March 1, 2013 GLADSTONE GOOD NEWS 1 This photo is the Gladstone baseball team of 1923. I love this photograph. My interest in the newsletter and the Gladstone depot is a direct result of this picture. Kurt Martin showed me this photo shortly after I moved to town. I was fascinated, my curiosity got the better of me. After seeing the photo of the 1923 baseball team; I looked up other baseball teams in the area during this time. I quickly found out that this was a big deal for the surrounding areas. I found some other great photos of teams from North Dakota. Look on the back pages to see these photos. A very rare phenomenon happened on February 3 rd known as snowrollers. Snowrollers are formed under a very unique set of conditions. A precise combination of snow, ice, wind, temperature and moisture must be present to have this phenomenon. I spoke with several North Dakota natives that said they had never seen anything like it. Here are some photos if you missed it. The photos were taken at night, sorry they are not better, but I didn’t want to miss the chance to get a picture. This can happen any place in the world, but it is most likely to happen in the plains area of the United States. Quote of the Month Find out whose quote this is, in the next issue of Gladstone Good News “Spring is just around the corner. It should be beautiful in three to four weeks”.

Gladstone Good News - March 2013

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Gladstone Good News - March 2013

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Page 1: Gladstone Good News - March 2013

March 1,



This photo is the Gladstone

baseball team of 1923. I love this

photograph. My interest in the

newsletter and the Gladstone depot

is a direct result of this picture. Kurt

Martin showed me this photo shortly

after I moved to town. I was

fascinated, my curiosity got the better

of me. After seeing the photo of the

1923 baseball team; I looked up other

baseball teams in the area during this

time. I quickly found out that this was

a big deal for the surrounding areas. I

found some other great photos of

teams from North Dakota. Look on

the back pages to see these photos.

A very rare phenomenon

happened on February 3rd known as

snowrollers. Snowrollers are formed

under a very unique set of conditions.

A precise combination of snow, ice,

wind, temperature and moisture

must be present to have this

phenomenon. I spoke with several North Dakota natives that said they had never seen anything

like it. Here are some photos if you missed it. The photos were taken at night, sorry they are not

better, but I didn’t want to miss the chance to get a picture. This can happen any place in the

world, but it is most likely to happen in the plains area of the United States.

Quote of the Month

Find out whose quote this is, in the next issue of Gladstone Good News

“Spring is just around the corner. It should be beautiful in three to four weeks”.

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March 1,



This is a photo of William E. Gladstone with his

granddaughter in the 1880’s. Sometime shortly after

this photo was taken, Gladstone and his granddaughter

wheel barrowed thirty two thousand books from his

personal library to Hawarden where he set up a library.

After several months the move was completed and a

legacy for giving and education was started by

Gladstone’s gift to the public. Gladstone believed that

education was the vehicle for personal success, but

also national prosperity. Looks like things have not

changed very much since his time.

This is the original Richardton depot that was moved to Taylor.

The Gladstone depot will emulate the depot pictured here. The colors and detailing will

be the same. The exterior of the Gladstone depot will be very close to the original. On the

interior we will make some adjustments. There will be a basement in the Gladstone depot. The

Gladstone depot will have a small restaurant and an outdoor eating area. I am hoping that we

will be able to assemble a fun collection of Gladstone items for the Depot. Gladstone

memorabilia will be displayed in a fun and interesting way.

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March 1,



The oak bench is an original depot piece of furniture from this area. I plan on reproducing this same

bench. Also the light fixtures and many other details will look like the originals. I want this to be a fun experience

not just for me but for the whole town. Let’s make Gladstone the best place to live.

I want to wish Emil Wieglenda a speedy recovery.

We need you on the Depot buddy, so get well soon.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you

know better, do better” Maya Angelou

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March 1,



“What is it” The left side photo

is easily identifiable in the Gladstone

city limits. On the back pages of the

Gladstone Good News you will find

the answers. Have fun...

“Find the difference” These two

photos have five things that are

different. If you can’t find the

differences, look on the back pages for

the answers.

This is a “Pay it forward” Newsletter

Page 5: Gladstone Good News - March 2013

March 1,



This is the model we are

building on Metzger. “The Porch”

is the name of this model. The

model will have a finished

basement with a 24’x24’ two car

garage. ”The Porch” is a four

bedroom three full bathroom

beautiful home. The garage is in

the back which will give you a

beautiful front porch with

sidewalk and shade trees. Also,

included in this home will be a

green front lawn and a white

picket fence.

Oh, almost forgot also

included is wonderful stone facing

and a green metal roof. Please call

Tim Dunnagan @ 701-690-3301

for more information.

10 lots on Metzger are ready to go on our beautiful front porch craftsman style homes.

Garage is located in the back so that you can truly enjoy porch living

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March 1,



Acacia Bar routine Ayanna floor routine

“You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side”

William E. Gladstone

Acacia and Ayanna in Dickinson gymnastics meet

Gladstone girls make impact

Acacia and Ayanna are the very talented children of Michelle and Darcy

Fossum. Acacia attends Richardton High School, but she competes with the team

from Dickinson High School. Only fourteen years old, she has already won the State

all around title twice. She will be trying to take the title for a third time this year. We

are wishing Acacia a fun time in her pursuit of another title.

Ayanna is Acacia’s younger sister. She is only 11 and she too is competing in

gymnastics. Ayanna competes in a USA level 8 of which she is one of the younger

competitors at this level. Enjoy the videos and remember to support Gladstonians

whenever you can.

Click image for video Click image for video

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March 1,



Top 10 List

Why we need a major league sports stadium in Gladstone

10. We need to do something with all that oil money

9. Finally, we have something bigger than Dickinson

8. Hey, what does New York have that we don’t?

7. We can rent out the parking lot for trailer parking!!!

6. Hmmm, put in a sports stadium or put in a grocery store?

5. We need to diversify our local economy

4. We were playing a game of “Truth or Dare”

3. We can use the stadium for spectator pheasant hunting

2. You never can have too many stadiums

1. I keep hearing a voice saying “if you build it, he will come”

Tim Dunnagan

This is a “Pay it forward” newsletter

New stadium in Gladstone

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March 1,



Southwest Speedway Schedule 2013

Proud sponsor of Kendall Booke

Do you need help setting up your internet business?

“All the world over, I will back the masses against the classes”

William E. Gladstone

You need to contact: Kyle Thiel at [email protected]

April 27th Car Show (time TBA)

April 28th Test & Tune (time TBA)

May 4th Regular Race

May 18th Regular Race

June 1st Regular Race

June 15th Regular Race

June 29th Regular Race

Midseason Championship

July 5th Regular Race

July 10th Mod Tour

July 20th Regular Race

August 3rd Regular Race

August 17th Regular Race

August 24th Regular Race


September 6th Harvest Shootout

September 7th Harvest Shootout

September 27th Frostbite “100”

September 28th Frostbite “100”

Kendall Booke

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March 1,



Austin (left) Alex (right)

Featured Gladstonian of the Month

Austin Marquardt a.k.a., Skateboard Guy is our Gladstonian of the month.

I think that everyone has seen Austin on his board over by the Post Office. Last fall

I stopped to talk to Austin about why he hangs out at the Post Office to skate

board, instead of one of the two parks in town. He told me that “there is nothing

there for me “. He went on to tell me, that the curb with sidewalk by the Post

Office is better to do tricks with his skateboard. Young people that skateboard are

out of luck here in Gladstone, if they like to ride. There really isn’t a place for

them to hang out with friends and ride their boards. Skateboard Guy graciously

provided a skateboard plan. His layout, which he pulled off the internet was very

simple and should be easy to include in a park design.

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When the weather starts to warm up

and after school lets out; Austin will be

riding again. I never have skateboarded,

but I’m sure that it’s a blast. I asked him if it

hurts when you fall. He said, (mystery quote)

So, I took that answer as a yes. I guess that

age must have something to do with it.

Good for you Skateboard Guy.

What else do you like to do Austin?

He told me that he hooked up a sled to the

four wheeler and let it pull him around. I

know this is a fact, because I saw him and

his friends sliding on a sled. Hooting and

hollering mixed in with tons of laughter could be heard. They wiped out real big

down at the bottom of the hill, on south Main Street; they could not stop

laughing. I’m sure his special pain tolerance ability kicked in.

Now I know most guys like to blow up stuff and I’m sure that Austin has

never done this before “wink, wink” and I’m very sure he never would have

enjoyed seeing things get blown up either “wink, wink”.

School is ok says Austin. He attends Dickinson HS. Nothing really jumps out

at him at the moment. I understand Austin, some people figure out what they like

and want from day one. Heck I’m still looking to see what I like too Austin. He

enjoys living in Gladstone. He feels like he can do more things here; such as

sledding and nobody cares. It’s quiet here and that’s just fine by him. Austin is a

smart guy and I would be willing to bet that whatever he decides to put his mind

to will be successful. Skateboard Guy and his friend Alex are good kids. Thank you,

Austin. Keep skateboarding…

“I think I must have a really high pain tolerance”

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March 1,



Winter is moving along very quickly and spring is now not far off. Landscape and garden

planning is in full swing. Here are a few tips for some favorites to use in the garden along with

some color planting. The three photos are Spirea Dakota gold charm zoned 3. This particular

shrub is a small variety that not only has good flower color but good foliage color as well. After

several months of white I thought that a pink Spirea instead of a white flowering Spirea would

be a much better option here in Gladstone.

Forsythia New Hampshire Gold is another outstanding plant choice for the garden this

year. Yellow flowers and great foliage color makes this Forsythia an easy choice for your

Gladstone garden. Forsythia can become very large but, not this one, it stays manageable. Add

some under planting to this shrub for even more color and you will have a winner. Mulch added

to the planter is always a good idea so don’t forget to do so. There are mulches on the market

that also have some color to them, don’t fail to try these.

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Finally I wanted to tell you about a six foot tall Lilac that double blooms and has smaller

leaves. Lilac “Josee” is the choice on lilacs for my suggestions in your Gladstone garden. All my

selections are zoned for our area and will make a great addition to your landscape.

This design story for your Gladstone yard was brought to you by Michael Hill

Gladstone Design

Artistic Creative Imaginative Inspired Original Unique

30+ years in Design & Landscape (701) 690-3301 Tim Dunnagan

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March 1,



The Pub will now be open on

Sundays. The Super Bowl Party was a

great success. Larry is already planning

what to do next year. The chili was great

and the new 55” TV along with the other

screens did the trick. Good job on the

party Larry. ”T” provided the wonderful

chili and the service behind the bar.

I like the improvements that Larry

is doing to the place. I hope everyone

supports The Pub. Don’t forget that The

Pub is now non smoking, so if you didn’t

like the smoke before, no worries now.

How cool that there are still

people out here that love getting from

one place to another by horse. It was cold

on Super Bowl Sunday, but these kids are

having fun. I’m so grateful that there are

still people out there that make our lives

interesting. Live life.

*Eat*Drink*Be Happy*Drink*Eat*

The Pub

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March 1,



This for me is my proudest moment; my wife just published her first book. Jan

has been working on this book for two years. She said I’m going to write this book

and guess what, she did. I’m so proud of her. It’s no easy task to write a book. Many

people say they want to write a book, but most fail to follow through. Not Jan, she

did it. Way to go babe.

“My life’s purpose is to be a light and support for others on their journey of self-

discovery. My hope for the book is that it will be a conversation starter-with self. I

hope that after reading the book, the reader is energized and ready to uncover

some of their own truest truths and discover just how amazing they already are!”

Jan’s website: www.journeytobutterfly.com

People can buy a paperback book, an eBook and a paperback journal directly through my website

OR they can go to www.amazon.com/author/janetdunnagan to buy them.

Okay, here are Jan’s own words about her book

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March 1,



Now I will admit that I’m not a Play person. Over the years I have gone to just a handful

of plays; Having said that, I decided to give the Bob Rauschenberg America play by Charles

Mee, at DSU’s Stickney Auditorium at May Hall a try. I liked it… was it different? You bet it was,

and that’s okay. So what I’m saying here is give these folks a chance to perform for you

Gladstone. Maybe like me, you will like a Play once and awhile. They have a new Play coming up

called It Came From Mars Go see it, it will be fun.

April 18,19,20,24,25,26,27 Starts at 7:30 PM at the Backstage Theater

By: Joseph Zettelmaier

Zettlemaier’s latest work asks an important question, but frames it with a mix of laughs and

drama: What would you do if you faced imminent death?

In this particular case, the you is the cast and crew of the soon to be canceled radio drama

who, while rehearsing their next (and possible last) episode, hear what they believe is a live

broadcast from the scene of a Martian landing in nearby New Jersey. The year of course, is 1938, and

what the New York based team actually heard was a snippet from Orson Wells’ notorious Halloween

program, The War of the Worlds. Like much of the country they panicked and thus is set in motion a

night none of them will forget. This partial review was written by Donald V. Calamia

For Encore Michigan For the period Feb 19-25, 2013

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This photo is the Gladstone North Dakota Hotel “Columbia” and general

store from 1913. If anyone knows where this was in town please let me know.

Gene thanks for finding this photo.

This is my largest home model called the Riverdale. There is over 2,880

sq.ft. Plus basement in this awesome home.

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March 1,



Some very unusual deer sightings and rumors in

Gladstone have locals scratching their heads

1. Deer hanging out at the Pub

2. Deer statues are really live Deer.

3. Deer have been reported climbing trees.

4. Fake Deer placed to confuse hunters.

5. Deer disguised as loose dogs in town.

6. Have you ever really looked at local Squirrels?

7. Rumors that Deer have acquired magic dust that

makes them really, really small.

*Eat*Drink*Be Happy*Drink*Eat*

The Pub


Squirrel Dogs

The Pub

Tree Climber

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March 1,



There are 4 talking trail signs in Gladstone

Ext. 801 Roller Mill & Church west of Missouri river

Ext. 802 County Seat Controversy

Ext. 803 Railroad Terminal

Ext. 804 Old Stage Coach Line on Green River

All you have to do is call 701-566-5566 and enter Ext.

If you haven’t tried these talking signs that are in town, give them a try, they are very good.

Gladstone Good News would like to give an open invitation to all; if you

have something to share, for example: art, stories, photos, music, pets or

any other talents or pride and joys contact me. I might just include it in the

Gladstone Good News. [email protected]

Don’t forget the Gladstone Good News is a “Pay It Forward” newsletter

Fish sculpture on enchanted highway

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March 1,



Answer “find the difference“

Answer “what is it”

Bearing Point LLC

(701) 300-7012

Making Every Job Our Best Gladstone Residents

Bp Construction

Want to send me a message?

[email protected]

(701) 690-3301

Gladstone Residents

Send me a photo

[email protected]

Gladstone Good News

Gladstone Good News

This is a “Pay it forward” newsletter

Page 20: Gladstone Good News - March 2013

March 1,



Gladstone team from 1919 or earlier

1898 Basketball team from Agriculture college that became

NDSU. Not Gladstone, but I could not pass on this very cool photo.