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Resource accounting for MIA


The professionals at Andersen perfected the process of task

execution by applying advanced information technologies and

powerful information-analytical platform. The implementation of the

system helped to improve the timeliness of the reports on the

decisions made, reduce the circulation of printed documents and, as

a result, streamlined the management activities. The system includes

the plan development of the Internal Troops, their publishing, as well

as control over their execution.

TECHNOLOGIES: SharePoint, Javascript, .Net

WORK EFFORTS: 14 072 hours

TEAM : 9 developers

DURATION: 11 months

"Aviation" information system



WORK EFFORTS: 6 336 hours

TEAM : 7 developers

DURATION: 3 months

"Aviation" system is developed to provide operative multi-user

information exchange. The system helped to accelerate the work of the

Air Transport Service and simplify the logistics, monitoring and

reporting. The system facilitates the data collection process, provides

the structural units with the possibility of conducting simultaneous

analysis and elaboration of corrective actions. The developed system

provides for the information about the status and location of an air

military unit, home and transit air bases, aircraft, their routes as well as

notification about the planned and actual time of departure and arrival.

Prediction and statistics for MIA


TECHNOLOGIES: ASP.Net, C#,Javascript, .Net, SP.Net

WORK EFFORTS: 14 784 hours

TEAM : 7 developers

DURATION: 5 months

The goal of the project was to create a system that would provide

timely the responsible units of the MIA with statistical reporting and

analytical information from other organizational units. The system

solves the problem of preparation of the tools to automate

informational and analytical activities of the executive officers of the

organizational units. The system is aimed at facilitating the following

tasks: filling in forms of the statistical reporting, their submission to

higher authorities of the military administration, processing

(aggregation) of the received data, providing statistical reports upon


Payment system for power engineers


TECHNOLOGIES: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Wicket, Velocity,


WORK EFFORTS: 1 440 hours

TEAM : 2 developers

DURATION: 5 months

To develop the solution our

team used databases and

client-server architecture. The

implementation of the system

allowed to organize trouble

free work of the accounting:

receiving and processing the

payments, accounting and

generation of output reports.

The development significantly

increased the possibilities for

adding new payment

acceptance points,

ensured the expansion of partner network and minimized error

probability when paying for electricity. The application allows the

consumers to pay for electricity via ATMs, self-service terminals,

the Internet and other payment methods at any time. The system

is capable of interacting with external systems of banks and

partners, keeping internal references (accounts, partners, etc.),

configuring the details and features of the accounting,

administering internal users.

Electronic licensing of

the Republic of Kazakhstan


TECHNOLOGIES: ASP.NET, MS SQL, Javascript, jQuery,.Net, XML Web Services, Hibernate, LINQ

WORK EFFORTS: 16 482 hours

TEAM : 9 developers

DURATION: 18 months

The specialists at Andersen used K2 Blackpearl platform for

managing business processes. As a result, they developed the

system for submitting and processing electronic applications for

obtaining approval documents for all types of activities for individuals

and legal entities, as well as self-employed individuals. The

interaction with external information systems is implemented with the

help of WCF framework. The developed system allowed to simplify

and accelerate the process of issuing, extending and renewing

licenses, as well as searching for approval documents and as a result

to reduce the circulation of printed documents.

OnLime for RosTeleCom



WORK EFFORTS: 480 hours

TEAM : 1 developer

DURATION: 3 months

The application is available in the official stores for Samsung and

Philips Smart TVs and allows viewing TV shows and films of the

majority of federal TV channels after the two hours after the

broadcast. It works even with poor Internet connection. The

possibilities of the OnLime application include: image adaptation to

TV screen size, convenient work with remote control, fast page load,

video stream control with the possibility to pause and resume the


Electronic System “Degustation”



WORK EFFORTS: 690 hours

TEAM: 2 developers

DURATION: 2 months

Electronic system "Degustation" is designed for enterprises that

produce alcoholic beverages and directed to the collection, storage

and processing of data obtained as a result of checking products by

Tasting Commission. The system allows implementing any

processing methods of data accumulated in the form of reports,

tables, graphs, charts and instruments, as well as store data for

evaluation and results’ processing.

ES "Degustation" is designed in accordance with GOST and ISO

standards for production and quality control of alcoholic products.

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