THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW CANAAN BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 7, 2018 * ALL WHO ARE ABLE ARE INVITED TO STAND. GATHERING Please prayerfully allow the silent, sacred space of the sanctuary and the quiet stirrings of the Spirit to prepare your heart and mind for worship. PRELUDE “Slavonic Dance, Op 46, No. 2” Antonin Dvorak * CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Paul E. Gilmore Minister: On that first day, when the time was right: People: You gave birth to creation; light danced through the darkness; the waters of hope flowed free and clear. Minister: On that first day at the Jordan, when redemption drew near: People: You spoke of life for all your children, as your beloved Child stepped into the waters of forgiveness, dancing in hope with his cousin, John. Minister: On this first day of the week, when we begin anew: People: call us to faithfulness, open our hearts and our ears, that we may hear your voice claiming us as your own. * PROCESSIONAL HYMN No. 288 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” ELLACOMBE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird Timeless God, you cast Light into sin’s dark places and call us your Beloved. Forgive us: when we still linger in the shadows; when we treat others in hurtful ways; when we speak ill of your friends. As he knelt in the waters of the Jordan, you proclaimed Jesus as your Child, pointing to him as the way to you. Forgive us: when we put ourselves ahead of him; when we think he is no longer needed; when we fail to see him in the brokenness of our world. Baptized and blessed in your living waters, you would have us be your servants in our time. Forgive us: when we fail to welcome the stranger; when we refuse to forgive as we should; when we believe we are too good to kneel down and tie the shoes of the lost, the least, the last, and the little.

GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

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GATHERINGPlease prayerfully allow the silent, sacred space of the sanctuary

and the quiet stirrings of the Spirit to prepare your heart and mind for worship.

PRELUDE “Slavonic Dance, Op 46, No. 2” Antonin Dvorak

* CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Paul E. GilmoreMinister: On that first day, when the time was right:People: You gave birth to creation; light danced through the darkness; the waters of hope

flowed free and clear.Minister: On that first day at the Jordan, when redemption drew near:People: You spoke of life for all your children, as your beloved Child stepped into the waters of

forgiveness, dancing in hope with his cousin, John.Minister: On this first day of the week, when we begin anew:People: call us to faithfulness, open our hearts and our ears, that we may hear your voice

claiming us as your own.

* PROCESSIONAL HYMN No. 288 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” ELLACOMBE

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird Timeless God, you cast Light into sin’s dark places and call us your Beloved. Forgive us: when we still linger in the shadows; when we treat others in hurtful ways; when we speak ill of your friends. As he knelt in the waters of the Jordan, you proclaimed Jesus as your Child, pointing to him as the way to you. Forgive us: when we put ourselves ahead of him; when we think he is no longer needed; when we fail to see him in the brokenness of our world. Baptized and blessed in your living waters, you would have us be your servants in our time. Forgive us: when we fail to welcome the stranger; when we refuse to forgive as we should; when we believe we are too good to kneel down and tie the shoes of the lost, the least, the last, and the little.




Page 2: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

* CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE No. 492 (vs. 2) “Baptized in Water” BUNESSANBaptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, Dead in the tomb with Christ, our King; One with His rising, freed and forgiven, Thankfully now God’s praises we sing.

SHARING OUR LIFE AND MINISTRYPlease sign the card and pass it to your neighbor. As you pass it back to the center, take note of who is here so we can become better acquainted. Visitors, please give your address, telephone, and e-mail information.

TIME WITH CHILDREN/CENTS-ABILITY COLLECTION – New Canaan Food Pantry& Presbyterian Hunger Program

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISMJustin and Kate Wingate present their son, Grant Michael Wingate for baptism.

WELCOMEWith joy and thanksgiving, we welcome Grant Michael Wingate into Christ’s church to share with us in his ministry, for we are all one in Christ.



PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) Ruth Laird Creating Spirit, who hovered over the waters at creation’s birth, who descended in the form of a dove at Jesus’ baptism, who was poured out under the signs of fire and wind at Pentecost: come to us, open our hearts and minds, so that we may hear your Word of life, be renewed by your power, and live into our baptism. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

FIRST LESSON Genesis 1:1-5 (OT page 1)Minister: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.People: Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM “When Jesus Went to Jordan’s Stream” Alec Wyton When Jesus the Lord Came down to our earth, He meanly was clad, And low was His birth: Though Lord of creation, And Ruler above, He chose in a station Most humble to move. His life was all toil When with us below, Diseases He cured, And softened our woe: A friend to the friendless He ever was found; His blessings were endless To sinners around. The lepers He cleansed, The deaf heard His voice, The dumb spoke His praise, And were made to rejoice: The dead Jesus raised To life from the grave; His name then be praised, Whose end was to save.

SECOND LESSON Mark 1:9-11 (NT page 34)Minister: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Blessing” Rev. Paul E. Gilmore


* HYMN (insert) “At the Font We Start Our Journey”


OFFERTORY “As With Gladness Men of Old” Jacob B. Weber As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright, So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led by Thee! As with joyful steps they sped, Savior, to Thy lowly bed, There to bend the knee before Thee whom heaven and earth adore, So may we with willing feet Ever seek Thy mercy-seat! As they offered gifts most rare At Thy cradle, rude and bare, So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King! Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And when earthly things are past.Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down. There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King!

Page 3: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

* DOXOLOGY OLD HUNDREDTHPraise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Minister: The Lord be with you.People: And also with you. Minister: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord.Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Minister: It is truly right and our greatest joy...

The whole congregation sings:

Page 4: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson
Page 5: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

LORD’S PRAYER (unison)Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


Communion will be served by intinction in which the bread is dipped into the cup. The wine is served in two chalices: the larger chalice contains wine, the smaller, grape juice. Gluten- free crackers are available on each plate. “Thanks be to God,” is a proper response to the receiving of communion.We will begin with people in the back rows and work our way to the front.

COMMUNION MUSIC “Priere du Matin” Joseph Jongen

COMMUNION PRAYERLord Jesus Christ, you have come to us, you have put your life into our hands; now we put our lives into yours. Take us, renew and remake us. What we have been is past; what we shall be, through you, still awaits us. Lead us on in the way of your beloved Son. Amen.


* HYMN No. 495 “We Know That Christ Is Raised” ENGELBERG

* CHARGE AND BLESSING (Please be seated for the Choral Response & the Ringing of the Church Bell)

CHORAL RESPONSE “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright” Wie schön leuchtet


* POSTLUDE “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star” Sigfrid Karg-Ele


Welcome to the Service of Worship for the Lord’s Day. Parents of infants through age four are encouraged to take their children to the Nursery School classrooms during our services. Students in preK-7 should follow their teachers to class.

Today in Sunday's Cool we will learn about Jesus and John the Baptist by playing games. The younger grades will sing “John was Hairy” and play “Locust, Locust, Honey” to reiterate how John the Baptist said “Come and see Jesus!”. The older grades will play Hungry John and Message Mess as they learn that “John was themessenger; Jesus was the message”. Please bring your buck and a can and join us. In the Barn, our Tweens will worship God, the Creator of new beginnings by exploring Genesis 1:1-5 in the context of the manifestation of God with us. Teachers assisting with preK-4th grade Spark Rotations today – Lindsay Tucker, Whitney Childs, Megan Wunderlich; 5-7th grade in the Barn for Feasting on the Word with Lauren Tate.

Greeters: The Ferguson family; Worship Coordinator: Jim Ely; Ushers: Cindy Graziano, Paul Martin, Anne Palmer, Bob Spangler; Cross Bearer: Peter Flournoy; Lay Reader: Nancy Flournoy; Communion Preparers: Linda Martin and Denise Riehl; Communion Officers: Peg Bull and Peggy Hooker; Musicians: First Presbyterian Church Choir; guest pianists: Virginia and Jeffrey Leeman.

Congratulations to Justin and Kate Wingate on the baptism of their son, Grant, brother of Everett and Brooks.Flowers today are in loving memory of Astrid Rasmussen, from her daughter, Jenny Dellaripa and her family.Let us keep in our thoughts and prayers: Continued concerns: Neil Coakley; Ann Depuy; Graham Harden; Vince Lombardi; Jim Mierendorf; Nancy Russell; Alanna Ruszkowski; The Stricos family (friends of Joe and Diana Ruszkowski); John Voorhies. The Abo Noktah family (our Syrian refugees): Khaldoun (father), Khawla Alzob (mother), daughters Hanin and Zain, and sons Yaman and Ahmed.

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Flower Memorials: If you wish to have flowers in the sanctuary to celebrate an anniversary, a baptism, a birthday, or to memorialize a loved family member or friend please call Barbara Wentzel, Flower Coordinator, at 203-966-5402 or email at [email protected].

No Gift Too Small! The Bell Tower Society welcomes gifts and bequests of all sizes. Every dollar given makes a difference in serving the long-term welfare of our church. If you have questions about remembering the church in your estate plans, please contact Peter Flournoy in the church office.

Cents-ability: On December 3, we collected $127. Our total collection since we began Cents-ability at our church in November 2011 is $18,390. Thank you for your awareness and generous response to hunger. If you would like more information on Cents-ability or need a Cents-ability cup, please see Robin Lewis. Remember to fill up your Cents-ability cup ‘til it runneth over! Our next collection is February 4.

New Canaan Food Pantry: Items in need now due to low/no stock are Mayonnaise, Herbal Tea, Crackers, Cookies, Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken, Coffee – Regular & Decaf, Cereal, Pancake Mix – Add water only. No beans or soup are needed now. Please drop these items in the shopping cart at the back of the Sanctuary and Robin Lewis will make sure they are delivered to the New Canaan Food Pantry.

Giving Up the Organ for Lent: It’s a little early for Lent, actually. But due to the new roof being put on the sanctuary, we will be without the beautiful sounds of the organ for a few months. It is necessary to cover the organ console and certain pipes during the roof project so dust cannot damage more sensitive pipes. We will still present beautiful music with piano accompaniment and a capella anthems, which we are already accustomed to. The organ should be in use by Sunday, March 18th, in time for the choir's presentation of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem with Round Hill Community Church, Greenwich.

You are invited to suggest members of the congregation of this church to be considered by the Nominating Committee for leadership roles in the life of the church as elders or deacons. As a very general distinction, elders are responsible, together with the pastors, for congregational life, church policy, program administration, management and caregiving, while deacons are responsible for ministries of compassion, witness and service.

Officers to be elected by the congregation on June 3, 2018 include both elders and deacons who will be installed on September 9, 2018. We also welcome your suggestions for the names of people to serve on the 2018-2019 Nominating Committee. You may nominate yourself.

Please recommend members by completing the Church Officer Suggestion Form as soon as possible. Once you have completed your form, please deposit it in Linda Ferguson’s Elder mailbox next to the church office.

Page 7: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Service will be held at 10:30 a.m.Monday, January 15th The United Methodist Church156 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT.Interfaith of New Canaan is sponsoring a town-wide service in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Lindsay E. Curtis from the Grace Baptist Church in Norwalk. Music will be provided by the Serendipity Chorale and KEYS, and refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the service. All are welcome! (In case of bad weather, please call the church at 203 966-2666 for cancellation information.)

The collection offering from this service will go to benefit the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County. A food drive will also be held in conjunction with this service. The food collected that day will be given to the New Canaan Food Pantry. The items most needed now are: salad dressing, pancake mix, maple syrup, honey and hot chocolate mix.


Tel.: 203-966-0002 // www.fpcnc.orgChurch Office Hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

SUNDAY, JANUARY 7: Baptism of the Lord Sunday 8:30 AM Special Called Session Meeting 10:00 AM Holy Communion

Sacrament of Baptism: Grant Wingate10:15 AM Sunday’s Cool for Grades preK-7 11:15 AM Coffee Hour11:15 AM Cherub Choir

MONDAY, JANUARY 82:00 PM Meditation Group6:30 PM Purple Heather Dancers

TUESDAY, JANUARY 99:30 AM Leadership Team 8:00 PM Men’s A.A.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 109:30 AM Music Librarians 5:00 PM Carol Choir5:00 PM Cherub Choir5:00 PM Confirmation Class

THURSDAY, JANUARY 113:30 PM Special Church7:30 PM FPC Choir

SATURDAY, JANUARY 139:15 AM A.A. (closed discussion)

10:30 AM A.A. (open discussion)

SUNDAY, JANUARY 14: Martin Luther King Sunday10:00 AM Worship

Rev. Paul E. Gilmore preaching10:15 AM Sunday’s Cool for Grades preK-711:15 AM Cherub Choir11:15 AM Farewell Reception for Paul and Jeannick5:00 PM HSYG – meet at Starbuck’s

Please join us on Sunday, January 14th, for a Farewell Reception in honor of The Reverend Paul E. Gilmore, as he prepares to depart for his new calling in Chicago. There will be a light catered lunch by Chris Bondor. We hope you will join us as we wish him Godspeed.

Page 8: GATHERING - fpcnc. · Web viewDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted Foster. Elizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy Hagopian. Nancy Helle Elsbeth Johnson

Thank you, Dove Participants!The following people took White Doves, bought food, gift-wrapped boxes and bags and delivered them to the church. Because of you all, people in need over the holidays had Christmas dinner. A huge thank you goes out to you for your kindness and for opening your hearts, especially at Christmas. Green Doves flew off the tree also. The people who took them made a direct financial contribution to Person to Person for either the Emergency Assistance Fund or for the Scholarship Fund.

The recipients of the Dove boxes and bags at Chester Addison, Optimus and Family Centers, all in Stamford, shared their lavish thanks and praise, going to great lengths to have us understand how important the Dove boxes are to them.

White Doves: people filled boxes or bags with requested food by P2P Barbara & Jim BeallPatricia & George Benington Catherine BiddleBob & Joan Caird Alissa Colella Laurel CarlsonKip & Mike Farrell The Ferguson Family The Gargiulo Family The Gifford FamilyTindlley & Huw Gilbert Serena Gillespie (2) The Godina Family Cindy & Len Graziano Jennifer GuldenThe Gurley Family Kerry & Mark Hanson Karen HansonRuth LairdJanet & John Lanaway Anna Petite LeeBrian & Natasha Lombardi Audrey MagnusenLayla Magnusen Michelle McBride Paige McInerney The McIntire FamilyThe Mierendorf Family Sandy MillsJoAnn NerenburgAnne & Howard Palmer Meredith Petitjean (2)

Marlene PowersJoanne & Rudy Prechter The Reeves FamilyThe Roddy Family The Rodgers FamilyJohn & Kathleen Servidea Nell & Roger SmithBob SpanglerTom & Ann Spilker Wendy Stahl Elizabeth StuartThe Sulkowski Family Lauren & Chris Tate Melissa TateSherry Tate Carol Taylor Rev. Mary ThiesKevin & Christina Thomson Lindsay Tucker (2)The Turpin FamilyJen & Steve Van de Graaf Lynne & Homero Villarreal The Volanakis FamilyThe Wagner family Megan Wunderlich

Green Doves: supporting P2P with a financial contribution: Carol BarbourDede Bartlett Evelyn Bergstrom Marion Blose Gloria Bridgman Anne Brownley Peg Bull

George & Charlotte Conner Joan DionneDooley Family Mimi Findlay Ted FosterElizabeth Granfield Laurie & Howard Greene Cindy HagopianNancy Helle Elsbeth JohnsonWilliam & Audrey Knobloch Dinny LawrenceMary Lee Lesko Connie Musa George PostBob & Belinda Reany Diana & Joe Ruszkowski Judy SchurmanCarolyn Scott Sue Sherwood Dennis Swanson Joan TaylorSteve Van de Graaf Gretchen Watkins Barbara Wentzel

Thank you, Drivers!Scott Beyer Randy Ferguson Glenn Mierendorf Steve Rodgers Bob Spangler Back-up drivers: Len Graziano Armin Thies

DEACONS’ FUND: Special envelopes are enclosed today, as they are on every Communion Sunday, for the Deacons’ Fund. These may be placed in the offering plates. The Deacons’ Fund enables the church, on a confidential basis, to help individuals in our congregation who are in special need. Please let the ministers know of any who might now be helped by this Fund. Various specific needs are great at this moment, so do give generously.

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The Entire Congregation


The Rev. Paul E. Gilmore, PastorThe Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Families

O UR S TAFF Victoria Shields, Director of Music / Sherry Tate, Cherub Choir director

Peter Flournoy, Interim Church Administrator / Tina St. Armand, Office ManagerErika Hagan, Administrative Assistant to Children and Youth Ministries

Kuky and Andres Pereira, Operations/Security Managers / Edgar Torres, Day Sexton

T HE S ESSION Our Pastors

Scott Beyer, Clerk of Session

George Benington, Bell Tower Society Sue Benko, Communications

Laurel Carlson, Youth Ministries Carole Clarkson, Worship, Music and Arts

Linda Ferguson, Nominating Lisa Gifford, Congregational Life

Jennifer Gulden, PersonnelJulie Hoffman, Member-At-Large

Freia Mierendorf, Co-Youth Glenn Mierendorf, Outreach

Dede McEvoy, Strategic Planning Andy Petitjean, Finance

Lynn Quinn, Adult Education Julie Reeves, Membership Involvement Kevin Thomson, Advisory Committee

Spencer Reeves, Co-Youth Jenny Volanakis, Children's Ministries

Barbara Wentzel, Stewardship

T HE D E ACONS Jen and Steve Van de Graaf, Co-Moderators

Carson Allsteadt, Co-Youth Erica Bergmans, Inspirica

Mary Jane Bolin, Senior Lunch Peg Bull, Flock Program

William Dooley, Co-Youth Cindy Hagopian, Inspirica

Karen Hanson, Memorial Services and ReceptionsBeth Hersam, Flowers and Cards Chris Kniffin, Member-At-Large

Nichole LaBadie, Co-YouthLinda Martin, Baptisms; Flock Program

Sarah Robinson, Pastoral Care Team Kristen Rodgers, Cards and Flowers

Kathleen Servidea, Cards and FlowersElizabeth Stuart, Flowers and Cards, Treasurer

Ashley Walker, Co-Youth

Rev. T. Guthrie Speers, Jr., Pastor Emeritus - Mrs. Marilyn J. Ballantine, Minister of Music Emerita