Global Course Program 2019 V4 - i-intelligence · IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook This five-day course offers a complete introduction to IBM i2 Analysts’ Notebook (ANB). Participants

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Developing the 21st Century Workforce 3

Open Source Intelligence 6

Advanced OSINT 8

Social Media Intelligence 10

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook 12

Competitive Intelligence 15

Intelligence Analysis 17

Advanced Intelligence Analysis 19

Strategic Foresight 21

Scenario Planning 23

Risk Management 25

Intelligence Reporting 28

Decision Making 30

Operational Analysis 33

Course Dates and Fees 36

Terms and Conditions 41

Course Logistics 42

Organizer and Instructors 43

Contact Us 45


Developing the 21st Century Workforce i-intelligence is one of the world’s leading providers of training and advisory services

to organisations wishing to improve their research and analytic capabilities. We have

trained analysts in fields as diverse as defence, national security, law enforcement,

disaster management, fraud prevention, competitive intelligence, IP protection, the

pharma industry, financial services and the law.

Our mission is to provide every professional with the skills needed to realise their

fullest potential. To this end, we provide an extensive range of training courses

covering such fields as diverse as open source intelligence, risk analysis, information

management and strategic foresight. Our public courses offer an excellent

opportunity to sample our approach to professional training, capacity building and

organisational development.

We continue to expand our range of public courses, as well the number of

destinations we host them in. During 2019 we will run courses in Europe, Asia, Africa,

the Middle East and the Americas. We have also added new programs on Decision

Making and Process Analysis and Design to further enhance our clients’ capabilities.


Join us and learn how to:

• Identify and manage your intelligence requirements

• Automate the collection of mission or business critical data from web and

social media sources using free web tools and technologies

• Improve your online privacy and security

• Monitor social media to support strategic and operational decision making

• Protect the physical and digital data assets of your organisation

• Enhance your information and knowledge management capabilities

• Identify and manage risks to your business assets

• Apply scenarios and strategic foresight to issues of concern

• Improve judgement and decision making

• Enhance policy, process and workflow

• Boost efficiency and productivity in the workplace

Quality Education Our courses offer the ideal blend of theory and practice. Participants will be

introduced to the concepts, models and technologies that inform today’s best

practices, and will be given ample time to experiment with the tools and

methodologies that are taught. In addition to the course slides, participants will

receive a host of supplementary materials including cheat sheets, templates, software

tools and additional reading materials to enable self-study.

Professionally Relevant Our courses guarantee measurable outcomes. The curricula have been designed

around professional standards and best practices. We draw on the experience of the

world’s foremost practitioners and use real-world case studies and simulations to help

students internalise lessons learned and apply these skills in the workplace.

Cost Effective We are committed to making instruction in intelligence and its related disciplines as

affordable as possible. Our courses have been competitively priced, with discounts

for students and organisations wishing to send two or more participants. Contact us

to find out more about the discounts available to you or your organisation.


Who Should Attend? Our courses are relevant to all professionals, regardless of their background, current

role or career ambitions. With the exception of our advanced and executive courses,

we do not assume any prior knowledge, thus making them a useful starting point for

professionals wishing to develop their capabilities.


Open Source Intelligence This three-day course provides a detailed introduction to the discipline of Open

Source Intelligence (OSINT). Participants will learn how to identify their intelligence

needs and leverage a broad range of tools and sources to improve data collection,

analysis and decision-making in their organisation.

Course Outline Day 1: Requirements Planning Introducing OSINT

• The varieties of OSINT (online, offline, etc.) • The benefits and limitations of OSINT • Strategic and operational dimensions of

OSINT • Legal and ethical constraints

Managing Requirements • Working with intelligence customers

• Identifying collection requirements • The Key Intelligence Topics (KITs) process • Collection planning • Collection frameworks

Day 2: Effective Web Exploitation

Automating Intelligence Collection

• Establishing a keyword index • Working with data aggregators • Generating data from the web • Generating data from social media • Working with alert services • Essential browser tools and extensions

Searching the Web • Search strategies

• Search operators • Recommended search engines • Searching the deep web • Building a customised search engine • Working with databases and directories • Maintaining an audit trail • Essential browser tools and extensions


Day 3: Security and Data Management Safer Searching

• Privacy, anonymity and proxy tools • Developing a sockpuppet • Working with Tor and the Dark Web

Data Management and Exploitation

• Validating your search results • Data processing and enrichment • Organising data for analysis • Working with data collation tables • The pre-analysis checklist

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Identify and manage their intelligence requirements • Improve the quality, accuracy and relevance of their search results • Automate the collection of data from the web and social media sources • Build a personal monitoring system to support strategy and decision making • Improve online privacy, anonymity and security • Organise data to identify knowledge gaps and support effective analysis

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail and Twitter account if they do not already have one.


Advanced OSINT This three-day course builds on the content of our introductory OSINT program. The

objective here is to extend the OSINT professional’s skills to include investigative

capabilities. In addition to enhancing their knowledge of valuable intelligence

resources, we will provide guidance on the tools needed to conduct rigorous, legally

compliant investigations of organisations, individuals and websites.

Course Outline Day 1: Advanced OSINT

Advanced Data Collection • Feed manipulation and processing tools

• Task automation tools

• Searching beyond Google

• Web rippers and scrapers

Open Source Geospatial


• Maps and mapping tools

• Working with geolocational data

• Leveraging data from social media

Day 2: Web Investigations I

Investigating Websites • Whois, DNS and IP tools

• Identifying site ownership

• Site mapping

• Metadata exploitation

• Unique identifiers on the web

Investigating Organisations • Due diligence frameworks

• Investigating ownership

• Investigating subsidiaries

• Identifying clients and business partners

• Monitoring an organisations online footprint


Day 3: Web Investigations II

Investigating Individuals

• Finding people online

• Mapping an individual’s online footprint

• Screen name investigations

• Finding and validating email addresses

• Email tracing and traffic analysis

• Developing a digital profile

• Legal and ethical considerations

Working with Maltego • Set up and configuration

• Working with entities and transforms

• Running and editing a project

• Supporting tools

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Apply a broader array of search tools and intelligence sources

• Leverage geospatial data for strategic and operational intelligence purposes

• Identify the ownership and provenance of websites and other resources

• Conduct investigations on organisations and individuals of interest

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail and Twitter

account if they do not already have one. Additional software requirements will be sent

prior to the start of the course.

We strongly recommend that participants wishing to take our Advanced OSINT

program first take our Open Source Intelligence course to ensure they understand the

technical standards and operating principles that underpin our approach to data

collection and analysis.


Social Media Intelligence This three-day course will demonstrate how to generate strategic and operational

intelligence from social media sources. Participants will be shown how to collect,

process, and analyse social medial intelligence (SOCMINT) from a variety of networks

and platforms. Further, they will be shown how to identify and monitor specific voices,

issues and conversations. Finally, they will be shown how to conduct rigorous people

investigations using a broad range of social media services.

Course Outline Day 1: Mining Social Networks Establishing Your


• Configuring your browser

• Extending your search capabilities

• Developing keyword indices

• Research tools and extensions

• Content curation / management tools

Automating SOCMINT


• Monitoring frameworks and approaches

• Keyword / hashtag discovery and validation

• Source discovery and validation

• Recommended tools, apps and extensions

• Establishing a monitoring dashboard

Working with Social


• Working with Facebook, VK, LinkedIn, etc.

• Finding and monitoring users and groups

• Mining social networks for SOCMINT

• Using third party tools and search services

• Generating user stats and analytics

Day 2: Working with Social Networks

Working with Twitter

and Instagram

• Finding, monitoring and geolocating users

• Generating user stats and analytics

• Automating data collection


• Search and content discovery tools

• Third party dashboards and extensions

Blogs and Discussions


• Mining blogging platforms for intelligence

• Working with visual blogs (Pinterest, Tumblr)

• Working with Reddit and discussion boards

• Determining reach and influence

Foreign Language SOCMINT

• Mapping the SOCMINT universe

• Mining foreign language sources

• Working with translation tools and extensions

Day 3: Social Media Investigations

Getting Started • The investigative process • Working with target profiles and templates • Maintaining privacy and security online

Investigating Individual


• Finding people online • Mapping an individual’s online footprint • Screen name investigations • Unmasking hidden identities

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Monitor a broad range of social media sources, including non-Western ones • Identify and follow leading voices and opinion makers • Track the evolution of critical conversations and ideas • Apply free tools and standard office software to analyse the data collected • Use SOCMINT to support risk management and crisis response • Conduct online investigations in a legal and ethically appropriate manner

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up an anonymous Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, V-Kontakte and Facebook accounts if they do not already have them. Additional software requirements will be sent prior to the start of the course.


IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook This five-day course offers a complete introduction to IBM i2 Analysts’ Notebook

(ANB). Participants will be introduced to both the basic and advanced features of ANB

using practical cases and exercises relevant to intelligence and law enforcement

professionals. They will be shown how to find, visualise and analyse geospatial,

financial, and communication records and apply a broad range of techniques to

investigate target behaviour.

Course Outline Day 1: Creation and Publishing Charts Introduction to the IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook

• ANB’s features and the analysis cycle • IBM i2 ANB items and their properties • Cards, grades and temporal options • Customising the user palette • Creating custom attributes

Creating a Chart • The principles of chart building • Timeline charts vs. network charts • Association and flow charts • Editing and optimising your charts via Style


Publishing Your Chart • Presenting and publishing your chart • Creating and editing the chart legend • Generating snapshots

Day 2: Data Import

Data Import and Chart Creation

• Working with different data, chart types and data mapping models

• Creating, editing and saving import specifications

• Data import and the creation of Association, Timeline and Sequence of Events charts

Advanced Import and Data Editing

• Editing data during import • Editing association and temporal charts


Chart and Item Arrangement

• Working with different chart layouts • Arranging chart Items quickly

Day 3: Search and Analysis Search Techniques • Simple and text-based search

• Visual search • List items • Finding matching entities

Basic Analysis • Identifying most connected items

• Financial account analysis • Call history analysis

Selection Tab Tips • Selections relevant Items • saving Selection sets for the future analysis

Day 4: Trend and Pattern Identification Link, Temporal and Quantitative Analysis

• Working with bar charts and histograms • Heat matrix and drill-down settings • Behavioural analysis using Activity View • Unknown object search under defined


Formatting • Conditional formatting and visual analysis • Amending rules for chart item appearance • Adding or deleting item attributes

Day 5: Advanced Analysis – Networks Geospatial analysis • GIS data analysis and data visualization

• Combination association and temporal analysis with geospatial analysis

Network analysis • Finding connecting networks

• Finding linked items • Find paths • Social network analysis and clustering


Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Create charts manually from unstructured data • Prepare analytical products for presentation and publishing • Import and edit structured data during import • Use different search techniques to find specific elements in large datasets • Apply bar charts, histogram and heat matrices to identify, select, and analyse

data • Identify patterns and sequences using Activity View • Conduct detailed and accurate analysis using Conditional Formatting • Use geospatial analysis advantages • Understand Social Network Analysis

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them. They should have pre-installed

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook V9. A license to use ANB will be provided one week before

the start of the course and will be valid for a full month to facilitate testing and self-



Competitive Intelligence This three-day course provides a general introduction to the practice of competitive

intelligence (CI). Participants will receive training in a broad range of research and

analytic skills. These will help them to identify and manage their organisation’s

information needs; improve their primary and secondary research skills; use different

media monitoring tools; and employ a broad range of analytic techniques to profile

competitors, evaluate markets, anticipate risks, and improve decision-making.

Course Outline Day 1: Requirements Planning The Practice of CI • Understanding the value of CI

• The competitive intelligence cycle

• What CI can and can’t do

• Legal and ethical constraints of CI

Managing Requirements • Working with intelligence customers

• Identifying collection requirements

• The Key Intelligence Topics (KITs) process

• Collection planning

• Collection frameworks

Day 2: Data Collection Effective Internet Exploitation

• Working with keywords

• Search strategies

• Search engines and operators

• Automating data collection

• Alert services

• Working with the Deep Web

• Working with Social Media

• Building a customized search engine

• Essential browser tools and extensions


Investigating Competitors • Company profiling

• Identifying management and ownership

• Working with official records

• Working with satellite / imagery sources

• Sources of financial data

Day 3: Market and Competitor Analysis Analysing Market and

Competitor Intelligence

• Analytical techniques to evaluate your

competitors and operating environment

• Cognitive biases and business blindspots

• Learning from feedback and “failure”

Establishing a CI Unit

• Guidelines for establishing and running a

CI practice in your organisation

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Identify and manage their intelligence requirements • Improve the quality, accuracy and relevance of their search results • Automate the collection of data from the web and social media • Employ simple frameworks to analyse data on competitors and markets

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail and Twitter account if they do not already have one.


Intelligence Analysis Our introductory course to intelligence analysis provides a solid introduction to the

art and science of analytic reasoning. Participants will be given the foundational

knowledge needed to establish and grow their analytic toolkit. Attention is given to

descriptive and predictive modes of analysis, and the complimentary skills of trend

identification, pattern detection, evidential reasoning, and ideation. The guidance

provided by this course offers an essential prelude to our more advanced courses. Course Outline Day 1: Issue identification

Introduction to

Intelligence Analysis

• What is analysis?

• The three modes of analytic reasoning

• The challenge of analysis

• The role of the analyst

• The critical disciplines of analytic work

Analytic Thinking and

Reasoning Skills

• Critical, creative and conceptual thinking

• Sensemaking and calibration

• Problem identification and solving

• Identifying trends, patterns and relationships

• Evidential reasoning

• Scoping and managing your uncertainty

• Measuring and monitoring your thinking

• Working with structured analytic techniques

Ideation Skills • Brainstorming techniques

• Idea enhancement techniques

• Mind mapping

• Concept mapping


Day 2: Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analytic


• The 5W1H Model

• Causal mapping

• Causal factor chains

• Causal loop diagrams

• Actor / factor analysis

• Working with timelines

• Link / association charting

Day 3: Predictive Analysis

Predictive Analytic


• Hypothesis generation

• Trend / impact analysis

• What if analysis

• Impact / probability analysis

• The futures wheel

• Consequence trees

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Justify the importance of structured approaches to analytic thinking

• Apply a range of critical and creative thinking skills

• Develop causal narratives using descriptive analytic techniques

• Anticipate future outcomes using predictive analytic techniques

• Identify and explore cause-and-effect relationships

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Advanced Intelligence Analysis Our Advanced Intelligence Analysis course looks to extend the toolkit provided in our

introductory program. Participants will learn how to identify and explore multiple lines

of analytic enquiry, most notably via the Analysis of Competing Hypothesis. Next,

they will be shown how to identify practical solutions to the issues they are dealing

with using prescriptive models such as road mapping and cost-benefit analysis. The

course ends by showing analysts how to critique the work of their peers and manage

the cognitive biases common to all professionals. Course Outline Day 1: Predictive Reasoning

Predictive Analytic


• Working with hypotheses

• Multiple hypothesis generation

• The Analysis of Competing Hypotheses

• Developing indicators and watchlists

Day 2: Prescriptive Analysis

Prescriptive Analytic


• If / then analysis

• Opportunity analysis

• Developing roadmaps and solution pathways

• Feasibility analysis

• Course of action analysis

• Critical path analysis

• Cost-benefit analysis

Day 3: Challenge Analysis

Challenge Analysis


• Structured self-critique

• Pre-Mortem analysis

• Red teaming

• Team A / Team B method

• Devils advocacy


Cognitive Challenges to


• A typology of cognitive pathologies

• Perception, memory, and reasoning

• Dealing with mindsets, blind spots and biases

• Bias mitigation strategies

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Generate and evaluate multiple hypotheses using the ACH methodology

• Identify and articulate viable policy prescriptions or problem solutions

• Engage in multiple forms of challenge analysis, including Red Teaming and

Devil’s Advocacy

• Understand the risks posed by bias and other cognitive pathologies

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Strategic Foresight Our course on Strategic Foresight introduces participants to a unique portfolio of

analytic skills. Emphasis here is given to the many tools that support predictive

reasoning. Participants will be shown how to scan their operating environment for

indicators of change, and how to amplify and analyse these trends to help their

organisation anticipate future challenges and opportunities.

Course Outline Day 1: Strategic Anticipation and Issue Identification

Strategic Anticipation

• Sensing the future: how and why

• The four levels of proactiveness

• Outside in vs. inside out thinking

• Understanding the dynamics of change

Scanning the Future • Environmental Scanning

• Trend analysis

• Impact assessments

Cultivating Foresight

• Perspective taking

• Mapping your uncertainty

• Precision questioning and answering

• The role of constructive confrontation

Day 2: Working with Weak Signals

Identifying Signals

• Weak signal identification

• Weak signal amplification

Analysing Signals • Identifying critical uncertainties

• Weak signal analysis

• Establishing hypotheses

• Identifying key risk indicators


Monitoring Signals • Identifying intelligence sources

• Defining a monitoring strategy

• Maintaining a watchlist

Day 3: Analytic Techniques for Strategic Foresight

Analytic Tools and


• Visioning

• Backcasting

• Shell’s seven questions

• What if analysis

• The futures wheel

• Consequence trees

• The Lidoli abacus

• Impact / probability analysis

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Establish strategic foresight as an institutional / operational capability

• Identify, analyse and monitor weak signals and other change indicators

• Apply a range of foresight techniques to explore risk / crisis scenarios

• Think critically and creatively about future challenges to one’s organisation

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Scenario Planning Our Scenario Planning program offers a structured approach to exploring alternate

futures and their potential impact on one’s organisation. Participants will be given

detailed guidance on how to identify and analyse those trends that are likely to shape

their market or operating environment. They are then shown how to use these trends

to construct plausible narratives of potential futures, and develop the necessary

contingencies, strategies or action plans to meet them with confidence. Course Outline Day 1: Identifying Strategic Trends

Introduction to Scenario


• A brief history of scenario planning

• Benefits and limitations

• Scenario thinking vs. scenario planning

• The varieties of scenarios

Scanning for Strategic


• Identifying and prioritising strategic trends

• Mapping drivers and potential impacts

• Causal loop mapping

• Identifying critical uncertainties

Day 2: Developing Scenarios

Developing Scenarios • The Three Futures calibration model

• Plotting timelines

• Selecting the key axes of uncertainty

• Working with consequence radars

• Defining stakeholder actions / reactions

• Drafting scenario narratives

Reporting Scenarios

• The elements of effective storytelling

• Structuring your scenario reports

• Alternative scenario communication strategies


Day 3: From Scenarios to Strategies

Translating Scenarios into


• From analytic insights to strategic objectives

• Identifying and analysing strategic options

• Identifying strategic opportunities

• Evaluating strategic fit

• Developing contingencies

• Action planning

• Means-End Analysis

• The Plan–Do–Check–Act model

• Resource planning

• Implementation

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Identify, analyse and monitor the strategic trends that are likely to impact their

organisation or operating environment

• Imagine and explore multiple futures and their consequences

• Select a desired future and the steps needed to realise it

• Define contingency and action plans in preparation for an uncertain future

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Risk Management This four-day program provides a comprehensive introduction to the discipline of risk

management. Participants will be shown how to identify and evaluate the risks to their

organisation. Thereafter, they will be given the tools they need to establish the

necessary risk controls and mitigation strategies. The program ends with detailed

guidance on effective risk communication to one’s stakeholders. Course Outline Day 1: Risk Identification

Understanding Risk • A brief history of risk

• Risk theory and definitions

• Understanding the many forms of risks

Risk Identification • Mapping the risk landscape

• Identifying risk sources and motivations

• Identifying key assets

• Identifying vulnerabilities and threats

• Generating risk intelligence

Day 2: Risk Analysis

Analytic Tools for Risk


• What if analysis

• Fault trees

• Attack trees

• Decision trees

• Impact analysis

• Decision matrices

Risk Evaluation • Developing and maintaining a risk taxonomy

• Analysing impact, probability, severity and


• Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis

• Working with risk matrices

• Developing risk indicators


Day 3: Risk Management

Risk Management

• Contemporary management theories

• Models, frameworks and approaches

• The risk management toolkit

Operationalising Risk


• Risk prioritisation

• Defining and implementing risk controls

• Developing a risk management strategy

• Developing and maintaining a risk register

• Risk monitoring: methods and approaches

• Risk reviews and audits

Risk Intelligent Organisation • Characteristics of a risk intelligent organisation

• Building a risk-tolerant culture

• Learning to take risks

• The role of the risk officer

Day 4: Risk Communication

Introducing Risk


• The many forms of risk communication

• Communication models and approaches

• Establishing and validating the risk

communication process

Developing a Risk

Communication Plan

• Identifying stakeholders and their


• Structuring your message for effect

• Selecting your communication channel

• Communicating uncertainty

• Managing the response

• Best practices in risk reporting


Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired knowledge of:

• Best practices in risk identification, analysis, management and control

• The application of risk management models to identify internal and external

challenges to an organisation’s assets

• Frameworks to improve decision making and the management of uncertainty

• Guidance on operationalising the techniques taught in the workplace

Course Requirements

Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Intelligence Reporting This course provides a detailed introduction to the development and delivery of

intelligence products, both written and oral. Participants will be given a general

introduction to intelligence reporting and given guidance on drafting copy that is

crisp and clear. From there, they will be shown how to structure and develop long and

short-form intelligence products. The course goes on to provide guidance on the

delivery of effective oral briefings and presentations. Course Outline Day 1: Writing Skills

General Reporting Principles • Knowing your audience

• Constructing and testing your arguments

• Communicating risk and warning

• Communicating analytic confidence

Writing Skills • Effective writing skills

• Writing to the Minto Pyramid

• Referencing your work

• Self-editing and proofing

• Peer-editing and evaluation

Day 2: Developing Analytic Products

Analytic Products

• The varieties of analytic product

• Developing and working with templates

• Drafting alerts

• Drafting briefs and situation assessments

• Drafting estimates, reports and forecasts

• Generating customer feedback

Making Recommendations

• Developing options

• Generating SMART recommendations


Day 3: Briefings and Presentations

Presentations and Oral


• Developing presentations

• Multimedia intelligence products

• Preparing for a briefing

• Effective presentation skills

• Handling questions and objections

• Managing your audience

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Construct arguments that are logical and supported by evidence

• Employ simple rules to improve the quality and clarity of their writing

• Draft long and short form products that support customer needs

• Develop and deliver oral briefings that address the audience’s descriptive,

predictive and prescriptive information needs

• Generate constructive feedback from one’s customers and peers

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Decision Making Good decisions are the hallmark of effective management and leadership. This four-

day course has been designed to help professionals of all backgrounds improve

decision making in work and life. The course begins by elaborating on the many types

of decisions they are likely to confront, as well as the many tools they can use to

analyse or test the options available to them. The course goes on to explore how to

improve decision making in the wider organisation.

Course Outline Day 1: Understanding Decisions

Decision Types • Reversible vs. irreversible

• Programmed vs. non-programmed

• Authority vs. consultative decisions

• Analytically vs. organizationally complex

• Strategic, tactical, operations

Decision Styles • Structured vs. unstructured decisions

• Intuitive vs. deliberative

• Authoritative vs consultative

• Individual vs. group

Decision Challenges • Stakeholder-related challenges

• Cultures and paradigms

• Decision-related data and knowledge

• Decision ethics

• The will to action

• Ensuring decision quality

Day 2: Decision Analysis

What is Decision Analysis? • Historical and theoretical overview

• A taxonomy of approaches

• Barriers to effective decision analysis

• Decision analysis vs. decision making


Decision Analysis Techniques • Cost Benefit Analysis

• Decision Tree Analysis

• Force Field Analysis

• Grid Analysis / Decision Matrix

• Structured Comparison

• Paired Comparison Analysis

• Regret Analysis

• Robust Decision Making

Challenge Analysis • Assumptions Surfacing

• Potential Problem Analysis

• Bullet Proofing

• The Pyramid of Purpose

• What if Analysis

• Pre-mortem Analysis

Day 3: The Process of Decision Making Prerequisites • Identifying your purpose and values

• Choosing the right decision approach

• Evaluating stakeholder perspectives

The Decision Making Processes

• The features of a good decision process

• Specifying your decision frame

• Identifying decision objectives

• Identifying decision alternatives

• Decision timing

• Identifying decision-related fears

• Risk and contingency management

• Common decision errors

• Evaluating decision quality

Day 4: Decision Making in Organisations Working with Stakeholders • Identifying decision-related stakeholders

• Analysing stakeholder responses

• Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Model

• Managing stakeholder engagement


From Decisions to Action • Communicating decisions

• Implementing decisions

• Monitoring implementation

• Reviewing outcomes

• Learning from decision errors

• Making the “wrong” decision right

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Orient themselves to the range of decisions they are expected to make • Employ a broad range of decision analysis techniques • Use challenge analysis to scrutinise and improve the decisions of others • Enhance decision-related processes in the workplace • Evaluate the process of decision-making, as well as its outputs and outcomes

Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail and Twitter account if they do not already have one.


Operational Analysis This four-day course provides a rigorous introduction to operational analysis and

process design. The course is intended to help professionals of all backgrounds

improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. The course will demonstrate how to

map, analyse and evaluate existing workflows, as well as how to develop them from

scratch using simple frameworks and design principles. The course also provides

guidance on how to translate these into formal SOPs that can be used to train others.

Course Outline Day 1: Process Mapping

Program preliminaries

• Introduction • Objectives and scope • Outputs and outcomes

Process Mapping • Establishing work categories • Process identification • Data collection via the 5W1H method • Defining start and end points • Defining tasks and decision points • Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies • General guidelines for process mapping

Process Mapping Tools

• Activity flow charts • Cross-functional process maps • High level maps • Relationship maps • SIPOC Charts

Day 2: Process Analysis

Process Analysis • Working with cause and affect diagrams • Concern / Cause / Correction charts • Value stream mapping • Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)


Process Improvement • The DRIVE methodology • The DMAIC methodology

Day 3: Process Design Process Design Tools • Establishing the As Is / To Be state

• Customer / stakeholder analysis • Output / outcome analysis • Service design • Customer journey mapping

Day 4: Establishing Policies and SOPs Defining Policies

• Identifying required policies • Clarifying purpose, objective, scope and

compliance • The elements of a policy document • The features of a policy document • Drafting policy documents

Establishing Standard Operating Procedures

• Defining an SOP template • Defining roles and responsibilities • Drafting the SOP • Testing and refining an SOP

Course Benefits On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the ability to:

• Map internal processes and workflows • Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement • Ensure processes generate the appropriate outputs and outcomes • Design new processes to improve staff productivity • Codify guidelines and SOPs to improve knowledge sharing


Course Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and to set up a Gmail account if they do not already have one.


Course Dates and Fees AFRICA Pretoria, South Africa Course Dates Fees

Intelligence Analysis 19 – 23 August EUR 1,000

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

26 – 30 August EUR 1,000

Competitive Intelligence 9 – 11 December EUR 1,000

Strategic Foresight 12 – 14 December EUR 1,000

AMERICAS Monterrey, Mexico Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

2 – 4 September US$ 1,200

Social Media Intelligence 5 – 7 September US$ 1,200

New York City, USA Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

17 – 19 June US$ 1,200

Advanced OSINT 20 – 22 June US$ 1,200


ASIA Hong Kong Course Dates Fee

Open Source Intelligence 23 – 25 September

HKD 9,350

Advanced OSINT 26 – 28 September

HKD 9,350

Advanced Intelligence Analysis

20 – 22 May

HKD 9,350

Social Media Intelligence

23 – 25 May

30 Sep – 2 October

HKD 9,350

Scenario Planning

25 – 27 November

HKD 9,350

Strategic Foresight 28 – 30 November HKD 9,350

Singapore Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence

14 – 16 October

SGD 1,650

Advanced OSINT 17 – 19 October SGD 1,650

Advanced Intelligence Analysis

13 – 15 May

SGD 1,650

Social Media Intelligence

21 – 23 October

SGD 1,650

Strategic Foresight

4 – 6 November SGD 1,650

Scenario Planning

7 – 9 November SGD 1,650

Intelligence Reporting 11 – 13 November SGD 1,650


Jakarta, Indonesia Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

16 – 18 September IDR 1.75 Million

Advanced OSINT

19 – 21 September IDR 1.75 Million

EUROPE / MIDDLE EAST Brussels Course Dates in 2019 Fee

Open Source Intelligence 7 – 9 October Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Advanced OSINT 10 – 12 October

Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Social Media Intelligence 14 – 16 October

Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Intelligence Reporting 17 – 19 October Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Scenario Planning 21 – 23 October Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Intelligence Analysis

24 – 26 October Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600


Advanced Intelligence Analysis 28 – 30 October Corporate: EUR 1,100

Non-Profit: EUR 900

Student: EUR 600

Decision Making

18 – 21 November Corporate: EUR 1,500

Non-Profit: EUR 1,200

Student: EUR 700

Operational Analysis

25 – 28 November Corporate: EUR 1,500

Non-Profit: EUR 1,200

Student: EUR 700

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook 2 – 6 December EUR 2,200

Copenhagen, Denmark Course Dates in 2019 Fee

Open Source Intelligence 3 – 5 June

EUR 1,100

Advanced OSINT

6 – 8 June EUR 1,100

Competitive Intelligence 28 – 30 October

EUR 1,100

Dubai, UAE Course Dates in 2019 Fee

Strategic Foresight

8 – 10 September EUR 1,200


Geneva, Switzerland Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence

1 – 3 July

CHF 1,200

Social Media Intelligence 4 – 6 July CHF 1,200

London Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Risk Management

26 – 29 August GBP 1,300

Zurich, Switzerland Course Dates in 2019 Fees

Open Source Intelligence

2 – 4 December

CHF 1,200

Advanced OSINT

5 – 7 December CHF 1,200


Courses outside of Switzerland are not charged VAT. All course fees are inclusive

of three months of post-course support for participants.

Course fees outside of Europe can be paid in Euros, US Dollars or Swiss Francs.

A calculation of the fee will be based on the prevailing exchange rate at the time

of registration.


Terms and Conditions Payment Unless otherwise agreed, payment should be made in advanced of the course to an

account specified by the organisers. Late payments are liable to a 10 per cent


Group Discounts Organisations wishing to send two or more participants are eligible for a 10 per cent

discount on the course fee. Please contact us for more information.

Course Confirmation Policy All courses will be confirmed one month prior to the start date. Participants are

advised not to make any travel arrangements until they receive notification that the

course will proceed. We recommend that any arrangements made before this time

be fully refundable.

Cancellation Policy Participants cancelling within one week of a seminar’s start date will receive a refund

minus an administrative fee of EUR 100 together with any bank charges. If you cannot

attend, you are welcomed to have someone attend in your place and so avoid losing

your registration fee. Alternatively, you can schedule your participation at a late date.

Changes to the Course Agenda

i-intelligence reserves the right to change the content of the course, or to cancel the

course if there is an insufficient number of registrations. Registered participants will

be given adequate notice of such changes.


Course Logistics Number of Participants The maximum number of participants per seminar is 15. This ensures a greater level

of engagement, collaboration and guidance from the instructor.

Technical Requirements Participants are required to bring a laptop with them and should have administrative

rights access to this device. Detailed software requirements for each course will be

sent prior to the start of every seminar.

Course Hours Our courses run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. This includes a one-hour break for lunch

and two twenty-minute coffee breaks. Lunch, coffee and snacks will be provided to

participants. Our courses typically finish at 4:00 pm on the final day to allow

participants adequate time to catch their train or plane home.

Location All courses will take place in the central business district of the respective city with

convenient access to public transportation. The exact location of each course will be

communicated to participants at least one month prior to the course commencing.

Language of Instruction The language of instruction and all course materials will be in English, unless otherwise stated.


Organizer and Instructors About i-intelligence

i-intelligence is a commercial intelligence consultancy based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Established in 2010, the company provides research, training and advisory services to

public and private sector organisations around the globe. Our course portfolio covers

the entire intelligence cycle as well as related disciplines such as information and

knowledge management, futures and foresight and risk and strategy analysis. The

company’s clients include international organisations, ministries of defence and

foreign affairs, Fortune 500 companies and enterprising SMEs.

About the Instructors

Chris Pallaris is Director and Principal Consultant of i-intelligence. He has over 15 years

of experience as an analyst and 10 as a teacher. In addition to client work, he is an

Associate Lecturer at Mercyhurst University's Institute for Intelligence Studies. He also

teaches courses in the domain of strategic intelligence and knowledge management

at the ZHAW's School of Management and Law, and ETH Zurich.

Vytenis Benetis is the Director of i-intelligence in Asia. Vytenis has worked as an

intelligence analyst for almost a decade. His professional experience covers a wide

range of missions and organizations including the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence,

NATO, and the European Union on both the operational and strategic level. Vytenis

has delivered training to public and private sector organisations around the world.

Aleksandra Bielska is an educator, analyst and consultant specialising in the collection,

analysis and management of intelligence. As an educator, she has taught intelligence

theory and practice to public and private sector organisations, including at NATO’s

Centre of Excellence - Defence Against Terrorism in Ankara, Turkey, and at the NATO

School in Oberammergau, Germany. Her experience covers the entire range of

intelligence disciplines including data collection, information and knowledge

management, and strategic foresight.


Yves Baumgartner is an investigator specialising in physical surveillance and open

source intelligence (OSINT). He has more than decade's experience as a researcher

and investigator and has worked for public institutions and on behalf of private clients.

As a consultant with i-intelligence, he has taught OSINT and investigative skills to

security, defence and law enforcement professionals. He is a regular speaker on

OSINT including at NATO's Centre of Excellence – Defence Against Terrorism (COE-

DAT) in Ankara, Turkey. In addition to his work with i-intelligence Yves is also the

founder of Baumgartner Research, a provider of investigative services to Swiss and

international clients.

Mrs Rūta Jašinskienė is an intelligence analyst and educator with an extensive

background in international police cooperation and investigations, intelligence

monitoring, and tactical and strategic analysis. Rūta spent 20 years working on drug

trafficking and organised crime investigations with the Lithuanian police. She is an

"IBM Certified Analyst - i2 Analyst's Notebook" and is a member of the International

Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) and the Association of

Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).


Contact Us i-intelligence | EMEA Chris Pallaris Tel: +41 (0) 43 243 3849 Email: [email protected]

i-intelligence | Asia Vytenis Benetis Tel: +7 747 419 4165 Email: [email protected]