SERENIC HCM PAYROLL & HR Serenic HCM Payroll Payroll is a critical component of every business – and often one of the most complex. Companies need payroll software that offers ease of use, accuracy and full integration with business management systems. A powerful, integrated payroll software solution can improve labor productivity and labor efficiencies, as well as help control labor related costs – all of which directly contribute to your bottom line. Serenic Human Capital Management (HCM) Payroll is a flexible, in-house solution designed to meet the individual needs of industries – including manufacturing, wholesale/retail, trade, services, distribution, construction, and nonprofit organizations to name a few. A flexible system allowing for in-depth data analysis, HCM Payroll utilizes Microsoft NAV’s database for processing large numbers of employees – adding up to a powerful HCM offering for Enterprise Resource Management (ERM). Track payroll information against jobs, define unique pay cycles, track and calculate commissions and more. In the past, common thought held that outsourcing of payroll was a great time and money saver, but more and more organizations are finding that in-house payroll is a better choice. During payroll processing, for example, an internal staff performs the bulk of the work whether a company outsources the calculations or not. Source data input is the most time-consuming task during payroll runs, while the time a payroll vendor spends on calculations is minor in comparison. Using Serenic HCM Payroll, data entry and calculations are completed by your in-house staff, lowering the overall cost per transaction and saving the minimum or basic vendor processing fees. In addition, the ability to post, store and report upon detailed ledger entries per employee and/or departments saves the incredible amount of time and money required to obtain similar “ad-hoc” or “one-off” reports from outsourced providers. Payroll Available Functionality and Benefits Designed to accommodate any unique payroll situation, Serenic HCM Payroll provides these valuable benefits: Multiple Employer Keep all information for more than one employer within the same company. Flexible reporting options allow access to information for each separate employer or all employers together. Earnings for an employee working for more than one employer can be treated separately or combined. If treated separately, then multiple W-2s or T-4s will be printed for the employee. Specific rates can be assigned at the employer level. Built on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certified Microsoft Gold ERP partner. Our partnership with Microsoft ensures software is designed to meet companies’ needs as well as providing secure long-term investments. Key Benefits Full integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Payroll: · All entries posted directly to Microsoft NAV General Ledger. · Post Liabilities automatically to NAV Purchases and Payables. · Automatically post employer expenses to Jobs or Departments. · Define your own pay cycles. · Enter, track and calculate commissions. · Define an unlimited number of payroll controls (earnings, expenses, hours, etc). Human Resources: · Avoid staff shortages with applicant tracking and analysis. · Ease the hiring process with position management. · Add user-defined fields to match your unique requirements. · Streamline salary administration. · Customize absence tracking to meet your needs. Deployment Options: Software licenses can be purchased for on-premise deployment or in a subscription-based SaaS model for online deployment in the cloud.

HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

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Page 1: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold


Serenic HCM Payroll

Payroll is a critical component of every business – and often one of the most complex. Companies need payroll software that offers ease of use, accuracy and full integration with business management systems. A powerful, integrated payroll software solution can improve labor productivity and labor effi ciencies, as well as help control labor related costs – all of which directly contribute to your bottom line.

Serenic Human Capital Management (HCM) Payroll is a fl exible, in-house solution designed to meet the individual needs of industries – including manufacturing, wholesale/retail, trade, services, distribution, construction, and nonprofi t organizations to name a few. A fl exible system allowing for in-depth data analysis, HCM Payroll utilizes Microsoft NAV’s database for processing large numbers of employees – adding up to a powerful HCM offering for Enterprise Resource Management (ERM). Track payroll information against jobs, defi ne unique pay cycles, track and calculate commissions and more.

In the past, common thought held that outsourcing of payroll was a great time and money saver, but more and more organizations are fi nding that in-house payroll is a better choice. During payroll processing, for example, an internal staff performs the bulk of the work whether a company outsources the calculations or not. Source data input is the most time-consuming task during payroll runs, while the time a payroll vendor spends on calculations is minor in comparison.

Using Serenic HCM Payroll, data entry and calculations are completed by your in-house staff, lowering the overall cost per transaction and saving the minimum or basic vendor processing fees. In addition, the ability to post, store and report upon detailed ledger entries per employee and/or departments saves the incredible amount of time and money required to obtain similar “ad-hoc” or “one-off” reports from outsourced providers.

Payroll Available Functionality and Benefi ts

Designed to accommodate any unique payroll situation, Serenic HCM Payroll provides these valuable benefi ts:

Multiple Employer

• Keep all information for more than one employer within the same company. • Flexible reporting options allow access to information for each separate employer or all employers together. • Earnings for an employee working for more than one employer can be treated separately or combined. If treated separately, then multiple W-2s or T-4s will be printed for the employee. • Specifi c rates can be assigned at the employer level.

Built on Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold ERP partner. Our partnership with Microsoft ensures software is designed to meet companies’ needs as well as providing secure long-term investments.

Key Benefi ts

■ Full integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.■ Payroll: · All entries posted directly to Microsoft NAV General Ledger. · Post Liabilities automatically to NAV Purchases and Payables. · Automatically post employer expenses to Jobs or Departments. · Defi ne your own pay cycles. · Enter, track and calculate commissions. · Defi ne an unlimited number of payroll controls (earnings, expenses, hours, etc).■ Human Resources: · Avoid staff shortages with applicant tracking and analysis. · Ease the hiring process with position management. · Add user-defi ned fi elds to match your unique requirements. · Streamline salary administration. · Customize absence tracking to meet your needs.

Deployment Options:

Software licenses can be purchased for on-premise deployment or in a subscription-based SaaS model for online deployment in the cloud.

Page 2: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

Flexible Calculations • Any business rule that can be mathematically or logically defi ned can be set up in a payroll calculation, including complicated combinations for shift differentials, piece rates, work type differentials, etc. • Calculation “trace” functionality for following step-by-step methods allows you to troubleshoot new calculations.

Post Liabilities to Accounts Payable • Defi ne specifi c vendors for each tax, benefi t, garnishment or other employer or employee payroll expense. • Automatically create summarized purchase invoices for each vendor, by specifi ed date periods, to segregate accounting duties appropriately. • Print detailed “liability to AP” reports with user-defi ned descriptions for each employee for garnishment authority and benefi t provider reporting.

Post Labor Burden • Post employer-paid expenses directly to “jobs” and/or “departments” through this periodic activity.


Easily access all Employee information from one user-friendly screen.

“Without Serenic Payroll, it would be nearly impossible – and cost-prohibitive – to pay weekly. Since Serenic HCM is infi nitely scalable, it’s not a big deal – just a push of a button and very little effort to pay weekly versus every other week. We can break out payroll by dimensions, showing direct and indirect labor costs that payroll and management departments want to see. Before Serenic, we had to enter our 401k matching amounts, which took weeks. Now we can pull the same information in minutes.”

Rick Drass, Vice President of Information Technology, Tervis Tumbler, Serenic HCM Payroll customer

Page 3: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

Mass Updates • Update employee-specifi c pay or benefi t rates by a percentage adjustment, an amount adjustment or a specifi c value. • Attach specifi c groups of payroll controls to one or more employees in a single step.

Automatic Accruals • Automatically post liabilities and expenses to specifi c closing dates before or after the actual payroll posting date.

Direct Deposit • Defi ne unlimited bank accounts (savings or checking) per employee with amounts determined by dollar or percentage of net pay. • Produce a user-defi ned export report to meet individual bank requirements.

New Employee Setup Wizard • Easily set up new employees by following a step-by-step setup wizard. • Defi ne which fi elds are required, ensuring that each record has all necessary information.

Employee Validate Function • Easily determine any missing details of the employee set up to ensure the system properly calculates employee taxes, benefi ts, garnishments, etc.

Time Journal • Enter employees’ hourly time manually or import via Dynamics NAV XML port directly from a timeclock or time entering system. • Interfaces directly with jobs, departments and resources.

Payroll Outsourcing vs. In-House Worksheet

For more information about whether Serenic HCM Payroll or outsourcing is the right solution, download Serenic’s white paper and complete “The true cost of payroll outsourcing” worksheet to calculate the true cost of an outsourced payroll solution.

Serenic HCM Human Resources

Serenic HCM (Human Capital Management) Human Resources is an extensive human resources package enabling companies to effi ciently and effectively direct and manage daily human resource functions. From hiring the right staff and analyzing pertinent information to tracking absences and training, Serenic HCM Human Resources helps get the job done with minimal effort and maximum control. It ultimately allows internal HR staff to focus on the strength and satisfaction of employees by streamlining data tracking and communication and ensuring accurate management reporting.


“Outsourcing certainly has its benefi ts, but before you decide to hand off your payroll hassles to an outsourced solution provider, stop and consider not only your company’s needs, but also the potential pay-per-view costs you might encounter along the way. Which steps in the payroll process cause you the most pain? Are you willing to pay for the convenience of outsourcing them? Will outsourcing truly shift the burden? And are you ready to hand over some (or all) of the control of your valuable information? Can you live with level of detail provided by a service provider or do you need more insight into your labor costs?”

Geni Whitehouse, Author, Outsourcing Payroll: Panacea or Pay Per View?

Page 4: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

SERENIC HCM PAYROLL & HRHR Available Functionality and Benefi ts

All of these functional areas are included in the Serenic HCM Offering.

HR Extended Fields

Track and analyze user-defi ned data.

Every company has unique data to store. Serenic HCM Extended Fields feature allows you to quickly enter an unlim-ited number of user-defi ned fi elds with the ability to group like fi elds together. It also enables you to establish a list of predefi ned values for each user-defi ned fi eld. This eliminates the chance of data entry error and ensures accuracy when analyzing data for:

• Employees • Employers • Positions • Applicants • Job Requisitions

One of the most common statements from human resource personnel is that there is no easy way to analyze data on-screen. With Serenic HCM Extended Fields, there are different analysis tools allowing you to “slice and dice” your data quickly and easily on screen. Being able to drill down and fi nd specifi c employee information directly from the analysis form saves time and increases productivity.

• Track an unlimited number of user defi ned fi elds. • Pre-determine the type of data that can be entered into a specifi c fi eld (e.g., code, text, Yes/No, etc.). • Set up a pre-defi ned list of values that appears on a drop-down list for the fi eld. • Drill down into specifi c details of the analysis to get the exact information that you need. • Send the analysis to Microsoft Excel®, Word® or Microsoft Outlook® (as an HTML attachment) with the click of a button.

Setting up Predefi ned Value pick lists enables ease of data entry and reduces data entry errors.

Serenic HCM – Human Resources

Serenic HCM

Extended Fields

Serenic HCM

Position Management

Serenic HCM


Serenic HCM

Communication Tracking

Serenic HCM

Pay Structures

Serenic HCM

File Attachment

Page 5: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

SERENIC HCM PAYROLL & HRHR Position Management

Ease the hiring process.

This feature allows you to defi ne all positions within your company, including specifi c information that is standard for the position. Pertinent information will automatically fl ow to the employee once the position is assigned to them (e.g., rates, department and standard payroll controls such as earnings, hours, accruals and benefi ts).

• Describe the skills or qualifi cations that are required for a position, as well as the profi ciency required. • Delineate salary/rate range for a position with warning messages when an employee is assigned outside of the defi ned range. • Drill down to see the exact employees who have been assigned to a specifi c position. • Perform an analysis on employees or applicants to determine who has the best qualifi cations for a specifi c position. • Capture historical position information for tracking career patterns. • Attach multiple positions to individual employees with accurate full time equivalent (FTE) information. • Create budget and actual entries for each position allowing for budget/actual/variance reporting.

HR Recruitment

Rate all applicants based on qualifi cations with the interactive Applicant Qualifi cation Overview feature.

Whether you are recruiting internally or externally, fi nding the right candidates for an open position is extremely important. It also can be one of the most time-consuming tasks a human resource department can undertake. Serenic HCM Recruitment streamlines this process for your HR.

Applicant specifi c information relating to open job requisitions can be accessed through an applicant card or a job requisition card, including expected salary, willingness to relocate and availability. An analysis tool is available to assist in determining the most qualifi ed applicant for an open position.

Defi ne specifi c information that is standard for a position.

Page 6: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold


• Easily create a new employee from an applicant and the applicant information will automatically fl ow to the employee card (e.g., qualifi cations, experience, references, personal information, etc.). • Purging historical applicants determined by specifi c requirements can be performed easily with the click of a button. • Run Position Qualifi cation Analysis to determine the most qualifi ed applicant or employee for an open position.

HR Communication Tracking

Effectively manage communications for employees, applicants and references.

Traditionally, sensitive communications related to human resource operations have been stored in paper fi les that grow over time. It is becoming more common to store “soft copies” of documents (e.g., offer letters, employee reviews, disciplinary actions, benefi t plan changes or announcements) on the network, but these fi les are not typically connected to the HR system or associated with the employee - making it cumbersome.

The Communications Tracking feature enables you to eliminate hard copies and electronically manage communications for employees or applicants. When you open an employee or applicant card, you can easily access all related communications, soft documents, fi les and information in fi elds. This feature includes the ability to:

• Produce and maintain communications integrated with the mail merge functionality of Microsoft Word. • Create mass or individual communications with either employees or applicants that can be distributed in hard copy, email or fax format.

Capture and track all relevant applicant data (i.e., contact information, references, qualifi cations and education).

Page 7: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold


Communication templates give you the ability to defi ne the different types of documents that will be stored and or sent via Microsoft Word mail merge functionality. Communication templates have two purposes: • Provide a standard format for communication with employees, applicants, and references. • Offer a consistent convention under which communications are catalogued.

HR Pay Structures

Simplify complex rates of pay.

Pay Structures allows payment using a company pay grid rather than individual employee rates of pay. When new rates are required or existing rates need to be adjusted, you can easily copy an existing pay grid with a new effective date and make the changes, then you can mass update all employees for those changes to take effect. Effective dates are available through many different areas of HCM 2013, so you can load a new rate into the system in advance of the change.

• Handle changing company rates using Master Pay Structures, which is controlled by effective dates. • Provide two options – a fi xed grid of specifi c rates or a range allowing for a position to have a min/max rate range.

Pay Structures allows for equitable treatment of all employees by assigning a grid system to the salary structure.

Page 8: HCM Payroll & HR 8 page · Serenic Human Capital Management, or HCM, is a suite of products including Serenic HCM Payroll and Human Resources. Serenic is a certifi ed Microsoft Gold

©2002-13 Serenic Corporation. All other company names and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

www.serenic.com(877) 737-3642


The File Attachment feature allows you to store documents directly on the record (e.g., store a performance review on an employee card).

• Save all fi le types (e.g., Word documents, Excel, PDF, TXT). • Store fi les directly in a database, not linked to another source. • Attach external fi les to records using “drag-and-drop” functionality to many areas within Serenic HCM.

Purchase Information

Software licenses can be purchased for on-premise deployment or in a subscription-based SaaS model for online deployment in the cloud.

Functionality Included in Serenic HCM Serenic HCM Sold in Employee Packs

Payroll 1–100 EmployeesPay Structures 101–250 EmployeesPosition Management 251–500 EmployeesCommunication Tracking 501–1,000 EmployeesRecruitment Unlimited EmployeesFile AttachmentsExtended Fields

About Serenic

Serenic Corporation is a Microsoft Industry Solutions Vendor with a mission to deliver highly functional software solutions. We believe passionately in developing quality software which will solve the unique requirements of our clients while lowering the total cost of ownership proposition. We measure success by the satisfaction of our clients and business partners.

To learn more about Serenic HCM Payroll and HR for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, please visit www.serenic.com/products/hcm.aspx and contact your Microsoft Certifi ed Business Solutions reselling partner.
