Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aquarius http://www.spiritmythos.org/TM/MA/aquarius.html by Thoth Aquarius is the sign of mankind, and represents the Angelic-God Seed in humanity expressed through the template of the Adam Kadmon. In Lemuria and Atlantis, Aquarius was known as the "Gateway" because it was seen to be the opening for humanity to re-enter it's Divine State. The symbol for Aquarius in those ancient days was a woman seated on a throne, with her left hand resting between the horns of a bull, and her right hand upraised, holding a califar, or Sword of Light. Behind the woman stood a man, wearing a crown of 12 stars. He is placing a crown with one brilliant star suspended above it upon the head of the woman. The symbolic representation is thus: The woman represents cosmic intelligence placed upon the throne of "Divine Knowing." Divine Knowing is differentiated from cosmic intelligence as being the individuated experience of the latter. The woman's left hand, which represents the feminine quality associated with the ability to feel and sense within the heart. The bull is the symbol of the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, which was identified by the ancients as the most "earthly" of the Zodiacal stellar houses. It was during the reign of Taurus upon the earth that the overthrow of the Priestess-Oracles in the Lemurian Temples of Melchizedek occurred. In addition, within those Temples, it was in the sanctuaries which were dedicated to working with the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, that the primary overthrow occurred. Thus, the sign of Taurus was overlaid with the energetic signature for the fallen Feminine Pillar on the earth. So from this perspective you can observe that in the symbolic picture I have related to you, the Divine Feminine is

God ThothHorRA Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aquarius and Others

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Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aquarius


by Thoth

Aquarius is the sign of mankind, and represents the Angelic-God Seed in humanity expressed through the template of the Adam Kadmon.

In Lemuria and Atlantis, Aquarius was known as the "Gateway" because it was seen to be the opening for humanity to re-enter it's Divine State. The symbol for Aquarius in those ancient days was a woman seated on a throne, with her left hand resting between the horns of a bull, and her right hand upraised, holding a califar, or Sword of Light. Behind the woman stood a man, wearing a crown of 12 stars. He is placing a crown with one brilliant star suspended above it upon the head of the woman.

The symbolic representation is thus:

The woman represents cosmic intelligence placed upon the throne of "Divine Knowing." Divine Knowing is differentiated from cosmic intelligence as being the individuated experience of the latter. The woman's left hand, which represents the feminine quality associated with the ability to feel and sense within the heart. The bull is the symbol of the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, which was identified by the ancients as the most "earthly" of the Zodiacal stellar houses. It was during the reign of Taurus upon the earth that the overthrow of the Priestess-Oracles in the Lemurian Temples of Melchizedek occurred. In addition, within those Temples, it was in the sanctuaries which were dedicated to working with the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, that the primary overthrow occurred. Thus, the sign of Taurus was overlaid with the energetic signature for the fallen Feminine Pillar on the earth. So from this perspective you can observe that in the symbolic picture I have related to you, the Divine Feminine is reclaiming and balancing that which she lost in the 'Fall' as she places her hand between the horns of the bull.

The bull and cow were sacred to the ancient Lemurians, having been symbols of the Sacred Solarius, or Great Central Sun. These animals were used by them for the purpose of sacred rites having to do with solar resurrection and purification. The Lemurian ceremonies did not harm or damage these divine creatures in any way, those types of sacrificial ceremonies came along in much later times as a result of the loss of the true spiritual knowledge. The Bull carried the Sun between its horns as a symbol of the Divine Male expression, which then infused the divine feminine (the Cow) with its rays. In turn, the Cow gave birth to the Bull, who again would carry the Sun between its sacred horns for the Earth. Thus the female in this symbology, holds both 'Power' (the Bull of the Sun in the Realm of the Earth) and 'Glory' (the califar - divine appointment by the Greater Solar Logos).

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The right hand of the woman sustains the sacred califar, the Sword of Light, which represents the Greater Solar Logos. It was also identified with a beam of energy projected from the solar plexus as a combined force of all seven chakras, and then could be projected through the palms of the hands as well. In later periods of Lemuria and Atlantis, symbolic swords were created that were then charged with "Light" through sacred procedures. To the people in those eras, these Light Swords were a symbol of "divine appointment." The individuals who were privileged to possess a califar, were the "anointed ones"; those who directly served the authority of the most Holy Heavenly Host.

The man standing behind the woman is called the "King of the Mazzaroth," (Mazzaroth is hosted by the system of 12 heavens in our Zodiac) an aspect of the Adam Kadmon that is still active through the Light-imaging thresholds of the Zodiac. He is placing the crown of the 13th aspect, or 13th Zodiacal sign, upon the head of the woman, and thus is acknowledging her as the threshold to the Greater Kingdom of the Mazaloth (Mazaloth is a higher system of 13 heavens). It was understood by the ancients that all incarnated souls contained both male and female dynamics within. Thus, this symbolic representation was designed to reveal the balance of power between these two polarities, and the evolution of consciousness in humanity toward co-regency of these two aspects of the Godhead in the human experience.

While the sign of Gemini represents "equal rulership" between the masculine and feminine energies, Aquarius harkens to the divine power inherent within an act of co-rulership between these two polarity expressions in the divine image and similitude.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aries

by Thoth

In the Lemurian period, the Zodiacal sign of Aries was called "Pythia," a term which much later in history was used in conjunction with the Oracles of Delphi in Greece. The Lemurian word, "Pythia," meant to keep sovereign or pure. It also meant to "sustain, to mark, and to give in offering." Despite the various meanings, the essence of all these definitions was "to hold above all else as cherished and without blemish."

To the Lemurians and the Atlanteans, all Zodiacal signs were feminine in their inner mystery, and masculine in their elemental power. Aries, or "Lady Pythia", is the first sign of the Zodiac, and as such, offers the birth of the other eleven signs as her mark of purity in the heavens. She gives birth to the eleven initiations that come after her, for she contains the consciousness of all twelve within her nature. Yet all but the first, Pythia/Aries herself, remain unborn within the womb until humanity brings her consciousness into its being.

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In Mur-Atlan (the cross-culture of Lemuria-Atlantis) symbology, Lady Pythia was depicted as a fair-haired woman standing somewhat like the statue of liberty, holding a torch high in her right hand to light the way through the twelve Zodiacal initiations to follow. In her left hand she carries a red stone, held in her open palm, as in a gesture of offering. This stone symbolizes the blood of the womb, which we might now associate symbolically with the Blood of the Lamb. It is her offering of gestation. "From the womb of Pythia shall the sons of heaven and earth be born."

On Pythia's's left arm hangs a small woven basket, with three small serpents peering above the rim. These are the three-fold powers of creation in the earth: conception, gestation and birth. This symbol reveals Pythia to not only be an archetype of the cosmos, but to also be intimately connected with the rituals of birth and re-birth in the realm of the earth. Even though she is a being of "pure aether," her works are performed within the serpentine creational fires of earth.

The true role of the Goddess in the earth, or the feminine principle, is not to be found within the elements themselves, but as a steward or power over the elements. The divine feminine hierarchical station is within the world of the aether--an uncontaminated substance of fire/air. Her power is utilized to direct and protect the earth. The elements are comprised of cosmic energy which is crystallized within the matter plane of the earth, and which represents a masculine/positive polarity.

With the progressive lowering of the planetary etheric vibration through the ages, it has been necessary for the divine feminine nature of the aether to descend ever closer into proximity with the bonding forces of the elements. She now touches the core of the fire within the atom. However, the quality of the negative polarity which is referred to as the divine feminine has never been, nor ever will be, the elemental serpentine fire itself.

Therefore, in a higher plane of perception Aries represents the Immaculate Conception of all spiritual consciousness held within in the twelve Zodiacal signs. Indeed, the actual physical birth of Mari Anna, the Mother of Yeshua, was within the sign of Aries. Her birth date was April 16th; while Yeshua, the host for the Christ incarnate, was born in Taurus on April 24th. From the fiery aether of Aries, the "immaculate" gives birth to the sacred word or logos within the Taurean earth.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Cancer

by Thoth

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In the time when the Eyes of Mirab shown brightly, the cycle of Cancer was known as Mirab, the Mother of the Sea. She stood upon the back of a giant crab and wore a crown of seven stars which represented the Seven Priestess Stars of the Pleiades. The Eyes of Mirab were the two moons of earth (this was when the earth still had two moons), and Mirab was encircled with the korcoba, the Sun Robe, which was a symbolic representation of the solar infusion patterns within the heart, and is also to be found in microcosm within the atom. The Sun Robe is woven from the receptors of Divine Presence which are braided into the atoms of the subtle-physical body.

In the stellar window of Mirab (Cancer), the focus in the higher spiritual worlds is on the cleansing of the astral and lesser akashic fields. It is a time for clearing away inhibiting and distorted forms, and for re-establishing sacred original principle.

From the (Atlantean) "Book of Twelve Faces": "The sisters of Mirab come upon the Earth during the time of the Queen of the Sea (Cancer), and sweep the tides with brooms of light, just as they sweep the places where souls dream and are reborn in the thought of life."

With the sun's entry into Cancer we begin what is perhaps the most profound journey of initiation offered in the annual sojourn through the zodiacal cycle. Cancer is the sign of the Universal Mother principle. Leo is the sign of the Lords of Flame, or Universal Father principle. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin of the World, who takes the fertilized planetary Christic embryo which has been a product of the cosmic dance between the Universal Mother/Father (Cancer/Leo), and gestates this embryo passing it on to the developmental influences of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius until it is finally given birth in Capricorn at Winter Solstice.

If we align ourselves consciously to this movement within the Earth's annual cycle, we can then place our soul directly in line to receive a greater measure of Grace for the birthing of the Christ child within ourselves. Each soul who is able to accomplish this, does so not only for themselves, but for the planetary consciousness as well.

As Corrine Heline stated in her book the "Mystery of the Christos": "Cancer is the portal where human egos come to rebirth. . . The transmuting of generation into regeneration is the new birth--that new birth which Christ spoke to Nicodemus when he came to the Master 'by night.'

"The biblical keynote of Cancer is found in those words of Christ: 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. . . Except a man be born of water (Moon in Cancer) and of Spirit (Jupiter in Cancer), he cannot enter the Kingdom of God (Neptune in Cancer).' This is one of the most explicit teachings on Initiation given by Christ in His three year ministry. All men know the natural birth under the Moon in Cancer; but few there are who learn to walk the 'straight and narrow way' of renunciation of the flesh and

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dedication to the Spirit implicit in the exaltation of Jupiter and Neptune in Cancer. Yet this is the true and only key to that elevation of consciousness whereby man is lifted from the natural or 'water' birth into the divine at-one-ment of the 'fire' birth in Spirit."

Thus, Cancer is the sign which ushers us into the Cancer/Leo dynamic of Water/Fire initiation. The raising of the natural soul's vibration to that of the spiritual soul is greatly assisted in this sign. Cancer also ushers us into the Cancer/Leo/Virgo initiation of Water/Fire/Earth. In this dynamic we are first baptized in the Universal Waters of the Greater Creation (Cancer), then infused with the Fire of Spirit--the Flame that Does NOT Burn (Leo-Love), and then wed to the Earth to be gestated and rebirthed (Virgo), as the product of a cosmic Immaculate Conception.

Woman Clothed with the Sun


akashic definition of: Woman Clothed with the Sun

Thoth’s interpretation of the “woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”:“She is the Universal Feminine Principle of Life-Giver who is girthed with the Sun, the generative power of Solar Consciousness. She conquers in the Name of the Sun. Thus the Moon, the reflection of the glory of the Sun, and conversely the mirror of illusion, is under her feet. She stands upon the inferior firmament, and thus grounds Her principle within it; yet She is Righteous in the name of the Sun, the Royal House of Divineship which descends from the Indivisible One.

“There are twelve stars about Her head, representing the 12 karmic passages of the emotional body as it moves through initiation, transforming into spiritual essence. The Lady is crowned with the Sacred Twelve, that is, She is exalted by their Truth and not subservient to their Will.

She is seeking to give birth to this Truth to a world who knows Her not.”

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Capricorn

by Thoth

"Behold that which walks with the night as a silver streaming across the sky! He is the Great Creature once of this world, who retreated from us as the eye was struck from the stars. Now he is revealed only as a whisper upon the sand, a trace of moonlight glanced from a distant peak, a shallow sound deep in the throat of a rushing stream. Yet still we see him in our dreams and in the quiet moment of solitude deep within the forested hills. His horn, a streak of lightning blazed across the heavens, reminds us that he shall one

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day return. And in the tide of Earth and Sun, when a flaming sea rises upon our shore, so his breath is upon the air and his heart is one with the Day of Man."

- from the ‘Huramai’, the ‘Days of the Opening Sky’,

a text of the Atlantean Hibridean Temples on what is now the Isle of Lewis, off the coast of Scotland

translated by Maia Christianne

The above passage speaks of the Unicorn, a creature of Light and Air who once existed in this realm of Earth, and "who retreated from us as the eye was struck from the stars," or when one of the two original moons of Earth disintegrated. This created an etheric energy shift on the planet, finalizing the departure of the Unicorn from the current world experience. As the electromagnetic energy of the planetary field descended in its vibration, the Unicorn remained in the higher worlds of electromagnetic energy, thus the Earth departed from their habitat. While these beautiful creatures are sometimes still able to move briefly into this world’s reality, they are no longer able to sustain themselves for long periods of time here.

The Unicorn represents the undefiled consciousness of the Hierarchy of Capricorn. The "Being" within the form of the Unicorn is an "Angelic-Deva." This is a spiritual creature created from the co-mingling of Angel and Deva in the early stages of Earth’s formation. They are from a realm of the Devic Kingdom that did not descend with the "Fall" of Earth. The Unicorn is a messenger from Capricorn for the Christed One. The Archangels of Capricorn create a path for this Blessed Creature into the heart of the Earth at the Winter Solstice. This is what is meant by the passage in the above quotation, "...in the tide of Earth and Sun, when a flaming sea rises upon our shore, so his breath is upon the air and his heart is one with the Day of Man." As he proceeds into the Earth, so does the consciousness of the Christos ride with him, into the heart of the Earth’s central sun.

In the ancient days of Lemuria upon the Winter solstice, a special and most sacred rite was conducted within the "Temple of the White Thorn," dedicated to the Hierarchy of Capricorn and it’s messenger, the Unicorn. The Unicorn was called the "White Thorn" because its Purity and Light protected and concealed a sacred blossom (rose) of Spirit, the Christic Being. In the sacred rite performed within this temple on the Winter Solstice, a Unicorn was summoned and a beautiful virgin rode it through the "Gate of the Sun" up to a chapel overlooking the sea called the "Jewel," where on the Solstice, the rays of the sun pierced an exquisite crystal contained therein, creating a brilliant and fiery "Jewel of the Sun." Here, the maiden would dismount and enter the chapel, where she would lift up the sunstone to the heavens and chant a sacred verse. This would cause the Unicorn to sound it’s horn, and from deep within the forehead of the exquisite creature,

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an essence would form and rise through the horn, issuing forth as a single drop of dew, quickly crystallizing in the atmosphere to the consistency of pink amber. This "horn-star" would become the new jewel in the chapel, the old one taken into the mountains and fed to eagles.

Corinne Heline refers to the coming Capricornian Era as the "New Galilee," and indeed so it will become. This will be the Age in which the Unicorn returns, unleashed from the body of the creature, and in the form of a beautiful woman, the Mari in the Flaming Heart of Christ. She will bring with her the Seven Candlesticks of the New Temple and the 13th Star for the Crown of the New Earth. It was from Scotland--a land full of the ancient seed of Atlantis which itself was the "Child of Mu" (Lemuria)--that the Holy Grail Family migrated to the shores of Galilee in the Middle East, and co-mingled with a branch of their family tree dwelling there to create a mystery school at Mt. Carmel. This mystery school was, and still is (on the inner-planes), overlighted by the Hierarchy of Capricorn.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Christic Initiation of Gemini

by Thoth

The most commonly used Lemurian and Atlantean archetypal image for Gemini was a woman gazing into a pool of water. Upon her forehead is a band with a solar disk upon it. Looking back at her from inside the pool, as an opposite reflection, was a male youth with a band bearing the lunar emblem upon his forehead. As their eyes met, the woman receives the solar emanations from her masculine counterpart, and he receives lunar emanations from her.

Through the divine Light image which is hosted by Gemini for this planet, the Seraphim extend their glory upon the raiment of the earth, their rays of spiritual similitude flooding this planet when our sun is in Gemini.

The Mystic Marriage of compliments is signified by this sign, and is strengthened by its influence upon the earth. The ancients often performed the rite of marriage and other forms of union during this period. A mantram which was chanted within the reign of Gemini during the epoch of Lemuria is as follows:

Au-ra-makai, kenta vau nasche tasmeh

Acu-reh-manka, nos yoni avechumeng

Reja, Reja, talak mon meru

Akba nour asech veh haka ta-nak-che

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There is no direct translation available for this ancient mantram. In essence, however, this chant states that all rises like mist from the sea to return to a source beyond the stars, where the Shining Ones (Seraphim) anoint the sacred in each and every thing of pure being, and in this way, every thing that is shall find its 'harmonic opposite' thus resulting in 'perfect power.' The Lemurians and Atlanteans believed that every atom of matter had a harmonic compliment in a 'supernal atom' within the Greater Heaven. Eventually, each atom in the universe passed back through the veil of separation and was united in a sacred wedding with the exact supernal match for its specific design and harmonic.

By chanting the above mantram, the initiates of Gemini summoned a universal principle which would unite them with their divine harmonic compliment. The deepest truth of this concept was recognized as occurring at the atomic level. The concept was also believed to abide within the accomplishment of successfully finding one's "soul mate" incarnate in a complimentary polarity embodiment (opposite gender). The ancients knew that once two souls who were inhabiting complimentary gender embodiments were able to find their resonant harmonic power, they would then be enabled to create a "path of return" to the universal harmony within their own souls/bodies. This type of accomplishment was also perceived, in part, as being the result of spiritual work done by the two souls in previous lifetimes. The ancients taught that the forces set into motion in previous incarnations brought the two individuals together once again to further their evolution, enabling them to transform the limitations of karmic forces in their souls and upon the earth.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Leo

by Thoth

It is through the constellation of Leo that the "Golden Star of Mazuriel" is able to send its vibration into this universe. The Golden Star of Mazuriel is a pure "Spirit-Star," one which has no fallen aspect and therefore no lower emanations of "fire." Its flame is the Flame of Love which does not burn; the PURE FLAME of Divine Heart. The constellation of Leo provides the Golden Star of Mazuriel with a point of spiritual entry into this universe.

The angelic Hierarchy of Leo is known as "The Lords of Flame." This hierarchy ushered the initial "Divine Flame" for the Earth into being. This Flame then became the Great Inscription of Divine Light for this planet, validating its existence as a "sacred form" in the Greater Dominion. The "Greater Dominion" of which I speak is the realm of sentience which always remains perfectly aligned to the universes of Metatronic/Christic Light and ultimately the Godhead. All planetary worlds and universes within the fallen universes have their full-Light or pure aspects within the Greater Dominion.

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The Hierarchy of Leo also serves as the "Scribes and Guardians" of the Living Records of Flame, which lie beyond all planetary akashic modalities, residing within the Heart of the Universal Creator. These Living Records of Flame are inverted within the heart of the Adam Kadmon template as a reversed image of the original, and therefore must go through a phase shift of 180 degrees through the spiritual re-awakening of the Sons and Daughters of the Adam Kadmon within Earth’s humanity.

In the time of the year when the emanations of Leo directly influence the Earth, spiritual initiates are offered an opportunity to effect this phase shift within their own being. This can be accomplished by opening your heart center to receive the Living Records of Flame into the core of your spiritual being and essence.

I herein give you an ancient archetypal image which will help you attune to the dynamics of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Leo, and thus the Golden Star of Mazuriel. This temple image which I am about to reveal exists on the inner-planes in the spiritual worlds. It is known as the Temple of Salomae, from whose generation the Houses of David and Solomon were spawned. Salomae was once incarnate as a human being who served as queen of a kingdom long forgotten. This kingdom originated in the genetic peoples of the Shepherd Kings. Solomae, and the very existence of her kingdom, was eradicated from all historical records by the fallen Amun priesthood upon their overthrow of the Shepherd Kings from the thrones of Egypt. Salomae was a high initiate of the Christic Mysteries of Leo, an Enochian Master incarnate who was given the Flaming Garment of the Lion upon her Light body by the Lords of Flame.

The Temple of Solomae in the spirit world is a bright and shining temple, with white columns rising beside stately steps leading to golden doors of the entranceway. There are five steps and then a platform with two living lions lying sphinx-like on either side of the temple. Beyond the lions, eight more steps lead to four pillars and the golden doors. As you move through the Golden Doors, within the temple is an altar upon which can be seen arising the Flame That Does Not Burn. The walls of the temple are encoded with yod-like fire letters, flickering gold and ruby, appearing and then receding intermittently from sight as the viewer taps into the vibration of his/her own specific Light Inscription. In this room is also a large cauldron of bronze, containing the "Molten Sea," a molten gold liquid, which is the alchemy of Fire and Water in perfect balance, to which all matter arises in its highest state of being.

On a pedestal just above the Molten Sea cauldron is another living lion. This one is in a sitting position, and is holding his left paw up, extending it. In the mouth of this lion is a large golden key. This lion is the symbolic representation of the archangelic being Tadzekiel, the Master of the Opening of the Way, and is he who holds the key to the resurrection of the Adam Kadmon Light Body within the physical template of humanity.

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Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Libra

by Thoth

In the ancient nation of Lemuria, the constellation of Libra was symbolized by a tuning fork. This fork was a "zipphir," or vibrating device, used to levitate stone blocks during the construction of buildings. The zipphir was also used to attune these stone blocks, as well as human bodies, to be more fully aligned to the full-Light spectrum of divinity. Libra was assigned the zipphir as its symbol because the two vibrating prongs of this fork must balance in equal harmony in order for it to serve the intended purpose. There were two starting sequences in which to begin the vibration of the fork. One was the "amung," which vibrated toward its center and therefor aligned objects within their own field of consciousness. The other was "quam ya," which vibrated outwards from the center and caused the object to disengage from the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The faster the vibration, the less attached to the Earth’s field it became. Thus like Libra, the zipphir was able to "strike the balance" and release the weight.

The ancient gemstone associated with Libra was called "cupola." It was a stone very similar to azurite, only harder and with little light pink veins running through the deep blue body of the gem. This stone was very good for balancing male-female polarities.

In the sacred temples of both Lemuria and Atlantis, Libra was known as Ashaur, the Goddess of Redemption. Men often paid tribute to Her in the hope of transmuting "hapai," which was the ancient term for karma attached to the male energy on the planet, and that was originally created in the Fall from Grace. Hapai was the positive polarity of the planetary soul that aligned with and sustained the process of the Earth’s ever increasing fall into matter. Thus, those souls that incarnated into male bodies at the time, felt it part of their purpose to transmute the remaining dross of this imbalanced attachment within the human male energy system. Through Libra or Ashaur, the planetary dynamic of this transmutation was revealed, and with dedication and pursuit of Libra’s inner mystery, the half-Light codes of hapai could be transformed into the full-Light codes of the Metatron/Christ once again.

In Lemuria there was a temple dedicated to Libra/Ashaur in which a large zipphir tuning fork five feet in height was set upon a block of white marble three feet tall. When a human came within a certain distance from the fork, it would vibrate to the frequency of the auric field of that individual, producing a humming tone which was the unique sound signature of the person before it. The tone would feed back into the individual and gradually adjust the frequency of their bio-physical system. As this occurred, the tone would then change in response. When the hum--and thus the human vibration--reached perfect balance a point of white light would appear between the two prongs of the

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zipphir. This was a sign that the two vibrational aspects of the individual had come together and harmonized.

Libra aligns and balances the greater planetary fields of polar opposites, while Gemini resolves emotional energy within these fields. In the sign of Libra, when its stellar energies are felt upon and within the planet, the theme struck within the heart of an initiate is Realization of Perfection, Redemption of Perfection, and Living in Perfection. Perfection is Balance.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Pisces

by Thoth

The civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis perceived the Zodiacal sign of Pisces as the chamber or womb of the 'Holy of Holies' for humanity. The 'Holy of Holies' was the name given to the most central chamber in the Temple of Solomon, which contained the Ark of the Covenant at the time. However, this term was also used by the Lemurians and Atlanteans to denote the innermost center of any sacred temple, as well as the sacred center of each human being.

Within the sign of Pisces the purification of the soul is begun. The soul enters the Holy of Holies and stands before the Altar of the Lord. Here, it supplicates itself and submits to the purifying waters of Love to wash away the encrustation of the soul's past sojourns in the karmic sphere of life.

Long before Christians used the sign of the fish to represent Jesus Christ, the Vesica Pisces was the symbol for absolution of karma through the Greater Love which emanates from the Universal Christos into the human experience. The Vesica Pisces was the all-encompassing womb of holiness which embraced the 'unborn' (ignorant) and prepared them for an illumined birth.

The Lemurian / Atlantean archetypal symbology for Pisces was a woman profiled in a sitting position, the lower half of her body immersed in the sea, the upper portion emerging from the sea and appearing as a mountain. In her hands she uplifts a large pearl to the heavens.

The symbology is thus: the woman (feminine aspect) representing the emotional body, raises up out of the sea of the lesser emotional realm, extending the well-earned 'Pearl of Great Price' or gem of wisdom to the cosmos. The pearl, which is initially created by impurity, is nevertheless the sphere of pure illumination that has manifested as a result of the soul's journey of experience through the worlds of matter.

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By offering the pearl up to the heavens, so the soul unites the seed of purity in matter with the source of the seed's purest and most ultimate expression. From this Immaculate Conception, Grace is born from the 'Womb of the Fish.'

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Sagittarius

by Thoth

In Lemuria and Atlantis, Sagittarius was the considered to be the Zodiacal sign of the inviolate Spirit which abides in an incarnate soul. As such, the portal of Sagittarius was therefore believed to be the primary insertion point for divine inspiration from realms on high. Often, small temples for personal prayer and inspiration called "aki-anta" (Lemurian) or "serophas'"(Atlantean), were dedicated to the Lord Morana. This Radiant being was the archetypal power of the Sagittarian cosmic consciousness. Lord Morana was depicted as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed being, wearing a crown about his head--down over the brow--which had seven emeralds upon it. Each one of these seven gems represented a Sagittarian aspect of the Emerald Ray. This ray allows the genius of spirit to interpenetrate the soul-mind of mankind.

The Seven Sagittarian Aspects of the Emerald Ray

1) Kamuthra - Light Unfolding

2) Antovas - Light Revealing

3) Mansanat - Light Expanding

4) Laguhar - Light Enveloping

5) Panthonar - Light Transporting

6) Uralma - Light Receiving

7) Yhorphim - Light Completing

Each of these aspects contained within it a Light geometric movement/condition/consciousness which was incorporated in the creation of a Pillar of Light between the soul and the Genius of Spirit. So it is through the gateway of Sagittarius that the Godhead inserts divine intelligence into the field of man and the center of the earth.

It is through the station of Sagittarius that the 'White Stone' of pure alchemical gold - which is in essence the Christic manna of Grace--is offered to the soul incarnate.

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Note: Corinne Heline states that this is "the Great White Work of the alchemist; the White Stone of Revelation; the White Rose of the Rosicrucians." The Initiate has revealed to me that the White Stone is synonymous with the principle of Christic Grace. In other words, the White Stone can represent a direct infusion of the Christos Ray into the soul. This infusion is transcendent of any Hierarchical structures, either earthen or cosmic. When the consciousness of the White Stone (Christ) is moving from the higher spiritual realms into the generational realms of the earth, there is a "superlate" substance which then permeates all that vibration touches, transforming it through the Law of Vibration.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Scorpio

by Thoth

The Lemurian symbol for Scorpio was a winged creature, part bird and part serpent, lifting Phoenix-like from a nest of flames. This was the Gheza, the mythic being involved both in the illusion of form and in the process of transformation simultaneously. This creature was to represent the intrinsic role of matter when thrust into the realm of form.

The ancients of Lemuria and Atlantis knew the Zodiacal sign of Scorpio to be the gate or door of the spiritual temple. It offered the incarnate soul entrance into the place of greater mystery. Around the temple of this greater mystery was the labyrinth courtyard, the field of lesser mysteries. But once a candidate entered through the gate of Scorpio they entered the Grand Way, the realm of true manifestation within Divine Law. The candidate then became the true initiate, and began to 'know' that which previously they could only sense and contemplate.

The cry of Scorpio to the ancients was 'feed me, for I feed the flame!" It was a sign representing the insatiable hunger of the soul to absolve the bonds of form and embrace the eternal formless self; to merge with the universe in the bliss of divine reunion. It is through the gateway of Scorpio, aided by the Lords of Form, that humanity will come to its final conclusion in the Old Earth and move through the door of the temple into the Grand Way of the New Earth Star. When the earth is under the Zodiacal influence of Scorpio the Zodiacal threshold which emanates through that sign into the earth triggers a series of celestial programs of return, facilitating the earth in "dropping the frame" as the ancients used to say. This allows the earth to move into a new and more etherealized formation. In time, this will result in the earth's ascension into the New Earth Star.

In the very early days of Lemuria when there was little seasonal difference, the stars were not so variable in position within the heavens, for the earth's axis was not tilted to the degree that it is in your current age. There was a temple site located at a point that aligned to Scorpio when it was in its most prominent position in the heavens. This

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alignment held for much of the time in those days due to the earth's axial alignment of the time. In those ancient days, what you know as "death" was still a new experience for earth souls. Not long before that time these same souls had simply materialized within semi-etheric bodies which were simply converted to new forms (versus going through the death process) that would last for another cycle of "time."

However, when the Temple of Scorpio was built, the souls of the earth were just beginning to leave the old physical form entirely behind at transition out of necessity due to the increasing state of entropy in matter. They were, however, still able to inhabit a single form for several thousand years if they so desired. When they did finally leave these forms, they would go through a process of regeneration on the inner planes before re-incarnating once again in order to gradually adjust to the increasing density of Earth's corporeal reality. This was a staggering blow to Earth's souls - that they would be kept from the fluid process of existence on Earth they once had known so well. Yet they also realized that they themselves had created the limited reality in which they now must live.

The Temple of Scorpio was built primarily for the purpose of souls leaving the body. In those days, an incarnated soul knew of their coming transition well before the moment it would occur. They would then proceed to the Temple of Scorpio, where they would undergo their transition much like the yogis of the East are able to achieve in our current time. Under the direct influence of Scorpio, and within a temple aligned to its celestial power for this specific purpose, the soul was granted a swifter and more powerful release through the lower astral density. This granted the soul a graceful passage into the higher heavens, where it would be prepared for eventual incarnational return.

Of course even though there were far fewer souls incarnate on the planet then, not all humans could flock to this one temple at the time of their transition. Thus, those who wished for this ultimate experience were presented in a ceremony at the age of maturity, which was determined by a form of oracular procedure. For those who actually came to the temple to leave the body, they were first bathed in water which had been charged with the stellar energy of Scorpio. Then the 'wayfarer,' as they were called, was dressed in white linen and laid within a sarcophagus resembling the one in the king's chamber of the Pyramid of Giza. The Temple of Scorpio was a pyramid also, and the chamber containing the Sarcophagus of Ascent was positioned at exactly the same point as it is in the Great Pyramid. The latter was known in the days of my time in Egypt as the "Temple of the Risen One." It was from the sarcophagus in the Temple of Scorpio in Lemuria, that the soul would arise from the body into the cosmos like the Scorpio being called Gheza, leaving a fine white powder behind rather than a dead body. This powder was a form of Prima Matra or "First Sacred Matter," similar in nature to what is now being called the White Powder of Gold in the New Age community. Only through this specific initiation within a temple thus aligned, could such a complete

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transmutation be possible in that age. Those who were not able to get to the Temple of Scorpio for their transition left the corporeal form behind, although a greater portion of its essence was lifted into an etherealized form than in your current age.

During the time when I oversaw construction of the Temple of the Risen One in Egypt, so this temple was also employed for such purposes amongst others. Yet it was not geo-astronomically aligned to Scorpio, for there were other influences and purposes involving this temple which called for different cosmic alignments. Nevertheless, Scorpio still played a celestial and energetic role in the transmutation of the body within the Chamber of Ascension as it had in the Temple of Scorpio in Lemuria.

In these ancient Egyptian times, the powder which was left behind after the soul's transition, was known as 'cum,' meaning 'sweet fire.' In pure alchemical procedure, 'sweet fire' is that which is taken out of the 'sour' or dis-harmonic dimension and brought into 'sweetness' or union with the divine through the fiery experience of rapture, or union.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Taurus

by Thoth

Taurus is the sign in which Yeshua was born. It is the gateway for Christic energies as they pour forth from Orion through Ursa Major and the Pleiades into the center of the Earth. The vibration of the Christ interacting with the Buddhic current at this time of the year creates a Holy Trinity with the soul of the earth. Within this Holy Trinity, human souls are able to come into greater realization of their threefold being of heart (Christ-essential-supernal), mind (Buddhic-reflective-subconscious), and soul (earth-elemental-conscious).

It was within one of the Taurean Ages long ago that a faction of the Melchizedekean Order in Lemuria fell from Grace. Many Oracle-Priestesses were destroyed or sent into exile during that time. Therefore, this zodiacal sign also carries the karmic consciousness patterning which emanates from the point where the Divine Feminine dynamic was dislodged from its true role. Taurus, of all the zodiacal signs, holds the most influence over the elemental soul of humanity.

Within the sign of Taurus, the elemental soul has the opportunity to either advance its awareness of Spirit, which in turn advances the planetary consciousness, or to 'revolt' against its natural place of subservience to the higher spiritual soul with which it shares its living habitation.

Taurus is the "Heaven House" of the Goddess, and serves as her point of spiritual insertion into the membrane of elemental creation. "Shamballa" represents the

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conscious spiritual intelligence of souls incarnated WITHIN the earth--the races of the Inner Earth cultures. Esoterically, Shamballa is also considered to be the point in the body between the third eye and the crown where inner vision and higher knowing come together to materialize as deep inner spiritual revelation. Shamballa is not a chakra unto itself, but a meridian-node created by the combined forces of the crown and brow chakras.

Within the sign of Taurus, the "Shamballa" meridian-node in the body is activated through an infusion of higher consciousness radiating from the stellar regions of Orion, Ursa Major and the Pleiades. The degree of activation is determined by the spiritual evolution of the particular individual. The star system of Sirius also contributes to this dynamic by releasing trapped energies within the magnetic field of the individual during the reign of Taurus each solar year.

Despite its Goddess association, Taurus was often depicted by the Lemurians and Atlanteans as a bearded male entity named Rhama. He stood upon the backs of two horses; one white, the other black, reins firmly in his hands. He wore a cape of stars, and upon his head was a crown of seven flames. His third eye was a diamond radiating ten golden rays. In the center of the diamond was an angelic fire letter. Suspended above his crown was a white dove.

Rhama represents an infusion of the Divine Feminine within the masculine polarity of the elements. The feminine/negative polarity of the 'creating Aether' (the waters Biblically) stirs the masculine/positive elements into action. Therefore, Rhama is governed by the Divine Feminine consciousness represented in this archetypal image as the white dove over his head;it is the dove that bestows the crown upon him. The seven-flamed crown represents his authority to rule within the creational realm of the earth through the power bestowed him by the Christic Goddess-Dove--the Holy Spirit. The seven flames forming this crown represent the "Tongues of Flame" within the Holy Corona of our solar sun which are we call the "Kumara." The Kumara spawn seven different sets of 144,000 Samurdii Flames within the Holy Corona. It is through the Holy Corona of any solar sun, that all life in that solar system is given its cosmic evolutionary directive.

The cape of stars upon Rhama represents the greater cosmos--the macrocosm--through which he gathers spiritual insight and higher directive for the creational matrix of the earth. The two horses ridden by Rhama represent the Divine Intelligence and Power within the earth, for she is a dynamic and ensouled being of her own. Rhama's third eye is alive as a highly developed vessel of Light allowing higher consciousness transmissions from the Dove and other divine stellar emanations from the universe. The golden ten rays emanating from the diamond in Rhama's third eye represent the ten Solar Rays being transmitted through the sun of our solar system. These ten rays are

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threshold vibrations for the evolution of consciousness in our solar system, and yet the higher codes of illumination from the spiritual Hierarchy of Orion are modulated upon them. The angelic fire letter in the center of the diamond in Rhama's third eye symbolizes this higher modulation, and represents the constellation of Orion as a seat of Hierarchal authority. The constellation of Orion is also the home of the Christ soul we know as Yeshua.

During Taurus' annual influence upon the earth, the Holy Corona of our solar sun fully opens its aperture and focuses its influence upon the earth. This tends to attenuate the elemental soul and its relationship with the physical body, bringing its evolution and harmonization with the spiritual soul to the forefront of a souls experience.

Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Virgo

by Thoth

The Madonna of the Starry Veil, the Great World Mother, is personified in the passage of Virgo. She is represented by the White Lily, her pale imprint is visited upon the souls of those whose life essence knows no stain. In Atlantis she was called Vironika, and in ancient Lemuria her name was Hellenous. "Hellenous" means to "seal with a kiss" or with a gesture of love. "Vironika" means "to encompass with love" or "to gather in love." Thus, Helen and Veronica are names both derived from the ancient Goddess of Virgo.

As the "Lily Queen," Virgo showers her spiritual abundance upon the Earth. Through the Christic portal of Virgo the Sacred Cup containing the fluidium of life beyond all lower animations is bestowed upon the soul, thus quickening it to its own Eternality. This sacred fluidium is the SAF-FIRE blood of our true royal Christed-ness within the stars.

As Corinne Heline states, Virgo "is the sign of Mother Earth who protects and nourishes her children as did Diana of the Greeks."

Like Diana the Huntress, Virgo sends her arrow of Love deep into the forest, where it pierces the heart of the stag, who symbolizes the Sun King (Solar Lord) of the planet. In this act of Love, a mantle of brazen light, an etheric "metal" of bronze and gold, is released from the Earth’s threshold of power. This is revealed to the world as a sword of spiritual truth (Excalibur) unsheathed in all its glory. The vibrations of the constellation of Virgo geo-physically enter the planet and penetrate into the central sun of the inner earth realm. This inter-penetration releases the pure forms of the ethers of the sovereign Earth. These pure forms are alchemically distilled into the "Life and Perfection" represented in the symbols of the "Cup and the Sword."

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The Path of Virgo in the Earth represents a movement of consciousness symbolized through replacing the "Crown of Thorns" (the path of sacrifice) with the many garlanded and glorious "Crown of Light" (the path of spiritual perfection and Grace). It must be understood that while the path of sacrifice is a reflection of Virgo in the broken mirror of the current Earth's reality, her true image is one of undefiled Grace whose passage is beyond reproach, and therefore not denied by any slayer of dragons nor men.