NEW SPRING STOCK iiJOUR SPRING OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CALL and see We have more money goods Spring than any former since have We have learned that cant sell goods unless them and lias largely increasing for eral years we have determined to show a record stock this season a stock out of which can please all kinds andconditions from the best the cheapest articles OUR STOCK LADIES DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS r = = is immense and complete and we are showing all the latest weaves and textures both in Woolens and wash facbrics MRS MURRELL has charge of this department has given much study and thought to the selection of this stock We have all the new style trimming to match everything In Ladies and Furnishings we have new on the market Our stock of Ladies Fine Kid and Pat ent Leather Shoes will make a favorable show with any city store These goods we only buy from the best manufacturers in the country thereby saving our customers the middle mans profit and you the best style and service in shoes that can be In mens shoes we have them from Thos Emerson Sons Helmers Bettman Co and other reliable from the best to the cheapest have a large stock of CLOTHING MND HMTS Mens Youths and Boys Clothing Odd Pants Coats and Vestsnew andYst lsolidOur stock in this department is too large and we are anxious to quote you prices to reduce it HATSIn our I at De partment can be found all styles and qualities that will please all from the to the fastidious Cigarette Dude both in fur goods and straws GENTS FURNISHINGS In this we know we excel our competitors in this or town near us You never saw a better of Shirts Neckwear Collars and Cuffs Hosiery Underwear etc than we can show you FURNITURE CARPETS ETC have added this season Parlor suits in 3 and 5 piece sets with fine silk Brocatel and silk Damask couches and folding lounges covered wiah Persian velour French tapestry etc Folding JapaneseMatting thing sold in a firstclass department store Glad to show you goods at anytime p Russell Murrell PERSONAL MENTION I T Mr E G Atkins is in Louisville this weeh M MrAfRBarbees condition is very critical Mr John B Coffey was in Campbells vine Monday Mr L C Hurt was in Louisville on day last week Mr Zack Campbell of Pellyton was in Columbia Monday Luther Phelps Jamestown washer- I the first of the week Mrs J A Parsons has been on the sick list for several days sicI k Mr J P SaUce of Whitewood was in Columbia last Monday Dr R Y Hindman returned fro the Medical University Louisville last Saturday night Mr W L Walker and wife Nell IM were visiting in Columbia several days of last week presentis Sunday at home George Montgomery a young son of if Mr J F Montgomery has bren sick for several days Mrs Tim Bradshaw and her daugh- ter ¬ Miss Effleliave returned from the Louisville market Mr D J Schooling and wife wh have been in Casey County several Monday ¬ Burks1I1e ¬ day enroute home from Campbells villa Mr Jo Coffey Jr and Miss Pauline Cabell Mr G P Smith and Miss Car- r e Hatcher visited Miss Lyda Simp ¬ son Breeding last Sunday countyin sery Company Mr Martin canvassed a good part of Adair last year Mr T K Powell who has been i delicate health for several months I confined to his room at the home o his mother in this place Miss Estelle Cartwright of Junction City and Miss Lyda Simpson of Breeding were visiting the family of Dr WR Grissom last week Mrs A A Strange who has been spending a few months with her hus- band ¬ in Washington City will return this week She stopped over in Louis ¬ vine to purchase the Spring styles in millineryMr W Murrah and family left left Monday for Gainsville Ark 1Fwhere they will their home for a i short while at least Mr Murrah f seeking health as well as Tb good will of The accompanies 1 Him y 9 I f STOCK IS YOUR it invested in this in season we been in the busi- ness ¬ we wehave as our business been seer ¬ breaker we to OF who Notions everything ¬ department furnishing procured manufacturers We low department any line We upholstered quite make wealth News LOCAL JOTTINGS n Next Monday will be county court Circuit Court will begin at Liberty next Monday See the corn drills at W F Jeffries 2te Born to the wife of Bant Conover the 22d inst a son puttinge Hogs brought 6 05 in the Louisville market last Thursday Charley Collins has been appointed I postmaster at Crocus Adair county I Coffey Bros bought a fancy three Taylorm If you want a good buggy harness saddle or bridle call on us WM F JEFFRIES SON Eld Z T Williams and W G Mont- gomery ¬ commenced a series of meeti- ngs at Egypt church last Monday night The M S F High School has an en ¬ rollment of one hundred pupils eigh ¬ ty in regular attendance Mr E W Hopewell bought from C S Harris a colt by Kentucky Squirrel 50l Buy the Homestead Fertilizer if yon want the best Only 150 per 100 Ibs Wai F JEFFRIES SON The citizens of Columbia are putting in their garden truck this week All other classes of work suspended The Gadberry postoffice Adair County was reestablished a few weeks ago Harmon White is the postmas- ter ¬ See our Corn Drills and Cultivators before you buy We are as low as the Soxn kindt s i cards posters or folders at the lowest prices W J Jones of Pellyton has a farm j leThere j necessary outbuildings Before ordering examine my sam ¬ pIes for tailor made suits cheapest in strvleSuits HT Bu I u The whereabouts of Geo Mtht m esettpe e n thatihideep Uncle Solomon Turpen will preach at 3 oclock in the afternoon the first Sunday in April at the residence of Mrs Chas Caliisona NOTICE All persons having books belonging to the circulating Library will please return them by Friday of this week Soar F WHITE Several farmers have informed us recently that the wheat has come out wonderfully in the last month and that there will bea fair crop The candy making at the home of Mrs Sarah Flowers last Friday even ¬ ing was largely attended and every ¬ body had a pulling time Fertilizers in good barrels at 100 per 100 lbs We will make it to the farmers interest to see us before buy ing their fertilizers WM F JEFFRIES S SON Mr W E Bradshaw is having a large barn built on his fathers prem ises He calculates to handle a nnm ber of fancy horses during the Spring and Summer Coakley Sirams are the tombstone men at Campbellsville Ky If you need any thing in their line call and see them They do splendid work and guarantee satKfactlon 4t The business house of Mr L Y squareis his store and tin shop to it in a few days The Bank of Columbia has put in an- ther ¬ o improved timelock sate It is the latest patent and cost one thous ¬ and dollars It can neither be destroy- ed ¬ by fire nor opened by burglars As we go to press the Taylor county primary to nominate Democratic can- didates for county offices is in progress There seems to be more Interest in the races for County Judge and Jailer than a ny others Next Monday will be horse day In Columbia A large crowd is expected in town and its the custom of stock men to exhibit their stallions on that day Some good ones will be seen this year Mr John A Rexroat who was a very old citizen died at his late home near Irvins Store Russell county on the 20th of this month The wife of Mr L Popplewell whose home was near the same postoffice died on the 17th Adair county people had better stick to theirhome merchants rather than bite at all the fakier bargains that are offered When you trade with jour homo merchants if merchandised not show up right you can cajl on them to make things right but when ytm trade with a fakier he goes and jou are gone control yonr desire to be humbugged and atlck tw home en 18FifprMe9 For Embezelment Last Wednesday a man and woman the Marcum Hotel this city nd registered as J WJonesand wife They engaged a room and gave the proprietor to understand that they would be here several days The next morning the gentlemans talk indicat- ed that ho was a postoffice inspector In fact he informed Mr Marcum that he wanted to go to Burdick in Taylor County stating that there were irreg ¬ ularities in the mails between Colum ¬ bia and Campbellsville He was to have taken the noon hack Friday for Burdick but a storm came up and he deterred the trip About 5 oclock that afternoon Mr Marcum was called to the telephone and asked if there was such a man giving Jones descrip ¬ tion stoppingat his hotel He answer ¬ ed in the affirmative and was told by Mr Heizer the town Marshal of Campbellsville to keep mum that h would be over at once for him The Ton Marshall reached her about twelve oclock that night and the arrest was made Further developements proved that the mans real name Is W I Foglc that his home is in Ocepla Clark Coun ¬ ty Iowa and that he had left tha country for selling mortgage property He was arrested in Campbellsville ten days ago upon the same charge but was released upon a writ of habeas corpus Mr Fogle claims that he will be re- leased ¬ upon reaching Iowa but his wife is nOL so sanguine Furthermore Mr Fogles actions at the hotel here indicated that he was not feeling free and ealy Upon his aralval he asked Mt Marcum if a great many travel ¬ ing men did not stop with him and upon receiving an affirmative answer he stated that himself and wife desir ¬ ed to be quiet and asked to not b called to their meals until the company had retired from the table Money Found A man named White claiming to be from Russell County was at Nell Adair County last Sunday one week from yesterday He Informed Mr S R Walker that he had lost a sum of money close to his store But little attention was paid to his story buy on Thursday following Mr Walker was out in his field canvassing plantbed having several handswith him They found near where they were at work a considerable sum of money scattered loose upon thu ground It is now locked in Mr Walkers sate and the owner can have it by describing the same and paying for this nqtice Mr White was afoot and a perfect stranger in the neighborhood Mr W W Follis and Mrs J E Me j Farland were married in Paducab i Ky last Wednesday The contract ing parties are well knaWn here and are first cousins Mrs McFarland was visiting relatives in Illinois when the union was agreed upon They came to Kentucky for the ceremony the laws vt Illinois notlHDCtttrIIlt the Carriage tf armlets Columbia Ky I WL Gradys fine stock will be ad ¬ I vertised next week We are requested to state that billiard and pool table was theI for the use of Its owners When club wants company invitations will be extended When you take into consideration the competiion the merchants of Co lumbia have the large business they do is astonishing There are seventy three stores in Adair County sixty of them outside of Columbia The remains of Mr Geo 11 Youngs son who died at Anchorage lat Fall will be brought to Adair County for re interment A brother of the de- ceased ¬ and Mr Porter Barger left for the remains yesterday We are informed that Frances Jack ofe this town has over 100 young chicken ande all this accomplished without an incu ¬ bator Miss Estelle Cartright of Junction City and Miss Lyda Simpson of Gjiumbit last week On Thursday evening Miss Carrie Hatcher entertained a number of young people in honor of the fair young ladles Quite a number of young ladies and gentlemen assembled at the residence of Mr Solomon McKinley last Sunday and were entertained by Mr J W Hu tellings and his phonograph A sumptuous dinner was spread and the day very enjoyably spent Miss Sallie Patterson of Jamestown the ° parlors of Patterson Hotel this evening Quite a number of the little Misses of this place received Invita- tions ¬ and Katie Murrell and Nina Marcum will be in attendance The store of Lafe Sanders Taylor County was entered by theives last Saturday night and aquantity of goods taken Mr Sanders was here Sunday looking for blood hounds He thinks the robbers the In the neighborhood of the store Miss Bel tie Barbee entertained sev ¬ eral of her young friends a few nights ago There were music and games s and the evening very much enjoyed Miss Bettie is a popular young lady and every effort was made to make her frIends pass a pleasant and enjoyable evening The Columbia Stave Company have sold all staves they have on their various yards to the firm represented by Mr J W Ilutchings who has been wetkS1Th will nave more staves for the market as scOn as the timber can be eat and btrcJrc During a high tide in Cumberland I logsi Nashville For several days the rafts ¬ men have been reaching Columbia en toI Prof Ballard informed us that he had enrolled 100 students and that tha aver3 daily attend mci is over 80 The old school Is going a lively gift managementjP Business has not been particularly brisk in Columbia for several weeks for the reason that farmers are mak ing preparations for putting in their spring crops Our merchants are mak ing no complaint knowing that the j farmer is the bone and sinew of the land Remember that the Connecticut Mutual is an annual dividend compa ¬ ny hence it you want life insurance you should take out a risk in the com- pany ¬ that gives you the best returns for your money For information con ¬ othera companies call at The Adair County News officeI Mr Frank Judd who lived in the suburbs of Columbia notified life wife and motherinlaw Mrs Vaughan that he had found a nice location in Illinois and they left for the point he designated last week Frank is a good worker and has a nice family and we hope that he will do well at his new home Cane Valley and Gradyville are run Wing neck and neck for the second place in point of size in Adair county Substantial buildings have recently been erected in both of these towns and the spirit of improvement is not abating Both plaCes are populated with excellent people who are deter- mined to push their respective villa ¬ gee to the front A tewnlgbts ago Mr John B Wat ¬ son who is selling goods at Plum Point heard some one near his store He went out and observed a man acting vejy suspiciously Mr Watson started toward him and the man ran He was called to stop and failing Mr Watson shot at him The man hurriedly his wav to the rher jumped in an swam to the opposite bank j Miss Maggie Robertson gave a candy pulling last Friday night to a number j of her young friends and a gayer set i of little Misses are seldom seen togeth- er i The following were present Miss es Alice Walker LlnaRosenfield Cary Hughes Bettie Hancock Carrie ant Nasty Flowers Maggie Todd Katie Murrell Nina Marcum Fannie Minnie Hudson Vjrgle Hunn JonesI ne Robertson Misses Fannie nefct Mvrt Staples and Mrs Robt 6uthectttltyi tC u It is reported here that young Webb of Russell county who was afflicted with smallpox has about recovered and that there are no other cases in the county A report gained circula ¬ tion that Webb lived atKimble which was a mistake His home is six miles from tbatjlace and there has been no smallpox at Kimble at any time The people at that place are generally healthy and the businessmen are not f complaining A few days ago we were asked how manyexMexican soldiers were yet liv ingin Adair county We could mt name but three W C Turk John Eubank and William Cabbell There maybe others but we hardly think that there are The old veterans of 18467 are fast passing away and in a few more years the question will be how many are yet living in the State They will revolutionaryI one another one in McCracken etc and when you are through counting there will be only six or right The following is the paid list since our last issue W P Agee James N Murrell Geo Campbell N W Kin naird Geo R Holt A B Smith S A McMahan B F Thompson Coak ley Simes M Blakeman G A Johnston W J Bales R L Morris E B Lenchman P D Cantrell S J Heizcr W H Williams T L Vaugh- an 1 H Bloyd R T Dowdy ET Blakeman PB Curry J J Russell JT Ray Robert Squires W R Myers E N Wilson W A Bibb W A Humpbress S H Montgomery A J tank J T Gooch B S Wilson J- IB Jimson D L Smith L F Wool dredge W D Rucker G W Mank Albert Edwards S G Banks Titus Mercer R B Wilson R A Epperson Wailer Caldwell R A Corbin G R Redman J H Judd J P SaUce Mrs Maggie Mourning Pelley Campbell G W Murrah Mr Mont White of this place who was a soldier in the Philippines has been lying dangerously ill in a bospial at San Francisco Cal for several weeks He was taken sick on the Islands and transported to the hospital in San Francisco for better treatment His parents and sister have been anx ¬ iously hoping that he would bo well cloudd last Thursday A dispatch from the surgeon stated that Mont wasleaving ground The word leaving was evi- dently mistake in transmitting the message and was certainly written losing In the afternoon Mr J V White who is the father of the young soldier left for San Francisco Two hpurs later another message carat stating that there was but little hope thatf reach his home 1hiy > 1meaotmr the anxious and Uistreseti c family have tub the sympathy tit tills = b mmhnltpi- V

GENTS In pJapaneseMatting ETC toInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79sw50/data/0060.pdf · NEW SPRING STOCK iiJOUR SPRING OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CALL and see We have

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Page 1: GENTS In pJapaneseMatting ETC toInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79sw50/data/0060.pdf · NEW SPRING STOCK iiJOUR SPRING OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CALL and see We have


and see We have more money goods Spring than any former since haveWe have learned that cant sell goods unless them and lias largely increasing for

eral years we have determined to show a record stock this season a stock out of which can please all kinds andconditions from the bestthe cheapest articles

OUR STOCK LADIES DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS r = =is immense and complete and we are showing all the latest weaves and textures both in Woolens and wash facbrics MRS MURRELL has charge of this department has given much study and thoughtto the selection of this stock We have all the new style trimming to match everything In Ladies and Furnishings we have new on the market Our stock of Ladies Fine Kid and Patent Leather Shoes will make a favorable show with any city store These goods we only buy from the best manufacturers in the country thereby saving our customers the middle mans profitand you the best style and service in shoes that can be In mens shoes we have them from Thos Emerson Sons Helmers Bettman Co and other reliable from the bestto the cheapest have a large stock of

CLOTHING MND HMTSMens Youths and Boys Clothing Odd Pants Coats and Vestsnew andYst

lsolidOurstock in this department is too large and we are anxious to quote you prices to reduce it HATSIn our I at De

partment can be found all styles and qualities that will please all from the to the fastidious Cigarette Dude both in fur goods and straws

GENTS FURNISHINGSIn this we know we excel our competitors in this or town near us You never saw a better of Shirts Neckwear Collars and Cuffs Hosiery Underwear etc than we can show you

FURNITURE CARPETS ETChave added this season Parlor suits in 3 and 5 piece sets with fine silk Brocatel and silk Damask couches and folding lounges covered wiah Persian velour French tapestry etc FoldingJapaneseMattingthing sold in a firstclass department store Glad to show you goods at anytimepRussell Murrell


Mr E G Atkins is in Louisvillethis weeh


MrAfRBarbees condition is verycritical

Mr John B Coffey was in Campbellsvine Monday

Mr L C Hurt was in Louisville onday last week

Mr Zack Campbell of Pellyton wasin Columbia Monday

Luther Phelps Jamestown washer-

I the first of the weekMrs J A Parsons has been on the

sick list for several dayssicIk

Mr J P SaUce of Whitewood wasin Columbia last Monday

Dr R Y Hindman returned frothe Medical University Louisvillelast Saturday night

Mr W L Walker and wife Nell

IM were visiting in Columbia several daysof last week

presentisSunday at home

George Montgomery a young son ofif Mr J F Montgomery has bren

sick for several days

Mrs Tim Bradshaw and her daugh-ter


Miss Effleliave returned from theLouisville market

Mr D J Schooling and wife whhave been in Casey County severalMonday ¬

Burks1I1e ¬

day enroute home from Campbellsvilla

Mr Jo Coffey Jr and Miss PaulineCabell Mr G P Smith and Miss Car-r e Hatcher visited Miss Lyda Simp ¬

son Breeding last Sunday

countyinsery Company Mr Martin canvasseda good part of Adair last year

Mr T K Powell who has been i

delicate health for several months Iconfined to his room at the home ohis mother in this place

Miss Estelle Cartwright of JunctionCity and Miss Lyda Simpson ofBreeding were visiting the family ofDr W R Grissom last week

Mrs A A Strange who has beenspending a few months with her hus-band


in Washington City will returnthis week She stopped over in Louis ¬

vine to purchase the Spring styles in

millineryMrW Murrah and family left

left Monday for Gainsville Ark1Fwhere they will their home for ai short while at least Mr Murrah f

seeking health as well as Tbgood will of The accompanies

1 Himy





it invested in this in season we been in the busi-


we wehave as our business been seer¬

breaker we



whoNotions everything ¬


furnishing procured manufacturersWe


department any line

We upholstered





Next Monday will be county court

Circuit Court will begin at Libertynext Monday

See the corn drills at W F Jeffries2teBorn to the wife of Bant Conoverthe 22d inst a son

puttingeHogs brought 6 05 in the Louisville

market last Thursday

Charley Collins has been appointed I

postmaster at Crocus Adair county I

Coffey Bros bought a fancy threeTaylormIf you want a good buggy harness

saddle or bridle call on usWM F JEFFRIES SON

Eld Z T Williams and W G Mont-gomery


commenced a series of meeti-ngs at Egypt church last Mondaynight

The M S F High School has an en ¬

rollment of one hundred pupils eigh¬ty in regular attendance

Mr E W Hopewell bought from CS Harris a colt by Kentucky Squirrel50lBuy the Homestead Fertilizer if yonwant the best Only 150 per 100 Ibs


The citizens of Columbia are puttingin their garden truck this week Allother classes of work suspended

The Gadberry postoffice AdairCounty was reestablished a few weeksago Harmon White is the postmas-ter


See our Corn Drills and Cultivatorsbefore you buy We are as low as theSoxnkindt s i

cards posters or folders at the lowestprices

W J Jones of Pellyton has a farm j

leThere j

necessary outbuildings

Before ordering examine my sam ¬

pIes for tailor made suits cheapest in

strvleSuitsHT Bu I uThe whereabouts of Geo Mtht mesettpe e


Uncle Solomon Turpen will preachat 3 oclock in the afternoon the firstSunday in April at the residence ofMrs Chas Caliisona

NOTICE All persons having booksbelonging to the circulating Librarywill please return them by Friday ofthis week Soar F WHITE

Several farmers have informed usrecently that the wheat has come outwonderfully in the last month andthat there will bea fair crop

The candy making at the home ofMrs Sarah Flowers last Friday even ¬

ing was largely attended and every ¬

body had a pulling time

Fertilizers in good barrels at 100per 100 lbs We will make it to thefarmers interest to see us before buying their fertilizers


Mr W E Bradshaw is having alarge barn built on his fathers premises He calculates to handle a nnmber of fancy horses during the Springand Summer

Coakley Sirams are the tombstonemen at Campbellsville Ky If youneed any thing in their line call andsee them They do splendid work andguarantee satKfactlon 4t

The business house of Mr L Ysquareishis store and tin shop to it in a fewdays

The Bank of Columbia has put in an-ther


o improved timelock sate It isthe latest patent and cost one thous ¬

and dollars It can neither be destroy-ed


by fire nor opened by burglars

As we go to press the Taylor countyprimary to nominate Democratic can-didates for county offices is in progressThere seems to be more Interest in theraces for County Judge and Jailer thana ny others

Next Monday will be horse day InColumbia A large crowd is expectedin town and its the custom of stockmen to exhibit their stallions on thatday Some good ones will be seen thisyear

Mr John A Rexroat who was a veryold citizen died at his late home nearIrvins Store Russell county on the20th of this month The wife of MrL Popplewell whose home was nearthe same postoffice died on the 17th

Adair county people had better stickto theirhome merchants rather thanbite at all the fakier bargains that areoffered When you trade with jourhomo merchants if merchandisednot show up right you can cajl on themto make things right but when ytmtrade with a fakier he goes and jouare gone control yonr desire to behumbugged and atlck tw home en18FifprMe9

For Embezelment

Last Wednesday a man and womanthe Marcum Hotel this city

nd registered as J WJonesand wifeThey engaged a room and gave theproprietor to understand that theywould be here several days The nextmorning the gentlemans talk indicat-ed that ho was a postoffice inspectorIn fact he informed Mr Marcum thathe wanted to go to Burdick in TaylorCounty stating that there were irreg ¬

ularities in the mails between Colum ¬

bia and Campbellsville He was tohave taken the noon hack Friday forBurdick but a storm came up and hedeterred the trip About 5 oclockthat afternoon Mr Marcum was calledto the telephone and asked if therewas such a man giving Jones descrip ¬

tion stoppingat his hotel He answer ¬

ed in the affirmative and was told byMr Heizer the town Marshal ofCampbellsville to keep mum that hwould be over at once for him

The Ton Marshall reached herabout twelve oclock that night andthe arrest was made

Further developements proved thatthe mans real name Is W I Foglcthat his home is in Ocepla Clark Coun ¬

ty Iowa and that he had left thacountry for selling mortgage propertyHe was arrested in Campbellsville tendays ago upon the same charge but wasreleased upon a writ of habeas corpusMr Fogle claims that he will be re-


upon reaching Iowa but hiswife is nOL so sanguine FurthermoreMr Fogles actions at the hotel hereindicated that he was not feeling freeand ealy Upon his aralval he askedMt Marcum if a great many travel ¬

ing men did not stop with him andupon receiving an affirmative answerhe stated that himself and wife desir ¬

ed to be quiet and asked to not bcalled to their meals until the companyhad retired from the table

Money Found

A man named White claiming to befrom Russell County was at NellAdair County last Sunday one weekfrom yesterday He Informed Mr SR Walker that he had lost a sum ofmoney close to his store But littleattention was paid to his story buy onThursday following Mr Walker wasout in his field canvassing plantbedhaving several handswith him Theyfound near where they were at work aconsiderable sum of money scatteredloose upon thu ground It is nowlocked in Mr Walkers sate and theowner can have it by describing thesame and paying for this nqtice MrWhite was afoot and a perfect strangerin the neighborhood

Mr W W Follis and Mrs J E Me j

Farland were married in Paducab i

Ky last Wednesday The contracting parties are well knaWn here andare first cousins Mrs McFarland wasvisiting relatives in Illinois when theunion was agreed upon They came toKentucky for the ceremony the lawsvt Illinois notlHDCtttrIIlt the Carriagetfarmlets

Columbia Ky IWL Gradys fine stock will be ad ¬


vertised next week

We are requested to state thatbilliard and pool table was theIfor the use of Its owners Whenclub wants company invitations willbe extended

When you take into considerationthe competiion the merchants of Co

lumbia have the large business they dois astonishing There are seventythree stores in Adair County sixty ofthem outside of Columbia

The remains of Mr Geo 11 Youngsson who died at Anchorage lat Fallwill be brought to Adair County forre interment A brother of the de-



and Mr Porter Barger left forthe remains yesterday

We are informed that Frances Jackofethis town has over 100 young chickenandeall this accomplished without an incu ¬


Miss Estelle Cartright of JunctionCity and Miss Lyda Simpson ofGjiumbitlast week On Thursday evening MissCarrie Hatcher entertained a numberof young people in honor of the fairyoung ladles

Quite a number of young ladies andgentlemen assembled at the residenceof Mr Solomon McKinley last Sundayand were entertained by Mr J WHu tellings and his phonograph Asumptuous dinner was spread and theday very enjoyably spent

Miss Sallie Patterson of Jamestownthe °parlors of Patterson Hotel thisevening Quite a number of the littleMisses of this place received Invita-tions


and Katie Murrell and NinaMarcum will be in attendance

The store of Lafe Sanders TaylorCounty was entered by theives lastSaturday night and aquantity of goodstaken Mr Sanders was here Sundaylooking for blood hounds He thinksthe robbers the In the neighborhoodof the store

Miss Bel tie Barbee entertained sev ¬

eral of her young friends a few nightsago There were music and games sand the evening very much enjoyedMiss Bettie is a popular young ladyand every effort was made to make herfrIends pass a pleasant and enjoyableevening

The Columbia Stave Company havesold all staves they have on theirvarious yards to the firm representedby Mr J W Ilutchings who has been

wetkS1Thwill nave more staves for the marketas scOn as the timber can be eat andbtrcJrc

During a high tide in Cumberland IlogsiNashville For several days the rafts ¬

men have been reaching Columbia entoIProf Ballard informed us that he hadenrolled 100 students and that thaaver3 daily attend mci is over 80The old school Is going a lively gift

managementjPBusiness has not been particularly

brisk in Columbia for several weeksfor the reason that farmers are making preparations for putting in theirspring crops Our merchants are making no complaint knowing that the j

farmer is the bone and sinew of theland

Remember that the ConnecticutMutual is an annual dividend compa ¬

ny hence it you want life insuranceyou should take out a risk in the com-pany


that gives you the best returnsfor your money For information con ¬otheracompanies call at The Adair CountyNews officeIMr Frank Judd who lived in thesuburbs of Columbia notified life wifeand motherinlaw Mrs Vaughanthat he had found a nice location inIllinois and they left for the point hedesignated last week Frank is a goodworker and has a nice family and wehope that he will do well at his newhome

Cane Valley and Gradyville are runWing neck and neck for the secondplace in point of size in Adair countySubstantial buildings have recentlybeen erected in both of these townsand the spirit of improvement is notabating Both plaCes are populatedwith excellent people who are deter-mined to push their respective villa ¬

gee to the front

A tewnlgbts ago Mr John B Wat ¬

son who is selling goods at Plum Pointheard some one near his store Hewent out and observed a man actingvejy suspiciously Mr Watson startedtoward him and the man ran He wascalled to stop and failing Mr Watsonshot at him The man hurriedlyhis wav to the rher jumped in answam to the opposite bank


Miss Maggie Robertson gave a candypulling last Friday night to a number j

of her young friends and a gayer set i

of little Misses are seldom seen togeth-er


The following were present Misses Alice Walker LlnaRosenfield CaryHughes Bettie Hancock Carrie antNasty Flowers Maggie Todd KatieMurrell Nina Marcum FannieMinnie Hudson Vjrgle Hunn JonesIne Robertson Misses Fannienefct Mvrt Staples and Mrs Robt

6uthectttltyi tC


It is reported here that young Webbof Russell county who was afflictedwith smallpox has about recoveredand that there are no other cases inthe county A report gained circula ¬

tion that Webb lived atKimble whichwas a mistake His home is six milesfrom tbatjlace and there has beenno smallpox at Kimble at any timeThe people at that place are generallyhealthy and the businessmen are not



A few days ago we were asked howmanyexMexican soldiers were yet livingin Adair county We could mt namebut three W C Turk John Eubankand William Cabbell There maybeothers but we hardly think that thereare The old veterans of 18467 arefast passing away and in a few moreyears the question will be how manyare yet living in the State They will

revolutionaryIoneanother one in McCracken etc andwhen you are through counting therewill be only six or right

The following is the paid list sinceour last issue W P Agee James NMurrell Geo Campbell N W Kinnaird Geo R Holt A B Smith SA McMahan B F Thompson Coakley Simes M Blakeman G AJohnston W J Bales R L MorrisE B Lenchman P D Cantrell S JHeizcr W H Williams T L Vaugh-an 1 H Bloyd R T Dowdy ETBlakeman P B Curry J J RussellJT Ray Robert Squires W R MyersE N Wilson W A Bibb W AHumpbress S H Montgomery A Jtank J T Gooch B S Wilson J-

IB Jimson D L Smith L F Wooldredge W D Rucker G W MankAlbert Edwards S G Banks TitusMercer R B Wilson R A EppersonWailer Caldwell R A Corbin G RRedman J H Judd J P SaUce MrsMaggie Mourning Pelley CampbellG W Murrah

Mr Mont White of this place whowas a soldier in the Philippines hasbeen lying dangerously ill in a bospialat San Francisco Cal for severalweeks He was taken sick on theIslands and transported to the hospitalin San Francisco for better treatmentHis parents and sister have been anx ¬

iously hoping that he would bo wellclouddlast Thursday A dispatch from thesurgeon stated that Mont wasleavingground The word leaving was evi-dently mistake in transmitting themessage and was certainly written

losing In the afternoon Mr J VWhite who is the father of the youngsoldier left for San Francisco Twohpurs later another message caratstating that there was but little hopethatfreach his home 1hiy >1meaotmr the anxious and Uistreseti cfamily have tub the sympathy tit tills =

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