THE NEWS SUN THE HERALD REPUBLICAN Star The & HEALTH wellness Since 1911 O v e r 1 0 0 Y e a r s Help is available if you have sleep apnea Alzheimer’s risk can be reduced Indoor air quality important to healthy living 2013

Health and Wellness - 2013

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This special publication is designed to inform you of some of the many ways for you and your loved ones to make progress in being as healthy, happy and productive as possible.

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Since 1911Over 100 Years

Help is availableif you have sleep apnea

Alzheimer’s riskcan be reduced

Indoor air qualityimportant to healthy living


Page 2: Health and Wellness - 2013

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As the first month of 2013 comesto a close, all of us can resolve —formally or informally — to begin orcontinue healthy lifestyle choices.This special publication will help youdo just that. It’s designed to informyou of some of the many ways for youand your loved ones to make progressin being as healthy, happy and produc-tive as possible.

Health and wellness is more thanjust keeping up-to-date with healthcare. It’s part of a joyful, fulfillinglifestyle. Our area has many ways forpeople to come together to shareknowledge and support each other asthey become stronger, happier andmore productive.

We hope you enjoy this specialpublication. Share it with family,friends and co-workers, and let usknow what topics you would like toread about in the future!

This guide can also be found onlineat kpcnews.com.

-KPC Media Group

To your health!AUBURN —Many adults know the

importance of drinking water. Sincechildhood, the virtues of drinking water havebeen extolled to them. Water is essential tolife, but how much a person should drinkeach day, has fluctuated over the years.

Water keeps the body healthy in a numberof ways, but the body also loses water in anumber of ways. For instance, the body loseswater when a person breathes, sweats,urinates or has a bowel movement. To stayhealthy and avoid dehydration, the bodymust replace this lost fluid.

In addition to fending off dehydration,water helps the body flush out waste andmaintain a healthy body temperature. It alsoreduces the risk of developing kidney stonesor becoming constipated.

According to the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention, water helps lubricateand cushion joints and protects the spinalcord and other sensitive tissues.

Some situations, and living conditionsrequire more water than usual. People whospend more time in hot climates need morewater, just as in times of physical activity.

In addition, the body needs more waterwhen it suffers from certain ailments orconditions, including fever, diarrhea orvomitting.

Though many people feel drinkingcaffeinated beverages, including coffee andsoda, dehydrate the body, experts saymoderate caffeine consumption does notdehydrate the body.

A 2000 study published in the Journal ofthe American College of Nutrition found thathealthy people who consume moderateamounts of caffeine do not lose more fluidthan people who abstain from caffeine. Overconsumption of caffeinated beverages mightprove problematic, but moderate consump-tion can provide the body with the fluids.

It is rare that a person drinks too muchwater, and many people find they do notdrink enough water by accident.

One way to combat that is to bring abottle of water with you wherever you go.Fill up the bottle before the beginning of theshift and keep it at your desk.

To give yourself time to stretchthroughout the day, get up during work andget a drink of water. While some may findwater bland, adding a slice of lemon or limegives it more flavor.

Drinking healthy waterTo ensure the water you are drinking is

Water essential for healthy living


To remember to drink more water, fill awater bottle and keep it by your deskduring work.See WWATER page 5

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January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 5

healthy, get it tested. Kathy Shuman, atechnician at Astbury Water Technology, saidthat home owners with private wells areresponsible for assuring water is safe.

Astbury Water Technology is an Indiana-certified drinking water lab. The organizationconducts water tests to assure water is safe todrink.

Astbury recommends yearly testing fortotal coliform bacteria and E. coli, as well asnitrates.

Bacteria in water can cause gastro-instestinal illnesses. “Households withinfants, pregnant women, nursing mothers,and elderly people should especially test fornitrates,” Shuman said.

Nitrates typically get into water throughfertilizers, septic and sewage treatmentsystems, and livestock operations, Shumansaid.

Any public water service providers thathave a well, such as restaurants, churchesand mobile home parks, are required to testtheir water regularly by the state of Indiana.

Water companies also conduct other tests.For example, Astbury conducts tests on poolwater for total coliform and E. coli bacteriaand heterotrophic bacteria; beaches forexcessive E. coli; and older homes with leadsolder.

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WATERFrom page 4

BY GRACE [email protected]

From walking to work site wellness, avolunteer group dedicated to increasingawareness of “healthy eating, active living”in Noble County made strides in 2012.

According to a report issued earlier thisyear, some of the group’s accomplishmentsin 2012 were:

• Promoting safe routes to schools —West Noble has implemented a commonbus stop for students. This eliminates thebus stopping at multiple places and allowsfor children to walk safe distances to thebus stop. It also saves money on fuel. Somestudents who formerly rode the bus toschool are now walking safely to school.

• Access to healthy foods — West Nobleimplemented a red/yellow/green colorsystem that allows students to readilyidentify vending foods that are a source ofgood nutrition.

• Work site wellness — Activate Noble

County has a team that provides free workplace assessments for businesses. The teamcompiles a list of best practices and sharesthe information with interested companies.

“The Activate Noble County team isinterested in helping organizations toinstitute strategies for an improvementplan. This will help them move to the nextlevel in their work place wellness offering,”said Casey Weimer, CEO of the ColeCenter Family YMCA.

For more information about institutingand improving work site wellness, contactWeimer at 347-9622 or [email protected].

In 2009 Noble County was selected tobe one of 21 communities nationwide to bea “Healthy Pioneer of Change.”

Activate America: Pioneering HealthierCommunities is a YMCA initiative thatbrings people together to create environ-ments that help sustain healthy behaviors.The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention helps with funding.

Nationwide and locally, some of thegoals are to help provide opportunities forkids to be physically active before, duringand after the school day; create and/orpromote walking/biking trails andsidewalks for community members to beactive; work with employers to providework places that support healthy eating andactivity; and increase opportunities forresidents to purchase and consume freshfruits and vegetables through community-gardens, farmers markets, and other activi-ties.

Noble County’s team, led by officialsfrom the Cole Center Family YMCA andParkview Noble Hospital, includesKendallville Mayor Suzanne Handshoe aswell as numerous volunteer representativesof businesses and nonprofit agencies.

More information is online atactivatenoblecounty.com. The organizationalso has a Facebook page; type in “ActivateNoble County.”

YMCA, Parkview Noble head group to promote wellness

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AUBURN —Rather than heading to apharmacy for solutions to common ailments,people may be able to stop at the nearest petstore or animal shelter and find a furryremedy instead.

Studies link positive health benefits to petownership. According to WebMD, one studyfound that 48 stockbrokers who adopted a petexperienced lower blood pressure readings instressful situations than did people who didnot own pets. Another study found thatindividuals suffering from serious diseases,such as cancer or AIDS, are far less likely toexperience depression if they have a strongtie to a pet. Pets also have proven beneficialto seniors struggling with loneliness.

Pets are not perfect; they can trysomeone’s patience at times, especially whena cat has used a sofa as a scratching post orwhen a dog that decided that it would beokay to eat the trash. Yet, for many petowners the positives far outweigh thenegatives.

Here are some of the many ways that petownership can be good for health:

• Fight depression: Many therapists have

prescribed pet therapy as a method for allevi-ating and recovering from depression. A petis an unconditional friend and can provide alistening ear a person needs to talk throughproblems. Also, walking and taking care of apet diverts the time that is normally spent onfocusing on problems.

• Improve physical activity levels:Heading to the gym is one way to get aworkout, but spending an hour walking a dogor tossing a ball around a ball for a game ofchase and fetch is another way to get theheart rate up. Many dog owners benefit fromthe exercise that goes along with daily walks.Some people choose to exercise with theirpets, enjoying the companionship of physicalactivity.

• Lower blood pressure: Petting a cat or adog can lower blood pressure, as well awatching a fish swim around a tank.

• Lower cholesterol: Owning a petrequires lifestyle changes, especially a dog.Owners see an increased level of physicalactivity. Pets also help reduce stress whichmay keep individuals from looking tounhealthy foods as sources of

alleviating anxiety.• Reduce allergies: Children who grow up

in homes with cats and dogs are less likely todevelop common allergies and even asthma,research suggests. Children who live aroundtwo or more cats and dogs before their firstbirthday are less likely to have allergies,

according to a study published in the Journalof the American Medical Association.

• ADHD therapy: Adults and children withattention deficit hyperactivity disorder benefitfrom working with a pet or having a pet as acompanion. Playing with a pet is a great wayto release energy and focus on tasks.

Ways pets can improve personal health

Jedidiah Kreger, 7, of LaGrange, plays with his dog, Dandie ,at PawsitivelyParadise in Angola.


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Alzheimer’s risk can be reducedBY AARON [email protected]

While Alzheimer’s disease and otherforms of dementias are not entirely prevent-able, there are ways in which you canreduce your risk, local officials say.

Amanda Mainstone, the marketingdirector with Life Care Center of LaGrange,says that though Alzheimer’s disease ishereditary and thus it is unlikely it can beprevented, it can be slowed. Mainstone, aswell as Provena Sacred Heart Home ofAvilla dementia social worker Tricia Parksand Suzi Ogden, director at CameronWoods Senior Living Community inAngola, all say that maintaining a healthyand active lifestyle is paramount to keepyour brain and its abilities sharp.

“One of the things that we do to try tokeep people alert and oriented and engagedin their everyday activities is, we keep thembusy doing things that involve the body andthe mind,” said Ogden. “The more that youexercise your brain and the more that youwork with your hands for hand-eye coordi-nation, the longer you will be able to do all

of those things.”Cameron Woods, Provena Sacred Heart

and Life Care Center all hold heaps ofactivities throughout each day that promotethat active and stimulating lifestyle.

Residents at Cameron Woods can engagein arts and crafts creating, jigsaw puzzles,dominoes, bingo and regular bridge andeuchre games, as well as exerciseequipment. Provena Sacred Heart, too,promotes physical exercise through its“restorative gym” where residents can doarm and leg exercises or ride a stationarybike, or volley a balloon with a pool noodleor take walks around the grounds, Parkssaid.

Mainstone said the games of memory oruse of flash cards are also said to beeffective in slowing down the impact ofAlzheimer’s. Cameron Woods residents alsokeep and regularly play crossword puzzlesand word scramble games, Ogden said. TheAlzheimer’s Association suggests thatcrossword puzzles and similar mind-

A Cameron Woods Senior Living resident shows off her Wii Bowling success.Cameron Woods includes Wii play in its efferts to stimulate the brain and reducethe risk of Alzheimer’s.



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Page 8: Health and Wellness - 2013

stimulation games strengthen brain calledand could even create new nerve cells.

But while those are all well-knownactivities, the star of Cameron Woods’stimulation show is Wii night. Yes, Wii, theNintendo gaming system that allows theplayer to control the games with a cordlessremote with motions. Its popularity soaredwith younger generations, but the residentsat Cameron Woods are reaping its benefits.

“We have a crowd in there when weplay Wii,” said Ogden. “They have to havea range of motion in order to do it, and itkeeps them up and alert.”

Provena Sacred Heart rounds it balancedtreatment out with social activities, such asfield trips or group discussions, thatstimulate the mind through interaction.

Parks added that diet also plays a role inreducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Aheart-healthy diet of red meats and plentyof fruits and vegetables can benefit thebrain’s functions.

Once the effects of Alzheimer’s set in,treatment can include medications. Also,though, Mainstone said Life Care Center of

LaGrange residents will bring in picturesthat allow them, as the impact ofAlzheimer’s progresses, to have a visualreminder of the subject of the picture, be it

a person, place or thing.At Cameron Woods, a strict schedule

that guides a resident to know when toattend each activity or treatment has been

highly effective in allowing residents tocarry on with a fruitful life.

“They know what to do, when,” Odgensaid. “That really helps and it’s important.”

8 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013

From page 7


Cameron Woods residents braid fabrics, an activity designed to keep the mind and body invigorated and sharp to reduce therisk of Alzheimer’s.



of a science fiction movie: Zap someone’sbrain with mild jolts of electricity to try tostave off the creeping memory loss ofAlzheimer’s disease.

And it’s not easy. Holes are drilled intothe patient’s skull so tiny wires can beimplanted into just the right spot.

A dramatic shift is beginning in thedisappointing struggle to find something toslow the damage of this epidemic: The firstU.S. experiments with “brain pacemakers”for Alzheimer’s are getting under way.Scientists are looking beyond drugs toimplants in the hunt for much-needed newtreatments.

The research is in its infancy. Only afew dozen people with early stageAlzheimer’s will be implanted in a handfulof hospitals. No one knows if it mightwork, and if it does, how long the effects

might last.Kathy Sanford was among the first to

sign up. The Ohio woman’s early stageAlzheimer’s was gradually getting worse.She still lived independently, postingreminders to herself, but no longer couldwork. The usual medicines weren’t helping.

Then doctors at Ohio State Universityexplained the hope — that constantelectrical stimulation of brain circuitsinvolved in memory and thinking mightkeep those neural networks active forlonger, essentially bypassing some ofdementia’s damage.

Sanford decided it was worth a shot.“The reason I’m doing it is, it’s really

hard to not be able, sometimes, toremember,” Sanford, 57, said from herLancaster, Ohio, home.

Her father is blunter.“What’s our choice? To participate in a

Testing brain pacemakersto zap Alzheimer’s damage

See TTESTING page 9

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program or sit here and watch her slowlydeteriorate?” asked Joe Jester, 78. Hedrives his daughter to follow-up testing,hoping to spot improvement.

A few months after the five-houroperation, the hair shaved for her brainsurgery was growing back and Sanford saidshe felt good, with an occasional tinglingthat she attributes to the electrodes. Abattery-powered generator near her collar-bone powers them, sending the tiny shocksup her neck and into her brain.

It’s too soon to know how she’ll fare;scientists will track her for two years.

“This is an ongoing evaluation rightnow that we are optimistic about,” is howOhio State neurosurgeon Dr. Ali Rezaicautiously puts it.

More than 5 million Americans haveAlzheimer’s or similar dementias, and thatnumber is expected to rise rapidly as thebaby boomers age. Today’s drugs onlytemporarily help some symptoms. Attemptsto attack Alzheimer’s presumed cause, abrain-clogging gunk, so far haven’t

panned out.“We’re getting tired of not having other

things work,” said Ohio State neurologistDr. Douglas Scharre.

The new approach is called deep brainstimulation, or DBS. While it won’t attackAlzheimer’s root cause either, “maybe wecan make the brain work better,” he said.

Implanting electrodes into the brainisn’t new.

Between 85,000 and 100,000 peoplearound the world have had DBS to blockthe tremors of Parkinson’s disease andother movement disorders. The continuousjolts quiet overactive nerve cells, with fewside effects. Scientists also are testingwhether stimulating other parts of the brainmight help lift depression or curb appetiteamong the obese.

It was in one of those experiments thatCanadian researchers back in 2003stumbled onto the Alzheimer’s possibility.They switched on the electrical jolts in thebrain of an obese man and unlocked aflood of old memories. Continuing hisDBS also improved his ability to learn. Hedidn’t have dementia, but the researcherswondered if they could spur memory-making networks in someone who did.

But wait a minute.Alzheimer’s doesn’t just steal memories.

It eventually robs sufferers of the ability todo the simplest of tasks. How couldstimulating a brain so damaged do anygood?

A healthy brain is a connected brain.One circuit signals another to switch onand retrieve the memories needed to, say,drive a car or cook a meal.

At least early in the disease,Alzheimer’s kills only certain spots. Butthe disease’s hallmark gunky plaques act asa roadblock, stopping the “on” switch sothat healthy circuits farther away aredeactivated, explained Dr. Andres Lozano,a neurosurgeon at Toronto WesternHospital whose research sparked theinterest.

So the plan was to put the electrodesinto hubs where brain pathways formemory, behavior, concentration and othercognitive functions converge, to see if thejolts reactivate those silenced circuits,added Ohio State’s Rezai.

“It’s like going through Grand CentralStation and trying to affect all the trainsgoing in and coming out,” he said.

Lozano’s team found the first clue that

it’s possible by implanting six Alzheimer’spatients in Canada. After at least 12months of continuous stimulation, brainscans showed a sign of more activity inareas targeted by Alzheimer’s. Suddenly,the neurons there began using moreglucose, the fuel for brain cells.

“It looked like a blackout before. Wewere able to turn the lights back on inthose areas,” Lozano said.

While most Alzheimer’s patients showclear declines in function every year, oneCanadian man who has had the implantsfor four years hasn’t deteriorated, Lozanosaid, although he cautioned that there’s noway to know whether that’s due to theDBS.

The evidence is preliminary and willtake years of study to prove, but “this is anexciting novel approach,” said Dr. LaurieRyan of the National Institutes of Health’saging division, which is funding a follow-up study.

In research under way now:• The Toronto researchers have teamed

with four U.S. medical centers — JohnsHopkins University, the University ofPennsylvania, University of Florida and

January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 9

From page 8


See TTESTING page 10

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While many people may worry aboutcontaminants that could be polluting outdoorair, indoor air quality also must not beoverlooked.

According to the Environmental ProtectionAgency, air inside the home can be two- tofive-times more polluted than air outside thehome.

Sources of indoor air pollution includecigarette smoke, radon, carbon monoxide,lead-laden dust from old paints, dirt-filledcarpet and household cleaners.

The National Safety Council saysAmericans spend 90 percent of their timeindoors, so poor air quality can greatly affectpersonal health.

Research conducted by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency found there are threeelements in every home — dirt, dust andpollen; germs bacteria and viruses; and toxicgasses and odors.

Health effects of dirt, dust and polleninclude nose and throat irritation, runny nose,congestion, sneezing, cough and wheezing

and asthma flares. Possible effects of germsbacteria and viruses include sinusitis, upperrespiratory infections, throat and earinfections, bronchitis and pneumonia.Possible health effects of toxic gases andodors include memory lapse, mild depression,lung dysfunction, blurred vision, headachesand lethargy.

There are several steps that can be taken toimprove he quality of indoor air.

• Open the windows to let air circulate. Itis important to change the air inside of thehome several times a day to prevent thebuildup of pollutants.

Rachel Gibson, of Gibson’s Heating andPlumbing in Waterloo noted that as peoplefocus on energy efficiency and seal theirhomes and office buildings, they create aclosed-loop cycle of air where the airbecomes trapped.

“Outside, nature takes care of (airquality),” Gibson said. “Inside the building

Indoor air quality important to healthy living

Improving indoor air quality can helpprevent sneezing, coughing andcongestion.


See AAIR QUALITY page 11

“Some people search a lifetime for their calling. I found my calling, my extended family and a home away from home at American Senior Communities.” –Ryan Levengood, Executive Director, American Senior Communities

Caring people make the difference

When you walk into American Senior Communities, the difference is clear: there is a passion our people bring to their work that you simply won’t find in any

h i h l h i

calling, my extended family nities.”Director, American Senior Communities


“Where caring people make the difference!”

d my calling, my extended family mmunities.”xecutive Director, American Senior Communities

e erence

ling, my extended family ies.”ctor, American Senior Communities


Where caring people make the difference!”


“Some people search a lifetime for thand a home away from home at A

Caring pemake the

When you walk into American Seniordifference is clear: there is a passion outheir work that you simply won’t find other senior healthcare community.

When someone chooses to live in oneof our communities, we become an extension of their family. We take the time to get to know each ofour residents and their families on a personal level. Our communities are made up of individuals and with that in mind, we focus on serving individual needs.

When you walk into American Senior Communities, the difference is clear: there is a passion our people bring to their work that you simply won’t fi nd in any other senior healthcare community.

When someone chooses to live in one of our communities, we become an extension of their family. We take the time to get to know each of our residents and their families on a personal level. Our communities are made up of individuals and with that in mind, we focus on serving individual needs.

“Where caring people make the difference!”Where caring people

make the difference!”

From page 9


Arizona’s Banner Health System — to tryDBS in a part of the brain called the fornix,one of those memory hubs, in 40 patients.Half will have their electrodes turned ontwo weeks after the operation and the restin a year, an attempt to spot any placeboeffect from surgery.

• At Ohio State, Rezai is implanting theelectrodes into a different spot, the frontallobes, that his own DBS work suggestscould tap into cognition and behaviorpathways. That study will enroll 10 partici-pants including Sanford.

Surgery back in October was Sanford’sfirst step. Then it was time to fine-tunehow the electrodes fire. She took problem-solving tests while neurologist Scharreadjusted the voltage and frequency andwatched her reactions.

Sanford was cheered to see her testscores climb a bit during those adjust-ments. She said she knows there are noguarantees, but “if we can beat some ofthis stuff, or at least get a leading edge onit, I’m in for the whole deal.”

Page 11: Health and Wellness - 2013

you don’t have that.”• Change the filters on home heating and

cooling systems as the manufacturer suggests.Gibson noted filters may need to be changedmore frequently in older holes or homes withpets. Filtration will take care of dirt, dust andpollen, Gibson said. Air filtration will catchparticles in the air and systems can rangefrom being very basic to advanced.

• Routinely clean exhaust vents inkitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms.

• Consider the installation of an air purifi-cation system or purchase in-room HEPAfilters. Some air cleaners use ultraviolet lighttechnology intended to destroy pollutants inindoor air. Ultraviolet light kills germs andacts the same as sunlight outside, Gibsonsaid. Gibson pointed out one-room aircleaners will not take care of the air quality ofthe entire home or office.

• Routinely clean pet bedding and groomanimals to remove shedded fur.

• Avoid the use of toxic cleaning productsand open windows after doing any cleaning.

• When possible, use natural pest controlprocedures.

• Introduce more plants to the home,which naturally filter air.

• Use detectors to test for radon andcarbon monoxide in the home.

January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 11

From page 10


Most people want their livingspaces to smell clean and fresh.

While it’s important to make surethat bad smells aren’t a symptom of aworse problem, things such as pets,aromas from the kitchen, cigarettesmoke, and other things can make ahome smell bad. Here are inexpen-sive ways to remedy that.

• Find the source of the bad smelland eliminate it. This could be agarbage pail sitting in the sun or sinkdisposal that’s filled with fooddebris.

• Use a chunk of cedar or sandal-wood in drawers and closets for afresh woodsy smell.

• Simmer some cinnamon sticksand water in a pot on the stove.

• Dab a favorite essential oil ontoa piece of fabric and stash itwherever you want a pleasant smell— even in the car.

• Toss a used dryer sheet in thelinen closet to keep sheets and towelssmelling freshly washed.

• Grow herbs in a window box.When the breeze blows, the freshsmell of basil or rosemary will comeinto the home.

• Keep fresh flowers or plantsinside the home. They’ll filter the airand provide a pleasant aroma.

• Use lemons to clean the sink andkitchen surfaces for a fresh, citrussmell.

• Bake some cookies or anotherdessert for a wonderful aroma.

• Place a tray of fallen pineneedles on a cookie sheet sprayedwith a little water into a warm oven.The pine scent will fill the house.

• Push cloves into an orange. Hangthe clove-studded orange on a stringand place in a corner. The orangeclove scent will slowly fill the room.

• Open up the windows and letfresh air in.

• Soak cotton balls in vanilla andstash around the house.

• Bathe and groom pets frequently.• Use a favorite-scented reed

diffuser, which will lightly scent thehouse for weeks.

• Keep a pot of water withpotpourri on a wood-burning stove orradiator for a wonderful scent.

There are cheap ways to freshen up your home

Page 12: Health and Wellness - 2013

BY MATT [email protected]

KENDALLVILLE — For more than 40years, health professionals have beenhelping people with sleeping conditionssuch as sleep apnea get a better night’srest.

Sleep apnea, according to the healthwebsite WebMd.com, “is a serious sleepdisorder that occurs when a person’sbreathing is interrupted during sleep.People with untreated sleep apnea stopbreathing repeatedly during their sleep,sometimes hundreds of times. This meansthe brain — and the rest of the body —may not get enough oxygen.”

Starting in January, a test to determineif a person has sleep apnea has becomeavailable to be done at the person’s home.

In the past, such testing was doneexclusively at sleep centers such as thoseat Cameron Hospital in Angola, DeKalbHealth in Auburn, Parkview NobleHospital in Kendallville and ParkviewLaGrange Hospital in LaGrange. Thesetests involved spending the night in the

hospital and wearing wires connected tomonitors.

Now, some people may be eligible tohave these tests done in the comfort oftheir own homes, according to ParkviewNoble polysomonographer technologistWeldon Cline.

Cline has overseen four of the at-homestudies. People who qualify go to thehospital and pick up special equipmentthat monitors such things as oxygen levelsand how many times they stop breathingwhile they sleep. The equipment is takenhome overnight, then is returned to thehospital where data can be read andinterpreted.

Because some people are reluctant tospend the night in the hospital for variousreasons, including cost, more people couldpotentially be helped with that hurdlecleared.

“Sooner or later, that’s going to be thenorm,” Cline said. “In the long run, I thinkit’s going to be very beneficial for people.”

According to Cline, only people whohave no other health problems are eligible

for the at-home sleep study. People withheart conditions or high blood pressure,for example, may need to have the studydone at the hospital where they can bemore closely monitored.

Sleep apnea involves a shrinking orobstructing of airways while a personsleeps. Symptoms, according to CameronHospital’s website, can include snoring,feeling sleepy or tired during the day andsometimes waking up gasping for air in

the middle of the night.Cline said people who have sleep apnea

will always snore, but not everyone whosnores necessarily has sleep apnea.

People need to consult their familyphysician for a referral to order a sleepstudy.

Sleep apnea is no laughing matter.“It puts a lot of wear, tear and stress on

the entire cardiovascular system,” Cline

Help is available for sleep apnea12 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013

Weldon Cline, a registered polysomonographer technologist at Parkview NobleHospital in Kendallville, sits in one of the rooms used for sleep studies at thehospital. The room includes a television and a private bathroom.


See SSLEEP APNEA page 13

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Page 13: Health and Wellness - 2013

said. “It can be dangerous.”The treatment for sleep apnea involves

a mask and a machine that forces air tokeep the airways of the throat open duringsleep.

Most people are used to sleeping withthe mask within a week, Cline said,though adjustment periods vary.

Cline said there is roughly an even splitbetween women and men who come to thehospital for sleep studies. He’s fittedpeople as young as their 20s for thebreathing assistance equipment, called aCPAP.

“It’s really never too late,” Cline said.“I’ve done people who are in their 80s.”

To fall into what the insurancecompanies calls a “normal” range, aperson who has a sleep study can havetheir breathing stopped for fewer than fivetimes per hour. These so-called sleepapnea events must last at least 10 seconds.

Anyone who falls outside of thisnormal range may qualify through theirinsurance to get a CPAP.

Many people tell him how wonderful itis to finally get a good night’s sleep, Clinesaid. But he doesn’t have to rely on thetestimony of others.

“I actually have sleep apnea, too,”Cline said. “I’ve been on CPAP for 10years.”

January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 13

From page 12




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Page 14: Health and Wellness - 2013


Smoke like a man, die like a man.U.S. women who smoke today have a

much greater risk of dying from lung cancerthan they did decades ago, partly becausethey are starting younger and smoking more— that is, they are lighting up like men, newresearch shows.

Women also have caught up with men intheir risk of dying from smoking-relatedillnesses. Lung cancer risk leveled off in the1980s for men but is still rising for women.

“It’s a massive failure in prevention,” saidone study leader, Dr. Michael Thun of theAmerican Cancer Society. And it’s likely torepeat itself in places like China andIndonesia where smoking is growing, hesaid. About 1.3 billion people worldwidesmoke.

The research is in Thursday’s NewEngland Journal of Medicine. It is one of themost comprehensive looks ever at long-termtrends in the effects of smoking and includesthe first generation of U.S. women whostarted early in life and continued for

decades, long enough for health effects toshow up.

The U.S. has more than 35 millionsmokers — about 20 percent of men and 18percent of women. The percentage of peoplewho smoke is far lower than it used to be;rates peaked around 1960 in men and twodecades later in women.

Researchers wanted to know if smokingis still as deadly as it was in the 1980s, giventhat cigarettes have changed (less tar), manysmokers have quit, and treatments for manysmoking-related diseases have improved.

They also wanted to know more aboutsmoking and women. The famous surgeongeneral’s report in 1964 said smoking couldcause lung cancer in men, but evidence waslacking in women at the time since relativelyfew of them had smoked long enough.

One study, led by Dr. Prabhat Jha of theCenter for Global Health Research inToronto, looked at about 217,000 Americansin federal health surveys between 1997 and2004.

A second study, led by Thun, trackedsmoking-related deaths through three periods

— 1959-65, 1982-88 and 2000-10 — usingseven large population health surveyscovering more than 2.2 million people.

Among the findings:• The risk of dying of lung cancer was

more than 25 times higher for femalesmokers in recent years than for women whonever smoked. In the 1960s, it was only threetimes higher. One reason: After World WarII, women started taking up the habit at ayounger age and began smoking more.

• A person who never smoked was abouttwice as likely as a current smoker to live toage 80. For women, the chances of survivingthat long were 70 percent for those whonever smoked and 38 percent for smokers. Inmen, the numbers were 61 percent and 26percent.

• Smokers in the U.S. are three timesmore likely to die between ages 25 and 79than non-smokers are. About 60 percent ofthose deaths are attributable to smoking.

• Women are far less likely to quitsmoking than men are. Among people 65 to69, the ratio of former to current smokers is4-to-1 for men and 2-to-1 for women.

• Smoking shaves more than 10 years offthe average life span, but quitting at any agebuys time. Quitting by age 40 avoids nearlyall the excess risk of death from smoking.Men and women who quit when they were25 to 34 years old gained 10 years; stoppingat ages 35 to 44 gained 9 years; at ages 45 to54, six years; at ages 55 to 64, four years.

• The risk of dying from other lungdiseases such as emphysema and chronicbronchitis is rising in men and women, andthe rise in men is a surprise because theirlung cancer risk leveled off in 1980s.

Changes in cigarettes since the 1960s area “plausible explanation” for the rise in non-

cancer lung deaths, researchers write. Mostsmokers switched to cigarettes that werelower in tar and nicotine as measured bytests with machines, “but smokers inhaledmore deeply to get the nicotine they wereused to,” Thun said. Deeper inhalation isconsistent with the kind of lung damage seenin the illnesses that are rising, he said.

Scientists have made scant progressagainst lung cancer compared with otherforms of the disease, and it remains theleading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.More than 160,000 people die of it in theU.S. each year.

The federal government, the CanadianInstitutes of Health Research, the Bill andMelinda Gates Foundation, the cancersociety and several universities paid for thenew studies. Thun testified against tobaccocompanies in class-action lawsuitschallenging the supposed benefits ofcigarettes with reduced tar and nicotine, buthe donated his payment to the cancer society.

Smoking needs more attention as a healthhazard, Dr. Steven A. Schroeder of theUniversity of California, San Francisco,wrote in a commentary in the journal.

“More women die of lung cancer than ofbreast cancer. But there is no ‘race for thecure’ for lung cancer, no brown ribbon” orhigh-profile advocacy groups for lungcancer, he wrote.

Kathy DeJoseph, 62, of suburban Atlanta,finally quit smoking after 40 years — toqualify for lung cancer surgery last year.

“I tried everything that came along, I justnever could do it,” even while havingchemotherapy, she said.

It’s a powerful addiction, she said: “I stillevery day have to resist wanting to go buy apack.”

Women catch up to men on lung cancer risk14 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013

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Page 15: Health and Wellness - 2013

BY KAISER HEALTH NEWSJenn McCorkle still regrets giving birth

early. McCorkle was 37 weeks pregnantwhen her obstetrician scheduled her for aCaesarean section the following week, sayingthere was no reason to wait.

But when her son, Maverick, was born inAugust 2008, his lungs were not fullydeveloped; within hours, one of themcollapsed. The infant spent the next 13 daysin a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),most of them hooked up to a ventilator.

McCorkle wishes she had known whatdecades’ worth of studies have found: thatinducing labor or performing Caesareansections before 39 weeks of gestation for nomedical reason significantly increases anewborn’s risk of complications and evendeath.

While most babies delivered at 38 weeksdo not end up in intensive care, researchshows they are more likely to have feeding,breathing and developmental problems thanthose born at 39 or 40 weeks.

Since 1979, the American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) hasrecommended against deliveries or inducedlabor before 39 weeks unless there aremedical reasons, such as the mother’s highblood pressure or diabetes or signs that thefetus may be in distress.

Still, an estimated 10 to 15 percent of U.S.babies every year are delivered early withoutmedical cause, according to the Departmentof Health and Human Services.

“After 37 weeks, patients really push for it

because they are miserable and don’t want tobe pregnant anymore,” said Alfred Khoury,director of maternal-fetal medicine at InovaFairfax Hospital, which does not do suchdeliveries without medical cause. “Or theysay, ‘My mother is here’ or ‘I have to be in awedding.’ “

In addition, physicians working in solopractices or in rural areas may prefer toschedule deliveries before 39 weeks to helpmanage their schedules, said Helain J. Landy,chairman of the department of obstetrics andgynecology at MedStar Georgetown Univer-sity Hospital, which prohibits such deliveries.“The reality of caring for patients, or[doctors’] day-to-day needs, may sometimesinterfere with following the guidelines,” shesaid.

Now, though, some government andprivate insurers are discouraging and in somecases penalizing doctors and hospitals fordelivering babies early without cause.

Their goal is to reduce care in NICUs,where the average charge is $76,000 per stay,and to avoid subsequent medical costs to treatsuch problems as jaundice, feeding problemsand learning and developmental issues.

Beginning Jan. 1, UnitedHealthcare, thenation’s largest private health insurer, beganpaying hospitals more money if they takesteps to limit early deliveries without medicalcause and show a drop in their rates.

Starting in July, Medicare, which pays forthousands of births to disabled women everyyear, will require hospitals to report theirrates of elective deliveries before 39 weeks.

Hospitals may be penalized beginning in2015 if their rates remain high.

A few insurers are refusing to pay for suchdeliveries altogether. As of Jan. 1, the SouthCarolina Medicaid program and BlueCrossBlueShield of South Carolina stoppedreimbursing providers for performing earlydeliveries without medical cause. Together,the two insurers pay for 85 percent of birthsin the state. Texas implemented such a policyin 2011, and New York and New Mexico areconsidering similar actions, according to stateofficials.

‘Wait A Minute’Without prodding from the government or

insurers, some hospitals have taken steps tocurtail elective early deliveries.

In 2011, St. Joseph Medical Center inHouston stopped performing them afterreviewing studies and hearing from theMarch of Dimes, a nonprofit that works toprevent birth defects and infant mortality. Inthat first year, NICU admission rates forbabies born between 37 and 39 weeksdropped 25 percent, said Eugene C. Toy, anobstetrician who championed the effort.

“When we saw their numbers, we said,‘Wait a minute. Why isn’t everyone doingthis?’ ” said William Glomb, a neonatologistand medical director of Texas Medicaid.Texas subsequently became the first state tostop paying for such deliveries through itsMedicaid program.

A study undertaken by 27 hospitals ownedby HCA Holdings, the nation’s largest for-profit hospital chain, found that educating

Insurers prod doctors, hospitals to stop elective early deliveries

January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 15

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Page 16: Health and Wellness - 2013

doctors about the risks was less effective inreducing rates of early deliveries than havingmedical staff prohibit the practice.

Today, about 90 percent of the company’shospitals, including Reston Hospital Center,don’t allow it, said HCA spokesman EdFishbough.

Some physician groups, however, resistbeing told how to practice.

“We oppose the legislative control ofmedicine,” said Jeanne Conry, president-electof ACOG. Conry says her organization hasdeveloped its own “clear, effectiveguidelines” laying out clinical markers fordetermining when early delivery might beappropriate.

Even Toy, the St. Joseph obstetrician,opposes the Texas Medicaid policy inspiredby the experiment at his hospital.

When states or insurers get involved, Toysaid, doctors may hesitate to deliver earlyeven when there are clinical reasons to do so.“Outcomes are best when there is a doctor-led process, rather than a legislative orpayment mandate,” he said.

The March of Dimes is also wary of using

financial rewards or penalties.“Payment is a really big hammer, and we

want to have a comfort level with a policy sowe don’t cause unintended consequences,”such as making doctors reluctant to performearly deliveries even when they are needed,said Cindy Pellegrini, a senior vice presidentat the nonprofit. Among other difficulties, shecited the challenge of determining a baby’sgestational age.

‘Do The Right Thing’

Some doctors applaud such steps,however, saying the are necessary to drivechange. Amy Picklesimer, an obstetrician atSouth Carolina’s Greenville Hospital System,said the tough stance taken by her state’sMedicaid program and others “helps us alldo the right thing” and makes it easier toeducate women.

Early elective deliveries in South Carolinadropped from 9 percent to 4.6 percent of allbirths in 2012, after the state asked hospitalsto change their policies. Overall, NICU staysfell 21 percent, said South Carolina Healthand Human Services Director Tony Keck.

To win support from doctors andhospitals, some states are trying incentivesrather then penalties. Washington state’s

Medicaid program last year began paying a 1percent bonus to hospitals that met severalquality targets, including reducing their earlyelective delivery rates. And in the past twoyears, Oregon, Louisiana and Michigan haveasked hospitals to voluntarily stop suchdeliveries.

Despite such efforts, though, only a thirdof hospitals report rates of elective earlydeliveries at or below the goal of 5 percent,according to data they submit to theLeapfrog Group, an employer group focusedon patient safety. Many still have ratesexceeding 15 percent, the 2011 data show.

“Saying you won’t pay for early electivedeliveries is a very controversial thing to do,because hospitals don’t like it and somedoctors don’t like it,” said Leapfrog’s chiefexecutive, Leah Binder.

Because complications are rare andneonatal care has become so good, obstetri-cians rarely see the negative effects of someearly elective deliveries. “Most babies do sowell that we have all got fairly complacenttoward late preterm deliveries,” MedStarGeorgetown’s Landy said.

Another issue is that under currentpayment systems, hospitals profit fromadmissions to their neonatal intensive careunits.

Carol Wagner, senior vice president forpatient safety at the Washington StateHospital Association, said paymentincentives need to change so hospitals aren’thurt if they crack down on the procedures.

Educating expectant mothers is also keyto reversing the trend. A 2009 survey of 650women who had recently given birth foundhalf considered it safe to deliver before 37weeks.

Before the birth of Maverick, McCorklehad no idea of the dangers that earlydeliveries can pose. (Her obstetrician did notrespond to phone calls and e-mails seekingcomment.)

Today, the Pittsburgh-area mother isgrateful that Maverick has grown into ahealthy 4-year-old. And she takes everyopportunity to urge expectant mothers tolearn from her experience.

“Wait as long as possible against having aC-section or being induced,” she said. “Anddon’t schedule it unless there is a medicalreason.”

Kaiser Health News is an editoriallyindependent program of the Henry J. KaiserFamily Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisanhealth policy research and communicationsorganization not affiliated with KaiserPermanente.

16 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013

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Teens reach out to helppeers with depression


isolated. Cutting her body was a way to feelalive — even though there were days whenshe wished she were dead.

“I believed I was worthless, unloved.”Sarah Wood, 17, hid her inner pain well.

So well that the day after she was releasedfrom the hospital for the outer, physical pain,a classmate told her she had never lookedhappier.

But it was a best friend — someone whohad known her since third grade — whorecognized the warning signs. AudreyMuston, 18, was the one who first soughthelp for Sarah.

That was nearly six years ago. Now thetwo seniors at Lawrence North High Schoolare weeding through college applications andcounting down the days to graduation.

Wood’s depression didn’t stem from atraumatic loss. Instead, it just appeared andenveloped her as she entered her teen years.

“My family was there for me — I have thegreatest family in the world,” she told The

Indianapolis Star. “I know they felt guilt thatthey didn’t recognize things, but it was easyto hide it.

“Depression is a mental illness. It can hurtanyone.”

The memory still burns in the minds ofSarah’s parents, Jim and Karen Wood.

“As any parent knows, it is very hard tosee your child in pain,” Karen Wood said.“My husband and I were unaware of ourdaughter’s pain for months before she startedto reach out for help. As soon as we didknow, we wanted to fix everything as quicklyas possible. We soon realized that we had togo through the pain and depression with herand live through the process of recovery.”

A key part of Sarah Wood’s ongoing“recovery” is through a program she startedthree years ago with Muston. Together, thetwo have reached some 3,600 LawrenceTownship middle school students strugglingwith depression, self-injury and thoughts ofsuicide.

See TTEENS page 18

Page 18: Health and Wellness - 2013

Wood was one of five students across thecountry recently recognized with a Power ofChildren award by The Children’s Museumof Indianapolis. Each recipient was given a$2,000 grant toward his or her work. Recipi-ents included a teen who helped militaryveterans find jobs and a young woman whohelped East Coast schools recover fromHurricane Sandy.

Although Wood’s efforts are directedtoward middle school students, she’s alsohelped educate teachers, administrators andparents.

“It goes beyond words to say how gratefulwe are that we still have our daughter andthat she is using God-given talents to helpothers,” Karen Wood said. “We are veryproud of Sarah and are confident that herstory of finding hope will allow other familiesto be open with each other when help isneeded.”

Using the slogan: “Speak out. Get Help.There is Hope,” Wood and Muston produceda video where people of varying ages held uphand-painted signs that read, “We SupportYou,” ”You are Different” and “You areLoved.”

The idea is to illustrate that depressionspans all ages.

And for teens, it’s often a taboo subject.

When they relate their story, the two friendsboth stress how it felt to be in Wood’s shoes(the one battling depression) and howimportant Muston’s role was (to seek help foryour friend).

“Looking back she didn’t want to doanything like go to the movies,” Muston said.When Wood asked her friend how many pillsshe would need to kill herself, Mustonimmediately talked to her parents, expressingher concerns. She then sought the help of aschool counselor.

“I tried to hide everything,” Wood said, asshe talked in a secluded room at LawrenceNorth and fidgeted with a three-ring binder.On the cover is a message in her handwriting:“Life is Worth Living.”

She acknowledges there is “a lot ofstigma” about mental illness. But she’s quickto point out that one of the challenges is thatthe people who survive the pain often don’ttalk about it. That’s where she’s different.

“I look back, and I’m thankful I wentthrough it. I see it as a blessing, because it’sshaped who I am.”

When the girls present their story tomiddle school health classes, they areaccompanied by a mental health professionalwho answers questions and offers informationabout recognizing the warning signs ofmental illness along with the crisis hotlinenumber.

“In the way that they talk about it, it’smore comfortable coming from your peers,”

said NaKaisha Tolbert-Banks, director ofeducation and public affairs for MentalHealth America of Greater Indianapolis.

“I think early on in their journey, therewas some resistance. People thought if youtalk to kids about suicide, then the kids mightattempt suicide. That’s like saying if you talkto your kids about sex, they’ll have sex,”Tolbert-Banks said. “That’s how it’s allchanged over the years… . Sarah and Audreyunderstand the importance of this issue andthe difference they’ve made. They’ve touchedthe lives of many students.”

And with just a few short months untilgraduation, the girls are already looking at thefuture of their program. Wood has plans tostudy psychology and work with adolescents;Muston is looking at a career in foreignlanguage. Both hope that underclassmen andothers at the school will keep the programmoving forward.

But if they don’t, Wood says she findspeace knowing some parents and studentshave called her or stopped her in the hall tosay, “Thanks, you helped me or my son ordaughter.

18 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013

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Bentz has been the man behind the

scenes for East Noble golf teams,

serving as coach for the boys and

girls teams for many seasons.

This summer, he announced he

retirement. It didn’t last long.

“I was retired for about 40 days

— I’m back,” said Bentz. “I like

being around the kids and around

the golf course. I guess I wouldn’t

know what to do.”

Bentz has put together another

good team, led by three-time state

qualifier Katie Sharp.

“It’s like having a coach on the

course,” Bentz said of the senior,

who has finished second, fifth and

11th in three state appearances.

Sharp won conference,

sectional, regional titles last

season, as well as taking individual

honors at several invitationals.

“She was medalist of every

event we had up until the state

finals,” Bentz explained. “That was

quite an accomplishment.”

Sharp, who has made a verbal

commitment to attend Michigan

State University, has already

earned medalist honors in three

outings this season before

Tuesday’s Snider Invitational at

Noble Hawk Golf Links.

The Knights hosted the East

Noble Invitational on Saturday at

Noble Hawk Golf Links where

Sharp shot a 74 to lead the way.

She also was medalist in a

meeting with West Noble and

opened the season by posting the

best score at the Homestead Invita-

tional. The Homestead Invitational

is an early season measuring stick

and the Knights came away with a

sense that a good season was ahead,

placing second in the tough event.

“We played well. Any time you

place second in that field you’ve

got to be happy. The tough thing

is, the teams that were close at

Homestead were teams from our


Bentz back to lead EN girls

LONDON (AP) — Five things

to know about Tuesday, Day 11 of

the London Olympics:

—Floored: Aly Raisman

finishes Olympics in style with

floor gold.

—All-American final set for

women’s beach volleyball.

—Bolt breezes into 200-meter


Pearson wins

women’s hurdles.


Olympic disappointment for

China’s Liu.

—On top: Hoy sets British

record with 6th Olympic gold.

Aly Raisman’s reaction was

right on. She put together a crisp

floor routine Tuesday, then

mouthed, “Wow” after she saluted

the judges.

Wow, indeed.

Raisman became the first U.S.

woman to win Olympic gold on

floor, and she picked up a bronze

on balance beam on the final day

of the gymnastics competition at

the London Olympics.

“It definitely went better than I

thought it would,” Raisman said.

Raisman just missed a medal in

the all-around, finishing with the

same score as Russia’s Aliya

Mustafina but dropping to fourth

on a tiebreak. She was on the right

end of the rules for beam Tuesday,

bumping Romania’s Catalina

Ponor off the podium.

The U.S. captain initially

finished fourth, with a score of

14.966. But she questioned it, and

judges added an extra tenth to her

routine’s difficulty after a review.

That gave her and Ponor

identical scores of 15.066, but

Raisman got the bronze because

her execution score was higher.

“A gold medal is a gold medal,

but I definitely felt like (beam) was

redemption from the other night in

the all-around,” Raisman said. “I

was in the same exact position, but

it went in my favor this time.”

China collected two more golds

when Feng Zhe won the parallel

bars and Deng Linlin the beam

competition. Epke Zonderland won

the high bar, the first medal for a

Dutch man and only the second

Olympic medal overall for the

Netherlands in the sport.

It will be an All-American party

at beach volleyball when Kerri

Walsh Jennings and Misty May-

Treanor take on April Ross and

Jennifer Kessy in Wednesday

night’s final.

Walsh Jennings and May-

Treanor won gold medals in

Athens in 2004 and Beijing in

2008 without losing a match, and

they ran their unbeaten streak to 20

with their victory over China in the


Ross and Kessy advanced with

a three-set win against top-ranked

Brazilians Juliana and Larissa.

“We want to seal the deal that

we’re the best team that’s ever

happened,” Walsh Jennings said.

“Misty has changed my life. I just

love her. I want to win tomorrow

for us.”

Raisman captures gold, bronze

U.S. gymnast Alexandra Raisman performs during the artistic

gymnastics women's apparatus finals at the 2012 Summer

Olympics on Tuesday in London










CINCINNATI ................................1






MIAMI ..............................................4

N.Y. METS .....................................2


KANSAS CITY ...........................5



N.Y. YANKEES...........................5






TAMPA BAY..................................4

On The Air•


Little League Great

Lakes Regional

semifinals, ESPN2, 11

a.m. and 2 p.m.

Little League

Southeast Regional

semifinals, ESPN 1

Area Events•



DeKalb at FW

Dwenger, 8 a.m.

Angola at Bellmont,

8 a.m.

East Noble at FW

Northrop, 10 a.m.



Fremont Fall

Classic, 8 a.m.

LONDON (AP) — Five things

to know about Tuesday, Day 11 of

the London Olympics:

• Floored: Aly Raisman finishes

Olympics in style with floor gold.

• All-American final set for

women’s beach volleyball.

• Bolt breezes

into 200-meter


Pearson wins

women’s hurdles.

• Another Olympic disappoint-

ment for China’s Liu.

• On top: Hoy sets British

record with 6th Olympic gold.

Aly Raisman’s reaction was

right on. She put together a crisp

floor routine Tuesday, then

mouthed, “Wow” after she saluted

the judges.

Wow, indeed.

Raisman became the first U.S.

woman to win Olympic gold on

floor, and she picked up a bronze

on balance beam on the final day

of the gymnastics competition at

the London Olympics.

“It definitely went better than I

thought it would,” Raisman said.

Raisman just missed a medal in

the all-around, finishing with the

same score as Russia’s Aliya

Mustafina but dropping to fourth

on a tiebreak. She was on the right

end of the rules for beam Tuesday,

bumping Romania’s Catalina

Ponor off the podium.

The U.S. captain initially

finished fourth, with a score of

14.966. But she questioned it, and

judges added an extra tenth to her

routine’s difficulty after a review.

That gave her and Ponor

identical scores of 15.066, but

Raisman got the bronze because

her execution score was higher.

“A gold medal is a gold medal,

but I definitely felt like (beam) was

redemption from the other night in

the all-around,” Raisman said. “I

was in the same exact position, but

it went in my favor this time.”

China collected two more golds

when Feng Zhe won the parallel

bars and Deng Linlin the beam

competition. Epke Zonderland won

the high bar, the first medal for a

Dutch man and only the second

Olympic medal overall for the

Netherlands in the sport.

It will be an All-American party

at beach volleyball when Kerri

Walsh Jennings and Misty May-

Treanor take on April Ross and

Jennifer Kessy in Wednesday

night’s final.

Walsh Jennings and May-

Treanor won gold medals in

Athens in 2004 and Beijing in

2008 without losing a match, and

they ran their unbeaten streak to 20

with their victory over China in the


Ross and Kessy advanced with

a three-set win against top-ranked

Brazilians Juliana and Larissa.

“We want to seal the deal that

we’re the best team that’s ever

happened,” Walsh Jennings said.

“Misty has changed my life. I just

love her. I want to win tomorrow

for us.”Usain Bolt is eyeing another

gold after he cruised through 200-

meter qualifying, jogging down the

stretch on his way to a stress-free

first-round heat of 20.39 seconds.

The World’s Fastest Man

repeated in the 100 on Sunday

night when his 9.63-second run set

an Olympic record. He is trying to

become the only man with two

Olympic titles in the 200.

“I was taking it as easy as

possible. It’s my first (200) run,”

Bolt said Tuesday. “I’m looking

forward to tomorrow.”

Algeria’s Taoufik Makhloufi

(men’s 1,500 meters), Australia’s

Sally Pearson (100-meter hurdles),

Germany’s Robert Harting (men’s

discus) and Russia’s Ivan Ukhov

Raisman wins gold, bronze

U.S. gymnast Alexandra Raisman performs during the artistic

gymnastics women's apparatus finals at the 2012 Summer

Olympics on Tuesday in London.



defense was stifling, even

suffocating at times.

The U.S. women put on

a clinic Tuesday, forcing the

Canadians to take bad shots

or not allowing them to

shoot at all

turnovers and were off and


“We really were in sync

defensively,” Candace Parker

said. “Everyone knows that

this team can score a lot of

points, but we were locked

in defensively and that will

U.S. slams Canada in quarterfinalsSEE OLYMPICS, PAGE B2






NATIONAL LEAGUECINCINNATI ................................7SAN DIEGO.................................6PITTSBURGH............................5CHICAGO CUBS.....................0


AMERICAN LEAGUECHICAGO WHITE SOX.......4MINNESOTA...............................3BALTIMORE..............................11N.Y. YANKEES...........................5

KANSAS CITY ...........................8CLEVELAND................................3L.A. ANGELS...............................6TEXAS.............................................2

On The Air•

BASEBALLPittsburgh vs.Chicago Cubs, WGN,2 p.m.

Detroit vs. Boston,ESPN, 7 p.m.Big League WorldSeries final, ESPN2, 8p.m.

OLYMPICSFencing, NBCSN,8:45 a.m.Boxing, MSNBC, 9a.m.Men’s soccer, Brazilvs. New Zealand,NBCSN, 9:30 a.m.Cycling, swimming,beach volleyball, NBC,10 a.m.

Fencing, tabletennis, MSNBC, 10:30a.m.Women’s waterpolo, Hungary vs.China, NBCSN, 11:15a.m.

Men’s soccer,

BALTIMORE — DeKalbgraduate Rachel Dincoff finishedin the top 10 in two throwingevents at the Junior OlympicNational Track &Field Champi-onships, held atMorgan StateUniversityrecently.

Dincoff threw134 feet even inthe discus foreighth place in theYoung Women’sDivision, and hada top effort of 41-7 in the shot putto take ninth place.She qualified for the nationalmeet by winning the champi-onship in both events for Region7, which includes Indiana andIllinois. She threw 44-2 3/4 to winthe shot put and 133-2 for firstplace in the discus in the regionmeet held at Franklin College.Dincoff won the state champi-onship in the discus in June andalso finished third in the shot put.She took titles in both events inthe Northeast Hoosier Conference,sectional and regional meets.She competed for Indiana inthe Midwest Meet of Championsat Northrop, and finished secondin the shot put (45-1) and eighth inthe discus (129-6). The meetmatches the top seniors fromIndiana, Ohio and Michigan.She advanced to the state meetin all four years at DeKalb. Shewon four straight shot put champi-onships in both the NHC andsectional.

Dincoff was chosen for theKPC Media Group All-Area GirlsTrack Team for four straightseasons.

Dincoffamongtop 10


LONDON (AP) — MichaelPhelps’ first gold medal of theLondon Olympics was one specialprize.The American swimming starbroke the Olympic medals recordas the United States romped to adominating win in 4x200-meterfreestyle relay.

With 19 career medalsspanning three Olympics, Phelpsmoved one ahead of Sovietgymnast Larisa Latynina, who gother haul in 1956, 1960 and 1964.He helped the relay team to thevictory after settling for silverwhen he glided at the end of the200 butterfly earlier Tuesday.The United States team ofRyan Lochte, Conor Dwyer, RickyBerens and Phelps on the anchorleg won in 6 minutes, 59.70seconds. France took the silver in7:02.77, while China was third in7:06.30.Phelps now has 15 golds, twosilvers and two bronzes. He stillhas three more events in Londonbefore he retires.

“It has been a pretty amazingcareer,” the 27-year-old Phelpssaid, “but we still have a coupleraces to go.”South Africa’s Chad le Closedged Phelps in the 200 fly, andAmerican Allison Schmitt won thewomen’s 200 freestyle.The U.S. women’s gymnasticsteam also had a big day. JordynWieber kicked it off with atremendous vault and AlyRaisman closed it out with a solidfloor exercise.

Team USA routed silvermedalist Russia and everybodyelse on its way to its first Olympictitle in women’s gymnastics since1996. The U.S. score of 183.596

made its final event more like acoronation.When the floor score forRaisman flashed, the Americansscreamed and a chant of “U-S-A!U-S-A!” rang out around thearena. The women held up theirindex fingers for the cameras —just in case anyone had a doubt.“We knew we could do it. Wejust had to pull out all the stops,”Raisman said.

Wieber went first and didperhaps the best one she’s everdone, getting great height in theair, her legs locked together. Whenher feet slammed into the mat on

landing, she threw up her armsand smiled broadly. Anyonewondering how she was copingwith the devastation of missing outon the all-around competition hadtheir answer.Also Tuesday, a female judofighter from Saudi Arabia wascleared to wear a form ofheadscarf in the Olympics after acompromise was reached thatrespects the “cultural sensitivity”of the Muslim kingdom.Judo officials had said theywould not let Wojdan Ali SerajAbdulrahim Shahrkhani compete

Most medals of all

Michael Phelps of the United States poses with his gold medal for

the men's 4x200 freestyle relay victory at the Summer Olympics


Gold in relayis record 19thfor Phelps

Reserves lead U SSEE PHELPS, PAGE B2

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From page 17


In a Thursday, Jan. 10, photo, Sarah Wood, 17, left, and Audrey Muston, 18, walkthe halls at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis. Seniors Wood andMuston are reaching out to help middle school students identify and deal withdepression through an awareness program. When Sarah was a freshman, shebegan talking to students about the struggles she had had with depression, selfinjury and thoughts of suicide.


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January 29, 2013 ©KPC Media Group Inc. • kpcnews.com Health & Wellness 19

Erica D. Dekko CFP®Erlene D. Dekko CFP®

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20 Health & Wellness kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc. January 29, 2013