Resíduos (Anexo Lume) GENE JOHNSON

Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

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Page 1: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Resíduos (Anexo Lume)GENE JOHNSON

Page 2: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

18.06 - 03.08



18.06.2019 | Terça Feira Tuesday, 7pm - 10pm

Page 3: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


Estados Unidos, 1945 - vive e trabalha entre México e Brasil

Gene Johnson iniciou sua carreira de pintor na cidade de Nova York e participou de diversas exposições

individuais e coletivas em Nova York, México, Paris, Madri, Havana, Japão e Brasil. Seu trabalho pode ser

encontrado em coleções privadas, corporativas e museológicas nos EUA, América Latina e Europa. Seu uso

pictórico da cor, textura e forma aludem ao seu respeito pelos pintores tradicionais e expressivos. Sua

intensa e enérgica aplicação de tinta, incorpora suas pinturas com uma síntese de emoção, intuição e

sensualidade. Patinas ricas sugerem a densidade do tempo e da história. "Johnson trabalha alternadamente

na pintura e colagem. Suas colagens são geralmente pequenas em escala, dando-lhes uma sensação de

intimidade e ludicidade, enquanto suas pinturas são de uma escala maior, ousadas, e vão desde tons

brilhantes até quase monocromáticos. cinzas, brancos e negros. Segundo o crítico de arte John Yau,”Estas

não são pinturas que Johnson fez, mas sim pinturas que ele descobriu no processo de fabricação. Ao

sintetizar a abstração geométrica, pintura de processos e fragmentos gráficos, Johnson desenvolveu uma

linguagem que é reconhecidamente sua. É uma linguagem visual abstrata que é fluente, flexível e

emocional.”. Para o crítico de arte do New York Times, William Zimmer, ”Seu trabalho possui uma literalidade

sedutora, formas sólidas contra um terreno impalpável. Johnson encena um ato de equilíbrio em seu

trabalho, explorando as sensações da vida, de modo que essas pinturas realmente se tornam uma força


Page 4: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


USA, 1945 - Lives and works between Mexico and Brazil

Gene Johnson began his painting career in New York City, and has participated in many group and solo

exhibitions in New York, Mexico, Paris, Madrid, Havana, Japan and Brazil. His work can be found in private,

corporate and museum collections in the US, Latin America and Europe. His painterly use of color, texture

and form  allude to his respect for traditional and expressive painters alike. His intense and energetic

application of paint embodies his paintings with a synthesis of emotion, intuition and sensuality. Rich

patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage.  His

collages are generally small in scale, giving them a sense of intimacy and playfulness, while his paintings are

of a larger scale, bold, and run the gamut from brilliant hues to the almost monochromatic… grays, whites and

blacks. Art Critic, John Yau says: “These are not paintings Johnson has made, but rather paintings he has

discovered in the process of making. In synthesizing geometric abstraction, process painting and graphic

fragments, Johnson has developed a language that is recognizably his own. It is an abstract visual language

that is fluent, flexible and emotional.” New York Times Art Critic, William Zimmer has said: “His work

possesses a beguiling literalness, solid forms against impalpable ground. Johnson stages a balancing act in

his work, mining the sensations of life, so that these paintings actually themselves become a spiritual force.”

Page 5: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


Qualquer obra, seja ela literária, musical ou plástica, é uma nova trama de citações ou vivências passadas.

O conceito de “arte de convergência” de Octavio Paz (Convergências, 1991), caracteriza a poesia como lugar

de intersecção de tempos, formas e espaços. Na medida em que capta as vozes que transitam na memória

coletiva, em textos existentes, músicas, fotografias ou vivências do espaço, apropriando-se dessas vozes,

para criar uma nova significação, a obra de arte é também campo para a intertextualidade. No espaço de

uma obra confluem todos os tipos de relações, uma vez que ela é, antes de tudo, um universo animado e,

de acordo com essa perspectiva, é capaz de catalizar as diversas manifestações sociais e culturais,

trazendo para o seu interior influências de pensadores, escritores e filósofos, assim como as recordações

de diversas impressões subjetivas. Desde um quadro de Picasso até os gráficos na bolacha de cerveja em

uma mesa de bar. Tentando abarcar quase de forma caótica as sensações e memórias, boas ou ruins, que

ficam guardadas em nós, Carlos Drummond de Andrade escreve em Resíduo:

De tudo ficou um pouco

Do meu medo. Do teu asco.

Dos gritos gagos. Da rosa

ficou um pouco


De tudo ficou um pouco:

de mim; de ti; de Abelardo.

Cabelo na minha manga,

de tudo ficou um pouco;

vento nas orelhas minhas,

simplório arroto, gemido

de víscera inconformada,

e minúsculos artefatos:

campânula, alvéolo, cápsula

de revólver... de aspirina.


…fica sempre um pouco de tudo.

Às vezes um botão. Às vezes um rato

Na exposição “Resíduos”, de Gene Johnson, resta um pouco dos lugares onde ele viveu, um pouco de Nova

Iorque, um pouco da Cidade do México, de São Paulo ou até de Ilhabela. Nas sobreposições de tintas,

texturas e cores, ficam desejos, lamentos e caminhos urbanos, transformados em geometrias, colagens e

estampas. Na mesma tela convivem de forma harmônica o fascínio de Gene pelas miudezas do chão, a

curiosidade pelas formas das escadas ou a paixão pela arquitetura. Nesta amalgama de tintas, cidades,

cores, memórias e sentimentos, Johnson criou uma linguagem própria, uma linguagem visual abstrata,

fluente, flexível e emocional. Suas obras não perseguem rumos pré definidos, mas exaltam seu processo

ou percurso, surgem das vibrações das pinceladas mescladas ao seu cotidiano, colocando-se, na prática,

contra a supervalorização do futuro e em favor da valorização do instante em que cada agora é um início e

um fim.

Paulo Kassab Jr.

Page 6: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


Any work of art –be it literature, music or visual arts– is a new weave of past quotations or experiences.

Octavio Paz's "art of convergence" concept (Convergences, 1991) characterizes poetry as an intersection

place of times, forms and spaces. The work of art is also a field for intertextuality insofar as it captures the

voices that pass through collective memory, in existing texts, songs, photographs or experiences of space,

appropriating these voices to create new meanings. In the artwork’s space, all kinds of relationships come

together. It is above all an animated universe and, according to this perspective, it is able to catalyze the

various social and cultural manifestations bringing to its interior the influence of thinkers, writers and

philosophers, as well as the memories of various subjective impressions: from a Picasso’s painting to the

design of a beermat on a bar table. In an attempt to embrace, almost in a chaotic way, the sensations and

memories, good or bad, which we hold inside us, Carlos Drummond de Andrade writes in Residue:

From everything a little remained.

From my fear. From your disgust.

From stifled cries. From the rose

a little remained.


From everything a little remained:

from me; from you; from Abelard.

Hair on my sleeve,

from everything a little remained;

wind in my ears,

burbing, rumbling

from an upset stomach,

and small artifacts:

bell jar, honeycomb, revolver

cartridge, aspirin tablet.


… from everything a little always remains.

Sometimes a button. Sometimes a rat.

In Gene Johnson’s "Residues" exhibition, a little of the places where he lived remains: a little of New York, a

little of Mexico City, São Paulo, and even Ilhabela. In the overlapping of paints, textures and colors, there

are desires, lamentations, and urban ways transformed into geometries, collages and prints. On the same

canvas, Gene's fascination with floors’ details, curiosity for staircases’ shapes, and passion for architecture

live together harmoniously. In this amalgam of paints, cities, colors, memories and feelings, Johnson

created his very own language –a visually abstract, fluent, flexible, and emotional one. His artworks do not

pursue predetermined directions, but they exalt their very own processes and trails. They arise from the

brushstrokes’ vibrations combined with the day-to-day putting themselves, in practice, against the

overvaluation of the future and for the valorization of the moment in which every now is a beginning and

an end.

Paulo Kassab Jr.

Page 7: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Japan Collage 4, 2018

Técnica mista

Mixed media

44 x 44 cm

Page 8: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Mechanic Assemblage, 2018



44 x 44 cm

Page 9: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Japan Collage 2, 2018

Técnica mista

Mixed media

44 x 44 cm

Page 10: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Japan Collage 3, 2018

Técnica mista

Mixed media

30 x 30 cm

Page 11: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Stepbalance, 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

132 x 100 cm

Page 12: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


DMT, 2018

Pigmento puro sobre papel

112 x 153 cm


Page 13: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Stepscape Illusion, 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

148 x 97 cm

Page 14: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


DMT, 2018

Pigmento puro sobre papel

112 x 153 cm


Page 15: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Degraus Azul, 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

172 x 142 cm

Page 16: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


DMT, 2018

Pigmento puro sobre papel

112 x 153 cm


Page 17: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Scoop, 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

120 x 100 cm

Page 18: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


Paisagem VI, 2017

Madeira e linha

98 x 98 cm


Page 19: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Preto Scape, 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

153 x 112 cm

Page 20: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them
Page 21: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them

Rice Paddy 2019

Acrílico sobre tela

Acrylic on Canvas

173 x 142 cm

Page 22: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them
Page 23: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them



Resíduos, Galeria Lume, São paulo, Brasil


Metamorphosis: Gene Johnson Collages, Museum of Art, Porto Alegre, Brasil


Harmon Modern, Paintings and Collages, Naples, Florida


Galeria Monica Filgueiras, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ramses Arte, Madrid, Spain


Galeria Monica Filgueiras, Collages, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Generator Gallery, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Harmon Meek Gallery, Naples, Florida

Galeria Monica Filgueiras, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Galeria Monica Filgueiras, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Zoho Gallery, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Galeria de la Cuesta, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Regina Pinho Escritorio de Arte, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Seneca Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico


Coyocan Centro Cultural, Mexico City, Mexico


Saatchi and Saatchi Gallery, New York City


Foster Harmon Gallery, Sarasota, Florida

Coyote Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Condeso/Lawler Gallery, New York City


Condeso/Lawler Gallery, New York City


Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, Florida


Gallerie Contemporanea, Jacksonville, Florida


Joan Hodgell Gallery, Sarasota, Florida


Estee Gallery, Toronto, Canada1982 Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, Florida



International Collage Exhibition, Retroavangarda Gallery, Warsaw, Poland


Himeji Biennial, Himeji, Japan

Eight Artists, Eight Chairs, La Huipilista Artspace, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Eros, Imagine Gallery, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Artists as Photographers, Museum of Art, Porto Alegre, Brasil


Brazilian Artists “16x20”, Museum Leusden, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Four Artists, Four Geometries, Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Gallery 46, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Alexander Salazar Gallery of Fine Art, San Diego, California


Biennal ARS Latina, Havana, Cuba

Generator Gallery, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Association Florence/l’Espace Commines, Paris, France

Galeria Monica Filgueiras, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Galeria 19, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Don Roll Gallery, Sarasota, Florida


Harmon Gallery, Sarasota, Florida


Coyocan Centro Cultural, Mexico City, Mexico


Pier Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois


Condeso/Lawler Gallery, New York City


Ringling College of Art, “Beyond Minimalism”, Sarasota, Florida


Albright Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York

Coyote Contemporary Arts, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Bridgewater Gallery, New York City


Condeso/Lawler Gallery, New York City


Joan Hodgell Gallery, Sarasota, Florida


Mint Museum, Biennal Exhibition, Charlotte, North Carolina


Jacksonville Art Museum, “Florida Painting ’82”, Jacksonville, Florida

Adley Gallery, “Art of Collage”, Sarasota, Florida

Marietta College, 15th Annual Invitation Exhibition, Marietta, Ohio

Columbia Museum of Art, “On, Of and About Paper”, Columbia, SC


Jacksonville Art Museum, All Florida Artists Exhibition, Jacksonville, FL

Page 24: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them



Jury selection of 21st Japan Media Arts Festival

Residence Homeostase at FABLAB Garagem in São Paulo. 3 months.


Award RUMOS Itaú Cultural. São Paulo, Brazil. Production grant.

Award XX Mostra de Arte Público, Valencia, Spain

Premios OA Foundation de arte electrónico experimental y seleccionados JUSTECH 15


EMARE prize to do a residence in Australia, Sydney at Creativity and Cognition Lab

Prêmio Edith-Russ-Haus Award for Emerging Media Artists Residencia e obra comissionada pelo Museu MAC , Espanha.


Bolsa da FAAP para fazer residencia na Cite des Arts em Paris.


Recebeu o VI ARCOmadrid/BEEP Electronic art Award.


Bolsa do MIS para fazer residencia artística no HANGAR em Barcelona por 3 meses.


Bolsa para fazer residencia artística no MIS, Museu de Imagem e do Som em São Paulo

Bolsa do Instituto Sacatar para fazer residência dno Taipei Artist Village em Taiwan, Taipei.


Bolsa do Mecad-ESDi, Barcelona , projeto CONNECTED MEMORIES no Proyecto Expansion Digital,

Bolsa Alban para fazer mestrado MA Digital Art and Technology at University of Plymouth, UK.


Premio menção honrosa na 6° Prêmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia em São Paulo, Brasil.


34º Anual de arte FAAP. Premio 1° colocado. Um ano de bolsa de estudos.



Technarte, Los Angeles. International Conference on Art + Tenology. USC, Los Angeles.

Mostra URBE Conferencia na Casa do Povo em São Paulo.


Bouillants>>>Art numérique, multimédia & citoyenneté. Rennes, France.


Experimenta Recharge. The 6th International Biennial of Media Art. Melbourne, Australia.

Creativity and Cognition Studios at UTS. Sydney, Australia.

Keynote at ICEC International Conference on Entertainment Computing in Sydney. Sydney, Australia.

Retune.14 Creative and Technology Conference. Berlin, Germany.

Interactivos: Responsive and immersive future technologies at MAC Birmingham, UK.

MAC Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa, La Coruña, Spain. 


Fotograma 13. Montevideo, Uruguay.


UFRJ, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de janeiro, Brazil.

Dorkbot Barcelona. Hangar, Barcelona, Spain.

MIS, Museum of Image and Sound. São Paulo, Brasil.

Taipei Photo Art Fair. Taipei, Taiwan. 


Fusion Folks. Taipei, Taiwan. 


FILE (International Festival of electronic language). São Paulo, Brazil.


Magic and Technology. Media Lab Madrid, Interactivos?, Spain.

Page 25: Gene Johnson Previe · patinas suggest a density of time and history.” Johnson alternately works in painting and collage. His collages are generally small in scale, giving them


+55 11 4883-0351