Genaral Awareness Quiz

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  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    General Awareness Quiz1. Digital Village project launched by ....... in Akodara Village in Gujarat recently.1)Yes Bank2) RBI3) Corporation Bank

    4) ICICI Bank5) SBI

    2. On 19 January 2015 ba!ed on the co!t o" "und! #$% a!ked bank! to re&ie' (ini(u(lending rate "or e&ery .........1) two monts2) !our monts3) two monts4) si" monts5) tree monts

    ). On 19 January 2015 %*%*% $ank introduced +icicibankpay+. %t i! it+!.........1) !a#e $ook an%le2) #re%it #ar%3) new !inan#ial interme%iar&4) new CBS mo%ule5) twitter ser'i#e

    ,. %n the li!t o" the -op 50 o!t Valued Global $ank! /in ter(! o" (arket capitaliationrelea!ed by $loo(berg on 1 January 2015 'hich bank got "ir!t rank31) SBI2) ICICI3) B(B4) *+C5) SB

    5. 4nion Go&ern(ent on 19 January 2015 prohibited i(port! o" all kind o" (obile hand!et!'ith "ake or duplicate %%. %% !tand! "or ..........1) International ,o$ile -.uipment I%entit&2) In%ian ,o$ile -.uipment I%entit&3) Internal ,o$ile -.uipment I%entit&4) Interest ,o$ile -.uipment I%entit&5) /one

    6. adan ohan al&iya 7ational i!!ion on -eacher! and -eaching launched by 8 on25 Dece(ber 201, at ......1) /ew *eli

    2) Allaa$a%3) 0aranasi4) Gwalior 5) ammu

    . %nternational border! di&iding the nation! gi&en. 8ick the 'rong co(bination.1) In%ia an% Cina ,#,aon ine2) In%ia an% akistan Ra%#li!!e ine3) In%ia an% Sri anka alk Strait an% Gul! o! ,annar 4) In%ia an% Banla%es *uran% ine5) /one

    . $aba #a(de& 'a! appointed a! the a(ba!!ador o" ........

    1) 6ttarakan%2) ar&ana3) 7amilna%u

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    4) A5) 7elanana

    9. Due to decrea!e in oil price! and "all o" de(and "or gold the -rade de"icit in Dece(ber 201,narro'ed to .......1) 8925 $illion %ollars

    2) 1192: $illion 6S %ollars3) 895: $illion 6S %ollars4) ;943 $illion 6S %ollars5) /one

    10. %n +A$A:+ +$+ !tand! "or......1) Bene!it2) Bran%e%3) Bom$a&4) Biometri#5) Bimontl&

    11. Deit; !tand! "or .....

    1) *epartment o! ele#tri#al < in!ormation te#nolo&2) *epartment o! ele#troni#s < in!ormation tra%e3) *i'ision o! ele#troni#s < in!ormation te#nolo&4) *epartment o! ele#troni#s < in!ormation te#nolo&5) /one

    12. G%A7 i! a !hort ter( teaching progra((e under 'hich !cholar! abroad 'ill be in&ited toteach in %ndia. G%A7 !tand! "or....1) Glo$al In'ite o! A#a%emi# /etwork2) Glo$al Initiati'e o! A#a%emi# /etwork3) Gran% Initiati'e o! A#a%emi# /etwork4) Glo$al Initiati'e o! A#a%emi# /ation5) /one

    1). Jal

    1,. =hich !o"t'are !er&ice pro&ider declared to !pend o&er #!.1500 crore to "und inno&ation!in !o"t'are and !er&ice! in %ndia31) 7CS2) 7e# ,ain%ra3) In!os&s

    4) ?ipro5) C

    15. e>&oting allo'ed recently "or.....1) Illeterates2) (l% ae people3) &si#all& an%i#appe% persons4) So!t ware pro!essionals5) /RIs



  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz




    General Awareness Quiz

    1. Ale?i! -!ipra! beca(e the 8ri(e ini!ter o" 'hich o" the "ollo'ing countrie! on January 26201531) Spain2) olan%3) C&prus4) ortual5) Gree#e

    2. @o' (any per!on! 'ere con"erred the 8ad(a Vibhu!han a'ard in 201531) 22) ;3) 54) 4

    5) 2:

    ). =ho 'a! na(ed the $rad(an ;oung *ricketer o" the ;ear in January 201531) Gurin%er San%u2) R&an Carters3) Sean A$$ott4) os azelwoo%5) atri#k Cummins

    ,. =ho 'a! cro'ned the i!! 4ni&er!e 201, on January 25 2015 in ia(i lorida 4:A31) /ia San#ez @6SA)2) *lana arkusa @6kraine)3) ,i$elis Castellanos @0enezuela)

    4) aulina 0ea @Colom$ia)5) /one o! tese

    5. =ho recei&ed Au!tralia+! Allan $order edal in January 201531) ,i#ael Clarke2) *a'i% ?arner 3) ,it#ell onson4) Bra% a%%in5) Ste'e Smit

    6. +8roject Boon+ i! de&eloped by 'hich o" the "ollo'ing co(panie! 'ith the (i!!ion o" pro&iding internet acce!! to rural and re(ote area!31) Yaoo

    2) ,i#roso!t3) +a#e$ook4) Goole

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    5) (ra#le

    . -he 7ational Dairy #e!earch %n!titute /7D#% i! !ituated in31) Anan%2) arnal3) Ama%a$a%

    4) u#know5) olkata

    . =hich :tate ha! launched +Gaura&i+ a One>:top *ri!i! *entre "or 'o(en31) ima#al ra%es2) 6ttar ra%es3) ,a%&a ra%es4) An%ra ra%es5) /one o! tese

    9. =orld #e"ugee Day i! ob!er&ed on31) ul& 2:2) une 2:

    3) ul& 144) une 145) une 24

    10. =hich o" the "ollo'ing regulate! hou!ing "inance co(panie!31) RBI2) /ABAR*3) IR*A4) S-BI5) /B

    11. ichelle @o'ard i! the "ir!t 'o(an to achie&e the rank o" ad(iral in the 7a&y o" 31) 6

    2) 6SA3) Australia4) Sout A!ri#a5) /ew ealan%

    12. =hich "or(er *hie" lection *o((i!!ioner i! the author o" the book CAn 4ndocu(ented=onder> -he aking o" the Great %ndian lectionC31) /a'in Cawla2) 79/9 Sesan3) 09S9 Sampat4) /9 Gopalaswami5) S9Y9 Quraisi

    1). =hich o" the "ollo'ing countrie! i!!ued a coin 'ith an e(bedded ther(o(eter toco((e(orate the 20th death anni&er!ary o" Ander! *el!iu! a :'edi!h phy!ici!t31) Cook Islan%s2) +ii3) ,arsall Islan%s4) apua /ew Guinea5) Solomon Islan%s

    1,. =hich o" the "ollo'ing public !ector undertaking! ha! been a'arded the 7a&ratna !tatu!31) Co#in Sip&ar% imite%2) Goa Sip&ar% imite%3) In%ian Rare -arts imite%4) ,azaaon *o#k imite%

    5) /ational Buil%ins Constru#tion Corporation imite%

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    15. -he "ir!t country to rati"y the arrake!h -reaty to "acilitate acce!! to publi!hed 'ork! "or per!on! 'ho are blind i!31) 6SA2) In%ia3) Switzerlan%4) 6

    5) +inlan%

    16. =hich o" the "ollo'ing i! %ndia+! "ir!t e&er indigenou!ly built re!earch !hip31) Sin%u Ratna2) Sin%u Raksak3) Sin%u Sa%ana4) Sin%u Garu%a5) /one o! tese

    1. =hich e(inent !cienti!t 'a! con"erred the Dr ohan Dharia 7ation $uilding A'ard in201,31) Raunat ,aselkar 2) C/R Rao

    3) ,YS rasa%4) Sekar Basu5) A'inas Can%er 

    1. -he 7ational %n!titute o" Oceanography i! located in31) erala2) Goa3) ,aarastra4) An%ra ra%es5) 7amil /a%u

    19. $alra(ji Da! -andon i! the Go&ernor o" 'hich o" the "ollo'ing %ndian :tate!31) 6ttar ra%es

    2) ?est Benal3) ar&ana4) Cattisar5) ,izoram

    20. oha((ed Dionne ha! been appointed the 8ri(e ini!ter o" 'hich o" the "ollo'ingA"rican#ountriesD1) Seneal2) ,auritania3) ,ali4) Guinea5) Gam$ia

    A7:=#:1 52 2) ), ,5 56 , 2 )9 210 5

    11 212 5

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1) 11, 515 216 )1 11 2

    19 ,20 1

    General Awareness Quiz

    1. Good'ill a(ba!!ador "or the 7ational ga(e! 2015 i! .................

    1) *oni

    2) Sa#in 7en%ulkar 

    3) Amita$ Ba#an

    4) Amir an

    5) /one o! tese

    2. %n order to create !pace "or bank! to e?pand credit #$% reduced the :B# "ro( 22.0 to...

    1) 21985E

    2) 2:9:E

    3) 2:95E

    4) 2195E

    5) 219:E

    ). *urrently 'ho a(ong the "ollo'ing i! the 'orld+! olde!t (onarch3

    1) Queen -liza$et II

    2) -mperor o! apan

    3) in o! 7ailan%

    4) Queen 0i#toria

    5) Queen *iana

    ,. =hich co((ittee ha! !ub(itted report on re!tructuring o" *%3

    1) A$iit Sen

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    2) ,9 S9 Swaminatan

    3) Santa umar 

    4) A&aes Go&a

    5) Ar'in% anaari&a

    5. =orld+! large!t &ertical (ae ha! been un&eiled recently in .............

    1) 7aiwan

    2) 7ok&o

    3) *u$ai

    4) Sanai

    5) 7ailan%

    6. -he C-unnel o" -i(eC i! the autobiography o"......

    1) Rani otari

    2) ,9S9 /ara&ana

    3) 9 Ci%am$aram

    4) R99 a"man

    5) Amart&a Sen

    . %** ha! re&oked the "i&e E year ban i(po!ed on oha((ad A(ir. @e i! the bo'ler in ........

    1) In%ia team

    2) Banla%es team

    3) Sri anka team

    4) akistan team

    5) im$a$we team

    . #ecently a "ir!t o" it! kind in the 'orld econo(ic &aluation o" tiger re!er&e! ha! been

    conducted in %ndia. A! per the !tudy 'hich tiger re!er&e! ha! highe!t annual "lo' bene"it!3

    1) Cor$ett 7ier Reser'e

    2) Rantam$ore 7ier Reser'e

    3) eri&ar 7ier Reser'e

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    4) ana 7ier Reser'e

    5) /one o! tese

    9. =orld *ancer day ob!er&ed on ..............

    1) 3: anuar&

    2) 12 ,ar#

    3) 4 +e$ruar&

    4) 24 ,ar#

    5) 8 April

    10. =hich a(ong the "ollo'ing !tate! i! the !ite "or %ndia+! "ir!t %nternational %n!titute o" 


    1) erala

    2) Assam

    3) ar&ana

    4) ,a%&a ra%es

    5) 7elanana

    11. ,5th =orld cono(ic oru( annual (eeting took place in .................

    1) ?asinton

    2) /ew York

    3) aris

    4) *a'os

    5) /one o! tese

    12. $oard o" inancial :uper&i!ion /$: o" #$% !tarted in ...............

    1) 2::1

    2) 1;;4

    3) 1;;=

    4) 2::=

    5) 2:::

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1). #ecently 'hich one o" the "ollo'ing !che(e! o" union go&ern(ent ha! entered into

    Guinne!! book o" 'orld record3

    1) ,G/R-GA

    2) rime ,inister an *an Yoana

    3) Swat#a Barat A$i&an

    4) In%ira Awas Yoana

    5) Beti Ba#ao Beti a%ao

    1,. inance *ore $anking and c*a(i!h %n!urance product! are going to be launched

    by ..............

    1) In!os&s

    2) 7e# ,ain%ra Sat&am

    3) 7CS

    4) antla

    5) /one o! tese

    15. #$% per(itted to open "ir!t :haria ba!ed 7on $anking inance *o(pany in .............

    1) Goa

    2) ammu an% asmir 

    3) erala

    4) (%isa

    5) A

    16. -he bank 'hich opened cu!to(er !er&ice point to e?tend "inancial inclu!ion targeting

    4rban 8oor3

    1) 6nion Bank o! In%ia

    2) ICICI

    3) SBI

    4) S&n%i#ate Bank

    5) Yes Bank

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1. =ho a(ong the "ollo'ing ha! 'on the 'o(en+! and (en+! !ingle! title! re!pecti&ely at

    :yed odi %nternational $ad(inton *ha(pion!hip3

    1) Carolina ,arina an% as&ap

    2) Saina /ewal an% Srikant

    3) Saina /ewal an% as&ap

    4) Saina /ewal an% ullela Gopi#an%

    5) /one o! tese

    1. -he *## i! to be (aintained by *o((ercial $ank in the "or( o" ..........

    1) Cas in an% at $ran#es

    2) Balan#e wit oter $anks

    3) Balan#e in a spe#ial a##ount wit RBI

    4) +un%s in te #urren#& #est

    5) An& o! te a$o'e options

    19. =hich one o" the "ollo'ing i! a *redit *ard a!!ociation3

    1) In%ia Car%

    2) ,aster Car%

    3) SBI Car%s

    4) Cit& Bank Car%s

    5) B(B Car%

    20. -he 4nited 7ation! general a!!e(bly ha! declared the year 2015 a! .............

    1) International Year o! Seas

    2) International Year o! ?ater 

    3) International Awar%s

    4) International Year o! Soils

    5) /one o! tese

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz























    General Awareness Quiz art I

    1. %ndia "inancial !y!te( co(pri!e! o" ...........

    1) S#e%ule% #ommer#ial $anks

    2) /on$ankin !inan#ial institutions

    3) 6r$an #ooperati'e $anks

    4) All o! tese

    5) /one o! tese

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    2. -he C*hannapatna toy!C are a particular "or( o" 'ooden toy! that are (anu"actured in

    'hich !tate3

    1) An%ra ra%es

    2) arnataka

    3) ,aarastra

    4) erala

    5) 6ttar ra%es

    ). @eadFuarter! o" :%D$% i! located at ..........

    1) 0aranasi

    2) u#know

    3) /ew *eli

    4) olkata

    5) ,um$ai

    ,. -he nu(ber o" oreign $ank! operating in %ndia are ...........

    1) 2:

    2) 25

    3) 2=

    4) 32

    5) 35

    5. =hich o" the "ollo'ing i! an e?a(ple o" "inancial a!!et!3

    1) /ational Sa'in Certi!i#ates

    2) In!rastru#ture $on%s

    3) In%ira 0ikas

    4) risi 0ikas

    5) All o! tese

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    6. =ho a(ong the "ollo'ing ha! 'on the pre!tigiou! D:* 8rie "or Biterature one o" the :outh

    A!ia+! top literary a'ard!3

    1) Amrita airi

    2) umpa airi

    3) Ara'in% A%ia

    4) Amita' Gos

    5) /one o! tese

    . =hich o" the "ollo'ing bank! ha! launched banking !er&ice on -'itter 'hich allo'!

    cu!to(er! to tran!"er (oney u!ing the !ocial net'orking !ite recently3

    1) ICICI Bank

    2) *+C Bank

    3) A"is Bank

    4) Bot 2 an% 3

    5) /one o! tese

    . -he 8re!ent arginal :tanding acility /: rate i! ...............

    1) =985E

    2) =9::E

    3) 8985E

    4) =95:E

    5) /one o! tese

    9. %** -'enty 20 =orld *up 2016 'ill be held at .............

    1) ?est In%ies

    2) Sri anka

    3) Banla%es

    4) In%ia

    5) Australia

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    10. A?i! $ank board reappointed ............. a! the bank+! (anaging director and chie" e?ecuti&e

    o""icer /D and *O "or a three>year period

    1) Sika Sarma

    2) Arun%ati Batta#ar&a

    3) 6sa Ananta Su$raman&am

    4) 0ia&alaksmi R I&er 

    5) /one

    11. -he #ara Bake i! the bigge!t lake o" ...........

    1) /epal

    2) Sri anka

    3) In%ia

    4) Cina

    5) /one o! tese

    12. *o operati&e $ank in %ndia ha! ....... !y!te(.

    1) 7wo F tier s&stem

    2) 7ree F tier s&stem

    3) +our F tier s&stem

    4) +i'e F tier s&stem

    5) /one o! tese

    1). =hich o" the "ollo'ing bodie! pro(oted :ecuritie! -rading *orporation o" %ndia Bi(ited

    /:-*% jointly 'ith the public !ector bank!3

    1) S-BI

    2) ICICI imite%

    3) I*BI imite%

    4) RBI

    5) IR*A

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1,. On 19th January 2015 #e!er&e $ank o" %ndia a!ked bank! to noti"y the $a!e #ate or the

    (ini(u( lending rate at lea!t once in e&ery .... (onth! ba!ed on the co!t o" "und!.

    1) 7ree

    2) +our 

    3) +i'e

    4) Si"

    5) /one o! tese

    15. All &enture *apital "und! (u!t be regi!ter 'ith .................

    1) RBI

    2) S-BI

    3) Reistrar o! Companies

    4) -iter 1 or 2

    5) /one o! tese

    16. According to late!t tiger cen!u! report /2015 'hich a(ong the "ollo'ing !tate! ha!

    recorded highe!t nu(ber o" tiger!3

    1) 7elanana

    2) 7amilna%u

    3) An%ra ra%es

    4) erala

    5) arnataka

    1. -he 8anche!h'ar ultipurpo!e 8roject /88 i! a bi>nation hydropo'er projectbet'een .............

    1) In%ia < Butan

    2) In%ia < Banla%es

    3) In%ia < /epal

    4) In%ia < Australia

    5) /one o! tese

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1. -he 7ational inancial :'itch the large!t !hared auto(ated teller (achine! in %ndia i! run

    by .............

    1) Reser'e Bank o! In%ia

    2) +inan#e ,inistr&

    3) /ational a&ments Corporation o! In%ia

    4) (nl& 1 an% 2

    5) /one o! tese

    19. -o celebrate the po'er o" &oter! the lection *o((i!!ion o" %ndia ha! been organiing

    Catdata ahot!a&aC in 'hich city3

    1) &%era$a%

    2) /ew *eli

    3) olkata

    4) ,um$ai

    5) Bot 2 an% 3

    20. %ndia+! "ir!t and only container tran!>!hip(ent ter(inal i! in .............

    1) &%era$a%

    2) ,analore

    3) Anantapuram

    4) 0allarpa%am

    5) /one o! tese









  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz















    General Awareness Quiz

    1. =ho 'a! elected the 8re!ident o" the ederation o" %ndian *ha(ber! o" *o((erce and%ndu!try /%**% on Dece(ber 20 201,31) &otsna Suri2) arsa'ar%an /eotia3) anka atel4) /ainalal i%wai5) /one o! tese

    2. =hich country+! 8arlia(ent appro&ed a bill to abandon it! non>aligned !tatu! on Dece(ber 2) 201,31) Switzerlan%2) 6kraine

    3) apan4) akistan5) /ort orea

    ). =ho 'a! honored 'ith the ;a!h *hopra e(orial A'ard in u(bai on Dece(ber 26 201,31) *ilip umar 2) Asa Bonsle3) Amita$ Ba##an4) ata ,aneskar 5) Gulzar 

    ,. =ho 'a! !'orn in a! the "ir!t non>tribal *hie" ini!ter o" Jharkhand on Dece(ber 2 201,31) ouis ,aran%i

    2) /eelkant Sin ,un%a3) Can%ra rakas Cou%ar&

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    4) Rau$ar *as5) C99 Sin

    5. -he ura!ian cono(ic 4nion 'ill co(e into "orce on31) anuar& 1H 2:152) April 1H 2:15

    3) anuar& 1H 2:1>4) April 1H 2:1>5) /one o! tese

    6. Antoni! :a(ara! called "or an early election on 2015 January 25. @e i! the 8ri(e ini!ter o"31) Spain2) olan%3) Gree#e4) Slo'enia5) Ser$ia

    . Ar!ia on! i! a &olcano !ituated on the planet3

    1) Saturn2) 0enus3) upiter 4) ,ars5) ,er#ur&

    . 8eace Angel 201, i! a joint (ilitary e?erci!e concluded recently bet'een31) Cina an% In%ia2) Cina an% 6SA3) Cina an% akistan4) Cina an% apan5) Cina an% /ort orea

    9. :adbha&ana Di&a! i! celebrated on31) Auust ;2) Auust 2:3) Auust 2;4) Auust >5) Auust 25

    10. *hapchar

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1). =hich country tran!"erred the !o&ereignty o" @ong

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


     Mountaining and 0llied ports *5IM0+ is being set up)

     *1+ Uttarkhand

     *,+ &ammu 6 kashmir

     *-+ "imachal 7radesh

     *+ 0runachal 7radesh

    . 8ho among the !ollowing heads the 5ational Integration 4ouncil in


    *1+ 7resident

    *,+ 9ice 7resident

    *-+ 7rime Minister

    *+ 0 retired 4hie! &ustice :! upreme 4ourt

    ;. 8here are the headhe 4ontroversial biograph( ?4ontroversiall( @ours? is which among

    the !ollowing cricketrs)

     *1+ Imran khan

     *,+ hoaib 0khtar

     *-+ hoaib 0!ridi

     *+ hoaib Malik

    A. >o get the 4redit histor( o! a compan(# 8hich among the !ollowing

    should be approached)

      *1+ 4G4

      *,+ 4I2I'

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


      *-+ 2I

      *+ /2I

    B. >he power o! the commercial banks to eCpand deposits through

     eCpanding their loans and advances is known as which among the


     *1+ 4apital Cpansion

     *,+ 4redit Cpansion

     *-+ 4redit 4ontrol

     *+ 4redit 4reation

    D. >he 4henchu people in india have heen active in protection o! 8ildli!e

    in which among the !ollowing protected areas od India)

     *1+ 5agarEunasagar risailam*0ndhra 7radesh+

     *,+ implipal*odisha+

     *-+ Indravati#UdantiFiatndi*4handigarh+

     *+ 7alamu*&harkhand+

    1. MaEuli#the largest river island in the world is located in which among the

    !ollowing states o! Insia)

     *1+ 0ssam

     *,+ Manipur

     *-+ Meghala(a

     *+ 5agaland


    19 2

    29 3

    39 4

    49 3

    59 1>9 2

    89 2

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    =9 4

    ;9 1

    1:99 1

    Rea% more ttpwww9$ankersa%%a9#om2:15:1eneralawareness.uizJ1>9tmlKi"zz30BGlR6&*

    General Awareness Quiz1. %n!urance regulator %#DA had ear(arked 'hich o" the "ollo'ing date! a! %n!urance Day3%#DA ca(e into e?i!tence on thi! day in 2000.1) Apr 122) Apr 1>3) Apr 184) Apr 1;5) Apr 21

    2. A! per the pro&i!ion in the ne' *o(panie! Act 7on>$anking inance co(panie! /7$*!ha&e to (aintain 'hat per cent o" the (onie! in lo'>intere!t !ecuritie! or :B#>backedin!tru(ent!31) 5 per #ent2) 1: per #ent3) 15 per #ent4) 2: per #ent5) 25 per #ent

    ). %ndia i! the 'orld+! ninth bigge!t (ilitary !pender in the 'orld a! o" no'. =hich o" the"ollo'ing countrie! i! the large!t !pender31) Russia2) Cina

    3) 6S4) apan5) German& ,. -he i!!ue o" "re!h !ecuritie! by an unli!ted co(pany "or the "ir!t ti(e i! called1) -"#ane 7ra%e% +un%2) Initial u$li# (!!erin3) Rits issue4) +ollowon u$li# (!!erin5) /one o! tese

    5. According to the late!t 7ational :a(ple :ur&ey data 'hich o" the "ollo'ing !tate! topped increation o" ne' job! in the (anu"acturing !ector a(ong all !tate! during the !i? year!

    bet'een 200, and 201131) ?est Benal2) Guarat3) ,aarastra4) ,a%&a ra%es5) 7amil /a%u

    6. #$% panel 'hich relea!ed Dra"t #eport on 8ricing o" *reditH 'a! headed by 'ho a(ong the"ollo'ing31) 6rit atel2) amales Can%ra Cakra$art&3) Su$ir Gokarn4) Anan% Sina

    5) arun Rasi% an

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    . Vi&ek Gundotra re!igned a! the chie" o" 'hich o" the "ollo'ing !ocial net'orking &enture!recently a"ter nearly eight year! o" !er&ice31) GooleL2) (rkut3) inke%In4) ,& Spa#e

    5) /one o! tese . *on!ider the "ollo'ing !tate(ent! 'ith re!pect to the recent acFui!ition o" 7okiaH! (obilephone bu!ine!! by 4: :o"t'are giant icro!o"t.

    (A) Microsoft has completed its purchase of Nokia's mobile phone business for $7.5billion.(B) Nokia will continue to operate hennai plant one of its lar!est manufacturin! facilities on a ser"icecontract for Microsoft.() #ata Nadella is the hief %&ecuti"e fficer of Microsoft () Nokia head*uartered is in %spoo +erman.

    =hich o" the abo&e !tate(ent! i!Iare correct in thi! conte?t3@1) (nl& A < B

    @2) (nl& AH B < C@3) (nl& AH C < *@4) All te a$o'e@5)(nl& B < C

    9. *erti"icate! o" Depo!it /*D can be de"ined a! a !hort ter( borro'ing! in the "or( o"pro(i!!ory note! ha&ing (aturity o" not le!! than 15 day! upto (a?i(u( o" one year.

    ,-ick up the correct statement(s) which represent the features of the ertificates of eposit (A) All scheduled banks (e&cept //Bs and o0operati"e banks) are eli!ible to issue s(B) 1he are issued at a discount rate freel determined b the issuer and the market2in"estors.() 3t helps the hi!hl rated compan in the sense the can !et cheaper funds from ertificates ofeposit rather than borrowin! from the banks.

    @1) (nl& A@2) (nl& A < B@3) (nl& B < C@4) (nl& A < C@5) All AH BH < C

    10. =hat i! the e?panded "or o" the ter( *AG#.1) Compoun%e% Annual Growt Rate2) Cal#ulate% Annual Growt Rate3) Correspon%in Annual Growt Rate4) Corre#te% Annual Growt Rate5) Comparati'e Annual Growt Rate

    11. =ith the announce(ent o" it! policy !tate(ent on 1 Apr the #e!er&e $ank o" %ndia !hi"tedto a !y!te( o" announcing it! policy !tate(ent .1) montl&2) $imontl&3) .uarterl&4) al! &earl&5) /one o! tese

    12. $ank arketing (ean!@1) Sellin o! $anks@2) Bu&in o! $anks@3) ,erer o! $anks

    @4) Sellin $ankMs pro%u#ts an% ser'i#es@5) Sellin 'arious items in $anks

  • 8/21/2019 Genaral Awareness Quiz


    1). 8roper pricing i! needed "or @1) -"tra #ares !or e"tra ser'i#es@2) e'& o! 0A7@3) Goo% #ustomer ser'i#e@4) uttin $ur%en on te #ustomer 

    @5) Ser'i#e wit e"tra !a#ilities

    1,. A lead (ean!@1) A BankMs marketin sta!! @2) A reliious lea%er@3) BankMs Cairman@4) 7aret #ustomer@5) eas tie% to a %o

    19 4)29 3)

    39 349 259 1>9 489 1=9 2;9 21:9 1119 2129 4139 3149 4