HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS www.hamk.fi/wellbeingweek

HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

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Page 1: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,



Page 2: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

Therapeutic Photography Dr Neil Gibson Robert Gordon University, Scotland, UK

Exploring the power and potential of photography in interventions with patients and service users. The 3-day workshop is experiential and will involve working in small groups.

Topics covered include:

- self portraits

- emotional exploration

- perception of others

- likes and dislikes

- highlighting issues

Please bring a cameraphone and be prepared to have fun!


Dr Neil Gibson has used therapeutic photography in a variety of settings in social work and has recently released a book on the topic. His research has been used by a number of agencies in Scotland, and wider afield (including Africa). He is currently a senior lecturer and course leader at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Page 3: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

WELLBEING STRATEGIES IN ACUTE AND CRITICAL NURSING Helle Flodager. MSc Nursing and Senior lecturer in the Nursing department Susanne Jastrup. MSc Nursing, Senior lecturer, Leader of the Nursing Department of Campus Horsens / VIA university College. Denmark

Simulation based learning and debriefing based on a scenario with Acute and critical nursing

Learning outcomes:

The students acquire knowledge, skills the competencies to:

Clinical decision making and clinical leadership and as well wellbeing strategies by Janice Morse. (Morse JM 2000 On comfort and comforting).


Helle and Susanne have both worked with simulation based teaching for years and are both advanced simulator instructors.

Page 4: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

MENTAL HEALTH IN THE MOVIES: USING FILM TO EXPLORE AND CHALLENGE STIGMA AROUND MENTAL HEALTH Scott Macpherson Robert Gordon University. Scotland, UK Negative attitudes and opinions have contributed to the creation of stigma around mental ill health, discouraging openness and establishing a culture where vulnerability has become taboo. Film portrayals of characters with mental health issues often suggest connotations of violence and dangerousness. These portrayals have the potential to shape perceptions and lead to negative experiences for people with mental health issues through prejudice, discrimination and stigma. However, film can also be a useful platform for discussion, encouraging awareness, understanding and empathy around mental health. This workshop will involve critiquing specific examples from selected films, studying portrayals of mental health in film and exploring the ethical responsibilities of film-makers. Participants will also reflect on their personal experiences of film, and how these experiences may influence attitudes and practice.

ABOUT THE TEACHER: Scott Macpherson is a lecturer in mental health and well-being at the School of Nursing & Midwifery in RGU, Aberdeen. Scott has an MA in Psychology and has practiced as a CBT therapist since 2005. Scott worked as a nurse in the field of Substance Use for over 11 years and retains a teaching interest in this

area. His other teaching interests include cognitive behavioural therapy, spirituality, human rights and resilience. Along with his colleague, Dan Warrender, Scott developed the Mental Health Movie Monthly initiative which uses the medium of film to engage students, professionals, service users and the general public in discussion around issues in mental health and well-being. Scott is currently studying for a PhD, focusing on substance use, film and stigma.

Page 5: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

DEEP DEMOCRACY Hardus Brunt & Hillary Boeke-Vos NHL-Stenden Hogeschool. The Netherlands

Theory behind Deep democracy - Practicing with the Lewis method and meta skills

Deep Democracy is a method/philosophy to help raise the voice of the minority within groups. Deep Democracy as method is applicable in various social well-being settings (multicultural settings and/or any group setting where the voice of the minority is not heard).


Hardus Brunt & Hillary Boeke-Vos: teachers at NHL-Stenden University of Applied Sciences at the Master programme of pedagogy.

Page 6: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

TOUCHED BY THE ANGEL OF DESTRUCTION Senior lecturers Jonna Niemelä and Mare Orman. Degree Programme in Social Services, HAMK. Finland

The workshop focuses on using mental images in aiding the study of working with families. During the workshop we will approach the themes related to working with families through the use of creativity and imagination. The 3-day workshop is experiential and involves working in pairs and small groups. The creative process will be photographed and at the end of the workshop we will create a video to be presented on Friday.


Mare Orman and Jonna Niemelä are both working as Senior Lecturers in HAMK, Degree Programme in Social Services.

Page 7: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

Promoting wellbeing by creative methods Jana Vyborna-Turunen, Senior Lecturer and a group of students HAMK, Degree Programme in Social Services. Finland

This workshop introduces various creative methods that can be used in the social and health care field. The workshop focuses on how music, movement, art and nature can be used in order to promote the wellbeing of various clients.

ABOUT THE TEACHERS: The workshop is run by third year students of Creative methods -module, Degree Programme in Social Services, HAMK.

Page 8: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

GAINING CONFIDENCE IN LEADERSHIP AS STUDENT NURSES Peter Griffiths, Catherine Blyth University of South Wales. Wales, UK

The workshop will be used to develop leadership skills of student nurses through a novel approach.

The participants will have to organise an exchange of students to an institution in a foreign university, and will encounter various dilemmas. They will need to solve these to the best of their abilities and when the task has been completed, to put this into a board game, that can be ""played"" by themselves, or they can use with other students/staff at their own university. They will be able to see how by doing this, it can be used in a variety of situations, encourage them to consider different eventualities and to come up with workable solutions.

They will also gain experience in leadership as they will organise a presentation of the work to the others participating in the International Week at the end of the course. ABOUT THE TEACHERS:

Peter Griffiths and Catherine Blyth are currently 3rd year students on the Bachelor of Nursing course. At the time of the International Week they will only have a month before qualifying as registered nurses.

They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres, they also participated in the International Week in 2018. They enjoyed the week so much, and gained such a great deal from it, they wish to run their own workshop, gaining more confidence for themselves, as well as providing an education in leadership to other nursing students in a way that makes learning fun.

Page 9: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

INCLUSIVE PRACTICE AND CULTURAL WELLBEING Dr Nicky Genders Professor Ruth Northway University of South Wales, UK

The first workshop will help the students to understand inclusive practice in the context of culture through interactive activities and discussion.

The second workshop will explore the impact of inclusivity on wellbeing in society

Finally students will explore ways to manage barriers to inclusive practice and enhance wellbeing in society.


Professor Ruth Northway is the Head of Research in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Education and has a background in participatory and disability research. She has published extensively and is working actively with a range of international partners around disability research.

Dr Nicky Genders is the Head of School at the University of South Wales with a background in disability nursing. Her research is focused on inclusive practice around parenting by people with intellectual disability. Research work also includes professional identity in nursing.

Page 10: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

PREJUDICES AND STEREOTYPES Greetje Buitenwerf & Claudia Schuurman NHLStenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

We all have prejudices (luckily) They help you to organize the world. Very useful.

However, they can also get in the way and contribute to exclusion of others. As a Social Worker and Pedagogue it is important to recognize such thoughts, feelings and behaviour in yourself and the other, to discover patterns and to remain respectfully curious and to continue asking questions. The awareness of prejudices and stereotypes helps to effectively intervene in crisis situations, ensures balanced professional conduct and a mental balance ABOUT THE TEACHERS: Greetje Buitenwerf - Master of Education (MEd) - Lecturer minor WIGK (Working In a Judicial Setting) - 20 years of experience in working with offenders in and outside prison settings. - Knowledge of addiction and psychiatric disorders. - Trainer and coach.

Claudia Schuurman - Master Social Work (MSW) - Lecturer minor WIGK (Working In a Judicial Setting) - 20 years of experience in working with offenders in and outside prison settings. - Knowledge of addiction and psychiatric disorders. - Trainer and coach. - Justice in the Netherlands

Page 11: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

DEATH, GRIEF AND CULTURE Maria Parry University of South Wales. Wales, UK

I am interested in looking at grief and loss and how culture influences this. The purpose of the workshop is to provide students with differing perspectives of how we work with patients and families through loss looking at everyday nursing practice and what can affect grief in these settings. How as nurses we help to talk about death in a more positive way, looking at the rise of the Death Café.

Activities will include presentations, group discussions and focused activities. ABOUT THE TEACHER:

I am the Academic Manager and programme leader for the Bachelor of Nursing course at USW. My background is a nurse that specializes in end of life and palliative care. I have worked in the university since 2001 and was previously a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care. I hold a varied role teaching both pre and post registration and across all fields of practice, looking at our thoughts, attitudes and feelings toward death and loss.

I have an interest in students attitudes toward death and their roles in supporting the patient, the family and themselves.

Page 12: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

REMINISCENCE, BIOGRAPHY AND LIFE STORY WORK IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Claudia Kaiser Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Sciences. Germany Reminiscence plays an important part in forming our subjective understanding of our selves throughout our lives. Individual and collective memory is a dynamic source of ideas and imaginations that is open to change, interpretation and reconstruction but has a fundamental role to play in the continuous development of identities. Reminiscence, biography and life story work is used in various social and health care settings and serves many different functions, such as:

- it provides coherence and continuity - it encourages feelings of self-worth - it helps to come to terms with life and to be open for the future - it opens up new social relationships - it contributes to social inclusion - it supports an individual and empathetic relationship between staff and client

The workshop will give both theoretical input and hands-on learning experiences with techniques of reminiscence and life story work with different age and target groups in social and health care settings.


Claudia Kaiser is Professor of Gerontology at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein (HSNR) involved in the BA Social Work and BA/MA Cultural Education and Management. She has a particular interest in demographic change, processes of ageing and the life course as well as on older people as target groups and participants of social and health care interventions.

Page 13: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

COMMUNICATION AND HUMOUR IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Marion Turquier, France Louise Lindsay, Robert Gordon University. Scotland This workshop will explore the background and understanding of different communication theories and models, different types of humour and the importance and benefits of using humour in health and social care. These are explored in an interactive manner through fun tasks and games.


Marion Turquier: I am currently a General Nurse in Nancy (France) and have been practising for one year. I took part in the Erasmus student exchange to Hameenlinna in 2017 and attended my first Wellbeing Week then as a student. I met Louise during this time too, in 2018 we decided to do our own workshop for International Week and are looking forward to doing this again in 2019!

Louise Lindsay: I am a Social Worker in Aberdeenshire (Scotland) having recently completed my Social Work studies at Robert Gordon University. I currently work with Adults with Learning Disabilities and have previously worked in Mental Health sector and with Children with Autism. This is my second year attending HAMK International Week with this workshop.

Page 14: HAMK WELLBEING WEEK 2019 WORKSHOPS...They came to HAMK as part of Erasmus during January and February 2018, and whilst completing placements in Finnish hospitals and health centres,

Touch massage to reduce students 's stress Marie Laure Kostka-Pierfitte and Peggy Salvo IFSI Laxou, France

We conduct a workshop on touch massage aimed at students who wish to improve their stress management during training. Students are much receptive, in that it they feel well, thet'd be attending school in better and more serene conditions. First day : ASK students to fill a questionnaire on their level of stress beginning at the workshop and at the end of it. And theorical introduction. Second day : Practice Third day : Practice and Realization a video on the components of the workshop and make a little montage. Fourth day : Video presentation

We are both health executive nurse teacher in Nancy (FRANCE). Since 10 years for Marie and 5 years for Peggy . Marie, used to work as a nurse in surgery, at home and as executive head nurse for 13 years,in geriatric staff and diabetologie unit care in Nancy CHU. ¨(University hospital of Nancy) Peggy used to work as a nurse in palliative care department with staff geriatric specialized. And became and executive head in geriatric hospital for 2 years . After that both of them became Executive nurse teacher with different specialization in IFSI ('nursing institute formation). Marie's got a master degree in Ethic and legal médicine. Peggy 's got a master degree in pedagogia health sciences. Peggy went to Finland

last year for the wellbeing week and visit our students.And since that day she took care of the well being for our students at our university. For Marie it's a first time in Finland as a Erasmus mobility.