GEG 1059 Present materials Marilynn B. Brewer(1999) Multiple identities and identity transition: Implications for Hong Kong. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 23(2): 187-197. Brewer(1999) argued that there were two different forms of dual identification with region (Hong Kong) and ethnicity (Chinese) were forged among Hong Kong Chinese residents during the period prior to the transition into Hong Kong SAR. This identity changes during the period of transition has got implications for political stability after the return of sovereignty in 1997. 身身 -> 身身身身 (identification, 身身身身) 身身身身(身身身身)身 身 ? (身身,身身身) (身身身身身身) 身身身身身身身 身身身身 身身身 ,、 -> 身身身身身身 身身 offer BNO 身身身身身 https://youtu.be/bCgGHvrXbTU http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/issue/articles/ 041_970511.pdf


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GEG 1059

Present materials

Marilynn B. Brewer(1999) Multiple identities and identity transition:

Implications for Hong Kong. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,

23(2): 187-197.

Brewer(1999) argued that there were two different forms of dual identification

with region (Hong Kong) and ethnicity (Chinese) were forged among Hong Kong

Chinese residents during the period prior to the transition into Hong Kong SAR.

This identity changes during the period of transition has got implications for

political stability after the return of sovereignty in 1997.

身份認同問題-非常混亂 -> 社會穩定 (identification, 港大民調)

身份認同(民族意識)好重要,視香港為暫居地? (投資,發展等) (日本資金回流)

人才及資金外流中港融合鄧小平承諾五十年不變,馬照跑、舞照跳 -> 移民潮有緩和英國 offer BNO

