GP Customer Care Center

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  • 7/26/2019 GP Customer Care Center


    An In Depth Analysis of Customer Care Service Process OF


    MGT 314.6

    Faculty- Khan Muhammad Saqiful Alam

    Submission Date: 18th April, 2014

    Group Members

    Name ID

    Md. Sakib Faisal 102 0316 030

    Md. Raihanul Islam 111 0230 030

    Md. Ashik Rahman 092 0097 030

    Nazifa Antara Prome 103 0608 530

    Kazia Kamal 091 0651 530

    Tashmia Zakia 092 0258 530

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    An In Depth Analysis of Customer Care Service

    Process OF Grameenphone

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    Executive Summary

    The Report explains the existing customer care service of Grameenphone and then we

    presented a proposed improved process based on our learning form the operational management

    course. We have identified that customers have to wait longer time to get connected with a

    customer care manager. After identifying the existing process map, an improved process has

    been suggested in which we removed the processes which create complexities for the selected

    subscribers to get connection with customer care manager.

    We have also identified two other important process of GP which is product distribution process

    and international roaming agreement and suggested a two better process map for this process.

    Then, we adopted the 4 Vs diagram for the process and found that the process has high volume,

    low visibility, and low variation and average variety. Moreover, in the polar diagrams, we will

    see that there's been a low score in terms of speed, quality and moderate cost with the existing

    process map. These factors will have an increased score with the new process flow; whereas

    dependability in providing quality service will be increased and cost will be remain same.

    After that we have used some advanced level tools and techniques like Fish Bone, Business

    process reengineering and TPM for more in-depth analysis of the problem. Main outcome of this

    analysis is that GPs customer care mangersare not increasing proportionately with respect to its


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    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary ...................................................................... 3

    Introduction ................................................................................. 5

    Company Background ................................................................ 5

    Operation Strategy Analysis ................................................... 6

    4V Model ..................................................................................... 6

    Polar Diagrams ......................................................................... 7

    Improved Polar Diagram ......................................................... 8

    Process Analysis (GP Customer Care ServiceExisting

    Map) .............................................................................................. 10

    GP Customer Care Service-Improved Process Map

    .................................................................................................... 11

    Prodcut distribution Process .............................................. 12

    International Roaming Process (existing) ........................ 14

    International Roaming Process (Improved) ...................... 15

    Business Improvement tools & techniques .......................... 16

    Fish Bone Diagram .................................................................. 16

    Total Productive maintenance (TPM): ................................ 17

    Business Process Reengineering (BPR) ............................. 19

    Recommendation ........................................................................ 20

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    The objective of this report is to scrutinize and suggest solutions for the customer care

    process of Grameenphone which is the largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. Many

    times it is found that many customers are not satisfied with the services provided by GP

    customer care. The main factor behind this dissatisfaction is long holding time on customer care

    service. Since, this course is essentially related to operations management, our first task was to

    identify the operations flow (i.e. process map) for one of the major processes of the GP customer

    care service. We then tried to develop an improved process map and suggested some measures

    which could be implemented for the better functioning of the process. Next, we evaluated the

    operations process in terms of the 4V Model and we also developed two Polar Diagrams, one

    based on the existing state of the organization and one on the improved state. Finally, we tried touse some advanced level tools and techniques like fishbone, TPM and BPR for analyzing the

    problem more deeply and providing diversified scope of solution.

    As we are undergraduate level business school student some technical process and

    calculation of GP customer care were tough for analyzing like function of AVAYA(an advanced

    level software for customer care process) and downtime of the customer care process.

    Company Background

    Grameenphone, widely Known as GP, is the leading telecommunications service provider

    in Bangladesh. One of the major processes of GP is its customer care service and we would like

    to Work on that. GP almost have 46.04 million subscribers in our country and support this huge

    number of subscribers is very challenging. So as a business student it would be a great learning

    for us to know how this corporate giant manages its huge range of customers. People of differentcaste, customs, and religions live in our country and there is also language barrier based on

    regions. So it will be a great learning for us to know how customer care service deal with people

    of different caste, customs, religions, and regions. Also every person has different need and

    different types of complaints to fulfill. So as a manager it would be a great learning for us to

    know how one should satisfy its customer needs.

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    Operation Strategy Analysis

    4V Model

    Existing 4V Diagram for GP Customer Care Service Process

    VOLUME:Grameenphone is the largest mobile phone operator in the country with more

    than 46.04 million subscribers (as of September 2013). The volume for the process of

    customer care service is very high since they have to handle the highest number of

    subscriber in the diversified field.

    VARIETY:There is medium variety in the customer care service process. While each

    subscriber may have different needs, they all have to go through the same customer care

    service process and customer have to call 121 and then they have to wait for few minutes

    for getting service by the customer care manager. Which again is not all that different

    among subscriber but not same. Some of the problems can be resolved instantly by the

    customer care manger like making new fnf numbers, purchasing internet package and

    some of the problems cannot be resolved instantly like excessive deduction of balance,

    invalid sim card, registration failed and etc.









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    GP Customer Care Service Process

    Current Situatio

    VARIATION: The demand pattern for the customer care service process varies a bit

    according to peak and off peak hour of the day, but thus the demand for it remains steady

    throughout the years. Thus variation in this process is very low.

    VISIBILITY:The operations exposure to its customer is not very high in Grameenphone

    center (GPC). Because, the whole process is, and has to be, guided by the customer care

    manager, showing customer how to move through the processs every step and how to

    get the exact solution but they dont expose what is going internally. There is a little

    scope for giving the customer services directly those who called over phone to GP call


    Polar Diagrams

    Current Scenario:There remains a low score in

    terms of speed due to huge

    number of customer and

    limited customer care

    manager in both GPC and

    call center. While a

    customer call to GP call

    center or visit to GPC they

    have to go through a longqueue to get customer

    manager free.

    The figure illustrates a

    moderate score of cost

    effectiveness as the system

    serves to a large number of

    customers in both GPC and

    call center.

    Relatively average score in terms of quality as the overall customer satisfaction is not so good.

    Theres a moderate level of dependability in providing good quality of customer service in a

    quick manner. Sometimes customer gets the solution instantly but if the nature of the problem is

    unusual then customer have to go through a complicated process. There might be also a little

    factual report of errors in the process at the time emergency and festival time.

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    Flexibility is high as per the demand of diversified customer needs and one to one base service.

    Improved Polar Diagram

    The product/service life cycle influence on performance of GP Customer Care Service


    Grameenphone is the largest and leading mobile phone operator in the country with more than

    46.04 million subscribers (as of September 2013). Grameenphone (GP) reported BDT 47.4

    billion revenues for the first half of 2013, a 2.2% increase from the first half of 2012. GP

    managed to deliver this growth amid intense market competition, political unrest and inclement

    weather across the country.

    As GP representing bulk of market share, highest sales revenue and profit among the all mobilephone operators of Bangladesh we can easily say GP is in the maturity stage of product life

    cycle. The dominant operations performance objectives of GP customer care service process

    should be lower cost to maintain profit or to allow price reduction. GP should be also dependable

    to provide consistently good quality of customer care service as well.

    Proposed Scenario:

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    GP Customer Care Service Process

    Current Situation

    Target Situation

    For providing consistent good quality of service and speed in customer care process GP will

    need to be increased the number of well-trained customer care manager and self-service online

    customer care service which can be accessed by the customer account anytime and from


    As customer care service is one to one basis there is already a significant level of flexibility for

    serving wide diversified level of customer need.

    Increasing the number of customer care manager and the online self-service customer care

    process will increase expenses. As GP is in the maturity level of PLC they should emphasize

    more on par-time employee to provide quality customer care service as well as keep the cost


    The dependability will be increased by providing consistently good quality of service in a quick


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    Process Analysis (GP Customer Care Service Existing Map)

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    Suggestion for the improvement: (GP customer care)

    Here contact center is customer service point; we need to concentrate on quality and speed. Here cost and speed is interrelated.

    Because as much as customer will be in line that much customer will be charged. Both the company and the customer dont

    want to stay on line.

    According to companies view per minutes cost is near about 36 taka where as they are charging from a customer only .57 taka

    per minutes. So speed is main area to concentrate.

    Here in the chart in the first step on the last part we can eliminate the close service request as there is a log for every execution

    by the CM.

    Here in the critical data service we can send the customers call to their specializes team to solve the problem instantly .It will

    not only delight customer but also eliminate open service request raised by CM.

    In the second part we can eliminate close service request when giving information to the customers as all the calls are being

    recorded by the companys server.

    Prodcut distribution Process

    Problem of the existing Process:


    Analyzing daily & weekly strike rate and then finding potential trailers are time consuming.2. Making delivery quantity only based on regional guideline

    Suggestion for the improvement:

    1. Analyzing weekly and daily strike rate and based on the analysis determine the potential retailers instantly.


    Making delivery quantity based on analysis result and regional guide line.

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    Product Distribution Process:

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    International Roaming Process (existing)

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    International Roaming Process (Improved)

    Problem of the existing Process:

    1. Receiving financial vetting after negation and primary agreement.

    2. Exchanging both hard copy and soft of the agreement after the successful negation may make delay to start the active netting

    Suggestion for the improvement:

    1. Receiving financial vetting at the time of negotiation.


    Exchanging soft copy of the agreement at the end of the successful negation.

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    Business Improvement tools techniques

    Fish Bone Diagram

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    Total Productive maintenance (TPM):

    The goal of any TPM program is to eliminate losses tied to equipment maintenance or, in other

    words, keep equipment producing only good product, as fast as possible with no unplanned


    TPM are measured using an Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) ratio.

    The goals of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Calculation:


    Shift length

    Short Break (2)

    Lunch Break

    Other Breaks

    Down time

    Ideal rate

    Total call received

    No. of unsolved problems

    9 hours (540minutes)

    15 minutes

    30 minutes

    54 minutes

    0 minutes

    1.5 minute per customer

    165 (by a single employer)


    Planned productive time = Shift length-Breaks= (540-30-30-54) = 426 minutes

    Operating time= Planned productive time-Down time= (426-0) = 426 minutes

    Solved problems= Total call received - No. of unsolved problems= (165-10)=155

    Availability= Operating time/ Planned productive time= 426/426=1

    Performance= Total call received/ Ideal rate* Operating time= 165/1.5*426=0.258215962

    Quality= Solved problems/Total call received= 155/165=0.939393939

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    OEE= Availability* Performance* Quality= 1*0.258215962*0.939393939= 0.242566509


    Here OEE>85% is considered to be world class but on average a moderate company should

    have a OEE of 60% but in this case it is below average so the company is not doing well in case

    of TPM.

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    Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

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    Following recommendations are given to improve customer service process as a whole:

    To get maximum benefit from the improved customer care service GP must provide the

    details information of the new process in website and a video tutorial to visually show the

    new process to the subscriber.

    GP should improve OEE by increasing availability, performance & quality

    GP should adopt the new process flow which is created by business process

    reengineering as it enhances the quality of the process by reducing the number of errors.

    Also, speed and cost.

    Since customer manager has to handle lots of pressure they need to get a heavy training

    like previous recruitment system.