Heat & Wind by: Mrs. Wisher WRITE EVERYTHING IN BLUE!

Heat & Wind by: Mrs. Wisher WRITE EVERYTHING IN BLUE!

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Heat & Wind

by:Mrs. Wisher



• The movement of heat in the atmosphere causes changes in weather.

• The sun’s energy travels as electromagnetic waves.

• Some of the sun’s energy is absorbed by the atmosphere.

3 Types of Heat Transfer

• radiation – the transfer of heat through empty space from the sun

• conduction – the transfer of heat through touch

• convection – the transfer of heat through the movement of molecules

Electromagnetic Radiation



• Wind is the horizontal movement of air• Winds are caused by the unequal heating of

the atmosphere• Winds will travel from an area of high pressure

to low pressure

• http://hint.fm/wind/

Measuring Winds

• anemometer – measures wind speed with cup-like devices

• the faster is spins, the faster the wind is blowing

• wind-chill factor – increased cooling felt by wind

Local Winds

• winds that blow over short distances

• common near large bodies of water

Land Breeze

• land breeze – breeze that occurs at night as the land quickly cools and becomes cooler than the water

Sea Breeze

• warm air moves from the land during the day moves over the cooler air above the water

Global Winds• Winds that blow steadily from

specific directions over long distances.

• The sun hits the equator at a straight angle so it heats the surface stronger.

• The sun’s rays hit the poles at an angle which spreads the heat so it is cooler.

• The movement of air between the equator and the poles produces global winds.

Global Winds

Coriolis Effect

• Coriolis Effect – the way Earth rotates creates a curve to the Earth’s winds

• All winds travel to the right in the Northern hemisphere

Major Global Wind Types

• Doldrums – area of low pressure at the equator with little motion

• Horse Latitudes – calm warm air from the equator that moves north and south

• Trade Winds – winds that blow easterly towards the equator

• Prevailing Westerlies – winds that are turned towards the east by the Coriolis Effect

• Polar Easterlies – cold air from the poles outwards

Global Winds

Jet Stream

• High-speed winds about 10 km above the surface• Winds can blow west to east 200-400 km per hour• How does this affect transcontinental air travel?