlfnrm. - with arm upruisoil. iviivini;.tn Ormly to.desist:, ;I to iviiohos 1 1n-* pint form; iliiil ' liis «!<•• toriiiinoii ■.mitimor* oompdis. tw'n nr throe mini to liolji him up (ho; stops.'• I In is os- rurtoil to iho pormuuont oh:i.irinaii*s sont, lull ho I'liH'fi! util; wisii 111 sit iluwn. - ■'‘-I will ppt.tali,, iirjia•hissoi! ii'otxvoori ins toot Ii'to (irmly.. '“This is iilistitiilol.v unfitiiv. You slnnih! not 1 ii.” - ; , ’ . 7y—

' W h o m i s C lu u r .in n n J u l i o s ' : ; I t i l l in -, ( in ir p i l ' u ( X i i i i i in iu u i '1 't t io h n r i ls iu i . i " H r

n s-t s l o p , t h i s ; fu r l i o r f u ih u 's ln n i l s .’’ J u n o 's .o m u o ' . t u H it ! in u. h u r r .v .“ Slop tflis, Jniios," isnii'l llili; “ Yon lust ot- I fr ill tltw filn* uClor hoina nntui- stoii.". ;’ -"1 w ill holp .yuu, Itill,’’ jvai .Tonos’ l-o-

pl.v. .".You m-n rijhl. T h i s is tint, wiso fnl 'iho lmuly. 'YPu.ilrriino, un<V,j will soo (hr ilolifrutiim ioailors.1'

"lluvornor it iil luay iloolim'." (Jraily ooplinuoil. !‘luU Moolino nr'not. Mr"'

.. -Y.11 It's nifitod 7C- ..... .will' ho enul i'uii t r i i i i i . " ;. .

„ ( j i l l rmpiostcil (irmly lo j-INil (n liini.- lmr (irilhor’s s])ni,-,"(iiiili foiinsrii.

Cut H ill's ,h':,<niin:ilion f r t t h .Tom'son; 'TTio v u r t n n s -slnto--lo:i.i>'rj- j

• ,1 . ,

/""OTTAGERS and Hotel Guests'are- reminded that the two Steinback. ^ Ormn ' TVilnrr-. nnA the Mammoth^arc moclern-establish­

ments, where everything required for the'home pr tlie wardrobe can be procured. Few city stores carry larger or more varied stocks of Dry .Goods,-

.. Dress Goods, Clothing,, Furniture; Carpets Or House Furnishing requisites ! *ahd few’establishmerits.self goods of equal quality on so' small a profit' irihrgin.

We maintain 23 distinct departments, every one of them completely stockedwith recently made goods. Buying all our niercbandi^e for spot cash, iq large quantities, it,stands td .reason that ive can compete successfully wilh the,city establishments, . ... . " *. ' ;

We want strangers to visit our.stores and get acquainted with them andour Way of doing business/ Evdry.cjay we have special offerings . in DRESS .. GOODS, .CLOTHING, HOUSE FURNISHINGS and IIOJ' WE A ril ER-

< ESSENTIALS, so it'makes no difference when you c-onie-—you .will always be« I. repaid for the lime spent in s H o p p i n g . • -

jT<it td iT c lh o r a n d / d e c i d e d t lm t * T o w ir t- limt Slcvcn'could nnt. be noininsitcd. Kat Koti could.

AYliou Gr/iily lmd • finished, I li l l i’s ccd thevdek’irn.tes and with bnwi'd heail.-rcF ii.trnizod the tiujmituous itprdsiuse ..wlih'h jTi’cctl'd lpm >1^:1 hi. •dioiikiiit: slraiirh.t,a.t the ,Ncw York tlcl(-.tratipii*, he then h.e/ran ‘u cut t int?* sit myaii*’/‘Aliv l'rijsidejit/tiud (*onth\nicn of the

(Vuivptitioii—AYhib-.GL Tgn'ally jipprccjsib’ the action, of iliq dt‘!cirjiYKhi/fbVin;*Ny\y York, it is proper for me vo s:iy t liiif it is \vit I Hint my appiovjil.” •- (Oiiw oty.V-NoI No!” ) '

Then *ciime the. roll x-j'.U after sevorsil other'sjM’i'ehes Innl been tnjiilef //

. V o t e d For; IIIII* A n y w r . y . liespite Iliir.s dt’elinsilioa Ahihsinm U'il

off with > .1 ‘J for 11 ill, d» . for .Stevenson,’* lioyisitina ^ave H ill .1(5 niore. aiul lie re- , ceived ip till,”Ut) vtites. • .•

When iSew* Yi»i’k was culled. Senate! (irmly.announced.“7:2 votqs for.J.hivliLl?,.. i l i l l . ” W the naif ride hdopltMl Uy liie New York tlele :i:itiu l i i l l anil all his friends-laid to he recoiled as voMntr f«u 11 ill becsiuse.O’"her cun trolled ji iiiajore ty «d‘ .the delvfuititia..

1 .ittie Haw:iii b.roiiirliVup tlie end ot*I he'roll, cjiil'with il.s votes for Uili,., Sti*--

“ l“vntosrof,iinv

This week the goad tj with that end in view include'.

chosen for qntek seilihg. atid; marked clown

W a is t s , :

! L a r l ie s 1 S e p a r a te S k ir ts , . .

- ;. L a d i e s ’ O x f o r d T i e s ,M e n ’s ; # Y o u t h F e a t h e r W e i g h t C l o t h i n g ,1

M e n ’s N e g l i g e e S h i r t s ,. B a t h i n g S u i t s a n d H e a d g e a r . •W € » « 'JE^O,nrjEK-\ S B X ' E - S -

This marked down'stock of seasonable requisites is not restricted as to

in n»:p‘ a»'itin- consent t'.

t*; ii;iye-dt‘fc.1 icd h.ini with Stovonson. k mi jnsi.iiic.-il.luij— haWt:

assortment or quality,' but is practically.uhlimitfcd, so all can be suited and at the same time secu re the goods at a point or two in excess of the original cost.

W e maintain a model delivery' depavtmcnt and aj? purchases are deliv- jrompthvanddn-goocLcondition...—__ . ' , __

lOu Tinsmiths, 712 Cookman Avonuo * p h y h r t ' u t h lc / . ' l y p> 11

.iiL, lIxiiUL-ItbLA:!.;-

: ■ - G IB J P O H n \i& S O N .JPlnln a n d : 'G . m a m e n t a ! P l a s t e r e r s... . —. i . 1.- j : .■—. _. 7- ... ~ :- :--——

.u —u.iv:..-.;iil,y;t,. -X*-e,..ircpliud*ituHt.oiL

I cjtiitiifl. i-w ill liiit.

tin*.belief Mint this plan ciu;ld have sut*-

i l l . dertfitfi 1121 it«m,2iud ‘yeii canae.t force me fo'it.; t.Jt-ady. Ni ini ui ft .10. Mack, 111 enew in t *

letter, tTr:

Bricklaying, SaUin.^ of- Mitnvrds, Kanges and ICeater?. Also Boiler Setting and ' 3-’o a ml :tt i o ns Ig dd. Ti 1 e Set ti vig. ■

• . . ESTIMATivL ML ii.NtsilUD F(;tt AUUN'F,' WITH Ii'EFH'RKhoES / '

c.'irrdidirtf* of ;tln* New. YoVk lelexat iqii-s caucus' and idher'Dcijiiicrsits

•midtrr . thekci-’s/iiitltteiu u in New York ftdiiiv/ed w it 1l -t heir ci it nasties for l l i l i to aci‘!‘pt. ... V v/.- . • ' '

•Ile repll' d to 'each and all: “ I obimmt. It is .i i ii pii i. lt i. i >1 iiee me j 11 .1 h is posilion. RleakeGio nil.t «lo it." - /. . r ■ M»*:i:iuine. tlie epnventiou hsdl wsis rin?:* M.v friih-o-i^ ui, --tTin• ■ triir:" i i « :i

Juilp -W; Kdlt-1%

r o s t o m o e l l t t x 4 3 , JS en d io y .. JJtoap li, N , <7.

•‘Ctme Tfioks

AaMrwtik 'Co.ii’V is i ExctaslvcV, liigtti; lng 0aa iiincfs. and Camion

Ttuie UUJc in effoqi 1R.0 1-ijocn Jiiih.- T'k PAd,.# l‘V»f N*>u- Yilr.i;. y ; i i rs• t VrUthik/n'.iMt:.’ 0 57: 7 ?DV

7 ■ *); ! •:i f), (II ■ |21 a: in ; ! - * . I ■ - 2 'C :. A Li j . i i,i; __y»»■*<«»>'*» • hit-Tr|rtKu»:''Umtnw, »n,-f-LU. H>-:r


,cei vert-- hy 1 he I hViifbun i h*mdci’2M-y of Mu s* »ii 11 i si ad ess - t. t hah' 'l’i i.w tic’s \vi add h.-jvt heeii. wliile *mc u f J1 ii*/T.*«T|adis.ts“ aiul aitiLSifvci^MU ouMieans wlm/hadh.KfiL!liljcjyis \\h..Jiad

4 vcs 7i \Vi-ok aJr< » t 1 i'it t£12111

T ’n e B t a n c l a r d R a i l r o a d o f A m e r i c a

■ Gf-V G n iih d l i f t e r :

..T.i t a ixa ■. l i: a .V a, al m; it v i *ai :k—\y i: k h a a vh .

l y n v:t i h 11 iV : 1 1 < >< isevo! t lien rt l i t ’ ’in l >liii:tdel|»hi:i,---UUtl yichledphlit l l i l i iViis jh;it>rm i ned. ftesperat e. ; i ; c ,~ A O' *)Xci t e*I• ii**leirate -fro iuNew ,Tersoy.

thinlkjii/c t h t .iimre f**rce was required to maUu IiinV. y!<4<l,. }vrish*’d hi;; .way to HiU’s .><••i.t, slitjok liis tisr in.his'f?u*e and said: “ You hayi* got to take it. . Y*»u! dare not de’ciine it;' The- p;ifty. needs you. and you latn’t, I'Ra iiVvay jiaain.” “ NoV!*. was iilil.-t-uutd ;V»|')!y, ...I-AV-mU-U-ml-

;|iF t.Uel!IS*4Vi'S if \Y( •ek ajrb thitt iiVithi (.-oiiitl heat Towiie arc disjipfioiut*’*!,:

It . i s u m -e r t ;iii» whet Ins** T o w h o W ill w i t l o l i a w f ! o i !i b e i n g sf ca n d i* Ia t i* 2ja-"iin.‘ t. S t e v e n s o n . B r y i u i ’s w.KIh-s'. w i l l det**r: n i i u e i h i s ^ u j e s t i u n . •

5? < c i-enson\s <‘ii ret*r, , -A d l a i I* h v |iia >r-ti.‘y e n s * iij ••('• H liin tfs ,' the-

i m in i i l e o o f i h e - K i i i^ k i s '( s l y c m ;y e i d io n

5 t e i n p , a c I t C o m p a n yA S B U R Y F A R K P I O N B E R M E R C H A N T S ______

B oth on th e T ro lle y

. ..D ow n to Date D e p a rtm en t S tores

T h e O cean P a la c e T h e H am m oth

7 i- T f r ' i 'T i i i i t ; it L tl.Yii-!,; Jiiii.i.i .1.1.!i il jug t h a t- *4! ice, ka vi j i u \ h c n ci ;;ct 1.11 wi 1 h -(4n ivrrClevela siil jn 1 S i - 41 r. Stevc.tiVon w.-rs bonr in, UT(i4fviiafi <S*imry. Ky-u O c t H i s fjur.ily luis.beau distfiigtiishcii in tlie;-history of IniMi‘*Vir­ginia iiinl -Kvistucky. In IN52 .Miv Rfe Vejis-ui -1i:< t'vi'j 1 *'.tVi I Iiiim»iy. . 11** w21 s ad milled-to Mm l»ar:;at tJi’e !i.m* of. !i2. In 187-1:11 e was 14uct c<I t o ;<-pjj.inv-ss a n*V t \y< 1 yea i s . latcr-tlyfeaied- in ? he Wiiiie;' district.

.. ./'• • r t w* f 'Ii'.Viirs ; II ;j! of’ : rv-lftft*,'' t *6ii-■-Tcssnuut Mini froth uf t 't>h*raih». ex-t.’on* .-rtfj/niiiii f 'JiCijiih* /:• f I ini hi liti and .others ay oh- •]!: ei'lits hi J:*\v>r ijf-■’indorsing fh*!>«•*}io<■ 1 ;i 1 ii•; iicI)iff. 1 iVtf it was not rthIi! TYiwiie appi;i:4’eil sind niipcrtU’d tn

i n l S.SX 1 (•;, iid.f f,lS. rc-l'h'd ion; In I SSI V;.1 ^ *uiuate him, l.ml.

If You arc; Not A lready Using Our

Specifit B len d J a v a an d flo c h a C offees

tpyr Now Vn-ir, ............... . ; .t*i in Mf**idilVS'2‘tilV‘J.' h-17, ; («i; N»*W.: ;

York th.Iv i, iTVt-i u*?rct*iu; Jrk*) k lie,;/ i:!,-G.yL -!’5-jUM.xG'0/ Ltya ‘ib-2d-'

11K tfrkni 1 h station, >' ;i7 » in .tl i, s '>> j * m. '•— J‘**r I’hihHMdphJM ,!i2KlTtctite!t;via ' ......‘ '

'■•I! 1 Hi, 1 i l Il-I.-I I T . V.-IIV, t qifclii 11vr • 11 HI imi ' i M n lo ^ k A w h ic i i 11 t i l g j i v e

tn , 4 lo p in. : frpm faLFvliikJii Lo/,. iloii, 7 a in/4 IK t- ’d." : / i -T/ :Pui" ‘ hit 1 *111**”.rtj. t\*l \V;_:-ii 1 n Cih/;> tC-Lv: 8.IV?»: 10.■>ba at, i / m v {(d ;:;vvv: faint I

. u u iih m , 7 a t'V ift . a---VuT UnUOI.,.

..-.jo, i-m. * erlitkt'M ji1-.\TioTurVVitoiwr,!

jr:',K 'Al.LiviY’rL.i.'i;-.-y-'' V" •t':-" .?

Ft»r I5t;:r?*i« U . *15 W, it) -~ii) AI.i- V JUaiDwiv.

;a*h.ini{.f v?;r»hw I:Ivy.-■k, • 7r)?>.!:i". i122::\ ■*

'th^"Rii*>id*-ier.h it iL iiU r e p l y w j?r A v iM ic r in e .

* * Xo/'sa i d /H ill air a i i i ■*.* \YI i.v d* »n ’ t you - tahh Ktpv*4isoit.V.;lie'would m;:ki\ a -bet; mgniawGthirir-irmiVil^ Avc <-iijii" ivm\mtu him:” .';. Tlmu Trill;' hecjinp*'. dtpj.onpitic. ;J :ti r n i n e *.wit!r u n .apj v ai \i t nr s» *k t i in * tu

I ’il’fl'SI*m id —m K

FFdu i .7()jd .M ui'fdiy, he begged: • <-1,> (--■()' - -ft>»■(•{> lhi< ' 11 is ;;nf:i.ir .-2

in l-YSf) faiic.j f.ir ,*i re-t'fevtioii; . In t.SS-.I jit*was a dei-’giVte to tln* I U;,inoer:itic n;i- ‘ ti*»ual coiiVi nii.ih- and Vibea YMeyehmd I; »• >b oirn*** \y.;jA uj;ide Iirs;t assis|:m; post-; t ui st * *r ire ne;*;i!. .;: 1 1 e wa s a * h ■ I *;ir, i f * * a i !ariTtt. io ila-, 4 )einni:r:itiw-ciJiiveutio;t of.11 i*j -' :•*,ml n ”•*4 veil ; shm mkI* pja e e * Hi thi’_ t id; el- \v i 1*11 t l h ■ ve! :Vl l* 1. A ft * *r .‘his ret i ri - men t - f n mu I he .'vi eepr* si-, i epc y ; Ii vs. ’only public Vtil* *> /f Hoby w:bi, as ii pieinbc!' of-

. /s''"c.ilmi-d-diVwiji jind*' t h e v i c e preyh i!euj]a 1 .;he»iViiii?• tliiiT:V'vVUk: i 7 * f y r l i tw it 5* ai a I e/M a: n i 11 cc./ ‘ 1 ' . •; --'f-

"M ity nat mkal/cbkuiuttbe -decadcd/to in- jVo-fse.H h;\h*ust *n; ■/. ;v-,;; ■_.//'•"■., :. *. - ’

OtuUiV-UwLlHRUlk J lu t is iw y o u > h < n it d t r y Botin:. : -

O n ly 25; Cents per Pound.

Yi vi i ri\ !»• M;i $tii/(i i.C. fi !/ mid B I O. p j)i, . . . ..Ginenoa,, of a ;n. I” is, a/7 ;ujd .b~ |* m. .

W ise ,;. -. ■ .... .- . . . . . . ..H id ( ’r u h e r w a s stoU*i a n d - fM im illv de*

ed' ;i *...... '-f .........

I.!.'.-' i i :u l» '! : i'r u u t ii l ' ii^ T i.m , :i i .(.1 . i i i i . '11 b y I * rcsii 1 / i i i i = • / inIey in 1 Si ?7;.(o. y< >

• t l r y j s n r C o i i K r r i t a l a t h a S lc v e n H » » ii . ‘ I J n e e l n , * N e b „ d u l y 7 . - - T h e id a n - . ol

#’•? i j > j j r*t 15 if; J.; • > I’ y tin* H >t*jj)oei‘a i i c -m il io n a I i rd d lrL - i if j ii i iU h a .T u r f if r s h h / l . t .LUUhiUtr

A C fo o c i J n v u . i i n d I V ! n r i c i i l i o I d r 2 0 c p e r l b . A- G o o d C o t T u c ' J o r t 5 a ~ - ....

. 40 yi-juVTqdMJrionijn enal'dea mr-fco* offer t o our iuiaiflrirJci n u a r t i c l e t h i i t w i l l g i v e -a t* :ir;faction. ; . - * 1

s o

liiaiiilp coast eM b-S, llJo■ •Via ‘PLEASORE BAY,

l.KAVK Cl.K-i.V.JiK BAY WtuI: feys;-.. -'f-.ati.ii. in.7 2.1<T, !■ IP. H) pT.ist.:

KCTUli'N.iXG. i.KAV-I'u XT-.iV1 YOR-iy • lu ii' Vust lUiii li.i.Mj. I a .

• E i i i u . f f i 'a ' r k M ^ o . B i , .1 o . i l i i , .> I'U m 'ii. 8 y k l ) A Y S ' ; .

Lonvo•PlOH iiroBay, L !T>,T.3ii; (-ij.A.rtS'p.tn,••rrrr■ ii.iii) luLii. in..

iu iv n B a t t e r y i ' l* i t r l i S..TT, .T i,|u ,. y j f e 1 1 ,(5 a, m.', • -r- -.

,*Ott Ku‘(urJiiyJj'oiiTY U.fHi lAUeM' limali-:ivf« i W e.-!, tlli.li s i . l iT S ' t t u i l i i . iu t ' t y - l ' u r k

,-instoad-ot-l-l-JiiTih- ;ih-— —-— =——

thuii M a»iWm,;for 7 sti)a. uu.iS. (I fo r 4 |0 * h o n (; t.JO .fhr ii it) nnd :iM a to, -! iHtp .

"Oi^awallow'di^'noOnftki gnmmer o»i......................... ■ , "W■ oiin i i ily o i- t is p iT ie n t w i l i n o f .m a k u y o u i- t n -

taw, b*rt; ail 'sWKSBS'EW inereimrits will t h a t I t p n y s tp ' n d y e i ' t l s e a m i ,t o T :eep

4 2, . V. : A l t i'Y. .'■ . .'......' everlasting! at It

. atitiihw i u i i t^ m p m Itii*n*tjpcn .1 iLil wr-Ni ivrrriTrtanTriTr

UM’hdiied'as- TUii; {*• lia vij I s way. “ (i*i { lu-iul' hi'fid' taki* t i- s ;n iI ‘ f he Taninnfity I* a] k*r/ /; Yrrn i i td * irse* 1 11 r y a n / -a m I the t»I;(if*jrnb yi^jyr*Iiiy. You .'have; *leclaml •yiMii'se!f jipywav . , . N o t hitui^iimjcr s y*mr

•. ///'' / .:*;'• ;;u/lItU/ juid; 1Ui’dtyor itllnost touched 11esuIV? as it hoy t al ivvd. ’ It was -1 hi*; jic.iuy st they hhUfhUen t ifYiaeh • d hfj’ ih inany liVonths.;riic YiWiIs;in 1 ho ga!levies, vu*winjt. the. f'dipniiH iqjV !il ihn t 11 ? It .sit ruuHrd tlmt H ill av*h) 1 d ~t i.ol( 1 ./a) id one: a ml all they slfout-

lluil'gjll i*s f ioni ■ vju,t0 U{i.J

id hi i.>I; u broil t]-.TTUT////■■Ti.

The -ini

10 u if >i >Dinv~"y'r"i:: 111;(. e .Vntlomil <**Mn:!iIiyi‘V. t ■( . ii-iualx c.omhdt ti e of, I lie JJeui*)-

a -*e. yet to fa? Yi yvnni;ei I, .M r. 1»t ya u ha;* T iiit;)vU,»'<l wlrFi* lie li:ls Liiill Ih J ife - that

.Many : -tli p.::■-U.. — jttttc ::,inr,'ithFiUr7[,y:mrry,t,TiAsi/inyrai off. pjis.-ieii;jc(‘st . ■*

ratic■■ party __al l er j)u> a■/j • urii:ncnt :i.»f ,1 1n? convent ion :i ml •, iwyfn ha I el.v- ; organized,, S<;naD* .buics, -who \v‘i;* jio t a- l ip in her of t in* coin* mitt iM/'.reii: a i {• ] ii*r ;Yi lit salt •/ ant ilvfhe pro • Ihuimirit*. Wurd ovci*. 'i’Inuinis 'rhyipiid of 1 m i in tin. y,;j io /has b'Rii nici 11 i* met I a* a' j mis si Vih •, e) i':ii niifl nV t m Ad mil tit I St -ivtl t) r .1 ones for re-; lection, ityul he dt-*4ve*i jla H/dqnVnmus v( *:e/; Thu senator \vas scid 7 * W, -."aiii r-Tff;■ irHfcpt I i i'fi-vt hi* !•<•! i :i i r i hi ins hi p haid that :t !:•••'Cfiuiniirt^ce/entered t he caui* i»:li"l|-ill niluTl ln-tt.-l-.1 sluijn. lllilli. carff ' - - - - - -

G '.u u .s ia i j y K ihjrr.r^iiti^iuA (B ron d st) ran. ,..//'• ' AsMit’uy pAWfv- ; •' , "/.■»;.

A; 11-; I. /) --.’J .li :i j in .“..ij.ri .’.iniiii il.!. u i «1ay•s.a/HMl 5>an . (Hutr n d ;iy s :;p i, |y \ 8u

I -Lta'l’ikeii''-.fir A sO 'iiV P art: 1 Hi * 1 s t ro«t W h iir f vi * Ca a i -

5...l(lM0.3i»'ro.l2.-»,»(i.li .J L ii: {K atar ita j’-H on/v) , harf,. y ni ;1 ui Husnur*', ,

.v .’.V 8 t n N i ;T b /N a n i l t i m : M u y r i i .

•i-oMLilt h 11 Yrft *?» n *1 W i ':u*« 1 . 7 \*t-IU; I tt .(5il-C-

iillL' Ciirj O lit, ilHfl jlik’-iUiifKiiivs. :i 7 20. .1)12' 11• • • ’ >, a to, -t.ii .hyocoi^'DS;

the Kln'mt; from .tlie /miileries for nmniimtkm. •' • >: /•

.“ W.eji1, I,- Iniye tlone pi I.I could to luivo VIHi aeeepl." saitl -(/r*ikor ;as' .he t timed nwayf£-evidently:; ednvipeeir tiia t/1 lill wdti Id Yi'dt iiiiiisimt i , -The Tn aft11:i iiy lea 11- er/Jmi {.; a /fen/ \y h Is/ ieri *t ] w« ji’/Js- wi) J i Sejj- atdrfVrndy/Jin'ti: tlien he sat ddwhi,'

’AuKiistus; Yan• VYyek, the. man i>,v win o u ; selpcl ioli (Tt ik c rh a il It u iii I li n,t ed /Ilill, .• .now / ’approadied' VII ill; .hut M i l l s.ea’rcely noticed; ilipd- ' Vain .W'yek. ur^eir I njllitfJMMM*pt-«vliiriVQii!.«hily-.j,t*Y*ly-..wtis ah - n i i . l , . i i k . - m ip ijiuad

at; ewnv**nl”

feark/ :iro. l ljen tin* members ware n.y/ Tin*l tim.ried-in pit ty affairs.

lfe \r:ts uyn'bie .to imMitie his proiirimnnr ill' tin*;slifzkt\*st. way, Ndr was he a'Tih*. g ‘ Siiy Avhen :i• eonfercm-c woivld he iield in fiie riiiittej/ Mi'; jiryan lut'd ■li liuinher of css 1H-rs. nil eta11ins• 16/exieiuI coimrnLuhiV t ions. - ft fid c*xfH’i;>s jjCratillcji tiiUi <»vcr id?

'.lujttuiia lion./-' Thla e Syjis iufuH?' real * biter- ' i si Jd^ally in Mie qiitcoiiuvof tlie st ru.iigh - for secoi/tl pliti'e:on Mu*'Meket ilian in M r. Bryan’s nomiiijiMon.; When-tin* bullelin <*ame aiintVuheiny the selection ol' lion. A<llili. Slevt.'tiSon,/ Miv/Hryah - expressed his;pleasure and souh after diet:itcd thi-

.. . / ■ :' “ .Mr. Stevenson Is ah exeellenf .man.foi

•Steiubaeh Company liatur- ally insures with, al] tlie; insur­ance men in,Asbury Park.

'They had a fir Friday,' June15 Ask them wlio paid their loss' .first. -.They will tdll .you GIEFARD. We write insur­ance-best; companies, lowest rates, and settle losses at once,

6 2 6 COOiCAlAN A V E .


2 2 2 l\^ain S tr e e t’

Ntiw HRTy had. a eotlipleti! ■orgaiiizapon iipd w+*re rcatly to Ko.:ihead and ttiaku the best f«:hi possible. He eomplimeiited the aeljoii *«f the eiihyenthm bothfas lo plat for.n.i an«i the eimdidates.-

Thi*. unittrr of .selectiiitr the executive coimhiHvp was. left.’ to . t.!hairhfan J ojies,Avlio wljl imdie’Mie appoint mcnts after he Ibis had time for eoilslderiithm. -If is‘ un-/lersioiid ;that 111** last iiiil fee

............ iiy of the mcnthersHim n i u o i 11 ee; wi 11 I it* cl u iseii. t\, coin- •*'imiisistin*s“tif—1Tniiuaii—of-; taith

keen V; cwn vcn 1 h qi ■■ ■ Ii a 11 wa s ••piHsat-

1S!HJ and eaib'defeiid the platform i Ui h i; • Towne wiat Id .ha ve. strOimthehei the,ticket in*the stales wlierirMfcre^is fu sion lad ween Mie Democrats, ,BopuUst> aiid.Silver Kept)hiietui's, hut tin* siujport' given Mr, Htyvensdn shows Ihe eonveu- Mon ;■ tinnmlit A l r. Stevensqh ’ 1 la* innn 'U Vidhtbk* inan.Ml’he. ehUiep hnB "RtlKti tip*' «hiS+m* who '' wery .respect wort hy ottin* position.” . / /*.; • ' . . /M r. Bpum .t.Jieu sent the«'f»illawi»fr tele-

pram tii A ir. Steven son:“Ai*eept contra tu hi tiohs . ;iipou ' yotn

hi'nnihatIoih/.l (Y * * '

(SNOWFLAKE.J TivsmrfrrnpOTK-

- T iiw m o v e d I t s m : i lu o i l lc o f r o m SsJ® O jo lt - M K iiin v u i iu o to U J l M u tt ia o t t i iy o u u fa — k u u t o r Bloeit. ' - i.

+t-. Tintroua/ro. Solicited,

fIBST-BlisS WOiMroiopiiono.8r.il.

'.I'l',.l lll!l.1 J i illiuiili; i'if-~*TirHTrii:i', \yilllillll8 llT^n^lTiirly^ifrvn?:i ..'iuii?- it' liuaervuil n-eugifi-

^,uir)/tit)0 a V* (Hi iiiil}'

i,lru a‘ i*t-6 )ftv’cs or st'*

jti? vwhii VviHI erios . fo rs iiil!.. a ml evej’.v ■j_s>ihcr.,ra:w1id'ai<* .for tlje' liotniiiiitiiui was

ready to sell his own laiijiu.clump.The..crowd Uround- i i i i l ;dis|ii;rsed, ‘and

imiy,.we oouimcu at. imj tiiactM- oinvct? or si,'itkm.s. s u hs i d i.’i I. some w h n t ’ wl i en Del a ware was- Railed . iii the MolV eid) 'of states fur tln/ prcseiii aVujii /of (aiiidiita ij*s... Tdjvtn* ii 1-

if Massachusetts,’ Osborne -of//'W.vhlilluK iiml AViKfin *tf Iditlm w.a/4 appointed' to confer with represent at ives/nf thi* 1’opu- 11st and i4ilv,ei; Itepublienti. partiek.as,. to (liu in-sl lilu'i uf cnmimign.

!»1 bottei- Hills nmdc (him Hlirly UIHOI'3. Always is, W..U*Huni,-MS7 Hull:

B iir tisJ o h n N-.- U N D E R T A K E R

" i V l u ir u f i - . .v lu l i ls lu ' N 'c fr . Y u i-I ; ,'’

.TOS.iyiattison Avanuon n d B t'.r liu C a s jr e t fr o p a f ic u ' o r t o 01-d or. ; x ' ^ >

Ti)jini(--UTnTTTr"mKl - f i t n t ij'lir m o r>i‘ (V it ,t 's .W l(Q li .H n s i s l .S a lv o ' . .1:

i s s.ho n r ig l i i a l . C n iin le i'f i ' iH s ( n a y l ie .p f- fj tr w l. U s e - o n l y D e W i t l ’s.: TV, U . H i.im ,- IC T M ittu s t r e e t . .; /v ' ,;V d C ; '

I i i i l i i r s . i i l 1> V S i l v e r I l e i m M I t c n n n l1 r W it l im n ,J . B r y u u w a s - n u i n i u a t e i l i i y t w r l i in r j t iu i i f i l l ’ iiri-siil'M H i l l ilu>.;m . - s i i . '» iu n ; i i | , _ liii!- ,S ilv o T -:.I ii'|iijli!ii'i'!n ' Ou, d u n .- mi.'l ii ii-a.u D io ' i i i l i - m im i In .iT i|» - | i l ( ’( u , l ) u ' l l i . f r i ' t - ln t i l l ’ n f l i'M im u i b y U io

u f M r ! T i iw ih *. T l i o n e t jn n .n l

'I’hOl-uDuWlr.t’,p i n i i n t a n d c e r t a in .

' s t r e t i t . y _ _ ■ . ,

I )u iT n i? li i8 t . M a y a n t n r a i i t o f (lU r n t i ly i i -

■ C A N D Y

E S 'C U % B T T B

«sn Hgoglo- -trawlcrf-

OtTMB I-ILIOb o r w a n s u l f a y ia g T h u (lo c tc r H lm d

lln lip.niinn uf1 fi'iiiui.iiil....................... i i i ........ I i n w o v w , in i t[ilai-ilig Atilni II. Sli-vunsnn in numiiiii- /""Vb

t l i a j n m s o . t i- l l i i iKd o g o o d I f 't w o ritiyr. t

piai-iiig Ajniii i-p no in ii,Mi.i.ii.t in ! ) I i i i l i i - i in - i l i i l e g a t l 'S n!T ITiolr f t * * , •!>«* i iin .- l ui' l l lu n i s t i l l n .s'su rli'ii . t l iu i i ' dcHi-r- .m l: j l f o r t l o u u - T I . r y T i t i - . i ' n ' . ' . -

■■-."v.-.V.v-; v:

’AA--.V i:;, r ' V, 1 fr;.1 L; -d.)v .V Y •: -5/ Uki'wA- ;;r q. .i: : v I 1 r

. !( . . / v : / T :r

i: >- f ) *...}’ ‘V-,1 v. - , ,vv--::1 -■) . T - JT-1 V.O r'fr:' t?;:3T'AY.t-.'■:

Q u a k e rS te r lin gT h e s e l ir a s u u m o f t h o w h c o l i i .I a u i'a c llK ig

d l l s y c l ^ . . •


Mti -‘W

i-0-V-£-RT-5SE-IH^M i

t:, U/.SU

C e n t ra l

'Z / 1'’ -;f ;//u ; v ' : ' / v '1';'/./ /T:// 7 -d- vk/Z-T/.T'/k'-*/"•-f'/; /■:• *i T / / 1;‘ *' ■ 5. ’ . - : - • ' ‘ *’ ' ■