N E W L I F E T E M P L E Nov/Dec 1 Got Life The Most Wonderful Time of the Year While winter is synonymous with death, the cold and bitter moments of life, and the unfruitful season, it is also the time of much celebration in the western world. In fact, it is considered to be the most wonderful time of the year. I find that to be very unique in itself. The most cold and bleak season is our most joyous and celebrated season. I think we can related that to both the natural and spiritual. Of course, it may be a bit harder for us to see it as such in the spiritual realm. Most Christians say the time they learned more about God, saw the faithfulness of God, drew closer to God, experienced the greatest depth of peace, walked in great faith was in their winter season. Winter, naturally and spiritually, has a way of drawing us closer to what really matters. We are more appreciative for family, friends, job, a roof over our head, and so forth during the winter season. We notice the music playing in the stores or the person humming their favorite Christmas classic. We appreciate God more during our darkest, coldest and loneliest moments in our life. Our worship becomes more intense and personal. Though unexplainable, winter can be the most wonderful season of all. A newsletter about spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ O Give Thanks An address from the Senior Pastor. Page 2 Words From Our Ministries. Page 5 What’s Going On The monthly calendar, birthdays and anniversaries, and Daniel’s Fast resource information. Page 3 Church Information NLTC ministry staff, service information and statement of faith. Page 10 A Monthly Newsletter Nov/Dec’12 The Lite Side Biblical principles through humor Page 7 The Lite Side

Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter

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A newsletter for spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ

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Page 1: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


Nov/Dec 1

Got Life

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

While winter is synonymous with

death, the cold and bitter moments of life, and the unfruitful season, it is

also the time of much celebration in the western world. In fact, it is

considered to be the most wonderful

time of the year.

I find that to be very unique in

itself. The most cold and bleak season is our most joyous and celebrated


I think we can related that to both

the natural and spiritual. Of course, it may be a bit harder for us to see it as

such in the spiritual realm.

Most Christians say the time they

learned more about God, saw the

faithfulness of God, drew closer to God, experienced the greatest depth

of peace, walked in great faith was in their winter season.

Winter, naturally and spiritually,

has a way of drawing us closer to what really matters. We are more

appreciative for family, friends, job, a roof over our head, and so forth

during the winter season. We notice

the music playing in the stores or the person humming their favorite

Christmas classic.

We appreciate God more during

our darkest, coldest and loneliest

moments in our life. Our worship becomes more intense and personal.

Though unexplainable, winter can be the most wonderful season of all.

A newsletter about spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ

O Give Thanks

An address from the Senior Pastor.Page 2

Words From Our Ministries.Page 5

What’s Going OnThe monthly calendar, birthdays and anniversaries, and Daniel’s Fast resource information. Page 3

Church InformationNLTC ministry staff, service information and statement of faith.Page 10

A Monthly Newsletter Nov/Dec’12

The Lite SideBiblical principles through humor Page 7

The Lite


Page 2: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


2 Nov/Dec


I for one am so glad to see the holiday season upon us. The last few months have been, how shall we say it, rough waters here in America. The political climate has been much like the recent storm, Sandy, which swept across the eastern states. I’ve not been around a very long time, but I would say this has been the most fierce and heated political season of my life, from the politicians to the American people.

But hopefully the sounds and smells of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and all the other holidays that fill the space in between, will bring us back to a more peaceful state of mind.

However, one thing I can walk with from this election cycle is the knowledge of how powerful passion is.

The two presidential candidates may have done their small part of stirring up the political heat, but the force behind the fire that brewed came from the American people who locked arms with groups that supported their point of view.

The passion that was felt during the 2012 election came from the people who felt that they had to put their all in making their voice heard in support of their candidate. Hmmm...

If my memory serves me right, this is what Bishop Brenda K. Perry has been trying to stir in the hearts of members of New Life Temple Church - PASSION!

The change we want to see, the revival we long for, the miracles we want to see with our own eyes will happen when we truly find ourselves passionately in love with God and His purpose.

How can we ignite the passion that’s filled with heat and fire into our daily lives so that we become consumed with GETTING OUT THE WORD to the masses? We can do it!

Mel A. Perry, Editor-In-Chief

O Give ThanksPsalms 136:1-3 (NKJV)

By Bishop Brenda K. Perry

1Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.2 Oh, give thanks to the

God of gods! For His mercy endures forever.3 Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever:

The holiday season is upon us, starting with Thanksgiving, next Christmas, and then New Year’ Day. And with each holiday we are to give thanks to our God. I use the word “holiday” loosely because society has pushed our God, Lord and Savior out of the picture.

In the last few years, October 31 (“Satan and his fallen angel’s day) has been promoted more than Thanksgiving. Oh, how sad that the world is pushing this evil and forbidden day. Heartbreaking to say, some “Christians” eagerly participate in these displays. The best thing we can do on this day is to promote that every day is the Lord’s Day, and all believer are to rejoice and be glad in it. Oh give thanks!

When you read in the Old Testament you will find all of the festivals the children of Israel were commanded to uphold. You will see that the men were to gather three times a year to give offerings, sacrifice, and praise and worship to their God. Yes, the women were able to come as well.

I Samuel chapter one was one of those times where the men gathered. It was during this time that Hannah prayed a prayer that brought Israel one of greater judges and prophet of that era.

We believers of today continue special feast, or celebrations from the New Testament such as the Passover, for us Genital (Easter or Resurrection) and Pentecost. Each event should be

continue on page 4

The Warrior Spirit Genesis 3:15, Matthew 27:15-26

By Minister Isaac Bazile

It happens to all of us. It happens at different times and different places in different ways. Sometimes it happens when you go out on your first real date, alone with a person that you are really attracted to. Sometimes it happens when you start paying your own bills for the first time. Sometimes it happens when you wake up for the first time and experience depression, and you don't even know why. Sometimes it happens on your honeymoon, but at some point in time, all of us wake up to the brutal realization that life is a battle and we are in a war.

I. Do you ever feel like life is a battle? You should, because it is. Do you ever feel like sometimes you are in a war? That is good, because you are. Every one of us fights our own battles and our own war on a daily basis.

II. There are no conscientious objectors to this war. There are no deferments from this battlefield. Fame and fortune will not keep you out of the fight. John Daly, the PGA golfer, battles alcohol. Tiger Woods battles lust. Mike Tyson battles anger. Drew Carey, the host of The Price Is Right, battled depression so badly that twice, before he was twenty, he attempted to

continue on page 6

Page 3: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


Nov/Dec 3

Looking AheadPlease mark your calendars for the upcoming events for November & December

NOVEMBER11 Veterans Day11 Evening Service 12 Leadership Prayer17 National Family Volunteer Day 22 Thanksgiving Holiday22 - 23 Church Office Closed25 Evening Service

DECEMBER9 Evening Service 15 Leadership Prayer / Leader Director Breakout Meeting 23 Evening Service25 Christmas Holiday25 - 26 Church Office Closed28 Children’s Outing to Brenham, TX31 New Years Eve Service

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Monthly birthdays and anniversaries of NLTC members. If your birthday is not listed, email the church office.

Nov 1! ! Felicia Shepard

Nov 4! ! Ray Dod

Nov 12! ! Marissa Davila

Nov 14! ! Kija Colemon

Nov 17! ! Dell Powell

Nov 19! ! Gwen Williams

Nov 20! ! LaNeail Alexander

Nov 21! ! Steve Stephens

Nov 23! ! Jaisa Smith

Nov 26! ! Robert Clay

Nov 30! ! Thomas Clark


LaNeil & Delesa Alexander Nov 3

Raymond & Capricious Wright Nov4

Samuel & Margaret Darden Nov 17

Darnell & Gladys Simmons Nov 20

Dec 3! ! Armsted Chambers Sr

Dec 4! ! Madell King

Dec 6! ! Brian Conner

Dec 8! ! Larry White

Dec 10! ! Ruth Knox

Dec 10! ! Sonja Blouin

Dec 10! ! Phoebe Roquemore

Dec 11! ! Delesa Alexander

Dec 11! ! Kristina Davila

Dec 12! ! Eldora Christian

Dec 15! ! Lela Chambers

Dec 18! ! Pam Clark

Dec 19! ! Danielle Hardiman

Dec 28! ! Marva Coney

Dec 30! ! Clara Britton

Dec 31! ! Katie Alimon


Warren & Robin Green Dec 13

Elmer & Catherine Powell Dec 23

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4 Nov/Dec

Give Thanks continued from page 2

celebrated with the purpose of God’s will being done, and to magnify him.

With each of the upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, we must be diligent in uplifting Jesus, our Savior. With the economy in crisis, wars and more wars in the making, and the up rise of evil, Thanksgiving is truly a day for America to give our God thanks. Good has become evil and bad, and evil and bad has become good. We can see the fulfillment of II Timothy 3:1-5, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

But for the people of God, Oh, give thanks!

Saints, please let us keep Christ in Christmas. Let us not go along with crossing Christ out of the picture, such as “Happy Holiday”,” Merry Xmas”. Do not let the Atheists, and Agnostics, and consumers push Christ, the anointed one that was begotten in Bethlehem of Judea, out of the picture. We are not celebrating a baby, but the God of glory. The mystery that Apostle Paul speaks about in I Timothy 3:16, how this great God we serve manifested Himself in the flesh who we call the Son of God. The Word became flesh. He was all God, and all man. What a mighty God we serve. That is why all of heaven had to rejoice. He did not come only for Israel but for the whole world. Oh, give thanks!

New Year! Well, that means God graciously allowed you to see not just

another day but another New Year. It’s not the time to make new resolutions, but to give God praise and honor and glory.

It’s not about the turkey and the trimmings, nor the gifts that so many will be in debt to, nor the partying that will cause many not to see another day, or New Year. But, it is about the God of glory that has given freely His goodness and mercy throughout the year. Oh, give thanks!

take his own life. The incredible Hulk battles a terrific temper. The truth is we all fight our own private wars, and we all stay in constant battles whether it is with greed, or with selfishness or with bitterness.

III. In fact, everywhere you look wars are being fought, not just from within, but also from without. There is war between nations, war between married couples, and even war between governments. It seems like there is always a war going on and people willing to fight.

IV. I have some questions about this war that I am sure you share - three specifically.1) How did it start?2) How can we win it?3) How will it end?The answer to all three of those questions is found in the story of “The Warrior”. Beginning in the 3rd chapter of Genesis and going all the way through to the last verse of the Bible, you could say the story of the Bible is all about a warrior - a warrior who coincidentally is also known as the Prince of Peace. He is the only warrior that is capable of getting us out of this war victoriously, and bringing to us a peace that will last forever.

The story begins in of all places - a garden - the Garden of Eden. It was a

place of perfect peace. There were only two people: a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. They were at perfect peace with God, perfect peace with each other, and they were at perfect peace with themselves. Then, something happened, which to this day is the most terrible tragedy in the history of mankind. This plunged this world into a conflict that we are still fighting today and is the cause of every single problem on this planet.

We have been looking for a warrior, to come as prophesied, a bruiser, as spoken of in Genesis 3:15.

For literally thousands of years, the nation of Israel had been looking for another bruiser. They weren't looking, however, for a wrestler, but they were looking for a warrior. They expected him to be a bruiser, because he was predicted to be one. When Satan caused the world's greatest tragedy by successfully tempting Adam and Even to sin, war broke out between good and evil and between God and Satan. The only hope for this world was a warrior that could come and fight this war and defeat this enemy. He would do it by being a bruiser as we read in Genesis 3:15.

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15, NKJV)

From that single prophecy the picture of a warrior began to form in the minds and hearts of rabbi's and Old Testament scholars down through the ages. They expected this warrior to come and not only defeat Satan, but take over this world and usher in a kingdom where Israel would be restored to their rightful place as the dominate nation on the planet. No one could touch Him, no one

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Nov/Dec 5

Outreach Ministry

Goal for 2013: Matthew 28:19-20 As we wrap up 2012 and move

into the New Year, we have an opportunity to reflect on the many ways that God has been faithful to us in the preceding year, and to make plans for another year of ministry. It's also a time for us to reaffirm our mission and purpose for existing as a ministry.

Jesus commanded us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

The MISSION and PURPOSE of OUTREACH at New Life Temple Church is to constantly keep the church focused on the fact that God intends for His people to be involved in evangelism. Bring them in, build them up, train them up, and send them out - is the mission and purpose of the church year after year after year.

Jesus Himself gave us the Great Commission to motivate the church to outreach. We must reach out to the world around us if we are going to remain healthy and grow. We must help people understand the saving power of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We must proclaim the transforming power of Jesus. If we don’t we become self centered and maintenance minded. We will stop growing and eventually die.

How large will His church grow? How strong? Only God knows that – but our job is to tell people about the love of Jesus – to bring them into the family – to teach them about God’s love – to show them how to live a victorious Christian life – and to send them out to tell others about the salvation we have in Jesus. It’s not our job to grow the church – that’s what God does – but it is our job to share the transforming story of Jesus with those around us.

We encourage you, especially during this season of our Lord’s birth, to pray for guidance to reach a lost soul for the kingdom.

Elder Edna Johnson serves as the Outreach Director of New Life Temple Church

Continue from page 4

could pin His shoulders to the mat, and no one could hurt Him because He was the warrior - the bruiser. JESUS is that warrior that we have waited for and we that have His spirit dwelling on the inside, we have that warrior spirit. It is that spirit that wars against the enemy daily, and it is that same spirit that helps us to withstand the attacks of the enemy from within and without.

Minister I. Bazile serves as Director of Men of the Tower

New Life Temple MinistriesWords from our ministries

Ministry Writers Wanted

If you would like to inform our readers about your ministry or department, we would love to add your article to our “Words From Our Ministries” section. Article ideas: Words of encouragements, photos from events, person of interest feature, upcoming event write up.

Please submit articles to [email protected]

Page 6: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


6 Nov/Dec

There is Much Work To Be Done In 2012....

and We Need YOU!

Kingdom Building In Progress

Connect With A Ministry This Yearserve as a ministry worker and/or take part in the fellowship

Men of the Tower, Ladies of the Light, Young People On Fire, Children With Purpose, Marriage, Music, Sunday School, Outreach, Maintenance, Hospitality, Audio/Video, Communications, Senior Connection (NLEC)

We need your help in completing the Kingdom Work Project

For more information on ministries, please call 713-991-5972 or email [email protected]

Page 7: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


Nov/Dec 7

As I tap away on my computer, my mind is reflecting over

the many Thanksgiving &

Christmas holiday memories I’ve stored

away. There are even a few holiday traditions (well they are sort of traditions) that I’ve started for myself, and those I would love to start.

Besides bringing out the Christmas music once fall hits the calendar, my first holiday favorite is that Thanksgiving dinner down in Galveston. It doesn’t matter if I’m alone or with family, Thanksgiving just isn’t right if I don’t get to enjoy that feast at San Louis Resort. Nothing like hearing the piano man play, all the people talking, seeing the excitement of the kids who get to enjoy all you can eat mac and cheese and yummy sweets, and my plate filled with some of the best brunch around. Besides there are no dishes to clean, and each adult pays for their own meal. I’m sure my mum has to agree it’s less expensive than spending the money on the groceries to make the perfect Thanksgiving dinner....

Oh, I remember those days when my mum would cook those hens for Thanksgiving. The smell was wonderful, but I don’t miss being called downstairs to help wash the greens or being told how at my age I should be in the kitchen helping out and learning to cook...not my favorite holiday memories, lol. But I guess being able to eat the raw turnips, yea I love them, was my reward after washing all those greens.


As a kid, I remember my mum inviting over some of the singles or new couples from the church for those Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Bitter sweet it was. There was plenty of yummy dishes and laughs, but oh the mile high pile of dishes that awaited my sister and I just seemed like punishment

for being the kids. I think it was the parents way of getting back at us for having so much fun during the holidays. Ha!ha!

There was no Christmas tree to decorate, but over time my mum started a tradition that maybe she will bring back now that there is a grandchild. She would decorate the living room table, fireplace and piano to look like the perfect little winter town. Then I would set my perfect

Christmas table that I dreaded taking down.

When people walked into the house they seem to become like little kids looking at the gorgeously decorated living room and dinning area. Oh, yea it was Christmas in the Perry house.


I remember us piling into our Toyota mini-van with 105.7 playing Christmas music in the background as we drove over to Pasadena or Green Tea to see the big beautiful homes nicely decorated from ground to roof with some of the most dramatic Christmas decorations. We would, “Ooo” and “Ah” as we followed the caravan of automobiles through the maze of masterpieces. I would dream I was invited into the fantasy world of the decorations. I have a really good imagination and the stories I would create as we drove pass each house was always better than anything that fantasy world in Florida could ever create.

Then there were those nights my sister and I would pop our ooey gooey carmel popcorn and watch Christmas

movies. To this day I start to crave Mr. Orville Redenbacher's carmel popcorn around Thanksgiving.

My most favorite memory has to be those Christmas programs Melissa and Deon, my god-brother, would put on for the family. On occasions they would allow me to participate, as I was the odd one out. I was not quite an adult but not a young child either.

Melissa would go all out with the planning for their little program, which was usually performed on Christmas eve. They actually wrote a program for those Christmas eve productions. They would sing, do a few songs on the piano, act out or read a Christmas skit. Just thinking about it makes me smile. They were so cute.

The adults would sit around the living-room smiling, laughing and singing along. At the end we would

clap or bow as if we had just experienced a full holiday production.

Those memories are priceless. I don’t really remember all of my Christmas gifts over the years, but those moments that I shared with family and friends during those holidays of days of yore will forever be more valuable to me than any gift that I could receive. Though I can’t turn back the clock and watch one more of those Christmas productions, or climb behind one of the family members as we got in the van to go see the Christmas lights, I can smile knowing that even when we didn’t get that dream gift out of the catalogue we got the gift of being with each other.

No matter what your life is like, how bad or how good it may be this year, let’s find those people in our life and make some memories this holiday season. You never know when they will mean the most to you...

Memories....PRICELESS! Blessed Holiday and Merry Christmas!

The Lite




Page 8: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter

New Life Temple Church, 4828 Almeda Genoa, Houston, TX 77048

Sunday, 27 May

Come and experience the refreshing winds of God’s spirit - the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, Healing and Deliverance!

For more information or transportation assistance call 713-991-5972

Merry & Blessed CHRISTmas to you and

your family during this holiday season. May

your Thanksgiving and Christmas be filled with

much joy, peace and love.

From your New Life Temple Church family

PS. Join us each Sunday morning (December 2 - December 23) at 10am for our special Christmas presentation by Children With Purpose

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Nov/Dec 9

Guest Writers Wanted

If you would like to share a thought or an article with our readers, we invite you to

contact us at [email protected]

or 713-991-5972 for more information.



NLTC - For family

NLTCNews - For NLTC friends

NLTC Got Life



Getting to know your family...

Come connect with your family...

Perfecting Light -Membership ClassSunday School

Pastoral Bible StudyYouth Service

Page 10: Got Life - November/December 12 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


10 Nov/Dec

NLTC Ministry Leaders

Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Mel A. Perry, Assistant Pastor & Global Relations Director [email protected]

Pastor Steve Stephens, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Pastor Elmer Powell, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Donna Ross-Powell, Administrator [email protected]

Deacons Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacons [email protected]

Pastor Elmer & Cathy Powell, Marriage Min. [email protected]

Minister Isaac Bazile, Men of the Tower [email protected]

Donna Stephens, Ladies of the Light [email protected]

Elder Roy & Min Pam Clark, Perfecting Light Ministry [email protected]

Elder Edna Johnson, Outreach [email protected]

Statement of Faith

We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as omniscient and omnipresent.

We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration.

We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.

We believe in the death, burial and resurrection.

We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus” Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing.

We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.

We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing.

The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of all people, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.

Weekly Service Schedule

SundaySunday School! ! ! 9:00amSunday Worship ! ! 10:00am

WednesdayPastoral Bible Study! ! 7:30pmYoung People On Fire! ! 7:30pm

ThursdayMusic Ministry! ! ! 7:30pm

Saturday! ! !Intercessory Prayer! ! 9:00am

*Senior Connection Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm for all seniors 60+

New Life Temple Church

4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, TX 77048
