DISON TIIES OI .]ir, Editor & Prop. . - Publisher. saTU BDASY. JAN. 1 , 18^17. U MUEs ojMse7sCRI oN . gmt.oWa. 75 esum by your drugs of Fulton M. r Wyly eee in East Carroll tup at the Washington when yo go t V'eksbrg. t•& Co., keeps every- F thing th grocery line. The rivers are, generally, lowernd thbia is time last year. Sp er had the misfortune a t lWme her sow last Thursday. hep thale indebtedness was paid s , Thursday.-Ring work. The Taos has an ear of corn in by the Mr. F. M. Dawon that Thsuue an even foot in length. 1 an. Ige and Scott recentr. pecr hadto the mail service Sresign herd after an experience ear trip. W he the completion of the e-orn _. Mrml of the Reid levee in Madi- Ms ish will be opened by the > ide(State Engineers to-day. ,.Th proceedings of the last M of th. School Board have a m furnihed the Tin length. s, i the reason they have not ,I , rsi.e Holmes made a trip t-mport last week. She took Will, with her tor the pur- heplao inghi in the Thatch- te, a military school. imu of Beer & Fried, and ~ofthe SchoE. Bluoard have con- and have not only con- but have branched out. Sbrtlught outthe the firm & Co. at Thomastown, andWll, will run for that store the Iarm name of Beer, Fried %hile the Tallulah house oeeas 8. E. Blum have &Co. combination makes a mighty ern, and backed by am- and still more ample will be prepared to keep up e arch of modeTaah houeim- at, sad present to their a thoroughly stocked -IFW SrLE.. e hker & Co. 1 v- . o No. 11656. WV IrTUL Ef a Writ of Fli Facias tase disedl from the Honorable NleicttCoert for the Parish of twil proeeed tosell, at public the dosero t heCourt House thestme Taiesl Maisonu Pariah, bni~ a Ibe 1st Saturdlay, the unaL he Iaeri peribed by law e 4ih, title sad ainterest of L b mmml the folowing * m, ! i the District r et ll~Wrer, and front- Yhst r Y'emng' Point et bratroeal Nos. d tsandIot'o 4of rMhtemgemedofidota U555Je gmmdsminT 1, allhinhasction No L im blsbels more or less 1 ?*s, with Single teeI3 aepesdTc d Smoke Lstact. Seedore or less. One instance is on record where the freight bill presented by the V\ .& P., was for les than the bill of ladling called for. Make a big chalk mark. -- =---• STEAK FE3RY. i nIl Between Delta and Vicksburg. n, The steamer Novelty will leave P Delta daily at 8 and 10 o'clock, a. d in.. and 12 in.. and at 2 and 4 () o'clock p. mn. Leave Vickahurg at daily at 8:30 and 1(:30i a.m. and 1, 3 and 4:30 ' cl ock p. in. LONG- & Il"()YlD. omUmadellrelettlag C2 T. state Countv and Farm Rights for Sale Full directions accompanying each right sold. Any one can put up _ the fence with tools found on any plantation. The first right sold in any neighborhood will be sold for HALF THE USUAL RATES. For full particulars, apply at the TIMES office, or address the pat entee, A. G. HLBERT, 1213 Cass Ave. St. Louis. Mo. JOB WORK R. 1. RIGIKNS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTING. Graiai a Specialty. PAPER. HANGING NEA'TLY DONE. T.LLULLH ...... ........... ..... L 4ewa -D ~a mm l Cmpa DYTT fEPSIA, IND GLTION, B KN FoE TerO nULeS, N rEUALGIA AND II EUATISL. C. J &f J.~wh SYS pInS eeAEMdohiiy M Udlcinem, ita, tLA.-mt o semben Ad diD- S - hIeo iUtsA I U34Ai, Dm•mmA Am , and prolific. Price 1.00p Bushel. For terms on large loet Address, .i. GILFOIL, Omega, La. 1Rora 4sluw- O. P. HEBERT, 14 F arish Surreyor and C I Eagianer MADISON PARISH, LA. ` II.L att ndl to runninj andl rre- tr~.win W. lin. , dliviini uIp) ltnlts anlo -stilli.hin_ pierm anent .or- nvrs toi all trait.. surverdl. Will mnake nlat anti ac oirate plans with pri'ess verbal of ,urvevs. on durable paper. P lantatiuon map.i with I tItails of roads, ditches, et'. .1Al urI.Irs hift at tile AI.qDISON TItIE: () ttice. Tallulah, La.. will he prounltlv attended to,. .- elt.3, 18j.-lyr. 1,Nb NT, .'l:Y , :, i'tI.$, II. P. WELts. I- Ivy\'ille. La. Delhi, La, \ rloo II TALL [LA II, - - *At.L. a. L. SLACK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LA Practices in the Courts of Vadisoa as Well as in West Carroll. Rierand, FrankAin aadaiuaehital~arisheswhere 'e has assiatance ot 'cmspatet leeal Attea mars alsoitthe GtC;rat a LM ,.r• e Court of the State• and Courts. Ira &ht emnus- Q NEW ORLEANS. Eli NTrs Tmtus-DaxoacaT is now recognlzed a tUie best newspaper in the South, enjoymng the largest circulatron of any daily south ol the Ohio and the Potomac, and circulating exteasively in all the Southern States, eepe- islly in Louisiana, als"e.shippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas. te while 'I'u WIarLY Titass-Damuwa.AT has four tunes the circulation f any similar weekly published in New Orleana, T- T-•tasL-Daxocnar makes a specialty of Southern news, hazing correspondents in every Southern town of over 5oo Inihabitants, 13 emplo iltt severa.l hundred correspondents in me all to furnish it by telegraph, with all events and happenings of general or local interest. It devotes itself to the encouragement of of Southern progress and industry, iurnishing titl valuable art'cles and statistscs-accepted by the United States Statistical Bureau as the best published on these matters--on trade, [ii co'nimmre, agriculture, manufactures, mining, sic etc. It is the o::iv paper in the United States irt which tilvotes itself to Mexican, Central and South American news, having correspondents in a:l these countries, and publishing special bet euitions, front tine to time, in Englash and all Spanish, devoted to t~ie interests of Lain-. al -Amer tca. It has. in addition, correspondents in all the full North.ern and N estcrn cities, and keeps its realer, constandy itormned on all tuocs oft general interest there. OB Trgs TI:ais-Ds.uiocnAT gives in addition 1an1 all the local news of New Orlerus, and the sec ullest market reports of New Orleans and all other Ameri;aa and fureign commincial ,1 centres. Te SLurnTA Toeas-DamocuAr is one of of the most inmportant literaqt publications in ., the South, containing contributions, stories, sketches., poirs, etc., from the must eminent T Americ:an wtiters. snd is h:ndsomelylv ilius- E tsted with engravings of strnki:ng ncidcuta. tail pa,:smg events and noted persona•s, the I:s C:.iiarln's olumn, want stories, sketchce, p zzles, etc., for the young. Ma Is Cbc-es Co'lumn, without exception the he fmnist published in the United States, and stln kept on rtle ti all the ches clubs of lurope n and A.neri.:a. Its Foreign Prers colmn, contaninir the dMai choicest seleti,rns and translations, sketches I and storics from the lca.lnrg European ag ut asznes aid p!;ce•. The tIrndyiv TixtsDVSrocuAr gives as a special fcatuit: semlons lre .cltd on the pre- pro vie is day by the must eminent divines, Noth and south. Ttas T'tas-DanwcaT tin -pographicatty pertect. lie:ng ptulished on o. . tCiute mnst unproved p..r.ictng press.s, which cuts the p., 'er, p.. st it rod i.•h.es it in b,.ak foroa, - ;o as to rc .d with cLUe and comfort. Daily ;S to t, pages) *a per annum. Sunlay i '6 p.gcal, Sa per annumn. (The S.I.vy is part ot the d;uil issue, W'eekly (i. p.,e•).3$.5o per aunnm. To e.::h; sur"lcnher to any of these issnrs rFt Te '-•::orH.et A:manac f.or .sha, the standard .authur:ty of all questions of tatiLstics, electI(ns, et:., in the Southern States, is mailed free. TnI Tuxas-DavocsaT Almanac is ee.- -nulny bound, beautifully tllustrated, and ille.i with all the latest facts and figures, and st:ttt.tical and othet information to be found nowhere else, making it a valnable b•,k of relrence to keecp cucstan•ly oa sand. P. S.--Ay one desiring the alsmane only, will receive the same, postage prepaid, by -emiL.ing twent v-firve cents in atamps a or c- renev to sls ot.:e. Tia WE'Ig LY TIE-DE'WOCURAT mbraces the best features of the Daily issue and in addition puiblsles vahithl selrected mnatttr on agrieultre, etc.. which makes it peculiarlv ad'pted trr every Southern home. It i by far tlhe best weekly published i the South. I-is per snnwsm. $S.n; or a handrome Waterbury wa:tch aid Chlitn, gurannteed to keep correct ti, e, with Tea Walru •r "aMR•-S Duatoca•r for ar oe rt. Zl CLash is .6 SHERIFP SALE. Stare of ?girdanaaPaP i h of Mdison, th Jdlcial District Cort. Succession ofF. S. (GooDg. , V. NO).- J SY Virtueofa Commission to sell to D me directed from the Honorable 19th Judicial District Court fr the Parish of Terrel-nne in the above en- titled cause. I will proceed to sell, at public auction, at the door of the Court House in ihe town of Tallulah, in Madison Parish, Louisiana, on the E lit Srturday. the 5thday of February, A. D. 1887, between the hours prescribed by law all the right title and interest of sue- cession of E.S. (Goode in and to the following deseribed property, to-wit: 1st a certain tract of land in Madison Parish, Louisiana, described in julig nent in suit No. 4487, of the Doceket of A the 19th District Court for the Parish of P Terrehonne, La., recorded in the odfice o of the Recorder for Madison Parish, in Notarial Record"l" page 786 and known as the Oak Point Plantation. some- times called "iive Oak' describedt by A Ssurvey as follows, to-wit: The north- Swest quarter and the east half of frac- * tional section No. 19, in township No. r 15. north of ronge No. 12 east, also lots SNso's 11 and 14, being the east half of , the sonth-west quarter, and lots No's 10 and I1 being the west half of the Ssouth-east quarter,and lot Ni. 16 being the south-east quarter of the south- east quarter of section No. 91, in town- Sship No. 15 north of range No. 1:1 east, also the west half and the east half Sof the north-east quarter, and the north east quarter of the south-east quarter of section No. )2 in township No. 15 north of range number 13east, also lots R numbers 4 and 5 being the went half of e the north west quarter of section 93 in r township number 15 north of range number 13east. all in the District of Slands north of Red River Louisiana, Sanl containing in the aggregate Eleven Hundel and Ninety- ave :,-100 (11li.- 281 acres more or less; together with the buildings and i nprovements there- on, and the appurteusnees thereof. *lnd. a tract of land described as the mouth-east quarter of the south-east qaarterof ecion anmae- 92 forming rt of said 'Oak Poin.' plattion,io a mitted i the above desciptio is inelrded ia the above ares. in the ahoe sail. ?emtdbS--Cwa with betdTe -_ ri,-l,-x , ,+.L , + IK Pu i LOUISVILLE. REW ORLEANS N1D TEXAS RAILW":'. Mississippi Valley Route. On and after May 1 3 hh,. Icy;. lPa.,-,.- ,-r train. ,, this rai w il run a.i t,- g Fast 3Mail, North. South. Mell p s........ n.- . I 4.:') p. in I.u11la ............ 7.16 * .. p. m I. lan: lI ........... 4. Il .):; p. I \ 'ickslur .... I . i I I ND a. .u Ilar.ri, nl ...... .1 1 '. I 2.44 a ,a i.:.. ... . i. 14 New )'rlea s1. " .... p1. in 9.) ) Expre,. . I" ; . Ia "n!1',... .. " I I5 ,t L I .4 It. \' iLelan ... ..... ll.:" a.mI:; .:;Ia. UI i kr p.. 1 ...... 0t :ii t.u l n. I. 1 "r li( •se cunnt.ti;o at a.ll J n: 't, rial lociut . Pullman t ." ", sl'erini a'rj Nw 4 )rh- ;ups ,o \\':1",e •ull h,]r :1n1- "t h,.r c'tl" , :i*, " ; , " ; -. " nd Sllill t our •' , .rt stulons It' n ,\ a l i, , 1.\. w h ill , inS tart. Nof v o) i..ans to 1. e o" ft w tho '... 1'. ou t Pur.ich:-e your tickets via iironleh oaDr liMne. thn insure ,ulenient'e anl m't) ,ln ri. i"; " herlin ,rmation i, q ply t], t ,I V 1 ' . .I., . J. M. El)VaARMs. A.E. JKNM\ara WI SHERIFF SALE. State of Louisiana, Parish of Mudison, s)ld Ward Justice's Court. D. Mayer, r No. 2. Jno. Levi a 1 Mrs. . E. Marshall. D. Mayer vs. N1. -7,. Isaac .ilexamnsr Mrs. S. E. Marshall. 1). Mayer vs, No. 19, Charlie Ranson & Mrs. S. E. Marshall. I'. Mayer, a. v.:. No. ., E:lijah Blue & .\lrs. . E. Marshall. In D1. Mayer vs. No. 267, Mat Williams & Mrs. S. E. Marshall. vi D. Mayer, Stephen Moore & Mrs. S. E. Marshall. D. Mayer Neal Smith & Mrs. S. E. Marshall. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias to 1 me directed fromt the Honorable :h:,l J usti ce's Court for the Pari.sh of Madison aiotresaid, in the above en- titled causes. I will proceed to sell. at GI public Puction, at the ldon. of the Court House ii the tow n of Tailulah- in Madl- is~ni Parish, Lot;isiana, on the 3rd sat- urday. the 19th day of February A. D 1887. between the hours prescribed by law, all the right, title and interest of Mrs. Sarah E. Marshall, in and to the following dlescribed property. to-wit: The Cabin Teele plantation fronting on the Misnssipppi river in said parish. and tIe cribedl as conploseid of fractional sections 7, S. 9. 10, 11, 12.' 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. IS, 19. 2) and 21, the upper half 2., 23,•he south half of section, the N EK of section, and E i of N W I of section 27. section _- anid section 219, till in Township 17 N. 14 E. also n E ,f E } of section :t in T 17 N, R 13 E. c.on- taminin in all 4.:I2 $7-l0a)ncres. also the the usufruct of the defendant, Mrs. Marshall. in anti to said property and ,he rights rcv-enues antd privile.Zes re- sulting therefrom as per deed of recordl in notarial Book "I' folios 351-517 of said parish, seized in the above suit. Terms of Sale on a 12 months credit. purchaser to give bond with approved security. This being second ofteringof property. H. B. HoL.Ea, Sherifl. ShedieT's Office, Tallulah, La., January f'2and 1S7. THEll hut Built Seciot; Oi NEW YORK, INCORPORATED - DECEMBER. 1881. NO. 833 BROADW A.i, A. L. 8OULARD, President. WH. D. CHANDLER, ?ecretary and Treasurer. E. A. QUINTARD, J. P. MORBSE, V lee-Presidents. DIRECTORS: A. Gi. GO)ODALL, President Am. Bank Note Co., .Y 0. D. BALDWIN, President Fourth National Bank, N. Y. R. CARMAYN COMBES, President Exchange FireIns. Co., N. Y. A. L. SOULAR D, President Sterling Fire Ins. Co., N. Y. E. A. QUINTARD, B P ~residentCitizens Savings Bank, N. Y. W. D. SNOW, Secretary Am. Loan and Trust Co. N. Y. HENRYfC.ROBINO'N, of Porter Brothers & Co., N. Y. 5 WM. B. FULLER, with LI. B. Clafin & Co., N. Y. HENRY B. PIERCE. Sof Hntchinson, Pierce & Co., N. Y" E B. WHEELER, M. D.. Medical Director, N. Y. I OILY TWIELYI ASSISSIUTS have been levied since the Society be- c qusainess, averaging three a year, it and iakuin the cost of aswsements to a awanof foyv yea( o9 ae., les thaan , jrve dollar. a year ri" each thousand dollara of insurance. , amd Fer Crlclaw. NEW ORLEANS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. -Departmnent or-- NORTH LOUISIANA, Slif : t li, -,'•,t_',tt,,n andt ( t'untry Pr, ,,rty Itur s ,'t - Capital, Z 00.00.oO---- t L'r J. q. CIarke, Agent, P.O. 1ic1sb urg, Niss. : THE OUACHITA EXCELSIOR S..7 t 0 -# and f ii. .9-IL9 Ml:tniif:t. t lrr anI , :tlaler in R..dlh, DressedI aw m . latlhel rPine anti ('vltr,' J r.v'll r.l r . lv r.-- l in,'rt .t oll -,. . C lielths. hIn r -,x.11. IT-h lllnls, ti.. etc. The il l ,,1f,, I,.-r.; : r I,! . -l i- ' ,. ,, letter- ,,l im•i ,,rt n•a •e prom l tly an l f taithfull J :tteiinhlI t . . iieral !Ihare of the puhli.' iati'rIn:Ie sliitet. A. Th,.we+ lil.-. ,l hit re',ntt '• zitrlu'ti ,r. are situi t'..l ,n the west bank of t t,'hala ri .er, i tueliate-ly ab,'ve the M\ re' iIl Mill. I hIv te :t railroad L" r:, k I, nlnetinii tleIU wNith the V.. S. & . It. t11 m :'. v a S .tfe .iii1 olnv :- ;en't Ott':ilile ,.at lahnlin', facilities eni ivie t- ) ,thr 1'1l ihera: ,uts, a: ,l y which I am enad l ,!i t, , oter -. ch intil•i en,.ti' t- t, pitr, - ;i.- : al:_ mn the- railr, al ,r river as will make it Iecidedl' t, thCeir a lianai , h.ti l ith Itn. L. F. VOLLMAJ. Aents. Mt CLELLAN BROS. & Col.TIIAIRP. TamL.t•h I. ni-i: ana, IR. fWVEIEDI.E ,. Delhi La. lt ;-,r. . r th1 - ---- - It Boos00, Stlioiryc,Is Icnical Ilstleults - A xn - fra enut err Fancy Coodsth We are now fitted up in OUR NEW QUARTERS, in the Polesta buildhing, and are preparedi t sul,,lyV the Plublic wiii t TIIE BUE~T OF EVERYTItING In the line of Stationery, Music. Musi'cal Instrument . Fanmiy at: 11 olilav ;oodi, TI, AT LOWEll PRICEM('U Thatn -an he pur'hasedl antywhere else in Vi,'ksbnmr or the Stith. T, be 'on- vincetid, call and examine ouir stork andti et ,ric.es before turchasing elsewhere. THE PEOPLE'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE FRED C, BAUM, MANAGER, 129 WASHINGTON STREET. Dec. l9-lyr. itJ GEO. W. HUTCHESON. D. HUTCHE3)ON G. W. HUTCHESON & CO.,, 1(1 Cotton Factors, Grocers, VICISIlt"lC', - - - MISS. Pat -- Agents for-- Pratt's Revolving Head Gin Stands, Feed- Ex ers and Condensers. by NAN CE COTTON lII ESS. Steam Powe r ALABAMA. COTTON: Press, Horse Power. Pa Washington Hotel. Sp Vicksburg, Mis cs.ol This Old and Well Known House, i1 EelW ad ld.paire, Is n pw @pcU to thbe @ b Sa a FIRST CLASS HOTEL, wILCH Z CO., Propr - Br TALLULAH, - LA. Fe BEER, FRIED & CO., THOMASTOWN, LA. Dry oords, rocreries, Boots, Shoeso General Plantation Supplies. Clingman Nurseries, H•OMEI, L A. ------- .-: c -I---- --- Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubbery, Roses,( Flowering Plants, &c., For sale at prices to suit the times. MHay Peaches, Blight Proof Pears, and the finest Grapes, Speclalttes. Also a great variety of Apples, Plum, Cherries, Apricots, Japan Persimmons, Mulberries, Strawberry Plants, &e., &e. In fact, the best varieties of all claeses of Fruit Trees that are adapted to this latitude. All trees insured to live when properly cared for. A. K. CLINGMAN. Oct. 2,-lyr MADISON HOUS E. TALLU'LA-H, LA. Is now, open for Transient and Permanent uests. S Meals furnished to order, comfortable rooms, good . I la : tab tble.-verything new. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,00U La. S. L. . I,". i, ir,.l -v certifv that we uper- vi e th:. arras:t-ments for all the M uthl.vy a:t quarterly Drawings of the l.oui.iiana ~rate Lottery Company, :ail in ,.rr-.,n nmanage and control the 'rawii._s tl;"u•selves, and that the lanile :,r. 'cnductal with honesty, fair- ula'. a.ni•. " ,t faith toward all parties. ;:n!l Wv!:ui it.rize the Company to use tlr,. c,.rtlica:te. with fa,-suiailes of oer s$inatures attachld.l, in its advertise- 'rnts." i T. BE.\ UREGUARMD, t..i. A. RkLY. t'oulluissioners. W.. h.' ?th ind r.iLnd Itanksand Bank- ,rs " ll aII i all prizes drawn in the I. ti.iana .late I.otteries w hich may he Ipri t.ilut .. i at Ill] t',illi ters. J. H OGELSBY. Pres. La. Nat. Bank. J. W. KILERETH, State Nat. lank. A. PALDWIN, Pres. N.0. Nat. lank 1'NPRE( E)lDENTFDl) ATTRACTIONt Over Ilan' Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPAN Y. ;. In, rp, rated. in I :e for25 years by Ithe L, iuia e hli fr Educational and t haritiale lii la~,,---. ith a capitalof $l1 .tJhlii?--lt, u llch a reserve fund of ,,ovr Zt.O. tIi hai. .ue Leen added. Ito :0 a,,verwheluin' popular vote its fraul.hi.a- it a.s lmade a part of the.pres- cut -tate ('unstit:ltion adopted Decesa her 21, .A. D)., 1Y79. Its Grarll Single Number . I)rawings will take place monthly. It neve,-r .aelesi or ipstl,ones. Lookt a the fil•llo Ia Dis['l tribution. GRAND MONTHLY DIRAWINr e. A t the Acad alemy of Music, New OrleUan TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, '7. lU0.kI Tickets at Ten Dollars Each, Ilalves. ya. Fifths $2. Tenths, $1. LI.IT OF PIRIZES. I ('aplital Prize of $130,000 - $150,M I i raind Prize aaf 30,001 0.0 I (rand Prize, f 210.000 - 0 't 2 Large Prizes of I0,10,M - 2%0, - 4 Large Prizes of ..0110 21,01t- _11 Prize, ot 1,0 - 20,1 1*4 .10 . 5 ,00 145) a. I- 30,01 '0 2"0 - 40,01. :MIN 1(x), is.,g : i0M0 "0 - 5)80,U APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes $3O - It! da) do .A0 - 14() do do 100 - 2.179 prizes amounting to -. Application for rates to clubs sh~ be wade only at the otlice of the l pany in \New Orleans. For further information writeel giving full address. POSTAL NI Express Money Orders, or New Y Exchange in ordinary letter. C by expiess, address M. A. DA UPUI;.N New Orlea~a ' Make P. 0. Money 0ri.as and address egisterd lersi sa t- New Ortrams Iteal iNn ltg New Orlesan THIS PAPRE may be foun4 em at GEO. P. RoWELL & Co's paper Advertising Burema Spruce Sreet,) where adv contracts may be made for It NEW YOR-. SlBSCBIPTION $2. A Baeklen's Ariae Saha. The Best Salve in the world A. Bruises, Qores, Ulcers, Bit Tetter, Chapped Chilbains, Corns, and all •Ale tions, and positively curee Pilei pary required. It is guarrateed perfect satisfaction, or aor)y Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By lelelelan Brea. ' tharp. oethsoe_1tat s woeman 0so u5 rm~ vertlifr. a ssrabe h luiIL WUWIVAFUR A PACIFIC HOU VIucuY PIka, Washington Street, Convenient to Railrod set iug, Post, Telegraph and and to business. Meals in-ni trains. House open all been renovated and ref supplied with the best the fornfs. Patronagerepeitllyr Polite and careful attestiem uSiests. * ADMINISTA'TOWS Succmsios or Gseos Wc irtaue of it irl reted by the HonoerIshl Court of Louisiana, in sad Parish of East CarroD. I the signed administrator of the ,f George Woodland, sell for cash at public aection town of Millikens Bend, Parish•• ison, Louisiana on the S3md day of Jua•uy A.D. all the right title a•d SGeorge Woodland deceas~ied, t the following described o sonal property, to-wit: "A tract of land costde'da described as follows: situslde likens Bend in the Parih of SLa., and bounded as follows: ning at a point on west Walnut Bayon, in the betwren the Compromise anti the Witherow and B 17 links from iron pest Is ssid line and run theme wri IN N731. W4 422-100 chalas: E 144-100 chains, ~m * chains to road m west of bayon; thece 8 II1 acre, being same tract .arve M. Dawson, Parish surveyot r Witherow and Dr. Yeqsr e- 4 March 1881, with all the thereon, aiso the O merai po. .. -d , J. MARTIN Omesa. La., Dee. 18th, 1S,4

Graiai a Specialty. Washington Hotel.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064405/1887-01-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · tsted with engravings of strnki:ng ncidcuta. tail pa,:smg I:s events and

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Page 1: Graiai a Specialty. Washington Hotel.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064405/1887-01-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · tsted with engravings of strnki:ng ncidcuta. tail pa,:smg I:s events and


OI .]ir, Editor & Prop.

. - Publisher.

saTU BDASY. JAN. 1 , 18^17. U

MUEs ojMse7sCRI oN

. gmt.oWa. 75esum

by your drugs of Fulton M.

r Wyly eee in East Carroll

tup at the Washington when

yo go t V'eksbrg.

t•& Co., keeps every- Fthing th grocery line.

The rivers are, generally, lowernd

thbia is time last year.Sp er had the misfortune a

t lWme her sow last Thursday.

hep thale indebtedness was paid

s , Thursday.-Ring work.

The Taos has an ear of cornin by the Mr. F. M. Dawon thatThsuue an even foot in length. 1

an. Ige and Scott recentr.pecr hadto the mail service

Sresign herd after an experience

ear trip.W he the completion of the e-orn

_. Mrml of the Reid levee in Madi-

Ms ish will be opened by the> ide(State Engineers to-day.

,.Th proceedings of the lastM of th. School Board have

a m furnihed the Tin length. s,i the reason they have not

,I , rsi.e Holmes made a tript-mport last week. She took

Will, with her tor the pur-

heplao inghi in the Thatch-

te, a military school.

imu of Beer & Fried, and~ofthe SchoE. Bluoard have con-

and have not only con-

but have branched out.Sbrtlught outthe the firm

& Co. at Thomastown,andWll, will run for that store

the Iarm name of Beer, Fried

%hile the Tallulah houseoeeas 8. E. Blum have &Co.

combination makes a mightyern, and backed by am-and still more ample

will be prepared to keep up

e arch of modeTaah houeim-

at, sad present to theira thoroughly stocked


e hker & Co. 1v- .o No. 11656.

WV IrTUL Ef a Writ of Fli Faciastase disedl from the HonorableNleicttCoert for the Parish of

twil proeeed tosell, at publicthe dosero t heCourt House

thestme Taiesl Maisonu Pariah,bni~ a Ibe 1st Saturdlay, the

unaL he Iaeri peribed by lawe 4ih, title sad ainterest ofL b mmml the folowing

* m, ! i the Districtr et ll~Wrer, and front-

Yhst r Y'emng' Pointet bratroeal Nos.d tsandIot'o 4of

rMhtemgemedofidotaU555Je gmmdsminT

1, allhinhasction No

L im blsbels more or less

1 ?*s, with Single

teeI3 aepesdTc

d Smoke Lstact.

Seedore or less.

One instance is on record where

the freight bill presented by the V\. & P., was for les than the billof ladling called for. Make a bigchalk mark.

-- =---•


Between Delta and Vicksburg. n,

The steamer Novelty will leave PDelta daily at 8 and 10 o'clock, a. d

in.. and 12 in.. and at 2 and 4 ()o'clock p. mn. Leave Vickahurg atdaily at 8:30 and 1(:30i a.m. and 1,

3 and 4:30 ' cl ock p. in.LONG- & Il"()YlD.

omUmadellrelettlag C2


state Countv and Farm Rights for Sale

Full directions accompanying each

right sold. Any one can put up _

the fence with tools found on any

plantation. The first right sold in

any neighborhood will be sold for


For full particulars, apply at the

TIMES office, or address the pat

entee, A. G. HLBERT,1213 Cass Ave.

St. Louis. Mo.

JOB WORKR. 1. RIGIKNS,House, Sign and Ornamental


Graiai a Specialty.PAPER. HANGING

NEA'TLY DONE.T.LLULLH ...... ........... ..... L


-D • ~a mm l Cmpa



C. J &f J.~wh SYS

pInS eeAEMdohiiy

M Udlcinem, ita, tLA.-mt

o semben Ad diD- S -

hIeo iUtsA I U34Ai, Dm•mmA Am ,

and prolific. Price 1.00pBushel. For terms on large loet

Address, .i. GILFOIL, Omega, La.

1Rora 4sluw-

O. P. HEBERT, 14F arish Surreyor and C I Eagianer


` II.L att ndl to runninj andl rre-tr~.win W. lin. , dliviini uIp)

ltnlts anlo -stilli.hin_ pierm anent .or-nvrs toi all trait.. surverdl. Will mnakenlat anti ac oirate plans with pri'essverbal of ,urvevs. on durable paper.P lantatiuon map.i with I tItails of roads,

ditches, et'..1Al urI.Irs hift at tile AI.qDISON TItIE:

() ttice. Tallulah, La.. will he prounltlvattended to,. .- elt.3, 18j.-lyr.

1,Nb NT, .'l:Y , :, i'tI.$, II. P. WELts. I-Ivy\'ille. La. Delhi, La, \


TALL [LA II, - - *At.L.

a. L. SLACK,


Practices in the Courts of Vadisoa asWell as in West Carroll. Rierand,FrankAin aadaiuaehital~arisheswhere'e has assiatance ot 'cmspatet leealAttea mars alsoitthe GtC;rat a LM,.r• e Court of the State• andCourts.


&ht emnus- QNEW ORLEANS.

EliNTrs Tmtus-DaxoacaT is now recognlzed

a tUie best newspaper in the South, enjoymngthe largest circulatron of any daily south olthe Ohio and the Potomac, and circulatingexteasively in all the Southern States, eepe-islly in Louisiana, als"e.shippi, Alabama,Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas. tewhile 'I'u WIarLY Titass-Damuwa.AT hasfour tunes the circulation f any similarweekly published in New Orleana,

T- T-•tasL-Daxocnar makes a specialtyof Southern news, hazing correspondents inevery Southern town of over 5oo Inihabitants, 13emplo iltt severa.l hundred correspondents in meall to furnish it by telegraph, with all eventsand happenings of general or local interest.It devotes itself to the encouragement of ofSouthern progress and industry, iurnishing titlvaluable art'cles and statistscs-accepted bythe United States Statistical Bureau as thebest published on these matters--on trade, [iico'nimmre, agriculture, manufactures, mining, sicetc. It is the o::iv paper in the United States irtwhich tilvotes itself to Mexican, Central andSouth American news, having correspondentsin a:l these countries, and publishing special beteuitions, front tine to time, in Englash and allSpanish, devoted to t~ie interests of Lain-. al-Amer tca.

It has. in addition, correspondents in all the fullNorth.ern and N estcrn cities, and keeps itsrealer, constandy itormned on all tuocs oftgeneral interest there. OB

Trgs TI:ais-Ds.uiocnAT gives in addition 1an1all the local news of New Orlerus, and the secullest market reports of New Orleans and all

other Ameri;aa and fureign commincial ,1centres.

Te SLurnTA Toeas-DamocuAr is one of ofthe most inmportant literaqt publications in .,the South, containing contributions, stories,sketches., poirs, etc., from the must eminent TAmeric:an wtiters. snd is h:ndsomelylv ilius- Etsted with engravings of strnki:ng ncidcuta. tailpa,:smg events and noted persona•s, theI:s C:.iiarln's olumn, want stories,sketchce, p zzles, etc., for the young. Ma

Is Cbc-es Co'lumn, without exception the hefmnist published in the United States, and stlnkept on rtle ti all the ches clubs of lurope nand A.neri.:a.

Its Foreign Prers colmn, contaninir the dMai

choicest seleti,rns and translations, sketches Iand storics from the lca.lnrg European ag utasznes aid p!;ce•.

The tIrndyiv TixtsDVSrocuAr gives as aspecial fcatuit: semlons lre .cltd on the pre- provie is day by the must eminent divines, Nothand south.

Ttas T'tas-DanwcaT tin -pographicattypertect. lie:ng ptulished on o. . tCiute mnstunproved p..r.ictng press.s, which cuts thep., 'er, p.. st it rod i.•h.es it in b,.ak foroa, -;o as to • rc .d with cLUe and comfort.

Daily ;S to t, pages) *a per annum.Sunlay i '6 p.gcal, Sa per annumn.(The S.I.vy is part ot the d;uil issue,W'eekly (i. p.,e•).3$.5o per aunnm.

To e.::h; sur"lcnher to any of these issnrsrFt Te '-•::orH.et A:manac f.or .sha,the standard .authur:ty of all questions of

tatiLstics, electI(ns, et:., in the SouthernStates, is mailed free.

TnI Tuxas-DavocsaT Almanac is ee.--nulny bound, beautifully tllustrated, and

ille.i with all the latest facts and figures,and st:ttt.tical and othet information to befound nowhere else, making it a valnableb•,k of relrence to keecp cucstan•ly oasand.

P. S.--Ay one desiring the alsmane only,will receive the same, postage prepaid, by-emiL.ing twent v-firve cents in atamps a or c-renev to sls ot.:e.

Tia WE'Ig LY TIE-DE'WOCURATmbraces the best features of the Daily issue

and in addition puiblsles vahithl selrectedmnatttr on agrieultre, etc.. which makes itpeculiarlv ad'pted trr every Southern home.

It i by far tlhe best weekly published ithe South.

I-is per snnwsm. $S.n; or a handromeWaterbury wa:tch aid Chlitn, gurannteed tokeep correct ti, e, with Tea Walru •r "aMR•-SDuatoca•r for ar oe rt. Zl CLash is .6


Stare of ?girdanaaPaP i h of Mdison,th Jdlcial District Cort.

Succession ofF. S. (GooDg. ,V. NO).- J

SY Virtueofa Commission to sell toD me directed from the Honorable

19th Judicial District Court fr theParish of Terrel-nne in the above en-titled cause. I will proceed to sell, atpublic auction, at the door of theCourt House in ihe town of Tallulah,in Madison Parish, Louisiana, on the Elit Srturday. the5thday of February, A. D. 1887,between the hours prescribed by lawall the right title and interest of sue-cession of E.S. (Goode in and to thefollowing deseribed property, to-wit:

1st a certain tract of land in MadisonParish, Louisiana, described in julignent in suit No. 4487, of the Doceket of Athe 19th District Court for the Parish of PTerrehonne, La., recorded in the odfice oof the Recorder for Madison Parish, inNotarial Record"l" page 786 and knownas the Oak Point Plantation. some-times called "iive Oak' describedt by ASsurvey as follows, to-wit: The north-Swest quarter and the east half of frac-

* tional section No. 19, in township No.r 15. north of ronge No. 12 east, also lotsSNso's 11 and 14, being the east half of, the sonth-west quarter, and lots No's

10 and I1 being the west half of theSsouth-east quarter, and lot Ni. 16 beingthe south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section No. 91, in town-

Sship No. 15 north of range No. 1:1 east,also the west half and the east halfSof the north-east quarter, and the north

east quarter of the south-east quarterof section No. )2 in township No. 15

north of range number 13east, also lots

R numbers 4 and 5 being the went half of

e the north west quarter of section 93 inr township number 15 north of range

number 13east. all in the District of

Slands north of Red River Louisiana,Sanl containing in the aggregate ElevenHundel and Ninety- ave :,-100 (11li.-281 acres more or less; together withthe buildings and i nprovements there-on, and the appurteusnees thereof.*lnd. a tract of land described as themouth-east quarter of the south-eastqaarterof ecion anmae- 92 forming

rt of said 'Oak Poin.' plattion,ioa mitted i the above desciptiois inelrded ia the above ares.

in the ahoe sail.?emtdbS--Cwa with betdTe

-_ ri,-l,-x ,,+.L , + IK Pu i


Mississippi Valley Route.

On and after May 1 3 hh,. Icy;. lPa.,-,.-,-r train. ,, this rai w il run a.i t,- g

Fast 3Mail, North. South.Mell p s........ n. - .I 4.:') p. inI.u11la ............ 7.16 * .. p. mI. lan: lI ........... 4. Il .):; p. I\ 'ickslur .... I . i I I ND a. .uIlar.ri, nl ...... .1 1 '. I 2.44a ,a i.:.. ... . i. 14New )'rlea s1. " .. .. p1. in 9.) )

Expre,. .I" ; .Ia "n !1',... .. " I I5 ,t L I .4 It.\' iLelan ... ..... ll.:" a.mI :; .:;Ia. UIi kr p.. 1 ...... 0t :ii t.u l n. I. 1

"r li( •se cunnt.ti;o • at a.ll J n: 't, riallociut .Pullman t ." ", sl'erini a'rj Nw

4 )rh- ;ups ,o \\':1",e •ull h,] r :1n1- "t h,.r

c'tl" , :i*, " ; , " ; -." nd Sllill t our •' , .rt

stulons It' n ,\ a l i, , 1.\. w h ill ,

inS tart. Nof v o) i..ans to 1. e o" ft

w tho '... 1'. ou tPur.ich:-e your tickets via iironleh

oaDr liMne. thn insure ,ulenient'e anlm't) ,ln ri. i"; " herlin ,rmation i, q ply t], t ,I

V 1 ' . .I., .J. M. El)VaARMs. A.E. JKNM\ara WI


State of Louisiana, Parish ofMudison, s)ld Ward Justice's


D. Mayer, r No. 2.Jno. Levi a 1 Mrs. . E. Marshall.

D. Mayervs. N1. -7,.

Isaac .ilexamnsr Mrs. S. E. Marshall.1). Mayervs, No. 19,

Charlie Ranson & Mrs. S. E. Marshall.I'. Mayer, a.

v.:. No. .,E:lijah Blue & .\lrs. . E. Marshall. In

D1. Mayervs. No. 267,

Mat Williams & Mrs. S. E. Marshall. viD. Mayer,

Stephen Moore & Mrs. S. E. Marshall.D. Mayer

Neal Smith & Mrs. S. E. Marshall.

BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias to 1me directed fromt the Honorable :h:,lJ usti ce's Court for the Pari.shof Madison aiotresaid, in the above en-titled causes. I will proceed to sell. at GIpublic Puction, at the ldon. of the CourtHouse ii the tow n of Tailulah- in Madl-

is~ni Parish, Lot;isiana, on the 3rd sat-urday. the19th day of February A. D 1887.

between the hours prescribed by law,all the right, title and interest ofMrs. Sarah E. Marshall, in and to thefollowing dlescribed property. to-wit:

The Cabin Teele plantation frontingon the Misnssipppi river in said parish.and tIe cribedl as conploseid of fractionalsections 7, S. 9. 10, 11, 12.' 13. 14, 15, 16,17. IS, 19. 2) and 21, the upper half 2.,

23,•he south half of section, the N EKof section, and E i of N W I of section27. section _- anid section 219, till inTownship 17 N. 14 E. also n E ,fE } of section :t in T 17 N, R 13 E. c.on-taminin in all 4.:I2 $7-l0a)ncres. also thethe usufruct of the defendant, Mrs.Marshall. in anti to said property and,he rights rcv-enues antd privile.Zes re-sulting therefrom as per deed of recordl

in notarial Book "I' folios 351-517 ofsaid parish, seized in the above suit.

Terms of Sale on a 12 months credit.

purchaser to give bond with approvedsecurity. This being second ofteringof

property. H. B. HoL.Ea, Sherifl.ShedieT's Office, Tallulah, La., Januaryf'2and 1S7.


hut Built Seciot;Oi NEW YORK,


NO. 833 BROADW A.i,




?ecretary and Treasurer.


V lee-Presidents.


A. Gi. GO)ODALL,President Am. Bank Note Co., . Y0. D. BALDWIN,President Fourth National Bank, N. Y.R. CARMAYN COMBES,President Exchange FireIns. Co., N. Y.A. L. SOULAR D,President Sterling Fire Ins. Co., N. Y.E. A. QUINTARD, BP ~residentCitizens Savings Bank, N. Y.W. D. SNOW,

Secretary Am. Loan and Trust Co. N. Y.

HENRYfC.ROBINO'N,of Porter Brothers & Co., N. Y.


with LI. B. Clafin & Co., N. Y.HENRY B. PIERCE.

Sof Hntchinson, Pierce & Co., N. Y"

E B. WHEELER, M. D..Medical Director, N. Y.


have been levied since the Society be-c qusainess, averaging three a year,

it and iakuin the cost of aswsements to

a awanof foyv yea( o9 ae., les thaan, jrve dollar. a year ri" each thousand

dollara of insurance.

, amd Fer Crlclaw.


NORTH LOUISIANA,Slif : t li, -,'•,t_',tt,,n andt ( t'untry Pr, ,,rty Itur s ,'t

- Capital, Z 00.00.oO---- t


J. q. CIarke, Agent, P. O. 1ic1sb urg, Niss. :


S..7 t 0 -# and f ii. .9-IL9Ml:tniif:t. t lrr anI , :tlaler in R..dlh, DressedI aw m . latlhel rPine anti ('vltr,' J

r.v'll r.l r .lv r.-- l in,'rt .t oll -,. .C lielths. hIn r -,x.11. IT-h lllnls, ti.. etc. Theil l ,,1f,, I,.-r.; : r I,! . -l i- ' ,. ,, letter- ,,l im•i ,,rt n•a •e prom l tly an l f taithfull J

:tteiinhlI t . . iieral !Ihare of the puhli.' iati'rIn:Ie sliitet. A.Th,.we+ lil.-. ,l hit re',ntt '• zitrlu'ti ,r. are situi t'..l ,n the west bank of

t t,'hala ri .er, i tueliate-ly ab,'ve the M\ re' iIl Mill. I hIv te :t railroad L"r:, k I, nlnetinii tleIU wNith the V.. S. & . It. t11 m :'. v a S .tfe .iii1 olnv :-

;en't Ott':ilile ,.at lahnlin', facilities eni ivie t- ) ,thr 1'1l ihera: ,uts, a: ,l ywhich I am enad l

•,!i t, , oter -. ch intil•i en,.ti' t- t, pitr, - ;i.- : al:_ mn the-

railr, al ,r river as will make it Iecidedl' t, thCeir a lianai , h.ti l ith Itn. L.

F. VOLLMAJ.Aents. Mt CLELLAN BROS. & Col.TIIAIRP. TamL.t•h I. ni-i: ana, IR.

fWVEIEDI.E ,. Delhi La. lt ;-,r. .r th1- ---- - It

Boos00, Stlioiryc,Is Icnical Ilstleults -A xn - fra


Fancy CoodsthWe are now fitted up in OUR NEW QUARTERS, in the Polesta buildhing, andare preparedi t sul,,lyV the Plublic wiii t

TIIE BUE~T OF EVERYTItINGIn the line of Stationery, Music. Musi'cal Instrument . Fanmiy at: 11 olilav ;oodi, TI,

AT LOWEll PRICEM('UThatn -an he pur'hasedl antywhere else in Vi,'ksbnmr or the Stith. T, be 'on-vincetid, call and examine ouir stork andti et ,ric.es before turchasing elsewhere.


129 WASHINGTON STREET. Dec. l9-lyr.



G. W. HUTCHESON & CO.,,1(1

Cotton Factors, Grocers,VICISIlt"lC', - - - MISS. Pat

-- Agents for--

Pratt's Revolving Head Gin Stands, Feed- Exers and Condensers. by


ALABAMA. COTTON: Press, Horse Power.

PaWashington Hotel.Sp

Vicksburg, Mis cs.ol

This Old and Well Known House, i1

EelW ad ld.paire, Is n pw @pcU to thbe @ b Sa a





Dry oords, rocreries, Boots, Shoeso

General Plantation Supplies.

Clingman Nurseries,H•OMEI, L A.------- .-: c -I---- ---

Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubbery, Roses,(Flowering Plants, &c.,

For sale at prices to suit the times.

MHay Peaches, Blight Proof Pears, and the finest Grapes,Speclalttes.

Also a great variety of Apples, Plum, Cherries, Apricots, Japan Persimmons,

Mulberries, Strawberry Plants, &e., &e.

In fact, the best varieties of all claeses of Fruit Trees that are adapted to

this latitude. All trees insured to live when properly cared for.

A. K. CLINGMAN.Oct. 2,-lyr


Is now, open for Transient and Permanent uests.S • Meals furnished to order, comfortable rooms, good

. I la : tab tble.-verything new.


La. S. L..I,". i, ir,.l -v certifv that we uper-

vi e th:. arras:t-ments for all theM uthl.vy a:t quarterly Drawings ofthe l.oui.iiana ~rate Lottery Company,:ail in ,.rr-.,n nmanage and control the'rawii._s tl;"u•selves, and that thelanile :,r. 'cnductal with honesty, fair-

ula'. a.ni•. " ,t faith toward all parties.;:n!l Wv! :ui it.rize the Company to usetlr,. c,.rtlica:te. with fa,-suiailes of oers$inatures attachld.l, in its advertise-

'rnts." i T. BE.\ UREGUARMD,t..i. A. RkLY.


W.. h.' ?th ind r.iLnd Itanksand Bank-,rs " ll aII i all prizes drawn in the

I. ti.iana .late I.otteries w hich may heIpri t.ilut .. i at Ill] t',illi ters.

J. H OGELSBY. Pres. La. Nat. Bank.J. W. KILERETH, State Nat. lank.A. PALDWIN, Pres. N.0. Nat. lank

1'NPRE( E)lDENTFDl) ATTRACTIONtOver Ilan' Million Distributed.


In, rp, rated. in I :e for25 years byIthe L, iuia e hli fr Educational andt haritiale lii la~,,---. ith a capitalof$l1 .tJhlii?--lt, u llch a reserve fund of,,ovr Zt.O. tIi hai. .ue Leen added.

Ito :0 a,,verwheluin' popular vote itsfraul.hi.a- it a.s lmade a part of the.pres-cut -tate ('unstit:ltion adopted Decesaher 21, .A. D)., 1Y79.

Its Grarll Single Number .I)rawings will take place monthly.It neve,-r .aelesi or ipstl,ones. Lookt athe fil•llo Ia Dis['l tribution.

GRAND MONTHLY DIRAWINr e.A t the Acad alemy of Music, New OrleUanTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, '7.lU0.kI Tickets at Ten Dollars Each,

Ilalves. ya. Fifths $2. Tenths, $1.


I ('aplital Prize of $130,000 - $150,MI i raind Prize aaf 30,001 0.0I (rand Prize, f 210.000 - 0 't2 Large Prizes of I0,10,M - 2%0, -4 Large Prizes of ..0110 21,01t-_11 Prize, ot 1,0 - 20,1

1*4 .10 .5 ,00145) a. I- 30,01

'0 2"0 - 40,01.:MIN 1(x), is.,g :i0M0 "0 - 5)80,U

APPROXIMATION PRIZES.100 Approximation Prizes $3O -It! da) do .A0 -14() do do 100 -

2.179 prizes amounting to - .

Application for rates to clubs sh~be wade only at the otlice of the lpany in \New Orleans.

For further information writeelgiving full address. POSTAL NIExpress Money Orders, or New YExchange in ordinary letter. Cby expiess, address

M. A. DA UPUI;.NNew Orlea~a '

Make P. 0. Money 0ri.asand address egisterd lersi sa t-New Ortrams Iteal iNn ltg

New Orlesan

THIS PAPRE may be foun4 emat GEO. P. RoWELL & Co'spaper Advertising BuremaSpruce Sreet,) where advcontracts may be made for ItNEW YOR-.

SlBSCBIPTION $2. ABaeklen's Ariae Saha.

The Best Salve in the world A.Bruises, Qores, Ulcers, BitTetter, ChappedChilbains, Corns, and all •Aletions, and positively curee Pileipary required. It is guarrateedperfect satisfaction, or aor)yPrice 25 cents per box.

For Sale By lelelelan Brea. 'tharp.

oethsoe_1tat s

woeman 0so u5 rm~vertlifr. a ssrabe h luiIL



Washington Street,Convenient to Railrod set

iug, Post, Telegraph andand to business. Meals in-nitrains. House open allbeen renovated and refsupplied with the best thefornfs. PatronagerepeitllyrPolite and careful attestiem

uSiests. *


Succmsios or Gseos Wc

irtaue of it irlreted by the HonoerIshlCourt of Louisiana, in sadParish of East CarroD. I thesigned administrator of the,f George Woodland,sell for cash at public aectiontown of Millikens Bend, Parish••ison, Louisiana on theS3md day of Jua•uy A.D.all the right title a•dSGeorge Woodland deceas~ied, tthe following describedo sonal property, to-wit:"A tract of land costde'da

described as follows: situsldelikens Bend in the Parih ofSLa., and bounded as follows:ning at a point on westWalnut Bayon, in the •betwren the Compromiseanti the Witherow and B17 links from iron pest Isssid line and run theme wriIN N731. W4 422-100 chalas:E 144-100 chains, ~m *chains to road m westof bayon; thece 8 II1

acre, being same tract .arveM. Dawson, Parish surveyot rWitherow and Dr. Yeqsr e-4 March 1881, with all the

thereon, aiso theO merai po. .. -d ,


Omesa. La., Dee. 18th, 1S,4