Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

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Page 1: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service
Page 2: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

Headliners3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement.

5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.

7–8 Technical service. Tailor-made solutions, optimal process coordination.

9–10 release agents for automotive sub-suppliers.

release agents for Footwear manufacture.

11–12 release agents for Furniture industry.

release agents for Medical / rehab and Technical items.

Page 3: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

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Page 4: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service
Page 5: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

BOMiX. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement.

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BOMiX. One sOurCe ParTner

FOr POlyureTHane surFaCe reFineMenT.

years OF eXPerienCe. Visual and haptic refinement of polyurethane (Pu) surfaces is the field of speciality for Bomix Chemie GmbH (Bomix). innovative solutions play a vital role. Our Company was founded in 1935 as “ernst Böttler KG, Bomix-Chemie” and has been based in Telgte/Westphalia since 1965. Today we consider ourselves to be one of the market and technology leaders within the range of Pu surface refinement.

MeMBer OF THe BerlaC GrOuP.in 2003 we became a member of the swiss Berlac Group; they are a world-wide leading manufacturer of special coatings and effects for the design-oriented industry. Our customers benefit from this strength; inside the Berlac Group we exchange our know-how within process optimisation and ensure our delivery capacity with the increased number of production locations.

One ParTner, COVerinG Pu. as a one source partner for Pu surface refinement we offer complete solutions, our own research and deve-lopment, tailor-made products, competent support and personal service onsite. since 1975 we have provided innovative products within the field of release agents for the Pu market. Our release agents form an integral part of our ever broadening product range that also includes: Conventional coating systems, in-Mould-Coatings, Pigment preparations and various auxiliaries.

We develop products in close cooperation with our custo-mers and adapt the solutions accurately to the respective application – in this field we rank highly amongst experts.

Page 6: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

release aGenTs. easy reMOVal,

surFaCe OPTiMisaTiOn.

BrOad ranGe OF PrOduCTs.Polyurethane is known for its good adhesion, it does stick very well. so, it’s not surprising the use of release agents is required in order to remove this material from the mould.

as one of the leading manufacturers of Pu release agents, Bomix offers a wide product range. We see our release agents as part of a complex system; developing solutions for the process of Pu production.

PrOCess BeneFiTs THrOuGH release eFFeCTs.Bomix release agents are used in numerous applications. They ensure easy handling and a clean removal of the Pu-component from the mould. This guarantees Bomix customers specific process advantages. They benefit from high cost-efficiency, reduced processing times and minimised rejection rates.

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Markets: automotive sub-suppliersFootwear manufacturesFurniture industryMedical / rehabTechnical items

surFaCe desiGn WiTHOuT MOuld sTruCTure.Besides the release effect, the ability to change the surface represents a main feature of the Bomix release agents. some effects such as gloss level, optics and surface struc-ture, can be obtained without separate mould structures.

For decades Bomix have been prominent in the develop-ment of environmentally friendly release agents including water-based and solvent-free systems. all types of our release agents are homogenous and have good storage stability. Moreover the release agents are customised according to the respective application technique (spraying by hand or with robot; applying with brush or cloth).

due to our specialised production, we are also able to supply small quantities.

release aGenTs. easy removal, surface optimisation.

BOMiX release aGenTs –PerFOrManCe FeaTures:environmental safety, optimised release effect, easy handling, maximum economy, short application time, process reliability, cost-efficiency, workplace safety, surface optimisation, good storage stability (non frost sensitive) surface gloss (glossy –matt)

release aGenT TyPes - CusTOMised sOluTiOns:Conventional release agents (solvent-based)lF release agents (solvent-free)High solids (free of CHCs)Water-based release agents silicone-free release agents (as High solids and water based systems)release pastes (as water- and solvent based systems)

Page 8: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

TeCHniCal serViCe. TailOr-Made

sOluTiOns, OPTiMal PrOCess


TeCHniCal serViCe OnsiTe.Our technical service is highly appreciated and recog-nised: When required; our skilled technical sales team play an active part onsite in the preparation of coatings, pastes and release agents before processing, education and guidance of workers at the Pu machine enabling a smooth and continuous production flow. Our world-wide technical sales team together with our local sales partners offer a wide range of support for global companies within Pu-processing.

VariOus aPPliCaTiOns.according to the broad characteristic profile of the Pu foam material; Bomix release agents fulfil the customer’s requirements and are used in a multiple of demanding Pu-applications. We are global players in the following markets: transport (automotive, rail and aerospace engineering), footwear and furniture, medical and rehab industry as well as production of commercial items.

HiGH qualiTy sTandards.due to optimal process coordination; we are able to respond quickly and reliably to our customer‘s requests. Our development cycles are short and our quality standards are high. since 1996 we are certified in accordance with din en isO 9001.

Page 9: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

TeCHniCal serViCe. Tailor-made solutions, optimal process coordination.

susTainaBiliTy ManaGeMenT.as a chemical company we feel particularly obligated to the principal of sustainability Management. in our corporate phi-losophy we consider aspects such as economic, ecological and social responsibility. We participate in the „responsible Care“ program of the association of the chemical industry (VCi) for „acting responsibly in terms of safety and protection of environmental and human health“.

eduCaTiOn and TraininG.We educate young people within technical and commercial areas and offer students from universities and colleges the chance to realise innovative ideas by Bomix. We provide good and safe conditions for our workers and promote their continuing education actively. Work safety is of high importance to us. We deal in a spirit of mutual confidence with our customers and partners; companies, that have given us their loyalty through-out the years.

eCOlOGiCal COMMiTMenT.The future of our company is secured through regular Capital investment, e.g. in the expansion and modernisation of the production capacities. We comply with all environmental regulations and consider development of alternative, environ-mentally friendly products as part of our ecological commit-ment. Our focus here is mainly placed on High solid, solvent-free and water-based release agents, as well as water-based coatings.

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release aGenTs FOr auTOMOTiVe suB-suPPliers.

PrOduCT sOluTiOns: High solids Water-based release agents solvent-based release agents solvent-free release agents (lF)release pasteCleaner

FOaM TyPes: integral foam (soft–rigid), riM / r-riM, ea-foam, Cold cure foam, Filter foam, rigid foam, Hd-Pe and Cast elastomer as well as rubber.

Within the automotive sector, Bomix offers solutions for the production of polyurethane products such as buttons, arm- and head-rests, filter, interior fittings, door panels, sound absorber and spoiler. Particularly in the segment of steering wheel production we posses a special know-how.

Our release agents are well established in this demanding market, due to its quality demands and fast development cycle requirements. apart from process quality our products also ensure functional properties. This enables our customers to improve surface structure and optic by means of nice and smooth surfaces.

new, is the promoting anti-microbial effect supported by Bomix release agent, an effect, which is enhanced in combination with Bomix coatings. in addition, we have release agent formulations with biocompatible properties.Our highly competent service team offers world-wide technical support. Bomix is recognised as a company delivering high quality reliable products.

release aGenTs for automotive sub-suppliers.

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release aGenTs for Footwear manufactures.

release aGenTs FOr FOOTWear ManuFaCTures.

PrOduCT sOluTiOns: High solids Water-based release agents (“ready to use” or Concentrate) solvent-based release agents solvent-free release agents (lF)silicon emulsionsrelease pasteCleaner

FOaM TyPes: Polyester / Polyether, (1-Colour and 2-Colour) as well as rubber

Bomix develops a variety of specific solutions for the different production processes of footwear manufactures. These result in Bomix release agents being used for polyurethane soles in the field of sport, leisure, military or safety shoes.

each solution can be adapted individually to the specific production processes. The Bomix sales team is available for flexible customer support and fast on-site technical consulting.

Page 12: Headliners - Bomix...Headliners 3–4 Bomix. One source partner for polyurethane surface refinement. 5–6 release agents. easy removal, surface optimisation.7–8 Technical service

Bomix develops tailor-made solutions for the surface refinement of products such as back- and armrests, seats, tables, table edges and trays as well as clothing hangers from various polyurethane foams for cafés, offices and schools.

The customised release agents and the broad range of the dosing quantities ensure best possible processing with constant quality and high efficiency.

On request, we will accompany the projects of our customers individually.

PrOduCT sOluTiOns:High solids Water based release agents solvent based release agents solvent free release agents (lF)release pasteCleaner

FOaM TyPes: integral foam (soft–rigid), riM / r-riM, ea-foam, Cold cure foam, rigid foam, Hd-Pe and Cast elastomer as well as rubber.

release aGenTs FOr FurniTure indusTry.

release aGenTs for Furniture industry.

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release aGenTs for Medical / rehab and Technical items.

PrOduCT sOluTiOns: High solids Water-based release agents solvent-based release agents solvent-free release agents (lF)release pasteCleaner

FOaM TyPes: integral foam (soft–rigid), riM / r-riM, ea-foam, Cold cure foam, rigid foam, Hd-Pe and Cast elastomer as well as rubber

release aGenTs FOr MediCal / reHaB

and TeCHniCal iTeMs. a high number of Bomix release agent solutions are successfully used in medical technology, in the segment rehab/sanitary and for various commercial articles.

Based on many years of experience, we develop release agent for medical- / rehab- and sanitary applications, which include frame, housing, wheels, medical chairs and cushions, ergonomic mats, operating tables and toilet seats as well as arm- and back cushions.

in like manner the high-quality Bomix release agents are used for the production of commercial articles such as pipe casing, exhaust systems, panels, handles, housing and frame bars.

especially beneficial in the area of medical/ rehab is when release agents are harmonising with the desired coating and at the same time promote its properties. This applies in particular if functional surfaces with anti-microbial, flame retardant, non-slip or graffiti feature are required, as well as soft-feel and structure effects.

as specialist in the field of plastic, Bomix offers a wide know-how, tailor-made release agent systems and a flexible technical service on-site.

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Our technical service in word, writing and though trials are effected after best knowledge however, is only considered as a non-committal reference, also regarding any third patent rights, and does not release you from the own examination of the products, supplied by us, as regards to their suitability and security for the intended procedu-res and purposes. application, use and processing of the products take place outside our ability to observe and is therefore exclusively in your area of responsibility. in all other aspects our general terms of delivery and sales are valid.

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Bomix Chemie GmbHGildeweg 6 –1048291 Telgte / GermanyPhone +49 2504 924 0 Fax +49 2504 15 [email protected]