Pittsburgh Sentinel ftattsbur&b, Friday, March 31, 1882. duoing t the yea tWILBMS—*l.5() "i —Tbo Presidi of Chicago, —Congres nifor Washington Topics. has b( ruptcy. —The Pi Wallace U. 8. Circuit Judge f. JadicUl Circuit of New York. - T h o Times' Washington fpec Indications ur© tlisit the sccsiou oi continue until the middle of July. —It is said 100 ep< thetc ed if a full discusaios be a —The Secretary of Wi additional hospital tents s the benefit of the saHeren —The Hoase appropri decided tc wed. delivered ot vote Is reach- ordered lift} isbarerh foi floods. in the ee 3 tho post office bill restoring the frftnkmg privilege. tho Mississippi hag agreed upon a bill appropri- ating $5 000,000 for improvement of the Missis- sippi and $1,000,000 for Missouri river. —Tho anil-polygamy bill is now a law, li having received the signature of the President on Ihe 23d inat. It is the first serious bloi directed at this "twin relic of barbarism rue flecret»?y*uT wur aas leaned a special order discharging Oadet J. C. Whlttak< the Military Academy, on the recommendation of the Academy Board, becanse of deficiency in studies. —Judge Advocate General Swatm's report, submitted to the secretary of war today, holdi that Sergeant Mason is not lawfully confined and that the proceedings of the court martiais —The members of the United States Suprei Court announce that they will hear counsel Monday, April 9, on tho rule to show car wiiy & writ of tisbsQS corpus SLLBII not issti© the application filed In favor of Sergeant Maec —Tbe democratic senators and representa- tives have agreed to filibuster against the admission of Dakota and Washington terri- tories as states and to defeat it If possible, as il would give the Republicans a majority iii the Senate. —There is some excitement in army circles OTer a well founded report that the Presidei has determined to place Major-Geooral Mi Dowell on the retired ll&t, and promote Generals Fope and McKenzie. These changes, it is said, constitute one of the objects of Grant's visll John H. Smyth, of North Carolina, w) y 24tfa.—In the Senate the Life-Sarin passed. Senator Miller, of New York, spok the tariff Commission bill Bills wer H 27th.—In the Senate Mr. Miller p peliiiorj sipoed by New York busin favor of the Lowell Bankruptcy b . I a the House e e Presldf ;blll Peru RCH 29th.—In the Senate the indiaD pri'-itiou bill with various amendments, e Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, finished hi? ^mut£! the bills introduced was ons by Air Beach?of New York, to provide tor the erectiM) The Northern Judicial District of Xew York. The House some time since passed a bill to s been nated t :r-Keeid> the predec Consul-General at Liberia, was of Dr. Garnet at the same post, where he mi an excellent record during a service of fi yean. He is a young man, a lawyer by pro- y e of world. His appointmen is said, except tbe defea place. n in tisfies e Political Topics, —Tho Republicans of Albany have nominated Henry Rutsel! for mayor, —The people ot Iowa will vote upon a pro- intosicann^ iiqu^re by a co —The Wisconsin Senate has adopted the Congreasioual apportionment plan, which will give tha democrats two, and possibly thi witb the republicai i,, Telegraph bulk —At the charter election at Saratoga Springs pn Tuesday, Robert J Miliigan, Republican was elected President by a majority of 332 ove: Stjysiour Aiiiswort]i, Domocr&t. JLUG Htpubll 1 —The Nevada Republicans will hold theli State Coaveation September 4. All the impor taut State offices are to be filled and a Lesjiila' ture elected. An earnest effort will be made tc redeem the State from the Democrats aud senc B KeiJiablican to Congress. —Ia the Virginia senate on Saturday Mr Wilcos offered a resolution pledgmg the Re- adjnster vote with the national republli party on all party measures. The chair ru the resolution oat of order and was snstaii Ijy the senate. 3r£r. TVilcos again annotin^ publicans, and said the opportunity was n offered to make that party in the aonth rosp table. The remarks created a sensation. Legislative Notes. —A bill has been introduced in the Assembly amendmg the code by allowing con ^nd mileage for each day's attendanc pursuant to notice from the sheriff. —In the Senate on Tuesday, in the of the whole on the annual appropri o ins n ite f $10 000 for the continuance of work on the Adirondack survey. After discn&e adopted. —Toe Democrats bare nominated St. Cla r McKelvray, one of the Argus editore, for Re gent of the University. In the Repnblica .caucus C. P. Eastou was nominated, after lively debate, the vote (standing S3 for Eastoi io 18 for Matthew Hale. —Mr. Clapp introduced a bill Monda even lag, amending the general savings bank law b providing that it shall not be lawful ior an eaTings bask to credit or pay interest on an deposit standing in the name of any one iadlv d .xial or corporation to an amount exceeding tare Snousand dollars ; bat this provision shall not apply to deposits made pursuant to the a coort of record or of a surrogate. —Tbe Assembly has voted to subm t -eanai resolution to the people. This tisve been expected, since many memb ere opposed to tbe policy contemplated voted in faTor ot giving tae people of the state ti opportunity to eipreae their views ia regard it. This will be the easiest &n uw heap "sray of disposing of tbe proposition ma ilieve liw people will be quite so short-sighted z& to adopt the proposition to tas the peopi al the Statetorthe benefit of the city of Ne York. iSepabllcaB CongrmUmu I mi Committee? The Kspubiicau Cougi o ^a VU^-E committee, Monday night, aft c csr \ lesentatrves Darrall of LOT U t Q •Colorado and Tyler of Ve mon f e vacancies, elected Eepresei d v J b of Michig reported Its the House jill was pa&sed by a vote of endmeat ol Mr. Kaeson re- nf suspension to tec years eLdmerjt reducing the period The State Prisons tbe Kew snperinten following letter from th. V. Baker, Jr., Superintend* Dear Sir-Now (I uties of thut office denuionB in ibe oiidu course be faithfully and hon forth the prlrtns will will be expected t< NEWS OF THE WEEK, pal livcuts. aC ' —Uraiit is said to approve the Anti-Chinese n Friday —Fonda, N. Y., had a $30,000 fli .ight, "Betty and the Baby." respondent who visited "Betty and the Baby," says Mrs. Mason is about twenty-seven mrs old, tall anc 1 spare built, with a form that ma would ea!l graceful. But she h ht b fine, light brown hair, brushed s —General and Mrs. Grant left Washington on Wednesday for New York. different parts of ihe country, —Lumber has advanced In Chicago from 50 C(int3 l0 $ 3 ^ according to grades. —Water was let into the levels of Erie and a boat at Philadelphia, on the 231 —J;idKe Blatchiord will take hi? seat on the United States Supreme Beech April 3. —Small-pox hae broken out in the jiil at Des veioped by tno i5Lmira Reformatory iovestiga- 1 COO riarrels of oil was struck by lightning on —It. ,s reported that John M. Francis, edit. ilaces and provisions for holding t s of the k. Tbe Washing! pondent of the Troy Times says that in tbe senate the judiciary committee have adopted the bill, after making a slight amendment as to the holding of a term at some point within the counties of Onondaga, St. Lawrence, Clinton, Jefferson, Oswegoand Franklin, providingthat t least 20 days' notice Bhall be given ot the olding of such term by the publication in the :aie paper of New York and one newspaper eld ; and the tewnTball be held only for the rifil ot issues of f&ct&risiu£j withiD tfct&t county. Inder the sanctiou of this bill, which has pa-*a- d one house of congress and is favorably com- lended to the other, the sessions of the district oun will be held at Albany on the third Tues ay ID January ; at Utica, the third Tuesday in lurch ; Rochester, the second Tuesday in May ; iuffalo, third Tuesday in September, and at .ubura tbe third Tuesday in November. The ..esslons of the circuit court will be at Canan- daigua, third Tuesday in Jane ; Syracuse, third Tuesday In November ; at Albany, third Tues day in January. When the Albany term is ad- - -—-;d it shall be adjourned to meet in Ucica 3 third Tuesday of March, but said ad J shall be for the transaction of nty( &nd thus suitsbly iKtspi "mch'cuse^so'fouLd'"'^ 10 ' 3 IT "be ~'Ju Inaed" .uthority to remove them, regardless of poliii- ccpt for good and sufficient cause, satisfactorily proved, tbe arbitrary removal of prison officials shouid and must henceforward ceaee. Under on any other grounds than those stated. ith this understanding the position of Super itendent was tendered to you ; and the pledge iven that it would be faithfully observed, will G ti^ld to iQY&riiib]© compliance- TJudcr soch fflcidl dutit;?, the ptrfonntiucs of wbicti will e required, with rightful accountability, in the ed by tbe people as a necessary reform in prison lanagement, so long httherto a scandal and ,ons under your ckarge. Yours respeetfullv, Hon. Isaac V. Baker, Jr. , _. Jed t Death of Longfellow. Henry Wadaworth Longfellow, the poet, died ; his home In Cambridge, Mass , on Friday, e had been ailing ?ince his 75ih birthday, tibruary 3Tth last* but only became seriously >ld, followed by a severe attack of ceryonf roetralion, peritoniteB finally developing, and ; 3:10 In the morning he died, His death caused universal sorrow through- it New England, Many honeee in Boston aud ambrldee were draped, the schools arjd many .ores were closed, aud the bells m the public illdlnerB were tolled. On Saturday thousands vis-ited the honee to of condolence were sent in from all parts o! His ft bis life, friends dueled 1 Scrinm meral took place was simple and nbers of the fami were present. T; jyRev Samuel L on Sunday, ucosient ly and a be servic< onsfelloff who read if address atii fes :S , Of P and, like MS. Oulj were COQ- : Portland, ud offered Dr. Lamson. for instruct Mr. Lowell to ask President to instruct Mr, Lowell to have tbe- uvidiiDCG fs&miiifid by coutjs&l for tb& purpo-t of seeing whether there were miiigatiny; cir- Lioti might be requested have been telegraphed to Mr. Lowell by order of the Preeideut! An affidavit of the euperintendenL of Bloom- t tbrs forw&rdcd to Eri^i&oQ. '. Cor.klein, of Hamilton, Out., has ai ite in a reckless manner lo his paiier. during the Ru5so-Turki3h war, believing it m infallible cure. The affidavit will i to the British consul. The Antt-Chinese Bill. The House of Representatives on the 23d, by vote of 167 to 65, pa&sed the anti-Chinese e rs amendment, but ail other S ven m m era from this state voted against it, all Eep b n me acting ELOD. John Qammond f om D The bill n. o the Pre ther with, the spirit of ou c to grave objectio this u tanding the position of Super r d to d th ld New York Correspondence, The White Uouie Dinner Sel. A few days since while in the store of Havi- ind & Co , on Barclay St., I noticed the dopli- layes' order for the White House. It occurred s me that a description of it might be of inter- >f your readers. . It of six sets of plates, platters, butter dish, and cofft rid tea cups. The designs of each are esceed- =gly unique and the painting on each plate iffers from the rest. en sided bowls. Their eilt edges enclose bat are ueed in preparing the dish. Upon the fL-h platter—which is bent upward had struggling to free itself from the confines 'f a net. The plates of this set are small with calloped edges painted with fish swimming hrough green and amber waters, a frog-eing- Qg a epriiig song-seated on a Illy leaf. &c. The dinner platter is decorated with turkey \ its bright plus ;e by fresh si es of iheee seta are variously dec;. I a dark evening scene in which ; re Another c-howe a field of m< Still another, a noble etag in a ind Thi ielgiar. iseion. - T h e ped< J various sections of the country, doingconsid- in New York city, was partially burned, las Friday, Loss, $50,000, A fireman was serious' ly iiijured. —The body of John McGulrk, of Troy, »ee< fifty, who has been missing since Jan. 16i.h was found in the river Saturday morning. Fou play is suspected. that 393 582 000 will be required to pay thi Indian wars, prior to 1840. —At Sunderland Falls, Vt., Friday night the residence of ex-Governor Proctor was burn- ed, together with furnimre, valuable library, paintings and important papers. —Tbe drying house of the Yalcart powdei company at Oakland, Cal., contaicing three tons of powder, Wow upon Monday, killing 11 and wounding six of tbe workmen. —Henry Johnson, a Saratoga Springs gai with a razor on the 23d inst. He leave family. —One hundred dollars has been forwarded from Wilkesbarre, Penn., to Philadelphia to tn added to the 10 cent subscription fund foi "Betty and the Baby," Sergeant Mason's wife and child. —The Pacific corporation at Lawreuce hat anouQced that it will assist the needy anc help all who This is rcgar il il i indication that the mills will i :losed for -General George E Lane, of Exeter, N. H. a member of Gov. Bell's Staff, the president c a local savings bank and for some time treas the amount of $45 000. —The steamer Thomas Cornell from Rondout for New xork went ashore on Monday night and sank. All on board, 100 passengers and a citizen, died. He ' the National Uidoi —Tbe State Printers, Weed, Parsons & Co. at Albiiuy, have discharged about forty of thei compositors. The men were supposed to b members of the union, while the house has bee] —The body of Alto; Faulkoer, aged 14 ye&r? mile from Syracuse last week. Sbe left hotn after a dispute with ber mother four week ago, and probably committed suicide. —The Free Baptist t/bnr s president of the Agri- Vt , • ated : The Oa the !< can eagle. The bu tbe leaf of the w water upon it Tbi ide of each pli The coffee cups are tbe form of a join handle, the color is like that of tha i Health, and pro? •red by t 7 he Chine Bli Pas en ;hicQ6hehashad bora fi h eed iffilD m e $4 000. —Additional st petus to the exodua. Much excitement was caused at Back« Harbor oa Monday night by ihe sudden dee of Mrs, Wm Stokes, wife of a hardware m< by her husband with whom she lived unhsppily —After the execution of & murderer at Pitts- cents admission to all desiring to see the body. The fee w&s paid for sis oi seven hours by s realized before the authorities stopped the exhibition. the Long Island railroad. A combin&Uo^ oi the train was about three-fifths of that from the morning, Mrs. Nichols jumped from a tw. story window and was seriously injured. Nicl ols miEsed his wife and returned to the buildioi acd crawling through the smoke on his handa y othly back her temples, and light bl yes that are times light blue and again gray, according . their possessor ie In decpondent or pleasant imor; an aquiline no&e ; rather large mouth, o!d Essex County PROPERTY For Sale, rhe s'.einoer Goldeu City was burned a »8 s p r e a d BO rapidiy that IS persons los lives Stone's circus was on board, an< six cages of animals and birds, togethe ticket and band wagons, tents and horses EXTEI It Is a F Plat 'W .\< KEN .teburgb, ME ooiUb A\ei T . — Ttm \h J882. take *ew lady. ' badTmeifs 8 tocoD/cancl The Stevens House & Lot In the Village of KeosevilSs. The Stevens Farm, —ALSO— The LEWALD PROPERTY In Port Henry Village, Also Ihe Hyland Properly 'ptie PLATTSB™JH SCHOOLS. ' ' term oi the Platteburgh Pub Wrought IroB Hotel Range, VHEELOOK, Clinton Gonnty For Sale, BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE Real Estate that will probabiy-!oable \n value ia fire years, is offered The Monroe Hall House & Premises No. 53 Oak St., -ALSO- THE NORTON STORE AB4 Many Otliei 1SS1O.\EKS' P1OT1CJ 1ST »F JEJltOKS, 'B Cffioe, MarcH 27, n •Ubirles E.'Laral Chaiy-Juha W. Hubbeli, faraer. CAtfmjtain-Tnomas J. Stetson, farmer Eiienbirgh —John GoTdon, farmer ; Eno3 Mooers-Jnhu W. Dudley, farmer Platlsbtrgh-Wllhsm D. Murgau, clerk ; Dow, telegrapher; EJias Hpear merchant; a^d r "-?Q Org ' e H. Leggett, er; Stephen'BOJ™OI an ; Frani Ho nra at Clinton Coui •a ROOD J. Carlfc ' 'piatUburgh—Thomas \ : ^ Iis, farmer; E. P. E ".7. MoCiFFBEY, Oo!ou Intend to Pain!? F. 0, PIERCE & eO'8 Prepared House Paints ARE VXSCRPASSEU. BEST IN JIAKK.ET, Pure While Lead, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, AT LOWEST KATES. Heavy mill Slilf i r i w m , IRON, STEEL, NAILS, GLASS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAFTS, WAGON WHEELS. SOWLES & EDWARDS, SS Margaret St, BROMLEYS 1882. 1882. FIRST OPENING MarcH Books.I SMITH'S! Music. SCHOOL AGENCY. THIS IS THE FLACE TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS! - BECAUSE - Armstrong's Block, Franklin County Property For Sale. 25,000 Acres of Valuable Far And Timber Lands, ar&nac L ac Lale, opposite Martin's, e Facili- CHAS. H, MOORE, Manager Northern 5 . Y, Keal Estate ExoUnge, PLATTSBCBGH, JS. Y. 97w3»r Totman, Welib & Reifl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries AND Provisions, Fall Announcement Teas, Coffees, Sugars Apices, Syrups, Molasses, Starcb Flaverin? Extracts, banned Woods, Baking Powder, Fork, Fish, Dried FLOUR, FEE Al GRAIN Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, and I«cok at This! Oar Goods are all New and Fresh Crockery, Glass and Wooden Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, g, FIn« Out, Smoking Tobacw, Oigara, & PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All kinds oi 1 farm produce, STich as butter, sciiaage and Uigteat price paid, BUTTE3R.. Wo sliftH keep oomtftntly OQ Imrid & mmibcF ustomers ° "' W TOTMiN/wEBB^ KEI paign afiai of flf and Aldrich McKinley, Hank, Calk and Payn. Senator Kd , P.epresentiitive Fisher, Page, ins, Van Home, FiV3 mtuibera :logg and Ptepr Ibe only Republicans iu ct* eion, were u sent the sto aittee eelee Sloekin About- s*' Snllivan, ar ham, Mass , aia way fro tuabie to agree ted Mr. Darrall g Morder 1B I operator io a vs , returned to h m the mill, u e HUcock EuaseU, \ - will be g •eeentiitivt a irouisiai wiiich she by ballot, Massach 'oolen mil AUCTION SALE OP Bi Halstein StocI! IN THE VILLAGE OF MALONE.IU., Thursday, April 6, 1882, O'CLOCK. 2 P . ffl. J 8 R. Emerson & Son WHOLESALE AND RHA1L DEALEB8IN Teas, Cigars CANNED GOODS, And Fine Groceries. We wonia oall attention to our stock of general Groceries this season as being unusually large and fine ; quality of all goods A No. 1. Wonld call partieuli attention to our new line of Japai Oolong and Englieh Breakfast Teas. Would oall special attention to arrival o: aew crop Japans which we offer at 50o., 3ud are unusually fine; will compare well with Teas now retailed at 60o. to 65a. Try them and you will fiud them a mrgain in Teas. Finest Ooloug and Er ^lish Breakfast Teas, 80o. per tb. Fresh roasted Java, Mocha, Rio an jther Coffees. Syrups and Molasses of all kinds. Pare ugur Syrup at 60c. per gall. SprinsTj Winter Wheat and Patent Fiour alwajs in stock. Imported and domestic Pickles,' Sau- !, Catsups, Fruita and Bottled Goodi if all kinds. In fact, < of the ¥. T. t'EKUtSi i'ess From Abroad, .to Al^air at €ieyh Auction Sale! Tipkte stocks of both Imported and SeT'G oJ=i delivered to any part of th< if .ALEUS IN ' | T" F pub,ic .?.;c't^ ltiNliB .02 ^04 Margaret Street, R E HOUSES A A»9 LOTS IS ?lATTSBi»R6*t, A»D FINE M PROPERTY II SL1NT0M CDtfttTY, UL^ IJ Lo^d ^n.i Jiort'gage. Mortgage 1-i ^.'L'BIII Estate Offices, T 1J i On Tuesday, April 4th, 188a4 -i i x o u » Anct one- o —2' ' Drug Store, and frontinf Margaret and Oiinton Streets. Filled with Choicest Goods! All I Sew t Tirec Departments: j ents' Furnishing Goods, WE MIRE 1 SPECIALTY OF THIS TRADE MB KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK IN NORTHERN SEW I0RK, AISD SELL BOTH AT WHOLESALE AAD RETAIL. —ALSO,— GENERAL SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND, ALL KINDS OF ^ [SCHOOL FURNITURE, MAPS, CHARTS, GLOBES, 4C. ^SPECIAL RATES GIVEN TO TEACHERS.JB And Schools. Plain Stationery, >est quality of Kote and 0*p Papars sold at Fine Stationery, W»ildii!g-C4k» Eoiss to order. Blank Books, i" P -rS» niM ' Aut0(rraph ind phot O8T»Pli Albtans at Pictures. laeSt* :er P»s! Music and Music Books. fonnd ii Speciaf READY-MADE CLOTHING. i Plae Steel EngrsTlngi, irtotypes, „._,„„, __ '. W»ter PsstelB, English EngraYings, French Enfrsv- m^ m I ings, Amerlcaa Land£c«peB, Photographs, Ghromos, Custom Tailoring Dept, j Picture Frames and Mouldings. 1 - - - - - - B Tnmta : to tbe ProfirBsion. Bend pobtag*^ lev Oatelogne. NEWS ROOM. We keep all the Daily Pspers u well as the Weekly and Monthly. Illustrated Papers and M&gaaiseu. CENT. ~ The Montreal Daily Star will be furnished aj 2Bo. por month, or 1 cent for siztsls CODT Call and cat * sample copy this week fret. Pianos and Organs. Soper & Mmlth'8 iTlnslc Parlor in ears* •here we keep constastly on hand a fine Tariety of The Qents' Famishing Department selected, Including a line of Hats and Oipi of she latest styles and finest quality, aemt wOl be filled with goods of the preseat styles »nd newBBt patterns. Clothing for Mec, "" "is and Children can be procured that is tmes- celled as to qnality, style and price, Tbe Custom Tailoring Department ! heaTily (stocked with English, Scotch, German nd Domestlo Goods, surpassing In variety aad elegance anything heretofore shown in Northern This department will be in charge of MB. CHAS. DOLLIGAN, widely known ss a nrst-class Cutter. Perfect fitting garments guaranteed. It is the determination of the proprietors to maia Shis department equal to any city establishment. Before deciding to send to the city for fine dress OCFB MOTTO : ONE PRICE TO ALL. OCR PRICES ! Are Strictly Cash I Th« proprietors are determined to maintain an establishment stocked In every department with goods of tha best quality, to be told at reasonable R. K, & C. M. BROMLEY, Seed Time is Coming On 1 AND TO MEET THE DEMAND FOB Fresi ill Mile Srt FOH PLANT!ISO, H. W. CADY, DRUGGIST, IE0EIYED HIS 8PBING STOCK OF ie Gat, Oak, Ebony and C i to order. Easels, and Cabinet Frami Easels, and Ca ly and Velvet, a have got th rgan down at oney^and wmnt to bny a Piano to bay, and we will ffnaiante» he eame qnality of Instrument* low as we will sell them for SOPEH & SMITH. Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds. HAVE YOU TRIED THE It grow* in public f&Ycrf for three reas IT IS PURE! IT IS FRESH —rl882.-i— TTJST OPE3VE5D! OUR FIFTH ANNUAL GRAND EXHIBITION AND SALE — O F - Hamburg Embroideries [EDCINGS AND INSERTINCS,] Direct from the Looms in Switzerland, To which Attention is Invited. NO CIRCUL.A.KS. . MoHATTTE... 76, 78 AXD 80 HIARGAftET STRICT, PLATTSBURGH, N. T. EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF Drugs and Medicines, Dye Stuffs aad Toilet Artioles, Sold at Reasonable Prices, [. W, CADY'S~Drug Store, PLAITSBIBOH, N. X. DON'T THINK OF BUTINQ 3ARPET Q W I T H O r T OAJLLING ON BUKEMAN & HANCOCK, ?or. 4th and Fulton Streets TROY, N. Y. The Cheapest Place in the State TO BUY CARPETS. In the Whole History of Medicine JN T o preparation has ever performed s p vellous , vride a reputation, PECO hih i p * or maintained so AR'S CHI pion, as AYER PECTORAL, which is recognized as world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all cli- mates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always re- lieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can afford to be without it, will. From their knowledge'of e \ts composition and operation, physicians use the CHERKY PKCTORAL extensively in their practice, and clergymen recom- d it. It is absolutely certain ia healing effects, aud will always where cures are possible, or sale by all druggists. W'J Bowker's Fertilizers any quantity from their i t , N. V. d Oh»zy. N. Y. Saranac Horse Nail Co., POLISHED OR BLUED HORSE NAILS, Hammered and Finished, The Saranao Nails are hammered hot and the finishing and pointing are done cold. Quality is fully guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and Hardware Houses. S. P. BOWEN, W. S. GU8BORO, PRESIDENT AND TKEASUBEB. SE0RETABY. ELY & WILLIAMS, Agents, 1232 Market St. s Philadelphia, 114 John Street, New fork; 36 Oliver Street, Boston. Parker's Ginger Tonic - Aa lEYigoratlnglleclieino that Ke?er Intoxicates. DcT D O L L A R S . Paid for anything Injurious found im Ginger Tonic* or for a failure to nelp or cure. Try it or ask your sick friendtotry it *o-»ar- 5oc. and $ i strcs »t druggists. Lar** savmtbuy- w!lSam*St., N. n Y. f ° r CirCUiar tOHlBC ° X C °"' Te*oiiers f Institute for Olicton County will 1 _it tlio High School Building, in tho vitlag© _„ Piattaburgh, commencing Mooday, ipril 3d, at 10 A M and oloftinff tti8 foilowiDK S&turd&v at noon - 'f. John Kennedy, Principal, »nd Prof. B. E. r M agaoclatd, have been appointed to condac' *' ' i very important that all teachers attending th ate should^ be prtstnt at the opening aed re >, aod in addition least eighteen years of »g«, and hools, ••DOWNS' EUXIR.MI N. H. DOWNS' Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR This valnahla nwdlcin. U purely 3e discovery of which ^vas tho WHITE MOUNTAIN CE CREAM FREEZERS, 8 QUARTS, PURDY &VILA8'. lona with ne»taM8 s.ad dispatch. Also Furniture se, tho BymptoiBj^ aod the v«»« Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrii,. Croup, Asthma, Pleuris7, Hoarseness '< laflueaaa, Spitting Blood, BroncMtis, been duly administered its efficacy has be«a credulous that ' OKwt In* CONSUMPTION is not incurable, if properly attended to.— ' tfacilltatesexpectoratiOBi It heals tha ulcerated surfaces Km^JOMSOIftLOBS, tnf,., IMM0N SENSE SLEIGHT

Hamburg Embroideries - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026976/1882-03-31/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Pittsburgh Sentinel ftattsbur&b, Friday, March 31, 1882. duoing

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Pittsburgh Sentinelftattsbur&b, Friday, March 31, 1882.

duoing t

the yea

t W I L B M S — * l . 5 ( ) "i

—Tbo Presidiof Chicago,


Washington Topics.

has b(ruptcy.

—The PiWallace U. 8. Circuit Judge f.J a d i c U l Circuit of New York.

- T h o Times' Washington fpecIndications ur© tlisit the sccsiou oicont inue until the middle of July.

—It is said 100 ep<thetced if a full discusaios be a

—The Secretary of Wiadditional hospital tents sthe benefit of the saHeren

—The Hoase appropridecided tc


delivered o t

vote Is reach-

ordered lift}

isbarerh foifloods.

in the ee3 tho post office bill restoring the frftnkmg


tho Mississippi hag agreed upon a bill appropri-ating $5 000,000 for improvement of the Missis-sippi and $1,000,000 for Missouri river.

—Tho anil-polygamy bill is now a law, lihaving received the signature of the Presidenton Ihe 23d inat. It is the first serious bloidirected at this "twin relic of barbarism

— rue flecret»?y*uT wur aas leaned a specialorder discharging Oadet J. C. Whlttak<the Military Academy, on the recommendationof the Academy Board, becanse of deficiency instudies.

—Judge Advocate General Swatm's report,submitted to the secretary of war today, holdithat Sergeant Mason is not lawfully confinedand that the proceedings of the court martiais

—The members of the United States SupreiCourt announce that they will hear counselMonday, April 9, on tho rule to show carwiiy & writ of tisbsQS corpus SLLBII not issti©the application filed In favor of Sergeant Maec

—Tbe democratic senators and representa-tives have agreed to filibuster against theadmission of Dakota and Washington terri-tories as states and to defeat it If possible, as ilwould give the Republicans a majority iii theSenate.

—There is some excitement in army circlesOTer a well founded report that the Presideihas determined to place Major-Geooral MiDowell on the retired ll&t, and promote GeneralsFope and McKenzie. These changes, it is said,constitute one of the objects of Grant's visll

John H. Smyth, of North Carolina, w)

y24tfa.—In the Senate the Life-Sarin

passed. Senator Miller, of New York, spokthe tariff Commission bill Bills wer

H 27th.—In the Senate Mr. Miller ppeliiiorj sipoed by New York businfavor of the Lowell Bankruptcy b

. I a the House ee Presldf;blll Peru

R C H 29th.—In the Senate the indiaDpri'-itiou bill with various amendments ,

e Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, finished hi?

^mut£! the bills introduced was ons by AirBeach?of New York, to provide tor the erectiM)

The Nor the rn Jud ic ia l Dis t r ic t of XewYork.

The House some time since passed a bill to

s been nated t :r-Keeid>the predecConsul-General at Liberia, was

of Dr. Garnet at the same post, where he mian excellent record during a service of fiyean. He is a young man, a lawyer by pro-y

e ofworld. His appointmenis said, except tbe defeaplace.

n intisfies e

Political Topics,—Tho Republicans of Albany have nominated

Henry Rutsel! for mayor,—The people ot Iowa will vote upon a pro-

intosicann^ iiqu^re by a co

—The Wisconsin Senate has adopted theCongreasioual apportionment plan, which willgive tha democrats two, and possibly thi

witb the republicaii,, Telegraph bulk

—At the charter election at Saratoga Springspn Tuesday, Robert J Miliigan, Republicanwas elected President by a majority of 332 ove:Stjysiour Aiiiswort]i, Domocr&t. JLUG Htpubll1

—The Nevada Republicans will hold theliState Coaveation September 4. All the importaut State offices are to be filled and a Lesjiila'ture elected. An earnest effort will be made tcredeem the State from the Democrats aud sencB KeiJiablican to Congress.

—Ia the Virginia senate on Saturday MrWilcos offered a resolution pledgmg the Re-adjnster vote with the national republliparty on all party measures. The chair ruthe resolution oat of order and was snstaiiIjy the senate. 3r£r. TVilcos again annotin^

publicans, and said the opportunity was noffered to make that party in the aonth rosptable. The remarks created a sensation.

Legislative Notes.—A bill has been introduced in the Assembly

amendmg the code by allowing con^nd mileage for each day's attendancpursuant to notice from the sheriff.

—In the Senate on Tuesday, in theof the whole on the annual appropri

o ins n ite f $10 000for the continuance of work on the Adirondacksurvey. After discn&eadopted.

—Toe Democrats bare nominated St. Cla rMcKelvray, one of the Argus editore, for Regent of the University. In the Repnblica.caucus C. P. Eastou was nominated, afterlively debate, the vote (standing S3 for Eastoiio 18 for Matthew Hale.

—Mr. Clapp introduced a bill Monda evenlag, amending the general savings bank law bproviding that it shall not be lawful ior aneaTings bask to credit or pay interest on andeposit standing in the name of any one iadlv d.xial or corporation to an amount exceeding tareSnousand dollars ; bat this provision shall notapply to deposits made pursuant to thea coort of record or of a surrogate.

—Tbe Assembly has voted to subm t-eanai resolution to the people. Thistisve been expected, since many membere opposed to tbe policy contemplated votedin faTor ot giving tae people of the state tiopportunity to eipreae their views ia regardit . This will be the easiest &n uw heap"sray of disposing of tbe proposition ma

ilieve liw people will be quite so short-sightedz& to adopt the proposit ion to t a s the peopial the State tor the benefit of the city of NeYork .

iSepabllcaB C o n g r m U m u I m iCommittee?

The Kspubiicau Cougi o a VU -Ecommittee, Monday night, aft c csr \lesentatrves Darrall of LOT U t Q

•Colorado and Tyler of Ve mon f evacancies, elected Eepresei d v J bof Michig

reported Its the Housejill was pa&sed by a vote ofendmeat ol Mr. Kaeson re-

nf suspension to tec years

eLdmerjt reducing the period

The State Prisons

t b e Kew s n p e r i n t e nfollowing letter from th.

V. Baker, Jr., Superintend*

Dear Sir-Now (I

uties of thut office

denuionB in ibe oiidu

course be faithfully and hon

forth the prlrtns willwill be expected t<


pal livcuts. aC '—Uraiit is said to approve the Anti-Chinese

n Friday—Fonda, N. Y., had a $30,000 fli.ight,

"Betty and the Baby."respondent who visited "Betty and the

Baby," says Mrs. Mason is about twenty-sevenmrs old, tall anc1 spare built, with a form that

ma would ea!l graceful. But she hht bfine, light brown hair, brushed s

—General and Mrs. Grant left Washington onWednesday for New York.

different par t s of ihe country,—Lumber has advanced In Chicago from 50

C ( i n t 3 l0 $3^ according to grades .—Water was let into the levels of Erie and

a boat at Philadelphia, on the 2 3 1—J;idKe Blatchiord will take hi? seat on the

United States Supreme Beech April 3.—Small-pox hae broken out in the j i i l at Des

veioped by tno i5Lmira Reformatory iovestiga-

1 COO riarrels of oil was struck by lightning on

—It. ,s reported that John M. Francis, edit.

ilaces and provisions for holding t s of the

k. Tbe Washing!pondent of the Troy Times says that in tbesenate the judiciary committee have adoptedthe bill, after making a slight amendment as tothe holding of a term at some point within thecounties of Onondaga, St. Lawrence, Clinton,Jefferson, Oswegoand Franklin, providingthat

t least 20 days' notice Bhall be given ot theolding of such term by the publication in the:aie paper of New York and one newspaper

eld ; and the tewnTball be held only for therifil ot issues of f&ct&risiu£j withiD tfct&t county.Inder the sanctiou of this bill, which has pa-*a-d one house of congress and is favorably com-lended to the other, the sessions of the districtoun will be held at Albany on the third Tuesay ID January ; at Utica, the third Tuesday inlurch ; Rochester, the second Tuesday in May ;iuffalo, third Tuesday in September, and at.ubura tbe third Tuesday in November. The

..esslons of the circuit court will be at Canan-daigua, third Tuesday in Jane ; Syracuse, thirdTuesday In November ; at Albany, third Tuesday in January. When the Albany term is ad-- -—-;d it shall be adjourned to meet in Ucica

3 third Tuesday of March, but said adJ shall be for the transaction of

nty( &nd thus suitsbly iKtspi

"mch'cuse^so'fouLd'"'^10'3 IT • "be ~'Ju Inaed"

.uthority to remove them, regardless of poliii-

ccpt for good and sufficient cause, satisfactorilyproved, tbe arbitrary removal of prison officialsshouid and must henceforward ceaee. Under

on any other grounds than those stated.ith this understanding the position of Super

itendent was tendered to you ; and the pledgeiven that it would be faithfully observed, willG ti^ld to iQY&riiib]© compliance- TJudcr soch

fflcidl dutit;?, the ptrfonntiucs of wbicti wille required, with rightful accountability, in the

ed by tbe people as a necessary reform in prisonlanagement, so long httherto a scandal and

,ons under your ckarge. Yours respeetfullv,

Hon. Isaac V. Baker, Jr.

, _. Jed t

Death of Longfellow.Henry Wadaworth Longfellow, the poet, died

; his home In Cambridge, Mass , on Friday,e had been ailing ?ince his 75ih birthday,tibruary 3Tth last* but only became seriously

>ld, followed by a severe attack of ceryonfroetralion, peritoniteB finally developing, and; 3:10 In the morning he died,His death caused universal sorrow through-

it New England, Many honeee in Boston audambrldee were draped, the schools arjd many.ores were closed, aud the bells m the publicilldlnerB were tolled.On Saturday thousands vis-ited the honee to

of condolence were sent in from all parts o!

His ftbis life,

friendsdueled 1


meral took placewas simple andnbers of the famiwere present. T;j y R e v Samuel L

on Sunday,ucosient

ly and abe servic<onsfelloffwho readif address



, OfP

and, likeM S . Oulj

were COQ-: Portland,

ud offered

Dr. Lamson.

fo r

instruct Mr. Lowell to ask

President to instruct Mr, Lowell to have tbe-uvidiiDCG fs&miiifid by coutjs&l for tb& purpo-tof seeing whether there were miiigatiny; cir-

Lioti might be requested have been telegraphedto Mr. Lowell by order of the Preeideut!

An affidavit of the euperintendenL of Bloom-t tbrs

forw&rdcd to Eri^i&oQ.'. Cor.klein, of Hamilton, Out., has ai

ite in a reckless manner lo his paiier.during the Ru5so-Turki3h war, believing it

m infallible cure. The affidavit willi to the British consul.

The Antt-Chinese Bill.The House of Representatives on the 23d, byvote of 167 to 65, pa&sed the anti-Chinese

e rs amendment, but ail other S ven m mera from this state voted against it, all Eep b

n me acting ELOD. John Qammond f om D

The bill n. o the Pre ther

with, the spirit of ouc to grave objectio

this u tanding the position of Superr d to d th l d

New York Correspondence,T h e W h i t e U o u i e D i n n e r Sel.

A few days since while in the store of Havi-ind & Co , on Barclay St., I noticed the dopli-

layes' order for the White House. It occurreds me that a description of it might be of inter-

>f your readers. . It of sixsets of plates, platters, butter dish, and cofftrid tea cups. The designs of each are esceed-=gly unique and the painting on each plateiffers from the rest.

en sided bowls. Their eilt edges enclose

bat are ueed in preparing the dish.Upon the fL-h platter—which is bent upward

had struggling to free itself from the confines'f a net. The plates of this set are small withcalloped edges painted with fish swimminghrough green and amber waters, a frog-eing-Qg a epriiig song-seated on a Illy leaf. &c.

The dinner platter is decorated withturkey \ its bright plus;e by fresh si

es of iheee seta are variously dec;.I a dark evening scene in which ;

re Another c-howe a field of m<Still another, a noble etag in a

ind Thi

ielgiar. iseion.-The ped<

J various sections of the country, doingconsid-

in New York city, was partially burned, lasFriday, Loss, $50,000, A fireman was serious'ly iiijured.

—The body of John McGulrk, of Troy, »ee<fifty, who has been missing since Jan. 16i.hwas found in the river Saturday morning. Fouplay is suspected.

that 393 582 000 will be required to pay thi

Indian wars, prior to 1840.—At Sunderland Falls, Vt., Friday night

the residence of ex-Governor Proctor was burn-ed, together with furnimre, valuable library,paintings and important papers.

—Tbe drying house of the Yalcart powdeicompany at Oakland, Cal., contaicing threetons of powder, Wow upon Monday, killing 11and wounding six of tbe workmen.

—Henry Johnson, a Saratoga Springs gai

with a razor on the 23d inst. He leavefamily.

—One hundred dollars has been forwardedfrom Wilkesbarre, Penn., to Philadelphia to tnadded to the 10 cent subscription fund foi"Betty and the Baby," Sergeant Mason's wifeand child.

—The Pacific corporation at Lawreuce hatanouQced that it will assist the needy anc

help all who This is rcgari l i li indication that the mills will i

:losed for-General George E Lane, of Exeter, N. H.

a member of Gov. Bell's Staff, the president ca local savings bank and for some time treas

the amount of $45 000.—The steamer Thomas Cornell from Rondout

for New xork went ashore on Monday nightand sank. All on board, 100 passengers and a

citizen, died. He '

the National Uidoi—Tbe State Printers, Weed, Parsons & Co.

at Albiiuy, have discharged about forty of theicompositors. The men were supposed to bmembers of the union, while the house has bee]

—The body of Alto; Faulkoer, aged 14 ye&r?

mile from Syracuse last week. Sbe left hotnafter a dispute with ber mother four weekago, and probably committed suicide.

—The Free Baptist t/bnr

s president of the Agri-

Vt , •ated :

T h e

Oa the !<can eagle. The butbe leaf of the wwater upon it Tbi

ide of each pli

The coffee cups are tbe form of a join

handle, the color is like that of tha i

Health, and pro?•red by t

7 he Chine Bli Pas en

;h icQ6hehashadbora fi heed if fil D m e

$4 000.—Additional st

petus to the exodua.— Much exci tement was caused a t Back«

Harbor oa Monday night by ihe sudden deeof Mrs, Wm Stokes, wife of a hardware m<

by her husband with whom she lived unhsppi ly—After the execution of & murderer at Pitts-

cents admission to all desiring to see the body.The fee w&s paid for sis oi seven hours by s

realized before the authori t ies stopped theexhibition.

the Long Island rai l road. A combin&Uo^ oi

the train was about three-fifths of that from the

morning, Mrs. Nichols jumped from a tw.story window and was seriously injured. Niclols miEsed his wife and returned to the buildioiacd crawling through the smoke on his handa

yothly back

her temples, and light bl yes that aretimes light blue and again gray , according

. their possessor ie In decpondent or pleasanti m o r ; an aquiline no&e ; ra ther l a rge mouth,


Essex CountyP R O P E R T Y

For Sale,

rhe s'.einoer Goldeu City was burned a

»8 spread BO rapidiy that IS persons loslives Stone's circus was on board, an<

six cages of animals and birds, togetheticket and band wagons, tents and horses


It Is a F


'W .\<• K E N

.teburgb, ME

o o i U b

A\eiT .

— Ttm





lady. '



The Stevens House & LotIn the Village of KeosevilSs.

The Stevens Farm,


The LEWALD PROPERTYIn Port Henry Village,

Also Ihe Hyland Properly

'ptie PLATTSB™JH SCHOOLS.' ' term oi the Platteburgh Pub

Wrought IroB Hotel Range,


Clinton GonntyFor Sale,


Real Estate that will probabiy-!oable\n value ia fire years, is offered

The Monroe Hall House & PremisesNo. 53 O a k St. ,





'B Cffioe, MarcH 27, n

•Ubirles E.'Laral

Chaiy-Juha W. Hubbeli, faraer.CAtfmjtain-Tnomas J. Stetson, farmer

Eiienbirgh —John GoTdon, farmer ; Eno3

Mooers-Jnhu W. Dudley, farmerPlatlsbtrgh-Wllhsm D. Murgau, clerk ;

Dow, telegrapher; EJias Hpear merchant;

a^dr"-?QOrg'e H. Leggett,

er; Stephen'BOJ™OI

an ; Frani Ho

n r a at Clinton Coui

•a ROODJ. Carlfc

' 'piatUburgh—Thomas

\ : ^

Iis, farmer; E. P. E

".7. MoCiFFBEY,

Oo!ou Intend to Pain!?F. 0, PIERCE & eO'8

Prepared House PaintsARE VXSCRPASSEU.


Pure While Lead,Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil,


Heavy mill Slilf i r i w m ,IRON,







1882. 1882.



Books.I S M I T H ' S ! Music.SCHOOL AGENCY.



Armstrong's Block,

Franklin County PropertyFor Sale.

25,000 Acres of Valuable Far

And Timber Lands,

ar&nac Lac Lale, opposite Martin's,

e Facili-

CHAS. H, MOORE,Manager Northern 5 . Y, Keal Estate ExoUnge,

P L A T T S B C B G H , JS. Y . 97w3»r




Provisions,Fall Announcement

Teas, Coffees, SugarsApices, Syrups, Molasses, Starcb

Flaverin? Extracts, bannedWoods, Baking Powder,

Fork, Fish, Dried

FLOUR, F E E A l GRAINBuckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, and

I«cok at This!

Oar Goods are all New and Fresh

Crockery, Glass and WoodenWare,

Tobacco and Cigars,g, FIn« Out, Smoking Tobacw, Oigara, &


All kinds oi1 farm produce, STich as butter,

sciiaage and Uigteat price paid,

BUTTE3R..Wo sliftH keep oomtftntly OQ Imrid & mmibcF

ustomers ° " ' W T O T M i N / w E B B ^ KEI

paign afiaiof flf

and AldrichMcKinley,Hank, Calkand Payn.Senator Kd

, P.epresentiitiveFisher, Page,

ins, Van Home,FiV3 mtuibera

:logg and PteprIbe only Republicans iu ct*eion, were usent the stoai t tee eelee

SloekinAbout- s*'

Snllivan, arham, Mass ,aia way fro

tuabie to agree

ted Mr. Darral l

g Morder 1B

I operator io a vs, returned to hm the mill, u

e HUcock

EuaseU, \- will be g•eeentiitivta irouisiaiwiiich she

by ballot,


'oolen mil



Thursday, April 6, 1882,O'CLOCK. 2 P . ffl.




And Fine Groceries.We wonia oall attention to our stock

of general Groceries this season as beingunusually large and fine ; quality of allgoods A No. 1. Wonld call partieuliattention to our new line of JapaiOolong and Englieh Breakfast Teas.Would oall special attention to arrival o:aew crop Japans which we offer at 50o.,3ud are unusually fine; will comparewell with Teas now retailed at 60o. to65a. Try them and you will fiud them amrgain in Teas. Finest Ooloug and Er

^lish Breakfast Teas, 80o. per tb.Fresh roasted Java, Mocha, Rio an

jther Coffees.Syrups and Molasses of all kinds. Pare

ugur Syrup at 60c. per gall.SprinsTj Winter Wheat and Patent

Fiour alwajs in stock.Imported and domestic Pickles,' Sau-!, Catsups, Fruita and Bottled Goodi

if all kinds. In fact, < of the

¥. T. t'EKUtSi

i'ess From Abroad,.to Al^air at €ieyh

Auction Sale!

Tipkte stocks of both Imported and

SeT'G oJ=i delivered to any part of th<

if . A L E U S IN

' | T"Fpub,ic .?.;c 't^ l t i N l i B

.02 ^04 Margaret Street,




UL^ IJ Lo^d ^n.i Jiort'gage. Mortgage

1-i ^ . ' L ' B I I I Estate Offices,


i On Tuesday, April 4th, 188a4-i i xou» Anct one- o —2' '

Drug Store, and frontinf

Margaret and Oiinton Streets.

Filled with Choicest Goods! All ISew t Ti rec Departments: j

ents' Furnishing Goods,








Plain Stationery,>est quality of Kote and 0*p Papars sold at

Fine Stationery,

W»ildii!g-C4k» Eoiss to order.

Blank Books,i " P - r S » n i M ' A u t 0 ( r r a p h i n d photO8T»Pli Albtans at

Pictures.laeSt*:er P»s!

Music and Music Books.fonnd ii


READY-MADE CLOTHING.i Plae Steel EngrsTlngi, irtotypes, „ ._,„„,

_ _ '. W»ter PsstelB, English EngraYings, French Enfrsv-m^ m I ings, Amerlcaa Land£c«peB, Photographs, Ghromos,

Custom Tailoring Dept, j Picture Frames and Mouldings.1 - - - - - - B Tnmta

: to tbe ProfirBsion. Bend pobtag*^lev Oatelogne.

NEWS ROOM.We keep all the Daily Pspers u well as the Weekly

and Monthly. Illustrated Papers and M&gaaiseu.

C E N T . ~The Montreal Daily Star will be furnished aj 2Bo.

por month, or 1 cent for siztsls CODT Call and cat *sample copy this week fret.

Pianos and Organs.S o p e r & Mml th '8 iTlnslc P a r l o r in ears*

•here we keep constastly on hand a fine Tariety of

T h e Q e n t s ' F a m i s h i n g D e p a r t m e n t

selected, Including a line of Hats and Oipi of shelatest styles and finest quality,

aemt wOl be filled with goods of the preseatstyles »nd newBBt patterns. Clothing for Mec,"" "is and Children can be procured that is tmes-celled as to qnality, style and price,

T b e C u s t o m T a i l o r i n g D e p a r t m e n t! heaTily (stocked with English, Scotch, Germannd Domestlo Goods, surpassing In variety aad

elegance anything heretofore shown in Northern

This department will be in charge of M B . CHAS.DOLLIGAN, widely known ss a nrst-class Cutter.Perfect fitting garments guaranteed.

It is the determination of the proprietors to maiaShis department equal to any city establishment.

Before deciding to send to the city for fine dress



Are Strictly Cash ITh« proprietors are determined to maintain an

establishment stocked In every department withgoods of tha best quality, to be told at reasonable

R. K, & C. M. BROMLEY,

Seed Time is Coming On 1AND TO MEET THE DEMAND FOB

Fresi ill Mile SrtFOH PLANT!ISO,


ie Gat, Oak, Ebony and Ci to order. Easels, and Cabinet FramiEasels, and Ca

ly and Velvet,

a have got thrgan down at

oney^and wmnt to bny a Piano

to bay, and we will ffnaiante»he eame qnality of Instrument*low as we will sell them for

S O P E H & S M I T H .

Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds.


It grow* in public f&Ycrf for three reas






Hamburg Embroideries[EDCINGS AND INSERTINCS,]

Direct from the Looms in Switzerland,To which Attention is Invited.





Drugs and Medicines,Dye Stuffs aad Toilet Artioles,

Sold a t Reasonable Prices,

[. W, CADY'S~Drug Store,PLAITSBIBOH, N. X.




BUKEMAN & HANCOCK,?or. 4th and Fulton Streets


The Cheapest Place in the StateTO BUY CARPETS.

I n t he Whole History ofMedicine

JNTo preparation has ever performed spvellous ,

vride a reputation,P E C O hih i

p *or maintained so

A R ' S CHIp i o n , as AYERPECTORAL, which is recognized asworld's remedy for all diseases of thethroat and lungs. Its long-continuedseries of wonderful cures in all cli-mates has made it universally knownas a safe and reliable agent to employ.Against ordinary colds, which are theforerunners of more serious disorders,it acts speedily and surely, always re-lieving suffering, and often saving life.The protection it affords, by its timelyuse in throat and chest disorders,makes it an invaluable remedy to bekept always on hand in every home.No person can afford to be without it,

will. From their knowledge'of e \ tscomposition and operation, physiciansuse the CHERKY PKCTORAL extensivelyin their practice, and clergymen recom-

d it. It is absolutely certain iahealing effects, aud will alwayswhere cures are possible,

or sale by all druggists.


Bowker's Fertilizersany quantity from their

i t , N. V.d Oh»zy. N. Y.

Saranac Horse Nail Co.,


The Saranao Nails are hammered hot and the finishing and pointing are donecold. Quality is fully guaranteed. For sale by all leading Iron and HardwareHouses.


ELY & WILLIAMS, Agents, 1232 Market St.s Philadelphia,114 John Street, New fork; 36 Oliver Street, Boston.

Parker'sGinger Tonic

- Aa lEYigoratlnglleclieino that Ke?erIntoxicates.

DcT DOLLARS.Paid for anything Injurious found im Ginger Tonic*or for a failure to nelp or cure. Try it or ask yoursick friend to try it * o - » a r -

5oc. and $ i strcs »t druggists. Lar** savmtbuy-?£ w!lSam*St., N.nY. f° r CirCUiar tO H l B C ° X C ° " '

Te*oiiersf Institute for Olicton County will 1_it tlio High School Building, in tho vitlag© _„

Piattaburgh, commencing Mooday, i p r i l 3d, at 10A M and oloftinff tti8 foilowiDK S&turd&v at noon

- 'f. John Kennedy, Principal, »nd Prof. B. E.r M agaoclatd, have been appointed to condac'

*' ' i very important that all teachers attending thate should^ be prtstnt at the opening aed re

>, aod in additionleast eighteen years of »g«, andhools,


Vegetable Balsamic

ELIXIRThis valnahla nwdlcin. U purely

3e discovery of which ^vas tho




lona with ne»taM8 s.ad dispatch. Also Furniture

se, tho BymptoiBj^ aod the v«»«

Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrii,.Croup, Asthma, Pleuris7, Hoarseness '<laflueaaa, Spitting Blood, BroncMtis,

been duly administered its efficacy has be«acredulous that ' OKwt In*

CONSUMPTIONis not incurable, if properly attended to.— '


It heals tha ulcerated surfaces

Km^JOMSOI ft LOBS, tnf,.,