OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO . •:» 5 60 low UK MOO a oo 5 75 stiM •'4 as 6 as OKI 800 1SO0 16 31 SCO .JM •7 00 10« MOO MOO 6800HO00 >'.». 60 i«B ~ so a»66 aooo 85 00 « 00 tnco "u oo and ;«iera2 ddilily. , We shall odd io otir many brunls Headquarters at Patenon. ASHEX AT DOVEH! ANNEX AT WAEWIOK A G1.EAT DISCOVERY! SARATOGA AT HOWE ! '.••<4 water uncqualed/or andpitrUy::; .•••J-iii.y'y 'Saratoga rhar. Pro- martrf the Riahtster Bohemian Bar this imm,'~a'oar%ad ieinfi'pnthe road xmo for Dover which vnU soon rtady for,.sampling. Wt don't dancs " second fiddle" to any one, &irf art Jowid- <7ie quality of bur goods shall maie them take the. lead. 1 I'l XAl ^OOOPEB.. ^ i|biLJ>iNa;' ! mw «B«EI IBOK usura oo. Err M.b »Uu« o[ Boon iod Bbwi, ud U»l ; ESntf •>'' PcofUon Stpatlineiit com- 4NPDJC&LI:B IM; FURNACES, Tar, Oorrn U P Sran Isow Sheet toad, i Splendid. \ Parlor Suits in Plush, new styje frames; only $4500. /• • H^;- y •"•';••'".•].•' BL^CK WALNJTT BEDROOM:8TjiT8.new Fall styles. onM$4:6.. ,".,:.:' ^Z y[ •-'.•.. l ANTIQUE OAE BEDROOM SUITS;; new JB'allstyles,only $33 6O.^:^H;y [ ^''-: : ^ •'• '•:.[!.;: Good Tapestiy" Brussels Carpet, new Fall styles, peri yard *>hiy 60. cts. ' ! 1 Extra-Super All-yool:Ingrain Gaipet, ne\iir f'Fali'stiriestperyard56niyiBb"bts. ;• " >y'^l ^ | S G ^ A SPECIALTY. L o i t e t promptly «dju»ted ami ' 'i':'.';pald;iii:;cailj.:''- : : : ''"••.• yRBAC'BSTATB^roR.SAI-.l!:- •'"•^•"•'iwloWc* Virh-aii'wodeni '*P*>YV 'f, nKDUon Ut. HopeATtv, - -'•':<;-\ UbeicebnlldiDB lore aiia,'i»mi on e u y *•*«* , line building lot' r<>r MU'cltrtp At Mino Bill. A fint4liu.bii.lnM. .tatod on Diekenoa t,, torn). orr.au ' ' . ' . • ' . . • • - '; llvnej to Iraa on bpnaand nortec 6 - ' OPP. THB BANK,':' ^DOVEB. W. JU WOUG1.AS S3SHOE »»'™«» «3 &S8 JHOBS F0E14DIK8. W l''' OQICtlUIRB HABD4KWBO IHOH. , Uft HAIMKWED WILT NHUB, ~ " I^OFUUOE MD rlUIEH'l illOB. ASO BXTHA VAIJUK. CALS* IHUl^(•': i>.u wnHKUKmtajs •iiaa. S Vrkadalint wb.n m; o»»ie end oHj. «• .to.pedon biltom.. ,; w.^^MWM Co.; -JipiiHpsTDHKDASD.BEPAIEEB. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, ww .~~-.SU., Doror,wbB. ii bTptaud tot»»HoJ«l7oMoiijto«lj»li_ ^TT^TTT-^-'"' '.' J. J* ~"" l " JL 1 With 100 feet more room, after six weeks interruption by ; rain. carpenters, maspas ajid painters, we oai truly say that we now have the largest, most oomplete and convenient establishment in the Sta!te', f ninniiig\ through' the entire blookjfrom Market street to Camp bell street.* iK • :'"-V-:"?wi ; :^ \M,;^K: '•...• \< ••pa oall the attentieirioi'the pitizensof Dover and. Tioinity|;tQjhi,s new andv ' •; - : '' ; '''".•';' .;inoreased4t6pkjqf;v^.; : ^-"x' ; i' wHI bny an lMtftiit's goniiliio K1U ttiiU Itoiigola liaud ihriiHd^lgferjJfi-om-1.\ to 6 ; and also a large quantity es' Mioes iiiudc of bettt material: lit the latest m e 8iylcNatfroiii.$l.ftOUi$2,00, and wo positively state t h * ) H i ^ ^ i t f l ! b ' : ' eoons DELit'EnxD mxi oreirARoiTo.Ain'rjihTijr TUX sTATi.y NEAR COURT HOUSE.) ^•St^M^M- ud*or..lA04er.t.vrl<!M. : MimouoiU. ._b.« •'•rii.lW.tlii.5tf.ipe.tr' :l.ni.l»l. ti>Nf.tUutlBDl.la«.of ttfUi tb»l 1fc*»einulf wteoina of iltim lu iM*w(:tb.t h»f e bMa worn owwftiUy fllUd it W*«t lull t»* nlM rid,tn DurUn«( olUM.SVrMh f i t t o U w ^UolfM *», Irattloii of tits Uitb. AftwUBtM|ITUbalnw u nilowa i., tgjjt^r vy,.4^y *•«•!¥§ •• ••;•-"•• '• i r; DrFf«iMb'«';b«)ttWjr*oin'iu«lf«ujllr Duplex Automatic Wra. Ttej l u n cop- <tlu !••• m made ot •ro.iM'lK.U.r Iron, b i n i wr'llw., arid'elalm inpenomj liKtno 3l"!rj "or oonMrnrt'onifJfo oiSooiJ olnUIMolongfloMor bteung .arJM* c onlt w keep elewil B U T to DMHil Ws col to lilt to tin tos-ot larp xafUlrt Perfect aaf.t/. .-.-•: ' .' .'."• "'.': "": ': Dfl.A.Q-.FREEMAlN -, ... __(d .ooolare of ttaa iHtitsttroi lac paittwalTAJoan. 'Mt ' .greet pUMHre.to reeoadaMnd^blin a. a 10 ; .* .hw.fiio' u.:wmTiar*i>.u.,-;' f rrtluent artk.tt.towa Coll^il^te, tn.Utato: MT Hqnaintabde'wltb. DKtfrMUa bu H> t«nJrtiorer:r|).rioil.-oi™anit.:T.ar..: For B)7ioll,laHUljandpMros^Xolw«nulr/r.eoBf miiiliii M. ,iuS3. tbimukaldteUablo n&_»™««*sb^tbj p.^nH[e:Sraij^», . DiL TEliiwi—DearBIri IfHthe aiB mj name la of aa» benefit M aMfewnoe, j6 ««welK.30 toua ItCB N«CPI«'M! 1 : >Ala« BBmea of WoVer jpeopte lor Whom 1 hav doBoLwork ta.tbe p«t Urtify; to 1U ESTABLISHED I83O. MORBIfTOWW. AGRICULTURAL (BPLEIIENTS . :' 8e<di and FertUUett, - , SAFES'AND 8dAX<E8. PlllsburyVBest.Vlolaand Mdst Beautiful Brands' CHIPMAN'S GAN &COS iii shown in" tispeoiag ourformeil beettftolc^ no lnatteri .)00 pairs cJi d i g on our regular Fall and igni in which we will display 4 most oomplete stock of Boots, yflubbers that haye, ever been iptSerh New Jersey, we will make ~ ing,of about 3.000 pairs of all i at prices that will eolipse all oial sales, notwithstanding the ,B past the shoes offered have :in'prioe,iand high in quality, that pw. large the quantity, it caused ~ '" ~ after every, pair, had d'g Kid, lioiigoln, Goat and Grain, iieel i S 8 f 50 75 h , to 8, from 50p. U) 75c; worth flve cents lu «1.60. and spri« rroin eighj 301) pairs of. Wit) sftine high class of goods, only sizes S 1 2 lo 10 12 t»6 d $110 h i f l l 8 1-2 io 10 1-2, at 76c and $1.10; each pair fully 150 inters Mi^eb' extra quality KW uud Dougola Kui- t<n»|ki?»9;|l li 2; from Vb ui». U) UM; 1 trim #1.3& upto$100. ' ' •'•'• 120 pairs louths' Ga\t Tip Button, sizes 11 to 2, at " : "" $1.50. 120 pairs Mc^B,solid wnrraiitcd Congress Goiter at hriiH Depot, DoveivN. J. ; .WWWf.anl Optician, : v Qold and Biker Watohes, 8ILTEE mi SttVIE-PUTED WABE. Watches, i But tbe wont tbloi tbat eoafr<iuU .''s eni in tbU o«wp«JgQ U tbo fact Uiat bft It OODdeuced Itj the cub«rntuarjal noniloee i wn party. Evurfnhun lie 1* aaekini tbe vote* ot wortingmon on th» plea tbat be b*lt*i tbut li\i pwtj, tn tbrt be ia In lav or ol tbe pure auil wuret ballot tbit bis pan; kilted io tbs L'glelHturo l u t wlaMr. Ererjr lime ho uinkea tlili plea bo on)/ aub> Mi Werta, for the latter n u one ol tbe ^HQetim ra iu It* ileltwt.. Bwrj tiue ibM Jdi Abbatl jjralei ol ba!lot reform he onljr ad«er- ttaet tbo IMLthat Uri Weita oppoied It. : . - ; . . - . Jast liitea to him: Abbeti piedgea bi "to petat* legislation which will gnarantea to voter atiaalute uoi«oy In the eutlog of ula ballot". Vet 8en»Wr Werta lut. witttei helped to kill tbe bill wbleb goamDtood tbii ;.. " l a m i a favor,"ooatlnaee b of j law wbloh will uoora tko •blolut* Tearecy ot tbe b*ll«t." Now tba Aaatraliai jitem >eo«»d Joat snob teoreey, bat Senator WerU and bi« Ueoioorntio aaaoolatei knocked U in tbe bi»d. " Ibe object ol auob law." tetumet Abuett, "la to euahle tbeeltfien to out ttli TOU aeoreUjr and witliaut letu ol in' t)mld*iton bj oorponitiou or i&tUvidaala." B w l y ao, Mr. Abbott, bat Mr. WerU aud beotbar Democratic uietiibera ol ttio L f latnra couldn't aw It that way Ult Winter d buried Ibe proposition oat of tight. The oaklndati oat ol *.!, bow«i«r. Uta li tbe tact that lbs friend* ol auoh a law otaia that Abbett, witb flanatoraWerta and Adraln, met la ooMolave In tbo Qovernor'a room while tbla bill *upending and reaoWed to prerant gA. A. Abbett *u not»tnonjber of Wits Legltlatur* be LOW B^OII ma oat of reepoi ihilltj anil leave* Senator Werta floundering la a bole., Kverj profettion of Abbett'a lo»« for aaeoret ballot li tbenton. a death tbnul tHmatocWerH.'•'-*' '••-.' \ >. tbla aaotioa ol the eootty, where ao m m ; worklngoien are emplojed, tbU qoeatlon of a eoent and ueare ballot taa awakened the deepflat Intentt* The** working-people, who u t dopendaat upon staplojen, want a voting ajretuo tiudw wbloh tliej «»n oaavtb«ir,b«l- )ou in' abaoUU aeorao/ »od «cntUj; They do not want car abop bgaaei, or mlna bowea. limber boa**-, or factor; bottea to watob then'alitttB polli to see bow tb*j-voto. Heltber do the/ want tbelt tiokaumarkeJ, iii»Hh^rWteft<aa\llfledA>tk> f l»*b( Optlcil Goodi. t' Spouu t Forh ud Zsirei, Md attioles foriaWo'Wso at tlie laweat marked FINE POTTERY, ART NOVELTIES lult.bla i WAT0HE8 BOLD,; OS .INSTAIMEHTB: | a Bpooialty, Kopairiug o( Fine Wntohea Stationary, Newipapers indOljart. Next to Bowden's Meat Market/Sussex 8t, Dover. -Bta^.'^B^' BUUoa^ : &'a^ Leaaes, to. Banjoa, Banjo BMns*, Briflfftt, Ksja end dl KtvtiH fur Ihe baojo j OuiUn, OnllarBirtDgi>, BriflgM. 1 andaU part* for the goltu. V l o l l S w i u a , Bovw, Keta, Toil WMBS, *o., Writing Aipen la endteai < •-*-•-«- '•-*' •••*•- '* - - lather Bnuhat, b"- |bB foltu. VtolJ81rlngi, Bowt, it.ji, T<11 nrlett. Peul FeMU, JoinUn, VonV ol >U tba-eele- _.,„._*,- AfoU 1 keep tbe ohoioeat bnnda of H ul prloe. ot II t tba low«« prloed.. ' .e ' a • o ca J and taka a look. aa many ftrtiolaa that I maw* mentloo, ao. AM thi Dilly, Evening, Waekly/Monthly «d Sunday Ptpert Inw to anr part of the town. PIANOS! PIANOS I . 0. Chiokeribi, Bterilog, and ill ,i ei.or Planoa and Wrinr Q-gao* ? H«w Jerwy ror the QabierPaUnt'" »«™» Sprisht.piwo, tba mMtv: THE BTANDA1LD riANO OP TBB WOELD. Finetiori, B. O. Chiokeribi, 'Bterilog, and all',; Bola agent for s o u l Aollon _ , _ __ :D_.,_ 11 like \t, elnfer*"! body likes It i * -' Br ^. jdband planoa at be lo*eit price* avi-r given tn Vewarfa..: . .. .' • A flrst-efasB pprifht Piano for Teteptoiie7((8- ' ,V^:^' ? euh or l ld ( 657-65a , NEWABK. ^ Oaw^D* Ooanvf. WVUtoa Kna\ ^. X- Blaokberry Brandy li\nd Ginger uflea the bsat tptqiHo foir OholBrlL, Ohol- Aortms. Oollfl, Orampe, Toroltlng, Djaon* terjI'DiarrhcBtk' and all aljcctiona or tbe atom- ioh and tnweU,'V DUrtbmtJ Pain 1% iljp Stonieb or Boifdli, pntopa, Cb°l*r^, OBolf tlon, PlitiileM or W d Onllo. aoa'Boa fflok- nen. %t la a u\°abla Faniilj Jrtedlolne: psr- Uont**ly servlocabu to enildrtD and delteate femitoa) rclleijtiff DriFcpria: Servona Hoad- aeb«, aidalneaB, Unppros*etl.Deentloni,fte; . BOtD AT I B B LTOflKa IS KJo. AND . .|O|DBipER; the Dover and li pi-fpartd to do CTBIT k Wlrt la tba U<ut itjts, vorknanihlp A were, ballot ia cood for ill And only th* raioallj hurw. Tttla box woyld barn aleod for mob ibfi fall, Gitinpt for Abbett and Kert*. j Tbetr men ««'lt atundlj drab. WB'II wlo an uonett ballot jet With Oundit u d wltb Qtabi). o/o pdlla nf tbo IlaDner baa anddenl; brouKbt himaelf to aosb a flood ut tears tbe reeinorj ot tlie lato Wrn, H. liowell. they are onlj crocodile Uara, and BJ* 1 body ktioirs tie asltoal i t s j iftn't 01 Whenever Mr. Uowcit waa tbB.nouinee oi tbi tba erooudlls abed Its Uara lor aotnt elso, Had It mijtbt now pour them li uaueauia without alTwitiiiKss.DRle vote i fast ia tbal the li«poblio«a voter* a Han-la wUQtjr are solid lor Melvln S. Condll and that alone ia auffloIeDt M en«nra lila oleo- I !*• wore not tlior« are Imodreds o id Uemooists and Independent voter in Morris county Waettlo tbe laaua, aod tbal ToteawiU, ue uounud for UoDdlt aa sureas eitonflaj dawns. Morris Is altepablioaa lutj DDfartj ]lue»~»ad tbi tboDgti'tiol Ir ^etideut vote will OBIJ tend to swell Ui l ill oat, to politlobna. Thaj know that tbe lawoflaat winter wonid tava remodled ail thit, and tncj propoae to held Senator WerU and the otbeia who helped to kill It nipoD- lulafortbaaot. - . , " ; Tb* Baokcttatown G.aette catcbei tha I»D> eral.Dentooratlo alarm land erlea out tbat tbe nomination o<Melviq 8. Gondlt for Sen- iwrby the BfpablicaiiBor Morrli county, eaoa that oTerjr Democ»tl<| vote ID that inoty n w t b i i yolled lor George Werta." 'hie la bat a aamnle of maoj almllar »ppeali tbaDemooratlopaperaolDeigbborlnxooaD' M, wbloh indicate olearlj tbe fMttbat the political doom ol Senator Warti wai aettlad a tb« uooiluated aaoh a> atoob antagonUtaa Meltln B. Coodlt. Indeed the obaraoteranditrenilborMelTin 8. Oondlt are plalnlj, apptront to ev«n oar " oratlo frieuda, and n u j of them will uietly vote lor him. Tbey know that repmenU all that It exoellant In maul; baiaetar. solid )n bnaincaa enpaelty and ahrewd In politioal forealiht.. Tbej know. to*», tb»t In au; capacity tie mar, repmsot the people ho will hold nnew*r»lni to hla booeat oonvtctloni and be gnlated by an 1BM1- liiodt oaDaidentioa ot tba intorwU of all tb« peaple." Tb*j know that «lt th« potltlewpi in "IB Btate of Mew Jeraey aanld not' have dra|(od Mnlrln B Condlt Into voting agalnat web a. UU aa tbo \>iilot Micro law ol laat wint*r. ; It Is tbla aooarato pablio kaowledga ortbauiaB that canoed blm to ran 600 votea ahead or bis ticket the. laat time ha »ppetr*d befa» the people at Morrii eoantj. Talk aboatboattoghfnil WhyitUn'tlnthewood, Atlde iron onr poUtioal dllToKUoes we «( ot help admiring the manlj way tha Ga««tta haa Ia dfsoinalng to» political Bltaatlan.' Tblt week'H rharacterlKs MM"slliy rot"tb* uaioby-paubJBbDr.ea.in nferenoe to flon, Qrabb not being n resident of tba State, uto. It Is a Blrasure to, flgbt an opponent of tbat *. We teal WBoenld take anob blows fro on ih a eonroe and come up, aulllni evurjr w a n d . ' *• ' - ' ' m " m - . : '' " - ' - ' . ' > "I ana infavor at;equal taxaaon."—I^ftot Thlssooods well, bat tbe reeerd abowa tbat ill note faot. When the Legluiatnrentni- cni.llr,. Abbelt MBMB; Ita ncmbeti vbft nbnaj leadsra aeoDKd the .Qtrodnotli to compel people who bad tBOttgagea agalaat their propcrtj to pay tbe (a: anon noitgiEea.'•" Tbla -would exempt the oonej lender from taxatli and ooinpel tbo borrower, woo laaiwsystue lepoaacaa. The record showa tbat Bt. Ab- bett»otad for thia bill, and wlib anah B> «sat iron fact as tbat atario* Ua in tfas faea it would be Impotaibta to make any lnUUi«aot Jsraejman believe be la a friend of equal I X B l l O t V . " " ... ." '' : ; ! Tariff Befonn ta tho'livlni iune—Plalnflaid Jonttxtatlooalitt . . Asd tbe eofpae ol tba late QrovsiGlsvelsad is lu chief exponent. Aa an jliDStmion of grave jard t*UUtj It is ranarkably forcible. v ' . ; It la traij remarkable bow frljtbtaned Ihe DemooraU are beoeming in reipeot to this tattler of b»Ut>tnfora. Th*j lmpotUi GOT. Uill.ofHewToik, toKuwaik ibe otbar daj to toll tba people tbere tbat •• tbo Demoorallo j desires to give a seer*., b » M . so that uo one ean know howanaovotsa." Tetflor Ulll vetoed a n-ori. ballot Mil In MB own State.; Tba people this year are JndgiaBj'mBi and partial.by their aoU and not by their talk;. V lbs Dauoeratlo party really favored a'seoret ballot. Senator We ' and others who TOWagaioat ttte vaaldnoti protciud to louk*ft«i'(belBtAivelfloi Slepb Gnnrin ID K»»Jnlph Utt r»ll, Md after had maii* vi.u roanda tbe people of Randolph Ha** IK m*j<trity for bis competitor. K'laa B, llo't The poople opbnre lave fit tired S t f h l Bnrrojtata OiU fell to t»U tbes bow to vote. je*r for aula politicians. It ia tbe around i Thia is D year of ballot reform, sotl thote who refused te give tbe people a ballot In B«nrltj aod leereoy will be relegaled to tba rear. New iDataneea are cropping ont every day a loereua the popular regard for General Qrobb. Gome flltseo jeara ago tbe General lad in bis employ a young oolorod boy named Edwin Ba&dolph, and the Qene Uugtit tbe lad to read and write. oped w«U under ter oare aod aft«r a time ipreaned a destre to itndy law, wberenpon Oen Qrubb eent him U> tha ColaaabiaLa* fiobool, where be amde an excellent reeord and graduated with honor. Two jaara agi tbe Ooottaf, while VlaiUnK Ljaobfaarg, Ya ifd faia colored protege argue aod win a oasBBgaJoat one of tbo moat eminent white iwyers In thai dlatrlot. After hearing of Oen. Grabb'a noailpatlon Ibe eolored lawyer 'ev Jortey and U abow- likklog lpt*olit« lot hVa at onoe tasieaed to . Ing til» graUtuda bj benefactor. No one ever heard of each « bumane sot being performed by Mr. Abbett, be profetilonal polltiofan. Down ia Ifanierdon ooanty UJO DemooraU INOI W be uoetiog witn tbe w o e embar- \a enU that appear U> be troubllog them In Alliitliar parts ot the Btate. '-The UvlfifdoB, Cemoorat relates w pnbllaa a ftoiaoiuuioaUoB from the l'uung Hon's DemoeraUo Club of Flemiagton, glTlnj as a reason that "It would help Republicans to offloe." Aad so lira. Elilgore propose* to musiia and eompel the BftBnDB of an organisation of tbe party tbat would ory out) aialnit awrong. And all Tot- tba ruaaou that it would hnrt tbe par * I It ictDi.bra« splendid .,luitrat.«n or toe tjrannj at tbe bosaoa of the liemooratio party, who are always afraid of pubHo opin- !<m. UOKear.ld'>n« ezutet tuah A party to ie In favor of an honMt and aeor.it ballot f Whoa tbo youag Demooraw of Duatenlon conoty wiah to apeak bersgltar, tbey will kindly flouanlt editor Kill go re before they have the temerity to open thetr tnoutbi. *•* In doing the eoaai5 fttn~oand.da,te Abbett Invariably pusea as tbe fai-mar'a Irlend. At tbla Junotnre tbe borny bandad agrleoltariat iliould remember that Abbett voted for'tbe tilt to extend tbeprovisions of tbo Tonntr ant to tie entire BtaU," wbloh. If It aiA pasted would hava ootDpelled every farmer to pay tbo taxes upon the mortgages against them. They might also bear ia mind that when the bill to ndnoe loioreatto six p«r oeat. was before tbe Souate Preside! Abbett laid aside tha gaval aodat«pr>incdo« tpon tbe floor defended and aupported an intendmnnt which provided tbat ao.etrper oeot, could be paid by speolsl agreement Somehow or other tboro alwaji appears an awful disparity between Abb'ott'a profestlnna aad UUrword. The oatapalgn Is certainly lonklog well In Morris oonuty. Tbe great personal popnlar- Itj and aterllng obaraaMr of Uel*lQ S. Condlt i lnlnaed Into it juat tUe Ills that Bepnbli- aa netded and from tha day. of fete nomlna- lontbej began nloaing op tbelr raaki and ' inlag themselves for victory., The only eatflutiel tbiog now 1Bto Ret oat tbe vote,' and , x. vnuaoa As predicted, tlie ^uubntal tbe Klandora M- E. Ubareb proved of ab«rb- inx iDteresE. The servloes on Saadey, the 6tn iOBL,, begnn vithalovefeaatol great internet oondnuted b.r Uovs. a fi. Oait U d 4. B. II0W- ard. AtlO:8»iUav, Dr. Oeo B. Crooks, ol Drew Bernim. rj, prtaobod a aeraaon ef great power and b*auty, dwelling partieaJarly on what the Cfcoroh was and was not Inthe afternoon Her. Or V. Lutw preaobed, while tbe evening illaooDrae waa by Uev.'C. B. Colt, and boln were senueBB of teuiarkable lnMreaL Tha aerrloes of tbe dar were at- t«cded by tmmberB ot triads irom abroad, who abared tbe bountiful bcpltalitj ofmem* beraoltbeooiigngation, wfaenade pMpara- tlon f«r the eutartalomeat of from 78 to 100 The ioeUtneney ot the weatber, how ever, prevented a iiutuber who were expeeUd fr«m being present. On Honda* evening addrtaaen were n§A» ky Uers. W. V. Meiaou and Qeo. T. Jaokaoa. "uroMT paaton. • • <. . Tnaiday was observed as Oeataaaial Tarn- a^ranoe Day, In themorolagaddMasaa ware made by Kev. 8. D. Decker, fiev. Mr, Oox, el tbe ML Olive UapUat Obufcb, »n« Kev. Vnd. liiooai. In tbn alUsrooon the addresses ware d by ilrs. Uaoituar. ol Kewark.' Her. VV-E.illako.lw) and Uor, Dr. 1). a Megl* In the erenUg was bald a delightful reuioa servloe of former and neighboring pastors. . The Presiding Elder, Bev, 8. f. Baannoitd, pruidad, aid nada some appropriate re- marka, aod was foUowed bylieva, 0. lWa«k> son, 6. K.Ooolittle, W. U, NBISOP, W. MoUaia, V.B.HoWAnlal.d'UB.S'raaibafl. -." .:: :. Tbe singing at all tba services waa of a vary bigb order, tbo choir being *l*d by OOBM tnetabui of the •jholi at BUDM -m i.*. Vow BtadeuU Iron fladwiUtowa iitstrj «lw OOIIMOW (Kiraoix r»ooi*DnrM.' , Tne October aasetiag of the Uowaittn Ovaui*' 1 oil waa held on Hondasevaelng. Jtieent-';'.' fieeorder Harrii, Alderaen Vrealan* aad and CoancUosn CamU, aiUos, .. and Staring.. fieesrder Harfjs pit* . b f t | ; ; ' ; : to election day Bepabiloana T effort to that end. Let r*ry aeheol from tbit U onld exert n efllolent oanvata be mads li litrlot. ' Ear. 4. S. Bradbnwk, tba ProhibitionOOM* i«e for Senator,»marked the other day that s&atar WerU would be re-elect-d baoanaa of li reaord on ihe ilqaor qaestlon.' We do sot Tot e moment bellev* it, but ,with many Pio- UbitlonUta we have no doubt the. wiah la father to the thought, as anythlag ,to beat tbeBepablieanpart^seeaiatabethBdinainaa't idwithin, Bat U wba M d b k r^Tr g W ^ ;, .The ulautea of the" last.ataaUag wave readV and approved. ! ''„..- '• •"...,.,. ; , •••'"/ r'a' : ',;;';-';! Marshal Kelley's report for, Saptseaber, ahowlig ona atreat ud aevea traaap* •NM>'^ tnodated wlli lodgiaga, wai reoaivedaad d d l d m ; "; i^'^^ p ,; j : An applieaUon of Q. A, Hann, » keas) a '.. bilHard and p^o] >•««. tn ••OOMOOO with a -V. restaaranl la the Odd Fellow's kail*la« ea". Sttatex atreat, bom JTav. 1st to Jane let next,' : was granted, v^w^-fr.,^,^^^ An Inyiutln fram McDsftt Poat, O. A. K., attend .Uelreamp fire onTrtday evaaig>% idea,within, Bat J3 raU.a^Tr grr , . elcotod beoauio he otters to tha support bl tha Ilqaor trtlBo—what must these Prohtbi- tloolats, knowinj Ibis, think si their action I throwing away, their, votos' to help the Iqnor men carry ^ p t I .Tbara's 1 a great l y teal ofbypocrisy la tbUPrahlimcs business. ".' v- • :i . '•• -.. v'.t..;.: •• :' Oiooarae theBeoond Dlatriet Convention will tomorrow renomlnauiorthnAssembly that atnnly Kopoblioau of Uookawatyt Bon, Jh N li ll d bl ll p ohn Nome, lie well deserves p tlor npec every.question list wlawrhe as-true to tbe InUrest* of hla people and made a aplendld record. It goes withent aajing tbat be voted for tbe Acatrallao bal* lotboKlaw, at did all U>BUepab\lt>»& n l»rs of the laat legislature, -. - DBBW THJOLOGICAL MKHrAAT. Drew Tbeologioal Bemlaary ia one .of the TruiU of the wotenary of Amarlaao aletb- Ddlam, wbioh wasDommemorated la 1060. The nanda and bull til ngaato the gift of tbe lat« t, Daniel Drew; of Hew York. It hM baeo ndowed by the liberal offorlhu of Its trnateee and other friends. It waa opened loratudehU In tbe year 1867, udhas now more than fou hundred gradnatM. • - - . • •• , -.-; , : The seat ol tba aamlnary IsMsdlaon. ». , n the Uelaware, Laekawanna and Weatern Ballroatl, one of the meat pletOaitqas and heiUhfat iltostieos ior aschool of learning In tha Untied States. The Seminary Paik eon- Ulna ninety-five urea oflaad, a large portion f wbloh ia blgblj qraamotttod with w»lke Md rives, trees and abrabbary. The bwild lags pT a central poaltion in the-park. They arei Head Hall, the naln edlfioe, oontalnlng the cnapai, reading room, lecture 1 rooms, of. noes of the protestors j Aabarjr Uall, oootaia lag aeventy two roama forstadniita; Embury Uall, eoDtalnlrg tbe dining hall, tacidly ball, matron's sparttn«nia and rooma lor twenty tndenU.| the new Library .and UUtaricel ing, On either aide ot thaee lldi are tbe professors' homw. ' . The library Isanasaalijiiohln works aalt«d > the needs ol atadenU preparing tor the ilnlatry^ Then lanedepartmeDtoftbaologl- oal literature whloh la lot well repreasnted. pecial oare haa been beatowed to provide ln> trod&otorj' bouka, auob as English, JTreaeh and Qermaa work! In bibliography and lexi- cography, both general and special; . There are aomplBUaeUof tbe Abbe Hlgna'annlform edition ot the Greek and Latin Fathers, the xford tranalatlon of tbe Fathara, Wealej'e oriitiaa Library, the collated worka of the Reformer!, ana many- of tbe later leadlig wriWrsofEuropoand Atoerloa,, ; «iWlUiWU-l«T of thoQMpeliand the llpiatles of I'anU He also pree«i(«d a.Bllohlratlon or Bjtonal of the Qrealt Cfanrob, and aServiee Book lor the pern«t«a. adoration of the Virgin Mary. < The number of students puanlng's. the** loglealeoorselnDrewiaiao. ' Thalr Bull II sea Bwmlnf. , Probablj oo ono thing bu otaaod auch a general rovital o( trade at Bohsrt KiUitore'a Dins 6toro sud V. H. Jtooklni' Dras; Btore; Cbeater, as their giving, away to their cai' tomera of BO many free trial bottlea ol Dr. O Abbettlim In Nnw Jersey Ia Terr nn«n like' Bonlangerlim In F f c l§b d one KIO to rale j g bwlj of the reputable Df tpoorata of the SUte aro so tired of It tbat tbey propose to oheek 1b. y tfc« e-l§*b desire ot rain, and a rerj large D f h U Senator Werta waa In town lait Saturday, looking aiwr bla Joroes la Kandotpb f>wn- ablp, la company with BnrrogateGUIaa. T>ej Baoator forgets; probably that the' i*tar*B of lut fall ahoBed that air. ftlUao had loel hla pip ii ^dilrt towilp; i;ha aorretaU aftrtheMmlnarf,ieveral Hew Test*. «tmanuscripUofrarevaln.lTl«.J A Leoi jtb f Q i ; ll l lonKJ Q f hQ p l J fonr Qoapaia; a anall volume ^^ jp \rado la elmply enormona In this very valuable article from tbe raot that it always ourea and never dltippoints. OooKbi, Golds,., Atlbma; BronchltU, Oronp, ami *ll throat and long dlaoatai qalcklj oared. Yaa oaa test It before baying bj gettluB; a trial bottle tree. Urge #1. BTMT bottla warrant**!. . ... . BtftUan't Artlea lalva. The twit nlVB In the world for Outs, Bores, Braises, Dlrtn, Bait Bbeom. Foror Bora, Jotter, Chapped Hand*, Ohllblalna, Oonu, aada!l BUn ErapUont, and podUvely BOTM Pllea.orUQpijiiiqnired. .Itlflsoaranteedto give perfnt utltlutloo. or money refundea^ Price 35 Mats per box. For sale by Sobrrt Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy will ooze > Aagtaa Pectoris, cr Neuralgia of the Heart, EndoeantlUt, or Inflanmatlon of the Brart Tjpatlsfl iree. A,ddresahlaok DmgGo.,H.T; ajnt aatofo MwrtKAttgota. DOTW. Oup of kitehen, dinlu| room and parfor Tulip aoap olaaoa dirt and aqttalot asslated In tbe aldgtag and pialse i.ai-vioe m. Biuidaj- - •••••'-•• . > , . - . TliroaghaittallthedayBSftheBervieM tkt* rlslting ineeta were most agreeably entoi> . tamed by members of the congregation. In* deed,' daring all tbe anniversary axarolses, and throughout a*, days ot tba fair. Mat fot* lowed, the members ol the oongregaUoa aad, . itBateney tn promoting the loooeaa of atary ftatnre. Ths flno moalo of tea Uaniibal.«!• ofedbaEd.ofHorrlilown, also added mock to thb enjoyman^ br tbe fair.', They, a a a * many frlenda by their exoelleat nutfe, aid gestlemanlj deportmaBt and will atwayabe walwme In thateommnnlty. All lhea» things '. domblii'ad to mats this occasion tbe greatett event ol 1U kind ever known in tbat vldidty. The weather tbroagbont tie week was of a, . threatening aad ehUlr ebaraoter, opt despite ' '• faot tbe grass receipt* of the omaaiom re abont $800 and will'net. a handsome profit. Ilad tbeweatherbeeamildandplaas. anS the aggregate amount would have., beta mneh greater, but is still. varf aatlafao^ory, and provide* tie eongregatloH wltfc, fiaajii' •»eA«a lBtproveBDent*. Tbvy e^paai!.; to pnt anew orga* in the ehnrob, to repair tha ohareh sdiftee and make'some t»|tMva>•• tomU at the parsonage, T« all wao gare ifnUorktlie A petttie*from tt.L.Wi»la»a, bie.v r...:.:.--::•. \^O^¥^M The bond of a L Baakaffl, City Cellari^r, ,' with anreUea tn the ana' ot ilO,000, w a s ' » - ; .. eelvedandaeoepted. '••' :/?>;'"-.rWSjOSr ' An application from Win. DoBgbart* for a'.:-" poet, lamp andlanton, Ube plao*d ou £ e t t ^ MuBWC avanae, and raalaUlaad by htti-elf, waa iTanted,'atnd a aladlar mittaat In*. L> D.'^- Ttllyar, on Oold street, was also (raaU t - 1, -;•••>' A nqnut frost A. H. Moekridge, for per / -ilaaion to out down atras la f r o o i e l h u ^ 0 | . on Weat Bliokwell itnet, wai rafamd wika ; Street'Ooaiaaitbw with pow/Hr.' s ,'- t '.' *-'"!'-VV,^ --J \l-: The ^Uowlun hilla waro^MWrwl to tbo / taavoa OoMmltUe, by tkew. s*pta«it.»»a -; rdered paid: War. KlBf,«10; Tha.Geene : Blchard«Co^f78ri eorporatleft jay io'U'-ibr .: B.pt*aabBr, ^iH-Mt Wei, W. Hill, 170.701. Jas. f. Kellay, VU • • * •» MI Dover Lamb" Co^ «U.38| Ohaa, IL £ ^ 1 - . W) JeW'Q."> Vone, KObSfti DeverEleetrteLtghl «*-. IBU} J.W.BrlutvilA-U; KHoexlead,flM.'V V ' A anppleswBt to an oroiDaaee, providiBg ,• for u iaowaae of the nomberoi. Ppllee,^na>;'; tloeaof tha'taws, from two io Aree,.'wa*.''^ passed aad Is published elsewhere, i^l^^ Upon to^Bl X WUli l X . WUliasas was wn, ;;{,, ^ if It w u resolved thai the OoemoU M MM "' WoBdaj.NoT.lth.andait betwatntbe kemre ol 8 »naiO P. M.aa eo»taUaVoB*n te baw appeala In eaaea ot taxation. •'; >'.-.'}>: ^•••-ik. .:-/;' , (atEJDIOATW)) -' l1 -. •'•.•••.' '.'.'-v 1 .',•'.;;' : are tbe grasUet fratt Cathsrtio ef wMwon •• tlmea.' They.aw a wmpraaaai losett*, ««•• poetd of fralu and vegaUbiat, ^ttaaibiiif;: ; Figa a n an Infallible ears ( » Piles, thai «1* . trassing ootdplalnt arising frowi a .esstlpawjd ; and etagnant condition of the bowel*; Wfcw Nature's lawa a n vioiatea, the aOeets are'a*•• .V onoe made appsrent bj agemeralidlso»«ar>f t:A tbe entire eysteM, reaaltlng In laipkrw bfeod, -'• pimples aad bloto&ea on the atdn, Wlkrmsaaas, . ]tlptl>;iltUdJri>d>ltM: ! tp>;iaal|^U;dypp Hamburg Figt are NaUra's aasUUi^ud art n*be»\thy eonnitiooa,' iMvlag ; . I ft d * >thl v rt *e»hy eontioo, g the syatem In perfect order, aa* >j,thelr ae-:; Uon aa amild boteertoin laxative aedipvga*, Uve restoring tbe body to a ooadltisa «f *«r- •betbealth. Bambnrc Kgs'tN'pnpinl-ta .: losenge form, are dellgbtfal to the tasti V ladlei andehlldren, and, are; gtiUe bat ear-. Uiitt D ^l( Vets, ia box, 1 C P Uininaotton, Dote, one l For aale at.Bobert KUlgore'a Cormer Prtg Btore,POTW. ; ' ' i^ 1 '"' •ecruOomaty'i Bailraai Taxat. The Baanet l u t WB«kpa*lUhei the M reeelved by the towsaklpa of Mortta ooin.y udei theraJIra^'tuaUon^UV'avkd;olaiu ' aIlthe'eTeditofthUH*asvre'I»i^A1>nett. . Tet thBBaooBr know* i^eotiy( '' w,all * Uiat ^, enaetnent of thia law—that ^k« atsaair* be' advocated was thePrall blU,B0parnoaa1yu< : - oonstitatloaaHo IU provtslous thavttiM nal. Meads of railroad taxation rofs»*d to r**elt. it knowing that It waa only *W?A W <«<»a«'l- 1 railroad taxatio»'.' The real railroad tax lair '•"- was tbe joint product of Senator Joha W. Qrigga and Mr. Oorblii and tt>* Bannar kmowa tkts fast M well that It 6nlyBxktbttB Ita d t f { : honesty- when Ik publishaught to 1 tbe'eeh-''. trary. Ifihaeditorwill'n;oto'th*'tje*ntB.«a, Satnrdavflventngofthii weak'he will heir Seoatocariggi tell all about It >\ . Tbe tranattlon from' long, HugetiDK aod pataifnl uek&en Hit> lotart besltb, aiarka at.:.. : oppoh lo'Uiotile .of. tba indlvldaat .'Bnch are-!, markable event la treaaared la the •aejubry and tha agency whereby tne good health fau been ktUined Ia gnUIaUT bleited.' Henoe It : Is tbat so nuohla board in praise of BiMbrle; .' Sittera. So numy Mi ] they owe! tt'alr reatota- ' tlon ta health, to the oae of the'Qmt Aitara- : ' Uvaajtd Tonic. Ityra a n tnahled wilW nay diiesMorEldnayt, liver or BUnaaob.ofloa* otsbortatsjidlngjbttwiUinielyflodralierby ; OH of Eleclrio BitUn. Batd at' M d l . a i l U : psrbotUeal Bbbt KillBOMI'I 1 drug .tei^Do- vor, and V. jjt, Janklos 1 drag store, CltAaUn, > ; ; Any rrooar Who inwnioM h)a derk to atH aoma other W»p fcrTallp »o»p, Ia teuhlag;

GAN &COS iiitest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO. •:» 5 60 low

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Page 1: GAN &COS iiitest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO. •:» 5 60 low


Than Any Other Paper.


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and ;«iera2 ddilily.

, We shall odd io otir many brunls

Headquarters at Patenon.





'.••<4 wateruncqua led /or

andpitrUy::; .•••J-iii.y'y




martrf the Riahtster Bohemian Barthis imm,'~a'oar%ad ieinfi'pntheroad xmo for Dover which vnU soon

rtady for,.sampling. Wt don'tdancs " second fiddle" to any one, &irfart Jowid- <7ie quality of bur goodsshall maie them take the. lead.

1 I'l XAl


^ i|biLJ>iNa;'!

mw «B«EI IBOK usura oo.

Err M.b »Uu« o[ Boon iod Bbwi, ud U»l; E S n t f •>'' PcofUon Stpatlineiit com-


FURNACES,Tar, Oorrn U P Sran Isow

Sheet toad,


Splendid. \ Parlor Suits in Plush, new styjeframes; o n l y $ 4 5 0 0 . /• • H^;-y•"•';••'".•].•'

BL^CK WALNJTT BEDROOM:8TjiT8.newFall styles. onM$4:6.. ,".,:.:' ^Zy[•-'.•..l

ANTIQUE OAE BEDROOM SUITS;; newJB'a l l s ty les ,only $ 3 3 6O.^:^H;y[^''-::^ •'• '•:.[!.;:

Good Tapestiy" Brussels Carpet, new Fallstyles, peri yard *>hiy 60. cts. ' ! 1

Extra-Super All-yool:Ingrain Gaipet, ne\iirf'Fali'stiriestperyard56niyiBb"bts. ;• " >y'^l^ | S G ^


Loitet promptly «dju»ted ami

' 'i':'.';pald;iii:;cailj.:''-::: ''"••.•


•'"•^•"•'iwloWc* Virh-aii'wodeni ' * P * > Y V• 'f, nKDUon Ut. HopeATtv, - -'•':<;-\

UbeicebnlldiDB lore aiia,'i»mi on e u y * •*«*

, line building lot' r<>r MU'cltrtp At Mino Bill.A fint4liu.bii.lnM. .tatod on Diekenoa

t,, t o r n ) . orr .au ' ' . ' . • ' . . • • - ';l lvnej to Iraa on bpnaand n o r t e c 6 - '


W. JU WOUG1.ASS3SHOE »»'™«»«3 &S8 JHOBS F0E14DIK8.


U f t HAIMKWED WILT NHUB, ~ "I^OFUUOE M D r l U I E H ' l illOB.ASO BXTHA VAIJUK. CALS* IHUl^ (•':i>.u wnHKUKmtajs •iiaa.

SVrkadalint wb.n m; o»»ie end oHj. « •.to.pedon biltom.. ,; w . ^ ^ M W M




w w . » .~~-.SU., Doror,wbB. i ibTptaud tot»»HoJ«l7oMoiijto«lj»li_

^TT^TTT-^-'" ' ' . ' J . J* ~"" l" J L™1

With 100 feet more room, after six weeksinterruption by ;rain. carpenters, maspas ajidpainters, we oai truly say that we now havethe largest, most oomplete and convenientestablishment in the Sta!te',f ninniiig\ through'the entire blookjfrom Market street to Campbell street.* iK • :'"-V-:"?wi;: \M,;^K: '•...• \<

••pa oall the attentieirioi'the pitizensof• Dover and. Tioinity|;tQjhi,s new andv '•; -:'';'''".•';' .;inoreased4t6pkjqf;v^.;:^-"x';i'

wHI bny an lMtftiit's goniiliio K1U ttiiU Itoiigola liaudihriiHd^lgferjJfi-om-1.\ to 6 ; and also a large quantity

es' Mioes iiiudc of bettt material: lit the latestm e8iylcNatfroiii.$l.ftOUi$2,00, and wo positively statet h * ) H i ^ ^ i t f l ! b ' : '

eoons DELit'EnxD mxi oreirARoiTo.Ain'rjihTijr TUX sTATi.y



ud*or..lA04er.t.vrl<!M.: MimouoiU.. _ b . « •'•rii.lW.tlii.5tf.ipe.tr' :l.ni.l»l.

ti>Nf.tUutlBDl.la«.of ttfUi tb»l 1 fc*»e inulfwteoina of iltim lu iM*w(:tb.t h»f e bMa worn

owwftiUy fllUd i t W*«t lull t»* nlM rid,tnDurUn«( olUM.SVrMh f i t t o U w ^UolfM *»,Irattloii of tits Uitb. A ftwUBtM H« | I T U balnwu nilowa i., tgjjt^r vy,.4^y *•«•!¥§ •• ••;•-"•• '• i r ; •


Duplex AutomaticWra. Ttejl u n cop-

<tlu !•••m made ot •ro.iM'lK.U.r Iron, b i n iwr'llw., arid'elalm inpenomj liKtno

3l"!rj "or oonMrnrt'onifJfo oiSooiJolnUIMolongfloMor bteung .arJM* c

onlt w keep elewil B U T to D M H i l Wsc o l to lilt to tin tos-ot • larp x a f U l r tPerfect aaf.t/. . - . - • : ' .' .'."• "'.': "": ':


-, ... __(d .ooolareof ttaa iHtitsttroi lac paittwalTA Joan. 'Mt' .greet pUMHre.to reeoadaMnd^blin a . a

10; .* .hw.fiio' u.:wmTiar*i>.u.,-;'f rrtluent artk.tt.towa Coll il te, tn.Utato:

MT Hqnaintabde'wltb. DKtfrMUa bu H>t«nJrtiorer:r|).rioil.-oi™anit.:T.ar..: ForB)7ioll,laHUljandpMros^Xolw«nulr/r.eoBfm i i i l i i i M . , i u S 3 . tbimukaldteUablo

n&_»™««*sb^tbj p.^nH[e:Sraij^»,

. DiL TEliiwi—DearBIri IfHthe aiBmj name la of aa» benefit M a Mfewnoe, j6««welK.30 toua I t C B N«CPI«'M! 1: >Ala« BBmea of WoVer jpeopte lor Whom 1hav doBoLwork ta.tbe p« t Urtify; to 1U




. :' 8e<di and FertUUett, - ,


PlllsburyVBest.VlolaandMdst Beautiful Brands'



shown in"tispeoiagourformeil

beettftolc^no lnatteri

.)00 pairs cJid i

g on our regular Fall andigni in which we will display

4 most oomplete stock of Boots,yflubbers that haye, ever beeniptSerh New Jersey, we will make~ ing,of about 3.000 pairs of all

i at prices that will eolipse alloial sales, notwithstanding the,B past the shoes offered have

:in'prioe,iand high in quality, thatpw. large the quantity, it caused

~ ' " ~ after every, pair, had

d'g Kid, lioiigoln, Goat and Grain, iieeli S 8 f 50 75 h,

to 8, from 50p. U) 75c; worthflve cents lu «1.60.

and spri«rroin e igh j

301) pairs of. Wit) sftine high class of goods, only sizesS 1 2 lo 10 1 2 t » 6 d $110 h i f l l8 1-2 io 10 1-2, at 76c and $1.10; each pair fully

150 inters Mi eb' extra quality KW uud Dougola Kui-t<n»|ki?»9;|l li 2; from Vb ui». U) UM; 1trim #1.3& upto$100. ' ' •'•'•

120 pairs louths ' Ga\t Tip Button, sizes 11 to 2, at": " " $1.50.

120 pairs Mc^B,solid wnrraiitcd Congress Goiter at


Depot, DoveivN. J.

; .WWWf.anl Optician,:

v Qold and B i k e r Watohes,8ILTEE mi SttVIE-PUTED WABE.

Watches, i

But tbe wont tbloi tbat eoafr<iuU .''seni in tbU o«wp«JgQ U tbo fact Uiat bft It

OODdeuced Itj the cub«rntuarjal noniloee iwn party. Evurfnhun lie 1* aaekini

tbe vote* ot wortingmon on th» plea tbat beb*lt*i tbut li\i p w t j , tn tbrt be ia In lav or

ol tbe pure auil wuret ballot tbit bis pan;kilted io tbs L'glelHturo l u t wlaMr. Ererjrlime ho uinkea tlili plea bo on)/ aub> MiWerta, for the latter n u one ol tbe ^HQetim

ra iu It* ileltwt.. B w r j tiue ibM JdiAbbatl jjralei ol ba!lot reform he onljr ad«er-ttaet tbo IML that Uri Weita oppoied It.

: . • • • • - ; • . . - .

Jast liitea to him: Abbeti piedgea bi"to petat* legislation which will gnarantea to

voter atiaalute uoi«oy In the eutlog ofula ballot". Vet 8en»Wr Werta lut . wittteihelped to kill tbe bill wbleb goamDtood tbii

; . . " l a m i a favor,"ooatlnaee bof j law wbloh will uoora tko •blolut*

Tearecy ot tbe b*ll«t." Now tba Aaatraliaijitem >eo«»d Joat snob teoreey, bat Senator

WerU and bi« Ueoioorntio aaaoolatei knockedU in tbe bi»d. " Ibe object ol auob • law."tetumet Abuett, "la to euahle tbeeltfien toout ttli TOU aeoreUjr and witliaut letu ol in't)mld*iton bj oorponitiou or i&tUvidaala."B w l y ao, Mr. Abbott, bat Mr. WerU audbeotbar Democratic uietiibera ol ttio Lf

latnra couldn't aw It that way Ult Winter

d buried Ibe proposition oat of tight.

The oaklndati oat ol *.!, bow«i«r. Uta litbe tact that lbs friend* ol auoh a law otaiathat Abbett, witb flanatoraWerta and Adraln,met la ooMolave In tbo Qovernor'a room whiletbla bill * u pending and reaoWed to prerant

gA. A. Abbett * u not»tnonjber ofWits Legltlatur* be LOW B^OII ma oat of reepoiihilltj anil leave* Senator Werta floundering

la a bole., Kverj profettion of Abbett'a lo»«for aaeoret ballot li tbenton. a death tbnul

tHmatocWerH.'•'-*' '••-.' \ >.

tbla aaotioa ol the eootty, where ao m m ;worklngoien are emplojed, tbU qoeatlon of aeoent and ueare ballot taa awakened thedeepflat Intentt* The** working-people, whou t dopendaat upon staplojen, want a votingajretuo tiudw wbloh tliej «»n oaavtb«ir,b«l-)ou in' abaoUU aeorao/ »od «cntUj; Theydo not want car abop bgaaei, or mlna bowea.

limber boa**-, or factor; bottea to watobthen'alitttB polli to see bow tb*j-voto.Heltber do the/ want tbelt tiokaumarkeJ,iii»Hh^rWteft<aa\llfledA>tk> f l » * b (

Optlcil Goodi.

t' Spouut Forh u d Zsirei,Md attioles foriaWo'Wso at tlie laweat marked


| a Bpooialty,Kopairiug o( Fine Wntohea


Next to Bowden's Meat Market/Sussex 8 t , Dover.

- B t a ^ . ' ^ B ^ ' B U U o a ^ : & ' a ^Leaaes, to. Banjoa, Banjo BMns*, Briflfftt, Ksja end d l KtvtiH fur Ihe baojo j OuiUn,OnllarBirtDgi>, BriflgM.1 andaU part* for the goltu. V l o l l S w i u a , Bovw, Keta, ToilWMBS, *o . , Writing Aipen la endteai < • - * - • - « - ' • - * ' • • •*• - '* - -

lather Bnuhat,b " -

|bB foltu. VtolJ81rlngi, Bowt, it.ji , T<11nrlett. Peul FeMU, JoinUn, VonV ol >U

tba-eele-_ . , „ . _ * , - AfoU

1 keep tbe ohoioeat bnnda of

H u l prloe. ot IIt tba low«« prloed..' . e ' • • a •

o ca J and taka a look.aa many ftrtiolaa that I maw* mentloo, ao.

AM thi Dilly, Evening, Waekly/Monthly « d Sunday Ptpert

Inw to anr part of the town.


. 0. Chiokeribi, Bterilog, and ill ,iei.or Planoa and Wrinr Q-gao* ?H«w Jerwy ror the QabierPaUnt'"»«™» Sprisht.piwo, tba mMtv:


Finetiori, B. O. Chiokeribi, 'Bterilog, and all',;

Bola agent fors o u l Aollon _ , _ _ _ : D _ . , _

11 like \t, elnfer*"!body likes It i * -'

B r ^. jdband planoa atbe lo*eit price* avi-r given tn Vewarfa..: . .. .' •A flrst-efasB pprifht Piano for

Teteptoiie7((8- ' ,V^:^' ?

euh orl ld (

657-65a , NEWABK.

^ Oaw^D* Ooanvf. W VUtoa Kna\ ^. X-

Blaokberry Brandy li\nd Gingeruflea the bsat tptqiHo foir OholBrlL, Ohol-Aortms. Oollfl, Orampe, Toroltlng, Djaon*

terjI'DiarrhcBtk' and all aljcctiona or tbe atom-ioh and tnweU,'V DUrtbmtJ Pain 1% iljpStonieb or Boifdli, pntopa, Cb°l*r^, OBolf r»

tlon, PlitiileM or W d Onllo. aoa'Boa fflok-nen. %t la a u\°abla Faniilj Jrtedlolne: psr-Uont**ly servlocabu to enildrtD and delteatefemitoa) rclleijtiff DriFcpria: Servona Hoad-aeb«, aidalneaB, Unppros*etl.Deentloni,fte; •


.|O|DBipER;the Dover

and li pi-fpartd to do CTBIT kWlrt la tba U<ut itjts,


A were, ballot ia cood for illAnd only th* raioallj hurw.

Tttla box woyld barn aleod formob ibfi fall,

Gitinpt for Abbett and Kert*.j

Tbetr men ««'lt atundlj drab.WB'II wlo an uonett ballot jet

With Oundit u d wltb Qtabi).

o/o pdlla nf tbo IlaDner baa anddenl;brouKbt himaelf to aosb a flood ut tearstbe reeinorj ot tlie lato Wrn, H. liowell.they are onlj crocodile Uara, and BJ*1

body ktioirs t i e asltoal i t s j iftn't 01Whenever Mr. Uowcit waa tbB.nouinee oi tbi

tba erooudlls abed Its Uara lor aotntelso, Had It mijtbt now pour them li

uaueauia without alTwitiiiKss.DRle vote

i fast ia tbal the li«poblio«a voter* aHan-la wUQtjr are solid lor Melvln S. Condlland that alone ia auffloIeDt M en«nra lila oleo-

I !*• wore not tlior« are Imodreds oid Uemooists and Independent voter

in Morris county W aettlo tbe laaua, aod tbalToteawiU, ue uounud for UoDdlt aa sure as

eitonflaj dawns. Morris Is altepablioaalutj DD fartj ]lue»~»ad tbi tboDgti'tiol Ir^etideut vote will OBIJ tend to swell Ui

lill oat, to politlobna. Thaj know that tbe

lawoflaat winter wonid tava remodled ailthit, and tncj propoae to held Senator WerUand the otbeia who helped to kill It nipoD-lulafortbaaot. - . , " ;

Tb* Baokcttatown G.aette catcbei tha I»D>eral.Dentooratlo alarm land erlea out tbat

tbe nomination o< Melviq 8. Gondlt for Sen-iwrby the BfpablicaiiBor Morrli county,

eaoa that oTerjr Democ»tl<| vote ID thatinoty n w t b i i yolled lor George Werta."

'hie la bat a aamnle of maoj almllar »ppealitbaDemooratlopaperaolDeigbborlnxooaD'

M, wbloh indicate olearlj tbe fMttbat thepolitical doom ol Senator Warti wai aettlad

a tb« uooiluated aaoh a> atoobantagonUtaa Meltln B. Coodlt.

Indeed the obaraoteranditrenilborMelTin8. Oondlt are plalnlj, apptront to ev«n oar" oratlo frieuda, and n u j of them will

uietly vote lor him. Tbey know that h«repmenU all that It exoellant In maul;baiaetar. solid )n bnaincaa enpaelty and

ahrewd In politioal forealiht.. Tbej know.to*», tb»t In au; capacity tie mar, repmsotthe people ho will hold nnew*r»lni to hlabooeat oonvtctloni and be gnlated by an 1BM1-liiodt oaDaidentioa ot tba intorwU of all tb«peaple." Tb*j know that «lt th« potltlewpi in

"IB Btate of Mew Jeraey aanld not' havedra|(od Mnlrln B Condlt Into voting agalnatweb a. UU aa tbo \>iilot Micro law ol laatwint*r. ; It Is tbla aooarato pablio kaowledgaortbauiaB that canoed blm to ran 600 voteaahead or bis ticket the. laat time ha »ppetr*dbefa» the people at Morrii eoantj. Talkaboatboattoghfnil WhyitUn'tlnthewood,

Atlde iron onr poUtioal dllToKUoes we «(ot help admiring the manlj way tha Ga««tta

haa Ia dfsoinalng to» political Bltaatlan.' Tbltweek'H rharacterlKs MM "slliy rot" tb*uaioby-paubJBbDr.ea.in nferenoe to flon,Qrabb not being n resident of tba State, uto.It Is a Blrasure to, flgbt an opponent of tbat

*. We teal WB oenld take anob blows fro onih a eonroe and come up, aulllni evurjr

w a n d . ' • *• ' - • ' • ' • m " m - . : '' " - ' • - ' . ' >

"I ana in favor at;equal taxaaon."—I^ftot

Thlssooods well, bat tbe reeerd abowa tbatill note faot. When the Legluiatnrentni-c n i . l l r , . Abbelt MBMB; Ita ncmbeti vbft

nbnaj leadsra aeoDKd the .Qtrodnotlito compel people who bad tBOttgagea

agalaat their propcrtj to pay tbe (a:anon noitgiEea.'•" Tbla -would exempt theoonej lender from taxatliand ooinpel tbo borrower, woo laaiwsystue

lepoaacaa. The record showa tbat Bt. Ab-bett»otad for thia bill, and wlib anah B> «satiron fact as tbat atario* Ua in tfas faea itwould be Impotaibta to make any lnUUi«aotJsraejman believe be la a friend of equal

I X B l l O t V . " • • • " . . . ." '': ;


Tariff Befonn ta tho'livlni iune—PlalnflaidJonttxtatlooalitt . .

Asd tbe eofpae ol tba late QrovsiGlsvelsadis l u chief exponent. Aa an jliDStmion ofgrave jard t*UUtj It is ranarkably forcible.

• • • v ' • • • . • • • • • • ;

It la traij remarkable bow frljtbtaned IheDemooraU are beoeming in reipeot to thistattler of b»Ut>tnfora. Th*j lmpotUi GOT.Uill.ofHewToik, toKuwaik ibe otbar dajto toll tba people tbere tbat •• tbo Demoorallo

j desires to give a seer*., b»M. so thatuo one ean know howanaovotsa." TetflorUlll vetoed a n-ori. ballot Mil In MB ownState.; Tba people this year are JndgiaBj'mBiand partial.by their aoU and not by theirtalk;. V lbs Dauoeratlo party really favoreda'seoret ballot. Senator We '

and others who T O W agaioat tttevaaldnoti

protciud to louk*ft«i'(belBtAivelfloi SlepbGnnrin ID K»»Jnlph Utt r»ll, Md afterhad maii* vi.u roanda tbe people of RandolphHa** IK m*j<trity for bis competitor. K'laa B,llo't The poople op bnre lave f i t tiredS t f h l Bnrrojtata OiU

fell to t»U tbes bow to vote.je*r for aula politicians. It ia tbe

around iThia is Dyear of ballot reform, sotl thote who refusedte give tbe people a ballot In B«nrltj aodleereoy will be relegaled to tba rear.

New iDataneea are cropping ont every daya loereua the popular regard for GeneralQrobb. Gome flltseo jeara ago tbe Generallad in bis employ a young oolorod boy namedEdwin Ba&dolph, and the QeneUugtit tbe lad to read and write.oped w«U under ter oare aod aft«r a timeipreaned a destre to itndy law, wberenpon

Oen Qrubb eent him U> tha ColaaabiaLa*fiobool, where be amde an excellent reeordand graduated with honor. Two jaara agitbe Ooottaf, while VlaiUnK Ljaobfaarg, Ya

ifd faia colored protege argue aod win aoasBBgaJoat one of tbo moat eminent whiteiwyers In thai dlatrlot. After hearing of

Oen. Grabb'a noailpatlon Ibe eolored lawyer'ev Jortey and U abow-likklog lpt*olit« lot hVa

at onoe tasieaed to .Ing til» graUtuda bjbenefactor. No one ever heard of each «bumane sot being performed by Mr. Abbett,be profetilonal polltiofan.

Down ia Ifanierdon ooanty UJO DemooraUINOI W be uoetiog witn tbe w o e embar-

\a enU that appear U> be troubllog them InAlliitliar parts ot the Btate. '-The UvlfifdoB,Cemoorat relates w pnbllaa a ftoiaoiuuioaUoBfrom the l'uung Hon's DemoeraUo Club ofFlemiagton, glTlnj as a reason that "Itwould help Republicans to offloe." Aad solira. Elilgore propose* to musiia and eompelthe BftBnDB of an organisation of tbe partytbat would ory out) aialnit a wrong. Andall Tot- tba ruaaou that it would hnrt tbe par

* I It ictDi.bra« splendid .,luitrat.«n or toetjrannj at tbe bosaoa of the liemooratioparty, who are always afraid of pub Ho opin-!<m. UOK ear.ld'>n« ezutet tuah A party toie In favor of an honMt and aeor.it ballot f

Whoa tbo youag Demooraw of Duatenlonconoty wiah to apeak bersgltar, tbey willkindly flouanlt editor Kill go re before theyhave the temerity to open thetr tnoutbi.

*•*In doing the eoaai5 fttn~oand.da,te Abbett

Invariably pusea as tbe fai-mar'a Irlend. Attbla Junotnre tbe borny bandad agrleoltariatiliould remember that Abbett voted for'tbetilt to extend tbe provisions of tboTonntr ant to t ie entire BtaU," wbloh. If ItaiA pasted would hava ootDpelled everyfarmer to pay tbo taxes upon the mortgagesagainst them. They might also bear ia mindthat when the bill to ndnoe loioreatto sixp«r oeat. was before tbe Souate Preside!Abbett laid aside tha gaval aodat«pr>incdo«tpon tbe floor defended and aupported anintendmnnt which provided tbat ao.etrper

oeot, could be paid by speolsl agreementSomehow or other tboro alwaji appears anawful disparity between Abb'ott'a profestlnnaaad UUrword.

The oatapalgn Is certainly lonklog well InMorris oonuty. Tbe great personal popnlar-Itj and aterllng obaraaMr of Uel*lQ S. Condlt

i lnlnaed Into it juat tUe Ills that Bepnbli-aa netded and from tha day. of fete nomlna-

lontbej began nloaing op tbelr raaki and' inlag themselves for victory., The only

eatflutiel tbiog now 1B to Ret oat tbe vote,' and

, x. vnuaoaAs predicted, tlie ^uubntal

tbe Klandora M- E. Ubareb proved of ab«rb-inx iDteresE. The servloes on Saadey, the 6tniOBL,, begnn vithalovefeaatol great internetoondnuted b.r Uovs. a fi. Oait U d 4. B. II0W-ard. AtlO:8»iUav, Dr. Oeo B. Crooks, olDrew Bernim. rj, prtaobod a aeraaon ef greatpower and b*auty, dwelling partieaJarly onwhat the Cfcoroh was and was not In theafternoon Her. Or V. Lutw preaobed, whiletbe evening illaooDrae waa by Uev.'C. B.Colt, and boln were senueBB of teuiarkablelnMreaL Tha aerrloes of tbe dar were at-t«cded by tmmberB ot triads irom abroad,who abared tbe bountiful bcpltalitj ofmem*beraoltbeooiigngation, wfaenade pMpara-tlon f«r the eutartalomeat of from 78 to 100

The ioeUtneney ot the weatber, however, prevented a iiutuber who were expeeUdfr«m being present.

On Honda* evening addrtaaen were n§A»ky Uers. W. V. Meiaou and Qeo. T. Jaokaoa."uroMT paaton. • • <. .

Tnaiday was observed as Oeataaaial Tarn-a^ranoe Day, In themorolagaddMasaa waremade by Kev. 8. D. Decker, fiev. Mr, Oox, eltbe ML Olive UapUat Obufcb, »n« Kev. Vnd.liiooai. In tbn alUsrooon the addresses ware

d by ilrs. Uaoituar. ol Kewark.' Her.VV-E.illako.lw) and Uor, Dr. 1). a Megl*In the erenUg was bald a delightful reuioaservloe of former and neighboring pastors. .The Presiding Elder, Bev, 8. f. Baannoitd,pruidad, aid nada some appropriate re-marka, aod was foUowed bylieva, 0 . lWa«k>son, 6. K.Ooolittle, W. U, NBISOP, W. MoUaia,V.B.HoWAnlal.d'UB.S'raaibafl. -." .:: :.

Tbe singing at all tba services waa of a varybigb order, tbo choir being M« *l*d by OOBMtnetabui of the •jholi at BUDM -m i.*. VowBtadeuU Iron fladwiUtowa iitstrj «lw

OOIIMOW (Kiraoix r»ooi*DnrM.' ,Tne October aasetiag of the Uowaittn Ovaui*'1

oil waa held on Hondasevaelng. Jtieent-';'.'fieeorder Harrii, Alderaen Vrealan* aad

and CoancUosn CamU, aiUos, ..and Staring.. fieesrder Harfjs pit* .

b f t | ; ; ' ; :

to election day BepabiloanaT effort to that end. Let

r*ry aeheol

from tbit Uonld exert

n efllolent oanvata be mads lilitrlot. '

Ear. 4. S. Bradbnwk, tba Prohibition OOM*i«e for Senator,»marked the other day thats&atar WerU would be re-elect-d baoanaa ofli reaord on ihe ilqaor qaestlon.' We do sot

Tot e moment bellev* it, but ,with many Pio-UbitlonUta we have no doubt the. wiah lafather to the thought, as anythlag ,to beattbeBepablieanpart^seeaiatabethBdinainaa'ti d w i t h i n , Bat U wba M d b k

r ^ T r g W

^ ; ,.The ulautea of the" last.ataaUag wave read V

a n d a p p r o v e d . ! ' ' „ . . - '• • " . . . , . , .;

, • • • ' " / r 'a ':' , ; ; ' ; - ' ; !

Marshal Kelley's report for, Saptseaber,ahowlig ona atreat u d aevea traaap* • N M > ' ^tnodated wlli lodgiaga, wai reoaived aad

d d l d m ; "; i ^ ' ^ ^p , ; j: An applieaUon of Q. A, Hann, » keas) a '..bilHard and p^o] >•««. tn ••OOMOOO with a -V.restaaranl la the Odd Fellow's kail*la« ea".Sttatex atreat, bom JTav. 1st to Jane let next,' :was granted, v ^ w ^ - f r . , ^ , ^ ^ ^

An Inyiutln fram McDsftt Poat, O. A. K., •attend .Uelreamp fire onTrtday evaaig>%

idea ,wi th in , BatJ3 raU.a^Tr g r r , .

elcotod beoauio he otters to tha support bltha Ilqaor trtlBo—what must these Prohtbi-tloolats, knowinj Ibis, think si their actionI throwing away, their, votos' to help theIqnor men carry

pt I .Tbara's1 a great


teal ofbypocrisy la tbUPrahlimcs business.• ".' v- • :i \ » . '•• - . . v ' . t . . ; . : •• : '

Oiooarae the Beoond Dlatriet Conventionwill tomorrow renomlnauiorthnAssemblythat atnnly Kopoblioau of Uookawatyt Bon,J h N li ll d bl ll

pohn Nome, lie well deserves p

tlor npec every.question list wlawrheas-true to tbe InUrest* of hla people and

made a aplendld record. It goes withentaajing tbat be voted for tbe Acatrallao bal*lotboKlaw, at did all U>B Uepab\lt>»& nl»rs of the laat legislature, -.

- DBBW THJOLOGICAL MKHrAAT.Drew Tbeologioal Bemlaary ia one .of the

TruiU of the wotenary of Amarlaao aletb-Ddlam, wbioh wasDommemorated la 1060. Thenanda and bull til ngaato the gift of tbe lat«t, Daniel Drew; of Hew York. It hM baeo

ndowed by the liberal offorlhu of Its trnateeeand other friends. It waa opened loratudehUIn tbe year 1867, u d has now more than f o uhundred gradnatM. • - - . • •• , -.-; , :

The seat ol tba aamlnary IsMsdlaon. ». ,n the Uelaware, Laekawanna and Weatern

Ballroatl, one of the meat pletOaitqas andheiUhfat iltostieos ior a school of learning Intha Untied States. The Seminary Paik eon-Ulna ninety-five urea oflaad, a large portionf wbloh ia blgblj qraamotttod with w»lke Mdrives, trees and abrabbary. The b wild lags

pT a central poaltion in the-park. Theyarei Head Hall, the naln edlfioe, oontalnlngthe cnapai, reading room, lecture1 rooms, of.noes of the protestors j Aabarjr Uall, oootaialag aeventy two roama forstadniita; EmburyUall, eoDtalnlrg tbe dining hall, tacidly ball,matron's sparttn«nia and rooma lor twentytndenU.| the new Library .and UUtaricel

ing, On either aide ot thaee lldiare tbe professors' homw. ' .

The library Isanasaalijiiohln works aalt«d> the needs ol atadenU preparing tor theilnlatry^ Then lanedepartmeDtoftbaologl-

oal literature whloh la lot well repreasnted.pecial oare haa been beatowed to provide ln>

trod&otorj' bouka, auob as English, JTreaehand Qermaa work! In bibliography and lexi-cography, both general and special; . Thereare aomplBUaeUof tbe Abbe Hlgna'annlformedition ot the Greek and Latin Fathers, the

xford tranalatlon of tbe Fathara, Wealej'eoriitiaa Library, the collated worka of the

Reformer!, ana many- of tbe later leadligwriWrsofEuropoand Atoerloa,, ;

« i W l U i W U - l « T

of thoQMpeliand the llpiatles of I'anU Healso pree«i(«d a.Bllohlratlon or Bjtonal ofthe Qrealt Cfanrob, and aServiee Book lor thepern«t«a. adoration of the Virgin Mary. <

The number of students puanlng's. the**loglealeoorselnDrewiaiao. '

Thalr Bull II sea Bwmlnf., Probablj oo ono thing b u otaaod auch a

general rovital o( trade at Bohsrt KiUitore'aDins 6toro sud V. H. Jtooklni' Dras; Btore;Cbeater, as their giving, away to their cai'tomera of BO many free trial bottlea ol Dr.


Abbettlim In Nnw Jersey Ia Terr nn«n like'Bonlangerlim In F f c l § b done KIO to rale j gbwlj of the reputable Df tpoorata of the SUtearo so tired of It tbat tbey propose to oheek 1b.

ytfc« e-l§*b desire ot

rain, and a rerj largeD f h U

Senator Werta waa In town lait Saturday,looking aiwr bla Joroes la Kandotpb f>wn-ablp, la company with BnrrogateGUIaa. T>ejBaoator forgets; probably that the' i*tar*B ofl u t fall ahoBed that air. ftlUao had loel hlapip i i ^ d i l r t t o w i l p ; i;ha aorretaU

aftrtheMmlnarf,ieveral Hew Test*.«tmanuscripUofrarevaln.lTl«.J A Leoi

jtb f Q i ; ll ll o n K J Q

f hQ

p l J

fonr Qoapaia; a anall volume

^ ^ j p\rado la elmply enormona In this very valuablearticle from tbe raot that it always ourea andnever dltippoints. OooKbi, Golds,., Atlbma;BronchltU, Oronp, ami *ll throat and longdlaoatai qalcklj oared. Yaa oaa test It beforebaying bj gettluB; a trial bottle tree. Urge

#1. BTMT bottla warrant**!. . ...

. BtftUan't Artlea lalva.The twit nlVB In the world for Outs, Bores,

Braises, Dlrtn, Bait Bbeom. Foror Bora,Jotter, Chapped Hand*, Ohllblalna, Oonu,aada!l BUn ErapUont, and podUvely BOTMPllea.orUQpijiiiqnired. .Itlflsoaranteedtogive perfnt utltlutloo. or money refundea^Price 35 Mats per box. For sale by Sobrrt

Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy will ooze >Aagtaa Pectoris, cr Neuralgia of the Heart,EndoeantlUt, or Inflanmatlon of the BrartTjpatlsfl iree. • A,ddresahlaok DmgGo.,H.T;ajnt aatofo MwrtKAttgota. DOTW.

Oup of kitehen, dinlu| room and parforTulip aoap olaaoa dirt and aqttalot

asslated In tbe aldgtag and pialse i.ai-vioe m.B i u i d a j - - • • • • • ' - • • . • • > , . - .

TliroaghaittallthedayBSftheBervieM tkt*rlslting ineeta were most agreeably entoi> .

tamed by members of the congregation. In*deed,' daring all tbe anniversary axarolses,and throughout a*, days ot tba fair. Mat fot*lowed, the members ol the oongregaUoa aad, .

itBateney tn promoting the loooeaa of ataryftatnre. Ths flno moalo of tea Uaniibal.«!•ofedbaEd.ofHorrlilown, also added mockto thb enjoyman^ br tbe fair.', They, aaa*many frlenda by their exoelleat nutfe, aidgestlemanlj deportmaBt and will atwaya bewalwme In thateommnnlty. All lhea» things '.domblii'ad to mats this occasion tbe greatettevent ol 1U kind ever known in tbat vldidty.

The weather tbroagbont tie week was of a, .threatening aad ehUlr ebaraoter, opt despite

' '• faot tbe grass receipt* of the omaaiomre abont $800 and will'net. a handsome

profit. Ilad tbeweatherbeeamildandplaas.anS the aggregate amount would have., betamneh greater, but is still. varf aatlafao^ory,and provide* t ie eongregatloH wltfc, fiaajii'

•»eA«a lBtproveBDent*. Tbvy e^paai!.;to pnt a new orga* in the ehnrob, to repairtha ohareh sdiftee and make'some t»|tMva> ••tomU at the parsonage, T« all wao gare


A petttie*from tt.L.Wi»la»a,

bie.v r...:.:.--::•. \^O^¥^MThe bond of a L Baakaffl, City Cellari^r, ,'

with anreUea tn the ana' ot ilO,000, was'»- ; . .eelvedandaeoepted. '••' : /?>; '"- .rWSjOSr' An application from Win. DoBgbart* for a'.:-"

poet, lamp andlanton, U be plao*d ou £ e t t ^MuBWC avanae, and raalaUlaad by htti-elf,waa iTanted,'atnd a aladlar mittaat In*. L> D.'^-Ttllyar, on Oold street, was also (raaU t -1, -;•••>'

A n q n u t frost A. H. Moekridge, for per /-ilaaion to out down atras la f r o o i e l h u ^ 0 | .on Weat Bliokwell i tnet, wai rafamd w ika ;Street'Ooaiaaitbw with pow/Hr.' s,'-t'.' *-'"!'-VV, --J \l-:

The ^Uowlun hilla waro^MWrwl to tbo /taavoa OoMmltUe, by tkew. s*pta«it.»»a -;rdered paid: War. KlBf,«10; Tha.Geene :

Blchard«Co^f78ri eorporatleft jay io'U'-ibr .:B.pt*aabBr, ^iH-Mt Wei, W. Hill, 170.701.Jas. f. Kellay, VU • • * •» MI Dover Lamb"Co^ «U.38| Ohaa, IL £ ^ 1 - . W) JeW'Q.">Vone, KObSfti DeverEleetrteLtghl «*-. IBU}J.W.Brlutvi lA-U; KHoexlead,flM.'V V '

A anppleswBt to an oroiDaaee, providiBg ,•for u iaowaae of the nomberoi. Ppllee,^na>;';tloeaof tha'taws, from two io Aree,.'wa*.''^passed aad Is published elsewhere, i ^ l ^ ^

Upon to^Bl X WUlil

X . WUliasas was

wn, ; ; { , , ^ ifIt w u resolved thai the OoemoU M M M "'

WoBdaj.NoT.lth.andait betwatntbe kemreol 8 »naiO P. M.aa eo»taUaVoB*n te bawappeala In eaaea ot taxation. •'; >'.-.'}>: ^•••-ik. .:-/;'

, (atEJDIOATW)) -' l1-. •'•.•••.' ' . ' . ' - v 1 .',•'.;;':

are tbe grasUet fratt Cathsrtio ef wMwon ••tlmea.' They.aw a wmpraaaai losett*, ««••poetd of fralu and vegaUbiat, ^ttaaibiiif;: ;Figa a n an Infallible ears ( » Piles, thai «1* .trassing ootdplalnt arising frowi a .esstlpawjd ;and etagnant condition of the bowel*; WfcwNature's lawa a n vioiatea, the aOeets are'a*•• .Vonoe made appsrent b j agemeralidlso»«ar>f t:A

tbe entire eysteM, reaaltlng In laipkrw bfeod, -'•pimples aad bloto&ea on the atdn, Wlkrmsaaas, .

] t l p t l > ; i l t U d J r i > d > l t M : !tp>;iaal|^U;dyppHamburg Figt are NaUra's aasUUi^ud

art n*be»\thy eonnitiooa,' iMvlag ; .I f t d * > t h l

v rt * e » h y eont ioo , gthe syatem In perfect order, aa* >j,thelr ae-:;Uon aa a mild boteertoin laxative aedipvga*,Uve restoring tbe body to a ooadltisa «f *«r-•betbealth. Bambnrc Kgs'tN'pnpinl-ta .:losenge form, are dellgbtfal to the tasti Vladlei andehlldren, and, are; gtiUe bat ear-.U i i t t D ^ l ( Vets, ia box,1

C PUininaotton, Dote, one

lFor aale at.Bobert KUlgore'a Cormer PrtgBtore,POTW. ; ' • ' i^1'"'

•ecruOomaty'i Bailraai Taxat.The Baanet l u t WB«kpa*lUhei the M

reeelved by the towsaklpa of Mortta ooin.yu d e i theraJIra^'tuaUon^UV'avkd;olaiu 'aIlthe'eTeditofthUH*asvre'I»i^A1>nett. .Tet thBBaooBr know* i^eotiy ( ' ' w, all * Uiat ,

enaetnent of thia law—that ^k« atsaair* be'advocated was thePrall blU,B0parnoaa1yu<:-oonstitatloaaHo IU provtslous thavttiM n a l .Meads of railroad taxation rofs»*d to r**elt.it knowing that It waa only *W?A W <«<»a«'l-1

railroad taxatio»'.' The real railroad tax lair '•"-was tbe joint product of Senator Joha W.Qrigga and Mr. Oorblii and tt>* Bannar kmowatkts fast M well that It 6nlyBxktbttB Ita d t f { :honesty- when Ik publish e« aught to1 tbe'eeh-''.trary. Ifihaeditorwill'n;oto'th*'tje*ntB.«a,Satnrdavflventngofthii weak'he will heirSeoatocariggi tell all about It • >\ •

. Tbe tranattlon from' long, HugetiDK aodpataifnl uek&en Hit> lotart besltb, aiarka at.:..:

oppoh lo'Uiotile .of. tba indlvldaat .'Bnch are-!,markable event la treaaared la the •aejubryand tha agency whereby tne good health faubeen ktUined Ia gnUIaUT bleited.' Henoe It :Is tbat so nuohla board in praise of BiMbrle; .'Sittera. So numy Mi ] they owe! tt'alr reatota- 'tlon ta health, to the oae of the'Qmt Aitara-:'Uvaajtd Tonic. Ityra a n tnahled wilW naydiiesMorEldnayt, liver or BUnaaob.ofloa*otsbortatsjidlngjbttwiUinielyflodralierby ;O H of Eleclrio BitUn. Batd at' M d l . a i l U : •psrbotUeal Bbbt KillBOMI'I1 drug . te i^Do-vor, and V. jjt, Janklos1drag store, CltAaUn, > •

; ;Any rrooar Who inwnioM h)a derk to atHaoma other W»p fcrTallp »o»p, Ia teuhlag;

Page 2: GAN &COS iiitest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO. •:» 5 60 low

THE ESA-The Borer Fruiting Company


Friday, Oct. 18, 188',).





2AIL0I BKTOE-t IB MORMlB 00VST7.Tim qneallou of ballot reform baa apBoullar

iulerM- to Uorria county rotora became olilw ftUltad. of waie of t>m UMUDK PttmaonUnpoa that quoit Ion while it waa pcDdlng Intbe Legislature laat Winter. When Ihe Kanebill, which embodied the Anitralian I ; < U Dof voting, came from ibe Bgnte to tbe Senate,Leon Abbett u d tlieStnuwiiaUo t*»n»ger* la-•ued the edlet tbat IV anonld bo allied in thalittler bodj. Tbe burden uf tbia leek WM putupon toe shoulder* of Senator WerU, of Uor-ii* ooantj, wbo w u PiHldant of tho Benata•.id tbe leader of bin p«rti ID that botlj. Howwell bin work WM perform ait i* *liown by tbefact tbat eterj one of tlie eleven UecaooraUoBinaWni ruled to kill It, wbllo tb* ton ..npiib-UD.II Senator* vot«J to »ve It,

ID order, liowoTer, tomtdlLMtiDBtnatort from toe appeitanoe uf IimiB* to l»».lt>l relonu, it w u dec. ami toinlro-duoe sisabiUtute for tbs Kane bill u»blind.Such • nbitltute w u in trod no \ bj SenatorWerta to »llaj pnbllo sentiment »nd tbenallowed to ilnmber to death. Tbl* mtxtltoteIs known to bate been tbe prodott «l tlie fer-tile lnMg.Dit.on of Joetias, S. Salman, of Boon-ton, io Ibis eountj, m Uwjerud a well knownDemoentlc poUtlolao, wbo dnfted his bill sothat it did away witb tbe feature of tbs joint

' seoret ballet proposed bj the AuitraHaa •;•<teat, and permitted voters to will obtainticket*1 from politloal beeleis before goina totho polli.

And this i* predulr what Leon Abbett ob-jeaUd to when waited upun bj tbe Committeeof the Knight* of Labor l u t we»k H« ob-Jested to tbe •• oumbrou "Joint I allot ol tnoAonralun ijntem, He, too, WanU partyticket* F°t In thehaid* of voters by partyheeler* wbo ait. adept in all tba tncki ol uaingmoney and tnulriag ballot*. H« know*, BIwall as BDjbody, tbat tbe Joint ballot of thiAttctntiian lyaten. i* now being cud in eightBute*, and U nowhere complained «f. ID-•taadofbelDK ootuplloated, it plainly mttiLnth* poJitlM of evew edooiJaU for oftlse, totfakttf aniaoit • roc-<" t'artliaa bo b u utilytam«ktb>e «Midl*.ailMof tin partj,

Indeed, tbe loatar* of tbe Am Italian * j *tern «bich i* of tbo xie-teat Importance la tblaJoint ticket wWob la furo-ahed by tbe SUM,and cannot bo gotoutaidotbopolli. It make*all the ballot* exaotlj alike and prvfent* any.body from knowing what *Drtof» ticket tbevoter depoalu In tbe box. It al-o prevents•ay poll worker from potting a ticket lo tbeband* of tha voter alter bnjlDj. bU vote. ItIs tbe ooiy absolute safeguard lor tlie vol«raver devised. Yet Go*. Abbelt sad SenatorWort* do not like it and bavo botb pat Hum-selves on record u opposed to It, and in favorof tbe f*rtj tickets *jmni, by tneaaa ofwblob all tbe deviltry at the pnlli ii aooomptsned. What hope of* leeret and seenrettilot twa wt fc»Td it klnBTs Xlibett andWerlasiTS elected!

Uow oiren we btve beard tbs World, Uinnerand otber bypoorltic*! Democratic sheetspreach about the miner* and otber voten ofMorris «mntjbe.i|r, lad to tbe polls aod vote<like chattel*. If tbi* w u true the Auitraliai•ystem would hava ended It forever. Thanwfaj did Abbett and Werts oonsplre to defeattbe adoption of ths Australian syitem t

On th« otber faacd Gen. Qrobb, HelTinH,Condlt, anil everj Bepnblloan tvoulnw iaHew Jewey Is anqnilinedly pledged In tbe«ventol inooesa ta inpport tbe Australian•jitom neit winter, u Ihe Ilepublloi.ni sup-ported i t l u t winter, II they ar* snoeeBifnlthe Austialian syitem will ba In force nextSow as SUM, u tbs tan will rlsa on electiondsy. If tbe Democrat* a n •nonesifnl thepart; ballot and the aniarapulong politicianwill itlll eontrol tbo poll*, to tbs dliguit ofMl dtoeut sititoni. Wltbont polltieal b l uwe Ieavo it to voters wtleh they will obaoae.

Hot t ie Friend of tba Farmer,bbfllt In the role o' lanaera' trlead ia thm

dt«|ias6d of hi » correspondent of the Pbllavl l V " l i i" lie p

r*i friend. Thl»h* hot ibat lie vutMi i

e County yeta *»lfi*h

tailpoaea aa t i e

oimy in ththe Beuitato exUndto tba entire BUttt,l&wjw aid

Hint be would ruu for Qaveraor.Till* bill prof Id >1 that murle»j(W upon te*le«t*t». or liertnuvl property witliln tbe HUM,

~ i exempt from taxation ia tbe hitndilmbltaiit ol tb« riUte, More ttim

tbi*, It Ireal eatato, lut ibill WM lout. OJ

not o I mnrtgBjiu onTbl*


etU of the tanner wa* iatrnduced. It pro-hibited tbe deduction (rom *uMiment of any•Jobt •scared by mortjige on ro»l eeUta. UiAbbott voted for it. Tbia bill w u put on I![net daring the hut day, and MRwin Ur. Ab-leitvohd lot It." Wbou tb« ilx per tbill wa* before tbe BCBBU l'cceldeut AbbettUld Midi tbo gaiet. an4 >t«)>p.&2 down Q|the floor defended and »npjnjrwl an atue

it which provided tbat teven per cocould bo paid by vpfcial agreomitit.

Oh, My.A pltlfol pita I* tuade tbat tbe member>

Companj G ubould voto fur Senator WerUbecause be Sfl(ere*tcd binjeelf to get a oom

!lsaion for tha compapy. Yet be unly did'bat tbe Senator from bit conotj should doi tbe way ol lila ttuky u> a town tbat reprosntetl a oooaulmable partioa of bla oonatitn-

euoj, It i* tbe •lllieetptea fur*ot«a wnborcjut beard of, Upoa tbo TOFJ aame gtruund)cbere ara bundreda or Democrat* In Morrisoounty wbo eloutd rote lor Uelfin 8. UoudlibeeuBBiiCountj Cleik ba uaciMted oare-fnlly and edlcinDtlJ all ibe boilneaa be bad tala wltb tbetn. BatwenotiottbeDemaoratiiorgaaa bavs notbing to iay for Senator Wsruregarding Ihn matter ol tiillot relorm.

How They Uvo'SaUol Beloirn.ilgDlfloant oironrjitunoD hae occurred to

•boTT bow LeoD Abbett and hie folloballot reform. The gentlenieD wduoed tbe bHi In tbe Legislature laat winter,

dpUDg the Australian ajatrai of votiDg.iraiMr. Kane, a DemDoratto Aaiembljraau fronillddleetiand a member of tbe KnlgbUoiLabor, wbv w»ro lupportiag tbfa bill ID thelDtere*Uol bone>t oleotlona. Altboufb UiKftoehad been a msoibar but ene year tbeUeniDoratts A«6mblj (JuriTeulioii In nla in-tnot tbe otber day reluaed bim a renoinjm-

D, althonfib he WM a oandidate, and inadea yearling ol tlmelmplj beoan«t> he favoredtbla heuett Uw. And etill Leon Abbett I*telling UB bow be and Hi part? love ballot

CHEBTKJL .A large lot of telegraph « telftphoc* i..r

pile*, cflQelntinK of several ear load* of arma,'»M, pUs BDd wire, Connlgtied to tbe Atseri-n Telrgrapb Sc Telephone Co., liave beencelvod at tin. U., U it. W. B R. sUtioD.and

It looks i sry oittPb u if we were soon to hayenrw llueof ounmiuuloaUoBi bnt wberr, or

tliolfctr bj jihouo or ticker, fre are HDAbia to»y- Ourtolejirtiph aart rail rua-l rodraneriataly f»rj fuod and all wa wilore bualneai lor them.A bnatlDx party of roar, oonatation of K. C.

) r a ^ W . e Yout.K.W.1.. C'ollU Had Wtt>loveU, tiaUml on lionilat mnrclng In .lieain lor a grand hunt among tbe i'oeono

Utmuuiui, Ttie wuatUer w u anrtblog bntpropitious and tbe oolj new* i-Doeivad Iranibeui wa* tbat tbey bad bagged tbrre rod

' ' , one ground hog and two qtulle.•, they rsturnetl on Wednesday «iib

a fine lot of nartrldie and reported a goodWm. Huwell may eonjf ralulaw bimaell

on rencblng home in good shape. lir aooi'daBtbpreceUtdieveral slot* from tbe mtiHliDi YOUBR'I jjed. It is laid tbe tnittako ooc-

ated In bia wan during away somo diaUocetim thecompHEy indbulug niUuksn (I]oinnatno '


taUovnr lut week. *Ve will mi*^t**m'wl I u

tbDir two brlgtitllule glils. IIOJOU ki« getting quite a number of

Port UorrU folk* to Dover)Lwt Sabbath waa tun Itib unntvartary ofor great revival at Tort Morrl*. It d. *<oni aa long, bntlt mmt be iifael. I rcwIT the bum lock boards without backs we

uted to tit OB at Bundjij sthoo. lu tli« old ma-tblue sbopand tbe little Birl I ittked wh»t

o-o-w apMled aod sbe said borte beoaui* theiehappened ta ba tbe ploiure of a Uorae on tbmme page In tbe book from wblab I wa

' to traob ber bow to combine tbeaipbabet. Noi e o l < f tobnlara t n teko tbe


The Bppnbllean candidate for Governor b uaddreises' to tba Chairman of tht lite con-vention *> latter of teeeptaaee of wblob thofollowing fs a lammarj, Afl*r expreislng bl*thank* for tbe nomination General drubb•ajs i

Tueqtteitloniat lasua In thl* Stata a n wliely•tnled and tally covered by tbs platlormadopted by tbe oonventi^n, and I stand uponand endorse that platform nnieaerrcdr

piia* for reading away from all Ibe m!Morrl* count; and I d*Vt tLink tbere Iiflve year old obild In Port Morrl* who oonldnot Mil me what e*o-w spells. The nti-e littliihapel where Ihe services were beld on 8ui

day |ia*eemforUble iny In tbe State of1U she, ana tbe handay aoliool *obolura cansing a* well aaany Sunday aohool In the Statewith tbe *«me nuroler oi scholar*. Slew. C.M, AodefOD, a former paatort pretobed intbs taoraloc and eteniog. I have told JOIIoften bow mnob tb« Port MorrU peopletUtmnht of Ur Aodetton—he la ot. the w»j intbat bUhopHo Ipropbfaiedfot him long

d lik t h hi ll

Conauble Van Arsdale is attending « w ti" Una.Two of our mcrohanta, M. Ii. Sojder,

Crois Koaiio, and 8. U. Brown, of Mllltoi . .naoacow Uj poiten t t» . .hej arts salltug outp.rostwitb tbe Intention or diict ' 'uBtneRfl bare.Itobt. u. firewater and wife, of PbfUda-,

pent Snndaj wkb bit brother, Kev. J. f.Ire water.Tbeltepoblioan canens ooavoed oa HOB-

dayevenlnganil eleoUd andcleKateatoattei.ilthe Convention at Dornr on Saturday nest,

in W. K. Colliiand Henry Miller, andi.l*o a township exeentire oommitteo u fol-

wij Jua O, t'ise, Geo. W. lioweli. Coal. a.Hoiking, Lvmou H. Pi«rson, V. F, ApKsr,

John 8, Qulmby'* tesm, wltb a load of cornriven by bis farmer, Ur. Tester, becann

frightened on Toe*day afternoon by the wbi{i-jilelreei striking their leg* and ran aw*/down Fruit's liill, aeatUrlog tbe com along

roul. Mr. Te*t«r wa* thrown betweeniettei and tux thai for ramn ddUsee

until obliged W throw bluself, bat was notK>iletoget ontofreaoh oi tbe wigon, TbnHeavy wliael* pused over both feet, badlycrushing one of them. Tbe team run Into »ditoh and stopped and Ur. Teeter dragged

iwaejl a long diaUnoe over tho ground, lnav»ig hi* track marked wltb blood, la order lo

f,nt to liia team. lie ii eonilderalily Injured,Imt tbe toam and watton *n*talned little or no

BUJOKB. l*rotEitr.

A peoallar Iswsnlt was *ettlod In Uorrla-tawa. Ad near aa I can leua the facia, i

ha Dtme of Jaoa.baa Potter, whaIonntAinvlUe< Huoterdon eonaty,ita at a place called Long Lane, tooonnlj. On this farm hi* »oo,

Daniel Totter, Uved. Ur. Potter told his ao:Duulel to get gutters and leaders put OLtlio liourit). Daniel went to Obeiter aud em-ployed H. P. Banderson to do this tin workvltli tbfi uodfrstondlDg that tho bill Hhouldbo sent !o his father aud ba woald pay for It." " ' nou flid tbe work spd w i t (lie bill

d. Mr. Potter *ent tbe bill back,ny.uj.be bud not etnpiojed bim to do tliafork BDIJ that be unit collect hi* pay frombe man that employed him. After fan had(sited about one jear for bis lay be went

down to Fairinoant. In Ilunterdoa comity,and e-M Mr Potter for til* bit). The i *eune off on SutanUj aftetsoon and, Ui. ._until about half put nine o'olook In tbe even-ing, when & vtirdiot w u rendered for ten dot-lor*. Younfi liaalel PotUr and bla wife LothtwUfied that Uie old man told them to get•fjme one to do tba work. However, t ie ottmn appealed tba lUtlejaaftnieDt to FlemmKtun. before Mr. Saodewon had got on tot thtjourt- room he WM arreated with a elvil warr»nt end taken bBfure one Eiqulro SohujUr,some three mile* fun her on. Ho In course oftfme Mr. tfendoraon landed at lbs Court No.a i.nd tben be tra* told tbat h« w u arreilodfor treaprat.ng on Ur. PotMr's f*rro, for put-tlsp t>p KQttcra and leader*on tbo home, tup-poalcR all tbl* wonld frighten aim and bewould gladly throw np tbe Judgment In olderto get looae. Hue n.Sng the old flint look gnupbrsae.it was a fluh In tbe psn and did noi

JXASDIBf.Hi. »MA Itr*. Wmtwrottb. ttho h»»* V>Mna*elinjt by horse and earl-las'* throntf h New

York fitate, rfitnrned to tbeirhome Ian Fridaynigbt.

As no report waa RUSH on last we*>k, of tbelaiter ran oft be GenteaoIaJ, It mn be wril' a mention • few Items In ngard u tbe iwti-

Tbivrt waa a temarlii>bl|- L''*.'* atUndMieen tie twu ta*t days j donbtleaa «ha uaale fur-labad by tha " Daalbal Band" of Horria-

towo, wblob wuaomnob appreciated, wasoneof the chlel attraoticui.

The i.)k qollt, made by tueLadles' tloclrtj.wa* presented to Mrs. Itl&e, wbo w u notpolypleiaod wltb tho beauty of It bnt wit. tbshearty Rood will wltb wblob it was given.

Mrs.Fiworkers, i

tube*, one of tbe foMiuMt of tbittrived also a qallt, and tbe girl*

it tbe Hauday Sahoo "rat»*d maae,v'ireianu whiah they rcMlvedf the follow-

Ing, witb tbttir respective gffU, I* a Hit ofthMeriMBjcaldi, The Uluea Qtrtrtide andQrsoeBoTurflgo, large picture* j Htsi UnraiteidMiof* pillow nod pletan: Mtia QatiierVaok, nmbrella; UIs* Sadie Dlllj, plotDrn,aud Ulm AdaL^riion, the effloleot orgtahtof tbe SuodoT School, was pr*seote« witb ailnph wblak broom reoolrcr by thatorKaniai

Other* alao real lied goodly aam* ot mooejAll worked with a will and deserve greatoreilit) the net proceeds ware between e<jr,land nine tmndred dollars.

They bavo a grand new " £eUy " orgainrcbued ot Kr, f. Chamberlain, Cheater.Mr*. Franibes b u been U! bnt Is oonvi

Iraoiog nn-Ior th« treatment of Or. itoanett,

Ura. Dr. DIokeraoD lealekat' this writing.mt tt t* hoped will •wo la out *g*lo.

Mn. Fault ta- left FJanders and Is stopplrgfor a few dm* at Port Own.

Ura. Uliirlfi HofTojBn Intoudi spending tbeInter with bis brother, Mr. P. A. Hoffman" The U t OUre Horse Boclety " held their

Doual mesticgat Stono's Hotel on Saturdayrouing ol last woek. It WM well attended.Flanders I* beoomlng noted far l**t horse*.

but thieves would find It hard work lor*>inoveany of them as their owners prise them to





(Next toPardee do Clark's.)

ft! A RK1C11.VOOIH]EE&-BUNCUAI1D-At t ie n t l

deurit ol tbe bride'* parents Morrl I town,Oct. 13ib, by Jt>v H J> Sultb, l.ory IIVoorbM* aad I,uella Illanohard, both efMorrlHtawn

^iICKEL8-HOLDE^-AtP»1e^•on October13ih. bV 1-UT 1 M knhn*.acti Dattlbl VNickel*- oir SUnloin and Hl*a EfslynnHolden, ofVstetton

eof tbe Tillage.

U r n t Ja

priet j a n veil guarded,cf trot ten are owned by realde

gUnrnentor Jamea Seala aaj* he h u a year**

k t d f M M , tbe preient owner«*

ent a Seaa aawork to do for Mr. Myen, t

— - • , fed | . I S . .

p eaerrcqaeat!»n* bear moat atrongly uponlo atteaUo* at tbi time i b l l t


q t n g y upon tbepnhllo atteaUo* at tbi* time, r i n billot re-form, and how beat to deal with the evil ofIntemperance.

A* regard* ballot reform I am heartily laf»ror of tbe meuure known •* the Kane bill,Whlob w u aupported by tba BepnblloaD

. tterabem ef the Senate tad Uonie l u t win*ter, and wblob embodies tbe beat featnrci oltbe ancthod of TOllng knowa aa'• the Aua-tvatlan *a»teiu,B Thl» ot *oy otbw Ukb

' meaaura, with provlalon* which will gtsstx-t w to the oftlun abaoiato freedom from In-flnenee or dictation of ani kind in oaaKog Mavote, ftud will alao MonrototbapeoplnoithUBUWafalr and an hon«it connt, i W l havia y earnMt aapport and approvo). •

Tbe qneillca of how trt«t to deal with tbi«Tll of Intemperance ia a Tttal one In tbi*flute. Tbe Orat duty of the ofiiaau 9a tbU«BbJMt la pwiionul and mUt«« t« «,0 . .lee,tlonofQudliLtUaforthe Senate and Auom-«ly. Tho LegHiIatarc enaota tba lawa for« t W appToral. 1 occupy an adraceed

>t,t,nd wbl le lamnot

and ve like to hear liltn yet u well as whenhe w u a student at Brew and preached bere.Tbe service. In tbe atternoot. were conductedby ral'road men, Addrenes wen made byStewart Fraaber, D. B, Hotcbklsi, Joe HouRb,

y Lock and Mr, Ilubbard. fleunj Lockiholn team blmaelf and I remember wfac«d to bt a llremau bere, The congregiWirts large, though tbere were many'

of ths old men who mod to attend them an-nual gatberiniri, conspicuous for their abiBcoeand some ol tbem am dead and gonoto glory.Those who were preient say It w u the bestanniversary they ever wi>re preaent at

Jacob UeOoonell and 8.8. Wllli * .... ..Wuhlngtoo.D. C. toieathe great parnJo oftbe KnigbU TeopUr ]sat wtfk. and tbej

bad, towgrind parade, and Dr Davlaon **T* he neverthought tben were *o many Havoc a ID theUnitedBtmUs, and UravVanDorQ went sloog

p aat wek. and tbeyof telling nbat a grand tinte theytier* were 25,000 Knlgble In tbed d D D l h

too, and Ur. Vanllorn wa*terymniihplei*edwith what he taw atao, He saw the gnatbjoleleparade from tbe steps of the WblMUouae on whloh were standlojc inn rreifdentand his prlrat« wcreUry, Uo was nut anyp t wcmore than, any otbeitb* TUU

n, any otofthligi

to, heaald, bufaewastl d h K l b;reatbatl<iB and theKnlgbU

wanted to u e him, and tbe Prealdsnt andMrs. Harrison tried to makt.lt aa easr forthem to te« blm ai possible, but at 1 o'clockID the morning tbe doori were shot and tbagrind prooeiilon bad to adjourn uotil neitday. line whenever 25 or30 ol them railed atiheWblu BoUMifae President alwaj* mad<U a point to com* down indxecoivft ihpmHut tbey do aay that U n . Jobo A. Logan'sraoepllon capped tbo elimax and tho collationafterward* waa almply Imuraw and aa longu the Stanhop« Knlgbta liva they will re*member Washington indUr*. John A, LogaiI hate not seen Mra. VsoHora j * t

Somebody said the/ beard a whole lot ofexplosions over toward tbe Forolta powder-oik* on Monday night Tas only unusual

. ott Th«a tbey concluded tbey fatut bs'.Utlet hini go Well, I Kaesi Sanderson thoughtitwa* about time ior all honest men to behunting their holae-, •• it waa well on to Sun-

rnlng. 8? ta sun op the ease In a fewword* il p Sattdernon got home at tno'olook on Bandar morning. This w u a.,mensged bj tbe illnetrlon* Dock Farlej, «worthleai pettifogger, who now langntahe*thu El«minEtonJ»Jl forth* crime of fornloa.tlon. Now oomei the muilo i Sanderson BIIBJMr. Potter In mprenafonrtfarflvs Itnadretjdollars danagM. Slnoe that time then big

J.AIE H0FATC0K0.Dellgbtfal weather has onoe more made its

appearance In this place. DnniiDg for duck*is uow tne farorlto '* game " In the day time,while eaobre 1* tbe farorit* game at nighU

Ur.Sejmoacabumaa baa Id bUpeue»loatbe largest pumpkin erer raised in this vleia-Ity. He lays it weighs about one hundred

Mr. Ekbe.-d Cbipllu, of Mt. Arlington,hsa taken the contract to carry the mall IronLike HopatcODR- to Itnitlo. '

HBV, Wm. UoUafn, of Sncwtanna, willproaohanil alao administer ttfleaor*meatcf' Lsrd'i aopper la the H. E. Oho rob of this

o on Sunday ntzl.Mr*. Jwnei Heinle* «nd dnijbtor, »!••

lerllB,who have beoo vlaltlng lntliUpiaoeat aome t.me bftve relnrn*d to their borne Inlaynnne.Mr. it. Rponeer, of this pUoe. I, building a

boat dock In front of his restdeooe whlob. willbe a biz Imnrovement to his property.

Mr. F. W. Zuck- Is about toT enlarge the#V* Vlow Hoa*c, ID u to sntabta blm to at-immodate • large number or gaesU neitummer. , .The oarpeoUr* have oommenoed work on

Ur. M. P. Berry'a new nttuM In tbi* pl.n.,and expect to make It a flrat-elau hulldlos.

Mr. fl, CoDrtnght, who foim*rly wa* theie*d man aronad Nolan's Po[nt> loteod*

bulldfoga newoottage at that plaoBlntheu*ir fatura.

Mr, John Hunt, of Hampton Junction, b ubeen Ti>ltioE frinnds in tbls place.

Mis* Katla Lee, of thl* place, who begunteaoWng «oboom at Longwoo* m, abort limnago, hw left tbat place and aoeepted • toon-loratlvs poeltlnn In Newark.

Well, "Rttslloate," wa sre lorry to say thatwe did not learn tba name of tha rustlostor.hut a ptrasn from that pilot) b u been

•' s hew.

For Sate CheapHaw, bararpt and efda bar baggr wtften

for (80. AIM HambWntuu mkre sDJ colt.Tbe eubiBrihir CRI be found «t Ur Ufodesplaof.ncarttooiawajr ooTorsdaT OaL>Mand everr daj after the above d*t* after 1o'clock P. M You can are the abore l>y call

Mr. Abe Crane. wb» uow rodde* oatbe plsoe. J. I. CAHI'KIRLD

A BDPPLEUEDT TO AN OHDINAN0Eentlllea "4» on Innnco providing for the

appouJlment of Police JuaUae* fur the townorboTcr/paHed U*illth,I88B

PiBSSD OCT Htb JE89Bto. 1 Be It ordairod bj 1L0 Major, Its.

conler, Aldcmau aud Common Co iticlluien ofDover, tbat Ibo onlimuoe to wblab this Is auppl.moiit I* liftibf amoudei so that tlie

.;orda " two Polios Jusllc** for said town,"coDUiu'dinllirllrBt «rotODOftaldoi JlnaDOB.ihillj-esd "throb lollce /intloci for s u i

BEMWICK R- BEHBBTT, Tityat.Atiett: JouwH. (Irnv>«, Olort.

PUBLIC SALE.Thesnbicrlir *lll rffer at public sal i t hi*id In a \ l U u H J , »lmot 3 milaa

ue rrad leailng to Qrecufrom Blbemls, on TtiePond,

Monday. Oct. 28th,SM:Miand April) Iwo

to .wrp. 8 jfs»s eld, ryo,nuttlt* by

nai, nthenthbnclifrbrst and corn Ly buibei,bnntile, hrm **j{ou lr> good ._•fRflon, f*nninu mill farmTna Impilodf. forks, ihuvuU, lioei rtkea woodlot of boaiclicll tni) kilUiEn (iirntlute, andsoorrs ol otVir m nor articles Woto moatiun. Jrdar prores elormjrplace noit Talr .'ay Mt, to rtmimi _o'olook A. M. Oondlti >n* morln kiioitn by

K.D^KITOHFL, AifKosSf*11 B * B 1

iratrou*ill tako

it 10

l*wyer»odottieri(nBwith Sfinder

amptBOikdiDt Farley) tot f i

gby Potter*!

) tooofflproml*Bi t t h

( t Farley) tooofflproml*BBat after coming together

atMorrlatown Imt Tuesday tbey made Mr,t)t'der*oniiuorTarwbtahneaco«Ptefl. Froi,11 the (act* I <tp ta the nbt h

rwbtohhaacoopteil. FromBather trom tb's beginning

.tUn,e,itbue(>*tUr. PotUxabout three hundred dollars. Well, revengeUiwcet UotwheniteostaublgbkflKnreltblnk it most brjtln to taite rather bitter.Thus I think Sir. Potter will begin to think itla pot wisdom to pay three ban.lmd dollarsfor a bill that bo cottld have wilted for a tendollar Dote, IshooM tblnk this would be aICMOII tbatfao will not bo likely to forget andths next tine he want* legal ad flee be willemploy a lawyer tbat will ateer him atralgbtoral*abe.alittlamoreaeenraLaIn bl* me**ore.mtnt of buoiau nature, and not try the asmi.game again, lor ieax be might dad another

pOiltloa ott this inbjeet,InlkToroflegialationtbitbatthepeopkrapport, yet aay meature which ptiblie sentl-aneot abaU auttiln and which aball S4em tobo beat for tba eradication, of tbUeill willsave my «pproTsU

ToeGeneral •pprove* tbe Bepublfvan theoryof tho aollorm taxation of property aooordlngto IU true ralna. Be alao eudonea (bit ieo*tbn of the Bepubllaau platform denuding ••iwplifleation of the piooedan* In oourts andn d U *f mniUpiicity ol appeali and no-

- uKpeise. Be fayor* conpnUory•daoatisa acoardlnR to the lawa ebacted by mBepnblleao LegiiUtnre and a airlot enforea-

. aMotoftbeaelawa. aeueralQrnbbadda:,; TfaB great bout of wage workers who by

tlelr dally toil aid *o TaaUy to the miMr'al

nolle I beard w u tbe South Slanbopft brassband and It la quite a band let mo tell jon.Then won no explosion* at the Forolta.

Mr. John l.*wle.i, ot Andover, Is dijglnjfIhe cellar tor a aew bon*e in MUbbope.

Then will ba no preaching In ths StanhopePrtubf terlan Cbnrch next Sabbath.

Some wild frltutt coming from the depot tofiUnbope drove ao elose to the canal bridgethat he ran into Hagb Allen1* bou nrnon—ldid not I w i hf* Dame—out bis hesd andtumbled him down on tbn towpaih, •

Henry MUleo, wbo O*ed to be a Staobopflboy, was uatrieit ID Philadelphia on Wednes-day.

D. W. SfrhlM, of Stanhope, waa noltad tnmatHmonj to Miu Enlynn Holdea, of Pat.eraon, at the residanoe or the bride's parent,on Wednesday. Mr. Slck'e* used lo tendbuUheribopfor Ed. Bodda at Dorer au£ isnow wofklog for boMher Chsmberlalo, ofBianbopa. AD exonljeot young man and Ihope he may bava smooth salliDr ovwtbeseaof tuatrKnony.

Danny Cavenaaffb. seed two jeers, wlo.emother wai too rick to l*k» oat* of bin, wan-

IntereaM of our State hair« my earnest spore-UoB, and aay just and wi*elegislation that

will advance and improve ihelr bteruta will• DBTemy approral. '

The •grleiltnral intereaU ot the Kute A^• « w d til Vbe foaWrioi tare tbat can be glren

to then. Agriculture ha* not been a* profit-able »f Ut* in proportion to the labor requiredJ* oondoot il as otber pursuit* ID life. Any.tting tbat I c»a do to improve and better theCarania* I t r a c t f th S t b l l bp d better th

a* Interact* of the Slate tball be done• The oMwlnrioo of tbe letter ta aa folhwaj

I bare aoo*pted thia Domination, animated•olely by > dealrw to lead to vlatory those wbowiahtoaeenohuge of government for thabetter in tbla State. I believe I represent*no*ewho are weary of the rvproook or badJei.Lal.Uon aod aaoaned of tbe alar of fnudu*Sent eleotioBB, wblea have for many yean sul-Jled the lair fa«c ot our State. I am deter*Mibedio n*e erery honorabla mean* to•ehievs aooeas*, and I a*h: tba annpott of allthose who think a* I do, Irrespective of parly.l a MiieltuJon, let mer aay tbat I entered tbla«mtc*t wttb no ulterior aim oi object beyondU B winning oflt, u d that I wonld rmihtr bedef.at*dlo » lair, open, honorable ccntti;tbaa reoalre an eleotlon tainted with tbo•lightest auipaelon of lraud at the ballot box.

Mr. The!.* Abroad.tt would wen aj if Mr. pbelpi had already

r become tbo voit popolar Minister ever aentbytbUeoantrytoGerfflany. Despatches»*ythat b» waa presented to ths Umpreu byOoaut Kilenben aJUr the uerfamanoe a;tUopenfaoBU u Berlin tut Friday night,atUMKmpreH'sownreqBest. OslfoidayMr.P»e]B*waa pretested to ex-Bnpreta a*reder>lek, TbtgooA footing that Mr. Pbelps Is enwltt. tbe Emperor and the SJemareka, a* wellM tit sooial intiBMy with distinguished per-acaagea orer tLBr«giTea him a Btaadiog andaalnfluBM whloh will be bapesefal to oarooutry In u ; negotiation* webay havet b a d l l

deredoffandioi r on tbe tonbank of tht oanal on Wedna*Jaj (at the footof Htuftope plane} ao4 tumbled into tbewater. Fottonately Abe Deaf, w u on tbeoanaJ acow and brought tbs child in to Itsafety. The obi Id'* fatuerrandown barefoot-ed and bareheaded iud when *omebDdy ask*d'• whoie ehlld Is It I" be *ald •• It I* inloe, It iamine I" Too joangiterwaa tbecooleatoftbeparty. Hetmkl t>a l «• a tn«tMrof eonraoand never cried a bit, but Ihongbt It w*a finefnn. While fail excit»d J n h t r wai bringinghim borne Danny i ejied to eDjoy It Immensely, Thlle tbe orowd oijojed bl* cool-

Mr. John Ollv-sr will n o n into bia nawnouie about tbs flnt of Novembnr.

Out bunttrs ar* alao wilting for ttatt d»teae patl-otlj a* they can. Tbem are a fnwbird* left, and rabbits are moilaityaar,

Tile mlt* «beitii ol the Pnsbyterian SOD daySchiwl were stolen from the ehnreh *nm* titnnlut wbofc, The t u g t amoaot ttk«n U notknown, bottlie ilia of the thief oan be toldwltb iwrfeot Moiiraor.

Tlie Rev. Mr. Margilrojd b u aoo*pt«d th<icall to tbf pidorate of the Presbyteriancburob, aod entered upon his labors lut Son.day. Ho will notoconpy tho par*ouaKe thiswinter but will board at Mr*, Covert's untilSpring- He seem* U> be a wortbj sneeeiiei-to Ur. Anderson. -

The M. K. Chnrboti Is fit present wlthont apsttor, aa the Bey. Mt. Sleeker resignedl»t«% • • ;• , .

Vtti. BtjltB bat just pnt np'» platformloalrs at his mill aod UU "borfaood convenltiooe.

Tbe aaotlou sale at Hn, TanOleaTs OLTn*eday w«i well attended and ssttifaotoryprices reiehed. Ur*. Tan Oleaf and familywill move to Jersey City this i w k .

BTAKHOFE.GeorieP. Hart, late bnteber In our town,

uow ftrraiaje betwean here and Waterloo, huout hit Toot severely. Tba axe aangbt In thelimb of a inpllof while oliopplog down a treeand thus sent the axe In bis foot, Ue is getting along sa well u can be expected undertbe olrcnmstaiiCM. Dr. Davlson Is attending

Tho Stanhope bakery team that w»* "Injuredby Jit wiping tu ttw Mom* CM*. »t Port Mor-ris »r* doir g well nnder the attendance of Dr.Jaa. ttwd, of fliidd'* Lake.

Amos 8mltfa Is itill eonflned to hi* bed withlokneu. . -The order of Cbo>«n F/leDdi have n oya-

ter supper Wednesday and Tbnraday arenlttftof tbts we«k. There was quite.a good tarn-Dion Wedoesusy evening.

Mr. II. A, Timbrell has a new clerk and tbiouugeat in town.jeer. X. Brook* drive* a lively horse now-a

days, ft doea not seen fond of taking dusttrom other*.

Qurge C, Sonumeyer h u moved In hla newstore and dwelling on Hsln street.

Tha traveling artiit h u left town.TbsBUnbope BnusBand will serenade us

again on Thursday evening of this wrek.


JUS I' wheie to obHa n ijegnr lint will•IWftfB fiUo uiliiifaotlon, va* miko ODOfeel Van bn b u the value of hit ID

vestment, f* evar a serlons problom witbsmokers. Frew tbo comroondaMonn of tilBoustomiin, OQ fUtLbi BENNLTT, Ihe Sus-sex fltreet Tolaconnlur, fools that he b usolved this quc at [on in a cat! factory maunorAfter ample MpeclmeuU and Iriala ba b uBucoeeded innlilAiuiugthA bwitartinlGa nadnin the wiy of PITB OXHT BICIIBS and aimoker wbo Invests a niokel in tub dlreotlooit bis atote. Is rot nude to fool Inmedlttelj

iftcr ifghUbR bla vflod Uiatall la vanity andvexation of epirr IrtliaBmokcrfoelcheoausffon. to cultivate a more expensive lutahe oan bavs It gratilled to his oonplate saUIsfaotlon at tbls placo whoro ho con got thevery beat articled In oilber fore Jan or uomoa-tlo good1*.. Bin K»y Went brands are partiocTirly floe and will loll Ibclr owa mcrlblo t u t u inoliowJ tLft. my BommViho p «lloularly good, which i just now having Isplendid run !• tLe ' IlolLsohlld,1 a I'mOXKT BTiiiaHT article. that oinoot baequRlled fur the money Tut these faota at


i p pU will prove a neigh-

T,nr IBICB two weekscount of car beautiful village fi la final de-mand. Can jonsenduiflltyooplMinorei

Mr. C. B. HomtaheoontruUrwidbtillder,has nearly completed the new illk mill.

ltent* aro in demand and new ootner* areetking faoui Fnpanj I. I

• deilre to pai

i . .Friends, of Suntiope, bad an

"jatw *Qpper Wednesday and TharBdayivenlog*. 'The lodiit «f the PreibjUrlan Church of

Stanbep* t»lkof * fe*tir«l about Tbanksgltug. Date notyst fixed.

I ooagratalato fiemtn Timbrel,I saw Cosrad lUnn, of Dover, attendfeg Io

the ice eream bmineu for tbe Cbotea FriendiofUtanbope, '

Mr*. KnU has gone back borne. Sbe livesatEatton.. . . . ,

Politloa ingrossea your attention, nowd 'll h i k bl lp j e , a d

nough already.

g y u r attention, now .and you'll think tble letter longready ' -;;•• « •

U plaowlin oppoaitioa to thedlplmate elothu pewm,

AlaatmCalM.Bar, E4wla Mat»alrojd, of New Toik, hu

ealltotfaePrubyterlaaon, from Oet Sit Mr.

^ >yA Ii » young man add has had aakwga (n Ortfoa ftr A n or six jtars, retm_Ing H M tine •laos to hi. old home In NurYork, Ife will nmor* ts Hew Vernon withfeUwirafJuiJ^UxrtftofthLaweek. Balsft(lUad jraiiWr and • fantal pastor. He h uftmlurf !• Xradfaaa aine* fail ntara l ira

HIM B U M Henltt apeak ( H I Sondar atBurdlown aa tbe naeat of Un. L 0 Hard.

Mra. Jaaab Baker la n e o m t o g Iran ber

Ur. Cbarlea Palla, who, ba. been ••Bull-eating," retnrned home to Warwick )Ht week.

A partr or frienda from Mr. jLlunbrand'acotUie,Laie Uopatnnf, Tinted Bra. VanDotaan at Ht Harrj on IMt Bnndaj. WblleTiewing abent tbe plaoe tbej were greatly•srprlaed at ladlni two bunebee oi ripeatimwberrie. and a number.>et In bloMem.i f l d batimwberrie. and a number.>et InifDaaalnBB Dean learned tbat Un. Ual.rDirked kt M» aaai. tilase two oaarta or blankberrlw laat aatnrdaj. g u i Hopaloosi ntanrpaaaedf •••• • ••-VT-- •

Br.M. Campbell, ofPataraog.whabubeenaariftant ftgant at tbe depnl lor tho laationrnwitba will aoon laaTe oj . llr. Campbell,

nc bl. abort ataj b.re, faaa made maajfri.uda who will ngrat bia deparfitre.

Th«flardJ are eat lor tha weddloa- of UliETmaMenlUtaUr.Qso Cooper. :

« I » 0e». W. SUlo U Tl.lUnc Mra. H. J.roll . . In Warwick, N . y . • • ; , . : • : . / ,.:••

Mr. Oreoa, the fatsena Angnit piovarman.

r'ia icoreuiag In__ .opnrabue wonld

well to eeonro property at onoe. We e i(Met no sodden rise, bat a healthy advance inTtiloe A LirdlraprDvejpent Company willprobably soon ba organised. • ••

The Presbyterian flhuioh w u jelled laitSabbath evening. There w u a special H Nvice for the Italian* ID America. The terrloawsa partly in imiuu and partly In English'The WaldcDKB" w u tbe enWwt ol the.vening'a dlaooane. Texti Hebrtirs, Vi, 88.

A PreoBb-Amerloan oervloe will be held next'-'-'-•'- evening and "ThBHngenoU"*pok«n

ieh ennga *nd Hag* will take the<S«e of tbe Italian! of lait flabbatb evening.

VAXLXT.Mrs. Oeorite SwMckhtmmer and I ep ai*t«r,

Alias Trimmer, havs beea ipendlnc a we»kwith frunda la Now York and Brooklyn.

Mrs Nelioa Hjde b u l**n lafferim for thaput three works from iofUmmatorv rheama."im. . • •

Mr. W. P. Bryan and dangbter, of Koeka.-way, are vi*ltf~ - - • * - » - - --tier.

Mr. A. Prlc.

WLIBIOOK.Xfa. Soxers, oi Newark, waa In town l u t

rerk vliitlng hf* parent*.Jime* H.Parka, of Ei»t Or*ogB. apmt Pri-

ay and Sutardaj of !a*t week In tbis placeAlonio Parks was In town Biturdav and

Sunday.Mr*. Joi'ib l'arkd wu-at Port Oram laat

week vliitlntc n»r son of that plaee.Obsrlra Power*, our butch**, b u been laid

op wltb nor* throat tbe put week.Clsrencr, tbe *even joar old BOD of Cbu

Powers, I* qnlw low with dfpbtbsrla andicarlet fever at tbla writing.

fl*orala Sootb la aiek with diphtheria al*>,Dayton LIWMBO* bnriod one of hi* obil

dran on Monday of thl* week.The goipol tetnpBrancB meeting held in the

M. E.Obureh on the ISLh, w u very ill ml rattended, althooith tbttje weio two, Rood«pflft*ers preBOnt, Mr. Uoore and Mr. 0«r!>»

Then la a geo tU in in ID this plsee who h ua very peoilUr k.sd t>I hone. When hewlah» to go to Dover, he h u to t o n thehor*«'* bead In tha opposite d I Motion i andeven than It is optional witt. the honwwbetber he •• gets there" or not. H« generally bas quite s> elreus (sir o*u] before begets bicb. -


Lumber, Pine, Spruce, Hemlock

H A R D W O O D 1 I J M B F U ,


1 iliail still eoullnue my old bnalLuollucMr, io . i and will attend ta all details-

connected wltb utne I " - ^ttoneer,

tend ta all det<u * lloanaed a


Morristown Driving Park,HORRISTOWII, M. J.

OCT. 22d, 23d and 24th.



Silks, Satins, Velvets and Plushes:SILKS.

Black Faille Francaise Silks,21 inches wide, 98c

Black Gro Grain Silks,•23 inches wide, 98c.

Also a handsome collection ofColored Faille Francaise and SurahSilks, Black Satins, Satin Rhada-inies, Satin Duchesse, and Blackand Colored Velvets at attractiveprices.

PLUSHES, all colors, 16 incheswide, 49c; 24 inches wide, 85c.

TOWELS.Special bargain in fine Hucka-

back Towels, 20x42 inches 17 cts.;rail value 25 cin.

Special offer in

JVlomie Linen Stamped Tray Cloths,24x36 inches 39 cts.

Atomic Linen Stamped BureauScarfs,

16x54 inches.29 cts.; Men's A Calf Lace Shoes, with <16x70 inches 39 cts. t 8p eoles, $1.50.

LADIES' KID GLOVES. A mJtt&t£Z?Jti£ HAHD-JUDE BOOM;.,Tan and Grey 59c; |

regular price 75c.

SMYRNA RUGS.30x60 inches, handsome patterns,

Ladies' Pebble Goat ButtonedShoes, box-toe and common sense"1

styles, $1.98Ladies' Straight Goat Buttoned

Shoes, with extension soles, $2,23.We have reduced the price on the

following lines of Ladies' PineShoes to close them out. ' . '

Ladies9 Fine Kid Buttoned Shoes$2.50; former price $3.50.

Ladies' Genuine Rand-sewed But-toned Shoes, box-toe and commonsense styles, $3; former price $4.

Blisses' Grain Tipped Buttoned.,Shoes, sizes 11 to 3, 95c. , . , '

Children's Gmw Tipped il'iMor.edShoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, 75c '

Youths' A Calf Lace Shoes, willitap soles, 90c. . /.-

Boys' A Calf Lace Shoes, withtap soles, $1.00.


OVERSHOESof all kinds at lowest pricesiV V/,>-.>\''/


daughter, of RockaU p < L HJdo aid Mra. Met.

. 1 Price and Mend, ef Horrlrtown,anemlait S.bb.ih wltb Mr, A,.P. Down. '

; • « « • . T. Wel.h k»a SMnooDdntd tohome tor >few daj* wltb rbeioaUain.

Suite a oambareronrjoanr iadle. antaklag no.lo !«,„„. m Oaekettetowi. Wo

t"e ™'SiS!t"c" "" " ta

; .The fanners are all bnar bnrtlnj their oorh.Mr. •• aoll" Miller h u taken unto blmull

a life partner. . ." . •Mr. Ben. Mjera b u Men rn.Uotltg in

three part, for a abort time. • ', .. .Hon. Albert Bana and famltj attoaded the

Som.rHII.fUr. • vMra. ChanV A. Urailer b u been onltealek;"Mr. Fred. Apitar IB Tory elok AttCe time o^

tbi. wHtiDgiutb) : ' - : •

•' H H 8 T D A Y .

3:00 CLiss - . - 1 6 E m m a .2i26 - " - - - 1 5 "2 i 8 3 " • • • • > - - Ii '•


DICKERSONSCloak Department



f i f

Free fcr BU I. ...oludbg Jewett,Honotty.

entries, in-Maid wd

4-yoar oli olasa - -Polo Pony Biceg . - 6

•;:,3i" T»IRO OAV2:28 Cuss •2^6

- - 23 ENTRIES.. • 18

Froo for alHrotting • 10 "Polo Pony Baom - - 7 "

Oreatett meetlBf ever held in<:"A :;gMarri* County.


Mt.E. B Button la MtTtiil>.>, petit Juro

Mr. Ua.U Barknaii aad.(if. Will lootretornto Oliloago: .. •• ..-~'.,^'\\\:^

.Orel tyo w.ta netted aittaaiaitlTailHeitijbeldatUIIIU>ll. ' • . •' • • • • : * 3 ; » ; i i ; '

Out piblb «b«ol baa iaat:t<K»ln4 > BOB,-plan ait of th. Upo«r»jBlMl a u i . of N.»Jener. dnehaglltla Varj aaeepubMi) : . : . '

HlaaLIUIa A< aar attaad«l taa . '-tFlaidetefTOmtleldKittalMa,lira. Emma BoHneon aid HU. " «.U" »p

CU ban os<.e4 a dtniuBaUiii. atop at Mta.Peter E. BobUaouV^J. >_•«~t- '•'!1'TV'- ''•"'•

Mr. DarTej HtsrabWinan a'biMa BBIIIB.Can.e,BbrlKhlllttlBdaB4hUi.'' ~

.' aim. : ,'; : .'-,--,!„ .;»bHa,e, or Dour, baabera Thltr

«UI> lira, Buleiett ls i better. . • :Un BkiBBer .peat a dar oflut week vita

friend, tt ttmtie. . .nalullnia «rebn!IHta,.haD.»or,tliei.cd

tBejboBjbtolHr. Baker. . . : . . . ,Oee. Unlm.,, , f Sueeainiaa. ba. mnrrf

ram Hn. Kln M j ' , hoota u Mi. Latmnea'abom..


J-b. |n>nBd I. u

Elnae.hu gone to Maidbam to

wllleooiereei « bMdaaw. eotl T

on Ml.d

-jttaca OBUBCTJ. UT Ta& Dolau T.IU alaa.bnUdBtjotharootUtje. :-.- . . , . . : : * . w - •:./.''..

Hl.a Ida Ljoaa," ol Reakawar, la TUIUaKber.l.tar,'Ur«.a«>rBeIlajlerraf tbUpUee.,

: itDBnajin.'

mut ladBBdV aa abaea.ra (nees thatdoh'twllattahatnariuirloai artlela u Tallp

?he aronBd I. ao wblte wltbr froat tblaionla l tbat l t lnk.B. l l tbere bit b W a!lbtab>B>. • . . . ... cojnun.'.

—. FBwTorkalt*, EaTBan able addrea. oa unperanga la tba Frubjurian Chapel Frldaj nlgbl.. . ; • , . ;

Tbe ladlo of tbla plan taet et'tbe rWdei'e.o l l l n u f J. D.Uaain Wcd&eadar ahemosn.to ai.ke art|elB.:ol:elQth<nE wltb wbleb tojllaboptoaand to tbe Ctaleiea'a Bena atF m l p p u i . I m o u tbe fOoKnu will baaq.i l t i .rr »IM1, made-brHnbteiHiCdni;wboi. S J j . a i . o I . , , , and tbo aldejt IITIO,

-, Tto oblldren ol.Hn. Baolel Blln aude bera .BrptJao part7.lB.t Tnee'dajr, wblab^wa. b.rSOtb blHhdajr, and there were tbree"genera.Uen.'-TrB>aBl-^berobltana,'KraBd'cblUrenand Br.atvr.Bd children.'' lira. Daalel Dllerut on a tjailj and bK e.lldraa ejillted II for

liia. Bta^« Dlxon'1. iw'tlaj Iri.oJa at

;;Fc"Mjoongm(iii friat Lyenariil. attendedtneHawtonlair.V •'-"•>. . :•:•.. • : ; ' •1 Jobnala Moore b » Joined tbo nlbernlabaadandala aen.dan.baibeard^atlBU Bonnln.theeTeoIbc,?;:/. , • •..'••••••••< alr.^Willuun fil ler baa Bored In tbe hona.T*«at«d njBdward Sbaw.TB*at«d nj Bdward Shaw. , : -' Tbo .u Hll.r thlo^a of golar > c l to trj

tbelllepfaeowboj. - • ;.' i-.:-.Mr aid Un Jfer— ' 2 - — - •"•

B:»LL<>6«;»»O» NTIONB

PAHA<1IUTB DESCENTSaod'oUieiyiirac'tioLB p lll tako plaoa eacb dtj.

, 1 BiOIB.pil L«B AT 1 » T U

'ltrTatiDwaUn lleM. from Oortr. Inelid.K admtiilon tt Farli, Rj ou.

SBEBIFF8 84VLK.In' Onanoary ol £lew JeriO7—Between•jhli ualij»pl» oompuin.ni, and a

delenJeot, gtam I a i n

Ian,'BetnrBeble to(Hober- ': .:':'' J i n i B. NnofBouB, 8«l'r

BT Ylrlne of Ilie .bore atated writ of Orrl. hpl'B.in TO n««di. j w i u esgoee r r

roudne at the Oonrt B00.BO IDI. >., on

+ , H d . j t f hOFEMDEBdett;A.D.:iBagJ>etween tbe bflnra or IB Mand g o'obek P. B., Ibal i . to u j at 1 o'clo"n IbKflncoop of pwTdalr, all lliat i n S—' or piroel of Una eni prenahea h e d

, alaDt a fenoe to a at.ke in*line bf mat romo-lr owned by Blr.n n'rloideoeaaellt tn.nos is) nmu Ton Inn draree,>ut t»tnt,-l«nt obelta to He n Indie 01 tbaroadabreuldttheneo'a)north.erenlr ibrndtirea .t«l Bl» tSUat ta l tlBblT-e 1 link,loSf "Sjlit %ee°°'w " " " ' ' I ahSm

" * * " - " "iheSghl ol wai aon», .aid!™S'2?."'.f" l l'!-'">j0B!

. D. Uaodenoai has U*»•Vimen a n about don* hoiking tbctr tern,

I* a slim atvp i h U i USiipa* nidD'i i b m h f J 83 b- i te l . or bach-

Wheat from a *SW1B| aTt*o lmaoat*.


iND"We have taken great

oare ia making pur se*leotions, and in regardto STYLE, MAKE, FIN-ISH and PRICE, weguarantee to .sell youcheaper than Newark orNew York prices.




BAKER OPERA HOUSE!poycrj, N . ) .


MUGGS LANDING!•> atltr ola pi. tbaa |i . lejPraaoib|(faror

with tb. a«M.ata. ita.0.1" ,Wa aball bar. - ,

The Beit Singing Compiny,-

The Bett feting Compiny,

Tht 8eit Billed Comptny,

The §-»t lookl-ig .Company,

Tht HMiisp i f , SpepiBry,

Tr)» U>,est Coujpsny




J. J.0OYEH,"..

Hat, rgmlthad ttont tb. btat { l u n . w

Speplal Department Salt* ISpeQlal

« - \ V

nBIlfUS WITff Ifmiiiiy iieF^yle^Md inndhIbaf;" ^ Is noyel and tai dsoflie in tjie Jlnp pr pieii?ri1|.

FRAZEE, CONNET & Co,Central Dry Goads SUr«,

No. 683 BROAD Si.

p e e i i d

rVb^l'K22"'*1'*d and ban.fl

ulnit fron onr popannnnt.alulnrt

•SOTL. l ife, ANHOUSiClSaisiiri

Ulaeiklf.anu'D'fJd« l d l )

Ure.', Wjiare exceedingly parUcnlar hq r onr plo•recijtand made. 'pp'Taif I^eW^topXpttorscanBeonrepositions ip »nr emplor.'-ujjijeupR Pjpfor appearapfip. to tfte'ltallMt.cffien^ire'W.erernUndrnl f lit M ^ V

p p a p f i p . to tfteltallMt.cffien^nUndrnl of quality. M yon, will calj apdFall suit d O ^ ^

q y ,Fall suit* and OTercoate for ^ p p ^notelho ejireme neatness and evideptAlTaPI V • i l l l t V i l a t n n i i '•B JvaBi A 0 I 1 L . . t w i t a T M

spt^Vury«ft ^i|l

every Coat, Vertand Pair of TTniubtre l'flSftCGH TUBWHOLE bTOUX M?e iUke o n r V p u l i l ^ ^ r i i eWHOLE bTOUX. M?e iUke o n r V p u l i l ^ ^ r i i ethoroughness ot onrvorlc You can get-a suit for $8,-810, $18, ( i s or 8,18,'or an 0?ercoSt; Hgl.lf of mediumwe.gl.t, all shades; sUk lacing arid Mnk'gs, for «lp or812. We wish to"conrlnce'you ihat'oiir i i ' a

It doesservos your enstom. It d

if i

l » :

807,^809, 811, 813 BROAD,STREET,-

Page 3: GAN &COS iiitest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO. •:» 5 60 low

Friday, pet 18, 1889.

To welcome Gen. Orubb ------

. And bear JudgtJ. frank Fort

HU'«iA tb.t Condootflr B.ffaraj.1,

.; tatard*i :if«;Ui»".B87th'-uolTefColBBbBl'i iudiUlC«BH Bit*sdor.

. fe|Ht'|i««»fctttinllswor*alltheit

63fawLl atoUa:I»m;iUmjt'ooe


liotiieinlertiUDrfaWwpteUDg Apb*tl'nrateniioB* to ballot reform a n giren on'thi

.: Apkbtuotfors woob roll lor ps^r-BaklMkoblnM hsa bean *rtnt«d to J, BcjDfl,

-ftmttWnj|:6iij)iMiH -or fiwrj ;B,' GIMB '

•-' ' Tbo BuiW'lgi^ Bnbtw Ccmpinj t dnat*d C.OOO toward Urn oswMbwLo

BntJtr Robber work*, as*> l ' » VuleaalM*)

'.SanbuiBo«a>iiopaudk |»kadrtpair.Hpfntb«PUUr b b l l d ' P B - o f U l t«H'^^S«»«^»«*if*;;",:-;->^i;;i ^ ••;•

H«T.i V. M.Vej; paitorof Ibn I^MHetd l ' C h b l i r h l U f c h h

ktflru wV » klclw

- »liM aL

:lt|ar*potWd ibatW i l C o o t j T M c b e wInitltBW*f Morris, Batman* Warren, will'»pii;b«:hBldJi>Hatk«lUlawn '^V'^^:v '

ThB wpcirt Uiit Dr. Burf Is a hone C U M *'•'.•: 4aot«r,)D'i4«w TprkUoutnia. Hslatt-joj

' : ^oni|iaBle*;BVBd^.of Nawark,'ua com-' nteiiof tit*n*\*a kn»B|f'in*oii for tbeltVui

tilioenU No*it raogei from

i- a.oonfDilon of name* we itaUdlast week that Melvtn' 8 Condi* bast H. War

Urtswpld fur Clerk bj 1.1M msjorlty. Iwas Warren'BarnaU wbo waabeaUo, but t i tfact of, the najorltj.remains tbeiime,. Hr.

i^,Ti4lna>f P»/or*«>Uiin»| :»«T(OMll ]*'»t**mdlq Hvccuuu tf, f CSorcb

^0aiJdt^thn>ubeBl(lB««)A7.- '/•=•:'.;•.wtMtob.l'VTflrtU* r|B Ixt n«V8M leUU tbt tUr. of flh«nEal«f *>

d btaii b»luM to JO.

V T U M*wTork-lli.tw«l IJU lurro .p . i

;nierly a ivaober ID tnepiVer pub Ho sobo"!,ware imarrlBd' on Toe«d*j eTinlnj[ at th*faotae'ejf tbobrldV* par*Bt* In Cluster,Ber"

•QDIJ, H,J ; ibrntWSuOMl.wertii 'aciading, fluU* a'BUBitwi:'.,fnB*-!|

••town Bttd.Dorer. •£d-tiw eDloj:

I forthijoaraej, Tb«, parlor idilefc,tlm »traiBi)Bj.loo!k place* wu bunli*

'"'"Bled wltbliwer*BBassed|B beerj„ . . .-tleptinolpala were «.edd.d tinder

aoperh flor*l arcb, Tns bnd* WOM a d m i


It U axpeeittd that tha railroad cxtenalo]'feapaek will ba ootapUted by JM l i tTbe grind jury found JO bills el

09t orabaot 130 oaaea la d bttan tli'tn•nail. Carrier* b i ro 1

pBt I* tho second olaas. wUb salaries of PThe.BUtfiTascberV Aasontatiso will e

la Trenton en tbeWtb, 37tb u d 3S.U ofember.

Th* firm of Baker & Tfppott baa been <t!"We* Kr .Wm.-bnaiae**.

Th* boktmt for tha SUD* ateh bridge oitots rue oa Barges atreat baa baa*, gf?«n'aromaaTonnjp - ."-• • f. - - • ; ' .,

Th* Canty Teeefaan' latUtstt 1* «zp*ti<to b* held b tlw D * w acbwl biBstardaj^ Ook Mtb, -•;/„;,'

Owli-i to *k* nptaasant waatfier. tbe SUteAgricultural Boetoty loat tibottt 92,000 bj

Thi bourt of Antijr »>n>Iec' ataa^a atwj'a-qboioa' a*>a b4>>n fb»Bed for Il U i i d l O iTh. Lo.flP MeBtville Belonaaid Obu.

which bai been olosed for rrpalra, will b*ledflandty uoratng, HOT, 3d. •

_ K H. Helm-m, wUh*a as to say tbat Ifaiptib.Ubed report about Hlsa Goldsteinln> kMpilal Ja without a partial* of truth.

Tbl entertainment g ino this week InSeeoBd M. E C'borota witb snob snoots*,

roan, ten ol A, M. Benjamin; of Boomwaa severely seatded abeuttbe faoe aad bod;n Monday by tbl npeettlog of a teake'tle.Tba Battle of- Bettjibori Oyelorsma

IHUd in Horristown wasagreatanFteaaaniatted tltSO for Torbert Post ol tbt O. A. K.Part 61 tba old. Green honMteid balldi

at Troy Hll Is Is ever 13D j ean old It la nowbeing Lorn down by the owner, G. B 8>nttb

den;,On.bb will bold a rcerptloo IB BOOIton to-narrow afternoon at «bt>b be bop

ineettoeoWTetcraoi and eltliensof tb;p U o f c X 1 " . • • ; • : • • ' « , ; ' - i - \ • : - • • ' • ' . • • • , - - '• • •

Edward B.bbitt, a Morrlitown carpenter,bad bli lag broken on Toeidaj by * fall while

pnaol tbepewaija the oewBt-P

lajfftrtta couoty tfae Bepablioen'i;

„ Bn'ro|tte,*odHeiirj Stuos, ol Huwarta-Tllltt tmi Aileinb'ly ta tbe Writ jUIatrioi.' ''

U«T. Mr. li.lloway wIU pte.eb SiBtenias on -' fivolal D«nger*—Vi»«,"'.

tbelutoftbb eon'rsa ol aartuDos U> youngpeople wfaiob bo bs* bun prcaoblDg'tlil* '

R.f|*al terries* wllle6mnienoe|n*iDB _.and E. B. Cbnrbb ce i l Bimdat rveaini;.' Thipsatorwlllbeaialaud by tbnE^r. B. JUe*ketbo blind •'*f(et'lst, wbo wiUpreuta floadaj

' " " ' X - J ' . , ' • ' ; ; '' •". ••'"•- ,' .'•! . • "

Ariieles^r'Hajsuclattfln 6ml H»» nn«!ep»*it«[ f3 HH per mlin U ? • been filed wiib

ib'e BeOTAtery'vf 8l*to,,Jor tba F«apack ax-tamloD of tbe Kookaway Valby Kaliroad

Tb© COB tral Bailioad Uoupa'i j ol New J«r-j baa deoUred a second qaa~ner)j diTlden*H per cent, payable MOT 1, - A few year*

Ths colored people ol Boootpnj"•, P.iiaJe,^ l d Troj llllla are pVopBrlng fax

T l j i l b halillDuJuMlu. TbeooeMloawjilbs thondlcs oi, add re'aelf}og Into the ColondtbocTit Glihtab, a eluaof oolond Cbria

;!MI nor led bj A O.QMiw, at Troy Uill*.

Mr.,Monm.Uv_we)l;i,tba well koowo

•OEBIS DOCSTY C3UETI.Tfaa Qritid Jaiy botnplntad l u U b o n !

Toesdaj toon *ni repotted ibe Andla«t>lHlaotinliotLiie<>t,HtollDWii ,PeUr Unas, fur Healing sbont (J00 trai

his emplojfr, J. Weiley Sannii, ol UOT#Pinadnotinlity. . L '

Wm OraUr.forjtbebnrglary ef tbe atoif Btrtley 4. 8»n#, at fianlfy. Pit

g u i l t y . . , ' • • • ' - . „ • • ' • .

TheedonjBIU.forbar.ilBrliiogA O.Hangirlibfi store, iLN«nEbHflht- PIM, gaHtj.

David Heiwsq, Oassle Haiman aoa Jf BIHelms.), for assaaU and battery on FanOvldiieln, at l )o«r . Pleas, not gntltf.

Wen, O-Uiieo, a boy- ol Dover, lor iboollWm. Oorby, *t Like Bopateong. Pies, i

Warna'd. Weer, ofEock»«V, "for'aessiod bs'iterv onQeo, B.Hall. Plea, DOtgnlliViglioio PntDenioo, lor stabbing Pemlci

lii»4jo In a Bgbt oaar Content. Plea, B

Frederick P<iebl,of Morristown, lortbrwnlsgtostiootBmmaiXoUQB. Plea,uotfJohnBotP, lor burglary of honi* ol

Q'Nell * t Uurria Plains, two ludloiiuetiuPlea*, not gnlltj. • -. aartln Uojo*», ol£llb*rila, wlto *o »b*«bis o»th«in-law(

: Mra. ,We!ib, Ban indictment f<>r ni*nsUof-ne> btctose ui

iBffioleot atideuce, bnt was IndioltO orlit and battery. Piea, not lailtf, - .

O. fi. Qitga.'ol Dover, for aiUB))>litig f,lostloeol tiioptiooto oonipeniiil • leionj firyiug ID lettle a one for a.conililer'lea, not guilty, and gare ball In $300 for Ulai." B. Gige, for malfaaiaoiie in offlw, re

irdliig BB-Htlalislon el delsndant.to b«il• osae.' Pies, nut tullty, and bail In

Joba Udell, H.odolpb tovnsblp, lor .mul lmd battery Ot liU wife, Pitt*, not volt

i) Krucf, Hori|au>wn( a bojr, lorsauU and bsiiery on llury Boot . I'lo*, uui

3eo.Ca*iDbn, fai:u**u1t and ,b*tt*ry onittle Brady,.. I'le*, nut guilty. .' , ,-i

Tbe itidioimetU ar* set duwc lor tti«il o*«

Id lb« clioaU'Coart He o a « o | I^wlsColII Tk il«trlet K. Umlib, an aotaon ou a note,

;eioltedln iTefdlot for tbe de(enJ«tl. AllJieotbak- otfe* were aettletl or wfltit uB lu'i

itVppral tried wna.thst of Tbos, \).Inllook, appelUat, and 8,11. UufJiULto iotl A<f. Boek,:appellMS. - Tbj* Betloa W U hrc

appellant to revirse a judgment obi.appelleei In a Jnailee trial, for pali

iikdoae IOE spp'dUat, Ibe .stw.n>r.> pay upon tb« grouad ibat ihej' bid uo|teetited tbelr eoutrsoL TUB jury 'awarded

irdlof tot BetJ-Mjilo" t£ Bool,.forttw lo!DonBl)sodiuUreat ••'V. '.-.. "'•': .'•. '..•,•-•

Qnutrtr. BUM Iocs Qeorgo Qsllawaj wisIgued lcr robbing' tbe resldebee ol'Ber.

'(ithM Kradj at8ontb Btaobope and aotefedbt not gn|tty.; Uoniaiidftd ior trial and

ibb UTyn>aUiid BsslgBed BB eoHBB*t,. .;,:

4ndiuw,.Meh«i and Jamea IfOwo, ol Mil1^'were arraigned'far'tba robbery ol BlarV 'Ple*,:nat.«ai|ty. Ueld for trial in

ftis'iudflntood'tli«t.Peter Diary, of uiob[lll,~>a» todltited ujbr; kwplog a' disorderly

aofl aelllng w|Uio*t lftwas«rbat oaiino'

hi .Wll . . l l . , lr l»B!d«IUJMfti'Sko; h.r aiilrr, • • .iiild of b « « ,.lUml ii l..«oJ«H.lllt, w)l« lri«»li,«.

uiloWrTb. bi. lai . l i>u Mr ffoi;Ho«H1AbrrKtofiij ft boftiiB of>b«;'|»otii;> 4harlir«»»»litp« f f e|U »ir.'t.|ftl<r»llb'•

«bl|)b ^M.nqiBr" t | t

. l ea l ;p | j p |

il B.on.pii. pbl«k II WM "tn.l . I t .nta, obliib/ifera^abj,,,.m M notionfor'inodm» In.tbelr wltoilosaifurvaiq.,' .Dd"»Dltfratirai/ niBda ft r.rj

ii>I,.dl1plmi 'Wbra 1>. U . . u v > for

rt»,.rerjj«l»of»bi.kr-pr».oltd.• » Croaitt. fri.Bd, iaho«!»» » • •

Jkl|ftl7. <lt U^Ba4«ntBa4 >kat rb.tore tb..o.j.ooo U Widid Ib.r' «IH I . " nillfd;iaiiTft r«lii BadotBer palaiit61 lBtBn.hr;;;

pB ibe faiB.a«Dafa-ao tlaie iD'iba

r » W . l t r p . p b o i i l o f m t b «'•lirr'tha ftaTfj'£Ir(ialaror a')i|liiB;bafrl.«l ,'bailfaTM .ndeMhwJ tbe IBOOBU(B*It. io"BtBio.t'.(rrj.'oolar of Iba ralbbaW

tbu lima »,!»tbe grosad l.iti.a-n vitbd b l ' l l d t b b t f t

d:w»ti.** oi rhaQetaware, where.l.ohbajsmronow blflog ID ItT.ly f^li-

• p > • « ; beVpaiijculBrly "> rloyetl,'^wltbont-L- :or:,oi*co«ii-urf fron' £ . . t and; dnit,

s ! s ,,.«>.B,:aU;.B,d

l , t ( i . i a - , r t l q . l r p p ttbftt 1b. .Kc|)f*laii Pflft|nB noila W o i . Qpi«r. mat as apiiflrlBiitljrto rUiui;lid.ll|bt-i'pot I. a.ldon i f ^ < 1 ftliar.'ibl. d.ia, Tbl.

nottbloaie~tbla:ifar, koweur, aa'ftn'aa;inlPD u to;b« fas BT«r Iba palkwat., |itov-

' ' i'Vaa'tara railroad OB' TBUndaT' l

•raBBaai iVaatara railroad OB TBUnaT*o|.tar Hlb, Bad BO 'on. »bi( nllbM u ra«iiUlBBM)B.ri«irt(Blta Bjo.t>ltrapt|TB (arb

' l " l l " > UK r.l B B « ( j >

'QM o l . . tn«" 0pj>arl»Bli7i. -Trala laam Domr at J:

(UK pr.

A(H., f i n

Q. Brook/Valley,tM :WCai^wf*llow«t: Ino'tlw Inthii

i 1MB* of Voar.paper;itider, tb* beading.D|il(b PbMiiets AbtjaV,", •.stateaieBt Iattrd tobatloitsMn a*ptolcnenortbatli1od

' n»*rtieWeldoriiDin!),r*iid*aaffi)oin-. L " . . ' . ^ * A 1 _ _ *L>-*» . « f t m fc>tft^ aat." taBrfiaftjla

oi bird near n e weiaoa mino. BBH BB wnow-pBBTlec iapposllion thet tha bird or bnodslBC iBppoBltioB that tha bird or braodl

fapropai.ladfroia tba'Kntb>rlord aitaUI W«"BD OflflBlJ.•'•' JBBI " f j Bi«obmot.ID-

l b l I I b t b b i l r f l Hn wrarreD otnaty. 4«u< »oiilloedtotbeoploloo tbat tbiiaVabMBMtttireti and p A n a k a ^ frpin an,UU fbntQhrfa ^l le . i j , * . froo- batti ; ]sl«lo"KiBBeylon," or t l . Ktniwy Mtat«iotie«a ol wfaleb bare oceaaunally appeared

ins l ib? e i i i ^ f pro?' of tha BDOT* n ' ru._ r woold state ibat' aboat loir jaari

.-A I. «Mi linah' n*>r an* house a

by"a piose Bi re, and. . . , , , . „ - - . . r f a . W f f Haoketts-

re by» .*ooraW>f il»ai««UWj»n»fl u t lean tkaausageraf U* Morr|*tow»

ob wrow M H«k-tuu>-o, ohalUiiglag tfael.nglgpl.jloDoTMfor.aiOO.ilde. Thisng t g p j ide, :a'A1*rU'uoept«d':.ud::BB»»d BitortUj,i 10th, H tbBdata for t i e maUb. TbarU alao expefltrfto brine; the lUok.ttt-B .band wlib.UtaBt and bar*, tv food tine.naanager of the Afe'rla wrote na jtmUriKfe w tbkt.aiBW tbw-aiwpUd.*o;

™-ol tha Morrll fllab b u rafwad to uB r a fb la Utten,aod baafallad toMine to

e with a forfalt ol «2C on bli owa propoal-:' Bo ttit«f<tr«*)&*• It nnileratood thatfafTiirtorrfteiBBUih U-«o fault'.at'tba

; • ' ' " • " • ' ' ! ? • •

;TB»i il.o'aonbl* t i^BweenXoadln| Qm.IalaBd.lIla. Barry W

BftUot Be/am and Hontut Govdrami

THE MBBTINQ TO-HiaOTlo Bikni Oteri. Hops*. Dofer, will J]tended and a4dres»»d by

QBK. E. BOAD QBDU11,tho BapibliMB nominee for Governor.

JUDCIK J, FitANK FOliT. •of Nawark, who Is a eaplul *Vf tker, asa* ona ot the beat Informed ntn sn Itopios, will dlSBn-stbe UsaMpendiosUoespitgD, t,nd pertlealarly tbou of breform and rs'lroad taxation. Tfae voteall partlci ah Invited, to attead.

MKUVINS COHDIT.theBepcbtlcati i>e« for fltnator. will alao be pretest.

r H.P. Vrolblnjb.mhBd lb."|«Kl lor.,;ia.t8aiBr«.j.to';talta'M t«u.'IBM lalu|

ibpatooDft'• Btnofa toaaj,.'ftlliwara of.tbai ftjoitth TWiety/iiBil iba total (raliby » u

I Dniii. Tb« Ibnaiatiftitilalikad llji 5l p b B B d i . '•'•••• . - ' - = v ^ r ' i ^ ' • > ' • : : . • < < • ' < • : ' • :

UBl), D«k. ,T7. .E, Colll., W|ll H.itllW^^.BDitolObp.Ur ^.BUB.biBi

B.B>blt Hoa-

»<.,•>ulaUil.,Ml. ««• b i n . . .r «l r«tt'ldia,~:4t.lii laponrt tkittll VMphaiefl b ja baar,::'r,^::^i':

a p i ^ U bo atitBi tbUVibBtU be •atMBg'-ihbVfeboataawar. A Iwanler at tbe^Wao'erM,|),ibelt went to raiire in: Tta^Nday niibl o(

;,w**k wd Ifl bli rpriae toaad a'foil>tfa' iiutri^a paMha vOB; hla.vbad.-~peat;.IIBV**.' ertBtand'' j 'aelBar' l.w' aiitasi> b B . > . I I I . B.li«lior;',«aT|d,»U... . idn«l Itself u a BihW n a aaub't l i tbi B.rop of 4M. ^rooBa at iba Qaatfa) H.a.a, '<•• :•i irMi Jljbt or S.^l.h . . Ip . . a . i tn tb.

I Brook i , . .Jo T . lMl««k: »r.Bk Olili.id bla braHiir JOIB" klllod M £BII).B >BIB«nblB BBIB. BB^ thna >laa wtBi taal la one

':Hfttthe« V u D u a a Bad bla «oa.' Bf.FI&oBrook, k . . . ipe.rrf u ataaji V. tanafe aarp,

,bloi or.r 'log poBadl, IB :• dalle da;, I.

iiibaglUlFfraadLvADOtliard.j lut/velk

[ofatlt,' fl.bwi'in tjpllt Book |!ond on

;ritwolgkwl(oar"andoiie^alfp«abd|ac(|lAen^b' .af*:iHi»f/: ' .-'- ^v.\->i .-;?.; ;,;:

per •n^rtfplo wblpb | aflpjKNJe. yoq cbpled

.„„„ t o 7 p » r t / ' r threa;,oatigbt at tea


Tbew wera tiWa aa •;• leiried; below anyewapap*rp*rMtBpbaprMU»tiaf*|r-' "•—a p p p H p p pp wt wa did oBtlnni'tkat Iba tlin.IB a.(Jmajfapiia'arp Ulanll; f

ind tn'flaw Bf tbo>jailblUtjlb»tBnlBBa«iiti'.aia BJ.i Umit ailr.kad/1 lijtakw Uta'i ontrwllon..';Tha bvti; batpid'ftj,.,1faBB>(.aid akaBlij U'aalaad.VlBOaBigiiald |.V.a-

I. a faialBlBa BBI.S | tat pat la «MUII0B>i'Bl •' V.nu." aJll,> b .» 0MtHlll.il"oUblidVBilTaBM.) iTaajparagrli(ika:ftnaar

ij lit P»af :br»lhata.;;LXHa;.pari.piBj'.hfirraat '.ItboaaJJ.TB'.doabl- fta .'epiMetaaa.

•btaiiBBi"<lldi?,;tVar'aiai OBB, of ;)h.

The TretUif H**ttag al:Wm0min. j iI glance at'tb* adTertUameatol.tblB me*jt-, on tbe opposite'fae; will *bow-' that alleren.* foVtfaVtbrW aays baWa gcntroai

, of entri**, *ad « tbe tiorte* are tb* b**(:hBir'elajrt6,lbi|rfi.l| BO'!doijbHt will bsgreatest tnettldaj InMtlog i m ' l i o i i IDi^eooontyr The ball(»n'a>»>BBlorirBnd

o paraokato deMteata from *> bright of twotbtM tbomfcoa fe*t wllLleo add to>iht

iterest ol eaeb day, and flue ban* music willIse be 'lar&lshBd dally. ftp-Mlal traloi wiltiio i>e ran from Hew |ork and EM ton, and-Joocd (xooraioB ticket*, eatltllbg tke b»*rer

to adBalulon to tha:grbaniU.'eaa.be pni-flbaacd at all BUUOM. ^bs .nw»» wjll • t'esiled at 1 o'.lodtf, M. eaeb ilay. W-l* l"«.a'progr*oiw» ool", fyt Wcalher t* Be*d»flto

Tba m.inh«TaofCoBiaBa*.1}< be(*& W i yaraetloB .f foareair-taczeta OB 1b. rnhprpp.rtfof'HrJoboi1?:qBrf;';

Qrter-imaiwrtMifc'r^rlBeiiraaitee,^\timib'will be all i™t airty;!» •*• Tlelol-JrflrJnf diit*ai>«a wilt be aemrately mea*.

J and marked along U.arangs..\ Tfae»fao«tir'the Cltlssn*' Badge will take p Wion a* tna arrmiigaBien'*"ean In made.

lexhtry BspohlWu. . /•Tbo BcpablloBD* ef Bosbnry tawnablp.itbelr ouonioii Uonday a*ealng,r'*eleeted tfae

DwiagjanUfUoan for U»»rn*w TownshipmnttteetDr. J.t^TajUr,Qeorg*Olllli,»gB Bnrtt, Ella* B.CnteraBd Gbsa, A.

Isksr. \'WBI.* X1.' Wlgglaa'and Htnry'Ilocr•C were rteo'boil delegate* to'lS* "Aswrnbis

ifention. (»',b* b*ld l l D;iTar to norrow. '-

bo"att*Bd; M>*-o*fal plase

»tnq1« t l T i p p t rTat' Wtylt doing w tha ubatvl gava him atrrlBe H«k [a the JB» , vblob tore JbU new.en a41 alaW>he b*»"at^m.a i l < j ; ^ U e g

F ! ? s ^ ^

A aoAiiRo n u QIHOCT CHxcnoTbs ban adjoining tn* ftfmory ol Corfipan

GOBEsaexstreet,boiooilag to Ue*«ra.&a!- nod Oram and oeoop.od by Mr. J.

Uioaama, va* draeorend In be on Ore liTuesday ev«DinK, ab^o. 7^3 e'eior-V-, Tbflamus bad bickin o i l ID lbs Itsy mow

u ttaooad story aod f bea lint emnirstlng ibroog1. (be UodOlau an dlfftrantlea. In a Dlnatft tbe whole town was ilia-

Dlooted by the blau. Mr. Blelaris got hitbree boraes, wacoos and bBroese oat witdlfflcnlty. it belag neo^ssary to bre»kbele ID tfae side of th« bni-n to SBTB ona of tbbo»«s. There was only a peaia te way of ifew feet between tbe bara and ibeUrsenery building, and aa.tbe large aUbtuFaroe ft. Co** Jolnud «lo«ely on tba etber ild<

u speedy relief should eotna. Tbi*promptly aapplled, faowftver, throDgli tbeoltnoy ofottrtire department and thn ei

i of our water snpply. No. I 'comp(tot the flrot stream fnis ibe bydnnt and NoS followed InnaodJately afurvard. When tbipowerful t tmnii strnrt the blsiiof oiaai tfatIlibt went down alraost lika the snuffing of icandK and In a few moment* Ibe lire wnnder complete control. With tbo rapldlt,tho Bsmes were progresalDg, It Is certain tbian lnnoeuae ecnfligrstion would -fasre beetunderway before ateam eoald hare been got.ton Op to tbe fire engioea It w*«anotheioompiete triumph for ibe uaUr **otl» ayatenwblofa wae oppoeed bi the tcVw* who airajedtbemseWea against this as they b»Ti

Iiinst all other linproretuBttU In the town,Tbe imoaldnrlne lire in the baj eompellNi

Ho. 1 company aod the truck to nmeia at the•sea* far »bont three Itnar*,to (keep tbo bejdsmpeaed while It we* being pliobed otttolth* barn. Tb* barn was a vary old sttocianand bad bsooine t> lodging1 plaoe lor trtnpi

«s of iu dlimantled coodltlop. itanppoaed tramp* bad goo* In tbere for thoniibtend. by eimkipg. or so mo other way,bad suited tbs lira. ' '

Tbe P»w-Paw la Korrli Couty. ;

Mr. Darld Dickersoo, or Chatham, waa litawark on Saturday and be braoght with

apeeullarprodnotof Ills farm, i t wa* aliege ofpaw-pawa gronn In Morriscoonty

ua tbe back of the Paaialo near Lower (Jliaubam bridge. ,Mr. Uiokerson baa'apawaswires wfaieU Is probably the only specimen il.

iw J«s«y. Jt was nblqUo at one- U.urelj. Tike paw-paw Ie a OM;!TO cl lit* wild

id woolly IVeit, i t grows to Obln andraid, ont 1* sot .luutid ewt of Ublo to i minatexieni. Iilaairildfraltbeariogfreely.'atT'paw tinll lools like nothing el*<- lu na

It ia sonetlilng between a Canaoa anaperalmaiDit, n green pad full of yellow pulp,iicrspthed witb iieui rsueb like tboae olie Uoiaticd or the aogar looiut bean; fiver>

rn boy knows th» paw.paw a* a'rnlon' Is.good tv eat at A plcob, butiW tiu

ie uielut as a weapon of otfence, i'oby an"pltutiiul to be Ligbly relished where tlieyivloprolQsiDo, lint to most people la N B «

leney. tun p»w-p»w h i nofsltyi—Nei '

Mr. Fred. A, CaAald, «bu reeentlytnrocd irom EqPvp* a4t*r VlalUag tba Pnrli

IMoa, | 1TM BB.lBtereiUDi; IvealpsrisoB : wblob IlloatrftUi .cDtDpreheaithe enormoni dineoiloo* of tbe gnat Eiffe"ewer, a model of vbkb, belonging t* Mlacfleld. 1* now on esbibitlsn In tfae\sborladow of The 6eo.Blol>Brds Company; Heay* Ibat if it wore |ot»ted In Dorer one foot

would m t where tbe potenlga'a tton is,another when tbe' iWr* of Mr. Joba Arndtiiands, a third baek or the wstor tank of the

, L. cV W. depot,' and tb* fonrlb .where thebouse ol Mr. Ja*.. Boaob stud*. Be tweet)tbo two ieet on «aeb aide Is *ptun| an itn-mvnse arob, node/which might be planed the'reabyterlao Cbarob/atocpleaDd*ll. Aboreila i«t U tbe flrat story, eon tain leg three

large reeiaai-anta afld: a printing offioe,' ifngalnuista*mash ipioeantb* baal-

awa block bounded by BlaokweU, Saasex,UiukenoB and Warren atteeti -,.

. . Bjleadid Fonts if Tjpe,The Ba*. faa* reoe.Ted tbla;weok a larg*nborofioDtaef new, jtib^tTpo* ropneaut-; the latest and moat atjllib taoa* from theding American type loa^dert^-JAae* Oon<:'• Bon* and Fanner, little tt Co^ of NowTit, aad MatKellsJ, IJullhs it, Jordan, olladolphlB. \/t haVo no lueltaUon la stty

log that it t» the large* t. BO a tcoit oonpleuas*ortme&t ol new type* plaotd In any print-lag MUblJibnjeat In tbU aeotloa fn many

Han, and will enable ua to give an entirelysw abaracter and yalioly to oor job work'of

OTerj doacriptloa. Tboee who. would Mkaadvaatage DI tbi* b>od*oBio uiortmant vrlilleiHi ootiroly new ihonld ieod In their work

noe. We ara ttlso prepared to fnrnttb the'••t deilrpi of *iTOrj thing in the w*j ot

vittitluu*, prugraoiaViirdwso.dai.oe, tut BUS,

/ A tiofUar a»a fatai Wn* AoodMt.Miobaoip«ierlik;a Bapganin atiuer, wa*ikd Ina most ting ular manner lit tbs tnlotF Hordlown. on tbo iik loif,' A bala bad

aeen Hied onnioteaf and thttUBa retired be-Jind a baltery 18(1 Ie>t away-natil alter the•xploaluB of tba bla*t.:i*tierick sat wltb id.tie battery, In ipparent ^etieotauuBrltj, wlfu

ie back or bi* a w l reitJtiH"g*lnstOtteof tlo h t i a«d reitJnH"g*lni(onoof tlog* that lorniod a part ol. tbu btifrioade.Wtton me blwi tmtuo a fl>ing p'ieoe oiroeh

ui.lf lh« «UUld« « me ati.X ttgaiiiat whlobuiati'a. bead' wM. leailog and an f«ll for

V i i a t l J T

p V ;Tha Rudolph Towniklpaepnbliean «BS-

cn-Ifondajr erenlag ;w*a well attendedwaa pretkldeit ofer-by Win, H^lADibert.i Oeo. U. MiUbel), Beoretarf.'' The na'w••hip Ooaw.ittM.'nnder tha ralu.adopted

j tko laU Coaoty oonTantlon, w « ei*oud• lollown Kred.B.fl«.eb,DoTer|CbM.£llMkj iti- VrMdoB) Kdwlo J, KOH, DOT or |

|i t i VrMdoB) Kdwlo J , K O H , DOT or |

M Brown, J l l c e U i l l [ ijdwiii' BUM'I'ort Qra«. ThefoUowlng 4el*gat«i and at-ernat*a ^r«a" a U o e l l d : t Q l b A p » b l

IA* itto 9>wa* «• ta* Briaa,With tost dear ridooien^dear w tha hurterery bride—* aanbeam filling athwartr firstly faee, a1 throog 'of happy gaeetatnuwd'abrillUBir wedding oa MOBIIBJ Ino Cuurofa of .tba'Redecmei. Morriitown.a Jtwuette Caller, daujbter oi O. F. Cot

ir, ViM'i'hsldaat aad Maaager of the Malro-lit*B Teltphene Coppaiy, w'al oaarrled toa.es,Bieokeiiridge^CBrti*, ot iadtaiie/ i

member of one of itio oldest fauiliiea in tbiStata. Kef. Dt, flughe* ptrfarned t U ocro-

' Miu yannle Minion, ol BoBton, we*mala and tb*. bridegroom's best man

raa^pr. U..A,,ThoBjpioai.ol Indianapolls.'heusben were «**on J. HJbLaok aad *l, K.anlort^ .'Imfljediatelj »l(cr tb* waddinglero'wa* an enjoyable reoepUon at Mr. CuUr's realdaBoe, Kaideaa House. - ,.

•A On*d Benthltoaa (tevant.**.niKuliloeat> ooBTentioQ ol Mew JerseyDlleeO Clab* waebeld in T*iiip!e Opera

ODse.ElisibcUJ,' OB Tuesday, Tbe numbert clubs represented )»y.d*tigatA» waalW.widI the pw«*dl*ife were of such an eatbiial*1U0 character uielridloate tbat tha Bepnb-

tlcsna of Jfaw Jersey,«Te In Bahllng trimPrttldent ffllhnr, A. Kott m»de a riogtog*p*eea *»d; WM r*-el*at*t) ft»r;'!*i.otliM '7wr.Sen. Qrahb' was reoelved wllbia~,at«ra* ofipplansB add madea brief *pee«b. after whloblereid bli,letter of, aeeepUaae^tke oon^lautloo.; Morrli ' on i ty waa npreaentad byle1egat«e1jtnKltba-MorrlitfiwB,-:Baadoltb.f9ek»way and DenrlUa cl.bi, Mr. L. O.ill*a wa* tgbairman ol tha oouty delegationid Joba 8. Ulbwn a B-emtNir of tha.Gon-

nat*a ^r«ra a.Uo.eleqled.:.tQ lb«AM«p»bly

f«Bt{oa in Dover to worro w i; Uelegatca—

W i l e W W D B e l John

eiUoraM I., Danbaa., Jobn Dabbo, J,llington Briantv;a>M;S/Wll.lBina,.alex.

M ; } ^ ; •* • • ' • • • • • • - • • ' • - • -••

Th* Mcrrli Oonnty looal nnloa of the toangeople-e Stmletj ol Cbriitlsn EsiiaTor will

' lu eeaii-Bfiaual ooritentlOB (B MorrlstowaitiBHB*Jtln)oni.t;Ue *|u«td*teB«i-ye.

U O H T I I huodrsd , B I * B I W *oi Is rep.

inoi.*. Mt. Fieadom, l/laDdsr*;r^Hoatfill*'aad?Vtser i;tt**e*'..f'TaV

. iaoe'ud saosea* of <the great work's*factor In wfBty.'Bt^arBeli^qob'jrtawr

bin fa •rsierelly'knoira.'!:'^Tbe'Soelety la thafnlud fitate* eoraprlBM a.', total WambenblpfOf«|-'S»,0»,.'Bt - ^li****!*--*11-"-*11

S.«rjlk(of jnlani^ea at tblHMOOIJ M, ¥•iBrab'BPDeara iotw'tBaoo'ftHa»Mt.b; raa-• • ' ' ' • IBal tao .flJli,'.? aj the ».a,W,r.

fpletj ( ( g

l|tarari .BMrta|««J»5t*bl.l, ajaa latjaljadad, .wM.«a.tfafaefb>T;|« t tarj wftj:to

tlaa. DraB.pt, a.Bd p«tc4'iba Beat .am of • » ;la.tale.t'iraBantlrelj'lkatr.PVB'aad.alldidW.ll t lnt i t »Wld bi n'n'Wr "U p.riloiil.r.^altBOlgk'tapaelal praiafia d'p.W.J'rcr,nkllW.'wbo VB^BBUflin>Val&Efn|t,udrto

d W,Ba»lb>, vhodirMtadtb.llt^rarj

•aktBK'Bj. . . _rapidity •fa«B*oraberidaB1s caralry BIOTB-teipta. - Mmdaynlibt lia-airt t»e people atlehdry Verli; Taea4aT aftereoen Ue Bapab-l l i a•Bllllp.hBr,;iMaM,;ir7«IB

l : ; l

, ; 1 u;ir7«IBeada>:Blfki at Oifonl. rbo»-

l ; W b l t V f t t

hi BtMdrrliUwn. • And bo !• met Irig boat*li^d*_w>aitTag ^ J B ^ ; , - . ; : ^ ^ : ) •-, vj,.

^largfl a«!!owfty^fomcriy . 5 « 5 ^ *WM armt»>d'oa/Toe*dior at l(e*toa.by' aBackectuck detent.vo, a.Dd lodged la the Baa-'B4iCoaaiytJall.wwt.ud of robbing tbe**-man Calbollo Chnrohiud ins/nililBiiM ol

ra. Addis HUckhnno* In. fltanfaopefa Awlonlba ago,, The' qca«d j;»ry>r that.oouaij

h f b l ^ b b e n j a n a g e d t o 'ipontbftbewBjnntilTaefday.QalloW.as of the BrtorloBajflonrfa Oaaal iani-

Mai! flory, of l «*pbBrf, g flfM the t^nt tnannlaotiirer o( ingir of tollk^lB*e<)aatiT^'^l'ftoM I*lnef«toiM I

f , ?titeaaa to tbt. oonntry>agaal.fo'c:tVo ot Uotp. There''.in now

tbreefaotorleelnthie• C9»t*y-T.ocat»sd atHambarg, OxtaH aad' tlolentllla, all ID the

par part of ,J(ew "Jeriey- Sevan pr eightfaetbriukava been aturtad.-bitt.Jiey

wmov^Ql~'\?\:'*'''';':' V' "A::

4tthaBooatoa:jUa|iavi»>aui IUHUHJ tuni.n Monday *f«iilng Mir. • . 8. Lyon pre.iiBd B. B. DBWSOO was Beerebkryr' Tho

wiring townablp oommlttee wa* aeleoted tIT. Ilopktae. BUI* O. MjcnvTboaiaa Byartl.C. StoTantoii,"W. &. Bali*y."; Thieommlt-

B afterward held a meetlBg and brganlBtdr tbeeIeet!onof:C. F; BopHna," ChalrmaB,) d y v B . Balley.'Seentary.

•• -"-"•- "••-•' •":1'"-"1 'Tary t i f a l r .TbeUaxr«t* o( DeVar la «KWper 11.000.

That la the troubleef llrUf ln'k »ill»«i> ifoha* lew than •HOO.OCD worth of^ta^able prep

]QathtiikbotfaqtaaUjaa fajrpn>H(bjiigiae iiiwfi it Mania tjtrange h."* iknnld peridltly mUrapre'ienttba t*? talBitloii tn ^ ,

bleh' ii aqaOW. or ipora tbJa" twice thy/ V l l , w l . h . 7 . •

y i 'JV pettifogger by tbe Ban* tif By O .Tarley.r>alnnoonti1 la saw.*W*lM«g trlalfBt,*

eritainal aasauit oa Mt*a. Annie-B, Taata,M a u U « tbe poor ylotitb li entirely oatofher mina atUaiea tad" It 1* hartd *ka willB.T* «o be takn to tba Morris Plalna AaylnM

r_treaJWieat.jWorrybg_ow ftB.j5!^*oi

An OU Lanfl Mark at to* LikeThe lut time I saw Ur Bbafor, of Lak*

nvpaVoottg, be tpld me tout loms man wantedto sell some property aroaod Byram Cove,oaoe npoa a time, A*i4jflie deeds ware retwrdat EHubAtb, 1 fblnk b« ..Id, |>o.t any bithey were dated *?8&'or tbereabouU. I

thin* wsa ao old saw mill OB it, all rolldown by reaaoo of •*>. "1 Uinaght aarelythe nan mait .•» alalekeo aboat the BBWmiJl," he said, "eo I took my *,.r boat

itor«r tbere after ho wa* t.o.n, andbold tilth.»««. tho remalui of tbe old aaimill Juot M b» asld, bat J eonld net Imsglo*bow It got there so long ego, nor wbo ereatu!i t 1 was told there HIM some man 'named

li .utmnd Stanbop* wbo tslght kaeiMmotbiof about It and Jnadenp my mindwonld go and at* blip *ometime and Sod oolwhat he knew «b»st It" .AIMI Thii Mr,Lewi* li 4>ad and 1 doubt if bU children evertroubled ibeirbeadBBbflattbelaseodaefLkka

jnateopK. Wiiita plfrr K I* tbatao amobwhat night be ntit rery readable blstory

dlMiriibtLeoldsetUers-; • D.J.

TEX f AOJOAT AOaTDSHT AT TSX iAIK.A Mrreapaudent to the Brooklyn

write* tna following eooeiut ef th* real faetaof tha a&Uboat cvpake at Lake Hopatoongt

The Tarlona (Tew York a«d Brooklyn p»p*r«tvepnbltefaed dories tfae i n k wnral sc-)Dota of ibo oapelalng at a r«Ubi»t on l^ke

aopatoong, Friday, OoL 4tb, at Hit o'clock,You will axmfar a farcr oa tbe party coo-eernod by pnbliiiiog the following a* t> cut-

itftOMUOtl AboBtSo'olock.Mr.BldoayPool*, who owns voe of th* baodwmettotag** eloaa to tbe Bmlln Hotel, lock hi* •»<daaghtera tBtllng, atopptng at Hr B. L Ed-warda* Aotk Wildwoed, and taking Ur.Edw.rd.1 daagbUr, Miss Pett Edwarde. withUi*ni,pr»oeededtoBynm*aCoTe. Mr.Is an eipenenoed aallar and fatnlllar with allpelata of tbe lake. WUle In tba con tUbeary ballast 1B tbe boat anddanly Kmv* wayand Miss Edwards WM thrown from bar a-at,bead first ertr tbe boat Into tbe lake. A blabnorthwest wind WM blowlag, the lake wa*very rongb, and It w u very sold. Mr. Pooleaeted. with greatest preaaDee of minaetHl-headadneas fa Maiiilag instantly beeither lethta beat go over eitagetber or loieMis* Edweida, whom tbo wind w u carryingfrom tbe boat and party. Tbe Miau* Foolehad not lost their bold on tbe edpe ol tbeboat, and obeying tbelr f«tW* oool role* to'>Ke*pBstroQgBold"weBtererwitbtlieboBt.

Mr. Poote lett tbeai a*iolj olinginf tn It, ob-irtiog tloy bad plenty pressnoe of mind, and

*MnndMlM.Edwanla. A* Boon BO tb* latUr'ae*d wu raised above water she ttoorrnA

troth the ahoek of her sadden plunge eoffl-olent to obey erery -word Hr. Poole'* Injunc-tions implied, sad won Mr. Too!* had usarr-ty plaoAd each lady in a pwltioa to warranther keeping her bold to the oapatsed boat.Tf»n the party screamed for kelp. It wainat at an boar when tbe few ootUgera left at

were aeated about tbolr fires or din*log tables, woo boat or person oonld be teen,ID a little oxer half u hour Mr. O. F. O.Meglc, wbo owna a twtUge ifn tfae lower aid*of the lake, happened to be at Nolan's feistOD bulnes*. U|s carpenter heard Ihe crieson the lake and gave Mr. Megl* tke alarm,Mr. Mtgle ioiiantly, with tbe help of a atn.ngnun, went In nl* naptha .aunob. whloliwasMHplan'aPolBtdook, loresuae tbeoapslnboat, and w*a raUalsbed to End a geutlem.aad tbree ladle*, almost exhausted by tbelrperiloua position and tbe Bittern* Bold wind,

r. Megia kindly tvok tbem to Mr. Edward*'Lome, where every attention wa* gauore no 111 alter effeots , and, altbongb lewIsdlc* oonld bave stood such an experieuoe,

a few bom* they had al| reuoTered witboatserioiu reittlls. Ur. Poole and Mr. Megieelaitn they owe tha ladle* a high compliment

ihclr oool preMBoe of mind sad promptooedlenoe, lor, perUoua a* WM their positionthey niter ODOB )o*G.,t!.*lr buv* lulrlt*, *ndtivit ol oil, sbow great Tltailtr W iuta uiinred such a narrow eneape snd tongh eipoMence, for bad It not been for Mr. He lie'stimely aid. despite Mr. Join's brarery. allwould hare perUbml.

A FAIBMD or TUI Yuntr.•Tii.Ootebei-l^lBrMi.;. •

The opening .'*arebet46aTbjBjw4s>y.ofiu. week, IB~ • "ladlsoD,,.AapwUltralabroaght

rs.froa. Haw Tork.; Presldanlle»yA..Bntta, the Jlsr./Or.'Oao,1 H, M*<

', paster of St. Paal'aM. K Ohnteb, M.w,aad Dr. j . M.' xtookiey. lildtlor of thelUaa, AdVooata, made ajdnvaea. Dr.;ieypr«**Btedto UefcamlasTf aBlbla

fa iHktin Uiue4 | a IMr.^Th* B*r, Dr. SeUa**; M-Oonaaji'to Jeraaalen., pr**ented tothe, library aftAeBeinfiiBCTanitnaiorlptroll

A >rw TraW Jar Otaiwitwr Mafcrmaa. • 'ItClaaaW Ibat the'BUI new UaU, to'make> app«*«itac*.oa Ihe pjj X; Js W,r*»d, will«**il«ed to the chBrg»;oif laat artc popn-

srwDdaoUT/JobB ILferaao, of the «UIODupre**, ypoadup or SefBiBqaa b*« BMritadbla for. a Ion*; tlm*,'«jsd.;iilwn; he'^W eatritb >[•>«*., trait, will' «adoiVtediy;4o It In

.. _ ape.;';i Wa qudentasd' that be .'willi « Vhsrley Hstioe strictly oooflied to theipnia pa>, «o that tb* ;atb«twU* beaattfalfeet ot t«* train wlH-aoi'.W.Wamd.^? •••'.•-

'oho Bajrc, a DaioWrVt Ciatiam, had ary narrow eaeap*i froiibtlBg blltesby »

ntd dog on Tburwlay of' l u t weak, * Whileitudlng BB bla itooa L. dog, wbleb h- took to

g ^ p . M y gtrouierejut abjoyo tba knee. Dx. Wolfo

'aa'palled to e^aifltna *•'blU,':a«il' foiud ftg naili endloi- with a blwd blister, whsre

anlaialkad plnebed Uiwiih.tba etottt.akin waa *ot brekn.^ Tbe dog o».p»d

, . •oUeetkat tbe people ©r Madisoaara'oringtoior|anlsaUoB el abbroBgh goV-in>ent,;biil-wefw that'anih.would,-notigaallsfy th*n. At ta* rate tk* plaoe f*

TjwiBg tb.y wonld soon (»1 tbe need ef a•galar town -lioorpor*M«B and woald "then

pat toti* troahleof obantiau frem theWQg&fornorgot*Ri*a«nt, Madlion shonldher capislgu; like the brlgk. yo^ag *OTB

•he U, - id |O; ID (or - .^IBIJT lown. tnoorno.'r*tto«.j-.";.;.{,,i;. .?-•'.^.--^V: ;..^-.yj •-i'^. • •?,;;?.

AhMaHWviVhl i ta iMBiBoaM, .r[*ra*4t*r ao bQnbrab.ty4iteh.rfed 'UBIDB

Idler or sailor whs aarradln the wataf ,th*>lebelllon whoboldsandflepw aosltlsn.an-br t»* ga^sntment ol IWJ eliy or oottrity of.bla BtatewhMe tana ofiofljoe leVot fixed bylaw aball bt renofedtfram offluaejcwpt fargood raai* sbown-afW'bearbf, bRl ahallheid:bU office dnrlng'geod bsba*tor. S**

Mr. 4abn^l(|ott, of Boskaway, atteadtdtbe great. plfeoB thootlng tfttroaaint of the

•••"-**« flnn Clnb'at ptnalten, H. J., W•jot laat week,; aad jfael la three

T*af a for iwo ettohef nblehcpurs* of 9)00a* offarad, aad foe tba otbar m poraa ol f m .Ir. Enroll: killed 85 Wrd*; itraUkl In theiree erents and got a share of Irat moaay in

;,Marry Wllkat Ca^Bcrai. ; > : ;TbOKaietffor «,(KW acd » pnm of GfiQO,

betw'ees^^ilo Hamlln aad Harry WUkoe,earns off at; ""leotwood last Vrtdiy aftenooni the pteeence of a great erowd of people.

tfae aaiiriie of eT*ryb*dy the mare woneasily In Ibe alow Um. of Wef md 3;1B|.

ailBg many to be surprisM tbattb* 8troroo, bid made anob a inaUh, ;, . ,- ,.,

*Ul.Ueaars.'AI]Ba tk Palnw; of thla' place, haVa

ooBtaetfor>boeirajjtt»» bribe new hotelRaaopaa Iri-ud. Lkke'&op«UoDg, und

tuginbperarlooe ti l l « e > , Tte howl, «b|ohl U b t U f l t t t 1 1 l h I

0*1*4is *>eommandiag itit*an tfaialdeof aitl .ud will & tbre« tttrle* bl-h besides

. --i.uJi#A--;V.Wi'.>1/-rT ; -

; A'riiiiawftj.loraa at P.tnT.lla'.oa ^nday•rcnlng o< lut week nut op tb,* railroad triokfrom*UBliatioa and fell between tootle* atgreen'* bridge. The EtotW Szsnaa cama

Var lUtutntad droilart aead to. F, Dbanj. Oartniji Vailrr, K. J. ,-y : ; - '

Mr. J. C. Bt-hmdrr ha* gone Wett lor tbiN-ki ujHin » twnlne** trip.Ttie do«tb is anaotincwd at P*ap*ofc of Mi

Mr. A. U. Raawtt h u gone from BljhlauiMeadows to his WiaUr residence la Mewai

Uor. J. II, Oeaaog, forsierly «f Morristo*lat now of Boston, hu declined * cell

KhMfaeth.Ffinolpal Cooper, of Ibe Wt flope iobo

w» aoable ta porfonn bis dnttei la«t w*ek Instiae of Illoeaa,J PreRton AlbriKhtofMadlaoo, U faroied

hr tbo Democratic Assembly nomlnatlQUIba firstDlrtrict.

Uao. Wat, lV»lu.r pbelps w^s preaentedtbt« Bmpntss nl Orrimoj last Friday erenliat ber own nvufat-

Dr.andMr*. Br*aforil, of Maple arenne,Morrisatown, bare returned from a fourmonths'trip to Europe.

Mr. ard Ur*. Adacni of Dhimaa'a, Pa.,are risitlnx their daughter, Mra, W, M. Pick*lay, at Bt. Jnbn't reutory.

Mr. And Mra. Uorsoe Stoke*, of Sehooioy'iHoaataln. islleil yeiterdayidrKarope.wherithey will spend tha wlntar.

J M titrter.ofMendham.faMMeepUdII to WII!ia»*pert, P a . and will aunni

tU dntlM there on if or. l ibMayor Bennett baa been oonflned lo hi

owe f oi about •> w»ek by a nearaigle eon-Iktlot wbleb ha* afi*«ot«d Ua eye*.ttor. Father O'Qrady, formerly of Mine

BUI. bat now of Hew Brunswick, U ukiogOBarse In obemisiry at Uutgers College.

ltef. ChM. A. Atorrlll. vt Maynard, Mas*,,bae boeu auendlog same day* Wltb 111* BOB.Principal U. h\ Merrill, oi Ida Uornr sobogl.

iniiMHUDs are nut for tbe marriage, Than-d»y, UoteUcrSlia,at7iUi>.M.,elMluAiialeTrluiule to Mi. ]fred. (Jordan, both ot ilwtA-

Bor. Wm. Dursnt, foruerly of UDHIBIOWB,I UlktKl 01' u l)i, Yeom-vn'* anoaeuur m. uaa-

Wr t>r ilia Uentral Preibytenaa Ubnreh •Jr'aofe.

Mr. Alex. B. Brown h u taken lha aaperliitendenoy ol tbe atom*town Kltotiio Ugh

- - •- •• W M Co., U pltwe of Mr . Wellotvod

Ucaaeager Charley Banoe, o[ tinEuioa KkpKM, |s agalB ou dulj, alter being

"• [BaootUlaoonseiiuai.MofaiiiDjnry

at. Ww. 11. lismbsts, of Darer. andWaor.ai Uiberala, Attended yMterday

ine annutil nuutun ol thn 1st A. J. Caralry alI'reutun. - ,

Misi Helen i l . Woodruff, of Morrlstown,who b u been abroad fwr a year and a half,returned ou Uio "City ol How York " on Bat-oidttylut. . • .

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. BoliarU, of Morriatown,bare prwJooUMl a ttlp to Europe, expeetiog to

-7t abont Fribrnary lu, to bo absent sunaamonths.

Qeu. Tho*. B. VaaBaran, ez-Comal lion-r*l ui i*\>»U, aud >> liro>hci>.n-lBW of i l s ; .fa. Waiter Phelps^diedat Bon JTranolaoo- BuuJ.j. .... ..:. . .K-iiHyor Curalsb. of Wublngtoa, b u pre-

eeatedUn.Jos, il. Uook*BdF M.attended aim during 111* retMDi

AH OLD lOLDIU'l R0XT.BBOOK V A U B T , N. J., Oek 10 J), 1689. •

FUI.K0 EDirotti—Tour renuirka in the'Curb Stone" uolamni ol the lu t tune of t i e

HEBAln regard, to to* great en th nil ithe old veterana toward Oen. E. Burdabb, dur popular Bepublloan candidate lor

flovernor af New Jeraay, reminds me of aoobversatloa I bad l u t winter at tha 0 . A. B,

ute BnaampnieBt In Trenton, with a dele-•let© aa'id OBeatapmeBt. '(I-waaalioadel-[UefromJobi. B1U Poet, Mo. 80, bf Boo*>n.) Bali delegkw'wAs and u ah fOUitranger to me Bad both of na the oommoaeitJnd of Boaimon aoldlera (or sailors), thereforehare ooald be no ax to grind. It waa afteriBp'tOom'ndya'rabbhadposltivalydeollnednnoiolnatlon for said offioe, and'obno ofthen knew that be wonld beoome a oaodl*

late lor the office of Governor of tbe Bute.Tfae aabatanea of the Mnveraatlon w u asllowej JJanngtka greatpaBiooll876, whilevut annoiber of laboring men and me-

obaaioa ware Urown oat of employment, andth old Midler* Buffered eqaallj with tba reat,then it w u that tba great generous beartofE Burd Grubb Bbowod iti no blent M. In bla

in aelgbborbsod, and among alt elaue* olpeople, irrespMtlra of political party, betone bred menWr of hU lamlly would

Fnix«ently drive to thedlffereot restdeBces otid eluaeVoiaBy of tbeoa eoBtalBlng loldlerahie own roglBteat, n y iDfonaant being ane

.teem; aid, othei.rf*ldeBM*conuvlnlDg ICDHQUne were •eekaaio*. bnt whe bad net beenildleri'and if be lotuidjany oteki and with-

• ol support he wo«ld aead'tbom; provl-aavi,ot«ora who won w'oll, btjt withpat

d U h f t h l dp p . ,

ordar to hel» provide fertbalrfaBlllaa,BBdtaaaaniatiaie make Bwb feel tk«| he iraa

ylBg to'anpport bLa Jwally, find woik ofiniakludfueMb to doat felr wag«*; Of

UM selflier waa nesreet bla bean, bnt

Taalad{*#af>'A:iUaBOBer"Dlv., No. 88,.axillary to tba BrotherBOod ef aUoomotive

t « r t Tueaday,iti l » a U b the lodge roena of tk§ Socletj,To.NWuktagtoa atiWt; Hobokoa.' Dinneraaaervadfro*. 1 to 10,P, U.\ All the.aAsr-

MOoa aa<l avenlag eniWera^Bid'weia menftwolig. ftotti thalc'trips :repalr*d: to theall and than sided to dlipoae or the bonb-l u tepaat awaiting tbem^, A string band of

ireapteeMfaniBied «c. tUE lu=d aBlivan-ig HBaio throBghoot the afteraoon and eren-

;,.A»8P.M.adrawIng took pUw h r aband-aame allk^f'inity'qnllt,l*-the prodnetlao altb* ladia*! ef tbe ABxlliBry—whlea waa woa

d i ' i ^ b B l ^ ' ^

, Thi ladles dsMrve greai eridlt for the ableandbiulnfvu-llka manner la'wbloh the affair

u eundutod. ;1-Th* oBeera or th*j

H. Skl'lua.SM'y. Among those prwwth* took an 'acUv* p u t in the affair wen Ur.d Mrs: W. B, B. Doty, Mi>: and Mr* Joa.

IIOB. Mr. and Mrs. Oku'J King, Mr. and Mrs.Em!lMr*rB,Mr.udMra.L 0 Barellfs. Mr.and Mrs. JobaH, Sklllniao.Mr.aad Mr*. Wll-

B B, BUlop, Mr, and Mrs. 0 « . U. aUober,and Mrs. Wm. Slater, and Mr.' and Mrs.

Tlinwafrm Us Oam*g;*udXllUd .Mr. Edward P. Qaaisw), of Vhippaey^ w«

at drlTlag wltb fall aoa at Mortis Plahis, oiroeajday BT*i)Itgi u d wban near the Oathollo^ i f s t U*lr b o m bMana' Wgbtened 'byuothsr kona that aad ran away, u d ' opiattbelr earriage.. Hr. Hulam w u thrown ontwith *neb M T U I ferae ifaai be was msrtaUyinland H d dtedkaoOB afterwaid,. but hi* sonaaoapad i*Ter*injary. Mr. Hailara w u abont» yean of age,': H* w « -* formerly a proa,-BMt'oidMB'of Jersey' City,.,M','•»•»•' •Whtppwy*eB»*y**w«*fo,iwh*r*Bebnl!tttia f l B « ' * ' d « < * ' •' > • * '• ' , ' . ( • • , - : • . • ' . - ,

Qeo. B. Burdarubb, tbo Reiiitblloaa nomlfair OUrtrsor, arrifed la Djvertbts morn-

_,udltip«adlDgthedajiatnaklaga ear-rlaga trip to Port Grata and ths other mining

lltlea In tkla • TUlnity. \ WbeMter. b*[ees be 1* Tlnaioa; bosta ol friend* by bla

nllaauMd (rmbkBua,--aad be fs flgbttngway Ilk* ths gallint old soldier be it, de-

peaainf oflly on hi* *WB merit*,''''AU the SACKpi* ef Ui* f lelnlty sboold tmra oat to see andbear Mala Baker Opera Hoasa to-alght, :

Br*wa«« Im th* CaaaL '••,Tka'eual'bMrt or Oora'eiltta Clifford, of

•hllliMbnrg.'wu loading o n at tbe dock InteckawayeB W,edne*d«y morning, and Mag-Eta Clifford. Unadopted danghter, a little,lrl *f eight yean, wms plajlng.Bbballtbe

t*. Bow It happened an ana know*, bntHtna way she fall OTerboard, and was

Irowned befor* ner ansenoe wa* dUeorered.n a l u w e r e broogbt'to Dorer OB tba

>oat aad from ner«forward*d to PkiUfpabarg

Attbo primary or O e B o e U w a j BeptiblUcans, halt} on Mondsy irrbnlBK, tha followiBg

W.Stlekle, AoguatnaUunson, Jni. n. TIng," JToeepb'S.-Blihter and B. « . Mstlox.Th* dajajrata* *1i»ted to tb.e ABsemblr eoi,renlloa at Boentoa to morrow worefleorga». Htl^U, Ohu 8.Dlekeraon, Wm. May. B.

' " t u ^ end JafcH-Togklng. ;;. - .

'- VHUnftoB lspnaHeaosJ .At tba eaaetu of .Wublsgton Uepabllosn*,

held an Mond*T; ftreiilBR, the geatlBmea *e-leetedto, eomprlu tba new Tow*ship Com-mltie*w«» U«ura.\J<ihB C. Weish.Kllas U^BartlM,JowpVP.Apgax.1 Jane*'Force aadAlfred Nan*. Mr. WeUb, u Ohalrnaa, willbstbs Wsshltgtoa mernVsr of tbe Connty

W'Beiry fc'Oo'a Hirfwan


towBd Mr*, Itaao Tbooias e teen

MraiKllen Haxs, wife of Obarlea U.fiaze,nd dtughter of tbe Bev. Qeergo Q. &*xt, U,I., ol Madison, died suddenly Bt her home JiIbany oa Suaday evening. ' •-. •Kngiuntr Totu Keenaa U attending, the

neellBg of the Urothurbood ol LoeomotlfOEagltiBer* at Denrec and spuke to tbem apou

-[1BU* matter* l u t ttunday. ~ <Is* Gussle Biultb, of Hooka way, takes tba

Legnueril.o «uool for.the twmlug jcar, Ithas boea a model sobool lately, aod no doubtMuaSmltti willkMplttaltBpropere.ejMl.tiU

That -Mlented, graager, Uoa. Aug., W,Oat>ir, hH been appointed by Qer. ttreea as oneftbe dolegatea lorepreteht i(aw Jersey at- National Farmer*' Oongrus, to ba betd at

itgomery, Ala,'. Nor. 18tb to Utfa.Tue cards are out MSDonnolag tao wedding

f Miu Onult, M. AllUoB.dsuglitet ot Mra.litoy AllUoii, ot Milton; and Mr. &, -HV At-'ood, prlnolpai of theBehoolat Linealn Park.B will ooour on WedBbaday, Oot, S3d." ''The eanfa an out lor tbe waddlag of MI*|

Bfflue,dBdgltter:ol Mr*. D. X>. Marrltl, ofile, and Mr. O*o. Uooper,of Boston. Tbemany will take place it St. Jghn'a Ohutcb,

lover, on Monday, Oot, JBih at 1 P. M.£ng»no Uohwar* b u beta appointed tb theDsltloB ot general book-keeper in the Pator*>n Kullnnal Bank, and Willie Otto t t k u

pUeb In tbe National Ualon Bank.. Wekgreataaoeuslur hotbin theirnawplatwa.

Qeulpbuit that Mr.Jabn Urlnley, f«m*rly of Nawatk, aod Miu BllBabeth Abeal

1 be married early ID toe Win tor. Mr.rlaleT la now ft resldeat oi Morrlatawn andbBBlly engaged la building * pretty home

> r h i a b r l d e . V •• •• ' • • '• . - , ."•> • . •,

Tbe following aged people live oaPoagploBUla I' ABDt Nina Van-New, 87, Anthonyandevllle 63, bb wife SO, E. V.' U.Van Sana

•lO, 81, JUob D-bow U, JohD 'M. Btrry.Mn. JohaMaadorille'89, Mra.'Tbomu

andenlle 81.',',; ;- ,•''%•-;- ,v.-,>1-!' t .-..*•

Qeorga :AUen died at MountaloViaw, tail' lu tbo BOta year of hi* Bge, H a w u »

.. . end bad ntde tbrte trips aroandtlMirld; Wb6n e boy be w u presented t,yr. Da. Witt VIIDMD witb a gold pUea'lor

I F you wish to dress in the latest styleat the lowest cash prices call and ex-



CLOTHING!now being daily received direct from tbemanufacturer. We have taken especial;;pains this season to have every garmentwe sell to give entire satisfaction by plac-ing our orders early with minute instrut>tions as to mflke up, &c., and thoroughinspection before placing them on our?;sounters. We are prepared to fit all reg-

r; size in«n as well as extra large mennd fat stout men. Also Boys and Chil>ireti. Fuill.lin^;;:l?Al^L^;-0iVBjust received. (Remember that first se-lections are the

oUBeylnblMtadHa. .i;i ;; .-V :J, 0 . PWDpelly; af Monistown, and J. 0 .ildee, ol Madltoiirhkve beao appaUted byor. Green u miubera ef tha BOOB ef thelerolnUon, to arrange .for the bano.net whlohrill oomntemorau the anniversary of thebat-laofTnntononp«e30th. . . . , , ' .E.,Ai WltklBMB, headof tbe flrat o(- WU-lo*on,QaddlseKOo.,'aad o&a of'themoatraminaBtol Newark bnalnaaa auo, died aa.r«doe*>d*y, aged 47 JWIX-, Ho WM a native

Obaiham In (hi* county, began life tn ham-olrenmsUuoea and made hi* anooeeh byo w n e f f o r t s . - - - " • . '• : . - • : • . • . • . - •

Hlsa Lnolla 0. BlMwbard, ot Morristown,nd Dory M. TtHirheu, ol Kaston, Pa,, ware

saarrled on Taeaday evening at tbe reaidcaoeof tbe bride'* pareaU by Ber. Mr. 8mtth, of

row Theologliml Hf nlaary, Madison. A re*eptlOD w u held after the earemony. .Manvludacoe and- valaable praseata were re-

* ' " ; ' ' ''il'l'"' ''

g» ttftrn fto AA fctvu ollof. CJvk»w«y Valley, waa total If destrayed

Ire on Tneiday/Bbortly' after ia o'eltek.Ir. Vtinderboof w u In tba barn wnen'thefireiroke out. - He w u thft only man tb ft re at ibe

The bliss came In throngb aa openr, from lome sUaw whioi bad been

lucd tbero to keep ont tke cold. Mr. Tan*Hhoor raa oat *od thr*w two baqkeU'of

er an tbe file and nstlngnlafafld it betaw,the flatnn* bad extended to tbe bay aboT*

.ad In leas than HVe nlnates Ifadflameawerevglagandbeyoadoontrol. Therew«ethreeioiBea In .the atall* o( the barn and tbelriWaer saeeeeifad ln'g*ttlni them ont and alaoi turrlsge and a few fareilng ntemlla. A little

reitr-oli daagbter^of Mr. VavdBrbeof.it I*i«bt, caased tbe &n by playing; wltb

natohe*. There w u no Iniuranoe on theiroperty and Mr. Yaoderbool'* lou la oterme thousand dollar*.—Balletln.

" I tblnk we meet aotne'of the ebeekieatNptaln the eoantry In this room." amid onef th* bag'gtgB agent* at ths Broad atreat,[«wark, BUtton of the D., U 4t W. railroed

otber daf, A wotnaB hsdjnst Isltwhotad retjneated ^bat bar trunk beUkea. to Or-iuge, ead.wbea asked toi-hor tloket aba re-lied). VI haven't got atiy, 1'BVgoing to ridep on the street, ear*."' Of course ahe did not

:et bur trunk carried on the railroad. Tha"fgage muter aald that aU maaaar of trick*rere resorted to. eap«olally In the. SBmmer

-~o, to hare trunk**aad baggage oaniadtbe road free. One man brought alz

Irunka early In the aammavVasd wanted themlest to Morristown. Wben'uke<l to show *lxloketa be inlomed'tha-baggage tauter that

family were golagtodrlTeapln aaaniife.

A labitutulThe total tat ratein Dorerthis year figuresp to P6JS0 per 91.000, corporation and town,ilp combined. The town m e Is oulyW.00,id there mni Tory lew plaoee that eaa .fgaal

cooilderlng tba Bdvaniagu -Dorer poe-«ea.' Electric light*,, kood etrwta, fla|ged•walk*'and inperior railroad IMilIUM are

ot obtained everywhere at *oeh a rate. N<idei tbe town desire* a dlvoroe from tbecabip, and It ahonld have'lt—fluisex

' ^ '

AUttiaQlxl'afrMk.&oma ds>» ago a little girl, tbe daughter ofl|* Bepur, of Oallfon, ran'away froa her

louie and flnnlly reached Now Brunswick,lereahetold that abe wu an/Orphan andd been roagblni it for two yeara aorou theatloent from California. Mr. Boner trseadr and afur ahoat a' week's Manb foondrlnNowBmaswlek, from whtneahetoak

b e r h o m e . " ' • ' . ; " . ; • . . • *': i - • \ .

. l o 8ay Wt AU of ft.A q Hab««,*ol tempflrenee fame Is arfjitter

B promt neat 111* lisaranoe eo>npaay.>—1

w e •ilah be would obua this way and ad*ait a bill ha owe* the BnlleUn.—BoontoaBnlletln. . . . ( V ... - "' -

Then, If.hls eesb nolds o«Vhe mightMD,ftr«4JaiUog1to tbei satisfaction of the Emi.

• iae large stock Ja»t rsMlfad B* Bexry*>O*'e Hardware Store, !?-•«,

Tollp aoap need* no Mp*fflugAt oot oi (XT U ''kowis tha

Cream Oatmeal Soap!3 CAKES IN A BOX

FOR 1Oc.




D O V E R , 3ST. J .










We are selling a Black SiV lbr;:$1.00.4;:;: ;• - - y ; ^ / " • > ' 1 •We are selling a good Black Clros

We are selling a good Black FailleiFrancaiia'for $1.00. .>:;;.:v;\ :•.; :i :^,^£^ :$$

We are selling a 36-inch Colored i i

We are selling a 46-inch Colored '%v 49 cts. V- . :-'^'--'^\'^:;i^':

We are selling a nice',line ofbands and btripes,at prices sureipurchasers.;: •;• ;•V.';-*>v . :;:i-iK; v

We have a.full stock of Ladies' and Ghdldreii'ifUNDERWEAR which \ ^ ; h e ^ 0 j ^ :

HarrisBros.' Black$1.75


Page 4: GAN &COS iiitest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · OOHTAIHB KOBB Than Any Other Paper. SOVER, MORRIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO. 47. SCO. •:» 5 60 low

1BBKTT FUHDKEB.t meeting ol tbe *•*

CommlttM • ( the Knljjbti ot Labor ot Wei

liig. At l i e meeting bel J » ** tk itvtaw aUJUUJD of two « u appointed to wait It>* GOT Loon Atbotl nod Q«u K I»u':i *3wad eeeuie from tlieui » pledge tbatweuld, if elwtwl. sign an Australian Billmbill, n u n especially tbe Mil wbiob w u iitrodaoed b j Aaaemblynmn K«no, of Middaex oonnty, and which waa defeated 1J tlate LeKUUtare, It Is claimed, by tbe rinjpolitician!.

The soBunlftee inrKed Ueibert U *>(£*»,lawyer of Newaik and une of the frame rethe K m e bill, to aeeonpany them. T h e w iinUtve, wblob couaiited ol Munara. Cage,JVatenon, and Beck mo Ins, of Newark, iported tbat Gun. Grnbb pledged bimabir•ifrnlbe Kanebl l l . l t he W-oulil t>e eleoteand nl«O ibat bo was heartily in faror of IAujtroliac ajatem -it ruling, »nd Lbat be IHated tn no ulberalad.

E i Qo*. Attbelt, tbo oounulUeemld, wuifavor of tbe rsaeiitlal left tare* of tbe Ai(Tallin BJttftB. bnt lie would not fledge hiself to tupport any sped,,! measure. Ho BuitbHt he BBW BnTiral ol-JBetlinable featQithe Kaoo bil l l i e waa lii favor of *n absalately senret ballot and *<l tbe other mafeaturca, bnt ba did not like tbe ide» eflooft ballut. wbioh ha thought wonld oteatooDfaalon. Ur. Abbett promlaed that Ifahuuld be elected he wonld send for the eotnitt iMol the KaiuhU ot Labor, the fiUlFedeHUdTr&ders and the Uatlot Bolora A•oalations, tlmt ho would giro tbentime tbey desired, tbat be would gotbe ballot reform bllta with them and framelaw to wbioh no one could find any object lotand tbla ha would lee tbat tbe Leu1*'"']i*M«d. If, bowe?er, tiio oonjtniUee abaobstinately lasiat upon tbe Kane bill ingre« to nothing nlae, he would sign it Ifballot reformer* oinld get tbo LfgialatunI>aai It, but he wonld glre .bom no help. Tkl•roused such Indignation that amoved to Initrnct the Umona to support QeiQrobb. Be said the order wanted tbe K»tbill and nothing else, and tbat every mmof LIB loc»l assembly ID 1'aWraon wouldport OOQ. Qrobb. or ho will know tbe reWhy

And tbii U tbe difference between the twieandldstei. Gen, Urnbh h s i n o hultattonBKjInr Just what ha will do. Mr. Abbetiwanls * loop holn left open tbat will enabliblm to anpport lonia bogiti rctorm bill 11tbat propaed by Senator WerU l u t Winterwhloh will not allow a Joint tinket, but wipermit political heelers to put party tlok<In tbe hands ol voten before they go to th<

The only way to secure RSDUIUB ballot ilnnn [a by voting for flrnbb and Cornllt

OKHKB1L Dfinap Pl'EOlO IH PEAOI.It 1B argued by the DemocraUo preis thai

Qenenl Urnbb baa no experleros aa a politi-cian and statesman; that Abbett b u ,therefore ehoold heeleoted.

General Qrnbb la a man of education an<]IntelllKBUoe; ol Urge eiporlenoe and greatexeontlTO ability. It la true be baa b«ld bulone politloal offloe, that of President of Voman Conuellof tbs olty of Hurl Ing ton. Thefattened faltbfally . t d wltb credit to himself. In 1680 *n epidemic of nholera brolout to Burlington. The pbjilolam and tilautuonlits did all In their power to olieokd n a d eilasase and qalet the fears of the popi

Oae CTeuIng in Beptemher the Oreraeitbe Poor tarn* into tbe L'ouooil chamber andreported tbat an old, Ions shoemaker had dlof tbe oholera In * lonrly linotn In tfas enbviband that he, ths oTeraeer, ha<* made the ne«ccary arrangement* to burj blm ; bad a graidag In the Potters' field and erery thing readybnt be eoald not get any one to put tbe bod:in the coffin and bnry I t The P ret Id.General Qrubb, eaid j "The n a n u n i t beburied i if I o u gtt any one to help me I wldo it, Meet me at midnight and show nwhere the body la. l a the meantime bategrave prepared In St. Hary'i ehnrobyardmy eapt'nw. I will not bnry any one In Fctore1 field," Be, at midnight, Oeneral Grnbb,wltb an o l d a r n j Mend, (Dtrtlett, of Post 16).repaired to the lonely botue, wrapped thioorpie la blanket! and pnt It in tha wagon,General Orubb dreje down ta St. lUry' iflkurofayu*. Aft*r t i e btriy bad been l g wnred into the grave, General Grabb, remem-bering that he had been commlaaloned u ..lay reader by the Bishop of New Jersey lorthe Bnrpoae of administering the laet rites ef

. the ehureh to any unfortunate eoIdler thataclght Bted hlB Mrrleea daring tho war. went•wroia the i trwt to an old psrisbioner, bvrrowed ft p r a y " book and a oundle, it o t h d g i a w . a n d than, In tbe silent nfgbt,with uneorered head and referential roloe,read the EpUoopal eerrfoe for tbe bnrialU e dead. And tbe poor, old, loae ahoe-tusker, deaertod by friacda and neighbors,waa laid to rest in eonisorated ground, Andoror the gravo yon oan see » stone pi.thereby General Ornbb: "David Foster,died Depteober, 1880."—Burlington Enter

Priae. _ _ _ ^ f ^ _

W l o KUl«d tha A n i t n h u BiU!The Lttnoe, a paper puUiibed In Pal

•• the official organ of Dlitrlat Auemblj- No,100, Kaltl iU ol Lfcbbr, gives tome yery Inter-f i l ing tualde blitorr conotnilPg the defeatthe Ballot Eoform bill by the DemoentliLegtilatora of tbla State hat vteaios.sueribeatbeplgeoaholiogof tbe bill by thiSenate Committee on ElcoUonB to the Infli•noe o* BeDatori AlalloD, of Paaiaio, uAdreJs, of MIddleMr, [both Demooratij, u igoea on ta a*y i

"Abbett had no hwlUUon In girtag bliopinion of the AmattalUn ajat*m ol *oU»ikewaannooadltdDnallreppoaedtoit He did• o t wanfaojthlnr ot the kind In this State.Mltea Boia waa epposed to any anoh ayitei

' of TOtlng and Miles baa mneb to do with Ulidl«a«x ooasty politics and eonMqnenlly nnoto do with Senator Ad rain. Having decidedupon tbe eonrae they wonld punoe, Ueaara.Ahbett, Boaa it. Co. very qnlnklj fonnd oithat tbe ballot reform bill contained all tlobjection*! featarea tbat it waa postiblB /• n y aaeaanrg t« contain and u qnJekly madeup their inlnda that i t ahonld not becomelaw. . How well they anoeeeded onr readersknow fully well.

" Now let H be clearly nndentoWd. TheLanoe la not opposed, to tbe ex-Gorarnor be-eanae h u natte 1a Ahbett. I t U net oppsaedto b i n beoauiu ha Is a. Demoarat It taopposed to him bee ante of aoythlDa; he ihave dose in the pMt. Dat It la opposed tot i m became of tala e x p m a e i opinion on baUlot reform."

V i m Batr was alek, w« g m te (hataraa,TThm al* wa« aOLOd, Am otad toWtaa aha bseaaw Waa ahe ebmf te IVbaa akaaadOandMa^ aba aantlHam

Some TNUsb Paopla.•How RomiRn to rnn nntJl It get* faevotid tbeteach of medicine. They ofton say, " Oh, i twill w*«w away," hat in moat eases It wearsthem away, (bold thoy bo induced to try tbo•acoosafnl medicine called Kemp'i Call

- whiob It gold on * positive gairsntee to care,(hey would Immediately see tbe eioeiknt«fl«rt alter taking the firat doae. Prieo 50 eta.• n d l l . Trial lUe free. At all drusKiats.


FOR SALE!, Thlali * i opportunity whloh ii seldom-of-

fered. The kMatlon It la a " booming"Qfaoturing town within JOmUetcfDover, ThebnaiiiMslaweUMtabUihed,banDBbMii

. dnoted'darina;lheUitiSy«an. To aa enter-prising "party, leeling aa alresdy.faallt nptrade, aatisfaotory reasona woold be gtren fortelling. Addrail, "kaBOHAMl," thli olH*a.


. _ BIOTAS.Bottle of moiHoino rroe. We wanaot onr

remedy to cure the wont CUBS, snd tbe onlyphyaiolans who *o Ibis to prorenl your belpgimposed dpen, by men, using faJco names and

- who are not doolora.. Beunaa othars failed lano reason for not Fain* this medicine, dire

[ Xpn nd p«UoH» addreaa. U enatt yoaklUdialDarean.aBl

88 IT


: NOTICE.Hotto* is herabr RiTrn U,»t I , J b n

nart , irill mane application to tbo InferiorCourt of O o m m n Pleas of the Count? ef Mor-

lood Qualities Cor"" - J " ' t lAssortment Will S . . - v .

l l Moitlis!




l u l l ana Winter Style of Garments for Ladies and KisseChildren and Infant Wear.



Genuine Seal PlnBh SscqueB,Genuine Soal Plush Juokete,Genuine Seal Pluali Wraps,Genuino Seal Plnah Modjaskno.

Beaver, Glace and Wale NDiorkets, Fancy Stripes and PlCloth Newmarkets, Cloth JacketsBeaver Jaokets, Jersey JaeketsFanny Cloth Modjeskos, FancyCloth Wraps, Fanov Oloth Mantlea

Every Desirable Style for Ladies," " « " ifiBSHK

" " " Ghiidrei•' " " Infanta,



And Do bnttar Llm*> will ))Ti»aat Ifsoif t'Jtli« Man ID Ita eii'.lnitj Ilinn iluring 111!

^nat apeoiMl ajieuluK aionltt>e In whether J O B b u j orI

LS.PLAUT&00716, 717, & 719 Broad St.,

KKWABIi, N. J.Close at 7 P. M., Oftturdars «xoept«d.

ara prooipti; attended to.


Morristown Driving ParkM0EEIST0WN, N. 1.

OCT. 22(1,23d and 24thTROTTING PURSES $3,950.


FIBbT DAT.No. 1^-FarN IS0O; 9:00 olaai.No. 3.—Fnrao <00; a3fi o l u l .H o . a ^ - K r u SOOga^lSelui.

SECOND DAY.No. i—Fiiaa 1100. Fi«o lor all pulur,

Oo»lp,Jr., barrad.No. 5,-Fona ISX, IX) olan.No. 6.—Paraa »01 t-jdar Bid olMi.No. DJ—Polo poniBi roanlng.

T H I K O D A Y .

No. T.-Fnrat IS» i 3.-211 olau.No.8—Purae SCO J 9:U eltsa.No.S.-Porae <0Oi fro. lot M, IrotllOB

Hurr Wilaca hutti.


F O O L S 8OL.D.

« • Eotrloi oloifi Ootobol Wlh, -


.nd Pancbnto deaoontf from thonaaodireot, and »4ditlonal . t t r u t l o o . eaoh day.

LUau OlLLED AT l;30 p. H.

Admission - - - 60c,Botaro ticket Irom Dover, laolndiag idmti-

lion tu Pttrk, Wo.AlBERT I. 8IBK, Poa'r.

J.Weslev SammisMEAT MARKET


GROCERY STOREHo, 4, Briok Hook, Dover;



GBOOEBIBSSTOIT kind, Mb the Invert nur lut prloe.

vUlijto mftk« §p«oi«l netiUon c f tbe

WHITE BORAX SOAP,[blob in wftmnted to b« batUr t t t a Babbitt'i.


IGthor mi ;

low Jersey Business'College,7M .fc 764 BROAD BT., NEW AUK,

LBOpeotd with Increaied Bttmbon, ibowiogID popular verdict In reference to ibo "*•—r of tbe Oollefie. • ' -.

jarsoni seeliinit a Ptaotloa] Bniinei*•honld avail thamielvea of the op

pteeeuted. and enter the College •(ino*, before et oiy available se t t is ooonnled,'

Uanne in Bniincaa Btndlaa, Shorthand, Typerrltlnft. German aud Drawing. • :..

Tbe N. J, Stats Pair siaoted thli Collegeant prtmiuae for,Professional aadBlndent1

trnamenlal Penmanslup, Pen Drawing anJtadenl'i Book-keeping. Tho only Oolleg

-—' ig prrmlnin*, , •. . B or call lor the finest catalogM eve

pabliBhed by the Oollcge. <O. i C UlLLEB, Pripdpal.


A u x o x LOT ov


STATIONERY,'lotures and Picture Frames,

Apntforth*' : .Home fiewtnv Hacliipe.M. « , VAN ETTEN, !

boiiw vbera &i 'UMO raildVO known u lbs.-. "Batkiblre TaU"y.'HoW tmnilwrod u a**fcrthe aouflr*! term otmUUcgu^ •


That's just what the avorago man finds ttafc herequires, two poire of panta to every sole. We knowthis to be BO from Ihe quantity of separate pantfl wesalL To meet this demand we always keep & stockof independent pants of every shade of color, ofevery variety of material and of every ska. At thebBginniog of the season the stock is fullest, of course,and it is a good time in whioh to matoh up a portionof a suit. No matter whether yon are long or Bhort,thick or thin, nor what kind of & suit yoa want tomatch, you will find what yon want right here. Ifyou don't, you certainly will not find it anywhere else.

Pants to work iu; pants to wear to business;pants for Sunday or dress; and pants fit to be mar-ried in. What more need we say ? Step in andmatali np the old suit and tbua save the coat of anew one for a mouth or two. Poor advice for ns togive, yon think ? That's BO, perhaps, bnt we'll secureyour gratitude and good will now, and yonr moneyfor a new suit will follow later.


850 & 852 BROAD St.,



Children's Shoes;A.T S1.3O,

that were $2 and upwards.A good shoe for Fall wear.A full and complete stockof all other grades of slioes.




Great indnoementa in Ladies* and Misses' Cloaks and jTaoGreat inducements in Ladies' Misses' and Gents' Hosiery.Great indcoementg in Dress Trimmings and Ribbons.Great inducements in Ladies', Misaoa and Gents' UnderGreat in'duoemeuts in onr Shoe Department :Great indncemente in Carpets and Oil Gotha,Great i&dooements an Groceriea and Provisions. . ,;lii fact we are oflering groat indacements to bhyera throughout onr

mtire stock. , . . .••:•." -


-:- LUMBER ^

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET AND SCROLL MWINO^ OqSiTo'Oh.DER.;''V \ V;.; ^

% DRY AND SGEEENED COAI, * ' <^J»»4a* wUtiail«mll»

onfe, because

it OiVes the

largest qum-

1/7.'". sc

Tobaeco lortf\e money—^11 dealers(Ceeb i t - J kno 1hei


Antique.and Cherry

BEDROOM SUITS»nd a complete ajiortipent of

Hfiusfiiiold FurnitureCarpets,


Smyrna Bugs,b f Cloth,






A1B COMPKEH9ORS, •( hl|k-

HOIST1NO £N«INKB, «uplei

•UMPINO BNWNKS,Mm* ec»no»ilcu

COBKISB PU.KP6, < M l b •!.: -. Untie. ' '

a B l PCl i l.... ; B a d ' i « U I . •

UM1 and Light Outinia Ii Iron, Irui,dFboipliorBnDiu* lorsi&n of crerr iu-

tubltar I

The Equipment of IronMines « specialty.

Family ani Medicinal Pvrf6m.

L. D. BOHWARi,f^feDOVER, X. |l.

-othwWhlabM dramrt

Gin from JO et«; to M'W, ^- •r ', .: •3randleaWom*Dirtirto»»(»/ L

rVlnet of allklQdj tan « o l * to »1.W,UI wbUklei and wim* from tLSS to W i

AU brUOln ftnltf I I M to * U per KtUon.

8P£CIAI« H S H T B J ! t 4 » f W T »rtlole soldxaa ^ pJioa'lf foa'TOtMd ukabBoiatelJ




S&* Read tbe followiDg remarkablequick on re from noing Oreitcent Saraa-parilla: :

I t is made by Mr. JOHN W. MonaiWIJO lias beea a uiemljtr of tbe FolioForce for maiij fetra in Wownrt, amwho is lion DDotkflopor p | Folios Hoadqnartrrfi.

NBWABK. N. J., Mnroh 19th, 1887.Orescent Drug Company t

GEIOTIHVBN :—'IJjIa ia to certify thate personally UBCA jour Orescent Bat

snparilla witli great benefit to mjsolfund tbat my family, after using bo!Hood's anJ Ayrefe' Snrsapurilla withoiobtaining any bouefit from cither, binlokon aeverul bottles of jour OreaoeBarsaparillii, and bare boon curedBlood Disorders ol long standiUR. 1 caicoDBciuDtioafiljstate tbut IconsUier yonOreaoent flareapatilln tbe boat fumlltnedioine I have ever coed or kuotvu olI sead you tins teetimoolal as C tLiinltbo public oucbt loknow bow good yomedioiua really is. Ym ma; use tliletter as yoa Iliitik best; publisli it iithe newspapere il yon wisli. I aui we!known to a great nnmbpr ot Nowiirkand ifanyoftfiy nc(]aaiotincea feelDOCI] of a goad, whole DO* medicine,ndvisa tboul touao Oresc B i l l

BreBpeoHoily,JOHN" W. MOB6E.

No. ID Vino BU Cltj


in Manager of tiie Wtst Park 8trcAparlmeDt Hanae, Nos. 17uud Id WeFurk Btreol, Newi.tk. Mr Fritta makestlita atuteiuout vuluuinrilj ;

For eovcral yeara punt mv sister-in law,Mrs. Lena LBDDOU, who wen in Antbo-us, Enntflrdoii Oonuty.Netv Jenay, hsuffered greatl; with ioflumtnaUiry rbomatiem ooJ ncrvoun troobles, wbictllaally ran into Bt. Vilua D&uoe. BUcwas regularly ntieoded and prosoribecfar b j tbo beat physicians who deoideiafter n loog ooarao of trtui iqent, t!mt Itdiaonae irns Inpurable. Ttio doctors ayiBcrl n obaneo of nir ami residence,statioR tbat temporary relief might beobtained by HUQII change, but tbattpioo oould not da ber OR; good,Lunnon loft AotLony ia tbo nntim.J§8(J, am] o*ipo ta ^tiwerb, aud took npber reaidenoe at my house. At Ibe timebor foot and limba were eoowolloo wJrbeumntlpiB tbat etie ooold scarcely walHer DorvouBoondiiiun waa Tory bid, andBt, Vitas Panco caueod Lor to twltohand stake constantly. Ague hud alsedetJQ, and ODO cigLt EOOQ aftor MrLmnon'a unival Bha WHS ouEferingnjttcb tbat I detenu in od to go to a <lriBioreand try and u,e\ eome medbiceleliave Iter if poesible. Tbe OroaoenlDrag Store was tha ueoreat store, ami jwcut tbere. I talked tbe mutter ovoiwitb tbe drnggiat, nod he pcnnailtid tntto bay a bottle of Oteecoat BareapBiilla,taordortosborten tblsoiaten^otit Iff!nay tbat Mrs. Lannon nsed four boltliof Oteapent ^areHp&rilla,•• and yvitbjttifes monthfl ebe bepame a well wotnao,obe went feack to ber boiq e, and #be liaiabad DO roturn of her former diaeeae : ODtbocoatrarj, ebe isiu perrept health itmCDJoyalUe (for tbe flr?t tim') inaeyerayparflj, witboutpain and suffering. AIher friends nPO rela ifw ID Autbon1

were efeatly, florprUeiJ at her roooyoryand oun attest to tbe facts, in ber easeI consider ber core alnioet a niiraoleFonr. bottles of. OreaocLt Sumparillcpred Mra. Jjaunnn of^InQsmmttoriJlheDiqatiadii St. Yitns'Danoe and Agaafter'beroaso had boon pronounootboppleaa and inpnmblo \>y tbe I eat pbi* ' - i n BnDtprdf)Booi|D,ty.

Ur. B- Obecowetll, of tbe firm of Obeiowath, Ward #.Oo., H O B . 8 7 1 and SMarket St., Mcwark, bus Riitboripedto make tbo following statement for bii. Mr. Obenowelh has for a number

years past; oypry Spring b«in oflTectewitb Blood Pi&on'er, wiiipli iayarialtldeyuloppil juto Bpils. and IrritattpJ5rnptioo8 of tbe skin, ^e^baa trj<opperoUB inoliplnea anS rsruodies, iplaaing [Jowl's ^arsnpnrilhi and Ajroa1

Sareaparllla, bat qeyer rcpeived any ben-s#t or relief froip tbeir ujie. He I 'uamg preBoeat 6«r8aparlllB 'earlftfurcb, Jflgf, And At.tbe present datiApril il(j'h, J88?. eaja bp h tbnroiiftboored. .Mr. Ohenowetb w|ll yerify llilstatement.to any person wbo will oalnoon lira at hia. plaoa of basineu, Noa871 nnd 8^0 Mnrhet St., Newark, N. J,





WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE IT Ia Tna 100 do#m for Wo.

-&0UH we prictoD tbe label ol the bot-la Uia tDRndfonti of Ctoicool flmipriiind j on k t t LBOWTM

•i **" w»>,-Itflrerqre. will ypn eoat!nae topayor eren 75o. for otLer nitlea or s i r n r - c "

jod aeeret Wa.le Paient l l B d i e i n e / o f

Crescent Drug Company,


ob't Killgoro, Druggist, Dover.

Ij;R. Snyder, Grocer, ChesteK


(U0RBI& AND KSBHS Diy i - IOK. )ot Iu Hetr Turk, foot of Barclay 8t . am

. font of Christopher tit.




BnfiaJu Expreaa* 1Qtwoso Express* <Dover Eiprei*H»cketUlowuEiD

EMton Hall %:UOawego KipfCii" 4: i lBaokottafn Hpe.* 6:60

iorer Aooom. 6:56Aoooni.Rxpreis*


"Via. Boontoa Brmoh.

ttaitoa MaU

HKkoi'.i'wflpe»l0iDuverExpiefa Ul

Walton BipreMBlnfra Expreait1

Bailoa EiproifttOMDtOO Ex.*

jkottBin A .a'katbtewn Sip-1Buffl H p ' F

DOVER AND M 0 R R I S T O W N .e*T6. Arrive. Leave. Arrivi

" ' HnrrlBtown. D o w ,

ii " 8:00 <15 <• 0-iD 'H) " 1 1 : 1 8tSp.M. lUSr.II " 6:10 'S5 " CM •16 " 9:15

6:08 A. K. 0:83 Ji.8*8 •' 938 M

10:SS " Ji:10 ••1HG3 "' ia:25P. I1:38 r.u. 2;00 >•d^T " 021 '5:61 " 6*J

QUO 10:10


At f-W. 7.-30*. 103, B.-00*, 9 4 0 , 20*, 10:1 ,

*. M.J IDiOO ii., 1:00*, 8.90, 1:10*, i:M, 4:60*,

:tO, 7.-00*. 8-M and 8^C* r, M.

"Via. Booman Jlnwoti.

CHESTER BRANCH.Westward. 9tutlmi. , . Eastlcan

JL.H. r .M.F.H.10:33 3;C3 7:0610:23 3167 6^710:U 3:62 6:M1003 347 61T

A. at. F. M. P.Caeitar 7:36 UitOO iiUortoD 7:33 12M ii,irouia 7:87 13iI8 4t

10:03 3:47 6:1T • fluoeaaunna 7:13 12slB 4:9iM 3:43 6:43 KuCainiyJllo 7:45 12:23 i:0,40 2i35 Q-.M for t O » m 7:03 IltiBO 6i9i3S 3<S0 fl;30 Dover BlOO 13i3S G:

Tlio a«cketlitoirn £ s p r e » itopi at PiDram going &at at 7t3S A. M.f filing We«t

Central Bailioad of Mew Jerse;

irAZIODRtla Mi9 XOBK, root of Llbort; St., North rin


LDdQreeniti, a 30A. CUeatmit " 8,10 d.Id

_ . _ j w i u . . . . . . . . , , 4,10 900Newark.... . fl.£5Uliaibetli 4.46 8.17BonodJJrook ' 6,29 O.h •OlghBrldR* S.OStOioCallfon B.lfllO.ljTernojr. 8.J0 10,15HMdlfl7aI!ey....: fl.sSlo.GOGerman Valfuj... 8.88 HU7S»Dxhr!8t lt . . . . . .e.f iftl l .f i

OWI'B0.1.1. '".:;"/, '. ' »M i i i i lDrueiTllle... . . . . 8.66 11.16Kenrll... 9.0111,18 4EEepitooDK Juno,, o.tn n.aa •Port Oram



_-jji>nYHlej..,..Ii. 7.808J«11.0D«.aO <Oboitor*nnuwe..... 7.48 8.1711404.40 iObetterArrin.. . . . . T.4T8.S811.164.60 7.0J

eranuia Onr-German. Valby SAi r. •Obeitor Varnutt 8*7 >. x.f Ohoeter B;09 r.

orlOxata^opitooug Jnno..,enril.. .; . . . . .


Bartley . . . . . . . . . . ;

Qermaovalloj...,Uiddl* VaUvy....VerBoy..,.. ,

COWNTBAINB' A.H. 9Jt. >,M. t,U,C.85 1.20 8.40 6.43fi.49 1.93 8.48 8.(40.47 1-Bi a.62 S.6S r.

; " 180 8.03 •(.60 1«.E0.7047.087.1i7.107.a(7.01

alOUK'S».»1 B.87 c

a .»«.«£

».43n 0.94l l h l

Oh«rt«r. I f u n 7 . 0 § 8.19 10.8B 4.10 6OhestflrrornaM . 7.10 8.18 10.48 4.15 0.a o m a n T a l l e s . . A r . 7 . i » i.3B 10.0B 4.39 8.4

SmtDAn OHW—Obeater 6:16 p, w,{ otieateiFuraaoafl^2 r .H . ; Oflnnia Tallej 8:E^

Tnlna l t n a Uot.r forUimiUInk and Uk.Jopatecn, «.4J,>. ».; 1M, mi cm r.Wot all nw\on. u> 0s4.n at W8 JL. M,I J.V81

CpnvejanMa a»alis prodnpad t,t Q.nnanVJlaj to and ft™ ginaolu'i VomUIni

m Bndd'aljaV..ik«w»T.l&jOp.ij., oen



oklfiDi p r o m p t l r a t t ended tBUTE B0O73—We Innil.b ar.Ufilau slats'ia Pj( o«S.l. toot. I>J «wd ieom«'"..

M%LS£ ' ' ° P Cllr' ° ^ m ^H. B. Wiioo?. l.l.liut,



Haop OD Ilnlon , ; opp, Oorar i

irs prepared io t i le aQd Sfant. til muIniM tor building., i . l tan>uh maitrlaU,?!.«._>od .MoHoiUon^ .hnn dnind.;


M. D.


Xh3 y/OAA'.Y, S . J.,



rwrrHODTHBlc&w^BH.: : "

Improved Florida Stejm Kealer

The belt and moat oorar'iete Hottiw Bsatoritheworli . Many thomanda In lotoal use,II (riving V* best wtUBhotloo. . : /fiend for calaloRoo, E*tln»tea fnrnlahed

freeofnhniRe. Oorreipoadoncovoliotted. ._


Stoves, Tinware, Plumbing,, bp,,-OtSmS TA1LBV, K. J. ' ' .

Qooenl Agont for Central and Hailhetti tfew. . Jersey. ' , . . : :

TBKO. hiUOHHIOHT, BE.,TraTfllluB tMUaemap,



A lino atock of tha nuw«st fabrics la 8prin«Drew doodi ana TriratoiiiBi may be fpnna at

D OhanoaV ol Sew J«B«T-^BetWw» Till ,Heary IwWilt.JJf«ii>,-«onp)j.tiwBU,uWtHI»mB LoJer. a«,myj£.?oho«ffl.ianrCarter, Biabard BiBaueH JUK! AnfoJott

Delia Baujr W. wile, Al-nwo A. BuraQ.{•radial, aai« O i n t i . Hiaoy w>a AJmJci . fiDmner pirtnerii t,tdfDK Orider IL6 CnuitnaoIBariBiirandHuoyderadt P

2ap fff,Baun,T , .

BT wrtoVol tb» abovaiUted writ Br&jrif u i u io my haodB, I •h.ll crpoeo (Or u

at pcbilo VAodoe M Uie Court Borne In Uor.riitOWD, N. / . , OO -' !• :, . ;.;.-:,-f':;H ;-C.

MONDAY* tbft 11th day of NOTEUBBBA- D. 1089, belwefln (be basfS ol 13 M.

' l k P II t l t h t ^ t a ' c l k

M.T. bonndod aud de#erlb!d lefollpvi. »!«•' Bojtlunlng' in the wetlorly lliw of> tbs ol<I'I*he?iew roadleadliigfrotu Diafceifliieaia-lion to Mount Arlington vlier* tbs Mine ta in-

Obarieia &mpt»irana'irU6" iL _,B U H I I uy n»d«f Uanh aoth, 1689?^"" ": AJu a aeeond tract befilonlnft at ihe.norlb-

located about two obains nortb -ulag oomw.ot a plo> of. twonty!aad lelDff I U MUU« flnt-abothen onorthtrlTklonglhe »Bte

' ~ J k T l d l t f

located aboDt two obaiQJ nortb-ot-'tt,-,.^..^... ' ^ . I IM ipr« of

aiikff"--.i?*,*»*«*raforettld JJajioT'rwrMi) woomiftafto a Mint la oontloaaljon ot Ute'maald A. B Baaaells thenoQ outeilvnation of aaJd BuiwH'a,lino aboat 7iityfeat totf ' - • - « — . . . - _ r*

corner ot ibe new c:WMterly along tbeDortharlyro»d atwot tnn« obito* to El•nil plane of btglnnlojt, coal „—,KOTOS of land mare or iMfer-- ••uJ*hr>4. , ,- Tti» abate two lota being the aamoprtmUoi

In Chancery of Hew Jorscy.« W O'«'i''ibiIr'ilii W »

•MT. PLKASAST,Aliofor tbe gectlemoa bat been Intiof

seat line ol roadymatle

•mbraclcg the iiewect Btjlei for ltd flprini•otsDn.' Piriionlir attentfoD Ii all

called to a tolocted itooli or

BOOTS and SHOES,1 the bsst grades' an<t- enlUblo for *11 llovi

PILLSBURY'S F&Wi ja OD band at Uia Jomtt aaoled price, ti

t h . nenal fill lint, in a m ; kind o l ,


All ta bs a d d at tho lowest brloeB 'oobiliUliMtti a. fair llrlD({ profit. •


WOOD &.'

and ReInsurance and ReiEstate Business

,t thB OLD AND I


Hantrd fall wife!.Atlffailail'.A; B< , ~ ._ -M.Hmerva Hinirt bU-wifo,• Lillian• Walub,

• Thomas M, t)cwhrt?.ni: B«lnnel»Bi Ooebnn.Blcbard U. Oimpbel/ acd Iutwt Campbell'

T > Y vlrtDO of «n order o t l b s Oonrt ot Ohan-J 3 oery ol No* Jet iey, made tm tba'day orUrn dale hereof. In a.'iMDjo>itie«itiBdmaoitD. Ut l icy ta ooapUimiv : ; wf l i'ton andothflra are (lefoDdanU, yoa- ar»-feqalred to*ppear, plead, aniwetor, dfltnartojlobUl of :

3oj, rtfyren&rm*, or ™beM?J SH? %i| bitaken*iconfDaMd•etfait'yon,•.:" ;,.',- '^; '•'

TLo Mid bill U tttih for partition of 'certain

BbOBl^t68"*or«B rt':

- - - „ . . „ _ _ _ _ . , ' lMlndlnff what It known ai -tbe HofftaJn««Dd,hDmMUkd;aniV/OQ LtnraO.Froat, Jetor B . Jiokwn JobnW. Jaokaon.JameaB Jaokfo^AJoinKhrT.Jaokion; Mirr '.Oook Judy, MwHaretw.O»nflild,,ffil l l»n] B.Pollaoibw^HamB61,-^L«ni«ron1C*hrlett*

^p;f5SB«lC»|BWM«.w'' •