Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association healthy times Take control of your health. Become an Empowered Patient! A Doctor Shares How Serve Up Seafood (and Healthy Benefits) Easy Moves to Improve Balance SUMMER 2013 NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR OUR MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN MEMBERS Overall Plan Rating Customer Service Rating on Medicare.gov Plan performance Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next.

Healthy Times Summer 2013 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of ... · Practice healthy habits To keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice

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Page 1: Healthy Times Summer 2013 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of ... · Practice healthy habits To keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

healthy timesTake control of your health.

Become an Empowered Patient! A Doctor Shares How

Serve Up Seafood (and Healthy Benefits)

Easy Moves to Improve Balance



Overall Plan Rating

Customer Service Ratingon Medicare.gov

Plan performance Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next.

Page 2: Healthy Times Summer 2013 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of ... · Practice healthy habits To keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice

the empowered patient Blue Cross Blue Shield of

Massachusetts recently sat down with Leana Wen,

M.D., emergency physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Wen is the author of When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests (Thomas Dunne Books, 2013), a book based on her own experiences as a physician and as a caregiver to her mother. Seeing patients frustrated by the lack of control of their health care, Dr. Wen seeks to help bridge any disconnect between patients and doctors.

Q: Your book explores the concept of ‘cookbook medicine.’ What does that mean?A: Doctors are faced with many time pressures. Instead of carefully listening to the patient’s story, doctors might find it easier and faster just to ask a list of questions. They ask, ‘Do you have chest pain, back pain?’ Eighty percent of diagnoses can be made based on your story, so if the doctor isn’t listening to your full story, you are far more likely to be misdiagnosed.

a good fit Your doctor is one of your most valued life partners. Do you and your doctor have the ideal traits to set you up for success? Find out at www.ahealthyme.com. Search for “striking a match.”

Q: How can patients tell their stories?A: My book talks about the 8 Pillars to Better Diagnosis. For example, one pillar talks about telling your whole story. Some tips:• Startwithaone-sentencesummary.Studieshave

shown that doctors stop listening after 12 seconds. Get their attention immediately.

• Usechronologyandcontext.Don’tskiparound;have a beginning and an end. Rather than saying, ‘My headache was an 8 out of 10,’ say, ‘It was so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed and see my grandchildren over the weekend.’

• Writedownkeypointsandpracticebeforeyougo.You have one shot at conveying your story to your doctor.

Q: What can patients do all the time to improve their health?A: Find a friend or family member to be your partner in health. You can go to doctor visits together and help each other achieve your health goals. Also, see your doctor for regular health checkups and to practice telling your story then, too. If you are going into the office for a particularly troubling symptom, you don’t really have time to ask about your other concerns.

Train yourself to think like an empowered patient. You know your body the best, and you need to be a partner with your doctor in order to get the best possible health care for you.

Leana Wen, M.D.

Read more from Dr. Wen at www.drleanawen.com, on her blog http://whendoctorsdontlisten.blogspot.com, and on Twitter @DrLeanaWen. When Doctors Don’t Listen is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and is coauthored with Joshua Kosowsky, M.D.


Page 3: Healthy Times Summer 2013 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of ... · Practice healthy habits To keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice

healthy gums, healthy body Have you heard that gum

disease raises your risk for heart disease and stroke?

Earlier research claimed this about gum disease: The bacteria in your gums causes an infection. And this infection sets off a chain of events in the body that could damage heart and blood vessels.

But in a 2012 statement, the American Heart Association said that it finds no definitive evidence proving that gum disease causes heart disease or stroke.

Still, there may be a connection between your mouth and your heart.

Exploring the connectionGum disease and heart disease share common risk factors, such as age, diabetes, and smoking, and they both cause inflammation in

take the quiz!Do all people lose their teeth as they age? When should you see the dentist? Test your dental knowledge at www.ahealthyme.com. Search for “senior oral health quiz.” It’s fast and fun!

your body. That might be why heart disease and mouth disease sometimes occur at the same time. Research to learn more about the link is ongoing.

Other health risksKeeping teeth and gums healthy is goodforyouroverallwell-being.Serious gum disease may make it harder for people with diabetes to keep their blood sugar under control. In addition, gum disease may raise the risk for respiratory infections.

Practice healthy habitsTo keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss every day, eat a healthy diet, and don’t smoke.

Medicare HMO BlueSM PlusRx, Medicare HMO Blue ValueRx, and Medicare PPO BlueSM PlusRx plans cover routine dental care. To learn more, give us a call. Turn to the back cover for contact information and hours.

did you know?

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moves to improve balance

! QUICK TIPTo help prevent fractures, reduce the risk of falling in your home. Remove loose rugs and other obstacles in walkways that could cause you to trip.

Falls are not a normal part of aging. There are things you can do to prevent falling. Try these exercises to maintain your strength and balance.

Useasturdychairortable.Beforebeginninganyexercise program, you should talk with your doctor about developing a plan that’s right for you.

EXERCISE #1: Stand straight, behind a chair, with feet slightly apart. While holding onto the chair, slowly raise yourself up on your toes. Try to rise up as far as you can. Stay in this position for a moment and then slowly lower your heels back to the floor.

when your blood pressure inches up

One of the best ways to achieve better health is by talking with your doctor

about high blood pressure. If you havehigher-than-normalbloodpressure, now is the time to prevent this condition from raising your risk for heart disease and other health problems.

Is it normal?Blood pressure readings include two numbers—for instance, 110 over 75. Here’s the scale that doctors use for analyzing blood pressure:• Normalbloodpressure:lessthan

120 and less than 80• Prehypertension:lessthan

130 and less than 90

EXERCISE #2: Stand straight, behind a chair, with feet slightly apart. While holding onto the chair, slowly lift one leg to the side, several inches in the air. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower the leg. Repeat with the other leg.

Take it up a notch! Once you’ve mastered these exercises, instead of holding on with one hand, use just one fingertip.

• Highbloodpressure(alsoknown as hypertension): 140 over 90 or higher

Control your numbersThere are things you can do to stop your blood pressure from rising. Losing excess weight and exercising regularly can prevent high blood pressure. Payattentiontoyourdiet,too.

Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains,

beyond blood pressurePreventive care, like checking your blood pressure, can help you avoid getting sick and identify potential problems earlier, when they are easiest to treat.

Do you know the screenings you need? Talk with your doctor. Find a handy chart at www.bluecrossma.com/medicare. Click on “Wellness,” then “Stay Healthy,” and lastly, “Preventive Care.”

andlow-fatdairyproducts.Watchyour intake of saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.

Reducing your salt intake is important, too. Older adults should consume 1,500 mg or less of sodium each day. Read food labels and be aware of portion sizes to get smart about what you eat.


Page 5: Healthy Times Summer 2013 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of ... · Practice healthy habits To keep your gums healthy, get regular dental cleanings from your dentist. Brush your teeth twice

follow your ABCs to better diabetes control

Diabetes isn’t a walk in the park. Having high blood sugar can lead to health

problems affecting your eyes, nerves, mouth, kidneys, and your heart.Peoplewithdiabeteshavetwoto

four times the risk of developing heart disease, compared with people without high blood sugar.

The good news? If you have high blood sugar, you can take steps now to prevent or slow the risk for diabetes-relatedcomplicationslaterin your life. Just follow these ABCs of advice and discuss them with your clinician.

Ace your A1cIf you have diabetes, a hemoglobin A1c test can

tell you how well you’ve managed your blood sugar during the last

Take control of your diabetes—and protect your heart.

more ways to decrease your risksNailed A-B-C? Keep going:• Drop excess pounds.• Exercise. Aim for 30 minutes a

day, most days of the week.• Fit in fiber-rich foods such as

fruits, veggies, and whole grains.• Get in the habit of using your

glucose meter. Make sure that you use the test strips that are recommended for your particular meter.

three months. Have an A1c test at least twice a year. For most adults with diabetes, the goal is an A1c of less than 7 percent.

Bring down blood pressureBlood pressure that’s too high makes your heart work

overtime. That can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Cut your cholesterolControllingartery-cloggingcholesterol can reduce your

potential complications from diabetes. The most important cholesteroltargetisyourlow-density lipoprotein, or LDL. To keep your heart risks in check, your LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dl.

we’re here for supportOne of the best ways to achieve better health is by talking with your doctor about blood sugar control.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts can help you on your journey to better health, too. You can join the Blue Care Connection®. This program can help you understand and manage your health conditions, such as diabetes, and support your doctor’s care. To learn more, call 1-800-392-0098 and choose option 2.

For more ideas on managing diabetes, check out our Diabetes Health Center at www.ahealthyme.com/Conditions/Diabetes.

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The impact an organization can have within a community is powerful.

Yet the influence an organization has within the community is only as strong as its members—and the receptiveness of the community it serves.

Like many people who have a passion for their work, Amy Wilson Kent’s community service began at a young age, when she volunteered at her local nursing home. This early experience led hertoservice-focusedcareeropportunities.

Now, as the director of the Senior Center and partner to the Council on Aging in Mendon, Mass.,

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts commends those who help keep your community healthy. In this new feature, we highlight a person

or group who helps improve the health and well-being of older adults living in Massachusetts. Do you know a person or group who is making

a difference? Send an email to [email protected] and we will consider your story for a future issue.

Learn more about the Council on Aging at www.MCOAOnline.com.

As a member of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, you can save on fitness activities at a participating Council on Aging facility. Call us to learn more. For contact information, please turn to the back cover.

did you know?

Amy Wilson Kent

Amy continues to help others by carrying out the mission of Mendon’s Council on Aging:

To evaluate the needs of Mendon’s senior community and respond to those needs by developing, promoting, and encouraging new and existing programs and services that allow for enrichment, independence, and quality of life and the fostering of aging with grace and dignity.

Amy says she likes to think of the senior center as an “opportunity center” that makes human connection andmental,physical,andfinancialwell-beingpossible.It offers:• Transportationservices• Educationalworkshops• Lunchesandspecialmeals• Recreationalandexerciseprograms• Afoodpantryandfuelassistanceforlocalresidents

of all ages • Caregiversupport• Outreachtohomeboundolderadults• HealthinsurancecounselingthroughtheSHINE

program (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders)

Get involvedThe Council on Aging in Mendon has 125 volunteers of all ages who dedicate their time to helping others. “There is always a friendly face to greet you, or someone to share a cup of coffee or join you in a reflection,” Amy says. “The important part is to get involved—as much or as little as you’d like. Try a class. Take advantage of a free program. Give volunteering a try. You won’t be disappointed.”

making a difference in Mendon

Photographs courtesy of the Mendon Town Crier and The Milford Daily News.

healthy community


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reel in the health benefits of fishSummer and seafood go

hand-in-hand.Andhere’sanother reason to serve fish:

It boasts healthy nutrients, including proteinandomega-3fattyacids.Some studies show eating fish may help boost your heart and brain health, prevent cancer, and even fight inflammation, which is linked to many conditions, from arthritis to depression.

The best typesThe American Heart Association recommends increasing your intake ofomega-3fattyacidsthrougheating fish such as salmon, albacore tuna, or mackerel. If eating fish is a challenge for you, talk with your doctor before taking fish oil supplements. A recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded that fish oil supplements did not help prevent heart problemsinhigh-riskpatients.Research is ongoing.

How to prepare it Whichever fish you choose, grill or bake it. Season your seafood with spices, herbs, and lemon juice to avoid adding sodium or fat.

enjoy fish tonight! See our easy three-step recipe on the back cover.

member news

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is the top rankedMedicarePPO

plan in America.1

In addition, our Medicare Advantage plans earned 4.5 Stars outof5StarsforOverallPlanRating and 5 Stars for Customer Service, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) ratings for 2013.2

CMS rates more than 550 plans nationwide each year and awards star ratings to help consumers make an informed choice when comparing plans.

These ratings are based on customer feedback. They demonstrate our ongoing commitment to you, our members. We encourage you to take controlofyourhealth.Askquestions.Talkwithyourdoctoraboutlong-term care, health and wellness, and prescription drug services to help develop a health plan that’s right for you.

our commitment to you

1. NCQA’s Medicare Health Insurance Plan Rankings 2012–2013. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts’ Medicare Advantage PPO plan is ranked as the #25 Medicare Advantage plan in America. NCQA, a private, nonprofit organization that accredits and certifies health care organizations, evaluated more than 465 Medicare health plans, ranking 395 of the plans.

2. Plan performance Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next.

Overall Plan Rating2

Customer Service Rating2

you’re in good company

6,711,989Total number of Medicare members in the national Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association network.*

Thanks for choosing us as your plan!

*CMS, Barclays Research 2012 Brand Protection Financial Services Reporting

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look inside! Read more about the benefits of fish and find tips for staying healthy.

Landmark Center401 Park DriveBoston, MA 02215-3326






Important Plan Information

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply.®, SM Registered and Service Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. © 2013 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.128179 99-0366 (07/13) 28MY0014_1335 Accepted 06292013

how to reach uswww.bluecrossma.com/medicare 1-800-200-4255 (TTY 1-800-522-1254)October 1–February 14: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week

February 15–September 30: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday

healthy recipe

When Medicare seems overwhelming or confusing, we’re there to make it easier. Join us for a FREE informa-tional meeting in your neighborhood! Get answers to your questions about Medicare and your Medicare options. To find a meeting near you, go to www.bluecrossma.com/medicare.

spicy baked fish

Fish is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. Some fish, like cod, has less

saturated fat and cholesterol than chicken or beef. This recipe is low in calories and sodium, too. Ingredients1 lb. cod (or other white fish) fillet1 tbsp. olive oil1 tsp. spicy seasoning mix (Note: This is very spicy! Use less if you prefer a milder dish.)To make the spicy seasoning, mix together:1½ tsp. white pepper½ tsp. cayenne pepper½ tsp. black pepper1 tsp. onion powder1¼ tsp. garlic powder1 tbsp. basil, dried1½ tsp. thyme, dried

Directions1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a casserole dish with cooking oil spray.2. Wash and dry fish. Place in dish and drizzle with oil and seasoning mixture.3. Bake uncovered until fish flakes (about 15 to 30 minutes). Cut into four pieces.

Makes four servings. Serving size is one 3-ounce piece of fish. Each serving provides 134 calories, 5 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat, 60 mg cholesterol, and 93 mg sodium.

Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/National Institutes of Health

healthy recipe

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