Get Rich (not quick) - The Dark Pixie Astrology · Get Rich (not quick) Money makes the world go round, right? Sure, we all want love, but we want money too! If you want to make as

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Get Rich (not quick)

Money makes the world go round, right? Sure, we all want love, but we want

money too! If you want to make as much as you can but aren’t sure how,

you can use your chart to help you figure out what are the best ways for you

to maximize your earning potential in this life and grab all the dough you


Before you begin, you will need to know a few placements from your natal

chart. They are:

2nd house sign, planets, and ruler

Venus sign, house, and aspects

Jupiter sign, house, and aspects

Asteroid Abundantia sign, house, and aspects

Do you need to create your natal chart?

Watch the video on the Free Astrology Courses page for instructions on how

to do so via astro.com, and how to figure out the placements in your chart.



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The 2nd house rules your income, so it specifically governs how you make

money, and your approach with money. First, look to see what sign is on the

cusp of your 2nd house (the cusp of a house is the very beginning of that

house). The sign on the cusp is the most important part of your 2nd house,

and if you pay attention to nothing else covered in this mini course, pay

attention to this sign. Next, you’ll look at any planets that are in your 2nd

house. Any planets in the 2nd house will impact your 2nd house, and will

offer more ways for you to make money. Check out the 2nd House page on

The Dark Pixie Astrology for interpretations of the 12 signs on the cusp and

natal planets in the house:


But I don’t have any planets in the 2nd house!

Having no planets in your 2nd house does NOT mean you’ll never make any

money in your life and be destined to have financial problems. When a house

has no planets in it, all that means is that you carry less baggage into this

life to work out regarding the areas of life that house rules. So no need to


Here are some potential ways you can make money via the signs on the 2nd

house cusp (for planets in the 2nd house, look at the sign ruling that


Aries - soldier, police officer, firefighter, optometrist, arson investigator,

physical therapist, athlete, personal trainer, in sports, on your own

Taurus - artist, musician, gallery owner, music manager, talent scout, chef,

baker, taste testers, farmer, banker, investor, appraiser, singer, surveyor


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Gemini - salesperson, coordinator, publicist, advertiser, producer, linguist,

statistician, accountant, writer, editor, publisher, literary agent, in IT

Cancer - executive, gardener, teacher, social worker, soldier, librarian,

caretaker, home builder, interior designer, construction

Leo - artist, director, cardiologist, politician, publicist, news anchor, actor,

athlete, musician, in theater, comedian

Virgo - critic, librarian, psychologist, secretary, analyst, psychologist,

mathematician, statistician, accountant, economist, editor

Libra - actor, jeweler, diplomat, florist, makeup artist, lawyer, musician,

fashion designer, interior designer, art director, curator, mediator, judge

Scorpio - detective, profiler, cryptographer, investigator, antiques dealer,

researcher, forensic accountant, forensic pathologist, medical examiner,

psychologist, entrepreneur

Sagittarius - philosopher, athlete, lawyer, theologian, engineer, pilot,

entrepreneur, salesman, teacher, writer, speaker, publisher, in television or


Capricorn - carpenter, dentist, orthopedist, civil engineer, chiropractor,

mason, CEO, politician, government official, historian, antiques dealer,


Aquarius - astronaut, astrologer, electrical engineer, psychologist, teacher,

politician, inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, researcher, physicist, civic

leader, in IT or online

Pisces - podiatrist, bartender, chemist, artist, veterinarian, chemical

engineer, psychic, spiritualist, healer, writer, musician, boat captain, dancer,

doctor, nurse

Once you’ve got those, then you’ll want to find the ruler of the 2nd house.

Every sign has a planetary ruler of that sign. They are:

Aries - Mars


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Taurus, Libra - Venus

Gemini, Virgo - Mercury

Cancer - Moon

Leo - Sun

Scorpio - Pluto

Sagittarius - Jupiter

Capricorn - Saturn

Aquarius - Uranus

Pisces - Neptune

The planetary ruler of a house is the planetary ruler of the sign on the house

cusp, so whatever sign is on your 2nd house cusp, the ruler of that sign is

the ruler of your 2nd house. The house that planet is in can give a little more

information about your 2nd house, with the house the ruler is in being linked

to the 2nd house in some way.

Planetary ruler of the 2nd house in the houses:

1st house - making money is important for you, and you should take

chances and not be afraid of starting new things and putting yourself out

there, as a leader, in the military

2nd house - the ruler of the house in the house gives a natural ease with the

energy of that house

3rd house - you can make money through writing, speaking, using your

mind, learning, dealing with young people, communities, neighbors, or

siblings, using technology

4th house - making money makes you feel secure, and you can make money

through the home or family, or through nurturing

5th house - you can make money through a hobby or sport, through being

creative, dealing with children, love, or through the theater


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6th house - you can make money through working for someone else, when

you pay attention to the details, are organized, and structured, or dealing

with health or pets

7th house - you can make money with a partner, dealing with relationships,

weddings, marriage, making compromises

8th house - you can make money in a way that’s beneficial to both you and

other people, through transforming something, or through sexuality

9th house - you can make money through travel, dealing with foreigners,

doing something international, public relations, higher education, or the law

10th house - you can make money with the help of a boss, parent, mentor,

or elders, and after a lot of hard work and determination, in politics,


11th house - you can make money through or in a group, with friends,

online, inventing new things, being innovative, futuristic, unconventional

12th house - you can make money focusing on spirituality, dreams, the

subconscious mind, the past, baggage, karma, or dealing with anything

hidden like secrets

Another thing to look at is if your 2nd house cusp is at certain degrees called

critical degrees. In each sign, there are 30 degrees (and in each degree,

there are 60 minutes). The critical degrees are specific degrees that can

mean you have more to work through, and with the 2nd house, this means

you’ll have to work on having a better relationship with your finances. The

critical degrees are:

0, 13, and 26 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

8-9, 21-22 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

4 and 17 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces


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There is one more critical degree, the anaretic degree, which is 29 degrees

of any sign. Having your 2nd house at the anaretic degree can show that

you struggle to manage your finances properly, have difficulty figuring out

the best way to make more money, or always feel like you never have

enough. When you develop a healthy attitude toward money, learn how to

be responsible without being a cheap miser, and find a way to make money

that you’re not doing just for money but for love as well, you’ll thrive.


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Most of you know Venus is the planet of love, but did you also know that

Venus rules money as well? Miss Venus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house

of money, and has some sway over your finances. Determine the sign Venus

is in and house Venus is located. Visit the Natal Venus page of The Dark

Pixie Astrology for interpretations of Venus in the 12 signs and 12 houses

(and see the keywords in the first section for the signs which can also be

used for Venus):


Next, determine the major aspects that your Venus makes to your other

planets. An aspect is when two points in a chart are at certain angles to one

another. If you don’t know the aspects your Venus makes, create your chart

on astro.com as described in the video, and when you’ve generated the

chart, click on Additional tables (PDF) on the upper left. This will generate a

PDF of your chart with an Aspects table on the bottom. Find the Venus

symbol: ♀

Follow the column and row for Venus and see if any of them are filled out.

Ones that are empty show no major aspects exist between Venus and the

other planet. These are the glyphs for the other planets:

Sun ☉

Moon ☽

Mercury ☿


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Mars ♂

Jupiter ♃

Saturn ♄

Uranus ♅

Neptune ♆

Pluto ♇

This table does show some minor aspects. For the sake of this mini course,

you can just focus on the major aspects, which are:

Conjunction ☌

Sextile ⚹

Square ◻

Trine △

Opposition ☍

The minor aspects that astro.com shows are (if you’re a beginner, just focus

on the major ones first and get a good handle on those):

Semisextile ⚺

Quincunx ⚻

Quintile Q


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BiQuintile bQ

Semisquare �

Sesquiquadrate ⚼

Look at the row and column for your Venus, and see which major aspects

are present with other planets. Your Venus likely won’t make more than a

handful of major aspects (even less than that for some of you). This is the

case for all planets, so if you don’t have more than a couple of major aspects

to your Venus, don’t be alarmed. The major aspects will just have more

influence over your Venus.

Sextiles and trines are seen as positive, so you have an easier time

manifesting the energy of the two planets together in a positive way.

Squares and oppositions are seen as difficult, so you have a harder time

manifesting the energy of the two planets in a positive way. That doesn’t

mean that if you have only squares and oppositions to your Venus for major

aspects that you’ll always struggle financially and never have any money,

but it does mean you have more to work on. Squares tend to be more

internal, so if you see a square, you know it’s something you need to work

on with yourself on the inside. Oppositions tend to be external, so if you see

an opposition, you know that you have to learn how to manage dealing with

other people and oppositional energy.

Conjunctions can go either way as neutral aspects. In the natal chart, the

planet conjunct your Venus is most important for Venus, and can impact the

ways in which you can make money. For interpretations of all major aspects

to your natal Venus, visit the Natal Venus page of The Dark Pixie Astrology:


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Like with the 2nd house, you’ll also want to see if your Venus is at a critical

or anaretic degree, and if it is, it’ll be interpreted similarly to the 2nd house.


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Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion, so if you want a lot of

money, you want to look at your Jupiter, as he will show how you can create

abundance in your life. Determine the sign Jupiter is in and house Jupiter is

located first. Visit the Natal Jupiter page of The Dark Pixie Astrology for

interpretations of Jupiter in the 12 signs and 12 houses:


Next, determine the major aspects that your Jupiter makes to your other

planets, just like you did with Venus. Focus on major aspects, knowing that

squares and oppositions can show where you’ll need to put in some effort,

sextiles and trines show where you’ll have an easier time, and conjunctions

have the biggest influence over your Jupiter. For interpretations of all major

aspects to your natal Jupiter, visit the Natal Jupiter page of The Dark Pixie



Pay special attention to the aspect between Jupiter and your Sun and your

Venus, if it makes one. A major aspect with Jupiter/Sun or Jupiter/Venus

shows that it’s important for you to have abundance in your life, and even

with the squares and oppositions, is easier for you to attain than for others.

A conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is likely the one that makes it

most difficult to gain abundance in your life, however it’s not impossible. It

just means you won’t have it without putting in an enormous amount of hard

work, being responsible, or being realistic, and that it can come later in life.


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Like with Venus and the 2nd house, also see if your Jupiter is at a critical or

anaretic degree. If it is, you can have difficulty creating or managing

abundance in your life, and need to work on embracing the abundance you

already have and creative a positive attitude toward abundance.


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There actually is an asteroid named Abundantia, which rules, of course,

abundance! It will be interpreted similarly to Jupiter, the planet of

abundance, in terms of sign, house, and aspects. You can find your asteroid

Abundantia on astro.com by going to Extended Chart Selection and under

the Additional Objects section where the text box is, type in 151 (the

number for asteroid Abundantia), and then generate the chart.

If you’re feeling a little more daring, you can not only look at Abundantia in

your natal chart, but also track transit (moving) Abundantia as well. The

movement of transit Abundantia through your houses can show where you

can find abundance right at this moment, and the aspects transit Abundantia

makes can show how difficult or easier it is and where or how to focus the

abundant energy.

You can create an asteroid ephemeris on astro.com by going to Extended

Chart Selection, clicking on Ephemeris for the Methods section near the top,

and type 151 in the text box in the Ephemerides for Other Objects section;

for the Start Date section, put the year that you want the ephemeris to be

for, so 2015 if you want a 2015 ephemeris of Abundantia.

For interpretations of transit Abundantia in the houses and aspects, it will be

similar to transit Jupiter in the houses and aspects, so check out the Transit

Jupiter page on The Dark Pixie Astrology:


Also note when transit planets will trigger your natal asteroid Abundantia.

Transit Uranus conjunction? Sudden abundance that’s unexpected. Transit


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Jupiter trine? Abundance times two. Transit Mars opposite? Opposition

preventing abundance. Best times will likely be when transit Sun, Venus,

Mars, or Jupiter conjunct your Abundantia.

Are you a beginner who wants to learn about transit aspects and basic

predictive astrology? Visit the Beginner Astrology Lessons page on The Dark

Pixie Astrology for some predictive lessons:



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- List all of your positions and write down some notes for each


2nd house sign:

2nd house planets:

2nd house ruler and location of the ruler:

Venus sign:

Venus house location:

Aspects my Venus makes:

Jupiter sign:

Jupiter house location:

Aspects my Jupiter makes:

Abundantia sign:

Abundantia house:


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Aspects my Abundantia makes:

(Optional) Transits & Abundantia

Transit Abundantia is currently in my _________ house

Transit Abundantia through the houses:

Transit aspects to my natal Abundantia:

Answer the questions below.

Do you want to make more money?

If no, feel free to stop now!

If yes -

How are you making money now?

Are you happy with the way you make money now?

If yes -


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How can you incorporate what you’ve learned about your chart

into how you currently make money? List ideas.

If no -

How would you like to make money? Does it fit what your chart


If not, how can you tweak it to fit? List ideas.

Tip: If what you do or want to do isn’t listed in this mini course, do a

search online to find out the sign, house, and planetary rulers for it.

If you don’t know how you’d like to make money, make a long list of

ways in which your chart says you can. Cross off anything that

doesn’t interest you at all. Then live with the list for a little while,

and slowly cross off more, add news ones you find, or tweak ones

that are on there, until you’ve narrowed it down.