1 At Heathcote PS we value... Respect Learning Teamwork Responsibility 31 Herriot St, Heathcote, Vic, 3523 Heathcote PS News Telephone: (03) 5433 3090 Fax: (03) 5433 3091 [email protected] Issue No. 29 23 October 2017 Dear Parents and Carers, Students have happily seled back into their school roune. This term teachers will be busy assessing students to establish their achievements for the past semester. Teaching and learning will connue up unl the end of term. Every day at school is important, please make sure your child is at school each day unless they are unwell or have appointments. We appreciate families leng us know if their child is sick or will be away, thank you! Supported Playgroup Our Supported Playgroup has started! It runs on a Tuesday morning in the Gallery. Please see the informaon in this newsleer about coming along and joining in. We would love to see some more parents/carers accessing this great program. 2nd November Musical Extravaganza Evening—RSL Hall 6.30pm to 8pm 3rd November Kinder Transion 9am—11am 6th November Pupil Free Day 7th November Melbourne Cup/Heathcote Show Day Holiday—no school 11th November Open Garden Fund Raiser at Lisas 17th November Kinder Transion 9am—11am 4th—8th December Swimming Lessons 11th December First Aid in Schools—sessions for students 12th December State wide Transion Day 14th December Volunteers Thank Youmorning tea 20th December End of Year Reports go home 21st December Year 6 Graduaon 5.00pm 22nd December Last Day Term 42.00pm dismissal IMPORTANT DATES

Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky

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Page 1: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky


At Heathcote PS we value... Respect Learning Teamwork Responsibility

31 Herriot St, Heathcote, Vic, 3523 Heathcote PS

News Telephone: (03) 5433 3090

Fax: (03) 5433 3091

[email protected]

Issue No. 29 23 October 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Students have happily settled back into their school routine. This term teachers will be busy assessing

students to establish their achievements for the past semester. Teaching and learning will continue up

until the end of term. Every day at school is important, please make sure your child is at school each day

unless they are unwell or have appointments. We appreciate families letting us know if their child is sick

or will be away, thank you!

Supported Playgroup

Our Supported Playgroup has started! It runs on a Tuesday morning in the Gallery. Please see the

information in this newsletter about coming along and joining in. We would love to see some more

parents/carers accessing this great program.

2nd November Musical Extravaganza Evening—RSL Hall 6.30pm to 8pm

3rd November Kinder Transition 9am—11am

6th November Pupil Free Day

7th November Melbourne Cup/Heathcote Show Day Holiday—no school

11th November Open Garden Fund Raiser at Lisa’s

17th November Kinder Transition 9am—11am

4th—8th December Swimming Lessons

11th December First Aid in Schools—sessions for students

12th December State wide Transition Day

14th December Volunteers “Thank You” morning tea

20th December End of Year Reports go home

21st December Year 6 Graduation 5.00pm

22nd December Last Day Term 4—2.00pm dismissal


Page 2: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky


After School Care

After School Care will be starting soon at Holy Rosary. If you are interested in your child starting to access

this service please contact the school to let us know. It is important we support this service now that we

have access to it in our local community.

Parent Survey Results

Thank you to many of our parents who filled in the Parent Online Survey. Your feedback is valued and

always provides us with information about things you are happy about and things we can continue to

develop in our school. Please find your responses attached to this newsletter.

We greatly value your feedback and appreciate the time you took to complete the survey.

Student Concerns?

Teachers continue to work hard with each student. If any of our classroom teachers have any concerns

regarding your child’s progress they will be making contact with you shortly. We have another 10 weeks

to work hard on any issues our students may have. We would also welcome you to make contact if you

have any concerns regarding your child’s progress. Working together as a team is important.


Thank you to everyone for bringing their broad brimmed hats back to school ready for Term 4. Caps are

not acceptable. It is Government policy for all students to wear a hat when outside for breaks or

participating in outdoor activities. No hat, no play is enforced at our school. Students who do not wear a

hat will sit outside the office under the veranda during break time. There are hats available for purchase

at the office.

Musical Extravaganza

Finally we have a date! Thank you all for your patience with the change of date. Our Musical Extravagan-

za will be held in the RSL Hall on Thursday 2nd November. There will be a small charge to cover costs.

Ms Somerville is confirming all other details in the next week.

Have a great week!

Kate Ballantyne

Page 3: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky



Saph Cardwell Shyanne Cook

Harrison Ferguson


Ella McNally



Jai Francis Blake Maiden Rhys Milian Manny Nagy


175 Nights

Riki Nagata-Black

Elise Pringle

Henry Thorson-Patten

50 Nights

Madison Johnson

100 Nights

Courtney Romero

150 Nights

Charlotte Anderson

Daniel Close

Zoe Osicka

Tylie Schroeder

200 Nights

Conroy Miller

Alize Pearce

Mason Thompson

250 Nights

Brodi-Lee Kirkpatrick

This Week’s Birthday

Ami-May Burgess

Page 4: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky



The Junior Unit are studying Minibeasts in Term 4. The children have begun learning about life cycles of

ladybugs and frogs in the F – 2 classes during reading and writing time. We are focusing on building word

recognition and spelling words correctly in our writing. Please help and encourage your child to

recognise, spell and write the high frequency words we are sending home this term.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Bad Tempered Ladybug and The Very Busy Spider, written by Eric Carle,

will be featured books in Maths. The children will be exploring the topic of Time through these texts.

Encourage your child to talk about what they do at different times of the day, for example, morning,

afternoon, day and night. Practise telling the time on analog and digital clocks. We talk about o’clock

and half past at this level but introduce ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ incidentally.

The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters

and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky tongue and a snail trail. We found things in the

room that were longer than a one metre ruler. We compared the mass of two objects and found things

in the room that were lighter than a shoe. We also compared the weight of two objects, using balance

scales, to find out which was lighter and which was heavier.

In STEM class, the children went on a Minibeast Hunt in the school ground with Ms Balic and Dave.

Page 5: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky


LOST PROPERTY We have reports of missing uniform items which have

been labelled. So please check the label on your child’s

uniform to see if they have taken home someone else’s

top by mistake.

The lost property basket is in the office.

It’s a good idea to label all items.

Head Lice We have not had any further reports of head lice however we urge all parents to regularly and thoroughly check your children’s hair.

If we all work as a team on this we will achieve the best results for our students.

If your child has long hair we ask that they wear it tied back when they are attending school.

If your child has long hair we ask that they wear it

tied back when they are attending school.

Hair ties are available from the office.


SHORTS IN STOCK We now have boys’ cargo shorts and girls’ box

pleated shorts in stock.

Please try to only buy uniforms on

Thursdays and Fridays when Jan is in the


Open Garden Fund Raiser at


Entry by gold coin donation

Plant sale—100’s of plants

from $2 each

Second hand book sale—50c

each or 3 for $1

Sausage Sizzle and more

Page 6: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky


Heathcote Primary School Supported Playgroup Heathcote Supported Playgroup provides a safe space where opportunities are provided for parents/carers to connect socially and build support networks. Children are given a space to learn and develop their social, emotional and physical skills through play-based activities. We also provide parents/carers with access to information and resources. Parents and carers must be referred into Supported Playgroups, this can be provided by MCH Nurse, schools, etc. There is no cost to attend our Supported Playgroup. For more information about Heathcote Primary School Supported Playgroup, please contact the Support-ed Playgroup Coordinator at Bendigo Community Health Services on 5430 0500 or Kate Ballantyne at Heathcote Primary School on 5433 3090.

Walk to School 2017

Our school is participating in Walk to School

2017 which is a great, easy and fun way to get

our kids and families

active this October!

Walk to school encourages kids to make active

transport part of their daily routine, it’s a great

way to improve fitness, friendships and develop

independence. Walk to School is free and fun.

Page 7: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky


Workshop details Venue: All Seasons Hotel 171-183 McIvor Road Bendigo VIC 3550 When: Thursday 9 November 2017 9.15 am – 3.00 pm (Registration from 8.30 am) Catering: Morning tea and lunch is provided. Please advise any dietary requirements upon registration. Register Online: www.positivepartnerships.com.au Registrations close one business day prior to the workshop. Register early as places are lim-ited! Questions? If you are not able to register

online please call the Positive Partnerships In-

foline : 1300 881 971 or email

[email protected]


Public transport in rural communities is a high priority for the State Government in our region. The Northern Corridor Transport Opportunities Study is cur-rently underway. The study is investigating opportunities to achieve a better integrated public transport network throughout the Loddon Campaspe Region. A focus of the study is identifying where commuters are travelling to and from, the purposes of travel (e.g. employment, education) and how these needs can be better met.

Residents are requested to complete a survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LocalTransportForum

On November 3 2017, there will be an independently chaired Local Transport Forum to develop an understanding of existing public transport patterns and to hear the needs and expectations for future public transport options in rural communities. Members of the Rural Communities Committee will be representing your community at this forum. The survey is in three parts. Please complete each part. If you would like further information please, please send an enquiry to [email protected] or ring 5434 6287

Page 8: Heathcote PS News · The children have also been measuring length and mass (weight) of objects. We used blocks, counters and links to measure the length of a worm, a frog’s sticky