Happy birthday Sue!!!

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A birthday album from your loved ones!

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Page 1: Happy birthday Sue!!!
Page 2: Happy birthday Sue!!!
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Page 5: Happy birthday Sue!!!

“Dear Sue Yinn,

Happy 23rd birthday ! You've come a long way from your Wollongong days at Outward Bound Camp and have blossomed into a beautiful young lady ! :p But one thing that has never changed is that you remain bubbly throughout the years! Your energy and laughter are infectious and you have been strong in the face of adversity. I cannot be anymore prouder of you and I am super lucky to be your friend! I wish you the best of luck in your next stage of life & I hope to see you in Singapore! Sending my love from Malaysia - have a great birthday!


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“Hey Sue Yinn,

Happy Birthday! I wrote 'Cool' as the one word to describe you because that is the first impression you gave me. I still remember when we met each other the first time, my first impression of you is 'This girl is so friendly and so cool~' Your super-fast-paced-talking style and your super-effective work rate impress everyone trust me. That's why you are so cool~ It has been a pleasure in meeting you and befriending you in these years of my Uni life. Now that you and Joseph have graduated and prepare to leave Melbourne, I honestly feel a bit sad lor! No more couple to let me kacau liao! Have to look for the next couple victims haha. So Sorry I cannot come for your birthday party, I will be in Malaysia during your birthday. Finally, I sincerely hope that you will do well in your future endeavour. Good Luck lor~~~~ Miaow Miaow


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“Happy birthday S.U.E Y.I.N.N !!!


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“Dear Sue Yinn,

I've got so much to say I don't even know where to begin! What I do remember, is that I've always told you you're the greatest person I've ever met. It still holds true till today. Despite meeting wonderful people in my life, I've not come across anyone who can snatch that title away from you. You've been a mega inspiration to me throughout the years together, and will certainly continue to be one. Although you're miles away and we don't see each other as often any more, your kind deeds and funny/silly/awkward moments still resonate often within my mind! I'm so glad we've met in this life, and I'm even happier that you count me worthy as your friend. Truly a blessing like no other! With the limited space I have left, here's a short (but non-exhaustive) list of things that I wanna thank you for. Thanks for.. ..the delicious banana muffin from RT Pastry (your very first gift to me)..the clothes softener (which I scarcely used);..the wallet which I still use till today (sentimental value yo!);..the double-sided pencil pouch, still in use today as well!;..a wonderful evening at Ampang Lookout Point;..helping me buy cheap stuff at Sungai Wang Plaza;..the countless hours of teaching me Math and Accounting (srsly, thanks);..inviting me to your birthday dinner at Jogoya;..hanging out with me at Sunway Lagoon with Chiu, Wilson, Maya and Gideon (good times!);..hosting me at your place in JB, touring me around and taking care of me when I needed it most! (srsly srsly.. thanks so much again)..inviting me to be present at your 21st birthday bash, which I gladly suited up for;..taking me to watch chick flicks (which mostly contained teenage heartthrob, Zac Efron) which I did not particularly enjoy;..the Beats earphone you gave me before your departed from Changi;..allowing me to "cook porridge" for you when you had food poisoning (you looked terribly pale btw);..giving me your electric blanket in Australia (it was a lifesaver);..taking me out for Thai and Western while in Melbourne;..being a trusty companion;..being my friend;..hearing me out when I was overwhelmed by sadness;..anddddddd tolerating all my nonsense since we met. I've got too much to thank you for Yinn. I know I will have more in the future. You're an awesome and amazing person, and you know it. Don't try to be anyone else cuz you're great, just like that. Your friend always,


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“Dear Sue Yinn Wong,

I still remember when I first talked to you in ATA tutorial. I was clueless about ATA and most of what you talked about were just gibberish to me though I pretended to understand. From then on I met you in law lecture and was introduced to the rest of the gang. You've been an amazing friend in so many ways. You've got a great sense of humour, a heart of gold and a wonderful personality. It was a pleasure being able to see you and Joseph grow, get together, graduate and move into society as a working couple. I'm sorry that I'll miss your birthday and farewell as I'm still in Malaysia. However, do know that I wish you the very best in your health, relationship and career. Your future husband and future employer are damn lucky to have you. Also, I'll drop by and visit you and your future husband whenever I can! Take care and keep smiling

Lots and lots of platonic love, QUAN YI

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“Hello Hullo OLA Sue Yinn, Wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Only got to know you better in our final year, BUT the one year in which I had the chance to know you has made all the memories of hanging out with you that were filled with awesomeness, fun, and well, memorable. Memories of you being funny / sarcastic/ just teasing me during those hangouts are what I remember most about you. You are a unique person, one that IS funny, happy, caring, thoughtful, outgoing , and the list goes on on and on.... OH! You are also hardworking and helpful to others, from what I get hanging out with ya. Just keep being yourself coz you are cool that way, COOLS? hahaha !

Just wanna wish you the very best in your future undertakings, which I know you will succeed. Take care & see you soon!!! Keep in touch ya! Lots of love,


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“Sueeeeee yiiinnnn! Happy 23rd sue! Thanks for being such an amazing friend. Though we haven't

spend too much time together in the past years... Every time I meet you it still feels the same. Guess it's true when they say distance doesn't break some friendships. Have an amazing year ahead and hopefully we can meet more often this year I love you and always stay the same sue!


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“Happy 23rd birthday dear twinnie! :))

Thanks for being such a great friend! You have amazing personalities; always being so kindhearted, helpful and caring.. I'm so glad to have known an amiable twinnie who thinks alike with me and has so much for me to learn from :DD All the best in your future, Sue! May your dreams come true! Stay sweet, stay happy and stay amazing as who you are



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“Dear Sue Yinn,

Happy 23rd birthday! You have a very vibrant character, but to me, RELIABLE is the word that best describes you. You are always super prepared for well, almost everything! It is comforting to know that I have someone to depend upon throughout my three years in Melbourne. I don’t normally depend on people, so my words speak volumes okay!

Our life in Melbourne has come to an end, but not for our friendship, I am sure that I will see you somehow and somewhere back in Malaysia, or even better, in Singapore. You have a bright mind and a compassionate heart. I have no doubt that you will do well in life (then I can still rely on you in the future?) Haha. For now, take care and good luck!


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“Hey Sue Yinn!

Happy 23rd birthday! Thanks for being such an awesome friend and always helping me when I am in need of it. You're always there to lend someone a hand and I am grateful to have you as a friend. Still remembered how you drove me to the hospital that night without the front headlights on haha! My first word was supposed to be "chatterbox" haha!!! Jokes aside, I cherished all the times we had together and every time we meet up, it's just like the good ol' days. I hope to see you again in the future and we can have our coffee or mamak gossips when we work in Petronas Love you loads (not as much as Joseph loves you lol) and all the best in your future endeavours.


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“Hola Sue,

Happy 23rd! Not sure why but the first word that popped in my mind is STRONG. You’re an amazing girl and you possess such a strong personality. You know when and how to properly take charge and also are a great leader (OB lol). I can’t properly describe or give more proof about how are you ‘strong’ you are but somehow you project that ‘aura’. I believe everyone feels the same too. Also, aside from the ‘strong’ personality, I also like how you always seem to know what I’m thinking ; ) hehehe. All I have to do is give you a glance and you’ll quickly get what I mean. (At this moment, please imagine the Mr. Bean ‘if you know what I mean’ meme hahahaha). Ok, I’m gona cut the crap lol. (As if that can happen). Oh my god, time passes so quickly and uni has just flashed before our eyes. Soon, we’ll be in a completely different stage of our lives. Nevertheless, please do always keep in touch. Also let’s keep “Ain’t nobody got time for that” alive! I can’t describe how glad I am to have met you and please don’t ever feel shy to approach me for any help in the future : )


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“Blessed 23rd birthday Sue Yinn! :))

Thank you for being an amazing buddy to me! You are someone that portrays a caring attribute, caring for your friends around you. I am thankful and am blessed by this friendship. I am also happy for u as to the things that have happened to u in Melbourne. Stay strong in faith okay. God has amazing plans ahead for you. Dream big and commit all your ways to Him kk! He has nothing but the best for u! Stay awesome Sue Yinn! Psalm 37:5-Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust Him and He will help you. Proverbs 3:5-6-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take. Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.


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“Hey baby girl,

I've known you all your life and yet you never fail to surprise me with your boundless wit, humour, insanely brilliant antics and great big heart. I will love you to the ends of the earth and no matter what you do, you'll always be perfect to me. Happy birthday little one !!!


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“Hi sue!!!

So i was thinking of one word to describe you but i had so many words that it took a while to choose but in the end i chose SWEET! NOT that i want to eat you, or you look like a lolly, you have a sweet happy personality and its just so welcoming! Im glad i got to know you from joseph and although we dont talk as much or hang out as much everytime i see you your some how always smiling and happy. You are a sweet little girl and i know that with your positive personality and smart mind you will go very far and successful in life. Its sad to know that you are leaving melbourne and i may not see you until a very long time but i hope we can still stay in touch and be friends for a long time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE PIE!


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“Dear Sue, All the words everyone has chosen are all so apt and fitting and I couldn't agree with them more. You are an absolutely lovely person. You radiate happiness, and your smile is infectious. Thank you for always being so friendly and kind and for your care and prayer! I've been blessed to have met you at university and have no doubt that your future with be just as bright as your personality. I secretly think that you have two brains too, and your generous offer to lend me your Momu card all the time was greatly appreciated. Thank you for being your lovely self all the time. Happy Birthday and all the best!!!! Love,

NAOMI (half a brain)

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“Happy birthday Sue! You're definitely one of the most outgoing/easy-going persons I've met. I'm sure you remember we met at a MOMU event and you came up to talk to me (and Victor!). Sometimes I wish I can be as friendly as you are or at least make the effort to break the ice with someone new. Your friendly nature is a huge element in our group and with no doubt contributed to how close we are today. I must admit I learn from you all the time. Keep it up girl! ;)

Have a blessed birthday and don't forget to have fun! FEDERICK LING

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“Hey Sue Yinn!!

In case you can't tell what the letters are, they form the word 'Love' Hmmm cause the love between you and Joseph is too sweet ♥ I know this love isn't easy, but I really admire the determination of both of you to always be with each other and stand up to face the challenges. Joseph taught me how to love my family and you taught me how to love my other half. Love is hard to find, but I am really glad that you found each other! 大嫂, hehe Happy Birthday ya!!! Enjoy your day ~♥ Good luck in your future too!! I know we will stay in touch


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“Hey Sue, Happy Birthday!

From the past 3 years knowing u in uni, I realise you're a strong, capable, determined, persistent, resilient, lively, caring, compassionate and loving character. And i summarise all these in one word: SUPERWOMAN. I choose not to use the word Iron Lady because despite having these "manly" traits, you're not iron, but a caring, compassionate and loving (and pretty) lady. So this is exactly like a superwoman. I like how u always take care of the feelings of others, the way u talk to people, the way u comfort and encourage others. You melt the stubborn people like a marshmallow in hot chocolate, and you solidify the heart-broken people like chocolate-coating from liquid chocolate fountain. The effects are instant! And I wish your Superwoman Level can increase together with your age. Also i hope u can rely more on Superman and others so that u won't be worn out from taking too much care of others and neglecting yourself. Wish u all the best in your 23. Have fun and enjoy. God bless.


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“Happy 23rd birthday, Sue Yinn!

Thank you for being a friend who makes us feel warm and welcome at all time! It's great to know that you have someone to approach when you need help/ someone to talk to. I can never forget the times when I was desperately in need of help for Criminology. It's a great disaster isn't it? Despite this, I know I can always contact you to get more information about assignments and etc. You are always happy to lend me a hand although you may be busy with your own work. So, maintain that positive aura around you and spread your positive energy! It's definitely a bless for me to have known you and have someone to look up to. Hopefully you can get a job in Singapore as you wish, so that we can catch up more frequently! ♥ Love,


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“Hi Sue Yinn, you are the most determined person I have ever met so far! You always go all out in achieving everything: exams, assignments, team tasks, etc... Your determination makes you really charismatic and admirable!!! Also, thanks for being part of my college and uni life for the past 4.5 years!!! Good luck in your future and take care. HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY, Sue Yinn!!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoooooo Love,


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“Happy 23rd birthday Sue Yinn!!! Smart(ass) was the first word that came to mind to describe you! Because the first memory about/with you that came to mind was the numerous times in Ms. Esther's classes that you were asking questions that I don't even understand and having intelligent discussions with her hahaha. Which also means....it's been too long girl!! Last we met was like last day of A Levels?! But thanks to social media I know that you're doing well in life (congratulations on your graduation btw!) and I wish you nothing but the best!! And hope to see you soon! :):) Love,


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“Hey Sue! Happy 23rd birthday! Sadly there's no official song to sing for you this time. But we can go like you' re feeling 23.. Oh oh.. 23... Anyways, after taking some time to think, I guess the best word that I would describe you as would be THOUGHTFUL. Throughout our 3 years friendship in uni, you never fail to amaze me with your amount of thoughtfulness towards everyone. Your care and kind attitude really touched me and I am proud to be your first Malaysian friend from micro tute.

Our journeys diverge for now and we go our separate ways into the unknown scary corporate world looking to progress further as adults and maybe someday mummy and daddy? Nevertheless, keep in touch as distance will not be a barrier for our friendship and you can be sure to always expect an honest opinion from me anytime about anything. All you have to do is ask. Take care and farewell for now and I am sure we will meet again sooner or later. P.s. In my humble opinion you look especially pretty today :p your annual compliment delivered heh.

Best regards, NICK

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“Hello Sue Yinn!

Happy birthday!! You're one POWERFUL lady with a lot of positive vibe that always lighten up the atmosphere. You just keep going regardless if it is work or studies-related, or just having fun. You definitely know how to live life to the fullest and it is an utmost pleasure to get to know you. All the best to you with life-after-uni! Hope to see you again soon PS. Do you like the awesome picture with the awesome powerful word? Best,


(as Wai Baoz always say)

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“Hey Sue Yinn! Happy birthday! I hope that you have a lovely one filled with abundant joy and

laughter. It's been such a blessing to know you. You've always been so kind and nice since I met you when we went camping together. I still remember the time you tripped and hid behind me cause you were afraid Nick would notice HAHA. Anyway, thanks for always being so willing to help, be it answering my questions about uni assignments or pwc's job offer. I wish you all the best in your future and your career! Have a wonderful birthday!


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“Hey Sue Yinn! :))

Happy birthday!! I remember my first time meeting you at PwC and have loved your cheerful attitude ever since! Never once had I heard you complaining or worrying despite having to work until midnight during your engagement. Instead, you always face everything with a cheerful and positive attitude. Your cheerfulness makes you very approachable and easy to talk to and is a very attractive trait which I admire

Have a great birthday and all the best for your future endeavours! Love,


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“Sue Yinn! It's been great having a friend like you all this while On your 23rd, here's wishing all your

wishes and dreams come true can't wait to see you! Yeap you're such a BEAUTIFUL girl both inside out and that's what makes you so very special

Have a great one once again on your 23rd! Second celebration when you're back in M'sia k! Muahh!


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“Hello Sue Yin,

Happy Birthday my dear. I still remember when I first met you, you were so friendly and easy going. Even though we just met but I feel like you are an old friend of mine. Haha I think the best word to describe you is caring. You care enough about others to listen and you always make sure everyone is comfortable in all social setting. Really appreciate your authenticity

Good luck in your future endeavour and hope you to see you in Singapore/ Malaysia soon! Love,


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“Hello worldz (suebaoz)

Happy 23rd birthday! You are always my beloved baoz although u have pufo. I'm lucky to have you as my baoz, such a friendly and understanding companion. We have become much closer since 2nd year. I remember the fun times we train and walk Tgt to Pwc office. You were there to keep me company when I was bored. I kept ST u , and you would reply me even you were busy during internship. Thanks for all ur patience you had on me(this annoying and disloyal waibaoz). However, trust me,I treat all my baoz with equal care and love. Thanks for everything that you provide me in my 3 years of uni life. Good luck for your amazing future and I can't wait to see the minion family! P.s : we have alot of amazing times which idk how to describe with words coz I have problems expressing myself. However, I wish you all the best and I truly enjoy every moments with you esp our sleepover at my sunway house and jingle's place. Those late night Victoria secret workout session and gossips were awesome and funny! Bye worldz!


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Page 63: Happy birthday Sue!!!

“Dear Sue,

Happy Birthday!! It was quite challenging to pick just one word to describe you, but I decided to choose the word 'kind-hearted'. You have been an amazing friend and I am so glad to have met you at uni. You are always there to help everyone with open arms and your kindness is what makes you a special person to me and to everyone else. You are also a very caring, thoughtful and understanding friend. Thanks for giving me support, advices and opinions when I need them. But most importantly thanks for being you, someone I can always share stories with! Once again, happy birthday Sue!! Wishing you all the best as you embark on a new journey working in Malaysia/Singapore or anywhere else! Hope to see you again soon Love,


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“Hello Sue Yinn, Happy 23rd Birthday! The word I have chosen for you is happy. My impression of you is that you are a happy girl who are filled with energy. No matter how tough things were for you, you are always smiling and also never fail to put a smile on faces of people around you.Therefore, my wish for you is to stay positive as you are and continue to spread joy and happiness as you have already been doing. Wish you all the best in your future undertakings and I will always be your friend who is ready to back you up when you need help, may it be in Sydney/Melbourne/Malaysia. Again, happy birthday and have a great one!


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“Dear SueYinn,

Happy 23rd Birthday! The word that comes to mind when I think of you is 'selfless'. You're always putting other people's needs before your own, no matter how tired or busy you may be. Thankyou for being a part of my Melbourne life, and always being there for me when I needed you. I wish you have a very happy birthday as we step into a new phase of our lives and hope to remain friends for the many many more years to come. Love,


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“HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARIEEEE!!!! ♥ A picture of us together "neoprint" style!! Can't believe how long it has been since we used to have those crazy long talks on the phone!!! You're truly an AMAZING friend and I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!! hee, hope you have an amazing and wonderful 23rd birthday!! Hope to see you soon dearie!!! XD Missing you heapss xx me


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Page 71: Happy birthday Sue!!!

“Hello Sue Yinn,

It’s great to have known you these couple of years and I finally get the chance to celebrate your birthday with you, a unique individual with so much drive, energy and enthusiasm in all aspects of life. I remember vividly that I met you at Pufo’s birthday in 2013 and there was an aura of mystery about you. I knew I had to know you and it has been a blessing that I did through our numerous mahjong sessions/gatherings/road trips. Even though I have only known you for less than 2 years, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you for being such a good friend, considerate, thoughtful and resilient. I’m pretty sure I have annoyed and frustrated you at times, I’m sorry. I like the honesty in you and this has allowed me to be myself around you. It is a challenging task to describe you with a word but I would like to share a word with you, “καταλαμβάνω – Katalambanó”, which you are probably aware. This is a Greek word from the bible which means to seize upon, take possession of. I feel that this word has a lot of meaning and it gives direction to one. I see you as one who seizes every opportunity and not give up on your goals. In whatever you choose to do in the future, seize hold of all opportunities and never back down. I hope you have a wonderful 23rd birthday. Also wishing you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly! HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!!!! Best wishes,


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“Hey my dear sue yinn! Happy 23rd bday! It has been really long since the last time i saw you..missing

you a lot! Y did i choose the word STRONG is because you are always a strong person within you & most importantly u remind us your friends that we are strong enough & capable enough to go through anything :)) you will always always be my awesome friend! Love u so much & God bless! ♥


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“Brilliant! Absolutely, stunningly brilliant.. In intelligence and grace. May you continue to shine as

brightly as you have and more in your life. Always have faith and confidence in what you can do I look forward to hearing more amazing things from you. Happy birthday, Sue!


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“Hi Sue Yinn, Happy Birthday!! Positive is the word that comes to mind to describe you: always

energetic and active in everything, no matter if it's studies or socialising. A wonderful trait that you should be very proud of stay positive always, a bright future awaits! Hope to see you next time! Warm regards,


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“Hi! How you been? Haven't seen you in 3-4 years? So on the top of my mind.. I'd say you're caring..

Whether it's about what you do or about your friends.. And I think that's an admirable quality.. Anyways.. Happy 23rd birthday! Hope it's going to be a great year for you!


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“Hey Sue!

Happy 23rd Bday!! For me, the word that suits you the most is "True". Cos for me, you are true to yourself and true to others. It's hard to describe it in words so yeaaa :p

I hope you keep this beautiful virtue foreva! Enjoy your birthday ERWIN

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“Hello Sue Sue!

Happy birthday cutie! I hope you have an incredible time celebrating yourself today. You're definitely one of the most capable girls that I've ever met in my life. I guess the reason why this word comes to my mind is mainly due to Fiesta. Oh well, how can Siew Chee never mention about fiesta when she meets Sue? Haha. No doubt fiesta is the bridge that brings us closer and also through managing this event together, I get to know you much better. I'm amazed by how capable you're in doing everything but yet, at the same time, you're always so humble and helpful. You're such a beautiful person in every sense of word and I'm so blessed to know you! Thanks for being such a great friend to me! Now our uni life has come to an end, we might not see each other often. But fret not, I'll always stalk you, no no, I mean receive your updates from Instagram and Facebook. So please be active in social media! (You have a loyal follower here! *waive waive*) Once again, happy 23rd birthday my dear! I wish you all the best and may you find happiness in everything you do. Let's spread your wings and soar above your dreams!

Love you to bits! SIEW CHEE

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“Happy Birthday Sue Yinn. You are such an inspiring person to me. You always know what you want,

and once you make up your mind you will go for it no matter what. I am very glad to have met you in my uni life. All the best in your future undertakings.



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“Hey Sue Yinn!!! Happy Birthday & also congratulations on your graduation (saw lots of pics ;) )! Anyways, thank you so much for our friendship since A Levels! I really appreciate you and you are truly one of the most sincere people I have ever known! You always exude so much love, care, and genuine kindness to others, and you set such a fine example of a beautiful, young lady! This new year, I pray that you would grow even deeper in love and wisdom, and gain a bountiful of experiences to share with us in the near future! Thanks for all the times and memories we have shared in Sunway and for helping me with Life Club! I wish you all the best and will be keeping you in prayers! God bless and take care! ♥ "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace." - Numbers 6:24-26


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“Sueyinnnnn!!! Sweet warm caring kind sueyinn!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear! Wow 23! Seems like just yesterday when we first met eh.. May u hv an awesome day! Best wishes in your future career! I know u will be accomplishing great things in the future, so dont forget this friend of yours when u're rich n famous k ;D Let's meet in april! Looaaaaddss of luv from bangalore, - Jane xoxo p/s: dat was a moving train at the back! Imagine the sound of a train approaching going chooo CHOOOOOOOOOO n amplify it by 100000000X haha


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“Happy birthday Sue Yinn!!! I choose the word listen as I think this is one characteristic that you have

which I really admire. Thanks for listening to my stories. Sometimes, people don't ask for much but just a pair of listening ears and time. Thank you for being a great friend! Happy birthday and wish you all the best in your future endeavours


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Page 93: Happy birthday Sue!!!

“Heyy Sue Yinn! Happy birthday!! I hope you'll have an amazing one this year Thank you for being such a great friend to me. . I can't tell you enough how much i appreciate having you as a friend. You've always been so selfless, putting others' needs before your own, even in the toughest situations. That's one of the many things that makes you so special. I know you'll always be that person i can count on, and i do hope you know you can count on me too. P.s. Can't wait to have you back here in Malaysia! Lots of love,


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“Hello Baby Boo, thank you for always being yourself the moment I met you in first year. It is hard to

find someone like you. I can be myself when I am with you. Thank you for teaching me how to love like you do and inspiring me to walk hand in hand with you with God day by day. We cry, we fought, we laugh and at the end of the day, I love you for who you are. Go and do what you like for you are capable of greater things that you have yet to achieve. As I am typing this, you are sleeping like a pig thankfully :D. Happy Birthday once again as we enter the year of Goat!



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“Hey Sueyinn!

Happy 23rd Birthday to you! So much has happened since we exchanged our first hellos at one of the introductory sessions on academic advice day in first year of uni. Looking back, meeting you and getting to know you is definitely one of the highlights of my 3 years in Melbourne. Was told to think of a single word to describe you and so many words came to my mind when I was brainstorming about this and reflecting about the times we've spent together. I don't think a single word can fully embody the amazing individual you are. The word that stuck/ that I found myself going back to is: thoughtful. I have seen and experienced your thoughtfulness in so many instances over the past 3 years.. Be it in a group situation/ just among a few of us, be it over something major or trivial. Always considerate, thoughtful and putting everyone else before yourself. I read somewhere that turning 23 is merely a stage of life where we become a kid again. A kid version of an adult that is. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, take risks, be adventurous, don't be too hard on yourself, just enjoy being a 'kid' again (only with more responsibilities and stuff to deal with now) and have fun. You being you... I'm sure you'll have everything figured out in no time. Stay amazing and here's wishing you the very best as you embark on the next stage of your life. Have a blessed birthday! Best wishes,


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Page 99: Happy birthday Sue!!!

“Heyy Sue!

I guess my word is a no brainer. The word 'bro' captures our relationship perfectly as you are, to me, the very essence of what the word means. An entry in Urban Dictionary (ha-ha, reliable source I know) defined the word 'bro' (among other things) as 'close friends; buds; pals; comradery'. And I believe that in the time we have spent together, we have become just that.

So many nice (and true) things have been said about you and I agree with every single one of them. However, to prevent your ego from reaching hyperinflated levels like the Zimbabwean inflation rate (though arguably your birthday is an appropriate and deserving occasion for an ego boost), I have decided to phrase this sweet message to you in a different way. There are often two ways of reporting something. For example: 'John likes tall men' can be reported as either 'John adores men of height' or 'John hates short men'. Three guesses as to which sends the stronger message. You follow me? So here we go. I hate your ability to always approach someone new with equal friendliness and passion as an old friend. Your ability to love deeply and unconditionally is one that the whole world should have. As Fed aptly stated it, you have the uncanny ability to be nice to everyone without reserving judgement. In fact, I absolutely love it when you find someone who absolutely challenges you past your tolerance level and we are able to have wonderful sessions (or, pardon my French, b*tching) talking about it. Those rare but priceless moments makes me feel less horrid of a human being, but even then, you still gossip like a saint As Ken touched on, I hate how you’re always so organised, prepared and ready for everything. I love it when I am able to answer a question you can’t because you had 233894347 million other more things to care about at that time. It’s small of me to admit it, but it makes me feel just a little better about myself when that rare moment occurs I hate how you’re about to embark on a new chapter of your life without me. I hate how we won’t be in the same time zone. I hate how I know you’ll always be able to take care of yourself and that you’ll have a successful career. But I guess I only hate all these things because it’s a measure of how much you are a bro to me. So trust me, your best bro, to come up with a wonderfully ‘hateful’ message on your special day because no one else is as deserving of all my ‘hatred’ as you. Please miss me for I will miss you dearly.



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