Gutters—Protectors of the Home What do Gutters do? Gutters are essential to a home. They efficiently collect and carry rain water through a channel away from the building. This keeps the water from flowing towards the wall and seeping into cracks; getting inside and causing mold, flooding, or other damage. This control of the flow of rain water protects not only the walls but the roof, foundation, and landscape of your home.

Gutters Promo Agreement

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Page 1: Gutters Promo Agreement

Gutters—Protectors of the Home

What do Gutters do?

Gutters are essential to a home. They efficiently collect and carry rain water

through a channel away from the building. This keeps the water from flowing

towards the wall and seeping into cracks; getting inside and causing mold,

flooding, or other damage. This control of the flow of rain water protects not only

the walls but the roof, foundation, and landscape of your home.

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Why do I need to clean my gutters?

Along with catching rain water, your gutters catch all of the leaves that fall off

the trees, plants and flowers blown around, and various debris carried by the

wind. You might even find some creatures making your gutters their home;

squirrels, birds, bees, insects, etc. What does all this stuff finding its way into your

gutters do? It clogs them! And the more you neglect cleaning your gutters, the

more buildup is going to present itself. When your gutters are clogged, water

cannot properly run through your gutters, causing an overflow of water and even

leaks. Overflowing water in your gutters will cause damage to your home.

What if I have a gutter screen or guard to protect them?

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Even having a gutter protector will only keep so much debris out. About 20% of

debris will still find its way into your gutters, which means you still need to have

your gutters routinely cleaned. Quality gutter covers will cost you, however.

Should I clean the gutters myself?

You could, but cleaning the gutters can be a dangerous and complex job,

especially if you’ve never done it before. According to the Consumer Products

Safety Commission, more than 240,000 Americans were sent to hospital

emergency rooms after falling off of ladders in the year 2009. In addition, when

you hire a professional, they know exactly what they’re looking at when it comes

to gutters. They can stop a problem before it gets worse, costing you even more

money to repair the damage.

When should I get my gutters cleaned?

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It is recommended that your get your gutters cleaned at least twice a year:

once in the Spring, and once in the Fall. The Fall season is a time where all the

leaves are falling off the trees at a rapid and abundant rate, clogging your gutters

in no time.

The Spring season is the time of year where animals and critters are looking for a

place to call their home and mate. Spring is also a time where pollen, flowers, and

tree helicopters are being carried by the wind every which-way, where you’ll find

birds’ nests, bees’ nests, snakes—you name it—unfortunately, getting caught up

in your gutters!

Essentially, the gutters above your head can be a loaded bomb, just waiting to

explode on you. Luckily, we here at McGuire’s Cleaning Service are your

professional bomb squad! (Metaphorically speaking, of course).

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McGuire’s Gutter Service Agreement:

McGuire's specializes in detail and quality cleaning so we can prevent water

damage from deteriorating your home and your land. Anyone can clean out your

gutters, but we take it to the next level, not only do we clean your gutters free of

leaves, tree seedlings, and other debris, but we thoroughly flush your gutters to

prevent additional growth or build-up.

Agree to have your gutters cleaned by McGuire’s Cleaning Service twice a year

(once in the Spring and once in the Fall), and receive a 10% discount!

Agree to have your gutters cleaned by McGuire’s Cleaning Service three times a

year, and receive a 20% discount!

If would like to sign-up for this awesome offer, please let us know and we will

promptly schedule you, discount included!