Grand Intuition Plan

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  • 8/11/2019 Grand Intuition Plan


    Grand Intuition Plan

    A reader comment & question to a recent post prompts this discourse from The Committee. The question

    has been summarized; apologies as necessary to both its "asker" and any "rememberers" it's been given

    my best effort.

    Q: Can [The Committee] comment on the interaction of intuition and life plans? Some people are

    more able or willing to tune in than others, it appears. Are the more intuitive more able to make plan

    decisions and choices?

    I'm pretty intuitive and can even sometimes have a discussion with our friend Erik. (Erik Rune Medhus Sometimes I don't get direct, objective guidance I can discern. I can tell

    it's time to make changes, but recently learned the change I need is a lot more than I first imagined. It just

    came out of the blue; usually it's something I was already thinking about. This time, it's something I

    hadn't contemplated and wouldn't attempt without being told. (I would normally discount psychic

    guidance, however one specific medium has been accurate with almost everything).

    Intuition and apparent "plan" aren't matching up. What causes this? Is it a learning lesson, like trust and

    faith? How do people know how to instinctively follow the plan?

    I'm also very curious about how things are "arranged" by guides over "there". For example, if Joe's plan

    is to marry Maria, how exactly do their guides arrange it? It must take a lot of scheduling!

    C: We thank you for your evidence and testimony, as you have made regular reference to the process

    called channeling. All of what you describe is the process used to communicate with you.

    Allow us to describe life plans; you do not know what the effects will be for you, before one is begun.This is the first attraction, the thing with great appeal. The inability to know.

    May we suggest a fun house or house of horrors? A long water park tube emptying into a lake? In this

    tube you understand it will be dark, that you will slide through and fall suddenly with almost no warning

    before shooting out to drop into the water waiting. You might even count the time taken by others before

    you, to know the time to be taken. None of these observations and calculations replace the sensations of

    doing it yourself, and the fun can be the waiting and anticipation as much as the ride itself. The

    experience must be lived personally for full effect. You feel safe, that no harm will come to you and so,

    you eagerly attempt then enjoy the ride.

    In the horror house, you feel similar safety however physical sensations and fixed time are not involved.

    The excitement is the unknown, the expectation of surprise, fear and even shock without risks. No

    description or observation will create for you the experience you will have as you stumble through each

    part of the amusement. Even if you are told what shall happen, and in what order, the trip through will

    always be more interesting when you actually proceed.

    This is life on Earth, as seen from Heaven. Yes, the monster in the horror house or the distorted mirror in
  • 8/11/2019 Grand Intuition Plan


    the fun house is not real but the experience of it is real inside the amusement where encountered. The

    image reflected will not otherwise be seen beyond the artificial one created in the reflection; the deadly

    monster will never appear outside but all will agree, it is real inside the context of the venue where it


    Your death is only the expiration of your body, just as real as the distorted image created by the mirror.Once outside the image is only remembered, just as once dead, your body fades to a memory. You remain

    as real as your soul always was, is and will be just as your body will be what it always is away from the


    Your intuition is the conversation you have with your Guides and Guardians; you cannot see your friend,

    your sibling or your parents or anyone else waiting outside the fun house yet you know they remain

    waiting until you depart and see them. Because you know they do not disappear, you enter with


    We your Guides wait with you this exact same way yet we are far more honored to do it than would be

    your friend to accompany you and even your parent to raise you. We know what your journey will

    involve and how you will react; for this we never leave your side and we are immediately and

    permanently available to you. All of you. Always, without exception.

    Can you break out of the fun house and escape at a second's notice, if suddenly panic overcomes you? No,

    you do not possess the physical strength of body to achieve this; you must use outside force and strength

    to smash a new exit. Your life is no different.

    All steps of your life plan are set by you, and all options, intermediate courses and choices are likewise

    included. You can set within your path an encounter and include it.

    Communication felt as intuition, your plan is your chassis, your building's frame and your bridge's

    supports. To know your life plan is to be given a task list; once completed a significant step, shall you

    have the next one laid out before you to be followed as a new stage in a known project? This will reduce

    your life to a schedule and a destination with all spontaneity and randomness removed. Disregard for the

    step you know you are to follow will create a sense of irresponsibility? This you have already chosen to

    include in your human institutions of education, business and work. Shall your life be organized in this

    same way?

    The plan of a life is to learn through experience in the way only an Earth life can offer it; and scheduled

    activities, tasks and projects lead away from what you want. You are upon Earth to experience the

    uncertainty offered and as you plan your life, you know this. You understand by observation, conference

    with other souls and your own experience the many of you who have incarnated once before, that doubt,

    concern, mystery, uncertainty, worry and angst will be involved. You want, expect and desire these things

    just as your house of horrors amusement will offer surprises and reactions you do not and cannot - feel

    in advance.

    The consideration of a person to be more intuitive is not a sign or symptom of better ability to plan. There

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    is no better or lesser a plan and all of them are complete and done before the process of incarnation

    begins. The better ability to comprehend the many hints offered is no more than a higher level of

    communication, not an indicator of life plan viability. All lives are equally so, and none can be ranked.

    This classification is an Earth concept, not of Heaven.

    Frustration, despair and setback are a given to Earth life; your response and reaction to them are what youseek to experience and you design in the experiences with specific intent and desire to have them. The

    awareness of frustration as a product of life events you believe you might have planned does not create

    ability to reverse course. If everything you could consider negative were known and expected, you would

    avoid or lessen them at all available opportunities; this you already do and so you schedule

    unpleasantness in places and moments where they are not anticipated and are unavoidable. You miss the

    perfection of life you have in Heaven and do remember the feeling, if not the place and things of your true

    home that come with it. Thus a sensation of loss, despair and even anger flare when unpleasantness

    appears. The feelings and acts that contribute, you soon will not forget.

    The arrangement and coordination of your life and your plan are by your choice and instruction, always.

    All encounters and events you plan to have and are agreed by all who shall participate; your decision in

    the moment of going to where the encounter or event shall take place is decided by you long before you

    do, and the intersection of places you would call a moment in time inside the linear event sequence

    illusion of Earth existence is seen to approach from well before you come close. If necessary, you confer

    with us your Guides and Angels as you sleep the one and several nights before, and you never recall these

    meetings. You choose not to, just as your decision to speak away from others you prefer never hear your

    conversations on Earth.

    Yes, we do have control over your movements and your acts, only as you have asked us to do. We never

    interfere unless a greater risk to your experiences arises; only then do we step in to protect from any one

    or several things that would change your life's trajectory away from its course. This is always by yourdecision and choice, never by interference against your will.

    Once settled, agreed and set forth, your life plan is wrapped up to include its key ingredient, perhaps the

    most important part of all; the veil. The curtain, the wall and the covering which conceals from you what

    you have chosen to set aside yet operates as might a two way mirror that does not reflect. All that you do

    and think we see and know and all intersections within your plan we anticipate. Sensations, nudges, hints

    and intuition all operate by your instruction to us, to move you in the direction you choose to go.

    Your disappointment, anger, fear, despair and destruction, if that may come to pass, are all set to happen

    by your desire and want and we honor faithfully your wish.

    There are no words in human languages to describe the pride, honor and esteem we feel for you all, every

    one of you on Earth. You depart your true home to undertake so challenging and rewarding a journey that

    we, the many, many more who never rise to this challenge, wait with joy, glee and love for you to return

    to be in the company of so great and brave a soul as are you all. You see the reverse, as you have chosen

    to; we see the reality and the honor of its occurrence that you would do what you have in your lives. With

    a pride so grand and immense we boast to all beings and souls who might look, that we have been held to

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    the greatest of honors to be allowed to guide such brave beings who seek true enlightenment on the most

    beautiful yet most challenging of planets the galaxy offers.

    To have Joe and Maria meet is easy; the development of their relationship is the prize and satisfaction we

    feel at seeing both earn their knowledge. It is a payment so valuable for our work that we seek any chance

    to assist. To have Joe go where Maria will see him, to have Maria go where she will meet Joe, is simpleby way of thought. As you have ever gone anywhere and met anyone you ended up encountering, with no

    knowledge or expectation it would happen, we do guide you. The very thought you are certain is your

    own, you are convinced is yours alone and of your sole decision is indeed yours, HOWEVER this

    decision you already made, and thus it feels so much like yours, for it is. We simply plant it among your

    other thoughts and so you feel and remember your choice as yours in its due moment. No control of your

    body is there held, as your thoughts control everything around you and with your permission and

    instruction, we insert the thought and choice you have selected at the place you elect. Where randomness

    of decision comes in, it is also decided by you and we can say, with certainty, nearly all of what you do is

    this way. Until the next key juncture draws closer, we stand near and ready yet never intervening until

    necessary and requested by you, as decided long ago, to put your train back square on its track.

    Be well we wish you all.


    Allen 02/08/2013 11:27am

    Thank you Patrick & Committee. I believe this is a message I needed to be reminded of and hear againtoday.

    HSB 03/08/2013 12:51pm

    Thanks so much for answering my questions, Patrick and The Committee!

    Lots to really think about here. I l ike the illustration of the house of horrors/fun house (I guess thatdepends on one's perspective!) of the view of our human lives.

    What I'm taking from this piece is that intuition is communication from our guide team, but not all parts ofthe plan can be intuited/known in advance so that life can unfold as we need it to. But our guides aretaking care of things behind the scenes and are working for our best interests at all times.

    It's difficult to wrap my human pea brain around the concept that this is all planned by our higher selvesand even suffering is by our own free will for learning. It makes sense in one aspect (the soul learningfrom experience) but when one is actually in the sh*t, it's mind boggling to think that we planned it!

    As I grow older (not necessarily wiser), I keep thinking that all one can really do is just be flexible,adaptable, open, and maintain a sense of humor about everything that comes up - even the crappy stuff.

    Thanks again!

    Patrick 03/08/2013 2:43pmSeveral weeks ago, shooting the breeze in a local store, one customer suddenly and loudly complainedabout unjust policing of motorists suspected of drinking. Another customer who I've met there casually

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    several times, relatively quiet to that point of the conversation, quietly yet firmly objected, informing thecomplainer and the rest of us that his daughter had been killed by a drunk driver. The complainingcustomer was embarrassed, apologized and left. Only then did the victims father show anger. I gentlyasked, learning it had been a local, widely known crash from last year; a terribly drunk, drugged 23 yearyoung woman drove highway speed in the wrong direction and caused a horrific head-on impact, killingtwo and nearly a third person. She survived; the trial began two weeks after the store conversation.The dead young daughter of this man has since come to me.News reports during the trial told how several weeks after her death, her father found a letter she'd writtenas part of a program to raise teenage awareness of drinking; the volunteers wrote imaginary letters toparents as if dead drunk driving victims themselves, the letters then read by program participants. Theseanonymous letters are usually kept by participants, not volunteers who wrote them.This young woman victim told me her death was scheduled and agreed with victims and killer, who's nowbeen sent to prison for many, many years. The lessons are for all involved; the drunk driver's life isruined, in prison until middle age. The one survivor has recovered somewhat physically yet will never bethe same. The two dead are "gone". The families of all four involved must grapple with this for the rest oftheir lives. Remorse, guilt, shame, horror, embarrassment, revenge and retribution are all in play.I am certain I'd get punched in the mouth by any number of people involved if I offered that such atragedy is forecast. I admire the deceased young woman victim beyond how I can say; to be so brave andcourageous and all of the souls involved also, for all of them knew this and planned it before incarnatingto come together in the Texas town where this tragedy happened. She admires and loves her father and

    mother in ways I cannot say. There aren't any words for it; it is not of Earth, only the events.I offer this to show, from a real & true experience of mine, that what The Committee tells us through akeyboard, is often far greater than we ever see.