August 13, 2017 Great Swamp Baptist Church

Great Swamp Baptist Church August 13, 2017greatswampbaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/August … · Keith Gamo Kevin Malphrus Ronald Malphrus Mack Pope Fred Stanley Deacon

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August 13, 2017

Great Swamp Baptist Church

Great Swamp Baptist Church

August 13, 2017

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM


The Welcome

Announcements Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.

Call to Worship

Hymn # 3 “Worthy of Worship”

Invocation Robert O’Dell

Teacher Recognition

Selections of Praise & Worship

Hymn # 595 “Send the Light”

We Pray for Special Needs

Pastoral & Offertory Prayer Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.

Offertory Special

Message Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.



Deacon Election following Morning Worship Services

Step of Faith Christian Academy Staff

Mrs. Olivia May

Mrs. Gay McDaniel

Miss Katie Ford

Mrs. Kelly Scherger

Mrs. Victoria Keiffer

Mrs. Neighly Simmons

Mrs. Rose Sheehan

Mrs. Alisha Herlong

Mrs. Denis Juarez

Mrs. Helen Daniel

Mrs. Beverly Cleland

Mrs. Donna Rowell

Ms. Audrey Key

Pastor Ralph Lee

Mrs. Donna Carter

Mrs. Robin Holmes

Mrs. Julie Soucy

Mrs. Karen Creech

Mrs. Rhonda Stones

Mr. Reggie Huskey

Mrs. Amanda Fletcher

Mrs. Amanda Bonds

Mrs. Latrelle Spikes

Mrs. April Smith

Mrs. Mitzi Cramer

Mr. Ron Jones

Nursery Workers


Debra Daley


Next Week:

Vicky Roberts

Emma Grace

Today: Robert O’Dell




CALL THE CHURCH @ 726-3631


Today: Mike Mingledorff Krey Lowther Next Week: Cassandra Bradley Krey Lowther

Next Week: Duane Armstrong


Toll Committee For August

Helen Malphrus and Anita Blanton

From Pastor Ralph’s Desk:

The Us—es

(Ephesians 4:1-16)

For our message today, I have created a new word. The

root word is us. However, I want to make it a double plural and

call it us—es. I’m sure that I probably didn’t spell it right and I’m

sure that it will never make its way into the dictionary. However,

it fits well with our current set of verses.

In the three previous chapters, Paul explains to us how

through the Lord Jesus Christ god the Father has brought Jew

and Gentile together as one. All races and nationalities of people

that He brings to salvation through repentance and faith is the

Lord Jesus Christ and brought into His one body and family.

Now in our present set of verses, Paul is going to be telling

us how we should be living and serving Christ in that Body of

Christ which He placed us all in. I’m going to break down those

instructions by the use of the us—es, which will show us how we

are to serve Jesus in His church, the Body of Christ.

I. First, Paul shows all of us are to live for and serve Jesus in

the Body of Christ.

Now we don’t actually see the phrase “all of us” in these

first set of verses but it is clearly implied. In verse one, Paul says,

“I urge you…” Now the question is who is the you? The answer is

to whomever Paul is writing his letter. Well, we know that he was

writing it to the Believers at the Church of Ephesus. However, be-

cause his letter became part of the Word of God then the you be-

comes all of God’s Believers. Now Paul is speaking to all of us

and therefore he tells us that he has something that all of us must

do in the Body of Christ in order to live for and serve Jesus in the


A. First, Paul shows us that all of us have a clear motiva-

tion for living and serving Chris in His body, vs 1. That motiva-

tion is to live a life worthy of the calling that we have received. So,

what exactly is the calling that he is referring to? The calling he is

referring to is what we discover in all the previous chapters. It

was our calling to salvation through faith in Christ which then in

turn brought us into His eternal family, the Body of Christ made

up of all Believers, Jews and Gentiles alike.

Therefore, since Christ has done this for us, we should be

moved, all of us, to choose to give all of our life to live and serve

Christ in His body, the church. We should show by our service in

His church the great worth of our calling.

B. Second, Paul shows that all of us have some clear atti-

tudes to follow as we live and serve in the Body of Christ, vs 2-3.

So, Paul shows that it should be all of us who demonstrate

the attitudes mentioned in these two verses as we live and serve

the Lord in His church. In other words, living a life worthy of our

calling requires that all of us are humble, gently, patient, baring

with one another in love and focusing on unity.

Really, what Paul is telling all of us is that we all need to

have the same attitudes that Jesus displayed as He walked here

upon the earth. As a matter of fact, He is still walking upon earth

displaying these mentioned attitudes through the lives of His peo-

ple. May the Lord lead us all and help us all to flesh out the atti-

tudes of our Lord in His body.

C. Third, Paul shows all of us the certain beliefs that we all must

hold to in order to call ourselves true members of His body, vs 4-

6. There are the foundational truths that are required to cling to

that sets us apart as true Believers of Christ. These beliefs all de-

clare that they are singular in nature. For each one of the doc-

trines begins with the word, “one”. Thus this implies that these

beliefs are absolute.

The first one is “one body”. This is a reference to the body

of Believers. The church, which is made up of all born again Be-

lievers from all nationalities and all time till Jesus comes back.

The second one is “one Spirit”. The one Spirit he obvi-

ously is referring to is the Holy Spirit of God. There are not

many Spirits of God, but one who convicted us of sin so we could

be saved. He then filled to empower us and He baptized us spiri-

tually into the Body of Christ.

Third, there is “one hope”. This one hope is the refer-

ence to the eternal life which we received when we were called.

It refers to the eternal presence that we have with the Lord and

to the eternal home we will go to, to live forever with our Lord.

This includes a literal heaven which Jesus is now preparing for


Also this hope refers to the ability to be able to flesh out

the kind of life God has called us to be because He lives in us.

Fourth, there is “one Lord”. This is a reference to our

Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. He alone is Lord and as Lord He

alone can save us. (Acts 4:12) Also, because He is Lord, one

day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus

Christ and Him only is Lord. (Phil. 2:8-10)

Fifth, there is only “one faith”. How this is a reference

to the fact that if Jesus is the only one Lord, then there can only

be one faith, and that is the true Christian faith which comes

only from God’s Hold Word, the Bible.

Sixth, there is only “one baptism”:. Now, this one ap-

pears to have two meanings. First, there is only one baptism by

the Spirit into God’s family. Second, it is a reference to water

baptism which was and is done to indicate one confession of be-

lief in the one Lord and one faith. So, what we believe is what

the baptism represents and displays our trust in Christ alone as

our Lord and Savior.

Seventh, there is only “one God and Father of all”. The

Bible clearly teaches us that there is only and only one God. The

whole Bible is consistent with that. However, the New Testament

clearly teaches us the one God is made up of three distinct per-

sons so-equally to one another but each carries out different

roles. However, the roles compliment each other so that they

are so tied together to be one, so that God the Father, the Son

and the Holy Spirit as the one true God is over all and through

all and in all. Amen.

II. Second, Paul shows how each of us are to live for and

serve Jesus in the Body of Christ, vs 7-10.

Our first point reveals what all of us are to do in the


There will be NO

Sunday Morning Breakfast


Wednesday Night Supper

June thru August.

Meals will resume

the first week



Body of Christ. This second point reveals what each of us are to

do in the Body of Christ. What Paul is teaching us in these verses

is that Jesus did everything necessary to give each one of His chil-

dren a special gift to use to help the Body of Christ to function as

God intended for it, and He bestows those gifts to us by His grace

and by His grace we operate them.

So, let us pray that we will know our grace gift and that by

that grace we will operate it.

III. Third and finally, Paul shows how some of us are to live

for and serve in the Body of Christ, vs 11-13.

Now, the some of us is a reference to the particular gifted

church leaders. The apostles and prophets were the foundational

church leaders that God called for the start of His church. Now,

He has called some men to do the work of evangelism in the

church and pastor teachers who feed the church the Word of God

for Spiritual growth. It is vitally important that we are sending

men out to share the gospel with the unsaved and have men who

are feeding those who come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Conclusion: so, when all of us do our part and each of us fulfill

our ministry and some of us do our leading, then we will all be

glued together as one big whole under Christ’s leadership.

Jesus Loves You

Ralph Lee, Jr.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Totals for July

41 and over:

Wash Cloths: 216 Soaps: 115

40 and under:

Wash Cloths: 174 Soaps: 133

Let’s see if we can beat those totals for August

Collection Items


August 6th—13th—20th—27th




Step Of Faith

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Friday, September 1st

5-7pm Eat In Or

Take out at school dismissal $7 per plate

(Dessert at an additional cost)

Donations Needed:

Boxes of Spaghetti Noodles

Ragu Traditional Sauce Desserts

Contact for more info:

Amanda Bowen


Silent Auction Starts @ 5pm

If you would like to do-nate an item or service

for the auction Contact

Amanda Bowen 843-227-8566

If you have never been to

Israel or would like to visit again,

here is your opportunity. First

Baptist Church of Hardeeville

along with Jet Tours will be going

to Israel in the Spring of 2018.

Payment schedules have been ar-

ranged. Literature for this trip is

available in the Lobby. Call the

First Baptist Church office @ 843

-784-2239 for more info.

Cooking Teams



Wednesday Night Suppers Please


Ann Malphrus

If you are able to serve in this ministry

Thank You

Bill Carter

Keith Gamo

Kevin Malphrus

Ronald Malphrus

Mack Pope

Fred Stanley

Deacon Rotation

Fred Stanley

Deacon Election List—2017 TODAY, August 13th, after Morning Worship Service, we will

select one deacon to serve until 2020. if you wish to have your name

removed from the following list please contact the church office at 843-


Senior Adult News

It is that time of year again. A sign-up sheet is in the Lobby for those

who plan on attending. A non-refundable deposit of $25.00 is due NOW.

We need you to sign up as soon as possible so that we may put together a

room list with balances. October 16-19.

We will be staying at the Willowbrook Lodge.

Early Bird Rates are:

4 per room $199.00

3 per room $219.00

2 per room $259.00

1 per room $379.00

Bus Fee is a separate $50.00

Calling All Ladies!!!!! We need to update our telephone tree

with names & telephone numbers.

This list is for providing food for funerals

within our church.

For more info

Contact Dorthie Armstrong @ 843-726-67945


Church Office @ 843-726-3631

Sign-Up Today

August 13th Michael Fitzhugh August 14th Vera Floyd August 15th Debra Hale August 15th Wanda Davis August 17th Thomas Cooler August 18th Iola Daring August 19th Brittnie Goethe August 14th Bobby & Judy Smith August 14th Irwin & Pat Malphrus August 19th Richard & Michelle Waitt A gift of $25.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by James & Cindy Adams A gift of $50.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by Pinckney & Mary Malphrus. A gift of $100.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by Vicki Trapnell. A gift of $100.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by Marcia Denmark.

Church Needs

Sunday School

Small Groups

SFCA-Donna Carter


Outreach Ministry

Nominating Committee

Deacon Selection

Ralph Lee, Jr. - Pastor

Richard Waitt- Music Director


Child Dev. Ministries


President Donald Trump

United States of America

Cancer / Treatments

Barry Jones (8/10)

Mitzi Cramer (8/10)

Wallace Roberts (7/27)

Diane Thames (7/27)

Maxie Mason (7/27)

Mack Pope, Sr (8/3)

Called to Ministry

Chris Carter & Family

GSBC Prayer Pages August 13, 2017

Lloyd Freeman (8/10)

Rhonda & Marvin Patterson(7/13)

Patrick Malphrus (7/13)

William Burke (7/20)

Gail Malphrus (7/20)

KayCee Goethe (7/27)

Robert Sauls (7/27)

Lucille Degler (8/3)

Mike Hodge (8/3)

Shelby Greene (8/10)

Lula Floyd (8/10)

Expecting / Births

Victoria Keiffer

Other Health Needs

Nursing Centers

Elaine Degler-RNC

Wofford Malphrus-Effingham

County Rehab. Center

Doris Blackmon-Morningside

Thelma Ashing-RNC

Bereavement Family Of

Hospitals Dot Tindal-BMH

Ron Davis (8/10)

Bonnie Pope (7/27)

Paul Peeples (7/3)

Joyce Sutler (7/11)

Ladonna Stonerock (7/27)

Kimberlyn Malphrus (7/27)

Ruth Guillory (8/3)

Irwin Malphrus (8/10)

Reed Smith (8/10)

Ryder Smith (8/10)

Surgery / Recovery

Duane Armstrong (8/10)

Ryder Smith (7/6)

Olivia Stanley (8/3)

Sadie O’Connor (8/3)


Tim Cramer Family

Margaret & Keith Floyd & Family

Lloyd Freeman (7/13)

David Sauls (7/20)

Michael Fitzhugh (8/3)

Cancer / Treatments

Barry Jones (8/10)

Mitzi Cramer (8/10)

Wallace Roberts (7/27)

Diane Thames (7/27)

Maxie Mason (7/27)

Mack Pope, Sr (8/3)

Bobby Emerson- Fort Hood-Army

Jared Blanton-Fort Benning

Matthew Mills-Va-US Marines

Jericho Malphrus-Air Force

If you have someone who needs listing, call either the

church office a@726-3631 or E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479.

Thank You

Pray For Our Military

Today’s Prayer Team

Group IV E.L. Ambrose-Leader

Mack Pope, Jr Kevin Malphrus

Watchman Prayer Service

Saturdays @ 8:00am

Prayer Note For emergencies

a prayer chain

is available for needs.

You may access

by calling the

church @ 726-3631


E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479

Please Continue To Remember

Ricky Cleland

Mike Hodge

Shirley Malphrus

Rose Boyles

Lula Floyd

Mary Cope

Judy Smith

Jeffrey Stanley

Joyce Sutler

Dot Nettles

Betty Nettles

Tom Hinely

Olivia Stanley

Lois Bootle

Grace Boyles

Patricia Malphrus

Scott Boyles

Gary Way

Christy Gagel

Vera Miles

Mary Daley

Leonard Steedly

Barbara Mills

Rodney Malphrus, Sr.

Lanell Smith

Brian Freeman

Susan L. Vaigneur

GSBC Prayer Pages August 13, 2017

There are two kinds of Christians. Spiritual—Controlled by the Holy Spirit. Carnal—Controlled by the flesh. To be spiritual is to emulate Christ. To be carnal is not growing into maturity. Prayer can keep the spiritual on course and bring the carnal to obedience.

E.L. Ambrose


SFCA Resumes

Monday, August 14th

The Quilting Club is meeting in the

Old Parsonage

Thursday, August 17th@ 10:00am

Watchman Prayer Group

Saturday, August 19th @ 8:00 am

Starting in September, the ages for children’s Church will

be K-4 thru 5th grade.


The S.O.F.F.E. Group has changed their meeting date for

September to the 28th instead of the 21st.

The WMU Fall Meeting is Tuesday, August 28th At 6pm at

Ridgeland Baptist Church.

The Grandmother’s Group for September 5th will be held

at the home of Pam Stanley.

Budget Offerings This Week

Weekly Budget Surplus/Deficit

+ / -

Tithes & Offerings $4545.00 $ 4,943.56 -$398.56

Designated Funds This Week ********* Acct. Balances

Senior Celebrators Trip $568.00 ********** $4,170.20

Dot T. Malphrus Memorial $50.00 ********** $50.00

Children’s Ministries $2.00 ********** $772.33

SFCA Gym (Memorial) $100.00 ********** $100.00

George Pepper Scholarship Fund $100.00 ********** $888.03

Dot Lee Scholarship Fund $50.00 ********** $170.00

Darlington Races $400.00 ********** $400.00

MPB Fees $100.00 ********** $779.05

Kitchen Supplies $55.00 ********** $68.65

Great Swamp Baptist Church

9009 Tarboro Road, Ridgeland, SC Office - 726-3631 Fax – 726-3294

Email: [email protected]

Website: greatswampbaptistchurch.com

Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Ralph Lee, Jr………………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Music Director: Richard Waitt………………………………………………………[email protected]

Sunday School Director: Wallace Malphrus……………………………………………[email protected] Pianist: Michelle Waitt…………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Sybil Reynolds……………………………………………[email protected]

School Administrator: Donna Carter…………………………………………………………[email protected] Custodian: Ann Malphrus………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Landscaper: Wallace Malphrus…………………………………………………………[email protected]

Calendar of Events

Sunday Morning Breakfast (September thru May Only)........................................................................ 8:30AM

Sunday School………….….…………………............................................................................................ 9:45AM

Morning Worship…….….…...…………………........................................................................……….....11:00AM Evening Worship…….…….……………………..........................................................................................6:00PM

Wednesday Night Supper (September thru May Only)........................................................................... 6:00PM

Wednesday Night Service………………………………...............................................................................7:00PM Saturday Watchman Prayer…………….………….……….........................................................................8:00AM


A Special Called Business Meeting

is set for Wednesday, August 23rd

to vote on 2017-2018 Leadership positions.

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