V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr. REDitor II General Editing Tutorial NBA 2K11 roster files 1

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Page 1: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

REDitor II General Editing Tutorial

NBA 2K11 roster files


Page 2: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.










Overriding Rotations.....................................................................................................................................................33



Draft Projection.............................................................................................................................................................36

Draftees Teams.............................................................................................................................................................37

Home Series..................................................................................................................................................................38

Hall of Fame..................................................................................................................................................................39

For more details about Injuries, Dunks, Layups and Animations, check their specific guides.


Page 3: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

PlayersRemember: Some Tendencies and Hotspots are grouped with others. And for some of these groups the summary of all Tendencies or Hotspots MUST be 100, otherwise it may lead to some bugs and accidents during the game. So be careful, while editing them, as they are not grouped in Editor.

ID Player’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Last_Name This field indicates player’s Last Name String.

First_Name This field indicates player’s First Name String.

NickName This field indicates player’s Nickname String.

PlType Defines player’s type

Enumerable.0 – Legend / Celebrity / etc1 – Slot for CT’s players*2 – Slot for CP*3 – Unknown4 – Regular NBA5 – Existing CP

Pos Player’s primary position

Enumerable.0 – Point Guard1 – Shooting Guard2 – Small Forward3 – Power Forward4 – Center

SecondPos Player’s secondary position

Enumerable.0 – Point Guard1 – Shooting Guard2 – Small Forward3 – Power Forward4 – Center5 – Not set

Height Represents player’s height. Metric system used (centimeters)Integer positive.Min: 128 cm, Max: 383 cm

Weight Represents player’s weight. Imperial system used (pounds)

Integer positive.Min: 128 pounds, Max: 512 pounds. Maybe Min and Max values are different. Check this, please

BirthDay Player’s birth day of the month.Integer positive.Min: 1 (0 in theory), Max: 31

BirthMonth Player’s birth month.

Integer positive.Min: 1 (0 in theory), Max: 12 (15 in theory), Where:1 – January2 – February …12 - December

BirthYearPlayer’s birth year.!!!For Draft Classes this field represents player’s age.

Integer positive.Min: 1792 (0 for DCs*), Max: 2047 (255 for DCs*)

Hand Player’s dominant handEnumerable.0 – Left, 1 – Right

PortrID If player has a Portait Face, it’s ID is defined by this value.

Integer.Min: 0Max: 9999 in theory, But not all values from the interval 0..9999 are correct. If there is a file called pngXXXX.iff in NBA 2K11 folder, where XXXX – some value between 0 and 9999, this value can be correctly assigned to this field, otherwise some bugs inside the game may happen.

Default:3030 (the portrait will be generated by the game)


Page 4: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

GenericFDefines, whether the player has a Generic Face (created with NBA 2K10 CAP* feature) or a Cyber Face (unique face, which data is stored in separate file in game folder).

Boolean.0 – Cyber Face1 – Generic Face

CF_IDIf player has Cyber Face, it’s ID is defined by this value. If player has Generic Face, this value doesn’t affect anything.

Integer.Min: 0 (-1 means that no CF assigned), Max: 9999 in theory, But not all values from the interval 0.9999 are correct. If there is a file called pngXXXX.iff in NBA 2K11 folder, where XXXX – some value between 0 and 9999, this value can be correctly assigned to this field, otherwise some bugs inside the game may happen.

AudioID Audio stories, told in the game by the commentatorsInteger.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = 65535

AudioID2 Audio, which the speeker screams after the player dunks, etc.Integer.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = 65535

YearsPro How many years the player have played in NBA.

Integer positive.0 – ???, 1 – Rookie year, 2 to 32 – Amount of years played, Maybe Max value is different. Check this, please

CollegeID Represented as a College's ID from College tab-sheet.Integer positive.Min: See College section, Max = See College section

DraftedBy ID of a team, which the player was drafted byInteger.-1 – Undrafted, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

DraftYear Year, when player was draftedInteger positive.Min: 1947, Max: 2155

DraftRound Round, the player was drafted in

Enumerable.0 – Undrafted1 – 1st round2 – 2nd round … Max (theory): 7

DraftPos Player’s position on the DraftInteger positive.Min – 0Max – 63

Personality Player’s personality

Enumerable.0 – Unpredictable1 – Laid Back2 – Neutral3 – Expressive

Loyalty How loyal the player is

Integer positive.The more the value – the more loyal the player is, Min: 0, Max: 6 (in-game), 7 (theory)

Play4Winner How important it is for player to win games

Integer positive.The more the value – the more important it is to win, Min: 0, Max: 6 (in-game), 7 (theory), , ,

HS_ID (Head Shape ID)

Represented as a Headshape's ID from Headshape tab-sheet.Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Headshape tab – 1

SkinToneDefines player’s Skin Tone (for players with Cyber Face, it mostly affects their legs and torso and slightly affects arms and head; for players with Generic Face it affects their whole body).

Enumerable.Min: 0, Max: 5The more the value, the lighter is skin.

Muscles How ripped player’s muscles are.Enumerable.0 – Buff1 – Ripped

EyeColor Player’s eyes’ color

Enumerable.0 – Blue1 – Brown2 – Green3 – Hazel4 – Amber5 – Gray


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Bodytype Stands for player’s body and figure

Enumerable.0 to 2 – Slim3 to 4 – Athleti5 to 7 – Fat guy

CAP_Hcut CAP Face - HaircutInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 44

CAP_Hcol CAP Face - Hair ColorInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 15

CAP_Fhcol CAP Face - Facial Hair ColorInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 15

CAP_BStle CAP Face - Beard StyleInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 13

CAP_Moust CAP Face - MoustacheInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 7

CAP_Goate CAP Face - GoateeInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 20

CAP_Eyebr CAP Face - EyebrowsInteger positive.Min: 0Max: 4

Number Defines player’s uniform number.Integer positive.Min = 0, Max = 100

IsFA Defines if the player is in the free agent poolBoolean.0 – Not in free agent pool1 – In free agent pool

TeamID1Defines a team, the player is assigned to. Though, the purpose of this field is unknown of now

Integer.-1 – not assigned to a team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

TeamID2Defines a team, the player is assigned to. Though, the purpose of this field is unknown of now

Integer.-1 – not assigned to a team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

TeamID3Defines a team, the player is assigned to. Though, the purpose of this field is unknown of now

Integer.-1 – not assigned to a team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

MinsAsg (Minutes Assigned)

Defines the amount of playing time, assigned to the player (by coach).!!!This column is hidden after purchasing Developer or Full license

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 48

InjDaysLeft Days, left until recovery (used, when InjType <> 0)Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 65535

InjType Type of injury the player hasInteger positive.Check Injury Guide.

SShtIns (Skill Shot Inside)

Shot InsideDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtCls (Skill Shot Close)

Shot CloseDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtMed (Skill Shot Medium)

Mid–Range ShootingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SSht3PT (Skill Shot 3-Points)

3–PointersDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtFT (Skill Shot Free Throws)

Free ThrowsDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtLoP (Skill Shot Low Post)

Shot Low PostDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

SLayUp Lay–UpsDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDunk DunkingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SStdDunk (Skill Standing Dunk)

Standing DunkDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtInT (Skill Shoot In Traffic)

Shot In TrafficDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SShtOfD (Skill Shoot Off-Dribble)

Shot Off–DribbleDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SHustle HustleDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SBHandle (Skill Ball Handling)

Ball–HandlingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SOffHDrib (Skill Off Hand Dribble)

Off (non–dominant) Hand DribbleDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SBallSec (Skill Ball Security)

Ball SecurityDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SPass PassDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SOClutch (Skill Offensive Clutch)

Offensive ClutchDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDClutch Defensive ClutchDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SOLowPost Offensive Low Post SkillsDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDLowPost Defensive Low Post SkillsDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SBlock Shot–blocking skillDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SHands How little hole–ridden player’s hands are J Double positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SSteal Stealing skillDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SSpeed Maximum speedDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SStamina StaminaDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SEmotion How emotional the player isDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SVertical Vertical jumpingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

SOReb (Skill Offensive Rebounding)

Offensive ReboundingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDReb Defensive ReboundingDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDurab (Skill Durability)

DurabilityDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SDAwar (Skill Defensive Awareness)

Defensive AwarenessDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SOAwar Offensive AwarenessDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SConsis (Skill Consistency)

ConsistencyDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SOnBallD (Skill On-Ball Defense)

On–Ball DefenseDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SQuick (Skill Quickness)

QuicknessDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SPOT (Skill Potential)

Player’s potentialDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

SStrength How strong the player isDouble positive for all skills, Min: 25, Max: 110.3 (theory), 99 (in–game), Step: 0.3

TShtTend (Tendency - Shooting - Shot Tendency)

Shooting – Shot Tendency (how often does the player takes shots)Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TInsShots (Tendency - Shooting - Inside Shots)

Shooting – Inside Shots (the more the value – the more inside shots will be taken by the player, decreasing the amount of shot from other distances; the same is about the other fields of Shooting tendencies group)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TCloseSht (Tendency - Shooting - Close Shots)

Shooting – Close ShotsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TMidShots (Tendency - Shooting - Mid-Range Shots)

Shooting – Mid–Range ShotsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

T3PTShots (Tendency - Shooting - 3-Point Shots)

Shooting – 3–Point ShotsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDriveLn (Tendency - Drive Lane vs. Spot Up)

Drive Lane vs. Spot UpInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDriveRvL (Tendency - Drive Right vs. Left)

Drive Right vs. LeftInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPullUp (Tendency - Pull Up vs. Penetrate)

Pull Up vs. PenetrateInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPumpFake (Tendency - Setup Pre-Dribble - Pump Fake

Setup Pre–Dribble – Pump Fake (how often the player will pump fake before dribbling)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TTripleTh (Tendency - Perform Triple-Threat Moves)

Setup Pre–Dribble - Perform Triple–Threat Moves (how often the player will perform Triple-Threat moves before dribbling)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TNoTT (Tendency - Setup Pre-Dribble - No 3-Threat Moves)

Setup Pre–Dribble – No Triple–Threat Moves (how often the player will simply start dribbling without performing any pre-dribble moves)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)


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TTrpTSht (Tendency - Various Shots - Triple Threat Shot)

Various Shots – Triple Threat Shot (how often the player shoots from triple threat)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSizeUp (Tendency - Setup Dribble - SizeUp)

Setup Dribble – SizeUp (player’s tendency to perform sizeup moves while dribbling)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THesitat (Tendency - Setup Dribble - Hesitation)

Setup Dribble – Hesitation (player’s tendency to perform a hesitation while dribbling)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TStrghtDr (Tendency - Setup Dribble - Straight Dribble)

Setup Dribble – Straight Dribble (player’s tendency to just dribble without performing sizeup moves or hesitation)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TCrossov (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Crossover)

Dribble Penetration – Crossover (player’s tendency to perform a crossover while dribbling; the same is about the other fields of Dribble Penetration tendencies group)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSpin (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Spin)

Dribble Penetration – SpinInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TStepBack (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Step Back)

Dribble Penetration – Step BackInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THalfSpin (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Half Spin)

Dribble Penetration – Half SpinInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDblCross (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Double Cross)

Dribble Penetration – Double CrossInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TBhndBack (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Behind The Back)

Dribble Penetration – Behind The BackInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THesCross (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Hesitation Cross)

Dribble Penetration – Hesitation CrossInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TInAndOut (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - In And Out)

Dribble Penetration – In And OutInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDPSimpDr (Tendency - Dribble Penetration - Simple Drive)

Dribble Penetration – Simple Drive (player’s tendency to simply dribble without performing any special moves)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TAttackB (Tendency - Dribble Finish - Attack The Basket)

Dribble Finish – Attack The Basket (player’s tendency to attack the basket after the drive)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPassOut (Tendency - Dribble Finish - Pass Out)

Dribble Finish – Pass Out (player’s tendency to pass out after the drive)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THopStep (Tendency - Finishing Move - Hop Step)

Finishing Move – Hop Step (player’s tendency to perform Hop Step as a finishing dribbling move)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TFMSimpDr (Tendency - Finishing Move - Simple Drive)

Finishing Move – Simple Drive (player’s tendency to just finish dribbling without performing a Hop Step)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSpinLUp (Tendency - Finishing Move - Spin Lay Up)

Finishing Move - Spin Lay UpInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TEuroStep (Tendency - Finishing Move - Euro Step)

Finishing Move - Euro StepInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TJumper (Tendency - ShotType - Jumper)

ShotType – Jumper (the more the value – the more jumpers will be taken by the player, decreasing the amount of other shot types; the same is about the other fields of ShotType tendencies group)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TLeaner (Tendency - ShotType - Leaner)

ShotType – LeanerInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

TRunner (Tendency - ShotType - Runner)

ShotType – RunnerInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TFadeaway (Tendency - ShotType - Fadeaways)

ShotType – FadeawaysInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDrifter (Tendency - ShotType - Drifter)

ShotType – DrifterInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDunk (Tendency - InsideShot - Dunk)

InsideShot – Dunk (player’s tendency to attempt dunks)Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TTouches (Tendency - Freelance - Touches)

Freelance - TouchesInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TUsePick (Tendency - Freelance - Use Pick)

Freelance – Use Pick (player’s tendency to use pick-and-roll (as roll man) while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSetPick (Tendency - Freelance - Set Pick)

Freelance – Set Pick (player’s tendency to set picks while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TIsolat (Tendency - Freelance - Isolation)

Freelance – Isolation (player’s tendency to isolate while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TUseOBScr (Tendency - Freelance - Use Off Ball Screen)

Freelance – Use Off Ball Screen (player’s tendency to use off ball screen while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSetOBScr (Tendency - Freelance - Set Off Ball Screen)

Freelance - Set Off Ball ScreenInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPostUp (Tendency - Freelance - Post Up)

Freelance – Post Up (player’s tendency to post up while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSpotUp (Tendency - Freelance - Spot Up)

Freelance – Spot Up (player’s tendency to spot up while moving without a ball)

Integer positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TSelfPost (Tendency - Various Shots - Self Post)

Various Shots – Self PostInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TQuickSpn (Tendency - Post Moves - Quick Spin)

Post Moves – Quick SpinInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDropStep Post Moves – Drop StepInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TStepThru (Tendency - Post Moves - Step Through)

Post Moves – Step ThroughInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TUp_Under (Tendency - Post Moves - Up And Under)

Post Moves – Up And UnderInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TFaceUp Post Moves – Face UpInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TBackDown Post Moves – Back DownInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TNoMove (Tendency - Post Moves - Perform Nothing)

Post Moves – Perform NothingInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THookShot (Tendency - Post Shot - Hook Shot)

Post Shot – Hook ShotInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TRollShot (Tendency - Post Shot - Roll Shot)

Post Shot – Roll ShotInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

TStepAway (Tendency - Post Shot - Step Away)

Post Shot - Step AwayInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPutbacks (Tendency - Shooting - Putbacks)

Shooting – PutbacksInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TFlshPass (Tendency - Passing - Flashy Passes)

Passing – Flashy PassesInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TAlleyOop (Tendency - Various Shots - Alley-Oops)

Various Shots – Alley–OopsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TDrawFoul (Tendency - Defense - Try To Draw a Foul)

Defense – Try To Draw a FoulInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPassLane (Tendency - Defense - Steal in Passing Lanes)

Defense – Steal in Passing LanesInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TTakeChrg (Tendency - Defense - Take Charge)

Defense – Take ChargeInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TOnBalStl (Tendency - Defense - Steal On Ball)

Defense – Steal On BallInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TContShts (Tendency - Defense - Contest Shots)

Defense – Contest ShotsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TCommFoul (Tendency - Defense - Commit Fouls)

Defense – Commit FoulsInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

THardFoul (Tendency - Defense - Foul Hard)

Defense – Foul HardInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPutbDunks (Tendency - Shooting - Putback Dunks)

Shooting - Putback DunksInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TUseGlass (Tendency - Various Shots - Use Glass)

Various Shots - Use GlassInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TStpbJmpr (Tendency - Shot Type - Stepback Jumper)

Shot Type - Stepback JumperInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TPUpJmpr (Tendency - Shot Type - Pull Up Jumper)

Shot Type - Pull Up JumperInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TRevPivotJ (Tendency - Shot Type - Reverse Pivot Jumper)

Shot Type - Reverse Pivot JumperInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TInsUpfake (Tendency - Inside Shot - Inside Upfake)

Inside Shot - Inside UpfakeInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TThrowAO (Tendency - Passing - Throw Alley-Oop)

Passing - Throw Alley-OopInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

TGiveGo (Tendency - Freelance - Give and Go)

Freelance - Give and GoInteger positive for all tendencies, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HIso3PLft (HotSpots - Isolation - 3PT Left)

Isolation - 3PT LeftInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HIso3PCtr (HotSpots - Isolation - 3PT Center)

Isolation - 3PT CenterInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

HIso3PRgt (HotSpots - Isolation - 3PT Right)

Isolation - 3PT RightInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HIsoHPLft (HotSpots - Isolation - High Post Left)

Isolation - High Post LeftInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HIsoHPCtr (HotSpots - Isolation - High Post Center)

Isolation - High Post CenterInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HIsoHPRgt (HotSpots - Isolation - High Post Right)

Isolation - High Post RightInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSpt3PLCr (HotSpots - Spot Up - 3PT Left Corner)

Spot Up - 3PT Left CornerInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSpt3PLWg (HotSpots - Spot Up - 3PT Left Wing)

Spot Up - 3PT Left WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSpt3PTop (HotSpots - Spot Up - 3PT Top)

Spot Up - 3PT TopInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSpt3PRWg (HotSpots - Spot Up - 3PT Right Wing)

Spot Up - 3PT Right WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSpt3PRCr (HotSpots - Spot Up - 3PT Right Corner)

Spot Up - 3PT Right CornerInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSptMdLBl (HotSpots - Spot Up - Mid Left Baseline)

Spot Up - Mid Left BaselineInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSptMdLWg (HotSpots - Spot Up - Mid Left Wing)

Spot Up - Mid Left WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSptMdCtr (HotSpots - Spot Up - Mid Center)

Spot Up - Mid CenterInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSptMdRWg (HotSpots - Spot Up - Mid Right Wing)

Spot Up - Mid Right WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HSptMdRBl (HotSpots - Spot Up - Mid Right Baseline)

Spot Up - Mid Right WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HP_rLCrnr (HotSpots - Pick & Roll - Left Corner)

Pick & Roll - Left CornerInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HP_rLWing (HotSpots - Pick & Roll - Left Wing)

Pick & Roll - Left WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HP_rTopOA (HotSpots - Pick & Roll - Top Of Arc)

Pick & Roll - Top Of ArcInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HP_rRWing (HotSpots - Pick & Roll - Right Wing)

Pick & Roll - Right WingInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HP_rRCrnr (HotSpots - Pick & Roll - Right Corner)

Pick & Roll - Right CornerInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HPstRHigh (HotSpots - Post - Right High Post)

Post - Right High PostInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HPstLHigh (HotSpots - Post - Left High Post)

Post - Left High PostInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)


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HPstRLow (HotSpots - Post - Right Low Post)

Post - Right Low PostInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

HPstLLow (HotSpots - Post - Left Low Post)

Post - Left Low PostInteger positive for all hotspots, Min: 0, Max: 255 (theory), 99 (in–game)

ALayUp (Animation (Signature) - LayUp Package)

Player’s LayUp PackageEnumerable.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADunk (Animation - Dunk Package)

Player’s Dunk PackageEnumerable.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AFreeT (Animation - Free Throws)

Free Throws AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk1 (Animation - Special Dunk 1)

Special Dunk 1 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk2 Special Dunk 2 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk3 Special Dunk 3 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk4 Special Dunk 4 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk5 Special Dunk 5 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk6 Special Dunk 6 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk7 Special Dunk 7 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk8 Special Dunk 8 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk9 Special Dunk 9 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ASpcDnk10 Special Dunk 10 AnimationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbCroOv (Animation - Dribble Moves - Crossover)

Dribble Moves - CrossoverHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbBhndB (Animation - Dribble Moves - Behind Back)

Dribble Moves - Behind BackHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbSpin (Animation - Dribble Moves - Spin)

Dribble Moves - SpinHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbStpBk (Animation - Dribble Moves - Stepback)

Dribble Moves - StepbackHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbHesit (Animation - Dribble Moves - Hesitation)

Dribble Moves - HesitationHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbSzupL (Animation - Dribble Moves - Sizeup Left)

Dribble Moves - Sizeup LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbSzupR (Animation - Dribble Moves - Sizeup Right)

Dribble Moves - Sizeup RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbSzupF (Animation - Dribble Moves - Sizeup Forward)

Dribble Moves - Sizeup ForwardHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbSzupB (Animation - Dribble Moves - Sizeup Back)

Dribble Moves - Sizeup BackHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

AShtJumpr (Animation - Shots - Jumper)

Shots - JumperHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtRunnr (Animation - Shots - Runner)

Shots - RunnerHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtLeanr (Animation - Shots - Leaner)

Shots - LeanerHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSIRnFlt (Animation - Momentum Shots Inside - Running Floater)

Momentum Shots Inside - Running FloaterHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSIRnFd (Animation - Momentum Shots Inside - Running Fade)

Momentum Shots Inside - Running FadeHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSIRnSps (Animation - Momentum Shots Inside - Running Spinshot)

Momentum Shots Inside - Running SpinshotHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSIRnHk (Animation - Momentum Shots Inside - Running Hook)

Momentum Shots Inside - Running HookHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtFadAw (Animation - Shots - Fadeaway)

Shots - FadeawayHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtContL (Animation - Shots - Contested Left)

Shots - Contested LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtContR (Animation - Shots - Contested Right)

Shots - Contested RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSODrftL (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Drift Left)

Momentum Shots Outside - Drift LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSODrftR (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Drift Right)

Momentum Shots Outside - Drift RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtPstRL (Animation - Shots - Post Roll Left)

Shots - Post Roll LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtPstRR (Animation - Shots - Post Roll Right)

Shots - Post Roll RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtPstHL (Animation - Shots - Post Hook Left)

Shots - Post Hook LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AShtPstHR (Animation - Shots - Post Hook Right)

Shots - Post Hook RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSOSpnJL (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Spin Jumper Left)

Momentum Shots Outside - Spin Jumper LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSOSpnJR (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Spin Jumper Right)

Momentum Shots Outside - Spin Jumper RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

AMSOStbJL (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Stepback Jumper Left)

Momentum Shots Outside - Stepback Jumper LeftHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.


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AMSOStbJR (Animation - Momentum Shots Outside - Stepback Jumper Right)

Momentum Shots Outside - Stepback Jumper RightHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

ADrbGathr (Animation - Dribble Moves - Gather)

Dribble Moves - GatherHexadecimal string.Check REDitor II Animation Guide.

CClrYears (Contract - Clear Years)

Number of player’s clear (without any +1 or +2 options) contract years

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 7, , , ,

CRole (Contract - Role)

Player role

Enumerable.0 – Bench Warmer1 – Prospect2 – Roll Player3 – Sixth Man4 – Starter5 – Star

COption (Contract - Option)

Player’s contract option

Enumerable.0 – No1 – Team2 – Player3 – 2Yr Team

CNoTrade (Contract - No Trade)

No trade clause of the contractBoolean.0 – Not included1 – Included

CYear1 (Contract - Year 1 Cash)

Contract money for the 1st yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear2 (Contract - Year 2 Cash)

Contract money for the 2nd yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear3 (Contract - Year 3 Cash)

Contract money for the 3rd yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear4 (Contract - Year 4 Cash)

Contract money for the 4th yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear5 (Contract - Year 5 Cash)

Contract money for the 5th yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear6 (Contract - Year 6 Cash)

Contract money for the 6th yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear7 (Contract - Year 7 Cash)

Contract money for the 7th yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

CYear8 (Contract - Year 8 Money)

Contract money for the 8th yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296

GHeadband (Gear (Accessories) - Headband)

Gear (Accessories) - HeadbandEnumerable.0 – Player wears team-colored headband, 1 – Player doesn’t wear a headband

GLftArBnd (Gear - Left Arm Bend)

Gear - Left Arm Bend

Enumerable.0 – None1 - White Sleeve2 - Black Sleeve3 - Team Sleeve4 - 2nd Team Sleeve5 - White Short Sleeve6 - Black Short Sleeve7 - Team Short Sleeve8 - 2nd Team Short Sleeve

GRgtArBnd (Gear - Right Arm Bend)

Gear - Right Arm Bend The same as for GLftArBnd, , ,


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GLftElbPd (Gear - Left Elbow Pad)

Gear - Left Elbow Pad

Enumerable.0 - None1 - White Pad2 - Black Pad3 - Team Pad4 - 2nd Team Pad5 - White Sleeve6 - Black Sleeve7 - Team Sleeve8 - 2nd Team Sleeve9 - White Small Band10 - Black Small Band11 - Team Small Band12 - 2nd Team Small Band13 - White Large Band14 - Black Large Band15 - Team Large Band16 - 2nd Large Team Band17 - White Brace18 - Black Brace19 - Team Brace20 - 2nd Brace

GRgtElbPd (Gear - Right Elbow Pad)

Gear - Right Elbow Pad The same as for GLftElbPd

GLftHand (Gear - Left Hand)

Gear - Left Hand

Enumerable.0 - None1 - White 2 - Black 3 - Team 4 - 2nd Team

GRgtHand (Gear - Right Hand)

Gear - Right Hand The same as for GLftHand

GLftWrBnd (Gear - Left Wrist Band)

Gear - Left Wrist Band

Enumerable.0 - None1 - White Forearm Band2 - Black Forearm Band3 - Team Forearm Band4 - 2nd Team Forearm Band5 - White Wrist Band6 - Black Wrist Band7 - Team Wrist Band8 - 2nd Team Wrist Band9 - White Double Wrist Band10 - Black Double Wrist Band11 - Team Double Wrist Band12 - 2nd Team Double Wrist Band13 - White Rubberband14 - Black Rubberband15 - Team Rubberband16 - 2nd Team Rubberband17 - White Double Rubberband18 - Black Double Rubberband19 - Team Double Rubberband20 - 2nd Team Double Rubberband

GRgtWrBnd (Gear - Right Wrist Band)

Gear - Right Wrist Band The same as for GLftWrBnd


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GLftKnPad (Gear - Left Knee Pad)

Gear - Left Knee Pad

Enumerable.0 - None1 - White Pad2 - Black Pad3 - Team Pad4 - 2nd Team Pad5 - White Brace6 - Black Brace7 - Team Brace8 - 2nd Team Brace9 - White Sleeve10 - Black Sleeve11 - Team Sleeve12 - 2nd Team Sleeve13 - White Strap14 - Black Strap15 - Team Strap16 - 2nd Team Strap17 - White Calf Sleeve18 - Black Calf Sleeve19 - Team Calf Sleeve20 - 2nd Team Calf Sleeve21 - White Leg Sleeve22 - Black Leg Sleeve23 - Team Leg Sleeve24 - 2nd Team Leg Sleeve25 - White Half Calf Sleeve26 - Black Half Calf Sleeve27 - Team Half Calf Sleeve28 - 2nd Team Half Calf Sleeve

GRgtKnPad (Gear - Right Knee Pad)

Gear - Right Knee Pad The same as for GLftKnPad

GLftAnkle (Gear - Left Ankle)

Gear - Left Ankle

Enumerable.0 - None1 - White Ankle Brace2 - Black Ankle Brace3 - Team Ankle Brace4 - 2nd Team Ankle Brace

GRgtAnkle (Gear - Right Ankle)

Gear - Right Ankle The same as for GLftAnkle

GSockLngh (Gear - Sock Length)

Gear - Socks Length

Enumerable.0 – Ankle Socks1 – Short2 – Medium3 – Long

GUndrShrt (Gear - Undershirt)

Gear – Under Shirt

Enumerable.0 – None1 – White Under Shirt2 – Black Under Shirt3 – Team-Colored Under Shirt4 – 2nd Team-Colored Under Shirt

GShorts (Gear - Shorts)

Gear – Shorts

Enumerable.0 – None1 – White Pressure Shorts2 – Black Pressure Shorts3 – Team-Colored Pressure Shorts4 – 2nd Team-Colored Pressure Shorts

GShsBrand (Gear - Shoes - Brand)

Shoes - Brand

Enumerable.0 – Generic1 – Nike2 – adidas3 – Jordan4 – Converse5 – Reebok

GShsModel (Gear - Shoes - Model)

Shoes - Model

Enumerable.Min values: 0, Max value is defined by existing shoes files in game-folder, Files named shoe_Xyy_00.iff stand for shoes’ data, where X is brand ID, yy – model ID

GShsUCusC (Gear - Shoes - Use Custom Colors)

Shoes - Use Custom ColorsBoolean.0 – Use Team Colors1 – Use Custom Colors


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GShsHCol1 (Gear - Shoes - Home Trim Color 1)

Shoes - Home Trim Color 1 (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB, Where RR – double digit hexadecimal red color, GG – green color, BB – blue color.

GShsHCol2 (Gear - Shoes - Home Trim Color 2)

Shoes - Home Trim Color 2 (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB

GShsHCol3 (Gear - Shoes - Home Dominant Color)

Shoes - Home Dominant Color (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB

GShsACol1 (Gear - Shoes - Away Trim Color 1)

Shoes - Away Trim Color 1 (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB

GShsACol2 (Gear - Shoes - Away Trim Color 2)

Shoes - Away Trim Color 2 (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB

GShsACol3 (Gear - Shoes - Away Dominant Color)

Shoes - Away Dominant Color (used, when Custom Colors are turned on)

Hexadecimal string.Represents the color in format RRGGBB


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ID Arena's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

FullName This field stands for arena’s full name String.

ShortName This field stands for arena’s short name String.

AType1 Arena Type 1Integer positive.Min 0, Max 15

AType2 Arena Type 2Integer positive.Min 0, Max 3

FloorID Floor ID used in the Arena

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 1023 in theory, But not all values from the interval 0-1023 are correct. If there is a file called fXXX.iff in NBA 2K11 folder, where XXX – some value between 0 and 1023, this value can be correctly assigned to this field, otherwise some bugs inside the game may happen.

SomeID Some unknown ID ?

Model3D This field stands for arena’s 3D Model and some other parameters. String.

LED This field stands for arena’s LED (lightings???) file. String.

RglrAd This field stands for arena’s adverts during the regular season String.

POsAd This field stands for arena’s adverts during the Play-Offs String.

FinalsAd This field stands for arena’s adverts during the Finals String.

City This field stands for the city, the arena is located in. String.

CityAbbr This field stands for the city abbreviation, the arena is located in. String.

SomeNameThis field stands for some arena’s name. All arenas have 2 (empty name by default) here, except LAC and LAL.


StAbbr This field stands for the state abbreviation, the arena is located in. String.

CapacityArena’s capacity. Purposes of this value are not known, but setting it to 0 will give you empty stands, other values have no effect.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 65535


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ID Team’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Name This field indicates team’s Name String.

City This field indicates team’s City String.

City2 This field indicates team’s alternative City String.

Abbr This field indicates team’s Name abbreviation String.

Nick This field indicates team’s Nickname String.

Logo This field indicates the name of the Logo used by the each team String.

Year Used for historical teamsInteger positive.0 - Regular NBA teams, XX - historical team year

TType(Team type)

Defines the team type.

Enumerable.0 – Regular1 - Team Jordan2 – CAT3 - All-Star4 – Blacktop5,6 - some special teams7 - non-used 8 - Rookies/Sophomores9 – Chinese10 - Summer League (?)11 - non-used12 - Historical (Jordan Mode)

IsHidden Determines if the team is hiddenBoolean.0 – No1 – Yes

Division Defines the division the team belongs to.

Enumerable.0 – Atlantic Division (Regular NBA)1 – Central Division (Regular NBA)2 – South-East Division (Reg NBA)3 – South-West Division (Reg NBA)4 – North-West Division (Reg NBA)5 – Pacific Division (Regular NBA)6 – Eastern Conference (D-League)7 – Western Conference(D-League)8 – Legendary Team9 – All-Star Team10 – Rookies/Draft Class/Bonus/Blacktop/Created Team11 – Summer League Team (???)

GID (Graphics ID)

Team’s Graphics ID. This stands for the set of uniforms, used by the team.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 65535

SomeID1 Some unknown ID ?

AudioID Audio used in-game for each associated nameInteger.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = ?

SomeID2 Some unknown ID ?

ArenaID Default arena for the team.Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Number of Records on Arenas tab sheet – 1

Rival1 Defines a team's first rivalInteger.-1 = no rival, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

Rival2 Defines a team's second rivalInteger.-1 = no rival, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

Rival3 Defines a team's third rivalInteger.-1 = no rival, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1


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RelTeam1 (Related Team 1)

Used by D-league teams. Defines the first NBA team each D-league team is related to.

Integer.-1 = no related team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

RelTeam2 (Related Team 2)

Used by D-league teams. Defines the second NBA team each D-league team is related to.

Integer.-1 = no related team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

RelTeam3 (Related Team 3)

Used by D-league teams. Defines the third NBA team each D-league team is related to.

Integer.-1 = no related team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

RelTeam4 (Related Team 4)

Used by NBA teams. Defines the D-league team each NBA team is related to.

Integer.-1 = no related team, Min: 0, Max: Number of records in Teams tab – 1

SomeRelT (Some Related Team)

Some unkown team ?

Chemistry Team chemistry valueInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 999999 (Max in-game: 1000)


Number of players on Team’s rotation.!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!Change this value, if you wish to change the actual number of players.!!!Remember, that setting -1 for Subs’ and Reserves’ IDs will lead to game crash, if this value is not adjusted

Integer positive.Min: 5 (?), Max: 15

Rot1_PGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Point Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_SGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Shooting Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_SFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Small Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_PFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Power Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_CRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Center.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S6Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 6th player (substitution player #1).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S7Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 7th player (substitution player #2).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S8Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 8th player (substitution player #3).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S9Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 9th player (substitution player #4).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S10Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 10th player (substitution player #5).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S11Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 11th player (substitution player #6).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_S12Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 12th player (substitution player #7).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R13Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 13th player (first reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R14Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (second reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R15Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (third reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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Rot1_R16Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 13th player (fourth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R17Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (fifth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R18Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (sixth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R19Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (seventh reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot1_R20Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (eighth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_PGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Point Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_SGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Shooting Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_SFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Small Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_PFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Power Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_CRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Center.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S6Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 6th player (substitution player #1).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S7Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 7th player (substitution player #2).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S8Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 8th player (substitution player #3).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S9Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 9th player (substitution player #4).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S10Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 10th player (substitution player #5).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S11Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 11th player (substitution player #6).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_S12Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 12th player (substitution player #7).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R13Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 13th player (first reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R14Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (second reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R15Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (third reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R16Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 13th player (fourth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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Rot2_R17Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (fifth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R18Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (sixth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R19Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 14th player (seventh reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Rot2_R20Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 15th player (eighth reserve player)

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Strt_PG (Situationals - Starter - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Starting - Point Guard!!!I consider this should be equal to Rotation_PG value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Strt_SG (Situationals - Starter - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Starting – Shooting Guard!!!I consider this should be equal to Rotation_SG value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Strt_SF (Situationals - Starter - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Starting – Small Forward!!!I consider this should be equal to Rotation_SF value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Strt_PF (Situationals - Starter - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Starting – Power Forward!!!I consider this should be equal to Rotation_PF value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Strt_C (Situationals - Starter - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Starting – Center!!!I consider this should be equal to Rotation_C value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Bnch_PG (Situationals - Bench - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Bench – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Bnch_SG (Situationals - Bench - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Bench – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Bnch_SF (Situationals - Bench - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Bench – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Bnch_PF (Situationals - Bench - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Bench – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Bnch_C (Situationals - Bench - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Bench – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1, , ,

Sit_Tall_PG (Situationals - Tall - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Tall – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Tall_SG (Situationals - Tall - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Tall – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Tall_SF (Situationals - Tall - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Tall – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Tall_PF (Situationals - Tall - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Tall – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Tall_C (Situationals - Tall - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Tall – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Quck_PG (Situationals - Quick - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Quick – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Quck_SG (Situationals - Quick - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Quick – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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Sit_Quck_SF (Situationals - Quick - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Quick – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Quck_PF (Situationals - Quick - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Quick – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Quck_C (Situationals - Quick - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Quick – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Dfns_PG (Situationals - Defense - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Defense – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1,

Sit_Dfns_SG (Situationals - Defense - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Defense – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Dfns_SF (Situationals - Defense - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Defense – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Dfns_PF (Situationals - Defense - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Defense – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_Dfns_C (Situationals - Defense - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Defense – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_3PT_PG (Situationals - 3-Point - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – 3-Pointers – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_3PT_SG (Situationals - 3-Point - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – 3-Pointers – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_3PT_SF (Situationals - 3-Point - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – 3-Pointers – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_3PT_PF (Situationals - 3-Point - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – 3-Pointers – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_3PT_C (Situationals - 3-Point - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – 3-Pointers – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_FT_PG (Situationals - Free Throw - PG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Free Throws – Point Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_FT_SG (Situationals - Free Throw - SG)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Free Throws – Shooting Guard

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1,

Sit_FT_SF (Situationals - Free Throw - SF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Free Throws – Small Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_FT_PF (Situationals - Free Throw - PF)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Free Throws – Power Forward

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Sit_FT_C (Situationals - Free Throw - C)

Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for Situationals – Free Throws – Center

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

Staff_HC (Staff - Head Coach)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for Head Coach of the team

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Staff_AC (Staff - Assistant Coach)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for Assistant Coach of the team

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Staff_SPr2 (Staff - Prospect Scout 1)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 1st Prospects Scout

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.


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Staff_SPr3 (Staff - Prospect Scout 2)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 2nd Prospects Scout

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Staff_SPr1 (Staff - Prospect Scout 3)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 3rd Prospects Scout

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Staff_Trn (Staff - Trainer)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for team’s Trainer

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Staff_SNBA (Staff - NBA Scout)

Represented as staff member’s ID from Staff tab-sheet. Stands for team’s NBA Scout

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of staff members in Roster – 1.

Record0 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record1 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record2 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record3 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record4 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record5 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record6 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record7 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record8 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record9 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record10 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record11 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record12 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record13 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record14 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record15 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record16 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.


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Record17 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record18 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.

Record19 Represented as Record’s ID from Records tab-sheet. Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of Records in Roster – 1.


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ID College’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Name This field indicates Name of college String.


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ID Staff member’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Last_Name This field indicates staff member's Last Name String.

First_Name This field indicates staff member's First Name String.

SType Stands for the type of the staff member

Enumerable.0 – Head Coach1 – Assistant Coach2 – Prospects Scout (assigned)3 – Trainer4 – NBA Scout56 – Prospects Scout (unassigned – invisible)

Experience How many years the coach have been in the NBA.Integer positive.Min 0, Max ??

Portr_CF_ID Staff member’s face is defined by this ID value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 9999 in theory, But not all values from the interval 0..999 are correct. If there is a file called coachXXX.iff in NBA 2K11 folder, where XXX – some value between 0 and 999, this value can be correctly assigned to this field, otherwise some bugs inside the game may happen.

Height Represents player’s height. Metric system used (centimeters)Integer positive.Min: 128 cm, Max: 383 cm

AudioID Audio used in-game for each associated nameInteger.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = ?

SomeID Some unknown ID

SOffense Offensive Skill (used by coaches).

Enumerable.0 – F1 – D2 – C3 – B4 – A

SDefense Defensive Skill (used by coaches). The same as for SOffense

STeacher Teaching Skill (used by coaches). The same as for SOffense

SSct_Trn (Skill - Scout or Trainer)

It’s Scouting skill for scouts and Medical skill for Trainers The same as for SOffense

SPotential Potential of the staff member The same as for SOffense

SUnknown Looks like an unknown skill. Used by coaches.Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 10 (255 in theory)

TeamGrID (The same as Team Graphics ID )

Team GID the staff member is linked toInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Check Teams tab

CYears (Contract - Years)

Number of staff member’s contract years.Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 255 J

CMoney Contract MoneyInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296, , , ,

PlaybookID ID of the default Playbook, used by the coach

Enumerable (for now), 0..29 – Some NBA team’s Playbook (0 – 76ers, 29 – Wizards), 30..32 – some Generic Playbooks, , Other values are possible.

POffTempo (Profile - Offensive Tempo)

Offensive TempoInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PDefPress (Profile - Defensive Pressure)

Defensive PressureInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100


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PHelpDef (Profile - Help Defense)

Help DefenseInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PFastBrk (Profile - Fast Break)

Fast BreakInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PCrBoards (Profile - Crash Boards)

Crash BoardsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PBnchDepth (Profile - Bench Depth)

Bench DepthInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PRunPlays Run PlaysInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PDblTeams (Profile - Double Teams)

Double TeamsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PZoneUsg (Profile - Zone Usage)

Zone UsageInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PTkInsShts (Profile - Take Inside Shots)

Take Inside ShotsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PTkClsShts (Profile - Take Close Shots)

Take Close ShotsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PTkMidShts (Profile - Take Mid-Range Shots)

Take Mid-Range ShotsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PTk3PTShts (Profile - Take 3-Point Shots)

Take 3-Point ShotsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PAttBskt (Profile - Attack The Basket)

Attack The BasketInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PLookPostP (Profile - Look for Post Players)

Look for Post PlayersInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PThrowAOs (Profile - Throw Alley-Oops)

Throw Alley-OopsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PSizeSpd (Profile - Size vs. Speed)

Size vs. SpeedInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PAthlSkill (Profile - Athleticism vs. Skill)

Athleticism vs. SkillInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

POffDef (Profile - Offense vs. Defense)

Offense vs. DefenseInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PGrdsFrwds (Profile - Guards vs. Forwards)

Guards vs. ForwardsInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100

PInsOuts (Profile - Inside vs. Outside)

Inside vs. OutsideInteger positive for all settings: Min: 0, Max: 100


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ID Playbook’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Name Playbook's name String.

IsEdited Defines whether the playbook is editedBoolean.0 - is standard1 - is edited

Strt_PG_1 Defines Play A for Starting PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PG_2 Defines Play B for Starting PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PG_3 Defines Play C for Starting PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PG_4 Defines Play D for Starting PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SG_1 Defines Play A for Starting SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SG_2 Defines Play B for Starting SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SG_3 Defines Play C for Starting SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SG_4 Defines Play D for Starting SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SF_1 Defines Play A for Starting SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SF_2 Defines Play B for Starting SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SF_3 Defines Play C for Starting SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_SF_4 Defines Play D for Starting SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PF_1 Defines Play A for Starting PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PF_2 Defines Play B for Starting PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PF_3 Defines Play C for Starting PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_PF_4 Defines Play D for Starting PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_C_1 Defines Play A for Starting CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_C_2 Defines Play B for Starting CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_C_3 Defines Play C for Starting CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Strt_C_4 Defines Play D for Starting CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_1 Defines Special Play 1Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_2 Defines Special Play 2Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_3 Defines Special Play 3Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_4 Defines Special Play 4Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1


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Special_5 Defines Special Play 5Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_6 Defines Special Play 6Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_7 Defines Special Play 7Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_8 Defines Special Play 8Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_9 Defines Special Play 9Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Special_10 Defines Special Play 10Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PG_1 Defines Play A for Bench PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PG_2 Defines Play B for Bench PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PG_3 Defines Play C for Bench PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PG_4 Defines Play D for Bench PGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SG_1 Defines Play A for Bench SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SG_2 Defines Play B for Bench SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SG_3 Defines Play C for Bench SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SG_4 Defines Play D for Bench SGInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SF_1 Defines Play A for Bench SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SF_2 Defines Play B for Bench SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SF_3 Defines Play C for Bench SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_SF_4 Defines Play D for Bench SFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PF_1 Defines Play A for Bench PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PF_2 Defines Play B for Bench PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PF_3 Defines Play C for Bench PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_PF_4 Defines Play D for Bench PFInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_C_1 Defines Play A for Bench CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_C_2 Defines Play B for Bench CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_C_3 Defines Play C for Bench CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1

Bnch_C_4 Defines Play D for Bench CInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Total number of plays -1


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ID Name’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

NameNames available in 2K's database used to generate players like draft class


AudioID1 Audio 1 used in-game for each associated nameInteger.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = 65535

AudioID2 Audio 2 used in-game for each associated nameInteger.-1 – no audio, Min: 0, Max = 65535

NationalityUsed to determine where the player comes from (College/From field) when generated

-1 = Random American college2 = Australia3 = Brazil4 = Canada5 = China6 = Croatia7 = England8 = France9 = Germany10 = Greece11 = Hungary12 = Italy13 = Lithuania14 = Mexico15 = Nigeria16 = Puerto Rico17 = Romania18 = Serbia19 = Slovenia20 = Spain21 = Sweden22 = Turkey23 = Ukraine24 = Russia

SomeBool Unknown valueBoolean.0 – false1 – true


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ID Jersey’s ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Texture This field stands for jersey texture file name. String.

Logo This field stands for jersey logo file name. String.

GID (Graphics ID)

Jersey’s Graphics ID. All jerseys with the same GID form one jersey set, which is used by teams with the same GID value.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max: 4 294 967 296


Jersey’s name. This is a link to some game file with text, that is why it is represented as hexadecimal sting.!!!All the jerseys with the same name (Current, Retro1, Retro2, etc.) have the same value.

Hexadecimal string.

IsAway Defines, whether the jersey is Home or Away.Boolean.0 – Home1 – Away

IsPrcOnly (Can Be Chosen Only In Practice Mode)

Can Be Chosen Only In Practice ModeBoolean.0 – no1 – yes

IsHidden (Is Hidden, but Supposed to be unlocked in some way)

Is Hidden, but Supposed to be unlocked in some wayBoolean.0 – no1 – yes

IsImmured (Can't be chosen (is hidden) and can't be unlocked)

Can't be chosen (is hidden) and can't be unlockedBoolean.0 – no1 – yes

IsCATTmpl (Is used as Create-A-Team Template)

Is used as Create-A-Team TemplateBoolean.0 – no1 – yes

CollarType Collar type

Enumerable.0 – round1 – parabola2 – ∀-type3 – V-type4 - }-type

UseCusClrs (Use Custom Colors)

Swaps the set of colors, used by the jersey.Boolean.0 – use regular colors set1 – use custom colors set

SomePar1 (Some Unknown Parameter)

Some unknown parameterBoolean.0 – false1 – true

Socks Defines color of the socksEnumerable.0 – White1 – Black

IsHghlght (Is Highlighted with yellow color)

Allows to highlight jersey with yellow colorBoolean.0 – nothing1 – yellow color highlighting

SomePar2 (Some Unknown Parameter)

Some unknown parameterBoolean.0 – false1 – true

SomePar3 (Some Unknown Parameter)

Some unknown parameterBoolean.0 – false1 – true

EnbldCAT (Is Enabled Create-A-Team Jersey)

Enables Create a Team jerseysInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 3

RegShorts (Regular Shorts. Set 0 for CAT shorts)

Sets regular shortsBoolean.0 – false1 – true

ShrtShrts (Short (Historical) Shorts)

Enables historical short shortsBoolean.0 – regular1 – short


Page 33: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

TColor1 (Team Color 1)

Team Color 1 – Headband ColorHexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

TColor2 (Team Color 2)

Team Color 2Hexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

TColor3 (Team Color 3)

Team Color 3Hexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

TColor4 (Team Color 4)

Team Color 4Hexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

TColor5 (Team Color 5)

Team Color 5Hexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

TColor6 (Team Color 6)

Team Color 6Hexadecimal string. Represents the color in format RRGGBB

LColor1 (Logo Color 1)

Logo Color 1 (used when UseCusClrs = 1)

Enumerable.0 – TColor11 – TColor22 – TColor33 – Black4 – White

LColor2 (Logo Color 2)

Logo Color 2 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

LColor3 (Logo Color 3)

Logo Color 3 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

JColor1 (Jersey Color 1)

Jersey Color 1 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

JColor2 (Jersey Color 2)

Jersey Color 2 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

JColor3 (Jersey Color 3)

Jersey Color 3 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

NameColorColor of the name on jersey (used when UseCusClrs = 1)

The same as for LColor1

NumColor1 (Number Color 1)

Number Color 1 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

NumColor2 (Number Color 2)

Number Color 2 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

ShsColor1 (Shoes Dominant Color)

Shoes Color 1 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

ShsColor2 (Shoes Trim Color 1)

Shoes Color 2 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1

ShsColor3 (Shoes Trim Color 2)

Shoes Color 3 (used when UseCusClrs = 1) The same as for LColor1


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.


ID Headshape's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

HdHdWdthR (Head - Head - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's head widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdWdthL (Head - Head - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's head widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdBackR (Head - Head - Back - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's head backInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdBackL (Head - Head - Back - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's head backInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdLenR (Head - Head - Length - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's head lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdLenL (Head - Head - Length - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's head lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdRndR (Head - Head - Round - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's head roundInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdRndL (Head - Head - Round - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's head roundInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdPntsR (Head - Head - Pointedness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's head pointednessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdHdPntsL (Head - Head - Pointedness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's head pointednessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdNkThckR (Head - Neck - Thickness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's neck thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdNkThckL (Head - Neck - Thickness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's neck thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdNkFat (Head - Neck - Fat)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's neck fatInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwHghtR (Head - Brow - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's brow heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwHghtL (Head - Brow - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's brow heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwCntrR (Head - Brow - Center - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's brow centerInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwCntrL (Head - Brow - Center - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's brow centerInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwWdthR (Head - Brow - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's brow widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwWdthL (Head - Brow - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's brow widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

HdBrwSloR (Head - Brow - Sloped)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's brow slopedInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

FcChnLenR (Face - Chin - Length - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's chin lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChnLenL (Face - Chin - Length - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's chin lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChnWdthR (Face - Chin - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's chin widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChnWdthL (Face - Chin - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's chin widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChnPrstR (Face - Chin - Protrusion - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's chin protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChnPrstL (Face - Chin - Protrusion - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's chin protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcJawWdthR (Face - Jaw - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's jaw widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcJawWdthL (Face - Jaw - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's jaw widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcJawSqrR (Face - Jaw - Squareness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's jaw squarenessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcJawSqrL (Face - Jaw - Squareness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's jaw squarenessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkHghtR (Face - Cheek - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's cheek heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkHghtL (Face - Cheek - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's cheek heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkWdthR (Face - Cheek - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's cheek widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkWdthL (Face - Cheek - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's cheek widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkFullR (Face - Cheek - Fullness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's cheek fullnessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

FcChkFullL (Face - Cheek - Fullness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's cheek fullnessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULThickR (Mouth - Upper liR - Thickness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's upper lip thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULThickL (Mouth - Upper liR - Thickness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's upper lip thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULCurveR (Mouth - Upper liR - Curve - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's upper lip curveInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULCurveL (Mouth - Upper liR - Curve - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's upper lip curveInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULPrstrR (Mouth - Upper liR - Protrusion - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's upper lip protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtULPrstrL (Mouth - Upper liR - Protrusion - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's upper lip protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

MtLLThickR (Mouth - Lower liR - Thickness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's lower lip thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtLLThickL (Mouth - Lower liR - Thickness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's lower lip thicknessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtLLCurveR (Mouth - Lower liR - Curve - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's lower lip curveInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtLLCurveL (Mouth - Lower liR - Curve - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's lower lip curveInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtLLPrstrR (Mouth - Lower liR - Protrusion - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's lower lip protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtLLPrstrL (Mouth - Lower liR - Protrusion - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's lower lip protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMthHghtR (Mouth - Mouth - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's mouth heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMthHghtL (Mouth - Mouth - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's mouth heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMthWdthR (Mouth - Mouth - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's mouth widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMthWdthL (Mouth - Mouth - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's mouth widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMthCornR (Mouth - Mouth - Corners - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's mouth cornersInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

MtMtgCornL (Mouth - Mouth - Corners - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's mouth cornersInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErHghtR (Ears - Ears - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's ears heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErHghtL (Ears - Ears - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's ears heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErWdthR (Ears - Ears - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's ears widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErWdthL (Ears - Ears - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's ears widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErTiltR (Ears - Ears - Tilt - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's ears tiltInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErTiltL (Ears - Ears - Tilt - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's ears tiltInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErELR (Ears - Ears - Ear lobe - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's ear lobeInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ErErELL (Ears - Ears - Ear lobe - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's ear lobeInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNsWdthR (Nose - Nose - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNsWdthL (Nose - Nose - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNsWdthR (Nose - Nose - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

NsNsHghtL (Nose - Nose - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNsPrstR (Nose - Nose - Protrusion - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNsPrstL (Nose - Nose - Protrusion - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsBoneDefR (Nose - Bone - Definition - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose bone definitionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsBoneDefL (Nose - Bone - Definition - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose bone definitionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsBoneBrdR (Nose - Bone - Bridge - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose bone bridgeInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsBoneBrdL (Nose - Bone - Bridge - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose bone bridgeInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipBendR (Nose - TiR - Bend - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose tip bendInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipBendL (Nose - TiR - Bend - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose tip bendInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipHghtR (Nose - TiR - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose tip heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipHghtL (Nose - TiR - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose tip heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipWdthR (Nose - TiR - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose tip widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipWdthL (Nose - TiR - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose tip widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipTipR (Nose - TiR - TiR - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nose tipInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsTipTipL (Nose - TiR - TiR - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nose tipInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNstrLenR (Nose - Nostrils - Length - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nostrils lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNstrLenL (Nose - Nostrils - Length - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nostrils lengthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNtrWdthR (Nose - Nostrils - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's nostrils widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

NsNtrWdthL (Nose - Nostrils - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's nostrils widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcHghtR (Eyes - Placement - Height - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcHghtL (Eyes - Placement - Height - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes heightInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcPrstR (Eyes - Placement - Protrusion - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcPrstL (Eyes - Placement - Protrusion - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes protrusionInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

EsFrmSpacR (Eyes - ForL - Spacing - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes spacingInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmSpacL (Eyes - ForL - Spacing - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes spacingInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcRotR (Eyes - Placement - Rotation - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes rotationInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcRotL (Eyes - Placement - Rotation - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes rotationInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcWdthR (Eyes - Placement - Width - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsPlcWdthL (Eyes - Placement - Width - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes widthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmOpenR (Eyes - ForL - Openness - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes opennessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmOpenL (Eyes - ForL - Openness - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes opennessInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmUER (Eyes - ForL - Upper eyelid - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes upper eyelidInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmUEL (Eyes - ForL - Upper eyelid - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes upper eyelidInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmLER (Eyes - ForL - Lower eyelid - Raise)

Only works with CAPs. Raises the player's eyes lower eyelidInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

EsFrmLEL (Eyes - ForL - Lower eyelid - Lower)

Only works with CAPs. Lowers the player's eyes lower eyelidInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

SomeInt Some integer ?


Page 39: General Editing Tutorial - NBA 2K11

V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Overriding Rotations

ID Rotation's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

TeamID Team ID of teams not manageable in-gameInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: Number of teams in Roster -1.

PGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Point Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

SGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Shooting Guard.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

SFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Small Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

PFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Power Forward.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

CRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s starting Center.

Integer positive.Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S6Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 6th player (substitution player #1).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S7Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 7th player (substitution player #2).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S8Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 8th player (substitution player #3).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S9Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 9th player (substitution player #4).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S10Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 10th player (substitution player #5).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S11Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 11th player (substitution player #6).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

S12Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s 12th player (substitution player #7).

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.


ID Record's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Last_Name Player's last name String.

First_Name Player's first name String.

RecType Record type

Enumerable.0 – Single Game1 – Single Game Play-off2 – Single Season3 – Career

RecSType Stat type

Enumerable.0 – Total Points1 – FG Made2 – 3PT Made3 – FT Made4 – Rebounds5 – Assists6 – Blocks7 – Steals8 – Minutes9 – TOs10 – Points/Game11 – FG Percentage12 – 3PT Percentage13 – FT Percentage14 – Rebounds/Game15 – Assists/Game16 – Blocks/Game17 – Steals/Game18 – Minutes/Game19 – Games Played20 – Fouls

Value Record valueInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 99999

Day Record’s dayInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 31

Month Record’s monthInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 15

Year Record’s yearInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 5000


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.


ID Award's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Name_0 Name of the team the player winning the award played for String.

Name_1 City of the team the player winnig the award played for String.

Name_2Name of the team the player winning the award played against. Only used for Finals MVP award


Name_3City of the team the player winning the award played against. Only used for Finals MVP award


Name_4 Award winning player's last name String.

Name_5 Award winning player's first name String.


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Draft Projection

ID Draft Projection's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Team Represented as team’s ID from Teams tab-sheetInteger.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of teams in Roster – 1.

Player Represented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheetInteger.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Draftees Teams

ID Draftees Teams' ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

PGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s PG

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

SGRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s SG

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

SFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s SF

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

PFRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s PF

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.

CRepresented as player’s ID from Players tab-sheet. Stands for team’s C

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of players in Roster – 1.


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Home Series

ID Home series' ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

HomeT (Home Team)

Represented as team's ID from Teams tab-sheet. Stands for Home team.

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of teams in Roster – 1.

AwayT (Away Team)

Represented as team's ID from Teams tab-sheet. Stands for Away team.

Integer.-1 – no player, Min: 0, Max = Number of teams in Roster – 1.

HTWins (Number Of Home Team Victories)

Number Of Home Team VictoriesInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255

ATWins (Number Of Away Team Victories)

Number Of Away Team VictoriesInteger positive.Min: 0, Max: 255


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V 1.3, ©M@dDog, Vl@d Zola Jr.

Hall of Fame

ID Hall of Fame's ID inside REDitorInteger positive (>= 0).Assigned while Roster is loading. Can’t be edited.

Last_Name Hall of Fame player's last name String.

First_Name Hall of Fame player's first name String.