Portuguese Portuguese Gastronomy Gastronomy


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Page 1: Gastronomy

PortuguesePortuguese GastronomyGastronomy

Page 2: Gastronomy

Menu Menu 11 Entries: -Orelha de porco (Pig ear) Soup: -Caldo verde (Green soup) Main dish: -Bacalhau assado com batatas a

murro (Roasted codfish with punched potatoes)

Dessert: -Arroz doce (Sweet rice)

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Pig earPig ear

Ingredients:Ingredients: pig ear oil vinegar garlic salt coriander water

Preparation:Preparation: The ear is cooked with water and salt. Then we drain the water and cut the ear in small pieces. To finish we season the ear with oil, garlic, coriander and vinegar.

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Green soup:Green soup:

Ingredients: 2 l of water 450 gr of

potatoes 500 gr of

cabbage salt 2.5 dl of oil

Preparation:Preparation: In a pot we put water and salt. When it starts to boil we add the potatoes (already cut in small pieces) into the pot. Once they are cooked we smash them and put them again into the pot. Then we add the cabbage (already cut in small pieces). Then we add the oil and let it boil for 2 or 3 minutes.(If you like you can also add a slice of a special sausage.)

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Roast codfish with punched potatoesRoast codfish with punched potatoes

Ingredients: Codfish Potatoes Garlic Oil Salt


We put the potatoes to roast in the oven (without peeling them off). While the potatoes are being cooked we grill the codfish and season it with a little bit of salt. After all being cooked we put the codfish in a dish and then we join the punched potatoes; to finish we season it with salt, oil and garlic.

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Sweet riceSweet rice

Ingredients: 1.5 l of milk cinnamon stick lemon (only a peel) 180 gr of rice 150 gr of sugar 40 gr of butter

Preparation:Preparation: We join the cinnamon stick to the lemon peel and the milk. Then we boil everything together. Then we join the rice always stirring everything. Then once the rice is creamy, we join the sugar stirring all the time and we let it boil for at least 3 minutes.(If you like, you can decorate the plate with cinnamon bark).

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Menu Menu 22

Entries: -Melão com presunto (Melon with ham) Soup: -Sopa da pedra (Stone soup) Main dish: -Leitão com batatas fritas (Piglet with

fried potatoes) Dessert: -Leite creme (Creamy milk)

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Melon with ham

Ingredients: melon ham


We cut the melon in small pieces and ham in thin slices. Then we roll up the slices of ham around the slices of melon.

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Stone soupStone soup

Ingredients: red beans; 1 pig ear; 1 black sausage; 1 meat sausage; 150 gr of streaky

bacon; 750 gr of potatoes; 2 onions; 2 pieces of garlic; 1 piece of laurel; 1 bunch of coriander; salt and pepper

Preparation: Soak the red beans for a few hours. Then clean the pig ear. Boil the red beans in lots of water with the pig ear, the sausages, the bacon, the onions, the garlic and the piece of laurel. After that, season it with salt and pepper. If you need, add more water, but make sure that it is always boiling. When the meat is cooked, take it off and put the potatoes sliced in small cubes and the coriander that you have previously chopped. Let the potatoes boil. When you take the pot off the stove put in there the meat previously sliced in pieces and a nice washed stone.

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Piglet with fried potatoes

Ingredients: pig lard piglet 2 small pieces of garlic 1 leaf of laurel 150 gr of capsicum 1 glass of white wine

Preparation: Season the piglet with salt two hours beforehand. Then dress the piglet with the pig lard. Then put the garlic, the laurel and the capsicum in a mortar and mash them until it turns into a homogeneous mass. Then add the white wine inside the piglet. After you have done all this, put the piglet in the oven for 2 hours (180º C). This meal is usually served with fried potatoes.

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Creamy milkCreamy milk

Ingredients: 4 eggs (only the

yellow part); 4 soup spoons of

flour; 6 soup spoons of

sugar; 1 liter of milk; Lemon juice (boil

the peel)

Preparation:Boil the milk but remove some to dissolve the rest of the ingredients. After mixing the eggs, the flour, the sugar and the lemon juice with the milk (so that it is quite fluid), then join this to the boiled milk, always stirring the ingredients. If you’d like to, you can put a little bit of sugar on the top of the creamy milk and burn it. It’s delicious! After this, put it in fridge and a few hours later, it is ready to be served.

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Fusion menu

• Soup: - Sopa de legumes (Vegetable soup)• Main dish: - Feijoada à brasileira (The Brazilian “feijoada”)• Dessert: - Banana frita (Fried banana)

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Vegetable soup


• 2 l of water;

• 5 potatoes;

• 1 big carrot;

• 1 leek;

• 1 onion;

• 50 gr of green beans;

• 100 gr of cabbage;

• 2 spoons of olive oil;

• 1 sprig of parsley;

• salt


In a pan, we put water, potatoes, a carrot, leek, parsley and onion all cut in small cubes. We let it cook for more or less half an hour, then mash everything and season it with salt. Put it again on the stove. When it starts boiling, add the green beans and the cabbage finely sliced. When this is almost cooked, add the olive oil and let it boil for about 10 minutes.

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The Brazilian “feijoada”

Ingredients:• 1 kg of black beans;• 1 soup spoon of lard;• 500 gr of dry meat;• 250 gr of beef;• 500 gr of salted pork;• 150 gr of “paio”;• 150 gr of black sausage;

• 1 salted pork's tongue;• 1 salted pork's foot;• 1 salted pork's ear;• 1 pork's butt;• 150 gr of smoked bacon;• 1 big onion; 4 pieces of garlic;• 1 piece of laurel;• Salt and pepper.

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The Brazilian “feijoada”

Preparation: Soak the black beans for an overnight. Wash the dry meats and soak

them as well, changing the water a few times. Boil the beans in salted water. Boil the meats and the sausages and the bacon also in water. Meanwhile slice the onion in very small pieces and brown it in the lard with the sliced garlics and the laurel. Add to this 3 soup spoons of baked bean and a little bit of the water where the beans were boiling and smash everything. Add the rest of the black beans and the meats and stir it carefully (add a bit of the broth if it needs). Rectify the tempers. After 15 minutes, the “feijoada” is ready.

Spicy sauce: Step in a mortar peppers, garlic, onion and dress it with salt and pepper. After everything is in mash, mix the sliced parsley, the lemon juice and the oil.

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Fried Banana

Ingredients:• sugar;• 4 bananas;• cinnamon;• 1 cup of flour;• ½ cup of milk;• oil for frying;• 1 egg;• a pinch of salt

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Fried Banana

Preparation:Peel the bananas and open them in the middle. Put the

flour in a container. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix it very well. Pass the bananas in this mass and fry them in very hot oil until they get a golden color. You could sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon or you could eat them just with a scoop of ice cream.

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Work done by:

Diana Miranda


Joana Pimentel