EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template 8 th Grade Math-Slope-Intercept Form Alexis Gilbert 8 th Grade Resource Room Math Common Core Standards: 8.EE- This class is also reviewing Expressions and equations, from 7 th grade concepts, with learning new expressions and equations from 8.EE. 7 th grade standard- “Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions,” “Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.” 8 th grade standard- “Work with radicals and integer exponents,” “Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations,” ” Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.” Lesson Summary: The objective of this lesson is to help 8 th grade students learn slope intercept. These lessons have been based on real life scenarios to help them relate math to everyday objects. This classroom is a resource room, so the students are in 8 th grade but are learning 3 to 4 deviations below grade level. They will be working in groups of 2, with formative and summative assessments completed independently. Estimated Duration: This lesson will be spread out over 3 days. The class period is about 55 minutes long, but their attention spans make their best working time limited to about 40 minutes a day. Each day, they will have about a 10 minute review in the beginning of the class, then they will split into their groups/partners, and get to work. Spreading this lesson over a 3 day period makes the lesson about 120 minutes long. A fourth day may be added for extra support, if needed.

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template8th Grade Math-Slope-Intercept FormAlexis Gilbert8th Grade Resource Room Math

Common Core Standards:8.EE- This class is also reviewing Expressions and equations, from 7th grade concepts, with learning new expressions and equations from 8.EE. 7th grade standard- Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions, Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. 8th grade standard- Work with radicals and integer exponents, Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations, Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.

Lesson Summary:The objective of this lesson is to help 8th grade students learn slope intercept. These lessons have been based on real life scenarios to help them relate math to everyday objects. This classroom is a resource room, so the students are in 8th grade but are learning 3 to 4 deviations below grade level. They will be working in groups of 2, with formative and summative assessments completed independently.

Estimated Duration:This lesson will be spread out over 3 days. The class period is about 55 minutes long, but their attention spans make their best working time limited to about 40 minutes a day. Each day, they will have about a 10 minute review in the beginning of the class, then they will split into their groups/partners, and get to work. Spreading this lesson over a 3 day period makes the lesson about 120 minutes long. A fourth day may be added for extra support, if needed.

Commentary: This classroom has 13 students. In a resource room, there is only allowed a 12:1 student teacher ratio. So, there are more students than there are supposed to be, which makes this class difficult to manage. It is a resource room math class, which is a class that needs extra help in math. These students move slower than the general education math class and require extra details and extra time on explaining material being taught. They are in this class for 55 minutes, which makes some of the kids restless. This period is also combined with lunch, so behaviors that happen in lunch, tend to be brought back to class. These students need to be redirected to keep on task and they need reminded of what is being taught. There are students with physical disabilities, behavior issues, SLD, OHI, CD, visual, hearing and wheelchairs in this classroom. Every student is involved in the classroom, accommodating to their needs. B needs to sit in the front because of fine motor help. He receives help with writing notes, after he shows an attempt to try himself. These students are okay with receiving extra help with writing notes. No put downs are allowed, or they are automatically given an afterschool detention. All students are aware of this policy. However, disrespect to peers and adults does happen often in this class. Many verbal prompts to get started and stay on task are needed and given. After the review, transitioning to a new activity will be a challenge for them. Giving them one minute to put items away then getting prepared for the next one, using a visual timer on the computer, will help keep them on track to be prepared. To hook the students into the lesson, they will pick their partners. The lesson and the technology used will be introduced. Giving the students an overview of the stations they will have to go to with their partners will help engage the students in the lesson, keeping them interested in the task at hand.

Station 1: Reading a graph, to figure out the secret code. The points will be labeled differently for each group. Station 2: Follow a QR code to a secret website. The code leads them to computer based work with Khan Academy (7th or 8th grade Math, Linear Equations). Finishing one of these sections as a competition for the most points.Station 3: Create a graph to assess the rest of the class. Have them follow the FINAL QR Code to website to create a graph.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: First 15 minutes: math problem of the day, review of concepts for slope intercept and reading the posters that have been posted around the room. For the next 35 minutes, students will work with their partners to complete the stations. Each group will have a station (since the class has 13 students, there will be 3 groups of 3 students and 1 group of 4 students), where they will complete the given task. All stations will be the same, so students do not get confused, but their secret codes will be different (slope, rise, run, equation). The last 5 minutes of class will be regrouping, turning in paperwork, and communicating about how to start day 2.

Station 1: Reading a graph, to figure out the secret code. The points will be labeled differently for each group.

Day 2:

First 10 minutes: math problem of the day, review of concepts for slope intercept and reading the posters that have been posted around the room. Answer any questions they may have.

Next 40 minutes: continue with station 1 if needed, start station 2. Station 2 is as follows:Station 2: Follow a QR code to a secret website. The code leads them to computer based work with Khan Academy (7th or 8th grade Math, Linear Equations). Finishing one of these sections as a competition for the most points. The students will all be registered in my class, so I can track their progress. Each student of the group must complete one of the sections for credit.

Last 5 minutes: Turn in assignments, talk about any housekeeping issues, and front load them with what day 3 will look like. Remind students that station 2, the online work, needs to be completed for homework, or during their study hall.

Day 3:First 10 minutes: math problem of the day, review of concepts for slope intercept and reading the posters that have been posted around the room. Answer any questions they may have.

Next 40 minutes: I will be checking that students completed online homework. Students will be working on station 3. Station 3 is as follows:Station 3: Create a graph to assess the rest of the class. Have them follow the FINAL QR Code to website to create a graph. *Only one graph needs to be created per group, which means each group must complete one final graph (some students have a difficult time with team work and collaboration, so this will need to be teacher prompting and critical thinking questions being asked by teacher, to get them thinking outside of the school world, and into the real world, when they have to work with people. This lesson is to help them continue working out problems and talking over tough situations.)

Last 5 minutes: regroup and reflect on the past 3 days. Ask students questions, answer student questions, if any, and tell them day 4 is assessment day!

Day 4: First 15 minutes of class: Collaborate with team members to get projects and papers completed and ready to be turned in. They will be discussing how they want their class mates to work on their assessments they created.

Next 25-30 minutes: have the students complete peer assessments. Each group will pass out/ put their assessment on the board, for all peers to complete. The groups are responsible for explaining their assessments to their class mates. Last 5-10 minutes of class: reflecting on what they learned. Fill out an exit slip of 3 things they learned and 3 questions they might still have, or something they are still confused about. Then they can list any comments or concerns they may have.


Homework assignments and class work has been given and collected to see where students are in terms of understanding slope intercept form. Re-teaching has been occurring every day, as well as front loading and reflecting. The students will show to me that they can find the slope, the x-intercept, and the y-intercept, and be able to label it on a graph. These assignments are not scored but they will be given points for turning in work. The data will then be used to decide how the next 4 days of the lesson will be laid out.

Scoring Guidelines:

After collecting the homework and class work, I will look at each students papers to see what kind of work they showed. If I do not see work, I will make that a focus area, reminding them to do this when possible. If I see a specific area where majority of the students are confused, I will also make this a focus area. Modifying the standards, while having the standard posted for all to see, will help the students to be able to score themselves, making sure they understand what is expected of them. In middle school, allowing the student to have majority of the control of their own grade is important, teaching them daily life skills of ownership and leadership, while instill math concepts, relating to the real world. If I see that something may be too hard or too easy, I will make sure I take time the next day to talk about it and answer questions, or ask questions.

Post-Assessment:Students will be turning in their Khan Academy assignment that I will use as a post assessment. They will also have their assessments they are giving classmates, and they are responsible for having an answer key for me as well. Then, I will also have an assessment, with a few problems, making sure they can answer the questions on their own. An exit slip will also be collected as a pre and post assessment. For pre-assessment, they will be telling me 3 things they are unsure of, and the post-assessment will be 3 things they learned. They also have the opportunity to ask questions, or give comments here.

Scoring Guidelines:Classmates will give a score (4, 3, 2, 1) of their peers assessments. I will also be using this scale. 4 is equivalent to an A+, 3 is a B, 2 is a C and 1 is a D. All of the students are familiar with this grading system, so it will be something they have consistently seen. I will score also on team work and collaboration and willingness to participate. If they are an active learner, I will take that into consideration, as well as noting if they let their partners complete everything. All students will grade themselves, their peers, and myself on how well they enjoyed the project. They are required to write supporting details of the grades they are giving. They are also required to give examples and details of what they liked, didnt like, or would change about the project. This gives them the opportunity to reflect on themselves, their peers and their teacher, continuing to build a relationship with the teacher. As the teacher, I will make sure to explain many times that I am the only one who sees the evaluations, so they need to be honest when scoring peers and talking about peer team work.

Differentiated Instructional SupportDescribe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students: This classroom is a resource room, so all of the students are on IEPs and have specific learning disabilities. They are given many consecutive days to complete the group work, but if more time is needed, more time will be given. I will be there supporting each group and asking higher level thinking questions, while taking notes on what I see with collaboration, team work, and participation throughout the work days. Homework is seldom in this class, because they are given class time to complete it. With that being said, students are able to receive any extra support needed. This is where they are learning to advocate for themselves, to help themselves become better learners. I will be asking all of the students if they have questions, as a group and independently, and explaining certain challenges or questions, when I see the need. Technology is the main focus of this project, but they are also learning basic life skills of working well with others. I will be teaching each of them how to use and create each part of the assignment.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:

Continue with small group pull sessions during study hall, allow students to ask questions. Ask critical thinking and higher level thinking questions frequently. Also, for students who have a difficult time with computer use, I will already have the computers up and ready to be used. If a student needs help typing, in this classroom the students are all pretty good about helping each other, but if I need to help a specific student, I will do so when needed.


Extended Standards- ODE 8th grade mathhttps://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Special-Education/Students-with-Disabilities/Students-With-Disabilities-%281%29/OACS-E-Mathematics.pdf.aspx

Khan Academy- 7th grade math practicehttps://www.khanacademy.org/mission/cc-seventh-grade-math

Khan Academy- 8th grade math practice https://www.khanacademy.org/mission/cc-eighth-grade-math

Khan Academy has many videos on how students will be learning about graphing and learning about slope intercept. Also, the extended standards has the standards we will be using, that are written in the classroom. They can always use their text books as well because they have a website available too. Any extra practice the students want to do will only help them in the future, and this will be explained to them.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Homework for students in the RR is difficult for them to complete. However, websites, such as khan academy, have been used frequently and I can track their progress as they go. The students will have the QR codes, so they can use the graph generator whenever they would like. If I feel extra work is needed, I will use mathworksheets.com to generate homework that relates to slope intercept form, for extra practice.

Interdisciplinary Connections

This lesson was integrated with English and Science. Once they learn how to read a graph, they can look at different graphs, and graph types, in science. Then, they can write about the graphs in English. This shows how content area classes can be related to real life scenarios, showing the importance of each subject and the affect they have on all parts of their education and life. It is also related to social skills (since this is still taught in middle school and is crucial), teaching them how to cooperate with rules and working with peers.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

-students laptops-math posters relating to slope-student generated definitions of slope-intercept-QR code creators-interactive graphing website-khan academy-ELMO to share student created assessments-Rubric generator for the students to grade the project AND for the students to grade each other and themselves, while receiving their overall grade from teacher. -other low tech devices (i.e. paper, markers, rulers, thick lined paper, pens, etc).

For students

-Laptops-ELMO-QR app on phone OR tablets

Key Vocabulary-slope-intercept-slope-intercept form-x axis-y axis-ryse over run-y=mx+b-move left-move right-move up-move down-direction-What direction?-Point to-Can you show me where.-add-subtract-multiply-divide-equals, equal to-data-plot-point-graph-opposite-similar-different/difference-quadrant-pair-positive slope-negative slope-undefined slope-zero slope

Additional Notes

Parts of this lesson I have implemented in the classroom. I am very excited to create the QR codes and the graphs to see how everything would work in the actual classroom. I did parts of this lesson on the ELMO with the kids and made it interactive online, but at the time we did not have the resources to make it completely computer based, the way I have recreated it to be. I am excited to create it to be this way because it will definitely be something I try out in my classroom when possible!!!!!