GREENBELT COOPERATOR VOLUME 10. Z SEP'IEU3ER 22 • 1938 FIVB CZUI <r.: the o!' ',7ad.."'lesdr.:· 2:, 193:;, 9.p:-ro: ri.atc ,:::us Jshere.! ir: t::" : rotr&.':l of t::e so .. s :J:",. 7::.._, of t: ·.: L .. Ser.1.oes of ti:f' pla::s ".:.:> arr!i...-., e for· t::e a::OIII'::-.£ o!' ;·: o:-. a :-ott; :'.11r ill rot:Jlar sol:od• ·Jle will . e! .. ::fa onn ·: 1! ,,,.':,, ':"r ;:-J.!n:. ••.::.! r.n··· ·: ll1 ..r..!: 11:::"«:: !'"!lr , . 'lfi hill ;-ort:1r-a.::·"s e.r.eh t".T: "'7: ... > ·• :.: •• i:'l QG.r···. , •. :: !n .. ... ... ?'. :.'. .. , .Sv""-0'11• !!' .• nrq: ft :::•- ;rtt wt ll "t 't_:.·c: A;!.,;•.;:! "!:.(. .. _...,'111 : (' -x t : .. (:1 r :- : - ···. : ., ... ; ""'<; :. i r- .g; ·: r. \q..,.. d 1 1 o. :-- -: ""'• r ....,,.,.'lf'"" .--.. o..-·Q. ........... .. o 1 t;• +4--o i7r ..,. ;:; ,.;.q.· ;;IC- __ ... -,.-. .. ... -.--f:,- :4·,· .. .. .';"' rlC--'f-,Q.r :-7-.o.,:"!n-t:t , .... '"'J!( ..•. .. :lf\.- d:f- !9 r-r·- ·r·! at •. --: '"he ... .. !.r, .... he!""'e ..... A is bea···t:·· or t,.e "l or :-:) ": ; ,: . ; ! * .. ,...t,r is a )M':ornarher .:\:'. M:: •ra·;t>!s, roll :.:: S1",_"!:s;.. ,.rs. Ro..:;.e Alrhor. edllJc&• ';1'·.:: :-:•roo·.>r.e s::eni:,.::-. ler-• ;re bP:r.r !N>t .. 'the an:! · 140 I::T:.R:X:' 1:: ·:: ;n: sc::OCL Dr. s. Jodaoo, of the Committee acnounced in his roport to the Last Citizens Association that 140 cititens he.d indioated interest in a night school for Greenbelt. Ot these, were v.anted by 60, English by 39, lathecatios by 25, Economics, in- cludiD6 cooperatives by 21, Events by 20, History by 17 1 Political Science by 16 1 by 15, French by l6. Spanish by 12. Non-credit courses were requested 50, college credit by 41, hit;h school credit by 22. graduate credit by 15. Teachers for the school will ::robably be obtained fran our 0\'1ll callr.lw:ity as wtJll as fro!!! ;'T.P.A., the High School, and the University of Maryland and other Anders outatandir.,; executive. and ex- ponent of the principle of cooperation address&:! :1 mass mee': of under the th@ Coopera•ive 0rlanitir+ -- ·-·- !his 1ec\un ••• the l" opeD1QI caD tn the a..- patp pl&D.De4 to briQI to thto ctttaells of tbts tOWD tbe facts aDd ti- curu on cou.waer co-- operatlYH, as well aa u uposl Uoo of the Wl- 4erl;rlfll pbUouoph¥. lD orin tlt.at \beJ •1 wtcb UM 4estrab111 t7 of volvnt&r117 uwatQC the aerYlces tn Oreqkl.t Oil a tlla.rtt bash. '.tr,.!o ... lll •u 'l"Mlltt.rt add,.. .. auel\4mc•• or. : · ·r .. c: •• tw h 4Sr.c:t.or of the t:i"'i7::iU.- :·-._'4 ,:,f Stoc&.hol.n, &.n :/ o!' ... «:,('tr· .• als..J .. ..... f.A,•:•:.-£\ ..... n:- .. 1\• ":!·.tt lrflTl·!. ! · .... :;: "h.- .. 1: ;._ ,.!t. :l'j .... :- ... %..) 1 1r.. '"'4 r: 1IfT' :'"'e t::,a t •. •f!t !1Mtoall or for wh.!J:'t thla ia >chf> 9:-.I:r -·-AAru< tJ!.rro-r!'\( lh1nt condHl(\na, :-a\s- 1 noe.AS a Sol.i.'ld ""'J.l'- thtt tha'- •he ca-orors• ·: for \ 'o fl -.herfl lf:,her9 iS fl .. ; 1r..sr.'r ':ctt-1!:\r, coat of r-roduct.ion ana cos<; •he nm en a ,f •'l.llllit:y for &11, and a return in :ll:--, tn ..... ,Jr. 5-:tl*&'! •he l fnr a real ::wveaent in Ute s•.ates fertile. -s corvl"'l":·1la· &d as a pioneer ir. the here. S0\'":6 o!' • hs lr\!ts pro,. ide<! "•.he interna• ion- Al u ','r. :!eJl·ert: hu=oroualy terms hil!:- selr. sho"K&.! "hat •he vob."'le of re':ail trade in S-.eden ha::.Hed : y the coo;: era lives is 60%, while the volu.-re of w!Joles"le trade is ao-:. One-third of is included in in the oooperati¥es 1N JJ PRECIA:'!OU ! seite this opportunity to express my thanks to and all for the loyal support me by my friends. well-wishers. and others, in ?a i?!: •o <:he office of Dogcatcher of Green- It was a gruelling campair.n, but hard work good handshaking. bum and our sloran Beat Man that Money Can Buy" sure did the trick. Glad I ·won. Se& you next :rear. Fredbare Panh

GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

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Page 1: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU


<r.: the eva:-:!~,: o!' ',7ad.."'lesdr.:· Septoo~er 2:, 193:;, 9.p:-ro: ri.atc cor~ ,:::us Jshere.! ir: t::" :·~rst : rotr&.':l of t::e so .. s :J:",.

7::.._, :-m;.nze~:t':~t of t: ·.: Gr~Q:lbe~t L .. o·:s·.~l'r Ser.1.oes an:-.o·~"'lces ~r.plo~i.<m of ti:f' pla::s ".:.:> arr!i...-., e for· t::e a::OIII'::-.£ o!' ::o~io:: ;·: ·:·..:.:-~s o:-. a :-ott; :'.11r l!C!~e.ble ill t~e :;ree~!:~l~ ~<XOD~i~j· ~eater. ~e rot:Jlar sol:od• ·Jle hero~\~er will ;.ii~":: . .:1~ e! .. :r4J:{~::."~-&~~o~ ::fa onn ·: 1! ,,,.':,, ':"r ;:-J.!n:. ••.::.! ·fto:.·;:-~:·. r.n··· ·: ll1 ..r..!: ~-.. 11:::"«:: !'"!lr ~-v , . .,.~::~:~·~. 'lfi ~ hill ;-ort:1r-a.::·"s e.r.eh !l!t:~t • t".T: tt::..e!~~:· •~ "'7: ... > ·• :.: •• i:'l a.~ e:zt!:-.~t.tiKI r..;.n:~,~~:: ~!~,.. of~·~ >·~~~·;:"'t} ~or QG.r···. , •. ..._.!~~~·

Sc?--..~-el ·~;.: lJ.~('"~':» l.tat.~::o~; Arr~ ~: ~o :: ~~:.~~·.;1~d !n -~ .. ... ...

?'. :.'. ~ ~·:·: t!'~t' T<'~:·.a!.G.r 1:~:!"'-r~•.,} .. , t'~ .Sv""-0'11• !!' .• !1~ ~t• ~~,.o:: nrq: ;-la:'".,:~od ~ ~ ~~4~ 'll'-~t.r~ ft :::•- .:1r~ :--~c.~ ;rtt w'-~:r:~~

wt ll ~or. :-~ -·(\(}~~4 "t 't_:.·c: <'~·-t! .q.~ ~-~--~ ;·(J:-!'~~~:..cq,• ~llr ~:;-9- ~I'!!',C);:t ~:- ltt.~<?:'(;"''()':~.

A;!.,;•.;:! "!:.(.

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1 o. :-- ~ -: ""'• r • J:J+~-r ~ :;~·..,.,.t;~ ~· lt~--~ ,..r~-c:-··~~_,q:~ ~.,.9'!:.-~1""~ ·"-~ ~r;.-!~:t•

'9-;'"~~---:~ ....,,.,.'lf'"" ~:-:: .--.. o..-·Q. :r-~· ·.-~!·.""$ ........... ~7~ .. o

1 t;• "J-.z;-.~..:".1-r.~ ~~ ro:·~o:-~ +4--o ·~.,-:~ '"'-m.·~"' ~ :~~~ i7r

..,. ;:; ,.;.q.· ;;IC-__ e.-~ ~"" ~ ... ~:-:···:r -,.-. .. ··~- ... -.--f:,- ;_-_.~ ;;-''·~~,--;-p-.~~~.t,

:4·,· .. :~·:·. ~;-.. ~---- ·;~- ~-p--;X. r'"-"'~ .';"' '-·~- .,.:~)~ rlC--'f-,Q.r :-7-.o.,:"!n-t:t [~

S"·u;-n..c!~~·F ~- , .... '"'J!( ..•. ~-" ';-..a~ ~.It~~~:--.. ;-~;.rt~·--: :lf\.- (''ll~r'S ~,

d:f- ~~-Tq.r T''Yi~"$ ·:.q..~·~-- f'.~ f"'t·~-'Q;~~~ -e-+--:·~ft !9 _r~-·

r-r·- ·r·! at •. --: '"he ~·~·.:--: ... c:~..; ~-P':::!.."("'y·:-i"'ftc~ .. ~ !.r, '9::-~ect • .... he!""'e ~oct .....

A :-.~~a-~lA ~&A~ ~:"8 0~ --~.e !fJClt'~~~ is ~l-Ife bea···t:·· or ~ t,.e ~ "l or :-:) ": ; ,: . ; ! ~ * .. r-.,~ •

'':-~.:;,!'~a~. ,...t,r is a ~=-o"-s::~~:-.al )M':ornarher n~·"! 'l<b~ &"·:~ Ac,ie~ ~·r h'~r.:.:-.•-! .:\:'. M:: •ra·;t>!s, roll ar~e-r}.~ :.:: S1",_"!:s;.. ~~t!.~*ce. ,.rs. Ro..:;.e Alrhor. edllJc&• ~:o:"Al :::re.:-~·::-, ';1'·.:: :-:•roo·.>r.e ~hft s::eni:,.::-. :-h~ ler-• ;re 1~ bP:r.r !N>t .. ~ore..: ~-· 'the coo~rati..-e an:! ed~cat~onal c~i··~o~. ·

140 I~::JICA!?. I::T:.R:X:' 1:: ·:: ;n: sc::OCL Dr. Li~den s. Jodaoo, Cr~i~~ of the Educ~tional

Committee acnounced in his roport to the Last Citizens Association mooti~ that 140 cititens he.d indioated interest in a night school for Greenbelt.

Ot these, Commerc~al s~•bjects were v.anted by 60, English by 39, lathecatios by 25, Economics, in­cludiD6 cooperatives by 21, CtL~ent Events by 20, History by 171 Political Science by 161 Biolo~;y by 15, French by l6. Spanish by 12. Non-credit courses were requested ·,~, 50, college credit by 41, hit;h school credit by 22. graduate credit by 15.

Teachers for the school will ::robably be obtained fran our 0\'1ll callr.lw:ity as wtJll as fro!!! ;'T.P.A., the High School, and the University of Maryland and other universities~

Anders ::ed~er~, outatandir.,; executive. and ex­ponent of the principle of cona~r cooperation address&:! :1 mass mee': 1~ of Green~elterb under the auapice~ ~f th@ Coopera•ive 0rlanitir+ ~~ittee. r~ -- ~-·- ·-·- !his 1ec\un ••• the

l" opeD1QI caD tn the a..­patp pl&D.De4 to briQI to thto ctttaells of tbts tOWD tbe facts aDd ti­curu on cou.waer co-­operatlYH, as well aa u uposl Uoo of the Wl-

4erl;rlfll pbUouoph¥. lD orin tlt.at \beJ • •1 wtcb UM 4estrab111 t7 of volvnt&r117 uwatQC the ~tlOillQI aerYlces tn Oreqkl.t Oil a tlla.rtt bash.

'.tr,.!o ... ~Mf: lll •u 'l"Mlltt.rt ~o add,.. .. auel\4mc•• or. : · ·r :~> .. c: ~~i. •• tw h • 4Sr.c:t.or of the t:i"'i7::iU.­~ :·-._'4 1'-"'"~.!t-~-:cr.-~ ,:,f Stoc&.hol.n, ,_.,~.:~, &.n !~rroll~ !~o :/ ~-.,:- "":;!".~~ or.,•.o~;-r~~• o!' ·~-he na-:·.~re l)~ ~he ·'l:>.~ -s;·~.~ ... ~-:r«t-.: ~·l."'.r _,.~r «:,('tr· .• ;_~.a ~~ als..J ~h• •~(tc·~;t!\~-' ~~r~ ~­

~""r .. 1~- :.~ ..... f.A,•:•:.-£\ f~:""lt !:t~~~tr!"A. 4 !t,-.al ~,..Qk~· ..... n:- .. O·'"~;n·r-1\• ~T._, ~:--: ":!·.tt lrflTl·!. wh1c~ rr-:>~,;--~ ql'!-t•r~,- ! :_(~1t · .... :~!;. :;: ~&-:fc-t";.-t~(l:· • ..-!~.h "h.- :~1• .. 4lr--~·J:t·.:~r:.al ";fu-~~t;"al

r:~{'~~~"? r-~;-·~r:l. ~!~!4

1: ;._ ,.!t. ~ !":»;~ --~ :l'j .... ~--,."'" :· ~! :-... :~ ~ -~-• %..) 11r.. :-:q.,~ '"'4 r: 1IfT' :'"'e t::,a t •. h~

'?-"'-;o:-'~ •f!t -:;.Q....-o-:lq:--,~ ·~s a~\tni!"i~•n~ !1Mtoall ~~ <Hr~i'l'!ra or li~Ps-! lll!r~. for wh.!J:'t thla ia >chf> 9:-.I:r -·-AAru< o~ tJ!.rro-r!'\( lh1nt condHl(\na, tm~ :-a\s­~-.~ 1 !r~c,.r !'~a.-w,r·<!s ~:• noe.AS edoyirv~; a Sol.i.'ld ""'J.l'-

~~~·~ ~;-h..a5!t•i thtt ~ar-~ tha'- •he ca-orors• t~• ~s

~,.A ~~ ·: ;'Q\4'1~ fqr~• for <irh~:"..f: <!<Yr.~ --r.~o;-o.:: \ r~C4S 'o fl f'O~:,t. -.herfl lf:,her9 iS fl tr-A~8Jl~}" rel~­

.. ; 1r..sr.'r ':ctt-1!:\r, coat of r-roduct.ion ana cos<; ~0 ~~.e ca~~·-;::";$r.

S~n~e •he ~ll'lf.e:""tl• h·~t ~~ nm en a tr.;~·· t!~"­

s"·:~ <~":s ,f •'l.llllit:y for &11, and a return in ~r·'l~t)r :ll:--, tn :r.r~~ ..... ,Jr. M~~&r, 5-:tl*&'! ~~~ ~ :"el~ •he so~ l fnr a real ooopera.t~7e ::wveaent in Ute ":n~tod s•.ates -~ fertile.

~reen:'P: • -s corvl"'l":·1la· &d as a pioneer ir. the de..-elopr..e:'1~ ·~:" ~he ~.:>O:'iH""!.•ho :-..ove~~.t here.

S0\'":6 o!' • hs ~i.- lr\!ts pro,. ide<! ~y "•.he interna• ion­Al er~:ld ~o/' • u ','r. :!eJl·ert: hu=oroualy terms hil!:­selr. sho"K&.! "hat •he vob."'le of re':ail trade in S-.eden ha::.Hed : y the coo;: era lives is 60%, while the volu.-re of w!Joles"le trade is ao-:. One-third of 3~len'a ror~la~ion is included in ~~~ership in the oooperati¥es !~ere.


! seite this opportunity to express my thanks to o~e and all for the loyal support ~iven me by my friends. well-wishers. and others, in ~ c~­?a i?!: •o ~apture <:he office of Dogcatcher of Green­~elt.

It was a gruelling campair.n, but hard work good handshaking. bum ci~ars, and our sloran "~ Beat Man that Money Can Buy" sure did the trick.

Glad I ·won. Se& you next :rear. Fredbare Panh

Page 2: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya

aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU The Cub ~ovecent is a leisure-time, hame cer.ter­

ed program for boya 9, 10, 11 years old. Thil progi'UI offen any opportunities to the bo)8 of Greenbelt.

1. Chancel to •do" lota of interoati~ ud eatiatyl.n« thir~a, ,uea, handicraft akille, collections, atunta, hobbiea.­in the ~ and ~ yaro.

2. Chancea to do theae thir.r,a •with" fin• ludera and. nat~<.ral boy c~jador.a,

3. ChLr.cea to do ~hir.~• •ror• ott~r people, which is a Yi~l part of r,ood citi£en-ehip. ·

•• c~ .. to beu r..pona1bzlity and to rtnd encO!Jr.tiiMDt t.Mr•iL

5, Chaneea to th\at find "• ~ '.J" &nd eore ot jOy 1D a.hll &J'OW1d. the ho=4o Joy to ll

boy 11 aa:. sttnaMMt to • rlar.t.

6. Ch&Dc•• to t•t the req'.Jlrod, aru.•l "hoal th-e h(>(!K-14• •

'rhu. ono ·-.:~ ••• ':~ ~ '"\lH !l'"<f c~ r.o• i""'l! •­wa.y fl"oa the :-~. ~u~ h h~-o~:;t,.r~U

!t ~r..cQ·~~·· t.~l to ~A:-~le •r..et!" ow:-. OW• ~r.,• •rn!. l'<lc-.<'411 ~r. ~d.t:.~ ~"- :11;, 4;~ ~i11 ~< ':- ~e­,;eth.tr, w;~~ ... ~.p ~rry ("'O,,..f·9r•~: !\~ o!' ~t>":.i~r.

:'1-..0T'Ifor•. ~":. hn ·.~:..S '.)·.e U):'<>SC f"t;~;-.-&'·: '> \ ~:; Cl!' ~·r~ a_:-~ .,.,p~- ;,.:--.,:·. ~ Q!' ~--.;~, ('lr r :-~·&ret;• tiT't :ubi .to )'ll"~ l.r ip•te ••' ;,..e::• i:; • ;,;, wo:-« wM.vh 11 to hne &'!Uh a wital eff<>llt uf:Oil t.a­,c)-..an~·.g:" <O·f x,~i'q )oya of ~~~~:·:·~,~l~t..

"'"'• patAnts an aslir4= 't!-A~N~hea the .:;u•st;on---llhat a-.n • \to, ;t-.-. a;;,swer !s•'c ':'f' found' bJ' at".er.Gl.r...: tne JM.,•i.:;.r ca; :ec t:; 't.~ jcout ar .. 1 <;ub C<m':.it"tee of the 'f. ':. J.,, tv btl held in the ao~ial toaD of \M ac!wol 1if,!}."i,ay r.~.tM SeFteaber 26th. 1938 at 8 f.~. rr~rtl1•

':'he r;~.Mtat 'rill be •:;ul>t-er• Rock K!rf'Jw::, A,Ssiatant Scout lxee·JHYe for :::uh!'llv. of the

lational Car!tal Area ~o,.or.c:l o!" t~.e :::.s.A. :·.e w!ll ar.swt't the 1:.~eu:or.-•m.t :"'.wl't we ;.ar~:-:ts

do, • :_a:.; !8 ~. t.and

Cubllas ter o: Cub facie 202

RAD: 0 c:.:; !' t'•:'ruiS :=! .A.SS The Radio Cl~h acn~~es tho fo~.atior. of code

olasses under th~ ex~ert su:lf.!rros'on ·f O;.arle3 :.

Blalce of 16-:! ~idee ~oad, ~ r!ldi~ ex;er'~ ~cw uso­oiated in radio tra.-;s::.iss!.on with tho ·_;. :. Cot\8t \~uard.

The Club will talce l\:;'?llcatio:~s !'1-a::: n~l a:::a~e~s whether bet;innner~ or ex;?eriencod, ~:· to a n:Jnber to for:n a class which can be rOf\ :ily ~:a::;lod for L'lstr~ction in code ractJi vi:--t:; a."ld senll>:;::. TI:e ob­ject of the inst~ruotion is to qualify.all t~ernbers of the class for the amatuer license exa-~tion. which is based on a sendi.~ ability of 13 words ner minute. ·

The first meeting for organizing purposes will be held in the editorial rooms of the Greenbelt Cooperator. throuch the courtesy of' Mr. Howard c. Custer, President of the Jo;trnalistic Club and enthusiastic sponsor of creative hobbies in Bree~­belt.

C. o. C. J!~n;f1! Hm;JRS HED?ERG

On Friday eveilir-c, Septa::: her 16, the Coopen;. ~i ·.-e Organhi!J€ Ccmr.itteo, their 1d~s and hus~ands, and the heads of deparbnents of the w.ricus Cc::sumer Services and their wives • e~tertained An•.!ers ::ed­ber&, the guest speaker for the theatre t~eeti~·. at six o'clock dinner i.n the Social Roar:~ at the COI:!Ilu."li ty Center.

C'ther .:pests bcbded: lierbtort F>rans: . ?rofetsor of llarketi:-.c, '\.Y .:.:., Jas. Drury; ar.d Fobt. !bc~.f'!e, aU of •;n Yorka Professor a.::d J.:rs. Sten!:s of :· e i:n~"rersity of V..rylll::.d; :r. !.·.md of tl:e '>:.r..:~· Se! .. Qt~C!l Cf!':.ce of •.!:P ran: :;ec·JTitj· Adt:;:;.st.n­t1on; a~ lr. ft!ld t.tr•. O, lilh.e r.<!r.er.

lb". E'n.L.e nr the ,:e::ie.l ilaster of Cere:o:-.J.t>~ a::.;! :..;cc··rded in &ett~t:r. all ac,1uai~tt"d r.~"· v!:~ ar.o·~or ·~efor~ th~ :.coc; wer(' pi~=..,.; bare •. i11':·: :t> ::uta and d:;.h -r·· ~.,~Co€ r.ibbled at, 't.he ~::-.._'!..

QUOt90rl 't-.ai! ~~; .. t'lOil<'IUTO Of h"Ari!!£ !'l~ f'rOCII !'rv~ • St.c>Yt>:':.S 1 wt-.o a.r.r.o·.:r.ced t.!:.a t the ·;tU nord t.y C',f 1·~~­la.n:! ,_, 1:-A·.<4:·•:-~ H~: 11 fo.;r-1""' cour~<> ; r. Co:-;, ·.~T .:oc~ra~ior. ·~·J~ e. rltn~· ·-o ;·r&pt.tir~ ~.A:""A(.,r~ t.~:.:d

}M~9r'S f~r t~e> Coop~r-t:.\"t> ~~tfl~e lfr. ::'X!~>t'tt~

~= t~.tt~ in~ro.~-.;o.:h! t:,~ .!'ntP.r :&rroll •~-,4 'l'.lOt: ·~! -.~!"..+ frc::!". ~ro·.;.r,<! tJ~<· . ':.A'~lo!! ·~ru; to ~<r.i-r4 t.f,, t.ot .. d ><!ht-, cO<"~t'&~~r. ~;: h.:-.il nf : .. t.fcr:;abnt. ".:c'i~"'t!·o.r w!~·j:. ~~~~ wi~ -~-~ :-,:~:·~ :~r~,'tl·;! t.o ~t!~:-'1•~" h~~ 1~:-t.(':-~~rA' 1~~-'tar-o:t- .;.~!~!c:.e:-,~1:,~ l!.t-: ~("·"f"r. t.!-.tl!r.. ctt :".A;~• \..f•. ~-·- ;- ~-"4:.:~:-r. 'r.l~·p:-.c; l!':. ,:t;:ft--C!!"t--: .._. ~<;!:..~·~!a-,; tc ~~·~:- ~~ ~: !~.

-----------------:".v~-~~'~!-~;-4:.~• q.<;G ~t!"'Q·'! ·(-:t

: :- ~r. ~ 'rt"-· ').~ ·-,:Ar • ."-:-.--: ;.;,i.;""'m"":' ~~ ·:~:--tct!. ~~-.~':'"P<G~·P. :':"G.:tt~ la,~;": ~-r~C-a::• ~;.<'~.;..::;~~,;-~ ~t: ~~-~.

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"::-.~ 'i~r:.;--~ot:t o:trrl) it · {."-.~~._ ~r~t ~&.~T·lf's of' r·~.;. :-:­

;--~~;19 ;:=:4-.r-'P:: ~:-:r-Jt~:! ~t'~f! :"~r:f'f.T·tJ::>:i~d :j· :;-~~::·.;:';..€TS ?: .. ~-~~fl:""C~. t:t:-r-.-~ .... _i~-.:i· . .:; • .e:-s ~-~ic~. 7j·er.o ~f:k'"':.r:~s &:"'·'" aJ.

~-~ ~ ~·--;<'!'~a~ ·~ ·r.,. \!~&:~-- ("fr•s :~>:!: ,._.,..~ ~.:~ ~~t .. ~r ,.~;_yers t;rour~ ~·c:* t7.~~r ex.a::.-~~l~~" a:-~~G r-eccn;:,e::..da-

?i!"J. ~~Act!:··2! :;·.-:-ter, ;:-. -::-sr-:·~ Ctf ~J.o ::t,c·e G~--;a:-~.r._r..~. ha5 -' ...... h?.:~f'if:.: ::- ~rr ... ~;.~i!, r~~ l!:[.,is ..-cri. Z't i~ ~ s~:.r:· :c~ ~~> t,. ~~"1~ s:·.~;:; rr.:j· ~; t-'"lt}" :rt"'·­'7iC:~ ~" j'·r~~-~t :· t, lf'.":.S of --ale'~;. ·: o:..r>i ~efcr:-e<i t~ t:...e_ 5f .. :f! .; ·--.- ..... rr::.- f· ...... f';:! shoe~.

:.&~· ~'\· .:-:11_·, : ll a*•e .. ~~:-.r .. ~.o :e" ... c~:~.t. :cr~r:~s.:; ~· '118-t;~.: .. ..., ... ~ .. ~~-.,

!'.:>,e:;:-. ,-:f!lera·es, ~.·:.,.

:n~a:-:'.6·.~:::-.al :,a:·Jire~·e:;t

a • .. o .r, se·:,.:-~~1

• r.e of

~ " : :r.~ r'l't ;:~· of wh i ct. i ::c l :;.; ~ ~:'- ~

-J~r la :-rer cities n:),: ~:-.• <.::A :-:.al "'~7.· ol•·.s.

:-:~e :~!er .. · c:, .:a.-.e :':-o:< :::-.tla!~, :::-a:-.ce, ::al::. '.or.-:,: , C'11e :en, ;·e!r.i·.or.. Hollan<!, :<u:::.tt~.~a, ~:e:~\.~osl,:>-:aiciA, .:h.:.:•ft• ?ra!: 1, a::d Ar~e:·.t::-all. · heJ "·ere ·-e~ ::· Ass ~s :a!:t Col:r'luni t:; ~~:-Jl.;,e:· 0. ~:11:-ae :-:Jl~er 'Kho cond~c~ed ".:hen ~o ~he ~o:l­'!!t;~.it:: ~:.Jil.ii:-.. • whe:-e in a half ho·.;r talk he o;;t­:.i::ed -::he projo<:t and ex;::lained its ra:;~ifications. ~e. t~en escorted the delegates thro~gh Green~elt polnt1ng o~ :he places of interest and inspecting representa ~lYe no uses and apartments

Greanbe.'t · · • . • w~s lncluded in the tour as present-lug. a_~ outstanding ex&~ple of progressive com· ~un1ty develo~ment. The visitors were greatly llllt:ressed with the town and its potentialities.

Mr. ; Mr:;. Lyrt8n L. Woodman will return Stmda.y, the l8~n from a vacation trip to Kalamazoo,Michigan, and Prlnceton.Illinois,via Canada and NiagaJ~ Falls.

i I


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Page 3: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

GREE~lBEL': 1 S r:OUNCIL ELECTrON Last '!'uesday, the voters of Greenbelt went to

the polls and elected their Council of five members and a new Mayor, who will constitute the rovern~ body of the camrnunity for the enauL'lg year. These officials, representing the collective ohoioe ot Greenbelt •s registered voters, are entitlM to the unqualified support of all her citi&ens.

It was quite diaappointin« to note that onlJ 690 Greenbeltera out ot a potential 11 600 votera availed themaehos of the opportunit·; to exerc.ist their franchise and re~istered for tbo election.

Three factors ~otivated against a larr.er regia• tration. Firat, because ~he bulk of our citicenry, lOIII@ 70,C, are rovernr,ent &ef-loyetus, maay ahied a•y fr011 r~iaterir~, fear1r;g that that aot aight d.­pr1~ them of their respective etate•a c1ti&enah1p and thue jeopaf'Gbe their jobe. Their fears. aP.. pare::tly, were <roundleas, for Mr • .,.rberry, town eo lie i tor, and othere have ruled that participat1011 1n a municipal election, auch aa Greenbolt•a, will not deprl.- votere ot thair at&tea• c1t1aenah1p. Jl'\&r'ther, tbe Chil Sen-ice Carriuion hae rttled that r-tTJON rarticip6t izl« in a:n elect1or. not 1nvoh•inC partlaan roll tioa are 1n no dancer of r\Um1r4: aroul Of the rt«Ula~~Onl trohib1ti"#. pol1t1oal act1Y1ty to ch1l .. n-ice anrloyeea. l.ecord1n« to thb TUUn, Grea~b•ltara ~y ~t•• run for, or hold office with• out ar.du.r.er1nc their ~ove~•nt ~oh.

A.nothor ,....or: wh:: l!>Ote d 14 n..•t ret:!.tt•r for the oour.oil elect' or. :"'A:: te fo~ in the ~·~ !t·.,.Qo that eo=!! Gr.,e;,!:;ei~P:-,. !·.a•• ~-=-nia •he 1';('1\Ulc~l. A f'UII!­

~er of cititH' fHl t.l-."t• e1ncn ·";ret~:~t-•lt i• a raver:-z:.,: t ;-ro.~e<:t Ar•l h :-.a.r.ar~ tv a c~u:::+v !':AllA1&r who h • .fedenl ~o'M>r'l:-"'l·t· ('I:-; 1o:;oo, •.f.~ Tv-. Cfl'-l:.cil l.a 1\ s·;rt~r!"ln..a, 1r.r.or-,;o·:s, !•l:j'l't ('\rrar.::<~• ~o~., e:x:e~ i:'J' ·~vr~> ~o.r r.how th&n for a.n.y Qtt~r r~>ar.,,n. ";":• i11 anitude '"'•n~ ~ho ·c,,•;:~t·~l ;e a r;i.&t"~er, !:~_1~\t•::. ':"fH• ~ ... r.it .. e ~'t:t,"n ~;cTt~~nt,

a& owner of •.i-.o la.n~ ann h.:~noa in .. ~ror:-:lxolt, 11 landlorr. ot t.hia "~ity and raturdly entitled to all the ritht-1 tull1 rrh1le~ea of a h .. ndlonl. Mr. firal!en, our Cor~>ur H.y ~er, la &~:er.t for "'JJ"

laoolorc!, ':he ::r.i.~ltG States :ioTOtrnment, llDC' mul't looi: after ~he ir.tereata of t.ia ~mrloyer, at the same ttve, of c~rse. not nerlectir~ ·~~ rirhta of the tenan~e. Parenthetically, 1t n1,;ht be uid that both landlorn am! ar.er.t are, to aa·.· the leeat yery cor.11 il!era~e. • '

ViewPd as a rol1t1cal entity, r.r~er.belt 1a an 1:-.corrorat&(! town, ha•i:-.f beer. c!eclared so b..- an ,let of the i.&r islaf.ure of ~he State of Y.an.·ia:x!. ihe le~ialature ~.s rra~ted Greenbelt ita· •own sharter, which «1t-odiea all its rowers, rlr:h'-•• pr1-viler.es, and ~'er;efita.

The char•,.:- 1 ish' thirtet<r. diat1nct 'C'e>-ra of the tawn of Greer.belt nurn!>er1fll, amo~ others, thoee of llf'I'Oir.t 1~ and r811lov1n,: the tawn J:UUll.lfer, ot taxation, of r.aki~ pul::lic ir.-.rrover.:enta, ol' trar.a­portation, and ~he power of police. The last pro­vision under P~rs in trk char·er readsr "To have and exerdse any and all rowers that are now given to municiralitiea. except the City of Bal t ilnore, or that may be given to them by the general law of the State of Y.aryland or that are or ~y be riven to municipalities in Prine~ George's County by the local law of the State of Maryland."

Section 4 of the tawn charter, under the htiacing "The Cound 1", reads: "Except a& otherwise pro­vided in this charter all powe~s of the Town shall ~e vested in a Council of five members nominated and elected from the Town at larce in the manner hereinafter provided.

It tihould be clear from the above that the powers of the Town Council are both real and broad. AIJy idea that the Council is just a rubber stamp outfit. devoid of all power is erroneous, mis­leading and calculated to do the comnunity harm.

OM other i'ac•or ~hat '-.)" hoa'fe had tOIIMth~r~ to do w1U'. 11JP.1Ut¥ ir.tereat in the election of last !•~el~a)' 'IIU the a"*enoe e-f" fOl it !C&l li~UMt ·~01.iflecl .-tth tho •id .. r.....S beHef H·.a"t, all ciithor.a her. •re ::-.ore or lNe •like - that one h u t:otid aa &: otl-,er. The 11iea h-.. ;e:-e hht! 1r. Hu1 :::irA$ of ~ny o!" our ·i~ile·:~-1 ~all: it :"t"al:Y cloo.c:·, 1 t ~-ake

:-•1ch ~:f~ar'"~''"' ..-ho ra+..a ele-•.e-di :hat all fohs h~ar·• are j:COC• r . .o~t>Gt ;•o; !e1 .:O&T<'fully ir;re&tica~ed &;-..;! , .. ; "C'.Ade

;:Je(;; ~·e ~he s-.all :·•rc~t:;tat" of r .. r~at~rl!<! TO~ere, ~t,e ,·\t lte'..S of 'iroer;t .... !t a!'e. tc r.. CGI1.t'r&t...Jated

;;prm "\e:r ·)wi·.·e of ,..ou:--:·~1 !'", .. ,.:.,1"11. !t ia hor.C •t.at, •ft•r. ~):A ~-.7"f0r'~~A"- ~!' ;-q,;• ic i; .. fl• !or. it~ • C"Wtl

affaire i.e tetter "r,.!eratood, ftret:.l~}elt cit.ht!fl8 •~ ll ta~e a lerur rert ~n the &tllent ion of those .-ho are to tefJresa:;~ t'-- on .... A r 1' i' ~~ao iitwt.ii "-fi• bO~C • •


To tt-.e !d i tort It •s t:o!.nted out in an editor ~1 last. wek

that •ror tr.e aecocd tiDe wi t.h!..n 30 dA~;a, a ajor accic!er.t ha:: occurred to a Greenbelt. ~.· OUr poir.t th~a wttej; is t..'~Jat theae buasea have been 1n two acc~cer. t.s too r.Jm''• -How, it's h:!..t;h tu; to atop this .onkey busir.eaa. We dor. 1 t want Greenbelt citiuna u.d Greenbelt bua-:es 1r.volvod in such unnecessary accidents. And tho::- are u.•mecessar:t. !!ott accidents, aa ft.r aa 118

oan learn, rusubed from pure oareleaaness. Grecr:be 1 t busses cross the 3&0 and Olpi tal Tran­

s: t trl\cks at Eenw;,Tl 47 times each day. We'll vor.~t.n a t:uess that accidents to Green­

belt busses ir. wLch people were injured ir. rela­tion to tr.e total nu=:~r of busses runnint§ out r.ere ( 7) is far t;ree. ter in terma of percer~tage or ratio than accidents res\lltir.L ir. injuries imolvir.g all other busses opere. ted by Olpi tal Transit (several hundred).

Perhaps this guess of ours is not anywhere near the true facts. Be that as it uay. However. 118


Drivers, be alert& Watch those railroad and street oar crossings; • tch those thoroughfares; obey the regulations; open thoa~ doors at croasinga, before proceeding.


Rae Sowell

Page 4: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

I {JJO<!ts' Comer I Cne o!' Au.'lt Mary's ().l.r~;. l:ar:: Llo::C. i'iillis)

favorite poems is -- TI:e ?i::e :Tee. Pce'~r~· i.&.s meant a great deal to Aw:t lola:·;:. Thru tl.e ;·ears Jl8.1lY of her treasured poe::-.s r.ave been recited to her .t'rier..ds in their h0r.l6s or in her own home now on Crescent Road. *n:· an EIVednc has been ade joyful, DII!Ul)' an ever.irl{, full ar.d complete as Aunt ll&ry has recalled quietly her livint; and vital poetry. And to th!.a 1:any a friend is indebt­ed tor hie love of poetry -- "the basis of all culture", as Aunt Mt..rj· r.as sail!.

the Pi.u '!"ree by I.e i'h Eamea

Wbene,.r I ca. to an olt! p!ne o;ree, SOI:I8ti:ir-G lNJ;a ovor a::;! tali;s to ::10 J I teel iq bn&th ar.d I hoar it ait,h As a pille tree will when t:;o wind t,OU by. I he&T it tell how ~:.e eons j.Al::t LUte r!tJ::lu t.!·.a.t •vc iz:. a Cif:'lc! of £r"U;;;;

!!ow ti;o ator=.~~ ti.at wre;;tl•d ar.t! :;-~.i a::d *t Have C.llen &&leer at a ;;i:w tr"'' foot, Ar.d ti·.en'• al•;·s a til~..-!..,:; •.;.-,. wt;1aren cea:ao. Al•y• a :a.z:~:t' of cool .:r~H-r. t-'"~• Al•ya ti-o ccul:-t t:-.at a 'J-.~::.._ ORil clo ;'!'.at :-.a~ cr!r;« t:.o oaru .• t..'•t :.a~ t!OO.:~~ t.t.o ··~·.

!t ~i•e1 a trtm~ .. ·t"

C'~>r a !:-of< .. :::h.:·.d ·•ow, A;-.ci aottlo:; ci.:J~rr,

!r. a tA~·.~p:- ;:.o(Xi. ~..e ·~-roo:._, g#Oo;-,t; ~:·,

A:A blows :.:~ ::o~,;.r i)lce

rrnrn wlk • t-ee' then you brN ~-... deep wi t.h j~

And look aro'1:".d Yo\i aee &r&en, ere!\~ &rass

tr'on t.-.e t;ro,..~..'"ld. You 1 ooi.: a.:-;.<! s'le the

St~uts a0~ trnes, rhe ~ ~rds e:.d flawtlra,

· T'!-.e clove:- a:-.d ~a.. You look up int4 ar.

Alure t:l~ ai:y You see c 1 o·.;ds r: oa ti:o(;

A..rd IIL'1 fly :.r-t; on i-.ie;~ .• You ::arvel that all of this

iias caL'IIt true, But the Flaoe i• here

ALd so are you. Oh. •Y it A:eep ita

Gentle e;race ~ia lovely Greenbelt,

This beautiful ~la=e. Mrs. c. ·;. Southern 3-B Rid6e Road

T':l:RD EJ..RE!J\ Tv BE AP?C:li:'~D Greenbelt Consumers Services, Ir-e., hns been

oonductillg an ir.tensi ve .;earc!'a of Sal timore and n&shington for a barber capable of servint; in our model Barber Shop. Considerable difficulty ia being experienced, as the 35-cent, 25-oent scale of prices limits the wage which can be paid for the services, and G • ..::.s. will not ccnsider nullii'yi~ the value of ita excellent shop equipment ~ pro­viding an inferior barber.

In the interest of providing the best possible service to all our citizens, the Barber Shop re­quests that those -who are able use the shop before 4 P.M.

COUNTY NEWS When Mayor Bessemer asked Town Manaber Braderc

to get out a flier informing the residents of Green­belt what the truth was in the controversy over pavme~t of the hi6h school teaoher, Mr. Braden is reported to have eta ted: . .

That t::e Federal &overnnent had a Stlj,n.:lat::.o:: in the deed of grant for the hi&h school ~.:c~ caused that land to revert to the Federal goven:­me:n"; if the land s:1odd ever be used for other tr.a::. school purposes.

That u.'1der Jlar~·l&nd law the County could ::c: aooept such a deed without an act or the Le6ialat-ure.

!'hat while idinc for a the aohoola, rtwoke this entire burden.

the present Administration waa prov­lump aum in lieu of taxes to pay for a aubae1uent Administration co· .. :.:

order a:1d le&YO the County wit!: ~.o

That an Sept.o::~ber 2 7, a liiiiJetillt o!' tr.e Co~.:.:;:;, Sohool Board w1 th FSA, the Greanbel t Town A ttor -ney. L'ld Mr. Kline 0. i\llnttr, .lsa t. Ufl.nag(>r, woe.: l : be held in uarlboro to lay plc.e tor the clui;':­OAtion of ti~ situl~io::.

Dorothy Yi.Ridor

mw:::~ A."-<:OfUTION !l~PI.CTS S!r0!-.1' P'Ut.I-rlll! SURS.! Mre. l-'re4 !. PreU'fu, of 9-L Rtc!«e Rod, !uta

jo1De4 the etetr ~t.t the ""lth C•ntn •• the Gren­belt n-•ltb Aetoet•t1oft't e.eon4 tull·t~ nurt~. ~>be 11 a l.ncN~tta ftUNe tr\ tb .. T@rftl 1'1111"11 Of n­~er1enell ~nd 1• ··~etsllr rttt&~ to ~td ~. r~~­~1~ D, ~re!ldRt~l, ~~o ~ct"l1%~t 1n ~ur~~~~ ~~1 ~:mecolo!-"y, ~ w:bo= abe ~118 1>e•n !1U!~nel u ~~~­e1ahnt.

In 1~~. efter ~nd1n« two and onf!-hlllf ~~*'~ in t:-P.1n1n« et ~~" Lutheran !bspltel, !ork, ~;,.~.,

l•!rn. ?tei!fer took !'!11r six 1110nth11' Afr111t!t1 c t coun" · 11t Cook· Co•.mtr rlo11;"1tA1 1n rh1rtUro. ·14·~~~~­th#!lt' !ltu!!t~" ••1"8 ecmplftted the tf"'1n1r.r. :lM"II­

Ul'Y to ~«~M e «t'Mu\e aaJ"H had 'bHD nntf'.'lt-4. Mt .. r eocwl,.ttM ber "tntntng, Mre. Pfeiffer re­

•etn•d ~ ~n~ one-h~lr y&Al"l •~th the Coot fo~~t:r !klq~lt4l •h~rtt, fllhe flltt~ted, tb.ey bn-11 thoU!UUld8 Of plilt1ent!l ~>t~ch ~~,-. Ther- fllht Wl!S fiUpo&rT1AOr of ~he Ojl"l'11t 1n;: Mot'l finer .u; fmcb r&cetn-4 menp1u tra1n1~ 1n d~li~•rtes (the dellv•ry room wa!l con­nect~ rttb t'le OJ)ftrflt1M roo.), tracturec Md ,;a­e rel 11'\1~"17.

It •a~ 1n Chlcft«< that she ~rrted Nr. Pf•1ffer, Th~ ~.-ed to ""·eAbl~ about thfte '1'!ar& :ti!O. ~rfll. Pfetffer'e first DUretns duties 1D We!lb~­ton bPII:IlD in the ~r Of 1~6 WbiD abe I"IUI 1111-

ployed b)' Chtldren'5 Ho~ttal there. Aner t!'!llt abe 414 saae priTet~ duty tn the e1ty.

Yr. Pfeiffer 1& SUJ)erlDtt!Ddent or the SttllrS and Roebo.Jet Wlll't'bo~ ill Wesb~OD. Tbey boe a two elld one-halt year old son, Frederick, :Jr.

T!ll:lR R3«lV!D PRoW YRS. ALIUf CARSON'S IRIS'!' Mre. ..Uwy~t 1. Carson, ot 18-T Ridge Road, "as

operet&d upon for tbe removal or a tumor on th~ right wrist lest Saturday atternoon by Dr. l'ranc1s D. 'l'hreadg1ll at the Health Center.

J. W. BURAE liAS TO!lSILECTOWY 1ft!Des v.·. Burke, or 35-D Ridge Road, UDderwent e

tons1lectomy lest Wednesday morning at the H~alth Center. Dr. :Jemee H. Early of Washington, who is a nose !!lld throat specialist, pertomed the operation. While the hospital rec1lit1es at the Health Center were used, it was Dr. Early's own case.

!lrs. !.'enjo.rnin Rosenzweig of 4E will leave with he:- sons Martin and Richard for a vacation with her parents in Mount Vernon. New·York.


Page 5: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

'!'".e Beat lAid : 1!1...-:s•-':o ; Cl'lft'!" ..., .. "f::-:: o:· !1.~· ••·•• '"'

ca.~ a~r.: tr"&(ed:; i!! :-.... •! .... ·:~o~ 't if u~,.

tots a.r·• :1.c~ ca-.~ ~~:ltHj to :·~&.\'T." t!to hi;:hways or ;r,,o·."~<:>H to ~1n:: e~" walks, e.r.d in ? lay areu. "!" ::- r. 1\ ~ o. \"''I i l ";!: fl i.r: .. cq~·Jity r.:icr. dev: ;:~e,l "..'., W'rl:.:3 1\:'.J U!;•

der:pa:I:INI ~q" th;, ~n!'n~. ···· r..4 :. ::; ::,·:-e prEtc!o~-UJ ~~ ·.1~ t::.a..:. o·.:- ·: ~. ~ ... -~-~--::- ..:·· 1 !ti­TGn•, ir 1\\d~:,~:; J.!' :-:.-f. n.~·._-l '!2~"'":--f~!\\e _ _~• ... , r.t!l !i~~:r ~C-'0~ 1 "'!"'3. ~-~~ .. ! i:~:;;~~n ~~:-">! • .. :·.Jn:-

cf '--t."'lr~n;.flrth.! •,t' -.~~)t ~-.+-- n~··. C!: ·~·- ri f'Oild. -:"i~---~ ~~~ t:··! ~-t ~1~J .,. ~ ~ ~.'·:_ _ :1 · ~-,: ~- r.:-:_~nr ~1··~& ..,.~ !:-~(' ::~~;~: t'J:"' ~ :l~il!'t;: ,, :- ~:~~';.~!:.!_:::,i:tt;.~ :'ta:t_! l i~~.

~"'·f --~ ... ~ :' .. 'i -"'~

Nature !lote--"!:lc:: \':'dew s::!df':-~ Ill"•· !"ar.;r,:-:~ in A-'bloc:ic. .,,.,. l:cpc sc:::.e pt:'·: ic- sp.ir!t<>d citizen ~ol".v:~·l·~·:r:; a~ c!':·t!C~ :vu :>ro­grf.U:l of riddar:ce for ti.eoe i!:l::!·,•rous pests.

the !.!out:: o!' ?abes--;·,:,e:: a scr.:bed t:~at tiny. l::a;:e nLost-in", we r'elt sare ovors-:ated; as no7. CY".'

ever oe, in one o~ the~.

:;;~ year old de­of car as a

t::at the case was a mid~et could

Beef ala mode--It look~ as if ?arents in Jreen-. belt look forward to R lifetioe of ~elief frOI!' c~ild - trahi:'g, with a nice new generation of i'just-growud" kids in the offinc. The hope that a course in parer1t~

tra:d~ r.ll be i:'lchded in :•oc. Dodson's 9Xoellent adult eduoat:or1 procram.

·;,; at so !!'oudly ;TP Hailed - - '?reen'bel t 1 F 1'i vic cu::sc:o~s·:(•ss. :'his l:ttl.-. town has a ::2~·~· h: t:-:e way of a dis:·osal j'la.~t for •.. , rut-~· ish !l..'1d SE'ft~e wt~ch d~~char.':eS all t':o sewa,~e of :=ree::C.,e lt practically !'! t to .!r:!"J;. ::.c.:.de:-:tally, all ;-:a.rbe.re i~ ;...;~~.t'C i:: t!·li' l::J.~c !'·_.:-;-.a~P nt the dis• · o~:.; :-ln.:::.. ;:o \\"!~e:-.oe nll thtl flies? ::-. ::11'·!':· 'J'·.c<le~ - - assistn~:t to Town

· .--····r ~·:1:c<n~t a~:-: l"•'Sf•'::sible for. the ::u·...nr'L r:"t·: ~l!:': .,. t.,.!~ir~s i ~- !:le.",' :>e ~he sour oar:.:. '···:··~•;,,:.uts a..::d ruc~.t:·.onds n l:.::liflC ;:~rurr(l;~.

~M" ::-. ·o ·l·.e ;-.. ~.~ ~~~.. ":' tl!l." • .. :wo

~~1toriAl offic~s

:-..ore horeee have :'.;,:-ca !"cr ;~~rol ~t ! "~ -~ ~co -: ~;o ! <:: ~ .--o

7*'.--.·,~~~ fi .'· ~ ~ .'":PG~

-~, ... ··," ;~>~: .&..: '~--~,~··P:··~ a'~

.. ~~an· .. r~~~~

r:. A.- ----;""it.'"'':.~. Ar: o···~:"·~--.--.• ·o-- ~r·r:h\·

At:~ \~~}. ,.:·. ·1:: '"!: e-: :~i'l~ :"'ft:'!~-.: .. ~.'4'l:-~ ot~ o~~=­;:-e··;~ '-c~ ... :"-_,-~~~.

f •. ~. A.- :·a~. ""rfk~i~ A!:·.i :~·rn· :o,., :.ct Fro:o~ "r-•!:i•."- A .. r.!:~~·.-~{:, *"ho "'h·~ .:-e~·.ce Stores h:n-e so t.rra:--.;:ed.

c.:; • .:.-and not ::G. :id ti::1e.

o::su-~a:- -is·r~:·1:~on '.:o!"_:ora•ion C!l:::i-:~ :,oes ·:ai.:ewah:, al':ho :-'e

sa.":!!e la:.t issue a•. !o:.n.- •o ;-ross

its produc>: as free :'r-:Jl:: print, or e~·en hur1orous.

defoc•.s, fit to

GIRL BORN 'ro GAP.N1ffi8 A girl tl:lS born to !.!r. and Mrs. Holmes Garner,

ot 9-.A Ridge Road, last Friday evening. Dr. Fran­cis D. Threadgill was in attendance.

Page 6: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

~··!f"p~t,': ,. t;r ... -·! ..-i' ·:.J: P-:_.!,'ah··.; ·"~~- .. -:· .:; :t'r •:.•- a .. "i ~ .. , ~ ~:... ~!··"'·:.~· :· .· ..... - -.~ ... ·!

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::.-:: ~ .-:r ...... . • .................... to •••• A,.

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il1":!tu:s ~~ :c~-if~~!l ............... <tlttt•••·!ic•·i'\r-~ : ... ~.,tar Oto~~b•~t Stot•1·············•· J. Y~:~:1A·~o~ I•Alt~ 4\•§t~!~~;-=~ ................. ~,.!'·lA~ Sr::-.:: :-~~Q:" ::~ ~!::t'!f .. ~ 1 .&~~·~~~A~!~& ....... :_~~.;!l<t 3-·~~tt J.'-::~~9, 7!r-. :~r~:-!-l:·o;;.~ ........ T9-:--:~.~:: :r:~ -: .. .a·-.:.:a:

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~:·< T!.A f: o! * ~ ~ £ :-('~.t~,Y' ~t: ';'Co-o:-.~ f:-a;.~~i b•ellt tA~ : tT~;. ;{..;i€E;

ltrw. JeA:. l.nG:•9~

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Jo~T:""-.al!s~ "c :a~:--. _...,,. -r:·p. .v:.-Ai:"fl!t: --~,-<: -: -~~~.

a~.:es a-~·~: -:-:-r·~-~~'"~2-J~ ~.~ .. -_ ... ,.g- 't·('~;·~~~·c::r·, '1~_\·i·:..,.:-;:.·

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r..all s ~. A r-11r _._ ,f"',-: ;.( ~·.e:: ~ ""!~~ • ~-c.; s ·•· , Q; r ~ l-'9:~ " ,.-;,

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·A· -:J-~es<~J ~f''"·~:"..r,S -:M .::•tit~·~ ;·r:~~ .. · .... ,. .. ~e;-s

·of ;-\it-!:c !r;'teres~ ~~·~ ·-.~lfa:e •~il ~!so ~ ... ,:-c.:"~-

s i dererl "-.. 1 a~· ee 'lto:-•• "'l"e a~e Ills') rlfl-.:-.i:.r a ~e.r~es: ::· '.-~: ;c ;:-":··:­

"':!t·:~~~s. -:"~ese w~ll •a<e "he ~or: cf !:)ca: ":al~-.~~

re.~'.·al!\ 0 and, pou~'>l1, <>f lec~· .. res ~:-' !ea.:i:-_,; j.:>'--irr.al is· s.

A!:-t • r: :-.a 11:.•, we ~ lan to ro·.;:-...:! c ~~ • be'~ :-.ore scr< -:.lS ~-~rs ;i"'s w:t~ a ~o---... ~1:: :"""A~:-ea·:~:-..u! : :--o.·:--c .• ~m.: .. r the ex:-erienc&<i lo11:~er-s~.i:: of ~n. ·eo!".·e l'ar::cc>r.

•t:e ha"e a -.. ·~ i~:ftss ~e~4 • i~·.,- ·~e ~~-':0!'.~ "!•"e.:~~e~-:a.\·

of each ~o,·t!-:: ·~e .'o:~r:-.alis' :~ !:'e=-:i:-.ar :s ::;:: ·he fo•.Jrt~ ;"iec-:esde.:: starL:~g in :'c<:o"er, bo~h ir. ~he .:::ooperator offiee, a~o~we ~he Jru~ !:-:ore. ~!ft:e! :,or o~her a.-~ivi .. ies w!ll ::e a!:::o·:ncec as sol':! as de~,.=-­

mined. Agair., the Journalistic ;;lub invites you.

::;:u:::!;H::..r.s COCFSF.ATffi FIGHTS BO'.CO'l'T Residents of Greenhills, the Greenbelt of Ohio,

:;ear :::.~c-i:-.r.ati. have been threatened with the lose r::· t;~eir :obs if they support their Co-op store.

:- ::::.s :'ear ~ar.:raign was sponsored by "Forward .*.::~e:·:.t;a", a trade :l&f':&t!r.e devo·ed to the bte.:-~a'"ll o:· :::,1efe!:i":O::t marcr..a.nta. lJnsi~neQ }etten, U::der ·~e:.:- le··e:-head, were adcr6ssed to residents c: ·_Lo ;:ro,'ect, su.· ·es•.:nr that they cease tl:.eir a,­·:·.-:t:: i~ th~ Co-op. pointing out tl-.at s·.;ch act:-::­:-:;;~~ ;:-:-o,·oice the diarleasu.re of t!:eir eplcyen a.:~.: .'flv;:-~u·>iite ":heir .'o~.

Al ~ ho•Jrt. or.l;· about 300 of the expected 700 :·:J.­. :-:::.es !-.ave !"O\"ed !!"Ito their t:ocee at GreerJ:!::~, ~!:eir t-CCf"':"l~ i'f"~ store 1a alrll'e.d)' reported tc ·:tl <!o~:.r a .,.,£ly ~·.:t~i::eu o!' a!-out 11,200. ·

:-n.sre ha-re ~etu: !ft rroteat.a such u tha~ : ro­_'ee~itod ~-y •;;-o,.....rd ~riu• whiah po!r.t~ o;:t : •·-A· p•h•~~' •~chuuden &!!C r"~&:lers ali~• 'll't>re lo.t ::.;­::·.:.-: ;::o.::,; ·" ~r. ... ~.>·<>~ .:Ifi 11houll!, theroforto. t>:;{:·<~>fl ~~. :· ;:; '-'"·!~r••o-ooe, ~owo:>.,.er, t.hat, lut Ser~•=­~·r. • ;.,~·.or o!" f'!'"<J~~II"- D.f l~(e-1! w1th Sto<'r.e• . .a:-_. o: A,rs-~.·--!~·.>re 1111al:arf' by tba ktional Utor~t~o:: o:' ~ .. ·.~~~ ~r-o(:•NI, c~tlainir,f of Uw -CO>-()p ot~M ft~ (;:-o,:·!.,lt t-:'1! darr~r-( •sutl_14y•.

;;--o.,-;,-~.,.!~ n., ~-h\il :-ar lartely ••c:•J"'*! 11.;..-·

".;.1"4'•·,.--.;~ .. :c~ ~--~~c• •• M"t"f l;-r. 1'1•1tor! "Jf-.o.t ~,e:­f ~· ~ er ~01C o! .>r••~,Mlla. ':'hi• •1 b.- c!u.e. ~~­$1111~. ~0 'tho :"ad ~hit~ ~f·<?·,..__._~ur~t)· o!" r..-r -o:•.;~ .. ~.~ 41""<' !:GT'<':0'-~:19~~ c>:-j:lQ)""'CJ"• it .. ~· l:•l1•Ted 0 f,Qiii.,.,T«>T


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~~.,. "'r: -e.~o ·a..~;.t;~r~· tt~.t.ii:~ ~~.~ ·their r d: ::-- .. ,~ -~ ~:: .. ~:- \)"&;; •t;J4 t:'lat they ~;;::-r-c• ~:r '""t-.,9:·~ - \.Q.; ~-

~r :c:~·C"Jct 1

cc~! ~ :.. :--._;:.c

7~:.A": ;0;.'0.- .... ~.::-.-: ·~·-r:..,·a~.-1:·· 'J'WT ... ..:• s~:-:-nr t:·

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9t;~\.,!'r.:~£ ~ST..S~ fJ}r' ff"4~~~-r-4ll;r i't.f "!;"~~re f-,~~$t~~ .. ~ s----r-.tA ~n ~+$ ~·--rS~<-r~rs.. "t:~o ,-.or:4~ ;.-·~-o;--le -.t-./~ ":''&.,t~ 'he ~~~s~~:c. ... ,('.,. c-C a:-:--~ ·,_·~~ '";--o~~ ~·-c·~' ~·t~.,.

Lx T·'?~ . .s: Cl-~ £T~·:·..,.::-:~a A.:o-:.r: :·l~r :t~­.,ta:--,~ ... ·''"f' :;~~'Vi~~ :;Y'~~t ~ ~ :o

?A_~ .. ,. Ad

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$4:§.00 . s.<x 3.00 "1: ')< .._ .. ~ ....

tz.3' ' 59.56


GREE"bLlt RtpRE:'$E. .. t ... ~iH BOB WHITEMAN - 'B -HILLSIDE


THUR JORDAN ccfi#RNv COR. 13 & G STS. NAT. 323Z

T l


Page 7: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU


A Fair View Of Events

When an orrar.izat:ion o:· ::a~ :vr.al S\'0pe, and burin( the respect ar.c ac:::iratio:-J of citizens of our 1

,1nitee States, such aa the ?loy Seoata o!' .&me.r•

· iea, a.dorts a prorru af!~ect! :JF the social aJid political life of the co·.mtry ~ :'eel 1t our duty to r-.y he&c!.

The National Rxeeuti .. Ccrrittee of the 5oy Scouta joined with n.rio'"a lat~r. rt!l ir:o<a, wel­fare rroure in adortir,.-: a ; ro.-ra.:: of ·~·- !onal Re­de-dication" with the r.· r.eral r·.;q oat' in r::r.-d of rea-.lt:tmirot thfl ~eriC&.'i :ititot;r:.· tc the r.eud. of fint. r.cornhin(, lM extf'llt or liberty and d~raey t'njoyed in ~rica, and te~o~. r._l1&ln( the need of tai.:in,: etttpe to proteet that rruod<:~~: and d«:ocraoy.

I :;h,"!Jlcl at thit tiace in~rO<bc• r.)' sut-.••<'t of lhh -t>it 1 a coll&:lll wi•fn • ~·~otat~on f~ ·u:.\' ~~Uy ~ounal of the ~01 S-co1.<ts of A~<•ri~.

•i>ero!"r&ey 1fl :n -:~~.(er ~«•:r hrr•l:.· 1:-c.·a·.u• :'lt>f:

4U:ci wu:en !U''t0 1r.aor&nt of their C:JWn rri'r~ lo( .. a.rlll rur-or.-niliti.:. ':'h.t! cllo~tcn aft · ••:·::·..: ~het !her. !I t.o Uft' htt ln 4t'l!':....,cracy. J.r• ~h•y r!r.M, :!ow ~'lch 4o ~ri~&nll n,.. a~Otlt t~ 1.1' f~<lli 'l"ill thPj' pt.&r,c! ·.;t· a:,;! ·~~ co·.;::~O<! ~o:- l f~erty, 11'!11 *My

fc;r(ct. ~}:oi:-- f~l~~ :c•l H:""forq~"-•; to f'""'*"',.,.. St1 ·~~l thor ~~- ro!lt~~~ib~l1tl to ~~lp ~- ~~ra~r ~(foe~ ! T•! y x-\;;.,_e ': ~ CQ j• ·

• :~ ~- !~;-·c~a,:~t ~:~t :a._ ·'"~.t"" -'t~~C'!'5 ~ ~ rr..s i:·• a._;:,s,.-,.;.-~_:. ~-:-or·'":a::~ ~-,;:- A;;,():--~--q;~. ~~; ,.,r~-.::t. :'"ar -.:; f'n-~;- ... c ~~:"'-~.~..,(: ::·..r .r.(i- ~tj\"Q <!.8r.:·!':<"'~C:. !,; . .o:.~,.P ~-... (;~ 0!'" r.~.h9f"w i;-..;, fi: :a. ''"7""':'.$: a a

~:~cnri t fr~. A\!'":.5 ~;--~ ~-,. ~- ir)· ,~li- ~} ... • ~'*t ~-~~;a! t·c-

C~:.r~."- ~t"':~~ ·~~'!':->;-..A! ~-n;."·~~:_,...!'.."-~-.:.r. ~ooj,~ ~e ''-:·~~-; .. c-. o*.~·.ttr t;~ ..:-nl" 'II'~ -Io~r:--,~~.1~ 4 : ~tt··c~ a~: ,?-,.rJiCf) .lll",r;

'{:·P • ~t:Tc> it'. "~_, ;-n~~~~"-rll."' ':J~ ')~ f•~~ ; ··.::: ~:, J; ?": .. , .t.J ~:­

i-Tv-~lai& •t•i:~ ~h~ t~r nf ~~~ .. ;r~._l o.i :·r9e4'* 'o vr.lte .n of clhefret:.'\ raoes •• of'Hills: t~ H\.U8n the 4en-"'H"4s 11rt.il:-'-, ~~ ~·;.,o• ·~--~ ;z:-;,~t ~; ,. r"'T' :r: $c ;,:u: P or. ~-!-te ; ~.It~-:-: r! ~ :· · a~:~ ~.:--~~ : !lr't: ~ -;, i\4~~~~s .g ~ ~he ',~.'"~:·,-''..al.•

sa..,~ .' • r.a t. "leiAt:r::-..A: ~R<!•r.!i .... ll,._!or. ~~-r~ .. r.R ~'!''"'~::­

tn-t Wl)tld t<X!.a:t• A w>e-'! •~r•re:-.t -".~r. ~.hA n<>fltd (.' f raCial ·aM

r•t!o:.a! hA~rP.~t~ ~Jcr• ,..!~t~~rl~·1 ;·."- ~r:.~<' ""-! ;.:_ t' r ~~.-~a:"'~~ ! .. (,r thP: ~N~ 1---~ ... --.1\l r-~ ;o~ :c • ifJ&. A:-~~ w~~~ .. ~!'-tl!r- !s H.P !'/"tctacle '); ~:v.e~. ca'7'~;.~:. 11:-.l s":~ir.~ "'ll;T•

:"arf', ~a:--riOO on ·-~~~er ~~.P. -~~-!:-..:·.{1 t~ n" ; :-p*;~,.~-~,

,~~racterhee by har'::>ar~r bloodl:w:t, rc·cor,tt~, ... as it&

T".e ac!dit:c~ of lb-. C..nillP r. !:c: lc~r.a to u-.e a':..e.ff o!" t:-... Greente!t !>rut; !:tcre r.as ':;et•r. anr.o~~.:-.coJ by ·t-.e G.: • .:.

lilr. ::o;k.na. of A:-.:-.e.;olir, is a .~rac!~~e of the ~_:::ivers~ty of J.tar::la:.d Schod of ~;ar::-.ac:.-, ir. :lilll­tlJ;.cre. ::>ur:.r.( his four years at t!;c ·.~::iversit:;; of ~r:•land he estat;l.:.sho..i hi.z:.solf as a leader on the campus.

Since the tender r.ge of twfth-o 13-. ~opkir..s ~.tu worked in a =hannacy. t.~sistil'lf his tatt.er in ~Le latter's drug store in A.n_'\&;:olis. Yr. ?!o;:i:h: 1s brother also owns a ph~~cy.


the Greenbelt Camera Club wishes to anno1.111oe the exhibition of the photograph£ submitted during their recent Salon. 'ftle pictures will be displayed in the meeting room above the drut; store and will be shown cOIIll:lenclng Monday • Sept. 26th for two weeks. 1'he public is cordially invited to view the exhibit.

,:e: :::.,ra· .. :, ·: .... : ... !; ·: .... ti:"'S, wu:::en a::c ·r":iJrt<n." "So if li~ .. r~:: is .. o live, it r:ust find life and

~rowth in th~ ~ir.i~e-d SU.tea. '!'hon the iJ!dividual a.sk11 ~\IW it iB tc ~e dontt, &J!d what he ea.n do."

"::e ca::,~<' ~~tf'ir, -.i~h, r;laC. ara!n ':he Declaration o;· ::ldef•J:A!•··~·" •u-.i ~ll@' .:~r.:o:ti~~ticn. :r he be of or:' ::-.a r:, :u.-:-:::-.-r ··ue, he 'rr: 11 find no d i ~"icalty i:-. -.;r•l·.- ··,·sLt't~i·.r ~t:~ s~;rrrP!tsion o!' liberty by ~:•i:·r !ift,•~.;G, ,.,r ~ :: •b., :c!::bt ··~t.!•l in Harlan Co~iy ur ~y ~h ... -.as>:~ ~"tlters v!" -en i!'l 7a:":J'4lo He will :10~ ~~· .!-.en:·.-.: 1:.- ·~.01u -.!'.o ;:-rate of •A.-ric&::i.-.• o.r.d v:c>lah 'tl\e rYana.ntioo or lit>.rty em lfh1cb ~<':'"~·'0. 'J!IIl,$ : 'L'".do.ie •

2')· ~!:o t ::·en • '.i; :v>..:-.:. :-<>,.:hos the readon: of -.r .... :,~ol~ Ja-,··-:"'!\•·:.- :"'a:: "••• :-•.,~ehtld • further t~ :t:•1nn ··:--·:·;~ ,....._.;.' !" alr.,~.:y o~ ~.he 1'$rch ~~h 't!-..t ~ .. r,, .. q..,. ~-.:,·o"""'~~e IW!! ac!::tirat:.ly """'l'al80US 1 t •• !- en!:!';~•li)VAlcia, 1\:".t. o~ U~e •H,i:-..:ot>lt of ,,..... 't•u~~·. S· .. ch • <!•··ol.of'C='Or.t ·~Nl~ ~Qolt rro~t>lJ $>!actt O'.e ll~i..et of !:.<Jilt 7".4k_~or !;.o:"of"Mr. f'<J"A on· H.o ~ .. t'Cl•!"~•l4 1.~ • r-o:~,....q ~~r-.;ttl• ~or 4~ntoy fl.:·,t 7'or'• ~~ ... ~ .... ~:-..; i•l( o:" a.:-oOwr wt>rlc1 _, of tr­~!":4<'"...S t!9"at~.-~ ion, 00<1 •Md; WlluH ;o.QJU~r or z.t.r <!:--a• ?·.-:- :c.;.;:~r:- on •.o t~ ~ri:-J o!" r-r~ ;~~·s-uao..

'IW\Y~l<! IL;rt:, ll I i~·.J<A• ~01!, l-,18"1'0 4r~.f!Otl _"tat \-~\J :t<M~{'r' q~_.!"" ~~0. ~r.r.·:'_,. it:o c! \,.,...0 ~ ... ~~ rt"!~~~!•.r:r.t !on., ~~ t;.!~a r.ec7!9 0~ ~t~.O ··,_q.t"~-~~.;o-~ ~A~~t'"':-t"',..t <""r ,-~ ..... ~~~

"-a\~ ~-.-~,e<~:<~ ~~-~~"· ""<·t""~" ... ,:(' ~~ "4,."'1..~~-~·n.r:"'"~"!c- ~-Q;""'"'~ 0~ "['·""'~~- .... 4l .... A. :~-. :v':' ~:--~~i--:~,. rt. !(;..,, ~":.":.,..~ll-.-•c--.~~ ~:-.t

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Jtr. 3-'ld ""•· i\oy s. Erade:'l left Tuesday tor several 'Hcka nc&tion in Xorthern Ja Yort and u;e l'tnr :l:l,GlA:-.d States. T::tq OXtJect to apeod t:;e last wook in So,?O:.O:ber in 5oa';oo 1\ttendint; ·~ .. a :nternatio:-.al City lla."l4.:er Corrrenti<m.



Page 8: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

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Page 9: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU


l •


11Rs. GREENBELT lf(V .. ti ~?" t ....... ·:, .... - t. ·•-·- ...... _,.) .I. -·

Due to •.mse ~ tlc1 ·,yen ~:.c::- C·."·.J.: ~: ons, t~e ·~otl~ors

i'wi.Et:ht Tea sched.1lej hr A.:-. '';.1 ;~-af-doorc a!'.!'air" r-1:; h;ld i;: >;!~c- 11chool 'l.•.;d· ... ::-:·.~ :·rida:l, Sept. 16th, 6r30 ?. M.

ThiJ f:::r;ar adjoi:::i.:"'~ t.~~ n-:~' ·:.:J!'~'..l!!l '1-t!:.:l -:i&e-:-rat­od lri ~h fall lMV('S of rl'<i, yellow, ·brow:-. a!~d CTHlJ:le Th~ tea tf'.1JlA8 ?rr~•-~ "''"'~·n:--ttd ,....._ '!-.h lOY·~lj' lnr-!' c1oths, and :::IO!lt n••.r!1Ctive ~b1~ '>oq·.:"tfi w: t~ :··n! low tO.j'flr!l ~flo!'!.::~· ~~.:-0\:~P: the flOWf·="~•

m~il~ rf'l!':-t'n~t~·'~ •_·:- wert' '.,:~-l se-""J"t:lJ• s~!"'t :Jtl"'ft.::'ls of acc?Jr<Jit)!: ~us:o Wl>rO CU;'!'!'es ~· J.lre ;.er:u1rd ::.-. ·~ i l·~.nn5.

e :H:.!.or' ll nor'.!! t".ert>ot'. . .,r,. :r ... ,.,~':<t>;! t '> t!lC: 9!:> ~-:.1U~,..r:. A5 t~,_-~~- ;rt:~:.:t.~~t'd i~ ~-h~· f~\;t~flt ·Joolc:.

Aft"'r t~·-" c-1n~to ~d !-.A-~ •:: ... '.:- f~ll. •.':t>':: -rto Jshortod i:-.to t:·:n a·ld· • --r~·.n, ,. .. ,,:-.,· ~-· ":: _r,. ~m!-ccnod A :::.<1r~

"-'r". Jfnrp, 4A.~~Qfi:S.

!'J ~Lo rresi·~fl!'d, 'U':s. ·:. :~....-t~:·r~ :~.

:::· ... ~: ~al ,-.d ·:;"'1\.':'ll\.! ... ;>r- ··~r'£: W'l\f, rr•wt til-d. ':.A!1l! ~r":J":·'.<'·! ·n.r,h:-. ':'ot~pU:-..Jt• ~llyn &:\<1 Ja~ ... "·,~.o::, ~ •• ,;- :!f!Ul1':1.l ~'"'! b !~ eolo

li!rl!. t·d11h ''A 1 ~P:- 1 V•'rt':;"f''''n<i ;y ~-~. \b.x !'.A;>~:> "·"""• •-...·1:,-,An,_.~ ,. •. .J ""·:1'!'tl\ .. ~ON--~~ • y'oV' ·;.,.~'lr,t ,.t """""j. ·. .. •

(o,l;;' ~.a:o.-, 1,.;::.! 1:,~--~ ~·<t!l~~ "1:~.!'"~.t._'!" ":ft~ ~~ -1l'r'-YOT

:-·.,ad i ~~ .. ~ M •

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~· !'"',. :~ -;:;.\·,.d:"" ... )\,,J~ ;. or rt ;f\ ~ ~~:---,~ .. 'rft-! l ·1-f,hi~:"·~~-!

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ti:!"c-.'1" ---~·- C)f \J:~. -~-.1\_t'"~~ ar..~~h t\1\d .... q~ ~~!q,l

cqr~·~ .. ~:•o9 ...... ,. tY.<' fl.t;~lstA~? ():· a•nre: .. !- ;lt .. .r.~:­

~bera of ~-···~ .. i;· ....

'lor.tor. ~~~ :f\r. rr~~."":1!·'"'~ ~-t:· W'9*'··· ~ .. c')i .... ,. 'le~.tr:t ,,. ahcrt~· "'he ~~+ ·-~· .. ::- ~:-""'=~"'~;iy ·~t-:~ s-::.r:'l:t!'\1· :;:•('r.­~lo:-~s !- •\-.~> lenc!:r .. r c<t:-flrtr•:-.~ s··,r"s• :Jre"~"'~

in the\r bes~ t·"", s.~,.. &t·'r*' owr.~rr. ~}~·- *".t.a:, 1•rarf.\

~~1fhA +,.}&} J-11\~ri)l.S, f'l)•:!to":j WO\":f>:, f~t:a:O~A-i .·,A

stores whero t".ei -.ero v·· .S":IY.',e<~ '.. • s\.,op. ':'hrj •ehievefi :r.u:h p1tU:ity ... o:- the dll::Vl:~!l o" •"-!'

r.lerka' u:.!or., h<;! &!I ~"" c·.:-:.;o hll~ no~ yet ~e••n aet•lltd it 1s ilr.po11s1b1~ ':..o tell who.:. t'~rtt;Q:- e:·­re~:t :.heir actiO!( t>.~tS t'.al! •

CAF.E 0F P.EFR!.iEFJ..'!'C?S Recent research in the refrigeration fi&ld h&s

developed certain findint!;a concernizlb the care of refrigerators.

Previous instr1..ctions given out by the ~'anage­ment offioe stated tt. t the residents should shut off the refrigerator and leave the door open while a•y OJl vacation. However, these recent findings disclose that it is mart> advisable to turn the control to "Ldii" and leave the refrigerator run­ning. This condition may poss1bly not exist rn i18W"r.achines, but since the refrigere.tors in Stir­vice here are not new, we believe it advisablE! to follow this advice in tlw future.

o. Kline Full!ler Assistant ~anager

BET'lER Bl'TiF.S CLU? NOJBS Tut>sday ever.illf, Sorter.rer 13th, lolrs. E-va r..Jalo

wn:; h·)Stess to the follow1nt l!lel:lbers or her VOUPf Uesda::les !tet>dy, Falla, Allred, Kelluat, Gemble. Thornhill, IUld ::raham.

This oft\& t'l~ first ~our meetinr, ot the new sea• son. The atudy or the Cooperatiw lloftlllent .a bcr,un and this ~:.1b_'ect will he pursued further 1A Lhe ~~turt> moetinca.

The hosteaa aer?&d refreshments inoludim« the celebl"'ft.tod Finnish "~lla" (coffee ca.ke). The uext a8(•tin.& will be held T-.1eaday Septeraber 20th, 8a00 ? • Me <it tJ1e hcae or Mra. Allred. Hu.abande int.r­c:;ted in tne diiiO'uB:l:Oil or ~ooperatift8 Ut: W&lO<aee

.\nether troup or enthudaatio "~tt"' buyera• h"\'1' .1o1Dod our rarJrt. The followir<(, •w.en aet at tho h~ or Mre. l..ob FuJ..er. 11Mnot4ay nid\t • ::"· tebt-r 14th, !'or t:-.ttir fl ret aeet1nt:• Meedulcs ·.-:~t-r, R1oe, llort:a.n, Moon, ~1M, CbrUtnliCD ~~,c, S~ohole, and Wolfe.

l.o~~11ut~rsh; p ()f the ... tiD« •• sh.ancS t\Jl..a>er and llr11, ~·1U1 !aylor 1:l th.- abe•no• ~ llhv; ·at.o -• p~.,.nte<t! f'r<a attond1DC 1 ~ lf>ton n r h .,r lC:M !1 dA w: h t.r.

by -·· of--.. bt the

14•. !HlAttr ll"d a d:aouniOil d U:e or1t::!n of ~),~> '"'1:11':-"r ::;,-,_., .. nt a..'W tt.o ••t-\lp e!' tr.p eerY\oe f~t.rn~ ~~.n;~p i~. 'rntt!·:~~lt. la'~. -:ra:,·lOT :(.AT~ a ehort o-t1tl!;_.n ..,J; •:•·,. ac-:·!~'\~ .. "1t.l o~ t.!·,o lOt:.nl f..'rt.l•..J.p« .:L~r::.( ~ ,P· ~ltlt:t ynfl_r.

'tr::. '"""~ f::::r\..C a:·.~ \.'::·N· "":·C~t.JJ~· ~Jf ·~-,~ ·~·n.r1t't·:.· ~t\ll"e

,:lJr.: ":r.p o[ !),n ". ""~• ~Tr ... .r~~~- in~-,: ;t!""}~ r:~ S!".QO~

in ..~·r J • .-;:·~: ....... : . ..:: f'\J~ q.Q ...... •·o c•in~ flt~ r'\! ~ .... ·,,"~ r-r('&ont 4.S

~~ t..:·.p :--~...,1~; ... ~ ·.·n ;-·or~!~ ,-~~ A ·. ,t·~ ~ ,.r...l~tj· S!~·"'r. t4r'4

<-"~""'" t~ •· -:;.r•r .':;~or f\." .:! ~ r n.a • r·; ~ ~ v f'::.-'i. .oaf ':!cr.· o.;;~nivn r'f tt ... r.:r(W'Jj ~.r.a~ ·~.,th f'T<a

t>·r 11ta~ro1~~~ r.f '«H)•X'~ &t.d healtJil-IH~ bet!Ar i:rt.de· ;.:· r ... ~ !l1l-t.. '"';""-•rQr~~.

,,~"t~ ~~-~- :.-:- :"if \fr·:"fM.n~t ;.:·-t:!lr'•

~,·--~ :~r"··1; .r,:.1 ~·p ~.e!G Rt Vrr. ;; l~e :·~1i, :"ut><'da.y :er~f'H~"(tr

~ -t..·~ d'~ ht_~ ; • 11.

~r. 4:,,.,~ '1:1. ~o.e: ~-'r~: .. ~· .. : .~: t't..~'~lttcr .• -:-~-..-:~~..:..-.

:-•r•:--.--s r-~· Vr. :._..eor. ?~· ~:"'i~~. a:-e -.r:&: t i~..r ~h.e ?·~:-~~i:.e~l "'.-e:.·,-r ·Q: .. · to S.flr&~~<)t.A, f!vr!da fo

ltr. ~t..r.d lira •• en.: Vaa: ~r.,. cf •'0-: ·~:- .. 5ce:-:t Road rt'• .r:.Pd a!'ter a s ::1- W!'«NII •·at:~t: ~:1, :r.rlud1r., s• ~:-:~-r ~·cir.t.s at Salt :.a:.:e ~~ty, Je:.~er. and St. ;_,y .. la.

Ji:-•• w::li&r.. ~laric .;;f Pa.lr.&s,·ille, Ohio, rot'.lrr.­:;~ tl' r.er h~:-:e after a ln!e..: 1fi •ia~t witt. her aieter ~!rli. :~e·0:. 38:,e:"iel.

Y.r. a~.d lolr!o .;. L. Piola:oy of l-B Crorsror;t. Road had as g.;eats la~t r'ri.day, '!'•Jrner of :ireen\::olt, lliaa Willia:. B•c~land, Ur. and Washinf~OR0 De Ce

Mr. and Wrrs. Eaward Dorot~y 3a~er, Mr.

!ire. ,Tohn !vat .a ot

Ur. and ~s. R. ~. Richter had Mr. ar~ Mrs. Van A. Potter of :;ew York aa guests for a few days laat week. !1~. and Mrs. R. 11.. Richter live at 3-B Crescent Roe.d.

:t.r. Charles F. Mellow and Miss Margaret Lynch, of Brooklyn, :i. Y., were the gu~sts of !.fr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Melloy 5.-G East'fl8.y during the wt'ek of A'J.gust 21st. Both were very favorably impressed with Greet:belt.

Page 10: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

T"rlE YOUN:;ER SET By Toni IAr:nore

Now that school bells have started to rin{;, haw do yo·1 YOWl(,StP.rs like k:i.ndergart&nt Is it u llltlch f\.m as yo'J. thout;ht it wo·lld be? i'fe hope so. We t.~so hope all of you nre gettin; bette~ aoque.inted ~nth your little Greenbelt neic;:-bors. It will be a lOr'-( ti.JIIe before those o!' o·lT a.t~e a~d diGnity start to school. But when we do, won't t:.e teachers be buay?

~ittl~ Olokie Silver ;rese~~~ ~r.e you:~es: baby of t.r.o week, !:Jo.J{:lns iTilliar. Sil'V1)r

1 bo~ Th·J.TsJay

at 1t.rfield 1:cs;ital. JieJ...."ie is look:ir..t; !'orward to a lot or f'.m with his YOW'.( playo:•te.

Cha.rlu Eon.rd e~!obrtlted his first birthda.y :::e;t«,b>or 7th. i!e b· walki:~C alor.a now and aye '"tla~ • L"ld •dA-da •"

A "1Ht:" lad'' :ako-:-e!ieft 1" "--1·· ~ J • ... -.. " ·"" "'t:er. ':.!~r('~ :roo.ra old t:~c 3bt o!' ,l~aly. Je.rie's !'a, .. orite s:•ort h •lki:;c ArQ\L'ld in har ~~l«r's ~t~-:!: heolod s~oos.

;qtty Xylene ':ret,~vr ll) TO~,. fond of 5A:"'..d * .. Lou! llt~enn. ~10 Wl!.t two j"GGU's ol·l t:-.ir. ...... ,. ~~t ~,_.t ._~t:: or.~crys eo::~ :~ sta::4i:l( em h"r ~llfl4.

:"·.-rly ha:r~ I.ynnd<?Cl...~ ,_,.H •" ora• )"mml' olcl on A'-lf: .;)1~ H~. s~o ~· ft "hra.~ •!ker now &nd O&n·

•~Y ·~!r4t.• ,•:Addy• "~ "'l'!j-...l'yo•. l.)~~ k-...pe ~Cl ~bq.s ot :~'" 12! !r.1c C..J-1011 bj· M.y!~ •!.he fit• C·G~ an ~~O!t -OOfe

'!'Po ,..., .. ocro.ae ~r-~l"ta &:o-4 ~"'l"'''Art! ! . .ewp~ ~~v- "'~~""' dAy.>~~~ ri4i~ !~ ~hf' mL~ C4TTl&(9o .~~.,. tolcl UJ

~t •• • let ~-~~· .. ~· tha:: ": r~::.r. ~-.o:r l•r" out Wlll('l-<"• ~··l:• ,.... :C.ooor :- ~~:-• .: .1-,.:·· l" ~:-. • '"ll.r:-:"t:" ~~ !'.L"'le il'f' :r~l\l~ ·""'~;~A~-::,· (' ;.:""tAl,--nOl lq,tt~ :;-~~dAy, tl

t.f\.l"\.~-}oo~·i!"J: li~~Jo f~11ow, ~~ ~·.~.Q. 11111\Y t.o ~-ton ~/t!l­~'f\-~':·:: ··ll!li<'. ~.nr:Vl.Td :~b •~ e;r~t !!ln!1t'-~! old )1.'"~"~~·· ;:,~t<H ... ..Al oo!,··,rll.'!.•d hor 11•o·~ t! rF.day 7 n~-~~·,':""oT l~U~. 2'~~~· !.t t.:"o ~fO',_J.d ?0~~9~'h1tlr 0!' ~ ~<:n~'-·•

---:-_() ~t~ .... ~o~r "10-.a!! jfllflbftl l tj o~ i~ a '-·r:J u!' 'Vt.il¥;1

Gt'lll+<<~ite 'Ill-At h~ 4<>-9l> ._; ~!-• .. ..h<ie &f't-4h' h~ !!&U· t,.';c;n ilo II~ c":.~.<>r !il'oQt'"'je '!t"'l A~k =~Lie 7"-.~ J"C"l."\(,

DAr.. ~~~~ ~-~ :, • ~'~Te ·~O>J.;.h t"s&~ boJ·. wu: be t4m :~94Lr~ ~14 ~;n·,~r ~-:..,~.

J:lp l'f c·•t ~:··""'~-~:--~: 1~·~:~ ~s~~~r~ !:-t -;r~«J~h,~lt ! !:. ~~ :::3~ t-.-:~. "'n~)·~-r!~ J.l! ae ~ t=-.. ;!: ic~. ,-::-:~~ !1 • 1Mr;< rr o:-.dly tL-..d 1!:16Mi" H~.~ ~"' ;:;rl. Al\e<.! is ,.;~i~.i:-.-c. ~er coa.s!:1, .~d :-JO.~ 2-~Jl!itm.t...,J:ee y~• old.

)(r::~"r's [:J'eawst c!\~fir:·;!'.;:.· ~:".f>'l'! da;:rs 11 d.r'~s~--~~ ... ~Js. :t SP~s -~ i\:"~ al•;·s ·i.n r:.r.n wron,; j

1.Ace ll~ ':;'-<> WT01U t~. 'ffe T•?f• • 1/ •-.· -~r~ .... hflrd

t . ~ .. ..,... . ! t ~: .. )1. ·... ' ... ":. ~- .. .& . ..... .......... '. "J ..• o K.,_, q~oe • ·· at.!'.· .. c,.'! •c w:-.·.·le 8 ~--,

:,: t, 1or.. •t tl:e:t· • a:-.d ~:ere is so c!.lch f~r th~. ;o see.

1\» GIP.LS• SEII!.JG CU1i •t an Septeaber l,tar tbe la.at tiae \llltil nat:ac days ecme ~iD, w! tt. Betsy lay l'ood wle~ tbe little guests at 11-A Ridf;e Road. 1'hoee at+.end~ U. · :::aaeti.ng "WN RuU: CUshiJl& • lla.ry !Antis • Vir g illia It oGucldll, 31Lr IJU& Lyles, Fatay, sa:ly, and li&Dcy ::.DDeesy. Barbara ~ufu, Patricia Braden, Patricia Lee Featherby &lid her house guest Luh. C.ldMill, Jea:me Anne Itaak.o and Eugenia and P.ela~: norsian. •

Cookie a a:od chocolate ice Cl'e8Jil were served at­ter the ~ •• put a•y. airs. Dezuil Wood wr.e aasiated by Mrs. George lamer and Miss Phyllis war­Der, Ill's. John Mo<:uckill, and Jo!rs. Uaye Hora1aan. Little ~mmy MoGuekill oooupied the place of honor­the high chair.

The girla wre very nluotant to give up their club meetinba but, with school daya approach~, it aeemed beat to do eo. ~y have all worked hard durint the· SUIID!ler and have cCIIlpleted sane most at­tractive sm:cg. as well as having lots ot .run at each meetin(;. Tlanks are due the different mothers who have helped to make this venture such a auooees.

T0RN ~~N~STRA:~ON NrT3S Fol ~ orint:: !!.T(' tne U~:h spc-ts of tl·.e C·lrr··:~:

month's report of the Citizens Association's C~­nittee on 7own Administration• Charles J. Spec:cr Cha: rma.n.

A surny is b('ing lllll.de tor a paved road to ooru:eet Greenbelt with the ~sh:r~ton--9alt~or~

Pi lee J met: on by way of t!:e Dis;:;o:;al ?lant and t:.e Experil:!entnl Fa:m. ;'· e ac-tual b.JiL!inf will de;:e.nd upm tht1 decar.d frCill :;reen~~t redde.r.ts.

The Jler.-::lllle-~ot:ville road now being co~­atr.Jct.ed !lhc.Jld :-.tt fi:1isht>d by Jt.cest~wr 1.

l.i&:e"a"iu t!~·· swi..Jrr:ir.g ;o.l (sc.e :ast week's Ccc;:­erator)

?la::a arc ~i nt; !:ade to rate u:e old fe..nt~ h<;·.;s t>:t

w1 thin ;r&Onbu!t terri tory. Th• o-qui~ent be!111; iustalled Dear the .;:er.

:::al&-R!dt;o Road J·.;..r..cticr. will ~t· a.r. elcc~ic s•Jl­ata~ioc to b:l'J@ Grf).O:;telt .. cor•t&nt 111.1;1 ly o~ e;.;rrent.

two ch,lt:..:t-eo:or•<l t.ers•n t--..aT~ b&er. ae'i·~:re-d br t~ ... .;ro.::bdt ~c!~e .. r-r-oe, for patrol P'JJ'P08••·

A ,;a.rbat;e tnt:k of thto latest un! to;-:. typo ~~ boil)( acquir<'d ~· i.tTHtl':!olt.

f'4t01:"1 wil~ 8001) be rlaoo-4 a.rO\IDCI the ... : l ;::l•rt:ro .. m.Ss •. e.n4 5!-.rub~· will bo pla.nt.O ar~.Q tho r ... ~,~ ..... HlP adj&Ct'tlt ~tr-• will be ·~~e.c~.

n... prntl: H~ flat Ate or !'1M .. lla.r ,... tr.o:--~h far •t.r ·~ ll coMill'4e u-.ro-~h Ootoblar. tar-~ sho·.;!d co~ti::.·.te to r.•t all ;·ouible •tor.

.A:ll ~ ... o~u.• i::•e-rPato-d 1..,. & r.·,.c:Lio:pal r.olf eG,..l!'"-'@ ;(.,-.~:.! ;n~~~-!.r:·. t.!-.P :"·~~ CD xc:l for o::..-tt.·

M~ u :.e::ore ::~a;;a~ • t..!·,., ~e!·.·.:-,ol :'!r'-'~3€' 1 ~tt

d :- · rd: !..r.;· !' ("1•.;;: t-. l :c f c;;.T

'rt.~ s ~c· .~.u.:"!: n:·.e .>d y-.r ~·.";~.c~. ~·.~-rot')r.

ci•HI: rnnr of tho figure a an ~e&:r.n~r~ a dl&play and

t.i'." l:J'.i;>~:o:oe• oer.ter ;:la:a. Mt be npoott-d bofcrn a

7'\f! •rr,;!~; anf !"~r-Q-Stq,5 j>T-e'rlo.,_.l)' rer,art.aQ a.rP ::()-flr .~ ":;·le•1 ::'!::;. -

fuo"'"> act~-:m 14 Upected on lh€ foll~ 1f.T.A. T1>q·..;taitlO~.$t

:lr!r.;.;~::.t ro·,.:;'!;.e!~.s for each l-10911:. Ad!H\nna: lar.dRcarlllf:• -::-..a:nly trees ud abruhae f'.;..ru-, .. r attl'!tic field ia;ro-.Qents. i'rAt l-,n .S@S tu;-: & ~oa~ ooncus~c:: a•. U'.e :.akeo A d~to~tion T~ ~r. thP f:r~h"use 0 11aLt>T ~ :;-ir;: fr;r '!;fo r.-rdton ;-:lets. Water :-:o~~ cor:.~ct:o{'.a for rear of hoo.aes.

~cc·c:-:.A7~ Ac:;.·--:~::.s ~ <;;;mrs ~D:T'.'P

r~e _;,y:-~?..A·y 1s rlea:;e-d to announo~ !Ul addi­t!on to its st.ru'f in the ~rsan of Cli.tton ~ooHll -.ho will exT'ft.'ld tho ;>orsO'IUlel of tht~~ aporia starr :.':!- aas'.CL"l(, the editorah!.~.

Surbu~ban Club GING EA AL!


Pepsi - Colo 6-1202. BOTTLES

25¢ I

o! 1!1 11

sc it ba

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Suz:r. Tri:· Str: &se Stol Erro: lll!lpi:

1 neig game the tour and,

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.............................. ------------------~'--~

Page 11: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

SPORTS By !..eater U. .:.;.a.d..-rs

S11turdAy arternoan the ~!ooO: eli:.i:-.atio~. play­o~fs Cc!ltin~&d Wd !t~::ty s>.<*Ur" of r-&1&. The : flod:ers diair.at··d ~!.~> J !loeicera by a ~coN' ot 11-S, *:.!:a•. bein.t t!:.fl ll~~.e cle:'~t of t.':o l&ttcr.

The [) i!locbrt stt.rt~d o!f in tho fint i.ar.il".f. to ;;.:c.re two r-.c._ on fq,;,r rr .. ~·-~·· a.~<! CDt< hit, '!-\It :*:. ·"':: :s?·.ort !~Tf'-! 1 ·.: .• ,~r · · ;o::<':.t:; ca:c~:;. r~t:ht

b«.ck to a core t'rtl T\1."\.; ;;:.:-. ';'-.r .. .- nl4:4: &::·<! ~ orre r. ~ ... 'Jifld(er iad!l :core!-4 &!:.o~i:er r.u:. ~:1 t}le ~ir<!

1::.:-.~1:1(, on throo ~ore •!~j II!:~ • bt. At ~t.;; l'oh.l t.-\o : ?;}oeker~ ..-..re a.~ .. c r~ ~~~~~.~~' ·~·~;t t'"'tlt:.te t:·~·;k ~!:. •.1<,e f~~~ ~:"./::i.r.,.: ~c I<"Of~ en~ r-.~ t¥-:1 •..!-;J"oo . • ;~;~

11:-.J ll.J> ON"<'To ~.. ::::~r:.o:·ll ..,..~:t 0"-l~ cr.. !"rq:t •·r•:!: 1::. t!:tJ~r fn\;..T!.,' «; ~A'<>e PIHlHi-C ~ G r.~ 1"\\D tj· W.-ar.or.

T't.o J inoc£<'~rt •<!1<><! .-:,n... ':1 ~\dr ~~ft.'-. <r.'.

~-; l~r•a s~:-4,!<> fol~t'Wt"~ ~Y ._ •. 9r."ot fl..!:A '!:.wt -.:·,ll:. ';:''"> 114.!•.: \··r""' a:;c;;" to :".Jl:rp !,' <':o-.~r. "~·er, ~<;.~:".. o--i'('- r~r~~ :-:.a::. -,;r- • ·u. :£.()-·t. ::..:~~,_ ~ ~~.£ lo-~. ~::--~~ ~

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7;i· ~e~; ~:., . ...:.cr, t::·r~s. ::":-':" ::. ~-.:J; ~c::-!i~~f'T

Str'kc~~ts: =ar~cr 5, Claxton 1 fl,sc-cr.-bnlls; S.rlcer 12, .;}&.)."tor. ll. Stole:; !:-ase~: Eret:.:"an, Coct:i 11 Errors: J Block 2, ~ 5lock 5 ~pires; Wilde ru1d 7eal




2 1



Tne second &aoe saw the B Block lads set tteir nei£hbors from C Block down by a 4-1 soore. ''.'he game was closely contested. Each team scorecl one in the third inning. The B Blockers got thei~ run on four walks, while t~eir op?onents scored on a vmlk and a double.

The B Blockers added one in the fiftl: and two in the sixtl:. The game was called at tte end of the sixth on account of darkness.

The bax score followsz

r ::loci: ~ ~f'.. ·,:: r :. ~-.a·.

'!K: c::-.o.rd 1. t:

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l!r. 'i9.01't;e ft.tf't:,t .;i~ •~ T~?\K an h«.onuj.· ~-~~~-~1?:-~-::}_~i i,;-. ~~--SJ (:;!t.:r ~~: "~~-:.-.. ?:; ~~;;.~r~t. it-re r L.;·!"" f:: fC ~t_j.JI;.~~ t.c ~r·~-~: ~;. lA"<~J;--:&.r., ~- :p~ w.- -:--~r

o.;_·. ~7 ;._;: ~ "'.: :t./ n. :. ~:--. c: i;@ 0 ~ re ::A~ r·£;-. ~.Prt>-~ ~-~· . .e a: ·..,b-~~- ~r-~ i ~ i_: :.:-::- c -~ ;. .. -~:. ~ ~ .c $ ; -J'r ..._.>-R ~.('.~ Ua l; lca.g·.;,p.

:"•· . .o .... ~e,..~ :-~; rc.~ ·-~i~""-~ .. '"- ~-4·~~ •-r'(': ~-,:~~·~c~~& ~.o

;_:t-"·~-: ... : ~:(·. l!.;-_. .~r~:~ ... ,. ~P5i-:e:"' 1 "~· ... ~-;'7"~-s~-!~r~t. ~-D Jl'~­

~;rf:· ;".r £ s~~-.~~~- fr.:- 4t.c·rc}·. :'"'u;e.U•~l a:-.,J ... ~(,tt:£e:r d·J­!~·.r~ t,:+-~-P- ·':".!l;~:..~··.~. r.-A:~-~;,--z.. ':>:.P ~l· .. ~r J.·o~-:0-~ t..~~~. r .. o s-(),f~­

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~~ 1 ~ex~ soo,o.<:: •

'";h~ ~-r~C"~·t'~!l< ~2'1'!~7·-~.:_,P:,.;·~~.e •~l~ D~T.Pr. ~t.$ ~;f'>•-

~ ::" tJ':'". :;.a"'··~~~a;t A,~·· oo;•·c,..~·. .l:~'·•J\, ~. :v.. -~ ;._ ?~;rf.l ~ ~ s ..... : " ~ p ? r-w: · ~ . .-· A~ ~ p ~· ·s •

-;"hP !~f.l.t'·4~ i.S. '"':'~~·f$ 4•~ ~~

A ?:oc:.:, ~'!Jl·o -:rcr. ~ ~~o~--:t,

:-~or. J eJoc~·, o~te. ~,~J::, !. -l ' ~ .... OCie

~id~~ <t.··a:-..sa Gn<P. "'rre 't'IVO :rw. " "loci:, one 1'10"'~, v..C or.c ~·r~ .:

";:--f'··~:·~-f'!~ ... ;!: a.!"'f" -~~ 'P,.C ~o te r.:-•·s~:o-~~. a~~( .. root

}JJ\~JN S}JOES :·o:..'R :;::r::BC?. w.l: s 3. :_-.:;n

S-A Eillside R~d

Sale~ in the ~ahn 7th ~ K Street Store ~~11 tako orders for q•.:alhy S!-.oes ar.d ::osier:; for the

.entire family and will personally deliver ar..d fit them in your Rome.

Call or Phcr.e ]reenbelt 4~21 TODAY

Page 12: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

Uu<:ual assis':.ance has a~air. s ·ore.'. Or. • 'le twe­of Septe:::::·er lf:• h a call for • h~ :_-c:ec:i!l· e a ic T.~--~ plac ·C 1\'ith ~he C'.l"fL:tor J:' tf:e 'l"et>~:';:-,0:~ JlooG Index.

:!'J!Ie<iia·e !lii!S is·anoe '11!1.5 Urfe::-:1:: l~O<•'!e. ":J :':J:-!:• ish a s:.~ita~le blo.:>C •rtt.::sf·•s:on ·o ~;e.·:- ~he sra:-~: Of li "e b•Jr··;p,- ir !l • ;• ·:;·,-· -...i10 ·-s i!a··~a~O"Sl" ·1·1' ... ........ •• ! ~ "-'•• "n ,._ ··~ v.o ~ .. • ... _,

a': Johns iiopjc!ns :los; :~al i:: :.nl::.-"re. ':'he re.··.ola; t:-'!'i::r &cl.ed..~le r.a ::-.r ~en '.r.auru­

ra •.ed the ;rttceed :.:.r ..roe·~, it 'I..J·~.: :·u': a f.,.,.. -.in­utes to conaalt ":~e ~il~>s a.:": enlis~ eith~ llt.;it­&Ple volu::teera, two w-o.-.e:. a.nd a ix :-.en. who 1-~e­dia'.el;: rrocee•i&C ":0 ~he hO£. :~al.

:t wo.old ·.,e •.;::e'hical to di-rulre any caee ~ac•.s, but arrre::.a·io~ o:· •r.e :-.-a!::.ess a::d uNSel.!'!ah 5n·­r1ti:e o~ 'he conors h t.H':>y JQbl1cly ae~owl8ldrfl<!.

!o :.:::: reo;:·le 11Cu.:lfot:·a~ h·ea" &:lean ~rtt1:• t·.ai­nea.~ ~>:·• . .,:-:-r~aes. :•·n a f'i~ot:· Ill iri.~ has ~to;-. e&."1i­

fea~o.! !.!: ~he ?h"':! :~ .. v a:·.<i :~ ·e:: ~. •~1<! ~hll~ ~~J'lf :;r~:~,..p ia tr•l:t .:oa~t>:-11• '.-;e;

'Jr. A!·~er". ~. l.Au--!s. :~!"~ 'Lo~!.:al :e~,._ __ .~teitl~ or tht' U.:. !'.1>lic U-.Hh St'~\co. hu ~!'. <':".(llt"i ~,, <!~ •.hi> ?loN!-<t:.;i!\t ~~~--~ ;:-epartl~iou "•~" ~11!;-t ~-~" tc. ~~-c~ft'.O froJ:t ~:1~:< ~0 '-hir<t:: j'!!Of!O ll't A!lCh

tJri:-.c. !ho.;~e ..-h~ h/>.•.e not recoivo.~ t)•• 'tlti.ru: ~•!-~.'<! th!.-.t

fol'!!. ~~~ .,..t•h o:o t-. inelvdecS in the IDI!o:s na;• ob'\.&!n

->:t"n f' ;rf\ft~.:":tll~ '; r: ~a ~:::'.P:"';!J ~,?-:1'ti"': .,~,~ \..._,..,J ~0 b4 aJl "1)1.: ~ ~,.:'"._ !~- ·;!"OO~~bcJl"· 0:., ~-1.4.£* ·:-~ 6" lMt"

a ~-..'Qt'i·o -~.-:-~'t-~..s res ~-::e:i~} r"" .r·.n.j ·for a 1l1~.;1(l ~ -~ hit~ ·"-l ... :~~'\1~-.... ~, ~~rhtt:·. ~·t~:t .::U:.:..a~~· ~-:cr;-·~~ !:~ :::-oo-;·.­~,..o.l': .("or Sl'~.-Q~al rlR.: ~ XJ-:.!s r•~), W.gj:" --:~.

·.-·- ~: ;t. ;·.t),. lP'}r~!~nr I\,.. -~~ ~5-:4• .. •.,.{'1 vr. :~r' ~t:'"'t

·-l• ·"·"·_.;-,·:~,::.~.:A: \~·-,,.·;·ra:.:·~tt:-.~ •r.-! .r.:r·91l.:t:- .. ;"ai'" ;:.:'

"• • .._)., •~·A! ~~ a:i!~-:-.r_ :r. ~:-:.... 'JF 10 A !:sit:..;o:-·." f)f

conr~=-·~ i"e" ~u i .. "liet:artoU&r ru~~f· it. ~ 1'or~ Cit:;.

.~~;:~-;- •ill t>e re:-·.c't•~tl"<>! ir.. '~re~:-.\<~tl' ~\·r ·~.~t <!n::n ""~€!":>· ~~s :r\egrf .! aen~~n :,-, ~(tlr 1~;-~"': · ~~~·>4 ~tor9 -.~ &..~ ~~./' •ha £or.~r~nsa~ ~o~ for ~~4 .... ~~~ ~:.­a.tr~,..,."o !"'A-"'i:~~~"-'•


The looal post ut in regular 80asian an Thursday• Sept. 15th with COIII!IIlndor Ba.rt J. Finn presidino;. The maeti.n6 as wll attended. Th!:\:-u was a diacuaaian both pro and oan an ~ariou8 issues ror the good or the Letian and t...., ccn­llUl'li ty 1n roprd to the future prObl'U to ':le follUIIIOd and ~ried out for the oOIJili.nG year 1935-1939. The ocarunity at Greenbelt aa.n be uswo:t: the !'ull support 11..'1d OOOj)Or& tiao or the 1()001 yO!! 't in soti-ri tiea for t.~ c;ood or all oaooerned.

At this •etint; the applioatiaos or fiYe nn Dl!ll:lhera wre aooept»d. They are aa foll 01r11 1 -

01\.rl J. J4rnber&. ll.!i ~1~• RaadJ "-•• J. SCIICI::W.Ir~ 9 Ji !Ud(;o :taad1 o. F. Goldniak• 16 8 t:id,co !-.:!, D. D. Wood• 11 .1 Ridt;o Rd. &.nd Et.r E • .Allia:-:, 2 e We:st.y. The adjutant &Dd tlla.Doe otticer will &OO!Jpt due• b'a all ntaru.a tlbo lliab to ot.nj· fJD

tor t.~ ne-:r t 'f'MZ'. C4Qro.do llelc.ea will - rol•eeod rro::a ';..';o

Vetenu:•a ~Oii'~tal within the .xt r.tr days arA ·:. .S. th u• """1-"l. ~ lorpza and Cooct ..,... al• 0 rojl'Of'~ oants.n.<S to t.._ Vtbti"Ul' 1 Motp1 tal.

It. •• Tot»4 to "-old ttw oert ..,.tbt; 411 a aootAl »otiDt w1 t:-. dl ntaru• -.nd their w1T'N;

t.o a~. 1Me •'ill be bald nn&re<illy. Oot. 6t.'l. Lean a. ~t1ol


r:'J0c~..r. ~:.~"i r;~-<.cql;~ . .U.On,. ~n. !nt .. T9f~eocl 1.,.. .. , or t~ ol<!

<!•: :<:~·~·.;1 k.d~"'r •r-or.• ot~r r.c-01! !"r1-..-,;! ~~~ --:-.4 ~ .... Jl ... ~ r~n••:---~ c.!•:-r.~ ... ·~- .... ~ h~~~! ~ v 0~ '-!-.. n r.·.~~.;~q;:;..-: ~~·:t r no.r~.~- ; 1•.:•:-• 1~ :';rQ.ft~·'t•:'.

: .. A ;-'i:·~-;h:• ~>th \a ~" .. ~:-.~ orra.::: .... t. fr:- ·-·-.--.-•

•i-o l<Tr.- ._.., ;-la;: ~~--~• ,.._""" -.x !t !:r·;"'~ • ,,.. a IL>'"~l ... ,.~ .. ~~..~ ~ .. o~·~~':·n·: :roe. t:":..<> ::-:"''*f"'·"'::'C to !:.<~<>t ar-f. ; l-.y v~.e• M"'h ._...it Qt<l"ir.t: ~h-0 w:r. ~or

A.~ :n•,:-.... ~.-1 rlay·•re · to*o~ •i t h a.n1 of t M

wra-.rh t)lO bll•Un l>oaN

are ·.•reed to "'' k foll~ P"J'h -.N 'o i.D the b\al atat~on !'~r

• no~~~· of Lh orr.•~~ta•i~~ ~~!nto D-7 ~!~r• ?a.,!., )ft:a~l Wood, 11-.i 11 ,;.-.! V.-:~n. 11-: :a "~·· aoa.d, or -Sar.,~ors. l i-:; ':<id;:e ~oad-.

Jolvl li1A ri: p;-·,., •

Rid,:• ;;,_.:, ~eter lt!_.

fjreenhe/t Motorists: I~; VIZ'r :F ':'i'-1: 1A:": T:-iAT

WI O.ri"!:E ~!RS':' GRA:! llL~C::.&.\"::IS! 1'::: '!'RT !C :;!VI f!BS:' :LAss SlBVICI WI oP£.'1!11'1 A L:.G!TIX&,T:: .3-:JS:~!:SS THE GP~~E: ~ S!:RV! :! S'!A.T: :~i IS 1'C 3£ Y:".'R STAT:~N • THE SrA.T! 2!-i IS NO'!' oPEF..A'!'::l F'.:.R :;:JR PROPIT



G case drained and refilled with 1~ pure Penn oil at 20I qt.

6REEN8El T SERVICE STATIOH • (questions on this and all statements "1 dl di

Q a Y scussed at &n1 time)

... .. ~


' . ..

Page 13: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

• • •


'Jr. ?obert J11.cobsen, as~;istar.t ra:JB.~::er of r.reen• "('It ~·ons·r.ers Services, Inc.~ has annour.ced that :~e ~ .... s. are to rive a dinner ?riday eveni~~ !'or o!'fic•.rs of ·~reen~elt's ::u~erous local organita­: ior.s.

';he p~:r;-ose of the dinr.er is to discuss the rrob­le:-:1! ~ich :;re~::':-elt -ust face 1f it is to set ur coo~~~a:i~e e~~~~~ris~s.

i:r. Jacot-sen ;:o:r.te·~ out that start::-.g a cooper­ati":'e ~~~ ::ot a "selli!.r" rroposition,ar.d that ~.'".S• is roi~.t to :'\&lee r.o e!'fort to sell shares. ':'he in­itiati->·e, :.f ~here :a ar.y, :-us• cOI!Ie fro~ ~he people of ~reen:el~. :'::is initia.• i..-e will ar~se o:-:1:.- it ~ree~,.lt'a citiser~ fool that ~oopera~i~e storea ba·:e so::.etl::~r to or~·er to then, ar.c that thr.·ugh 0 ,,_•; 6:- ,• ~on ~he;: ..:a.:; ot-ta. ;:: ~e~·-ur :·orchar.l!ise ~oro e.;-;:~~.!.:al :::.

::~ is aac,.::s!\r::, • hereforo, ~!-.at :lrt~Nl~'Ol•ora

·~-:-a ll":-:e cc:-.3 :cern.•.io:• •o ·t;e probler.4i i~,~.·l··e:! ~:·. ·~,.~.(\ -A~.A-•cft=~~ --~f -:·~.;r lo· .. ft.l J .. .)rQr., A:· .. _-! •o '.hu a...i• -;-, •.•. 1\,·t>~; a::~ ~~1itt~··•--:'r&.·4:: c~ .,.,or .. =--·!ve tu:~.o:-­

. r :~e~ ~ :~ :--tte- ~ :. -: ... r ~ !--.et~ et ~ rt.1~-' !"~--' • :-!-~n !"o!'t:~~~"' ~--:.>.t ?t!~·-··-~:"', " .. ~ "~~'! rocen~. ~1~ ~-::

., .... A~:.!0~r.: :~u-1-~a~~:·, .""'a.---¥ ~~,., \.~-·~~-·.:ot-t c~ ,._ ;.rarr._­>·"'tt:-;~r:)-! •r- f\:-pm~;-~ :.!" .. "~~~!': ·"'~· ~:«~~:: 11r~~'·· ~Jt:tf1lr•

n A : ·'.·Q~ n:-.. ! ~he:!" !"~ ·-o~t.~al i ~ io§ i~ ·--:rG.:t!~~l ~.


-:-·.co We:-1 !1 .lt:':l!!~ic _..,.:~ i~~ !IPC''i!: 1, ··::l~w

3 :'"4:~ C~T! ll r ?.<"'! 1\ :

c ... ~......... .il t~~o •~'lt~·,,.r

!~~ccl~t!o~ r! ;rcoco~~elt

01lt • s-.:r:~ !n thl' Pic, :'!0::11e ·:c-nc~ c! till' ;:"@tont<~'lt 1-i:V, e-,:-;c'' H"r., ~"' ·1r.!"Al'OrR;h

.: ·r !itc!".~~t!·-:.l4ti ···;t.::cr eYflr. ta. " er-e•~ ro! :--·,.-, .. ':"~ r~ ... .: ,~- :l:r::r~r~ a,:,t thrt :- •1'1'{)~. A,."'.·! c.!:~:~=--~:-.. ·-~~(!:-,-"',..~- ;; .. t :::-~s!•"', ~p_!'_r:n;;. ~!:-,..~~~. /'"·!),..:. ~r,.~n

~:J-w:- !'l'!·rf;t~!"::e~t;: et.r.~"c a•"'-/ t~..- • ..,.llth•r ~l~1ta~ A: .•• ~

Gl:,I.'T C&N!~. MC ewoeyor.t rr·octi!4ec! to MY .. " ~f'QC t iCP. il!r.hl1~:Ma 9! the ~tfternoan ... ,.. th.t rf':der­h.F, ~,r tM! l3i.:.t!;h1~ ~cr.~: ~7 Jlr. HAll. tt'i!! ail'l.(.!JV r: Yr~. WUH~~t;ll, U111 r&f. r.l't ord:l.'st:-n o! !;rector. ·:;:i;~":-:.r-. !ieblf'tt, A."' • .: otr..,rs ami the •or'K or the : Q:j'~ :n •l-.1 tl'l.

~·" llrTAr.r,Mer.t cca.ittee AT.d ~~.-rial t:w.J:s fer their t•lRr.r.1Jl€ :;!'r. t cf the aner..ocr. rewel17.



we ricers desetTP and &CCOqJli sh-

(>>\\Ill,,\,, HIUTI·••t:-o l«ak111 II • t ~HII P\t i 1'1 \hl<•H ftl,:'>ill. ll~i'l' JA:O.E UAit.l.ll

. f ·'"'"' {.......,. ..... 1.~.

;,,, .. ,


Shows at 7 & 9 P.M.

Adults '!IJ¢ Children 15¢

! . I.\.


I ~~ •'

FOURT:-: OF J'JL'i .::r:L:.:BRATIJ:; .UWS":' 3.?.ElJCS En.:: The Fourth of July Celobration cos• ~he Citlto~s

A~sociation .12.83, accordi~ to the final report of Treas..trer 3ernarJ F. Gib!:-ons. !-:xpendi tures were $334.86.~~d receipts were )322.03.

Foll owin·· is a OtJDbi-:ed sts tent-nt of tho ~us.:. nes:~ tr!Ulsactiona of t!;o ~bb for t::e t!.ree :~ont?~s :)'<J!I

hne 7 . to Zort·,.1t<>r 1~ a~ !"~; ·rt<>.! :-y 'l'rees .Jrer Gibbons at th~ last ~e1~-:l-:~ .:f t:-.o Asj{l~:nt!':'~ 1 Sept. 12.

Gas?·. on Ha!:d :~'-'16 ? ::&sh ?~;>c~i ·:ed

!A.::e" ~!' ,'-_.:-.~''~(;ross:· ~::-: .... 5 IA~e<r ~Y :..::ctl ·~!'!-~fit·-~

:--,tn: ~tl.:;;, ""ucdved ns.zs Cash :'~ = ·. 1n•·,!

?ostal ':nr.!" .. 'UDe 9 .~5 :lol~vcr( c:· :r. ~:t:.to::.: A:s.

_ ;r:~·.;lar:; •'-L'1'-' h 1.:~

:..,t ~ "r~!e~.-~4 "t·.u1e 17 £ .:s C'rc!:<!z.lrn for da..'ltltt

~U::(! 1 u !:-.f. ~;

Jt.~.lct~c :>Ar.l->""·"-:~ rc-r Jr • ·~~ h :on: Au. Jul:r H lC .;"'

Printir,-: or ~~~ ·nr. z.oc Color:~ for 1'o:;- Ac·.~~-:

A•.1, • 6 ::c.rl('; if"H'an C<1':i·1t'.<Je>':" ·t. \ :·o.;rU t>f .1\Jl;.· :;:..r~~!~

.... t)7"~-. 11." 1::. '..~

. 1: • ' . ~- ~ ~ : :'" :-::::r- 1' .. 11l:--. :.~

n.f'(':" ; :.~:::-.:; :-t::s~: a; "~··'-t"o"'•'-11" 1 '"' .... · • • " • I,.UI. <>t> r .o c I M u.r, If'll u, ~

-:":J> sc::.nrl,,lo of ni1;ht c~s. aL or wh1ch ace to r.:tart at 7c(") o•clock 1a e.& r~;;llowat

Fri., Ser·t.. 2J E':.u-&ldA vs Snob Hill O£>e I. i oo.a v:; au tlawa

Nc:m. • Se!•t. 26

rue., Sept. 27

Wed., Se~ t. 28


O..hs r.:; 1.~raldt1 !Ux;.h-Prs 7S Cliff :Mell~>rs ~ob ~ill vs· O&e l.iODa f.gcs \'S ?.ed Sirrts F.Deralds •·s Outlaws Snor !!ill •·s !l<ebers

CA.~~~li - li!.'IS - S!!OR'I'S

Ad·.Jl ts- ::01 Chil:iren- 1~

Showa at 7 & 9 P.li.


School Children

2 P.~.

Same !ill aa Above

l ~,,, ~ .. :-~~~; !":.:_ II

,ollock & Mitchell'• J~ 1

new.,l IOP·hil luneol ~~

School Child.ren -10; (High & Grammar)

Adults 25¢


Page 14: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU


Thur. Sept. 22 Play Rehearaal 8a00 P.Jl. Auditorium ThiU". Sept. 22 Oroheatra Practioe 8,00 P.M. Sluaio Roan thur. Sept. 22 Parent Teaober1 Club 8a00 P.». Sooi.al Roca Thur. Sept. 22 Hobby Club 8a00 P.ll. Work Shop Thur. Sept. 22 •n Baby Cl1n1o 8~30-9a30 A.¥. Be&lthOEonter Fri. Sept. 23 Boy Soouta 7a30 A.ll. Sooi.&l Roca Fri. at-pt. 23 Fila and Lecture

Bun. Sept. on Swedilh Coopera tin• 8a00 P.ll. Auditorlta

25 llua 8aSO A.!i. t'he&t:.N Sun. Sept. 25 ca..mity Sunday Sohool 9a30 .&.Ill. Audltortua Sun. ~pt. 26 C<l:auni ty Oluroh llaOO A.M. Auditori~a Mao. Sept._ 26 Caooert

( lD otH or ra1u - 1D Audi tort•) a,oo P.M. Court

Wed. ~pt. 21 Ycunc Pwopl~•s Choir 7a30 P.lif. ltue1o Roca w. S.pt. 2l Greenbt 1 t Char& l Club 8a4S P.M. Mua1o Roca

A -.ber or ~ Ccaam1ty ~~a.taacer•a Starr will be 1n the ~er•a OftJc. •oh ... k d.ay n•nlnt bet:.et.n 7a30 ami lOaOO uoopt Saturday 1lbeu the boure an 1100 to 4a00. the pnsont start ut1,&n~MDt& &rt> u hllona

Mortday •••••••••••• J.W.Rabb!t ••••••••••• FJ.Aanoo otrtoer TUeeday ••••••••••• H.L.V1noent •••••••••• ~ tn«iDe•r W.dnetd&y ••••••••• W.F.Ma~ •••••••••••• Direotor, ~bllo ILfet)• ThtAt'I<!AJ• • • • • • • • • ,.,), ;;, f\lb.tr • • • • • • • • • o • S·.;jl'er itl t.f,dor.t 0( !l!tildln&t .Fr 14a;,t ••• • •••••••• R. s. ;;,_den ••••••••••. ~1 ty lte.nllter

Sa ;t:.rd&y. •) • .. •• • .t"rr\n.i Han h ......... Auieta;:~ i iJ».r.oo Cffloor v .. ten.~.

T""':loa-;.~~: A<;("' ·'r. 7 .. '"';7t:-a~~:..l:·~ c~~,~~? -~!\-~:'"l nl> .. ~~:r.. 1J <>d; tal ;-.. -.·en

~ dtt: !;t.· .. .J~CI>}~ l'l'~d:.<rsdAy ~~ f .u.· .... ._;o;~"t 1 ~r--it"Sd.a~.-- ~~-~ ~t~"b......aj" ., .. _1 <:·-:..-.. l.o:.A..,~!>' .. .._.(>~ ..... _., . ·bl~ ... '"i "· '\ "-"~"'""""~- '""

J'".OT.PSt ~f:"\Cl&") 1 ;.1;~1: ?:<X;.~, :!!t:tlJ 1lla.shi,...rto:1, l!et. &:·fi:.

ar. lk ·arl •s {~-;·. !l·.:. ·:-:·~c .. :·,·:r:o lfr~dn:J. ... • •• .9a3Ct A.\' .-f-:2~~- ~.._.)I.

n~l~.s®:·--ft .... ?-: 30 A. v .-s: 'J() r •. w. 7afX',..:Jt3C r .\l.

i~d~.nsiia;; •• ~! :):;~ ;:,lJ':;da:; ••• :J: 3C A.lr.-610C P.M. ;:'T~da/•••••9:3C A.V.-5:0C ;·.li'.

7: :'0-~: 3<l r .ar. :;nt ... ;rJn:: ••• ::::~l(\-f,sOO P.w.

;:~r Lt> ~r.to:-7.v.~' c:-. ,-,:· ::l"llo·.:x.cr:;, tr.n :N>~4.:..'\l ~!':'icc i;· .:r,.c•.l•f' 1 t ; :; n:;o; o:: !\ fN~ hn::. s, 1\>;d tc~ 'f'.tt."J be Rrrn;.,·"d w! !i: :T. ~ :t~rl. ·':r,ll :r•'r::~cH. 2261 for a;,;-oin~~!:t:o in nd..ance: res:.de:1co !~l:o:'lc ia Grce·.bc! t .:!401.

!-'ollowrir;r arc ~. ~hriste::ser~'s o~fice hours at tho lled~cnl Ce!:~er:

!.!ondn::•••••• 10-12; 4-6; 8-9 Tuesday ••••• l0-12J 4-6 ~·'it>dr.esday ••• lD-12 Th~sday •••• lD-12 FridaY•••••• lD-l2J 4-6J 8-9 Saturday •••• lD-12 Sunday •• •• •• 12-1 by a;,point:ied L~uni:ation Clinic - Tht~sday 8:30-9a30 A.M. ~/ell-Baby Clinic - Friday 8:30-9:3.0 A.M.

•:lar ~ ::" lfe.l:..o::" !l..:O:o.! h ~~ boa~ .1 ~.1\.~<t ":.'9":': n,,_ <!. "'

bj" t:-..p :·ancft Ca:! .. ~..o,- of ~}.'1 :~ti;,!":t As~o.::..a­

tioo for the fort.'uua~ danoo, to ~ hel4 in ~'~~' School awHtor-1-.g an S&tw-~1. Oc':ooo::" l11t.. Danoin; will be fTOI:i 9t3i1 P.M. to 1 A.lt. ·~~· even~:lE;, an1 an G10.JO:•'~•l~J tiae for· tt.ou attGti.d:C:~, 1a !...'l yroapect.

•!!ap;;y" lfal~.er's m.s!o:: :..s we!l and r. ... :>f"<'··: 1: .. inOim .. ,1) ~:· ';ree:~::oE~:t ci!i:ena, and, ill acnitta:: to ~:.a excellent .la.noo oro.'lest:-a, the CGE:~:.P.~A !s world.."\L on plans t4> ha'te a floor shaw, c~;oso-·! en~~!"&lj· of local ta.ler.t. Aud~tions tor tt,!s floor a··.ow are ~aw be>l,:,; held.

fiei.:ota for thh da..~oe will be sold by t:-.e Ci:-1 Sc~ta, who rill thua be affordel! an o;;or­~.:::~ ':"f to rah., !\mds for t:lwir n.rioua :roesoi­~iea~ 'Mle :oa:.~ ::-;ee, of whioh lr. ~1 Abra!::::.a, of lJ Sou~'1MJ.;:, is ChaLoo::an, will have the .:eno:11! disposition of tic<nts.

An especial L"rrltation 1a extended to :.."•~' ntnn>r residnnta of our c! ty to enjoy t.~is sodal ooet•s~an. Our dlUlces have proven to be ·1er,; en­JOJ"8.~le in :he pe.:>t, with cany op,::ortun:. tios ::o beo.:ee acqua :.~tt>d. Citizens are ur;;od to b<4J' their tickets well in advanco, ar.d ~troni:e the ure<'::~;olt or~a:~!:a•iv!1 w!:id: :s t-.a"1.:li::.,: t.!.em.

~ffii!R'l' BOJS I.DSE 'ItmiLS Ray "nd ;~ayne, eons ot Mr. Md Mrs. Ray Bochert,

ot 6...S H1lla1de, unde~4t tons1lectCIIl1es last Wed­needey morning at the &alth Center. Dr. Fruc1s D. 'l'hreed«111, 9Urgeou tor the Greenbelt Health Assochtton, performed the opel'E\ttons.

D!- • Cherl es Fierst, t:ho 1 s en t'neesthet 1st, gave the aneestl:.ettcs. He will be brought 1n to pertom 11ke duties 1n future operations. Dr. Fierst is tram Washington.






h k1

Page 15: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

'I D

• !I

• • .. •• 1

• 1





I I.



soc ar. ~:o:-~s

?arlomy Jo·.<rr.H l ;;o:rt:-ho. e.-orybod~·. this is· ycur peek-a-boo

refc-r~er who i<nows nothir.r but .hears evorvtr.h-t: h:s ':wo li~':le ears ca~ i.ol<!·-~nd 'n"J ea:··,.~~ a~ ;;::;J of t-.1lt:i1~ tl;:s week---l':'PH a.:-.yYm~- wit!': newe fric:o Spivey of lt!!3 fo!1 down a.nd r~prair-ee hh a··;..le hts'. '11'0<?~:--- r.•' arfl ~.:-1·r:; •l:.a.t you are clu:::6Y• I ar: scr!"j4 :hat you aprtti;:&. )'Cur t~:.i.1c• tt:~ hv:<! :;.u 1ti"C uj 11~ about i:: a s~.oM. tillll• !iul . Srivto:;'s l-:ac ="•!l!i.• :co: ... -.·:.:.!t tr.ero latt wei rr,-r. \'ir!r!:-.a and ~or~.~: :arol :.!'!e---t:.e Jc·o.~r:;.al wbhN to wl.:::=c !tr. !. Urt. ~ec:-te ;c:c:·M!en of ZZ-D II'!;,, ill'(> :·e'lF.::c..-on• i~~ O\iJ" :-.:.:~·---- LT~ tl:.at you &!"6 f,Oif;(, to i)e ~:. f''orn: ".. ~rcr. ~):e I"CS~ of t.ho t.~!t:J<.~O:"fi R~ I"Of'<i:"t li Qt,~ r.O'A'C lO )'OUnl trJ})'-

ar.j-.a) );vu l~ro :::.oYo..i t.:> • dt:G IOctiOI. of Grhll• ;: .. ~t. if : !~"" •,· ua:: to :-:ysul!'-!l-e:"l:itl Uarrol't~ ..:;~ :vf . io •p~·:~-!!r4: ~.t..e ""J<>i.. er.¢ il• ~- ':'orl: .. City •:o..r. h:t ·~~· a.!~~ :~ tr.-by d•urh~r ~ir..e-­~b• ;, Uut ~ir•t oha~·ce !Mirtde hat hlld 'tO ne tcer~-~.-,. ! t!oro :>co ~o:~'t e~·,o hr .... t1 i••rr"'h,~«!i!­ll:.· U:e ll'll;.- ! ~c,:• J'Ot.l r.~~thh~t'IJ ·1 H·· tl-o f.- l'a.M

Y~ e:y c~:\C'.:. .... --~~·$ v:-.o · i:~ ~;; t}U"f~ br..!e:~•:•~•rc. a:-;4 : '* ~i~ ,;-~ f~""~~<! 0~ a ::;:.-.C!H'·~-:p·.~r r .. t«r·~•r a•.lln.f- t.c t.;i-.t>.d ¥.•::.ia)· :-. ~f.h~. •ull 1t •a u-.r-c>t• lor~

)'Gtll"T ~ ... h• ··-'~!><'l*"·~j' ~)-o •:.·. s~ ... ~. -:.~l•r ~old !1';0 ~t..... : ._" ~r•:: :u: !d~ t'A..,. 'IIT-o~.c.·K .. : lof~ out ·~ ·~· - ~ ~- I .,..,JQ • --; P"f;f( :t'lt~f t:lflr~cr.•-•....a: 1 ~>9~(.!',·!- o" ~l

('~~$; -~ "t:q~~ ~(' ~ll~:al ~~. ;~ ~~"'t~l ~ ....t, "':'ll ~~ ~:0~~~-· y.·.

YOU HAVE TO BE A IIEKBRR TO ENJOY 1HB BEtmFifS Every orpniaaticm offers saethi.."'G beDttioial

to ?!"Ospeotiye •mbera. But. ot oourre. it 1e Deo­eaaary to joill to beOGM a llellber betor. cme au parti ~ipate ill $Ucl\ beaeti ta.

';1\e sue thl.ltc is trw ot tbD GreeDhelt r.deral Ch>dit Union. ...U.n -11 oea ue t.Dil protU bJ its

1. 81.Dk1Jtc ,_oili tiee 2. cr.dit ,_o1Ut1ee-toau 3. Lt.r. lBIUI'I.Iloe 4. Di•id.ODda

lMH U. Ht'V'&l st..pc AqU11UII to btoai.nc a..-r .... ly,

1. Wl"lttu appll•tioa tor --.rlhlp ( ce Olll'd f'w-D.iabttd by an41t aiOD)

z. Pa,.nt or utnaoe r .. or u~ 3. I.lmltt.at ot ta.oo ill ....,., t. Apprclftl of applloattce tw ..._r·

.att p by .-.41 t GiOID .._,.,. at cU • r.otort at t.lw11' IICIDthly ~t11c.

All U.• Nqvl.runtl ..,.t be nalt'llled Mtwo U.'""S.ctit Uoica -..a utnd all tJw •*•---ti-.1 a.r.tlt. ..a ptlYll-c•• \lo"'"Uit pr"MpeOUn --.,.. ,.,.font.-., - ....... 7111l - . .

JOt»~~ H Ua\ 'J'(Aj will lJtt •t.!i'1\!e to ftlJGJ all l!AetUI

·"' &IJd &'fOl4 l'otw. 4•laJ iii ~\, . orn. ~· ..,.. tr• s,s.o to e,oo P.N., ...,..,..,

1'ricla7 "'WiiA£. &M • Gate,...,nt ;a1 u.1s, bt h 'looet.i."& R0<11 &h-oYt~ U\f' ~ St.o"·

Gl-n4~ L. Allre4• Tr•~r,

GrHnbel t r.tderat O"•d1 t tJnl• ~Tli!T TIJ SAn Ji(Jf U m GRHlS!Iltr n;:>iJRA:. (]UDIT \Jill(¥ rot\ nt; PtiiCI.ASE 07 T .l'll SHAD IJ GRID!IlLT'S


Slcre H~Jrs ~~17 - 12 looD to 6 P.K •

P'..Al" (;F. f.C:C':' SIZw 6 ~ 1f.l


SPECL\L T:HlRS•• P1H•• SAT. 5 pairs tl.oo







29t -- 39t -- 59t

W'E1 W'"'tAt"ffi!P IT'il&S

!OfS' A.~ GIRLS• RU!BEP.S 8fi a pa1r

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SIZES 1 to 8 sst each 2 tor tl.oo GIRLS' "DIRNDL" IEESSES




SI~ES 7 to 14 98¢

Page 16: GREENBELT COOPERATOR · 2014-08-04 · CUB SCOLiiJII IN TOWil Dnportant Notice to Parents of Greenbelt boya aged 9, 10 and 11&&& The ;;Jt;ure of cubbiJll in Greenbelt is at stakeU

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Sweet" 'Fb.tatoes A LSS 1 Red o~ Yellow ., · --------------- -------------- ..... ---

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