Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 1 Summary Sheet Date 22/04/13 Grid Reference SE 358 008 Site Area 38 ha Surveyor Chris Doar, Wildscapes 1 ASSESSMENT Biodiversity interest (record presence by a cross as appropriate) Habitat Present Notes & photo refs Woodland X H5.2 Scrub X H5.3 Scattered trees Species poor or defunct hedgerows X H5.5 Species rich hedgerows Amenity or improved grassland X H5.3; H5.5 Semi-improved grassland X H5.2; H5.4 Unimproved grassland Marshy grassland Tall ruderals Dwarf shrub heath Lichen/bryophyte heath Reedbed Swamp X H5.1 Standing water (ponds/ditches) X H5.1 Flowing watercourses Arable / cultivated farmland Other: Influences on external features On watercourse No On wildlife corridor Yes. The site’s woodlands, scrub and semi-improved grasslands form an important connective link in a whole chain of similar habitats stretching from Tankersley Commonside to Upper Hoyland. Would lead to habitat isolation Yes. Development of this site in its entirety would isolate the habitats present to the south and south-west. Proximity/linkage to SSSI/LNR None Other Site Name Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway Site Ref Number H5 Species Present (seen) Quality of habitat Low Mod High Plants X X Invertebrates X X Amphibians X X Reptiles X Birds X X Mammals X X Fish X Other

H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

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Page 1: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 1

Summary Sheet Date 22/04/13 Grid Reference SE 358 008 Site Area 38 ha Surveyor Chris Doar, Wildscapes 1 ASSESSMENT Biodiversity interest (record presence by a cross as appropriate) Habitat Present Notes & photo refs Woodland X H5.2 Scrub X H5.3 Scattered trees Species poor or defunct hedgerows

X H5.5

Species rich hedgerows

Amenity or improved grassland

X H5.3; H5.5

Semi-improved grassland

X H5.2; H5.4

Unimproved grassland

Marshy grassland

Tall ruderals Dwarf shrub heath

Lichen/bryophyte heath

Reedbed Swamp X H5.1 Standing water (ponds/ditches)

X H5.1

Flowing watercourses

Arable / cultivated farmland


Influences on external features On watercourse No On wildlife corridor Yes. The site’s woodlands, scrub and semi-improved grasslands form

an important connective link in a whole chain of similar habitats stretching from Tankersley Commonside to Upper Hoyland.

Would lead to habitat isolation Yes. Development of this site in its entirety would isolate the habitats present to the south and south-west.

Proximity/linkage to SSSI/LNR None Other

Site Name Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway

Site Ref Number H5

Species Present(seen)

Quality of habitat Low Mod High

Plants X X Invertebrates X X Amphibians X X Reptiles X Birds X X Mammals X X Fish X Other

Page 2: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 2

2 RECOMMENDATION Mitigation measures / design considerations Score a) Development of the site would have minimal detrimental local ecological impact.

b) Development of the site would result in some adverse local ecological impact but there is scope for mitigation.

c) Development of the site would result in detrimental ecological impacts.

Development of this site in its entirety would disrupt its function as part of a chain (wildlife corridor) of natural habitats (see above), as well as causing the loss of habitats of value to wildlife. However, development of a more limited nature, for example of the horse-grazed pastures adjacent to the existing housing could be carried out with a more minimal ecological impact. The areas of woodland, species–rich neutral grassland, pond and stretches of older hedgerow should be retained and protected within the scope of any future development. Additionally, this site has potential as a habitat for great crested newts, which are strictly protected by British and European law. It is recommended that this possibility is investigated prior to any development of the site. The presence of Great Crested Newt on site may require specific mitigation measures to be adopted.


3 PHOTOGRAPHIC DETAILS Photograph locations are recorded on the site map. Photo Ref Caption H5.1 Pond H5.2 View of semi-improved grassland and broad-leaved plantation H5.3 View of improved grassland and planted scrub belt H5.4 Showing condition of poor semi-improved grassland (over-grazed). H5.5 View over site with newly laid hedge in foreground 4 FURTHER INFORMATION Brief Site Description This site contains a range of secondary habitats, including areas of improved grassland and neutral semi-improved grassland inter-planted by belts of young broadleaved trees, hedgerows and scrub. Large area of the site are used for grazing, with an extensive path network available for recreational pursuits such as horse-riding and dog walking. It appears to have been created/planted at the same as H3 to the north-west and there are many similarities between the vegetation found on both sites.

Additional comments / information The ecological value of this site lies in the variety and extent of the habitats present, rather than specific species or features. It also forms an important connective link in a chain of similar habitats stretching from the M1 to Upper Hoyland. Consequently, any major development of the site will, of necessity, damage its ecological value and function. Some recommendations for how this function could be retained if the site were to be developed are given above. However, the full scale scope and location of the mitigation necessary to maintain the functioning of this corridor should be considered not just on the level of this site individually, but with reference to decisions on development affecting other sites in the area – namely H1, H2, H3 and H9 – and is therefore beyond the scope of this report.

This site has potential as a habitat for newts. As one species of these, Great Crested Newt, is strictly protected by British and European law, it is recommended that this possibility is investigated prior to any development of the site.

Page 3: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 3

With reference to the data search, no significant issues for protected or priority species have arisen for this site. Figure 1 shows the Phase 1 Habitat map for the site. Figure 2 shows the areas with significant ecological value.

Hoyland Area

Sub-site H5

Site Area: 38ha

OS Grid Ref: SE 358 008

Date Surveyed: 22/04/13

Surveyor: Chris Doar

Site Description

This site appears secondary in nature. It comprises areas of improved grassland and neutral semi-improved grassland inter-planted by belts of young broadleaved trees, hedgerows and scrub. Large areas of the site are used for grazing, with an extensive path network available for recreational pursuits such as horse-riding and dog walking. It appears to have been created/planted at the same as H3 to the north-west and there are many similarities between the vegetation found on both sites.

Three broad categories of grassland are present on the site. The most common is improved grassland, which is intermittently grazed. This grassland is species-poor, with few herbs, other than Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and Common Nettle (Urtica dioica) in evidence.

In the north-east corner of the site lie several fields whose sward shows a high percentage of fine-leaved grasses, including Crested dog’s-tail (Cynosaurus cristatus) and Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera). These grasslands appear to be older in origin than those to the east but are heavily over-grazed by horses and are again very species-poor.

Of more interest are the neutral semi-improved grasslands that lie outside the grazed area – at the western end of the site and along trackways throughout it. These grasslands show more species diversity. The sward comprises Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus), with abundant Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) and Creeping Bent. Crested Dog’s-tail is also present, and herbs including Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris), Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and Coltsfoot (Tussilago fafara) present throughout. Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra) and St. John’s-wort (Hypericum sp.) were also recorded but were less common.

All the site’s pasture-lands have been stock fenced. In addition, Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) dominated hedgerows lie along many of the fence lines. In the majority of cases these hedges are modern in origin. They contain a number of woody species, including Hazel (Corylus avellana) and Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) but have a very poor associated ground flora. However, several of the hedgerows to the east of the site are older, showing signs of previous laying. Although still relatively species-poor, these do have a better developed ground flora, including the ancient woodland indicator species Dog’s Mercury (Mercurialis perennis). One of these hedges has been recently laid (see Photo H5.5).

The site’s woodland and scrub areas are the result of planting c.10-20 years ago. Both woodland and scrub have a broadly similar species composition. Silver Birch (Betula pendula), Hazel, Willow (Salix sp.) and Hawthorn dominate the mix, with Scot’s Pine (Pinus sylvestris) locally frequent in the woodland that forms the site’s south-western boundary. The ground within the woodland is poorly drained and the ground flora is dominated by tussock-forming grasses that tolerate wet conditions, such as Tufted hair-grass (Deschampsia cespitosa).

Target notes

TN1 The hedgerows in the area adjacent Hoyland Lowe appear older than those on other parts of the site. They show evidence of previous laying and are more species rich than those in other parts of the site. Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge bottom.

TN2. A eutrophic pond and ditch at the south-western end of the site. The margins of the pond are dominated by emergent vegetation – Bulrush (Typha latifolia) at the northern end and Common Reed (Phragmites australis) to the south, with open water between them. The pond margins are dominated by Soft Rush (Juncus effusus). These species are also present in the ditches adjacent to the pond, along with Sweet-grass (Glyceria sp.) and Broad-leaved Willowherb (Epilobium montanum).

Page 4: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 4

Photo H5.1 Pond

Photo H5.2 View of semi-improved grassland and broad-leaved plantation

Page 5: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 5

Photo H5.3 View of improved grassland and planted scrub belt

Photo H5.4 Showing condition of poor semi-improved grassland (over-grazed).

Page 6: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 6

Photo H5.5 View over site with newly laid hedge in foreground

Page 7: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 7

Species List for H5

DAFOR Scale D=dominant, A=abundant, F=frequent, O=occasional, R=rare, L=locally


Trees and Shrubs DAFOR

Broom Sarothamnus scorparius O

Herbs Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris F Common Knapweed Centaurea nigra O Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare O Teasel Dipsacus fullonum O St John's-wort Hypericum sp. R Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata F Lesser Celendine Ranunculus ficaria R Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens F Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa R

Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius F

Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaea O Dandelion Taraxacum agg. F Red Clover Trifolium pratense F White Clover Trifolium repens O Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara F Common Nettle Urtica dioica F Vetch Viccia sp. O Grasses, sedges and rushes Common Bent Agrostis capillaris F Creeping Bent Agrostis stolonifera A Crested Dog's-tail Cynosaurus cristatus F Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata A

Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa O

Red Fescue Festuca rubra O Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus A Soft Rush Juncus effusus O Hard Rush Juncus inflexus O

Woodland and Scrub

Trees and Shrubs Alder Alnus glutinosa O Silver Birch Betula pendula F Hazel Corylus avellana O Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna F Ash Fraxinus excelsior O Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris LF Oak Quercus x rosacea O Dog Rose Rosa canina O Bramble Rubus fruticosus O Willow Salix sp. F Grasses, sedges and

Page 8: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 8

rushes Cock’s-foot Dactylis glomerata F Tufted hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa A


Trees and Shrubs Hazel Corylus avellana O Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna D Ash Fraxinus excelsior O Ivy Hedera helix LA Oak Quercus x rosacea O Dog Rose Rosa canina O Bramble Rubus fruticosus F Willow Salix sp. O Herbs

Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata F

Cleavers Galium aparine F

Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium O

Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta R

Dog's Mercury Mercurialis perennis R

Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens F Hedge Woundwort Stachys sylvatica R Common Chickweed Stellaria media O Dandelion Taraxacum agg. A Common Nettle Urtica dioica F Vetch Viccia sp. R Grasses, sedges and rushes

Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata A Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa O Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus A Ferns Bracken Pteridium aquilinum LF

Pond and Ditches


Broad-leaved Willowherb Epilobium montanum A Lesser Celendine Ranunculus ficaria R

Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius F Grasses, sedges and rushes Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa F Reed Sweet-grass Glyceria maxima LD Sweet-grass sp. Glyceria sp. A Soft Rush Juncus effusus LD Common Reed Phragmites australis LD Bulrush Typha latifolia LD

Page 9: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 9

Page 10: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 10

Page 11: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 11

Data Search – Local Records Centre Notable species recorded within 1km of the site in the last 10 years (2003 – 2013) A search for badger records has been carried out separately.

Group  Scientific Name  Common Name  Year  Location amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2005  Birdwell pond 2 amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2007  Barrow Colliery Barnsley amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2008  Birdwell pond 5 amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2009  Birdwell pond 1 amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2009  Birdwell pond 7 amphibian  Bufo bufo  Common Toad  2011  Barrow Colliery Barnsley amphibian  Rana temporaria  Common Frog  2005  Birdwell pond 3 amphibian  Rana temporaria  Common Frog  2005  Birdwell pond 4 amphibian  Rana temporaria  Common Frog  2009  Birdwell pond 1 amphibian  Rana temporaria  Common Frog  2009  Birdwell pond 7 amphibian  Rana temporaria  Common Frog  2012  'BARNSLEY MBC' amphibian  Triturus vulgaris  Smooth Newt  2005  Birdwell pond 2 amphibian  Triturus vulgaris  Smooth Newt  2005  Birdwell pond 3 amphibian  Triturus vulgaris  Smooth Newt  2005  Birdwell pond 4 amphibian  Triturus vulgaris  Smooth Newt  2009  Birdwell pond 1 amphibian  Triturus vulgaris  Smooth Newt  2009  Birdwell pond 7 bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2003  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2004  Short Wood fields bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2005  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Alauda arvensis  Sky Lark  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Alauda arvensis  Sky Lark  2006  Worsbrough Park (not Country Pk) Dove Valley Worsbrough bird  Alauda arvensis  Sky Lark  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2007  Tankersley bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2009  Tankersley bird  Alauda arvensis  Skylark  2009  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Cettia cetti  Cetti's Warbler  2004  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Cettia cetti  Cetti's Warbler  2005  Worsbrough Reservoir, Dove Valley 

Page 12: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 12

bird  Charadrius dubius  Little Ringed Plover  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Falco tinnunculus  Kestrel  2003  Worsbrough Park (not Country Pk) Dove Valley Worsbrough bird  Falco tinnunculus  Kestrel  2004  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Falco tinnunculus  Common Kestrel  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Falco tinnunculus  Kestrel  2007  Tankersley bird  Falco tinnunculus  Kestrel  2009  Tankersley bird  Fringilla montifringilla  Brambling  2010  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Gallinago gallinago  Snipe  2003  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Gallinago gallinago  Snipe  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Gallinago gallinago  Common Snipe  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Gallinago gallinago  Snipe  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Larus ridibundus  Black‐headed Gull  2007  Tankersley bird  Passer montanus  Tree Sparrow  2009  Tankersley bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2003  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2003  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2004  Short Wood fields bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2005  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Perdix perdix  Grey Partridge  2006  Worsbrough Park (not Country Pk) Dove Valley Worsbrough bird  Phalacrocorax carbo  Cormorant  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Phoenicurus ochruros  Black Redstart  2005  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Rallus aquaticus  Water Rail  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Tringa ochropus  Green Sandpiper  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Tringa totanus  Common Redshank  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2003  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2003  Worsbrough Park (not Country Pk) Dove Valley Worsbrough bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2004  Barrow Farm bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2004  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2005  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley 

Page 13: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 13

bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2007  Tankersley bird  Turdus iliacus  Redwing  2009  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2003  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2004  River Dove Valley Worsbrough (Worsbrough CP) bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2004  Worsbrough Park (not Country Pk) Dove Valley Worsbrough bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2005  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2005  Stoney Royd, Stainborough bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2009  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Turdus pilaris  Fieldfare  2010  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2003  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2006  Platts Common bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2007  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2010  'BARNSLEY MBC' bird  Tyto alba  Barn Owl  2011  Platts Common bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2003  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2003  Short Wood fields bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2004  Short Wood fields bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2004  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2004  Barrow Farm bird  Vanellus vanellus  Northern Lapwing  2005  Short Wood fields bird  Vanellus vanellus  Northern Lapwing  2006  Barrow Colliery Barnsley bird  Vanellus vanellus  Northern Lapwing  2007  Wilthorpe Marsh bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2007  Tankersley bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2009  Tankersley bird  Vanellus vanellus  Lapwing  2009  'BARNSLEY MBC' insect ‐ butterfly  Erynnis tages  Dingy Skipper  2009  Barrow Colliery Barnsley terrestrial mammal  Erinaceus europaeus  Hedgehog  2011  'BARNSLEY MBC' terrestrial mammal  Meles meles  Badger  2010  'BARNSLEY MBC' terrestrial mammal  Nyctalus noctula  Noctule  2004  Upper Hoyland terrestrial mammal  Pipistrellus pipistrellus  Pipistrelle  2006   

Page 14: H5 Final Report - Barnsley plan/H5_Ecology_Repo… · (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Dog’s Mercury, Ivy (Hedera helix) and Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) were all recorded in the hedge

Site H5 Land south of Dearne Valley Parkway 14

terrestrial mammal  Pipistrellus pipistrellus  Pipistrelle  2008  Birdwell terrestrial mammal  Pipistrellus pipistrellus 45kHz  45 Khz Pipistrelle  2004  'BARNSLEY MBC' terrestrial mammal  Plecotus auritus  Brown Long‐Eared Bat  2009  Tankersley